14 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECE3II5EU 25, 1918. HKLV W ANTE D M A L K . WANTED FOR SHATTUCK & EDIXGER CO. BIG IRRIGATION PROJECT. VALE, OR. Faro advanced free if work 30 days. Year and one-half work. Drillers, rockmcn, $4.00 for 0 hrs. Teamsters, $4.00" for 0 hrs. Laborers, $3.75-for" fl hrs. Soldiers will he given "preference on this work. No fees charged to discharged soldiers. Iteport at Hanley Employment Agency, -K North 2d st. Superintendent of firm will be here Thuridny A. M. Men will leave Thursday evening lu. wurk. . BOX f actor v ripsaw and cutoff man. Ap ply Oregon Box and Manufacturing Corn pan v und Box Factory, Macadam Road. , Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED By a well-estHbllshed eonfec t inner v house, two live halcsmen. Muit be capable and able to earn a good salary. Give places of employment for past five years, also two references. Address II ML. Uregonian. SALESMAN WANTED Automobile acces Horv, sells like wildfire; agents make $10 to $25 per day; demand unlimited : sat isfaction absolutely guaranteed. W esco Sales Company, 51.". Gerllngr bldg.. -a and Alder sts. Phone Main 2801. CITY SALESMAN Splendid opening for high-grnde. forceful, dependable man with clean record. We demand initiative and hard work, for personal interview write A C 307, Qrfgonlan. j WANTED Two neat-appearing specialty salesmen. No collections. Apply Thurs day. 1 P. M. 02 Worcester bldg. WANTED-. AGEXTg. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED COMPTOME TEROPERATOR AND TYPIST, WITH SOME CLERICAL EX PKKJEX C 10. PO R OFKICE AT CAMAS. WASH.; STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE. SALARY HAVE BEEN EARNING. TELEPHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS. C 703, OREGON I AN. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. Improved Wage Schedule. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO., Boom 601, 0th floor. Park and Oak st WANTED Good stenographer, with clerical experience in lumber office; state nature and extent of experience, where last em cloved and salary desired. Address Hoquiam Sash & Door Co. Wash. Montesano, WA NTED Housekeeper. by widower, on fruit farm; 2 small children, 9 and 12 yrs. of age. Can run house as your own. Middle-aged widow preferred, or someone who likes children. T. J. Whitcomb, White Salmon. Wash. DANCER wanted. young lady assistant teacher, and to learn exhibition dancing. Good salary and chances to learn profes sional dancing. Call today, 12 to 4. De Honey's Academy, 23d and Washington. BTKNOGRAPHER. wholesale house, must be experienced; state age, experience, ref erences and phone number. L 610, Ore gon Ian. TO DA V Checker, also glass girl for semi- weekly parties ; wai tresses, chambermaids and helpers. Hansen's Emp. Agency, S27 Wash . st. Office open today 10 to 3. AN unincumbered widow or middle-aged widow for housework on ranch. For par ticulars write W. C. Heaton, RL 2, Hills-b-o. Or. WAITED Experienced girl on fountain and srVing lunches, at once. Rialto Billiard Parlor. Park and Alder. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East 15th st. N or phone East 123. WANT experienced second maid, reference required: good wages. Call between 2 and 4 and 7 and 8 P. M., 722 Park sL WANTED Practical nurses with some hoB pital training wanted for general duty. Call Broadway 3404. CASHIER wanted (experienced), at De Honey's Dancing Academy. 4 eves, a week. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 2667. TWO t.irlH wanted for waitresses. Liberty Rti.sUurant, 12 SS Burnside. WANTED Amateurs for midnight matinee. Call personally. Globe Theater. WAITRESS- wanted at old Seattle Restau rant . 8 North Third. , W A NTED A ma ten rs for midnight matinee. Apply Globe Theater after 12 noon. W A 1 T R ESS First-class. Multnomah Hotel. Apply Arth-Mt. entrance. EASY, permanent home for elderly woman. A B 15. Oregonian. Fl RST-CLASS manicurist. Board of Trade Jtarber Shop; no others need apply. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. Call 10;.10 A. r :;45Vs Wash. St.. Oriental Cafe. HOUSEKEEPER, 2606 East 4Ud st., near CUnton. Take R. M. car. Tabor 5o61. EXPERIENCED cashier. Apply after 9:00 , . M . Casino Theater. 2S-" Burnside. Wan tea Dona est Ice. 1IOTHKR with three children desires relia ble girl fo: housework in small modern country home in Hood River. $30 per month. Mrs. Carroll Hurlburt, 821 Kear ney st. Call evenings. Main 3023. WANTED Woman for general housework And some washing, 4 hours, twice a week; 37 2c and carfare; steady ; prefer Mon days and Thursdays. Mrs. Young, 1001 E. Morrison. $53 MONTH for experienced cook and gen eral housework girl ; small family ; no washing : references required. AK 84o, Oregonian. GIKL to assist in housework, r cooking and no washing. 09 u, Trinity Place. Main 1461. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of ." ; small house ; will pay rea sonable wages. Phone Tabor 1187. WOMAN for housekeeping; easy work; no washing; ?J per month. Apply after 1 SJtOVj Broadway. WOMAK 'or light housework; a good place middle-aged or elderly lady wishing a good home. Call Tabor ftOH6 after 6 P. M. WOMAN for light housework: a good place ior minnic-agea or eiueriy taay wisntng rood home. Call Tabor ."08H. WANTED An experienced girl fur child s nurse and upstairs work. Main G.'39. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook; good wages. Main 264. WORKING man in city wants housekeeper. L 677, Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Tabor 1207. HELP WANTED MAL15 OR FEMALE. LOOM fixers wanted. Oregon Worsted Co., 27th and Umatilla ave. Phone Eellwood WANTED A finisher. Lowell's Studio, 4L'0Vi Wash. st. Broadway 31:42. KDUCATIONAL. HISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day. evening. $6 month. 209 14th, near Jefferson. Main 28U3. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alieky bldg., 3d and Morrison. TAYLOR FA I T It Business College and School of Languages; Eng.. Span., French. J04 Stevens bldg., W. Park and Wash. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg., ."d and Morrison. Main 077. W. L Richard son, Sec. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS" AGENCY. Free reglst'n. Oil Bdwy. bldg. M, 6liT4. TEACHERS AU kinds of teaching posl 4 1 o ns. Main 4835. F Isk Teachers' Agency. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, 131 Broad wajr, , EDUCATIONAL LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. In the largest and best trade school In the West. 5000 successful graduates. Ettabliahed 14 years. We offer practical courses in auto and truck repairing and driving, advanced Ignition, lighting and starting, tractor engineering. machine work, ovy-acetylene welding, vulcanizing. A short term course will qualify you for a bigger job and better pay. We help students earn living while learning. Write for free catalog. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Ftgueroa at 8th, Los Angeles, Cal. ARE you mechanically Inclined ? Learn a trade. Learn auto, traetor. truck and air plane business; big pay; wonderful oppor tunities. Learn by Sweeney system prac tical Instruction in 8 weeks; Army school now .open to you; same instructors, equip ment and methods used in training 0000 soldier mechanics for Government. Write for big free catalogue; tells whole story. Sweeney Auto School. Department 921, Sweeney building, Kansas City, Mo. BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR OPERATORS. We have never had as great a demand for our students as NOW. We are in dorsed by the railroads tad can assure young men and women success by enroll ing in day or evening classes now start ing. Write or call for BULLETIN. Rail way Telegraph Institute, 218 By. Kxch. bldg.. Portland. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOS. TRUCKS. TRACTORS. RE PAIRING, LIGHTING A ND STARTING SYSTEM. IGNITION. WIRING. MACHINE H H O P PRACTICE, OXYACETYLENE WELDING. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. "AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL. Technical and practical training, antes, tractors, gas engines, auto electrical work. Write at once for big 100-page catalogue. Adcox Auto & Tractor School. Dept. K, Union tve. and Wasco st.. Portland. Or. COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO Piano, voice, violin, banjo, steel guitar, mandolin, saxo phone, flute, clarinet, drums, taught by professionals. 515 Columbia bldg. Main 56T.2. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, givea you a set of tools, guarantees you a position ; ((end for catalogue. 234 Burnside. BdwylTSl. BURS ELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermen's building, 5th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 3461. Miss F. Bursell, prin cipal. . HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 40:; Hippodrome bldg. A thorough, care ful training makes you a success. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 MadJson at. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted as credit man or In col lection department, or as chief clerk or " office executive. Have had six years' ex perience as president and mana ger of a bank, 12 years as secretary and auditor of a large grain corporation, and 10 years additional in the railroad business. Am a first-class accountant, married man and 46 years old. BP 747, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY capable and reliable- young couple wish to care for apartment-houve in -return for an apartment and small wage; qualified to give the best of service, B.I 10. Oregonian. AN experienced lumber accountant, now en gaged In other lines, will be open .for en gagement January 1. Very highest city references. AL 793, Oregonian. I HAVE been sick. Would like to get a job washing dishes at lunch bouse. My mother needs my help. E. Gill, P. O. Box 1014. AN experienced specialty salesman, familiar with check writers and kindred lines. Is open for connection with a reliable firm. R 291, Oregonian. CIRCULAR sawyer and filer wants position on cable feed mill, 2o years practical ex perience; A No. 1 tie sawyer. J. A. Oil man. Foster Hotel. Phone Broadway 1874. POSITION wanted by young man who has had several years experience In retail grocery business, and also can furnish best of references. AM b43, Oregonian. YOUNG man, knowing gas engine thor oughly, experience, i.shes to drive car for private family or truck for firm. Call -Marshall 2140 or C 2, Oregonian. FALL garden plowing done. 100x100 ft.. $4.r0; 4 loads of fertilizer for eale. Main i316; after 3 P. M 7So6. C. P. Clark, 405 First st. CREDIT man of wide experience, abso lutely responsible, is open ror engagement Jan. 1. Personal interview solicited. L 0S1, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED logging camp commissary and. payroll clerk wants position where he can move his family. Can furnish good references. AV 311, Oregonian. WANTED Job as night or day watchman. Any place or trust. Best ol references. Phone Tabor 0416. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or in shop; some experience. AG to-, ore gonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, hotel, family or camp, care Oeo. Mltsunaga. call Miss Tower. 1724 E. Stark st. Tabor 4159. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or wa ten man. a m oregonian. HAULI NG wanted for 3-ton truck, contract preferred. East S-r6. EXPE R1ENCED hardware man wants work in city or country. L 864, Oregonian. JAPANESE young boy wants position as school ooy. Home phone, A-J029. POSITION as watchman ; references. East 782.V GOOD all-around baker, elderly man w ants steaay position. AC 29, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN wants position as night watchman. write tH ivearney street, city. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady wishes position playing piano during dinner hour or evening in respec table hotel or boarding house where serv ices might be applied on room and. board. AM 840. Oregonian. YOUNG woman with 5-months-old bahv wants work in Portland: housekeeping for . w iuuv er. iaiiuuiii nuiei, J.OB ' ront St. Mrs. Fitch. WANTED A place to take care of children cvciiiufis wane muuier is away; refer ences. Wood lawn 161 1. LADY elevator operator wants - position in uuicn uiiil-v uuiiutnfi. rnone Alain i:uua, room 6. LADY wants position as elevator optrator experienced. AN 703, Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. BOOK KEEPER, with business college edu cation and experience, wishes office poni tion. Phone or write to Berkeley Apt. 4 A. PUBLIC stenographer. 4:t2 Cham, of Con Drens makers. DRESSMAKING Fancy dresses, coats, suits a specialty. Mrs. Summers, apt. 33 Brk ly apts. Marshal) 1950. THE VERNON maternity home. 1022 Vernon. Phone Wdln. 4272. Reasonable rates. Housekeepers. WOLLD keep house for bachelor or widower for husband's board and room. BJ J ;;i Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, girl 13. wants po. sitlon as housekeeper in country, small wages. AV 31!i. Oregonian. Domestics. LADY wants housecleaning or other work" hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Bdwy! 506. - - WANTEb TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Reliable, tip-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers In Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them, get properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR. WANTED To rent furnished house, five to eight rooms, with garage preferred, at once or by January 1. W. Brodhead. 114 E. 28th st. Phone East 2533. WANTED Furnished house or apartment for two; must be well heated. AL 820, Oregonian. G. G. ROHRER. Rental Realtor, 301 PANAMA BUILDING. FOUR-ROOM modern house or apartment. Two ladies. Tabor 0279. A part men ts. RE LI A BLE couple want two or three-room furnished or unfurnished apt. ; West Side preferred ; boy 5 years old. Main 5180. room 426. or P. O. box 4114. WANTED A 3-room apartment, with bath and place for two motorcycles. AC 2MJ, OregoniHn. WANTED By family of three adults, cm pletejy furnished apt. AC 2H2, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. A BUSINESS woman who known the high cost of living wishes board and room for self and two little girls; will be perma nent and pay well for suitable place where children tan have mother's care. Ad dresw AM 841. Oregonian. WANTKI) Good homo and best care for healthy IK-months baby girl; good pay and a world of company in somebody's home. Answer fully. AC 2!1. Oregontan. WORKING man wants board and room in orivate family; not too far out. R 2lS, OregoniH n. WANTED Room and board, private family; best reference. A M S4S, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SPOT CASH paid for misfit clothing. At lantic Cleaners, alteration department. Main 6701. for bent. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of MerU. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rates. $1 up: two In room, S1.5Q; weekly rates. $5 and , up. NORTONJA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-clnss family hotel, rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fam ilies and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a borne. Rea sonable rates. ANSON1A HOTEL, 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 7oc day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per day up: weekly $4 up; run ning water; free phone and baths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, high . quality, low price. East 3d and Burnside, PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat : rooms large, clean. Unfurnished Rooms. 9 ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water each room, Cih and Stark. Dr. S. Loeb, 300 . Columbia bldg., bet. 2:o0 and 4 P. M. TWO large upstairs rooms. 