fllE MORNING OREGOX1AS, TUESDAY, ' DECEMBER 24, 1918. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Main 7070. A o5 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60f5 Advertising Dspartment. ..Main 7070. A 605 Superintendent of Bulldlnc.Matn 7070. A 6085 AMCSEM E"TS. ORPHETJM (Broadway at Taylor). Vaude ville. This afternoon and tonight. BAKER (Broadway, near Morrison) Baker liaer. in -'The Spoilers." Tonight. ALCAZAR (Morrison at Eleventh) Alcazar Players. In "Mother Carey'a Chickens." TorilKlu. PANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows dally, 2:30. 7 and 8:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhtil) Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to 6; o:5 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays, holi days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. ETRAN'D (Washington street, between Park and West Park) Vaudeville and moving pictures; continuous. ITRIC (Fourth and Stark) Lyric Company in "The King of Bing Bong." This-afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30. THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office. Oregonian. Emploiment to Be Provided.' Pre liminary conferences were held yes te.rday by Captain James O. Convill, of the Coast Artillery, former City Park Superintendent, who has been sent to Portland by the War Department to aid in the reconstruction plan for re turned soldiers. Captain Convill first conferred with Mayor Baker, chairman of the committee named recently by Governor Withycombe to handle the reception to Oregon's returning sol diers. Captain Convill will take charge of the work of providing employment for the men who have left Oregon to enter the service. Definite plans have not been worked out, but the first thing to be done will be the mailing of a questionnaire to Oregon employers of labor, in an effort to learn how many Jobs will ' be available and also If employers are preparing to give sol diers their old positions. It is prob able Captain Convill will establish headquarters In the offices of the United States Department of Labor, but his work will take him to all parts of the state. German Aliens Hunted For. Johan rua Paul Staps, a German alien enemy who formerly lived In Portland, has violated his parole to the Government, and local police have been asked to look for him. Staps landed at San Francisco in August, 1914, after exten sive travels in the Orient. He was ar rested June 27, 1918. In the interval between his landing and his arrest he worked for a time in Portland. He was paroled on condition that he work at Yalraar, Mich. A circular to the police says he worked there only one day. Rernard Koedel, a coal passer in the Navy, is listed as a deserter and the police have been asked to look for him also. Grace Memoriai. to Give Musical Programme. A musical programme will be given at Grace Memorial Church tonight, Christmas eve, at 10 o'clock, consisting of carols by the Junior choir and special numbers. E. N. Strong will sing "The Birthday of a King" (Neidlinger); Mrs. Richard Mulholland, "A Virgin's Lullaby" (Dudley Buck): Mrs. Harold Bayley, "Silent Night," Shall Reign Forever" (Simper), and "O, Holy Night" (Adam), with soprano solos by Miss Edna Slater. The choir will also sing "Gloria," from the "Twelfth Mass" (Mozart). Mrs. II. C. Day is director and organist. Harold Love Again in Trouble. Harold Love, a youthful Incorrigible, three times relieved by parole from sentences in the County Jail, was ar rested again Sunday night at a down town picture show by Jailer Roy Ken dall who recognized him as one of his former guests. Love was under suspi cion for the burglary of his uncle's house when about ?6, a revolver and a watch were taken. He was taken to the County Jail and held for investi gation until yesterday morning when he waived preliminary examination in the District Court and was bound over to the grand Jury by Judge Dayton. Portland Hotel to Distribute Tots. Christmas toys and candy will be distributed to all children under 10 years of age tomorrow afternoon be tween 2 and 5 o'clock at the Portland Hotel according to announcement made yesterday by the hotel manage ment. A huge and gorgeous Christmas tree has been erected in the lobby of the hostelry. During Christmas after noon there will be music by the hotel orchestra especially for the Yuletide revelers, big and little. The toy dis tribution is an annual custom of many years standing at the Portland Hotel. Bat Rum Seller Set Free. Joseph Ilorenstein, who was , convicted and fined $500 