8 THE ".MORNING OREGOm??, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, .1918. ftMERICl HEROISM IN ACTION REWARDED Officers and Soldiers of North west Cited for Bravery. DEEDS OF DARING RELATED Fearless Courage and Initiative of Major William A. AIrd, of Ta coma, Highly Landed. "WASHINGTON", Dec. 17. The commander-in-chief of the American ex peditionary forces In France and Bel rlum, in the name of the President, has awarded the distinguished service cross to the following: named officers and sol diers for the acts of extraordinary hero Ism described after their names: Major William A. Aird. 348th Machine Gun Battalion. For extraordinary hero ism in action between the Meuse River and the Argonne Forest, France, Sep tember 26. to October 4, 1918, Major Aird repeatedly reorganized the Infan try on the left flank of his division see tor, and by his sound tactics and good judgment, kept the attack progressing? against snipers, machine-gun nests, and artillery. Ue personally on several oc casions went forward to reconnolter and then led the attack against the dis covered positions. He captured three, enemy 77-millimeter suns, and by' sighting' through the bore, turned their fire on hostile emplacements and machine-gun nests, destroying many such nests. His fearlessness, courage, and initiative were an inspiration and ex ample to those under him, and to his efforts much of the splendid progress on this portion of the field was due. Home address, Mrs. Ora Belle Aird, Ingleslde Apartments, Tacoma, Wash. Personal Dansrer Disregarded. Sergeant Ralph Kthier, Headquarters Company, 361st Infantry. For extraor dinary heroism in action near Gesnes, France, September 26, 1918. Sergt. Etiier, who was in charge of the signal section attached to the attacking bat talion, displayed remarkable coolness and disregard for personal danger in bringing the battalion telephone line through heavy artillery and machine gun fire to the ridge which was being attacked, and there establishing com munication with regimental headquar ters. Home address, Dan Ethier, 14 South Date street, Toppenish, Wash, Supply Sergeant Abraham Thord, Company B. 361st Infantry. For extra ordinary heroism in action near Gesnes, France, September 28, 1918. Sergeant Thord, although badly wounded, crawled BOO meters under heavy shell fire to deliver important papers to his com pany commander. Home address, Nath an Levine, friend, Rexburg. Idaho. Tacoma Cook la Honored. Cook Reginald Johnson, Company B, S6l8t Infantry. For extraordinary hero ism In action near Gesnes, France, Sep tember 29-October 1, 1918. Under'heavy shell fire, and badly wounded, he con stantly assisted for three days in cook ing for an entire battalion In the front line. Home address, Lewis Johnson, friend, 5110 Forty-fifth street, Tacoma, Wash. Pharmacist's Mate Third Class George Douglas Witt, United States Navy, at tached to Sixth Machine Gun Battalion, United States Marine Corps. For extra ordinary heroism in action near St. Etlenne-Arnes, France, October 6, 1918. Pharmacist's Mate Witt displayed re markable bravery and coolness In giv ing medical aid to wounded marines while going forward with the assault waves during the attack north of Blanc Mont Ridge and near St. Etienne-Arnes, France, on October 6, 1918. Late in the afternoon on the same date, while giv ing first aid to a wounded marine in an advance machine-gun post, he was shot ind seriously wounded by an enemy sniper. Home addre. G. M. Witt, Har rington, Wash. AXIi BUT INDIAN AFFAIRS COM MITTEE REASSIGNED