THE aiORXIXG OHEGOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. 21 FOR RFVT FARM?. 6HERMAN COUNTY WHEAT , RANCH FOB RENT. 2700 acres, 1400 Tinder cultiva tion, 420 acres in Fall wheat, bal ance being seeded and Summer-fallowed, small orchard, fenced, 5 miles from R. R-, telephone, several springs, 1 creek, 1 well, 6-room house, good condition, 2 barns and outbuildings, two other houses for help; will lease for three years for one-half crop. Personal property for sale: 2 new 3-bottom plows, two 4- section Iron harrows. weeder, cyclone weeder, new Acme header, new moer and rake, 3-bottom John Deere plow, 2-bottom, 12-lnch plow, 1 double cutaway disc. 3 drills. separator. feed chopper, blacksmith outfit, buggy. hack. Ford touring car A-l shape, 4 -wagons, new water tank, 1 Holt 36-ft. Combine harvester, header box, 3 wheat racks, garden tools, 2 walking plows and ail small tools, 46 head horses and colts, 33 head of cattle. 5 turkeys. 100 chickens. Price $7700 for personal property and one-half interest In the work dona and growing crops. OAKLAND. OREGON. FARM. 190 acres, 60 acres under plow, 60 acres logged-of f pasture, berries and fruit, all fenced, two miles from R. R. station. R. F. D. and telephone, 4 springs, 1 - creek, fair 6-room house, 1 barn, 2 henhouses, brooder, smokehouse, hoghouse, etc Will lease for three years $300 per year. Personal property for sale: Plow, disc cultivator, harrow, garden cul tivator, mower, rake, hay fork and rope, separator, hack, buggy, wagon, 11 or la head of cattle, 3 head of horses, 2 hogs. Price $1850, Includ ing 20 acres of grain. There is also 84 goats, 90 ewes, 2 bucks that go with the place. Renter gets one half Increase and one-half wool. KRTACADA DISTRICT FARM. 173 acres, 45 acres under cultiva tion, family orchard, a!s6 22 acres of orchard, commercial variety, all fenced with, woven wire. mile from R. II., 2 wells, R. F. D. and telephone, 3 springs and 1 creek, 5 - room house, bam, woodshed, po tato house, sheep shed. This place Is completely equipped with, ma chinery of all kinds needed. Will rent for three years $150 per year. Cash or work. There are 45 head of sheep. 33 goats goes with the place for one-third the woot and mohair and increase. Personal property for ale: 3 horses, A-l good furniture, 4 cows. 2 pigs, chickens, spuds, 3 a cres. 1 4 tons straw, 2 s tons hay, $50 worth of good seed and all plow ing, cultivating and seeding. Price for everything $S10. ALBA3CY, OR.. FARM. 155 acres, 145 acres under plow, nme timber, 110 acres Irrigated, mall berries and family orchard, doep black -loam soil, all fenced with woven wire and some rail, 1 Vi miles from R. R., R. F. D. and tele phone, 2 wells, good house, 2 barns, 2 hoghouses, 2 henhouses, dairy house, smokehouse ; will rent for one-third the crop.. Personal prop erty for sale: 1 wagon, 3-section steel harrow, Oliver gang plow, Ol iver 40 plow, 7-foot Dealing binder, road cart, hay rack, gravel bed, 2 wagon boxes, spades, forks and all small tools, 7 good work horses. 2 cows, registered Jersey bull, 7 brood sows. Chester White boar, trained Shepherd dog. 30 acres rye, 40 acres gray oats, 5 a rres cheat. Trice $2400; $500 down, balance 10 months. A MITT, OREGON" FARM. ISl1 acres, SO acres in cultiva tion, berries, family orchard. 10 acres apples, pears and cherries. A 1 soil, all fenced, woven wire and rail, near R. R. station, R. F. D. nd telephone, 5 springs. 1 crfek, 6- room house, barn, granary. 2 ma chine sheds, tenant house, 70 acres In growing crops, rye, wheat oats, cheat and clover, rent $1000 per vrar. personal property for sale: Vagon, 2-seated surrey, drill, roller, AMac. 3-sc-tion harrow, 2 plows, on 16-inch Blue Ribbon plow, all land tools, 5 good horses. Price lor crops, stock and implements about $1800. PRABTREB, OREGON", FARM. 300 acres, SO acres In cultivation, ferries ind family orchard, all fenced with woven wire and rail, JPjr miles 4Crom R. R-; R. D- aT,1 telephone. !-room house, good con dition, 2 barns, silo, granary, chick en houses, other outbuildings; lease for two years $400 per year, part cash, pa Personal property for sale: 1 wagon, plow, harrow, disc, binder, hack, garden cultiva tor, cream separator. 4 horses, 7 cows, 1 sow and 10 shoats, also In cluded, 23 acres of cheat. R acres wheat, 7 acres oafs. Price $1757.30. KEWBERG FARM. acres, all in cultivation, ne alf acre timber; i acre straw berries, 7 acres young prunes, 2 acres cherries, all fenced with wire, : miles from R. R.; R. K. 1- and telephone, 2 wells, good 4-room house. 2 barns. silo; will rent for $250 per year. A. G. BFNOER,' RTTTKR. LOWE Ar CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bide BLTTER than remtiwg or buying: established ranch wants money to buy adjoining land bargains and more livestock, : large or small amounts; will Incorporate; live and work on ranch, if desired. AO 763, Ore gon lan. ' FARM, near town in Willamette Valley, Route 2. box 102, Dnllas. or. TIMBER IAXDS. 25.000 CAPACITY sawmill for sale by mort gagee, for Ices than mortgage; mill In operation; will earn $200 per day; terms. 412 Kenton bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUtiHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. ao4 McKay Bids. SOU ACRES timber land, well watered witll springs and lake; $7.50 per acre. Call Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. WA NXED KKATj ESTATE. WE MAKE BALKS us put your property on our list. Mail description and price, or write for listing description card. J. I. HART MA. V COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce Bldg., 4th and Stark, Mala 03, A 2000. HOMK SEEKER. Have $2"00 cash and liberty bonds as partial payment for home in Alameda, or 7 rooms, must be strictly modern, preferably finished in white or ivory; exoect to find this home for $0000. bbt will go as high as $0000 for one that suits; give your price ana unmoor ana i will call evening. Owners only, AO 702, Oregonian. I SPECIALIZE IN FINE HOMES In Laurelhurst, Irvington and Rose City Park. My offices are centrally located. My salesman are courteous, experienced, effi cient. My list of clients for good homes large. For prompt service and quick re lilts lint with PAUL C- MURPHY, 270 STARK. Phono Main 1700 or A 1513. HAVE a client w anting 5 to 15 acres on the highway between Portland and Newberir. Must be 3 or acres prune, some apples, cherries, etc., also good buildings. Have $3.00 ranli. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Building. TOU HAVE A HOUSE TO SELL? It is my business to sell it. Let us get toeether. lou will find my service nromDt courteous, ef f Icent. I have a number of buyers waiting for houses from $2000 up. Careful attention given to each listing. PAUL C. MURPHY, 270 STARK. Phone Main 1700 or Home A 1513. vVE have a customer for a 4 or If-room bun-a-alow. Rose City Park or Hawthorne dis trict preferred. Will pay from $300 to $500 cash. Daiance monthly, w nat have you Northwestern Trust Company, 202 Wilcox bldg. Mam 3oi7 ana ask lor Mr. Padden WE HAVE cash buyers for house; yours might suit. watch, utu Aua. we uet RESULTS. O A. WARRTNER. RITTER, LOWE & COw 203-5-7 Boars of Trade Building. WANTED Equipped foothill stock ranch; will trade good paying gen. merchandise business. Including real estate and some cash; give full description first letter. Add. owner. .A f 7UJ, uregonian, BUNGALOW WANTED UP TO SJoOO. Will give cash and $1000 Sellwoed house equity; Kenton district preferred, Ail siM, urcgonian. I WANT to buy modern home in Irvington direct from owner; must be real bargain for casn. A. -wj. oregonian. l FIRST-CLASS modern house, nine or more rooms, on the West Side; in answering give exact location. C 687, Oregonlan. WANT best bungalow and lot can buy tot $100". ail casn. a .x us. urrgonian. Farms Wanted. WANTED 40 to 70 acret improved farm. Newberg, jvicMinnvnie or otner-sooa farm 1ns- district. 30 or 40 miles from Portland Frank Yanduyn, 615 Chamber Commerce, WANTED RE A I ESTATE. farms W tamed. MR- FARMER! We are the largest farm dealers In the elty of Portland. A peep at our ads or a trip to our office will convince you. Why not list your farm with us? If It Is a real bargain we can sell it. Why live In hopes from others when we can get you immediate action? Bend fall particulars to WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. A. O. Bender. RITTER, LOWE A CO., m 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bids;. 10 ACRES, suitable for loganberries, vi cinity of Silverton, Woodburn. Salem, Hillsborof Forest Grove or McMinnvllle. Particulars and terras, Y 832, Oregonlan. - FOR SALE OR TRADE. A first-class 3J0-acr homestead relin quishment. Address 1345 Broadway U Salem. Or. Wanted to Kent Farms. FARMERS, ATTENTION. X have three thoroughly experienced farmers with cash moTIey ready to buy stock and Implements and pay cash for rent and Fall seeding, if any. Send me particulars and I will rent your farm without delay. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS, A. G. Bender, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bide MONTANA experienced farmer wants to rent general farm; will stock and equip; pay cash or share crop; write full particu lars. A 75S, Oregonlan. MONTANA experienced farmer wants to rent general farm; will stock and eeuip; pay cash, or share crop. Write full par ticulars. A 758, Oregonlan. 2 EXPERIENCED dairymen, Swiss, would like to rent place on shares or cash rent; plce must be stocked. BU Ore gonian. ON SHARES, grain, alfalfa or stock ranch; state proposition have to offer; experi enced party. X 298, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 70 ACRES, chicken, wheat, timber, , pear, grape land ; some cleared ; state roads; close In; springs; title unincumbered; trade for 3 or 5 acres rich Improved; house; no incumbrance; north of Rose burg. Address Machinist. Box B, 188 Caruthers at., Portland. 160 ACRES in Palouse County. Wash, In come residence property and city residence lots in Spokane to exchange for Portland Hotel or rooming-house; no agents. What have you? T OaO, Oregonlan. GOOD brick apartment-house at a sacrifice; income over $,;0u per month; price $24,000. Will take $10,000 clear property, bal. mtg. Owners apply at 417 Chamber of Com. 40 ACRES of stump land and cash for a house in Portland. Tabor 6233. or 62 E, 72d st. North. 20 ACRES. 10 clear, 14 miles from Portland, for acreage. Owner, East 1225. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. FARM TEAM. 2S00 LBS. Big strawberry roan gelding 8 years old, fat and trus to work, also sound, gentle and kind to handle and drive; also big gray gelding, a mate to the roan horse, also fat, sound and true to pull ; gentle for anyone to work or handle any ptace. They are not lame and guaranteed not to be street sore in any way. This team has also been replaced with auto trucks; also heavy breeching. ball-top ha me harness with Boston backers and collars, complete. Very cheap. Come and see them and I will tell you who the owner is and you can go and talk with htm. NOBBY STABTjRS, Flanders- at 12th St. MAMMOTH STOCK SALE AT AUCTION Kor Receiver) on Saturday next, Dec. 21. at 10:30 A. M. Stock and equipment of the PInckney Bros, dairy ranch at West Salem, Or., Including 48 cows, 2-year-old Holsteln bull, 8 horses. Buick auto. Ford delivery wagon, quantity of hay, mill run feed, hack. Champion mower, spraying out fit, kale planter, sprlngtooth harrow, culti vator, plows, ensilage cutter, 3 dairy wagons, d rag and disc harrows, milk cooler and bottles, separators, tank pumps, brooders and fittinprs and numerous other lots such, as used by an up-to-date dairy. .7 NO. E. CRONAN, Receiver. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer, 169-171 2d et., Portland, Or. GOOD, gentle, 1000-pound cream-colored horse, gentle for children to handle and ride or drive; in good order and sound; also good single harness with collar and hemes, very cheap, $50. 462 Flanders. PIGS for sale, all breeds, 6 and 7 weeks old. 3 miles east of Lents, on Foster road in Clackamas County. Box 115. O. Prlttkamea, FOR SALE 3 heiferM, fresh soon; must sell. I0.".2o f)7tn ave. ML Scott car to Lenta Junction. Call after 4 P. M. DEAD stock got quickly. Get our prices for dead cows and down-and-out horses. i'none Milwaukle 69-J for results. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. rortianq ncpoenng to. tan Wood lawn 20. DEA D horses taken quick; cash paid for c-ows ana crippiea norses. labor 4103. FURNITURE AND RUGS WANTED. CASH PAID. MAIN 4403, TABOR 6798. FOR HALK Team mules 3 years old, CO rieaa ewes, bred, x 7tS. Oregonion. Organs and Musical Instruments CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. $1-3 SwJck as Co. upright piano, ebony case. $136 Remms 4 Lone; piano, rood prac tice piano. '7r -Automatic Musical Co. piano. $-86 Almost new Kohler 4c Campbell; regular $4j( style. $300 s. w. Miller piano; regulasft$4&0 style. $42 Just like new Shatluck oak piano; regular $425 style. $6jS P. S. Wick ptaver-plano, good as new; regular $0mj. Pplendid line of good pianos to be sac rificed. We must have cash to meet? heavy incoming shipments. If you want a fcood piano cheap, don't fail to look these over. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington st. WANT a used piano for an Xmas gift? Big saving for you it you choos one rrom our large stock. Among them aro well known makes: Sterling, Hobart M. Cable, Smith & Barnes, Lealer, Story A Clark, any many others. Special terms If de sired. . KKBD-FRBNCK PIANO MFO. CO.. 43K Washington Ht. Phone Broadway 7.T0. PLAYER PIANOS LESS THAN THJS VALUiS OF PIANO ALONE. Auto player, oak, $38. Thompson (better than new) $43T. Music bench included with each. HAROLD B. " GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St, 10.000 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. Don't forget we carry over 10,000 records for Edison, Victor, Columbia and Bruns wick. We have 12 record snd machine rooms, each ventilated every fev mlnuies. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WE HAVE just tbe record you have been looking for. A i:iear ana noiseless one. Corns in and Jet ua demonstrate OKell records. Ask anyone who has heard hem how wonderful they are. The Sahl strom Corporation, 405 Morrison st. FINE NEW COVERED MAHOGANY TALKING MACHINE. INCLUDING 15 DOUBLE DISC RECORDS, $60 VALUE, SKliU KOK too CASH. CALL 12S FIRST, NEAR AXDEH. OUR RECORD service Is unexcelled.. We carry Victor, Columbia and, iditon rec ord. REED-FRENCH PIANO'MW. CO.. 433 Washington st. Phone Broadway 75rt. THE NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH. Hear the. new Edison diamond disc Thonograph. Indestructible records. Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. REMEMBER your friends with an Okett record out in a rancy xmas oox. "Smiles' fox trot now In. Open even in s until N mas. The Sahlstrom Corporation, 4U3 Morrison st. BRUNSWICiL BRUNSWICK Hear the new Brunswick pbonoeraDh : plays all records. We carry all models from $32.50 up. Special terms. Hyatt Talking .Macnine iso., Aioer. WILL there be a Vietrola in your home for Xmas? Our easy plan wTl solve the ques tion. Hvatt Talking Machine Com nan v. 850 Alder. $12.50 CASH sends new piano home, $12.50 next payday, then $8 or $10 month after January 15, constitutes our reduced Christ mas terms. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth, TWO high-grade pianos; will sell cheap as 1 do not want the expense of shipping South. Writ or phone Mr. Pike, Eaton Hotel. A BU R.DETTE organ. In good condition; well adapted for home use or small church. oau Main tt t. v j irat hi. BRUNSWICK phonographs. I can save you f)-. tn nn new machines. N ArAv Sellwood 3155. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4TH ST. $100 CASH or more paid for good, used, up right pianos by the Security Storage Co. Call Main 6323. 109 4th st. WOULD take beat care of a piano for the use of it. No children; good references. Call Main 403S. MAHOGANY cabinet phonograph, good records, cheap for cash. East 131. VICTOR phonograph and records cheap. Broadway 4O00. PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. 121 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TAF.QR 679. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. RENT a piano, no squares or thump boxea Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD 6, GILBERT, 9S4 Yamhill St. FOR SALE. Pianos. Org gnu and Musical Instruments, DON'T forget to buy some EMEKSoN RECORDS at 35c r 3 $1.00, for Christ mas. Latest hirs of dances or songs. Here's a few of the many good pieces: He's Got Thoso Big, tUue Eyes Like You. Daddy Mine" solo. No. 73tts. A Canoe song. solo. "Oh Frenehy, solo. No. 7387. We'll Do Our Share, solo. "Smiles fox trot. No. 7392. Down South, ban.lp A accordion. Everything Is Peaches Down in Geor gia" solo. No. 7403. The Sister of Rose O'Grady, solo. '"Cheer Up Tommy Atkins, solo. No. 7:5. Indianola, solo. "Paul Revere" solo. No. 7393. My Little Service Flac Has Seven Stars, solo. "Everybody's Crazy 'Bout The Dos; Gone Blues, trot. No. 7370. Sore.Ua Spanish one step. "General Pershing." march. No. 740. Walk Her, one step. Come in and make your selection before they are all gone. We are open until 10 every night until after Christmas. THE SAHLSTROM CORPORATION. 403 Morrison street, Broadway 2700. $25 CASH buys good. used. $125 parior organ. $35 cah buys used $250 Angelus Player. $65 cash, small, used. $273 upright piano. $75 cash, small, used. $300 upright piano. $1U0 cash, used Kimball $400 upright piano. $275 ca-sh, used Crown $500 upright piano. $1!65 cash, new stored $4."i0 upright piano. $2Q cash, new stored $475 upright piano. $395 cash, nearly new $750 player piano. $465 cash, nearly new $&50 player piano. Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage 5Cc month. Phone Main 5323. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 4th st. USED PIANO BARGAINS. J. A C. Fischer $140.00 A Ins worth, mahogany ............ Ehrhardt, oak case . . 1M.50 Strauss & Sons, large size - 250.00 Cori, like new 27S.00 Many other high-grade, slightly used pianos at especially attractive prices and special Christmas terms. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 Washington sc. Phone Brdadway 750. DON'T fall to see the new Willlam-and-Mary style Patbephone in elegant walnut case. Compare this --with art style instruments of other makes costing; as much as $650. , We positively play all makes of records. Better Judge for yourself. Free demon stration. Only $215. Easy terms. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington st. WE HAVE them Victor, Columbia, Edison and Stradivara. Phonographs. Come early, better selections now than later. Cajn or terms to suit. REED-FRENCH PJANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington st. Pnone Broadway 750. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Cabinet Grafonola, trombone, cornet, Kimball organ, old violin. Washburn gui tar, mandolin, ukulele; no reasonable offer refused. Newman, 128 First. Main 4495. $100 CASH buys $410 dull mahogany Kurtx man upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 Fourth st., at Washington st. Furniture for Sale. CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUT YOUR DAVENPORT. Brand new, 6-foot bed davenport, solid oak frame, wax finish, seat and back up holstered In high-grade chase leather; complete with, special for Christ inas, $42. SO. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First St. LARGE overstuffed tapestry davenport, J5 pairs of beautiful blue drapes, corc over $00, for leKs than half; 2 Wilton- velvet rugs; William and Mary dming table and .chairs. Marshall 2454 or Apt. 44, Trinity Place Apts. MAHCXJANY set, settee, rocking chair and straight chair, upholstered in leather; a snap. $25. Also a brand new btrdseye maple chiffonier for $20. Tabor 1478. FURNITURE of 7 rooms, fine condition, for $425; lainc city. Owner, &57 Caruthers st. K. HANDSOME oak dining table, chairs and buffet, practically new. Phone Broadway 4t84. No dealers. 