13 THE arORXIXG OREGOXIAX, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1918. DEAN DISPELS MOVE TO BEAT MR. JONES Issues Arise Over Assignment of Committee Heads. TREASURER-ELECT HAS SAY Kllminalion of Joscpli Itlcliardson As Chairman -of Ways and Means Causes Dissatisfaction. But for tlie refusal of Representative l E. Bean, there might have been an Insurrection against the candidacy of Representative Seymour Jones for Speaker of the House. Mr. Bean re sisted the temptation when it was pre sented to him up the valley a few nigrhts ago, according to gossip which has trickled down to Portland- Back of it is eaid to have been a little dis satisfaction among some of Mr. Jones' supporters anent the important matter of committee appointments. A small group of men are said to have made the proposal, which Mr. Hean declined. One of the issues of the confab, however, is said to be the elim ination of Representative Joseph Rich ardson as chairman of the House com mittee on ways and means, and the as signing of this job to Representative Herbert Gordon, both of whom are Multnomah County men. Treasurer-Elect Rm Say. It was not generally known that Mr. Richa-rdson stood a very excellent pros pect of heading this very troublesome committee. In a discussion of organi zation matters by the group the pros pect of Mr. Richardson being chairman of ways and means came up and after a consideration of the pros and cons, it was decided to call in O. P. Hoff, state treasurer-elect. As the story goes, Mr. Jfoff informed the men that Mr. Rich ardson will be one of his principal lieu tenants and that Mr. Richardson will step into the State Treasury when the Legislature adjourns. As a matter of policy, it was consid ered that Mr. Richardson, as head of the ways and means committee, might be de trop. Mr. Hoff, it is said, saw it in that light, and it was agreed that Air. Richardson could serve just as well on some other committee where there would be less fireworks and less fire works would mean less hard feelings toward the State Treasurer by Repre sentatives and others whose feet might be trod upon by the ways and means committee. Gordon Looms for Chairman Having Ironed out this wrinkle, it soon became evident that Herbert Gordon would be chairman of the ways and means committee and this is a foregone conclusion. Mr. Gordon, as a candidate for speaker, finally got out of the road of Mr. Jones and the ap pointment is considered as a logical one. It is also suspected that K. K. Kubli, although a vigorous opponent of Mr. Jones, will be on the ways and means committee. What Mr. Kubll thinks he will get is the committee on capitol building and grounds, where speakers custo marily bury their opponents. Mr. Jones, however, may be reserving this place of oblivion for Denton Burdick, or John B. Coffey, or some others, who have not yet indicated to Mr. Jones what committee they want, if any. In the desire to see what he can do to take care of everyone, Mr. Jones has written to members and talked personally with others to learn their heart's desire. Of course, his friends, the original supporters of Mr. Jones, expect to be taken care of first, and most probably will be, but there are many good committees and Mr. Jones wishes to spread the good things as far as possible. DATES FIXED BY GOVERNOR RECONSTRUCTION' CONVENTION TO BE HELHJAN. 9, 10 AND 11. Mayors of Cities and Representa tives of Commercial Bodies to Attend Sessions In Portland. SAT.KM. Or, Dec. 24. (Special.) Of ficial dates for a reconstruction con vention to be held in the Portland Auditorium were set as January 9, 10 and 11 by Governor Withycombe, in a proclamation today. He calls upon all Mayors and representatives of Oregon cities, business, civic and professional organizations, highway, port and dock commissions, agriculture, manufactur ing, labor, shipping and commerce to direct their attention toward the great problems which are to be confronted by the convention and to attend. In his proclamation the executive sajs that because the state of Oregon is facing the sacred responsibility of preventing industrial depression and unemployment during the period of re construction and readjustment from a war to a peace basis only by the con certed application of the Intelligence, experience and endeavors of our most able citizens can definite and desirable stimulus be given to the reclamation of arid, swamp and logged-over land. the development of water power, high way construction and the maintenance of productive industry. TWO ESTATES IN COURT J. J. Bonckemper Named Adminis trator of Soil's Property. Letters of administration were grant ed by County Judge Tazwell to J. J. Bonekemper on the estate of his son who died in this city December 11. Grace Bonekemper, the widow, waived her right to be appointed administra trix. The estate was r'tted in the pe tition to be worth I'iSOO, consisting of personal property. The widow and a li-year-old son, Robert Curtis Bone kemper, were the sole survivors. The will of Douglas W. Taylor, one time City Engineer of Portland, who died in this city December 12, was ad mitted to trobate and the widow, Alice V. Taylor, appointed executrix. The value of the estate was not stated. The will was executed only four days be fore the death of . the deceased and be queathed the entire estate to the widow except two small bequests to two sons. DAILY CITY STATISTICS HirthN. "HUNT- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank "L.. Hunt, loiH First. December 15, a son. GRAYDON To Mr. and Mr. "William Graydon. 