THE 3IOHXIXG OREGONIAX, MONDAY DECEMBER 23, t 191S. 15 Hj1P WANTED MALE. DECK OFFICERS U. 8. Shipping Board Free Navigation School at Seattle. Ta coma and Portland, trains deck - officers for the Merchant Marine. Short-cut to license. Native and naturalized citizen only. Deep sea Bailors two years expe rience. Lake and Sound pilots and mas ters and graduates of nautical schopl ships eligible. Course six weeks. Address W. J. Oramba. 860 Stuart Building. Seattle, "Washington. DKNT1STS wanted; plate worker; one that can take Impressions preferred. Electro Orntal Ptrloru, Tacoma, Wash. Help WantedSalesmen. EALKSMAN WANTED Automobile acces sory, sells like wildfire; agents make 910 to per day; demand unlimited; sat isfaction absolutely guaranteed. Weseo Bales Company. 513 Gerltnger bldg.. 2d and Alder eta Phone Main iS01. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per mouth hos pital tickets. 206 Corbott bldg. HELP W Ajjf T ED FEMALE. riRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED COMPTOME TER OPERATOR AND TYPIST. WITH SOME CLERICAL EX PERIENCE. FOR OFFICE AT t AM AS, WASH.: STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE. SALARY HAVE BEEN EARNING, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS. C 763, OREGON! AN. . WANTED Lady that Is able to make $60 per week. If you are any kind of a busi ness woman at all, I can put you Into a business for $1500 that wilt surprise you. Would like a good business woman to In vestigate this. Call 602-8 Oregonian bldg.. or phone Main 6707 Monday. YOUNO LADIES WANTED. . Improved Wage Schedule. ' CALL AT TELEPHONE CO.. Room 601. 6th floor. Park aud Oak ats. JIOUEEKEEPEir for- 75-room hotel; one that is willing to do maid work and take good care of linen, etc.; 150 a month and housekeeping rooms; mutt be thoroughly experienced In hotel work; references re quired. O 257, Oregonian. WAITRESS, dredge, $55 month; 3 small hotel cooks, $45; helping in sick homes, edG and $7o. Be wise aud get jobs before the after-holiday rush. Hansen's &27 Washington, u petal re. WANT 3 or 4 good live girls who are not afraid to meet the public, for the best selling proposition In the world; salary or commission. t07 Spalding bldg. WANTED Girls for mangle and hand iron department; experience not necessary if o.uick and willing workers. Good wages. Yule Laundry Co.. 50i E. Morrison. WANTED Girl for flat work dept. Portland Laundry Co., 9th and Couch. Call Monday morning. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 92 East 15th st. N, or pnone East J.23. LADY experienced in laundry work to act ss fore lady. Phone B 1544. Address b:3'.i E. Division st.. Portland, Or. G1KL to assist In housework and take child to school. Call Mrs. Ohms, 402 E, 4 1st U N. Take Rose City car. WANTED Girl for second work and to as Met with children. Main 7848. Port. Hts.. 7ft Buena Vista drive. W ANTED Girl for lunch counter. Union Depot Resaurant; $40 a month and board 0 days a week. WILL give elderly woman good home for llffht services, 1 In family. Marshall 464, H4 Glisan st. WANTED Typist and office assistant. Pal ace Laundry Co., E. 10th and Everett st. WANTED Collar girl. Call Monday morn lng. Portland Laundry Co.. Uth and Couch. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Casino .Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main ljJ2. A 2667. fWO girls wanted for waitresses. Liberty Restaurant. 288 B u rnsl de. WANTED Two waitresses. Call 602 Orego nlan bldg. . WAITRESS wanted; experienced; steady work. 153 N. 6th st. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. D'Moy Hotel. 3d and Yamhill. WANTED Lady cook tor small restaurant. 35 N. 5th. iIRL to asslet with housework ; no wash. lng. gooa nome. irviogion. mast oiaj. GIRL wanted to work in lunch room. 253 Wash. - EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, 1 Pullman Restaurant. 113 N. 6th. TWO experienced waitresses at 249 Burnside at. U. S. Restaurant. ' WANTED Experienced waitress. 269 Alder. New Paris Restaurant. WAITRESS wanted. University Club. 6th and Jefferson. WANTED Lady attendant for local hos pital. Call Tabor 2bi2. bet. 1 and 3 P. M. WANTED Two neat ladles for housework. $40 month. 603 Oregonian bldg. WAITRESS and lady dishwasher .wanted. 340 2d st. LADY to exchange work for piano lessons. 830 E. 29th North. East 1193. YOUNG lady to wash dishes and counter work. Crown Waffle House. 160 2d st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Atlantic Restaurant. 272 Morrison. WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby. Wdln. 2015. VEGETABLE woman. Campbell Hill, Hotel. PANTRY woman. Campbell Hill Hotel. Wan lea Domestics. 255 MONTH for experienced cook and sren- ersl housework girl; small family; no washing; references required. U 65. Ore- ronian. 555 MONTH for experienced cook and gen eral housework girl; small family; no wash ing; references required. AK 843, Orego nian. WANTED Middle-aged woman as house keeper for widower with two sons In country. Call Main 515V. "WANTED Experienced girl to do cooking and housework; three adults, gqod wages. Apply totf r lanaera st. EXPERIENCED girl for ceneraf housework 3 In family, no washing. Phone Marshall 4 i if. iiai r raiiKiin St., Willamette Height WOMAN wanted for light housework: Dlaln cooking; no fires, no washing, good home ana pay. o tttn st. WANTED Girl for Ereneral housework family of 3 ; small house; will pay res- sonaoie wages. rnone xaoor iit7. WANTED Girl for general housework; four in tamiiy; gooa wages. iast 24tn N. uroaaway car. WANTED -An experienced girl for child's nurse and upstairs work. Main 6339. GIRL wanted to assist In light housework. Apply 430 Mill st. WOMAN for housekeeping; easy work; no wasning. Appiy jjroaa way . MAID for general housework; no washing good wages. Marshall 5206. WORKING man In city wants housekeeper. L. pi i . uregoman. COMPETENT girl for general housework good wages. Main :i343. 