I THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old TtnB, and Woolen Cloth In. We Make Kevernlble. Hanu-Voo FLUFF RUGS Thex WW ZJke Iron. Mail Orders. Sfnil for Booklet. Kac Kdci Woven. AU Biles. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLCFF RUG CO., .4 Cuion ATe. i. Kast 6616. It I47S. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 102 WILCOX BLDO. Main "02. A 3703. REAL ESTATE, ACIiEAGK, houses and lota cheap. Sea the real estate office at 00th and .Division eta. on Hawthorne uve. car. Fur Bale Lots. BUY A LOT FIRST! ftow !s the time to buy your lot. you can build when you wish.. I have two lots In LaurclhurBt, near the Park, that I will ' t a uig aiscount and on very easy -terms; I will ajuo agree that at any time iin.j v. iu iw uuuu, wunin a year, to take a 2d mortgage for balance you owe me and secure you money on a lHt mortgage to asidHt in building your home, lor further particulars phone me at EAST 20SG. BUILD TN IjAL'RK LHt1 RST THIS SPRING, i-i.x YOLK HOUSE NOW. I Will aid you to finance and build; get your lot first. Lot and uurroundings should harmonize. Laurrlhurst is an addition of .beautiful homes. 1 have several choice lota for sal at a bargain; easy terras. For full information regarding our plan, see MAC INNES. 30th and GlisanL Tabor 3433 or Tabor 8619 Sun. and eve. A X T E N TIO.V, BUILDERS. Client lu Canada owns 27 iots on E. Gll san and K. Flanders sta., between 47th and 4iqi at., just E. of Laureihurst; in order to gsil quickiy he is offering lots on Flan ders) st. at $400 each and on K. Olisan st. at NO0 each; terms half cash. Price for all f5o00, terms $50u0 cash. Will take good passenger car as part payment. Goddard Wiedrtck, 243 Stark st. GREATEST S.VAP EVEil HEARD OF. Two lots, costing $2700, wiil take $1200 cash: streets hard surfaced pavement, a wers, gas, water and electric light; be tween 28th and 2iith, on Schuyler si. East 25 $25 DOWN, $5 per month. GOxlOO lot, 100 feet N. of Burnside, facinr W., on 834. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 50x100 $300 ON MALL, ST.. 50 ft. from 30 th. Terms. owner. Tabor 2151. TWO good turner lots, good location; 20 rnin. from city. Broadway 2203. for Sale -HouNen. $2150 ROSE CI TV DISTRICT $2150. An unusually attractive modern bunga low, like new; large porch extends across entire front of house, with stone posts; typical bungalow, very uttractive lines ; has living-room with fireplace, dining room wiili buffet, Dutch kitchen with every buii t-in convenience ; 3 white en am-, e! fixtures in bathroom; 2 light, airy bed room?, full basement, laundry trays. A real bargain. Price only $2J 50, on easy terms. Owner going East. See FRANK I- McGl'IRE, AB1XGTOX BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1018. A BUNGALOW. Including street improvements, $3500, Double construction, built with excellent material by day labor and for a home; fl rooms and sleeping porch; full attic and cement basement. Furnace and fireplace, all built-in conveniences; most desirable mode.st home in a refined home-owning neighborhood, li blocks from car line. Ta lor 59. $3350. $3350. LOOK AT $02 TIBBETTS FT. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors; fireplace; absolutely modern. Near 7 tii struct. Close to car and school; paved street. See Battin, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1i4 fith street. Main 6S0!. LAUKELHURST. Now tt-roomed bungalow just being finished, with garage, all modern and up to date. If you are looking for a home, co mo and inspect this at 1S6 Hazelfern place, one block north of Olisan st. T. B. Winship. ' EE these two new bungaiowa T am build ing on Ivon St., between E. 28th and E. 30th, 1 block from Richmond car; modem from A to Z. ready coon ; buy now and elect your own colors, fixtures etc; paved street. COxsOO lot. Tabor 194. LAURKLHURST. $4100 SIX ROOMS MODERN. Bungalow, close to Laureihurst Park: beautifully finished in old ivory, best of construction. Price includes all street Im provements. ' EAST 20E6. 0-ROOM plastered house; bath and pantry, electricity and gas. full basement, four f ino cherry trees on lot. one-half block from bept car service. In fine location; price $-500; will take auto as part of first payment of $1000. By owner. 300 Ivy at., between Williams ave and Union ave. B EST BUT IN ROSE CITY PARK! Beuutiful 5-room bungalow with garage; 2 bedrooms, sleeping-porch, living-room, dining-room and Dutch kitchen; modern to the minute. KAST 20SG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $31.00. Fern ave., near Montgomery Drive. 3-rooni cottage with fireplace and bath ; front and rear porches ; basement ; laundry travs; gas. Lot luOxNO. splendid building site. i GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern Dutch Colonial ; f rooms and Bleeping porch, on 3 6th near Laurel St.; 4 blocks from car; living room 13x25, with fireplace; center ball; fruit trees. Lot 60x00. Price $3500. GODDARD & WTBHRTCK. 243 Stark St. STRICTLY modern home in Irvington; iidwd. floors, parage, every built-in con venience; 7 rooms, sleeping porch ; just an elegant home ; worth 70uo, -will he f'ld by widow woman, owner, for $55(10, half cash. No agents. Call Tabor 8271. EKAUUKUL GROUNDS, 125x110. all kinds fruit. berries. gra pes, shrubs. elesant 7-room residence, furnace; 3 blocks west St. J. car. off Portland blvd. 13S3 Curtis rive. Price $3050. Very easy terms. Owner, T:ibor N54. forenoons. HAWTHORNE bungalow; awfully cosy ljt t ie home ; electric lights, gas, fine bath, basrmcnt, SOxlOO lot, 4 rooms but an otlicr ca-n be added for $l5o. My price is vnry, very low; $1050. easy payments. Illo E. Grant. Tabor 854. forenoons. ST. 1 f BliEN'S COURT 2 blocks from car. 5-room bungalow with attic; furnace and fireplace ; good view ; in samo block w ith M r. Cobb's $I50.noo home. E;isy terms. GODDARD & AVI KDKl'.'K. 243 Stark St. " I RVINGTOX SNA P. " ' 8-rootn modern house, $075O; all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, two f ire- places, garage, improvements in and paid; easy terms. E u st 4 01. A B U N G A LOW-IN LA I'RE LH UR ST. Six rooms, near Laureihurst Park, price $4650, which includes everything; modest Initial payment will put you in possession; reasonable terms on balance. Tabor 5d. snap" " 5-room house, Kast Grant, near 40th st., $2000. fine condition, hard-surface 'street, a 1 1 Improvements; easy terms. Owuer, Bast 41, J at 1 5 o 0 CHEAPER THAN NOW. $2650 Fine 7-room house, built 5 years; would cost $1500 more now; Alameda dis trict. Terms. Kennedy de Miller, 31 ijal in on. $U50 WILL buy 0-room house in South Portland. This property must be sold at once as owner is leaving town; small pay ment down, balance monthly. Phone Mar. 37 1 S. If-iiOOM house, South Portland ; 'fine location, pood view, elegant place ; house alone worth $3500. Leaving city. Snap, $2500. H. W. Garland, rf8 3d st. FOR SALE One acre ground, 7-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit, berries, sell all or .part, as deslrod, terms if required. Broa d w ayW $30 SECURES Rose City Park fine resi dence, east front, ell modern, 50x100 lot, block sou tii Sandy. 