14 the aioRyixo oklgoxiax, sionday, DECEsmmt 23, iois. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOINTANTS. JOHN E. CLARK, general and cost account Inir. 402 East Washington at. Phone F,at 841)0. ACCOKUIOX PLEATING HEMSTITCHIXK VK CUT, HEM, ASJj PLEAT KK1KTS AM' . BTYLF., FOH fi. HEMSTITCHING 10c PKIi STAIilj eastern koveltt co., s5h fifth ht. bdwy. 2000. agate cutters and mfg. jewelers. JKWELKY and watch lepairing. Millers, Wash, at.. Majestic Theater bids- ALFALFA 31KA1.. GKOt'NP FEEPS. HAY. WALTKH SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. Bi07l ANTIQUES AND ARTS. OLD BRASS, copper, curios, tapestry and art jewelry buuKht and sold. 302 Jd St. APl'KAIyjAUj. ETAXDAI1D APPliAISAL. COMPANY. Rail "y Bi. Bldg;. Phone Marshall ABSAVEK8 AND ANALYSTS. XOXTAXA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold. rllvr and platinum bought. " ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practlco In all courts. S02 Northwestern Bank bids;. BARBEh SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. buj and sell all kinds barber supplies. 20 -d. CANCER. 2.. M. JONES, M. 1). CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET CtKAMXO. RUGS -TV-- r ( .1 . 1- -. . I- , Vi a c, - a-A wUO made from you worn out carpets ay me onnwest Kug jo. tiormer - dress. 153 Vnlon ave.. Rag ruga woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refilling aud resizing. Mail orders solicited. ISfc East 8th. PHONE EAST 350, B 1280. FLUFF RUG CO. ZZXJFZ. I'ELLlLOm BUTTONS. THE 1RW1.N-I10DSON COMPANY. "87 Washington. Broadway 4ii4. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS WILLIAM, Estelle and Florelle LeVoney. Uie only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialists in lha city. Parlors 302 Oerllnger bidg.. southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1.101. JJR. GARTNER. Ingrown nails, bunions a specialty; toot arches marie- to order. Hll Swetland bldg., cor. 5th-Wash. Main 10S1. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. 1R. McMAHoN, Macleay bldg.. 10U chlro practlc. World's beat. Adjustments made - easy. Obstinate cases 50c rate, a 'circular letters. CRANE LETTER CO., 010-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 5822. 100 letters multlgraphed, tl.50. COAL. EOCK SPRINGS and Castle Gate coal; im mediate deliveries on large and email ord-ra. Central Fuel Co. Main 1600. DANCING. WHS. BATH'S Dancing .Academy. 308-H v Dekum bldg. Best instructors. Beginners' cJuss Tues. eve.; class party FrH eve. Les sons day or eve. by apoplntment. Phone Main l;(45. AL1SK.Y Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors, day and evening. Classes Friday even Ing. 2d floor Allsky bldg. 8 lessons. $5. JklKS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 10! 2d St. BaTH room and stage dancing. Clasa Tues., Fri. eve.; children especially. Main 2100. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. p ? Casseday, specialist: glasses fitted. 0Q E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B 133. E. 4734. EDUCATIONAL. ArniHtronir-IIfilmrM BUSINESS COLLEGE. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DL'BRClLLE BUGGY TOP CO.. t)th and Oak. COAL DEALERS. ' MENDOTA COAL CO.. 413 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 7472. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L.DINKELSP!ELD0.4Si tockroom and office 47 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St, HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., 105 Front St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CQf.Algth and Davis 3ts. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property Installment repayment prlvlltae If preferred; prompt, reliable servlco A. H. B1RRELL CO. 117-219 Northwestern Bank Building. Marahall 4114. A 4118. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE IX) AN 8, Insurance, Surety Bonds BOS WILCOX BLDG. Main 703. A S703. REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE, bouses and lota cheap. See the real estate office at 00th and Division ta. on Hawthorne ave. car. For Rale -Lota. BUILD IN LAURELHURST THIS SPRING. PLAN YOUR HOUSE NOW. I will aid you to finance and build; fret your LOT -FIKtiT as lot and surroundings should all harmonize. Laurelhurst is an addition of beautiful homes. I have sev eral choice lots for sale at a bargain; easy terms. For full information regarding our plan, see MACINNES. AT 39TH AND. GLISAN. Tabor or Tabor b19 fciun. and Kve. BELMONT BARGAIN. , Go look at N. E. corner of 55th and Belmont. 10txl00. all improvements paid; worth ti5X; no- building restrictions: must raise funds; S:SiH takes it. half ca.su. Owner. Main 9451. riNE corner lot. 45x115. one block to street car: cont $5.-.0: will sell for S400 if taken within o0 days, because I want to leave Portland. Come and see owner. 1871 McKenna ave. Take St. Johns car. $2-Cr f 25 DOWN. $5 per month, 50x100 lot. 100 feet N. of Burnside, facing W., on 83a. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDU, TWO good corner lots, good locality. Bdwy. For ISale -Hons TOWERING ABOVE ALL OTHER beautiful homes, stands this magnificent , 8-room Laurelhurst mansion. located on a " beautiful site close to the park. This place possesses distinctive architectural features not common in Portland ; 80x100 feet of ground, beautiful lawn and shrubs. This place has never been occupied. PHONE EAST ITOatt. FOR SALE FARM. 30 acres of finet bearing apple orchard. Standard varieties, with 10 acres In tim ber, adjoining, in excel lent fruit district, convenient to transportation. This Is a first-class property and will prove a good Investment. Apply State Bank of Lyle. Lyle, Wash. CORNER lot and house at 777 E. Market st. and Twenty-fourth, one block from car; fHxi rooms, sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; hard-surfaced streets. This in an excellent property and must be sold. John U.M in, administrator. 5u7 Spalding bldg. : LAURELHURST. New 6-roomed bungalow- Just being finished, with garage, all modern and up to date. If you are looking for a home, come and Inspect this at 18fi Hazelfern place, one block north of Gllsan st. T. B. Winshlp. UEST BUY IN ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with garage; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch. . living-room, df ntng-room and Dutch kitchen. Modern to the minute. . EAST 2085. 4 ROOMS partlv furnished: bath, basement, attic; lot 75xl0t. Pric J150U. half cawh: j blocks to Rose City car. Call evenings nd Sunday all day. 73S E. 7Sth N. Tabor 47- " DEL A HUNT for perfect homes. East 1347. ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP. TT AT T-T TT T .WCTT T C. rn 81 North Flrat WL.. Portland. Or. (,(, Rew4ndlnsr and Electrical Reonlr- 1 Vss1 'Pair- i V Bick.iai l . i?co u nuuuL u v - jr used motors. Bdwy 1045. A in-n. t- A- J ll.l.!'. It. SELECT rotted manure, roses, lawns and gardens delivered, big truck loads. E. 538. WELL-ROTTED cow atid horse manure de llvered. full or half truck load. Mar. 1332 HA H' KIG AND KAC. Itl G FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established l'JOX Fluff rugs and rag rues woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 3."i6, 11 12S. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion Fide pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 210 Pittock block. Broadway 100O MATTRESSES F LUFFED. MATTRESSES fluffed In one day. Guaran teed. Lowest prices In town. Eaat 2376. MOVING. 1.30 pr hour; auto van. Sellwoed 1769. aiusii,. EMIL THIEI.HORN, violin teacher, pupli Sevelk. 207 Fiiedner bldg. Bdwy. 1621). OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronasu on the kn.l. nf rnn.Vil. lorvlc. Th .11- s:mrl gtf KnilRtlefi natrons. A trial will convince. Clias. W. Goodman, Optometrist. 201 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. IK3 Broadway bldg. Kheuma tlsm, female disorders, akin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. 80 increased efficiency; druglem treatment. Goitre, paralysis, head ache, tonsllitls. Dr. Walters. 306 Swetlaad bldg. Marshall 42. Pl.l MHING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 77. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100V4 Front street, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. nTtrfWrrTwTlBAllTES & company, rnlll I 1.1 J 1st and Oak sts. Main 16.-.. A 11S SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HDW. & FUHN. CO., 221 Front Street. We buy and sell everything In the hard ware aarl furniture line. Phone Mala It!72. A 7174. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. AMERICAN TRANSFER & STORAGE. We do hauling of alt kinds in or out of the city. Baggage and furniture moving our specialty; 7 days' free storage. Get our prices. We hurry. Broadway 4133 30! Oak St. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St. corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or llt. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insutance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINE. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. OF flee 1S9 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents, phone Main 16'jl. PACKING MOVING STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 105 Park St. Main 5195, A 1051. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-454 Gllsan St. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew. elry. Condition no object. Repairs a spe cialty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 4401 Wash. St. NATIONAL FUEL CO. East 2041. Short blocks, mixed slab, good furnace wood. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. HlMBlNu AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 64-88 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sta WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & PL Co.. 172 First St. MORGAN WALL PAPER Co.. 230 2d St. BEAL ESTATE. I'ot tiaie -House. A BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER. Is a real home, H rooms, full cement basement, good furnace, and vegetaole room; hardwood floors reception hall, den and built-in bookcaseu; living-room with fireplace, dining-room, beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, white enamel lavatory on both floors ; nice front and back porch, 3 bedrooms upstairs, with 3 closets; sewing room and large bath, all white enamel ; sleeping porch screened in. full attic, nice, larpe lawn; block and half, from Sandy blvd. ; located on one of the best streets la Rose City 1'ark. Tabor 2184. 514 E. 47th St. North. MODERN 5-room cottage; full concrete base nient, lot 50x100, surrounded by a large tract or vacant property, on prominent county road, in trood residence district: house now vacant, which I will sell for $1800. This is an exceptionally good buy, as I can arrange terms to suit, ee the owner at 404 l-'iatt bldg. LAURELHURST. $460i SIX ROOMS MODERN" bungalow, close to Laurtilhurst Park; be-iutifOlly finished in OLD IVORY; best of construction. Price Includes all street assessments. EAST 2030. FOR SALE Rose City Park. 7-roora house. modern and good condition, big living room, dining-room, hardwood floors, pass pantry, Kitcnen ana laundry on tirst floor. aoove 4 Deurooms wnu Dig cioset ana win dow off each; bath and linen chest ; screened sleeping porch; $4700. Terms. No agents. Tabor 3674. QUARTER block, desirable location, close In on East Side; improved with D-room mod ern dwelling, with large attic; 1 flat buildings. t flats. 4. 5 and 6 rooms: all improvements in and paid : income over SLMio per month. Price $23.M0; liberal terms 20r. U. S. Bank bldg. A BUNGALOW IN LAURELHURST. 8 rooms, near Laurelhurst park, price $4 ft 50, which Includes everything. Modest initial payment will put you in possession; reasonable terms on the balance. MR. BROWN, 270H STARK. Phone Main 17"o or eve. Tabor 59. SEE these two new bungalows I am build lng on Ivon st,, between E. 38th and E 89th. 1 oiock from Richmond car; modern from A to Z, ready rood ; buy now and select your own colors, fixtures, etc; paved street. !,0xl00 lot. Tabor 194. 1 ACRE with home, on 74th st. at Luther station ; terms; $SO0. 5-room house and lot 50x100, 7 fruit trees, $2500; terms; Grand ave., near Fremont. Owner, 504 E Clay st. G. H. Weisz. FOR SALE SNAP. $1350 7-room house and 2 full lots In Reservoir Park Addition. Sold on easy payments: fruit, flowers and berries. Call owner, phone Woodlawn 574. FOR SALE One acre ground. 7-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit, berries, sell all or part, as desired, terms if required. Broadway 3682. $740 GLENCOE dlst., close to SS car. small house, garage, wood shed, small lot, no shack, no mud, some cash. Bal. $15 per mo. 207 E. 45th st. HAWTHORNS DIST. 35TH ST. $2550. 5 large rooms, large lot ; room for ga rage; vacant. Owner. Tabor 8824. MODERN 0-room bungalow, Laurelhurst district ; clear; $3250; terms. Owner. Broad way 2S90. HOME. Irvlngton district, for $9O0: corner lot and small house, all clear: must be sold to ctoe an estate. East 851. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern home from owner. $SO00. Make your own terms. Ta bor lO'VT. or call G29 E. 51st st. N. 4-ROOM modern cottage In Mllwaukle to trade for liberty bonds; no reasonable of fer refused. AH 784. Oregonian. IN Monta villa. 