Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Valuable Results Expected by
Nation's Scientists.
Expedition W ill Leave TTnited States
in June, With Captain Robert
A. Bartlett in Charge,,
NEW TORK, Dec. 22. An expedition,
to bo led by Captain Robert A. Bartlett,
noted explorer, will be sent to the Polar
regions next June, to survey the North
Pole by airplane, according to an
nouncement here tonight by the Aero
Club of America. The plan, it was sard,
waa conceived by Hear-Admiral Robert
K. Peary, discoverer of the Pole.
The purpose of this expedition which.
It was said, would be the most com
pletely equipped tver sent out, will be
to "explore, survey and photograph the
unexplored parts of the Arctic regions
fitablish the existence or non-existenc6
of land or lands in that region." It is
also intended, according to the an
nouncement, "to explore the upper air
and the bottom, of the Polar basin."
Valuable Results Are Seen.
Results of Inestimable value to the
United States and to science surely will
be obtained from this expedition, said
the announcement, which added that
the club would raise 1250,000 to finance
the trip.
"The North Pole has been discovered,
but the major part of the work still re
mains to be done," the announcement
says. "Both Admiral Peary and Captain
Bartlett want to do a great deal of
scientific research in the Polar basin,
of which more than 1,000,000 square
miles remain unexplored and they
would want to have a laboratory on
the ship 'where the flora and fauna
from the ocean bottom will be kept
until the return of the expedition. Little
or no data have been obtained from the
bottom of the Polar basin and no
meteorological surveys have been made
in the Polar region."
Expedition Leaves In Jane.
Asserting that "with the co-operation
of the leading geographical and scien
tific bodies assured," it is -planned to
have the expedition leave the United
States next June, the announcement
"There are six weeks of fair weather
In July and August when, even In the
Polar regions, it is seldom lower than
60 degrees above zero. The plans are
to have a ship go to Etah. about 600
miles from the North Pole, In June,
when the ice is sufficiently broken to
permit the ship to cross Melville Bay.
The ship would carry a large seaplane
or land airplane for the final flight
across the top of the earth and for ex-
ploratlon of the unexplored Polar re
gions, as well as smaller planes for the
scouting flights.
Plane to Expedite AVorlt.
"Immediately upon arrival at Etah a
'base would be established and while
waiting for the ice to break up further
north to permit the ship toigo as far
as Cape Columbia, the small airplanes
would fly to Columbia and establish a
base there for the large plane which is
to be used for the flight across the top
'of the world, from Cape Columbia on
the American side over the Pole to
Cape Chelyuskin on the Siberian side,
- 'and for exploration over long distances.
"For the six weeks after the middle
of July, when the weather conditions
are best for flying in the Polar regions,
the large plane as well as the small
planes will be put into service, and
important work of the expedition will '
te done. "
Admiral Peary In Party.
Asserting that only one-seventh of
the earth's surface has been accurately
mapped, and two-thirds only mapped
from rough sketches, officials of the
club stated that by use of airplanes It
would be possible to do in 20 years
what would require 200 years by usual
The committee, which, after two years
of study, recommended that the ' club
finance the expedition, comprises: Ad
miral PearyAlan R. Hawley, Henry A.
Wisewood, Henry Woodhouse, Rear
Admiral Bradley A. Fiske, John Hays
Hammond, Jr., -Rear-Admiral William
N. Little. Professor Charles L. Poor,
Colonel E. Lester Jones, Charles Jerome
Edwards, Major Cushman A. Rice and
Augustus Post.
Captain Bartlett Commanded.
Captain Bartlett, who will lead the
next expedition, commanded the Roose
velt on the Peary expeditions. While
captain of the Kailuk, which was
crushed in the ice in January, 1914, he
led the 17 members of the expedition
to Wrangel Island, then crossed over
la, Siberia with one Eskimo and re
turned with a relief party.
He was also commander of the Mac
Millan relief expedition and last Win
ter was commended by Secretarj
Daniels for his extraordinary achieve,
ment In raking the ship Favorite out
of the ice at Halifax.
James Harlan May Retire From
Interstate Commerce Commisison.
ington, D. C, Dec. 22. Although there
has been no public comment to that
effect, it is quite generally believed in
railroad and official circles that the re
cent appointment of Joseph B. Eastman
as a member of the Interstate Com
merce Cofnmission Indicates the re
tirffuent bf Commissioner James S.
Harlan -When his term expires in Jan
uary and the appointment of a Demo
crat in his stead.
There, are nine members of the com
mission and five of them are now Re
publicans, or will be, when Eastman
is confirmed.
