14 T1TE MORNING OREG ONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1918. 6I1VERNMENT BUREAU FINDS WORK FOR MEN Nearly 1000 Applicants Placed Daily in Oregon. MANY RETURNED SOLDIERS Floating Labor Population Is Being Shifted From Portland to Va rious Sections of State. TTcarly 1000 applicants for work, many of them recently discharged sol diers, are beinc placed daily in Oregon by the United States Employment Serv ice, despite the surplus - of unskilled L'tbor and increasing scarcity of po sitions, according to statements given out yesterday by Wilfred S. Smith, State Federal Kmployment Director. Of this number, 500 are being placed by the Portland office exclusive of those placed by the short hour Federal employment office operating in the old building at 247 Davis street. The eight branch offices throughout the state are placing 350 employes daily. Director Smith estimates that in the new Port land offices at Third and Oak streets an average of 1500 men daily seek in formation leading td new positions, while on Mondays and Tuesdays as many as 2000 men register at the of fices. Floating labor population is being shifted from Portland throughout the state. Director Smitl) believes, since the return of the state's industries to a peace basis. While mon have been released from wooden shipyards. It is thought that in most cases the men let go were tho ones who constitute the evil known to labor specialists as "the turn over" element. Portland shipyards still re port a shortage in skilled mechanfes, but in other crafts few calls for work ers are coming from them. A bulletin just teceived from Wash ington, D. C, says that according to reports compiled, Oregon and California have an equal number of unemployed men and of open jobs but that in the Bast. Middle West and the section about Seattle there is still a shortage of la bor. Captain Convill,, U. S. A., former Portland Park Superintendent, reported at the offices of State Director Smith yesterday as a representative of the soldier welcome and welfare commit tee, of which Mayor Baker is chairman. His duties will be to follow up the work done by the employment service in obtaining positions for returned sol diers. "The better the soldier, the greater disadvantages ne is at in finding a position," said Captain Convill, "as Army men are trained to not hang around. The discharged scldier comes down here and lists himself for a po sition which the Service just at that minute cannot put at his disposal. His Army training has taught him not to hang around, so that after he has gone looking in other sources for a po sition and a possible employer for him, calls at the Service, 1 am here to rep resent the soldier. We are going to get jobs for the soldiers of all states, but if there should be an unprecedented scarcity, Oregon soldiers will be given the preference." POPE FEARS RACE HATflED REPAIRING OF MORAL ILLS OF AVAR WANTED. Pontiff, Answering Christmas Greet ings, Hopes Peace Will Give Xew Birth to Sentiments. ROME, Dec. 24. Pope Benedict today received the members of the Sacred College, -who presented their Christmas wishes to him. Twenty-three cardinals and many bishops and prelates were present. In reply to the greetings the Pope expressed a wish that the decisions of the coming peace congress not only would re-establish order, but would give a new birth "to human sentiments which will render communion with our brothers and the sacrifices made for them sweet." The pontiff declared that he -would do all in his power to facilitate acqui escence in the decisions of the congress In order to insure a just and durable peace. Pope Benedict expressed doubt wheth er the tempest that had devastated the world had not left in the hearts of men the deadly remains of ancient rancours, unwholesome germs of discord, ven geance and reprisals. The very ardor of war and the passion for defense of country, the pontiff added, were noble in their origin, although it was natural that in principle they could easily lead to excesses and make germs of social discord more grave. The Pope said he wondered if it were not the holy father's task to repair the moral ills of the war no less than the material damages, and dissipate the dangers of fresh perturbations which might result from excessive national hatreds and passions. He said he hoped his work henceforth might be an echo of the decision of the peace con ference and mainly directed to the cares and instruction of his children, the protection and direction of workers and the counselling of the wealthy classes for the good use of their wealth and authority. LOTTERY RAIDS NET NINE Two Chinese and Seven. "While Men Are I'ndcr Arrest. It. A. Chin, of 101 North Fourth street, was arrested last night by Pa trolmen Schmidtke and Waddell, charged with conducting a lottery. Five white men found in his place were also taken into custody. They were all released when Chin placed $250 for himself and $100 bail for each of the men arrested when the police raided his establishment. Ah Chin, of 387 Flanders street, wa arrested last night by Patrolmen Teeters and Kudolph. Two Swedish laborers In his place were also taken into custody. Ah Chin was released under $250 bail, put was re-arrested shortly after and charged with disor derly conduct, when he had an argu ment with the, officers regarding his arrest. He was released under $100 bail money for the second offense and the two Swedes were held in jail over night. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. RL'DD-GERDE Todd E. Rudd. 32, r6 K. 10th St., and Hannah Gerde, 24, G01 E. loin st. WHITE-PARROTT Charles R. White, legal. The oaues, ana nose i'arrott. legal, Alder Hotel. HELV1K-CAMPBELL Clarence Helvie, local. 48 Mason St., and Viola Campbell, IB, orand ave. MORGAN-LfeWITT Walter J. Morgan. 27 Salt Lake. Utah, and Ruth DeWltt, 26. BO Buehtel ave. STEPH ENS-ROTH ENBERGER Chester E. Stephens, legal, 1541 Overton St., and Mil dred Kothenbera-er. legal, mss East Stark sL FRISBKI'-DICKBRSON Ivan M. Frisbey. legal. 7U3 Milwaukee ave., and Mrs. Bessie Lickerson, legal. 3S7 East Seventh sc. Vancouver Marriage License. PETERSON-CHAIG Carl O. F. Peterson. 29, of Tacoma. Wash., and Mary J. Craig, 25. of Portland. LEWIS-LINDSAY Lester J. Lewis. 30, of The Dalles. Or., and Ina F. Lindsay, 27, of Fargo. N. D. JOH.NSON-WINELL Gust Johnson, legal, of Portland, and Esther A. Winell, legal, of Wood burn. Or. McCAULEV-SHENOLD George "W. Mc Cauley. US, of Portland, and Anna Shenold. 25. of Portland. MYERS-COLE MAN Henry Myers. 21, of Portland, and Florence Coleman, 10, of Portland. FOSTER-THIEEAU Jesse O. Foster. 23. of The Dalles. Or., and Evangeline E. Thl beau. '2. of The Dalles. Or. TEVIS-CONWAT John Tevis. 36. of Port land, and Nellie Madeline Conway, 30, of Butte. Mont. L ANDES-JOHNS Ralph W. Landes. of Salem, Or., and Miss Leona R. Johns, 80. or crescent city, Lai. MERKLIX-HAH.N Carl Merklln. 25. of Walla Walla, Wash., and Miss Elizabeth Hahn. IS. of Portland. BLAKE-STEPHEXSON Guy A. Blake, 2S. of Kalispel, Mont., and Miss Kellie A. Stephenson. K2. of Lansing. Mich. THOMAS-TATE Delbert Thomas. 38. of Salem. Or., and Lina Tate. 21, of Salem. Or. FOOD PRICES ENORMOUS EVEN" WEALTH V CAX GET ONLY SMALL QUANTITIES. Ham Sells for 540 Marks ($135) and Eggs Are 3 Marks Each. Dinner Costs About $15. BERLIN, Dec 25. (By the Associ ated Press.) The Germans, particularly ! those in the larger cities, are today having lean fare for their Christmas dinners. So much has been said about the food situation that it is understandable if there is an impression in some quar ters that the situation has been ex aggerated. Here, however, there is one excellent barometer, prices. Wealthy people can 6till obtain limit ed quantities of what used to be con sidered necessaries, but now are con sidered luxuries, though at terrifying prices. In one particular . case a man in Berlin paid 540 marks for a ham, the eggs to go with it costing three marks apiece. A dinner recently pur chased at an Unter den Linden restau rant, consisting of thin eoup, fish, meat and a. baked apple, cost 62 marks. Cof fee would have cost three marks ad ditional. What such prices mean can best be realized when it is considered that the highest daily wage of a skilled German mechanic rarely reaches 20 marks. Those in the poorer walks of life all declare that it is absolutely impossible of keep body and soul together on the rations distributed on food cards. Another factor in the food situation is the lack of fat. Even after such a meal as cost 62 marks one becomes hungry, even ravenously hungry, within two or three hours. FEMININE RAFFLES LATEST Woman Holds Up Pair and Appro priates Christmas Gifts. OAKLAND, Cal., Dec. 26. (Special.) The newest thing in robberies took place at Twenty-third and Harrison streets last night, when R. H. Egbert, while walking home with his wife, was held up and robbed of Christmas pres ents and valuable jewelry by a masked woman leading an English bulldog on a leash and carrying a small pearl- handled revolver. The woman ordered the pair to disgorge, ana even insisted on taking small parcels. "You can't use these cigars," de murred Egbert, who was inclined to look on the thing as a. hoax. "Well, if I can't that lazy lout of a husband of mine will make good use of them," replied the lady Raffles. She also insisted upon Mrs. Egbert giving up her diamond ring. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or1.. Dec. 26. Maximum tern perature. JiS deicrees: minimum temnf-ratnre. 32 degrees. Kiver reading. 8 A. M.. 1.9 feet; change In last 24 hours, 0.1-foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), none: to tal rainfall since Heotember 1 1H1H 1"! 4.1 inches; normal rainfall since September 1. i 18.13 inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 1918. fi.tiS inches. Sunrise, 7:r3 A. M.; sunset, 4:31 P. M. ; total sun shine. 2 hours 05 minutes; possible sunshine. b nours u minutes, moonrlse 1:31 A. M. ; monnset, 12:lo P. M. Relative humidity at noon, 02 per cent. THE -"WEATHER. 5 g ,.5 Wind 3 3 o - - c 2 - c tt 3 3 J 2. 2. 2 I 2 T ? 3 : : 3 : 5- : : s (b ; i 5 s : ? : : : State of Weather STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston Calgary ...... Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy t lucaero Denver ...... Des Moines -. Eureka Clear Cloudy Clouay Galveston .... cloudy Helena Cloudy Cloudy Snow Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Snow Snow Clear Cloudy Cloudy tJuneau Kansas City .. Los Angeles .. Marsh field Medford Minneapolis .. New Orleans.. New York . ... North Head . . North Yakima. Phoenix ...... Pocateilo Portland Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Roseburg ... Cloudy Sacramento St. Louis IClear loudy Cloudy Salt Lake San Diego . . . San Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane ...... Tacoma IClear Clear Cloudy Cloudy " iouay Rain Rain Tatoosh Island tvaldez Walla Walla Cloudy Washington . Winnipeg . . . Clear Cloudy M. today. P. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain; moderate southerly winds. Oregon Rain west, probably fair east por tion: gentle winds becoming southerly. Washington Rain west, rain. or snow east portion: moderate southerly winds. ldano J1 air souin. rain or snow norxn por- tIOn" EDWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist. Draft Evader Surrenders to Police. Tom Aynes, 26, presented himself to Patrolman Schulpias at Sixth and Couch streets lastnight, and asked to be locked up in Jail. He gave as the reason for his unusual request that he had a guilty conscience because he had failed to register for the last draft. Aynes was taken to the police station and turned oyer to the Federal author ities. Young Woman Iioses Purse. ' Helen Rude, of 249 Cornell Road, re ported to the police last night that she lost her purse at Fifth and Mor rison streets on her way home. She said the purse contained her week's salary. The finder of the purse is asked to return it to the police in spector's division at police headquar ters, or notify the young lady. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Girl for gene raj washing, 3 adults. E. iboi. housework; no I s 'inioiool! '.'nwi 30 3.S;0.U2j. .NW IS 340.0U' . . 14 24l'O.onil0iSW 1 S 32 O.OK . .NW 4 3o'0.02(..NW 34 oM'il.HUI . . .N 30 4210.001. . N 20 30I0.IIO . . NE .. . 44j0.72l. . W . . .1 30,0.00:12 SW 40 C4 0.0O . . SW 2tll SO;0.0o 4'i O.OOI. . W 201 2H 0.02 . . NWi . 34t 42(0.00 . . W I I 341 3S-0.02 1S:NW J 42 44 0.00;i6 SB I 221 2rt O.OOI. .SW I i ao riio.oo . . w 20 0.00 . . W 30 3S 0.00I . . NE . 21 340.0l. .NW I 34 52iO.OO. .SE I 14! a-.'iU.dU'lB'hW ,1 1S 3010.001. .IE .1 3S eojO.OO . .NW 28 40jolooi! '. SE . . .l4Sl. . . .1. .). . .. 22 2fi'0.OOf. . (aw !2tt it'U. uu . . ,w 381 44;o.2218iE . . .I32l0.32 181 . . .. 241 2S 0.OO . .IW 32 SfiiO.OO . .INW . . . I 200. 0O. . N SAILORS WELCOME LIGHTS SIGNING OF ARMISTICE RE MOVES NEED OF PRECAUTION. Lieutenant K. Townsend Writes of Portland Contingent's Peace Celebration, in Nantes. Comforts soldiers at the front looked forward to were baths, clean sleeping accommodations, plenty to eat and a chance to forget some of the appalling events passed through, but in the Navy the prime feature of the armistice, other than the actual fact combats were at an end, was the prospect of , running across the Atlantic without I having to douse the lights." At least that is the idea of Lieuten ant K. Townsend, who left the chief engineer's berth aboard the Portland California liner Beaver to join the fighting forces afloat. In a letter from St. Nazaire, about 40 miles from Nantes, he writes that his ship reached the other side November 11 and up to De cember 1 had not discharged her cargo, while it was expected she would be held another 10 days. The trip "home." he figured, would require 18 to 22 days, depending on Winter weather in the North Atlantic. "Our trip back to little old New York will be more comfortable, as heretofore we have been running the ship in total darkness, save for the engineroom." he says, "so going home will seem like a luxury with all electric lamps going again." Captain Clyde Parker, who was mas ter of the liner Beaver, is in the same capacity with Lieutenant Townsend. The latter reports Captain Parker in the best of health and that the latter part of November they visited Nantes with Major W. D. Wells, of the En gineers, formerly Portland agent for the San Francisco & Portland Steam ship Company. The three spent one day and night together and, as a Port land Contingent, fittingly celebrated the signing of the armistice. Others from the Portland waterfront there are Cap tain J. S. Pratt, who was agent here for the Parr-McCormick line, and Lieu tenant H. H. Bancroft, before the war Portland agent for the North Pacific P'-amship Company and the Emerald Una. AMCSEMENTS. Mr. Martin Beck Presents SARAH PADDEN In "The Eternal Barrier" Grace Nelson "Four Buttercups" "BIBKVII.I.E." A Metana;. of Kural Mirth and Melody quillo Marbelle : Orpbeum Travel Weekly : Official AVar Review. Hi IC.EORC.K I.K MAIKE Assisted by Clay Croach ' THIS SHOW CLOSES WITH WiD. MAT. JA.N. 1. BOBllPi on Irrrill j J LAST DAY I ALI BABA J and the l FORTY Cominl Tomorrow DOROTHY GISH 01 PA N T A G E C MAT. DAILY 2:30 Monster Christmas Week Programme Tho World's Marvelous. Magical Entertainers THE GREAT LEONE CO. Presenting DIIh Kdith Packard, the Origlaal li s Ale Again uiri. Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain t i ana v. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK xnHnicht lfa.tlnea New Tear's Eve. Dillon Frsnka and The Rosebud Glrla in THE KING OF BING BONG Laughter. Music and Pretty Girls. CHORCS GIRLS" CONTEST TONIGHT. TODAY AND TOMORROW MARY PICKFORD America's Sweatheart. in i "STELLA MARIS." Also Christie Comedy and PIctograph. CIRCLE THEATER Fourth at Washington. DANCING TONIGHT COTILLION HALL FOt'RTKEXTH, OFF WASHINGTON, PORTLAND'S FINEST AND LARGEST BALLROOM Wonderful Bsll-Rearing Sprlntr Floor. LEARN TO DANCE AT OI K SCHOOL. EIGHT LKSSONS OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK NOW OPEN Largest -and finest Skating Rink in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Health and Exercise. Afternoon and Evening. Cars First and Alder. AMUSEMENTS. TICKETS NOW SELLING HFTT TnTHEATER llijliilVJ Hr'ilw'y at Taylor Main 1 fc A 1122. Tonight, 8:15, TOMORROW MGIIT, -SPKCIAI. PRICE- MAT. TOMORROW, 2:15 I Floor fll Bal. 1, 75c, 5c; Gal. Boc THE COMEDY HIT, BUSINESS PLEASURE BV MOXTAfil E GLASS Ul JILKS Kl'KEHT GOODMAN'. SPLENDID CAST PRODUCTION. EVE'S Floor H.T.Ot Bal. SI, 75c, SOc Gal. 50c. 5 AT. MAT. Floor 1; Bal. fl,75c, 50e BARGAIN MAT. SATURDAY. 25c. Tonight. All Week. The FimoDi Baker Stork Company in THE SPOILERS imniuiumHuniittntnmunmnmnnm Rex Beach's Wonderful Tale of the Klondike. Immense Cnt nnri Snl Vrnrlnctlon. Kif tits, 23c. 50c; All Mats.. X5c Next Veek. "'Itlne eanft." Midnight Matinee .New Year's Eve. MORRISON AT th PLAYS THAT PLEASE TONIGHT AT 8:20 S5ft 50. Ot MOTHER CAREY'S CHICKENS (2E5CALL BROADWAY 37 FOR MIDNIGHT MAT, DEC. 31- House of Hits IPPGDRGME VAUDEVILLE Today! Today! ROBERT SHERMAN presents A Comedy Playlet "PINCHED" Orbasany's Cockatoos Phenomenal Feathered Comedians GARTELLE BROS. Grotesque Comiques WARE AND MARVIN Personality Girls. 7 SURE-FIRE HITS 7 MADGE EVANS in "THE LOVE NET' 11EETFNG NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated ses sion Saturday, December 28. at 8 P. M., Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill ts. Election of officers and representatives to the Impe rial Council. Visiting; nobles cordially Invited. By order of tho Potentate. HL'UII J. BOYD. Rec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Friday) eveninr, 7: SO. East 8th and Burnsifle. Installation of offi cers, followed by special me morial services In memory of our brothers departed durlntr 19m, including; three who fell on the battlefields of France. A full attendance desired. Visitors welcome. Or der W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. MT. HOOD LODGE. NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. An open meeting; will be held this (Fri day) eveninr at 8 for the pur pose of Installing; the officers for the ensuing; year. Members snd their families Invited to attend. Order W. M. ED. C. PICK. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. M. A. V. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday) even ing. 7 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. H. J. HOUGHTON, Secretary. SKLLWuuD LODGE. NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Friday) eve ning at 8 o'clock. Work In E. A. deerree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER, Bee, ALBERT PIKB LODGE NO. 162. A. F. and A. M. Special communication Friday evening. December 27. at 7:30 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. K. R. IVY, Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. 15. O. E. S. Rerular meeting (his (Friday) evening tn Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock. l'egrees and social. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Secretary. MULTNOMAH CAMP. NO. 77. W. O. W.. meet at their hail. East Sixth and East Alder streets, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Visit ing neighbor always wel come. . J. O. WILSON. Clerk. PORTLAND AERIE. NO. 4. FV O. K. Mc-lj at 8 o'clock tonight !. day). Third and Maditon streets. Smoker In proa pec t. Visitor Invited. J. B. KITH I AN, Secretary. WILL, meet this (Friday) eveninr at 7:30 o'clock at 226 h95i Alder st. VUitora welcome. 10.0.E w A. CARLSON'. Nobl Grand. FREDERICK COZENS. Secretary. A. AND A. S. RITE. ORE GON CONSISTORY. NO. 1. INC. Annual meeting; In Me morial Hall. Scottish Rite Ca thedral, this (Friday) evenln, at H o'clock. Election ot offi cers. By order MASTER OF KADOSII. WEBPOOT CAMP, NO. 65. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meets every Friday night W. O. W. Temple. V2 lith street. All members welcome. Kum to Kamp Friday msnt. H. L. BARBUR, Clerk, THE SECOND SPIRITUALISTS' CHURCH will give a dance Saturday evening. Dec -8, hall, .lot) Second street. Orchestra music. Admission, gents, 50 cents; ladles, L'3 cents. ORKX.ON COM M ANDERY will give their first subscription dancing party tonight. Ma sonic Temple. Park and Aldt-r. BEN F. GREENE. Chairman. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. 1 sew designs. Jaeger Bros.. 1S1-S ta St.- FRIEDLANDER'S lor ledge erabimta, class pins and medala. 