5-room modern cottage. 50x 100, fruit trees. Owner. AG 739. Oregonian. IRVINGTON. HOMES. East 894. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. RKAT. ESTATE. For Sale -Hous LAURELHURST LAURELHURST! 937O0 All street Improvements Included; modern bungalow. 5 rooms, sleep ing porch and garage. Big value at 37oO; only 70U cash and 35 per month. $4000 Including all street Improvements, six rooms, modern bungalow, finely located, best -of construction and beautifully finished In old Ivory. At that price It la a bargain; terms. $6300 A very choice bungalow: not large, but exquisite In all of Ha appoint ments; o rooms and sleeping: porch; garage. A refined home, for re fined people. MACINNES. AT 33TH AKD CLISAN. Tabor 34:13 or Tabor 8619. Sun, or Eves. $6000 Gopd home, with quarter block. lOOx 100 feet: 7 rooma.- itt-alory residence, kept right up to date; white enamel fin lih: all window hangings finest quality. Included: grounda well improved with much Imported ahrubbery. well grown. There la no Incumbrance on this property and can make favorable terms. Located on Eaat Taylor at., good neighborhood. Call Mala 831 . after P. M.. Sellwood 34. 2875 HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE ?2S75. 6- room modern home, F. C. baaement, furnace, white enamel plumbing, elect, and gas, paved street, sewer and sidewalk In and paid, no liens: a snap (worth 4(00i; must, be sold by Janunry 1. Total price J2875. $400 will handle. No. 1036 Eaat Grant. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLIXS. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. IN LAURELHURST 7 - room bungalow with sleeping porch and garage: modern In every respect; fln Irhed In oM ivory; close to park: price $."..'jO0, $100O will handle, balance on terms about like rent. If lntereated. permit ma to sell you this. MR. BROWN. 270 H STARK. Phone Main 17o0 or eve. Tabor S9. S1O0 CASH. 1S month, buys nice 6-room house. Price $1350. corner. Mt. Tabor car, N. E. cor Both and Oak. Tabor r-54. For Salf Business Property. ON AN ACRE TRACT MODERN SUBURBAN HOME Bungalow type. 6 rooms and sleeping porch and attic root. Fireplace, splendid kitchen, full basement, laundry trays. Highly Improved grounds, tberriea and fruit) chicken house, cow-barn and garage. Gaa. pressure water and electric lights. Close to school. Price only $4250. Half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 4th & Stark, Main 20S. A 2050 FOR the beat suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon City car, third house north of Rlsley atatlon. FOR FALBor trade, atore building and lot at 737 Eaat 72d St.. Portland. Write A. 8. Wert. Yakima. Wash. Suburban Homes. 10 ACRES near Mootavtlla, non-resident wants offer, is anxious to aell. believe fine bargain can be obtained. Hart, 10 Ch. of Coin. Tel. Marshall 1585. iror Sale -Acreage. 6c AN ACRE CASH. Texas school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 yeare. but 3 per cent Interest; eend c postage for further Information. Investor Pub. Co.. Desk 24. San Antonio. Texas. $16 PER A., 37 A. Near Vader. main line N. P.. Cowlltl Co.; a bargain: small payment 'down. Owner. Tabor 8S24. , 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Run water, located Just south of Lenta. 6131 U2d at S. L. Thomas Allen. lT" ACRES, all under plow, house and barn, two blocks to car. want West Side vacant lot. close in, owner 187 North 17th. FOR SALE 20 acres, highly Improved. 1 mile eaat of center ot Forest Grove, on Oregon Electric. AK 831. Oregonian. For Sale V arms. FOR tiALE MT LEWIS COUNTY, WAS A., FARM. This farm contains nearly 40 acres of very rich soil, 25 acres bottom land, bal ance pasture and orchard, wit a excellent fruit; also small fruits. Improvements consist of 9-room modern house, plastered and finished in mission -stained wood; has large fireplace, hot and cold water, toilet and bath on second floor, up-to-date fixtures; large wash house adjoining. Large barn 65x63 feet, equipped with 14 stanchions for cows (room for more) and stalls for 6 horses; also space for about 50 tons of hay; large chicken-house; all these buildings have running water furnished from springs on farm by gravity system; smokehouse, hog house and other buildings. Graded school adjoining this farm; sltu .A.i ; ii. mii frnm f he citv of Centralia and 10 miU-s from Portland. On milk route and telephone line. Excellent place for general farming or dairying, and would make an ideal home, being situated In the fertile Salzer Valiey. Price $50. Terms, $000 cash, balance on time. Ad dress : A. E. ROBSON. P. O. Box 65. Centralia. Washington. DEEP-THINKING, far-seeing men are now looking to Jlfc-Ait-u, me mi upihb " and conditions settled, and are buying up fine aKiicultural lands and holding them. They predict Mexico's future will be de termined at the peace conference at er sailles and that one of the greatst land booms in history will take place in Mexico. You can secure lands at tr j right price now and we will contract to farm them for you on shares, which will net you ap proximately $o25 per year for an invest ment of $5O0. which Is secured by a deed for land improved and In crop. Terms can be arranged, half cash, balance easy terms. How can we do this? Cheap land, cheap labor. splendid transportation facilities (Southern Pacific It. K , an ideal climate and high market prices for our products. Do your thinking now. ANDERSON A HUNTER. 800 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., city. YOUR CHANCE IN CANADA Rich lnds an business opportunities offer you inde pendence. Farm lands $11 to $30 acre, irrigated lands. $35 to $50; 20 years to pay; $2000 loan in improvements. Loans of livestock. Taxes average under 20 cents n arre; no taxes on Improvements, personal property or livestock. Good markets. !.v,.,r-H. trhonU. roads, telephones. Ex cellent cl!raata crops and livestock piovs it. SpeclaJ homeseekeis- rare ceruucaiM. Write tor free booklet. Allan Cameron. General Superintendent Lsnd Branch. Ca nadian Pacific Ry- 403 Ninth ave.. Cal gary. JUberta: --------.- STOCK RANCH IN LAKE COUNTY. OREGON 840 acres, nearly all fenced; 2.-5 acres cleared of sagebrush. 00 seeded to rye. 40 prepared for seeding in Spring; open range, free wood 3 miles away; good well with gasoline pump and windmill. 4-room house, barn, outbuildings, farm machinery. 