553 57th. Price $:;5SO. Owner, Tabor 54. forenoons. LOOK NEAR TOWN! 0-room house, with furniture, only $4500; $500 down, easy terms; near Bast 10th and Morrison Call B 004. MU-ST sell Rose City Park modern resi dence quickly. Immediate possession given. Furnished or unfurnished. See Attorney Wilson, 1400 Yeon bldg. Main 1228. EXTRA value; modern 5-room bungalow, at tractive, well built, desirable location : hard surface: good jot. Owner. Tabor 0435. HAWTHORNS DIST. 35TH ST. $2550. 5 large rooms, largo lot; room for ga rage: vacant. Owner. Tabor 8S24. $3750 ROSE CITY PARK $3750. Close to carllne, 6-room bungalow, biff snap. See this quick. East 2086. .SOLDIER'S widow must sell 6-room resi dence, close in. 3 carllnes. 731 Brook lyn st. Sellwood 3152. " 6-KOOM and r4 acre, $1150; $200 cash. $20 per month, includes o per cent interest. Owner. Main 35i7. $10'0 5-room modern cottage, 1 fc lots, fruit and berries; one block to car; $240 down, $20 per mo, 0 E. 72d at. IS". 6-KOOM house, bargain if bought quick. 312 San Rafael st. Modern. J I: V ING TON. HOMES. East 8i4. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. DE LA HUNT for perfect homes. Bait 1347, REAL ESTATE, For Sale House. LAUkELHURST LAURELHUHST! $3700 All street improvements included; modern bungalow, o rooms, sieepinK porch and garage; big value at $3700; only $700 cash and $35 per month. $4600 Including all street improvements; 6 rooms modern Dungaiow, oeaun fully located? best of construction and finished In old Ivory. At this price it is a bargain. Terms. 16300 A very choice bungalow, not large but exquisite In all of Us appoint ments; 5 rooms and sleeping porch; garage. A refined home for refined people. , MAC INNES, S9th and Gllsan., Tabor 3433 or Tabor 8619 Sun. and eve. FIVE-ROOM strictly modern bungalow with furnace heat, fireplace, all builr-In ef fects, on paved street, all in and paid for. A big snap If taken at once; also a nice sleeping-porch. Price $3150. Also 0-room modern bungalow, fire place, furnace heat, all built-in effects, hardwood floors. paved st- all newly paved ; garage. Price $3000. These are two fine bungalows, both of which are on corner lots, and should be seen to be appreciated. Now vacant and ready to move into. NEW YORK LAND CO, 303-5 Stock Exchange Bids;.. Phone Main 7076. " $2800 REAL HOME BARGAIN. 6 rooms, bungalow type home, with den and sleeping porch, living-room with fireplace, dining-room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, fruit-room and laundry trays, elect, and gas. white enamel plumbing. Oil Woodward ave., near E. "ftth. Paved St., close to car. Price only $2&00, terms. One of the best buys in our office. See FRANK L. McGL'IRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1008. $6000. v Good horn a, with qu rter block, 1 00 JQO feet; 7 rooms, ltt-tory residence, kept right up to date; white enamel fin Ufa; all window hangings finaat quality, included: grounds well improved with much Imported shrubbery, well grown. There l no incumbrance on this property and can make favorable terms. Located oa East Taylor St.; good neighborhood. Call Main 831; after 6 P. M.. Sellwood 34. $S75 HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE $2S75. 6-room modern home, F. C. basement, furnace, white enamel plumbing, elect, and gas, paved street, sewer and sidewalk in and paid, no liens; a snap (worth $4000); must bo sold by January 1. Total prlc $2875. $40O will handle. No. 1034& Bast Grant. See FRANK L. McGUTRE, ABINGTON' BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main IOCS. ROSH CITY PARK BUNGALOW Imme diate possession: going to California; com pletely furnished. Modern bungalow, 5 rooms and larg attic ; cement basement, laundry trays, fireplace, buffet, double constructed. Lot .10x100. On 53d near Sandy Road. Price, including furniture and fuel,. $2 a 50. Terms, $750 cash. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $1550 BUNGALOW. RESTRICTED DIST. A rare opportunity to buy a 4-room, new, attractive modern bungalow In re stricted district, close in on paved St.: living-room, dining-room, bedroom, white enamel Dutch kitchen, elect, and gas; ce ment basement under entire house; just repainted and tinted throughout. Price only $1550, easy terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRK, ABINGTON T!LDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 100S. TOWERING ABOVE ALL OTHERS. Beautiful home, stands this magnificent 8-room Laureihurst mansion, located on a beautiful site, close to the Park. This place f possesses distinctive architectural features not common in Portland. 80x1 0O feet of ground, beautiful lawn and shrubs. This place has never been occupied. EAST 20S6. ALBERTA 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern 8-room house, oak floors. Ml bui It-ins, furnace, fireplace, 5 bedrooms, double garage, lot 50x100. no mortgage or city liens to assume; on K. 22d, near Alberta. Price $.1500, some terms, .T. W. GRUSSI; Sl Board of Trade. Main 74.tg. ' PRICE CUT TO MOVE QUICK. $2950 Beautiful strictly modern corner bungalow; 5 rooms and attic, all built-lns. Including writing desk, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; Going St.; paved and paid; J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main !S3. NEAR 15TH AND ALBERTA. $2050 A beautiful 7-room bungalow on full corner lot; newly painted' one bedroom down, 3 up. Full base ment. Let us show you this. It is a bargain, J. A. W'ICKMAN CO., 314 Stark St. " Main 583. LAUKELHURST, FURNISHED. $6150. A beautiful home of B rooms with sleep ing porch and sunroom: all rooms finished in old Ivory: garage in connect ion. This is a splendid bungalow, beautifully fur nished. Terms. CUE A. McKENXA & CO. Main 4522. 82 4th St. Board of Trade Bidg. IVY ST.. NEAR UNION AVE. SNAP. Good 6-room, 2-story house, elect., bath, cement basement, laundry trays, etc., fine lot 52x100, paved street all paid; fine location, on Ivy st. near Union ave. Price $3250, on easy terms. j. w. GRUSsr. T,1 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $47.-,0 ROSE CITY" BUNGALOW $4750. ' Here is one of the most, attractive bun galows in Rose City Park, like new, very modern, every convenience. Total price, including new furniture and st. liens, only $4750 ; terms. See. FRANK L. McGUIRK, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1o0S. ROSE; CITY PARK Lovely modern resi dence, 5 large rooms, beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, large closets with bullt-ins, $70 worth wood In base ment; half block south Sandy. r53 67th. Key In meter box; $300 handles. Tabor 854. Forenoons. ' HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 8 modern 0-room houses, large lots, good view. $3n0 $3500 $4500. E. B. HOLMES CO., 273 Stark. Main 8051. CORNER lot and house at 777 E. Market st. and Twenty-fourth, one block from car; six rooms, sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; hard -surfaced Etreets. This In an excellent property and must be sold. John Bain, administrator. 