THE MORNING OBEGOXLO, MONDAY, DECE3IBEK 16, . 1918. 13 GREAT MARINE PLAN N United States Shipping Board Report Made Public. BIG FLEET NOW OPERATED Contracts Already Made for 12 9 Steel Cargo Vessels of 8,8 7 7,- u 60o Total Tonnage. TTASHIXGTOX, Dec. 15. Completion of the great merchant marine construc tion programme as it now stands, modi fierl to meet the coming of peace, and still further extension of shipbuilding is recommended by the United States Shipping Hoard in its second annual report to Congress, made public today. The nuestlon of a permanent merchant marine programme is left for future determination, the board indicating that it will have suggestions regarding both development and operation at .the con clusion of investigations now in prog ress. Describing the tremendous fleet now operated by the Government, the re port shows how enemy tonnage was tecurca not on i y oy taKing over vessels. Interned in United States harbors, but i'.v jiururiaains ariu cnitiicrtii troni other nations which likewise had seized ierman and Austrian ships. Cuba, China, Siam, Brazil, Uruguay and Peru all aided the United states and the allies in this regard. The cost of re pairing the German and Austrian ves sels amounted to approximately Jll,-: 194.S62.70. Amount Of Tonnage Shown. The Emergency I'leet Corporation of the board owned on November 21, ac cording to the report, a total of 455 new ships, of 2.648,892 deadweight tonM: 09 former German vessels of 343, 06 deadweight tons; 6 former Austrian vessels aggregating 35,262 deadweight tons, and 36 other ships, of 137,248 to'is. Of the SI Dutch vessels taken oyer under Presidential proclamation, 52,' of 2'!6,340 deadweight tons, were managed ly the Shipping Board and the others hy the Navy. There were 328 foreign . i : f , ! t- " i 1 ..... i I I. . . .. M11US-UJ. J.ODU.iUl UCdUWClKlll UUUC1 charter to the board on this date and 450 American ships of 2.910.766 dead weight tons under requisition, making a total of 13S6 vessels aggregating 7,49S,07S deadweight tons owned, man aged or chartered by the Shipping Board. With regard to the requisitioning of American tonnage, the report says: "Perhaps no phase of the Shipping Board's work lias been more difficult to adjust fairly and satisfactorily than that involved in the requisitioning of ships for use. Nevertheless, most own ers have co-operated with excellent Bpirit." Contracts Summed Up. Contracts and commitments of the Kmergcncy Fleet Corporation for the construction of chips made during the year provided for 1296 steel cargo ships, of 8,877,605 deadweight tons; 80 uteel tankers, of 737,000 deadweight tons: 94 steel .troop ships, of 787,000 deadweight tons; two steel hospital ships, of 20,000 deadweight tons; four steel refrigerator ships, of 37,500 dead weight tons: 1 104 ocean-going steel tugs and eight steel harbor tugs, and 16 steel barges of 54,800 deadweight tons. The wood and composite ship con tracts called for 1SL complete wood ships of 707,500 deadweight tons; 519 hulls, of 1,841,000 deadweight tons; 140 barges, of 359,500 deadweight tons; 162 wood tugs, and 33 composite ships, of 116,000 deadweight tons. BOliLAM ri'XERAL IS IIEUD Services at Church of Madeline Conducted for S teamshipmun. Funeral of Frank Bellam, widely known steamshipman, who died Fri day morning, was held at the Church of the Madeline, in Irvington Saturday afternoon. Father George Thompson delivered the itinera! sermon. Mrs. A. S. Petzel sang "Pie Jesu," nd at the conclusion of the scVvice Mrs. Charles Shea sans "God Shall "Wipe Away All Tears." Frederick W. Goodrich was organist. Interment was at Riverview Ceme tery. Honorary pallbearers were Itocer Sinnott, Arthur Shuback, "W. C. McBride, C. 11. Thompson, Harry Dick son and Henry Smith, active pallbearers being Bert Haney, Barnett Goldstein, George "W. Joseph, W. K. Kicrnan, Ira Beeman and E. B. Duffy. Services were conducted at the grave by Father Thompson. STEAMER BIRCH LEAF LAUNCHED. Eighth Composite Vessel of Snpple-Bal-in Output Takes to ater. Birchleaf is the name of the eighth composite ship floated for the Emer gency Fleet Corporation by the Supple Eallin Shipbuilding Corporation, and, as her official hull number is 233, she was launched at 2:33- o'clock Saturday afternoon, Marie Lockwood. the1 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. C. lockwood, being given the place of honor as sponsor. Mr. Lockwood ia plant manager there. To data tha corporation has delivered the Harney, Wallowa. Calala. Dalana and Alriie to the Government, while the Ashburn is to go on trial trip about Tuesday and the Awensdar is having her machinery Installed. The Birch leaf waa the last ship of the original contract and four ships were awarded under a second contract, three of which are on the ways and the starting of the fourth hinges on the interpretation of the Shipping Board's recent suspension order. Pacific Coast Shipping jVotes. ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 15. (Special.) The steamer City of Topeka arrived at 8 o'clock this morning from San Francisco via Kureka and Coos Bay with freight for Astoria and Portland. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 15. (Special.) It is declared in shipping circles that Pa cific Coast ports are beginning to boom al ready in af ter-the-war trade. This is In dicated by the large "non-essential" cargo brought here today by the Japanese freighter .ankai Maru from Callao and Guayaquil. An unusual part of the more than 7000 tons of cargo on the big ship was 16.000 sacks of cocoa. A shipment of 3250 sacks of coffee took up a portion of the space. The Nankal Maru will discharge Imme diately and then take on general merchan- PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASED Last month we manufactured 6,800,000 pounds of EIVETS, BOLTS and BOAT SPIKES Can Tip serve yon? NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Oregon nnrn n unuLU u . uu unuG dise for Oriental porta. The. freighter ia the flrat of the vessels of the Ocean Ship ping Agencies to come here. This concern plans to 'have at least three sailings a month for the Orient. The men in charge of floating the steam ship West Zucker, which stuck in the mud in San Pablo Bay lasT Thursday, telephoned today that the vessel had been moved to deep water at hlsh tide. The first try at floating the large craft waa- made Friday, but without any success: At high tide to day, however, she slipped back into deep water when a stiff pull waa made. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Dec. 13. Sailed Steamer. Klamath, for San Dieco. via way porta. ASTORIA. Dec. 15. Arrived at 7 A. M and left up at 1:30 P. M.. ateamef City of Topeka. from San Francisco via iureka and Coos Bay. SAN FRA.vflSCO, Dec. 13. Arrived Steamer Rope City, from Ban Pedro. SAN" PEDRO, Dec. 13. Arirved Steamer Trinidad, from the Columbia. River. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 15. Arrived Steamer Sequoya (British), from Beaumont, Texas, via Balboa. SEATTLE, Dec. 15. Arrived, steamers At suta Maru, from Kobe: Northland, from San Krancisco; Catherine D-. from Ocean Falls, B. C. ; Prince Georgf, from Prince Rupert; schooner Ruby, from Seward. Sailed, steam ers Washtenaw, for San Francisco; Cather ine D., for Ocean Falls, B. C; Prince George, for Prince Rupert. NEW YORK, Dec. 13. Arrived Lake Madaket, from San Francisco. CALT.AO, Dec. 11. Arrived Steamer Geo. W. Klder, from San Francisco. - V. S. Aaval Radio Reports. (All positions reported at 8 T. M. yes terday unless otherwise indicated.) WASHTENAW, Seattle for Martinez, passed Cape Flattery. CADDO PEAK, Portland for San Francisco. 13r, miles north of San Francisco. E. H. MEYER, Columbia River for San Pedro, 30 miles south of Seal Rocks. SALMON, San Francisco for Honolulu. 833 miles from San Francisco. WAPAMA, Everett tor San Francisco, SO miles north of San Francisco. LUCAS, Richmond for Vancouver, 60 miles north of Richmond. PRESIDENT, Seattle for San Francisco, 440 miles from San Francisco. HYADES. fan Francisco for Honolulu. 420 miles from San Francisco. NANKING, San Francisco for the Orient. 2342 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M-, December 14. LYMAN STEWART. San Francisco for Seattle. 490 miles from Seattle. HERRI.V, Gaviota for Llnnton. 750 miles from Gaviota. PORTER, Everett for Monterey, 350 miles from Everett. WHJTTIER, San Francisco for San Diero, 402 miles from San. Diego. ARGYLL, Seattle for Oleum. 170 miles from Oleum. OLEUM, Portland for San Francisco, 313 miles from San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Loiv. 11:11 A. m. ..10.2 feet'.via A. M r,.a rmt 18:28 P. M 0.0 foot Colombia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Dec. 15. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M. : Bea, moderate; wind. east. 4 miles. t DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec. 15. Maximum temper ature, 47 degrees; minimum. 44 degrees. Kiver reading at 8 A. M., 6.6 feet; change in last li4 hours, 2.1 feet rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). 0.03 inch; total rainfall since September 1. 1818. 11.50 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 13.52 inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1018. 4.02 inches. Sunrise, 7:17 A. M. ; sunset, 4:26 P. M. Total sunshine, 2 hours: Dossible sun shine, 8 hours, 48 minutes. Moonrise, 11:48 P. M.-: moonset. 5:22 A. M. Barometer (re duced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.33 inches. Relative humidity at noem. 74 per cent. TILE "WEATHER. SKI Wind I si j-z I n i 3 3 3 5. Ji tations. 1 - ?$ ? I 1 3 : : : ;- 2 : : : S : : : I- 5 : : : Baker . 3810. 42 !0. 6U,0. &2I0. 400. 50. OS: . ,!NW 121.. IN W Clear Cloudy Cloudy Boise . Boston Cat (car v Chicago Denver 40il4;NW OOi . .i.NW . . . j . iPt. cloudy 00 16 S ooi . .in t.icar Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Des Moines. . . 640 OOi ,.!sw Kureka ...... 1 Galveston ....( Helena I .Tuneaut I 52.0. 2'0. 400. . . .'0. P8'0. 7o;o. r.20. BOO. .".00. 0!l. r8,o. 480. 50 1 0. 70!O. 34 0. 4s;o. 50 0. 44 0. MO. 40 0. b 0. 54 O. 4:0. 3 0. 45 0. 