HIM. Ealem Man Takes Office Following Resignation of Mr. Mulkey, Who Was Elected for Short Term. . ORBGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec 17. Charles L. McNary was sworn In today as successor to the Senatorial term made vacant by the death of the late Senator Lane. This is the third ad interim occupancy of the term for whlch Mr. Lane was elected. Mr. McNary was appointed to serve until Mr. Lane's successor could be elected. Mr. Mulkey was elected and served until today, when his regis- ' nation took effect. Mr. MfNary again was appointed ot fill out thee Lane. Mulkey unexpired term. Mr. McNary was assigned to all his former committee positions, except that on Indian affairs. He ranks below Senator Spencer from Missouri, who was assigned to that committee whil Mr. McNary was out of the Senate. Mr. McNarys Committees are Indian affairs, public lands. Irrigation, manu factures. Pacific railroads, Philippines, , public helath and expenditures in the Department of Commerce. - French Sailors to Be Entertained. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Dec 17. The French cruisers Glolre and De Saix, in command of Admiral Grout, have ar rived here for a three days' visit. The Government authorities are arranging many entertainments for the sailors. - Marshall Presides Over Cabinet. WASHINGTON, Dec 17. Vice-President Marshall presided over the regu lar Tuesday Cabinet meeting again today. Read The Oreeonlan classified ads. ;fus is tfis Sifter & all fcnv bright ensi sires trv? t .our alt just right Tom&fcs tfw RUSKS! hreA mere ligftt And every morsel - - a snowy wnsig: -j OFFICIAL (Continued From Flrat Page.) Pehi, Gustav, Everett. Wash. Kraus, A. V Auburn, Wash. Zeyen, William J., Rltzvllle. Wash. Kins, Joseph, Seattle, Wash. Brauer, Henry. Tacoma. Wash. Peterson. A roe (SgL), Sllyerdale. Wash. Towle, F. G. (Sgt.). Seattle, Wash, Stanforth. Harry H. (Cpl.), Tacoma, Wash. Clark, Earl E. (Cpl.), Sprtngdale. Wash. Marsh, William H., Tacoma, Wash. . Yancey. E. J Tacoma.. Wash. Level. John A. (Cpl.), Davenport, Wash. Parkhlll. L). U. (Sift.), Keno, Wash. Linden, Albert. Spokane, Wash. Uresnahan, Raymond, Colvllle. Wash. Coyle, F. R.,- Vancouver, Wash. Gebler. Al O. (Cpl.), Seattle, Wash. Frios. Adam (Wag.), Walla Walla. Wash. Wounded (degree -undetermined) Hller, C A. (SgL). Seattle Wash. Larrick. S. T. CpL). Spokane, Wash. Sklllen. B. E., Monroe.' Wash. Blalsdell, H. L. (Cpl.). Seattle. Wash. Snyder, D. A., Genesee, Idaho. Clink. Frank, Republic, Wash, Mounded slightly Strubba, Edward. Seattle. Wash. Davis, B. L., Coulee City, Wash. Lyons, Harry K. (CapL), Tacoma,. Wash. French, Ralph W, Colfax, Wash. Hickey, Harry A. Hartford. Wash, , Hadley, Jess B., Wilkinson, Wash, i Klrby, A. L. (Sgt.).- Centralla. Wash, Bjork. G. L. Snohomish, Wash. Fleury. R. L. (Cpl., Bellingham. Wash. Nvstrom; Alvtn L. Goldendale, Wash. Zbinden, Charles, Walla Walla, Wash. Colgren. Arthur C Spokane, Wash. , Missing In action Bubblns. W. 8. (Cpl.). Ferndale. Wh. Ruth. Albert J. (Cpl.), Seattle. Wash. Kallsbexg. Oscati Tacoma, Wash. IDAHO. . Killed hi ae-Mon Weeks. W. H. (SgL). Shoefeoaa, Idafea. HuletL M. A-, Drlgga Idaho. McMillan. Fred, Richfield, Idas. led of disease Allen, William II.. King Bill. Ida. Wounded severely ' Brooks, C. F.. Hazalton. Idaho. Chrlstensen. Roy A. (Cpl.). Payatta, Idaho, Thomas. F. S.. Irwin. Idaho. Lyons, Paul O.. Coeur d'Aleno. Idaho. Mitchell. Robert J., Council, Idaho. Freemanalbert, Lester (LL). Moscow, Ida. Wight. Wllford. Molad. Idaho. Prentice. L. A.. Buhl. Idaho. Wounded