7003 Eighty-sixth, December 20, a dauchtr. WELCH To Mr. and Mrs. Hanicl J. "Welch. 11 Oil Hast Ninth. December 11. a son. TROOST To Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Troost, 804 Hood. December 14, a daughter. TlONNKT'L To Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bon nell. 2! Ktiat Thirty-second, December 13, a daughter. VAN' Vl-ERATT To Dr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Viia Vlerah, U22 Vernon avenue, December 20, a daughter. I.EUTHOTD To Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Leutholrl. GH'.i Insley, December H, a son. HAHTT To Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Harty, 13(10 Bast Stark. December IS, a son. KA1.L To Mr. and .Mrs. J. I. Fall, 038 Eat Main. Pet-ember 14, a daughter. TRACK Y To Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Tracey. 113 fcja.st Korty-third, December 8. ft son. HANSEN- To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Han sen. 4 Hast Thirty-first, Uecember 15, a daughter. . KUCZMA To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuci mH. Oweio. Or.. December 11. a. son. McKEIABT To Mr. and Mrs. Park Mc Kt'lvey. SHI Flanders, December 11, a son. HiUGINM To Mr. and Mrs. John William HiKins, oS Kast Thirty-first, December 1J. a son. Sv.'HUBACH To Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Schubaih, '8 West Church, December 17, a daughter. BKICKBLL To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brickell, sixty-seventh street, December -3, a daughter. GOODNIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. R. S3. Goodnight, 1115 liybee avenue, December 14. a Hon. BOONOMOS To Mr. and Mrs. James EconomoM, 1130 Vernon avenue, October 22, a daughter. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. ROSIi-H ER1NGTON KuEene P. Rose. 2.1, of MarysvWle, Kan... and iieva 1. Herrlngton. 25. of Grants Pass. Or. THOMAS-SHAULKY Stephen J. Thomas. S!, of Condon, Or., and Belle Boyd Shadley. 41. of Condon. Or. EVKS-DURSCHMIDT Ralnh H. Eves. 24. of Battle Ground. Wash., ana Laura K. Dur schmidt. lexra). of Battle Ground. Wash. RUELL-M'KELLAR Clayton Ruell. 28. of houtn Haven. Mich., and Tlielma alee McKel lar. of The Dalles. Or. MAXWKLI.-KAL.KNER Timothy E. Max well. '40. of Portland, and Nellie Falkner, 24, of Portland. FORD-EARL William C. Ford, 21. of Portland, and Edith E. Earl. IS. of Port land. GEBHERDT-WANGAMAN Louis Geb herdt. 2.". of Corbet t. Or., and Angelina 3. Wanjraman. 21, 8t. Johns. Or. BUKK-.IOh L.yle W. Burk. 2.1. of Port land, and Alma Moe. 23. of Portland. CLEVELAXD-GKAVBILL Raymond D. Cleveland. 25. of Salem. Or., and Gertrude E. GraybiM. IS. of Salem, Or. TUHNBULI..DAHLEN Alva J. Tiirnbull. 21. of Sherwood. Or., and Pearl M. Dahlen. 21. of Portland. GRUT2MACHER-BARLOW William E. Grutzmacher. 27, of West Moreland. Kan., and Dorothy IT. Barlow. 2.". of Portland. CARLSU.N'-PIERry Carl E. Carlson. 3!. of Portland, and Minnie G. Plercy, 32, of Tacoma. Wash. BORENI-WEIGEL Peter Borenl. S3, of Fan Francisco, Cal., and Emma Weieel. 16. of Portland. FREEDOM GIVEN ALIENS MAX Y WAR-TIME REGULATIONS XOW WIPED OUT. Germans, However, Still Under Su pervision, and Must Observe All Parole Restrictions. As a sort of Christmas present, many of the regulations governing alien ene mies in the United States have been wiped out by Presidential order. On and after today, December 25, enforce ment of all regulations imposed on German alien enemies, men and women, will be discontinued except as to regu lations 9, 10 and 12, of the proclama tion of April 6, 1917, these three regu lations continuing in full force and ef fect. United States Attorney Haney has di gested the revision and has issued a statement which is of interest to every alien enemy in the country. Mr. Haney'a statement says: Section 0 Drovlde that nn allAn nmv shall depart from the United States until he shall have received a permit to do ao. Section 10 provides that no alien enemy shall land In or enter the United States ex cept unaer certain restrictions. Section 12 provides that an alien enemy whom there is reasonable cause to believe to be aiding or about to aid the enemy, or who may be at large to the danger of the public peace or safety, or who violates or at tempts to violate, or of whom there is rea sonable cause to believe that he Is about to violate the regulations promulgated by the President of the United States or of the states or territories thereof, shall be subject to summary arrest by the United States Mar shal or his deputy, or such other officers as the President may designate and to con finement in such penitentiary, prison, jail. military camp as may be directed by the President. It will be noted that all prohibited and restricted zones or areas, both water-front and inland, are abolished by the above or der. It will further be noted that the neces sity of permits connected with German reg istration are also aoonenea. Pursuant to the above order and on and after lecember 25, 1 !1S, German and Aus trian alien enemies shall be subject to iden tical regulations. Particular attention Is called to the fact that power to arrest any German alien enemy considered dangerous, is retained. All German alien enemies, now under ar rest or interned, will remain in detention. It is particularly desired that Daroled German alien enemies take notice tnat all restrictions imposed upon them by such pa role must be observed by them ana tnat vio lation of such parole will be summarily pun ished.