440. . . . IO, 4S0. 58' I . 14i0. 12:l2iN 00; an 85! 001. 00! on 1 ool, li. .isw .!6IS IS .ISW iPt. cloudy cioufly ICIear IClear IPt. cloudy Icioudy IClear IClear ICloudv Kansas City. . Los Angeles. . Marshf ield . . .NW Mectfora Minneapolis .. New Orleans..! New York . . . . j North Head... I North Yakimal Phoenix ..... 1 . Pocatello . . . . ! Portland Roseburg .... I Sacramento ..I St. Louis ) Salt Lake I 341. .INK on . .in onl. . :n 3H22I v ICloudy 001 00 j 00! or,' IRi ool .;vw Clear Cloudy .113 .IN .'W .SB iN snow Clear Clear IClear IClear icioudy IPt. cloudy IClear IPt. cloudy IClear IClear IPt. cloudy !Cloudy Clear Icioudy Icioudy 001. . s OIlilONW Kan Diego. . . . 1 oo. n KraneiHrs' ...I 421 3K! HI 4! 4li 00 . w .Ik .Inw .iN .IK Seattle '. 00 . 0n. 021. K! . Spokane ..... Tatoosh Island V'sld. . Walla Walla.. Washington .. 241. .fl 44!10'N oni . . 1 v w Innipeg . . . . tA. M. today. P. M. renort of nrecedini? day. FORECASTS. PortlanlJ and vicinity Fair: north ta mt winds. Oregon Fair; gentle north to. east winds. Washington Fair, except rain near the coast: moderate easterly winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARD L. WJCLL3. Meteorologist. Youthful Couple Arrested. Lillian Beers. 22, and Harry Ferrera, 18. were arrested at Park and Wash ington streets yesterday by Patrolman Forsythe and Sullivan, and held pend ing investigation of the eirl's ante cedents. Police say she came here from Seattle. Destroyer Foote Is Launched. QUIKCT, Mass., Dec. 16. Tha de stroyer Foote was launched from the Fore River yards of the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Company Saturday. AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC MUSICAL STOCK Daily Matinee. lOo Only. DILLOJJ tt FRANKS CMIke nri 1. Tha howling farce, with musical trimmings, IN WRONG. Tha Season's Best Giggle-Getter. Tnes. Might "Country 6tore.. 1'riday, thorns CI lis' Contest. DANCING TONIGHT COTILLION HALL FOl'HTEEN'TH, OFF" WASHINGTON PORTLAND'S FINEST AND LARGEST BALLROOM Wonderful Ball-Bearlne $prlae Floor. LEAIt TO DANCE AT OUR SCHOOL. EIGHT LESSONS S3. SOCIAL DANCE h BVTSnY WEEK NIGHT. Good People. Good Crowds. Courteous Introduce. Apollo Temple 23t Monnisov sr. 50c PER COUPLE Snappy Mnalc. Diaelig School Open Dally. The Bank of California National Association, Portland Branch Third and Stark Streets Capital Surplus and Undivided For convenience of our depositors, our Savings Depart ment will be open on Saturday, evening; from 6 to 8 o'clock until further notice. . Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits m iiimiiitiimmmnmuTrrtm 1 LIBERTY BONDS WE BUY AND SELL LIBERTY BONDS I At the market. Also buy your partly paid contracts, or will I loan you the money to complete your payments. Remittance mailed out-of-town eellers day bonds are received. Uc:enaed by V. S. Government. I NORTHWESTERN TRUST CO. I SKCOSfD FLOOR AVII-COX BLDfi.. COR SIXTH AND WASHJNCTO.V. PORTLAND. luiiHNHnitflimmiNimmnmttHunimMim ALLIES INSIST ON RIGHTS ARMISTICE AMENDMENT SIGNED ABOARD FOCH'S TRAIX. High Commands Reserve Privilege of Occupying Neutral Zone on Right Bank of Rhine. PAIUS', Dec 15. The complete text of the amendments to tha German arm istice, -which were signed this morning in Marshal Foch's railway train at Treves, follows: "First The duration of the treaty of armistice concluded on November 11 is prolonged one month until the 17th day of January, 1919, at 5 o'clock in the morning. This extension of a month will be extended until the-con- clusion of preliminaries to peace, sub ject to the consent of the allied gov ernments. "Second The execution of the condi tions of the agreement of November 11, such as are not completely fulfilled, will be followed and completed in the pe riod of extension of the armistice after regulations fixed by the international armistice committee, according: to in- AMCSEMENTS. 1 Ticket Of flee- Kale I UPK.NS TODAY I HEILIG M.,"d7" ray at Taylor anil A 1122 THIS I Wed.. 1 hnr nrp IS. 19. WEEKSFrl, Sat ULWiSO, 21. SPECIAI, PIIIC'K MAT. SAT. VVOKI.U - KAMOVS CARTER I ASK HIM I ILLCSIOAIST MIM rtKADF-H. MPKKMH IN MAMI1. TONS OK ILLLMON. YOU WILL BE EiE'D" EVK'S Floor. 11 rows $1.50, 7 rows Jl; Balcony, $1, 75c, 50c; Gallery, 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor. Jl ; Bal. 75c, 50c; Gal.. 50c. HOBART BOSWORTII (Himself) In ."The bea Wolf." "Somewhere in Fmsre'' Harry and irace Lllsworth. BERT UTZGIBBOX Archie and Gertie Falls: Jack and Kitty Oemaeoj Official War Bet lews Travel Week It. COl'RTN EY KISTKItS. Keatares of .Many MUKieal Hueeesaes. 