THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1918. 19 J BITUATiONb WANVEI) FEMALE. - B'iotikffpr. 8tfaograther. Off, eg. i-OfclTIOX by very competent young lady operator, typist or general office assistant; railroad and legal experience. AH 7S1, Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer desires position; thoroughly competent lumber and law; use dictaphone and shorthand; will leave town. Sell wood 1273. YOUNG woman, educated, 5 years' teaching experience, wants office position : splendid penmanship: also adding machine. AE Oregonian. liOOKKEEPEK with 5 years' experience wishes position; can operate typewriter and comptometer; best of references. tsroaa-vay liOOKKEEPER with experience and busi ness college education wants position, a bor 3027. EXPERIENCED file clerk wants position; can use typewriter; start at moderate sal ary. Y MS. Oregonlan. COMPTOMETER operating or general office worn wan tea oy experienced young lady Call Bast 1559. Apt. 302. SJXPERIENCED and competent stenographer fiesires position. Marsnali viO-l. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes tern - porary work. Phone Tabor 127S. TYPEWRITING work by expert- Main 52U6. f'rrMfliakvrn, ARTISTIC gowns, suits and coats made to your measure ; expert fitter ; references. Main 70fll. 283 10th et., apt. 23. l)l;ESS.MAKI.G Fancy dresses, coats, suits a specialty. Mrs. Somraers, apt. 33- Mar- snail i..ou. IjKESSMAKER, experienced ; making over fpic;a.ty ; price s.'K uroaaway otioJ. ilUCH-EXPERIENCED nurs. care conva lescent, invalid or ase-d; permanent. East ' 7843. JiONTAVILLA GENERAL, HOSPITAL would like 4 or 8 .viAal cases. For informa t.nn rail Tabor VI. t- v tr..u. ma tf raity home, 1022 Vrnoft. Phone Wd!n. 4272. Reasonable rates. JURSE with hospital training and practical experience, wants case. East 479. II ODekfepcrs. WANTED By a rcspecfable la4y with email boy, a position as housekeeper for one or more respectable gentlemen. 327 3d et Marshall 3702. room 12. Domestics. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants maid work. Call E. 4433. WANTElf TO RENT. MEIER FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. j Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable ' vacant houses. aDartmntii and flats with definite Information pertaining to each. newcomers in fortiana win una inis ' bureau of great value in helping them get f properly and quickly located. EIGHTH FLOOR, "JF, you have house or apartment for rent. rumished or unfurnished, call us. We have first-class tenant waiting. Northwestern Trust Company, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Ask for Mr. Padden. v y i tii j j i o rem or a-roomea nouso. close In ; will rent for year or more if satisfactory and moderate rent. Address AK 821, Oregonian. "(WANTED TO RENT 5-room modern bun galow with or without furniture; Immedi ate occupatlcm. excellent references- Phone Broadway 90. 6:30 to 5:30 P. M. '' COLORED couple wants 4- or 5-room house vi auai iinciiL ui nil ft; i wins iiui umi iai uui oini vii mi. oiuq. iuai ciiaii uoa ut write 630 3d st. 4 OR 6-room modern bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, with garage. Only 3 in fam ily. Call Main 3517 and ask for Mr. Pad ' den. "WANTED To rent or buy on easy terms, a ST find h on ha n.'l T h a"n a nr m trt a rrta Intiil near Oregon City carline. Rorfte 6, box 64. Oregon City. WANTED Well furnished bungalow of 5 rooms, between Albina ave. and Wood- lawn; 3 in family; beat of care, reason able rent. Call Woodlawn 4131 after 4 P. M. iRV'INGTON Wanted, furnished and un furnished homes for several best tenants waiting. R. T. . Street, Irvlngton agent. East MH. FURNISHED house of about 10 rooms, within 10 blocks of North Pacific College. Write It. Baird, care North Pacific College. "WANTED 3 or -room house or flat near East Broadway, partly furnished. Phone B 26r,;. BURNISHED modern bungalow ; responsible parties; adults only. Call Tabor 90u5 before 12 A. M. WANTED To rent, furnished, modern bun galftw or small apartment, by couple; no children; references. AR 101. O re gonlan. VAN TED 3 or 4-room furnished house, or fiat, middle-aged couple, no children; not over $40. Erlck Hallstrom. B roadway Hotel. !w ANTED To rent furnished house or flat Tabor 12S2. WANTED To rent 4 to 6-room house, bath, with Js to 5 acres; near school and 6c warfare. AO 769, Oregonlan. G. CI. ROHPRR Hpht1 T? c 9 ? t 301 PAN AM A B U ILDING. Apartments. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished apt., where lady will look after children during the day; must be well recommended. Apt. 7, 2fiS Montgomery. VANT furnished 2 - room apartment with - bath, or housekeeping rooms with private bath; West Side preferred. Call before TH 1 1 rvd a v ri rr n f tin R77 tlVANTED By Dec. 24. 4 or 5-room apt.; walking distance; might buy furniture if reasonable. AJ 45. Oregonian. C-ROOM furnished apartment from first of year to first of March for married couple. no children. Phone E. 6325. 2-ROOM apt., lady employed. West Side, walking distance. Marshall 3035. 6 P. M. Rooms. ROOM WANTED Man. 60, desires room with young couple. Mt. Scott or Laurel - wood districts; no other roomers. AV 379, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. age. desires board and room In nrivar family where daughter can be cared for - after school and Saturdays: West Slrle .apartment preferred. din pay well for : -, gooa piace. ftione Main luo3, after 6 P. M. au t(p. ureonian. WANTED Board and room for man and wife and two boys, walking distance. rnone isroaaway 2oo3. after 7 P. M. .WANTED A heated room and board; In valid iaay, nine waiting on; no children. L 621. Oregonian. r ltu A good homo lor bov 7 vn q. rnone ivtain luJd. Miscellaneous. BPOT CASH paid for misfit clothing. At lantic Cleaners, alteration department. Main C7UI. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. ' Bast Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side Tlotel and is a hotel of diguity and r ' flnement. Oally rates. $1 up; two in room. S1.5"; weekly ratev $5 and up. J.ORTONIA HOTEL. Portian J's downtown high-class family .hotel. rfs en suite or single, with or Without bwrd. for fam ilies and busines. men and women. We give you all the comforts ot a borne. Rea sonable rates. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Kates $4 per week up. 75c day. Flre ' proof, latge. attractive, spotless rooms. ' close to amusoment and shopping center. catering et-ecially to those desiring quiet HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at lOtn. Rates 75c per day up: weekly $4 up; run ning water; free phone and hatha. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel ot the East Side; modern, convenient, hlgli quality. Tow price East 3d and Bumslde. 1'ALAC'E HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.: downtown location; respectable and strictly modern, steam heat, rooms large, clean, ONE room for batching, near shipyard. iri.- rront st. per week. Unf (lrni-hed Rooms. 9 ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water . each room. 5tb and stark. Apply Dr. S. Lorb. 309 Columbia bldg., bet. 2:30 and 4 P. M. TWO unfurnished rooms, heat, light, e.c, near Washington street. 63 Ella at. FurnUhed Booms In Private Family. NICE light room, furnished In mahoganv. nea. bath, good heat; Weal Bide. Marshall 4597. -LARGE front room, suitable for 2. Mornings East 8558. r "DESIRABLE well-furnished room, reason able. 7tU E. Main. East S130. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms tn Privmt-a Family. NICELY furnished rooms, steam heat, by the day or by the week. The Waldo, 34&hi AnVeny, corner of Broadway. RA BLE, weii-iurnlshed room, reaon- ab i e. 761 B. Main. E. 6130. NICELY fur. room $10 per month. 475 Taylor. FOR RENT One sleeping room with light and heat. P03 E. Oak st. Hoomi With Board. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences; walking distance; $4 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th at. ; ROOM and board for oTd people and nurs ing convalescents. 472 henwoofl Diva., cor. East 9th Sellwood 8694. Rooms JSVIth Board in Private Family. MOTHER wants to care for a child from 3 to 6 yeafs in her own home, by the day or week. 1247 Bant 17th. Take Sellwood car, get off at Martin, et. NICELY furnished rooms $2 per week and up; board if desired. Take Mt. Scott car to Hooker. 2 blocks east. 715 Corbett. TABLE BOARD, home cooking, 45 week; meal tickets $5. 2b4 Main st. ONE la rye room and board. S10 per week. 333 Beech st. Woodlawn 5618. GOOD board and room for a man. 629 East Ankeny. East 26S6. Kurninlied ApStrtmeota. FURNISHED sleeping room, some use ot kitchen if desired. In nice apt., with cou ple; prefer two employed through the day: West Side, walking distance. Marshall 5573. 2 NICELY furnished apartments at the Denver Apartments. Call Apt. 424 after 10 "clock. TWO light housekeeping rooms for couple employed only. Call 056 East Alder, near 12 th. EXTRA fine 2 rooms, furnished, heat, elec. lights, hot and cold water and phone in cluded. 115 N. 23d. 30. GROVER APTS.. one and two rooms, heat, illsht, fras, hot water. N5 car. 181 Grove't at. 2-ROOM furnished apartment. 391 Broad way. Fnfnrulhhed Apartments. LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon st- Main 8678. 18; 1 unfurnished 2-room apt., water, llht and phone; no children. FOR RENT C-room modern flat, $20; on carline. 651 Foster road, Arleta station. JAN. 1, 5-room modern upper flat, sleeping porch, $ 30. 60? Belmont. " Furnished Flats, PORTLAND H EIGHTS fi-room furnished flat for rent. $55. Call Mrs. Morton, Main 2006, evenings. LfGHT room, kitchenette, furnished suitable for man or couple. 402 Park et. FINE furnishings. 5-room upper flat for sale or rent. Furnished. Central. 441 6th et. HonaekecDina' Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: walkin distance, furnished for housekeeping; In cluding gas range, electric lights, hot Wa aler, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up. Take "S" or 16th mt 2-ROOM housekeeping suite, tan, electrlr lights, hot and cqjd water, furnace heat, close in. pleasant surroundings. Marshall 2090. 3-HOO.M apartment. $20; 2 single house keeping rooms. $10 and $12: steam heat, three baths. 203 Stanton. Wdln. 440.1. ONE large sleeping rpom, hot and cold' water, electric lights, gas, furnace heat, private telephone. Marshall 2090. LARGE front room and kitchenette, hot and cold water, laundry trays. 655 Flanders. If oiieskeeiHog Room. In Private Fsmll;. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. St. Johns. Inquire 424 Allegheny. Phono Co lumbia 6214. PARTLY furnished bedroom and kitchen, 123 E. 19th. corner Alder. ROOM for rent 70K Everett. rith housekeeping privilege Mouse.. FOR SALE or rent, at Maplewood. Or., a dandy 5-room bunealsw, all modern, full basement, large attic and fireplace, on 100x100 corner, large chicken house and run. Call at store at Maplewood. Or, I HA VK FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR A 10-ROOM UOUSiS. CLOSE IN". NORTH OF WASH. ST. THE HOUSE 13 FOR RENT. PRICE $550 IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 446 TAYLOR ST. MAIN 2175. MODERN house. 