- HOLIDAY GRANTED MARINES Men in rtccruiling Station Reward ed Tor Failbful Services. Yesterday Christmas came to the "devil dogs" of Portland the Marines stationed at the recruiting station in the Panama building-. A telegram from Marine headquarters ushered in a real appreciation of Christmas, for the telegram mens that every man in the office is to have a special holiday on account of faithful service. Tho mes sage follows: "The Secretary of the Navy directs that as a reward of constant and ef ficient service every person who de sires it be granted leave either dur ing Christmas or New Year's. By di viding granting of Jeave, some at Christmas and some at New Year's, it will be possible to afford the well earned reward to all. Please inform all the personnel of this message, stating that the Secretary of the Navy extends greetings and appreciation of the great work they have accom plished, which has won the approval of the whole country. "LOWNDES. "Officer in Charge, Western Recruiting Division, San Francisco." COLD WEATHER FORECAST Prediction for Day Is Clear Skies and Biting: Winds. A little snow will be all that is lack ing today to make the day a real Christmas from the weather stand point according to predictions at the local Weather Bureau office. Clear not a cloud In the sky; cold colder than yesterday, when the freez ing point was reached; and continued easterly winds the cold .variety down the Columbia River is the. prospect for today, as near as it could be doped out late yesterday. Yesterday morning the thermometer went to 31.9 degrees, about the snappi est morning of the Winter, but last night 31' degrees early was registered, bearing out the prediction that this mornnig will be the coldest of the sea son. It was 30 degrees on December 17, but it was colder yesterday, man J a person will bear witness. V. S. Naval Radio Reports. All positians reported at 8 I. M. yester day unlrwi otherwise indicated. NORWOOD, Aberdeen for San Pedro, 0 miles" south of Cape Blanco. K. H. MKYliR, San Francisco for Portland. 200 miles north of San Francisco. W A PA MA. San Francisco for Seattle, 50 miles north of Northwest Seal Hocks. CITY OF TOPEKA, San Francisco for Portland. 47 miles north of Eureka C. A. SMITH. Marshfield for Bay points, 110 miles noith of San Francisco. ATlAS. towlnsr Barge ::. Richmond to Portland. 443 miles south of Richmond. ASUNCION. Martinez for Cordova, 470 miles north of San Francisco. WASHTENAW. Portland for Martinez, 20 miles Bouth of Columbia River. CELILO, Everett for San Francisco, Cu5 miles north of San Francisco. V. S. PORTER, Everett for San Fran cisco. 112 miles from Everett. RICHMOND, with barg-o 9.".. San Francisco for Seattle, OS miles south of Tatoosh. KIMS DISTRIBUTE TOYS CHRISTMAS PliAXS COMPLETED AT LUNCHEON'. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach Compli mented for Success of Undertaking. Ea?r to start out on their mission of bringing Christinas cheer to ,700 Portland kiddies, about 75 members of the Kiwanis Club, Portland's newest civic organization, assembled at lunch eon at the Portland Hotel yesterday noon. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, who is in charge of the toys left at Liberty Tem ple, was the guest of honor at the luncheon, and after listening to the thanks and compliments paid her by the Kiwanis for her splendid work, she gave an Inspiring Christmas talk. George A. Iovejoy, president of the Kiwanis, presided. A unique excuse to go back to their childhood days and play for a few min utes with toys was adopted at the luncheon, until Ben Hazen. disguised as Santa Claus, came running into the room and confiscated all the toys in. sight. Santa then brought forth six Kiwanis pennants and succeeded in selling them for a total of $40.50. which was added to the fund for distribution among the poor children. This morning the Kiwanis will go with their overflowing Christmas spirit to the County Poor Farm and the Tu berculosis Hospital, where they will make the unfortunate inmates happy with gifts and music. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or.. Dec. 24. Maximum temperature. 40 decrees; minimum tem perature, 31 decrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 2.6 feet; change In last 24 hours, -0.8 foot. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total rainfall since September 1, 1IU8. 12.45 inches; normal rainfall since Septem ber 1, 17.63 inches; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 191S, 6.18 inches. Sun rise, 7:52 A. M. : sunset, 4:30 P. M. Total sunshine. 7 hours, 28 minutes; possible sun shine, 8 hours. 38 minutes. Moonrise. 8:09 P. M.; moonset. 5:5: A. M. Barometer (re duced sea level) 5 P. M., 30.41 Inches. Rela tive humidity at noon. ?2 per cent. THiS WEATHER. 3 State of Weather STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston Calgary ...... 101 280 OO! . . IS on. .Inw 32!lhK Od . . ,N H2!24'N 02I..IS 3l. .Inw :;o.oOiB 00'14'NW OoL.jNW 02 . .Ink 86:14:NW OOl. .NW 00. .. NW 00 1 . . INW O0,14 NW 02!14N 52 22 NE j 0O..jE 001. .N Clear Clear Kajn Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear 240 440 40. 0 34 O 240 26iO Chicago Denver . Des Moines. . . Eureka ....... . . I 3! 6: Cial veston .... 42 0 Helena ...... 240 42!l 2:0 llll 0 52,0 280 22,0 52 0 4 0 4iO 28 0 Juneaut ...... Kansas City... I.os Angeles... Marshfield ... Medford Minneapolis .. New Orleans.. Cloudy New York Rain Clear North Jleai... North Yakjma Cloudy Phoenix 32) 5410. 