THE -MOTCXiyu. OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1918. MILLFEED ADVANCE LESS THAN EXPECTED Prices Raised $3.90 a Ton by Local Millers. CONSUMER IS PROTECTED Little Reduction Will Be Made In Flour Bids Snbmltted to Government. ?llllfeed prices ivere advanced yesterday, but not to the extent that wu expected. Tnstead of a $10 rise that "was considered, the price wae put up J3.00 a ton. The new quotations on mill run, (. o. b. mill, are $36 In carlots. $30.50 tor mixed cars, $3S'for ton lots or over, and $39 (or less than ton lots. While all are agreed that an advance In feed Is necessary to offset such a decline In Hour as will invite Government buying in this territory, the millers were disposed to lighten the burden on feed consumers as much as possible and let the allies pay a full price, if they will, for the flour they et here. They are. therefore, offering: Hour for export at only a slight reduction from the old price, and If business can be worked on this basis, there may be no fur ther rise In millfeed prices. If. on the other hand, it is necessary to cut export flour still more; feed prices will have to co up correspondingly. The coarse grain market was lower all around In sympathy with the East. One hundred tons of January clipped oats were sold at the Exchange at $52.30. a decline of B0 cents from Saturday's bid price. Backed oats were $1 lower and other ce reals 25c$l under Saturday's quotations. Weather conditions In the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis, cloudy, 10. Chicago, cloudy, colder. Peoria, cloudy, SO. St. Louis, clear, 30. Kansas City, cloudy, 36. St. Joseph, cloudy. 23. Hutchinson, snowing. 20. Topeka, snow ing, 30." Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange, as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland Monday 6S 2f 2 18 Year ago 2 T 13 13 17 Reason to date. 5343 T59 1409 . 639 1997 Year ago 3532 149 405 753 1106 Tacoma Faturday ...... 13 . . . . ... ... 17 Year ago .... 1 .... .... .... Season to date.3r.63 IS .... 113 SO Year ago 8131 62 .... 166 1023 Seattle Faturday ...... 12 .... 28 .... 22 Year ago .... 11 Keaaon to date.3S21 4 842 44S 1796 Year ago ..3243 1SH 923 730 2111 CAXS IN" VISIBLE WHEAT SUPPLY fchJpments to Europe Far In Excess of This Date Last Year. The American visible wheat supply com pares as follows: Bushels. Increase. Dec. 23. 1918 113,803.01)0 2.54S.0O0 Jjec. 24 1917 22.221.000 3.140.00U Dec. 27, 191 C2.040.OOO '2O9.0O0 0eo27, 1915 6l.47S.000 4.2B3.0O0 Dec. 21. 1914 ......... 73.112,000 1,131.000 "Decrease. The corn supply Increased 77,000 bushels and the oats supply Increased 2,022,000 bushels. Wheat shipments for the past and former weeks were: Week Week Week finding Ending Ending Dec. 21. l-o. 14. Dec. 22-17. Argentina .... 1,107.000 410.000 2.r6.000 Australia ... 670.000 670.000 S60.000 India nil nil 260.000 Total ...... .12.141,000 13.868.000 8.348,000 Shipments for the season to date compare' Total Since Same Period ' ' July 1. 1!18 Last Season. TT. a. Canada 13H.0S2.000 . 12S.25S.000 Argentina ft4.633.orio 7.B19.0O0 Australia 17,435,000 25.192.OO0 India 5,461.000 9.503,000 Total . . .213,611,000 170,572.000 RECORD PRICE OS DRESSED TCRKEY8 Best Stock Sells Up to 51 Cents la Wholesale Market. Turkeys sold at the highest price ever "known on the street yesterday. The supply was short of local requirements and the shortage was made more acute by ship ments to outs'de points. Dealers obtained 4446 cents 6unday and at the opening of business yesterday the market was strong at 46 cents. As the day wore on the price advanced steadily until it touched 50 and 51 cents. At least 1000 pounds are known to have moved at the lat ter price and more could have been sold had they been available. A feature of the trade this year was the heavy buying by Califor nlans, who not only operated in the valley, but Oakland dealers also bousht turkeys on the Portland market Sunday. Dressed geese were Bcarce and sold at 42 cents and dressed ducks wtnt as high as 50 cents. Live poultry cleaned up at firm prices. Cheese Price Regulated. Regulations governing cheese sales, as is sued by the Food Administration, follow: "The licensee dealing in cheese shall sell cheese without regard to market or replacer ment value at not more than a reasonable advance over the cost of the particular cheese sold; provided, that the licensee may average by weight, the cost of all cheese of the same kind, shape and grade which have not already been contracted to be sold. The licensee shall keep a record of the manner in which such average has been determined. When new lots are added and a new average calculated the licensee shall Include In the new averaging all stock remaining on hand of lots already averaged at the average cost of such lots previously determined. If the cost of any cheese Is averaged the cost of all cheese must be averaged." Grain Regulations Repealed. A- number of special license regulations, . controlling elevators and dealers handling wheat, rye. corn, oats and barley have been repealed by the Food Administration. The rules repealed relate to the storage of grain limited to period of 60 days; amount Todd