7T. BARGAIN MGHT JO.MGHT. Tonisht. all week; mata. Wd. Sat.. Famous BAKER STOCK COMPANY ia BRANDED A Startling Comedy Drama of the Uoderworld. Direct From the Fulton Theater. New York City. Evenings, S5c, 60c; Mata.. 2ic (War Tax). Next Week "THE SPOILERS." MORRISON AT 1 1 TM PLAYS THAT PLEASE BARGAIN TONIGHT, O C ANY SEAT SOC THE DAUGHTER OF MOTHER MACHREE FJTS-SEATS ON SALE NOW FOR MIDNIGHT MAT, DEC. 31 A N T A G E C MAX. DAILY 2:30 a- The Thor Amusement Co., Inc., Presents EVA LA RCE. The Famons Broadway Comedienne, and an All-Girl Cast In the Smart Musical iaree. "HtRB COMK EVA." SIX UTIIF.K BHi ACTS. Threa Performances Daily. Kight Curtain at 7 and . $8,500,000.00 Profits $8,649,016.99 m Ill I a HimiMimiimmiaiHniftiHitiuHiitRHtrt structiona of tha allied hlsh command. "Third The following: conditions will be added o the agreement of Novem- Der li: "The allied high command reserves the right to begin, meanwhile. If it thinks it wise, in order to assure new guarantees, to occupy the neutral cor.e on the right bank of the Rhine to north of the bridgehead of Cologne up to the Dutch frontier. Thia occu pation will be announced by the allied high command by giving six days' no tice. Y. sr. C. A. Goes to Coos County. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Dec. 16. J. C. Reed, a Y. M. C. A. secretary, is seek ing the organization of a branch in Coos County and plans to have head quarters in Marshficld and branches at Bandon. Coqulllo. Myrtle Point and Powers. Many women in Marshfield are assisting in the work. . German Guard Authorized. AMSTERDAM, "bee. 15. The council of people's commissioners of Germany, according to a eriln telegram has au thorized formation of a volunteer Na tional Guard to maintain public order and safety. ALCTIO.N BALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, 10 Furniture. 16-171 Second at. MEETING NOTICES. WJT.LAMETTK TRIBE. NO. . IMP'IJ O. Ft. M., meets to nisht (Monday) at Eairies" Hall, :s Madison St. Visit ors welcome. l'. C. HOFFMAN, Sachem. VIC CHAPMAN'. C. of R. HARMONY I.ODOE, NO. II. A. T. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Mondavt af 1:30 P. M., for the purpose of conducting the funeral services over the remains nf mi. brother. William A. Buchanan. Services at I'oriiana t-remaiorium at I'. Mem bers are requested to attend and bring autoa. Visiting; brethren welcome. WM. M. DE LIN. Sec. CAS11.L1A CHAPTER. NO 27. . a. taiea communication thia (Monday l evenlnir. Past matrons ana natrons and rerir. A1 in officers miosis of honor. An ' nual honie-comlns; meeting. ' De. trees. iy orucr or . M. MAnitlTTK liOBI.NSO.N, Sec. WILLAMETTE I.ODOE. NO. Z. A. V. AND A. M. A special communication will he held at .-viasonic jercpie. todav (Mon day), December 18. at 7 P. M. Work In the E. A. Arwrem Brethren cordially Invited, liy order w. fa. WHEKS. Sec HARMONY LODGE. NO 1 A. V. AND A. M. Special con mtinactlnn this (Monday) even Ins; at 7 o'clock. Work In the Master Mason decree. Visiting WM. M. DE LIN. Sec WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 3. R. A. M. Called convocation mis iMunaay) evcnlns;. Kusi !h and Burnside. 7;.J0 o'clock. M. M visitors welcome. By order of HOY' QI'ACKENBUSH, 6ec FUNNYIOE CHAPTER. NO 12S. O. E. t-V Stated communlrM. tlon this (Monday) evcnlns at u ciuck, iliwicjr nail. .ast Jith and Yamhill. Degrees. All O. K. 8. members cordially Invltad. By EDNA I.. DOWNING. Sec VICTORY dance. K. of P. Hall. Jlth and Alder, Dec. 21. HlRhland .Social Dani-in Club. Excellent floor. Knyder's orchestra. Enjoy an evening with your frlenda. CUL REAZEE GROTTO. NO. U5. Infor mal victory dance Saturday evenlnc, Dec .L ll18.. Multnomah Hotel ballroom. EMBLEM Jewelry, button, charms, alas, saw ossicos. Jaassr Brsa 111-1 Its at. FRIEDLANDER'S for loose emblmaa, class Dins and msdaia S10 Wasblaataa sc DIED. WTNKOOP In this city. December 14 1918 at 407 Columbia street, Ulysses S. Wyn koop. aced 14 years 9 months and S davs Deceaaed is survived by a mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Edward WvnknAn. also an aunt. Mrs. Rose Linley. and one niece. Miss Ethel Linley. all of this city He waa a srandson of tha lata Peter Damphoffer. the well-known musician of Portland. Or. Deceased waa a member of Aiusicians- .-uutuai Association Local, No. U0. Remains ara at the Darlora of tha Skewea Lndertakins Company, corner m mm ana -iay streets. Jr uneral notice later. McCARVER In thia city, December 14. Harry Kalston McCarver. ased 60 years, beloved husband of Nora McCarver and father of Leila' McCarver. Uody will he at the home of Mra. Hattie Babcock. 1214 Washington street. Oregon City, after 11 A. M. Monday. The funeral services will be held from the above residence, Tues day. December 17, at a P. M. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. Arrangements In charge of S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street. ANTON In thia city, at his late residence 71 Grand avsr.ue North. December 15 1918, George Anton, aged 30 years: hus band of Mrs. Alice Anton. The remains are . at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. LIVINGSTON In this city. December 13 1H18. Bert Livingston, of 127 East Flan ders street. Remains are at the residen tial funeral home of Wilson A Koss. Mult nomah at East Seventh. Funeral notice later. LOOMIS In thia city, December 14. 101S William Irwin ' Loomis. ased .12 years; member of W. O. W.. No. 10T. Announce ment of funeral later by the Ericsoa Un dertaking Company. PRATT In this city. December 15. 