6 head of horses; good country roads. Will sell for $o50 and consider part trade. Address M. E. Heaton. C60 Colman bldg., Seattle. Wasa: FOR S.VLE Eastern Oregon wheat land, larfce or small tracts. Improved and mrmt pDith np term s. 1 drujr store, in town of 15K) inhabitants; 1 Vancouvea Wash . modern residence: 160 acres, beat fruit and farm ranch In Clarke Co.. Wash. Call owner. J. A. Richmond, Imperial Hotel. . FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE A good farm of 120 acres, 'about 20 acres under cultivation, balance good pasture; good barn, fair house, fine creek and spring on the land; place is 6 miles from Camas, Wash. Price only $35 per acre. Geo. T. Moody & Co.. Washougal. Waah. 10-AC RE prune ranch at Orchards. Wash., near dryer, on good road; situated In cen ter of prune district of Clarke County. A sure and growing Income is a certainty; price $3500. AG 720, Oregonian. Phone evenings, E. 3779. 1G0 ACRES logged-off land. $4000. Columbia River Highway and fine stream run through property. Will consider Portland house or close-In acreage In trade. Hart. 1H0 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Marshall 1585. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $75 to $2'0 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. M c Fa Hand. 14Q8 Yeoo bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE Willamette Valley farm at ex treme, sacrifice price by owner. Will pay agent's commission; good place. BO S2S. oregonian. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable, employ menu easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. FOR SALE. CHEAP Little dairy ranch. 1 hour's ride from Portland. Come look at this. Call Woodlawn 106S. FOR SALE, cheap, cash or terms, lease of 540 acres, stock and machinery; 50 acres in cultivation. Call 705 Gaico bldg. 40 ACRES land, with 2.000.000 feet Umber. 2V miles east of Woodland, Wash. Easy terms. Call East 5593. TINE 100-acre Willamette Valley farm. Owner. 633 E. 13th at N. East 4844. 60 ACRES land 1 mile from city limits; $100 per acre. A V 301 Oregonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, close to Port land, 2' miles from carllne. o. & c. land. For sale at bargain. Bdwy. 5139. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM, near town in Willamette Valley. Route 2. box H-2. Dallas. Or. WANTKl -REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE cash buyers for houses; yours mipht suit. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A. WARR1NER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I SPECIALIZE TN FINE HOMES In Laurelhurst. Irvlngton and Rose CHv Park. My offices are centrally located. My salesmen are courteous, experienced, effi cient. My llat of clients for good homes large. For prompt service and quick re sults list with PAUL C. MURPHY. 270 H STARK. Phone Main 17O0 or A 1515. YOU HAVE A HOUSE TO SELL? It la my bualness to sell it. Let us get together. You will rind my service prompt, courteous, efflcent. I have a number of buyers waiting for houses from $20oo up. Careful attention given to each listing. PAUL. C. MURPHY. 270H STARK. Phone Main 1700 or Home A 1515 WANTED. " We have clients, with cash, waiting on our llBta for 5 and 6-room modern bunga lowa at reasonable pricea. Now. If yours la for sale, why not list with ua? NEW YORK LAND CO.. 303 Stork Exchange bldg. Main 767B. WE have a customer for a 4 or o-room bun galow. Roae city Park or Hawthorne dis trict preferred. Will pay from $3i0 to $500 cash, balance monthly. What have you? Northwestern Trust Company. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517 and ask for Mr. Padden. farms Wanted. MR. FARMER! We are the !arg;eat farm dealers In the city of Portland. A peep at our ads or a trip to our office will convince you. Why not Hat your farm with uaT If It la a real bargain we can aell lu Why live In hopea from others when we can get you Immediate) action? Send ful1 particulars to WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. A. O. Bender, HITTER. LOWE at CO.. 503-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACHES, suitable for loganberries, vi cinity of Sllverton, Woodburn. Salem, Hillsboro. Forest Grove or McMlnnville. Particulars and terms. Y 832. Oregonian. Wanted te Kent Farm a. FARMERS. ATTENTION. I have three thoroughly experienced firmer, with cash money ready to bay stock and Implements and pay eaah for rent and Fall seeding. If any. Send me particulars and I will rent your (arm without delay. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. hitter. Lowe a co.. S03-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RESPONSIBLE- party wants to rent 40 acres, mostly paature, hog fenced, good Improvements, on hard road within 20 miles of Portland. Phone Main 6788. ON SHARES, grain, alfalfa or stock ranch; state proposition have to offer; experi enced party. X 298. Oregonian. "WANT to rent, close in on Fast Side. 15 or 20 acres with buildings. Woodlawn 5177. TIMBER LANDS. MONTANA experienced farmer wants to rent general farm ; will stock and equip; pay cash or share crop; write full partlcu lars. A i58. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. 304 McKay mat. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE- GOOD trade at th Real Estate Exchange, 325 Railway Exchange Bldg. 7 A. at Su Louis Station. $l4O0; honse at Med ford, $t4'ii; lot and building at North Plains, $100; 2 lots at Bay City, $5O0; acre on East 73d m., 8-room house, not completed. $llm; 0-room house in Sunnynlde, $3750; 1000 other trades. Ask for Myers. . 70 ACRES, chicken, wheat, timber, pear, grape land ; some cleared ; state roads : cloe in; springs; title unincumbered; trade for 3 or acres rich Improved, hnuae. no Incumbrance, north of Roseburg. Address Machinist. Box B. 188 Caruthers. GOOD brick apartment-house at a sacrlfic; income over $300 per month; price $24.O0i. Will take $10,000 clear property, bal. mtg. Owners apply at 417 Chamber of Com. WILL trade $500 clear warehouse and resi dence lots for city or farm lands. What have you? X 30S, Oregonian. 4-0 ACRES of stump land and cash for a house In Portland. Tabor 6233. or 6 E 72d st. North. TO EXCHANGE MISCEIXANOCH. FI KST mortgage, worth $C0O, to trade for player piano. Marshall 5019. