Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Fighters Take Great Pride in
Ring Accomplishments.
"Battling" Ortega Succeeds in Re
taining Hold on Middle
weight Honors.
PI O.N S 1018. I
Heavyweight Willie Meehan.
Light-heavyweight K. O. Km-
...... i .
Middleweight Battling Ortega.
Welterweight Johnny McCarthy.
Lightweight Jimmy Duffy.
Featherweight Jimmy Dundee.
Bantamweight In doubt. Con
tenders: Georgie Thompson, Billy
Mascott, George Adams.
Flyweight Abe Gordon.
The boxing fans on the Pacific
Coast are interested enough in the
champions of the world, but there are
other champions to take note of. Every
section of the United States boasts of
its champion boxers. Some are good
men and others of indifferent caliber.
The Pacific Coast is more or less a
fistic country of its own. The boxing
followers in this section of the United
States seldom get the opportunity to
witness a man of world championship
ability in a decision fight and seldom
get to see them, even in an exibition.
There are recognized champions of
every weight on the Coast and they
think as much of .their titles and are
advertised as strongly when they are
on a bill of fights at if they were
champions of the world. -
Willie Meehan, the San Francisco
heavyweight, is, without a doubt, en
titled to all Coast heavyweight honors.
His defeat of Jack Dempsey in four
rounds and other ring achievements
give him the right to the Pacific
Coast championship. He has met all
comers and held his own.
Although many have disputed "Bat
tling" Ortega's right to the middle
weight title, he still manages to de
feat the best of them. His 20-round
victory over Mick King and shor.-bout
wins over other men of class all along
the Coast give him the .right to all
the laurels that he claims.
Ortega to Go East.
Ortega is back under the manage
ment of Tommy Simpson and will
shortly make a' trip East to meet the
best men in the country at his weight.
Simpson has offers from Philadelphia,
St. Paul. Minneapolis and other fight
centers for the "Battler" and will take
them as they come.
The Northwest does not boast of any
welterweight who has been able to
beat Johnny McCarthy and only two
men in this neck of the woods have
been able to stand up against him. In
California there are plenty of good men
from 142 pounds to 150, but all have
their hands full with the "fighting
motorman." McCarthy will make an
other trip to the Northwest in a few
weeks, as he has several bouts sched
uled in Seattle and Tacoma. He may
appear in Portland.
Jimmy Duffy, the Oakland flash,
stands out as the best 133-pounder on
the Pacific Coast. During the past year
he fought in Seattle, Portland, San
Francisco, Oakland and other cities
and set up a record for himself in
every start. Others also claim the
title, but have yet to meet and defeat
Duffy. Every one who has seen Duffy
box in the past six months says that
nothing will keep him from a world
'tie if he Is brought along right. He
s -nly 17 years old and is a natural
: -veight. He expects his discharge
t. he Navy within the next week
i ::! .i then be ready to travel where
, r ' ) ' services may be in demand.
..uio :j.ipi, one of the greatest
!v box?! I'hat ever drew on a glove,
.-tie W'.rwrr featherweight of the
l'4(;if!viO').M a long as he lived. Since
i.-.". hriiiiin-t lH-.Ie scrapper's death
about ci.V.' months ago, a number of
raer boing'n ti: Teatherweight class
have "iinst vup a" eiaiments of the
title. .
JJih-mIco r-n CoDtendrr.
Jimmy lmi .iee, tse Oat-land boxer
tands-out ts the forrcrr.ost contender
who can make 'iie f'tiAerweight limit.
He has stepped out oi his class re
peatedly the last oar and taken on
the best lightweign' 5 on rthe Coast, in
cluding Frankie I';:rrn, Jinmy Duffy,
Harry Pclslnger and others.
The bantamweight title ' is rather
badly bungled up. Ona.riey ' M ,y, who
held the title la.-1 year, hit an awful
slump this sea.cjn .i second raters
have won decisions over h::r George
Adams, of Loi. Ar.geies, -nn the title
when he made Moy qui'. ,n wo rounds.
Adams then taoic or. heavier boys and
lost decision;, scarce of tltra claiming
to be bantam v. tij !. '
Billy Mas-I..'. 1r-e l"jil bantam, is
still a great i;,cc rr fighting ma
chinery and ca;i jrivc uny of the boys
at his weight a, good argument. Georgie
Thompson, row ji C:ni Lewis, is an
other top-vtCi boy Iror.i the Pacific
Coast. lie wen; Fa?c last year and
gave a rcod accocr.t o himself and
fought a n-ft-.:-aw v,- t;l Billy Mascott
at the bon-n.-t . ! :. .v ttaged here by
"Diamond'' I h Although the
card ns a ws; the best ever
staged here TJiompson-Mascott
bout .it cod. .: -i or.e of the feature
eve ;..