slightly Jenness. Herold (Lt). Narnpa, In a ho. Vess. H. H. (Set.). Dubois, Idaho. Stuart. F. C, Boise, Idaho. Bullock. Clarence. Kooskla, Iflsho. Hagers, Amund, Harrison, Idaho. Bruegeman. Anton. Cottonwood. Idaho. Cook. Frank. Pt. Maries. Idaho. Nefsay. J. J.. Black Bear. Idaho. Wounded (degree undetermined) Crawford, O. W., Emmett, Idaho. Hall. W. J., Emmett. Idaho. Wounded, degree undetermined (.previous ly reported missing) Smith. Austin S.. Rupert, laano. Aliasing in action . . Paver. .1 T. Rarie. Idaho. Thrall. Dewey O. (Cpl.). Cambridge, Idaho. Killed In action (previously reponea miss ing) Schooler, Irvta J.. Genesee. Idaho. ALABAMA, Killed In action- Andrews. 8. E. (Lt.). Out, Ala. Cole, Stern C. (Mus.), Whitfield, AhV -l.ee, Anderson. Montgomery, Ala. Klng. John H. Tyler, Ala. Betooks. E. T., Georglana, Ala. Iiel of disease Reddock, Ollle. Letohatchee, Ala. Marshall. Earnest. Wlnfleld. Ala. Jackson. Lou C, Marion. Ala. ARIZONA. Killed In action Murphy. C. H. (SgL). eafTord, Aruv ARKANSAS. Killed in action Beumer. J. H. (Cpl ). Coal HTH. Ark. Chandler, Joel L.. Nashville, Ark. Died of dlHease James. John. Lams, Ark. White, James B-, Banner, Ark. CALIFORNIA. ) Killed In action Delarlo, C E. (Capt.), Los Angeles, CaL Burrows. C. A. (Sgt.), Ventura, Cat. Baslne. John, Bradley. Cal. McLaughlin, Cland F, San Praaclaeok Cal. IMeri of wound Narvles, Daniel, San Jose, CaL Died of accident- Statu. E. F. Lt.), Los Angeles, Cal. fried of disease Martin, John J, Los Angeles, CaL COLORADO. Died of d lnease Smith. Ehen L. (Lt.), Denver, Cole. Pickett, Edwin P.. Lake City. Colo. CONNECTICUT. Killed In action Lock wood, R. E. (Sgt.). Bridgeport, Conn. Buckner, Paul, New Haven, Conn. Berggren, Frederick V., Ansonia, Conn. Died of disease Gagun, Emll (Sgt.), Seymour, Conn. Ferron, Frederick (Sgt.), Ansonls, Conn Clark. James F. (Cpl.), Bridgeport, Conn. Colano, Tony (Cpl.). Hartford. Conn. Downs. Edward P. (Cpl.). Longhlll, Conn. Barber, O. P. (Cpl.). Warehouse Point. Conn. Walter, Victor P., Meriden, Conn. FLORIDA. Died of disease Grace, H. G. (CpL). Panama City, Fla, GEORGIA. Killed In action Adams. John W Omega, Oa. Livelky. A. E Tallapoosa, Ga. Died of disease Jones. J. T. (Sgt.), Homervllle, Ga, Clrghorn, F. (Mecti ). Sugar Valley, Ga. Newsom, Lewis C. Tennille. Ga. Mathls. Sidney J Ramburst, Ga. Atkinson, Lonnie A. Lawrenceville, Ga. I ILLINOIS. ' Killed in action Crowley, S. L., Oak Park, ITL Staeheli, Otto (Lt.), Chicago, TIL Busey. C. B. (Lt.), Urbana. III. t Lence, Loren (CpL), East St. Loula TIL Hansen. P. A. (Wag). Chicago, 11L Stade, Henry W Chicago, IU. Llllvik, Charles, Chicago, 111. Hansen, Elmer C, East Moltne, IU. Jakubowski, Adam, Chicago. ' - Grivettl, Peter. Westville. 111. Nelson. A. W., Sycamore, IU. Lucy, George, Chicago. Jones. Curtis. Xenla, I1L Died of wounds Kozel, Eddie (Cpl.), Chicago. Wiley, 'Clarence E., Toledo, IU. Rolish. Stanley, Chicago, I1L Died of !M-i-idcnt Blckerell. Earl F. (CpL), Btark, m. Died of cliMeaite KUborn. Harland (Lt.), Casey, m. Wright, C. L. (Sgt.), Peoria, III. Wilson. Charles (Sgt.). Altamont. IIL Stodghlll. C. O. (Sgt.), Johnson City, 111. Zimmerman, Ramond. Chicago. Williams. George (Cpl.), Barry, IIL Lynn. John E., ChanUlervltle, 111. Lundgren. Walter E., Chicago, 111. Cavanaugh. Peter J., Chicago, IU. Roy, Casey, Creal Springs. IIL Bransky, Peter. Cntcago. 