812 Lovejoy. WA NTED Girl for general housework. Phone Taoor 12U7. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of 2. Call East 1704. HELP WANTED MALB OR FEMALE. PIANO Dlaver: one that Is extra eaod on vaudeville and pictures; steady job. good pay. write ungn ineater. saiem. or. WANT several good hustlers who can make to ou pr wee in or out or town, salary or commission. 907 Spalding bldg. WANTED A finisher. Lowells Studio. 4-10 Vi Wash. st. Broadway 3242. EDUCATIONAL. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send ror catalogue, za .tsurnsiae fcia wy. 17B1, FORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. fata while learning. 234 Coueh st. MIS3 MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing ocnooi, asy. evening. e month. ZoV 14th, near Jefferson. Main 8893. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Alliky bldg.. 3 J and Morrison. TA Y LOR FAITH Business College and ccnooi or Languages; Eng., Fpan., French. am mevene oiug., w. rare: ana wash. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Allsky bldg., 3d ana aiornson. Main 7. w. E. Richard eon. Sec. WANTED at once, 2 men to learn automo- one repairing. l an at flaw thorns Ga rage, 445 Hawthorne. GRADUATE piano teacher with experience; lessons at your home. 75c. Call Tabor 1308. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free reglsfn. 11 Bdwy bldg. M. 6274. TEACHERS All kinds of terhln e,rt-l. tlons. Main 4835. FUk Teachers' Agency. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, 191 Broadway. EDUCATIONAL BRIGHT eUTLOOK FOR OPERATORS. We have never had es great a demand for our students as NOW. We are In dorsed by the railroads and can assure young men and women success by enroll ing In dsy or evening classes now start ing. Write or call for BULLETIN. Rail way Telegraph Institute. 218 Ey. Exch. bide Portland. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL. 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. ATJTOS, TRlKP. " TRACTORS, RE PAIRING, LIGHTING AND STARTING SYSTEM, IGNITION. WIRING. MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE, OX Y ACETYLENE WELDING. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS TPS JCy. "AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, Technical and practical training, autos. tractors, gas engines, auto electrical work Write at once lor big 100-page catalogue. A dcex A uto A Tractor School. Dept. K, Union ave. and Wasco St.. Portland. Oa, HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 403 Hippodrome bldg. A thorough, care ful training maices you a success. Day school, night school. COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO Piano, voice, violin, banjo, steel guitar, mandolin, saxo phone, flute, clarinet, drums, taught by professionals. 515 Columbia bldg. Mln 5652. BUK6ELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermen's building, 5 th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 34 64. Miss F. Buraell, prin cipal. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MECHANIC wants job In country, repair old or build new buildings, any kind of wood work, lots of tools; had experience In milk dairy; can rot Ik, dig potatoes or build buildings; not one of the particu lar kind, S70 month and found. AM b05, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanic will save you big garage and repair bills by calling at your home and overhauling your machine. Electric starting and lighting systems and vacuum tank troubles especially. Phone East P02. YOUNG man of experience desires position driving for private family, experienced In the care and operation of standard cars, furnish best of references as to character and ability. D S48, OreKonlan. RESPONSIBLE man, 45, over 20 years' ex perience In merchandizing, both wholesale and retail, experienced In bookkeeping and general office work; moderate salary. II 724, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, Belgians, no children, work on ranch or farm; expe rienced in this work; will take charge of farm or work on shares. AH 7S3, Ore gon lan GENTLEMAN, middle-age, well acquainted witn tne city, gooa Business man. aesires position ss nelper during the holidays; any line. Call Woodlawn 294 PRINTER Discharged soldier with 8 - yrs. experience in job printing, wants position with good firm; will consider anything reasonabl e A N 687, Oregonian. CREDIT man of wide experience, abso lutely responsible, is open lor engagement Jan. 1. Personal interview solicited. L CHI, Oregonian. AN experienced lumber accountant, now en gaged in other lines, win oe open ror en gagement January 1. 'Very highest citj references. AL 793, Oregonian. FALL garden plowing done, 100x100 ft.. $4.50; 4 loaus oi zcrtinzer ror eaie. Main 0316; after 3 P. M.. 7006." C P. Clark. 405 First st. YOUNG man of good appearance would like employment Sat. afternoon and even ing. Sun. and holidays. Phone E. 67S6. I to 6 P. M. $50 TO $100 CASH for anyone who furnishes a Job ror 3-ton truck; will wjrk reasona ble. Woodlawn 707. CHAUFFEUR wants position with private ramiiy; experienced in an makes of cars. George Chlltllng, Mar. 8395. 