" r I "run M :.;:.- can make 103
Tiputu n ::: I y weight champion
i f i -,e I ri !..-., but as he has
f '-. to fat. vbe Gordon can Btill
tl,..ri i 'it title. It is doubtful
: ;;rr :i ix-.v in the West at 105
t oi.nrj -who m stand in the shade
v. '.:-' M'lri y holds a decision over
' h;:t a- he not weigh in at the
i v. cfr .t,- the bout could have
y b.-.-n :' r the title.
HIT il.i
Xew Orleans and Tulsa Promoters
Want Billy.
Bidding for a decisive battle between
Jack Dempsey and Billy Miske is on in
His manager. Jack Reddy, received
an offer from Dominick Tortorich, of
New Orleans, of 22 3 per cent of the
gross receipts for a 20-round tilt. A
later message .inquired as to Reddy's
best terms.
Jack replied that he could not con
sider less than 30 per cent of the gross
receipts, together with a good.' fat
guarantee, in view of the fact that an
oil millionaire at Tulsa. Okla. named
Robert Jordan, has informed Reddy he
will give a purse of $25,000 for a
15-round decision affair for this scrap.
Miske has met Dempsey twice. He
held Jack even here in ten rounds, but
the popular decision went against him
in a six-round tilt at Philadelphia re
cently. Billy feels he has a good
chance to wear Dempsey down in a
long battle and is most eager to meet
hi in over any distance above 10 rounds.
Miske's next battle will be with Gus
Christie at Milwaukee, December 27.
His fight with Dempsey, providing it
goes to either New Orleans or Tulsa,
probably will take place late in January.
Cochran to Insist on Match for
World's 18.2 Title.
Welker Cochran, the sensational
young Chicago billiardist who has de
veloped into Willie Hoppe's most for
midable rival, is preparing to renew
his challenge for the balkline billiard
championship. This time he says he is
not going to be denied.
It is improbable that the contest will
be played in the near future, as Hoppe
is planning a long tour of the country
with Koji Yamada, the Japanese player.
Hoppe expects to start on the tour in
a few weeks.
For that reason Cochran is arranging
to make a tour of the country also, for
the double reason of keeping himself
busy and showing the public that he
is a. worthy rival of Hoppe. He is now
arranging with Albert Cutler, the Bos
ton expert, to tour with him in a series
of exhibition games.
Baseball Star in Conference With
Former Braves Owner.
NEW YORK, Dec. 24. Johnny Evers,
the baseball star, who has just re
turned from France, where he served as
a Knights of Columbus secretary, is
hopeful of landing a good berth in the
big league. In. fact lie was in confer
ence with Jim Gaffney, former owner
of the Braves, several times during his
stay here. Gaffney promised to see
that "Johnny." who helped the Braves
to win the world's title when they were
owned by Gaffney, is well provided
for. Gaffney sold the club to the pres
ent owners, but it is believed the club
will revert to Gaffney, and Evers will
be back on the job at second base for
the team.
Evers is to come back to New Tork
when the big league meets January 16,
and he is confident that he will then
"sew up" a job and go South for Spring
practice, as he has been doing for the
past 15 years.
Slatch With Wells to Settle English
Title Is Suggested by Great
Britain Managers.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 24. (Special.) A
tour of France, England and other
European countries, purses aggregat
ing thousands of dollars and a. chance
jto box for the championship of Europe
are embodied in the attractive offer
just made to Dick O'Brien, Cincinnati's
giant heavyweight. The offer is made
by A Lippe, well-known Eastern man
ager'of boxers, who represents the big
promoters across the pond.
It is the desire of the English pro
moters to work O'Brien up to a match
with "Bombardier" Wells to decide the
English title. Then, if O'Brien is suc
cessful, it would be the intention of the
French promoters to match the Cin
cinnati boxer with Georges Carpentler
for the championship of France and
Lippe can place O'Brien In the big
clubs of Paris and London and will
guarantee him large sums if he can
deliver the goods. It is understood
that a percentage offer together with
a substantial guarantee has been made.
"Can offer you $15,000 for O'Brien
to box Wells and Carpentier. Let me
hear from you at your earliest," is the
substance of his wire to "Biddy"
Bishop, manager for O'Brien.
As luring as the offer appears It
will hardly tempt Manager Bishop. He
holds to the point that the young
heavyweight is hardly ripe enough yet
for last company. If the offer is turned
down and it is believed it will be. the
fact will be established more substan
tially than ever before that there is
much in the boxing game for O'Brien
and his manager other than the hard
commercial side of the sport. There
are few managers of boxers who would
pass up Lippe s offer whether they
thought their boxers were capable
enough or not. Not so with Bishop,
who serves as a pal with his boxers.