Dry Dock and Construction Corporation built the finest steel ship building plant on the Pa cific Coast. They save us four re peat contracts. Two for their buildings at the ship yard at . Tacoma. one for extending their plant in Seattle and one for 100 or more houses for their Ta coma employes. WHTf j;mrIejiHaott Co. Gasco Building. Established 1904. of unsold grain under control limited to 60 days' supply; grain sold shall not give buyer more than 60 days' supply; contracts for corn, oats, rye and barley must provide for shipment In CO days: sales for brewing pro hibited; profits on hominy feed; uniform contract for certain corn products; ' specifi cations for corn. oats. rye and barley products; package differentials on corn meal: corn, rye and barley products must arrive In good condition; uniform packages pre scribed; minimum for carload shipment, feed products not to be separated: priorities on deliveries of glucose, and specifications for glucose. " Idaho Wheat Acreage Increased. The Idaho state crop report gives the preliminary estimate of Winter wheat acre age as 332.000 acres compared with 813.000 acres sown last Fall. The Increase over last year would undoubtedly have been larger, but farmers were handicapped by the labor shortage. Sacrificing the fallow land In or der to plant as much wheat as possible last year and the continued tendency to favor Spring wheat, were contributing' factors. The hard Spring wheat variety. Marquis, is gain ing favor. Eggs and Butter Decline. With the holiday demand over, eggs weak ened under larger receipts. Ordinary candled stock was offered at 70 cents with few takers. Cube butter was also weak. Extras moved In a small way at 59 cents. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: . Clearings. Balance Portland ............ .$6,542.02 $l.4l.i.nng Seattle 8.36.219 1.776 356 Tacoma B43.386 11S.78H Spokane 1,933.04 609,723 PORTLAND MARKET 4JCOTATIONS Grain. Floor, Peed, ltte. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern oats and barley, sacked: Dec Jan. Feb. Oats Bid. Bid. Bid. No. 2 white feed $01.00 $54.00 $54.50 Barley Standard feed 49.00 49.25 49.50 Standard "A" 60.00 50.00 51.00 Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Oats No. 3 white 49.00 50.50 31 00 38-Ib. clipped white 61.00 52.25 52. 50 Corn No. 3 yellow 60.50 60.25 59 75 No. 3 mixed 59.50 59.00 5S.50 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 per bu. FLOUR Family flour. $10.90511.05 per barrel; bakers'. $10.70?i 19.85; whole wheat, 9.8SS10; graham, $9.65&9.S0; corn meal. $9.50 g 10.30. MILLFEED Mill run. f. o. b. mill, carlots, $36 per ton; mixed cars. $36.50: ton lots or over. $33;; less than tons. $:!&; rolled barley. $55-59; rolled oats, $5761; ground barley, JSKfcGO; alfalfa meal, $1044. CORN Whole, $094173; craeked, $7175. HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy, $3032 per ton: Valley timothy, $27 per ton; alfalfa.- $27.50; Valley grain bay, $26; clover, $2ti(j?27;' straw, $910. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTE R Cubes, extras, $59.00: prints, parchment wrappers, extras, box lots, 65c; cartons. 66c; half boxes, c more: less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat, ISdt 1, 67c per pound, station. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and cracks out. 70c; selects, 76c per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 36c; Young Americas. 37c; Coos and Curry County: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. 33c POULTRY Hens, under 4 pounds, 25 9 26c: over 4 pounds, 28c: Springs, 26c: roos ters, ISc; ducks, 30c; geese, 25c; turkeys, dressed, 46 51c VEAL Fancy. 20t21c per pound. PORK Fancy, 19 20c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges. navels, $3,759? 6.00; lemons. $536.50 per box; bananas, Vtp'USsc per pound; apples. 65c&$2.75 box; pears, $29:2.50 per box: grapes. $9 per keg: cran berries, $0 per box; huckleberries, 17 Vic per pound; grapefruit, $3.757. VEGETABLES Tomatoes, $2.75 per box; cabbage, $2 fi 2.25 per 100 lbs.: lettuce. $2.50 3.25 per crate; peppers, 17t4e per pound: celery, 75c'u$l per dozen: eggpinnt, l."'i 20c per pound; artichokes, $1.60; cauli flower, $3.25 per crate; garlic, 35c per lb.; pumpkins, 2c per pound; squash, 2c per pound; beets. $2 per sack; carrots, $1.50 per sack; turnips, si.o per sacK ; cucumbers, $1.75 dozen: sprouts, 15c pound. ' POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, graded, $1.501.75: ungraded. $1.35: Oregon Netted Gems. $17522; Taklmas, $1.732; sweets ONIONS Oregon. $1.7532.00; California, browns, Jl.00ttl.50. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: ' SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $9.55: beet. $9.25; extra C. $9.15; powdered' In barrels. $10 25; cubes, in barrels. $10 45 NUTS Walnuts, 27 35c: Brazil nuts, 32c; filberts, 28c: almonds, 24 29c: peanuts, 17c. SALT Half-ground. 100s, $15.90- psr ton; 50s, $17.25 per ton; dairy. $25 per ton. BICE Unbroken. 8.9 'S 11c per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White, 9"i a lOHc: colored. 