7 rooms. In Laurelhurst, with garage. $55 per month. DRYER & BLAIR, The Acreage Men. 610 Lewis Bldg.. Main 2081. WHEN YOU MOVB Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light Service. Broadway 580. A 674T. $25 By Jan. 1. Piedmont district, modern 5-room. lower flat, with yard. roses, shrubs, grape arbor. fruit; responsibl. adults. Inquire 1387Vj Garfield. FOR RENT Modern G-room bungalow with garage; Glenn ave., near E. Madison. S45; no children; must give reference. Inquire 10-27 Belmont. Phone Tabor 21. $30 Alberta. 9 . room-house, large enough for 2 families. COB A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4th et.. Board of Trade. FOR RENT New 6-room house, wood in basement for ante; very close in. East tsiae. t;ast 7sv. ATTRACTIVE Irvlngton home, four bed- 2.-. East 21st st. N. East 5670. 8-ROOM rooming-house; furniture for sale, house for renl. Ill 23d st. N. A 2-room house. $7.50 per mo. Call 545. Washington St.. room 19. 6-ROOM bungalow, - furnace, fireplace, large yard, walking distance. Woodlawn 191. S-ROOM furnished house. Call after 6 P. M. 1I2S E. 14th st. North. 8-ROOM modern bungalow, corner 39th and Salmon. 1158 E. Salmon. FURNITURE for sale; cheap rent; no ob .iectlons to children. 692 Irving, near 21st. fcaroWI'ed nou FURNISHED 5-room bungalow, S. P. line, 15-minute ride from 4th and Washington st. Pianola, furnace heat, rent $20 month. Phone- Main 1509, after 6 P. M. X 309. Oregonian. FOR RENT 6-room modern furnished home; garage, sleeping porch; near Sunnyside car. Call between 11 and 5 o'clock; ref erences. 1S4 East 16th St. MODERN, well furnished, 6-room house in -Irvlngton; nice corner. Phone E. 6759 evenings only from 7 to 9. Rent $45. Ko children. ELEGANTLY furnished "-room house In Alameda Park, $85 per month. L 620, Ore gonlan. ELEGANTLY furnished 8 -room house. Orl ental rugs, grand piano. 110 Miramar, near Glisan. EIGHT-ROOM furnished house. 330 Park St. Main 2973. Close In. ; FIVE-ROOM furnished $40. 948 Mallory. house with piano. 5-KOOM cottage, near 2 cars; fine location; prl-e $25. f.iio E. Main, cor. 45th. Storem. FOR RENT. 80x100 OR MORE SPACE In modern building on ground floor, 6th and Glisan streets: fine for storage. RITTER. LOWE 4 CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTEU Store space, with living-rooms -J OS Montgomery st,. apt. 7. VufiCACt!J "VAw's 'BdTH 1 y4g XvT i FOB REST. fetor $20 Corner store. fixtures. llvlng-reom, good proposition, woman. Woodlawn 3219. GOOD business place and living rooms. West 6lde. Phone Broadway 48S3. Office. OFFICES, storerooms and halls: also rooms suitable for lig-ht manufacturing: office building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co:, 815 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Washington, WELL located small office, suitable for agent, furnished, use of phono ana waiting room. $15. Phone Main 5604. AR 120. Oregonian. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark st, between 3d and 4tb. Apply room 812 Ralfway Exchange. MOST centrally located offices, low rent Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. 6FECIAt, NOTICES Proposals Invited. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, Wash ington. D. C.: Dec. 9. 1918. Pursuant to the provisions of the act of Congress ap proved February G. 1909. sealed proposals In duplicate will be received In the office of the Secretary of the Interior. Washing ton. D. C. until 2 P. M., Thursday. Janu ary 16, 1919. frcm responsible asylums or sanitariums west of the main range of the Rocky Mountains, for the care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane In the Territory of Alaska, for the term of five years, 'beginning January 16. 1920. Pro- fioaals should contain a statement show rig the location of the institution and number of patients cared for at the pres ent time, detailed Information as to the scope and facil'tics of the Institution. In cluding the number and character of buildings, and the number of patients, male and female, that can be accommo dated after January 16. 1920. so that the Secretary of the Interior may be enabled to arrive at m intelligent conclusion In the matter. The number of patients cared for at Morningslde Hospital. Portland. Oregon, on September 80. 191S. by the San . itarium Com jany, under its existing con tract with the- Department, was 194 males and 27 females Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the Secretary of the Interior, in the sum of $500 as a guarantee that the bidder ' will, if successful, promptly execute a sat isfactory contract and -furnish a bond In the sum of $10,000 for the faithful per formance of the contract, such check to be forfeited to the Government In the event of failure to enter into contract after wsrd. Addttloital bond In the sum of $200 will be r.-quired to safeguard the care and disoursement of moneys belong ing to patients. Proposals should be se curely enveloped, marked "proposal for the care of Alaskan insane." and ad dressed to the Secretary of the Interior. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and waive technical defects. Bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. Further information will be supplied on application E. C. BRADLEY. Assistant to the Secretary. ' v Miscellaneous. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Rumelin Fur Company, bankrupt Re quest for bids: I will receive sealed bids for the following stock of merchandise and fixtures, formerly the property of the above-named bankrupt, located at No. 415-16-17-18 Dekum building. Portland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon of the 20th day of December. 