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. SALE cheap or exchange, 40 head of good horses and mules from 5 to 12 years old and from H00 to 150O. All kinds of har ness and wagons. Will accept part cash, balance on ti me. Everything guaranteed as represented. Phil Smith, Crown ta bles, 2S. Front et. Wo have 15 head horses right out of hard work, several well-matched teams that we wilt sell cheap at the model stables. East tb and Flanders. $125 BIG team blacks, mare and horse, both good workers, single or double. crown stables, 2K5 rtont st. 8 FRESH cows, sale or trade for beef cattle. lake Vancouver car to Columbia boule vard, go one block north. THREE pigs and shuat, shoat weighing over loo pounds. Address E. C. Smith. Linne- mann station. DEAD hor&es and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quick; cash paid for cows ana crippled horses. labor 4 ZOd. TWO fresh cows, giving three gallons or bet ter, 4 CO each, at Eaat ith and Flanders sts STANDARD-BRED mare cheap. Call Sun v. Fnshlon Stable, llth and E. Flanders, GO iD pentle 1 100-lb. all-around work Horse, $25. 0100 84th St. S. E. FREE RED SEAL RECORDS. $50 collection of new Red Seal and Blue Ribbon records. Superb collection. consistlne of 3i of the treat est violin and vocal solos and best ay m phony orchestra records will go free with a beautiful new Columbia electric grafonola, $145 model at $135 cash. This is a wonderful bargain ana must be seen ana neard to be ap predated. 1255 E Couch at, Phone Tabor USED PIANO BARGAINS. J. C. Fischer $143.00 Ainsworm, manogany 24. uu Ehrhardt, oak case 18W.50 Strauss &. Sons, large size ....... 250. oo Corl, like new 278.00 Many other hlKh-arade. sllKhtly used pianos at especially attractive prices and special Lnnnimaa terms. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 Washington l. Phone Broadway 750. FOR SALE OR TRADE. KIMBALL ORGAN, OLD VIOLIN. STEWART BANJO. WASH BURN GUITAR AND MANDOLIN, TROMBONE AND CORNET. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4405. PLAYER PIANOS LESS THAN TUB VALUS Auto player, oak. $333. Thompson (better than new) $43T. Music bench Included with each. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill 8t WE HAVE Just the record you have been looK.titc for A clear and noiseless on Come In and let us demonstrate these OKeH records. Ask anyone who has heard hem how wonderful they are., The Sahl strom Corporation, 405 Morrison st. OWING to r'.cknesa I have to sacrifice my piano ; have a high-grade baby grand, will sell cheap for cash. Mrs. Hall, phone Sell. 3115, 1006 E. 17th sU So. Sellwood car. EXCHANGE your silent piano for a new, all record Brunswick phonograph and have music in your home for the holidays. Houle Bros., 106 10th il, near Morrison. Main 2S20. REMEMBER your friends with an Okeh record put In a fancy Xmas box. "Smiles" fox trot now in. Open evenings until Xmas. The Sahlstrom Corporation, 405 Morrison. FINE NEW COVERED MAHOGANY . TALKING MACHINE. INCLUDING 15 DOUBLE DISC RECORDS, $60 VALUE. SELL FOR $33 CASH. CALL 328 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. $550 PIANO, highest grade, standard make, used 2 months, perfect condition; sell far below half. Positively best bargain In Portland. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. $12.50 CASH sends new piano home, $12.50 next payday, then $8 or $10 month after January 15. constitutes our reduced Christ mas terms. Bchwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth. AUTO piayer-plano, been used but lu fine condition. $240. Best bargain In city. Fine Xmas gift. Soiile Bros., 100 loth at., near Morrison. WILtTVaT CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS SE1BERLING LUCA3 MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. $100 CASH or more paid for good. used, up right pianos by the Security Storage Co, Call Main 5323. 109 4th sU WOULD take best care of a piano for the use of it. No children; good references. Call Main 4038. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. 12 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TAF.OR 07V. CABINET TALKING MACHINE WANTED. Pay spot cash. AH 79o. Oregonian. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. KENT a piano, no square or thump boxes Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill at I PAYCASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S GILBERT. 384 Yamhill st. MAHOGANY cabinet phonograph, good rec ords, cheap for cashl East 1318. FOR SALE. Planoa, Organs stud Musical Instrument a. $25 CASH buys good. need. $123 parlor organ. $.15 cash buys used (250 Angelua Player. $t5 cash, small, used. f-'75 upright piano. $75 cash, small, uaed. $300 upright plana. $1U0 cash, uaed Kimball $400 upright piano. $275 cash, uaed Crown $.'0t) uptight piano. $265 cash, new stored 1450 upright piano. $296 caah, new atored $475 upright piano. $395 caah, nearly new S750 player piano. $465 cash, nearly new $950 player piano. Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for caah only. Storage 50c month. Phone Main 6323 SECU RITY STORAGE CO.. 100 th at. WILL there be a Victroia In your borne sr Xmas? Our easy plan wi:i solve the ques tion. Hyatt Talking .Machine Company, 350 Alder. Furniture for Sale. ONE fine Monarch range with gas attach ment, cost 1.5. for $i5; one fine Spanish leather arm chair and rocker to match. cost itH). for $0: one hand -painted Jardiniere, cost $5. for $25; one fine quar tered oak sideboard, cost $250. for $75; one oak paneled porch swing with chains. $10; one Uxl2 Persian-Anglo rug, cost $1.50. for $75. at 113 N. 22d. between John son & Kearney. OFFICE furniture closing out offices of the .American .-soveiiy to., consisting or rod top desks, flat-top desks, chairs, etc., one fine 72-inch quartered oak sanitary roll top desk and revolving chair, cost $15. for $5. Inquire at loom 20ti Stock Ex- cnanpe DJtlg, FRENCH embroidered draperies, suitable for innstmas Kitts, also genuine English Wil ton and Peking carpets. Phone ul W, Mil waukle. FOR SALE $20. good 6 -hole rauge, with con. iirana ave. jn. HOUSEHOLD goods, 13o E. bth st. North, ouuiawn. FURNITURE tor pale, flat tor rent; good location. .Mam osn logs. Kahhita, Birds. Pet Mock. CANARY, cheerful, constant singers, deep yenow or mumea. line present. 1001 E. 27th North. CHOICE cannrles at the Canary Bird Shop. JI.fl r. .'U ST. . kj i, i . CANARY BIRDS for sale cheap. Call Main 4051. FOR SALE Orange canaries, good singers. i-nono r.nst itai'. Typewriter. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now; Immediate deli vry. reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. w 1. 1. ii a .TV r. a, soii on montmy payments; setid for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wasli. St. RE BUI L.T typewriter and sup pi lea Corona oaiers. ,. w. pease CO., t-ixth. ALL makes typewriters rentod and repaired urfgon i ypowriting co., W4A ith. Main 3tt8 NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut ratep. y. D. Co.. 2:tl Stark St. Main 1407. OLIVER typewriter. In good condition. riroauwav 4'hio Miscellaneous. FURNITURE I.IKE NEW. CHEAP FOR CASH. 1 China closet. 