7t8ic COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 2513 40c' Provisions. Local ' Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 383840; stand ard, 37370; skinned, none; picnic, 27c; cottage roll, 86c. LAKD Tierce basis, standard, pure, 281ic; compound, 23Sc. BACON Fancy. 50' 52',4c: standard, 47 50c ; choice. 36 "5 49c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 2934c; exports, 28i3 31c. Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salted. 30 pounds and up 14c: No. 2 salted, 30 pounds and up, 13c; No. 1 green, 30 pounds and up. lie: No. 2 green, 30 pounds and up. 10c; No. 1 salted bulls, 50 pounds and up, 11c; No. 2 salted bulls. 50 pounds and up. 10c: No. 1 green bulls. 50 pounds and up. 9c: No. 2 green bulls, 50 pounds and up. 8c; No. 1 green or salted calf skins up to 15 pounds. 29c; No. 2 green on salted calf skins up to 15 pounds, 27 He: No. 1 green or sailed kip skins. 15 to 30 pounds. 15c: No. 2 green or salted kip eklns, 15 to 30 pounds, lSVjc; dry flint hides, 7 pounds and up. 2Sc; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds, 3ac; dry salt hides, 7 pounds and tp, 22c; dry salt calf, under 7 pounds, 32c; dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry stags or bulls. ISc; dry salt stags or bulls. 12c. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 30c; dry short-wool pelts, per pound, lj a 20c: salted long-wool lamb pelts, each. $2 3 2.75: salted long-wool sheep pelts, each, $1.51 412.50; dry sheep shearlings, each 15&35c; salted sheep shearlings, each 30-"g50g. Hops, Wool, Mohair. Etc. HOPS Oregon, 1918 crop, SOc per pound WOOL Oregon, 36(g71c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple. 62c; short staple 42c: burry. 80c. CASCARA BARK New and old, 13Hc per pound. TALLOW No. 1, 10c per pound: No. 2, 9c per pound; grease. No. 1, 8c; No. 2, 7c per pound. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c: engine distillate, bulk, 12c; kerosene, bulk, 10c; cases, 20c' LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.93: cases, $2.03; boiled, barrels, $1.95; cases. $2.05. TURPENTINE In tanks. 86c; cases, 96c. SAN FBANCISCO PRODUCE MASK El Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 23. Butter. 63 fi 65Vic Eegs Fresh extras, 8314c. fresh extra puller. S2Hc. Cheese New firsts and Toung America, not quoted. Poultry Hens, 3334c; young rooster. 34o; broilers, 4245c: fryers. 3SS43c; pigeons, $2.503; squabs, SOirSOc; geese. AUCi luiicja. uitobku. unnec. Vegetables Celery, $4.UU0ji 5.U0 ; squssh cream, 75ii90c; hubbard. $L50&1.75; ess plant, 810c: peppers. 75c: chile. 56c: tomatoes. $2 253. lettuce, $1,5012.75; po tatoes, Salinas, $a.00iz 3. Vo; rivers. $1.75 2.25: sweet. 2ViS3i4c: new, 4:o3c; onions, Australian brown, $1.251.50; pearl, 5j6c; garlic, 2530c; cauirnower, T5c4f$l; beeta $1.25&1.50; carrots. $1.00i. 1.25; turnips, 75 b$1.00; string beans, 12 17c; lima, 1012c; oumnkins. $101.25; mushrooms. 2otafiOc: Brussels sprouts. 9ic; green onions. $1.2$ (l 1 75. Fruits Lemons. S2.50iJM.S0; oranges, $4 09.50: bananas. 7⪼ pineapples, $4,003? 6.00: apples. Belleflowers. $1.50 1.75, bpltx enberg, $232.50; grapefruit. $2.503.50; pears. Bartletts, $3; grapes, Tokavs. Emperors, and Verdels. $150&2.25: avaca does. $5lS7; perrlmmons. $1.00 1.50; cran berries. 5.50 $.5u; quinces. 90c$1.15; casabas, 50c fj $1.00. Receipts Flour 4.996 qrs.; barley S.072 centrals; beaus 2G47 sacks; potatoes 12.fc.sti sacks; onions 2 sacks: hay 313 tons; hides 251; wine, 100,300 gallons. Hops at New Tork. NEW TORK. Dec 23. Hops, firm ; state and medium to choice 1918, 2843 3c; 1917, 18o2"c; pacific Coast 1'JIS, 81040c; 1917, 23 a 20c. ' unit m m hibher TOP STEERS SELL, AT BEST COWS BRIXG 13 A D $10. Prime Grade of Swine Advances to $17.25 North Portland lards Have Large Ran. The local livestock market was a strong and active affair. Seventy loads were re ceived at North Portland and buying was brisk throughout the day. Steers advanced 50 cents, with the top grade selling at $13. and the best cows moved up to $10. Hogs were also higher, with a full load selling at $17.25. Sheep and lambs were firm at unchanged prices. Receipts were 616 cattle, 11 calves, 4255 hoes and 2G2 sheep. The day a sales were as follows WL lcow... 1140 1 cow. .. 750 1 CO w . . . S.',0 1 heifer. 930 lhog... 80 31 hogs. . 27l 1 hog 2t0 8 hogs.. 140 1 hog. . . 2S0 117 lambs. 40 19 lamb. 65 34 Iambs. OO 194 Iambs. 110 4 wethers 140 1 buck.. 230 173 ewes.. 110 Scows.. 1030 1 cow. .. 9S0 2 cows.. 70S 5 cows.. IOIO 6 cows.. 1025 lcow... 12O0 1 cow. .. 900 3 cows.. 11311 3 cows.. 1 1 05 9 cows.. 11 15 Scows.. 11 50 23 cows.. 935 22 cows.. 1080 12 cows.. 720 . 16 cows.. ST5 23 cows..- 1150 3 steers. 1110 4 steers. 1045 2sters.. 9S0 Prices currem follows: Cattle Prime steers . Price Wt. Prl-e ; 8.50: 5.50 6.50 9.00 7 steers.. 14 steers.. 3 steers.. 2 steers.. 1 steer. . 8 steers.. 1 bull. .. 1 bull 1 bull... 1 bull... 5 bulls. . 3 mixed. 765 $ 7.0O 1100 13.00 100 825 1310 1110 1310 1270 1310 1170 fl0 1085 560 KM) 2-0 155 2IIO 1060 10O 195 185 815 2O0 210 260 225 105 ISO 430 BOO 30 HO 165 250 12 00 10.00 13.50 14.751 14.0(.f 17.00 15.00 16. on! 12.751 12.251 12.25 5.00 6'SO . 7.00 7.50 7.00 7.50; 5.00 : 12 O0 13 oni 11.50! 31 mixed. 10. on 1 calf. . 7.00 6.501 7.00 n no 1 5 calves. . 5 calves. 