"The fact must not be overlooked
that Dick O'Brien is but a kid at the
boxing game." says Bishop. "I be
lieve he should content himself get
ting to the top by degrees, just as an
apprentice learns his trade. When he
has reached journeyman proportions
then he can work with the best
mechanics in the game and command
the full scale of prices, so to speak.
tsut. no apprentice should be permitted
to do a journeyman's work."
Duluth Report Says Mike Gibbons
May Boy Boxing Club.
DULUTH, Minn., Dec. 24. Announce
ment is made, although no authority is
quoted, that Mike Gibbons, of St. Paul.
will purchase the controlling interest
in the Duluth Boxing Club from Curley
uuricn, or the interest he represents.
shortly after the first of the year, and
put on a series of "popular prices" box
ing contests.
The story says the St. Paul Phantom
will use eoldier-boxers. locals, and box
ers from the Twin Cities, and once a
month 'Gibbons will meet "some good
boy like Eddie McGoorty, Chip or
Miske. Regular shows will be held
every week, and once a month a spe
cial card will be offered.
Mare Island Marines Decline to
Meet Soldiers. t
The Mare Island Marines, having
definitely decided not to play the Camp
Lewis football team a return game in
California before the big game against
the Great Lakes Naval Training Sta
tion team. Lieutenant Mallum, in
charge of the Camp Lewis squad, will
demand the $500 forfeit put up by the
According to the dope from San
Francisco and Mallum, this amount
was put up as assurance by both teams
when the contract to play the game
was signed in the north.
Mike O'Neill Quits Baseball.
SCRANTON. Pa. After spending
more than 20" years in U came as a
player and manager. Michael J. O'Neil,
brother of Catcher Steve O'Neill, of the
Cleveland Americans, and himself a
former National League pitcher, has
announced his retirement from base
ball. He is to devote his future time to
the oil industry, having obtained a
responsible position with a concern in
the South.
Bowling Meeting Postponed.
MISSOULA. Mont., Dec. 24. (Special.)
Thomas Fairley, president of the
Montana Bowling Association, has an
nounced that the 1919 tournament of
the association, which was to have
been held here next month, has been
called off for the year by the board of
directors, because so many members
ore still in the service, and of the
prevalence of influenza in the fit ate.
Mare Island Marines and Bal
boa Park Sailors to Meet.
Camp Lewis Eleven Will Clash With
Olympic Club Squad to
Meet Expenses.
Two hard-fought gridiron battles are
scheduled for California todays-one of
them to decide which of two teams
shall engage the Great Lakes Naval
Training Station eleven of Chicago in
the gridiron classic of the year to be
held at Pasadena, New Tear's day.
The Mare Island Marines will clash
with the Balboa Park Sailors of San
Diego in the Western elimination grid
iron contest to be held at Mare Island
to decide which team shall represent
the West in the East vs. West game to
be Btaged one week from today at
Pasadena during the Tournament of
The 13th Division team of Camp
Lewis is scheduled to battle the Olym
pic Club eleven at San Francisco, the
contest being staged chiefly to help
defray expenses of the Camp Lewis
soldiers who are on a little vacation
party in California, which is expected
to last over New Year s day. The
Olympic Club team has played but a
few games this season and is said to
contain no players of former gridiron
prestige on its lineup, hence the Camp
Lewis aggregation are due to romp
home with the long end of the score.
Game Max Be Iloasrh.
The Marine-Sailor game at Mare
Island promises to develop into a fairly
rough affair. The Balboa "gobs" are
said to have been planning a game
with the Mare Island Marines for many
months and the scheme of having to
engage them in combat after their long
northern trip and almost immediately
after their hard clash with the Mather
Field aviators and settle the argument
of Western supremacy at a time when
Bill Dietz and his crew should be rest
ing and nursing their injuries in prepa
ration for the New Year's day game.
is said to be most pleasing to the play
ers and followers of the Balboa Park
. A Portlander who returned yesterday
from San Francisco said that the Bal
boa Park eleven is confident of being
returned victor in today's clash with
the Marines.
Money Placed on Sailors.
"While the Marines are a wonderful
team and have made an enviable record
this season and are easily entitled to
the game against Great Lakes on New
Year's day at Pasadena, you can find
any amount of money in San Fran
cisco that the Marines will be defeated
by the 'Gobs.' thereby upsetting the
dope," said the gridiron enthusiast.
"Dietz men had a stiff battle with
the Mather Field aviators. Most of
their players were wobbling around in
a crippled condition' when they ap
peared on the field against the Flyers,
but they stuck to it and won, 30 to 16.