111. Blom, Gustat H.. Chicago, 111. Wlnanskl. Joseph, Westville, HL INDIANA. Killed In action Lockyear, M. S. (Lt.), Clrlsney, Tnd. Allison. R. F. (Set.). Kokomo. Ind. Voyls, Kent, Ellzaheth-town, Ind. Rltter. John v., auddletown, lnL Madar7 Clarence. Rochester, lad. Gray.' Carl, Anderson, Lpd. inea or wouna Rellly, John V Knobbs, Ind. Died, of disease Johnson, L D. (Mus). Marshfleld, Tnd. Bueli. Grace G. (Nursei. Roanoke, Ind.. Schilling. Carl, Acton, Ind. IOWA. Killed In action Thorson, T. C Inwood, Iowa. ' Glss. W. A., Denlson, la. Died of wounds m Florman, Alfred C, Jefferson, la. KANSAS. Killed In action Martin, Leroy (Sgt), Baoden. Kan. Harvey, Charles (Cpl.). Qulnter. Kan. Reach. A. T. (cpl.). Mancnester. tvaa. Sheoherd Ralph E., Deertleld. Kan. Stockwell. Christopher Stafford, Kaa. ied of wotinds Sever. Noble E., Atchison,-Kan. Hoffman, Aryle C Reece, Kan. lied off disease Mundell. W. T. (Capt.), Hutchinson. Kan. Bates, Vernon K. (Lt.). Manhattan. Kan. Chllds, Alonzo C. (Sgt-). Atchison, Kan. KENTUCKY. Killed In action ' Stewart, Comer (Cpl.). HopklnsvlTle, Ky. Wright. L. C. (Cpl.), Erlavger, Ky. Mitchell, W. R., Danville, Ky. Brewer. George, Wllhurst, Ky. Died of wounds Hampton. Elwood (CpL), Volga, Ky.4 Hall, John P.. Ashland, Ky. Ball, Elbert, Henderson, Ky. Died of disease Bedinger. John (Capt.), Anohorage. Ky. Thompson. Paul E. (Lt.), Versailles, Ky. Hay, David P. (Sgt.), Campbellsville, Ky. Larimore, J. W. (Mus.), Horse -Cave, KV. Robinson. Joseph, Zelda, Ky. McGee, Charles. Hickman, Ky. Ckstle, Robert, Lowmeansvtllei . Ky. -LOUISIANA. Died of wonnds Bordolon. 'Lincoln, Bordelonvllle, La. Died of dicane Stewart, James (Sgt.). 'Monroe, La. MAINE. . ' Died of disease I Lunt, H. 8. (Cpl.), Chenyflelo, . Ma, CASUALTY LIST MA RYLAND. Killed In actios Zlnk, L. C. (Sgu). Cockeysvllle, Md. Dunkerly, M, L. (Sgt.), Halethorpe. Ml Heinbuck, F. F. (Cpl ). Baltimore. Md. . Gunther, Henry W Baltimore, Md. Simms. MarshaJL Baltimore, liel of disease Wlland. Cyrus (Sgt.). Lonaeonlng, Md. Sullivan. C. E. (Sgt.), Woodenburg. Mi Brown. G. A. (Wag.), Warren, Md. MASSACHUSETTS. Killed In action Marsh. E. D. Lt.)..Westboro. Mass. St. Germain. W. C. (Mus.). Worcester. McAnaugh. W. H.. Bridgewater. Mass. Pomeroy, James L.. Cambridge, Mass. McDonald, Archie, Ft. Falrchlld. Mass. Musto, Angelo B., Manstleld. Mass. McGraiL Frank, Worcester, Mass. Died of woun ilm Brown. L. C. (Lt.). Bridgewater, Mass. Anderson, J. C. (Sgt.), Worcester, Mass. Hartnett. "W. F. (Cpl.). East Dedham. Masa Strong, Glaaford E-. Northhampton, Mass. - Dieil of disease t Prouty. Theodore lB, (Lt), Seltuate, .Masa , O'Nell, Gilbert W. (Sgt.). Gloucester. Masa Foster, W. S. (Sgt.). RoJtbury. Mass. NelL Ernest H. (CpL), Whitman. Masa Campbell, John (CpL), Andover. Mass. MICHIGAN. Killed In action Fnrloag, H. A. (Lt.), Detroit, Mich. Goebel, G. F. (Lt. , Jackson. Ml h. Baynard. John, Pontlac Mich. Brltton. G. H-. Plttsford. Mich. OzdarskL J. S.. Detroit, Mich. llrd of wounds Ford. A. D. (Lt.). TpsllanU. Mich. Ward. James CpL). Ionia, Mloh. Asselln. Kmlle J. Calumet. Mich. Died of disease Joseflak. Walter John. Detroit. Mica. MINNESOTA. Killed la action Rathert. H. A. (Set.). Mora, Kmn, GammelL W. ' 8. (Set.). Madison, Mhaa. Gutofskl. Charles (CpL), Chaaka, Minn, Olson. P. EL. Little Falla Minn. Hsnnlng. J. B.. North MlnneapeUa Mtasv Died of rtloeaa Medlnnl. Charles (Lt.). St. Paul. lOna Gallagan. B. J. (Sgt.). Minneapolis. Ubm, Olsen. Joseph. EL. Cambridge. Minn. Momb. Eddie C, Rochert. Minn. Hertrlch. Ernest M. Hamburg, Minn. Grothe. Martin. Pine City. Minn. Godlesky. Konstantln, Minneapolla Minn. Chriatansen. Lars J-. Grove CKy. Minn. MISSISSIPPL Died of airplane accident , Brooks. W. H. (Lt,), Columbus, Mlsa, Died of d I .en i Tnbervllle, Vernon, Osyka. Mlsa UISSOCBL Killed In action Shurron. Jeffry (Sgt.), Koshkonang. Mo. Gray. K. E. (CpL). Maryvllle. Mo. Bennett. Carl L.. St.' Loula Mo. Schooling, Clarence E. Clark. Mo. Dandridge, Leon. St- Louis, Me. Rueter, Fred F., Bland, Mo. Wurth, Joseph, Jr., St Louis, Me Falkner. V. A, Rolla, Mo. - Died of wounds Hootman.. Frank (Cpl.), Mlrabrie, Me. Bmoot, Charlie O. Downing, Mo. IHed of diwease Lame. Ben V. M. (Capt.). Kansas City. Mo. Broyles, Watklns A. (Lt.). Bethany. Mo. Youngberg. C H. (Sgt ). Kansas City. Mo. Walker, J. V. (Sgt.), Plattsburg. Mo. Smith. O. O. (Sgt.), Gideon, Mo. Wlsklrchen, Henry C. (Cpl.). Ewlng. Mo. Lobban. James L. (CpL), Warrensburg. Mo. Courtney, R. B. (Mech.). St. Clair. Mo. Debouny, Thomas A-. St. Louts, Mo. Brown, Charles, Norwood. Mo. MONTANA. Killed In action Pedorchuk. Fred P-. Great Pans. Mont. Craig, P. F., Hllger, Mont. Bolte. F. H Sidney, Mont. Haughlan, M. F., Degrande, Monk Died of wonnas Llllern. Conrad (CpL). Portage, Mont. Hasenauer. R. J. (CpL), Portage, Mont.' Died of discMMe Tucker, Frederick 8., Boseman, Mont. Wounded severely (erroneously reported died of disease) Corblt, Harold F., Ubby. Mont. Largas, Alvln E Belt. Mont. NEBRASKA. Killed In action Conley. Lsonard. Omaha, Neb. ' - Died of wounds Taylor. Arthur C. (Sgt.), Lincoln, Neb. Died of dtHcase Hagelin, Paul A. (CpL), Waho. Neb. Slapnlcka. John. Southslde Omaha, Neb. Scott, William H-. Lincoln. Neb. NEW VOBK. Killed In action Brown, R. R. (CpL), TJtlca, N. T. Smart, D. 8. (Lt), Cambridge. N. T. Morehouse. L. S. (Lt.). Fulton, N. Z. ' Klnne, F. N. (Lt.). DelhL N. T. Connolly. D. M. (Lt.). Brooklyn. X. X. Ruane. E. T. '(SgL). Cohoes, NJ Y. Gles. W. E. (Sgt.).. New Tork. Brlggs. R, A. (Sgt.), Blnghamton. 1. T. Albrecht, George (Sgt.), Brooklyn. N. T. Rosenwald. Andres (CpL), Brooklyn, N. T. Gray, Robert (CpL). Brooklyn. N. T. rolejl, J. J. (Cpl.), New York. Dolan, B. L. (Cpl.), Lockport. N. T. Carson. J. P. C. (CpL). Brooklyn. N.T. Moore. H. R. (CpL), New York. Miller. R, D. (CpL). Ballvllle. N. X. Martin, L'-L (CpL). Lyons. N. T. Maronex. J. L. (Cpl.). Buffalo. N. T. Dunkel. Joseph (CpL), Corona, N. Tr Bentley. R. E. (CpL), Horseheada. N. T. Gero. F. A. (cook). Malone. N. Y. Jack. J. D. (Bugl). Tlcondemga, N. Y Battaglla, Salvatore, New York. Sallsbery, Stephen C, Pyrites, N. T. Hennessy, W. J.. Brooklyn. N. Y. Cregg. N. A.. Perryvllle. N. Y. Epstein. Morris. New York. N. Y. Hagen, John J., New. York. Trelano, Domenico, New York. Wetner. Benjamin, New York. Will". H. S. K.bnrf, N Y. r kSSB-wOaa' Patalano, Vincent. Brooklyn. N. T, . Lynch. J. L., Brooklrn. N. T. -Clear. J. F Brooklyn. N. Y -OllqulSt, E. H Brooklyn, N, T, Noonan, W. J., Brooklyn. N? Y, Died of wounds Mlnton, C. A. (Lt), New York. Jagger, H. R. (Lt.), New York. ' McKevett, C. P. (Sgt.), Perry. N. T. Burns. Robert (Sgt.), Cold Springs, jr. T. McGraw. Charles W. (CpL). Herkimer. N. T. Slelsky. Louis (Cpl.). Brooklyn, N. Y Drago. Cologgla, New York. Died from accident , Ronnon. Robert, Jr. (SgL). Elrrurford, N. T. Reber. Charles H. (CpL); Brooklyn, N. Y. Died of diHcane Steinhllber. C. W. (Lt.). Watertown. N. Y. Legos. Stephen (Sgt.), Blnghamton, N. Y. Sullivan. E. M- (fgu). Brooklyn. N. Y. Tomllnson. J. H. (Wgt. ), Brooklyn. N. Y. G11L John A. (Cpl.), Ghent. N. Y. Barnes. C. T. (CpL), Port Chester. N. IV Schwaner. Harry W-, Brooklyn, N. Y. McCloskey, John S-. New York. Burke, James L. Oswego. N. Y. NEW JERSEY. Killed In action Marsh. A. D. (Cpt.). Newark X. J. KalLy. K. A. (Lt-). Glenrldge. N. J. Maresca. C. F. (Col.). Jersey Cltv. N J Carpenter. 