Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 18, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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Evidence Held Insufficient by
Judge Rossman.
Attorney Thomas G. Ryan Charges
That Bungling Amateurish Offi- -cers
Exceeded Authority.
Harry Ferrera. aged 19. and Lillian
Beers, arrested by the police Saturday
night and held in the city jail incom
municado while numerous serious
charges were under investigation, were
ordered released yesterday by Munici
pal Judge Rossman.
A Municipal Court bearing failed to
develop any evidence against the cou
ple which Deputy City Attorney Stad
ter deemed sufficient to warrant the
filing of any kind of criminal com
plaint. Complete Investigations by both the
police and Department of Justice offi
cials resulted in exonerating young
Ferrera of every charge which, the po
lice had made against him.
The boy was released from custody
yesterday after his father, Albert B.
l-'errera, an attorney, and Thomas G.
Kyan, his attorney, had assisted offi
cials in completing the investigation.
Youth Held Incommunicado.
Mr. Ryan dictated the following
statement cpncerning fhe arrest and
subsequent ' detention of the young
"After various articles had appeared
in the newspapers accusing Harry
Ferrera of various crimes and after
he had been held incommunicado for
42 hours without being permitted to
see an attorney, his father, or any
friends, there was no charge filed
aerainst this boy, who is but 19 years
old," said Attorney Thomas A. Ryan,
"The two officers who' arrested this
boy, Sullivan and Forsythe. are recent
additions to the police force, being
members of the war emergency squad,
and last night caused the release of
two men who were supposed to be im
plicated with the Ferrera boy, but in
Fisted that Ferrera be held for trial.
The prosecuting attorney, Mr. Stadter,
after investigating the matter made
the statement in open court that the
officers had failed to produce any
evidence which would warrant the fil
ing of any charge against the boy.
Police Inquiry Thorough.
"Inspector Pat Maloney, who had
been assigned to the case, made the
statement that his investigation con
vinced him there was no evidence
against the boy. Chief Special Agent
Bryon. of the U. S. Department of Jus
tice, also stated that so far as his de
partment was concerned, there was
nothing brought forward upon which
to base any charge against the boy.
"1 have spent some seven years as a
prosecuting officer; during that time
I never permitted any police officer to
detain any person for Investigation, or
hold any person incommunicado, for
the reason that there Is no law in this
state authorizing this procedure. Not
withstanding this fact there had -been
numerous Instances where innocent
persons had been held incommunicado
Lfoy bungling amateurish police officers
and compelled to endure the indignity
and humiliation of remaining In jail
until It suited the pleasure of the offi
cers to release them.
Bungling Officer Blamed.
"This unwarranted assumption of
authority by police officers should be
stopped and persons thought guilty of
crimes should be tried according to the
established rules of law, the statutes
of the state or the city ordinances of
the city, and not be abused and dis
criminated against according to the
whims and caprices of individuals
who happen to be wearing a badge.
I glvlns them. In the language of Shake
speare, A moments brief authority,'
which they are not competent to ex
ercise in conformity to equity and
"Both of these officers disclaimed any
knowledge of the articles appearing
in the various newspapers and en-
deavored to create tne impression that
they emanated from some source other
than them. Wherever they emanated
from they have done an incalculable
amount of harm to both the boy, his
father and his family, and the results
have proved these stories to be the
figment of some disordered mind."
Vancouver Hears Garrison of 12,000
Will Be Maintained at That Post
at All Times Hereafter.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Dec 17. (Spe
cial.) Large numbers of soldiers ere
leaving Vancouver Barracks daily now
for various parts of the United States.
A troop train left this afternoon for
the Middle West, carrying troops from
Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. More
left for different points In California.
As troops are going out all the time,
others are coming In to take their
places so that about 12,000 are here all
the time. While It is not known where
the report came from, it is said that
the Government will probably leave
12,000 men in this post at ell times,
when peace is declared. As the United
States Army will be larger in peace
times, than, ever before, it is probable
the posts will all have larger garrisons.
In the Spruce Division there were
three canteens, or post exchanges,
where the men could purchase their
tobaccos, camlies, ice cream end many
other luxuries. Two of these were
Closed last night and the stocks re
moved to Exchange No. 1, near the
cutup plant, which was the first ex
change established. This will be op
erated as long as any considerable
number of men are here.
Mayor Bradner, who has been in
charge of the Second Provisional Regi
ment, has been relieved to assist in de
mobilization, and Major Bauer is now
in command.
Lebanon Dislikes Service.
LEBANON, Or., Dec. 17. (Special.)
The new train service which went into
effect today on both the Albany-Leba-non-Oakridpre
run and the Lebanon
Woodburn line of the Southern Pacific
Company, is meeting with opposition
from the business people. They claim
that the new schedule is the poorest
this city had had for 25 years. A peti
tion is being circulated today asking
for a change.
The production of copper in the
United States has increased more than
25-fold since 1880.
Shall the mighty machinery of power which won the war be
"scrapped?" How can the millions of soldiers, millions of women,'
great factories, vast capital, compelling energy mobilized for war be
employed to conquer the problems of peace?