507 Spalding hldg. ; IN LAURELH UR ST. i Seven-room bungalow w Ith sleeping porch and garage; modern in every re spect; finished in old Ivory, close to Park. Price $5500, $1000 will handle; balance on terms like rent. If interested. jpermiL me to show you this. Taborfj. WALKING distance, just eat of Broadway bridge, 7-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, etc., fine corner lot, hard-surface streets (all paid). This in valuable property and a good buy at $4200, terms. Johnson Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37R7. $3750 ROSE CITY PARK $3750. Close to carllne. 6-room bungalow, big; snap. i?e this quick. East 20&6. Suburban Home. ONE cleared acre. 2 small shacks. $-0; $150 cash, $l- monthly, includes u per cent in terest. Stearns, u2 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon -City car. third house north of Ttlaley station. For Sale Ku sines Property. FOR SALE or trade, store building and lot at 737 East 72d st., Portiantt. write A. . Wert. Yakima. Wash. ror Sale -Acreage. 50OO ACRES In Southwest Washington for sate to settlers oniy ; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty .bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 5c AN ACRE CASH. Texas school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent interest; svud c postage for further information. Investor Pub. Co.. Desk 24.- San. Antonio. Texas. look: look: looks 41 A, 2500 cub. stumpage, $50 per A. cash. lUMi miles on baiem v. mile irom sta tion. $150 per A. under market value. This Is no camouflage, come quick. z3J. Wilcox bldg. See Hale. 10 ACRES near Montavilla, non-resident wants offer, is anxious to sell, believe fine .bargain can be obtained. Hart, 10 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall 1585. S16PERA.. 37 A. Near "Vader, main line N. P., Cowlitz Co.; a bargain; small payment down. Owner. Tabor 8S24. 160-ACRE relinquishment for sale; south east. Call 4S0 ll)th st. for Sale -Farms. FOR SALE 9 36-100 acres garden land; 7 acres, improved ; house, barn and woodshed, well and spring; gooseberries and raspber ries, loaan berries and 45 fruit trees ap ples, cherries, peaches and pears. Part of tms lami ls PUD-irnsaieu. a. l. num phrey. Box 1 S5, Po w e rs, Oregon. lu-ACRE orune ranch at Orchards. Wash- near dryer, on good road; situated In cen ter of prune district oi LiarKe county. A sure and arrowing income ls a certainty: price $3500. AG 720. Oregonlan. Phone evenings, fa. if. MONTANA RANCH Stock or grain, mostly irrigated alfalfa land, WOO acres, $4S.00o; $23,00O trade, balance crop payments. This is good. THE BROXG CO.. See Mr. Austin. 2674 Oak St. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre, up; running water, good soli. H tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 3d st. 50 ACRES land 1 mile from city limits; j $100 per acre. AV 801, Oregonlan. 1 REAL KSTATE. For fcale Farms. DEEP-THINKING, far-seeing men are now looking to MEXICO, the war being over and conditions settled, and are buying up fine agricultural lands and holding them. They predict Mexico's future will be de termined at the peace conference at Ver sailles and that no of the Kreatst land booms In history will take place in Mexico. You can secure lands at ti? t right price now and we will contract to farm them for you on shares, whriuh will net you ap proximately $325 per year for an invest ment of $u00, which Is secured by a deed for land improved and in crop. Terms can be arranged, half cash, balance easy terms. How can we do this? Cheap land, cheap la. or, splendid transportation facilities Southern Pacific R. R-); an ideal climate and high market prices for our products. Do your thinking now. ANDERSON & HUNTER, 800 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. city. FOR SALE. FARM. The best So-acre dairy farm to bo found In Southwestern Oregon, lies in the heart of the Coquille Valley; extra good bulld ' in; 55 acres of rich bottom land. In high state of cultivation, balance pasture; 20 good dairy cows, team, all tools ; in fact, an up-to-date equipped farm; good water, plenty of good feed for stock for Winter; boat landing, cheese factory, store, post office, school 1 mile: R. R. St.. county seat 6l5 miles; good road. Write for price and terms. Oct. check from 20 cows, $340.62. Address Box 17, Arago, Coos Co., Oregon. FOR SA LE lO.ooo acres big bunch-Rrftns land. Walla Walla County; lots water; about half tillable. heavy wheat land, joining green fields fine Winter wheat. Acquired generation ago by pioneer sheep breeder; large traci rich Irrigable land, bordering Snake River; 4 miles sidetracks; depot and store on land; 4000 sheep; com plete equipment; hay and choice Summer range; low price; easy terms. Might take part clear improved business property. Address Box 37, Kwan. Wash. DAIRY RANCH. A dairy ranch of 70 acres, on tide water, ail stocked; some registered cows, balance all high-grade; modem buildings; will trade for good Income property; will assume. Would be a fine stock ranch. Price $27,500. 303-5 Stock Exchange Bldg. NEW YORK LAND CO. Phono Main 7676. 81 ACRES, 7 In prunes; all good land; good barn, on county road ; 9 mi. from Van couver. Price $000u. Also 24 acres, all iri prunes; on good road; good house, barn, prune drvr. This is a money-maker. Price $10.OO0; terms. 30 acres, all prunes. 6 miles from Vancouver. Prunes this year brought $2500. Price $2500. R. C. Osburn, 112 Wash. St., Vancouver, Wash.- Phone, 176. FOR SALE FARM. 30 acres of fine bearing apple orchard, standard varieties, with 10 acres In tim ber, adjoining, in excellent fruit district, convenient to transportation. This is a first-class property and will prove a good investment. Apply titate Bank of Lyle, Lyle. Wash. MY 160 IMPROVED FARM, 16 miles out of Vancouver, Wasn.. on pavca roaa, near Battle Ground, mile to station; new barn, small house, fine creek; bottom land, some beaverdam; 65 under plow, balance brush in good pasture, easy cleared; 12 acres heavy clover and timothy. Quick sacrifice 5SOOO. or Sou cash. .i-U Morgan piqk- CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near portiana. ( r to -uu per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 140S Yeon bldg.. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OVER $500,000 HOUSE SALES. We have sold over ",4 -million dollars' worth of houses since Jan. 1. "A House a Day." We are in touch with the ma jority of purchasers. Have many buy ers for modern houses In Rose City, Haw thorne. Artoerta and Peninsula districts, I personally inspect and photograph list inzs. M'our exuerienced real estate sales men with a ut o.s to show your property, see FRANK L. McGl IKE. Abl.NU TON cLLKi, Main 1068. YOII HAVE A HOUSE TO FELL? It is my business to sell it. Let us gat together. You will find my services prompt, courteous, efficient. I have a number of buyers waiting for homes from $2000 up. Careful attention given to each listing. PAUL C. MURPHY, 270 STARK. Phone Main 1700 or Home A 1515. WE HAVE cash buvers for houses ; yours might suit. WATCH- OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. ' C A. WARRTNER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. v a 'TF.n A-room bunealow : will trade 4 room bungalow, looxioti lot, zruits, uerries, flowers, garden, etc. Will pay cash dif ference. Johnson Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg.- Main 3787. Wanted to Kent Farms. MONTANA experienced farmer wants to rent general farm ; win atocK ana equip pay cash or share crop. Write full par ticulars. A 758, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS PTNW XIMBER FOR SALE. 5 M. ft. close to river, on good road, 100 acres. Will soil for $1.50 a thousand or trade for ranch or good improved land and assume. See L D. Mc Cutchan, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 300 Oak St. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. j. Mccracken.. 304 McKay Blag. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE or small property in Spokane for Portland. Good 191S car and small equity for $3000 home. Alberta or Over look. 16 acres improved farm. Forest Grove, ' for Portland home. 2 4 million timber for $2500 bungalow. '6 million timber for enultv in roomlntr bouse. San Diego furnished bungalow for city home or good lot. xioiHi lot wanted ror goon improved Montavilla. Portland home for a 5-acre equipped chicken ranch 30 miles S. E. on electric. FRANK L. McOUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10GS. I HAVE a first-clasa piece of income prop crtvv income $075 per month, price S5U. O00 : will consider well improved farm from $25,000 to $30,000, remainder 6 per cent if desired. Iarge, well improved Valley ranch, all Mocked and equipped, close to town, price $70,000; between $10,000 aij,d $20,000 worth of timber contracted by nawmlll and now being cut from place; this goes with sale of place. Will consider part in good property. L. K. Moor a, 317 Board of Trade. CLIENT wants modern bungalow of five rooms and attic. Any good district will do on paved street.' Wants to exchange his 2-story residence on E. 11th st., near I re scot t. 6 rooms and bath ; full cement basement and furnace ; 3 bedrooms and bath on aecond floor; garage with cement dn ve way : street Improvements. Price, $3OO0. No Incumhranre. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St FOR 'i rash a $2500 E. Central Portland home. Small house, 1 or more acres sub urban, $3000 home. Alberta, for good 1W8 car and small equity. $1000 vacant lot for $24O0 residence. Portland home for equipped 5-acre chicken ranch, 30 miles is. r;. on electric. FRANK L. McGUIRK. Ablngton Bldg. Main 100S. TRADES. A close-In business lot In Klamath Falls, It. R. Addition, to trade for auto. NEW YORK LAND CO., 303-5 Stock Exchange Bldg-. Phone Main 7676. IMPROVED and unimproved city property in Eastern Orwn for either improved or unimproved city property in Portland, or farm property- near Portland. Give de scription and particulars. Address E 426, Oregonlan. 3u ACRES in cultivation. $2700, in Polk Co. prune dlstrlo ; nicely located ; would consider acraK n-tr city for part; 100 acres in Id alio. $1000, terms or trade. Owner, (fi k. 7d at. N GOOD brick apartment-house at a sacrifice; Income over $300 per month; price $24,000. Will take $10,000 clear property, bal. mtg. Owners apply at 417 Chamber of Com. WILL trade $500 clear warehouse and resi dence lots for city or farm lands. What have you? X 30s. Oregcnlan. 1'OB PALE. Horwes. Vehicle. Livestock. AUCTION sale surplus public animals Horses (cavalry and artillery), and mules (pack and riding), will be held at Re mount Depots. Camp Lewis, AmeHcun Lake, Wash.; Camp Fremont, Mento Park, Cal., and Camp Kearny, Linda Vista, Cal., commencing Friday, January 10, 1010, and continuing dally except Sundays and holidays until sale Is completed. For fur ther information apply to Command ing Officer. Remount Depots, or to C. A, Devol, Ma tor-General, U. b. Army, Zone Supply Officer, Fort Mason, San Francisco, Cal. NOTICE. Notice to daimen: 13 head of Holstefn and Durhsm cWi, all fresh, giving from 4 to 6 gallons per day. U. S. Stables. 24S Front st. THREE pigs and shoat, shoat weighing over 10o pounds. Address E. C. Smith, Llnne mann station. DEAD stock got quickly. Get cur prices for dead cows and down-and-out horses. Phone Milwaukle 60-J for results. DEAD hore.es and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. DEAD hordes taken quick; cowi and crippled horses. cash paid for Tabor 4203. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Livestock. FOR SALE 200 registered Shropshire ewes. yearlings and over, bred by importea and Eastern bred bucks. Price $ 15 to $25. P. A. Smith. Yamhill. Or. Pianos, Qrgnns and Musical Instruments. $25 CASH buys good. tsed. $12.1 panor organ. casn buys ujea .-u A.ngeius riayer. $65 cash, small, used, $275 upright piano. $75 cash, small, used, $300 upriubt piano. $100 cash, used Kimball $4O0 upright piano. $275 cash, used Crown $500 upright piano. $265 cash, new stored $450 upright piano. $2!0 cash, new stored $475 upright piano. $:!'. 5 cash, nearly new $750 player piano. $465 cash, nearly new $05O player piano. Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianoa bought and aold for cash only. Storage 60c month. Phone Main 6323. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 4th St. PLAYER PIANOS LESS THAN THIS VALU3 OF PIANO ALONE. Auto player, oak, $33. Thompson (better than new) $43T. Music bench included with each. HAROUTT S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill St $12.50 CASH sends new piano homo, $12.50 next payday, then $8 or $10 month after January 15. constitutes our reduced Christ mas terms. Scfawan Piano Co., Ill Fourth. WILL there bo a Vlctrola in your home for Xmaa? Our easy plan will aolva the ques tion. Hyatt Talking Machlna Company. 850 Alder. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. BEIBERLINO LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. $100 CASH or more paid for good, used, up right pianos by the Security Storage Co. Cail Main 5323. 101 4th st. $100 CASH buys $410 dull mahogany Kurt2 man upright piano at Security storage Co, 100 Fourth St.. at Washington st. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED, 12S FIRST.. MAIN 4405. TAfOR 67i(. CABINET TALKING MACHINE WANTED. Pay spot cash. AM t UO. Oregonlan. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. RENT a piano, no squares or thump boxes, Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S GILBERT. 34 Yamhill at. COLUM BI A cabinet uraf onola. Singer sew ing machine. No dealers. Bd wy. 25S2. Fur nit ore for Sale. RANGE Wood or coal, hot water attach ments, reseryolr, $14.50; w orth $30. Extra fine steel ted springs, $0 cost $ 15. 3-burner gas plate. $3.7. 35 E. fi5th St. N. FOR SALE 1 davenport, latest style; 1 baby buggy "Sturgla"; 1 baby cart, "oriole"; ail In good condition. Call after 6 P. M. Woodiawn 242U. FINE It at her seated dining-room chairs, ftna condition, good bargain. Marshall 6184. 10.6x13.6 WILTON rug and dining-room fur niture lor sale, can l- riday, .'a. ti. asa su Dogs, Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. CHOICE canaries at the Canary Bird Shop, 1151 E. 28tn at. N. C 2217. Machinery. ERIE engine. 12x14, right-hand. 1 S-II. P. upright Standard englna. 2 6-H. P. upright boilers. 1 3 5-11. I', firebox boiler. 1 30-H. P. firebox boiler. 2 36x10 lap seam ret. tub. boilers. 2 54x16 lap seam ret. tub. boilers. 1 60x14 lap seam ret. tub. boiler. 2 60x16 lap seam ret. tub. boilers. 3 66x16 butt strap waterleg boilers. 1 72x16 butt strap tubular boiler. 1 250-H. P. marine lire box blr., loco, type. All In A-l condition for immediate ship ment at reasonable prices. Call or write, G.-R. Machinery Co., 70 First st. Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to sta den's. Buy your new Rem in k ton now immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list, me wnoiesaie lypa writer Co., retail dept.. 321 Wash, at. REBUILT Underwood. No. 5: back-spacer, 2-cnior. 423 Railway Exchange. Main 4oH0. REBUILT typewriter and supplies. Corona ilea i ere. u. w. reas to., iiu oixtn. ALL makes tvoewriters rented and repaired Oreqon Typewriting Co., t4A 6th. Main 3668 NEW,, rebuild, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. L. Co.. btara st. nam xtoi. WANTED TO SELL An Underwood No. 0 typewriter. Call Wdln. 3U4. Laum-hes and Boat. WANTED To rent motor boat for month; not over 22 -footer: will give bond and rent in advance. Hlllsboro, or. it. x . u. t, box 6. Miacel lan eo us. POTATOES, 2c pound; smooth, Burbank Keepers, grown on sanay nign-iami. qual ity considered, they're a bargain. Choice ..-l rv, vr.. U( QBifl J Ol't OA IjV reaiSKin cohi, large o.c, tusi $000, will take half for it; must sell, am leaving city. Broadway 3632. FOR SALE Fertilizer Irom Union Stock yards for lawns and gardens; prompt ser vice. Phone labor GOito evenings. FOR SALE Dairy manure. Portland Gar - bage Co., 92tf E. 15th aU N. Woodlawx 20i:. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowerine plants. Phono ordera delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5700. PIPE, all si", coils and. short orders made and Installed, all work guaranteed; plbg. supplies. 220 Front. Main 5277. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st at., corner Yamhill. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcases. fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qulgley. 22 m First. Main 5309. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO., tailoring for sale In Portland at 400 E. Morrison. Turn in your old, worn suit, WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; ne coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co.. 22& Front. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 6582. CASH OR TRADE FINE BICYCLE. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. OAK rolls for all purposes. Illiheo Mill and Factory. Oak land. Or. Miscellaneous. ROOFING PAPER, ALL NEW. 1- piy -5 2- piy 1.20 8-piy 1.45 Naila and cement 25c per roll extra. Smooth surface tao cheap aanded stock. M. BARDB St SONS. INC. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS PORTLAND'S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUSE EEWINf) machines, new and neomd.bt.nd, sold for less; no a rents employed; com plete lino of parts for all makes: machines repaired and rented. Main V43L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1W0 8d. near Taylor Street. HAVE several thousand tons of good al falfa hay for sale. $22 per ton f . o. b. Shoshone. Idaho; freight-rate to Portland $tt.oo per ton. Percy Goeiett. Shoshone. Idaho. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good aervico able condition, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal $0. 201 Adams at., east end steal bridge. Pbons E. fe.MO, BICYCLE, new tir. a and in good shape; cheap. Inquire 520 Lexlngtou ave., Sell- W OO d. CLUSTER diamond ring, camera, typewriter, encyclopedia, boxing gloves, punching bag. Home phone, A 3372. I. S. BOOKKEEPING and buslnens forma course for sale, reduction. AU 148, Oregonlan. GAS R A NO E FO R SAL E. 4-burner, 2 ovens; Hood condition. Now In use. Price $15. Main 5o73. KITCHEN cabinet, good 10th at. Mm. Shuck. new, $3.50. 17 XMAS trees. COc to $2. delivered. Call East l:;sfi. Bush or Stewart. 1641. Union ave. fclVEKAL good second-hand etfri at the right price. 46 Front tt Broa'J"'e)y I960. BEAUTIFUL Havlland china, bric-a-brac, cut-KlH. valuable books, etc. Bdwy. 2295. 12x14 TENT and fly, flooring and atdea Phone Sellwood CMS. HALF mile south of Troutdals road, potatoes for salo by F. M. Hudson. BIG bargain in 2d-band lumber, all sizes. Phone East 4325. FIVE auto casings, size 34x4. Phone Sell. 2562. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. "You'll find just what you want at CONLE Y.S. That's what those who have tried, It say. NOW In the TIME THIS Is the PLACE. Drop In and look them over; It will pay you. Terms if you wish. A square deal to all. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Entire Second Floor. 127 Lownsdale, Washington at Fifteenth, look for the Red -Sign. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AVTOMORILES. T E R MS GI V EN. Big atock to select from. Here are a rew we offur for your liberty bonds at face vaihe and your old car aa part payment on any new or used car In stock. OUR TIME PAYMENT PLAN. We carry our own paper and therefore are in position to name you moat, liberal terms. LOOK THIS LIST OVER, ir you don't find Just the car that aults you, come in and select one from our large stock. We can suit you both as to price and terms. lllVi Mltcheil, ir-pasa., 6-cyl $ 250 1 16 Mitchell. 3-pass., 6-cyl 700 i?M fctudebaker. 7-paas.. 6-cyl & tUtchel1' ft-P-. -cyl 725 1?M ?Jll'hll. 2-pas 6-cyl Sr.o 1U5 Hudson. 7-paas 6-cyl I05o t.H lcbell, 7-pass.. 6-cyl 5u0 1014 Mitchell. 7-paes., 6-cyl 700 t.,,USEI CAR DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO East Morrison at Eaat First St. Phone East 7272. B 1216. MODEL 40 Hudson Roadster, excellent me chanical condition, 4 new tires, electric starter and lights. Owner leaving city and must sell this week. Phone Room 715, Hotel Multnomah. STOP LOOK -LISTEN. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN 11S MODEL. CAR? THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE; OVERLAND FIX. RUN 3000 MILES. -li18 LIBERTY, RUN 2400 MILES. 3018 UL'ICK, 7-PASS.. RUN 4500 MILES. 1015 COLE 7-PASS.. RUN 6000 MILES. 1016 MARMON 7-PASS., RUN oOOO MILES. ALL THESE CARS AT A SACRIFICE AND EASY TERMS CAN BE AR RANGED. DANTEL SALES AGENCY. 84 Broadway. Broadway 3904. OPEN" EVENINGS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. SPECIAL. Seat covers, for 1917-1S roadsters $10.50. BODIES. New touring bod'lea. New roadster bodies New delivery bodies. WE ARE DELIVERING NEW CARS AND TRUCKS. PLACIfi YOUR ORDER NOW. USED CARS. 3916 touring 3917 roadster. 1016 delivery. 3 BIS sedan. 317 touring. 1914 touring. ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 6th and Madison. 191S BUICK demonstrator, four new tires, run less than 500 mites; new storage bat tery, spot light. Hoover bumpers, spare tire. Gabriel snubbera all around. Just re finished; looks liko new, runs better $145o cash or terms. Call Frank Smith, Hdwy. 1 LtO. WHY NOT ? 1, 2. 3, 4. 6, 8. 12-CYL. MOTORS? Bring me your mechanical and electrical troubles; no guesswork. Woodiawn 1340. E. Je Motin. 945 Gantenbeln avenue. 1017 BUICK touring car with five cord tires; part new; newly painted and in first-class condition ; the best buy in the D-45 offered In the city. See it and be your own Judge. $1050 cash or terms. Call Frank Smith. Hdwy. 1130. FORD Run only .;oH milts; $300 equip ment, including gear ah If t. demountable rims, 5 good tires, worm steering wheel and equipped for camping; a snap at $650. Call Woodiawn 5i4. FORD AUTO WANTED. Will pay cash and new Vlctrola, Bruns wick Grafonola or Edison phonograph and records for Ford. The Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 850 Alder at. ONE-TON delivery truck, enclosed body, to leaso without driver. 121 N. 3d St. Bdwy. 262U. 1913 FORD SEDAN. $695. My 101S fi-pass. Ford closed car. In ex ceptionally good mechanical condition, good tires, for $605; $375 cash, balance terms. Tabor 7130. FOR the man who ia looking for a good delivery car, have the very thing: nearly new Briscoe, in good condition. Come and seo it. 522 Alders WILL sell $2"o0 credit certificate good lo . ward purchase of piano for $100 cash, ac count leaving city. Telephone Mr. Dubcr, Foster az Klelser. East 1111. USED CARS The street ls full. Givs them the once over. 8th and Couch. $500 101 S FO It D tourlnx; demountublu rims, electric lighted, shock asorber, new tires, excellent condit ion. 12 Grant! ave. North. A tk for M r. Underda hi. Fri day. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheeia. axles: we wreck all makea of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodee Co. North Broadway and Flanders. 1'J17 Bl; 1CK coupe four, new cord t ires, f irst-clacs mechanical uhapc ; boat buy in the city for $1500 cash, or terms. Cail Frank Sml'h. Broadway 1130. AM offering a 1017 Maxwell, with 4 good tire, in good condition, at the low price of $665. and will give liberal terms. See it at 522 Alder. SC KJ PPS-BOUTH rwuiter, 101S model in fine condition, for saio at $725. Easily worth 50. For demonstration phone Mar shall 402. DODGE 101b roadster, in very finest condi tion, just like uew: biggest bargain in ton: $&75 cash and worth more. Auto Laundry, 175 21at t GOOD 7-puts. Studebaker, with dandy tires and In first-class running condition; $350, $loo down, $25 per month. Kelly, Broad way 2402. ; OVERLAND roadster, fine rondltion; a. bar gain, $350: some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. IF you are looking for a soap, see all the rest, then come here. AUTO SALES CO.. 0th and Courh. A BABY GRAND CHEVROLET $475 A Chevrolet delivery 305 AUTO SALES CO.. t h and Couch. MAXWKLU 1J1 touring, like new; $7m, ijmo terms. 30 Grand ave. X-ijoar Burn side. DODGE Bar sain, cash or terms, for less than half the price of a new one. 612 Han cock. Irvington or Broadway car. BUICK 6. Could not bo in better condition. $1050. very easy terms. Kelly, Broad way 2492. RoYAL MAIL roadster. E. 1 and starter, fine shape, $475 ; some term a. 30 Grand ave. Nr., near Bumside. MY IyT Rcripps-Booth roadster for sale. Only driven 1637 miles. Good aa new. Terms if desired. Phone Mar. 2781. FOIiD delivery, new tres. perfect condition, a. 125; some terms. 30 Grand ave. near Burnside. FOR BALE 6-tan White truck with dump bed) being overhauled at Fred DunTr"8. Broadway and Flanders. See Dickinson. A ft-PASS. Overland, $20, $100 down, $20 per month; with good tirea Kelly, Broad way 2402. EQUITY in 1017 Overland. Looks like new. Condition f irst-cla. 5 tires, 7 tubes. Itarsain. Leaving city. Tabor 2278. FORD touring car, fine condition; a bargain: $2.Vt. irnme terms. 30 Graud ave. N., near Burnside. ACT QUICK Must etll li10 Ford roadster; electric starter, other extras; $400 cash. Owner. Tabor 4573. W'HEN I advertise an auto It is a bargain. Make a payment and drive the car away. No red tape. Kelly. Broadway 24tf2. 1010 MAXWELL touring; will consider Ford In trade, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. near Burnside. WE waah and polinh cars day and night. 402 Hawthorne ave. 50 USED CARS TO PICK FROM AT AUTO SALES CO.. HTH AND COUCH RUBBER floor mats for your auto, $1.50. Auto Reconstruction Co-. 3d and Gllsan. IOIS FORD touring, good condition; must ell; mornings or evenings. Tabor 22,::i. SLIGHTLY" used tires. $3 to $15 each, vul canized 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. TOR 9At.K AUTOMOBILES. BUICKS. DODGES. FORDS We have them at loer priced thau anywhere else in this ilty; any kind of tonus you want and small payments to start wit h. Call and eo our large atock of lite model cars. Below Is a list of a few bargains. 16 Dodce n lino running condition and good tires; will take you there and bring you back. Price is only $675. Small py xnnl down and long terms on ba.ance. Ford, late model, new top. rew paint and runs like new ; new - tires all around. See this new Ford at low price, tmaU pay ment down, long term. Fords, new tires and will paint any color you choose. $55 and long .terms and $100 down and drive it away. Come on up and get this one; it cheap and runs perfect. Buick 17 roadster and has new non skid tires all around, one extra set tools, bumper and has been so carefully used that it would readily pa.a for new. This is the only Buick in Portland for sale today at low- price, long terms and no i brokerage. Liberty bouds at bonus. Call and inspect the above. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. Inc., 025 Aider CHEVROLET, 1018 touring, like new, a bar gain, $050; some terms. 30 Grand ave, N., near Burnslde. LATE MODEL FORD TOURING. Thla car ia in good condition; $52, easy terms. 522 Alder st. CHEVROLET. 1917 tou.tng. fine shape, gooJ tirea; a anap at $550, some terms. iiO Grand ave. N., near Burnside. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. IBIS LIGHT Buick, same aa now; rea sonable. 