1918. at the offices of Teiscr & Smith. No. 74S Morgan building, Portland, attorneys for Trustee: Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise. consisting principally of fur coats, scarfs, skins, muffs, findings, materials, etc, of the inventoried value of $4335.31 Fixtures pertaining to the same, contained In the office storeroom in the Dekum buildings, ot the Inventoried value of 769.33 Fixtures pertaining to the same, contained in wareroom located on the East Side, Portland, Ore gon, of the inventoried value of 355.09 Total $5459.75 The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject to the approval of the court. All bids must' be accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at the offices of Telser A Smith. -No. 74S Morgan building, and at Nos. 415-16-17-18 Dekum building. at which latter place the property may be Inspected. MARION F. DOLPH. TE1SER SMITH, Trustee. Attorneys for Trustee: NOTICE" OF MEETING OF LAND OWNERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTT DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 1. Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors have called a meeting of the owners of land In Multnomah County Drainage District No. 1. to be held on Friday, the 27th day of Dern6er, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Swiss Hall (No. 283 1-3 Third street, near Jefferson street!. In the City of Port land, Or., at which me and place such owners shall meet for the purpose of electing one Supervisor, who shall hold his office for three years or until his suc cessor Is elected and qualified. At Bald meeting each owner shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for each acre of land owned by him In such district. Dated this II th day of December, 1918. Attest: D. C. POWELL. Secretary. J. O. ELROD. President Board of Supervisors ON and after this date I will not be re- sponsiaie lor any aeota w"j ' ."w wife. . B. O. N YHOLM. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITlEa. COAL oil and gasoline route with either business for a hustler. Will sell very reas onable. Apply Geo. Bracey. 207 E. 6th N. T7-1 , i , a a 1 c & w.l 1 -isw. t .ri hnt.h.. .linn x sn . . -- - '- . n..,nA- 1 1. ui n t rltv! irnnn fixtures and tools. Price $500. Apply Bruce C. Curry, Gi,a trnlAn J Pnrtl.nd. Or. SALESMEN with car can make big money with very popular article: no compenuuu , opportunity unlimited. Call in person, 636 E. 3th st North. N CASH grocery for sale; cash sales $45 day room 403 Dekum bldg. GROCERY store, doing $2000 mo.: rent $30 . , . : tian to,-... - U(ll.NVln mo.; line iii.nun, .tw, .v, ,..d. .u.j.. Alder Hotel. ' . WE sell all kinds of barbers' supplies Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers' Supply Co., 271 Washington st. BLACKSMITH shop for sale cheap: doing good business. F. C Moore, Sh.rwood. Or. GARAGE and repair shop; also sell supplies, gasoline, etc; good lease; full of storage. Price $1350. Room 403 Dekum bldg: AF1REPROOF garage for sale; good lease; big repair business: also sell supplies, gas oline, etc Room 403 Dekum Bldg. r.Rnrp.RT store and stock: 11 rooms In building; faces Columbia blvd; $3000, half cash. Col.' 779. PARTNER to take interest In well-established wild fowl farm. AV 872, Orego nlan CIGAR and fruit stand, fine location fix tures $450; take invoice. 408 Stock Ex change. Allen A Allen. HALF Interest, well established business, go with good position. X 297. Oregonian. SMALL Job printing off Ice, - Invoices $1400; will sell for $800. BF 724. Oregonlan, WILL lease well equipped restaurant rea sonable If taken at once- 106 Broadway. RESTAURANT for sale on account of sick ness: doing good business. 482 Wash, et. WANTED Partner for good patent propo sition. T 757. Oregonlan. BEST dairy in town ror sale on account oi Rkness. Wood. 5389. WANTED Partner with $300 In good toy patent. AK 832. Oregonlan. BrSrjTESS OrTORH I TIES. CIGARS AKT CONFECTIONER T. WILL SELL AT INVOICE. The best lobby cigar stand In he city. Average dally receipt, about $40. Rent $100 per month. The fixtures are first class and cost $2500. but will sell them for $750 Including a $475 cash register and a good safe, and Invoice the stock. Stock and ltxturea will come to about $3500 and must be all cash. Heat and light are In cluded with the rent. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 309 Oalc at. RCAD THIS. If yon should invest $5000 In a business and make $5000 per year on that invest ment you would be perfectly satisfied, would you not? MR. OR MRS. -Business Seeker, would you. after In vestigation. Invest $1750 and still make $0ooo par yearT If you would. I want you to Investigate one of the best going concerns lu the city of Portland thst Is going to he sold this week for said $1750. Owner must sacrifice. See Mr. Colvert. real estate dept.. business service. 602-3 Oregonlan bldg. HIGH-CLASS GROCERT. $1200 to $1500 cash, balance trade handles; one of finest and most exclusive family groceries In city; will invoice stock and give good deal on fixtures; business well established in exclusive neighborhood where there Is no competition; will accept good real estate aa part payment on deal; stock and fixtures about $4500. A. J. DeFOREST. 13 ChamberofCommerce. Main 6967. WANTED I have $1000 cssh end 12 years' experience in the sawmill business: can handle sny end of the game. Wish to meet a party who ha. the money to buy timber and mill for cutting out large con tract; will split net earnings 30-50; have two good buys under Investigation. AO 758. Oregonian. 