THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1918. 40,000 YANKS REACH L EiJZ BRIDGEHEAD Americans Use Big Hotels as Headquarters for Army. HUN CLOCKS ARE CHANGED Germans Ordered Make Time Con form With That Csed by U. S. and Troops of Entente Allies. COBLEXZ, Dec. 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Approximately 40,000 American troops have arrived at Cob lenz since the advance guard reached here a week ago. A large number of these troops have passed through the city, while considerable forces will remain here temporari. The people i f CJoblenz got their first glimpse of American airplanes today, several of the machines flying over the Rhine toward the bridgehead boundary and then returning. The officers and clerks of the Third Army arrived here this morning, fol lowed by trucks loaded with equip ment and office supplies. The largest hotel in Coblenz, overlooking the Rhine and the two bridges where most of the troops cross the river,- has been taken over as quarters for the Third Army officers. The headquarters of the Third Army are established in at government building adjoining the hotel. Hans Watch IT. S. Troops. By noon the Third Army was in com munication with the back areas by tel ephone, telegraph. and wireless. During Sunday various detachments of infantry and artillery passed through Coblenz on their way to Join the di visions east of the Rhine. Churchgoers viewed the marching rtroops with much interest. Late in the afternoon the third division, which has "been along the Rhine south of Coblenz, marched through the city, headed by a band, each musician mounted on a gray horse. The third division crossed the Moselle north of- Coblenz, where it has taken up a position along the Rhine in sup port of the troops within the bridge head. All the larger hotels here have been taken over by the Americans for billet ing purposes, as well as many of the public buildings, which are being used as offices. German officers, who had remained in the city to turn over war material to the Americans, soon completed their task and proceeded across the Rhine in automobiles flying white flags to join the German armies beyond the bridge head lines. Civilians Treated Kindly. Throughout the sector held by the Americans they have settled down to what may be weks of occupation. Ems and Nassau are two Important towns which have fallen to the French, who were sent into the American sec tor, but Neuwied, a big Industrial cen ter, and all the other towns in the northern half of the sector are held by the Americans. The Americans have followed the pol icy which- characterized their first days of occupation. They have pro mulgated no drastic rules to govern " civil life and in every way have en deavored to make the inhabitants feel that they will not be molested so long as they do not interfere with the mili tary duties. On this first Sunday the results of this policy were shown. W,hlle the people of Coblenz are still somewhat resentful in their attitude, the resi dents of the smaller towns evince none of this hostility. Dressed in their Sunday clothes, the Germans attended church service and appeared surprised to find among the congregations in some of the places a few of the en listed men. In the afternoon the children in the villages made love frankly to any of the soldiers who would permit it, clam bered on the trucks and demanded their turn to snuggle into the seats on the guns in the artillery parks. And they were unreproved by their parents, who smiled their tolerance. The older among the men and women not only made no objection to billetings. aa did many in Coblenz and Treves, but fre quently showed a desire to make the men feel at home. Brief Furloughs Sought. Wherever bands were in action the vo tiuwuea tne street corners to listen to the music, instead of hurry- J 7 r nomes' a situation that did not exist when the invasion of German territory was begun two weeks ago. , Applications for leave of absence are already largely on the increase, but it is notable that the men are not asking for permission to, visit distant f,-? ;hbUt mfrely to "lake excursions into the picturesque Rhine regions. Tv th6ar,mSt V"y Valle ls rded by the ruins of a medieval castle., AMERICAN OCCUpATION ARMY, Dec 16. (By the Associated PressJ-I -.fK6.?' the