in Municipal 'Court for boot legging, was 'acquitted of the same charge in the Circuit Court yesterday when Judge Stapleton directed the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty. The court hold that the prosecution had failed to prove a case. Horensteln, it is charged, sold a quantity of bay rum for liquor. The prosecution failed to show that bay rum contains a suffi cient quantity of alcohol to be classed as an intoxicating liquor. Clothing Thief Caught. Jack Swel gert, charged with the larceny of a quantity of clothing from the Ellwood Poultry Company's store at Rockwood, was arrested late Sunday night by Deputy Sheriff Schirmer. It was re ported to the Sheriffs office that some of the stolen clothes were seen hang ing on Sweigert's line. Swelgert pleaded guilty and was bound over to the grand Jury. Prison Guard to Face Trial. Charles S. Sheridan, former state prison guard, who was indicted on a charge of bribery, must face trial in the Cir cult Court next month. Circuit Judge Kavanaugh yesterday denied a demur rer which counsel for Sheridan argued during the morning. Sheridan, it is alleged, ac6epted money from Fred A. Matson, a-convict, to assist in procur ing the tatter's release on parole. Raspberries Harvested in December It Is a widely known fact that roses prow the year "around in Portland, but it was recently learned by a number of East Side residents that raspber ries also may be picked from the bushes here in late December. A thick crop of the luscious looking fruit was recently harvested from the bushes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Edmunds 12S6 East Thirteenth street North. Widow N a m k d Administratrix. Letters of administration on the estate of Roscoe Rush Giltner, who died De cember 14. were granted yesterday by County Judge Tazwell to Fronia W. Giltner, the widow. The estate was said in the petition to consist of real estate valued at $10,000 and personal property value at $40,000. Mrs. Giltner was stated to be the sole heir. Wanted. One of the largest and most modern bakeries in the city de sires the services of a first-class baker especially qualified in pastry and bread making to take charge and manage. G 750. Oregonian. Adv. Wht the Milk Cure? Ask the Moore Sanitarium. An institution devoted to doing one thing well. East 47. Office 08 Selling building. M. 6101. Adv. Christmas Dances, Cotillion Hall. Tonight, Prize Waltz. Xmas Afternoon, 3 to 6 o'clock. Xmas Night. 8 to 12. Adv. The Bohemian Restaurant will serve a. table de hote dinner on Christmas day at $1.50 per plate, also a la carte service as usual. Adv. Christmas Dances, Cotillion Hall. This Afternoon, 3 to 6; Tonight, 8 to 12. A Merrt Xmas to All. Adv. Appropriate Christmas gifts reason able. Portland Cutlery Company, S6 Sixth street, near Stark. Adv. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder st., will Bell Studebaker truck, f 400. Adv. Eight-Hour Dat Recommended. Among the many other matters ad vocated by the state consolidation com mission's report is a recommendation of an eight-hour day for all state offi cials and Civil Service for the em ployes. The only exception for the Civil Service are the chief deputies. The Commission also suggests that there be an equalization of salaries and wants to know why members of the state board of chiropractic examiners should receive $10 a day and examiner in optometry receive but $5 a day. Also the Commission wants to know why the secretary of the state fair board should be paid $300i a year and the Food Administrator only $2000. There are some features in the report which promise to stir up the animals during the Legislature. Ten Autoists Are Fined. Ten per sons wWe fined a total of $42 in the Municipal Court yesterday for having their automobiles improperly lighted. Those fined and the sentences imposed were: J. H. Goldstaub. $3; L. J. Win ters, $5; P. Petters, $5; C. N. McMon agle, $5; F. J. Breslin. $5; V. Edwards, $2.50; James Frazer, $5: G. Saliday, $5; H. A. Elder, $2.50. and C. Delfel, $4. S. E. Huff was fined $5 for passing an automobile at a street intersection. The police had arrested about 100 persons on various traffic charges, but most of the defendants were allowed to go free after conviction. Epidemic Believed on Decline. Per sonal observation of Influenza patients, reports received from physicians and the reporting of but 111 new cases of the disease and 11 deaths' for 48 hours past has made Dr. George Parrish con fident that the epidemic in Portland is on the decline and will soon be curbed if