78-ROOM apt., brick building, steam heat, centrally located, newly furnished, com mands good rent, always full to capacity; paying $500 profit per month; sell for part cash. bal. easy terms; will accent good fsrm property as part payment. For information call 315 K. 2 2d. or phone Broadway 20C9 HOTEL DINING ROOM. Leading hotel In city of 25.000; will lease to responsible party with experi ence at a low rental. This la the largest and best dining-room In the city: a good proposition for a live wire- AV 380. Ore gonlan. SAFETY and profit In land and cattle; es tablished ranch wants money to buy sd Joinlng land bargains and more Hvestock; will Incorporate: small investments wel come: can use services ail or part time If desired. AO 764. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, at Lewiston. Idaho Foundry. . pattern shop and machine shop: well equipped in all departments: with the beat custom trade In the Northwest. For full Information write or come and see ua Idaho Foundry & Machine Co. WHEN" WANTING to sell, buy er trade your mercantile busi ness, address . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bide 4th and Stark sts. POWER equipped blacksmith and wagoo shop In the best farming section of Saa katchewan. A good plowamlth can make $25 to $30 per day; might lake small house and lot as part payment: good rea lons for selling. BD 806. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Well-established laundry, new. np-to-date machinery, concrete building, no op position, located in progressive R, R. town: must sell on account of health, H. Wal ters. Orland. California. HALF partnership in a clean, profitable business, suitable for an educated lady or gentleman: Invest $500. realize at least $10 a week. . W. Norton. 66 Sixth at., Portland. YOUNG lady with some dramatic ability, for vaudeville. Recognized comedian offers op portunity to one fliiing requirements: must be abole to finance self; state all paruc ulars In answer. BC 652, Oregonlan. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so -called Interest In established real estate ouaincss. get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWUILU Secretary. SMALL grocery and notion store In suburbs; 8 living rooms, rent $10 month; good lo cation. Price $450. Call Sll Railway Ex change. ACCOUNT of sickness owner will sacrifice his grocery business. $3400 month busi ness, best class of trade, a bargain. Par ticulars, 511 Hallway Exchange. GARAGE 50 cars steady storage, big repair shop, good lease; owner will show you a money-maker; Invoice. Call 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE 4mall grocery and delicatessen with living rooms In connection. Phone Msln 1204. Business Opportunities WantcL WANTED, at rock-bottom price, best small sawmill show In Wash., Or. or Idaho; glv. full description and inducements. AV 802. Oregonian. HAVE cash and good 1917 Ford to trade for rooming house or small apartment house. AN 682. Oregonian, BARBER shop wanted. Call Tabor U:.5!. 4 or 5 chairs. Hotels and Rooming -Ho uses. 80 ROOMS. PRICE 12690. $1650 CASH. This Is located close In on the west side, building in good con.' dltlon and steam heated; the furniture Is good and the place is nice and clean and all filled with first-etasa tenanta. Rent (100 per month. Good lease. Is clearing between $200 and $300 . per month. This Is one of the best buys we have on our list. Call and see us and let us show It to you. See Mr. Fulton. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 809 Oak St. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, ses F. Klerdon, WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST sell this week, my 12-room rooming house; all housekeeping apartments: buyer can have 2 comfortable furnished rooms; gas. lights, fuel and clear $70 per month. Splendid location. West Side; $So0 cash. Call 6;t2 Flandera, near 20th. BARGAIN MUST SELL THIS WEEK. All housekeeping suites, good Income and location, cheap rent, always filled; $950 cash. Call 201 10TH STREET. ' 30-ROOM hotel, steam heated, fine furniture, piano, dining room connection; rent $3.. mo.; $1800. terms. Millership. Alder Ho tel; 50-ROOM hotel, adjoining steel shipyard; bargain for quick sale; good reasons for selling. Phone East 2414. 57-ROOM apt, house, modern -brick; leave city Jan. 1. Big snap; $4200. including fuel. AE 678. Oregonian. FOR Dftat bargain ,n rooming or apartm.nt houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co. 249 4th sr. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-4 N. W. BANK BLDG. POLLY AND l wjw LHf Wm8 Copyrishl. 1918. by Nswspspar ftui. Saoric IT'S A POOR RCT.E THAT WOXT WO RK BOTH WATS. By Cliff Sterre-tt, bcsixess QPFOBTuyrrrxs. Hotel- and Roomlng-Motieea, 60-ROOM APT. HOUSE. All 2s and 3s. modern, up to date, clean and well furnished, brick bldg.. cloe tn on West Side; total expenas 4324.70. gross Income $855. Here's a handsome profit; easy house to run and for sals cheap, only $6000. part time. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967.' HERE'S A SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. EXCEL LENT FURNITURE. $550; RENT REA SONABLE. CALL AT 4 TAYLOR ST, OR MAIN 2175. I.OST AM) rOCTO. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co.. Dec. 18. 1918: 1 service pin. 1 ring, 1 knife. 1 glove. 1 pair gloves. 1 record. 1 basket. 1 book. 1 package two books, note book: 5 packages. 2 bunches kevs. I kodak, package of .tee). 1 child's writing desk. 1 cap. 1 shawl. 