110 Wasnlagtgn SU M. HASSMJO Rstea for Classified Advertisements la The Oreqonian. Dally and Sunday rr tin. It. ......xt. On. Dm Two conseentlve time..." felt or mico cuosacBiivfl iim ei""""6a .b" iollowlng clausifiratluoa excepted. Cae rate on liirh i 7. p.r Horn per datri bituaUoo Wanted Male, bitoalioa Private tanjilie. -Board and iUioiam ftTiv at. limlUea. Housekeeping Kimiihi i'rlvaC. s-amilie. io ad tak.n fur lea tbaa two lines. Count ail word t. in. line. Advertisement, (except " Per sonals") will b. taken over tb. telaw plaoDe if tb. advertiser 1 a subscriber I. either phone. No pric. will b. quoted over tb. pbone. but .tatetuent will b. rendered tb. following day. Adrertlaa meota art taken for Th. Dally Dra conian until t. 11.1 for Tb. suada urcfiuuaa until r1. M. baturday. DIED. CATES In this city, December 2."., Ophelia Cates. asied .IS year, beloved wife ot Louis Jl. Cates. mother of William K., Alma, Alven, Ileanie, Mildred. Pauline and Del phane Cates. of 331 Wasco street. Re mains at I'unnlnit & McEntee'a parlors. Funeral notice later. VII.ES At the, residence. 3067 Belmont street. December 2rt, 1918. Ada U Vtles. aired T7 yenrs T months 22 davs. beloved v!f of Philander A. Vllcs. Remains at llolman'a funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. HOKB In this city. December 2. Wealthy Viola Hoke, ase 24 years, beloved wife of I.eroy Hoke. Remains are at lh resi dential parlors of Miller &. Tracey. TOM AS In this city. December 23. Guro Tomas. a native of Serbia, aged SO years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee'a parlors. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WILLNER December 2 at th Cmd .Samaritan Hosiptal. Swan J. Winner, late of 1.K41 East Alder street, age Hi years. ut-iov-Mi nusnnna or r,.sie inner. Dro(hr of (Junnard Wlllner and Mrs, tier da Erlrk-1 son and Mrs. Sophia Quick, all of this city. Funeral srrvires will be conducted tomor row (Saturday), Lrfmbrr JK. at I. M. from Pearson's undertaking parlors. Rus sell street and Union h venue. Friends in vited". Interment Rose City Cemetery. De ceased was a member of the Swedish So ciety Llnnea. SYLVESTER December 24, 1J18. at the family residenrr. imo East Twenty -seventh street North, Mrs. Helen 8ylvet-r. aged .".d yars i months ll! days, beloved wife of Rev. Frank W. J. iSvivester. mother of Walter, Kuart. Ruth and Ewld Sylvester. Funeral services will be con d ucted tomorrow (Saturday), December K. at 2 P. M.. from the: Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of Williams avenue and Graham street. Friends invited. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell street and Union avenue. LEACH The funeral services of the late James II. Leach, who passed away In this city Decern ber -14. 1 ll s, 1 1 1 be held to day (Friday j, at '2 P. M.. from the chapel of the iskewes Undertaking Company, corner Third and Clay streets, under the sun pices of the Spanish American War Veterans. Members of that order. Fram Assembly No. 1 Ul United Artisans, and Iron Moulders Ucion Local No. 1 :ti. and friends Invited. Interment Rivervlew cemetery, THOMPSON Dec. 25, at 26!. Bryant street, Virginia Thompson, aged 12 years, beloved diughtvr of Mrs. Barbara Thompson, sta ter of John Thompson and Mrs. White field. Funeral servici-s will be held from the Holy Redeemer Church, Williams ave nue and Portland boulevard. Sat-, Dec. 28. at 9 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Remains at A. R. Zcller's parlors. SIMON At the residence. 54S Walnut street. December 2."i, Elizabeth iimon, aged 26 years, beloved wife of Martin Simon. The luneral will be held from above realdence today Friday ), at 8::i0 A. M., thence to St. Joseph's Church. Fifteenth and Couch streets, where requiem mass will be of fered at 0 o'clock. Friends invited. In terment Mt. Calvary "cemetery. Arrange ments in care of Dunning &. McEntee. JENSEN December 23. 1I1S. at Fort Law ton, Washington. Sergeant John E. Jen sen, age 211 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen, of 1016 East Thirtv- second street North. Funeral services will be conducted today I Friday. December Ji. at J P. M., from Pearsons undertaking parlors, Russell street and Union avenue. Friends invited. Interment family p!ot. Rose City Park Cemetery. McNEILL December 24, at the family resi dence. 702 Oantenbein avenue. Amos C. McNeill, aged 52 years, beloved husband of Bertha McNeil and father of La Verne and Mabel McNeil. Funeral services will be conducted today (Friday). December 27. at 1 P. M., from Pearson s undertaking parlors, Russell street at Union avenue. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Park Cemetery. ZAIK In this city, at his late residence. 45 Sixth street. December 26, 1913. Aaron Zaik. aged 57 years; husband of Mrs. An nett Zaik an1 father of Mrs. M. Zaslaff. The funeral Vervices will be held this ( Friday) morning at lu o'clock at the above residence. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Talmud Torali Cemetery. J. P. Flnley & Son. directors. SIBLEY At the residence. 1004 Macadam streft, December 25. 111S, Vlrda Vivian Sibley, aged 15 years 3 months 25 days. beloved daughter of Frank and Nancy Sibley. Friends invited to attend the fu neral services, which will be held at Holinan's funeral parlors at 1 1 A. M. to day Frlday), December 27, 191S. Inter ment Multnomah cemetery. DURANT In this city, December 26. 1P1R. Albert Durant, or j-iih Curtis avenue, be loved husband of Harriet Anna Durant, father of Bert M. Durant and Mrs. L. Bay lis, of Portland. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Hnlman'i funeral parlors at 2 :It0 P. M. tomorrow (Saturday. December 2H, 191 S. Interment Rose City cemetery. WATTE N BIT RG In tills city. Dec. 25, Wil fred C. Wattenburg, age SO years, late of 7t7 Vancouver ave.. beloved huaband of Mrs. Vera Wattenburg and fsther of E bert Wattenburg. Remains will be sent on the 7:.H A. M. train tomorrow (Dec. 2H to FsU. Or., by the A. R. Zelier Co., where remains will te field. INMAN Dec. 2-V at 64U Borthwlck street. Amy K. In man, age 3 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester K. In man. Funeral services will be held from A. R. Zeller &, Co. n parlors today (Fri day). Dec. 27. at 10 A. M. Friends In vi ted. Remains will be sent to Dallas. Or., for interment. MURRAY In this city, December 2."i. 191S, Johnnie Smith Murray, aged 12 years; son of Mrs. Marie Riddell, of aO North Twen tleth street. The funeral services will be held trlay CFrldayl, at 1 odok P. M at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in v itca. interment at i-uverview ceme tery. HARR At Taklma, Wash.. December 2T 191 S, Vida Harr, aged 24 years; beloved Or.; daughter of Mrs. Agnes' Jennlnga, of Kentucky. r unerai services iecemoer 11R. at Yakima. Wah. Burial at Pleas ant Ridge Cemetery'. Laconner, Wash., De cember 27, 191 S. HOWARD In this city. December 25. Rob ert Howard, aged 1 year 7 days, beloved son of Mr, and Mrs. D. o. Mo ward. Ku neral services will be held today (Friday from Lerch's funeral parlors, corner East Eleventh and Clay streets, at 1 o'clock. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. ENGLES1ED At the residence. 2085 Fast Eighty-fourth street, December 24. Donya ring lest eu, ageu is years. r unerai aerv Ices will be held at the funeral parlor of Breese fc Snook. Belmont and Thirty fifth, today (Friday), December 27, at 2 P. M. UPDIKE The funeral services of the late Charles Albert Updike will be held today (Friday. December 27, 191S. at the un dertaking parlors of A. P. Kenworthy a Co, nt .iKO'j inety-secona street, ients. Friends Invited. YUASA At Salem. Or., December 24. Tora nonuke Yuasa, aged 37 years. Funera services wil be held today ( Friday) al the Portland Crematorium at 3 P. M. Ar rangements ia care of Dunning fc Mc Entee. NAKAOAWA At Hood River Or., Decem ber 23. I- Nakagawa. aged 46 years. Fu neral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium today (Fhrtay) at 10:3O A M. Arrangements In care of Dunning ac McButee. SHAVER The funeral services of the late Percy Shaver will be held today (Friday), December 27, al ma uranga rtau at Tl- gardville. Or., at 1 P. M. interment the Crescent Cemetery. Arrangements In care or Mifr c 1 racey. CARLSON Funeral services of the late Nels Cannon will be held from R. T. Byrnes residence parlors, vol Williams avenue, at Mason street, uecrmoer i;u, at . P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery, Friends Invited to attend. McKAY The funeral services of the late Peter McKay will be held today ( Fri day) at -:.iu o cjock tr. ji., at i-iniey s, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. BEUTER Funeral services of the late Carl Heuter will be neia at running tk Me Kntee's chapel today (Friday) at 2 P. M Friend invited. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. ELSTON The funeral services of the late Lorenza Elston will be held today (Fri davt. December 27. at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Rose City cemetery. SCHBBN Funeral services of the late John Scheen, aged o years, will be held a Dunning & McEntee's chapel today (Fri day) at 3 P. M. Interment Multnomah Park Cemelery. WT.TTTTfriirpS I yrfrfft t rTTiTufrFFTVrTrfr': n'T V. Jrrrd ; 1 i iTifiX tiffin. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095,'IIouse 29. ACCOINTANTS. Jul'- CL.AKK. f eneral and cost account. iiaat Washington sU i'boue Enst 84K0. AdOKDIOX l'l.fcATIX't; Ht:MsTlTCIIla WJ?.n9.V"r- E.VI. A.i PLEAT SKIRTS A.N V ?.VL- 'UK i- liiiilSTlieiiLNU luo PtR VAKU Eisl'ERf KOVELTr CO.. 8.-.H FIFTH ST. BDWY. 2000. AtiATE C ITTKKS AND M1G. JEWKUKv JWLKV and watch impairing. Millers, " ami, p.... Majestic l neater Dim. Al.l'AI.FA MEAL. t.KOI 1 jVKKDS. HAY. WALTER Si-QTT. Hoard ot Trade. M. auoi ANTlyi KS AND ARTS. OLU BRASS, copper, curloV. tapestry an art Jewelry bought and sold, ai-i ad St. APPRAISAL!. STANDARD APPRAISAL COMPANY. Rall wsy Ex. Bldg. Phone Marshall 2752. ASSAItRS AN1 ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASS A Y OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, sliver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS courts. A. GOLDSTICI N. practice lu all M)2 Northwestern Hank bids- KtKltl'k Ml 11I iar OREGON BARBER SI PPLY CO. W. buj and sell till kinds barber supplies. 230 2d. CAN OK It. L. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143, FLUFF RUG CO. V.trJ: ti.i i i.on m riuvs. THK IKWIN-HOUSUN COMPANV. HS7 Washington. Uroadway 4o4. A 1:15s. ( IIIIUII'ODIsrS AM AKt'll M'Kt IA1.IST4 WILLIAM. Ksteile anil Florelle lxVanry. th. oniy icirnuiic c n i rupoai.sis ana arch spe cialists in the illy. 1'arlors :iuj lierltnger b:d,.. southwest corner tiecund and Alat.r. Phone Main 13U1. UK. OAKT.NKK. Incrown nalla. bunions a specialty; foot arches msrte to order. 