THE MORNING tlREGONIAN. "WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBE11 3, 1018. CARD1I. DOES IT FEAR SOCIAL ISSSUE .American Working People Prevent Upheaval. to ?U. S. CAPACITY IS SHOWN f3Iope Is Expressed That Selfishness May Be Subordinated Peace Conference. at BALTIMORE, Dee. 24. Cardinal Gib bons, in a statement today, said he had no fear that socialism would be come an Issue to be dreaded In the period of reconstruction and that the good sense of the American working People would check any social up heaval. .He said, in part: "We ought to rejoice particularly on this Christmas occasion because it is the first Christmas festival in five years that we have had the happiness to celebrate in the midst of universal peace. either actually attained or dawning upon us. "And I think, too, that the example of energy we set in the prosecution of the war is a mattetr for rejoicing, tor it bas shown the world the capac ity of America and Americans. "I earnestly hope that this peace has come tostay, .that we will know no more war, and that in our day, and for all future generations, disputes be tween peoples will be settled, not by the sword, but by the voice and pen of conciliation, which are mightier than the sword." Nations Oftrn Ulinded. "As for the outcome of the negotia tions now about to begin in I'aris, it is hard to express an opinion. We can only hope that they will be directed by wisdom and Justice and that selfishness may be subordinated. Nations are like men they are selfish and they often times let their own interests blind them to the rights of others and to demands of fair dealing: but we may hope that, in the light of what we hope is the dawning of a better day for all hu manity, wise counsel and justice and tulr dealing may prevail over the in terests of individual nations and that the peace negotiations may be nded at an early day. "'I feel no anxiety with regard to the Suture of our own country. Much con tern seems to be felt about the labor situation throughout the country and there are fears as to the outcome of the readjustment period. I am sure the working people of the country are men of intelligence and common sense. They know full well what their condition here is betetr than men in similar sta tions anywhere else in the world, and that the disposition of those who em ploy them is to treat them justly and generously. They know these things and they know, too, that any social up heaval would bear more heavily upon them than upon any other class and would hurL them more than it would hurt any onier class. No Grlevaice Presents. "As for the spread of Socialism in America, -which some dread, I feel no apprehension whatever, and feel there is no reason for apprehension. No man or e&t of men can raise a storm in this country without some real griev ances and every Socialist in the land, down in his heart, knows there is no actual grievances about which he can justly complain, certainly no grievance tha-t would warrant the overturning of the social structure and the ruin, in dustrial and of every other eort, that would ensue. "Fears as to the labor situation, fears about the spread of Socialism and kin dred doctrines do not trouble me. The only apprehension I might have would be with regard to the consolidation of control of the great .public interests of the country in the authorities of the (iovernmeiit itself. These interests are vast and w ide-reaching and control the well-being of millions of men, such in terests as the railroads and the tele graphs a. well as others. "I should be sorry to see these things put under the direction of any Federal Administration. The men- employed in these1 industries and utilities would form the preponderating interest in ony administration and would tend to a perpetuation of power. I believe in a division of power and think it best for the country. I should be sorry to see any invasion by the administrative de partment of the Government upon the rights of the other departments. The builders of our Government provided for a Government ofg check and bal ances, a Governmtnt In which the. executive, the legislative and the ju dicial department were kept separate and distinct and each department was maLe independent of the other." 185 U. S. SOLDIERS CITED Acts of Bravery in October Fighting Printed In Journal Offlcicl. PARIS, Dec. 23. The names of 185 American soldiers, cited for bravery during the fighting of October 3 to Oc tober 10 at St. Etienne, Blanc Mont, and Medeah farm in Champagne, are print ed in the Journal Officiel.