These five are Clark, Harlan, Meyer,
Aitchison and Eastman. Commissioner
George W. Anderson, whom Eastman
will succeed, is a Democrat. The mem
bers who will -remain members of the
commission, and wHo are Democrats,
are Daniels, Hall, McChord and Wooley.
Commissioner Harlan is a Chicago
man and has been a member of the In
terstate Commerce Commission since
1906. Since the retirement of Franklin
K. Lane, in 1913, Harlan has been con
sidered one of the ablest members of
the commission.
(Continued From First Pare.) i
with which they are In close agreaffoent.
In Ukraine the situation is very compli
cated. Tyranny Is Repudiated.
There is reason to hope that the
policy fallowed by the allies will pro
mote unity between these various gov
ernments in Southern Russia, all of
which repudiate tyranny and Bol
shevism and whose one object Is the
restoration of order In the country.
Prince Lvoff, with Baron Korff, vice
governor of Finland, left London today
for Paris. Count Kokovtzoff, another
widely known Russian, leaves for
France tomorrow. "
i f """'V Jr- .
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- "1
4 1
Minister Declares Stricken Nation
Will Meet Future in Same
v Spirit It Faced Huns.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22. E." de Cartier de
Marchienne, Belgian Minister to the
United States, speaking here before
the Commercial Club, declared that
with Belgium despoiled by the Germans
and their factories ruined. Belgium
faced the future and reconstruction
with the same spirit that It faced the
German hordes and that .Belgium did
not intend to become a public charge
upon the charity, of the world. He de
clared Belgium looked to America, not
for acts of charity, but a brotherly help
in industry and trade.
"Germany has deliberately put our
factories out ot commission," said the
Minister, "and by declining to fight
further has maintained her own plants
intact. She has been forced to give up
her dream of a German military em
pire of the world, but still hopes to
dominate the trade of the universe and
endeavors to obtain that domination by
maiming her commercial rivals in Bel
gium and Northern France.
"Belgium stands broken and mu
tilated, but full of courage. We know
the sympathy of America and we look
to you with confidence to work hand
in hand with us in the future, as we
have fought shoulder to shoulder in
the past.
"We do not wish to be a public
charge upon the charity of the world.
We want to "work and to stand upon
our own feet and we look to you
Americans to give us a helping hand,
not in acts of charity, but brotherly
help in industry and trade."
Continued From First Pr.
bers of his own family explains per
haps why he is willing to indulge In
the luxury of an occasional row with
French Are Thrifty Lot.
You will hear at home and you will
learn in France that the French are a
thrifty lot, and they have not atall
abandoned their frugal ways In war
time. There are some stories that they
are given to the vice of overcharging.
Prices are very high In Paris, and
througnout the republic If the Amer
ican buys, ne must pay the ruling rate,
and sometimes a little more. Much de
pend on how easy or liberal he Is.
Yet it Is also true that the French, par
ticularly the country people, are most
hospitable and generous to the Amer
icans. There are countless tales of
their remarkable t rlemdliness. They
have taken the American boys into
their homes and fed them In health
and nursed them in sickness. They
give them wine, too. ard- the doughboy
takes it and drinks it. .
The vin ordinaire is part ofthe' Na
tional habit; it is mild afid is is re
freshing; moreover It is better than the
water, which is uniformly bad through
out France. Wine is the emblem of
hospitality; it Is never, or rarely, a way
to get drunk. Nor do the American boys
get drunk on French wine or spirits,
not often at least. They accommodate
themselves to the French idea, and
drink a little, and quit, and that is all
there is to it.
Wine French Inetlrntlon.
Every French home in the country
has a wine closet or cellar. It is just
as much a French institution as the
manure pile at the front door, placed
there doubtless as a visible s(gn of the
exact measure of frugality and pros
perity of the tenant within. The other
signs are the chickens and the cow
or two which are probably quartered
at night in the same -domicile with the
Paris Medley of Colors.
It is a mere aside, but it may as
well be said here as anywhere, that I
did not see a pig In Ireland, though I
looked diligently for one from the car
window in the ride from Dublin to Bel
fast and return. There were cattle
and sheep, a-plenty, but no pigs.
I have reached the conclusion a,bout
the French or an opinion rather that
if he sells it to you, it is contrary to his
nature to sell it cheap, or to refrain
from making a fat profit if he can; but
he is just as likely to give it to you
outright, if you are an American and
therefore his friend and ally.