8. A. (Cnl.). Milan X- t Cieanulowicx, John. Trenton. N. J. osapio. uiovanny. Orange, N J Lloyd, G. E.. Wlldwood, N. J. Cayton, Lee. Jersey City, N. X. Murray, Peter. Trenton. N. J. Died of wounds Drabble. W. W. (SgL). Newark. N. J. MangtalomlnL Joseph (CpL). Btranm, N. Stokley. R. G. (CpL). Maplewood. N. J. Douglass. Henry (CpL). Englewood. N. J. 'tea or accident ord. Benjamha P. fLt-). XL Orange. W- J. Died of disease Mnndy, George W. fSgL), Plalnflela, N. J. PlckeL Austin, Lebanon. N. J. McOulra, James F, Jersey City. X. J,' Lake, AlDheua O- Monsev. V Caputl. Antonio, Summit, 'M. J. NEW HMPfHnB' . , Killed In action . a - BnraelL A. F, LitUetad; H. H, Died of wnnndft Mason. Gustavo, Bertln, N. H. Died of dic.e Whitcomh, B- D. fLt.). Charlestowa, N. H. NEW MEXICO. Killed In action- Ortega, ManueL Peralta. N. Mexico. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed In action Watklns. C. E (CpL). Haya N. C. Stephenson. William Judson, N. C Wal droop, Robert C-. Sylva, N. C Dixon. D. C. Hlllsooro, N. C Died of wounds Harper. Don V.. Clarendon. N. C Cahoon. Lonnie L, Mealo. N. C Died of wounds Clark. Robert E. (SgL). Greenville. N. C rimpson. Samuel J. Fairfield. N. C Parker, William C Kings Mountain. N. OL Duprla. Roy, Macclesfield. N. C NORTH DAKOTA. Killed In action- Will lama J. W Velva, N. D. Died of wounus Herring. R, O. Cayura, N. D. I'te.l of diaease Llghtbody. John IS, (CpL). Hazen, N. XX Smeltxer. P. O. (Wag.l. York. N. D OHIO. Killed In BJ-ilnn Cottr.il, E. M. (LL). Oreetrrma. Ohio. Boydmon, L. T. (Cpl.). Cleveland, O. Beck, Leo C Columbua. O. Wilson, Loren Leroy, Alliance, O. Silverman. Marry E., Cleveland. (X Hltner, Fred. ClncinnatL O. Standlsh. James. Mantns. O. SellardsL Harry. Springfield. O. I.ovey. Frank J- Portsmouth. V Woodruff. L. Wanhlncton Court House, O. Helmea B. A Price H11L Ohio. Belak. Henry. Akron, Ohio. Died of wounds Nettleshlp. R (CpL), Port JefTeraon. O, Hans, Monsnr (cpl.). Cleveland. Ohio. lled' of disease . Vorhes, Lisle (Sgt.), Lebanon. Ohio. Moore, G. S. (Cpl. ). Lafayette, Qhla' Sneddon, Eddie, Alfred. O. Olllmore, Delos, Orwell. O. Founts. Oliver B.. East Palestine. O Borges. Ben J, Mart sat eln. O. Well. Anthony, Cleveland. O. OKLAHOMA. Died of wonnds Gregory. Terrell W. (Sgt.), Frederick. Okla. Newburn, Samuel II.. Canadian, Okla, Hill, Luther F May, Okla. Died i,f disease Emlngton. John E.. Channte, Okla. Brewer, Albert. Boswell. Okla. . Beard, Charles L. Bartlesville, Okla. PENNSYLVANIA. Killed In action Stafford. Charles (Sgt.). MeadvUle. Pa, Wetmer. C. E. (CpL), Frays Landing, Pa. ' Tlley, J. C (Cpl.), Brockvllle. Pa. Means, M. W. (Cpl.). Conneautvllle, Pa. Ebersple, W. 8. (CpL), Mount Joy. Pa. Babb. M. M. (Cpl.), Lebanon. Pa. " Samkavrts, Anthony, Barnesvllla, Pa, Sailese, Giuseppe, Philadelphia. Pa. Pueatert, Frank. Clearfield. Pa. Creno. Domenico. lirlstol. Pa Mansberger, Charles H., Mlddlstown, Pa Gaugler, Charles L, Northumberland, Pa. Plosky. Harry, Philadelphia, Pa. Heller, C, L Bamesboro; Pa. Gallagher, L. J. Pittsburgh. Pa. Iled off wonnde Comlnsky, Peter (Sgt.), Seranton, Pa. Miller, Joseph (Cpl), Hanover. Pa. Metx. Frederick, Pittsburg, Pa Pore m bo. Albert J., Summit Hill. Pa Naylor, Raymond K., North Wales, Pa. Died off accident Phenton, D. T. (Cpl.). Philadelphia. Pa Henkela. Paul (SgL), Philadelphia, Pa. Died off disease Kadlec, Thomas G. (Lt.). Pittsburg, Pa. Bray, Arthur B. (SgL). Rlegelsvllle, Pa, Wolf, psul