-The men be longed to the Sixth Regiment of Ma rines, the 9th Infantry, the 23d Infan try, the Eth Regiment of Marines, the 6th Marine Machine Gun battalion, the Cth Machine Gun Battalion, the 4th Ma rine Machine Gun Battalion, the 2d Regiment of Engineers and the Ambul ance Corps. Exiofficcr Found Guilty of Theft. SPOKANE Wash.. Dec. 24. James A. Donovan, formerly a police officer liere, -was found guilty of grand larceny ly a. jury in Superior Court today. He la accused of stealing 192 pints of whisky while acting as an officer. Donovan was charged with taking the whisky from a liquor peddler and hid ing it. HAYNES FOSTER BAKING CO. Regulate without formins habit. Mild and aoothins. Stirau- te the digestion. At your drug store. Money back guarantee. I HAYESES S BREAD I wn I r J W I HMh?Ci OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST (Continued from First Page.) Motharsheu. L. B., Honorsville, Ala. Meyers. J. H., Carbon lilll. Ala. Williams, W. P.. Oreenvllle. Ala. Peck, T. O., Portersville. Ala. Kims, T. 6., Bed Bav, Ala. Lee. William Thomas, Vincent, Ala, lied of wounds Harlan, Palmer. Calcra. Ala. Poarch. Peler K.. Grant. Ala. Ingle, Joseph Peto, Centerviile, Ala. Tobler, John, Mobile, Ala. Died of disease Mires. John (Cpl.), Felix. Ala. Cates. Robert T., Sylacauga. Ala.. Tyus. Carter J.. Autaugvllle. Aia. Tucker. Jesse, W'aleloy. Ala. Turner. Ernest. Andalu3ta, Ala. Montgomery. l-e. Beatrice. Ala. Chftppell. C 13., Birmingham. Ala. Williams, George, Plateau, Ala. Comings. Thomas. Albany, Ala. Lee, Bill, Talladega. Ala. ARIZONA. Killed in action Ionard, Jerome M. (Lt.), Douglas. Ariz. . Molsa, Alex. H. (Cpl.). Jerome, Arizona. Swaskegame, tam, Kingman, Ariz. Iied of disease Jones. William W.. Prescott. Ariz. - ARKANSAS. Killed In action Turner. Win. II. (I.t.), Little Rock. Ark. Thomason, M. A., Lolph. Ark. Perna, John, West Point. Ark. Richardson, James W., Booneville, Ark. Trout. Homer B-, sshawnut. Ark. Shaver, Homer T., Bicrne, Ark. Iiefi of woantii Brayles. W. C, Tlmbo, Ark. Died of dihease Simons. William F. (Cpl.. Almyra. Ark. Row, Charles A.. Marshall. Ark. North, William. Southan, Ark. Miller, John W., Waldo, Ark. CA-LIFORMA. Killed in action Kveringham, C. H., Los Angeles, Cat. Weeks. W. J., Holliater. Cal. Venzor. Daniel. Santa Barbara. Cal. Lanphear, u. M., Willows. Cal. Hall, V.. IX. Mary-iViHe. Cal. Hilt. Henley. Grass Valley. Cal. Died of wounds Rlsrion, Jack icpl.) Santa Rarbara. Cal. Died of airplane arrldent MoBrlde. J. H. (Lt.), Pasadena, CaJ. Died of disease! Burton. Benjamin H. (Capt.). Colusa, CaL Schutte, K. H. (fapt.t. Portervills, Cal. Calvin. Clarence li.. Puenta. CaJ. Kfhuidt. Harry. Half, Moon Bfy, Cal. Rines, Krneat P., San Jose.' Cal. loss. Bernard C. Pan Francisco, Cal. Cook. James K., 'Annette. Cal. Marraco, Liorainique, San Francisco. CaL COLORADO. Killed in arfioE Cheeney, Hoy L. cp!.). Pueblo, Colo. Jenkins. John. Wilson. Colo. ' iJarcia, Dellfldo. Saguache. Colo. Ridlen, Harry Kenneth, Laird. Colo. Rlrhtcr. RcnJ. Anthony. Arcada. Colo. Vitril. John A.. Waiscnburg. Colo. Died of wounds Lines. Henry l:., (i"pl.), PalMa, Colo. Olaen, Harry Theodore. Denver. Colo. CON.VEtTIClT. Killed in action Paton, John A. (Lt.). Ken' Haven. Conn. Neldmann. K. F. Sgt.), Waterbury, Conn. Lapan, Henry (Set.). Wlllimantlc, Conn. Klelar. Josef. Fairfield. Conn. Banville, J. J.. Bridgeport. Conn. Mackerncsa. William. Walllngford, Conn. Shea, W. L, Manchester. Conn. Baltonsaltia. lgnatz. Bridgeport. Conn. Hov, atentian. Lazarus. Thompsonville, Conn Hlne. Otis, Torrington. Conn. KiT-chiskl. Ptanlslaw, Manchester, Conn. Died of ronaiIw floodwin, Victor Francis. New Haven," Conn. Shannon, Phillip M-. Granby. Conn. Guiiani, Armando. Groton, Conn. DELAWARE. Killed in action Koziel. John. Wilmington. Del. Died of wound Bceson, Wuodinan n., Wilmington. Del. FLORIDA. Killed in action Smith. Harol.I V. Sgt.. Prultland, Fla. Baggett. Joseph B. Altha. PI a. Crow, (,'. C. Jacksonville. Fla. Spsnce. W. I... Pelham, Ga. Died of wounds Culbreath, Krlc J.. Tampa. Pla. , Mosclngo. Wesley K., Ebb. Fla. ' Died of diseai.e Francis. Kphraim. Perrtne. Fla. Baldwin. Raymond. Alton. Fla. Wilson, Napoleon B., Tampa, F'a. CKORGIA. Killed in action Henry, Dickson It. (Capt.). Atlanta. Gil Roberts, Jabus B. (Lt. ). Monticelio. Ga. Gillespie.- II. T. (Lt), liaysvtlle. Ga, Dleo of wounds- Harrison. William. Atlanta, (la. Cook. l.onnie, Kgan. Ga. r arrow, -rnomas. AJacon. Ga. Hefner, Henry F., Keueiaw, Ga, Died of (1 i scaur Robinson. William c. (Capt.), Atlanta, Ga, I-ee. Tommie C. Senoia. Ga. Simmons, K. W., Atlanta, Ga. Robertson, Robert K..Roop villa. Ga, Pagett, Parker I.. Palmetto. Ga. Minor. George. Morae. Ga. Lightloot, Ira B.. Penbrook, Ga. jviay. w. r ., iiraaiey. t,a. Johnson, Lewis, Havelook, Ga. Johnson, Iewis, Rostea, Ga. - Goza, T. M., Chamblee. Ga. ILLINOIS. Killed in action McCaskey, Clara P. Lt.), Chicago, III. Burton. Howard L. (Lt. (anion f'ltv. Murtia, Darrel D. (Lt.). Waukegan, III. uorby. jviichael K (Srl). Chicago Buesch. Alfre.l A. (Sgt.). Belleville. III. Pchnltz. Lewis P. (Cpl.). Pandwich. I1U Foehner. A. A.. St. Louts, III. rar. Josep. Liu Kocher. 111. Lock, L. P.. Springfield, 111. Partridge, George. Bunker Hill. 111. Monstovich. Frank. Chicago, III. Fleaham. Ruben. Chtcaico. HI. Davis. S. W Carroltton. 111. Cunningham. Olin. Mowequa, III. Hansen. Arthur. St. Charles. 111. Baker, Harry L.. Durand. 111. Baity. Ralph V.. Xenla. HI. Wesletouski. Joe F., Chicago. IIL Pidwell. Arvlllo F., Nebo. 111. nnoae, nuium H colota. HI. I'.ukowski, Joseph A.. Chicago. III. Litlletield, Bert.. Brimfield. 111. Died of wounds McConnell. James (Lt.). Marshall. Til Johnson, Clarence A. (Cpl.). Rockford, in. Misiewlcz. Zvtrmant. Ch ! r trn m. Jevlch. Adam Michael, Waukegan, 111. on-jtianon, i nomas J? , nicago. 