311 hweliand Md., cor. St'.t-Wash. Main lusl. lUROI'lt TIC I'll a MCIAN, LB. McllAHuN. Macleuy bldir.. lutirA chlro practlc. crlda best. Adjustments mad. easy. unaunaie cases roc rate. flRCl'LAK I.KTTKKS. CRANE l.KTTEK -!.. M0-11-1J Royal hld Mar. 5JU. MultiKraphlns. niiuteoa;rapli uno. mnii an vertistnir. fOlI.K(TIONS. NETIi CO.. Worcester bid. Main 17r,. No coiiections. no ciiarcre. tlstabMsheJ l'.ioo (OA L. ROCK SPI'.INOS and Castle Gate coal: Im mediate deliveries on larxe and small orders. tenlral r'u.l Co. Main leiMt lAN(IN(. WHS. BAA II S Hanclnr Aeademv. 30S-11 uKum Dioit. zieal instructors. Berinners' e.aa Tu.i. eve.: class pxrty FrL eve. Les sons day or eve. by auopintment. Phon, .Main ALISKV Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors, any ana evening;. Classes Friday even Ina;. I'd floor Allsky blda; 8 lessons. f.V ill'.S. t'LKt'K'S Al'ADEMV. luU 'd St. Ball- room and stage dancing. Class Tues , Fri. eve.; children especially. Main 2100. KIH CAT I OVAL. Bt'SlNICSS (OLLM.E. WHOLESALERS AND AITO TUl'8. DLBRLILLE BL'GOV TOP CO.. Ulh and Oak. COAL, ItAI.tKS. ULN'DOTA COAL. CO.. 415 N. W. Bank bids. Main 7172. liKY tiOOIS NOTION!. I niUyCI CDICI Pft backroom and ofllc. La UllllLL.OI ILL. UU. 47 No, ortn Fiftu street. GRAIN MKKCUANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Blda;. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOL'SKR HAT CO.. 53-03 Front St. 1I1UKS. WOOL. CASA AKA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 193 Front Pt. PAINTS AND I.l BKICATINO OILS. W. P. Fl'l-LKR CO.. 12lh and Pavls Sts. Fl'NERAIj NOTICKS. C; i: 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 In this city. Hecemlier 2. 101. Anna ueller. aged o'J yejirs 4 monius lo days, wife of Henry W. c.eller. of Mil waukie. Or., mother of Henry F. Gellrr. daughter of Michael and Anna Genir. of Buxton, Or., ulster of Frank Genzcr. of Buxton, and Mrs. Louise 1-Viin. of Port -land, and Mrs. Mollle Crawford, of Rainier. Or. Remains at llolman uniiertakins: par lors, Orea-on Clly. where funeral services will be held tomorrow (Saturday). Iiecein her 2. at 1:0 P. M. Interment Mountain View Park cemetery, Oregon City. Friends invited. HTPB At the residence. TOrt Kast Thir tieth street North, pecember 2i. Ines P. Hyde, aped 27 years, daughter of Mrs. Caroline Hvde, sister of Mrs. S. K. tiordon and Mrs. IT. L. M Hoi re. of this city: Francis Hyde, of Wisconsin, and L. V. Hyde, of Iowa. Funeral will be held front Iiunnlns: & McKlilM's parlors Saturday. leretnber 2s. at h:3D A. M.. thfnie lo Church of the Madeleine, Twen y-fourth and Siskivou streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Friends in vited. Interment Ms. Calvary Cemetery. MORBTTT In this city. Pecember 22. Will iam Moretty. aged l years " months 7 lays, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moretty. Funeral services w ill be held today De cember 27) at 2 P. M.. at the conservatory chattel of F. S. Iiunntne. Inc. Friends in vited. Interment Koi. City Cemetery. Ml'ENSTER The funeral services of Virarll Harold Muensu-r. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muenater. al!l be held today (Friday), Ii.cember 27. at 1 P. M., at the chapel of Mliler Ac Tracey. Interment at the Creacent t'enietery at Tlenrdvllle, Or. TNERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST JT1I AND .Mri.TNOM.4JI I'ortlanU'ft .M-- I'rocresait) FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST S O Sl5 IIOLMAN UNDERTAIvING CO. Funeral Directors Established 187T. Third and Salmon Streets. Main i07. A lilL Lady Assistant. perfect Funeral Servlc. for L.sa. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. sc. bet. 20th and 21st. West Side. Main 26DL Lady AsslstauL A 7 aba. J. P. Finley & Son PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main V Montgomery at Kifth. A lCitf. UVJNNlNU & M CENT EE, tuneral aircctora Broadway and Pine street. I'hona li road way 430, A 4058. Lady attendant- F. S. DUNNING, INC., THE GOLDEN KULia UNDERTAKERS. 414 bait Alder St. East 52, H 26. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS Phona Wood lawn B755. BREEZE & SNOOK'i'S.1" "J ?.S4, MIL AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Ku n. al service. 1D73 E. Gil.san. Tabor 4Jia. PT T 'PPr'.TI I1,n and Cla sta ER1CS0N TWelIthB;onadwayrr253n4. "'" A. R. ZELLER CO. Ii'Ji'i-J ASi A. L. iv EN WORTH V CO. B802-O4 2d St.. Lent. Tabor 6I6T. SKKWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay, ataiu .102. A H32L Lady assistant. CARPET ( l KAXIM.. DIIO? The kind lUai wear tho best are H UU v made from your wornout carpets by the Northwt Kug Co. iformer ad dress, 153 Union ave. i. Hag rugs woven all tilzes. Carpet cleaning, relit ting and resizing. Mail orders so.icited. l&a Easl eth. PHONE EAST 3..S.O. If 12S0. Arm strong-Holmes ' EYE. K.VK, NOM: AM) THROAT. Dr. K. F. Case,lay, speciallbl; glasses fitted. 700 E. BurnslUe. cor. 20lh. li 1-Jy.i. E. 4734. 