16 TI7E MORNING OREGOyiAX, TUESDAT, DECEMBT-R 24. 1918. nip WANT1T.D MALE. HOW TO -FIND EMPLOYMENT. You want a job; you have certain ability to do certain things- We have constant alia from employing firms for men who can do lust what you would like to do. let uu help w.u get together. We operate for your benefit and for the benefit of the employer. Satisfaction la guaranteed both "ways. If we can't assist you to a position we guarantee to refund your fee. You possibly would like to talk with a man of wide experience who can help you In deciding lust wiii'.t vocation you should follow. Come to office No. 203 Y. M. C. A- and ask for Information and Interview. AX old-established manufacturing concern in metal lines in Portland, preparing for after-war business,- requires the services of three well-educated, high-class gentle men as salesmen; prefer those with en gineering training and war service. Past selling experience not absolutely necessary if applicant energetic, determined and will ing to learn salesmanship. Position per manent with good future to right party. In answering state age. education and ex perlence. Address BF 748. oregonian. WANTED. TOf.NO MEN Between IS and 25 years for OFFICE POSITIONS with ADVANCEMENT. Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR, WESTERN UNION, BTH FLOOR WORCESTER BLDG, THIRD AND OAK. DECK OFFICERS V. 6. Shipping Board. Free Navigation School at Seattle. Ta coma and Portland, trains deck officers for the Merchant Marine. Short-cut to license. Native and naturalized citizens only. Deep sea sailors two years' expe rience. Lake and Sound pilots and mas ters and. graduates of nautical school ships eligible. Course six weeks. Address W. J. Orambs. 800 Stuart Building. Seattle, HIGH school and Reed rnllfre erurienta looking for paper routes during the com- jus acnooi rear win do well by applying to Boom 203 Oregonian bide, at ones. OARAGE floor man. csn handle all makes oi cars. otn and Taylor. BARBER wanted at once. 90 Oth st. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN WANTED Automobile acres sory, sells like wildfire; agents make $10 to $23 per day; demand unlimited: sat isfaction absolutely guaranteed. Wesco Sales Company, 615 C.erllnger bldg., 2d uu Aiuer sis. fnone jviain sut. WANTED AGENTS. GET the agency for a splendid line. Make ono to five thousand a year. Charles L. Brown & Co.. Fisher bidg.. Chicago. 111. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos-v pnai tickets, -uo uornett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FIRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY TOR EXPERIENCED COMPTOME TER OPERATOR AND TYPIST. WITH SOME CLERICAL EX PERIENCE. FOR OFFICE AT CAMAS. WASH.: STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE. SALARY HAVE BEEN EARNING. TELEPHONE V! NUMBER AND ADDRESS. C Too, OREGON IAN, YOUNG LADIES WANTED. Improved Wage Schedule. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO.. Room 601, 6th floor. Park and Oak sts. HOUSEKEEPER for 75-room hotel; one that Is wllllns to do maid work and take good care of linen, etc.; $30 a month and housekeeping rooms; must bo thoroughly experienced in hotel work; references re quired. O 257. Oregonian. V ANTED Good stenographer, with clerical experience in lumber office: state nature and extent of experience, where last em ployed and salary desired. Address Hoquiam Sasli & Door Co., Moutesano, Wash. 2 WAITRESSES, one Newport. $35, r. and b.. fare paid; 3 chambermaids, $53; hall women, $35; counter girl, $30: girl helper, $2 a day; heip sick homes, $t0 to $73. Hansen's. ."27 Wash. St.. upstairs. " GIRLS with and without experience wanted. Steady position and good wages. Apply today. Oregon Laundry, E. 6th and Oak st. WANTED Girl for lunch counter; experi ence not necessary. Union Depot Restau rant. $40 a month and board, 6 days a w eek. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house, must be experienced ; Ftate age. experience, ref erences and phone number. L 619. Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced girl on fountain and nerving lunches, at once. Rialto Billiard Parlor, Park and Alder. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East 15th st. N or phone East 123. LADY experienced in laundry work to act as foro lady. Phone B 1544. Address &23,.ti Division lit., Portland, Or. WANT experienced second maid, reference required: good waes. Call between 2 and 4 and 7 and S P. M.. 722 Park st. WOMAN to care for three children between hours pf 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; satis factory reference required. Main 610. WANTED Lady pastry cook for cafeteria. Call 627 Hood St., morning. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long" en gageiraenta. no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 267. WANTED Lady cook for small restaurant. S.'. N. 5th; OIKL to assist with housework; no waeh ing, good home. Irvlngton. East 6189. TWO girls wanted for waitresses. Liberty Restaurant, 28-S Burnside. TWO experienced waitresses at 249 Burnside st. U. S. Restaurant. PA STRY COOK. Apply Shamrock Cafe, 439 Stark st. WANTED Amateurs for midnight matinee. Call personally. Globe Theater. CASHIER, experienced. Call Casino" Thea ter, 4th and Burnside, after 9:30 A. M. .WAITRESS wanted at old Seattle Restau rant, u North Third. WAITRESS and lady dishwasher wanted. 149 2d st. WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby. Wdin. 2915. FIRST-CLASS manicurist, Board of Trade Barber Shop: no others need apply. EXPERIENCED cashier wanted. Call 10:30 A. M. 345 H Wash. St.. Oriental Cafe. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Hotel Franklin, 13th and Wash. WANTED Chambermaid, 4 hrs. work. Ap ply Foster Hotel. 3d and Davis. EXPERIENCED waitress. 67 N. 6th st. Wanted Domestics. IIOTHER with three children desires relia ble girl for housework In small modem country home in Hood River. $30 per month. Mrs. Carroll Hurlburt. 821 Kear ney st. Call evenings. Main 3023. WANTED Woman for general housework and some washing, 4 hours, twice a week; 37,:!c and carfare; steady; prefer Mon- days and Thursdays. Mrs. Young, 1001 E. Morrison. too MONTH for experienced cook and gen eral housework girl; small family; no washing: references required. AK 843, , Oregonian. t,lrcL to assist in housework, n cooking and no washing. 50 ', Trinity Place. Main 1401. WANTED School girl to assist In light housework, room and board and some pay. Main 7607. WOMAN wanted for light housework: plain cooking; no, fires, no washing, good home and pay. 5S7 6th st. WANTED Girl for general housework, ej family of 3: small house; will pay rea sonable wages. Phone Tabor 11S7. WOMAN for light housework;. a good place niiuuie-aReu or eiaeriy iany wlsntng a good home. Call Tabor 5080 after 5 P. M. WANTED Girl for general housework; four in family; good wages. 436 East 24th N. Broadway car. WANTED An experienced glri for child's nurse and upstairs work. Main 6339. GIRL wanted to assist In light housework. Apply 430 Mill St. WANTED Girl for general housework, must be good cook: good w a ges. Main 264. WORKING man in city wants housekeeper. Li 677, OreKonian. WANTED Girl for Phone Tabor 12!7. general housework. HELP WANTED-j MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Experienced demonstrator to take orders and collect; have contract for: state of OreROn: permanent work: can. make Rood money;- Investigate, O 766, Oregonian. ' WANTED A nurse to take care of sick man for a few days. Tabor 2351. WANTED A finisher. Lowell's 420 hi W&Bb, Et Broadway 3242, Studio, I EUl'CATIONAL. BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR OPERATORS. VVe have never had as great a demand, for our students as NOW. We are In dorsed by the railroads a.td can assure young men and women success by enroll ing in day or evening classes now start ing. Write or call for BULLETIN. Rail way Telegraph Institute. 218 Ry. Exch. bldg.. Portland. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOS. TRUCKS. TRACTORS. RE PAIRING. LIGHTING AND STARTING SYSTEM, IGNITION. WIRING. MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE. OXY ACETYLENE WELDING. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. . "AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL. Technical and practical training, aatos. tractors, gas engines, auto electrical work. W'rite at once tor big luo-page catalogue. Adcox Auto A Tractor School, Dept. K. Union ave. and Wasco St., Portland. Or. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 403 Hippodrome bldg. A thorough, care ful training makes you & 6uccess. - Day school, night school. COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO-Fiano. voice, violin, banjo steel guitar, mandolin, saxo phone, flute, clarinet, drums, taught by professionals. 515 CoiumMabldg. Main S652. MOLEIt BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives yon set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Burnside Bdwy. 1TL BUKSKILL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL J.umuermen's building. 5th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 3404. Miss F. Bursell, prin cipal. MEN. WOMEN. learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st- POKTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teaches men and- women the barber, trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch sr, MISS M ATTINGLY'S Shortharrd. "Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $6 month. 268 14th. near Jefferson. Main 88HS. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGS. Alluy bldg.. 3 J and Morrison. TAYLOR FAITH Business College and School of Languages; Eng.. Span., French. 204 Stevens bldg., W. Park and Wash. OREGON LAW SCHOOL Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Main 977. W. E. Rlchard son. SevJ. ' WANTED at once, 2 men to learn automo bile repairing. Call at Hawthorne Ga rage. 443 Hawthorne. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free regisfn. nil Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. TEACHERS All hands of teaching posT tlons. Main 4833. Flgfc Teachers' Agency. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. MTTATIONS WANTED MALE. SITUATION wanted as credit man or in col lection department, or as chief clerk or office executive. Have had six years' ex perience as presldent-aiid manager of a bank, 13 years as secretary and auditor of a lare grain corporation, and lo years additional in. the railroad business. Am a f irst-claxs accountant, married man and 46 years old. BF "47. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanic will Fave you big garage and repair bills by calling at your home and overhauling your machine. Electric starting and lighting systems and vacuum tank troubles especially. Phone East 5902. JOB WANTED TONIGHT. N. Y.'a eve- and otner dates. Hubbard s Jazz Orchestra, Tabor 9419. References: Arlington Club. Portland Hunt Club, Hill Mil. Acad, and many others. A YOUNG man would like any kind of ngnt work; Just come from spruce in the woods: or run an elevator; had no experi ence, but would like to learn. BF 749, Oregonian. MOTION picture theater manager with wide experience wants position; up to the min ute and capable of handling any sle the ater; recently honorably discharged f ram U. B. Army. BF 745, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE man. 45. over 20 years' ex perience in merchandizing, both wholesalo and retail, experienced in bookkeeping and general office work; moderate salary, U 724. Oretronian. WANTED By man and wife. Belgians, no children, work on ranch or farm; expt rienced In this work: will take charge of farm- or work on shares. AH 7a3, Ore gon lan. AN experienced lumber accountant, now en gaged In other lines, will be open for en gagement January 1. Very highest city references. AL 793, Oregonian. AN experienced specialty salesman, familiar with check writers and kindred lines, is open for connection with a reliable firm. It 291, Oregonian. ' YOUNG man, knowing gas engine thor oughly, experience, wishes to drive car for private family or truck for firm. Call Marshall 2140 "sl C 2, Oregonian. FALL garden plowing done. 100x100 ft.. $4.50: 4 loads of fertilizer for eaie. Main 9316: after 3 P. M.. 7906. C. P. Clark. 4l5 First st. EXPERIENCED logging camp commissary - and payroll clerk wants position where he can niovo his family. Can furnish good references. AV 311. Oregonian. YOUNG man of good appearance would like employment Sat. afternoon and even ing. Sun. and holidays. Phone E. 6755. 1 to 6 P. M. $50 TO $100 CASH for anyone who furnishes a job for 3-ton truck; will woik reasona ble. Woodlawn 707. CHAUFFEUR wants position with private family; experienced in all makes of cars.1 George Chiltling. Mar. 3395. 783 Vaughn. ASSISTING soldiers, sailors, honorably dis charged. Notify Material Chasers, Rail way Exchange. No fees charged. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or in shop; some experience. AG 732, Ore gonian. JAPANESE, firat-class cook, hotel, family or camp. Care Geo. Mltsunaga. Call Miss Tower. 1724 E. Stark St. Tabor 4158. HAULING wanted for 3-ton truck, contract preferred. East 8556. JAPANESE, good cook, wants place in pri vate family. BF 750, Oregonian. POSITION as watchman: references. East 7825. MAN 34 wanLs Inside work. 692 ave. Nehalem SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; refer eneea. Woodiawn 1611. COMPETENT colored beauty operator wishes appointment In homes. Mrs. Ste- vens. Tabor 1283. EXPERIENCED hardware man wants work in city or country. D 864, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED piano player wishes po sition. East 1546 or 325 Roes st. LADY wants position as elevator operator; experienced. AN 703, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work. 40 cents. 1 hour, all day or half day. Main 7570. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office, BOOKKEEPER, with business college edu cation and experience, wishes office po.ii tion. Phone or write to Berkeley Apt 48 BOOKKEEPER with experience and busi ness college education wants position Tabor 3027. PL'BHC stenographer, 432 Cham, of Com. a Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING Fancy dresses, coats. suUs a specialty. Mrs. Summers, apt. 33. Berk ley apts. Marshall 1950. WANTED Practical nurses with some hos pital training wanted for seneral duty Call Broadway 344. THE VEKNON maternity home. 1022 Vernon Phone Wdln. 4272. Reasonable rates. W Wl fog CHRISTMAS. ) t3M UdT CHG,smAl V I KrX MUAil -Tnty I.aJT) I ' - , Copyright, 1918, by Nerwepapeanr Feaattrra SerrUa, Inc. Grvat Britain RiiKts ReservexL RefistarerJ in U. 5. Patent Oftic SITCATIIINS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPER, refined, capable woman, wants situation as housekeeper; will leave. clty. AM t02. Oregonian. WOULD keep house for bachelor or widower for husband's board and room. BJ 139. Oregonian. WOULD keep house for bachelor or widower for husband's board and room. BJ 139. Oregonian. Domestics. LADY wants housecleanlng or other work, hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Bdwy. 5o6. WANTED TtJ RENT. Houa FOUR to six-room modern bungalow or two to four-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished, at once; best of references. C 34. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished house or apartment for two; must be well heated. AL b20. Oregonian. G. G. ROHRER. Rental Realtor. 301 PANAMA BUILDING. FOUR-ROOM modern house or apartment. Two ladles. Tabor 9279. 5-ROOM house, near Sellwood car barns or MHwaukie. AC 284. Oregonian. Apartments, 2 OR 3 -room furnished apartment or bun galo by January 1; mother and daughter: reasonable rent; best of references: con venient to Broadway, St. Johns or Missis sippi canine. BF 712. Oregonian. RELIABLE couple want two or three-room furnished apt.; West Side preferred: boy 5 years old. Main 51S0, room 426, or P. O. Box 4114. WANTED A 3-room apartment, with bath and place for two motorcycles. AC 286. Oregonian. WANTED By family of three adults, com pletely furnished apt. AC 282. Oregonian. Room. WANTED One H. K. room, heated, by tsVlady employed during day; walking dis tance; must be reasonable- Broadway 1177: -evenings. East 5189. Rooms Wltb Board. WANTED Board and room for man and wife and two boys, walking distance. Phone Broadway 2353. after 7 P. M. CON VALESCUNT lady wants board and room in good home, little waiting. East f58."..-. AC 283. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. STORE ROOM on West Side wanted, suit able for tea and coffee specialist; must be close in. BO fi4. Oregonian. SPOT CASH paid for misfit clothing. At lantic Cleaners, alteration department. Main 6701. roR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Moderste-Prlred Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrlso.t and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re fltiement. Daily rales. $1 up; two In room. $1.5o: weekly fates. 