Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 26, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Salary Adjustments Advised in
Report of Investigators.
Consolidation of Commissions Would
Prohibit Xcpotism by Law and
Equalize Pay of Employes.
Nepotism should be prohibited by
law; salaries should be equalized, and
there should be civil service for state
employes and supervision of civil serv
ice regulations in Portland by a state
civil service commission, are some of
the suggestions contained in the report
of the commission on consolidation
appointed to make a. report at the
coming- session of the Legislature. )
"With regard to the relation between
the proposed state civil service com
mission and the city civil service
commission of Portland," says the 're
port, "the supervision of the latter by
the state commission, or consolidation
of the -two commissions, and the direct
administration of the city civil serv
ice regulations by the state commis
sion would not only lead to greater
harmony in the operation of the civil
service laws, but would also reduce
the influence of local factors opposed
to the vigorous enforcement of the
merit system, and thus lead to greater
economy and efficiency in the local
, service."
State employes are given considerable
attention in the report and there are
recommendations which are likely to
cause opposition to the adoption of the
report from employes who would be hit
if the recommendations were enacted
into laws.
Civil Service I Proposed.
"A cursory examination of the state
departments," says the report, "at pres
ent shows that a few departments have
Insufficient help, but in a majority of
cases the number of employes on the
payroll is larger than necessary."
This condition is to be remedied, ac
cording to the report, by having the
proposed civil service commission make
a biennial examination and determine
whether the work devolving upon each
department is so great as to require
the service of additional employes, but
the consolidation commission considers
that it will be more important to de
termine whether the work is insuf
ficient to occupy the full time of all
employes. "When the employes are dis
covered to have too little to occupy
them the commission should recom
mend an appropriate reduction in the
working staff and later report to the
Governor or the Legislature whether
the recommendation had been carried
This state civil service commission
is to be appointed by the Governor and
to consist of three eminent citizens,
who will serve without compensation.
Their terms are to overlap so that at
no time will the commission be under
the complete control of any one ad
ministration. The appointments are
to run for six years.
Merit, Not Politic, Basis.
Civil service should apply, argues
the consolidation commission, to the
employes of the state with the ex
ception of the chief deputy of a de
partment. The chief deputies would
be subject to control of the political
party to which they belong. As the
rest of a department's staff performs
merely clerical service, there is no
special reason why they should be se
lected because of their political af
filiation. Merit, argues the consolida
tion commission, should be the basis
of appointments under state civil serv
ice. The proposed civil service com
mission should also, according to the
report, set the number of hours to con
stitute a day and the report recom
mends that eight hours is generally
recognized as the proper length for
the working day. .
Equalization of compensation forms
a part of the report. The consolidation
commission cannot understand why, if
the examiners of the board of opto
metry receive $5 a day, the exami
ners for the chiropractic should have
a compensation of $10 a day. The State
Dairy and Food Commissioner Is paid
$2000 a year and the secretary of the
state fair board draws down $3000. And
, the consolidation commission arises to
ask why.
.&n 1 1 m i r 1 71 1 n ; i m i t i ttt i i t n i i i- ; r r n i t t i : u ?i ? t i t-j i t m ITT! 1 2 ;T ; ; i ; ! 1 1 f r r?4
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Kill I
prised her friends and relatives
yesterday bv announcing the
fact that she and Gerald Sooysmith
were to be married in the afternoon.
The weddjng was solemnized at 3:30
o'clock at the home of the bride'a
brother-in-law and sister. Major and
Mrs. Percy A. Smith, in Sell-vood, Rev.
John H. Boyd, officiating. The plans
were eo hastily made that all details
were of the utmost simplicity. The
Smith residence was bedecked In cele
bration of Christmas with quantities
of holly, flaming poineettias and gar
lands of greenery, and following the
ceremony the various members of the
family assembled for a big Christmas
The bride wore a handsome dark
brown velour suit, with small black
hat and a corsage of orchids. The
couple were unattended. They will go
to South Bend, Wash., to make their
home. Mr. Sooysmith is still in the
Spruce Division of the U. S. A. and is
stationed at South Bend, expecting to
receive his discharge within a few
weeks, when he and his bride will take
up their residence in Portland.