26th and Thur ipan. $6. Broadway 34 4. 't. Famished Kooms in Private Family. COMFORTABLE front room, ail convenl ences, to respectable men. Walking dis tance. East 3084. LARGE room, suitable for two gentlemen. 6 blocks south P. O. Marshall 339. ROOM and board, with sleeping porch, for two. 576 Lad (I ave. East 2333. 6 14TH. near Jefferson, choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3!3. NICELY furnished front room, for gentle men, near Multnomah Club. Marshall 3295. ONE large basement room furnished for housekeeping. 327 Hall st. ROOM for young man $2. ona block from car. Tabor 3i'H2. LA KG E, neatly furnished bedroom ; walk ing distance; $2 per week. 431 6th st. Kooms W 1th Boardi. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; . :l modern conveniences; warning distance; $4 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. ROOM and board, home style cooking; rates reasonable. Grand Ave. Hotel. 334 Grand Rooms W 1th Board in Private Family. BOARD and rooms in private home; ra.es reasonable; 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 40S Benton St. NICE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, along with home -cooked meals; modern. 205 N. 21st st. ROOM and board one or two children, school age; mother's care. Sellwood 3048. ROOM and board for two young men. Mar shall 2515. 4254 Mill St. ONE nice room with board, $10 per week. Phone Woodlawn 5618, 333 Beech street. Furnished Apartment. 4-ROOM furnished apt., rent $55: Knob Hill : Haviland china, sewing machine, canned fruit for sale. BF 744, Oregonian. COMPLETELY' furnished 5-room apt. to rent for 3 months, $75 per month. Phone Marshall 1595. TWO 2-room furniwhed. gas and electric light. front suites, with t70 12th et. Unfurnished Apartments. TO- TWO ladies or couple, 3-room unfur nished apartment in pri ate home; gas. light, heat, telephone furnished ; refer ences requi red. Phone Tabor 6732. FuVnlsliedHRatsI MODERN, furnished 5-room flat with sleep ing porch. o 5 Wafer st. A pply at cor ner groeery store for key. MUSIC teacher wishes girl to share flat and study music. Main .".ol. $Ht PARTLY furnished 4-room flat. In- quire 344 Tillamook. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; walking distance, furnished for houpekeeplng; in cluding gas range, electric lights, hot wa ster, bath, laundry, all free; $13 month u p . Take "S" or 16th st. TWO desirabie furnished housekeeping rooms for working couple. $15. 480 College st. Walking distance. West Side. 2 blka. can ONE room and closet, complete. ozv home. tor woi King woman. . Market. Housekeeping Rooms In Prirate Family liUunrKi-riiinn inniMirr ... . . ...... . TWO auiny, light housekeeping rooms for rent; a place for auto. Last 2610, JJJ, L. Kth N. 1 OR 3 COZY furnished housekeeping rooms. Tabor 2743. ' FOR RENT. Kotflis. I R V I N G TO N HOME. East 10th st. N., near Knott Nearly new modern in every respect; 7 large rooms and enclosed sleeping porch ; clean and fresh; must be seen to be appreciated. Open today. Rent $60. East 27l. $25 N IC t; 8-room house, near Alberta car; will give lease. COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 4th St. Board of Trade. M 4522. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. " Broadway fi0. A 6747. COMFORTABLE 5-room house, large yard; rent $20. 1274 Villard ave., corner Ains worth. Main 1535. MODERN eight-room house, Irving ton dis trict. $50. See H. A. Swart. 80 4th St. SEVEN-ROOM house, modem in every way; walking distance; $26 a month. East 2987. Furn tuned House. FURNISHED 8-room modern house. East Side; hot water heating plant, fruit tree ' and flow ex? ; rent $45 per month: no chil dren. Give reference. BO 6S3, Ore gotiian. FOR RENT at $25 per month, house and 7 lots, fruit, berries, chicken yard, 2067 De lano st.. 2 blocks south of Mt. Tabor car on 82d st. McClure &. Schmauch. 3U6 Rail way Exchange bldg. A LOVELY furnished 7-room home In Irv ington for rent, 8 months, at $47.50. Mar shall 4753. t Stores. FOR RENT Splendid location, good for candy shop; partly furnished. Inquire 169 3d st. Office. , storerooms and halls: also rooms suitable cor light manufacturing; office building accommodations ; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 8)5 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. DESI RAHLE offices, modem conveniences. Stark st, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 312 Railway Exchange. DESKS for business $1 week. 66 Cth street, city, front room. MOST centrally located offices, low rent. Swetland bldg.. Cth and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE AN AUTO TRANSFER "BUSI NESS, DOING $7m WORTH OF BUSI NESS PER MONTH. AN OFFICE ON BOTH SIDES OF RIVER; $1200 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS DEAL, BALANCE IN EASY PAYMENTS. BRING AD. WITH YOU. CALL AT 446 TAYLOR ST. OR MAIN 2175. OR SEE M It. NEWELL, 502 'ORBKTT BLDG. MAIN 107. WANTED Party to buy truck for lumber hauling, $3.50 per hour, steady a! I year work, a three-year job ; must have $12M) to $15o0 cash, balance eay terms: .1ob ready to start January 1. See I. A. hmith. Oregon City. Phone 44W or Motor Sales Corporation. 