2 calves. 24 bulls. . 7 halts. . . 1 1 .50 8.00 10.50 7.50 15.50 16.85 16.00 16.25 17.23 17.00 15.8.1 16.80 16.75 15.00 15.25 14.80 14.85 15.35 6.50 6 00 307 hogs. .. 12 hogs. .. 7.50 2 hops... 6 00'ISI hogs. .. 8.00 141 hogs. .. 6.75'; 5 hoes. .. 9.25 92 bogs... 8.25' 50 hogs. .. 7.75:151 hogs... 9.10, 2hos... 9.75' 1 hog... 10 hogs. .. 3 hogs. .. 10 hogs. .. 4 ho?n. .. 9.00 IO.OO 12.75! 11.501 9. 51 111 59 lambs 65 at the local yards are as I t-- 11.50W12.KO1 Good to choice steers . Medium to good steers 10.00 ! 11.50 r air to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Fslr to medium cows, heifers. Cannery Bulls Calves Ho Prime mixed ................ Medium mixed .............. Rough heavies .............. Pigs Sheep Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs Yearlings- . ............... Wethers .. Ewes .....i 8.501 0 50 7. SOW 8.50 9. OO'.? 10.OO 6.10 7.50 3.50 4.50 6!oo sloo 9.0012.00 ,. 17.00W 17.25 .. 16.75'n 17.00 .. 14. 75t 16.00 . . 14.00 15.00 , . 12.00W13.0O , . O.OOill.OO . . lo.on.ftMi 00 .. .ooio.oo . . e.oo 9.0a Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 23. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts EiMMl. market strong. Bulk of sa!-s. $17. 17.65 ; butchers. $17.45:3.17.70; light, $16.7017 50; packing. $16.65(8 17.45; throw-outs. $15.50 16.50: pigs, good- to choice, $13.50013. Cattle Receipts 20.000. strong to 25 cents higher; calves 25 cents lower. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime. $15S19.50; com mon and medium. $915; butcher stock, cows and heifers. $7.25fr 14: canners and cutters. $6.65&7.25; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy. $10.25 tfi) 13.50 : Infe rior., common and medium. $7.2510.25; veal calves, good and choice. $1414.50. Sheep Receipts 12.000. market on killing classes opening strong. mostly 25. cents higher; feeders strong. Lambs, choice and prime. $14.85015; medium and good, $18.50 13 85; culls. $9.50el2; ewes, choice and prime, $ medium and good. $8j 9.25; culls. $4 & 6.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. 23. Hogs Receipts 630O. steady. Heavy. $16.7517.25; mixed. $16.90' 4717.10: light. $16..-.oi 17.15; pigs, $101; bulk of sales, $16.9017.10. Cattle Receipts 6600. active, stronger. Native steers. $10618.50; cows and heifers. $7ifI2: Western steers, $9tl6; Texas steers. $8.5012.25; cows and heifers. $6.50 &11; canners. $67; stockers, $64j15; calves. $7.50913.75. Sheep Receipts 11.50O. steady. Culls. $4.507.50; wethers. $1010.50: ewes. $7.50 (f?8.50; lambs. $12ftl4.25; feeder lambs, $10 4r 14.25; yearlings, $10 10.75. Seattle 'Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 23. Hogs Kerrlpts. 741. Steady. Prime lights. $17.25 1 7.45; medium to choice. 1 1 .no ',r 17.2: medium hsvirs. $16 00 16 40: rough heavies $13,00 8.15.40; pigs, i,fi"(i..;.u. Cattle itecelpts. 522. Stesrty. Beet se?rs. $11.0013.00; medium to choice. $10.50 11.50; common to ir.-od. $H. 00 1 8. 50 : best cows and heifers $3.50vi9.50; common to medium $VO0'-7 7.50; bulls, $5.0O7.50; oalves. $7.00 3 12.0n. SHIPPING SHARES FIRM EARLY TRANSFER OF TOXXAGE OF MERCANTILE INDICATED. Standard Ralls Are Heavier Than Speculative Issues Remain der of List Weak. NEW YORK. Dec. 23. Left quite entirely to its own devices, today's stock market settled down to the dull routine of the past fortnight after a moderately active and strong opening In which shippings were the main features at extreme ad vances of 1 to 4 points. The strength of - this particular group was directly traceable to , reports from Washington Indicating the early transfer of the British tonnage of the Mercantile Marine Company to the United States Gov ernment on a aatlsf actory financial basis. For the balance of the session the move ment was one of idle drift, mainly down ward, in which standard rails were rela tively heavier than speculative Issues, grangers and coalers, for example, losing 1 to almost 3 points. Other points of weakness embraced the coppers, secondary equipments, Studebaker and utilities. Total sales amounted to 360.000 shares.. Bonds were heavy as a result of the weakness shown by minor rails and utilities. In which losses ran from 1 to 2 per cent. Marked improvement was evinced by the liberty division, the 3s advancing over 1 per cent and the fourth 4Vs rallying sub stantially from last week's low quotations. Total sales, par value, aggregated $14,250. 000. Old UniLsd States .bonds were un changed on call. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am Beet Sugar.. 900 03 K2K 62 American Can... 2,000 . 46 46i 46'3 Am Car i Fdry.. 5oo. S7 86 Am Locomotive.. 1.200 62 til 61 Am Srn Rfg.. 12.30O 79,. 77S 77 Ti Am Sug Rfu 200 111 111 111 Am Tel & Tel... 8.2O0 6i 97'i Anaconda Cop. -.14.2O0 64 MK 63 Atchison 2.400 91 0Vi 90'A AQ&WISS , Ill B & Ohio 2.600 52"i 52 Hi 52 Butte & Sup Cop lii Canadian Pac 3.100 156 14 15H4, 15.1 i Ceu Leather 1,700 5: 58 514 Cuesepeake & O 56 C M & 8t P 5.200 42 40'4 41 Chicago & N W., 3.600 9SV4 97i 97"i C R I P ctfs 25 H Chino Cop 2,200 83Vs 324 33. Colo Fuel & Iron 38 S Corn Prod Rfg.. 5.700 47 i 46 46 V. Crucible Steel... 