783 Vaughn. ELDERLY man wants position to tend of fice ana phone; not messenger. Address Office Man. 728 East 8th South. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or in snop; some experience. JLt ua. ure- gonian. SITUATION wanted as fireman in hotel or apartment-nouse; gooa repair man, flrst clnys references. AR 144, Oregonian. SiTUATiOX wanted as guard or watchman anywhere; references given. AR .150. Ore gonian. JAPANESE, first-class oook, hotel, family or camp. (Jare ieo. Mttsunaga. can Miss Tower, 1724 B. Stark sC Tabor 415. MAN -and wife wish position as cooks for hotel, email camy, etc, AH 70S. Orego nian. MAN and wife wish position as cooks for hotel, small camp, etc. All 795, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED automobile driver and me- cnamc witmes position wun lamuy or firm. Call mornings. Main CuSL POSITION as watchman ; references. East BY young man, position driving car; de livery or i ruuiv. n rv log, ji e soman. CARPENTER, Al mechanic, wants any kind repairing or new worte. rnone Bdwy. seo. SHIPYARD bookkeeper open for engage,- mont; Al references, rt 3U0. Oregonian. MAN 34 wants Inside work. 692 Nehalem ave. Bookkeepers. StenoKf'apber. Office. BOOKKEEPER., 82, Thoroughly"eompetent, desires position; wide business experience, college education, active and adaptable; can furnish bond, references and creden tials. AO 754. Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants position to tend of fice and phone; not measeneer. Address Office Man. 728 East 8th South. MTTATIONS WANTED FEMALE. GRADUATE French lady wishes position as governess or teacher. Would also give pri vate lessons. Best French teaching In short time. j v oj i , uregonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings wniie motner is away; refer ences. Woodlawn 1611. COM PETEXT colored beauty operator wisnes appointment in pomes. Mrs. bte- vens. xaDor izoj. EFFICIENT billing clerk with seven years experience in all kinds of work. Call i: as ta 4 &. LADY with two children wishes a. place In city to kefp nouse. wages so per month, Address 105 M Meade St., city. WOULD keep house for bachelor or widower ror nusnana s Doara ana room, HJ 139, oregonian. MAN and wife want a Job on a ranch, or private Janitor work. AG 710. Oregonian CURTAINS washed and stretched 40c and up. fc.ast S337. EXPERIENCED piano player wishes po sltlon. East 1540 or 325 Ross st. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes Pa one Broadway 275. poaitloi EXPE RIENCED woman wants day wori Ironing, washing, 6 to 8 houre. Main 114" LADY wants position an elevator operator experienced. AN 703, Oregonian. ttnk keepers. Ptenog rentiers. Of flee. WANTED Cashier, bookkeeper and stenog rapher delres position January 1. Thor oughly capable of taking full oharge of olfice; best of references. C 768, Ortgo nlan. T OUNG lady with business college educa tlon and some experience desires position by January 1 as assistant bookkeeper or general offjja work. Main 7820. EXPERIENCED bookkeper, cashier, typist ' good penmn; would go out of town. AL 801. jOregoniaii; EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, six years' experience. Main 2817. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. DRESSMAKER wants day engagements be tween Xmas and New Year's. Make or re model, understands tailoring; 93 and car fare. Marshal! 2S79. DRESSMAKING Fancy dresses, coats, suits a specialty. Mrs. Summers, apt. 33. Berk ley apts. Marshall 1950. PLAIN sewing and alterations. Call East 2376. Mrs. E. G. Holce. WANTED Practical nurses with some hos pital training wanted for general duty. Call Broadway 3404. THB YEKNON insternity home. 1022 Vnrnoa. Phone Wdln. 4272. Reasonable rates. Housekeepers. WANTED A position as housekeeper In small hotel or rooming-house by experi enced, middle-aged lady, in or out of city. References g lven. AN 638. Ore gonlan. HOUSEKEEPER, refined, capable woman, wants situation as housekeeper; will leave city. AM J602, Oregonian. 1 - . WANTED TO RENT. House. 2F yon have house or apartment for rent, furnished or unfurnished, cail us. We have first-class tenant waiting. Northwestern Trust Company, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8517. Ask for Mr. Padden. BY Jan, 15 or before. 6 or T rooms, with large sleeping porch and garage; Irving ton district. Will lease for one or two years. References, Main 9504. 4 OR -robm modem bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, with garage. Only 3 tf fam ily. Call Main 3517 and ask for Mr. Pad den. FOUR to six-room modern bungalow or two to four-room apartment, furnlshea or unfurnished, at once; best of references. C 84. Oregonlsn. A FIRST-CLAS modern home, nine or more rooms, on the West Side; in answering give exact location. C 67. Oregonian. G. G. HOHRER. Rental Realtor. 801 PANAMA BUILDING. Apartments. 2 OR 3-room furnished apartment or bun gaio ny J anuary i - motner ana uiiumum . reasonable rent ; best of references ; con venient to-Broadway, SC Johns or Missis sippi carllne. BY 712. Oregonian. RELIABLE couple want two or three-room furnished apt.: west. Hiae prererrea; ooy 5 years old. Main 31 bO, room 426, ok P. O. Box 4114. WANTED By family of three adults, com pletely furnished apt. AO .52, urcgonian. Booms With Board. WANTED Board and roorrw for man and wife and two boys, walking distance. Phone Broadway 2353. after 7 P. M. WANTED A good home for boy 7 years old. where his father can be witn olm nights. AH &02. Ororonlan. CONVALESCENT lady" wants board and ronrn in gooa home. little watting. ast &6S5. WANTED A home for Invalid lady. SO E, 16 N. Bast 1813. Miscellaneous. STORE ROOM on Went Bide wanted, suit able for tea and corree specialist; must be close In. BC 64, Oregonian. SPOT CASH paid for misfit clothing. At lantic Cleaners, alteration nepartmeni. Main 6701. FOR RENT. Fnmlshrd Rooms. Voderate-Prlred Hotel of MerU. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrlsoa and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Bids Hotel and Is a hotel of- dignity and re finement. Dally rates, $1 up; two In room. $1.50; weekly rates, $6 and up. ANSON1A HOTEL, 124 I4th st., at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, rlose to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to tnose desiring- quiet. HOTEL OOKLEV, Morrison street at 10th. Rates 700 per aay up; weeKiy - up; run ning water; free phone and hstbs. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, nigu quality, low price. East 8d and Burnside. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location ; respectaoie ana strict if moaero, steam heat; rooms' large, clean. FOR PENT 2 unfurnished rooms, 1 furnish ed sleeplnv-room. &3- Williams ave. East 8629. ROOMS for rent. 60 N. 16th at. Fnrnlshed Hoomi In Private Family. COMFOKTABLB front room, sll conveni ences, to respectable men. Walking dis tance. East 80H4. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. running water, shower bath. 6.ft Everett. ROOM and board, with sleeping porch, for two. ofo Laaa ave. cast mj. 269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3803. Rooms With Board. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1151. ' ROOM and board for business girls: a'.l modern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week. E. 4722. 12 E. 7th St. ROOM and board, home style cooking; rates reasonable. Grand Ave. Hotel, 334 Grand ave., S blocks So. Hawthorne a 9. Rooms With Board in Private Family. NICELY furnished rooms $2 per week and up; board If desired. Take N. A S. Port land car to Hooker, 8 blocks east. 71S Oorbett HOTHER wants to care -for a child from 8 to 6 years In her own home by the day or week. r-asi itn. iaue seuwooa car, get off at Martin st. NICE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen along with home-cooked meals; modern. JOS N. 'J 1st st. HOARD and room in private family, near Broadway Bridge, rates reasonable, 408 Benton St. Ptirnitthed Apartments. CLEVER 2 -room apt., in hlRh-claes apt. house; aauite oniy. jviain o-! Unfurnished Apartments. NEW. 6 -room unfurnished, only $15. 1640 F.ast Ollsan, 72d. MV car. I yd MODERN 4-room lower flat, suitable for two. bast iam st. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT Nicely furnlnhed 5-room flat. Call East lb8. after 6:30 P. M. HovseUeeptnsr Rooms. HE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: walking distance, furnished for housekeeping: in cluding gas range, electric lights, hot wa ster, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up. Take "S" or lotn st. 3 ROOMS, outside, second floor, walking distance P. O, and shipyard. B0 za u Main 4390. Houeskeeplng Room In Prit Family. riiREE large furmsheJ II. K. roc stairs, light, telephone, gas fo rooms down r cooking. PO E. Uth st. TWO large housekeeping rooms, clear and nicely furnished. 63 N. 20th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms at 295 Benton st. 7-ROOM modern house, near St Johns. Phone E. 8158. IR VINGTON houFe, 7 rooms. 686 E. Broad way. $40. Marshall 719. IT WAS POLLT WHO s- x jf FOR KENT. Ilous FOR SALE or rent, at Maple wood. Or., a dandy 5-room bungalow, all modern, full basement, large attic- and fireplace, on luoxiu'i corner, targe cmcxen nouse and run. Call at store at Maplewood. Or. FIVU rooms, lofxlOO lot, fruit and flowers, chicken housefor eale, beds, tables, chairs, dresser, stoves, two blocks St. Johns car, at Alnsworth, 1274 Willard Ave., Wood lawn 4S'J2; FOR RENT Cosy, modern, 5-room cottage. 1 blk from school, 4 blocks from car line. 20 niinutt-s on Mt. Scott. . Inq,uiro Mr. Michael. 537 Union ave. N. WHEN Y-Ol! MOVE " Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC Ugh I service. n.. Broadway SSO, A. 6T47. " MODERN 5-room cottage and furniture for sale. Stokes m ZeJler. lUQUire iu L. Ankeny. ' ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room house. Ori ental rugs, grand piano. 110 M Ira mar. near Glisan. MODERN eight-room house, Irvlngton dis trict, $50. See H. A. swart, so 4th t. FnrnNhed Houwe HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, -room furnished house for rent; garsge, corner lot; all built-in conveniences; ma- hogany furniture; leased by the year Jan. 1: referents. Tabor 7119. " EUHT-ROOM furnished house, 830 Park sU Main 2973. Close In. 3-ROOM weli-furnlshed house. East' Side. near carline. U sjregonian. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms SUItSDio tor iigax mKaumcmriQi, oiuci building accommodations ; rent reasenabl. Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg., 8d and Washington. pEcl RABLS offices, inodorn conveniences. Stark st, between sa ana 4tn. Appy room 312 Railway Exchange. SHARE bright, furnished office, $10; suite offices reasonable. Stock exchange, od and Yamhill. PRIVATE office, suitable for contractor or engineer w itn cteno. service, sou per mourn. 610 Pittock block. MOST centrally, located offices, low rent. Swetignd t:dg., ath ana Washington. BC8TNESS OPPOUTCNTTIES. $200.000 Club , members earn from $.100 fer year up in New iorK i.ire. uooa open ng for two or three high-grade men or women who wish to build fine private practice with no general stent to share prof its. J. W. pay. agency director. 