111. Hartmaun. William F... Chlcairo. lit Fltzgibbons. William P., Chicago. 111. Farsinsen. Krlstian, Chicago, 111. Cathelyn. Mell, Annawan, IIL. Ready. Richard M.. Danville. HI. Klmer. George, Chicago, III. Benson. Rolla, Ava. 111. Madden. John C. Mendota, 111. Listy. Leon R.. Geonoa. 111. Galles, John. Peoria. III. Smith. Lester.. Joliet. III. Died of airplane accident Swan. C. H. Lt.). Dansville. III. Died of atccident Matthews. R. P. ( Lt.). Chicago. Putesch. Harry. Chicago, 111. Died of disease Snyder. Paul L. (Capt.), Zlon City. III. Mlnard. Karl L. (Wag.) )Rockford, 111. Fritz, Phillip W., Lebanon. Hi. Rice. Leander W., Chicago, 111. Calabrese, Frank. Chicago, III. Westberg. A. J. N, Moline, HI. Tovey. W. H.. Watseka. III. Threewit, Henry. Farina, 111. Polley, Harry H.. Dunuoln. 111. Rlba, Aulon, Norwood Park, 111. Petersen, Axel K., Kewanee. Hi. Nation. Goeffrey H., Nora, 111. Lamb, C. li., Belvldere, III. Schuesaler. Irv, Chicago. Freetag. W. J.. Chicago. Monckton, Richard, ML Sterling. 111. INDIANA. Kiired in action Jewell. John M. (Lt ). Indiana Spgs.. Ind.. Patton. Fay (Sgt). . C'ovineton. ln,l - Morgan, Tlios. L. (Sgt.). Taswe'.I, lnd. Pratt. Chas. A. (Sgt.). Chesterton, lnd. Brooks, Fred L. -(Cpl.J. Terre Haute. Ind. Rethner. Edward Mech.). Ft. Wayne. Ind Relley. Luke L. (Mech.l. Alexandria, Ind. Carpenter, W. W.. Brazil. Ind. Denny, Leroy. Bridgeport lnd. Kahle. Edward C, Indianapolis, Ind. Coucher. C. P., Michigan City, Ind. Neiley. Bert A.. Advance, Ind. Died of woondy Mansiilp, Russell, Fishers. Ind. Bryan. John L., Annapolis, lnd. Alslp. Clifford H., Poland, lnd. Ree. William. Winamac. Ind. Irwin. Oscar F., Lawrence. Ind. Diefl of accident Prince, B. H., Bloomington. Ind. lied of disease Myers. Earl O. (Sst.). Jonesboro, Ind. Allbaugh, Earl R.. Flora. Ind Mitchell. Everett C, Liberty, Ind. Girard, Frank Oscar. Whiting, Ind. Rogers, Earl H.. Eloomington, Ind. Garrison, O. C, Tell City. Ind. Hobough. Clarence, Logansport, Ind. IOWA. Killed in action Howard, c. R. (Lt.). Mt. Vernon. Iowa. Woods. Gilbert H. (Sgt.), Des Moines. Iowa. McCourt. Jas. p. (Cpl.), Atlantic. Iowa. Kegley. R. F.. Cedar Rapids. Ia. ' Strait, Rex, Rock Rapids. Ia. Thompson, Xela. Jewel, la. Smith. F. W., Alta. I. Peters. Guy H.. Atlantic. Ia. O'Xelll, John, Clear Lake. Ia. Harlan. Ruby B.. Missouri Valley, Ia " Courbot. Leo E.. Riicville. Ia. Voltz. Clarence V.. Dubuque, Ia. J Itled of wounds Tussey. Loycl. H. I Cpl.). Shannon City. I a. Jones. George F., R.'d Oak. Ia. lavls, Loren W.. Liberty ville. Ia. Timiner. Herman, Bovden. Ia. Davidson. Edgar c.. Brighton, la, Xord, Elmer v.. Red Oak, Ia. Died of airplane accident Anderson. C. K. ( Lt.). Bageley, lews. Died of Aeclflent Applegate, Richard. Des Moines. I a, Dlel of (liMiae Mulhern. Mike s. (Cpl.). Shelden, la. Torsehal, Andrew. Harley. I a, Thomte, Casper, Fort Dodge, Ia Spencer. Byron W., Miles. Ia. Penning. Peter. Buffalo City. ia. Iverson, Marten 'O., Dorchester, la. Wiese. Ferdinand. Holsteln, la. Tiaden. W. G.. Kagle Grove, J a. Sheldon, John P Keokuk. I a. Jensen, Emil. Newell, Iowa. Huegerich, W. F., Carroll. Iowa. KANSAS. Killed In action Davidson, F. J. (Sgt.), Merriam, Kan. , Peterson. Martin (Cpl.). McPherson, Kan. I Armstrong, D. W., Centralia, Kan. j Thompson. J. I., Englewood, Kan. - -eeiy, AiDert. oriaiey. han. Spencer, Leroy A., Cherokee, Kaa. Died wounds Swan, William H. (Mech.), Topeka, Kan. Aker. Arthur L.. Winfield, Kan. Died of Accident Warner, Guy. Ellsworth, Kan. Died of disease Creek, William P. (RgL). Rosalie, Kaa. .Tacky. Benjamin (Saddler). Northville. Kan Brady, William J.. Junction City. Kan. Olson. Harold R.. Topeka, Kan. KENTl'CKT. Killed In action Marcum. Steve B. (Lt.), Manchester, Ky. Blair. David. Blalrs Mills. Ky. Harnett, (i. w., Coimar, Ky. Belew. Oakley F.. Dry Ridge. Ky. Ping. Perry. Poplarvllle. Ky. Frilling. Edmund F.. Covington. Ky. Branham. Turner. Boone Camp. Ky. Turner, Thomas E., Walton, Ky. Singer. William. Henderson. Ky. Died of wounds Futrell, Hayward T.. Golden Pond, Ky. Fields. Ezra L-. Milbnrn. Ky. Probst. Louis B.. Louisville. Ky. McDonough, Robert H.. Dayton. Ky. Stantely. Lafayette, Mayfield, Ky. ried of sicrlilent 1 Trir. Daniel. McKenney. .Ky. Henry. JSorbert, Louisville, Ky. Died of disease Vanderfrtfft, Charles. Loulsrllle. Ky. Staley, John E.. Lexington, Ky. Britsch. G. O.. Covington. Ky. Howling. W. O.. Kaut. Ky. Weikel. J. w., Louisville. Ky. Walker. Taylor Siloam, Ky. Simpson, Newt. Owenton. Ky. Hamilton, C. o., Tyncs, Ky. LOVIsIANA. Killed In act Inn Cole, tieorgo P. (Lt.), Kew Orleans. La. Arcencaux, J. A.. RJce, La. lled of wounds Nolle, Robert w. (Lt.), New Orleans, La. l'ayjio. Wortban J. (Sgt.), Cheneyville. La. Simmons, Gusiave. (Cpl.). New Orleans, La. Johnson. William H., Sartorl. La. sirayhan. Clark II.. Parish, La. Barrai. Stanley, Rroussaril, La, Witiera. J. J., Kalin, La. Died of disease Frailer. Kdgar T. (Cpl.), Clbsland. La. tylson, Henry, Forest, La. Gorvais. Charles P., New Orleans, La. Chapman. William, Robinson, Watson, William. Iike Providence. Ca, 