00 ... 1 ii Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Pocatello Portland Roseburg . . . . Sacramento . . !8,0 00.. S w 40!0 3410. 52iO 34!0 Olli. . NW . ISW 00 . 00. NE St. Louis .48.2SIN W Cloudy Salt Lake 2SO ool 00 NW NW NW ISB W s iClear IClear Clear Clear Cloudy Idoudy Cloudy San DieKo San Francisco. 58 0 54 0 3 (I 2410 32 0 42,0 3UO 28 O 44 O 8,0 001. on I. Seattle Spokane 0T! Tacoma Tatoosh Island Valdezt Walla Walla.. OO 20 B ioU Ilw' ft. cloudy Cloudy Washington 4fi. .W 00,16S Cloudy IClear innipea . 1-10 tA. M. today. P. M. report precedius day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Wednesday fair and continued cold; northeasterly winds. urecon ana Washington Wednesday fair and continued cold; gentle northeasterly winds. Idaho Wednesday fair and continued cold. EDWARD L. WELLS, Meteorologist. I'uneral of AValter Page Held. ABERDEEN-, N. C.. Dec. 24. The fu neral of AValter Hines Page, former Ambassador to Clreat Britain, who died at Pinehurst Saturday night, was held here today. Assistant Secretary of State William Phillips attended as rep resentative of the Government. Sunipter Employes to Quit. OnEGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington. Dec. 24. Senator McN'ary has been informed by the employes of the Sumpter Valley Kailway that they have despaired of securing a satisfactory nage adjustment and will discontinue ork December 31. AMl'SEMENTS. Dancing Guaranteed I.V 8 LESSONS Ladies $2.50 Gentlemen $5.00 At Dellonej'i Beautiful Academy. 23 and M nhioKton NEW CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS Start Thursday Evening. December 26 1 Friday Evening. Ueeember 87, find Monday Evening, Uecember SO This rate for ladies is for this week only. Secure your tickets at once. You can take one or three lessons a week. Tickets are good until used. This is the only school teaching one lesson the entire evening. 8 to 11. rienty of prac tice, no embarrassment. The only school with a separate step room and extra teachers where backward pupils re ceive special intention. The only school with a system which teaches the gen tleman to lead and lady to follow cor rectly, where you will dance with doz ens of different partners each lesson (the only way to become a practical dancer), and where each pupil receives a thorough printed description of all dances free. Private lessons all hours. Lady and gentlemen instructors. Join the leading school. Learn from profes sional instructors. Meet refined people. Call afternoon or evening. Learn from professional dancers in the leading school. Phone Main 7656. TODAY AND TOMORROW. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "SAY. YOCNG IHLLOW. ' One of . Doug's icrcatest pictures: also "Dukes and Dollars," & Bis V comedy. CIRCLE THEATER Fourth and Washington. HEAR THE QUARTET SING MONDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 30. AT COTILLION HALL AMfSEMENTS. TICKET' XOW SSLLlNti. HEILIG XMAS ATTRACTION 43- TONIGHT 8:15 SPKCIAL PHICK M AX. S T. Hit 11,1.1 NT COMKIIY HIT. oy '. i i.i,! " Jl l.KS KI KKIIT (,OODMX "POTASH AI PKHLMrTTEH." IV -TIIK PILM'M" HI MNKSS. reVKS Floor. J1.50: Bal.. Jl. 75c, 50c; tittl., r.Oc. SAT. MAT. Floor, Jl; Bal.,--Jl, 75c, 50c. -C BARCi.MX MAT. TODAY. Tonlirht, All Week. 1"h 1'amoua Baker Mock Company in THE SPOILERS MiluiiniMiuiiitwiiiintiiiiuiHHitiitniinitiiiiinMuitiininHlniuiiHflHiinMi Hex Beach's Wonderful Tale of the Klondike. Imm.'ns. Cast and Sortie Production. Minis. 2Se, 50c; All Mats., gSc. -exl w?ek. -Blue Jraiia." Midnight Matinco -New years live. MORRISON AT TH PLAYS THAT PLEASE BARGAIN MAT. TODAY, O C ANY SEAT aCOC MOTHER CAREY'S CHICKENS NIGHTS. 25. SOc. f!0 jgfCALL BROADWAY 37 FOR MIDNIGHT MAT, DEC. 31. CIS EDWARDS' ANNUAL tiONU KKVrK, Tutrodnelnr OI..A COOK. With Two Dogcn Beauties and Harmonium. 8wor Si Avey: Paul Decker & Co.7 Tha Kiralfy Kiddles; Wallace Galvin; Tha Llttlejohns; Orpheum Travel Weekly. Official War Review, " Including THE SrRRFMlKK OF TITK GERMAN 11IOH bKA FLEKT. PANTAGEQ MAT. DAILY 2:30 Monster Christmas Week ProEramme The World's Marvelous. Magical Entertainers THK GREAT I.KONE CO. ' Presenting MU Edith Parkard. the Original "It's Me Airain" t.irl. Three Performances Dally. Nisbt Curtain at 7 and 0. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Continuous Performance Today and Tonlcht. Dillon & J ranks nnd The IUebud Girls In THE KING OF BING BONG L-aughtcr, Music and Pretty GirU. (IIOKIS OIRI.S' CONTKST KK1DAV. DANCING BIG SPECIAL XMAS PARTIES TONIGHT AND XMAS AFTERNOON AND EVENING COTILLION HALL FOIHTEEMII. OFF WASHING, TOM Phone your want ads to The Oreeo nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6095. Rate for Classified Advertisements la The Oreaonian. -Daily and Sunday Par U IX One Una Two consecntlre Mmee..... "rr, consecutive lines biz or keten cousccntlve Uraea... ftoa The following clasif icMtions excepted. Cbe rate an v.nirb la 7e per line per liar I situations W anted Male. situations Private iamiliea. Board and iioum Private 1 amines. llouaekeeuinE Room Private ftainiliee. No ad taken tot less thau two lines. Count six words te to line. Advertukcraente ieicept "Per aonals"! will be taken aver tUe tele, ptiuue it (be advertiser la a subscriber ta cither phone. SN price will be quote over lbe pbone, but statement will be rendered tbe ' following- day. Advertise ments re taken for Tbe Daily Ore couiau until a p. 11. ! for Tbe tiundas urcgunlan until P. al. Saturday. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wiison'a Auction House. 20 Furniture. 16!-171 Second at. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON COMMAND ERV, NO. 15 A special con clave will be held Wednesday evening- at B o'clock sharp. pared excellent Christmas exercises. After the Christmaa Toasts there will he a fine Christmas tree for the children and Krown- U9. A xuu( mil.! nenuiwti. ' fir II 1 1 1 y r 1 3 and their families and friends cordially In vited. GEORUli P. E1S.MAN, Kecordcr. ORUliON COMMANDERV. K. T. Pleaae attend the usual Christmas observance at 12 o'clock, noon. Address lv Rev. Kr William A. Waldo and inc- cial entertainment. The attendance of so journing Sir Knights will be appreciated. C. F. WIEOA.NL. Jtecorder. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, alaaj S w deslsns. Jaessr Bros.. 131-a eth at, FRIEDLANDER'S for tear emblmis, class pins and medals. 819 Washington si Kill Biiiiiiiijj DIED. LKACH In this city. December 24. 101 s. at 'St. Vincent's Hospital. James H. Iach. fcd 40 years, son of the late Francis P. l.'ach. leceai--ed if nurvtved by a willow, Mrs. Dora Lach. 47U4 4L'd avenue South eaut. and five children. lorothy. Marion. Ir'-ne, Herbert and Hennle Iach. all of this city; also a mother, Mrs. Johanna Iach. four brothers and siHlers. Joseph M., of Portland: Kdward C. San Kran ci.mco; Winfield O. and Ocorce M.. of Se attle. Wash.; Mrs. Josephine McKenna. Mrs. Lottie Kibble. Miss Florence Unli. and Miss Harriet Leach, all of Portland. '' member of Fratu Aembly No. 1-1. L niled Artisans, also a member of pnixh War Veterans. Remains are at ttie parlors of the Skewes Undertaking t.ompany. corner Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. El-RTON In this cltv. December 24. 191. l.orcnxa L. Eijton. ascd 40 years: beloved husband of Bertha Klston. father of Al 1, Marjorie and Edward Elslon: son of Mrs. Ernest Storm: also survived by four lters. Funecal notice later. Remains "re at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. McNEILlc-December 54. at the family resi lience, ittj liantenbein avenue. Amos C McNeill, see ,'i3 years, beloved husband of Bertha .McNeill and father of l.a Verne anil Mable McNeill. Remains at Pearson's inilercartinit parlors. vune!i street untl union avenue. . BENNETT At the residence. 4.11 East Ash Jtrec-t, December H.",. ISMS. Beaulah H. Hennett. a ceil 8 years 22 davs. beloved dauchter of W. D. and Norah Bennett. Kemalns at Jlolman s funeral parlors, funeral notice later. R1'jrB At Lo" Angeles. Cal., Dec. 20. J91S. .dward R. Hoise. aKed 3 years 7 months -X days, beloved husband of Elsie Rolse. Kemalns at Hoimaa'a luneral parlors. Fu nerul notice later. CARLSON in this city rerember 2.1. Nels Larlson. Remains at R. T. Ryrnes resi dential parlors. 901 Williams avenue. r uncral announcement later. Fl'NERAL NOTICES. VENN Tn this city. December 24. Walter LW1 Venn, or 2M t-taiauin uvenuv. ane :il years, beloved husband of Mrs. Mamie K. Venn, brother of Knnert Venn, of Holten. Jllch.; Alexander Venn, of Canada; Ed ward Venn, of Oakland. Cal.: Mra. Ivruger. of Wisconsin; Mrs. B. T. Kelly and Mrs. i;eoree B. Thomas, of Vancouver. vash. The deceased vaa a member of the Elks and Trainmen's Union of Van couver. Funeral services will lie held Thursday at 2:30 P. M.. December 28, fit the new motl.rii lun.ral parlors of the hambers A Ken worthy Company. 24S-2.V) MlHngsworth avenue, near Williams. In terment at Pars; Hill Cemetery, Van couver. Wah. MARTIN December 2t. 3919. at Castle Hovk. Wash.. Leander Martin, aged ."! years: bel.ived husband of Jennie B. K Martin, father of Sergeant Thomas K. Martin. Company B, 41st Division, in rrance: brother of J. F. Martin, or this city, and Isabel Martin, of Minnesota. 1-uneral services to be held at Methoalxt Church. Castle Rock. Wash., tomorrow (Thursday), December . at 11 A. M. The remains will then be shipped on the 1 :0 P. M. train arriving in Portland at 1 nlon Depot at 3:40 1'. M. Interment Mount Scott Cemetery. Friends invited. HARDTE In this city. Dee. 24. Mrs. Ella Medora llardie. aged 60 years ti months. 25 days, mother of Mrs. George H. Nlcolai and Mrs. I.. H. Vincent, and Mrs C. It. Mi Cayeal. Hazel and Kuth Hardie. all of this city: Mrs. F. K. Smith of Iteming. New Mexico: E. H. Hardie, Warrenton and .1. H. Hardie of Astoria. The funeral service W'ill be held st the conservatory chapel of F. S. Punning. Inc.. 414 East Alder street, at 1:30 P. M.. Thursday itomorrowl, friends invited. Interment Hiverview Cem etery. MATCOVICH Tn this city, at htsvate resi dence. 1111 Glenn avenue. Deceniber 22. Mathew Matcovlch. aged 36 years, hus band of Mrs. Mary Matcovich. The funeral cortege will leave Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Thursday morning. December 28, at 8:30. and proceed to the St. Law rence Church, Third ami Sherman strt-ets, where mass will be said at D o'clock. Friends Invited. Inteqruent at Greenwood. Cemetery. WOODALL In this city. December 24. Willard Otia Woodall. aged 1 year. Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Otis F. Woodall. of 487 Kenllworth street. The funeral services will be held Thursday, December 2B, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Finley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. San Francisco and Baltimore papers please copy. ANDERSEN Tho funeral services of Doro thea Andersen, aged l0 years, sister of Peter Andersen. Monitor. Or.: Rev. O. K. Andersen, Fort Ransome, N. D. ; A. B. Andersen. Portland; Mra. D. E. I.iml- I. er. Monitor. Or., will be held at A. K. Zeller's funeral parlors tomorrow (Thurs day). December 2G. at 1 P. M. Friends are Invited. Interment Rose City Ceme tery. SEGOR In this city. December 2.1. 