610 Board of Trade bldg. OLD established restaurant, doing good business. This Is an exceptional buy; rent very low; can be bought cheap If taken at once; owner has other business. W 702. Oregonian. GOOD buy In established cleaning and pressing Business. inciuaing r ora car, steam pressing machine and other fixtures, good location in brick building and ex ceptional opportunity. 496 Union ave.. AN. ARIZONA. w Engineer leaving about 26th for Ari zona, would Investigate mining or business prospeots for slight fee; confidential. If desired. R 245, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR EXCHANGB RE A I, ESTATE, nUTBLB, KO'JM t ' -HOUSES. APARTMENTS OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SEE US. 446 TAYLOR. MAIN -2176. $375. Good little elgar and tobacco business, comer, clearing over $100 month; in vestigate. Business Service. 602-8 Orego nian bldg. Main 6797. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest tn established real estate business. gl advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWOFLU Secretary. . TAILOR, cleaning and pressing shop, reason able, must quit on account 01 neaitn ana age. call corner Uolladay and Larabee sts.. t.ast rrtiana. BARGAIN for Quick sale; cigar, confection ery, cold annus ana luncn Business; owner sick; sell lees than Invoice, 80O 1st iu city. I DESIRE a partner In small manufacturing business. Duiiatng material, requiring xrom $3000 to $6000; must be over 45 and able to give references, xt. oiu, wregonian. 24u0 GROCERY STORE and 10 living- rooms, uointf gooa nueiness. iesvmg cuy within week- Must have money. Call Co lumbia 77. Owner. HKo Coiumoia blvd. LOOKING for partner with $1000; good es tabllshed business. Writs w il&. Ore gonian. WE sell all kinds of barbers supplies. Agents ror koku s Dsroer cnairs. Kemp Barbers BrTppy Co.. 271 Washington IL IF you have $500 or $600 Idle I can put It to work witn gooa aavaniage to you; se curity. AO 780, Oregonian. WANTED General merchandise stock; have SlO.uOO income ciry property ana some cah. 207 Stock Exchange bldg., Portland, PARTNER -wanted to 1011011 and collect in a good little business, $4&o required. Call Ml Railway Exchange. RESTAURANT for sale on account of sick ness; doing gooa business. 493 Wash. sl BEST dairy in town for sals on account of Pickneas. Wood. .rgHM FOR RENT Pool room, six tables, $50 month, -uo Vi worrison.arter ia. FOR SALE Barber shop, cheap. 242 6th CIGAR and confectionery, 2 pool tablas in back; prices right. Call Columbia 6.S1. HAVE a small barber shop for rnt; confec tionery -el par store coin b I nod. 35 N. 6th. Business Opportonlties 'Wanted. BARKERS, attention. Want to buy or rent barber shop in town or louo or more pop ulation; state particulars, price or terms in f'rst lett rr. Portland Cutlery A Bar ber Supply Co.. P6 Uh st. WANTED A garage buMlness that will pay a man at least $150 month. Phone Main 67'7. - IF YOU want to sell your business Hat with Business fcervies, 602-3 Oregonian bldg. Main WANTED Small restaurant or fixtures. Call 622 Vs Washington st. Hotels and Koomlng-Hoiisoe. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL s Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rlerdon, WATCH OTJR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LWE & CO.. 20S-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN ROOMING - IIOUHEH THAT ARK r OR RENT; FROM $7.00 UP: WEST SIDE. ALSO HAVE A FEW HOUSES ON THE EAST FLDE CHEAP FOR ('ASH. CALL 4-46 TAYiluIl ST. MA IX 217ft. GET IN MY AL'TOMOBILB , And 1 will quickly and comfortably show you the best buys In rooming and apartment-houses In Portland. J. BRUCE GO DD ARD. 502 Cou eh Bldg. AO-room roominghouse, all furn Ished. doing good- business; near two steel shipyards. Cheap U taken at once reason for selling, sickness. 6311 Hood street. Portland. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 20 rooms, housekeep ing, for sale ehap for cash. The Baggage fc 1 iop. 2S 3d. near Colu mbla. FOR oest bargain tn rooming or apartment houses see members of th Realty Board. Yaf-s Realty Co.. 240 4th st- MARY K. LENT. ' -HOTEL AVARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-4 N. W. BANK BLDG. SMALL boarding house for sale, good lo cation; within 6 minutes walk of ship yards. Main 649T. HOTEL. 22 rooms, sitting, dining and kitchen ground floor. 900. East 1347. POLLY AND Coprrljht, 1918, by N.w.p.p.r Fetur Senric, Inc. DID '1'IIB WOHRVISG AS WELL AS THE WEAKCSG BY CLIFF STEnnETT. LOST AND FOOD. $10 REWARD for Information leading to re covers or my blcole which wss stolen Dec. 17 from Franklin High School; No. 4T.2026. Has "E. H." itamned on crank hanger: 22-lnch frame. J oe's Heavy Ser ice, light orange color. Call Elstou Hop wood. Tabor 201. VILL the party who found black music roll at Hlppodronif Theater, with music, some composed by Z. M- Parven. kindly caii East 7T,4 soon as possible, as child Is to use music at a musical and copies cannot be obtained In time. Thanking iou. Re ward. LOST Siit. eve., on handy road, between Falrview and Portland, tan traveling bag containing shoes and wearing apparel. Mrs, K. C. Morrison, FsirvK-w. Or. Phone tiresham 61 1. STKAYKD or stolen, on the 13th. on m nlum-slzed, "jied hound; white und largi black spots; Olck wars, white tall. Re warxl. p. Herron, Tonquln. Or. LOST Thoroughbred ' Airodale carrier dog. answers to name of Wag. Hole in '.eft ear. Reward offered by owner. 