354 Burnside street. Phone Broadway so. FOR SALE OFFICE FURNITURE : THREE DOZEN FOLDI NG C H A I RS. GOO D AS NEW. $1.2.- EACH. FOR SALE 75 CENTS EACH. BOOKCASE. BLACKBOARD AND OTH E R FU RN1TURE. M UST BE SOLD AT ONCE. LEAVING TOWN. CAL1 446 TAYLOR ST. OR MAIN 2175. WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address. J. L. HXRTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark sts. GARAGE with large storage and repair trade, sells supplies, etc. Owner wishes to retire; might show you can clear $5oo month : has good lease. Sell at invoice. Call 511 Railway Exchange. ARIZONA. Engineer leaving about 26th for Ari zona, would Investigate mining or business prospects for slight fee; confidential, if desired. R 245. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, gal advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. $2000 GROCERY STORE and 10 living rooms. Doing good business. Leaving city within weeK. aiust nave money, c.iii Co lumbia 779. Owner. 1O50 Columbia blvd. AN opportunity is open for investment in a live money-making business in which shipbuilding experience would be of ad vantage. AB 719. Oregonian. WANT partner in manufacturing" business, to solicit trade; this taKes about $4000: a profitable line. Call 511 Railway Ex change. WE sell all kinds of barbers' supplies A .gents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers Supply Co., 271 Washington st. vVANTED general merchandise stock; have $10,000 Income city property and some cash. 207 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland. PARTNER wanted to solicit and collect in a good little business. $450 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. COMPLETE lunch counter outfit for sale: inquire 273 Salmon at., between 2 and tt f. M. W AT K INS route, and stock for sale : old-established route. Write for particulars. S B. Madison. 216 7th St.. Oregon City. FOR SALE Furniture hospital, old-estab lished business, and delivery car. BC 662, Oregonian. 1 F YOU want an- up-to-date fancy grocerv doing over xtu(( daily, low rent, cail oil Railway Exchange. BEST dairy In town for sale on account of sickness. Wood. 53S9. DA ND Y stock of men's good in good pay roll town. H 748. Oregortn. CIGAR and confectionery. 2 pool tables in DacK : prices rigni. iau ounioia 531. $100, PROSPECT fortune; legitimate; able to prove. rJ vi, vregonian. FOR SALE or trade, two-chair barber shop Bath. C. K. Williams. Florence. Or. Business Opportunities Wanted. MEDICAL partnership wanted. A competent experienced physician requires a partner ship. Reply to AV 306. oregonian. Hotels and Rooming-nouses. 39 ROOMS PRICK $4500, $3500 CASH DOWN. This Is a first-class steam heated brick, all on 2 floors and close In on West Side ; 5 min utes' walk to the Post office : full of steady roomers and clear ing $350 per month. Place Is nice a nd clean, furniture is fii-st-cl:is. all brass beds; hot and cold running water in every room. A real moneymaker. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St. ROO M I NG HOI" S K S. Rooming house of 15 bedrooms, lobby, dining-room, kitchen. gns stove, wood range, all conking utensils; brick build ing, close to shipyard; in business section. Price only $5uO. Also rooming house of 28 rooms, well located and furnished; is bringing in big Income. Price $1000. NEW YORK LAND CO.. G03-5 Stock Exrhan ge Bldg. Phone Main 7J76. GET IN M Y AUTOMOBILE And I will quickly and comfortably show you the best buys In rooming and apartment-houses in Port land. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch Hide! FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment hoii see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co. 249 4th St. POLLY ANOTHER PALS Coyyi Uh. 1918, by Nwsppr FmNn Svrvia. Inc. 0 0K WAS fSXJOTIXC HIMSELF" MORK THAN PA. BV Cl.IFK STERRBTT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels aa4 Rotlnsj-IIou ROOMS. P R I CE ONLY $ HAOO. Vhis is a fine steam-heated well-furnished apartment -house, each apartment having private bath and other modern features. House is ulean and full of good tenants, and a waiting liit. Good lease and reasonable rent. This Is located In one of the best East Side locations, easy walking distance to West Side, and Is a real moneymaker. Pos itively one of the best buys In the city of Portland. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see ' F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL ft APARTMENT- HOUSE BROKER 723-4 N. W. BANK BLDG LOST ami Vftrvn. THE following articles have been found on Power Co.. Doc. 23. 101 s; 1 calendar. I suit case. 2 umbrellas. 4 packages, 1 pack age medicine, 1 muff, 6 lunch boxes, 1 bahy shoe. 1 baby pin. 1 lod ee button, ' purses. 1 wigdow curtain, package curtain rods, 3 baskets, 1 sack. 2 single gloves. 1 pair gloves. 1 roll music. 1 baby buggy. 1 shopping bag. 1 bundle, coat, gloves. Own ers may obtain property at First and Alder street station. LOST Either in Jones' market or on Alder t between 4th and 3d. a red bankbook holder containing $40 In rurrtnry and a mortgage note payable to Hannah An derson. Liberal reward. Woodlawn 476. 521 Webst.