You see In Paris Tnore Americans,
and particularly more American sol
diers, than in London. There you en
counter Canadians and Australians and
other colonials by the thousands, not to
mention the British. When the -Tommy
gets his furloug' he goes home, when
the colonial gets it he goes to London
and hangs out on the Strand or other
public places, ar . he Is much in evi
dence. In Paris themoving crowds are
colored with the uniforms of French,
Italians, Portuguese ana the others
The French soldier is partial to red.
His Idea of gr at personal magnlflcenoe
is to wear red trousers and high pol
ished boots, and he does, when on
leave, but -he learned long ago that the
boslhe has a ready eye for red, and the
French changed their service uniform
to more somber colors.
The American with his tight-fitting
and quite sober suit of khaki is
all over Paris. It Is said that there Is
a definite rule in the American Army
i X
. . -.'.1
that there shall be no vacations In
Paris. A great resort for rest has been
prepared by the Ar. ericans at Aix-les-'
Bains, a watering place, and the con
valescent soldier sent often to the
south of France, but not to Paris, ex
cept to the hospitals tnere. It seems
to be the notion of the American com
mand that Paris is a little too gay for
the young American. It doesn't look'
v-y gay.
Maxim's Altogether Orderly.
There is a celebrated place called
Maxim's, and a party which went there
one night for dinner quite early
found that the atmosphere was not at
all different from that of the average
metropolitan restaurant. There was
no music, no dancing, and no drunken
ness. About all there was to do was
to eat and to wait for something to
happen, which did not. The reason,
perhaps, was that the doors were to
be closed at 9 o'clock. The law re
quires it.
You have trouble, even at Maxim's,
getting what a good, healthy American
appetite requires. The French have
rigid rules for food conservation. You
have to have a bread card and a Tieat
card and goodness knows how many
other cards. Besides, there is no sugar,
unless you bring it; and very little but
ter, and there isn't, or wasn't, a glass
of good, fresh milk to be had in all
France, unless you chance to know
somebody who owns an accommodat
ing and productive cow. Besides, you
are not supposed to ask for milk at
Maxim's. Yu can only admit your
error and htfnbly surrender to the ex
pectation that V'ou ask for wine, wheth
er you drink It or not.
Pheasants Are Plentiful.
You can get game on a meat card.
In Oregon there is an idea that thire
exists in that remote state a monopoly
of pheasants a supposed distinction so
carefully treasured that it is possible
to shoot not to buy such game for
only one month In a single year. In
France and in England pheasants and
other upland birds are sold in the open
. market. I saw in one place in a pro
vincial town or Ji,ngiand, offered for
sale, at least 200 pheasants. It is the
same In France. Doubtless they have
their game seasons here. If so. I waa
lucky. The pheasant at Maxim's was
exceedingly good.
Curtis Gilbert Wins Captatnoy for
Rescuing Men In Argonne Region.
YAKIMA, Wash.. Dec' 22. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cllbert, of this
city, have received a tetter from their
son. Lieutenant Curtis Gilbert, In which
he speaks of his promotion to a Cap
taincy "on top of a citation in orders
for my rescue of that bunch in the
Argonne." Lieutenant Gilbert was
with a group of -lf-0 Americans who
lost their way In the Argonne forest
during the fighting in the final days
ot tne anted offensive. He was de
tailed to find his way back to the
American lines and obtain help. This
he accomplished after much hardship
and thrilling experience, and his com
panions were rescued. "I expect to re
turn to the United States with old
Company F. of the 91st Division, pro
viding all goes well, he writes. "After
going toward the east for months, we
have now turned our faces toward the
Ynletide Decoration to Cover Graves
of American neroes.
PARIS, Dec 21. More than J000
graves of American soldiers will be
decorated on Christmas day by the
American " committee for devastated
France. In the region between Laon
and Chateau Thierry, where the graves
will be decorated, the committee will
also provide a Christmas festival-for
6000 children.
Christmas stockings, filled with
candy toys and games sent from Amer
ica, willbe distributed. Each child. In
addition, -will be given some article of
clothing, mittens or a muffler.
Two hundred children who have re
turned to the ruined village of Crecy
will receive complete outfits of cloth
ing so that they will be able to return
to school.
The committee Is also arranging
Lnnnimn zesiiviues at jaon, bolssons
Paris and other French cities.
Issuance of 3on-Jnterest-Bearlng
Bonds by Germany Suggested.
(Copyright. 1919. by the New Tork Wertd.
Published by arrangement.)
LONDON. Dec 22. (Special Cable.)
A suggestion Is made by a cor
respondent of the Evening Stan
dard that. as part of the in
demnity to be paid by Germany, she
should give non-Interest bearing bonds
redeemable over a period of, . say, 20
The allies could hold them or sell
them and "perhaps. In the case of Brit
ain, it might be possible to persuade
the United States to accept these bonds
in whole or part payment of the debt
we owe her."