0.stanza, S. C, Independence, La. LINE. ' Killed In action Borland, Robert Maxwell, Stockholm, Me. Ped of wounds Bradley. Lawrence J. (Cpl ), MITllnocket, Me. Agyton. Aiden M., Auburn. Me. m Walllngford, Henry, Klters", Me. MARYLAND. Killed in action Gardner. Martlne (Sgt.). Sharpsburg, HI noen, Beurort. Baltimore, Md. Halves. Charles G.. Brunswick. Md. Day. Joseph E.. Cumberland. Md. lied of wounds Ilel of Acrident Leonard. B. K. (Cpl.). Baltimore, Md. Cader. "A. G. (Civ.), Brunswick, Md. Died of disease Baron, Charles A. (Cpl.). Baltimore, Md. Pfciffer, Arthur W., Itichlandtown. Md. massach t&ti-i-rs. Killed in ax t ion Vforboy, K. W. (Lt.; Williamstown. Mass. Welch. Karl B. Sgt.). Revere. Mass. Macl'hetres. Had ley (Sgt.), Danvcrs, Mass. Dumas. Joseph. (Sgt.), North Adams. Mass. Cagnon. Alfred, Shirley. Mass. Derochers. Rodolphe. Fall Klver, Mass. Tlerney, W. J , Worcester, Mass. Tidd, J. H., Georgetown, Jla.ns. Rutlcdge, S. F Brookline. Mass. Rooney. Owen, Boston. Mass. Reandeau. O. J., Webster, Mass. O'Brien, W. J.. Ijawrcnce. Mass. Trum. R. J.. Somervitle, Mass. Kerrch. Augustus. Roxbury. Mass. Hunter, John E.. North Dana, Mass. Died of wonnds Whitney, F. W. (Lt.), Needham Hts.. Mass. Meehan. George R. (Lt.), Allston, Mass. Jarnes. William (Cpl.). Lancaster. Mass. Brown. Jeremotli A.. Barre. Mass. Esau. Bfnjamln C. MWton. Muss. Walsh. James, South Boston. Mass. Morey. Ralph K., Medford. Mass. Frey. Roiiin W.. Lynn. Mass. Welch, I 'A., Lawrence. Mass. Died of airplane awetdent Tutein, C. R. (Lt.). Boston. Mass. Died of Accident Rurchmeyer. Clarence, Jr., Boston. Mass. Ferguson. F. M.. Fitchburg, Mass. Died of disease Jordan Albert F. (Cft.). Lynn. Mass. Breaseau, Wilfred B., Leominster, Masa Julian. If. A- Mllfurd. Mass. Eliasen, J. kl. M., Gardner, Masa. i SUCH IG AN. Killed ia action McQuillan. Jas. A. (Lt.), Ann Arbor, Mich. Challle. L. II. (Lt), Detroit, Mich. Koivupalo, Henry (Cpl.). Calumet. Mich. Savada, John (Spl.). Battle Creek. Mich. Bosel. John J. (Cpl.), Detroit, Mich. Berghuis, W. J. i Cpl.). Grand Rapids, Mich. Kennedy. L. J.. Grand Rapids. Mich. Holderied. Phillip, West Branch, Mich. Green, L. H., Northville. Mich. Cross. A. B.. Hemlock. Mich. Bruner, E. I... Douglas. Mich. I'atterson, R. C: Detroit. Mich. Moszcinskl. John. Detroit. Mich. Shue. S. It.,- Plnconning. Mich. Marccllous, .1. J., Watervliet, Mich, crouch, O. H.. Caro, Mlcfli, Sternberg. Lyle F.. White Pigeon, Mich. Smith. Ralph P.. Tustln. Mich. Sasamowlcz. Harry, Cornell. Mich, Died of wound Hill. Glenn (Cpl.). Cedar Springs, aTica. Patterson, Harold. Leachfleld. Mich. Ciapphonl. Giovanni, F'lint. Mich. Nichela, Peter J.. Byron Center. Mich. Died of disease Satkowlnk, Frank, Kawkawlen. Mich. Nagel. Harry A.. Detroit, Mich. Vanhelous, B. W.. Three Rivera. Mich. Rosato. Angelo, Detroit, Mich. Ronan, Edward H., Saginaw, Mich. Smith, F. L., New Lathrop, Mich. Darragon. Eugene, l'onllac, Mich. MINNESOTA. Killed In action Petrimean, Geo. (Sgt,), Minneapolis, Minn. Peck, Wm. R. (Sgt.). Minneapolis. Minn. Paul, Edward J. (Cpl.), DarrellMlna. Benson, Walter F. (Cpl.). Annandale, Minn. Kruger, B. A., Pequot, Minn. Kaluza. Edward, Browerville, Minn. Weakland, J. P., Waseca. Minn. Senkorn, R. J., Clements, Minn. Renehan, M. G.. Madison Lake, Minn. Budahl. P. G., Mildred, Minn. Peterson. G. A.. Duluth, Minn. Sollie. Henry L., S. 'Minneapolis. Minn. Miennert. Frank A,. Dakota, Minn. Lundberg. Hans M-. Hartland, Minn. Jendro, Paul. Klmdale. Minn. Kuehn. Edward A.. Elk Rivar. Minn. Died of wound , Korflatis, John T. (Cpl.), Osseo. Mltrh. Johnson. Carl B., Evansville, Minn. Hanson. John, St. Paul. Minn. Lund. Horen. Osakis. Minn. Karlioff, William H.. Beckmeyer, Minn. Brown, Jimmie L.. Princeton. Minn. Rultman, Vaiter. Kenyon. Minn. Cataneszll. Dominic. Northland, Minn. Haynes, Daniel. Albert, Minn. Died of disease Lesetmo. Gilbert O., Krsklne. Minn. Nelson. Lloyd O.. Clltherall. Minn. Carlson. F. G.. Awhby, Minn. Loftney, Oscar, Gibbon. Minn. Kunz, E. J.. Sl Paul. Minn. Fisgerald, C E.. Blakely. Minn. Holland. II. J.. Rushford. Minn. ,' Herrman, Emil, Renville, Minn. Hawklnson, C. W., Chicago City, Minn, MISSD.SIPPL Killed in action Matthcv.e. Ward (Cpl ). Laurel, Miss. Snyder, John. Clear Springs. Miss. Died of disease Jones. Willie (Cpt). Shelby. Miss. OroKuy. Henry. Daniel. Miss. Pollard. Edinond. Sliuqualak. Miss. Parker, Jesse O.. Cruger. Miss. Morris, Tom, Flora, Miss. MISSOCRt. Killed In action Pinger. Walter L. (Lt.). St. Joseph. Mo. Jones. Walter J. (Cpl.). Bonne Terre, Mo. Hicks. W. A., St. Louis. Mo. Buxton, W. G., Alba. Mo. L'nderwood. C. H., Kansas City. Mo. Truemper. J. F., Dutzow, Mo. Thorns, C. II. L.. St. Louis. Mo. Rug, J. P., Bonnsboro. Mo. Leonard. D. V.. Hopkins. Mo. Creek. H. .1.. St. Louis. Mo. Smith. Samuel A.. St. Joseph. Mo. Schlender. Ferdinand W. Herman. Mo. Watson. Joseph H.. Monet t. Mo. Stormier. Albert John. Kansas City, Mo. Died of wounds Pearson. Floy R. (Cpl.), piattsburg. Mo. Emerson. Thomas B. c. Osceola. Mo. Lane. Grover Ellison. Untonvtlle. Mo. Iseminger. Carl C. Springfield. Mo. Hustdde. Anton. Campbell. m0 Karris, Allen Francis. Versailles, Mo. . Bernsmoyer, Henry