1 Library table. 1 Writing desk and bookcase. 1 Writing desk. 1 Bed and springs. 1 Shoe ma ker's sewing machine. 1 Singer sewing machine. 1 Oliver No. 3 typewriter. 1 1'iauo. TUB BAGGAGE SHOP, 288 3d St., near Columbia. ROOFING PAPER- ALL NEW. i-piy $ .os 2-ply 1.20 8-P.ly 1.45 -an and cement 2 c per roll extra. Smooth surface no cheap sanded stock. M . B A R D E & SONS. I NC . THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS PORTLAND S ONE BIG SUPPLY HoUSE A UA.ui' Christmas present for boy; a full rigged, four-mast, handmade ship, over 3 ft. Jon if. A n exact ft.i.v in tvrv wn v Has lifeboat, anchor, propeller, etc. ; took over six months to make. This will make some boy a dandy, interesting Christmas present; need the money and will lake $15 ior same. r.ast FERTILIZER. OLD. ROTTED MANURE FOR OA RDKN. LAWNS. A larre graven ger load or dirt wagon lowu. utiirrreu. I'lione feast ;..?. 6E W ! machines. dw and sec nd-bnd. sotd for less; no scents omDiotuk com. plete line of parts tor all makes; machines rpaire. ana rented. Main H431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1Q Sd. near Taylor Street. I AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. 1 can solve your servant problem. My name Is the THoR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. You can learn all about m oy leiepnoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co. wiring, electric repairing. Bdwy. 2986. HAVE several thousand tons of good al fa if a hay for sale, $22 per ton t. o. o. Shoahone, Idaho; freight-rate to Portland $6.10 per ton Percy Gea.ett. Shoshone 'UKQO. FOR SALE Fine hardwood fuel wood. $7 p-r cor a. ueiiverea on haru-surrace road, a 1 1 cut and realy for ttove or furnace. Western Ship Supply Co., 1130 Moody st. i-iione juain -ooi. OR SALE Lady's full-length evening coat, color, old roae. satin lined : very large white fox fur collar and cuffs; excellent condition. Price $4. East 3140. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good service able condition, ao-ital.. 40-aal.. si 201 Adams St., east end steel bridge. Phone EXCEPTIONALLY fine 30-fool clear glass showcase; also National cash register and Oavton scale. Tor sale. teo t hem today Cascade Grocery. 3d and Yamhill. FOR SALE Sealskin coat, large size, cost b00, will take half for it; must aell, am leaving city. Broadway 3U82. &-DRAWER. drop-head Sinner sewinc ma chine, good condition, reasonable, b Eaat JMU St. BEAUTIFUL Turkish rug. cost $180, will sell lor vt.; fine Xmaa preseut. Room 3u8 Multnomah Hotel. UI-MlI'TIFUL black opal dinner ring with 10 cfamond". cost $225; $J5d cash or liberty bonds. Phone Woodlawn 1319. FOR SA LE Fertilizer from Union Stock yards for lawns and gardens; prompt ser vice. Phone Tabor 50-9O evenings. FOR SALE Dairy manure. Portland Gar bage Co.. 92!! E. 15to st. N. Woodlawn 2ti93. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phono orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. PIPE, all sizes, coils and short orders made and installed, all work guaranteed; plbg. supplies. 229 Front. Ma.n 6277. SMALL graphophone and set of dinner dishes aud dozen sheets, lady's suit, new raincoat. 12 years. 552 Morrison. DIAMOND ring, aimot carat, pair of small diamond earrings, opal ring and lavaltlere. 552 Morrison. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st sc. corner Yamhill. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wal leases, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qulgley, 227 First- Main 6399. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO., tailoring for sale In Portland at 409 E- Morrlaou. Turn in your old, worn suit. WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co- i28 Front. " FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark at. LARGE quantity good hog feed for sale; ex cellent Winter pastuis tor rent. Frank L. fcmitli. 228 Alder st. ' HAND-MADE fancy work; orders taken for sweaters. 310 Tilford bldg.. loth and Mor rison. SLEDS for Xmas, 75c each. Gerber, 55 9th st. N. Bdwy. 1873. SEVERAL good second-hana safes at the right price. 46 Front at. Broadway 1966. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex" changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main eibi CASH OR TRADE FINE BICYCLE. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. HAVE several boxes fine fresh home-grown apples; selling cheap. Main 2212. VIOLIN for-- sale, $15; and also a nice wardrobe trunk. $25. Main 1962. FOR SALE Feather bed. Call Woodlawn 508. BROWN fox fur, new, less than cost. 375 Taylor st, BEAUIFUI, gen -line red fox fur. practically new. very cheap. Call Main 5270. XMAS trees. 50c to $2. delivered. Call East 1388, Bush or Stewart. 164 Union ave. FOR SALE Baby carriage and baby bed; cas plate. 3 holes. 272 Mill. BEAUTIFUL Havlland china, bric-a-brac, cut-glass, valuable books, etc. Bdwy. 2295. MARTHA Washington beans. 1V per pound, fireless cooker. Phone 61 W. Milwauk le. FOR SALE Reasonable, two-pot fireless cooker, almost new. Eaat 7'44. FOR SALE Few nice pieces of sil vera are. Broadway 4139. MANURE, rotted or green, by load or sack. Mam 7320 afl--r 6 P. M. WARNING Is riven against buyuir or sell ing any furniture without determining whether articles are fully paid for; fur niture bought on conditional sale and sold before final payment Is a criminal offenso. N. W. Kurn. Dealers' At-s'n. Main 3603. FOR PALE AUTOMOBILES. STOP LOOK- DO TOU WANT A BARGAIN TV 1JH MODEL CAR? THIS IS W UAT WE HA E; 1J18 OVERLAND SIX. 3OO0 MTTFS. 118 LIBERTY. RUN 24f0 MILES. 1IS BUK'K 7-PASS.. RUN 450G MILES. MHO COLE 7-PASS.. RUN 6OO0 MILES. ALT-. THESE CARS AT A SACRIFICK AND KASY TERMS CAN BE AR RANGED. DAVTKL SALES AGENCY. 04 Broad wav. Itroadwuy 3994. OPEN EVENINGS. . FEW SACRIFICES WK MUST MAKE IMMEDIATELY. TERMS CAN BE AR RANGED: 1 7-PASFENGER PACKER. 1914- 1 6-PASSENGER CHALMERS. 1914. WgFT C CAN GUARANTEE THEM TO P-E TV VINE MECHANICAL SHAPE ALL CORD TIRES. DANIEL SALES AGENCT. 81 Broadway. Broadway 2994. OPEN EVENINGS. THIS IS TOUR CHANCE. TMa Is one of the best buys In the truck market. 1917 Ford, chain drive, l-ton truck, with roaiiKfr hony cmplet : Uni versal filler in front tires. This truck hs four speedsv gfvtntr it unlimited pow-r: am leaving eny and tnut sell. tifi'-vy. S'Jtil REPUBLIC truck. I9t. one-ton. like new. with too and special motor; driven less than 1 '.IMl milaa- -a-.iA... 1 ? T Ik - price $1 rtoo, liberty bonds taken. Some terms. Box 110 or Malu 50. Estacada, Oregon. FOR S A LE A rea I snn p. I cn't miss tt '. One 1U17 Overland, has run about 84io miles. Had aood care and looks almo-t like new. All four tires filled with Uni versal Tire Filler. Guaranteed KiO.i'HiO mile. For only $49V Phone Sellwood WHY NOW 1. 