"It is an ingenious suggestion," re
marks the Standard, "and we wish we
could get rid of our debt to the United
States so easily. We fear, however. It
is so simple that no one at the peace
conference would dare bring It for
ward." A recuperative diet in Influenza, nor.
lick's Malted Milk, very digestible. Adv.
Elections. to German National
Assembly, Forecast Future.
Leading Factions, for First Time in
Many Tears, Join in Appeal
for Sane Government.
PARIS, Dec. 22. (Havaa.) The first
elections to the new German National
Assembly are symptomatic of what the
final results will be. says a dispatch
from Berne to Le Journal. In the
duchy of Brunswick, where the minor
ity party had assumed power, the de
feat of the Bolshevlkl was crushing.
In Mecklenberg and Anhalt. where the
majority party was In control, the
bourgeoisie also came out victorious.
MUNICH. Dec. 20. (By the Associat
ed Press.) So chaotic have conditions
become during the, last week or two
that three of he lading parties have
combined, for the first time in years,
t6 issue what amounts to an ultimatum
to the Bavarian government. The Ba
varian people's party, the German peo
ple's party and the Munich branch of
the Liberal party have signed the ap
peal. The Socialist party did-not sign
the ultimatum, which reads:
"Recent occurrences, especially those
of the last few days, leave no doubt
that we are facing danger from an
archy. The press Is threatened, free
dom of assembly exists no longer and
the ballot is at stake. Will the Na
tional Assembly, if It is ever chosen, be
able -to count on meeting? Has the
government no will to rule or no
"Your own party, a majority of Its
members being soldiers spared from
death during the war, wants a rule of
terror by unrestrained rowdies as little
as we. But the power and strength of
order Is crippled if the government's
will to rule ceases. Does the govern
ment want order or does It want an
archy? We direct these questions
openly to the provielonal government,
especially to the present Minister-,
President. Eisner. We expect and de
mand a definite and unequivocal an
swer; not only in words, but In action,
with comprehensive and aggressive
acts. That will brook no delay.
"Should thts answer not be given
we will know and all Bavaria will
know that neither from the present
government nor from the assembly to
be elected under Us responsibility Is
there anything else to be expected than
steady degeneration into the Bolshe
vist abyss."
Germans Feared to Begin Terrible
Devastation Planned.
(Coaa-rirht, 1918, by the New Tork World.
Published by Arrangement.)
LONDON, Deo. 22. (Special Cable.)
It is now possible to speak of
the small grenade fire bomb which
the Germans meant to use to dev
astate large., parts of London, but
which they did not because they knew
the British would use the same bombs
with greater effect upon German cities.
The World correspondent has ascer
tained from authoritative sources the
facts regarding this small fire bomb.
The raiding Gothas were capable of
carrying 400 of them. When it was
first discovered that such a fire-producing
bomb had been invented there
was much uneasiness In London, but
eventually it was seen that the Ger
mans were afraid to start such an
epoch of desolation.
Only the ordinary fire bombs were
ever used, in additabn to high explo
sives, and caused only three fires big
enough to require the fire brigade.
Commission Will Handle Cuba's Su
gar Crop for 1018 and IS 19.
HAVANA, Dee. 22. A presidential
decree signed yesterday provides for
continuation of the sugar exportation
commission created In January. 1918,
with the same duties and powers as
- The commission will handle, all mat
ters relating to the shipment of sugar
produced In Cuba ftom the 1918-19 crop,
under, the contract signed on October
24 last, by the United" States equaliza
tion board and the Cuban sugar com
Justice Gough, Retiring, Dined by
Gotham Bench and Bar.
NEW TORK, Dee. 22. State Supreme
Court Justice John B. Gough, who. In
1894. came Into National prominence
as chief counsel for the Lexow Sena
torial committee In Its Investigation of
Tammany, and who presided at many
famous criminal trials. Including that
of Police Lieutenant Becker and the
four gunmen, was the guest of honor
yesterday at a dinner given by mem
bers of the Bench and Bar of New York
on the eve of his retirement to private
Bus Upsets, Soldier Hart.'
C. J. Morrisey was injured - severely
about the head early yesterday by the
overturning of a St. Helen's bus driven
by C. Kampe at 29th and Upshur
streets. There were 14 passengers In
the bus. but the rest escaped without
Injury. The bus skidded into the curb
and upset- Mr. Morrisey, who Is a sol
dier at Vancouver Barracks, was taken
to the Good Samaritan hospital, uncon
scious. He was better last nlarht.