The bride Is one of the most attrac
tive and popular young women in
Portland, and since e outbreak of the
war has been a first-class yeoman In
the U. S. Navy recruiting office at
Portland. She is a daughter of a
prominent New York family, and has
many relatives in the East, who are
active in the financial affairs in New
York and surrounding country.
Her brother. Rex Murphy, has been
in service overseas, and is now in one
of the Eastern camps. Mr. Sooysmith
Is a prominent Portland man, a mem
ber of the leading clubs, and an uncle
of Harold Sooysmith, also a well
known young business and clubman of
this city. The engagement of this
charming couple was announced last
Mrs. James G. Gauld and daughter
Isabella have leased the W". H. Nunn
residence on Twenty-first street for
the rest of the Winter. Later they will
go to California to join Mr. Gauld. who
is convalescing in the warmer climate.
They recently have been house guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Alvord, while
preparing the Nunn residence for their
Miss Louise Allen is spending Christ
mas at the home of her parents in
Eugene, ura P. Willis a so is a truest
at the Allen home over Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Houser and
children are spending the holidays at
Coronado, Mr. Houser Joining his fam
ily early tn the week.
G. Walter Gates is with his mother
and brother in Los Angeles for the
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEachern. of
Portland, made a recent trip to Los
Angeles, and while there, registered at
tne Hotel Lankershim.
Georgia S. Benson, this e:ty. has
been visiting Long Beach. While at
he Southern resort. Miss Benson reg
istered at the popular Hotel Virginia.
Lieutenant H. B. McGuire, of this
ity, has been sojourning in San Diego
during the past week. He registered
at the U. S. Grant Hotel.
Mrs. A. B. Slauson, who has been in
Doughboys Have Regulation Trees
and Plenty of Gifts, but Some
thing Seems- to Be Lacking.
Copyrieht by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
COBLENZ. Dec 25. (Special cable.)
Americans at home may well thrill
with patriotic pride over the first
Christmas of American soldiers in
enemy land. The world never saw
more modest visitors or more human
conquerors than the American dough
boys, who are making the best they
can of their armistice Christmas, and
(retting all the fun out of it possible.
Yet the common thought of the boys
is to finish the job in hand and get
home. "Next Christmas home," is the
universal sentiment ot the American
Army of occupation, from the dough
boy to the General.
In the frowning fortress of Coblenz
and throughout the trans-Rhine bridge
head district, the Christinas spirit is
cxhuberant. The Third Army boasts of
500 large and ingeniously decorated
trees and thousands of individual tree
lots, many of them donated by the mu
nicipality in gratitude for the good
treatment from tho Army. There are
Rifts for everyone, with plenty of
chocolates, cigarettes and cigars.
Without neglecting their military
duties, the boys are having real holi
day pleasures. The bands are play
ing home tunes, and amateur theatri
cals and other entertainments have
been arranged for the day. For the
benefit of troops in transit, the largest
Christmas tree obtainable in Coblenz
has been set up in the biggest hall in
the place, and it has been hung with
3000 gifts for the boys who blow In
The entertainers include a full-blooded
Indian Princess. Unfortunately, the
day is turkeyless, but the boys are
cheerfully eating ersstz (substitute
"Welfare Operations Expand.
NEW YORK. Dec. 25. The Jewish
"Welfare Board today issued a Nation
wide appeal for men and women wel
fare workers, teachers and entertainers
to serve American troops not only at
camps here and abroad, but on the
transports and trains bringing them
home. The workers will undergo
brief period of training here.
Phonn your want ads to The Orego
nian. I'lioue Alain 7070, A 609j.