411 E. 16th North. COUNTRY CLUB, wire wheels (like new), latest model, $50. Morgan. 214 1st. liflH CHEVROLET in first-class order, extra tire, tpotlight. $65Q. Owner. 203 13th wt. DANDY Ford. $300. $10O down. $20 per month. Kelly, Broadway 2402. Autumohilre Wanted. LONG A SILVA, Auto wreckers. We wreck, cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condi tion. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WE witl pay spot cash for car. any light wake. Why leave your car anywhere to be sold when you can gt cash by driving It to 525 Alder st. Al Auto Works and Painting Co. Bdwy. 2797. WILL YOU sell your car? Dode. Buick or Ford preferred. If your price ia right nnd terms reasonable; describe fully. H 740, Ore gonlan. WILL trade my two Rose City Park lots for truck ni less than 2-ton; 3 lots 25 x 100 each. East 20H0. WANTED Second -hand Stut or National, don't care how she looka ao price is rlghu AK 87V. Oregonian. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. L. E. OBVS, BROADWAY AND COUCH MAXWELL 1918, late model, touring; must be cheap for spot cash. B 713. Oregonlan. WANTK model ive-oasae nicer Cadillac. late Wdln. 2104 or Wdln. 34!. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DKlVEHi FOR HIKE. COUCH MAN A SULLIVAN. MAR. 232 10TH AND YAMHILL A 1236. CLIENT wants modern 5-room bungalow with full lot on paved street, up to -uo. Goddaxd & Wiedrick. 243Stark AUTOS'WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. 86 10th sU Broadway 140. TcrrtV CAieU FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THUD AND G LIS AN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2020. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, celling ahipplng. highway. Broadway 3547. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 7.o0 AND UP $7.B0 for second-hand suita J. Meyer the tailor pays the higheat price for suits, overcoats, hoes. etc. We call anywhere in the city. ti ;y or evenings. Cau Maruall 1229 or 22i Madison at. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. T buy all second-hand clotnes. especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, etc New buyer. Try me before you call otnera Phone Broadway 303 L'4j uurnaiae. OUR speclaitju-la buying ladies and gents cast-orr doming. MiRiiesL cwa price paio. Will call day or nig tit. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 8220 or 29 Madison at. SPOT CASH, paid for miafit clothing. At lantic . Cleaners, alteration uepu aiam 6701. WANT banjo, guitar, uauleie, violin, mando lin, cornet, trombone. Main 4405. labor 673. WANT a few carloads of dry slab wood ; tate price on board cars and location.. AV SP, OregonlHii. SET of hat blocks and irons; give details and price. Post Clothing Exchange. 1323 Commerce st.. Tacoma. OVER THE TOP. $7.50 CP. Spot cash for tcond - hand suits, over coats and shoes. Main 73. Buyer witl call. WANTED HoitftiiiR engines, drai? saw, stump puller, cables, tents and other con t ra ctor's equipment. O 255. Oregonlan. WANTED English or French bul'.pup; state price. Address S. C. C, 1607 6th St., La Grande. Oregon. WANTED Cash register, showcases, safes and other alore fix t urea 174 First St.. Main 4 234. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump ahotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 85 3d. JUNK. rags, metal, sucks, old clothing, old too!s: good prict-a. Knat '4. WE will buy yo-r olel typewriter and pay v mi riih iVirnn Tv nowrllr ('.a. U4 Firth WANT CABINET TALKING MACHINE, WANTED Houseboat, furnished or unfur nished. Phone MIUvaukiB 46-X. WHITE diamond, flawless, about carat, must be baixain. AH 2". orenonlan. MAIN 5400 Buy and sell second-hand tools. Junk, old automobiles. 2:i3 Front. DESK. pu.ce, heat, $1.23 week; 1st floor front. 60 6th st.. city. WOOD WANTED. Pay eah for fir or slabwood. East 85S6. WANT BICYCLE, RIFLE AND SHOTGUN. Main 4405. Tabor 67:. 128 First. CONTIIAOT wanted for 4-tnn truck. N1mr Truck Line. 205 Wash. Phone Main 6031. I- urn it u re Y auicd. GSVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 183 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, ruga store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotela. rooming-houses, office furniture, f undture Blocks ; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL DttSl. A 8224. "READ 1 M PORT A NT- -RE A D. We carry a greater varied assortment of pew and used merchandise than any atore in the city. There ia hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp a up pi lea When you have anything to buy or sell, call or pnone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE b FLUNITFRl CO. 221-3-5 Front bi.t cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE RICHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE C1TT FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC YOUR CALL WiLL BULNU THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 FIRST ST.. MvA.lt TAYLOR. MAIN 800. 1 WANT used furniture; cah will be paid for stoves and ranges and all Irinds of household goods. Call ua for one article or a houseful and tv comptfnL courteous buyer wiil call. Mj.raha.ll 6tf3. WK . NE ED SECOND-HAND FL RMTURH of any description ; hv the ready cash. Phono today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. I WANT USED FURNITURE. 640 WILL I A MS AVE. M. H . CAL EF. EAST 6417. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURES WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8333: ONE mattress, dresser, gus plate, K. cabinet. Must be cheap; no uealers. Main 4S70. FURNITURE AND RUGS WANTED. CAS 1 1 PAID. MAIN 4405. TABOR 679&. HELP WANTED MW.I5. JANITOR and wife for apartment house, 33 apartment Phone Marshall 1513. UA liHER wanted for Saturuay wage guar-antt'-l. 1Q 3th at. ELDERLY gentleman to attt-nd furnace for room and board. Columbia 105S. WANTED Flrsi-ciaoa barber at Y. M. C. A. bhop; steady Job. MAN as baker, with some experience. Mad lmn Bikery, 227 Madison. WANTED Experienced creamery man. 300 Oak st. CO AT MA Ki:i: wanted at once. Apply 410 Panama bldg. BARBER wanted; guarantee $S Saturday. 2:i4 1st L - BARBER wanted, good steady job for the right man. 620 First st. S. E X P B RIENC E D watchmaker Apply Felix Block. 