From 6 ta 7:30. 0:30 to 12:30 P. JL
HAV and
, (upstulrs)
Hear "Gerry"
Oriental Jmzs
- Hand, the bet
J&za Band in the
W. i. -
1 1 A. M.
to z
A. M.
laga dining-
na danca
floor era Jaat on '
flight upmalra.
where the ventila
tion la perfect. No
etuffy atmoapher
nltatlon our
11 A.M. ts P.M.
SSc. 80c. 85c,
40c to 75e, loelnd
Ing eoup. vegeta
ble, drinks,
Served at all
Our mill -to -man
direct from the maker are entirely responsible for the
very important fact that men's clothing of real before -the
-war quality is on sale here at practically before -the -war
This sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it? But
you can prove the truth of our claims very easily. Sim
ply come here and . inspect the six great groups selling at
$14 - $17 - $23
$27 - $32 - $37
You w ill soon see that their equal will
cost 25-333 more elsewhere.
Woolen Mill Store
Mill- to - Man Clothiers, Third and Morrison "r.YmM-
Americans Lose but 271 r lanes and
45 Balloons 442 Cas
ualties Reported.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. American
airmen In France brought down a total
of 854 German airplanes and 82 German
balloons, against an American loss of
271 planes and 45 balloons, aceordlng to
a report cabled by Major-General Har
bord on December 15 and made public
today by the War Department. Destruc
tion of 354 of the enemy planes and 5?
of the balloons had been officially con
firmed. The total casualties of the AmericanJ
air service In action are given as
Including 109 killed, 103 wounded, 200
missing and 27 prisoners and three In
terned. When the armistice ended the fight
ing, the report said, there were 39
American air squadrons at the front.
They included 20 pursuit, six day and
one night bombing squadrons and five
Army, 12 corps and one night observa
tion squadrons. The total personnel
was 2161 officers and 22.351 men at the
front with an additional 4S43 otficers
and 28.353 men in the service of sup
ply. Eight American flying officers
were detailed with the British army
and 49 officers and 525 men with the
French forces.
The total strength of the American
air service in France was 5S.C90, of
whom 6S61 were, officers.
In addition to tlee. trained men. the
air service had eight separate schools
la France where 1323 pilots and 2013
observers were under instruction and
graduations up to November 11 included
6069 pilots and 2045 observers.
Prussian Government Opposes Hold
ing Elections on German Soli.
BERLIN, Saturday, Dec 21. (By the
AiiMolatel PrfH ) The action of the
ITi 5tE SSE T37 QC
p Carve Leases
Are Better
(Trademark Registered.
a j y carefully examinea
and properly fitted with $)
glasser without the use o' a
v drugs by skilled specialists.)
($ Q Complete lens grinding A
factory on the premises.
fts Portland's Largnl, Moat Modern.
if) Bent Equipped. Exclaalve)
VV Optical Katnhl-.ahenent.
A 209-10-11 CORBETT HI.DO.
w alMiC lmm. $)
E J & 9
9 V
Sale 'o
f Men's Suits
methods of selling
Polish government In ordering that
elections be held on what Is construed
here to be German soil, has tirred the
Prussian government to counter-action.
The inhabitants of the tricts In
volved have been Informed by the
Prussian Ministry of the Interior that
any participation In the elections may
be regarded as high treason and that
any acceptance of official mandates
from the Poles may be punished under
the law regarding Impersonation of of
ficials. All officials have been ordered to ar
rest any person committing any of the
specified acts, and the workmen's and
soldiers' council will co-operate in the
Officers Suoject to Release.
EACRAME.VTO. CaL. Dec. 22. An
nouncement was made here last night
that an order had been received at
Mather Field, near here, from Wash
The Christmas Spirit
is most pleasingly extended in a selection
from our display of Christmas
in Novelty Packages and Boxes
XS r Trade. Mark
Your selection now will be
that it will be filled fresh
Christmas delivery.
The Popular Sweet Shop
269-71 Morrison Street
1 Have You Fulfille'd Your
War Savings Stamp
You have only a few days
left inwhich to carry out
your promise to the Gov
ernment. Stamps on Sale at All Banks
A Conservative Custodian
Fourth and Washington Sts.
wearer buying
- tt 5 JUS;
4 'ww z
ington, stating that all officers at the
aviation field who desired to leave the
Army servico will bo discharged lni
nieii;itelv. Dull tehool
children are
-4r properly (id.
W0 Rn,t.. XT... I . L
'ffyIi ,h proper heat and en-
building ingredients.
Butter Nut
most satisfactory, and assurance
with the cho&cn confection for