American military au thoritiU the clocks at Coblenz, Treves and elsewhere in the occupied areas were set back an hour on Sunday. The change from -the German time was made so that the clocks within the bridgehead and the district west of the River Rhine would correspond with 6 f.e.nch tlme used b th American expeditionary forces. Boche Trucks Used. ,J.JifCOr.tane Wlth tho term o the armistice the Germans on Sunday turn ed over to the Americans 1150 motor trucks. About 500 of these have been assembled at Coblenz and the others In two villages nearby. As rapidly as possible the former German army trucks are being manned Dy Americans and used to brine un supplies. " German built trucks, driven by Americans, rumbled through the streets of Coblenz on Sunday, but they did not .-Utract much attention, the civilians having become accustomed to the sound made by iron tires rolling along the bbled streets. ports 300 In the city, with no returns from the country as yet. St. Helens Ports 300 from four district out of 16. Tillamook reports 350. Pilot Rock I reports 301, Medford reports 279, Baker pounty reports 2049with 35 dis- r tricts hot heard from. Hillsboro re- I ports 500. Lane County reports 1218. f Bend reports 1050. Union County re- C porta 8000, or 30 per cent more than A last year's total. I In the city campaign, Mrs. Katherlne X MacMaster Mason, chief of the indus- X trial division, reports excellent organl- fl zation among the various plants, with V 100 per cent attained by several Among 9 these are the John Wood Iron Works, Vogan Candy Company, Foundation I shipyard and Ball Manufacturing Com- o pany. - A "The drive could not be going better , I than it is," commented Mrs. A. R. Innes, J acting campaign manager for Portland. J "There are minor difficulties, of course, ' 1 for some of the enthusiasts do not scru- w pie to chase a prospect Into territory , O that is not theirs. But it's good-na- i tured pirating, and we are smiling J fl when we suppress it. Saturdaywill see c all restrictions removed and the work- A ers may glean wherever fancy dictates. ' 1 I have no fears for Portland in the Red J Ctrcfss membership drive." J The noon programme at Liberty Tern- J 1 pie today, beginning promptly at 12 I fl o'clock, will feature an address by ,' O Judge John H. Stevenson; a .solo, "The j Stars and Stripes Forever." by Mrs. 1 Bernard Harry Henderson; a solo, 5 "When the Boys Come Home," by R- M- X Madsen, with accompaniment by Marie I C. Dooley, and the community singing j or choruses by the audience. GUN PROGRflMiViE SUCCESS AMERICAN FACTORIES NEAR MAXIMUM AT WAR'S CLOSE. THIS STORE USES NO COMPARATIVE PRICESTHEY ARE MISLEADING AND OFTEN UNTRUE Merchandise Bonds A boon to the perplexed gift-buyer. You have all the pleasure of giving, and none of the worry of choosing. In denominations of $ 1 .00 and up, at the Bond Booth. Street Floor. RED CROSS BUTTON LEADS (Continued From Finn Pare.) detail, and even these are fragmentary. Va'e reports 500 members. Burns re- WHEN A NEEDS FAMILY A FRIEND In the Absence of Doctors Nobly Gone to War, After Influenza, the Grip Those wonderfully useful medicines. Hood's Sarsaparilla, Peptiron and Hood's Pills comprising the new com bination family treatment are warmly recommended. If taken regularly. Hood's- Sarsapa rilla before meals. Peptiron after meals, and Hood's Pills at night as needed, they are reasonably sure to keep a family in health and prove to be relia ble and always ready friends They purify the blood, build up strength and regulate the system. ' Get all, or any one, as you think you need, from your druggist today. Adv. Shipments to French Armies Reach 1000 Guns Each Month Ex cess Howitzers Sold. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Faced by a programme of producing 2000 guns of all calibers per month without disturb ing the flow of guns to the allied na tions or the Navy's prior right, the Ordance Bureau of the War Depart ment had achieved, an output of about 500 guns a month when the armistice ended hostilities. By June of next year, production would have been In full swing. These facts were revealed today by Assistant Secretary Crowell, director of munitions, in a personally conducted trip to the new proving ground at Aberdeen, Md, where all types of guns were demonstrated for Mr. Crowell's party and American-built tank-s and tractors were put through their paces. Mr. Crowell said the United States had looked upon the allies as the first line of defense when this country en tered the war and formulated its mu nition plans so as not to interfere with the gun and ammunition contracts for France and Great Britain. Many Ameri can gun forgings and completed guns have been poured across to Great Brit ain and shipments to the French arm ies had reached a total of 1000 guns a month. The needs of the Navy as the second defense line also gave it priority and the Shipping Board came next in the list for steel and other commodities. This placed the American ordnance programme fourth on the list. A striking feature of what was ac complished, it was shown by officers at the proving ground, was the fact that in the 155-millimeter howitzeiu programme an output naa oeen reacnea that exceeded the estimated needs of the American forces, even on the basis of 4,000.000 men in France, and 600 howitzers were sold to France as ex cess. The demonstration today covered all the trench warfare weapons and the field artillery. It took in also the first public demonstration of the giant guns mounted on railway carriages, solid ranks of seven-inch, 14-inch and 16 Inch weapons hurling projectiles over the range. DUTCHGOVERNMENTSILENT EX-KAISER MAKES NO REPLY TO SUGGESTION TO LEAVE. Wilhelm, Report Says, May Elect to Return to Germany If Berlin. Guarantees His Safety. (Copyright, 3918, by the, Press Publishing Company, Tho New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement). L LONDON, Dec. 17. (Special. A dis patch to the Dally News from H. W. Smith, at Rotterdam, says that "up to Monday no note had been received by the Dutch government from the entente on the subject of the ex-Kaiser's pres ence in Holland. . A statement published then that he had been approached with the sug gestion that he would relieve the coun try from embarrassment by leaving, is. however, probably not without founda tion, says the correspondent. Wilhelm's welcome to the Dutch people and every day since his arrival has made it plain er that he may prejudice seriously the relations of Holland with the allies. The ex-Kaiser, it said, so far has made no reply to the suggestion that he should go and, indeed, his decision is not easy. To leave Holland is one thing, but it ls more difficult to know where to find an asylum. It has been said here that before the ex-Kaiser left Spa for Holland, Switzerland was approached but de clined to receive him and there are equally good reasons why the Scan dinavian countries should not be lessj "It may be that the ex-Kaiser him self will elect to r-"urn to Germany," says the dispatch. d I hear it sug gested that the Ha&ue government in that case would endeavor to obtain from Berlin guarantees for his safety." ujtnanWcCIc & (So. C-J" Merchandise of cJ Merit Only" Christmas , Packages have an added charm when properly "dressed." Everything from tags to tinsel string at the Christmas Package Booth on the Street Floor. PROSPERITY CHRISTMAS ALL THROUGHOUT THE SALES STORE ! See Last Evening's Papers for Many Store Offerings But Come to the Store Early Today and Look Around -And Those Other Interesting Attractions for Vednesday Handkerchief Stocks, Service At Its Best If enlarged space, added sales force and huge stocks make for ef ficient and satisfactory service, then, beyond a doubt, our Handkerchief Shop is irreproachable. Mere are a few of the values that are helping to make it famous: At $1.00 Box Three lovely hand embroidered and scal loped Madeira. And at 35c 3 for Jl, there are all linen, rrarrow hemmed initial ker chiefs that mJce Just the daintiest gifts. 