the residents of the city will take proper precautions. As an aid to stamp ing out the disease, the Health Bureau has announced that all new cases of the influenza will be quarantined from KEEP VOCR W. 8. S. PLEDGE Dae In fnll (tla month. "While peace Is near. It is nec essary for the American people to continue their expenditures on the basis of a reasonable stand ard of comfort, and to set aside regularly and systematically a portion of their Incomes for in vestment In Government securi-" ties. Continued economy must still be our watchword." SECRETARY McADOO. Buy War Savings Stamps and save for the day when your sol dier boy comes home. Invest your money In a Gov ernment security at 47 com pound Interest. Encourage thrift by personal example, and prevent expansion of credit with consequent ten dency to higher cost of living;. Give War Savings Stamps In stead of cash for Christmas pres ents. Buy W. S. 8. to keep your pledge which falls due In full this month. Don't fall Uncle Sam don't be a slacker! C S. JACKSON, State Director. the date the disease is reported. In the event that the physician fails to report a case to the Health Bureau, the quarantine must remain in effect five days from the day that it is final ly reported. Chinese Lottert Proprietors Fined. Judge Rossman renewed his cam paign against Chinese lottery proprie tors and gamblers yesterday. Imposing fines totaling $590 on 13 prisoners. Those fined and the amounts were: Ah Louie, conducting lottery, $125; Ah Ching, conducting lottery, $250, and the following for gambling: N. Jacobsen, $30; J. Glynn, $25: Sam Gerome, $10; John. Cards, $25; H. Bailey, $10: C. A. Myers, $25, C. Rood, $30, and G. Senunp vich, $30. H. Henson. G. Lynn and J. Smith were fined $10 each for visiting the game. All were arrested by Pa trolman Waddell. Aliens Not Admitted. The United States Civil Service Commission an nounces that after December 31, 1918, aliens will not be admitted to Civil Service examination. Heretofore there has been no distinction, but the war is making a few changes in the Civil Service rules as In other matters. . ACHILLB CHARGBD WITH STRIKING BOT. Henry Achille, 33, was arrested at East Water street and Hawthorne ave nue yesterday by Patrolman Schad on complaint of G. F. McDougall, who ac cused him of striking the 6-year-old son of Mrs. Harvey Brewer. He was chaiged with assault and battery. Entertainment, dancing. Cotillion Hall. Mon, Dec 30. Adv. Dr. H. M. Hendershott, 1100 Journal bldg, returned. Adv. FDIIfl HUHT 111 STAGE FIGHT BAKER THEATER PLAYERS FOL LOW DIRECTOR'S ORDERS, All Semblance of Sunday School Picnic Eliminated From "Spoilers" Scene. Sunday was a wild afternoon and evening at Baker Theater. "The Spoilers" is known as a rough, red blood drama and the actors so entered into the spirit of the thing that after the evening performances at least four men reported minor injuries. The fol lowing casualties were reported: Albert McGovern, strained back and neck and injured knuckle; Lee Miller, body burned and arm badly scraped; Irving Kennedy, cuts on arm, hand and face; William Lee, both hands badly cut. Stage Director Gilbert went after the company roughshod at the close of the matinee, saying the dance ball scene was far too tame it was more like a Sunday school picnic than the type of living Rex Beach described in the Klondike in '98, so when the third act opened in the evening there was blood on the moon, so to speak, and the scrimmages followed by the fight be tween McGovern and Millar became eo realistic that . when it was all over several actors were bleeding and bot tles and mirrors, chairs and a table had been smashed. Somebody had stepped on the foot of the Alaskan dog and he tore a perfectly good gown Olive Templeton was wearing and would have probably wreaked venge ance on somebody in earnest if his owner had not caught him in time. He was tied up in the basement where his howls added realism to the perform ance for the rest of the show. FOUR APPLY FOR DIVORCE Jealousy, Cruelty and Desertion Among Charges Alleged. Jealousy and cruelty are alleged by Sada J. Bowman, plaintiff in a suit for divorce filed yesterday against Ru- dotte Bowman, whom she married i Portland, in 1913. She says her hus band has attacked her frequently. Practically the same charges are made by Florence E. Brous against Edgar W. Brous. former state prison guard. They were married in Portland in 1911 and have lived in Salem until recently. Cruelty and desertion are alleged against AIno Taskila by Mary S. Ta klla. They were married