1919. Eugene Segor, sged 28 years: beloved sis ter of Mrs. A. Hlane. Funeral will leave the residential parlors or Mi:ler & Traccy tomorrow 1 Thursday). December 2. ItilH. at S:45 A. M.. them e to the Pro-Cathedral, where requiem mass will be otfered at 9 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Ceme tery. MTOV In this city, December 24. tnis, Frank McCoy, aged 34 years 10 months 2.". davs. beloved husband of Marie McCoy. Friends invited to attend the funeral services which will be held at llnlmin'l funeral parlors at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Thursday). December 20, 191S. Inter ment Hlvtrvlew cemetery. DKI.ITHI In this city. December 22. 191 . John Deluchl. aged 30 years 11 months 21 davs. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services which will be. held at St. Michael's Church. Fourth and Mill street, at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Thursday!. Decem ber 20. 1918. Interment Ml. Calvary ceme tery. KKPPKR The funeral or the late John Kepper will leave the residential payors of Milter & tracey tomorrow (Thursday. Decemiier 20. 19IS. at S:30 A. M.. thence to St. Patrick's I'hurch. where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Inter ment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Mc'rCAV The funeral services of h late Peter McKay will he held Friday. De cember 27. at 2:30 o'clock P. M . at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. TR.YLE The funeral services of the late Simon Trayle v. 1 1 1 be held tomorrow (Thursday). December 21. 1!1. at 11 A. M . at the chapel of Miller Trac y. In cineration at the Portland Crematorium. SMITH The remains of the late George M. Smith were Interred at Multnomah Park Cemetery Tuesday. December 24. 191S. at 3 P. M.. under direction of Miller & Tracey. ITNERAl, DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TII AND MI I-TNOMAH lortlnti'M Most PrufcrrfuUt FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 84- -C 3I5 IIOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 187T. Third and Salmon Streets, slain 607. A 151L Lady Assistant- Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Kuneral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. 20t ti and -Slot. West Flda. Mali .691. Lady Assistant. A 7885. J. P. Finley & Son PROC.RESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTOIia Main Montgomery at Fifth. A lo'jll. DCNNlNti A. McENTEE. funeral directora. Broadway and Tine street. Phone Kruadway 430, A 4"5S. Lady attendant. F S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN KULsi UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. East 52. 11 2026. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS rhons Woodlawn fi7sr. BREEZE & SNOOK 5th 54e MR. AND MRS- W. II. HAMILTON' Ku e al service. 1T3 E. Olitan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH East 11th and Clay sta East Tel. B 1S8. ERICSON TWelftt,B?Ss,dw1.yrr2"ra,4. "lre" A. R. ZELLER CO.&VY' A. D. KEN WORTH i CO. 5S02-04 2d St.. Lents. Ta bor B2T. SKKWEd UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. FIORISTS. MARTIN Se FORBES CO.. Florists. 364 Washington. Main 269. A 12CU. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2ST Morrison st. Main or A 1805 Fine flowers and lloral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 213L belling Bldg.. HU and Alder Sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flow ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 622 IRVINUTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers: lowest prices. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2b7 Washington St . bet. 4th and 6th. Main S1Q2. A 1181. LL'BI.IXEH, Portland Hotel. 328 Morrison. Charge accounts solicited. Marshall 753. Pi y rrrr:--N--r"ertrrre. j .ttttit. rrfirrti r A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOIMANTH, JOHN L. CLARK, general and cost account ing. 40: Washington st. l'buae AttUHDION riEAIiNvi HEMS III CI"" WE CUT. HEM, AND PLEAT SKIRTS AM' ST LE. lull L Ht.JJSTllCUl.Sli IOC mi VAKL .... E ASTERN NOVELTY CO.. -i FIFTH sr. BDWY. 2000. AtiATK t i l I EKE AND Ml ti. JKWE1.KK.-N JEWELRY and watch Impairing. MilUra, a.-o Wash. St.. Majestic Theater bldg. AI.I AI.f A MEAL. t.Kel M FEED. IIAV. WALTER SCUTT. Board of Trade. M. B60T. AXfllllKS AM AKTH. OLD BRASS, copnvr. curios, tapestry and art jeelry bought and sold. aQ2 ad St. APPKAIJ-ALS. STANDARD APPRAISAL COMPANY. Kail- Ex. Bldg. Phono Marshall 2752. ASSAVERS AM 'ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. J42 Second Cold, sliver and platinum bought. ATTORN E. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN", practice In all eeurts. M2 Northwestern Bank bldg BAKBKh rl ITI.IKS. OREGON BARBER SCPPLY CO. We buj and sell all kinds barber supplies. 200 2J. L. M. JONES, M. Lt. CANCER TREATED. ST 2 Morrill bldg. Marshall 614X CARPET CLEANING. DlinO The kind that wear tho best are I1UUO made from your wornout carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. t former ad dress. 153 Union ive.l. Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, relitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. ISS.East oth. PHONE EAST 35SO. B 12S0. FLUFF RUG CO. Phones: Ktist tiolti, B 1475. 