15 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th St.. at Washlngtcn. Rates $t per week up. 75c day. FLlre proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especia!ly to tnose desiring quiet. HOTEL OCKLUl', Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per oay up: weekly $4 up; run ning water; free phons sod baths. iToTiiL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side: modern, convenient, high quality, low pries. East 8d and Burnside. PALACE HOTEL, 448 Wash. St.; downtown location; respeclaole and strictly inodtrn. steam heat: rooms isrge. e'een. FOR PENT 2 unfurnished rooms, 1 furnlah ed -lceping-room. 532 Williams av. East 8ti2. ROOMS for Tent. 50 N. 15th at. Fnrnisheel Hop ma tie PrtTato Family. COMFORTABLE front room, all convenV ences, to respectable men. Walking dis tance. East .".084. PLEASANT room, steam heat, batlt. West Side apartment, walking distance. Broad way 4745. TWO sunny, light housekeeping rooms for rent; a place for auto. East 2619, 321 E. 8th N. 1 OR 3 COZY furnished housekeeping rooms. Tabor 2743. ROOM and board, with sleeping porch, for awo. 576 l.add ave. East 2333. 269 14TH. near Jefferson, choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3893. LARGE room, suitable for two gentlemen, 6 blocks south P. O. Marshall 339. NICELY furnished front room, for gentle men. near Multnomah Club. Marshall 8295. FL'RXISHEI) H. K. room" with" "sleeping "porch, and one sleeping room. East 4401. Kooms With Boara. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 loth st. For business girls and sta- oents. tteasonaoie rates. Marshall 1231. ROOM and board for business aiiis; etl modern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week. E. 4 732. 12 E. 7th St. ROOM and board, home style cooking; rates reasonable. Grand Ave. Hotel. 334 Grand ave.. 3 blocks So. Hawthorne ave. Kooms With Board in private Family.-" NICELY furnished rooms $2 per week arid up: board if desired. Take N. A S. Port land car to Hooker, 3 blocks east. 715 Corbetl. MOTHER wants to care for a child from 3 to 6 years In her own borne by the day or week. 1247 East 17th. Take Sellwood car, get off at Martin St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front roonT in widow's modern bungalow; piano, a-lc-trola. fireplace, ivory bedroom set. On two carlines. Garage. Sellwood 30f?5. OUTSIDE rooms, bath, home-cooked meals, $6 week. 2S4 Main St. ROOM and board .for gentlemen in private home. Phone E. 0848. ROOM and board for two young men. Mar shall 2515. 425 hi Mill St. Flats. WANTED A surveyor's level or transit for cash. P 630, Oregonian. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM furnished apt., rent $35 ; Krmb Hell; Havlland china, sewing machine, canned fruit for sale. BF 744, Oregonian. NEAT 4-room furnished flat, walking dis tance: $25. Including water and removal of garbage. 446 Rodney, cor. Tillamook. 6-ROOM modern flat for rent; must buy furniture. Broadway 3264. 4 ROOMS, steam heat. Apply 840 Vi Missis- sippl ave. Fi.AT for rent. Furniture for sale. 193 N. 16th. Phone 2939. NEW furniture for sale. 193 N. 16th. Bdwy 29X9. riK RENT Nicely .furnished 6-room flat. Call East 1988 after 5:30 P. M. HousekeepinaT Kooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: walklna distance, furnished for housekeeping; in eluding gas range, electric lights, hot wa ster, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up Take 'S" or 16th St. LOVELY, large, warm, front housekeeping room. $20 mo. 194 Lownsdale. cor. Taylor. HOUSEKEEPING suite. $17. Icli Union ave. South. Housekeeping Kooms In Private Family. NICELY, furnished housekeeping rooms. 430 Yamhill. f FOR RENT. Moiies keeping Room lo Private Family. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms at 105 Benton st. Furnished Apartments. NICELY furnished 2 -room apartment la modern residence. 610 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. or 6..6 E. 51st N. Unfurnished Apartments. TO TWO ladles or couple. 3-room unfur nished spartment In private home; gas. light, heat, telephone furnished: reter ences required. Phone Tabor 6732. Knoaea WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway B80. A 674T. MODERN 5-room cottage and furniture for sale. Stokes & Zeller. Inquire S86 K. A nkeny. COM PORTABLE 6-room house, large yard; rent $20. 1274 Villard ave.. corner Ains worth. Main 1535. MODERN eight-room house, Irvington dis trict, $50. See H. A. Swsrt. 80 4th St. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern In every way; walking distance; $20 a month. East 2987. FnrnlMhed Houses 8-ROOM house, nicely furnished, close In, West Side; price $60. We have others for less money. Northwestern Trust Co., 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Call for Mr. Padden. FURNISHED half six-room house: furnace, gas. piano; near town; no oblection to young baby; or rent rooms separately. 184 East 16tli et. FURNITURE 4-room cottage. $300. Rent $16. Clean, good surroundings, splendid yard; close In. Leaving city. Wdln. 1253. EIGHT-ROOM furnished house7330 Paric"st. Main 2973. Close in. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls: slso rooms suitable tor light nianuf acturing : office . building accommodations; rent reasonable, fweeney Investment Co., 815 Dskum bldg., 8d and Washington. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark st. between 3d and 4th. Apply room 312 Railway Exchange. SHARE bright, furnished office. $10; suite offices reasonable. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. MOST centrally ' located offices, low rent. Swet'.and b'dg.. 5th and Washington. BV PIN ESS OPPOttTCJilTIES. FOR SALE1 AN AUTO TRANSFER BUSI NESS. DOING $70 WORTH UK BUSI NESS PER MONTH. AN OFFICE ON BOTH SIDES OF RIVER; $120O CASH WILL HANDLE THIS DEAL. BALANCE IN EASY PAYMENTS. BRING AD. WITH YOU. CALL AT 446 TAYLOR ST. OK MAIN 2173. OR SEE MR. NEWELL. oOJ CORBETT BLDG. MAIN 107. CLOAK AND SUIT BUSINESS. . $4uiH). stock and fixtures of established firm located In a Han Francisco retell trade center, where business Is continually Increasing. This Is a very attractive proposition for couple understsndiner tail oring. See my agent. J. B. Brooks, 473 I'ine St.. San Francisco. FOR SALE OFFICE FURNITURE; 3 DOZ- EX FOLDING CHAIRS. GOOD AS NEW, $1.25 EACH. FOR SALE FOR 75C EACH; BOOKCASF,. BLACKBOARD AND OTH ER FURNITURE. MUST BE SOLD, LEAVING TOWN. CALL MAIN 1275 OR 446 TAYLOR ' , GROCERY West side, stock and fixtures, about $15O0. doing a good business. Rent, nc'uding heat and two living rooms, RITCHIE & RIORDEN. 333 Morgan Building. GROCERY IN APT.-HOUSE. Rent .K, Includes heat end living rooms; November sales. $1405.95; stock and fixtures about $1500; cash store. C. K. TUGOLB. 1031-32 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1492. ARIZONA. Engineer leaving about 20th for Ari zona, would investigate mining or business prospects for slight fee; confidential, it d-eired. R 245. Oregonian. . IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR EXCHANGE REAL EnTATE. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, SEE US. 446 TAYLOR. MAIN 2175. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILU Secretary. AUTO GARAGE Have excellent opening for energetic man; do repairing, sell sup plies, gasoline, etc, and full of steady storage; profits extra good; $1200 re squired. Callroom 403 Dckum bldg. DRY cleaning business. West Side, rent and heat, $18, 3 years under present manage ment, i'rtre $225. RITCHIE A RIORDEN. 333 Morgan building. IF YOU WANT TO" BUY OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENTS OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SKE US. 446 TAYLOR. MAIN 2175. I DESIRE a partner In small manufacturing burlness, building material, requiring from $3000 to $500(1; must be over 45 and able to give references. R 315. Oregonian. $2O)0 GROCERY STORE and" 10 llvltig rooms. Doing good business. Leaving cl:y within week. Must have money. Cull Co lumbia 779. Owner. 1050 Columbia blvd. AN opportunity is open for investment in a live money-making business In w-hlch shipbuilding experience would be 'of ad vantage. AK 719. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in manufacturing prop osition; machinery Installed. stock on hand; references given and required. Call Ml Railway Exchange. GARAGE doing a fine --business for sale; ntand fullest investigation; price and lease are right. Call 511 Railway Exchange. V t sell ail kinds of barbers suppliea Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. 271 Washington st. vVANTED General merchandise stock; have CIO IU1II Inrnm.i rit, np..nav, n J cash. 207 Stock Exchange bldg, Portland. ' PARTNER wanted to solicit and collect In a good little business, $450 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. RESTAURANT for sale on account of sick ness; doing good business. 4M2 Wash. at. BEST dairy-In town ror sale on account of sickness. Wood. 5389. CIGAR and confectionery. 2 pool tables in back: prices right. Call Columbia 531. HAVE a small barber shop for rent; conlec-tlonery-clgar store combined. 83 N. 5th. $100, PROSPECT fortune; legitimate; able to prove. BJ 97, Oregonian. FOR SALE or etrade. two-chair barber shop' Bath. C. K. Williams. Florence. Or. Business Opportunities Wanted. MEDICAL partnership wanted. A competent, experienced physician requires a partner shlp. Reply to A V 390. Oregonian. Hotels en d Koemiloe--Houe. WE are having frequent calls for apart ment and rooming houses. What have you for sale? Phone Main 2026, and we will call. RITCHIE A RIORDEN. - 353 Morgan bldg. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE And I will quickly and comfortably shew you the best buys In rooming and apartment-houses In Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch Bldg. FOR Dest bargain n rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co, 249 4th MART E. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-4 N.W. BANK BLDG. SMALL boarding house forjtale! good lol cation; within 5 minutes walk of ahio. yi.nl . Main 649T. k- FOLLY AND THOSE TJNTJSED PRESENTS DO COME IN BtTSINESS OPPORTCNrTTEe. Hotels and Rooming-Hon IF YOU WJSH TO BUY OR SELL a Business, Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE A CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN ROOMING HOUSES THAT ARE FOR RENT; FROM $.VHI UP: WEST SIDE. ALSO HAVE A FEW HOUSES ON THE EAST SIDE CHEAP FOR CASH. CALL 446 TAYLOR ST. MAI N 2175. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN ROOMING HOUSES THAT ARE FOR RENT: FROM $.VO UP: WEST SIDE. ALSO HAVE A FEW HOUSES ON THE EAST SIDE CHEAP FOR CASIL CALL 446 TAYLOR ST. MAIN 2175. LOST AND FOUND. THB following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.: Dec. 21. 1 suitcase. 2 travel ing bags, 8 lunch boxes. 1 pair tennis shoes. 3 overalls. 1 csrdcase. 1 book, S .packages, 1 sack of nuts. 1 basket. 1 glove, 1 pair gloves. T umbrellas, 2 shop- ping bags, 1 sack of tools, 1 Bible. 2 purses, 1 piece of fur, 1 pin. 1 climbing belt. 1 plane, 1 string of beads. 2 half dollars; Dec. 22. 