in 1904 and have one child. Adelia Lahoie wants a divorce from Adelord Lahoie o charges of extreme cruelty. They were married In 1888 and have four children. She wants $60 a month in alimony. Final suggestions in Gifts that will be of daily use and constant satisfaction for boys and men. Open this evening. Neckwear, Gloves, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Bath and Lounging Robes, Smoking Jack' ets,Silk Shirts, Sweat' ers, Knitted Vests, Suspender and Garter . Sets, Belts, Mufflers, N i ghtwear, Under wear, Hats, Caps, Mackinaws, Slippers, ' Traveling Bags, Suit cases, Collar Bags, Umbrellas, Suits, Overcoats, Shoes. Any selection put up in 'Pretty Christmas Boxes and Wrappers. Morrison at Fourth S. & H. Stamps Given man, who is accused and is said to have confessed to using Mayor Baker's car on several occasions for Joyriding purposes. Commissioner Bigelow said yesterday that Evans had taken sev eral soldiers and two girls on an au tomobile ride one night last week. "I do not desire to deal harshly with Evans," said Commissioner Bigelow, "but the using of city-owned vehicles for Joyrides must end, and for that reason this man has been turned over to the District Attorney to appear before the grand Jury." Evans has been discharged from the city's service. GOVERNMENT AUCTION SALE On December 27 and 28. 1918, com mencing at 9 A. M., I will sell at public auction to highest and best bidder on account of Lieutenant Harry N. Bow ler, property offices. Bureau of Air Craft Production, at Seattle Coal & Fuel Company's stables, 1333 Weller street, between 13th avenue South and Rainier boulevard, Seattle, Wash. The following, to wit: Eleven (11) head work horses from 1300 to 1700 pounds. Six sets double harness, 1 wagon, complete without bed. Also for account Slems, Carey. H. S. Kirbaugh Corp.: Ninety horses, 1000 to 1700 pounds, 16 sets work harness, 22 stock saddles and bridges, 61 pack saddles, 8 Hum boldt pack saddles. 21 wagons, com plete without beds, and other miscel laneous teams and stable equipment. farmers and contractors should not fail to attend this sale. Owner reserves right to reject anv of all bids. Terms of sale are cash. 10 per cent deposit required from all bidders. B. LEVY. Auctioneer. 1007 American Bank Bldg., Seattle. Adv CITIZENSHIP DENIED ALIEN Slacker Finds His Record Bars Him From His Desire. Because he had demanded exemption from military duty on the ground that he was an alien, Johan Haggstrom, aged 28, a native of Sweden, was denied the right of becoming an American citi zen when Presiding Judge Tucker, of the Circuit Court, yesterday dismissed Haggstrom s petition for final citizen ship papers. Judge Tucker heard Haggstrom ad mit he wanted to become a citizen but did not care about wearing an Ameri can uniform. "Dismiss this case," thundered the court. ."1 don't care to hear any more of it." Haggstrom is married and has one child. He might have been exempted from military, duty because of their dependency, but the records show he used his alien status to keep him out of the Army. TROOPS TO BE WELCOMED Entertainment and Dance Planned for January 15 at Auditorium. A combination entertainment and dance for the purpose of raising funds for the welcome to Oregon soldiers is planned for January 15 at the Audi torium. In ohaxge of the affair will be the united auxiliaries reception committee, which Is working in co-operation with the committee headed by Mayor Baker in providing a welcome for the boys. According to tentative plans as out lined by the reception committee, which is headed by Mrs. G. L. Williams, the entertainment will last from 7:30 to 9 P. M., when the dancing will begin. Every effort will be made for a large attendance. Extra attractions of all kinds are promised by those In charge. MEN'S SUITS, 0'COATS. All Ready to Wear. Men! I save you the high rent profit. Come upstairs. Save your money. Jimmy Dunn, 2d floor, Broadway and Aider. Adv. LJBERTYBONDS. We buy or sell. We advance money at 7 per cent to keep up your payments. We loan up to 90 per cent of their face value. Elwood Wiles Co., 231 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Adv. CARD OK TTIANTtS. We wiffh to thank the Portland Musi clans' Union. No 99, and also our many friends for the beautiful floral pieces and kindness during our bereavement of our son and nephew. Mil. AND MRS. KD WTXKOOP. MRS. ROSE LIN OLE Y AND Adv. MISS ETHEL LINDLEY. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and relatives for sympathy they have shown and for the many beautiful flo ral offerings tendered our bov and brother, Walter. FRED SOLE Y. MRS. SOLE Y. Adw. . EVELINE SOLET. ijotore JAIL SENTENCES GIVEN TRIO COCRT REFUSES FIXES IN LIQUOR IMPORTATION CASE. R. H". Warfield, Gus Emerick and George Fifer Enter Picas of Guilty and Avoid Standing; Trial. Jail sentences Instead of fines were given to R. H. Warfield, Gus Emerick and George Fifer, accused of smug gling liquor into Oregon in carboys marked "acid." Despite the pleas of the attorneys representing the de fendants, the court refused to Impose fines, declaring there were no extenu ating circumstances. Mr. Warfield was sentenced to Jail for three months, Mr. Emerick for two months ant Mr. Fifer for one month. Each entered a plea of guilty to avoid standing trial. It developed yesterday that of the 12 carboys loaded with liquor in San Francisco, nine were filled with un adulterated water when they arrived in Portland. All the time the dozen car boys were in transit on a freight car a representative of the Department of Justice was traveling with the ship ment. United States Attorney Haney states that someone In California knew what was in the carboys and ex tracted the liquor before it was loaded on a car by a transfer man. Before the whisky was turned Into water it was worth, at current bootleg quotations, 6400. According; to Mr. Haney, the ship ment was the third that has been engi neered by tho trio. The first was in February and the second iu October. The attorney for Mr. Warfield In formed the court that his client had craved for liquor and had aided in the conspiracy only to satisfy his thirst. HOLLY DEMAND IS HEAVY DEALERS REPORT UNUSUAL CUiL FOR DECORATIONS. Mistletoe and Evergreen Tree Also More Popular Than in Other Tears. With ths supply of mistletoe, holly and Christmas trees and boughs fully 30 per cent greater than ever before, the demand for these holiday essentials has soared far beyond expectations. This was the opinion yesterday of lead ing dealers, who wers facing a short age in many of the usual green dec orations, in which Oregon abounds. But with all the demand, there has been little or no profiteering, say tho deal ers. Prices are about the same or slightly higher than usual, though prices of other commodities have in many cases doubled. Holly has never been present in such large quantities, it Is said. This is the banner year for one of Oregon's ban ner outputs. Retail prices still are around 60 and 75 cents a pound. Mistletoe, too, has left the state In good quantities, though thts product is not so adaptabje to shipment. This year the berries on both the mistletoe and holly are said to be un usually abundant and full. It Is the best holly year ever experienced, it is said, while mistletoe also Is good in quality. Klamath Falls Spaniard Arrested. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Deo. 23. (Special.) Bootlegging in the fullest sense of the word is tho charge brought against John Rodugues. a Spaniard, who was arrested here on his arrival last night with a pint of L (yjiLrim-. v - rlWrp ni ijp iff nltiraij Sit&x&mt, urogfe iunmjttrp? auunw, attXrrmtti1 itx ratridmttHii W lijgHra: front in ij? nmtttuj; ratur ntaiji rapm KiiTJttnrrttiritiJTtrft' of "spirits frumenti in each boot, mors in his trouser leg and a good-sized demijohn concealed in a crate of cel ery which he carried. Rodugues had been arrested the first of the week and fined in Justice Court for having liquor in his possession, snd seeing him arrive from Dorris, jtst over the state line, aroused the suspicions of the officers. He declared he brought In the goods as a remedy for rheuma tism from which he suffered. LT. UPSHAVV ON VACATION Portland Man to Spend Holidays With Parents Then Return to Duty. Lieutenant Frank B. Upshaw, who, before going Into the service, was as sistant manager of the Ladd Estate here, is spending Christmas in the city. He assisted in rectruiting the Second Battalion of Oregon Naval Militia under Lieutenant Harold C. Jones and was mustered Into Federal service August 9. 1917, at United States Naval training camp, Seattle, Wash. Lieutenant Upshaw went into service as an Ensign but was commissioned as Lieutenant, J. g.. September 1. During most of the present year Lieutenant Upshaw has been executive officer of U. S. Naval training camp. Seattle, and at one time had some 600 men under Xmas For Your Christmas Dinner DRINK HEARTY WITH JOY BEVO The triumph of all eoft drinks, can still be had at your dealer; if he can't sup ply you we will deliver it. THEONET Sparkling cham pagne Grape Juice, Red and White. The great dinner and banquet beverage, all the fizzle and sparkle of the finest champagne. A flavor too delightful to describe aristocratic and dignified. Quart and pint bottles. BLUMAUER & HOCH "The House of Quality Beverages." 