Seattle for some time nursing her
daughter Ruth ' through a severe at
tack of influenza, returned home Tues
day with her daughter and the
family reunion yesterday was a happy
one. Miss Slauson expects to return to
the TJniveristy of Washington after the
Elks' wives, daughters and sisters are
invited to attend the Lady Elks" Bridge
Club which meets in Elks' Temple
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with
Mrs. Joseph Stafford as hostess.
At the last meeting of the E0O Club,
high scores fell to Mrs. W. G. Hogge
and Mrs. J. L. Stafford.
Sons and Daughters of Norway will
give a Christmas programme this eve
ning at the Masonic Temple. It will
be an elaborate affair and all mem
bers of the lodge are invited to at
tend. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Allen. J. G.
Richardson and L. J. Barber, of Port
land, are registered at the Bellevue
Hotel. San Francisco.
MULTNOMAH Chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, will
meet Friday afternoon at the
home of Miss Laura Northrup. 699
Elizabeth street. The assisting host
esses will be Miss Nora Green. Miss
Meta Allen and Miss Mary C. Armistead.
The programme will include an ad
dress by Miss Leida Mills and a group
of Revolutionary anecdotes by Miss
Lena Ayers. Miss Medora Whitfield
will give an illustrated talk on the
Colonial flag.
Wonens Club s
Charges Against Loyal Legion
Declared Trivial.
The united auxiliaries reception com
mittee will meet Friday evening at 8
o'clock in room 201 of the Courthouse.
A report will be read by the commit
tee on arrangements for the dance to
be held January 15.
The Portland Woman's Research
Club will hold its regular monthly
luncheon at the Benson Hotel Monday
at noon. Judge John H. Stevenson
will give the New Year's greeting,
and Miss Mary McMillan, of the Kefd
College reconstruction clinic, will
speak on reconstruction work for the
wounded soldiers. Captain Jack Ham
ilton will give "Recollections of a
Soldier's Life." Mrs. Marmaduke
Wyville is chairman of the arrange
ments. For reservations call Tabor
1395 or Tabor 791.
The Portland Woman's Club -will give
its annual Christmas programme at
the Multnomah Hotel Friday after
noon at 3 o'clock. The feature of
the afternoon will be a series of plan
tation folk songs and tales by Miss
Elsie Mae Gordon, a dramatic reader
of note, who is visiting relatives in
Portland for the holidays. Mrs. Fred
Kribs will contribute a group of
Christmas songs. Following the pro
gramme the social hour of pre-war
days will be resumed and tea will be
Military Headquarters Occupied and
Soldiers Attacked With Ma
chine Guns.
PARIS, Dec. 25. (Havas.) Details
of the clash between sailors and gov
ernment troops in Berlin on the night
of December 23-24 are given in a Ber-
n dispatch received by way of Berne.
Efforts were made in vain to Induce
the marines to leave Berlin, and espe
cially the castle where they have estab
lished themselves from the beginning
of the revolution. They were informed
that they would not receive their pay
if they did not leave the castle.
The marines eventually occupied mili
tary headquarters, after sending a dele
gation to the military commander of
Berlin demanding that 80,000 marks be
paid to them. At the same time a de
tachment of marines attacked the sol
diers occupying the university build
ings. In an exchange of machine gun
Are three marines were killed and four
Later a delegation was sent to the
Chancellors' palace to discuss the situ
ation with Chancellor Ebert, Richard
Barth, Secretary of the Independent
Social Democratic party, and Herr
Lansberg, Socialist member of the
Reichstag. The marines put these men
under arrest, but later released them.
The Berlin commander also was arrest
ed and the amount of money alleged to
be due the marines was seized.
sailors. Practically every state in the
Union was represented in the crew.
More than 1000 dinners were fur
nished visiting soldiers and sailors in
homes and hotels of Portland yesterday
through efforts of the special commit
tee of the War Camp Community Serv
ice. This was the report last night of
Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gorman, chairman of
the committee, who expressed appreci
ation of the response the call for en
tertainment of these guests elicited.