101 West 13th st., Vancouver. Wash. LOST Smal black change purse containing trunk keys, between Imperial Dairy Lunch and Broadway and Morrison. Kindly re turn to Oregonian. LOST Large black morocco bug. between - Portland and Wiliamina, Initials H. II. H. on tag. Return to 208 Pittock Ulock, Lib eral reward. LOST- Lady's gold watch with pin. lady's photo In back and gent's photo in front. Liberal reward. Phono Main 1372. or call 306 M-iln at. LOST I'rrrn ch-ckroom Murlark Hall d.mre. Sat. evp., dark overcoat with Harn Wil liams' bank book. Return J. C McElroy. Perkins Hutel. Reward. LOST Small black purse In Liberty tbea ler. Sunday. contained checkbook and about $10 In change. Reward. Call Mar- shsil 1261. ENGLISH bulldog. . whits snd bla4 wear ing a heavy new collar and a strap at tached. Answers to name of Happy. Call Snllwood 374. LOS I A black and tan female foxhound. If found please return to a N. 14th st. and recMve re ard. LOST lady's umbrella, leaning against out side of Meier Sc. Frank's ore, southeast cornerReward for return. Tabor 0146. WILL party who found umbrella in P. O, Thursday morning please write AG 728. Oregonian und thank you. LOST Llpht Jerscv row; short, straight horns; Tuesday n!pht, Dec 17, near 6-d st. and Toster read. Call T.bor 24SO. $10 REWARD for return or inform tlm whlts-faed brlndle bulldog; license l- Sellwootf 2373. LOST Petri sunburst brooch. Meter & Fra . or on Vn.. between 4th and Br. Rewai nk ward. call Bd4y 2583. after 6 P. M. LuoT Pointer pup. whlt, with brown markings, about 6 months old. Call Wood- lawn 5147. . - FOUND Young Jersey cow. givln? milk. Inquire L. O. Stooner, ma 11 box 105, on e2d st. P. O.. Lents Station. LOST On Dec. 1. small white house dog; liberal reward for information or reco -ry of eame. Cail East 4HM. LOST Dozen linen handkerchiefs. Initial "C." OMs. Wortmin A Kinif. 1vis re turn to 1 oat and found counter. Reward. LOST Fur collar. 23rd st,, between Wash ington and Lovejoy. Reward. Main L'.'VJi'. . LOST Gold low-knott pin set v,ita sapphirs. Phone Marshall 35o4. Re:ird. POUND 7 chickens, near Woolly n. Kinder can have same by calling 144 Voolsiy at. LOST Thursday afternoon, amethyst brooch. Liberal rawara. Call Eaat --.' Cost" svnd -Triangle sorority pin. set In pearls amethysts. Main 6334. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICE 5 MlereUaueous. NOTICE OP MEETING Or LAND OWNERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors hsve called a meeting of the owners of land In Multnomah County Drainage District No. 1, to be held on Friday, the 27th day of December, X01 8, st the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Swiss Hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street . In the City of port land. Or., at which time and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of electing one Supervisor, who shall hold his office for three years or until his suc cessor Is elected and qualified. At said meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote In person or by proxy for each acre of land owned by him In such district. Dfeted this 11 tli day of December. 1018. Attest ; D. C. POWELL, Secretary. J. O. ELROD. President Board of Supervisors. rTNANClAL ' LIBERTY BONDS. Do not lose what you have paid on your contracts. If you are not able to make your payments see us. ' We pay cash for partly-paid contracts r bonds, or loan you WO per cent on your Investment at 1 t S per cent per annum. Special attention given to out-of-town ustoiners. Bonds bought and sold at market price. Loans negotiated on farm and cuy property. Deal with respooslbl licensed brokers. Open to 6 P. M. HOWELL A DAVIS. 401 Board of Trade Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY .ISSUE OF BONUS MLL M A It K. fc. 1 1'KIVh.. RFOTTIPTS WILL CASH YOUR RE CE1PTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. SEE E. PT'RKITT, SECRETARY OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FI,OOR. CORNER SIXTH. AND ALDiiit STREETS. 'XL S. BOND DEALERS. We buy liberty Uonds, all Issues, also receipts. Checks mailed out-of-town sell ers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO.. Established lnO. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg. 6th snd Washington. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS WE PAY CASH FOR PARTLY PAID BONDS. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30. DAILY. RUMMELL. 274 STARK ST. LIBERTY BONDSL Also partly paid contracts bought: open till 7:Sa DORCAS A DORCAS. 920 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. WE buy eq'S)ty tn liberty bonds; bring re ceipts and "get the cash ; open eveulngs and Sundays. 209 Ablngton bldg. U. S. LIRRRTY BONDS. Will Pay Cash Vnue. John D. Wllco. 416 I'lttock Block. MORTGAGES and sellers' equity In real es tate contracts bouK' t. Oregon or Wash, property. H. E. Noble, 316 L'mbm's Hig. L1RKRTY BONDS HOVGHT. H. L. MUHTON, 446 SlfKKLOi'K BLDO. Bd st.. cor. Oak. Oien Hit 7. Sau 8 P. M. HER PALS FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. if you must sell your Liberty Bonds, sell to us. If you can buy. more Liberty Bonds, buy frum us. We buy and" leH Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BVVaTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Saturday, December 21, we paid the following prices for United State Gov ernment Liberty Loan Loud. MOO 104i Bond. Bond. 3 'is t7.4?i 1st 4s n.;;.s 2 .') 2d 4s 32 ;.- t3 1 R0 1st 4; t; 2.i pt'.T.r-o 2d 4V4s 4. 