7 ROOMS furniture, cash or terms; West Side, ready to move In. Main 7463. BRAND new birdscye maple chiffonier $20. Tabor 1478. FURNITURE of 10-room housekeeping ape cheap. Call 291 3d st. FURNITURE for sale, fiat for rent; tood location. Main 30O. $65 .SPLENDID WiKon rug, 0x12. $30; HOUSEHOLD goods, 1304 E. feth st. N. W oodlawn. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. ClfOlCR canaries at the bird shop; 1151 E. 28th Ft. N. C 2217. AIREDALH PUPPIES, NOTHING BETTER. O. It. WATZIO. MYRTLE CKEKK. im. FOR SALE --6 Belgian does, 8 months old. $L each. 2139 E. MorrlBon. THOROUGHBRED A I RED ALE DOG 1 YR. OLD A .y TRAINED. b K I , I , W ( IS2i. Toaltry. WHITE Orpington chickens, nearly all pul lets, ready to Jay; goon reason tor selling. Call Sunday or evenings after 6. 508 Hair st. Take S. W. car. SO FINE White Leghorn pullets, beginning to lay. $1 .o eacn ; jiarren hoc Kb. it. i. Red. $1.&0 to $1.75. 787 Oregon st. R. C. car. Machinery. FOR SALE One six-H. P. Waterloo traction wood-sawing machine complete, labor 8931. LATHE Heavy-duty. 19-inh by 1 1 -foot New Haven, at sacrifice. 2h9 13. Morrison. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE Housebua.1 aud launch. Phone Tabor 2459. Ty pe w rfrersu WILL exchange new Vietrola. Edison. Bruns wick or Grafonola and records for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now; Immediate delivery. reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED fuctory rebuilt typewriters. ALL s)IAKES. sold on monthly payments; send Tor price list. The Wholesale Type writer Go., retail dept.. Sl Wash. St. UNDERWOOD, back spacer, 2-color attach ment, just overhauled, in A-l condition, $55 cash. Main 172. REBUILT typewriter and supplies. Corona dealers. K. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriting Co., 1'4A 5th. Main 3668 NEW, rebuild, second-hand rentals at cat rates. P. D- Co., x31 Stark st. Main 1407. OLIVER typewriter in good condition. Broadway 4UOO. Bliscellaneous BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcases. fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Wulgley, 227 First. Main 6319. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO., tailoring for sale In Portland at 400 E. Morrison. Turn in your old, worn suit. WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try ordsrs. Panama Cooperag Co., 22S Front. FOR SALE or rant, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, care, Railway Equipment Co.. 233 Stark eL LARGE quantity good bog feed for sale; ex cellent Winter pasture tor rent. Frank L. tn-.ith. 228 Alder st. HAND-MADE fancy work; orders taken for sweaters. 310 Tilford bldg.. loth, and Mor rison. POTATOES 2 cents a pound. Very choice, smooth Burbanks; keepers; orders I S sacks delivered Phone Eaat 3b4J. ELK'S CHARM, with hair chain, gold mounted, $15. Write AO 787, Oregonlan. ALL kinds of canned fruits and vegetables for sale. Call 1H5 Eaet Lincoln at. GET your mistletoe at 271 'Taylor st. Main 5205. A 3110. SLEDS for Xmas, 75c each, Gerbcr. 55 9th st. N. Bdwy. 1S73. IMPORTED beautiful ChrUlmas holly for sal e. 21 E. 15th s t. S. East ti 7 03. WILL give two or three loads of wood away for hauling away at once. 300-11 Stark. FOR SALE A perfect Alaska cross fox scarf; very reasonable. AL H18, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Beautiful hand-crochet bed spread; also piano scarf. 767 Hood st. bti.vr.KAL good second-hana safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 19j. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main fc58i CASH OR TRADE FINE BICYCLE"'" NEWMAN, 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER. CHRISTMAS holly and wreaths Xor sale. Sellwood 1201. HOLLY sold for 50a lb., delivered to any part of city. Address box 196, Oswego. Or. DIAMOND wanted, pay good cash price. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Main 3864. BEAUTIFUL Haviland china, bric-a-brac, cut-glass, valuable books, etc. Bdwy35. XMAS trees, 60c to 92, delivered. Call E. 13SS, Bush or Stewart. 164! Union ave. GAS heater, complete, like new, for sale, half price. 416 Prescott, cor. E. 6th. LONG, light-gray fur scarf, very reason able. Call Broadway 1180. FOR SALE Baby carriage and baby bed; gas plate, 3 holes. 272 Mill. FOR SALfc- Orange canaries, food singers. Phone East a3. FOR SALE Fur coat, seal muff and collar, taupe coat. Call Marshall 2:61. A BABY'S basineit and stand. Tabor 051. ONE fish box 2ftx0fe Xeet, $5. Seiiwood yu5. FOR SAT.K. Miscellaneous ROOFING PAPER, ALL NEW. 1- ply $ .us 2- ply i.20 3- ply 1.43 Nails and cement 25c per roll extra Smooth surface no cheap sanded stock. M- BARDE & SONS. INC., THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS PORTLAND S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUSE THB most complete line of Kiddle Kara, tricycles, coaster wagons, bicycles and motorcycles in Portland at prices that are right. Place your order now for Xmu delivery. WB GIVE TERMS. The Even ing Repair Shop, new location 23d and Raleigh sts. Phone Broadway 3060. w, FOR SALE OR TRADE. KIMBALL ORGAN. OLD VIOLIN, STEWART BANJO. WASHBURN GUITAR AND MANDOLIN. TROMBONE AND CORNET. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4403. SB WINO machines, new and eoond-hand. v sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. fiEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 10O Sd, near Taylor Street. X AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. I can solve your servant problem. My name Is the THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Yon fan lrn nil oHiir mm by telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co wiring, electric repairing. Bdwy. 2686, HAVE several thousand tons of good al falfa hay for sale. $22 per ton f. o.' b. Shoshone. Idaho; freight-rate to Portland $6.90 per ton. Percy Geslett, Shoshone, Idaho. CHRISTMAS TREES. About 2000 to pick from, any size; near Liberty Temple, on Sixth; day or nigbu FIRST-CLASS second-growth seasoned wood delivered within reasonable limits, $3 per cord. Write Ekstrora Truck Service, Gresham, Or., or phone Gresham 851. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good service able condition, 30-gal., $7; 40-gat.. $9. 201 Adams st., east end steel bridge. Phone E. 8516. FOR SALE Dairy manure. Portland Gar- uKo w, j. ota su . vvoooiawn 2013. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phone orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. PIPE, all sizes, coils and short orders made and installed, all work guaranteed; plbg. supplies. 220 Front. Main 6277. 5-DRAWER drop head Singer sewing ma- v ii i iic, kuou conamon ; reasonauia. a iii. 2Sth st. BEAUTIFUL black opal dinner ring with 10 diamonds, cost $225; $150 cash or liberty bonds. Phone Woodlawn 1319. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st il. corner Yamhill. DIAMOND, solitaxle, or pair earrings wanted; meaium size; cash. Marshall 5246. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANOF8. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Liberty bonds accepted at face value. 1918 MITCHELL 7-PASS. 6IX-CTU USED VERY LITTLE $14) 1917 MITCHELL) 7-PASS, 6-CYL... 1150 1917 MITCH ELL 6-PASS., STX-CYU OVERHAULED, REPAINTED ....1150 1917 MITCHELL 3-PASri.. 6-CYL. . 1M 1916 BTt'DKBAKKK 7-PASS., 6-CYL, r30 1914 BTUOEBAKKR 7-PASS.. 6-CYL. ftOH 1014 HAINES ft-PASS.. 4-CYL 4K 1P16 CHEVROLET 5-PASS.. 6-CYL. ttOO 1915 HUDSON 7-PASS., tt-CYU, Al CONDITION 1050 TWO-TON TRUCK WITH CAB J 200 A number of others to select from. USED CAR DEPT. MITCH ELI LEWIS - STAVER CO., East First at Morrison St. Phones East 7C72, B 1216. FOR JUST NEW CARS go tosConley's. He has them, all kinds, all sizes, all prices, all overhauled, all ready to run. A written guarantee with every car. The best buys on earth. Good, terms. Liberty bonds accepted on cars. CONLETS USED CAR CENTER, Entire second floor, not downstairs. Big brick building, entrance 127 Lownudale, S. W. comer 10th and Washington sts. PHONE BROADWAY 2656. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. This is one of the best buys In the truck market. 1017 Ford, chain drive. - 1 -ton truck with roadster body complete; Uni versal filler In front tires. Tni-i truck has four speeds, giving It unlimited powr: svni leaving city and must sell. BdwyS-H. 1914 FORD touring, finest condition, lots of extra equipment, newly painted ; $3R0 : terms, $1 00 down, $-0 per month. BD 824. Oregonlan. DODGK roadster. 1018. first-class. $:m0; Dodge touring. 391ft. leak-proof rings; good all over, $000. These cars will stand the test and are right. Box 1PH. Estacada, Or. USKD CAR8 The street Is full. Give them the once over. 0th and Couch. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flartders. FOR the mau w ho l looking for a good delivery car, have the very thing; nearly new Bri.-roe In good condition. Come and sen It. 5J2 Alder. $303 BUYS late model Ford touring car, fine condition every way. insurance included. Call 525 Alder st. Take bonds, give liberal terms. CHEVROLET, 1917, fine condition; will sell $575, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnslde. FORD delivery in best of condition ; new t ires; must sell ; a nnap at $325. Some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. FORD touring, in fine condition; will, sacri fice, $300, with terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. CHEVROLET delivery, good tires, new bat teries, $125 body: big snap. AUTO BALKS CO.. Ninth an Couch. CHEVROLET touring, 1918.. same ai new; a bargain. $750, with terms. SO Grand ave N., near Burnsirte. OVERLAND, 0-pass.. new tires; fniilv -r; $275; liberty bonds taken. Phono lroad way 1530. LATE 1U10 FORD TOURING, WITH EX TRAS, $400. MUST SELL; LEAVING CITY. S ELI-WOOD 127. 1917 BU ICK, cord tires, good shape; for quick sale, $075. Auto Sales Co., Ninth and Couch. GOOD Ford touring $375; good condition. Fee Crulkshank, 523 Alder st. Broadway 2492. NEARLY new Ford, . fine ' condition, $43. 4'ail at 05 E. 18th, corner of Wash., alter 2:30 T. M, IVa-TON Federal truck, excellent condition. extra long wheel base; a bargain. Tabol 34 5. $1A0 CASH snd $50 a month takes my beau tiful Chalmers Six tourin ? car; extra tire and full equipment. $950. Main 7414. MAXWELL. 1910 touring: will consider Ford In trade, balance terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FOR SALE by retiring Army officer, almost new Ford sedan; $000 If taken by Friday. Call Marshall 5412. LATE MODEL FORD TOURING. This car is in good condition, $325; easy terrnr. S22 Alder ft. BHAND-N E W Dodge Sedan, bumper and extra tire; save $300. A real Jvrnas gift. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. DODGE touring car; looks like now; will consider Ford In trade; balance terms. 3D Grand ave. N.. near Bumside. EXCHANGE a good delivery car and $100 liberty bond tor small car; no dealers. Main 2100. CLUB ROADSTER. This Is a dandy little car a Briscoe. Price Is right; terms reasonsble. 522 Alder. i0 USED CARS TO TICK FROM AT AUTO SALES CO., 9TH AND COUCH DODGE. 1917, 5-pass., $400: Saxon Six; both i n f ine shape ; terms. Phone East 4 :t FORD car for sale. $275; good running or der. 231 South tith st. l'hone 754J Main. 191S FORD touring car, good condition; terms. Main 32SJ. li,5 LIGHT G-passenger car In Al condi tion. Grouse Stabler, 285 Front st. 1017 FOR D, Al condition, good terms. Phone Marshall 6&2. 228 Second st. MAXWELL 1912, $135, terms. Call Marshall S67. OVERLAND touring. 1017. $700; some terms. Owner, garage 3S4 10th st., near Yamhill, MAXWELL touring car. $C30; bargain, lai 10th st.. near Yamhill. AUTO STORAGE. $5 and up; garage 1S4 16th st.. near Yamhill. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION AUTO SALES CO., 9TH AND COUCH FOR SALE Chalmers, new top, four good tires. For particulars phone Columbia 315. DODGE, 1915, geod ah ape. brand new tires, only $585. Auto Bales Co., 9th and Couch. LAST chance Marmon bug goes for 223. R. C. Julian. - Cornelius Hotel. 4-PASSENOER Chalmers 30, good condition. bargain. $300. Mxln ltirt." 3H -TON a. M. C. truck and trailer. Terms. 412 Faaton bids. Broadway 17o3, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS., New and Used Fords. Ford Auto and radiator repairing. RUSHLIGHT ftPKXTT, INC, Authorized Ford Agents. 803 FAST BROADWAY, Phone East 303. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. 191 Hupmobile. run 2400 miles $1400 1017 Paige 7-pass.. 5 good tires; car thoroughly overhauled in our shop. 900 Ford touring. demountable rims. t shock absorbers, first-class tires; car Al throughout 975 Six-cylinder Hudson, 6-passenger. . . . 600 Msrmon roadster; new body and top. 1918 radiator, new tires; would trade for 5-pass. car. Price.. 730 1917 Ford truck; thoroughly over hauled; good tires and good body.. 600 We sell on easy payments. T. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO Main 7S0. North 23d st. JTJST THE THING FOR CHRISTMAS. A GOOD USED CAR. 191 5 Ford 5-passenger $475 1918 Ford roadster 423 1916 Ford 5-pasaenger SM) Some as low as 20 Federals, Whites, truck trailers, K!al sedan demonstrator cheap. Ford, sedan, electric starter. Come early easy terms. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON COMPANY, o0 North Davis, at Broadway. Phone Broadway 321. 1916 FORD TOURING CAR WITH ELECTRIC STARTER AND LIGHT ING SYSTEM; OWNER LEAVING TOWN AND MUST HAVE THE MONEY. THIS CAR IS WORTH $550; CAN BE BOUGHT THIS WEEK FOR $445 WILL GIVE SOME TERMS. 