We sent three big bunches of invita
tions to Vancouver," said Mrs. O'Gor
man, "where we had intended-sending
only one. The. late requests had to be
handled hurriedly, but I trust there
were no errors or disappointments.
Portland people certainly did hand
somely in the-matter of opening their
homes to the boys.
Alex T. McKenzie, Indicted for Man
slaughter, Plunges to Death.
TONOPAH. Nev., Dec 25. Searchers
found today at the bottom of the 1200
foot shaft of the Tonopah-Buckeye
mine, near here, the body of Alex T. Mc
Kenzie, chairman of the Nye County
Republican central committee, who
had been missing since Saturday morn
ng, when he failed to appear in court
for arraignment on a charge of man
slaughter, preferred after the shooting
on November 8 of James Cusick, super-
ntendent of the Halifax Mining Com
pany. McKenzie had been at liberty
under bonds of $20,000. An envelope
addressed by McKenzie to his son was
found to contain liberty bonds, negotia
ble paper and a note advising that the
son be prudent in his habits.
Dancing, Music, Games and Other
Features Serve to Delight
Khaki-Clad Gnefets.
A merry party was that given last
night to 250 soldiers at the B'nai B'rith
Club, now devoted to War Camp Com
munlty Service purposes, by the enter
tainment division of this organization
headed by "Major" Naomi Swett. Both
gymnasium and ballroom were beauti
fully decorated and were spacious
enough that all could participate in the
dance at one time.
Before the dancing began there were
games and a general frolic. Presents
and souvenirs, with greeting in origi
nal verse, were given each enlisted
man. Cider and doughnuts in abund
ance constituted the refreshments. The
"captains" serving under Miss Swett in
arranging and staging the event were
the Misses Gussie Weiser, Hannah Le
bow, Tillie Spellman, Fannia Perlham,
Dorothy Weiser, Rachel Swett, Debo
rah Swett, Betty Michael, Molly Segal
and Pearl Lei bo.
West Zada Crew Dinner Guests of
Julius L. Meier.
Sixty hearty, robust sailor lads, mem
bets of the crew of the U. S. S. West
Zada, under Captain Robert Willowden
were the guests last night of Julius L.
Meier at a Christmas dinner in the Ar
cadian gardens at the Multnomah
Besides Captain Willowden. Lieuten
ant C. H. . Wolfe, Lieutenant G. E
Youngen and Ensign F. E. Sennons. all
United Mates lavy officers, were
among those present-
A Fhort talk of appreciation was
given by ilartiu cligman, pas of the
Attack by 'Washington State Labor
Leader Laid to More for New Or
ganization of Lumber Workers.
That charges made against him are
too absurd to merit discussion, and
arise from the desire of the American
Federation of Labor to bring about dis
sension in the Loyal Legion of Loggers
and Lumbermen, is tho reply of Briga
dier-General Brice P. DIsque, comman
der of the spruce division and organizer
of the Loyal Legion, in response to at
tacks from W. M. Sborx. president of
the Washington State Federation of
In recent public addresses Mr. Short
asserted that the Loyal Legion is a
menace to organized labor and General
Disque Is allied with capital. In addi
tion, tho labor leader charged General
Disque with mismanagement of the
spruce production campaign and the
wasting of millions of dollars.
General Dlaqne Decline. Reply.
"I do not know a thing about Short
or his charges," said General Disque,
"nor do 1 care. Both are too trivial for
attention. I shall not answer them. If
I heard him talking I would not trouble
to pay attention to him.
The sum of the attack Is this
that there is hostilitv against the
Loyal Legion, and that labor agitators
will leave nothing undone to discredit
and disrupt it. They are now striking
at the Legion through me."
E. J. Stack, secretary of the Oregon
State Federation of Labor, said yester
day that organized labor In this state
is attempting the organization of lum
ber workers. It is the . conviction of
the American Federation of Labor, said
Mr. Stack, that the Loyal Legion, while
admirable as a wartime institution, has
outlived its usefulness with, the close
of the war.