Herman. St. Thomas, Mo. Bailey. James Oecar. Vlrhey, Mo. Conn. Snmuel, Everton. Mol Alpln. Walter E.. Anderson. Mo. Schitforn, Roy Taikio, Mo. y Toder. R. J., Holden. Mo. Died of accident - Chitwood, A, s., Ellington, Mo. Died of dtnemte Campbell, Emmett, Middle Brook. Mo. Webster. Pearlo L., Lancaster, Mo Puderbaugh. David O.. Kirbvvllle Mo farmer, J. F.. Annapolis. Mo. Duressette, A. J.. Deerfleld, Mo. Barley, W. R., Steele. Mo. MOSTAXi Killed In action Erdman, Harper (Sgt). Llbbv. Mont Brachvogcl. William. Forsyth. Mont. Bellls. Clell. Baker, Mont. Hottensteln, Lonnle P. Moore, Mont, Garlgnan. C. F.. Avondale, Mont. Died of wounds Willey Ortel R.. Butte. Mont. Lgeroff, Matthew Butte. Mont. Ituinskl. Hip. Webaux. Mont, (juammen. Elvin A.. Lindsay. Mont. Died of airplane acrident Shillington, w. (L,t.). Glcndlvs, Mont. Died of disease Cook. All. Hutte, Mont. Nypen. Harry E Ambercromble. Mont. NEBRASKA. Killed In action Rogers Harry (Lt.). Hastings, Keb. Bohl. John. Lincoln. Neb. Beachler, C. C. Reynolds. Neb. Phrt. Hugh E.. Humboldt. Neb. Imhof tMlliam B.. Bostwlck, Neb. Died of wounds? Mason. Chester M.. Whltener. Neb. Olsen. Clarence. larwell. Neb. Died of dlcease Gauvreau. Alfred L. (Sgt ). Omaha, Neb. Hare. V arren (Cpl.). Albion. Neb. Richardson. John R.. Hordvllle. Neb. Housel. H. B.. Omaha. Neb. Falrchild. F. H., Lemoyne, Neb. Woollard, J. IS., Hartington. Neb. NEW YORK. Killed In action Horton. Harding F. (Lt ), Ithaca. N. T. poacher. F. W. (Lt), Brooklyn. N. X. l-eart. Herbert W. (Lt.). Ml Vernon. K. T. O Connor. Wm. F. (Lt.), West Point. N. Y. ounon cu.), Piattsburg. N. X. Brown James F. (Lt.). Brooklyn, N. T Beauvals. Walton U. (Lt.), Tottenvllle. N. T. Lyons. Wilbert E. (Sgt.). Brooklyn. N. T. Monty, Arthur P. (Sgt.). Cortland. N. T. Hilton, Chas. (Sgt.). Brooklyn. N. T. Kelly. John E. (Cpl.). New York. Klemp. Joseph W. (Cpl. ,. Buff alo, N. T. Gunger. L. N. (Cpl.). Fort Byron, N. V. Carpenter. F. B. tCpl.), Lock port. N. Y. I-ay, John (Cpl.), Flushing. N. Y. Failing. Geo. M. (Cpl. ). Fort Plain. N. T. Helnrlck. Bernard (Wag.), New York. Dorian, T. J.. New Tork. Dooley, Edward. New York. Applebaum, Max. Now York Wade. Edward. New York. Slattery, Joseph, New York, N T. Morton, M. M., Syracuse, N. V. Meyers. J. A.. Herkimer. N. T. Lippert. F. F., Brooklyn. N. T. Langsperht. H. T., Brooklyn, N. T. Dolan. E. p Buffalo. N. Y. Debats. Ortc. Sodui. N. Y LTliapin, Bert. Nineveh Junction. JT. T. royie, i nomas, Croton on Hudson, N. T. Atalmo, Thomas, Rochester, N. Y. McCabe. Thomas. JCew York Jolly, Sam. Brooklyn, N. Y. .lobson. Raymond, Blnghamton. N. T. Ilonohue. George. Brooklyn, N. Y. Peragello. John. New York. Horowitz, Samuel, Brooklvn. N. Y. Cross, W. A.. Manlius. N. Y. Abt. A. C. Willlamsville. N. Y Wyczllnskl. J. C, Brooklyn, N. Y. Shand. Henry .1.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Scalora, Giuseppe. New "i'ork. panzeca, Ignaaio. New York. Meaney, Frank A.. Gates. N. Y. Mannlx, Joseph, Now York. Hyland, Joseph P.. New York. Holochwost. Violet. Brooklyn. N Y. Heber. Herbert. Waahlngtonville. N. Y, Feustel. Wm.. Lydhurst. N. Y. Hoffman. Chester K., Tonawanda. N. T. Cappeliinl, Guiseppc. New York City. Adams. George H.. Arlinsrtou. N. Y. Jyzsockl. Zeyginunt Waiter, Brooklvn. N. T. Worth, Charles. Richmond Hill, N. Y. ... k, jonn. Syracuse, .-v. y. Slater. Norman c. Calnbri.igo. N". Y. Siragusa. Joseph. New York City. U.Mlly, Joseph, New York City. Holub. Joseph, New York City, Died of wounds Delany, James F. (Lt), New York. Butler. Pierce H. (Lt.), Butler. N. Y. Conway. Harry L. (Lt. New York. Flaherty. James O.. (Cpt.). Hlghvlew. N. Y. Vilttmann, Albert C. (cookl. Brooklyn. N. Y. Lockman. Henry (Wag.). Wind Fall. N. Y. Stiehler. Oscar. Brooklvn. N. Y. Stewart, Edward A.. New York City. Sayers. Delbcrt A.. Jamestown. N. Y. Romaurk, -Joseph, Niagara. N. Y. Johnson. Harry, Westchester. N. T. Gorchl. George. New York CItv. McGinn, Leo James. Medina. N". T. Labuff, George L. . Malone. N. Y. Kellam, Spencer. Newark Valley, N. T. Karger. Abe. New York City. Patterson. George. New York City. Collins. Clarence O.. Forest Hill. N. T. Saunders. Clemon. New York City. Busker. George, Attona. N. Y. Steinberg. Joseph. New York City. Paskoff, David. Brooklyn. N. Y. Obetrne. Joseph p.. New York City. Monteser, William, New York City. Handlln, William. Malone, N. Y. Griffin, Joseph. Troy. N. Y. Viteilo, Fortunate, Smithtown Branch, N. T, Taylor, Hartwell. New York. Died of aeeldent Hansen, Lawrence T-, New York City. Died of disease . Freer. A. W. (Sgt). Fast New York.. N. T. Brengel. James F. (master signal man). Sea Cliff. N. Y. Johnson. John T. (civilian). New York City. Pace. R. B. (Sec, Y. M. C. A.). N. Y. City, "lash. Arthur J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Blood, John W Jamestown. N. Y. Herly. Joseph W.. New York City. Williams. Llewellyn. I tics. N. Y. Piepert, Samuel. Brooklvn. N. Y. Welbach. Harry A., New York City. Swlke, Edward J. New York City. McCormick, James, Brooklyn, N. V.s Purdy. Clarenco R.