1W !'4t;.W. 3d 4's lr.. OS l6l.h.1 -4th ia 1U-34 U1S62 MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bend House. Established pver 26 Years. 300-C11 Stark Street. Bet. 3th and 6th. Ground Floor. Telephono Broadway 2161. LIBERTY LOAN DEPARTMENT OFEN UNTIL 6 P. M. SATURDAYS. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASIL CASH FOR PAYMENTS MADE. Come to 72o Gasco inidg 6th and Alder. CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS. Come to 726 Gaaco bldjr.; 6th and Alder. BRING TOUR RECEIPTS TO US We will pt your bonds for you. then pay you cash for them. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit by retuu mail. Send us your receipts. rt'T THIS advertisement OUT and KEEP IT. f'.r you will soon want to BUY BON D or Fell your bonds or sell your RECEIPTS. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. Remember the piece. T25 Gaaro bldg.. "t h nd Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. LIBERTY BONDS. Alt Issues Bought and Sold. Befois buying or selling (41 our quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX A COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bon da 67 Sixth Strest, Between Stark and Oak. CASH PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS- ANY 13SUE. ANY AMOUNT. WB PAY MARKET. PLUd ACCRUED INTEREST. WE LOAN 90 ON LIBERTY BOND9 OR WILL LOAN YOU THB MONEY TO COMPLETE YOUR PAY MEN 1 A. ELWOOD WILES CO.. 2S1 T7. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDO OPEN SAT Lit DAY UNTIL o P- M. " A S H LIHKItTY BONDS. FULLY PAID im IN PitT New York murkt-t price paid, less small oiOKerag'i; open iiw n 1. m. PON A !.D M ACLKOD. 1002 SPALDING 1H.DG , :tl) AND WASH Money to Lusui ou Real Khtate. Ol K iniiailnient plan Is ihm best and surest metnoa ot. paying a ioun S:t2.26 per month for Xt months, or S 2 1 . 24 per month f-r 6 months, or 116.17 for 06 months pays a 10uo ton ana iniertct. Other amounts In prnporltlon. We loan on Improved city property. No commission chs re el. EWUITAitl.E SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. moltg'age Loans on improved fa k m s in or egon. washington and idaho; long time if desired and repayment by installments TO ST'l 1 THE HOHUOWi'H. t'L'KKKNT KATES. No COMMISSION. W M. Mac MASTER. A : i 1 U . S. .NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. FARM LOANS. Insurance company mo ny to lonn at lowent current rats on Wll amftte Valley farms. No iaininiii!on. No ys DEVEREAUX MOKTOAOB COMPANY. PAY OKIT lUJi MORTGAGE on your city homt in fi!y installments. 10 fe'Ki'j' time to repay , fuliy protected by Uf in mi ranee under Home Purchase Plan of E'jUitaoitt Life Asvurttnce Society. Intr r.t b ; 110 commission. See Mr. Strong. Kquli aie officr. Orponlan bit! 4. M O R T G A G fcl LOANS. Any amount. ow rate. promptly closed. Attractive repa ir.g privileges. A. H. blKKKi.L CO.. 517 North western Dank Hldg. Marshall 4114. A 4 1 ! 8. M O R TG A G r. 1 .1 A NS. 1TARM AND CUY PRtJpiCK T V K PER Civ XT. 6 PER CKNT, 7 1ER CiS.NT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbott Rldg 1 It 1 V ATE funds, lowrst rates. $o0, SlOOO, S'jimo and up; tarun or city property. Prompt, efficient service. A. K. lltll, elU ji-nrytag. r.oo. $1000 AND upward on Improved real Mtau-, ruvorat; terms, no dcay; no brok- r;uf. JobO HmIq. U7 hUklUlDg b'.flg. 3gu. iOH, 9oUU. 7A0, f luoo Mild up st lovrit ralrs. giilck act ion. Kred W. Ger man Co.. 7.; Oi. of Com. Main 64 .V 1200.000 TO LOAN In sums 10 suit ..building loans, lowest rates. W. G. bekC 15-1S Patting bids- Phoos Main 8407. $00 TO K00 without commUaioo, lm proved real estate. Tabvr o4uJ. Alain ( 1 000 1 1 $ 1 ;oo, $ jooo. jooo a n d up st ioit rates, quick action. Gordon In vestment (Jtw; bai Clumber of Cummercti. IN V t.SIM iCNTS. loans. notes. mortgager-a F H. Lewis. 303 Uwli bldg. Mar. l.ijj Mc-NLV TO LOAN on farm and Improved city proper y. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spa Id mg bldg. bEK US TODAY, loans, any amount. 6-7 CCLLAitS-MURTON CO.. T J A (micq bldg! Ut-'KiU AG E LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CKNT LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 40S Selling bidg. SEH Oi:EGON 1NV. A 1 1 UR T GAtTE CoT, -'-2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark to loan ooi 5:0(i giono", $T :lhT 4 20 no and up. Geo. P. Lent. TIT Coroett tMg LoAN on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Purhs. 40 Cham, of Com. j0(l TO llO.oOt) VO LOAN, NO COM MI S SION. I. O. BOX 873. Gre.t BritIa Rjfct. R..Crrd. rI,UUt in U. S. P.l.nt Offle FINANCIAL. Money to Loan "47nattcla and Salaries CHRISTMAS MONKY. WB LOAN MONEY To salaried and workingmen on their personal note.v NO MORTGAGE. NO INDOR8ER. NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household (urniuiM. pianos, etc , without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. InvfNtigate pur modvrn monvy-lending meiliodb. It will cott no more now than if you wait ur.til .1 few days before CHRISTMAS. Open A. M. t-i 9 P. M. UNTIL XMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Licensed. 21S Fulling ituflding. S. E. Corner Third and Vahuurton St.- 'P' n Hvfiunk v tH'fn Kveninui ALARTES. CHATTELS and COLLATERALS. LO A N S ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, YICTROLA Automobiles and anything of value. Security In most cases left in your pos session. Loan companies, furniture com- ' pautes. automobile dealers, etc., paid off und ue advance you mure money. Kates reasonable. You pay us back in monthly installments No indorscrs; no delay: business confidential PORTLAND Loan COMPANY (Licensed). 