I would surprised if the Balboa
Park eleven won from the Marines is
their present crippled condition."
Winner in Friday's Bout Wants to
Meet Best Fighter From This
Part of Country.
Claire "Kid" Bromeo, the speedy
featherweight, who recently returned
to his home in San Francisco, won a
four-round decision over Young Aze-
vedo in San Francisco last Friday
night. Bromeo took the lead in every
round and won by a wide margin.
Bromeo's victory over Azevedo has
made him quite a card in his home
town again and may cause him to re
maiu over a few weeks longer.
Bromeo was planning on coming back
to Portland this month, but changed his
mind when the match was offered him
with Azevedo. Bromeo is anxious to
meet the best featherweight in this
part of the country here.
George Jngle, former lightweight
champion of the Pacific Coast, is now
in San Francisco and expects to land
several bouts before he returns to his
home in Tacoma.
Jimmy Duffy and Frankie Farren.
clever California boxers, both well
known In Portland, now in the Navy,
are looking for their discharges from
the service any day now.
Dick Wells, the Cincinnati middle
weight, who did a good deal of boxing
throughout the Northwest before being
drafted . into the Army has been
wounded in France, according to word
received here.
Sale of Trotting Horses Nets $1000.
WASHINGTON. Pa. Ned McCarr. lo
cal trainer in charge of the string of
trotters and pacers owned by J. D. Cal
lery, of Pittsburg, cleaned up $1000
when he sold The Cossack III,
2:09V, for J2000 to W. J. Sprowl.
of Sandusky. McCarr bought the chest
nut trotting son of Dillon Axworthy,
2:10, at the A. B. Coxe sale Novem
ber 6. for J1000. The Cossack is to be
placed with Harry Gray for training
for the trotting stakes in the Grand
Circuit next year. He defeated a large
field, timed separately in a race with
aged horses, in 2:06& and 2:074.
Left-Handed ' Clubs Presented.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) C. N. Ravlin, secretary of the
Hood River Commercial Club, and a
KAAut-i fnv sl p-nlf fo ii r ho hpr. ia en
deavoring to become ambidextrous. Mr.
Ravlin received as a present a bag of
handsome and fine golf clubs. He was
presenting his treasured gift to a
friend when it was discovered they
were all left-handed clubs: Mr. Ravlin
is decidedly right handed and he al
most wept.
Lefts and Rights.
JACK DKMPSEY and Tom Cowler
have practically been matched to
box six rounds in Philadelphia this
Fred Fulton has tied a can to his
new "manager" Joe McCloskey. The
Minnesota Giant figures that he can. do
his own business.
Peter Herman. the bantamweight
champion, and his manager. Red Walsh,
have been released from active servloo
In the Navy and will return to their
homes in New Oilcans from Norfolk,
Va., where they have been stationed
for. some, time. Herman expected to
go over to England and take part in
the boxing tournament, but for some
reason did not succeed in getting away.
it is probable that the champion will
take up boxintr again and will enter
nto a number of matches during the
present season.
Promoter Kirkpatrick, of Sacra
mento, Is trying to land a match be
tween Fred Fulton and Jim Barry for
his club.
At the recent six-day bike show
staged in New York, promoted by Jim
my Johnston, the latter used his heavy
weight, "Gunboat" Smith, as the head
bouncer. There was no trouble dur
ing the week's 'racing.
Former Portland Player Expects
- Release From Navy Soon.
Dick Mitchell, former Portland buck
aroo pitcher, who is stationed at the
Bremerton Navy-yard as a member of
Uncle Sam's Navy, arrived in Portland
Walter B. Honeyman, of Portland,
chairman of the Portland City
Boxing Commission, is in San
Francisco for a month's visit.
Incidentally, Honeyman is get
ting around, mixing with the
four-round fighters and persuad
ing as many of them as possible
to box in -Portland when the call
comes. Honeyman had a chat
with Sol Levinson today con
cerning the possibility of a match
for Johnny McCarthy, but they
came to no terms. According to
Levinson, the Portlanders don't
seem anxious to give as big a
"medal" as the fighting motor
man thinks he's entitled to.
yesterday for a conference with Judge
McCredie and inciaeniauy to speuu
few days with his former team mate,
Arthur Ritter, with whom he enlisted
In the service.
Mitchell expects to be released from
Bremerton as soon as he can find a po
sition and if Judge McCredie wants the
youngster to adorn the Portland staff
of twlrlers during the coming season
he can secure Mitchell's release by
requisitioning the elongated slabster
..t n t a V. a rrm m n nri a n t of the
Navy-yard. Mitchell will leave for
Bremerton tonight. ie weigns aooui
190 pounds.