1 traveling bag. 1 suit case. 1 handbag. 1 shopping bag. 1 Bible. 1 basket. 1 pair gloves. 1 glove. 1 purse. 1 hatchet. 1 umbrella. 1 lunch box. 1 toy gun. 1 package. Owners may obtain prop- j n 7i i inn Aitirr pireet oiation. lost Sunday night bet ween ' East 25th street and Regents Drive and Portland Heights, a black leather handbag contain ing small coin. keys, bank and savings books, valuable papers ana sundry identi fication articles. Reward. Mrs. W. H. Fear. Main 5011. LOST Either In Jones' market or on Alder st.. Detween 4th and 3d. a red bankbook holder containing $40 in currency and a mortgage note payable to Hannah An derson. Liberal reward. Woodlawn 476, 521 Webster. LOST Sat. eve, on Sandy road, between Falrvlew and Portland, tan traveling bag containing shoes and wearing apparel. Mrs K. c. Morrison, Falrvlew. Or. Phone Greeham 611. LOST From checkroom Murlark Hall dance. Sat. eve, dark overcoat with Harry Wlil llams' bank book. Return J. C. McElroy, j-ersms norei. rtewsrd IF party who found diamond nng in front of Heralck A Miles garage at 1385 Divi sion st. will return same to owner, they will receive liberal reward. Tabor 7570. L"OsT In First National Bank. 12-23-1S, Boilermakers' Union Identification book, containing money and registration card. Reward. H. O. Allen. 198X EiM Clay st. GIRL'S bicycle. Rami. No. 160742. dark blue frame, vltalic tires. Reward will be paid for return to 725 East 19th st- North. Phone East 545. LOST About one month ago. brlndle French bulldog. License No. 325. East 3930. Reward. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch. Please re turn to Dan T. Watts. Care Woodard A Clarke. Reward. LOST HandKuw and axe. left In field near Foster Hoed Sunday afternoon. Finder piease call Tabor 5021. LOST Small parksge addressed to Mrs. R. E. Pinney. Please return to 601 Pittock block. Reward. GARNET pin. butterfly pattern, somewhere "ii oui aim ana runnystd (Jonrrega tlonal Church. Reward. Tabor H92. LOST 6 yards kimono silk: leave with cle vator girls at the Medical bldg.. receive . 4, m tir pnone wain il-l bTRAlED from E. 27 and Pine, large. bUrk cat; white markings: black tip of nose; name Bill. Reward. E. 4242. LOST Package containing crocheted sup pers and two spools thread. Main 3043 be fore noon. - " " - i u br. leave written (l r - scriptlon and phone number at Llpman'c LCT On Dec. 1. smell white house dog; liberal reward for Irformstlon or recov. ery of same. Call East 4US1. FOUND Taken by mistake, new overcoat. i i w t.-i. n jiMin, r . KJ. rtox I'tin LOST Thursday afternoon, amethyst brooch. DANDY stock of men's roods in good pay roll town. H 74S. Oregonian. LOST Hunch of keys. Finder cull Mar- rnair no anq receive reward. LOST Crank for auto. Main 4501. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals marked "Proposals for mimer ana inclosed m an envelope f ''1J"esol "Bureau of Fisheries. Room - - pmnu Oldg., Seattle. Wash ' will be received until 2 o'clock P M January 8. 1919. and then ooened V t n'l construction of a gas power tender de- nvereu in me oureau s representative at Seattle. Waili.. or at Us alar, ,.r ..- tlon. For blank proposals, specifications, plans, and particulars, address as above f iu ii-a leu, Misrellatteioiia, NOTICE OF MEETING OF LAND OWNERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice Is hereby .given that the Board of Supervisors have called a meeting of the owners of land in Multnomah Countv Drslnsge District No. 1. to be held on Frldsy. the 27th dsy of December. 1918. st the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, In the Swlas Hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street). In the City of Port land, Or., at which time and, place such owners shell meet for the purpose of electing one Supervisor, who shsll hold his office for three years or untlL his suc cessor Is elected and qualified. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by Eroxy for each acne of land owned by lm in such district, Dsted this 11th day nf December. 1918. Attest: D. C. POWELL. Secretary. J. O. ELROD. President Bosrd of Supervlrors. FINANCIAL. U. & BOND DEALERS. I We buy liberty bonds, all Issues, also recelpta Checks mailed out-of-town sell ers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO, Established 1909. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th and Washington. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH P-elD FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. WE -PAY CASH FOR PARTLY PAID BONDS. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6:SO. DAILY. RUMMELL. 274 STARK ST. LIBERTY BONDS. Also partly paid contracts bought; open till 7:30. DORCAS A DORCAS. J20 NW. Bank bldg, 6th and Morrison. WE buy equity In liberty bonds; bring re ceipts and get the cash; open evenings and Sundays. 209 Ablngton bldg. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will Pay Cash Value. John D. Wilcox. 416 Pittock Block. MORTGAGES and sellers' equity In real ei tale contracts bought. Oregon or Wash, property. H. E. Noble. 316 L'mbm's Bidg. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. H. L. MURTON. 446 SHERLOCK BLDO. Sd st, cor. Oak. Open till 7. Sat- 8 P. M. HER PALS SO HANDY, BY CLIFF" STEHRETT, FINANCIAL. lbertt BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty bonds sell to us. If you can, buy more Liberty Bonds buy from us. We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market YOU CANNOT DO BBTTER TOtj MAT DO WORSE. One Monday, December 23, we paid the following prices for U. S. Government Liberty Loan Bondse (We are paing practically the same today.) $100. .