2. 8. 4. . I. 12-CYL, MOTORS? Bring me your in-chauical and ei.-etrleal troubles; no itue work. Woodlawn 13 10. E. J. Morln. 945 Gantenbein avenue. BU1CK 1.U8 DEMONSTRATOR. This car is just out of thu arnish room and has over $1'0 worth of extra equipment; has seen only liuht service on pavement o nd looks and run like new. Phone I. M. Smith, at Broadway 113. WE will p- y spot cash for car. any ! :pht make. Why leave your car anvwhere to be sold when you can get cash bv driving it to 525 .Alder si. A I Auto Works and Fainting Co. Bdwy. 2797. SALESMEN Are you earning $50 per week? You can, and more; we have two positions for Al salesmen to represent a hlK h grada proposition: no collections. Apply after 4 P. M. -Q2 Worcester bldg. FORD AUTO WANTED. Will pay cash and new Victroia, Bruns wick Grafonola or Ellison phonograph and record for Ford. The Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder st. ONE-TON delivery truck, enclosed bodv, to lease without driver. 121 N. 3d st. Bdy. 2U2y. 1918 FORD SF.DAN $695. My 1918 5-pasa Ford closed car. In ex ceptionally good mechanical condition, good tires, for $605; $370 cash, balance terms. Tabor 7130. I'jl 7 MoDKL. a hih-pi iced beautiful 1 2 cy Under 7-passenKer car at a reasonable price; I would tJtke In exchange rnort . garo or any other good security. Call 1 :bor 3'.5H. 1917 FORD touring car in best of condition; shock absorbers, new top and seat covers; 1 1 res almost new. If you want a h.i main, se this car. 190 N. 22d st. Main 2143. FOR SALE Fine Maxwell 1917 touring car, $'.50. Overland 4 touring. 1917. Auto Mtorat? 95. General repair shop. Garage 3 84 1 0th st. . LIGHT Oakland Six. In first-eiass condition, cheap, if sold before X mas. 29". u llth st., cor. Columbia, Sunday, or 102 Union ave. Monday. W'INTON SIX. cheap; good paint and top. 2 new tires, xood condition, w ill demon strate : also Peerless Six cheap. Phone East 3!0. Call mornings. DoPGH roadster, 1918, first-class, $;m0. Dodge touring. 191S. leak-proof rings; good all over. $!k0. These cars will stand the tept and are rijeht. Box 19.. Estacada. Or. USED CAR.S The street Is full. Give fhem the once over. 0th and Couch. MOTORS, it ears, bearings, wheeis, axles: w wreck all makes of cars and !! their pa-ts at half price. David llodes Co North Broadwar and Flanders. A lode roadster In Al condition, driven only 11,0M miles, for sale rh.-ap by owner. 661 Johnson t., Bioadway 3547. EQUITY in 1917 Overland. Looks like new. Condition first-class. 5 ttres, 7 tubes. Bargain. leaving etty. Tabor 227. SOLDIERS WANTED. Returning soldiers desiring positions call 2"2 Stevens bldg. 191 5 FOR D tour I ng. In first -el ass rood it ion. Price. $295 cash. A. H. Bungolf. ltio 2d st.. Crown Waffle Houfe. Main 534!i. lV-TON Federal truck, excellent condition; est ra long wheel base ; a bargain. Tabor 8345. 1H-TON Federal truck, excellent condition; extra long wheel base; a bargain. Tabor 8345. GENERAL auto repairing. W'e specialize on M ax we i is, Mitctieiis, Knirki and Forda 14 1 6t h St.. tear Yamhill. FORD one-ton truck, a bargain. $4i. terms. Call Nicholson. Mar. 817 or 610 Washing ton st. $15 LIGHT 6-passenger car, in Al condi tion. Will demonstrate. Crown Stables. 25 Front st. 118 FORD, splendid shape, lot of extras, cheap. 1349 hi. Harrison. MAXWELL. 1912, $135; terms. Call Marshall 8!7. WE wash and polish cars day and clgUt. 4'l? Hawthorne ave. FORD car for saie. $275. good running or der. 231 South tith ot Phone 7542 Main. 60 USED CARS TO PICK FROM AT AUTO SALES CO.. TH AND COUCH BUICK roadster. 1917 mode), good us new at a bargain. Phone East 1431 alter 6 P. M. WANTED Good, energetic man. 2"2 ens bldg. 4-pASSENGER Chaimers 30, good conuitlou, bargain. $3nQ. Main 1 I7V RUBBER floor mats for your auto, $1.50. Auto Reconstruction Co.. 3d and Glisun. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to 15 esch. vul canised 25c: tire repairing. 2u7 Madison. FORD, first-class shape, new Urea. $375. Tabor 6607. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO S A LES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. 1917 FORD. Al condition, good terms. Phone Marshall "2. 228 Second st. 191l, 7-PASS.. brand new Cadillac for saie at a fair reduction. A N t;.i3. Oregonian. Automonlles anted. LONG A SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on part a Send In the parts you need and we mill duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condi tion. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. LET ME SELL" YOUR CAR. L. E. UBVii, BROADWAY AND COUCH. .I'OT cash for your Fords. Francis Motor Co.. 13th and Haw th orne. Mol orryclew. HA RLE Y-DA VIDSON. 3 speeds. A I con dition, fully equipped, cash or terms. East 2 135. LEAVING city, must sell twin XI. -D. In Al condlt Ion. f ul ly equipped. See Henderson. r.o6 WeI!s-Fargo bldg. Automobiles for Hire. autos without drivers for hire couch man 6c sullivan. mar. 232 10th and yamhill. a 1231 autos" Without drivers. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage 86 10 h st. Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LI SAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2J29. 6-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling shipping, highway. Broadway 3547. W A NT E D MI SC ELLA N EOF K. WB will buy yij-r old typewriter and pay you 'ca-h. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth WANT BKYCLE. R I FEE AN D SHOTGU N. Main 4495. Tabor 07l 12 First WANTED 16 to 24 -In cab hollow-spindle iron lathe. L, B. Lard. C4 Front U WASTED MISCELsLAXEOrSL $7.50 AND UP $7.$0 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tallee pavs the highest price for suits, overcoats shoes, etc We call anywhere In the city, iiiv or evenings. CaU Marshall 1221 oe 2'J9 Madison st. OUR specialty ts buying ladies' and gents' cast-oft clothing. HtRheat caah price paid. Wilt call day or night PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STOKE, Marshall 32So or 20tf Madlaon mt. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I bay all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, eto. New buyer. Try me before you call othera. Phone Broadway 3932. 25 Burnaida. WANTED Cash reclster, showcases, safe and ot her store tiauurea 174 First St.. Main 4234. 1 ) USEFUL, ARTICLES TO TRADE. NEWMANS EXCHANGE. 