I. W. w. Backlog Denied.
"The Loyal Legion has no- place in
industry now," said Mr. Stack. "We
consider that General . Disque and the
employers are together, and even the
W". W. Men who were former mem
bers of the I. W. W. sat in the recent
Loyal Legion convention. Delegates
wno attempted to speak for organized
labor were ordered from the halL
'The employers do not want any real
labor organization In their camps, be
cause the American Federation of
Labor cannot be discredited. Nor do
the I. W. W. want organized labor in
the camps, for obvious reasons. Both
are striving for the perpetuation of the
Loyal Legion."
The Loyal Legion originally was
organized to put down the I. W. W.
bickerings and disorder in the camps
and' to permit the spruce programme
to proceed without interruption. Its
members at all times have been loyally
nostiie to the I. w. w. and have not
suffered that doctrine to be uttered or
practiced in the spruce camps, accord
ing to the reports of both the Loyal
Legion chairmen and the officers of
the spruce division.
General Disque's attitude toward the
Loyal Legion, as outlined in his ad
dress before the recent Portland con
ventlon, was that Its promotion of
harmony and common welfare between
employe and employer, during the war
period, ought to be insured perma
nency. Proper safeguards, through the
central council representing both em
ployes and employers, are provided for
the interests of each.
The convention went on record al
most unanimously for the continuance
of the legion. Though General Disque
had announced his retirement as chief
of the Loyal Legion, the assembled del
egates, by a rising vote, decreed that
he continue to serve until called from
Oregon, or until such time as the
legion chooses to elect one of its own
$350,000 WILL BE MADE.
Children of Soldiers Given Unique
Christmas Entertainment.
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. Children of
Washington whose fathers are serving
in the Nation's fighting forces were
guests of the War Camp Community
service today at what was said to have
been the first Christmas celebration of
its kind ever held in the rotunda of the
A large tree from Mount Vernon was
set up in the rotunda and Secretary of
War Baker distributed the gifts and
made an address to the little guests.
Germans Returning Loot.
PARIS, Dec. 23. (Havas.) The Ger
mans have returned stocks taken from
the banks in Northern France amount
ing approximately to 6,000,000,000
Several safes, weighing from five to
seven tons each, which the Germans
did not open and are now in Brussels,
will be brought back shortly to Valenciennes.
Commissioners Favor Going to Limit
if Taxpayers Will Acqui
esce In Pland.
SPOKANE, "Wash.. Dec. 25. More
than J350.00O will be spent In construc
tion of city improvements, in Spokane
to afford work for returning soldiers
if the taxpayers approve plans sug
gested by the City Commissioners.
There is a constant appeal made to
the city government to start projects
on which the returning service men,
both sailors and soldiers, may be put to
work Immediately upon discharge. The
commissioners have expressed them
selves as favoring any reasonable plans
for Improvements and are expected to
take steps soon to open considerable
The Department of Public Works is
the one branch of the city government
which has numerous improvements in
contemplation for the immediate .fu
ture if possible.
"It all depends on what the taxpay
ers want and what the individual com
missioners desire," said Commissioner
Leonard Funk. "I favor the city act
ing at once."
By a unanimous decision of the recent
general conference women have been
placed on an equality with men in all
that affects their relations as laymen
of the Methodist Episcopal Church in
and After
The Old Reliable
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New York, N. Y.
Telegram Demands Japanese to Say
WheUjer They Are Supporting
Semenoff In Present Crisis.
VLADIVOSTOK. Saturday. Dec. 21.
(By the Associated Press.) General
Semenoff. the anti-Rolsf .-vlk leader,
who refused to recopnlze Admiral Kol
chak as dictator In the Omjk govern
ment and whom efforts have been made
to reconcile, has finally agreed to give
Admiral Kolchak his recognition, pro
vided Admiral Kolchak agrees to retire
in favor of General Denikene. hetman
of the Don Cossacks. Immediately a
junction Is effected of the forces east
and west, and also withdraw his order
branding General Semenoff as a traitor,
besides leaving General Semenoff In
charge of his army.