1 GRAND AVE., CAKE TALBOT A CASEY. FORD DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Ford delivery, brand -new. beautiful Barnett panel body finished In maroon. If you want class here's your chance. 1917 Ford delivery, finest condition, ex press body, roil curtains, finished in. red and black. 3916 Ford delivery, finest condition, ex press body, roll curtains, brand new body finished In dark green. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR ft AR CO.. TJ. S770. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Dodge $775 1 Overltmd 600 1 Grant Six 450 1 Studebaker 400 1 Ford 350 1 Buick roadster 40 1 Buick roadster 200 1 Oakland 175 And several cars f rorn $0 to $150. LONG & SIT' A, 462 Hawthorne ave. TRUCK BARGAINS. 1 3-ton White. 3 2-ton trucks, t 1-ton truck. 2 i-ton trucks. Terms and cheap. LONG A S1LVA. 402 Hawthorne ae. 101( VELTE 1018. W1 stand big loss and sell on easy terms; car In absolutely perfect condi t ton t hroughout ; run 4000 miles on pave ments; best of reasons for selling. 5 North 23d nt. L. G. Ralltback. Main 780. RE PU3L1C truck, 1918, one-ton. like new. with tops and special motor; driven less than l5on miles; sells without tops, $1770; price $ 1 Ouo, liberty bonds taken. Some terms. Box 110 or Main t0. Estacada, Oregon. WHY NOT? 1. 2. 3. 4, 6. 8. 12-CYL. MOTORS? Bring ine your mechanical and electrical troubles; no guesswork. Woodlawn 1340. E. J. Morln, 945 Clantenbeln avenue. FORD TOUR T NO CAR BODIES. We have five UU7 snd 1"1S Ford tour Jnc car bodies, complete with windshields, for sale cheap. KRAM.'IH MOTOR CAR CO.. K. 3770. E. llth and Hawthorne Ave. BRISCOE. If you want a good little roadster here you are; 1018 Briwcoe In Al condition. Price is ritiht; cood terms given. 522 Alder. FORD AUTO WANTED. Will pay cash and new Vietrola. Bruns wick Grafonola or Edison phonograph and record for Ford. The Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder st. 101K FORD ROADSTER 101ft. Car in perfect cond tt ion throughout; $oo for quick sale, with libera I terms. D. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. J o North 231 rt. Main 78&V 1918 FORD SEDAN $605. f My 1918 C-pass. Ford closed car. In ex4 ceptionally good mechanical condition, good tires, for $H90; $375 cash, balance terms. Tabor 7130. AM offering a 1017 Maxwell, with 4 good tire. In good condition, at the low price of $", and. will ffive liberal terms. See It nt f-- Alder. 191i FORD roadster, like new. has extra delivery box that fits on rear; $37."; terms. $iOO down. $- per month. L 0bl2. Ore- FORD, 1014 tourhig, 4 almost new tires, first-class mechanical shape, newly palm e't, for nuick sale. $3 -cash or terms, t 'all Krank Smith. Bma d wa v 1 1 r0. RUBBER floor mats for your auto, $1.50. Auto Reconstruction Co., 3d and Glisan. 11 U DSON car, first-class condition. Call 1 70 second gt. SLIOHTLY uticd tire. $3 to $15 each, vui. t-amzen .c: tire repairing, 4 Madison. FORD, first-class shape, new tires, $375. T.l..i (trtOT $5.-0 CASH or liberty bonds for G-psaeoger Dodge. 3-il Kaet Alder. Automobiles W antra. LONG A KILVA. Auto wreck era. We wreck cars and save you 50 per rent on parts. Hend In the parts -you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condi tion. Phone Eaet 0840. 4tt- Hawthorne ave. WE WILL PAY" you spot cash for your Ford. Auto Reconstruction Co., 1-1 N. 3d., cor. GUaan. WANTED AUTO, LATE MODEL; WILL TRADE MV r.-PASSKNOER CAR AND PAV $.:oo cash. oak ft. 1 WANT to buy a good Ford hug for spot cash, at once. Heo Noble st 76 Grand ave. LET ME HELL YOUR CAR L. E. OB YE. BROADWAY AND COUCH. jPOT canh for your Fords, Francis Motor Co., lath and Hawthorne. W A ffTKlCto buy a. 1 01 fT&V Ford RT; will pay cash. Main 14., A 181. 172 nd. Motorcycles. LEAVING CITY, rmrttt sell Twin H.-D., A-l s condition, fully equipped, fiee Henderson, not Weils-Fargo bids. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DKIYLK FOR HIR& COUCMMAN A SULLIVAN. MAR. fJHJ 1QTH AND YAMHILL. A IS.Ift AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVKHS. New cars, resjtona hi rates. City Garage, 10th st. Hroadway 840. NEW CAR.S FOR UK NT WITHOUT DRIV 15 R 3. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2W-'P. BROADWAY 5-PAHS Dodge for hire, touring, calling), shipping, highway. Broadway u547. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIOHEMT PRICES PAID. T buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits, dresses, eto. New buyer. Try nie before Ao call others. Phone Broadway 9$. 1M5 Burnslde. WANTED Cash register, . showcases, safes and other store fixtures. 174 First at.. Main 424. '"WANTED. Holly snd mistletoe, fresh, with berries, st Orh snd Yamhill. liu-VoLT. single phase, -H. P In good condition. Fred A. Robinson, 611 K. Tlogo. 10OU UitKKUL ARTICLES TO TRADK. N EW MA N' ij EXCHANGE, 123 FIRS T. MAIN 44!,V SPOT CASH paid for misfit clothing. At lantlc Cleaners, alteration dept. Main 671. $luu CASH or more paid for upright pianos not too old by Security Storage Co.. 109 Fourth St. Call Main 5323. WANTED 18 to 24-Inch hollow-spindle iron lathe. L. U. Ha roe, 24 Front st. OVER THE TOP $7.50 up.' spot cash. Tor second-hand suits, overcoats, old shoes. M al n7 38. WANTED To buy 150 ft. wire fence; also gate. Tabor 7397. 6POT cash for your old typewriter. Hallway Exchange. Main 4060. 4-8 WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld 85 Sd. WB will buy yuur old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 Fifth. WANT B1CTCLK. RIFLE AND SHOTGUN. Main 44tr.. Tabor ?H8. US First. JUNK. rags, metals, sacks, old clothing, old tools; good ast -V4. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. T.R0 AND UP $7 SO for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc We call anywhere in the city, rt ny or even in gs. CaU Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison st. OUR specialty Is buying ladies and gents cast-off clothing. Hignest cash price paid. , win ceil day or nig lit. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3223 or 200 Madison sU WAXTElk Girl's bicycle, in good condition. East 40S5. 1 orniture Wanted. CEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First Sr. BEST CASH PRICES PAlD FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, mgn. store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks ; nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL o9l. A $224. CALL MAIN 800 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICKS EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN $09. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything: to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 0072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St., cor. Salmon. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all lnds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful iiit a competent courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2613. WEare paying the highest price possible for used furniture, as we need the merchan dise. Michigan Furniture Co., 164 1st st. Alar? hail lhJ2. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready casta. rnone today. Main .- or -U4 irsi st. 1 WANT USED FUKNITURE. 540 WILL IAMS AVE. M. H. CALEF. EAST 6417. WANTED 2 mahogany r metal filing rae, Main 2541. UOUS E HOLD FU RNITUR E E WAN T ED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN S3S2. HELP WANTED MALE. HIGH school and Reed College students looking for paper routes during the com ing school rear will do well by applying to Room 203 Oregonian bide, at onus. WANTED A MAN. Do rou know the dressed meat business? Do you know the city? Do you know the surrounding country? Do you feel capa ble of assuming business responsibilities ? If f you do, write to A il 75, Oregonian. We have a, good, permanent position open for you. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 402 Hawthorne Ave. Antos, Trucks, Tractors, Repairing, Lighting and starting System, Ignition, Wirln g. Machine Shop Practice. Oxyecet) lene Welding. The school t hat teaches you to boa the iob. WANTED Married man, to drive small auto irutK ana make self userul around hard ware and cabl ulaco: must be ablo to read and write, know street a. docks and freight houses and be abl to repair machine; ref erences required. A ppl v J. Leve, 1 S9 rront st.. between Yamhill and Taylor. HOTEL DAY PORTER. City in Washington, must be aVe tn nandle samp'e rooms, besting plant and do some repair work. Answer slating ex p?ncnco ana wages expcciea. a. su, .Oregonlan. ' WINDOW trimmer wanted, must have ex pcrlence in handling women's garments and piece goods. Fair card writer, per manent position and good salary for man who can Qualify. Apply Skalierud Dry Good Co, Astoria, Or. HOTEL NIGHT CLERK. 100 room, clt v In Wa.thlncton ? tnuxt have experience switch board, eieator and general hotel work. Answer with ref ence and wages expected. AV 8 SO, Ore gonian. SALESMAN WANTED Competent to work ppeetairy line to cigar store trade In Ore gon ; sts te f ul ly sge. ex perl e nee. refer' ences and salary expected. AH S07. Ore gonlan. MONEY ADVANCED If you sre movlnc to Spokane and are rhort of funds, forw ard your good a to us for storage and we will advance the freight for a da vs. Cater Transier Co., Spokane. Wash. WANTED One experienced lumber tra'veltng salesman; also lumber cost accountant ; territory east of Oregon: cood nosittous for competent men. Stat ago and references In first letter. AV ;t:t, Oregonlan. BOILER MA KF.K thoroughly experionred msn, to examine end report on locomotive boilers. Write, stating experience and pay wsnted. Not lona job. (live phone num ber. Big Creek- nrgicing o.. Knappa, or. WELL educated young msn wanted for office work : small sa lary to sir gin wit h, but permanent position. D S3:, Orego tdan. TRUCK mnn to operate good 2 S -ton truck at f0 per cent; must know of some sure or permanent hauling to begin with. C 74U. Oregonlan. WOOD rontract 4 wood cutters st $l..r0 a cord: will furnish lumber to build house ; - years' work : close in." Port land l.nbor Agfiicy. II V. id st. ASSISTANT cook and baker. $10 a month, with board, room and laundry Included. School for Deaf, Vancouver, Wash. Phone V h n rou ve r, 1 0 1 . WANTED Rook keeper; must understand opening and cloning books; state age, ex perience and sa.lary expected. Answer K 630. Oregonlan. M A N with a f off hundred dollars and s Ford, but not necessary to have car: goed chance make btg money. J. T Miller, room 434 Hotel Oregon. WANTED Men to wear uncalled-for stir a a nd overcoats at $3.f0 and up. Orpheum Clemcrs, iiu." tjtark at. BO V factory ripiaw and cutoff man. Ap ply Oregon Itox and Manufrtcf urlng Co. an J Box Ka'-lory, 1 ;.'0 M aaam road. ASSISTANT credit man by wholesale house; good chance for advancement ; replies t rs ted confidentially. L Oregon i an. ELDERLY man or couple wsnted sa Jsn- Itor for small apartment-house, AJ 01. Oregonian. WA NT ED Roy over 1 S years eld. to run elevator: experience not necessary. Palace Hotel. 44H WashiiiFton st. ASS I ST A NT bookkeeper, ymm g man. to work on pay mil, etc. M ot orahlp Con struction Co., Vancouver, W sen. WANTED A .ianitor, mtddlcsged, married preferred; wife to assist with cleaning. Phone Marshall 4 40O. WANTED Man and He to work on dairy ranch; steady employment. Address 401 Mill Ht., Salem, or. WANTED FlrL-cass bookkeeper with lum ber experience; clve re Terences. AM 813, Oregonlan. A WAN" TED At once, a rr.jf naered pharma cist : one w hn t borough ly understands the business. '! E. Morrlwon. Pi PK FITTER wautd ; muet bo able to atmiirhten and fit cond-hand pipes. Alaska Junk Co.. jo Kront at. EX PERI ENCED orderly : disrargcd soldier p referred. tic 11 wood Hospital. if oil wood 347. NJi'tHT u:an for garage work. Fair view Oh rage, I'nlon and Eaat Dais st. MAN wanted for Janitor work: working hours from J P. M. to . P. M. tith st. MAN to dig 4 acres of potatoes on sharea. Marshall 447. POLISH ER wanted. AppW Ca! ifornla Plat tng Works. 'JCi ld st. Main Tl'IS. MEN WANTED Conductor about yrs. of age 310 Electric bldg. P. R.. L. A- P. Co. WANTED Laborers, steady work, out of town. Apply0 10 Or egon bldg. FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO.. Alder sL, wants several first-clas meat cutters. LABORERS wauled. Apply 610 Oregon SAUSAGEMAKERS wanted at Jones' Mar ket, 4th and Alder. WANTED Janitor for office bldg; one firm. Apply H 7 Jo. Oregonlan. MAN wanted to drive Whit truck. River view Dairy Co.. 1QQ3 Relmont. CARPENTERS wanted. Portland Ship building Co., ft. of Nebraska st. RELIABLE auto driver and helper; must know city. 3Q4 Hoyt st.. after O A. M. COATMAKER wanted, steady work. 410 Panama bid g. BARBER wauted. 249 Vs First at. Beu Madison and Main. BARBER wanted for Saturday. $3 guaran- KirHt st. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $3 cuirtn teed. 'JO First St. BARBER wanted, for Saturday; wage guar snted. l-'2 4th st. BARBER tot fiaturUay. 1-0 Second a I HELP WANTED M.ltC Help Wanted Sntcntea. 5rETOS Instantly removes grease and dirt from painted walls end ceilings, without scrubbing. Snlessjtun wanted ; excluaiv contract for Oregon ; commission; at ate experience; give phone. Genera 1 sserut v td iutT lew applicants Saturday, Dec. 2S. Address AV ilL Oregonian. SA LESM A N WA N T F. D Automob ile" tccex xory. sells like wildfire; agents make $0 tv $25 per day; demand unlimited: sat isfaction absoiutely guaranteed. Wewo Sales Company. 