123 FIRST. M A KM 4 415. iOT CASH paid for mU.'it clothing. At lantic Cleaners, aiteration ocpu Main r.7ul. $Hr i asH ' or more paid for upright pianos not too old by Security 'Storage Co.. 103 Fourth st. t ail Main oa.a. WANTED 2400-lb. team; also Iiarneaa. wa son and farm tools. John Morgan T T. U. Vl 1 1 i. mi itv llu-VOl.T. single phnce, U-H. P. motor. In t-ood condition. Fred A. Robinson, 611 L. Tuca. WANT ban.io. guitar, ukulele, violin, mando lin, cori.et, trombone. Mam 44'.5. Tabor CON TRACT hauling wood wanted for 4-ton truck. Nelson Truck Line, 205 Wash- Phone Main tit'Al. SET of hat blocks and Irons; give detsi'.s and price.- Post Clothing Exchange. 1323 'ommc rce rt .. Tacomi. W AN TED A contract of several thousand cords of slat wood; stata pr.ee. 633 Mai lory avenge. WANTED. Holly and mistletoe, fresh, with berries. s t 0 h and lamMll. lltf-YOI.i. slncle phse. S-H. P.. In cood condition. Fred A. Koblnpon, 011 E. T'or i. SPoT cash for your old typewriter. 428 Railway Exchange. Main 4tu0. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic an pump shotgun wanted. Hochteid. 85 Sd- W ANTED Buggy top. com p'ete, good con ditlon. C. K. Cold'-n. Gen. DeL JI NK, lafrs. metals, sactva, eld clothing, old l--.V: Kood prices. East 21" 4. I- urniturt Wanted. CEVL'KTZ FURNITURE! COMPANY. 185 to 191 First SU BEST CASH PRICES PAlD FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, m rn. store fixture, res taurant outfits, hote'a rooming-house, oft ice furuitur, furniture stocks: nothing too big or too ?mall for ua Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL MJM. A 3224. R E A D I M PO RT A NT R E A D. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store, In the city. Tii -re is hardly an item wa do not buy a nd sell. We specialise to thelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp suppllea When you have anything to buy or eelL call or phone MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE! CO.. 221-3 -5 Front St.. cor. Sa lino n CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE C1TT FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 1U2 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN S09. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for atoves and ranges and all Irinda of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. W E are paying the highest price possible for used f limit ure, as e n-ed the merchan-nti-e. Miihigin Furniture Co.. 164 1st fct-M:ir-hal 122. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any descript ion ; have the ready cash. Phone today Main 4-27 or 204 First st. I WANT USED FURNITURE. IAMS AVE. M. H. CALEF. f.40 WILL EAST 6417. HOUSEHOLD FURXITUREE WANTED. WILL i'AY CASH. MAIN 3332 FURNITURE AND RUGS WANTED. CASH PAID. MAIN 44'.5. T A Bolt 679. HELP W WTFD M U.K. HOW TO FIND EMPLOYMENT. You want a Job: you have certain abtlltv to do certain things. We have constant rails from employing firms for men who can do iust what jou would like to do. Let us help you get together. We operate for vour benefit and for t he benefit of the employer. Satisfaction in guaranteed boi h ways. If we can't assist you to a position we guarantee to refund vour fee. You po-sibly would like to talk with a man of wide experience who ran help ou in tieeidlng ust what vocation you should fo:'ow. Come to office No. 23 Y. M. C A. and n.k for Informal ion and Interview. HIGH school and Reed College student looking for paper routes during the com ing T-rhool rear will do well by applying to Room 203 Oregonian bldg.. at once. A MAN with a good knowledge of account ing, some executive ability and a good character ts wanted by a company that has a tlxed growing business. This means a good posit ion for the light man. Stat-i your q u.il i lieu tlona and address. AR 1 29. 'regoinan. WANT !: I Managing stew ard for out-of-lown hotel; must be up-to-date and not afraid of work; single man preferred: statu age. experience, phone number, ad - dress and salary expected, L 627, Ore gonian. . SALESMAN WANTED Competent to work s;-ecla!tv line to cigar store trade in Ore gon; state fully ace. experience, refer ences and salary expected. AH ih7. Ore gonlan. MONEY ADVANCED If you are moving to Spokane and are rhort of funds, forward your goods to us for storage and we ill advance the freight for 3 day a Cater Transfer Co.. Spokane, Wash. WANTED Experienced bank man. Appli cations considered only from those famil iar with every department. Give refer ences and salary desired. AL 797, ore gonmn. . SALESMEN Are you earning $50 per we. k ? You can and more; we have two positions for A-l salesmen to represent a high grade proposition ; no collections. Apply after 4 F, M. 0"2 Worcester bldg. WE can use the services of a live wire mo tor truck salesman; must be a producer and have own car. If you are the man, apply 33Q Burnside at. BOX factory ripsaw and cutoff man. Ap-I-lv Oregon Box and Manufacturing Corn pan v and Box Factory 1320 Macadam Road. WELL educated young man wanted for office work; small calary to bes-in with, but permanent position. D 835. Orego nian. WANTED Bookkeeper; must understand opening and closing books; state age. ex perience and salary expected. Answer K C39. Oregonian. ' WANTED Bricklayers. Apply employment office United States Housing Corporation. A. W. yLst Co.. contractor. Pacific ave. Bremerton. WANTED Experienced washer, good wage-t and steady position. Apply Troy Laundry. Astoria, or. V ANTri) Men to wear uncalled-for suits ' and overcoats at $3.5t and up. Orpheum f 1 .ners. 355 Stark st. BOX la i" tery ripsaw and cutoff man. Ap ply orstJi Bx and Manufacturing Co. nn.i Box Factory, 132C Macadam road. EX I ' E II 1 E V C E D baker one.-. $18 per eek. helper wanted at Winters' Bakery, Dallas. Or. WANT strong boy or elderly man to help ii crr-inury, $3 a day. Riverview Dairy. 1M.;i Hf'lmont st. WANTED Man and v. ife to work on dalrv ranch : steady employment. Addresfa 4.4 Mill st.. Salem.Or. FIRST-CLASS presser on ladies' and men's elorhes. 110 Broadway. M E N W ANTE L Co d uctors about 23 yrs. of age 310 Electric bldg. P. R.. L. A P. Cy WANTED Laborers, steady work, out of town. Apply 510 Oregon bldg. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO.. 228 Alder St.. wants several first-class mest cutters. BARBER wanted for Tuesday. $8 guarantee. No student. 165 N. 6th ft. VNTE1 A bushel in an for men's work Lion Clothing Co.. 4th and Morrison. BARBER wanted for Tu.sday; steady job, wage guaranteed. 2fl'' First st. LA BORERS wanted. Apply 010 Oregon bMg. Fl RST-CLASS baker, experienced in cafete ria work. American Cai-tcrla. lo Filth ft. PORTER wanted. Cl uo Hotel. 40$ Stark -.reet. WANTED -LWdll-oy. at Carlton Holet. BARBER wanted for Tuesday. 206 lt at.