Franklin and Washington Schools to
Be in Charge or Former
Leon Fabre, Jr., one of Portland's
best-known athletes and athletic di
rectors, who enlisted in the Navy six
months ago, arrived in Portland yes
terday from the Bremerton Naval
Training Station with his discharge
nestling safely in the pocket of his
blouse. Fabre will take up his work as
athletic director In the local high
schools next week. It is likelv he will
again handle Franklin and Washing
ton. Fabre also was in charge of gym
nasium work and athletic teams of the
B'nal B'rith Club. He turned out an
independent basketball team at that
club last year which wonthe champion
ship of the state.
Previous to his taking charge of the
gymnasium work at Washington and
Franklin High schools, Fabre acted as
gymnasium instructor, track and wrest-
, ling coach at Lincoln High School. He
also assisted in the coaching of the
Railsplitters' football and basketball
teams in 1913 and 1914.
Joe Luckey, one of the leading inter
scholastic athletes in 1912. '13-'14 and
'15. while attending Lincoln High, is
out for a position as gymnasium in
structor at one of the Portland High
schools. Luckey is an experienced ath
letic director and will land a Job as
soon as there is an opening. Luckey is
also a basketball and track coach. He
was captain of the Lincoln track team
in 1914. He also played soccer, basket
ball and baseball.
Christmas Contest Will Be Played
on Vancouver Grounds for
Portland will be without any athletic
attraction this afternoon, but those
who will want to brave the trip across
the Columhia River to Vancouver may
have the opportunity to witness a
football game for real blood between
the Standifer shipbuilders' eleven and
an all-star team composed of players
working in the Standifer wood yards
Al Hartman, former Washington
State College athlete and well known
professional ballplayer, is captain of
the wood yard team. Al will play
against his former teammates this aft
ernoon and will try . his "durndest" to
register a victory for- his "white
The game was aarainced several
weeks ago and both teams have been
getting in as much practice as pos
sible. The contest will be played on
the Standifer athletic field located in
the center of the wilds of Vancouver.
Well-Known Fly Caster Now Sta-
tioned at Camp Fremont.
Sergeant William "Bill" Block, 137th
Ordnance Depot, stationed at Camp Fre
mont. Cal., and one of the best-known
fly casters on the Pacific Coast, arrived
in Portland yesterday for a brief visit
with his parents over the Christmas
holidays. Block is a member of the
Multnomah Anglers' Club and during
the 1917 Northwest Fly Casting Tourna
ment, held at Seattle, walked off with
everything except the lake in which the
big casting tournament was held. He
won five firsts out of the six events on
the programme.
Block does not expect to be released
from the service for some time to come
and as long as he can remain at Camp
Fremont, which is only a few miles
from San Francisco, he does not mind
staying in the Bervice.
First Infantry Eleven Wins.
CAMP LEWIS. Wash.. Dec. 24. By a
score of 20 to 0 the First Infantry foot
ball team this afternoon defeated the
team of the 13th Ammunition Train, on
Camp Lewis Field. The victory gives
the infantrymen the title of camp cham
pions. All points were scored in the
first half. '
Phone your want ads to The Orego
niiiu. rhoue Main 707U, A 6UUi.
French Public Opinion Forces
Papers in Line.
Le Matin Demands That Question
of Forming Society of Nations
Be Given Consideration.
(Copyright, by the New York Wortd. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
PARIS. Dec. 24. (Special Cable.)
Noticeable change of attitude to
ward the peace principles of Presi
dent Wilson is seen in the French
press, almost on the eve of the peace
conference. .
Important French newspapers which
had paid little attention to the Wil
sonian idea of & league of nations, now
are openly supporting it. together with
other ideals of the President. French
public opinion has been a potent influ
ence In the new attitude toward the
formation of such a society of the na
tions. Society of Nations Soggrsted.
Lo Matin publishes today a two col
umn article outlining these functions
of the league and indicating how tier
many would gain admittance to it. The
paper also demands that the Question
of a society of nations be discussed by
the peace conference at actual sessions
together with other related matters
and that the proposal shall not be
treated after the conference as a sub
ject apart from it. The only reserva
tion of Le Matin applies to the neutral
countries that would have the option
of forming part of the society after
the contusion of definite peace.
"The method of action for the pro
moters of the society of nations," Le
Matin says, "may be divided Into three
parts. The first is that the allied gov
ernments should agree among them
selves on the principles of a society of
nations. They should set down is a
fundamental rule the right of peoples
to dispose of their own fate. In conse
quence, there would necessarily bo im
posed a limitation of armament and
obligatory arbitration of all disputes
between nations.
Early Derision Advocated.