11 K i ll lZr.K. N" KL.L-JtOTTiiU cow and horse manure de livered, full or half truck K-ad. Mar. Vi.l KF Kl O AM) K.i Kl FACTORY. NOKTHWKST HUG CO.. titablUhed lUOJa, jr iuii rut a aud rag rugs woven, u . l tsiaea. Kaat 8th and Taylor. Last 3;S6, 11 ii;msii rcHi.xti. K. STKI'ilAX. htniatitchinc. bcalloplnc, ac cordion tide pleat, bullous covered; mail orders. l:ii PutocK block. Broauway lOyu. .MATI KKSStS HAH'KD. MATTK1-SKS fluffed in one day. Guaran- ievu. uowtat incis In town. Last -o.o. MOVING. l..o per hom . uuiu van. Sellwood 17t;. KM1L. Till KI.HO UN. violin teacher. dudiX OI'lOMhIKIMs AM) OI'IKIAM. v. (:i.ASKS AT V SAVING. w: " -tv-vT" 1 boliciL our u tironaKt) on the ra.sis mi capable buivae. inou eatias ot sa.iiii--'a pairons- trial wl!l cuiiv Inco. Cliav. Main l'AI'KNT AllOKMAS. It- C. V K I G 1 i T - - ca rs experience U. t. and lorciii paltii:. tiol Uekum bids;. I'll M I A .NS. IR. li. A. rillLi-ll'S, io." Hroadway bld. Jiheumatlnm. iviiuie disorder. tkin trou bles. aUnnacb, liver, Uiunes, bowe.a, throat, goitre, tcalp, high blood pressure. 80 C' increased ei ficiency ; d r u g 1 e i a trratnteitt. loiire, ;arstsis, ncaa- ac-nc, tonMiitis. Lr. Aiiiurd, oti weUaud bidtf. Marshall 4u. lllMUINt. MITIIbS. PLl'MUiNti fcsll'PLifc.a mi wholesale prlcea. Stmrk-Uala t'u.. -I- Tn rd. Main 7. thimim,. Ki:YSlu.NE I'KLS J. i;. Gw-ntenbela. Mgr. Printline and llnot pinjr. lOO S Front street, corner IS tarn. Main or A 14 la. DbTV t lT' P K. W. HALT lis A: COMPANY, rilllll lit a;id oak. s.a. Main It.,.. A lltti M.( OM)-IIAM) STOKtS. LLVl.N lllV. & Kl i:.N. CO, L"J1 PTolit Street. XV e buy and !. ever) thlatf In the hare ware aiid 1 uruttui e lit.o. 1 Uono Main !."-. A T174. TRANS FUR AND MOKAtiE. AMKK1CAN THANSFKlt A- SToKAUK, We Co l.autlnK of all air.dn in or out ot the city. liagpac and furniture movinc our specialty; uuys free tor.tee. G-K put prices. We hurry. Broadway 413a ! o.ik st. UiiKGON TKANSKKR CO 4T4 GUn st, corner ot i:ih. Telephone 1 road way 1JL or 11G1. o own and .perate two iare clttsu "A" warehoufo on terminal tracks. Low est Insurance i at e.- In the city. FIREPRGOF STORAGE C. yt. OI.SON TKANSFKR CO 24S PINK 11 A I)ISl'-ST, lH-l'lv At WAKKHol'K, o K fice 1 v. Madison. '.tMi. ral mfr.liand is. anil forwanilnft" agents. h.inr Main 1:H. I'Ai'KIMi MoVIXii STOKAlll-:. PECnilTV STOKAlili & TUANSt CO. lu.-. fark St. Main ..lli.'i. A 10.M. CLAV S MOKSK. INC. TRACK AO K. STOUAiiK. TKANSFBR. 44S-4.'i4 (liltf.lll Ft. WATCH KKt'AIKIM; HUIHtST pries i:ild o:l watchi-s and Jew elrv. Condition no oojrct. K'-pirs a spe cialty, liciner Jewelry Co.. m; Wash. aL .NATIONAL KL'EI. CO. East 2041. Short Mock., mltp'i slab, good furn ice wood. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND fil.ASS. RAPMl'SSKN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. PII'K. I'lfr: lITIIMi AM) VAU m M. L. Kl.INK, 84-f Front PLl.MBINAi AM) MKAM M 1'1'LltS. M. Lw KL1NU. 4-Sd Front St. I'KOIH CK COMMISSION JIKIK'HAMS. EVERUINU r'ARHKLL, 14Q Front St. KOl'i: AND BINDING 1 WINK. Portland Corduge Co., llth and Northrup. SASH. DOOKS AND liUS. W. P FULLER A- CO.. 12th and ljavis WALL PAl'T-R. MILLER Wall PauT & PL Co.. 172 First st. MOKilAX WALL PAPER CO.. :'. 0 2d s' AlCTION SALES TODAY. At Wuson's Auction House, lu Furniture, lti'.i-l 71 "Second St. Fl.ORIST". MAKTIN & FORBES Co.. Florists. 3o I Wasiiinston. Main 2il'.l, A 12ti:. Flowers for a 1 occasions artistically arransred. CLARKE iiltOS.. Florists, 27 Morrison si. designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMI 1 11. Main 721.'.. A 21ol. tel. mi ll!, Ic. till) Mtid Aider Sts; rr.i 11. r. riAjitau m i'. Aider, f ins. anu design, very reaaonaoie. Jitar. Oii.J IRVING TON PARK FLORAL CO. , 4th and lamniil. runerai acsi:ii.T.s; lowest prlcr. TONSETH I-LORAL t O.. 2J ttsll in c: .n St. bet. 4th and .'.th. Main 01n2. A lull. LL'KLINKR. Portland Hotel. Charge accounts solicited. :2S Morr:son. Marshall 7.", J SIOMMKXTS. PORTLAND MARIU.K WoP.KS, 2rt4-2lirt 4th St.. opposite Ci'y Hall. Mam Satvi. Philip Nen A: Sons for memorials. Ablaesing granite CO. I I LT THIRD AT MADISON TRflfTI OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Koom Courtboiike. 5th frU Lu trance. I'hone from A to 5. Mum Home Fhona A 55. NiichL call after ulfica buura, Uuod lawn 64. 1 ii-port all cs of cme'.ty to the a hove adUrris. K'.ectrlc le; hal cli.i niber for sma.i unimu.a. Horse imijulnce for ck and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dos; or other pet communi cate Kith ui Ca i for all lost or ir ?d stock, aa we Ioolc after th Impound inc. There Is no tnoro ciiy pound. J us I ure.ja Human boclety. NEW TOTAT. GaragesfmMT V--?a- k IS Ankrnj St. Phone 11 road way 149b Sam Connell Lumber Co. COLUMBIA RIYER SMELT 15c 1'KK Ml. rosi.M.K IMtKI-Ain. irtjrle frozen, properly packed lo arrive in pooi con dition in i - pound to 15 - pound lot., within li0 miles of Portland. Write lor quotations on larger Quantities. NORTHWEST FISH PRODUCTS CO. 2.115 Vaniulll St.. l'ortland. Or. Phone .Alain 47. MORTGAGE LOANS ImproTe city and farm prrierty Installment rcpaj mcDt yrivilf ire if preferred; pr-iup reliable service. A. II. BilUlii.L GO. tll-X19 Northwestern Bank BuUdlns. Maraliall 4114. A 411a. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AMI RESIDLNCst I'ROI'LRTV. RORF.KTNON at KWIXO. SOI- Northetern ilauL AAldx.