-r. GARAGE and repair shop; good location: cheap rent and lease ; also sell ganollne. supplies, etc.; full of steady storage: profits xtra good; $1200 required. Call room 4n; Dekum bldg. LOST From checkroom Murlark Hall dance. Sat. eve.,., dark overran t with Harry W ill liams' bank book. Return J. C. McElroy. Perkins Hotel. Reward. IF party who found diamond ring in front of Herwick & Miles garage at 1385 Divi sion st. will return same to owner, they wi II receive liberal reward. Tabor 7570. I LEFT two small grips in a hotel and lost tg. Proprietor plea? notify Jacob Kess lr. 87 Shaver st.. City, and receive re ward. LOST About one month ago. brindle French bulldog. Llcenso No. 325. East 303O. Reward. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch. Plsse re turn to Dan T. Watts, Care Woodard & Clark a. Reward. PARTNER wanted for auto garage; estab lished long time; profits extra good. Call room 4I3 Dekum bldg. LOST On Dec 1. small white house dog; libers I reward for in form st ion or recov ery of same. Cal I East 4tfM. LOST Dee. 23. black handbag, near Tuala tin river bridge on Capital Highway. Call Main 6012. LOST Two embroidered caps, yellow and green ribbon. Finder please call Main 1041. LOST Uaby s picture. Christmas glf t ; en larged at Multnomah Studio. Reward. Woodlawn 17it6. LOST Monday morning. a salmon-colored georgette waist. Finder please phone Main 2256. Reward. LOST Purse in public market. 2 keys, paper, money and postoffice receipt. Reward. Sellwood 3225. LOST Rlng. set with 2 diamonds. Finder please call Broadway 1616 or Marshall 1 3M . Reward. LOST Gold band ring. December IS. Finder receives reward. A N 6S7. Oregonian. LOST A Boston brindle bull. Phone Main 3:iO and receive reward. FOUN D Taken by m Is take, new overcoat, on Montavilla car. Wilson. P. O. Box 2007. LOST Bunch of keys. Finder call Mar shall 440 and receive reward. FOUND afrdale pup. 3 months old, rond. See W. Sabel, Bdwy 3535. "rank for auto. Mum 4501. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous, NOTICE OF MEETING OF LAND OWNERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. L Notice la hereby given t hat the Board of Supervisors have ca Med a meeting of the owners of land In Multnomah County Drainage District No. 1, to be- held on Friday, the 27th day of December, 191S. at the hour of ID o'clock A. M., in the Swiss Hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street), in the City of Port land, Or., at which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of electing one Supervisor, who shall hold his office for three years or until his suc cessor Is elected and qualified. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for each acre of land owned by him In such district. Dated this 31th day of December. 1918. Attest: D. C. POWELU Secretary. J. O. FLROD. President Board of Supervisors. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BOND 3. 11 Issues Bought and Bold. Before buying or- selling Set our Quotations. E. L. DEVKREAUX A COMPANY. Gorernment and Municipal Bonda 87 Sixth Street. Bstaeen Stark and Oak. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH I A I D FO R A N Y 1 &SU E OF BONDS. WE PAY CASH FOR PARTLY- PAID BONDS. ' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6:30. DAILY. RUMMELL. 274 STARK ST. MR. INVHSTOR. We have attractive short-term farm and livestock mortgages for sale, netting S to 10 per cent. If you are getting less, write us. P. O. box 156. Conneil. Wash. LIBERTY BONDS. Also partly paid contracts bourht; open till 7:3U DORCAS & DORCAS. 20 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. WE buy equity in liberty bonds; brln re ceipts and get the rush; open evenings and Sundays. 209 Abington bids;. u7s7 liberty" bonds. Will Pay Cash Value. John D. Wilcox. 416 Pittock Block. MORTGAGES and sellers -uity in real es tate contracts bought, Oregon or Wash, property, H. E. Noble. 516 L'mbm's Bldg. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. If you murt sell your liberty bonds, se'.l to uk. If you can buy more liberty bonds, buy from us. We buy and we seil liberty bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Tuesday, December 24. we paid the following prices for United States Gov ernment liberty loan bonds: $ion. $nov 3Hs $.s..-,:t $:Mi.:;7 1st 4s i2.45 121t..V 2d 4s I'.l2 1 14.23 1st 44 in-, iMi.:.; 2M 4Wa IM.47 i4i.7 3d 4S . , !H."Jl 17.1 4th 4 9 W4.75 i;2.5 MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established Over 25 Yeafs. 3O0-SU Stark St.. Bet. 5th and 6th. tVround Floor. Telephone Broadway 2151. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH FO R PAYMENTS MADE. Come to 725 Gasco mldg.. 5th and Alder. CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS. Come to 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. BRING TOUR RECEIPTS TO US We will get your bonds for you. then pay you cash for them. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit by return mail. Send us your receipts. CUT THIS advertisement OUT and KEEP IT. for you iil soon want to BUY BONDS or sell your bonds or sell your RECEIPTS. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. Remember the place. 725 Gasco bldg, 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS. A NT ISSUB. ANT AMOUNT. WK PAY MARKRT, PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST. WE LOAN 90 ON LIBERTY BONDS OR WILL LOAN YOU THE MONEY TO COMPLETE YOUR PAYMENTS. ELWOOD WILES CO.. MI TJ. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDO OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL P. M. LIBERTY BONDS. Do not lose whit you have paid on your contracts. If you art not able to make your payments see us. We pay cash for partly-paid contracts er bonds, or loan you bO per cent on your Investment st 7 to 8 per cent per annum. Special attention given to out-of-town customers. Bonds bought snd sold at market price. Loans negotiated on farm and city property. Deal with responsible, licensed brokera Open to 6 P. M. HOWniLL 4b DAVIS. 401 Board of Trsds Bids;. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. P.ECEirTS WILT, CASH YOUR RE CEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YoUR RECEIPTS. WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. SEE K. BUR K ITT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. ,212 SELLING HLDG. SECoN'D FLOOR). CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. CASI I LI BERT Y BONDS FULLY PAID OR IN I ART. Nw York market price paid, less small brokerage. Open till 7 P. M. DONALD M A CLE D. 1Q02 SPALDING BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. H. L. M L'KTOX, 44ti SHERLOCK BLDO. 3d St.. cor. Oak. Oien till 7. Sat. b P. M. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $5uO up on Unproved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bldg. M. flu 15. A l'S15. FARM LOANS. Insurance coin pan money to loan at lowest current rates on Wiliatnette Valley farms. No commission. No delays devereaux Mortgage company, b? Sixth Su, Portland, Or. PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city home in eay Instalments, 10 years' time to repay; ful.y protected by Hie Insurance under Home Purchase Plan or Equitable Life Assurance Sooty. Inter ebt ', ; no commission. , bee Mr. Strong, Euul table office. Oregonian bidg. mortgage loans. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repa nitf privileges. A. II. BIRKEl-L CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4 . 1 .V MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PRoPER'i Y, 3'4 PER CENT. PER CENT. 7 PER CENT, UNION ABSTRACT CO.. - Corbtrtt B.d g. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, ravorabie terms: no rie.av! nn hr.u. erage. John Bain. Spalding biug $juo, $400, $500. $75u. Jlooo and up lowest, rates, quick action. Fred W. Ge man Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main tW 4 5 . $1000 and up at er- $200,000 TO LOAN in sums 10 suit: buildm loans, lowest rates. W. G. Bee. 21-2ltf Failing bidg. Phojie Main 3407. $500 TO $1500 without commission. Tm proved real estate. Tabor 34u2. Main 8752. $1000, $1 250. $ 1 50O. $ JdOO. $ J5U0 AND LP at lowest rales. qu:ck actiou. Gordon la v est men t Co.. 63 1 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENTS. leans, notes. mortgages F H. Lewis. 303 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1333 MoNEY TO LOAN on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bidg. SEE L'S TODAY; loans, any amount. 6-7 CELL A RS-M UR TON CO.. 725 Pasco btdg! MORTGAGE LOANS, O AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON A- Co.. 408 Selling bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th snd Stark TO LOAN $200, $50n. $1000, $1500. $1'000 and up. Geo. I. Lent. 7 1 7 Coroett bid LOANa on city and farm property. 5 per c mt up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Co m . $5O0 TO $10.bOO VO LOAN. NO COMM1S SION. P. O. BOX S73. Great Britain Rights R.mit.cL Rftatrl in U. S. Patent Offict FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate, OUR installment plan Is the best and surest $32 26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for Uri months psys a $10u loan and Interest. Other amounts in proporltlon. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EgUlTAHl.K SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 242 Siak St.. Portland. Or. mortgage Loans ON improved FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENT TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. W M. Ma M ASTER. 331 U. S, NATIONAL BAN BLDG., PORTLAND. $5.000 on Improved residence. amounts SJtHH) to $5ooo. II. L. Mooney. McKay Bids'. Money to l.wn ("battels and Salaries. SALARIES. CHATTELS and COLLAThUt A LS LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, VICTROLAS, Autoutobilcs and anything of valua. Security in mo.st caves left in your poa Opdioti. Ioan lompanies. furniture com panies, automobile dealers, etc., paid off and we advance you more money. Hates reasonable. You pay us back in monthly installments. No indorsera; no delay; bui-im-iis confideuiial- loRTLAND LOAN COMPANY (Licensed;. ttOU-307 iVkum Bldg. -AU.rt.ha.1 3280. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. 3.4 Stark St. 'Established by Portland business meo to protect t he borrower. C Myei s He rrmin, Mgr. Loans tuaue on household furniture, pl an Oi. diamonds and jewelry. n ji da v money. We are making a ipe-ialty of quirk Ioinj to Ml.irirtl r worktngmen on their own notes, household furniture, pianos, etc. BUS I N ESS ST R I CTL Y CON KlI'KNTIAL COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. 