1.3O0 57 i 57 57 Cuba Cane Sug.. 600 30 30 30H Distil Secur 700 M 34 51 61 Erie 1.800 17" 1714 ' 1714 Oen Elec 4'm H7H 117 147. Oen Motors 2.600 181 s 129S 130 O N Pfd... l,4no 96', 5i G N Ore ctfs 200 32 Vs 82 h 8214 Illinois Cen 92 Inspiration Cop.. 5.500 45H 44H 44i Int M M Pfd.... 30.000 1144 1124 112i Inter Nickel oo 32 82', 32 Inter Paper 800 31 81 Vs 31 1.3 Kan City South 19 Kernerott Cop.. 3.100 3114 33. 83T4 L 4i Nashville 11 S", Maxwell Motors. 900 28i 28 28 Mexican Petrol .. 14.000 10914 IrtrtS 16fli Miami Cop 2.200 23'x. 22 T4 22 ' Mo Pacific 1.6HO 25 24 It 24 4 Nevada Cop 7oo 174 ' 17 17! N Y Central 8.60O . 75". 75 75 N Y N II & H... 2,400 32V. 31 31 V4 Norfolk & West. 400 lne 106 106 Nor Pacific 3.100 04?. 93 i 93"i Pacific Mail 2(0 39 39 39 Pennsylvania ... 4.700 4514 45 454 Pitteburg Coal 47'. Ray Con Cop.... 1.100 20 14 2014 20. Reading 4.500 82 81 81 Rep Iron Steel ..... 24'i Shat Ariz Cop 1.8O0 15 14S 14S Southern Pac 8.6OO 9!4 . Southern Ry 1.5nO 294 20 l. 291 Studebaker Cor. .21,700 52-4 494 50'. Texas Co 200 ICS lHj 18H Union Pac 4.100 129 127 1224 U S lnd Alcol 102'4 U 8 Steel 39,400 96V4 95 '4 95 H 200 1.9DO Sou 200 1.400 112 74 21 l 112 731. 21 . . 42V 73', 21s 86 l 43V, 2 Westing Blec. 42 i 61 , Beth B 5.400 61 Total sales for the day 360,000 shares. BONDS. U S ref 2 re-.. 'OS Pacv 4Hs t9 ..a5 coupon ts if p Ha 1-7', U S 3s reg 83 u s Steel 5s 99 do coupon ...h3 U P cv 5s 101S US 4s reg loe V4 ! A nglo-Fr 5s .... t)7'4 do coupon ..106 ;tj s Lib 99. 2S Atch gen 4s ... 84 V4 1 do 1st cv 4s.. 1)3.03 j r. n o rer Ss 55 N" Y C deb 6s.. Du P 4 'Sfl'-il N P 3s ,)!. I Pc T A T 5s.. 5! do 2d 4s 93.24 do 1st cv 4Us.97.10 do 2d cv 4 St s. 95.O0 do 3d 4 Vis 9rt.O do 4th 4 Vs... 95.O0 Bid; t offered. Mining Storks at Beaton. BOSTON. Dec 23. Closing quotations: A"ouex 434 Lake Copper Arls Com 12iiMohawk ... calo g. Ariz 4 North Butte Cain & Hecla...430 loid Dom .. 5 52 1214 B5 Centennial 134 'Osceola 50 62 6'i Si 8ii Cop Range Fast Butte Franklin . .. Isle Royalle 43VrQuincy ... 91 jSupertor . 8 3 jKhannon . 24 Utah Con Money. Exchange. Etc NEW TORK. Dec 23. Mercantile paper. 6 per cent. Sterling 60-day bills. $4.784 ; commer cial 60-day bills on banks. HT2K. commer. clal ao days bills, $4.72 V4; demand. $4.7580; aHlA CI a . . . . . . . .... ' , rrinct, aemana cables 5.45: guilders, demand 42,. cables 42,: lire, demand 6 36, cables 6.35. Mexican dollars. 77".ic Time loans easier; 60 days, 90 days, six months, 5', oer cent: call monev steady; high. 4V, per cent; low 4 per cent; ruling rate. 4 per cent; closing bid. 4 per cent; offered at 4V4 per cent; last loan. 4V, per cent. LONDON, Dec 23. Money. 3 per cent. Discount rates Short bills and three months' bills. S 17-32 per cent. Larger Coffeo Imports Boon. NKW TORK. T-c. 23. Reports that ships i aggregating 500.000 tons were on their way to South America to engage In trade be tween that country and the United States attracted considerable attention in the coffee market today. It Is considered Drolable that. 'V S Steel pfd. I'tah Cop. . . . Wabasn pfd West Union . J i o- I this tonnage will result In larger Imports. ? ;' i The early cables from Brazil reported !?!an lvnce of 124 rels In the Klo market. ll.OO; but a decline nf 100 ria In anna innl, anil , 25 to 100 rels In Santos futures. Later, a special cable showed an advance of loo to 225 rels In the latter market. Receipts at the two Brazilian ports were 35,000. 3 New Tork Dairy Prodnco. NEW YORK. Dee. 23. Butter unsettled; creamery higher than extras. 6,S'r69c; creamery extras. 67ii6Sc: firsts 63 67c F.RCB unsettled: receints. 6 .40: frerh gathered extras 6566c: fresh gathered reg- , ular packers; extra firsts. 633 04c; ditto Cheese steady; state fresh specials 38tt37c; ditto, average run, p5Vk4$36c Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 23. Tnrpentlne firm, or, He: sales 1(1 -) receipts 36; ship ments 21 : stocks 20.972. Rosin firm: sales S16; receipts 75: ship ments 245; stock 75.111. Quote: B D E F a and If. $13.:'.0: I. $13 65: I. $15.70; M, $16.15; N, $16.20 WG. $16.45; WW. $16.75. New York Sugar Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 23. Raw sugar, steady: centrifugal. 7.28c: refined, steady; cut loaf, 10.50c; crushed. 10.25c; mould A. 9.50c; cubes, 9.75c: XXXX powdered. 9.20c: pow dered. 9.15c; fine granulated and Diamond A. 9c; confectioner's A. 8.90c; No. L 8.85c , Metal Market. NEW TORK. Dec 23. New Tork and East St. Louis lead weak; December is of fered at S.506c. East St. Louis spelter dull; spot and De cember is offered at 8.10c. Chicago CHICAGO. Dec Dairy Produce. 23. Butter, lower; cream- ery. 5 if 87c. Eggs, lower: receipts, 99$ eases: firsts. 5So5bVic; ordinary firsts. SSiStiVic: at mark, cases included, 674t58c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Dec. 23. Evaporated apples, quiet; state, 14&16c; prunes, firm; Cal ifornia. 7Vs10c; peaches, nominal. Cotton 'Market. NEW YORK. Dec 23. Spot cotton, steady; middling. 32.10c Dnluth DULUTU, Dc. I.lnmil Market. 