1918. Dora Pratt. Kemalna are at the new parlors or tsreezo at bnooK. Belmont at Thirty fifth. Notice of funeral later. RITCHES In this city. December 15, 1818, Rose Rltches. aged 27 years. Remains at llolman'a funeral parlora. Funeral notice later. . HOWE In this city. Dee. IS, Romeo Howe, aved 66 years. Remains at Dunning A McEntea'a parlors. Funeral notice later. TRAVELERS CV IDE. DRENCH LINC Compagnie General TranslatlantlqaeJaJ NEW YOKK BORDE.41X PARIS 1 PROPOSED DEPARTCRES. Niagara JJec. S tcspagne. .. .Jan. 7 KoehamHean Jan. t l ugail liroa.. Pac. Coast Agents, ion Cherry 6L. Seattle, or any Loral Agents. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS Via Tahiti and Karatonga. Mall and pas senger acrvto. front baa tranclsc. a very x( oars. I.MON B. ". CO. OF KEW ZEALAND, 230 California St.. Nan FranrJaco. or local el poms h IP and smtlraaul aganci . AN FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES. LOW RATES. Including Meals and Berths. 8. S. ROSE CITY flails S P. M.. Dee. It. THE SAN iRANClHCO PORTLAND b. S. LINES. Tickets at Third and Washington. Telephone Broadway 56. Main S53., A 134. A .eiL JTNEHAL NOTICES. SHADWIK In this city. Decemh.r 14. 1013, Louiea Jane hadwick. ased To years 11 montha and 2 daya; deceased leaves one sister to mourn, Mrs. M. M. Jemlgan, of White Salmon. Wash.: four sons. s. I. Shadwlck. of Seattle; J. C. Shadwick. of Vancouver. Wash.; P. and L. B. had vtck. this city, and one daughter, Mrs. . W'llliam Myers, of Redondo Beach. Cal. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday). December 17. at P. M . at the residential funeral parlors of Wilson & W'llson. Kllllngsworth avenue at Kerby. Friends invited to attend. Interment in Rose City Cemetery. SMITH In th's city. December 14. 101. John C. Smith, aged :lrt years; beloved brother of Rev. Sifter Marv AdeMndes. o' the Order of the Holy Names; brother ofl William Smith. Deceased was a member ot the Catholic Order of Foresters, St. Lawrence Court; also the Portland Coun cil of the Knights of Columbus. Funeral will leave t ne residence. l;t Bancroft ave nue tomorrow (Tuesday!. December 17. J81S. at A. M.. tnence to St. Lawrence's Church. Third and Sherman atreta. where requiem mass will be offered at I:;10 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. Ar rangementa in care ot Miller St Trace)'. GOETHEL In thia city. December IS. 191". M. Louella Goa'.hel. aged !! years 10 months 17 days; recently of Huron, S. D. ; beloved daughter of Ella M. Ooethel. sister of Vera and Margie C.oethel. ot Port land: Mra. 1.11a Babbit, Mrs. Kuth Ander son. Mrs. Madge Thompson, S. A. and Harry Goethel. of Huron. K. D-. and John Goethe!, of Sand Point. Idaho. Friends In vited to attend the funeral aervices, which will be held at llolman'a funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Monday), December Jti, 1D18. Interment Rose City Cemetery. GREENE In this city, December 14. 111. Cynthia Elisabeth Greene, aged 1) years; widow o? the late :eorge T. Greene, sla ter of Mrs. J. J. Gibbons, of Hood Klver. Or aunt of Mra. B. S. Morrow and Mrs. Arthur of thia city: Friends invited to attend funeral services, which mill bs held at the Westminster Presby terian Church. Last h.eventeenin ana Srhuvler streets, at 1 ::!0 P. M. today (Mon davi, December 16. 101S. Interment River view Cemetery. Remaina at Holman'a funeral parlors.. BANNON At Pendleton. Oregon. Dec. 13. Iitu.1 v.dwarri P. a nnnn. aged 40 years, hus band of Mrs. Lola Bantion. father of Jimmle. Charlea. Agnea and Mary Bannon. brother of Mrs. R. G. Braiennr, of Brook lyn. N. Y. The funeral cortego will leave Flnley'a. Montgomery at 5th. tomorrow (Tuesday. Dec. 17. at 0 o'clock and pro ceed to the Cathedral. 1f,th and Davis sts.. where mass will be said at 0:.".0 o'clock. Frlenda invited. Interment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. GOLDEN At 44!) Lexington avenue, Decem ber 13, 191S. Armina . t. olden, ageit . vears and 0 -days: beloved wit, of E. C Golden, sister of Mr. and Mra. Frank Rob inson, of Lyle. Wash. The funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Tuesday,), p.- reinber 17. 1D18. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at M. F. Church, corner of Fifteenth and Ta coma avenue. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. The remains are at the rmlrienre funeral parlors or waiter . Kenworthy. 15o2-o4 East Thirteenth street Scllwood. SOI'LICS At the residence. 122 East Tenth ir.oi North. Kcceniber 13. Anna R Soules. aged GO years IV months; beloved wife of Albert Soulca. mother of O. Floyd Bourhton. sister of Eugno Jvyn. of ,-k-r-u iir.v. nr. and Mrs. Mary Fplek erman. of Nassau. N. Y. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which wil t... V.-UI af f, uhnv, residence at 11 A. M today (Monday). December 16. 101S. In terment KOe City t-emeicry. DOONEY December -14. Emmet M. Dooney, . ,l 'iJ vars: beloved husband of Mrs. Lillian Dooney. inn of Mrs. Rose O'Hearn. TK. fnn.ral COrtCSO Will IcSVO A. R. v.i;.r comiianv s parlors. 5!2 Williams avenue, tomorrow (Tuesday). December 17 t -irt a i thont-e to St. Rose's Churrh i.