Prt), Nstleoks. Pa. Jal, simon-pure saiisfaciion in eating corn flakes, taking in to consideraxion. FJavor, crispness. and. texxxire, is assured wKert tine flakes are POST' TQASTEES IT IS YOUR PATRIOTIC PRIVILEGE to save cind conservcWhenyou eat wheatbe sure it is the whole wheat Dorft waste any of it. If is all food Shredded Wheat ' is the whole wheat-nothind wasted or thrown smay.lt is anourishind wholesome sulistitttte for meateggs and other expensive fcods.No sugar is required-si mply milk anda dash of salt 1 la Mi II H S p.iii Fnlton. Frank (Sgt.). McKeesnort. Pa. MacNeal. Arthur A, Philadelphia, Pa. Harris, Charles, Pottstown, Pa. Colleo, Domenico, Philadelphia, Pa. Brown, Ira A Corsica. Pa. Appleman. Clyde K. Roaring Springs, Ps- Wheatley, tiary il. Scran ton. Pa. RHODE 14LAND, Killed In action Peck. Mylon Martin, Westerly. R. L Cavanaugh. Michael J, Pawtucket, R. L Bagalio, Kocco, Thornton, K. L 1 Hed of wounds- Bedard. Ovila (CpL). Natlck. R. L bULTll CAROLINA. Killed In action Tarrant. Tillman (Sgt-). Greenwood. B, C. Ferguson, James (Sgt.), Westminster, 8. C Frailer. Bom (Cpl.). Anderson. 8. C Brand. Lloyd (Cpl.). Lamar. B. C Moseley. Herbert. Will 1st on. S. C Simpson. Anderson. Kelton, S. G. Foster, Oscar M.. Travelers Bast, S. L DstIs, Willie. Oswego. & C Davis, Simon. Wllllston, 8. C. Boyd. Tom. Ninety-Six. S. C licd uf l incase Herring. John K. (CpL), Balnnda, H. C uam, l nomas A. (Cpl.), Branchvine, B. c Bailentlne. D. w. (Cpl.). Ware Shoals, 8. C McCoy, William B Charleston. S. C . SOUTH IIASUTA Killed In action Dngdale. R. M. (Was)). Sliver City. 8. D. Thompson, Alfred M., Dnland. S. XX Fortune, Albert T., Webster, 8. D. Died of disease Chrlstensen. Christian, Hurley, 8. D. Abraham. Walter k, 6lonz Falls, 8. IX TENNKbSKK. Killed In actloo Plunk. Eber N. Cram pa Tenn. Cole. Emmett. Jonesboro. Tenn. MUllgan. William H., Vonors, Ten. Magness, Thomas H., Bmlthville. Tens. Wlukler. B. W Pleasant Shade, Tenn. Coins. G. C Jasper, Tenn. Died of wonnds Clifford. 11. B. (CpL). Bellebnckla Tenn. Chenoweth. R. W. (CpL). Red Bank, Tens. Maddux. Bmest (Bugl.). Nashville. Tenn. Welsh, Thomas C-. Decatnrvllle, Tenn. Merritt. Brennan. Woodbury, Tenn. Keener, W'tlllam H., Seymour. Tenn, Glllson.-John W Chattanooga, Tenn, ' Died of disease Wacxoner. H. G. (Sgt.), Knoxvllle. Tenn. Richardson. Blbert. Dixon Sptinga Tenn. Llfsey, Thomas B., Tremvant. Tenn. Hazel. Norman L, Memphia Tenn. Bradahaw, Robert O. Burem, Tenn. TEXAS. Killed In action Tatum. Preston (Sgt.). Cunningham. Texaa. Lloyd. J. G. (Cpl.). Henderson. Texaa. Falls. Jett (Cpl.). Roxton. Texas. Cay wood. Brodle. Rosebud. Tex. Iled of wound Weisshelmer. w. J. (Mai.), Eagle Pass, Tex Died off accident Davtdovicl. Osias (Sgt.), Dallas, Tex. Plaid. Knight W. (Lt.), Dallas. Tex. Died of disease Modley, C L (Sgt.), Carrlno Spga, Tex. Stoll. Jacob (Sgt.), Brenham, Tex. Oestrelch. Joseph C CastelL Tex. Auldrldge, Levi N, Goldthwalte, Tax. CTA1L Killed la action Grant. 9. J. (Cpl.). Salt Lake. Utah. ' VERMONT. Died of disease Camlre, W. J. (CpL). Barra, V. IRGINIA. Killed1 In action 'Anderson. W., Jr. (Cspt.), Rleimend. Va. 1 Hicks. J. II. (Mech.). Richmond. Vs. Bleight. J. C Fredericksburg. Va. Borslllo, Joseph, Newport Newa Va. Boutchyart. Daniel. Falmouth. a, DIUow. Henry. Clear Fork, Va. Died of dlnrase Ptover, John A, Stanntoa. Va. Terry. Arthur P. (Capt.). Wythevflle, Va. McKarland, Kills V, Tipton. Vs. Havens, William B, Rural Retreat. Va. WEST VIRGINIA. Killed In action Saner. Mike V. (Mia), Mound skills, W. T. Hawkins. C. R-. Mannlngton. W. Va. Stock