23. Linseed. $3.: LOTUS LANG LEY PRESIDENT Jackson Clnb to Iloltl Annnal Ban- qnct on January 8. Lotus Tj. Langley. defeated candidate for Circuit Court Judge in tlio recenl election, was elected president of the Jackson Club at a meeting In Library hall last night. Following; the election of officers by the handful of loyal Democrats, It was decided to have the annual banquet on Jackson day, Janu ary S. Other officers named were: William D. Bennett, vice-president; Mrs. Alice McNaught, second vice-president: Dr. J. W. Morrow, second vice.-president; Mrs. M. A. Stevenson. secretary; Oplesby Younsr, treasurer. In charge of the banquet will be a committee as follows: Harvey K. Starkweather, Miss Leona L. Larrabee. Dr. Katharine Stott Myers and Fred erick V. Holman. Speakers from all over the state will be obtained for the banquet, it was assured. A special effort will be made to have returning soldiers attend the reunion. -DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Dec 23. Maximum temper ature, 40 degrees: minimum. HI degrees. River reading at S A. M.. 3.4 feet: chance In last 24 hours. 0.7 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M ). none: total rainfall BHicv rrju-iH.'ci a. t"tr, iiihcb: nor- ! itirI rainfall since SeDtemher 1. 17 inrh..- deficiency of rainfall since September .1. lftlS. 4 93 Inches Sunrise. 7:51 A. M. : sunset. 4:29 P. M. Total sunshine December 23, 6 hours. 10 minutes: po&'Oiile sunshine, !4 hours. 37 minutes. Moonrife. 11:27 P. M.; moonset, 11:05 A. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.47 inches. Relative hu midity at noon. 85 per cent. " THE WEATHER. Wind State of Weather STATION8. Baker 2 0 2S 0 5ft 0 82 0. as o 14 0 2 0. oi. .;sf 0OI. . NV 241.. In w Clear Clear Clear Boston ....... Calgary 'Chicago , Denver . ; Des Moines ... I Eureka ...... ; Oalveston . . . . Helena . t-luneau ' Kansas City. . Los Angeles... Marshfteld Medford ' Minneapolis .. i New Orleans . Ne-.v Toi k North Head... North Yakima. OO'. .IN OA sn nt a iPt. cloudy 'Cloudy Ss' 41 IS, 36 60 081. .InW 00. 12'NE on . .In 62 20. NW oo;. .Inw 14.. .'SB 24 24 N oo; . . i v Oj. . NW 001. , s 1X114 N 26 18 S 44 14. N 00,.. jN oil.. s !,. . NW OO . ..NW O0!. Cloudy 52 l 66 1 . 16 0. 40 O. 2 O 62 0 62:0 2S0 22 0 70 0. 5S 0 42IO. 3" 0. Clear Pt. cloudy 4, 2o 26' Sii SHI SO! Cloudy Ciouoy Snow Clear Clear Clear Snow Italn Ciear lear Cloudy fnucnix Poratello . . . -Portland ..... Roschurg Sacramento . . St. Louis Salt Latce .... San Diego San Francisco Seattle Sitka- Spokane Tacoma 24 0 40 0 32 0 52 0 3 O 2 0 62 O 56 O 8S 0 Clear Clear 00 .. NW no . . s 01 30 SE On 10 N V on'. . NW no'. . !n Ool. ..E Cloudy 'Clear iRain Cloudy Clear 'Clear (Clear .. 4'.. 24' 2 0 30, JiS 0 38, 42 O . .i36 O IS' 24 0 42 5S 0 . .1 4 0 no..Nv ;Cloudy on1. .Ve .pt. cloudy no 14. E Clear 2S,. Rain oo . . Icioudy oo:..In iPt. cioudy Oo;..'.s Iciear Tatoosh Island VaUitzt Walla Walla.. W;itshington .. Winnipeg . . . tA. M. today. 'P. M. report of preceding: day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Tuesday fair, con tinued cold; easterly winds. Oregon and Washing-ton Tuesday fair, continued cold: ffentlo easterly winds. Idaho Tuesday fair and continued cold. HOWARD L. WELLS, Meteorologist. Factions Cla-li In Spain. . BALBOA, Spain, Dec. 23. (By the Associated Press.) Two srroups of manifestants, one shouting against Spain and the other crying for Spain, collided here today. One of the per sons in the loyalist crowd was killed by a pistol shot. CORN VALUES ARE WEAKER HOLIDAY DULLNESS SKTTLES OVER CHICAGO MARKET. Hedging; Sales Mainly Responsible for Declines In Oats Few Buy ing Orders for Provisions. CHICAGO, Dec. 23 Holldsy spirit took precedence over business on change todsy and the corn market was lower and easily influenced. Prices closed steady at $1.39i to $1.89. tl 3UVi for January and $1,35 3. l-85Vi for February, with the market as a whole off to up. compared with Sat urdays finish. Oats. Sfi ISc. In provisions the outcome ranged from SOc decline to &c advance. Oats displayed relative weakness from the start. Hedging sales appeared to be mainly responsible. Provisions worked lower for active deliv eries. Orders to purchase were few and lard exports showed a decrease. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. . Open. High. Low. Close. January 1.3S 1.40't 1.3S 1.3, Iay 1.35H 1.36 Ul 1.35 hits January 70 .70tt -4 Mr 704 .Jl .69S .69 T PORK. January May ... T. 46 75 42.70 ..42.50 42.75 LARD. ..24.00 24.00 ..24.10 24.12 RIBS. 42.40 23.S7 23.K2 24.00 24.07 "May ... January .... May 25.00 23.67 ..23.70 23.70 23.50 t ash prices 1 , . . . .bio ma lo.iowa: Corn. No. 2 yellow, nominal. No. 3 yellow. si.Kzwi.n.-f: No. 4 yellow. l.47f 1.4!. Oats, No. 8 white. 69H 9701 c; at andard. Rye. No. 2. 1 1.62 .51 .62 H. Barley. 90c f 1.02. Timotliy, S.oo 11.00. Clover, nominal. Pork, nominal. Lard. $i4.00. Ribs, nominal. Minneapolis tirmln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 23. Barley. 8J4. Flax 3.02H3.34. Cralu at elan Francisco. v SAV FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. Flour 111 45 per barrel. ".. Grain Wheat, Government price. S3 20 per bushel; barley. J2.15-J.2.20; oats, white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow. $2.85. Way Wheat and wheat and oat, $23 027 tame oat. 2224: barlev. tl7an: ailalfa. 1319; barley straw. 