This Is the latest phase of the dif
ficulty created by General Semenoffs
attitude, the outcome of which is not
yet apparent. General Oba. the Jap
anese officer in the local command,
protests his neutrality in the dispute,
but declares that he had recommended
the recognition of Admiral Kolchak.
Economic conditions at Chita are
very unfavorable. There is barely one
train a day between Manchuria and
Irkutsk, and during the last ten days
only two freight trains have come
through from Manchuria becauso of
the lack of locomotives.
General Semenoff denies the charge
that he had been stopping the running
of trains. He says the trouble is at
tibutable to the faulty railway admin
istration and the lack of funds. A
am from Omsk, dated December
5. says the Russian government there
has asked the Japanese o say In
writing whether they are supporting
General Semenoff and to what extent.
On December 10 word came from Omsk
that 'if the situation dt nt improve
the government would request an
American commission to proceed to
Chita for an investigation. It 1 as
serted tn this connection that the
French commissioner stated there
would be an Investigation of this com
plaint to the allies '.ing the ac
tion of one ally.
A private letter from Semipaltinsk,
on the Irtish In Wester- Siberia, re
ported that the entire population was
dying of starvation. The dead were
said to be lying on the streets with
none to bury them. The town had
been for months, it was added, without
lamps or candles.
President Given Power to Remove
Tariff Dmieo.
MEXICO CITT. Dec. 25. The Cham
ber of Deputies today approved the ex
tension of extraordinary powers In fi
nancial matters asked by the Presi
dent. It is understood that under this
authority the President soon will Issue
decrees removing until June 30 Import
duties on foodstuffs, agricultural Im
plements and IrrlKation machinery.
It is expected the duties on automo
biles will be removed for a period of
three months.
First Provisional Regiment to Begin
Long Journey Saturday.
An urgent appeal for 200 late maga
zines and books of late fiction for the
soldiers of the First Provisional Regi
ment, which leaves Vancouver Bar
racks at 3 P. M.. Saturday, was issued
last night through the National League
for Woman's Service.
The men of the regiment have a long
trip ahead of them and the officers
hope that the soldiers will have some
thing to read to occupy their minds.
Anyone wishing to contribute to the
collection is urged to leave the books,
either with Captain Dabney at the Van
couver station in Vancouver, or at
leaeue headquarters on the sixth floor
of the Meier & Frank store, before Sat
urday noon.
'I'm Delighted," Snaps Colonel.
AYlio Returns From Hospital. -
NT2W TORK. Dec. 25. Theodor
Roosevelt celebrated Christmas day by
leaving Roosevelt Hospital, where for
two months he had been undergoinff
treatment for rheumatism. Aftor dis
tributing gifts to hospital employes and
patients the Colonel and Mrs. Roose
velt went by automobile to their home
in Oyster Kay. where he played Santa
Claus for his grandchildren.
"Bully!" he snapped, in reply to ques
tions as to how he felt. "I am delighted
with the treatment I received."
The Colonel is to resume his normal
dunes within two months.
Germans Repatriate 2 75,000 Pollus
Taken Prisoner.
PARIS. Dec. 23. Two hundred and
seventy-five thousand French prisoners
have returned from Germany. There
st:ll remain in Germany 2oO.OOu
Frt-nrhmen. a large number of whom
are already homeward bound.
Princeton Edueator 1ics.
PRINCETON'. X. J.. Dec. 2. William
Addison Harvey, SO years old. professor
of German at Columbia University,
died on the platform at Princeton Junc
tion while waiting for a train tonight.
He had been spending the day visiting:
in Princeton.
The growing bodies of children need food
that builds muscle, bone and brain and is
easily digested. Dont allow your food-saving-zeal
to. deprive the kiddies of need
ed nourishment . When you give tKem
wheat food he sure it is the whole wheat
is the whole wheat prepared in a digestible is iELooUedeQifyoer and requires
no suganServe it with hot milk and a dash of salt