hoff. C B Point Pleasant. W. Va. I Med of disease Wirt. W. H. (iat.). Menndrrnie. W. Va. Ruth. Leo T. Parkersburg. W. Va. W IS CON SIN, KITled) In artloa Beecber,. F. C Moquah. Wla leled of wound Mangari; James L (Sgt.). Pen-tu-laa. TVla. Odermatt. August A, (Cpl ), Monroe, Wla Butler. George. Reserve, Wla Neet. August H, Edgar, Wla. Died of disease Wilcox. "Bdward (Sgt.). Portage, Wla. Wllllama Otis (Cpl.).v.Ontario, Wla Bell. O L. (Mech.). Torwslk. Wis. Ryan. William M,. Orsen Bay. Wla. Rndrud. Sever K.. Westby. Wla D1DTK1CT Ok" (UtlHBU. Killed In action Eades. Julius E-, Washlnrtoa, I. G. Dievl of iliseaee Ttndala. Philip (LC), Washington, XX O. Marine Corps List, OREGON. Killed In action Bckerlen, ttrnest T. (Marine). Balem. Oa. W AbIH.NUIO.N. Bied of woand Keyee. Clarence L. (Marine, Anbnrn. Wash. Fulwller. John L. (Marine). Spokane, Wash. W oundetl severely Ebert. Nlla A. (Marine). Mukllteo. Wash. Taylor. E. J. tMarlne). Bryn Mawr. Wash. Tltua, Prank J. (Marine). Spokane, Wash. IDAHO. Died of wonnds. Hooper. Harlow P. (Marine), Rupert, Ida, 'itinded eerely Bailey. Thomas K. (Marine). Ooodlng, Ida. Note. Rex J. (Marine). Jerome, Ida, aw luka, Killed In action Mleika. P. L -(CpL, Marine). Buffalo, N. T. Died of wounds Relator, B- F. (CpL, Marine), Auburn, N. T. Died of disease a Head. Harry J. (Marine). TTtloa. H. T. Kt.MllKV. Tried of wonnds Skldmora, Herbert (Marine), Harlan, Ky. Died off wounds Duteher. A. V. R. (Marine). ArTlng-tea. If. J. Vandueson. R. (Sgt. Marine). Vlneland, N. J. OHIO. Tried of wonnds Jonea Lyle B. (Marine). Cincinnati. O. Tcisa. Died of wonads Davis, Walter 1. (Marine), Man da, Tex. Died of dlseaae Dorhandt, Justin P. (Msrinel, Honston. Tex. ' The DIET During' and After The Old Reliable Round Package WKl'l0i-i rf mm ill 'r it rORRF.CTIONS. Hounded, nn determined, preiluualy re port el died of diiienee . Winton. R. W. (Cpl.). Guthrie. Okla. Ecan. R. A. (Cpt. I. Newburg. N. 1. iitlth. 11. M. (Capt.). Gretmburg, Pa. Wolle. K. D. (Cart.), Milton. Pa. MoKenna. A. J. (Lt,). New York. Miller, Phlllpnus (Lt.). Davids. Pa. Kooa. H. M. (Lt.). I'hlladelphla. Broaan. J. R. (Sgt ). Hennessey. Okla. Bm-tianan. Liwnuice (Sgt,). Chicago. Burns, J. J. (Sgt.). Walpola. Masa. Cabla. Joseph (Sgt). Temple Tex. Kgdeston. A. J. (SgL). Albion, N. T. Hendricks. R. S. (Sgt.). Mount Vllle, Pa. Nichols. L. Fl. (Set ). Philadelphia. Sanford. I W. (Sgt.). Albln, N. T. Wsthen, W. C. (Sgt.). Berkeley. CaL Williams. H. H. J.st . UrnokneaL, Va. Cleary. J. M. (gt. . New York. Dahlgren. O. H (Sgt.). Klngsburir. CaL Fagan. O. W. (Sgt.). Reading. Pa. Kurnlval, O. M. (Sgt ). Hspldan. Va. Jenklna W. L (Sgt.). Philadelphia. I-alrd. A. L. (Sgt.), Klmlra. N. T. Murray. T. J. (Sgt.). 1 .ester, i's. Keld. Walter (Sgt.). Chicago, Robertson. K. W. (Sgt.). Los Angeles, CaL Sawyer. V. L. (Sgt.), Jones, La. Schusker. M. ri. (Sgt.). Noy. Pa. Spangler. Wellington (Sgt.). Buffalo, N. T. Sniith, C I. (Sgt.). Baltimore. Md. Symington. L. C. (Sgu). Philadelphia, Iunford. M. A. (Sgt.). Akron lit, Mica. MrIonald, T. P. (SgL), Phllsdelphla. Myera. O. D. (SgL). Rutherford. N. J. Nagengast. O. J. (SgL). Bayonne, N. J. RJtr, R. R. (SgL). Allentown. Pa. Smith. M. M. (Sgt ). Batavia. N. T. (Continued on Pag 16.) 7s rt Silt m M Very Nutritious, Digestihlo The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL. Horliclt process and from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over Va century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. andet MOrliCk'STfaeOriginal Thus Avoiding Imitations