54 Cnlon ave. N. CELI.l l.OII BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSoN COMPANY. 337 Washington. Braadway 4ol. A 1254. IIIKW1IIIIMS AND ARt II el'Kl I A LIS I 3 WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVeney. the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists in tho city. Parlors ;U2 Gerlinger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Aluor. Phone Main 1.UH. DR. GARTNER. Ingrown nails, bunlona a specialty; foot arches made to order. 311 Swelland bldg.. cor. 5t'.l-Wash. .Main 10SI. IHIROI'RAfTIC I'HYSK I A N. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg.. luOtt chiro practic. World's best. Aljustmcnts made nr... ownunm WIS , I.H: I SIT IK( I l.AK 1.K1TFRS. CRANK l.KTTKK C'O.. ..10- 1 1-1 J Koval bide. Mar. 1UO 1tt-.T lltulligraphcd. $1.00. rol.l.MTIONS. NKTH t CO., Worost-r blisr. Main 1 Titl. No rol'.rrttons. no rharjre. hint n h! i? hod 1V. ROCK .PRINi;s and Castle Cute coal; im mediate deli vene on large and malj orders. Central Fuel Co. Main Iriitrt. D.Nn(;. ilKS. BAYM'S Dancinn Academv. aoS-H Dfkum bide. Best instructor. 13f?innera' das Tues. eve.; class party Frl. eve. Les sons day or eve- by apopintmenL. PUoat Main 1343. Al-lIvV lineiny Academy. Private lnsiruo tora, day and evening. Classes Friday even 1:iS. 1,'d floor Allsky bldg. S lessons. $.. MHS. i-M-tiCK S ACADEMV. luy '2d st. Ball room and staKe danfcinjr. C:asn Tu-a., Kri. eve.: children especially. Main llluo. tlUlAriONAL AnnMrnnr-llolmrK BVMNK COI.LMd:. WHOLESALERS AND AL TO TOPS. Pl'URUlLLE BL'OUY TOP CO., th and Oak. (Oil, DKAI.EKS. UENUOTA COAL ;0.. li N. bids. Main UTi. V. Bank UIIV (.(MJUS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CQ. SVZxytZ OKAIN MKKt'HAM'S. PACIFIC OKA IN CO.. Hoard of Trade B.de. HATS AND CAPS. TIIANHOI'SKIt II AT CO.. f3-..5 Front St. JII1IKS. WOOL. ( A-tAKA BARK. KAI1N HKOS.. !!; Front St. PAINTS AND I.I BltH'ATINd Oil s. Fl I.I.Kit CO.. I 'Jill and I'avls Sts. MOM MKNTS. PdltTLAN'D MAHBI.K WORKS. '.'H4-if.rt 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 6C14. Philip Noil A; Sons for lnrinorials: BLAESING GRANITE CO. THIRD AT MAOISON STREET j OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Kooltl ll tourt house. Olli M. I.ntranrf. Thonc front to .-. Main 31". Home I'hone A S.Vi.t. Nlaitit call after office hours. W ood-iata-n 761. . Itfporl all rases of cnt'lty to thi above addtcas. t:rtric li'tha! clumbir for small aniniaia. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a Moment's notice. Any one desiring a doB or other pel communi cate Willi us. Call for all lost or strayed stock as wc look after th Impounding. There Is no moro city pound. Just' oregoa Humane boclety. IS'EW TO DAT. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Una's an'1 Woolen Clotliln. We Make Jieyersiblo. llaud-Wo.en FLUFF RUGS Tbey Wear Like Iron, ttall Orde.-s. eend ' Booklet Mall or2i,Ru;. WoTeo. All Slsea. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WKSTKKN Hl'FK KTO CO.. 61 Vuloa Ass. . tt fcile. It 1171. Garages KrJ3 art IS4 Ankeay St. Phone Brsadnor 149. Sam Connell Lumber Co. COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT 15c .T1 l'OSTAtil-1 PRKFA1B. Smirle t r o t. e n. properly puckeil to arrive In K"'l con dition in 5 - pound to 15 -pound lots, within 130 miles of Portland. Write for Quotations on larger quantities. NORTHWEST FISH PRODUCTS CO. il5 lamhlll St.. I'ortlnnil, Or. I'bnne .Main 47l. MORTGAGE LOANS InipreTed ritT and farm property Installment rcpainisol prltilrs; If preferred; prempt, reliable service. A. H. B1RRELL CO. C17-219 Northwestern Haok Bulldlnc Marshall 4114. A 4111. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BCSINKSS AMI IttSIDtNCK I'KOI'tKTY. BOBKRTM1N H KWINO. SC1- Northwestern Rank Blda". JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE IXAXS. Insurance, Surety Bonds S03 WILCOX BLUU Alain -,02. A Dusmess Dulrelm f tirrHrrr) KVK. KAK, NOK AM THKOAT. r. l l- t'asscilay, pe lllt: clasps tilted. iQU K. Lturnsi.io. cor. I'utti. B li. 47o4. i- k m i. Kit. i.l.lKuT"l fc.U io and hVrto manura de ) ert-d. full or half truck load. Mar. laU 1-1.1 I I- Kl . AM K.. Kl li I'AirORY. NOKTIIW Ki'f KL'G CO.. .MaoiU.lied 1VMU. Kluif ruti and raj; luym ul sisea, Kast hth a?-d Ta u.r. K.tpt U0d, IS ls. IIK.MM I K HIM,. K. STKI'll AN, licmlilt. Isin;;, tca. U.piiitf, . cordion idc- iltai, bullous covered; mail o rdrrsi. INiiovk block. Uioaaway lo;u M AU K H.i. H KI). ilAT'l'UKiiSKrf fluffed in onu dy. ou:ran teed. l.owtBt -rit,a in tu u. K.iat -oTO. -rQ P'r hour; auto van. Sellwood HAUL. IIUKMK'KN, it.lin teachr, pupil tevrik. io? Kitetiner b.Ui,-. lviy. 1 Ut. OI'TOMK I KIlf, .M Ol'l K IANS. t.UAfc-SKiS AT A SAVING, e y jyv 1 (solicit ur iiironasiii on the -JjitJ besia of capable service. Thou- Kanda of satisiiod patrons. - A trial n 111 convince. Chan. W. liood man. Optometrist. MorrUon. Main Jl-4. I'ATKNT ATTOKM:YS. la. C. WKIGHT ytars" experu-nce Li. S. and fore i patents. tk I Uc k u m bld. IIM1 I NC 1R. I;. A. IlllUi.irS, ioi Iiroaday bids. Kheumailsiii, lemie disorders, akia trou bles, stomach. lixcr. kiunet. bowei-, throat. Koi'.ir. scalp, Mch blood pressurw. 80 p incre.nscd ei f iciency ; drugless is treatm.nt. iotiro. iaralysis, noad- actie. lotiiittts. Lr. VaUri, uu iswetiaud I'l l MltlX. M I'iM.IKiS. n.l MBlNG St'l'l'Ll KS at wholesale price Siark-lavs Co.. -1- TlurJ. Main "y. I'RIM ISO. kKYSTuXtl rKluSH J. I-:. Uantenheln, Mgr. Prtn ti uk and linotyping:. 