"It seems indispensable, that the en
tente countries should formulate pro
visions, such as the above, in the pre
liminary discussions. Thus it has been
urged as essential by the promoters of
a league of society that the basis pf the
future regime of the world toe decided
in advance of any matters pertaining to
indemnities or territorial adjustment.
In such a course, for the first time In
history, the delegates to the peace
parley would be dominated by purposes
superior to the particular Interests of
the separate participants.
"The second procedure would be to
Inform the enemy powers of the funda
mental principles of peace, thus drawn
up in preliminary discussion, anil to en
act from them adherence to these gen
eral principles and also adherence to
other conditions that may be settled in
the preliminary discussions.
"The entente delegates should say
to Germany and to her associates:
'Obligatory arbitration and limitation
of armaments are an integral part of
our conditions. You must acknowledge
them now and you will know later in
what manner they will be put into
Complete Justice Demanded.
"Discussion of the third act would
be deferred until after the signing of
the preliminary agreements. What
would the situation of Germany then
be? Having loosened the war, Ger
many will be compelled by the peace
conference to restore and repair. She
cannot be linked with the other na
tions until after payment of her debts.
"Germany has committed the crime.
She cannot be admitted to the company
of civilized, honest nations until after
suffering punishment for her infrac
tion of human laws.
"Apart from the collective penalties
that must be visited upon the German
people, there will be the matter of pen
alizing the personal guilt of the Kaiser.
Justice will have been done only when
the last pfennig will have been paid
over to the last victim of the war.
Germany must understand that com
plete justice will be exacted and all
Judgments must be satisfied as a con
dition precedent to her admittance to
tne society of nations.
World Police Is F.iperlrd.
"There will be a world police to look
after offenders against order and an in
ternational tribunal will be instituted
to adjust the disagreements of nations
and, as far as possible In human pow
er, war will be brushed out of the road
of civilization."
A contrasting view is held by the
militarist and new reactionary Echo de
Paris, which demands first a rectifica
tion of the frontiers of France, appeal
ing to the allies, particularly to Great
"In England people live on an Island
protected completely by the sea. Amer
icans are safe and comfortable at home,
for the Atlantic Is broad. In France,
should the frontiers not be altered,
there will remain the door in the east
through, which the Boche too often
passed. '
"For her own protection England
must guard the safety of Belgium and
provide for Its neutrality by binding
treaties, but Franco and Belgium can
not live in security unless they pos
sess the strategy frontiers which na
ture lias traced.
Germany Mast Be Good.
"We would beg our American friends,
who ask Germany only to be good, to
consider that no matter what promises
may be made by our beaten enemy,
there Is small chance that they will be
lastingly observed. From the day of
her recovery from this blow, Germany
will feel the fresh desire for conquest
and she will fll on France.
"Let our allies take our interests In
hand. We fear that the politicians are
too far from the realities to get a
proper perspective of affairs. In order
that they may clearly see the situation
and the possibilities that may develop
from them, the nations across the seas
should view our interests and provide
for their defense as though they lived
in our corner, which is a bad one."
Portland Police Arrest Youth on Tip
From San Francisco Officers.
Acting on a tip that Malcolm Albert
Palmer, aged 1". wanted in San Fran
cisco for larceny, would appear at the
Portland office of the Western Union
for a telegram which he was expecting,
the Portland police yesterday appre
hended the youth and lodged him in
the City Jail, where he is awaiting
transportation to California He has
waived claim for formal extradition.
Palmer was employed by a San Fran
cisco liquor house as a teamster.
About a month ago he was given two
barrels of whisky for delivery. In
tlcud, ul delivering the in, however, h-.
left them In a basement, returned his
team to the stable and is alleged to
have sold the liquor for 1200. He quit
his Job. became connected with a
troupe of "Hawaiian entertainers" and
came as far north as Roseburg with
them. In Hoscburg the troupe got Into
trouble. Palmer left them and came
alone to Portland. The Portland police
got the final tip from San Francisco
Montana Postmaster Grieves Over
Death of State Chairman.
LIVINGSTON, Mont.. Dec. 24. In the
County Jail tonight Postmaster J. E.
Swindlehurst. who was arrested last
night In connection with the death of
Republican State Chairman O. M.
Harvey, which occurred following a
fight between the two men. issued the
first statement he has made since the
tragic event.
"Of course, it was purely an ac
cident. I had no intention of injuring
him. I feel very. very badly. I
couldn't feel worse," he said.
A Coroner's jury which heard testi
mony of witnesses and physicians for
three hours this afternoon returned a
verdict tonight finding that Harvey
"came to his death by a concussion of
the brain or hemorrhage caused bj a
blow or blows administered by J. E.