50SOc Meals Alfalfa, 36; cocoanut. nominal. $183.10 GIVEN FOR RELIEF First Methodist Episcopal Church Swells Armenian Fund. Members of the congregation of the First Methodist Episcopal Church dis played their true Christmas spirit last night, when, after a special appeal by Rev. Joshua Stansfleld. they dug; Into their pockets and contributed 1183.10 to the fund for the relief of suffering Ar menians. The gratherina: was on the occasion nf the annual Sunday school Christmas t party ot the church. Presents and candy were distributed amoner the smaller children and the entertainment , . . . w ui l 1 1 most succcssiui affairs eyer conducted by the church. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. LINDSET To Mr. and Mrs TTomer F. Llndney. ISO bwenson. December 1L a dauehter. ,P-.W'S To Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lewis. .Ea' Flfty-rst. December 15. a daugh- lJOSf-MA N To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W Bossman. 6194 Williams avenue. December 11. a son. PARKS To Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Parka, Llrnton. Or.. December in. a son POHTKR To Mr. and Mrs. William Por ter, flou.; Ninety-fifth. December 14 a daughter. . " " KLI.MAN To Mr. and Mrs. Louis C Fll man, !S Preecott, December 15. a dauch- Starriase Licenses. :1 ""h'nton street, and Coral y. Wood, li. 7:,., Manon street. MOORING.WILtSON H. V. Moorlnc legsl. Atlln. B. C. and Maud Wllsou. leaal Oreyon Hotel. " SCHROEDER-LT-KK V Bruno K. Schroeder. 37. 117 Kt Tnmhlll street. au1 Pei-ces R. Lnrkey. 21. 102: Kelly strc-t KAY-OA RR1SON David Kay. IO. B7rt Oolng street, and HazM Garrison. 11 4S29 Thirty-fourth avenue Southeast. CAIiOT-SITTtiEK John M. Cahot 21 Arthur Hotel, aud Pearl Slttser. 2'". 41JO Eat Sixtieth street. ZAU'PKOWfKI - KASCIOLEK Anton ZaloskoKskl iO, Gladstone. Or., and Katha rvria Kae'iolek. 42. Fremont street, cltv PIMMONS-PIERi-E W. Thomae Simmons. legal. Vancouver. Wash., and Nadin Pierce lecal. 117 East Fifty-eighth street. WKLl.S-SPINNER L. L. Wells, legal, RP-I Guild street, and Anna Spinner, legal. 4o Elchty-Fcoond street. SWANPON-JOHNSON C. A. fwanon. legal. 329 Park strict, and Caroline John son, legal, 674 fcjrhm !er street. KRLSCHKE - LINDKRMAN Albert J. Kruschke. legal. 487 West Baldwin' street, snd Martha I). Llnderman, lcsl. same ad dress. SUI.LIVAN-BURDICK John H. Sullivan. 25. MarcolH. Or., and Orma E. liurdtck. legal. 5'ill East Thirtv-lxth street. SCOTT-Sl'RINCi r.alph M. Scott. 24. 101 Park street, and Esther M. Spring, 22, 213 Main ttrer.t. JIOH'XL-PI.rMMER Georgo E. Morel!, legal. Fort Rock. Wash., and 1.1a Plum mtr. legal. K228 it.'ith St.. S. E. RAE-ZENDOFSKY David D. Rac. 2 314 East 14th St., N.. aud Mary Zendofsky! 10. same address. CLAKK-MIXSON .T. W. Clark. 25. 4921-, Eat HurnsUle St.. and Anna E. Munson, 2r. same adrtres. COLKER- KINO George M. rv,!fr. 2v 3S7'.i KhsI Uurnside st and lldrle King, 20, Overlook ap'ts. EDWARDS-LANG J. L. . Edwards. 56. Oaks Hotel, and Mrs. Ella Lang. 5. same address. HANSEN-MOORE George A. Hansen. 34. 241 -a East 77th St.. and Bessie E. Moore. 18. same address K R I E D M A N -GILCHRIST Frank P. Friedman. 48. Hotel Conradine. and Ger trude Gilchrist. 3S. 4S1I Et 70th st. H EPBl'RN-JOHNSON David Hepbnrn, legal, 40H Couch St., and Maud Johneon, legal. 4;iS East Wd St. KELSEY-JONES Albert A. Kelscy, legal,1 Pkamokswa, Wash., and Bernlce L. Jones, legal, Muh avenue. HARnNFR-DUMAS Gordon Gardner, le gal. 1042 Williams ave.. and Lenore Dumas, legal. East 70th et. BLAUFCS-JOHNSON Otto Blaufus. le gal. 15S4 East &0th St., and Victoria John son, legal, same address. WILLIAMS-COlTriKI.D George B. Wil liams. 28. Heattlo. and Lela B. Couffield. 28. 0 East Fifteenth rt. 8HEER1N-SORENSEN Harry W. Sheer. In, SI, Navarre hotel, and Lily Sorensen, 21, mA address. WILLETT-FEGLER Chsrles K. Wlllett. 29, Everett, Wssh., and Nellie G. Fcgler, 2o, 1007 Macadam road. GRAKF-l.OWE P. J. Graef. 24. 92 Hn eock street, and Dorothy Lowe. 20. Ta coma avenue. ARVESEN-WEDT Arte Arvesen. 30, "14 Third street, and Lilly C. Wedt, 19. 249'j Kront s'reet. M A LTBY-WILSON G rover Cleveland Msltby, 25. Spoksne. Wssh., and Laura 1. W'lison. 21, Portland Ilotsl. Vancouver Marrlace Licenses. CAMPBELL-GARRETT Dewey A. Camp bell. 21. of fcumner. Wash., snd Miss Mary don K Garrett. 21. of Sumner. Wssh. LEITITZ-HELTZEL Henry G. Leltsltz. 27. of Buffalo. 'Wye., and Grace E. Helisel. 24. of Plierllan. Wyo. GIBSON-SEAMAN Renna R. Glbeon. 23. of Kallspell. Mont., and Beulah V. Seaman. 18. of Portland. WHITE-MARKESON Richard White. 23. of Portland, and Miss Ida M. Markeson. 15. of Portland. DRAKOS-EHRLE Ellos K. Drakos. 2S, of Butte. Mont., and Miss Eisls M. Lhlla, 21. of Butt'. Ment. M ARNITZE-MILLER Earl Mamltxe. 81. of Nenberg. Or., snd Mrs. Maggie I. Miller. 25. of New berg. Or. THUKBER-DUNHAM Hiram II. Thurber. 39. of Amity. Or., and Mrs. Emma L. Dun ham. 52. of Adiml. Neb. . VALE-MOKE Ralph E. Vale. 20. of Cape Horn. Wash., snd Miss Mabel E. Moore. 17. of Cape Horn. W ash. WOCDRlDiiK-PPKNCER Ivsn Wood ridge, 31. of Battle Ground. Wash., and Mies Clair I. Spencer. 20. of Battle Ground. Wash. PIPER-VAIL Bit Piper. 25. of Camas. Waeh., and Grave Vail, 23. of Cape Horu. Wssh. ESCH-ESCH Wllllsra Eseh. 47. of Salem. Or. snd Mrs. Musselta Esch. 43. of Salem. 