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Maloney. T. J.. Buffalo, N. Y. Llnet. William. Brooklyn. Keltr. Harry. Brooklyn, N. Y. Kane, J. F., New York. Kssenwagner, G. P., New York." Rinpet. C. L.. Sidney. N. Y. l)e Alleaume. Arthur. New Rochellc, N, Y. Henn, A. J., Honeoye Falls. N. Y. Lom-n. B. K., Reedhook, N. Y. Mercer, J. A., Lockport, N. Y. NEW JERSEY. Killed In action Casey. Jas. A. Sgt.). "West New York. N.J. Wilcox. Russell (Cpl.). Trenton. N. J. Tarka. Mike (Cpl.), Brunswick, N. J. McGovern. James J. (Cpl.). Jersey City, N. J. Irwin, James D. (Cpl.j. Jersey City, N. J. Clark. John R. Cpl.). Westfleld, N. J. Hewett. James J. (CpL). Trenton. N. J. Spagnolettl. Domenico. Hoboken, 2. J. Averse. John, jersey city. w. J. McDevltt, J. J., Newark. N. J. Wagner, F. J., Bloomfleld, N. J. Connell. W. A.. Trenton, N. J. Barry. D. D., Bloomfleld. N. J. Potek, Koustanty. Jersey City. N. J. Cowperthwalte, H. F.. Westfield, N. J. Died of wounds Heinrlch. Karl W. (Sgt.). E. Orange. N. J. Theis. Gustave W.. N. Bergen. N. J. lorrison. Harry p, satem. N. J. Morf, Jacob. Jr., Paterson, N. J. Ashford. Frederick J.. Jersey City. N. J. Smok. Leon. Newark. N. J. Pressler. Fred. Jersey City. N. J. Llionati. William. Orange. N. J. Died of tiisense Condlin, William R.. East Newark. X. J. Palmer. Noah J.. Canton. N. J. Vanspilnter. A. J., Paterson, N. J. Jobes. Albert. Beverly. N. .1. Higglns. William. Jersey City. N. J. Dalley. L. B.. Newark. N. J. Crowley, G. S., Jersey City,- N. J. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Killed In action Hazaa. Hypolite J Manchester. N. II. Bourdon. Edward, J Northwood, N. H. Died of wounds Hanscom, K. N. (Mech.). Portsmouth. N. II. Cote, Fhllias, Claremont, N. II. NEW MEXICO. . Killed In action Griego. Lllsco, Albuquerque. N. M. Died of wounds -Pierce Paul S., Norton. N. M. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed in action Parsons, Waiter L. (Sgt.), Rockinsham. N. C. Speaks. Thos. B. (Bug.), Jennings, N. C. Rachel. Kugfne, Spokane. N. C The DIET During and After The Old Reliable Round Package agto ANDrwatPS y aiaii.nssj'a'isoiasauauasB e. tsueMef Died of wounds Builu. Thomas M. (Lt.), Faretteville. N. C. Harris. Edward C. 4"Lt.). Wendell. N. C. Stewart. -Clark R.. Mldrtlcburg, N. C. Rich. Carmcl. Moblnsville. N. C. Parks. Eddie. Seaboard, X. C. Died of disease Carroll, David T. Sgt ). Mansnn. N. C. Gasklns. Claude M.. Merritt. N. C. Ie.,nat. John. S-a Grove. N. C. Maftord. Frj.l J., ophlr. N. C. Watson. Marshall F.. Darby. N. P. Nance. Thomas G.. Thomasvllle. N. C. Flowers. Bergta R.. Tavlorsville. N. C. Atkins. P. W.. High Point N. C. Ammons, Junle. Clinton, N. C. Jones. A. F., Greensboro. N. C. Faircloth, J. il., Roseboro, N. C. NORTH DAKOTA. Killed In action Hagen, Ho win P. (Cpl.). Amldon. N. t. Bartew, Claude B. (Cpl.). Slope Center, N. D. Sholey. Tallak E.. Falrdalc. N. t. Semllng. Ole. McVllIe. N. D. Ma gen ton.. H. O.. Walcott, N. D. lJled of wounds Mlnehan, Hugh P. (Cpl.). Garrison. X. D. Good, Irl (Cpl). Lamoure, N. D. Miller. Steele. X. D. Nagel. August. Barney, N. D. Brasseur. Eugene I.. Thome, N, E. Died of disease Nlkklla. Tliorstea Emanuel. KintjTe, N. D. OHIO. Killed In action Weber. Carl A. Lt.). CleveTand. O. i Morgan, Lyle K. (Lt.). Wellington, O. Klett. A. L. (Lt.). Norwood. O. Dlcrdorf. Michael (Lt.), Akron. O. Herbst. Fred B. (Sgt-). Bhepard, O. Blaknee. Faun (Sgt.). Bellalre. O. Vol.mer, Hanson L. iStit.), Aberdeen, Ohio. Korman, Nicholas. Cleveland. O. Bowers. Harry. Girard. O. Beecber, F. T... Youngstown. O. Wslters, G. J, Cincinnati. O. Triphon. Louis. Fremont, O. Sommers, w. L.. Nultwood. O. Lynn. H. C Ironton. O. Lawrence. Wesley. Springfield, O. Knight, Roy K.. Homer. O. Franks. John. Deshler. O. Cuslck. J. N.. Tlltonvllle. O. Thompson. L. E.. Bowling Green. O. Chenault. William. Cincinnati. O. Catrow, J. N., Dayton. O. Butler, G. C, McComb. O. Brown, ( has E.. Esst Liverpool. Ohio. Blcaii. Joe. Cl. veiand. Ohio. France, Domenico, Akron, Ohio. . Shipbaugh. Robert. Dundee. O. Rodlcr. W. G. J.. Cincinnati. O. Norrla. Alexander. Cincinnati, O. Helm. Orion (Cpl.). Columbus, O. Michel. John A.. Sanduaky, O. Hue. Herbert, Xenla, O. Cozmadla, John. Cleveland. Ohio. Carpenter. Raymond W.. Clnrlnastl, O. Brietensteln. K.Igar W.. Canton, O. Melnen. Everett. Toledo, O. Died of wounds Finns. Sheldon W. LO. E. Liverpool. O. li'ighan. Harold A. (Sgt.). Cleveland. O. Miller. Theodora J. (Cpl ), Portsmouth, O. Kennett. Harry, Mld'and City. O., Herbert J.. Cincinnati. O. (ilanre. H. J. Toledo. O. Buelirer. Cbiyton -., Archbold. O. Kasscrman. Clarence J.. Hannibal, O. fMitcher. Walter J.. Canton. O. Totzko. David W.. Akron. O. Ohannon. Willis. Cleveland. O. Eberhart. Nevan L Canton. O. Zimmerman. Joseph. Cincinnati, O, Wilson. James, Sardls. O. Enrlght, Thomas J., I'olumbus. 'O. Shirkey. Samuel L.. Columbus. O. Schnupp. L.arl It.. Xorwalk. O. Died of diseaie Snyder, Edward J. (Capt.). Fremont, O. Moore, John A. (Cpl.). Youngstown. O. Clark. Harvey J.. Harrison, o. Carr. Rufus L.. Cleveland, O. McArdle. Alexander II., Woodsfletd. O. I.auer Fred William. Marietta. O. Ilcvninn. Carl J.. Be'.levue. O. England. Arthur A- Harrishurg. O. Shields. James B.. Columbus, n. Manever. W. A.. Cleveland. Ohio. Shears. J. W.. Xenla. Ohio. Halberg, H. C. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Curtiss, William. Rome. Ohio. Matlix, A. K. Bloomingville, Ohio. OKLAHOMA. Killed In srllon Guntanzon. Ola. Hastings. Okla. Smith, lt. J.. Mustang. Okla. Tysxkowlrx. Anton, Hartlrsvllle, Okla, Kevelle, WaketiclU li., Walter. Okla. I lie,! of wounds Farrls. Washington K.. HolHs. Okla. Walker, George. Muskoatee, Okla. Koberson, Iouis E.. Alex.. Okia, Died of tlea.e Speaker. Tom, Eldon. Okla. Husler. Virgil. Haskill. Okla. Irover. Claude R.. McAlister, Okla. Phillips. Lea. V'tica, Likla. Masters. Jim, Ardmorr, Okla. Jones, K. H.. Blair. Okla. Ross, Bud. llachaton, Okla. File, Gibson. Preston. Okla. PENNSYLVANIA. Killed In action Shingler. C. A. Lt.). Junnlta. Pa. Itejer, Leslie S. (Cpl.). Mercersburg.Pa. Maxkwaz, I.ouls Cpl.). Pbilsdelphia. Johnston. Walter R (Cpl.). Pittsburg. Pa. Waples, Joseph D. (Cpl.). Philadelphia. Dennis, Ewtng K. Cpl. ). Mnnongahela Pa. Dittus, . H. (Cpl.). Lancaster. Pa. Conlln. A. S, (Cpl.). Philadelphia, Pa. Bergmark. If. P. (Cpl.). Pittsburg, Pa. Krezanosky, I. F., Clvella, Pa, Jackson, .1. A., Burgettstown, Pa Heatley, R. T.. MrKecsport, Pa. Ereas. O. G., South Bethlehem. Taw I'ovcr. M. S.. Lancaster. Fa. Blnson, J. s.. Westchester, Pa. Waters, David. Xewcaslle. Ta. Troxel, J. F.. L kens. Pa. Lehman. J.awrence. Plttsl.urc. Pa. Samuels. Ylneer.zo, Edenburg, Pa. Kinney? .Tames I... Arnot. Fa. Motter. Dsnirl Perry. Bir Run. Pa. Bourders, Joseph. South Fork, Pa. Watklns. E. G, Bristol. Pa. Reame,. J. L., Rtadlns. Pa. Orman. (7. G.. McKeesport. Ps. Humphreya F. L., Scranton. Ia. Fttrow. C G., Dover, Pa. Hateman. James, Beaversdale. Pa. Peskin. William. Philadelphia. Pa. Martin. John J.. Hazlewood, Pa. I.ucla. Tomase. Pittsburg. Pa. Helm, George F.. Trnverton. Pa. Haines. Joseph. Phi la delphia. Cvavlwen. Jams A.. Hrad.iock. Pa, tiledoski. Ivter. Hoo crav iliv. Pa. Died of wounds Crowe, Charles Henry iCapt.V Philadelphia Reese, Earl L. (I.t.), Mountvllle, la, Boyle. J.imes J. (I.t.), Esslon. l'n. Lister, Brook S. (Lt. ). Philadelphia, Pa. Gattleman, Archie Auirust (Sgt,), Arnold, Pa. I.lndcuiutlt. Irving (Sgt.). Mount Carrael. Pa. Miller, James I. (Cpl.), Indiana. Pa, Charles. John W.. ICpI.). Pittsburg. Pa. Cosgrove. Wlllium Paul (Cpl.), Yatesboro, Pa. Starrs. William Iterroinle. Pa. I'lassineyer, Albert J., Zolienohle, Pa. Higley. Earl Llle, Conneautvllle. Pa. Gllger, Raymond, Pottsville, Pa turshall. Walter. Sarver. Pa. Deluca. Guiseppe. Sharpsburg. Pa. Bradford, William. Mi.lland. Pa. Stevenson, Frank W Chester. Pa. 'iharlesworth John H Pittsburg, Pa. Reever, Wilbert. Y'ork. Pa. hedner. Houurd B., Philadelphia, Pa. I'auli. Oalt.iv J.. Greenberg. Pa. I'ta. Paul H., Hanover. Pa. Ligden. Elmer. Philadelphia. Pa. Nelson. Waldo B , Denver. Pa I.owstetter, Frank E., Duquesne. Pa Yurmick, Simon. Shenandoah, Pa. " Williams. J. E., Andover, la. Swain. W. R.. Gienside. Pa. Died of airplane accident- Williams. B. X. (Lt.), Calhoun, Fa. Died of Acrident McMaster. Elmer J., Dubois. Pa. Died of disease Thomas, Harry H., (Cpl.). Philadelphia. Ja. Maguire. Joseph J. (Cpl.). Philadelphia, Pa. Kline. Samuel I.. Reading. Pa. Harini. Joe. Dunbar. Pa. Gabrack. Mlketar, Philadelphia, Pa. Dixon. Frank, Shenandoah. Pa. Nelson, William Arthur. Volant. Pa. McGulgan. Eugene. Philadelphia. Pa. Vanatt. William, New Florence. Pa. Scheellaert. Edmond. Sturgeon, Pa. Hardy, Louis. L'niontown. Pa. Iiinkel. Charles F., Columbia. Pa. I'arr, J. W.. Philadelphia. Silvis. Harry C, Leech burg. Pa. Radoychlch, Peter tiaroy, Pittsburg, Pa Knecht. J. O., Tower City, Pa. Keough. J. J., Arant, Pa. Hopol. J. B.. Miola. Pa. Ford. H. J.. Philadelphia lougherty. B. J., Lancaster. Pa. Coleman. W. F., Towanda, Pa. Thomas. G. W., l.ansford. Pa. Rossman. B. J., Salina, Pa. Mltman. S. K., Bethlehem, Pa. McQulslon, II. W. Home. Pa. Langhcrt. A. F., Zelienople. Pa. Johnyonbaugh. I.. R.. Julian. Pa. IHFLUJEHZA EVaalted IV ilk Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL, Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL Horliclc process and from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over lA century Endorsed by physicians everywhere. anil g" H0rlic!iTS The Orisinal Thus Avoiding Imitations WE rejoice this day in the happiness and in the prosperity of the people. May the blessings of the day be upon all mankind. We are grateful, indeed, for the abundant patron age with which this House has been honored. Serv ice has been our ideal in the half-century now nearly closed Service shall be our ideal in the years to come ! RHODE ISLAND. Killed In action Tripp, Albion R.. Stourbridge. R. I. Dsn Is. Tony. Central Falls. It. 1. JHetf of wounds ' Dennis. Richard J. (Sgt-). Edgewood. R. Gernandez. John H. (Wag.). Kwerton, R. Ottavino. Tommasn. Lymmsvllie, 11. 