1UU S Front street, cor oer Stark. Main or A 1418. HAI.TKS & COMPANY. miif I lilU 1st nd Oak si Main It;. A 116 SKCOMMIAM- STORKS. LLVIN HlVV. A: Kl ilN. CO., .'-'1 Front Strc-t. We buy nnd r cver thing In the har! wnte and f uruiiura line. Phone eYIam ..:;- A 71T4. T K. fr fc K AM STOKAtiE. AMMKU'AX TKANSKKlt A l-'TuKAGE, W e do l.Hulin of all ki:uls In or out of the eii y. lluKak'n and furniture mov In our M,in;t; 7 Uas' free itonice, O-'t our irtccs. We hurry. Bruudway -113a. C.:k ft. 01ii iON TKAMSKKU CO.. 47 4 i' I nan m -corner of h. Telephone Hroadway 1-L or 11G'.. Wo own and operate two larce class "A" warehoui-'s on terminal track. Lowest iniiiam-e rates in the city. FIREPROOrSTORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSKKIi CO.. '.MS PINK. SIAD1SON-ST. IiOi'lv & tt'AUKHiil'SE. OK fir 1'I Matliitoti. llon. ral merchami ise and forwarding hkchis. I'Mouc Main lti'.'l. l'Ai'KIXi: Mil VI Ml STullAiiE. PK1 IllTV STultAtiE - lllANSitil CO. 1Q-. I'ark st. Main M .. A !" 1. CI.AV S Mor.fK, INC. THACIvAUK. STOItAHK. THANSFBH. 44S-4."t Olifan t. WATCH KKrAIKrNti. li Kl H KST prii-vs i. lid o!l watch. -s and Jew. elry. Cnndltion no ob.ti-ot. K.-pairs a ape clalty, I(emr Jswelry Co.. 41."3 Wash, st. NAT!' N A L, FUEL CO. Kast 2041. Short blocks, mixed s.sh. Rood furnace wood. IVLVNUFACTURERS r.tlNTjl. OILS AM ;i.aws. HASMI SSK.V Jfc CO.. -'d and Taylor. ril'K. I'll'K Ml IIMi AMI VAI.VKH. l. I.. Kl.l.NK, (i4-Ml l'ront St. I'l.l MBINtl AMI STKAM M ITI.IKS. M. 1 KI.1NK, M-MI l'ront rilUlll ( K t UM.MIs.ilUN MI'.Ht II AN IS. FA H It K I.I 1 Ml Frori SI. lllll'K AM 1IIMI1NO IttINK Portland l-'orilat;e l"o.. Ultl and Norlhrup. SAMI. HOOKS AMI 1,1. Ass. W. P. FL'I.I.KIl Ar Cl'.. Utli ami Uavis s:s. WALL I'ATMl. Mli.l.KI W. :i I'ap'T A: I't. Fif-st St. Molt i : . N W A I . REAL KST ATE. A li i . A i 1 h. 11 . s ii nil hits ( lif ; p. w tlt l ..! riirn o nl tin; Jt iimi l.iitii tti Ha Mionif He. .?. KiU SA I.K - K.--..."ii- . ..us m.J ji-r.iKo J"iiiMi t Itv of AlliHnv; kc. I trvt, I i rttMOl atnl rt-.iiii.il. i l.l.- t. TMK-. V. II. H ar... it ;:. All'.u . r For Kmle IxIb. 151" Y A irr kikst: Nov Is tho (imp ft lu rur lt. Ati ran huil'l w hii oii winIi. I iiav tun Into til I.Hurflliiii.-. iinar tlie Turk. lliHt I i I 1 a t till? tli-t mi n l Mini m rry rn,y trmr; ; I vnl :,... nror t h. t . t any ti'n you may tst t. I.ini.i, within f.r. 10 tlko a L'-l inort fr ha I a tn- u ow m anl .oi-iir - j ttu immrv on a 1.- iiirt CMRf to tiist In tut):ii.f; our Iioiik-. l r luillu'r part n-nl.irrt thonc me at KAST ". BCII.D TV T.AI KKf.lirnST TH IS smiN.. PLAN Yin; rinlsi-; Now. T will aid oii to finHiu- nnl liutl-l: ct your lot firit. l,t mikI hurrouitiliiiKH hou:.. hitrmiiriip. LaurIIiur.-t i.x u n nllition of lit'MUt.fii. Iioiik-. I h;io t ru .'hoi'-u lotn for i h lHrtzMiu: easy tPi?n?i. J-'ir full iftforti nt(ii r'i:arJtnr; ,iir l;in, j-o MA" 1WKS, CUMh hikI ;;t.n. Tabor op '1'alM.r Sr.i; Sim. and r-. iil 1 1.1 N W 1 1 K RK IS A HA li rft niv I'nrk. lMft. rnrm r. Nortliwr riniT .".:;r'l Hint Al.itnr.i.i 1'r.vo. nulv IUm to r;ir. sum fir t rrs. J'rirc tin! v $ 1 1' . 1 m provrnirnt s httiiln.i 1 1 J. I 11 A HTM AN ruMI'AXV. N-.. 7 Chnnihrr of "oittnu-r. o HldK- -itli V tark. Main $;.H ."T'r-MOtt, fa.inc poiith on K. Salmon .-t.. 7." f-ti e;it of 11. m. Total vri-r onlv r.-h. all rnJ. Wondrrfiil ., r k m, 1 'li'iiio M m m 1 mis. S KK.WK T.. M i-iil'IK K. AmNi;T.V TiF-lMj. l l.NK i'ornr 1 . 4r.tl."i. one li;'k f ntrt-t-tar; op! :..".: will fH for $4i if iak:i it in ,".0 tla tt. In. -a use I want ta ia l'rtlanrl. "omo a'.id owner. J. I IfKn ti:i mv 'I'uV.' St. .I.ihn.vi v.tr. IOWN. ." -r month. oOxlOO lot. JOO f-rt N. of i'.uini-Je. Th l:i W'.. on 8-t. Kkaxk U .M.t;t;n:K. aui.nl.toN i.LixJ. iOj. ;(XU $3A N M Al.l. ST.. ft. from -Ml. Trrnt. aiii Tabor 'JIM. 1 or rii llnusrti. ST. HKI.KN S rontT-J M.H k5 from rr .'-rooiii bunnilow ,ittt attiv; fumare anl f irpit'- : ciii viu : in ,kiiio tiok iitJi Mr. ib's f I .WtMMi bom. K.Ty trrnus tHrPUU X- WIKI'HIfK, LM Stark St. fjti.ii .- K mM iil.i'1: r bn n g;i low . f u- I-mm 7 - ft. la.s(innt. .Vx. !-, nstrlrtoil i t -1 1 Wt : easy terms, or tnlu lit x-hanpe t r t iriibt-r nr at-rna k or nti i onto bile. lrMi- A K IN; A Lf W t I NJ I, A r H K LH Tit ST. Six rooms near I,aur-lhurst t'ark. pti- S4'i.al, w bioh tru lU'b i rvrrj iliinjr; inotlst initial payment w ill put you in posfe.-iIou ; reasonable terms on balaiice. Tabor M. 'l i:ST--'lASS home. .t fill. . 1ll $.".to; leu vim; :iy; ' lflroonm, nlpjnff poti-h, 2 firplai-s. - tm?-t!. hot-watt r b-at. t-on-4-t-ote srara:. 1 r. 1-t 7l". ( r'Kni a , A MT:HKV XMAS T ALU NKI'MAI'SKN 4V- K' . . nr.r, v. "v. hank ki,im;. mmn sn7. IHVIN.TmN UnMKS OI R Pl'Ki'lAUTV H 1 ,tl-t N" ".-rnom, flril;ir'. ba : li auH buipmrnt bun KaUw ; .. ft. bn. This i a fire htm for a Mnall family and worll. t h money. IVn i i.-". "'" 'ort.-t t b;1 c. Jm'11. SAKK tr.e acre i;roiiriI. 7-room Iiuum-, barn. i-k-n Imhi. I rutt. br rne. ei i all or p; rt, -n ies.ri,"i, ti ms if ret ill red. Itro.t'tw av liAWTMoRXH I I ST. ."i T 1 1 ST. $ Jo 5 larro rooms, larcc ht : rom for mite; vm-ant. Owner. T.ibor hv'J4. I'UKTUM' HKI'iHT ownt-r. m. .Vk Mm;-rn home ii ur ow ii ti'i tun. bor ItW.T. or ral! - K 1.-: ft. N. 377.0 KOSK CITY PARK S.TT.'iO. Close to i-nrline. -rCHTn bun km low. snap. See this tiuick. Knst l,oI. .t7.-0Kt"SK"ciTr PARK-$3750. f'!oM to rartine. fi-room bum; a low, inup. 5c tlx m yutck. i.ubi 1!0 iO. bis