$97.82 . 92.43 . 92.67 . P6.S4 . 94.23 . 96.04 . 94.50 10O0. $3-27 929.38 931.72 968.44 647.33 965. 4 930.06 Hs .... 1st 4s .. 2d 4s ... lt 4s 2d 4t . 3d 4s 4th 4VeS MORRIS BROTHERS. INC, The Premier Municipal Bond House. S09-311 Stark St, Bet. 5th and 6th Sts., Oround Floor. Telephone Broadway 2151. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CA8H FOR PATMENTS MADE. Come to 725 Uaaco mldg, 5th and Alder. CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS. Come to 725 Gasco bldg, 5th and Alder. BRING YOUR RECEIPTS TO US We will get your bonds for you. then pay you cash for them. MAIL BOND? to us. We will remit by return mall. Send us your receipts. CUT THIS advertisement OUT and KEEP IT. for you will soon want to BUY BtiNDS or sell your bonds or sell your RECEIPTS. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE", Remember the piece, 725 Gasco bldg, 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. LIBERTY BONDS. Issues Bought and Sold. Before buying or selling gjt our Quotations, E. L. DEVKREAUX COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonda 87 Sixth Street. . Between to Lark and Oak. CASH PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDA ANT TPSCR. ANT AMOUNT. S PAY MARKKT. PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST. WB LOAN 0 ON LIBERTT BONDS OR WILL LOAN TOU THB MONEY TO COMPLETE YOUR 1'AIaGMd EL. WOOD WILES CO, 81 TfT. S. NATIONAL BANK BLTXV OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL P. M. LIBERTT BONDS. Do not lose what you have paid on veur rentracta If you are not able to make your payments see ua We pay cash for psrtly-pald eontraete or bonds, or loan you to pe cent on your nveeiment at 7 te a per cent per annum. Vpectal attention given to out-of-town miomera Boilds bought end eold at market n.i Loans negotiated on farm and city Deal with responsible licensed broken. Open to a p. M. HOWELL A DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade B.'dg. T.IPERTT BONDS. fAPH ''-AID FOR ANY ISSUE OF ao r i- JUAllj.fc.r lJKIUrJ. RECEIPTS WILL CASH YOUR RE CEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS ToYOU UEI'Kii:;KN'i' lioLD DOLLARS SEE t-5. HURKITT. SECRETARY OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS- CAS lea LIBERTY BONDS. FULLY PAID OR IN PART. New Vork market price paid, less small brokerage. Open till 7 P. M DONALD MACLEOD. JI002 SPALDING HI.I'G, 3I AND WASH Money to Loan on Keal Kotate. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farms. No commiaaiun. No delays DEVEREAUX MOKTGAGE COMPANY 87 Sixth St, Por'and.v Or. PAY OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city home In easy Installments. 10 years time to repay, fully protected by life Insurance under Home Purchase Plan of Equitable Life Assurance Society. Inter, eat 6r ; ,no commission. See Mr. Strong KqultaQio office. Oregonian bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount. iow raua. promptly closed. Attractive repaying prlvilegea A. H. BIKKL1.L CO, 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. PRIVATE funds, lowest rates. $5O0. $1000. $2000 and up; farms or city propertv Prompt, erflclent service. A. K, Kill 419 Henry bldg. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real scaie. favorable terms: no delay; no brok erare. John Kaln. U7 fioaldintf bidg. oof. -IO(t. $300. $750. $1000 aud up at lowest rates, quick action. Fred W Ger msn Co, 732 Cn. of Com. Main 6145 $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit, bulidine leans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 21t.-'lo Failing oidg Phone Main 8407. tlOOO. $1250. $1500. $20O0r $2500 AND UP at lowest rates, quick action. Gordon ln vestnient Co, 631 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENTS, loans. notes. mortaairea F H. Lewis. 303 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1333 UoNEV TO LOAN on farm snd Improved city ' ptiaioing o 1 u g. bEE US TODAV; loans,' any amount. 6-74 CELLARS-MURTON CO, 725 Gasco bid's Mortgage loans, e and 7 per cent LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Selling bldg! SEE OREGON I.NV. A MORTGAGE Co" 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark TO LOAN $200. $500. $10oo. ilsoo! $20b and up. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett oidg LOANfr on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. $50,000 on Improved residence. amounts $2Qo0 to $500O. H. K. Mooney. McKay Bldg. $5110 TO ToToor. TO LOAn NO COMMIS SION. P. O. BOX 873. r,!iAciAi M eaey t e 1 nea 00 Real Estate. Oi R installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan $."2 26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $10oe) loan and Interest Other amounts In proporltlon. We loan on Improved city property. . No commission charged. EsJUITALU.E SAVINGS A LOAN ASS"N. 2i2 Sum St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED IAR1I3 IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLS! ilNTI -To SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 331 V S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG, PORTLAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND C1IY PROPERTY. BH PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT COu. Corbett Bldg. $500 TO $1500 without commission. h7. proved real eetata Tabor 340X Main 8752. Money to Loan Chattels and r-alarlca. SALARIES. CHATTELS and COLLATERALS. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS, Automobiles and anything of value. Security In moat cases left in your pos session. Loan companies, furniture com panies, automobile dealers, etc, paid oif and we advance you more money. Rates illt. : Voli y bmck " monthly Installments. No indorsers; no dolav: business confidential rokTWNoi jAN COMPANY 'f.Llc.n.ed. 806-30 Dekum Bldg. arshaU 8286. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSTt. 394 Stark St. Established by Portland business mea to protect the borrower. uaea C Myers Herrman. Mgr. Loans maue on household furniture, tal. anoa. diamonds and jewe.ry. HOLIDAY MONEY. , maKing a specielty of quick loans to salaried or worKlngmen on their VI n.,"?.t's' household furniture, pianos, etu. BISINESS STRICTLY CONF1 1.ENTIAU COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY 218 Failing Buildin g. MoAci to loan on anything of value, legal rates, all articles he.d one year. Panama Loan Office 84 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan on diamonds by responsible party. S per cent per annum. AG 7eL Ore soman. MONEY' (o loan on ciamonds. Jewelry: legal rates; all articles held 1 year, eatablianed slnce 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. MONEY loaned on planua and furniture. V. -V llathawn.v. room 208 Waah. bidg. tEO. HARVEY loans money on furnltura and pianoo. Legal latea. Tabor 5806. Loans Wanted. 5..1IO0 3 YEARS on 1600 acres. Lincoln County. ase.sed for taxes at $8600; val ue. 1 at $20.lliHi. Will pay 7-,i. will repay $..00 yearly If permitted. A 004. ure- gontun. WANTED $400. 8si. 2 years; first mortgage on 20 acres. John Morgan 775Vi Williams Ki-.J-1'ONMBLE party wishes to borrow .0OO to $.50 on ciose-in. East Side property. Answer quir-k. V M13. oregonian. fcf.K OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. --'2 Chamber of Commerce. 4tu and Stars, PFKSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-lncn wavy owitco. 8 Sep...... $1.4.1 AU-aiound trstistoi matioo 1.4e Hairdrrsslng. shAtnponhig. face massage. hair boboliig. manicuring. 25c. Hair re moved by electric neeuie. switch msds of combings. 95c. Samt.-iry par.ors, 4uO4l3 L't-kuin bidg, 3d and Wash. Marshall 17o. WILL the lady who wants a suit, coat, dress, waist or petticoat at wholesale prices c j st Petersons M a nut ac t urers outlet? bECo.N1 FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR. 205 PITTOCK KIWJCK. Mall orders Promptly Filled. To PREVENT INFLUENZA Build up your weakened resistance. Scientific mampu. Istion of the Louy does just that, lroa side Institute. 327-8-9 Pittock block. Elec tric cabinet baths and maaaage. (irauuate nurse aawiatams. Phone Broaqway 812. ELECTRICAL, galvanic, mineral. steam bath, scientific nerve, organic and b.ood circmatinr massage, face, scalp and sham pooing. I'roL mila. 212 owetiaAd b.ug Mam 114L fl WILL get both your feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton a, the Clilropod.st that doesn't hurt you. 3 years here; exam. free. Giooe Ttieuter bills., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. -a2. Mil a. M. 1. LAMAR. 233 5T11 a'T, 6l'IRlTUAL ADV1SEK. Instructions In the theory o( health, suo cess ana harmony. RiivT MRS. J. C. SCHORL spiritual adviier, 1 5 E. 15th st. N, cor. E. Burnside at ques tion n.ee tiug bun., Tues, Tliura, S P M. F. a st 3Q84. MLS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing, has crystals lor aaie. also tier t-ook. "Pannlmy Made Easy." 373 Taylor. WATCHES. Jewelry, etc, on partial pay ments; accept bonds nut fully paid ud as first payment. W. II. Ltsh. 2d floor Selung blag, 6tli snd Aider, open evenings. FEUvET Ac IIAMvliL'T. leauing wig and toupa makers, finest stock uuman hair goous. hairurussini;. manicurinK. face anil scalp treatment- 349 Aim-r. Main 316. ANY person knowing the present address of Mrs. W. 11. Trejlon. tonner.y living at 1457 Union ae. North, w-ill be rewarded by addrese-lng Box 88. City. 6.CIENTIK10 breathing aiit-i concentration and cures ail nervuus ulsordeia. 4UU Mac leay bluri- MISS MULLEN, facial and scalp treatments, manicuring. 409 Fliedner biug, lulu and Washington sts. GERTRUDE DANIEL. superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, face and scalp. 3J r leaner butit. Broadway 8112. BEST steam nam. massage, vioralion. elec tric and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet llaynie. 517 Swetland bidg. Main1765 GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. etc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main H'4'.'. flat C. 308 3d. aur'nlA B. SKIP, spiritual advisor. 506 Goodliougn bidg. vucstion miVllnga, Tues, Kn, 8 I. M. Marshall 2503. DU. Ei.NA SOUENSEN, 50S Panama b!dg. Druxless method used for kidneys, rheu matism, constipation Consultation free DETECTIVE United Service Detective Hureau. only experienced operatives em pi.ivd. 504 Panama bldg. Main 312. city. Slrriilt'l'OLb hair, moles, warts removed by lo-neeule metnod; tru.l frre. Josie Fin ley (114 Cillers bid Main 6368. sLPEi.r-'LUt'US hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch's multiple neede method, indorsed by physlcialis. 3Q4 Swetland oldg LADY BARBERS Shave 15c. haircut 2 face massage 33c. 31:5 Gllsan, cor. 6th. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you 7 See Vierock. collections. Dekum bidg. MA a AXDKVVS. phrenologist and card teacher. Main 7548. 282 Park sl MME GKC.NELL relieves itching scalp, dandruff. 230 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. ISsi. fKi.MI-.DA BALM formerly called Balm of Flga. 844 E 33J. Sellwood 2213 mornlnga SCANDINAVIAN pool players wanted, 200 S Morrison St. GERMS lurk in dust. Rent a Hoover 2r,29. vacuum and remove them. Mar. LADY HARLIEI'.S Shave 15c. haircut 2ic. face tnas-iase 33c. 325 Gllsan. cor. th. WADE, come home; mother may not live. Earl. : H