0lN'liERSON-RESCH Clyde I Nlcherson. 27, of Los Angeles. Cat., ami Miss Caroline T. Resch. 21. of Vsncouver. Wash. BASHAW-PETERSON Vernon H. Ba shaw. 21. of San Francisco. Cal.. and Mlbs Joeephine A. Peterson. IS. of Portland. LARSON-WAIT Ernest T. Larson. 2S. of Oregon City. Or., and Miss Maudie II. Walt. 17, of Portland. Liberty If yon most EI.L year Liberty Bonds, SELL to t'. If 70s ran Bl'Y snore Liberty Bonds. BI V from IS. We bay a a 41 sell Liberty Bonds at tbe market. You Cannot Do Better You May Do Worse The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New Tork Stock Exchange for week ended Monday. December 23. were as follows: Tuesday. . . . Wednesday. Thursday. . , Friday Saturday. . . Monday MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Flonse 309-11 STARK, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Bdwy, 2151 Established Over 33 Years To yield "Without deduction, for Federal DATED January 1, 1919 Semi-annual interest Short Coupon Gold Bonds Denominations $100 $.)00 91000 Two year 7 bonds at 100 to yield 7 PASSED BY CAPITAL 1S1 K fOMMIlTKK. Pased by the Capital Issues Committee as not Incompatible with the National Inter est, but -without approval of legality, validity, worth or security.- opinion No. A2771. Full Details on Request LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY LUMBERMENS U1LD!N Capital anb Government IBoinicis Bought and Sold E L Devereaux &fimpany 87 SIXTH STREET BROADWAY 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Farjo Building ANGLE IRONS 2 iii. by 2 in. by 3-16 in. Vz in. by Vz in. by 3-16 in. In assorted longhs of 16, 20, 23, 30 feet. Immediate delivery. About five and one-half tons. Favorable Trice for I'rompt Orders. HODSON-FEENAUGHTY CO. 309 East Yamhill St. Portland, Oregon FURTHER PROBE UNLIKELY POLICE PATROL WltKCK IIKI.Il UNAVOIDABLE ACCIDENT. Verdict Regarding Killing of Two Soldiers Satisfactory to Bar racks AntIiorltie. No further investigation of the wreck of the police patrol automobile Sun day morning, when two fatalities re sulted. Is contemplated by the authori ties, according to a statement by Coro ner Smith last niprht. Mayor Baker. District Attorney Evans, Chief of Police Johnson and Captain Leo Jenkins made an informal Inquiry into the case Sun day and decided that it was an un avoidable accident. Their report was not intended as final, but the military authorities at Vancouver Barracks told Coroner Smtth yesterday that they were satisfied with that verdict. Dr. Smith eald last night that he would obtain statements from the police rrKardinar the and file them with the County Clerk so that the facts would be on record if the matter should come up apain. The accident occurred while the po lice patrol was returning from a bur glary calL The machine skidded into a telephone pole at Hawthorne avenue and East Sixth street, killing Corporal James Jardin and Private Burt Helder, both of Vancouver Barracks, and in juring six other persons. TAC0flJA FACES EMERGENCY Threatened Strike of Workers May Bring Martial Law. TACOMA. Wash.. Dec. 23. CSpeclaL) Declaration of martial law In Tacoma will be the result of a general sympa thetic strike, according to one city of ficial today. A meeting of the committee of five appointed yesterday by the Central Labor Council to meet with the City Council and representatives of the strik ing electrical workers took place at the Labor Temple today for the purpose of determining- whether a sympathetic strike will be called. The possibility of a strike on the Tacoma Municipal Carline. tying: up cars which carry thousands of workers to and from the shipyards, is remote, according to City Counctlmen. as this could not be done. It is thought, with out the support of all onions affiliated Bonds First First Second Third Fourth SVis 4s 4s 4V.S 1V.S 98.00 93.30 93 OS 97.45 ?5. S.10 So. 64 98.14 93.10 93.02 97.40 95. 2 P5.S6 S5.4 98.12 93.20 93.90 97.00 94. SO 95.40 94.74 9S.20 93.10 91.90 97.00 94.52 95.54 . 94.54 98.20 93.00 93.04 96.96 94.30 95.36 94.34 9D.2S 93.0! 93.14 97.10 95.00 96.00 95.00 7; Income Tax except m excess of 4 dUE JaT,uary lf J92l January 1 July 1 Term Surplus $600,000 HFTi: ANB TAR" and Municipal with the Central Labor Council. Should' the city be unable to supply lisht and power for Camp Lewis, city officials say the. Army authorities would tend a. force to man municipal power plants. Head The Orrernnian clMsifiod ads. HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bids. Portland, Or. A iOf interest on jfrmr Savings Deposits rational Bank Established 1901 A. G. Thomas, Special Agrt, ,V)S Lamb rmrna Fldar. traitikr ci inr. AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva, Naw Zealand .UI1DI1I lUSTRALlSliB ROUL MAIL LIKE I r s .t newest. test-itilpped stesmsrs. For tares and walllnars apply C ma. Pac. KsvU sra. &6 Third M Portland v I aceot. 44 swxsBoar ax taaraitw H o. ban rBANrnro-i.o angeles. OW RATFS. Inclmllna tleala and Bertha, S. S. FOSE CITY Sails P. M. Dee. M. THK a A.N IKAMIMtl a IXIKTLANU H. t. LINES. Tickets at Third and Wuhlnrtoa Telephone Hnailwai XRa. Mala MM. A 1 234. A MIL