34 Washington sU IIELf WANTED MALE. TTOW TO FIND EMPLOYMENT. You want a job: you have certain ability to do Ortain things. We have constant calls from employing firms for men who can do lust what you would like to da Let us help you get together. We operate for your benefit and for the benefit of the employer. Satisfaction is guaranteed both ways. If wevcan't assist you to a position we guarantee to refund your fee. lou possibly would like to talk with a man of wide experience who Can help you In deciding Just what vocation you shuu.d follow. Come to office No. 503 T. "M. C A. and ssk for information and Interview. WANTED LABORERS, STEADY WORK. tHTSinj-: OK CITY. APPLY 010 OKt CON BUILDING. lN old-established manufacturing concern in metal lines la Portland, preparing for after-war business, requires the servlcs of three well-educated, high-class gentle men aa aaleamen ; prefer thoae with en gineering training and war service. Past selling experience not absolutely neceaary If applicant energetic, determined and will ing to learn salesmanship. Position per manent with good future to right party. In answering state ape, education and ex perlence. Address BF 74S, Oresonian. ktVul'NTANT and cashier for iargo lumber of ice. Must have had previoua lumber and extensive bookkeeping experience. Requires a careful man w ith large capacity for work and able furnish bond. Salary com mensurate with responsibilities. Do not ap ply unless have qualifications. Write, stat ing age, references, mail and telephone ad dress, to Crossett Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, Or. HR.H school and Reed College student looking for paper routes durlnr the com ing school rear will do well by applying to Room 203 Oregonlan bldg.. at once. fc 1 EC I AL XMAS O F F E R. Our new 100-pnge catalog explaining cur method of teaching A utos. Tractors, Gas Engines. Auto Electrical Work FREE. Cail or write for particulars about Xmas Of !tT. ADCOX AUTO TRACTOR SrHOOt Union ave. and Waco st.. Portland, Or. WANTED Managlnr steward for out-of-lon hotel; must be up-to-date and not afraid of work ; single man preferred; state age. experience, phone number, ad dress and salary expected. L 627, Ore gonlan. WANTED Managing steward for out-of-town hotel ; muat be up-to-date and not afraid of work : single man preferred ; state age, experience, phone number, ad -dresn and ealary expected. L 627. Ore goman. MEN for house-to-houso tea and cotfee canvassing, commission ba.ils. if you wiil w-ork you can make good mony every wek and have pleasant, enjoyable work with short hours. Jewell Tea Co., Inc., 21 S, Grand ave. MAN to attend to renewals and col lection a, in fire insurance office; one who can operate typewriter and with some ex perience in Insurance business preferred. 510 Oregon bldg. MONEY ADVANCED If you are moving to Spokan and are short of funds, forward your goods to us for storage and we will advance the freight for 30 days. Cater Transfer Co.. Spokane. Wash, WIXUOW TRIMMER wanted. f.ir card w-riter. Must know how to sell dry rood.. An excellent posit ion for reliable man of about 35. Apply to Skallcrud Dry Goods Co.. Astoria, or. W N TED Messenger hoy. about 10, ui bank ; one who has had a little experi ence handling luomy preferred. O bl. Oregonlan. ' WELL educated young man wanted for of 'ice work ; small salary to begin with, but permanent position. D bC5, Orezo nlan. BOX factory ripsaw and cutoff man. Ap ply Oregon Box and Manufacturing Coin panv and Box Factory, 1326 Macadam Road. WANTED Bookkeeper; must understand opening and closing books; state age. ex perlence and salary expected. Answsr JC t30. Oregonlan. HOTEL clerk, for 75 room hotel, to clerk and run elevator; must be ' quick and active; cx perienco and reference neces sary. A C 25. Ore.tn!an. RETURNING SOLDIERS DESIRING POSI TIONS. CALL 202 STEVENS BLDG. SHOWCARD WRITER wanted; fcwift worker, for a couple of riavs. Edwards Furniture Co., 5th and oak sts. Ask for M r. Woltring. EXPERIENCED pressor for men's pants can find steady employment at the Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morri son sts. WANTED AT ONCE First-class opeu-shn;, all round machinists; steady work, eight iouis. 520 Oregon bldg., St It and Oak st. Y A NT ED A T ONCE First-class open-shop foundry chippers; eicht hours, steady work. ' -0 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sta. EXPERIENCED Elliott Fisher Bookkeeping mat hi no operator. Give experience and sa i a ry. AM M2. Or-gonian. BOOTBLACK I have a good opening for an energetic porter. For Information write Ernest Anderson. taicm. or. EXPERIENCED hotel porter for night duty, must arive dup. ana metis. Ap ply at once Hotel Marlon. Salem. WANTED Men to wear uncalled-for suits and overcoats at $3.5o and up. Orpheum Cleaners, 333 Stark st. WANTED Offi boy in lumber office: Rood future. 1004 Chamber of Commerce bldg. m r-t'l.ASS bushelinan wanted; steady 4 11 year around. Henry w. Jacob- .J4 M orrison. WANTED Yourg married couplo to travel; experience unnecessary ; -salary and ex penses paid. L 01 S Oregonlan. JjTaN A G E H for sawmill wanted ; liberal wil arv; small investment necessary. Morgan, 2 1 t 1st. m WVNTED At once, first-class baker, $.: per w eek. day work. Lclb's Bakery, Al bany. regon. 2 GOoi sausuge makers at packing plant in Kenton; must be experienced. O 174, O rr b o nittn. BoY over 16, to work in charging room Apply Low e n k a rt fc Co. W ANTE L Experienced operator on Tower machines. 3o3 Tllford bidcr FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO.. 22 Alder at, wants several first-class neat cuttera. WANTED Young mnn to work on floor. K 1 it It o Itilliard Parlor. Park and Alder. WANTE' A tailor. 40 K. Morrison tt. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTKU Energetic man. able to hand wl first-class, honest proposition where selling contract in unusually attractive. Si larv and commission. None but a bl salesman who can show a clean record need apply. J. A- Waldy. 014 Macdonald ave.. Richmond. Cal. s ' WANTED City toulenman. 3o:i Oak street. WANTED AGENT. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital ticketa. 20 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. COoK. $7 per month, and second cook or baker. $40 pr month, board, room and laundrv inclJtied; man and wife or two in. some wav annorUtH as partners preferred. School for laf, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Vancouver 101. WANTED Amateur j-erformers and enter tainers. Call at the Majestic Theater. Ask for Mr. Lacey. IELP WAXTEP-FEMAL1L EASY, permanent home for elderly woman; some wages. A B 3 5. Oregonlan. WANTED Housekeeper; 5 in family. E 4 2 i. oregonlan. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 2667. GIRL to he:p with kitchen work and clcau Ing. call Bdwy 5tU4 HOUSE CLEANER.- Multnomah Hotel. Ap ply Ash street, entrance. EXPERIENCED t h a in 3ertnaid wanted at on-e. Cultures Hotel. Qth and Main. W A N T E D- Girl for factory work. C;i f tor 0 A. M.. Celro-Ko: Co.. liCt 12th st. GIRL for flat-work department. American Laundry. 140 E. 3d N. WAN "LED An experienced chambermaid. App Hotel Eaton. WA IT R ESS wanted at Stein's Restaurant, TO Broadway. WANTED A tray w onittO. turium, 616 Lovejoy. Nisbeth iti- WA NT ED Experienced chambermaid a t Clyde Hotel. 46 stark st. CH A M HE KM AID Wanted. Mallory Hotel, 1 71 Lownsdale. WAITRESS wanted. Old Seattle Restaurant.. s North 3d st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Gor don Hotel. West Para and Yamhill. FgTI 106.2