105-107 12th St. Phone Bdwy. 4072 or A 1004 HENRY B. MURTAGH'S NEW SONG "Dreamin' 'Bout Dat Great Big Christmas Tree" is proving to be the biggest song hit that Portland has known for several years. Over 1000 copies were sold yester day, and a second edition of 5000 copies is being rushed through the presses. If you haven't heard it sung or played at the Liberty Theater this week, it will be cheerfully demonstrated for you at any of these music stores: Remick's Song Shop Lipman-Wolfe's Sieberling-Lucas i Ji& Vouched for by Arthur H. Meyers, for ye Keeper of ye Inne, whyche is at ye sign of ye great Lanthorn, at ye place where Broadwaye crosses Stark streete, in ye towne Portland. his Jurisdiction. Lieutenant Upshaw is in the city visiting with his parents during the holidays and will return to duty at Seattle upon completion of his visit here. CARD OF THASKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the death and burial of our beloved mother, Mrs. King. MR. AND MRS. J. SCRITSMIER. MRS. CLARA E. WILSON. Adv. MR. J. O. BOYLE. Christmas Roast Turkey 60c Cranberry Sauce Roast Goose 50c Apple Sauce All the delicacies of the season, Sterling; quality for less. Sterling Cafeteria -81 Stark St., Bet. 4th and 5th. everages DUFFY'S SPARKLING AP PLE JUICE Champagne style refreshing and delight ful a real Holiday drink that will please everybody. Buy it by the case put up in quart and pint bottles. CALVIXO-PURE CALIFOR NIA WINE without alcohoL The Joy drink of no regrets. Have all the fan without the headache. Sparkling Red and Sparkling White you will charm your dinner friends with this perfect table drink. Buy it by the case or in single bottles, quarts or pints. Order Early We Deliver. Eilers MacDougal's Graves TTOTTI.S. tSl "JUST TIIE isV ' ft- . HOTEL FOR YOU" COURTESY, comfort, homelike atmosphere at moderate prices, whether for the day, week or month. Absolutely fireproof. Centrally located. Convenient to all earllnea and points of Interest. Refined n d vubitaatlal fur. nlshlngs ckeerful and inviting. GLEXX B. HITK, MGR. WASHINGTON AT TWELFTH Portland. Orea-oa. The SEWARD Is s new. modern an elegamly appointed hotel, possessing one ot liie most beautitul corner lob bies in the Northwest. Located at 30th and Alder sts.. opposlts Olds. Wortman & King's big department store lu heart ot retail and theater district. Kates, tl snd up. Bus meets all trains. "W car also runs from t'nlon Depot direct to Hotel SBWAKD. W. M Saward Pnn. Visiting Buyers JJ in Portland Should jmsss. o First Find iiiv.li . ra a.Hi;: way to mmM Hotel LiOme litis RATK8 t PAY AVO IP . ComHiun, 1 resident. II. K. Hetchcr. MaimKrr. Turk and Aldvr. I'nnlanil, Or. Spc iwl rates by the week or month. PALACE HOTEL 446 Vahinrtn Street. r-irr, airy rooms, elegantly lumljM. In heart of retail and thtatr district. Strictly modern, aboulutely fireproof, clean and quin surroundings. Rooms without bath. $1.00. lionmi wit rt bath, $ I SO and up. Our $1.i rooms equal to any $1.50 rooms In tti city. Our rooms with bath At $1 .10 equal to any $2.00 in city. Special rates by week or month. Best rooms tn city for tha money. HOTEL MOORE OTerlookinp the grand old Partflc Ocean at Clatsop Bench, Seaside. Oregon, la the ideal place to expend the holidays. Kvery arranKement has been made for the comfort and pleasure of our guetls. Trains leave North Hank Station at S:o0 A. M. and 6:15 1'. M. A Moderate-Hrlr-rd Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD Ksvat Morrison St. and Cast Sixth. tt.OO I'or liar. Two In Room ti.Sn. jEPAIR DIRECTORYj Pianos and Talking Machines Also All other Musical - In struments Ti.e paired. I'oiished. Etc.. by Kxnert "Workmen. Very reasonable l'rieea All "Work Juarsmei. Kntrsnre 87 WaAhlDsT'a TUNING AVD REI'AlRrso. V 1 ' WsKHBfc - fianoa v.Tij Pianos. P " bl fr ' Ptanoa and rlaytr- rloea reason expert work. Jlayfia Get Cor. P.Ttb and Mnrriwm, PIANOS PI AYKK-ri OS. rilOMM.KM'llN. ' reflnf&hed by a. new atid better process for leas money. Tuning and act ion rerulatinjc. II AKOro S. OILBERT, 3K aralnll M. Piano liouKht, Ken ted. Sold. Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PABTICILARJ CALL Mar. Bonn or Bast eooa. Mr. J.F.Myers Phone Your Want Ads lo THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 I 'Ji Claw ' ' I Bldg. 1 i L ."..-uj