Details of the fight which resulted in
the death of one of the state's most
prominent citizens were related by sev
eral witnesses, none of whom reported
having seen the beginning of the af
fair. All agreed that they saw Swindle,
hurst strike Harvey and knock him
North Bend Children Made Happy
by Good Fellows' Club.
NORTH BEND. Or.. Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) Owing to the influenza ban
Christmas will be observed here
quietly and entertainment will be con
fined to the homes. The theaters,
dancehalls and churches will remain
closed, and instead of the customary
public Christmas trees Santa Claus will
visit the needy children and families
of the community by automobile. A
committee, headed by Mrs. Niel Banks,
representing the good fellows of the
city, hns secured liberal response to
its appeals for donations, and prep
arations have been made to provide
generously for the children of needy
Watch Found on Dead Man Gives
Clew to Murder.
SEATTLE. Dec. 24. Identification of
one of three watches found on Albert
Srhroer today by G. F. Collins, brother
of D. A. Collins, whose murdered body
was found in a hotel room hero Sun
day under mysterious circumstances,
strengthened the police theory, they
say. that Schroer was responsible for
the crime, tichroer's body was found
hancing to a tree in a Tacoma resi
dent's back yard on Monday. A man
of the same name and answering the
same description was said to have reg
istered at the hotel where Collins met
his death and to have left the hotel
early Sunday morning. Robbery is the
only known motive for the murder.
Three Members of University Fac
ulty Return From Army Servloe.
Dec. 24. (Special.) Three members of
the university faculty Dr. R. H.
Wheeler, of the psychology depart
ment; Professor W. F. G. Thacher. of
the rhetoric department, and Professor
John Stark Evans, of the school of
music, who have been absent in serv
ice, were formally returned to the fac
ulty ai tne meeting ot the executive
committtee of th board of regent
of the university Saturday night.
Dr. liaymond H. Wheeler, professor
of psychology, returns from an Im
portant position in the division of
psychology of the Army.
Lieutenant .Marshall I". Itrocknay
Now First Lieutenant.
TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
Lieutenant Marshall F. Brockway.
formerly at Camp Lewis as a Second
Lieutenant with Company K. 362d In
fantry, was decorated December IS by
a Belgian General with the Croix de
Guerre and has been promoted to First
Lieutenant, according to a Christmas
greeting telegram received by T. A.
Hill, the Lieutenant's brothor-in-law in
The telegram van from Mrs. Brock
way, wife of the Lieutenant, who is
now visiting the fathrr and mother
of the soldier in Phoenix..
Four Men and Two Women Killed,
10 Injured.
WATERTOWN, N. Y.. Dec. 24. Four
men and two women were killed and 19
injured by an explosion of shells late
today in a small building used for shell
loading at the plant of the J. B. Wise
Munition Company. The dead were all
residents of Watertown.
There were 20 women and five men
working in the building and not one
escaped Injury. A primer cap explod
ing in a loading machine set off the
other shells and the workers were
trapped in a miniature barrage.
The main plant of the munition com
pany was not damaged.
Word Received That Organization
Reaches New York.
TACOMA. 'Wash.. Dec. 24. (Special.)
The 63d Artillery reached New York
today, according to advices from men
in the unit to relatives in Tacoma. The
6"d Is composed largely jf boys from
Puget Sound, many of them having
beeii students at the University of
Washin-iTon prior to the outbreak of
the war. The regiment spent the
greater part of its time while overseas
near Limoges and Aix-Sur-Vienne. The
Coast Artillery mothers will greet
their sons in some fitting way when
tlicy reach the Sound.
Great ' Problem of Provisioning
Europe Still Kxits.
PARIS; Dec. 2J. Herbert C. Hoover,
American food administrator, called on
President Wilson by appointment yes
terday. Mr. Hoover's visit was in con
nection with the great problem of pro
visioning section of Europe where
great food shortage exists or is threat
ened. ,
It is probable that the work of sup
plying food will be retained under one
head in the interest, of rapidity. This
head, it seems certain, will be Mr.
Head The Oiesoniau cla&sified ads.
Regiment Outfitted With New
One Officer Thinks Orders Will Be
to March Into Germany, Another
Expects to Go to Paris.
Relatives and friends of Orpson hnrs
In the nsth Field Artillery, keenly
interested in facts about the unit, are
trying to figure out whether or not
these boys were sent with the Annv
of occupation. The legiment atsorbed
the separate battalion Oregon Cavalr.x .
3S0 Oregon men in all. One troop was
raised at Pendleton, the others, em
bracing more than 2j)0 officers and men,
were from Portland.