615 GerJlnger bldg., 2d and Alder eta. Phone Main 24fcl. WAXTEO AGENTS. HISTORY of World War. Authentic, com plete and Illustrated from official photo graphs of allied governments. Introduc tion by Gen. M arch, chitf of staff. 1. S. Army. Biggest commissions to agents. Prospectus and outfit free. Send luv lor maliinc. Bible Educational Society, ?tbt . U.K. I t AGENTS st once. Sell COc per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED TXUALE. FIRST-R VTE OPPORTUNITY FOR EXPERIENCED I'O.MPTOM K- TEK OPERATOR AND TYPIST, WITH SOME CLERICAL EX- -PER1ENCE. FOR OFFICE AT CAMAS. WASH.: STiTU ACE. EX PE RIEXi "E. SAL A RY HAY E BEEN EARNING. TELEPHONE1 NUMBER AND ADDRESS. C 76J. OREGONIAN. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KTNO STORH requires the services or experienced sales women in all departments. Apply to 10:10 A. M , superintendent's office. YOUXO LADIES WANTBD. Improved Wage Schedule. CALL AT TELEPHONE CO Room 0oi. tith floor. Park and Oak sts. WILL someone kindly help me with some food and'ciothes for my children, as 1 am all alone and not we' I and have 3 chil dren? Mrs. Hanson, 17th su N., corner fravier ft. ASSISTANT cook and baker. $40 a month, with board, room and laundry included. School for Deaf, Vancouver, Wash. Phone Vancouver, ltl. WANTED Experienced young lady for per manent posK.on In candy store; aternooi and night shift. Rogers' Candy Store, cor. " Broadway and Yamhill st. WANTED Young women, IS to 2."V. to dle laundry office; a person experienced In hand'mg power machine preferred. Xd d retvw AO T -.". Oregonian. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Sal at ion Army Hejcue Home, 392 East lath st. N or phone East 123. GIKL. must be experienced soft drink mlxe S hours' work, $12 a week. Apply lUoS North 10th st. 01?D I S 1 1 lady or g;ri to stay with 7 weeks baby while motiier is sway. X 20. Ore- gonian. YOUNO girl to sttend telephone and arstst In waiting on table, old People's Home, East 3iM and Sandy. A XTKU -Lady groet y clerk ; must bava experience and reference. Apply L. Mayer 'o.. lti l'iffh rt. OIKI.S wishing to go on atage with road t-hows or city siork, ae Art Rogers, room 4M. Bush A- Lane blog. WANTED ;ir! for serend work and to s- S Kt with children. Main 764. Port. llU-, r7. Ruena V ista drive. R LLI Alii.E yoimtf woman to Karn gool business; nuit begin at small pay. Apply roo: Exchange bldg. WANTED Experienced tvplPt, t No ste nography.) Mubt rapid, neat, accurate. StMCt with $.". AH 70.-,. Oregonlan. GIRL wanted as shipping clerk. Kalrchild s Market, UJ4---1 Yamhill sL Apply tins morn ine. WAITRESS for dredge. $ "C. Hansen's Em ployment Agency, o'-7 Washington st. u pstairg. TWO women t.r girl to w a?-h dishes and sweep: rod wag and good home Scil w nod H opi t al. SM wood 47. EM'Kiy KNCKll pastry cook fr restau rant: ki o rclcrcticcs and phone. AH bOO, Oregonian. WANTED A Cirst-claas cook for private insiiuit ion ; $u a month. Apply NlsbetU S;natriuin, fil Love toy at. KXTKA slclad!' wanird for grocery de partment. Stmon's Store. 1st snd A Ider st. OOi.'O dining-room girl wanted a -01 lUtn; wiupn $-. with r-om and board. UiKL Willi evp.. to ttiko tare of 7-monMis-oid baby ; good wages. Phone Main f.V'.A. W A TED Kxpcrienevd chambermaid. llo-t.-! itow'nnd. -lilte MARRIED woman to exchange little work , for housekeeping rooms. Apply 54 Hood. UIKL with f-ome experience for office work. American Laundry Co., MO Fast 3d s- N. ViTRESSES wanted in the morning. Cail o'J Cn-nrtnlaii bldtr. EXPERIENCED ait rets wanted, at once, central Cale, 143 Park rt. WNTE1 Dtnins-roorn girl, 1751 Derby st. W o-i in w n - ". i Oint. for work In laundry. Apply Good Sutrinritnn Hospital. CHOKES GIRLS Highest wages, long en fcagcmetit-s :io traveling. Casino Thealsr. L. f V barber wanted for Saturday or steady WANTED A pants finisher. 207 AUaky bldg. Mam 11JJ. EXPER1KNCKD telephone opTaiorn may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 'Jftft7. WAITRESS S 4th st. Ll'TRESS t r rst urant. 4 ; rnd ave. WAITRESS wmil"'! lit rtt ih etreet. Wsoleo Domratlca. EN PKRIEVCKD cook. goo, wages. Call fit North ltM ft. l'hone Broadway 117i at once . reference. W A NTEI Young Kirl to an-sist with hoie uork, mi 11 lainil : no wanhlng. no coK -lug : Rood liomo for willing girl. Cal 1 b tvxeeu il a;id 1" A. M.. 4144 EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, i in family, no wafhlns. Phone Marshall 41!I. 1131 Frank'ln St., WMlam'tte ieight. GIRL to do cofktnjr and general hou1 wnrk; small 1mss"l ; good, wages. Call Main --l GIRL for coo king and di nulrs wori ; Rood home, $jO, Main t0 i. 75 bher- m ood d ri e. WAN TED A strong woman to doenera X liouii'AO.-k; no cooking. Call 7J 1 1 e4 L It av, H. K. ENPERJENCED gtrl for cooking snd down stairs vtork. $13. 794 Irving st. Main IiiX PER1KNCED inuid or fcttmtrewi to as sist with child of scht a$e; references reoulred. Phone Main "16V YOUNG Kirl or school girl to assist miili -fiomc work and einutl baby, in kpartmrM bUK. Marshall 1J4L WANTED iirl for houeework. family of three; Relit work, plcusant home. Call Wdln. T.'Td. WAN TED A girl for seneral housework ; famllv of three adulta; $33. CaU after 4 1. M. E. r.s.M. b WANTED A high school or working girl to hc'.p morning and evening (or board and room. Call Woodlawn 4033. WANTED Girl for general housework, famllv of 3: small house; will pay rea sonable wage?. Phone Tabor 117. COM PICT E NT cook who will arsis t mith general houseaork, $30 per mouth. Thone Main 4."n. . " WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper; good home. 1 4 N. 21'd t., near Hoyt. COMPETENT cook, good wages. GOO lian ilers St. W A NTE D Competent, nurae-m" id ; refer ences required ; good wages. Mar. 3QQ3. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Call Wdln. 3JO.N. MAID for genl. housework; no wahlng; good wages. Maraha'.l 6JiO. WOMAN to KMt 7447. kith, housework. Call GI RL lor general hourework ; good home. East 0273. 436 K. 17th N-, Irvington. WASTED Cirl for general housework. Mrs. W. A. Hall, fll Irving st. GIRL wanted f r getieral housework. Call Ta bor f'TM. 131 Taddlngton Court. WANTED - Kirla for housework, $40 and found. tQ3 Oregonian bldg. WOMAN for housework; good wages, Cl East f.211. . HELP WAXTKD-MALB OR FEMALE. PIANO player; of e that is extra rood on vaudeville and pictures; steady job, good pay. Write H'.lgh Theater, Salem. Or. WANTED Fireman, permanent posit Ion. Cu'l at Providence Academy, Vancouver, - Wash. WANTED A finisher. Ik well's Studio, 40 Va Wash. 0L Broadway 3J1.