1 roll wall paper. 5 lunch boxes. 6 umbrellas. Owners msy obtain property at First 'and Alder street station. THURSDAY night. Dec B. on 6th and Stark sts.. letter from St. Aignon. Noyon. France, dated Nov. 9. 1918, giving names and addresses of relatives to whom pic tures were to be sent. Will party be so kind as to call Woodlawn 890 7 Liberal reward. LLaT December 10. an enameled flower ahaped brooch with amall diamond In center. Suitable reward. Call East 1842 or Main 4BS. MAIL was taken from 24 E. 6th st. Decem ber 16, between 11 and 4 P. M. If parties return mau no questions win oe asked. East 8230. LOST Small black dog named Rover, week ago Saturday night, December 7; license No. 24S. 2".2Vi Front st. Phone A 2930 after 6 P. M. Reward $S. RED with yellow stripe sweater, by ltttl. girl of Christie Home. Kinder will please return to No. S East 30th SU N.. or phone East 5909. LOST Lady's black hand purse, contain Ing two checks -favor Georgia Jones and about $4 In sliver. Return to 5434 Klrby st- and receive reward. LOST Silk bag containing purse on Broad way, near Taylor. Will man who picked It up return to Roberts Bros., Ribbon. Reward. LOST At Hippodrome. Pundny afternoon, or on street, gold pin. $.ru goia piece witn monopram. Return to Hayes, water -office. City Hall. Reward. LOST Monday, in Llpman at Wolfe's store, small black pocket book containing two $5 bills and some small change. Reward. Address Mrs. Boyle. 1015 Tibbie LOfaT Saturday evening, a pocketbook con taining bankbook, passport, registration card and permit: reward. Phone Main 8554. or call 246Sslmon st. LOST At Liberty Thester. Monday evening. ladvs gold wrist watch on black ribbon band. Please phone Broadway 784. Suit able reward. LOST Wrist watch. Initials L. C. Purple wrist band. Reward. Phone Main 878 or call 153 Courthouse. LOST Lady's gold watch. Initials "K. M." on case, diamond set. $5 reward. Call East 4509. LOST Roll of money on Broadway, between Washington and Morrison. Reward. Mar. 4210. LOST A brlnd'e bulldog with white face, license No. 1255. Liberal reward. Sellwood 2j73. LOST Silver-mesh purse, small change, be tween Piedmont bams and Concord at-; reward. Woodlawn 4H10. LOST Gray silk umbrella . In Laue-Davls drugstore late Saturday afternoon. East WILL party who picked up gray sweater last night on Broadway bridge telephone East 3140? LOST a gold key. Frat. pin. Call East 7945. Reward. LOST Agate stickpin on East Morrison, bet. Grand and 15th. Enst 1949 LOST Sliver ring, raised Initials M. P. B. Address Mrs. Bancroft. 994 E. 19th N. FOUND Pearl necklace: describe and pay ad. 43 J E. 4th St. N. LOST Pocket book, containing money and lodge receipts. Woodard fc Clark. Rew.ird LOST 1 pair Kryptoa glasses; bows; frame. Reward. 54it Morrison sc FTNANCIAJL. BONDS BOUGHT. BPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH Come to FOR PAYMENTS MADE. 25 Gaaco mldg. 5th and Alder. CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS. Come to 725 Gasco bldg., Ata and Alder. - BRING YOUR RECEIPTS TO CS We will got your bonda tor you. then pay you cash for them. MAIL BONDS to us. Ws will remit By return mall. Send us your receipts. CUT THIS advertisement i OUT and KEEP IT. for you will soon want to BUY BONDS or sell your bonds or sell your RECEIPTS, WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. Remember the place. T25 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MUKTO.N CO. CASH PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS. ANT ISSUE. ANY AMOUNT. PAY MARKET. PLUS ACCRUBO INTEREST. WE LOAN 90 ON LIBERTY BONDS , OR WILL LOAN YOU TBI MONEY TO COMPLETE YOUR PAY MSN Ta EL WOOD WILES CO, 181 TJ. 8. NATIONAL BANK BLDG OPSN SATURDAY UNTIL S P. si. LIBERTY BONDS. Do not lose what you have paid on your contracts if you are not aoie to make your payments see ua We pay cash for partly-paid contracts or bonda or loan you 90 per cent on your Investment at 7 to 8 per cent per annum. Special attention given to out-of-town Customers. Boiids bought and sold at market price. Loans negotiated on farm and city property. Deal with responsibl. licensed brokers. Open to 6 P. M. HOWELL DAVIS. 461 Board of Trade Bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY IPSTJE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE. . RECEIPTS WILL CASH TOUR RE CEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS ON 1IOKD.H AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. SEE E. BURKITT. SECRETARY ORECON BOND & MORTGAOR CO.i 312 FELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOm. CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. LIBERTY BONDS. Also partly pa4l contracts bought : open till 7:30 DORCAS A DORCAS. 20 N. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. HER PALS .-r7?P' msasm vv FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. If yoa most sell your Liberty Bonds, sell to ua If yon can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Tuesday, December 17, we paid the following prices for United Stales Gov ernment Liberty Loan lion da: We are paying practically the same today.) . ui e ivi.' , Bond. hnnd. 1 '4s $97.85 $978 ..VI 1st 4s 92 55 9'O..V 2d 4a 92.74 932. 1st 4'is 96 65 971 50 2d 4-a ... 95.32 !V. 3d I'.i ..... P6.39 Pfi 91 4th 4!s -95.49 9i9.95 MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. Th Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon. Established Over 25 Years. 