How shall our industries be readjusted? How shall our man-power
and woman-power be distributed? How shall business meet the new
conditions? How shall war taxes be revised? How shall the great fleet
of ships be owned and profitably engaged in developing America's
foreign trade? What new fields for investment will be openedjn Europe?
Gain information on all such vital subjects in
Conspiracy to Supply German
Vessels Admitted.
Samuel TJntermyer Appears Before
Senate Committee- to Deny
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 17. Pleas of
guilty to an alleged conspiracy to sup
ply German warships at sea through
the wholesale chartering of Amer
ican and other vessels here, in viola
tion of the neutrality laws, were en
tered here today by four shipping men,
two shipping firms and the Chancellor
of the former German Consulate here.
Sentence was set for December 21.
The shipping men were Robert H.
Swayne. C D. Bunker, Thomas W.
Anderson and Joseph H. Bley. The
firms were C D. Bunker & Co. and
the Northern & Southern Steamship
Company. The consular agent was
Heinrich Kauffmann.
Charges against Philip R Thayer,
president of the Northern and Southern
Company, the shipping firm of Swayne
& Hoyt and John G. Hoyt, other al
leged conspirators, were to be dropped
by the Government and dismissals
asked for, John W. Preston. Special As
sistant Attorney-General, announced. It
was stipulated that fines would be
asked for in the cases of those plead
ing guilty, with tho exception of Bley.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Samuel
Untermyer, of New Tork, whose name
has been mentioned In the investiga
tion of German propaganda, appeared
today before the Senate investigating
committee to answer what he described
as innuendoes and implications which
made it appear that previous to March,
1916. his sympathies were pro-German.
Mr. Untermyer stated that he had
declined, after being solicited, to act
as counsel for the German Embassy
and added:
"There is not a shred of basis for
these vague implications.
Referring to his letter to Dr. H. V.
Albert in February, 19 is, regarding the
purchase of a New Tork newspaper,
Mr. Untermyer said he had discussed
the question with a friend whose name
was not mentioned.
"The talk about this evening and
morning paper being in the market had
been common gossip for a long time."
ne saia. ana we were anxious to ac
quire it on proper terms. I had dis
cussed it in 1913 before the European
war with the same friend. We have
been and are still in negotiation for
another paper on his behalf."
Mr. Untermyer said he had met Count
von Bernstorff, but had never discussed
with him the purchase of the news
paper and that he did not know Dr.
Karl Fuehr, -an assistant of Dr. Albert.
"Then if Dr. Fuehr's diary says that
he conferred with you about the pur
chase of a newspaper. It is incorrect?"
asked Major Humes.
"It is a lie; there may be a great many
other lies in his diary, too." he replied.
7 rtfr
FUNS & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW
H So That You and Your Family May Call
Together and Hear the Wonderful
'Delightfully Different
There is one talking machine vhich is chosen
when heard in critical comparison. It won the
highest score for tone quality at the Panama
Pacific Exposition in San Francisco in 1915. It is
the Sonora.
A critical comparison of all phonographs invari
ably results in favor of the Sonora because it is
fundamentally correct and is the result of eight
years of experience in the art of talking machine
The Sonora is not a new make of talking
machine, but is one. of the, old standard makes,
which has been tried and not found lacking. It has
not been foisted on the markets during the last
few months to take advantage of the unusual con
ditions caused by the Government curtailing the
output of talking machines by the older companies
in order that their factories might be devoted to
supply aircraft for war purposes.
is the policy upon which the Sonora is manufac
tured, marketed and offered to you for your con
sideration. The Sonora claims your recognition
of its superiority on the three essentials of a
musical instrument tone quality, cabinet con
struction and finish and mechanical construction.
Sonora tone quality, is recognized and conceded
to be, among those who are familiar with talking
machines, the most perfect in all the world.
Sonora tone is not slight and questionable, but is
immediately and convincingly evident.
n n i i ii ii i 1 1
and Musically the Most . Perfect Talking: Machine in
All the World"
We Invite Your Inspection
Exclusive Representatives for This Territory
Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
Sonora cabinets are delightfully different
their beauty is found in delicate curves and soft
bulges. In the Sonora the highest art of the wood
worker has been applied. Wood of the finest grain
is molded into, cabinets of exclusive design and
surprising beauty.
Sonora motors are the supreme motors of the
phonograph world. They are of Swiss design,
manufactured in America, are absolutely noiseless
and will play nearly twice as many records with
one winding as any other make. In certain models
of the Sonora the motor will run as long as 45
minutes with one winding. A written guarantee
accompanies each Sonora instrument.
Sonora instruments are designed to play all
makes of records perfectly without the use of
additional devices of any kind. Sonora was the
first instrument on the market to play all makes
of records. It has passed the experimental stage,
as the present system of playing all makes of
records is the result of seven years experimenting
and is now the most simple and perfect device of
its kind.
accompanies the Sonora because of the knowledge
that it truly represents an ideal the finest that
money can buy. There are 14 different styles of
the Sonora, at prices from $60 to $1000, and may
be purchased on convenient terms if desired.
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