-.-,' irif Tv-fourth North and Alameda . . v. - - ..rulr.i will ba held at o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery, n-ii i rv ln thia ri t v. Dec. 14. Ruth H tv-m.v- Mf,.d 24 years, beloved wife of . ..mill., nf .lime Wlllev. dluell- e Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, of ii... Hiil.r of Edith. John Charles and Arthur Peterson. r uneral aervices will bo held at Dunning A McEn tecs" chap-1 today tMonday). at 1 :"n I". M. Friends Invited. Interment City Cem etery, Vancouver, vv ash. BUCHANAN At the residence of his daugh ter. Mrs. . Jt- vvarner. ill. r.. i.-vo i . u intft William Arthur Bu chanan.'aged SI years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held st the Portland Crematorium at 2:30 P. M tndtv 'Monday). Dec. 10. Please omit flowers. Tlfmalns at Holman'a funeral par lora until l I". .M. r d . a. ih r..ldence. 1104 East .".d N.. December 14. 191. t-tuart Howard Graff, aged a years. 7 months. 8 das. in fant son or Mr. anu .-irs. wrpii ' -Friends Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which wtll te nein at toe ..o.n ia i.i-n- .t o-att r M. today (Monday). De cember 16. 101S. Interment Rosa City Cemetery. KEI.LEY At the residence. 646 Overton st.. May Kellev. itfl .'J j ears, unnvrq uauso of Annie Kellev. Friends Invited to at tend the funeral services, which will be held at St. Patrick s t niirrn. i;m -no Savler sts.". at A. M. tomorrow (Tues day!. December 17. 1918. Interment MU Calvary Cemetery. BROWNING In this eity. Dec. 14. Ida E Browning, aged 54 years, wife of V red J. n,.iiinr of 671 E. Morrison st. The fu- nerl aervices will D held this 'Monday) ...ornlna at 10:S0 o'clock at the above residence. Knends invited. Interment Kom City Cemetery. J. T. J-'inley A Son. directors. GII.TXKR At the residence. 647 Siskiyou at.. Dec. 14. 111. Roscoe Rush Glltner. aged (11 vears. beloved husband of Fronia Giltner. " Friends Invrted to attend tlie funeral services, which Will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. tomnrrow (Tuesday). Dec. 17. 191S. Interment River view Cemetery. SMITH In this cltv. December 13. 191S. Juanlta Smith, aged a years. 3 months, daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. T. A. Smith, of 2 Failing street. Funersl serv ices will be held at Dunning at McEntee s chapel today (Monday). December in. 191S. at 3 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. OAK In. this city, December 13. Roy Osk. aged 12 yeara, schoolboy of Ken on. Fu neral will he held tomorrow (Monday), December 18. at 1 :no P. M.. from the residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. Multnomah and Seventh streeL Inter ment Mu Scott Park cemetery. JONES Funeral of tha late Anna Jones will be held from Dunning MrEntee's parlors Wednesday. Dec Hi. at 8:30 A. M. thence to St. Lawrence Church. Third and Sheridan sts., where requiem mass will be offered at n A. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment MU Calvary Cemetery. SARICH Funeral services of the late Steve Karlch will be held from Dunning A Mc Kntee'a parlora today (Monday), at 8:30 A M , thence to St. Patrlck a Church, where mats will he offered at 0 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment MU Calvary Cemetery. KASKAMPAS FuneralFervices of the late Constanllne Kaskampas. aged 30 years, will be held at Dunning 4c McEntee's chapel tomorrow (Tuesday). Dec. 17. at 1 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rosa City Park Cemetery. CHUROS At The Dslles. Or, Dee. 14. Sophia. Churos. aged 27. years. Funeral services will be held at Dunning Ac Mc Kntee's chapel tomorrow (Tuesdsy). Dec. 17. at 1 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Park Cemetery. EPPERLY The funeral services of the late Albert Epperly will be held this (Mondayt morning at 10 o'clock at Flnley'a. Mont gomery at ftth. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Services at the f rave private KAPSKBAl'M The funeral services of the late Albert Kassebaum will be held today (Monday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M .. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at nth. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. CLAl'SEN The funeral services of the late Mary will be held today (Monday) at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's Montsomery st Mil. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. cott Park Cemetery. LEIBE Funeral of tha 1st Henry Leibe will be held from Dunning A McEntee's parlors today (Monda), at 11 A. 11. 1 D- - tcrment ill, Scott, Tark Cemetery. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOKPIQN PLEATING MEM STITCH 1 NO WJ,SVT' MEM, AND 1'LEAT SKIRTS AN V IbK lAltU. .... tASl'ER.V NOVELTY CO.. A;.TK tl TTLK.S AND MKU. JKWKI KIIN "liW.LLKy and watch repairing. sillier a, '' Vsh. su. Majestic iheaier bldg. AI.FA1.I A MEAL. (.Bill ) IKCIIS, MAI. VVALTKK SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. Jrf7 ANTIQl' KH AND ARTS. OLU Li Ft A s. copper, curios, tapestry ana art Jewelry bought and sold, aj d St. API'KAISALS. STA.ND.Vkl APPRAISAL. COMPAM'. Kali way Ex. Bills. Phone Marshall 2752. AtAUtKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14 Second Uold. silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEY?. A. W. LAFFERTY 482 Pittock Block. Phone Broadway 24i. AiuitKls A. GOLDSTEIN, practice in courts. mi- .Northwestern Bank b!dc. M l-l'LIK-4. OHEGON- BARBER SUPPLY CO. We bul mm rrn an Kinos I'SrOCT supptiea. .i" "JO. cami:k. . M. JO.N'llS, M. D. CANCER TREATED. 312 Morgan bldg. Marshall I4'l. CARPET CLEANING. DllflC The kind that wear the best are v . w mane rrom your wornout carpets in. ..unn.Bii i.uc t o. trormcr ad dress, loi Union tvf.l. Rag rugs voun all sizes. Cat pet cleaning, refilling and reaixing. Mali orders solicited. East Slh. I HOXK EAST ;'..". sg, it 12S0. FLUFF RUG CO. n,v Kl.l.t LOII KIT TON!. THE IttWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 37 Washington. Broadway 4:4. A 1 2.". 4. 1 HIKOHIIHCT.'i ANU ARCH bPEtTALIS TS nii-MAJl, Jb-:clle and Florelle DeVeney. the wo,., t.i.uuiig cniropoaisia and arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors .102 Gerllnger mag., soutnwrst corner bscond and Alder. Phone Main luol. DR. GARTNER. Ingrown nails, bunions a fi.Li.n, loot, arcnes tnaae to order, .ill Hwctland bldg.. cor. oth-VYash. Main 1081. 1 HIKOPKACTIC I'HYMt IAN. UK. MiMAHON. Macieay bldg.. 100 chlroao praclic. S'orld's beet. Adjuntmcnta mtiif easy. tjuatlnate cases iiOc race. ( IKCI I.AK LETTERS. CHANE LETTER CO.. 510-11-12 Royal bldg. Msr. fte22. 1iu letters multigraphed. $ I .ISO. Ol. LECTION AI.I'.MIIA N fc.Tli A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1706. NO collections, no charge. Established ltliin. DANCING ALKSKV Dancing Academy. Private Instruc lora. aay ana evening. I'lass"-" hYiday even Itig 2d floor Allaky bldg. s lessons. SIKH. FLECK'S ACADEMY, luo 2d su Ball room and stago dancing. Class Tue., Frl. eve.: children especially. Main 2lnl. 1)EN'I'IT. DR. HARRY SEMLKR, Dentist, 204 Allsky uios-. intra ana .orripon. .viain EYh EAK. MIM; ANU THROAT. Dr. F. V. i'as!eday. specialist: plssses fitted 7no E. Ttiirnside. cor. 2'th. B t:H:l. E. 47S4. KDVCATIONAL. A.P.Armstrong hperialist in Commercial Education. A r m t ro nj. -1 1 I m Ml MNfS "OI.rK.F. K fcSTKl'HAN. hmatltchins. srailoping, ac corn I'm hAc Tlrt. tiuttons covered ; mutl order-. lr. PHtock block. Broadway looo. WIIOLESxLERS AND Al TO TOCd. Il HRlll.l.K lirmiv TOP CO., 9i h and Oak. IIKAI.EK. MKNDOTA COAL CO., bldg. Main 7472. 4 15 N. W. Bank IKV .K)ISNOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO. 7,?, CHAIN MERCHANT. PA'MI-'IO OR A IN CO., Hoard of Trade Bide. HATS AND (Ars. 1 I! AN HOI'SKR HAT Front St. H 1 1 K-. WOOL. CAsCAKA HARK. KAHN HltOS.. 1!T. front SI. TAINTS AND I I BRIC ATINO OILS. KI'I.I.MR c,- , i;u, and 1avls sts Bates (or Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. lailx and auada Par On. It Ob tiaa 1 coetecntlre llmea..... Thrra eoacutlva times. . . ktv r eM ruRMTuilft timet Ma 'Abe follotrins cIsMiricatloaa zrpiaa. taa rai a Inch ta ?e pr Ua per da. 7 1 BIltMliont Wasted Male, bitua&ioaa Pritaii k Hiniliea. Board and jtCooma frivat -k aniilie. iioijkeepin f llvina Private iMiuillaa. IS ad taken for leva thaa twv Unci. Coaot mi words t tb Hoe, Ad vcrtiaenteot ieacepC for aoaals') mill be taken aver tne tele pbvM if tbe adrertiaer la a subecrlber to either pboae. IS prte will be ejweted evr the pboae, but statemcat will be rradrvJ tbe followias; timy Advercla meat are Ukrs for Tbe tUj Ore Kuaiaa until a A. M.t (or Tbe HoaU ureswoiaa uaul f . at. aa turdar. 1TNFR T. DIRFCTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAT "Til AM Ml I.TXOMAII 1'oH I a n d a M t I'm resai v e FUNERAL DIRECTORS HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1 877. Third and Salmon streets. ' . Main r(i7. A i:.n. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Leaa. MILLER & TRACEY Independent KuneraJ Directors. Wash. Pt.. bet. t-'Oth, and Clit. West Ffie. Mam -iyi. Lady Aaaistant. A i860. RIYERYIEY. ABBEY MAUSOLEUM offers slniclfl tombs, family portions and family rooms. 4'ommodious chapel for final lervlppn. 'I'lie best in bun I. POKTLAN L) M A U S o L K L' I CO M PA N T, :;h JMrto-k Plork. I'hone TfroaUav :t.M. J. P. KI NI-KV A SON. Prosreive funeral Plrei-tors. Prix ate Irlve Women Att ants. MONTGOMERY AT FIl-TH.' Main 9. A 1599. DUNNING tc McENTEK, funeral directors. Broadaay and Pine street. Phone Broadway 4:'0. A 4...i"5. Lady attendant. F. DL'NMNO, INT.. THB GOLDKN III Li- VNTKRTAKERS. 4!4 Kant Alder St. KaM Pi. B -J.".2t. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS Phon Wood lawn BREEZE & SNOOK i,n3,Snt "j MR. AND MRS. W. II. HAMILTON Ku neral service. 1 0711 K. Gllsan. Tabor 4:11.1 P. L. LERCH aVsr S's?.1 irrjirOrVT Twelfth and Morrlsen BtreeLs. L,ilVyOUi.i Broadway iS4. A. R. ZELLER CO.""