809-811 stark St-. Between 5ih and 6th. Ground Floor. ' Telephone Broadway 215L LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and 8oltL Before bnylng or selling g.u our quotations. B. U DEVEREAUX COMPANY, Government end Municipal Bonda 87 Sixth Street, Between Stark and Oak. CASH LIBERTY BONDS. FULLY PAID OR IN PART. New lork market price paid, less small wroa.iBse- vpen mi f f. 31. DONALD MACLEOD. 1002 SPALDING BLDG, 3D AND WASH. U. SLIBI2RTY BONDS. Will Pay Cash Value, John D. Wilcox. 416 Pittock ll.ock. WILL pay cash for equity In llberrv banri bring receipts and get your cash. 2u9 n ui im tun oiug. MORTGAGES and sellers' .equity In real es tate contract, bought. Oregon or Wash property. H E. Noble. 316 L'mbm's Bids' LIHERTY BONDS BOUGHT. H. L. MUKTON. 448 SHERLOCK BLDG. Bd St.. cor. Oak. Open till 7. Sat- 8 P. M. Money t loHn on Real Potato. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES FOR SALE. ' TITLE A TRUST COMPANY. TITLE A TRUST BLDG 01 FOURTH ST., NEAR STARK. Ol'R Installment plan is th. best and surest method of paying a loan t;t2 26 per month for 06 months, or 21.24 per month for 60 months, or $13.17 for 90 months pays a $100u loan and Interest. Other amounts In proporillon. W. loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EwUITABl.E SAV1.VHS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MOlvIUACE LOANS ON IMPROVED IAH11S IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND PREPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS 1 - .-l-H IMC Btimiuu ER. CURRENT RATES. NO' COMMISSION. WM Mac M ASTER. Sol U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUT,.. PORTLAND. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on ll.amette Valley farms. No commission. No delaya DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St., Por-land. or. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. M. 6910. A 2S15. PAY-OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city homo In eaay installments. 10 years' time to repay; fully protected by life Insurance under Home Purchase Plan of Equltaolo Life Assurance Society. Inter est ftV: no commission. See Mr. Strong. Equitable office. Oregonlan bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS on Improved property. Low rates, prompt service. See us when you need a loan J. Lv HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, tow rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO SH Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MOKTGAGB LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5Vi PER CJiNT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. v-oruett mag. $300. $400. $000. $750. $t6oo" and up at loweat nates. Quick action !Trt, ju " - , " ... v jinn $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit, bul.dlns loans, lowest rates W. G. Beck. 215-214 Falling o. a Phone Main 8407. $500 TO $1SOO without commission, Im proved real eatate. Tabor 3402. Main 8732. HAVE $10,000 to loan on residence prop erly, no commission. See 11. A. Swart, SO Fourth it. $500. $100O AND upsard on Improved real estate, favorable terms; no; no brok erase. John Bain. 507 Spalding b'dg. $0000 TO LOAN on Improved city real es tat.. H per c.nt. no commission. c 828. Oregonlan. 81000. $1250. $1500. $2000. $2i00 AND UP at InaoRt mf... n.llcLr u r-1 1 t J , vestment C.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENTS. loans. notes. morlia.-t F H. Lewis. 803 Lewis bldg. Mar. 1333 MiNEY TO LOAN on farm and Improved cUv property. K. K. B axtfr. 704 Spalding b I d g. SEE US TODAY; loana, auy amount. 6-7 CELLARS-Mf RTON CO., 725 Gasco bldT UullTUAGE LOANS. U AND 7 PKa -".-uf LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Selling bldgl UNDER $500, 8. up to $1500. 7: $1500 up 4 Cave expense. Ward, stty., Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE Co. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark To loan $2ou, :.oo. $1000. $I.;ooi $2000 and up. Oco. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 3 per cent up. V. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com, $i0U TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO COMMlT- Sinv. P. 0. BOX 873. $..cmi TO $700 at 7-. no commission. G. TiV. i Brenner. oHliU, Rodney. I TT Wi r4LLUS ffcAAALES A rVR-OiSHfLD Inc. Craal Britaia Rikts tUacrtssL RagiaUrei la, U. S. Pu.nt OfTU. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Fstsla. PRIVATE funds, lowest rates. $300. $100. $2000 snd up: farms or city prop.rtv. Prompt, efficient service. A. K HiiL 4 Heiry bldg Money to Loan Chattels and Sslarjfs. . CHPISTMAS MONEY. WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workmsmen on their personal notes. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER. NO PUBLICITY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. "We also loan on household fur-altars, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND SEE US TODAY. Investigate our modern money-lending methods. It will coat no more now than if lou tveit until s few days before CHRISTMAS. Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. UNTIL XM.VS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, l-i censed. 2IS Failing Building. S. E. Corner Third and Washington Sts. Pr-n Hvenings Q;en Evenings SALARIES, CHATTELS and COLLATERA LS. LOANS ON FTNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. . Automobiles and anything of value, e-ecuriiy In mo-,t cases left In your pos session. Loan companies, furniture com panies, automobile dealer, etc.. paid off and we advance you more money. Rates T!f iou P u hack in monthly Ins-ailments. No lndorsers; no delay, business confidential eiay. POKTLA .NO loan COMPANY (Licensed). 3U6-.U7 LVkum Bids, -ariluul &2S6. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N J94 Stark St, Established oy Portland business mas to protect the borrower. mesa ansa C. Myers Herrman. Mgr. Loan, maue on houaeiio.d furniture, nl anoa, uiamonds and j..iry MO.S.E1 10 loan on uiamonds. jewelry; legal rates; ail arueles h,d 1 year, estibliaatd since lf-,8. Dan Marx. 2.l Washmgton. . ,0 ,oan on anything or value, legal rates: sll articles lie.d one year. Panama Lnjlfica 04 Third, near Oak. MONEY loaned on piano and furniture. W. A. iiatliaiaay. room 20s Wash. bldg. Loans Wanted. lCl-Nt man would like to borrow $50; will Pay buck In monthly payments at 10 per cent mil-real Can furnish best of retcr ences. ti C 6 ifi. Or-s man. SEE OKEGuN INV. 4 MORTGAGE CO, --2 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. rESSONAL r. LA PLANTA selieious mineral hatha, good for rheumatism ana paraiytlc. Bath houaa open, with Urge, x, bite li e swimming tank: steam ami hot and co'd shower bath Sunday and eery d.iy. 9 A. M- to 11 P. M. Tub ant' Lacantaa mineral bath and rub. w A. id. i;, 1 p. m. every day. Satur day ail da Russian baths and rub Sat urday arid Sjiinav. U A. M. to II P. M. Mon.iavs for women. Tuesdays for men. VVdne"lays lor women. Thursdays for men. Kn-lays lor women, fcaturuays and t-umlavi for men. l.auy to attend ladles and men tj attend men. steam heat, waiting and dressing rooms, bathing suits, soap, and tovvls on hand. 5:5 Front st,. cor. Sherman. I'bone Marshall 7l!. S.e ouen. ma..ager. DRINK AND DRUG HABIT. Alcoholism, morphine, cocoaunc. pare goric, too.icco and ail drug habits can positive, y be cured without su.'fering or pain, eiilsfarticn guaranteed, strictly con absolute privacy Writ or phon. Broadway li450. Ceoi go W. De.-r. Mgr. Neat irsiituie. I7 Kearney Portland, haik goods, lowest prices. 20-lrich wavy .wilcn. -p.... $1.4 All-atuiinu traustot mattoa ........... 1.4. Hairelieaaing. .hanifot.ltig. faca tnasssge, hair tx.obtr.c. msmcurinrf. 25c itair re moved by eiectric noeaio, swvitch mad. ot combines. 95c. tanuary parlors, 400-4 13 I'.kum o.Jg.. 3d and Wash. Marshall 17i2. WILL the lady who wants a suit, coat, dress, Kami or at vahoiesaio prices cail st Peterxons Manulact urers" Outlet? SECOND FLOOR TAKE. ELEVATOR. 205 PITTOCK BLOCK. Mali orders Prompt. y Filled. TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Build up your weakened resistance. Scientific manipu lation t-f the ijoily dors j-aat that, iron aide Institute, o27-8-9 pittock b.ock. tnc cabinet batha and massage. Graduate nurse nsaistant.. phone Broaciway SL1. ELECTRICAL, galvanic. mineral. steam bath, scientific nerve, organic and blood clrcuiaunc maasaga. tace. scalp and sham pooing. Prof- uii:h. 212 Swetland bids'. Main 1941. $1 WILL get both your feet fixed up good at Dr. E.ion i, the Chiropodist that doesn't hurt you. 5 yoars here. exam. free. Globe Theater n!c.. 11th and Waah. Bdwy. 2a24. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI Progreaalve spiritual class meetings bunda.-, lueaday and lliuiauay 15 K. 15th st. N.. corner Burr-Mae. Phone East 301.4. MavS. M. L- LAMAR, '-'-iS SHI ST. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instructions In the theory ot health, sue cess and harmony. MKS STEVENS. 2S years Portland's r. nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing, has crystals for sale, aleo h.r book. "Pain-Jstry Made Ensy." 375 Taylor. WATCHES. Jewelry, etc. on partial pay ments; bonds not fully paid up as first payment W. H. Lesh. 2d floor Selling bldg.. t:h and Alder. open evenings. FEBVET a HANEBUT. leading wig and tuupe makers, fiuest stock human hair goods: ha.rdrossin;. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, o49 Alder. Main 546. INFORMATION wanted of the whereabout, of David !. Wstklns. formerly of Salem. Or by boyhood friend of hla. Amelia Mr Key. 3426 Walton ave.. Los Angeles. Cat " THE POWDER PUFF. Switches made 01 comomji, $3-50; Khaiutioo and hair dress. 50c. 107 Park et. GERTRUDE DANIELS. superfluous hair FUedner bldg. Broadway 892. EXPERIENCED ncrae will take confinement cases in her home, $25 per week; expert care. Woodlawn 2011. BE--T steam bath, massage, vibration, elec tric and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 517 Swetland bldg. Main 1765 GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. tc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1QI9. C. HQS 3d. COLDS, nervousness, excesses treaiea wun- OUt drugs oy dimimiui ajum,.u- -mv.i Mac! cay bldg. lyTjTECTlVE United Service Detective Bureau" ontv experienced operatives em ployed 504 Panama I'ldg. Main oM2, city. SOPHIA B. Goodnooeti Tuv.. Frl., EI P. aptiitual advisor. 506 bid.-. woestion meetings. 8 P. M. Marsnall 3503. DR ELNA SO It ENS EN. SOS Panama bldg Drugless method used for kidneys, rheu- niatifcm. couallpatlon Consultation free. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wans removed by lu-neeuie mainuu, n i.n ' ' - .-u.. 1-y. 614 E.lers bldg. Main 6368. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed for.ver. Dr. Burcll . multiple ncruio in-. mm. .uuu. a by phyaieians. ,V4 Shetland oldg. GERMS luik In dut-t. Rent a Hoover vneuum and remove them. Mar. 2329. IADY HA HUE US Shave 15c. haircut 25c. f.,r mus--.c S."c. 325 Ol lean, cor, hth. Dui-ISN'T T..m. Dick or Harry pay you? See Vlcr-CS. CO I ledum. ..e.vnii MA V ANDREWS. phrenolociat and card teacher, wain oa-- rira bl MMi; GKUN11LL relieves Itching Ica'.p, njnnrutt. -.' ril-nner mns. uiwy. 1 -.1 PI: r M EDA B.Vl.M. formerly called Balm of Flgf. f-44 V. 33d. Sellwood 2213 tnorn'tiga T 01S v.4