Captain Cicero Kogan. of the 148th.
wrote his relatives here on November
j. that the regiment was being fitted.
out with mw equipment and would
doubtless be sent anead as a convoy
with the Army of occupation. The Cap
tain wrote from Bois-de-Sidrey.
un the very same date Private John
Q. Hall, another Portland member,
wrote from Blericourt to Lieutenant
-!. D. liiley, former officer of the
14Sth, now at home. Private Hall
spoke of the new equipment and of
the fact that the men had thought
themselves destined to move into Ger
many. He added that their immediate
guess then Was that they were going
to Paris to participate in a parade.
'ew Ficts I'resen ted.
Lieutenant Riley has furnished The
Oregonian with new facts about the
regiment, among other things showing
that they were taken from the 41st
Division on arriving in France. Lieu
tenant Riley was sent home in Sep
tember to serve as an instructor in
this country. He was first assigned
to Camp Meade and then to Camp
Sheridan, in Alabama, where lie was
mustered out two weeks ago.
The facts presented by Lieutenant
Riley on -the 14Sth Field Artillery are
"This regiment was part of the 41st
Division up to the time they arrived in
France in February. 191$. but was then
made corps artillery of the First Army
and later was made Army artillery. As
sut-h they were in no way connected
with the 41st Division, which was used,
as a replacement division.
"This regiment has 6-Inch French
cuns and has been out on the front
since July i. being through Chateau
Thierry, St .Mihicl. Argonne. and are
now in the Army of Occupation."
Major Carroll tilven Information.
Through courtesy of Mrs. Phil Car
roll, whose husband is a Major in the
348th Field Artillery, formerly in the
91st division, information of wide in
terest to many Oregon relatives is
given. Writing December 2, Major
Carroll said they were near Veriiun
Hiid ceemed destined to erve as a con
voy with the Seventh Corps, Third
Army of Occupation. TTie regiment
had been newly outfitted, its motor
equipment put into shape and plans to
move completed. The regiment took
its place on the Argonne front Novem
ber 1. and was aligned with the big
body of American troops which were
ready to start the great drive on Met
had not the armistice been signed No
vember 11.
Whether the 6,".th Coast Artillery,
largely composed of Oregon men, has
sailed from France is not definitely
established. Confusion with the 65th
Field Artillery Brigade resulted in the
statement that the vanguard of 5,"i of
ficers and men had reached New York.
When members of the Oregon contin
gent last wrote relatives they were In
doubt whether they would sail befors
Christmas or not. though the 65th C.
A. C. was early listed for return.
Millions of Loyal Yankees Crow il
Metropolis Awaiting Homecom
ing of American Squadron.
NEW YOI'.K. Dec. 51. New York's
millions, and thousands of citizens
gathered from all parts of the country
to witness Thursday's naval review,
will catch their first glimpse of the
war lone battle fleet when the return
ing dreadnaughts steam past Secretary
of the Navy Daniels on the President ial
yacht Mayflower.
The homecoming squadron w ill cruise
directly into the parade from its voy
age. The warships will not drop
anchor until after the review. The
squadron will arrive off the coast at
dawn Thursday just in time to cruise
up the narrows and form in line for the
procession past the Statue of Liberty
at 9 o'clock.
"In welcoming home the powerful
American dreadnaughts which have
been engaged overseas during the
war." said Secretary Daniels, "the Amer
ican people will greet the officers and
men with pride and congratulations.
These powerful ships, the equul of any
in the world, in co-operation with the
powerful Brfitish fleet, gave such pre
dominance of sea power in the North
Sea that the German fleet dared not
invite suicide by coining out and offer
ing battle.
"Their united service typified and
cemented the ties between our country
and Great Britain. Their silent vigils
protected commerce, secured safe pivs
sage .of troops and supplies, and ef
fectually bottled up the German fleet,
rendering it as impotent for harm as If
it had never been constructed."
Clyde Eisher, of Mulino, Victim of
Accident at Oregon City.
ORKGON CITY, Dec. 24. (Special.
Clvde Fisher, of Mulino. was drowned
in the mill pond at the Houck Brothers
Lumber Company Monday afternoon
about 3 o'clock while at work. Th
body was in the water over an hour
before being recovered.
The young man was 21 years ot ase.
was married about three months ago
and had resided at .Mulino for some
time. He leaves, besides the widow,
his father mid mother, five brothers
and three sisters. Funeral services will
be held Wednesday at Canby, at lt:'
Liberty Hold Tree.
VA.WOCVKR, Wash.. Dec. 24. (Spe
cial.) In Liberty Hotel, built near the
G. M. Standifer Construction Corpora
tion for steel shipyard workers, is a
large Christmas tree. An Aeolian, o:
chestrelle. costing J1S00. has been In
stalled, and will be playrd during
Christmas week tor the first time.