35c 3 for $1.00 Boys' linen, hem stitched kerchiefs. Block initial. Plain. J 'Tieat and in good taste. Boys are es pecially partial to in itial handkerchiefs. At 25c Box 2 linen handker chiefs with Boy Scout designs In a box for the Boy Scout enthu siast. He'll like the size and the idea. 25c-35c Box For the kiddles plain ones and gay ones. Nursery rhymes and "cutie" pictures. They love to display them. Llpman. Wolfe & Co. Street Floor The 'Drive'. Brings 4 Winners for Men See! 32 Olive Drab Bathrobes, $7.95 Robes that are made es pecially for men in mili tary service but will be appreciated by civilians as well, for they are so warm, so well made and so good looking. All are made with military col lars and belt. Women who are shopping for men will appreciate these for the quality is excellentl Men's Golf Jackets Reduced to $5.00 An ideal gift for the man who golfs a warm knitted golf jacket in belted back - stvle. The two buttons at cuffs make it simple to turn them back when playing. In all the smart heather color ings that are so popular. A gift to be appreciated by men who do not golf, tool Men's Sweaters Down to $2.95-$4.50 A timely sale of sweat ers that will make the most acceptable, gifts! Cotton and wool mixed sweaters some with col lars and others V-neck style expecially good to wear under heavy top coats. In gray, navy blue and maroon they're most unusual at these extraor dinary prices! A Sale of Christ mas Shirts at $1.79 Negligee shirts In the newest cluster stripes with novel color combina tions and some with plain black, blue and lavender stripes always wanted. Soft bosom, soft cuff stvle that is always in demand. A set of three would make a gift acceptable to any practical man! Main Floor. Just Inside Washington-Street Entrance. "Most Interesting Spot in the Store' say the art-loveTS, the gift- seekers, and even the most casual observer, and so will you say when you visit our Sixth Floor China, Glass, Silverware, Fine Lamps, Art Novelties Sixth Floor. . New Shipment of Christmas Gloves For Children and Small Women z tJtcelfent values; dependable qualities. Gloves so satisfactorily answer the gift question. Silk Lined Suedes, extra quality, gray. $2.00. Silk Lined Kind, fine flexible: slate, tan $2.25. Washable Lambskin, pique- and overseam; tan, khaki, ivory. gray $1.75. Street Floor Lipman, .Wolfe & Co. Light Weight Suede, overseam style; gray $1.75. Heavy Suede, pique styles, in gray only $1.75. French Lamb, white; con trasting welt and embroidery. at qi.o Nearly Everyone Seems to Be Buying Gift Bags of Leather or Cloth For perhaps two reasons: First, because they make such acceptable gifts, and, second, because we have such unusually attractive complete stocks this year. Smart tailored purses of leather. Bags or rich silk velvet. Heavy With top handles. Daintily lined chenille tassel. Beautifully lined with f.nrv Milk fitted , f'11'1 with large mirror and wun rancy silk, completely ritted coln puriie. Black, brown, navy with mirror and coin purse. Sev- gruy, taupe, green and' purple eral sizes 7AO. Gifts that are For dressv occasions these velvet lasting and ever-present remind- bags are ideal. Practical enough ers of the donors. too, for shopping S.1.SO. ' And many, many others of equally good values, and equal beauty. 'Suggestions to puzzled gift-seekers abound in this section. Street Floor Lipman. Wolfe. & Co. The Toys You Want The Toys Hard to Get Here In the Newest, Nicest Toy Shop in Portland! IJgEme s And jolly old Saint Nicholas presides over them, and listens to the secrets of the little folk who crowd around, him to whisper their wishes into his ear. He's a dear old Santa, and remembers just what each little boy or girl wants. Wheel Toys Just about everything that runs on wheels is here. Coasters, 3.SO t 12.75. Doll carts, 05e to 915. Handcars at ' different prices. Books Games All kinds. Story books, fairy tales, paint ing books, toy furniture to make, and hundreds of military games 25e to S'i-O0. DoUies Wee celluloid dolls at JOe to big. wonderful babies at S'iS. Charac ter dolls, boy dolls, girl dolls, "grown-up" dolls, hard-to-break kind. At many prices. Warrior Toys Subs and destroyers at U.l. Air whips, to S'J.oo. Machine guns, rapid-fire cannons, buslne&s-like tank.-, and lota of other warrior things. t looks as though all the toys in the brought to this Happyland of 1 oys. ouch countless numbers of them. little folk of Portland are making this store their Santa headquarters. world had been gathered together and The No Shade or Kinds of Silk Hose Missing So complete are our stocks. With a igh of relief many women stop here and check off the names on their lists, one by one. as they make their purchases. neautlful hand klockcd stockings. in the wanted shades, for daytime and rvrnlnc wear S2JJ and S-I.OO. Lacey ones. In black, white, cordovan, silver champatrne and dark PirilJ ,th fading shades) SOSO. And onr pride and Joy the f a m o u s gnk Service brand, in prac tically all colors, at the moderate price of S2.O0. Answer sAe Red Cross Christmas Rollcall All You Need Is a Heart and a Dollar. In one of a number of executive busi ness dispatches today from Paris. DR. POLINQ IS RETAINED X. M. C. A. Secretary to Direct En tertainment of O. A.J C. Men. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallis. Dec. 17. (Special.) The an nouncement of the retention of Dr. D. V. Poling, Y. M. C. A. secretary, ls approved by students of the college. He will be retained bv the Naiinnai War Work Council of the association ! and will be in charge of the Y. W. C. A. S10.000 hut which is nearing comple tion. He will have an assistant. The two men will arrange all manner of entertainments for the men of the school. A housewarmlng for residents of Corvallis and for the college com munity will be given upon the opening of (the hut. A feature of Dr. Pollng's work here was '.he teaching of popular and patri otic songs to the thousands of boys in the S. A. T. C. PAES SUCCESSOR CHOSEN Portugal Elects Admiral Canto jr Castro as President. LISBON, Portugal. nc. 17. (Haras.) Admiral Cantoy Castro has been elected President of Portugal in suc cession to Dr. Sidonio Paes, who was assassinated last Saturday night. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Dr. Sidonio Paes. the late President of Portue-al. who was assassinated In Lisbon Satur day night, was a minority president and his policy of repression incited the leaders of the majority parties against him, declared George de Silveria Duarte, former Portuguese Consul General to the United States, in a state ment today reviewing the political situation in Portugal. NEW YORK, Dec 17. Santos Fer nandez, representative of the Portu guese shipping board here, declared to day that the President of Portugal. Admiral Cantoy Castro, undoubtedly had been chosen by Parliament "to con ciliate all factions." Lacking complete Information, he said, he believed Castro vis now provisional head of the re public and subject to & future election. Business Advisers Approved. WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. President Wilson has approved the recent recom mendation of Secretary Redfield that business advisers be attached to Amer ican Legations and Embassies as one of the Government moves toward aid ing in -the war campaign for foreign trade. The President's approval came Money Sent to France by Draft Drafts are safer than currency. Consult Our Exchange Department &fie First National Bassx c f PORTLAND. OnSCOM 111 '" fl I LIBRARIAN GOES TO FRANCE Books for Soldiers on Vocational Subjects Gathered. NEW YORK. Dec 17. Among the passengers sailing on th White Star liner .Adriatic today was Dr. Herbert Putnam. Librarian ot Congress, who is going to Krancsj to supervise a plan of instructing American soldiers in voca tional subjects through the distribution of books of a technical nature, col lected by the American Library Asso ciation, of which Dr. Putnam ls director-general. Other passengers included Henry P. Davison, director-general of the Ameri can Red Cross, who is going to Ver sailles in response to a 'summons by President Wilson; General A. Gvosden- vitcn. Montenegrin Minister to the United States, and Alexander Wlsch negradski. member of the Economic League of Russian interests in this country, who are going to Versailles. WASHINGTON, Dec 17. Secretary Glass presided for the first time at the Treasury today over a meeting of the war finance corporation to discuss with. D.rector-General McAdoo the question or lending financial aid to railroads. A great deal of oil made from tomato seeds finds Its way Into paint. It Is a quick dryer. 1i - A no MB fKOD. icr. NO RUBBING ) LAUNDRY HELPS; rorn CROCER fiintLii UAVt: IT. HAVE YOU TRIED NO RUBBING LAUNDRY POWDER? Get a 55c package, sufficient for 10 big washings. Use It and you will have cleaner and whiter clothes, and with less labor than anything you have ever used. It's cheaper, too. Geo. E. WlahtMiaa Co. HaTe"lt! Broadway 1D03 Special j Xmas Terms There Is One Safe Place to Buy Your Piano standard lines to choose ! from, including KNAkE, FISCHER and other. Up- I rights, players, grands. The Musical Floor, The Seventh. I I i i ! I i i i 73 8