306-307 bokum Uldtf. aia.-iihaU S2S6. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. - v.., ttark St. Established by Portland business xnsa to protect the borrower. C. Myers Ucrrmin. Mgr. Loans made uq houoehoid furniture, pi anos, diamonds and Jewelry. MONEY :o loan 0:1 anyihins of viue. immi rtes. all articles heid one year. Panama l.wn Offlro S4 Third. near oak. MONEY to luun on diamonds bv ri-K3uiiKiD. party. 5 per cent per annum, AG 731. Ore fcontan. MONEY 10 luan ou aiamonds. Jewclr; leKl rattr , nn Briicia nt-ii i ujr ; est at I iiiea sincelh8. Utn Marx. X3 Washington. MONEY loaned on piano Br.d furniture. W. A. Hathaway, room 2us Wash. bldr. A. Hajh a w ay, ruo m 2 u a GEO. H ARV r, V lottns money oti furniture and p.anos. Legal rates. Tabor ;iSo6. Loans Wanted. '.it3 YEARS A T. 6-rorn Tiiodrr. -om-r lot: Ins. flftorj. SMITH.WAGONfCK CO.. STOCK EX. WANTED $400, hot-. 2 year; 'irst rroriRHK on 20 acres. John Morgan, 770 's Williams KESPtJNSIBLE party wishes to borrow f.,V0 to 7o00 on close-in. Kwt Side property. Answer quirk. V so-, oresnian. fctlt: OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. WA NTED S'.oo, goud security for 6 months. AM el 2. Oregonian. 1 50 .imki on Itnprovfil r aidencf. anoun ts s'JOiki to fVXMi. H. K. Moonty. McKay Bldg. rrusoNAL D R 1 X K AND DRUG HABIT. Alcohuli&m. morphine, cocuume, pare goric, tobacco tn1 t I drug 1. a bits can positively be cured without suitrring or pa 1 n ; satisfaction ur. raatecl. st rict.y con f :.lentij.l, absolute privacy Write or phone Ioadway 3450. Gorse W. Derr, Mgr. N'i Institute, t'.l 7 Kearney Portland, or. HAIR GOODS. LOWKST PRICES. 20-jiicn wtivy switcn. scp SI. 45 Ail-ai oil nil t rsnstot mstkou 1.4i . H ah dressing, shampooing, fees massage. hir bo S' bin p. nnu ring. t;c. Ila:r is moved by eiuctrtc nt 11 iu. s itch mads ot combings. Hie. Sanitary pariors, 40U-41J l t-kuin tldg.. 3J and Wash. Mnrsliaii 17. WILL the lady who wants a suit, coat, drsss, wa:st or petticoat at w t)o;fae prices caJ at IV t prson's Manuf .-icturtirs Outlet ? HCoND FLOOR TAKE LIS ATOIL 20: PITTOCK BLOCK. Mali Orders Promptly Filled. TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Build up your ves kannl resistance. Sclentitic tninipu lurion f the body docs just that. lru siue Jns Li Lute, o7-s-0 I'lttock block. Elec tric cabinet baths and masbuir. Gtaaui4te nurse assistants. I'hone lroaaway3 lil. ELECTRICAL, galvanic, mineral. steam bath, scu-ntlflc nerve, organic and blood circulating massage, lucn. scalp and sham pooing. Pruf. Smith. 1 Stttlund o;dg. Main DHL 1 V1LL get both your feet fixed up good at Dr. KiUtn s. the Chiropodist that dotrsn t hurt you, "i years here, exam. free. Giobe Theater o.Iok-. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. r M ,f! L. LAMAR. L.l STH ST. SPIRITUAL A DV ISIS It. Instructions in the thtoy of health, sue nil and hu rniony. Ri;V. MRS. J. C. SClioUl. splraul adisr. IT, K l.'tili St. N.. t-or. K. Durnsidu St. Vuee- tton nietlng Sun., Tuci, Thurs., b P M. K st 3s4 . MKS. fr-TlSV KXS. years Portland's rc it owned t cue her of palmistry and crystal faxing, ha crystals for sale, aiso her (. Palmistry Made Kasy." 70 Taylor. AT cii ISS, jewelry, tc on partial pay ments: accept bonus not fully paid up as first pa mcnt. V. 11. Leh. -U ftfor Siling b!iic . tit h a ml A Id rr. Picn c ymun k. y r; h tT Z it AN Klil T. leauinK wig and toujo niuk'Ti. finest stock numan hair Koona. hauaressinK manicurlni:, face and , 1 ip t r. atmfiit. o4'. A :Nr. Mln R4V ANY person knowing the present addrcM of Mrs. W. H. Trg.wn. formerly living at 147.7 Union Hr North, will lu rewaiutd h .i tvtslng Uqx City. bCI t:TI KIC lrea tiling Rivt s concentration and cures all ntrvous ula'jrdeis. 4ii Mac 1 cr y 11 'i r. , WANTLD. H A H V r OK ADOPTION. Kron. 1 to 3 years, by wealthy couple, nef.-renees f xthi'U'i. AM sou Orr t; on : a . ML-3 Ml'l-'-l'N. f-clil and Si ejj t Tea t tile n is. mnniriirtnR. 4'iu plied ner bicif., Huh ana Vutilnctttti sts OKK'IRCDK, superfluous hair manicurluR. fa en and scalp. S-J l'.:eaner tlaa H: oad way Mj RtCr-r stt-ain i'tti, ma8JHJ3, viurntion, e. me tric and chiropractic tn city. Dr. ,Mr. saiet MaynU-. M7 wetland biug. Main lbi OK . DU A T fc. nurse treats lumio, etc Hours - iO & or by appointment Phons 'IlTl tu4W. fiat c. aoti a a. . boPiilt R. bUlP. spiritual advisnr. 0o (ioodnotiKh uiJg. Question mesUngs, Tues., prt.. W P. M. Marshall COX DH liLNA SoRLNriKN, 5 OS Panama Md. DrugUs mwthod ued for kMucys. rhuu matim. cnt i pat Ion Consul t a f.on f re. UK t'r.'"l'l t' unitfu rrrvnc muci Kiireau. only experienced peratlves ern p oved. '04 Pantntut ti.tlg. Mj.:ii SM'J. city. sr i'h.itl' l.UuUi hir. niuiti, warn removed by lo-ntL'dlo method. trl..l frf. J usio tin ley 61 tlilors blOg. Main 6? aU PliKr'LUoUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch's muitlpis necti.e method, indorsed hy physicians. 504 Swetlaud o:dg. LADY HA HUE ICS frhave Up. haircut ic. faco nmssaigq 3.c. triidn, cor. th. Do KaN'T Tom. Dick or Hairy pay you? u V collections. DeKum iidg. MAY ANDKKWri, phrenoiK.t aud card teacher. Mam 7S4V 'JJ Park st. M.Mr C.ULNr'LL relieves Itching mcn'u, dandruff. X&O FlU'dner bids. D d w y. ld.l. 1'lUMuUA DAi'M. formerly called Ralm of Pigf , Ji44 K. Ud. Sell wood 1:13 morn lit ga WA NT L I To atlopt new-horn baby ; splt-n-il !d home. S lfc 2. Oregonian. SCANDINAVIAN pool players wanted. -Oo Morrifon st. GLR MS lurk In dust. Rent a Hoover acuum and remove them. Mar. 'J 1W A DiC, coinn home ; mother may not !i . Karl.