1. Died of disease Founner. Medrlc. Jr.. Warren. R. I. SOITII CAROLINA. Killed IC action Venters. V. L., JohusonvlHe. S. C. Rf vno'.ds, B. F.. Lemar, S. C. Died if wounds Spradley, Charles l. Selvern. P. C. McCiure. Grady M . York. S. C. An.lerson, Waiters. Sunipter. S. C. Dle.1 of rtl-ra. e Wiliisms. Will K. Itldgcvllle. S. C. Thompson, James Alex.. Klngstree, S. C. Harper, 1. iS.. Bcctli. S. C. SOITH DAKOTA. Killed ia anion Frerking. G. K, Yankton. S. D. Taib rt. Harry, Rovillo. S. 1. Itc.tves, W. M.. Huron. S. D. Died of wounds Hr. nsen. Harry A.. Ethan. S. D. IXed of disease Bocsl. J. II.. Allen. S. I). . Shield, Eugene Walking. Wakpals. S. D. KMrsimmons. M. P.cbfor.1. S. 1 Late Gift Buyers Can Purchase All Xmas Day Finest Quality Gi'eatest Variety Free Delivery Clarke Bros., Florists Morrison Bet. Fourth and Fifth v Phone Main 1806, A 1805 SPANISH INFLUENZA THE WAY TO TREAT IT AND TO AVOID IT Simply the Old-Fashioned Grip Masquerading Under a New Name. Spanish Influenza, which appeared In Spain. In May, has all the appearance of Strip or la grippe, which has swept over the world in numerous epidemics as far back as history runs. Hippo crates refers to an epidemic in 411" P. C, which is regarded by many to have been Influenza. Kver'y century has had its attacks. Belnningr with 1831. this country has hud five epidemics, the last in 18S9-90. There is no occasion for panic In fluenza cr grip has a very low per centage of fatalities not over one death out of every four hundred esses, accord in?r to the N. C. Board of Health. The chief dinger lies in complications arising-, attacking principally patients in a run down condition those who don't (to to bed soon enough, or those who gt up too early. TUB TREATMENT. Go to bed at the first symptoms, not only for your own sake but to avoid spreading the disease to others take a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing food, remain perfectly quiet and don't worry. Nature herself is the only "cure" for influenza and will throw off the attack if only ou conserve your streng'h. A little Quinine. Aspirin or Dover's Powder may be" piven by the physician's directions to allay the ach- Inc Always call a physician, since the chief danger of grip is in its weakening effect on the system, which allows complications to develop. These are chiefly pneumonia and bronchitis, sometimes Inflammation of the middle ear. or heart affections. For these rea sons, it is very important that the patient remain In bed until his Established 1870 310 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fifth and Sixth TENNESSEE. Killed In actio,. llealon, W. H.. Shell Crselc. Tens. Fender. Hubert. Flag Pond. Teno. Warkman. Tom, Mount Pleasant, Tena. Gf.avra. Jesse C, Halls. Tenn. Carpenter. James. Englewood. Tenn. IXed of wound White. Alphes N. (Cpl.). Nashville, Tsna. Jam. son. Lcsllo I. (Cpl.). Lucy. Tenn. Payne, Charlie. (CP1.). Kock Island. Tenn. Dnhson. James T.. Moscow, Tenn. Baker, Wilbur c. tCoi.), Bolivar, Tenn. Ma.'k. Knoxville. Tnn. o'Guin, Ernest, Jasper C. K I mmoa. Tena. Mutton, Milbern, Andersonvlile. Tenn. Died of accident Slr'biing. K'y .. clillon. Tenn. Died of illseaM Rogers. t'. iCapt.). Jefferson City. Tena. Smith. Will (cook). Springfield. Tenia. Johnson, Perry 11.. Smlthviile, Tenn. Carter. O a Kyle. M.,skcim. Tenn. , Matney. Earl P.. Moui.:..l:i City. Tenn. Rcagin. Minnie Lee. Little Crabb, Tenn. James, Willie. Hartford. Tenn. 1 .(inc. J. C., Athens. Tenn. Kolt.m. C. C-, s'hristina. Tenn. Moore, W. F., Clay bounty, Tenn. TEXAS. Killed In action Garcia. Jno A. o;t., Mercedes. Tex. t;ill. Noah, I'ertrly, Texas. iCoT." ir'iicl en Tags ?. ) ELOWEBS strenprth returns stay In bed st lpast two days or more after the fever ha left you. or if you are over 50 or not strong; stay in bed four days or more, according to the severity of the attack. HOW TO AVOID TUB DISEASE. Evidence seems to prove that this ts a germ disease, spread principally by human contact, chiefly through cough ing, sneezing or spitting. So avoid persons having colds which means avoiding crowds common drinking cups, roller towels, etc Keep up your bodily strength by plenty of exercise in the open air and cooj food. KEEI Kit EE KKO COLDS. Above nil. avoid colds, as colds irrt tate the lining of the air passages and render' thorn much better breeding places for the germs. Use Vick'a Vapo Hub at the very first sign of a cold. For a head cold, meit a little VapoHuh in a spoon and inhale the vapors, or better still, use Vapoltub in a benzoin sleam kettle. If this is not available, use an ordinary tea-kettle. Fill half full of boiling water, put in half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to time keep the kettle just slowly boil ing and inhale the steam arising. XOTE Vlck's Vapoltub is the dis covery of a North Carolina druggist. who found how to combine, in salve form. Menthol and Camphor with such volatile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme. Cubebs, etc., so that when the salve is applied to the body heat, these in gredients are liberated in the form of vapors. Vapoltub can be had in thrco sizes at all drugglpts. While com paratively r.ew in certain parts of the North, it Is the standard home remedy n the South and Vest for all forms of cold troubles over six million jars were sold last year. VapoRub Js par ticularly recommended for children's croup or colds, as it is exteinnlly ap plied and can. tlierfore. he used freelv and often without the slightest harm ful effect.