-"!? A. D. KKNWORTIIV CO. Rn;-n I;d St., I.ent. Tshnr r.KTT. SKKWL'S I NPKRTAKlXti COMPANV, d and flay. Main 4152. A -JJl. Lady aasuitanu FERTILIZER. SbLKCT roitet manure, roses, lawna and gardens delivered, big truck loads, fci. 5s. V tLL-KoTTEl) cow and borsa manure de livered, full or hair truck load. Mar. lii:'. MOVING. $1.5u per hour. Auto an. gellwood 17ft.. MlU, ."vrik, .'u, t lira ne r piat- ta y . plan trine. -ion YamhilL mmrnta sold. n.lKF RIG AND RAO RIO VACTORV. NOKTIiWKSr KL'ii CO.. estaoUsbcd ll0.i. i-iuu rut ana rap rue woven. a:i inw. Ivast Sth and Taylor. bast Ui&O. B 1 OPTOMKTRISTS AND OPTICIANI. ULASSKS AT A SAVING. 1 toiUit ojr pat ran as on the n it x of a, t is i iJ UALrons. A trial will con lace. Oils. Goodman. Optornetriit. L'Ol Morrison. Ma!n PATENT ATTORN FYS. R. V HIGHT cars' experience V. and loreicn patcntn. I vkum Mag. orcelcr bide. Main rn vs-iri ans. IR. R. A. riiIL.1! PS. JW5 Broadway bin. Jcheurnrtiism, female disorders. .kun trouble!-, atomjich, liver, Kidne s. bo we s. t hroat. ol 11 e. aca li. hlch blood pressure. 80 increased efficiency ; druslees ircatmeiu. t.;titre. paralysis, heart toneiiitis. Dr. Wallers, JOB Sn'cU&ud Marsliall 4!2. a. he bldg. i'i i iniN(; si pn ies. FLl'MSlVli ELPl'l.lKS at mlio.e.ale prices. Stark-lsis I'o.. 212 Third. Main 7:,. VRIN'TINCi. KKVSrONE PRESS J. II. Uanlenbein. Mgr. Priming and linotyping. 10OV. Front street, corner Stark. Main er A 141. PDIWTIWfl l-'- W. BALTLS r COMPANY, inlll I lilU in and vak sts. Main 1S. A I l-r fHOMI-HAND STORKS. LOiVlN HDW. i FLHX. CO., 221 Front Stre.-t. "e buy and sell everything in the bard war-, and furmlure line. Phone Mala Pl72. A 7174. MAIN C41o Huy and sell second-hand, toots, junk, eld automobl'es. 2-1:1 Front. AMERICAN TRANSFER & STORAGE VK HI RRT. New Auto Trucl.. J, 2 and tn. Thone Broad- 4i;;a. ."u9 OaW t. I-et ua figure with you. OHtXiO.V THA NtSKKIl O.. 4T4 'iiisan i -corner of Telephone Broadway l'Jl or 1160. W own aiid oprrale two larc rlan ".K" w rehouses on lerminal track. I ,o ept i nu ra nre rtt in th! !(. FIREPROOF STORAGE (". M thaxsfki: cr.. :i( nxv. M A DISON-ST. JiilfK A WAKKIlulSK. OK-lu-e isii M.idit-on. General merchandise and for.ardlng agents. Thone Main li'-l. PACKING M VINt: STOK.MiK. FKCI RITV STOKAtit A TRANSFKR (C. 1Q." Park st. Main Mn.y A in.M. CI.AV P MOHSK, INC TRACKAUK. STOItM-.K. THAN SEER. 4C-4."4 Oliran SI. KMKlllMI MAKI R.H. DH. llassetrom. Kjrilncrt 8 sl.. 17 yr. ex.. lady attendant. 012 Dekum. Main WATCIf RKPAIIllMi. HIGHEST prlcea paid old watches and Jew. elrv. Condition no object. Repairs a spc cialtv. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 41l- Wash, s. XATlnXAI. Kl'KI, CO. East 2041. PhorC blocks, mixed slab, good furnace wood. MANUFACTURERS FAINTS. OILS AND MAS'. RASMISSKN a ('-. 2d and Ta!or. ril'K. rll'K HI'll.Nti AMI IAMFA M. I.. KI.1XK; t-4-t Front H. I'l l MBIM. AND STKAM M rPI.H. f. I KLINE. t4-R Front St. I'RIIIIK K COMMISSION MLR HANTS. l'.VKIiIIN; & l'ARHKI.I.. ! Wont St. KOI'K AND IIIMIIM, TWIM-. Portl.ind Coidage Co., 14th arnl Northrulv .H. POORS AND 4.1. ASS. W. P. Fll.I.1.1! A CO.. 12th and I'lVn s : ivM.i, rAriK. MIl.I.L'K Wall I'.n.r - lt. Co.. 172 First st. MOIKliX W'Al.l, PAPI K 2:; 2d . VI ORlsTS. MAIITIN l-'oRRLS CO.. Klnrlsis. v as!unctn. Miiln A li.n. l-'iewers fr s'l on-iiiinn.1 srtlMli-slly arranged. CI.ABKK J5UOS.. i1rli.5. ..; st Main cr A IMi:, I-'inc flowers and llorsl de?,:crs. No branch storer. MAX M. FMITII. Main ";l."., A Selling Kids.. th an.l Aldr fts. I UV I N;t N I'AUK I'l.i'ltAI. c. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers: lewest rrlre. TON.-il-'.Tll HJIKII, "0.. -H7 Wnslmcton St.. bet. 4th ard :th. Main MO'.'. A 11,11. U'RI.INKR. I'ertland llnlel. Ji Morrison. MOM MI;XT. rOKTLAM" MiRRI.K WORKS, Jfi.-lm! 4lh St.. oppo.ite t'ltv Hall. M.lii Soi4. rhilip Neil ,c Son" for tnrinorisls. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offiro. Itoom 11 ConrthoaM. 6th frl. Kntrance. Thone from to .. luln S7. Home rh.n A .'.:.. Nlcbt rail after office hour.. Wood lawn ". itrnort aM cssea of cruelty to the above address. Klectrlc leihal chamtier lor .mall animals. Horse amUulance for a:ck and d abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dn cr other pet communi cate sun us. t all for all lost or strayed stock, as t look after the Impounding. There is no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. N r.w Tonv. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rsii and Woolen Clctblna. Mak. Kascraible. Uaatd-Hoseai FLUFF RUGS They Wear like I re-a. Mall Ordece. fcend far Booklet, Ks Rocs Woeen. Ail SUea. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.30 WESTERN I'Ll'FK RIO CO.. 4 Vuloa Asa. '. Last al. U 147S. MORTGAGE LOANS ImproTed city and farm pmnertr laatallnMBt repaynioa prirlUge If preferred i praxnpi. reliable service. A. H. B1RRELL CO. tll-ZlO Northwestern Bank Baildlas. MaraJiall 4114. A 411. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds to) WILCOX BLDU. Mala 70S. A I70J. MORTGAGE LOaANS ON BISINFSS ANT) RESIDENCB TROFEKTV. ROBERTSON KWI'0, Z07- ortbmslarn bank Bids. It LOTS C.-.xinsn, iioo. rjraded streets, cement sidewalks, ce mcnt curbs, mater mains in and paid. Si'EAK.NS. 202 WI'.COI bids. Mala 3017.