2 I S Kaiitng HuiMing. , F. W. S. Lar.y V is suffering, ricase write. N one i ilt Know. AV 3t. Oregonian. MONEY to Iojh on any i n in g of value, legal rate; all articles heid one year. Panama I. nan office 4 Third, near Oak. MONKY to loan on diamonds by responsible priy. s per cent per annum. AG 7ol. Ore- rfonian. MuNEY" to loau on aiamouUs, Jewelry; legal rifH; ail articles he.d 1 year; established g"ce li. Dan M art. 23 Was Kington. WANTED To know the whereabouts of M li-s Susie WVaver. when iast heard of she was in Linn County. A V 4QO. Oregonian. MONEY loaned on pianos urn! furniture. W. A. Hathaway, room 20s Wash. bldg. GEO. HA RYE Y loans money on furniture '"d pianos. Legal rates. Tabor SSOti. Loans Wanted. ES 1' V li l - J M i ED. paying corporation reu. uirr. $5o. 1 additional cubital to enlarge scops ot Hctt.ttuii in orepoii and California. Ot ters hM of security, positive a-uranc n-;.tint loss, ami proven guarantee of I."' Hi-; on our 111 v M inent. KlKid Invest iga 1 10:? of our propttj u ion in v it -d . 1 ( we can't prove our ubert ions we don't want iur money. For personal inter lew ad dres AL M.V Oregonian. (;,mo 3 Y KA RS on ltort seren. Lincoln County, assessed for tuxes at $ftno : val ued at $ JO. OOO. Will pay Y'.', will repay ?."oO yearly if permitted. . A 04, Ore gonian. WANTED $400, 8. 1! years; first mortgage on 20 acres. John Morgan, "tj1, Wiiliams ave. SEK OltKOON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. U 2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. TEKSONAL HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICKS. 20-inch wavy swttco. & top $1.4. Ail-around transform atlou 1.4 J Hairdressing. shampooing, face massage, ha ir bobbing, manicuring. jc. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch maJe ot combings. 90c. Sanitary parlwis. 40O-41j De k u in bidg.. od and Wash. Marshall IT 02. WILL the lady who wants a suit. coat, dress, waist or petticott at wholesale prices cad st Peterson s Manufacturer" outlet V SECOND FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR, 1'05 PITTOCK. BLOCK. Mall Orders Promptly Filled. TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Bul"d up your weakened resistance. Scientific manipu lation t-f the bocy does Just that. Iron Side Institute, 3J-ti-t Pit tuck, block. Elec tric cabinet baths and mafiage. Graduate nurse assist ants. Phone Broad way 31 2. ELECTRICAL. gal vsnic. mineral. steam bath, scientific nerve, organic and blood circulating massage, lace, scalp and sham pooing. Prof. Smith, -1- Swetland bidf. Main 1-'41. $1 W ILL g-t both your feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton's, the Chiropodist that doesn't hurt you ; ' years here ; exam. free. G iobs Theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. .".Tli ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instructions in the theory oi health, suc- ceys and harmony. RE Y. M RS. J. C. SCHORI. spiritual ad iser. l." E. l."Vth st. N. cor. E. Burnside st. Ques tion in t-e ting Sun., Tuci, Thurs., 6 P M Kant 3S4. 9 MKS STEVENS, -o years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crysta. gazing ha crysta is for sale, also her book. 'Patmistry Made Easy." 373 Taylor. W TCH ES, jewelry, etc., on partial pay ments; accept bonds not fully paid up as first payment. W. 11. Lesh. 2d floor Selling b 1 u g . . tith and Aider. Open evenings. FEB VET A: HANEBUT. leading wig sod loupe makers, finest stock, human hair goous' hairdressins. manicuring, face and 6 c : p t re at men t. 34'J Alder. Main S46. bC 1 E N Tl FIC breat hmn i - co nee n t ration and cures all nerous uisorders. 40J iUt- leay bldg. MISS MULLEN, facial' and scalp treatments, manicuring. 40 Fliedner biug.. loth anJ Washington pis. GEKiRUDE DANIELS. superfluous ha.r specialist, manicuring, face and scalp. J'2'J Fiieiiier bldg. Broad way Sl'J. Ktr steam bath, massage, vibration. elt tric and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet tlaynie. M7 Swetland bldg. Main 176j GR DUATfc nurse treats'1 lumbago. etc M..ut - to & or by appointment. Phone "lain l'4!. flat C. CtOS 3d. isoi'li 1 B fc" E I P. spiritual advisor, ios GooduouKh bidg. Wuemlon meeting. Tuov. K"- 8 -M- M 'ail Z;.Vli. 777 k I - N A SOll EN S E N . U S Panama bias Drugless method unt-d for kidneys, rheu matism, constipation. Consultation free. Lit T K Tl V K Unitd Service Detective Bureau, only experienced operatives em ployed. ""4 Panama bldg. Mi-.n .iSl-j. citj 1 ,-r;i;b 1-LoL'a hair, moits. warts removed by lo-nt-edle method, trhd free. Josie Fin "v. 1 4 Filers Mrig. Main H3oS. ii;i,l-.'l''1'i;uL'-s hair destroyed forever. Dr. ftturch s multiple needle method, indorsed by p 1 1 v 3 1 c i ans. 504 Swetland oidg. DoENT Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? be ViMreek. collections. Dekurn bldg. y ANDREWS. phrenotog .st and card "tencher. Main 7."4s. Park it MME GKENELL relieves itching sea in. dandruff. LMQ Fliedner bldg. Bdw y. 1 GC. PKIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot t Igf , S4 4 E Seil wood 1'1'13 mornings. GERMS lu ik in i uat . I lent m Hoover v ac u u m and remove t hem. Mar. ?".i!t. LAD Y B A R HBKS Shu ve 1 .V. haircut fare miissage 3."m'. 3l." Oltsan. rcr. th.