Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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u 1 1 u iinu iiluuiiu
Story of Drilliant Achieve
ments Is Annual Report.
w Three Years' Programme, Wilb
Expenditure or $600,000,000,
Would Produce 156 Battleships.
WASHINGTON. Dec 8. With a story
f brilliant achievement of the Ameri
can Navy In the war. Secretary Daniels
couples, in bis annual report made pub
lic today, an urgent recommendation
for continued naval expansion to meet
the demands of peace for national and
International work on the sea.
Through nearly all of 14 printed
Dates the secretary tells in brief
phrases of the Navy's part in the war.
of the doing of the seemingly impossi
ble through teamwork. He speaks of
the mighty accomplishment of trans
sorting two million men to France,
without the loss of an eastbound troop
ship through enemy action, and devotes
a graphic chapter to the Marine Brig
ade, which, as all the world Knows,
blocked the last Prussian advance on
Paris, and started the Herman retreat
that ended the war.
a vies Still deeded,
This reference to the future concludes
the report:
"The day is not far distant when the
world will witness an end of competi
tire building between nations of mighty
weapons of war. In the peace treaty
there will undoubtedly be incorporated
President Wilson's proposal for a re
duction of armament "to the lowest
point consistent with domestic safety.1
"Navies will still be needed as an in
ternational police force to compel com
pliance with the decree of an interna
tional tribunal which will be set up to
decide differences between nations. Na
val vessels will have large peace tasks
of survey and discovery and protection
In addition to police duty of an inter
national as well as of a national char
acter. ew Three Year's Programme Vrged.
"Inasmuch as the United States s the
richest of the great nations and has
suffered less In war than any of the
allied powers, it will devolve upon this
country to make a contribution to the
Navy to preserve the peace of the
world commensurate with its wealth,
its commerce, its growing and expand
ing merchant marine, and its leader
ship, in the council of free people. It
is therefore our duty now. not. indeed,
to enter upon any new and ambitious
naval programme, but to go forward
steadily upon the lines of naval in
crease to which the country committed
itself by the adoption three years ago
of the first far-reaching constructive
naval programme In the history of the
"I have recommended to this Con
gress the adoption of another three
year programme substantially like the
one authorized, in 1913. But the victory
of the allies and the United States
should, and wilL 1 sincerely trust, with
in a few year make It no longer neces
sary for any nation under whip and
spur to burden its taxpayers to under
take to build. In competitive construc
tion, bigger fighting ships and more
of them than any other nation can
Mr. Daniels shows that the new
1600.000. 000 three-yiar building pro
gramme he has proposed will provide
15 additional naval ship. 10 of them
dreadnaughts. and six battle-cruisers,
and the othera to be in such distribu
tion of approved types as the depart
ment may deem best.
Oeagrewa Gives Liberally.
Taking up bis story of the Nary and
the war, the Secretary declares the
service was "ready front stem to etern"
when the United States entered the
conflict. From the day when the first
three-year programme was adopted in
II. he adds. "Congress has given
everything that could be desired to in
sure the effectiveness of the naval
Teamwork had been the Navy's slo
gan for five years, and It continued to
be tlm war motto both at borne and
abroad. ThC striking success of the
Navy is ascribed to tbla fact by Mr.
JJanleis, who continues;
Flae Esprit de Corps Skews.
"Apparently there have been times
when a (Secretary of the Navy seemed
to find friction and lack of co-opera
, Hon among the officers around him.
If that spirit ever existed In the United
States Navy, I can state with confl
my experience, not only during the last
dence and pride that there Is now no
vestige of It. and I firmly believe, from
year, but during the five years pre
ceding. It will never return."
The report shows that Vice-Admiral
Sims, who was on his way to London as
bead of the American naval establish
ment In the war xonra even before war
was declared, la soon to be named full
Admiral hy the President in recogni
tion of bis services, the blgh character
of which the Secretary says It is yet too
early to give proper place.
"Arjcntina and U. S. to Aid In Set
tling C hile-Pern Pispnte.
Hl'ENOS AIR.ES. rec f Argentina
will Join with the United Statea In en
deavoring to reach a settlement be
tween Chile and Peru on the question
of the provinces of Tama and Arlca. .
Early in the week the American Am
bassador. Frederic J. btimson. con
ferred with the Argentine Foreign illn-l-ter.
Honoric Pueyrredon, and notified
the Minister that he bad been instruct
ed by President Wilson to Inform the
Argentine government of the attitude
of the United States Government to
ward the Tacna-Arica controversy. The
United States would Intervene In the
matter conjointly with some South
American republic and President Wilson
invited Argentina to undertake this
President Irrlgoyen today accepted
the Invitation and.lnstructed the Argen
tine diplomatic agents In Chile and
Peru to this effect.
Major Declines to Slop Public Meet
ing Because of Epidemic.
MOSCOW. Idaho. Pec. 8. (Special.)
Whethef to close Moscow tight, stop
pint; all public meetings, including
churches, lodges and picture shows, or
permit these to operate while the pub
lic schools are closed, are questions
agitating members of the Health and
School Boards and the city government.
The School Board baa closed the
schools until leeember. 30. and thaa
has aroused a protest against allowing
churches and the theaters to continue.
Mayor Trultt declined to order the
closing of the churchea and shows un
less essential to stopping a spread of
the disease.
fCnOnu4 From First Pa.
! Heslerrnnn. Henry J.. Orangcvillt:. Ilia.
lHed of wounds
Rorts. Reuben. Paris, Idaho.
Died af disease
Stelneek. Wnr .'. Sgt.). Boise, Idaho.
Anhley. Ray V Saglc. Ida.
HouDdra evrrrl
McKenney, T. 8. (Sgt.). Challis. Idaho. -Thompson.
Tom 8., .Vex Perce. Idaho.
Robinson. Jamm L.. Nampa, Idaho.
Carroll. Aleves W., Kamlah. ldaha.
I'ntte.son. Charlie. Wilder. Ida.
Johnson. Caruey L.. Mldvale, Ida.
lKvn, ln. Post Palls. Idaho. -Clark.
Arthur B. Ca'dwell, Idaho.
Medley. James F., Kimberly. Ida.
Mutch, Harvey A.. Maries, Idaho.
Wounded slightly
Rundcrson. Samuel C. Clarkia. . Idaho.
Sutler. George. Idaho Falls. Idaho.
Larson. Thorvald, Sand Point. Idaho.
Killed la set ion
Skipper. Oliver O. (Cpl.), Ozark, Ala.
Payne. Mlias A. (Cpl.). Huntsvlllo. Ala,
Kmlth. Erneot Reno, Kayetleville, Ala.
Redmond. Job 8., Shelborn, Ala.
Gray. Ernest E., Attalla. Ala.
Slaughter. Lent W., Koaooke. Ala.
Brown. Pat t... Enfaula. Ala,
Huffman. Ralph, Birmingham, Ala.
Culpepper. C. C. Cofteo Springs. Ala.
Tharpes. J. L., Geneva. Ala.
Rowland. F. I. Hacoda. Ala.
Jenkins. J. 1L. Morris, Ala.
Miming la action
Baldwin, Hubert. Warrior. Ala.
Call. hi M., Woodland, Ala.
Jied of wounds
Cannon. Dan.. Ripley. Ala.
Autrey, Henry M., Sunny South. Ala.
Died of disease
C.lbba, George. Brantley. Ala.
Flllingim. Samuel !.. Whistler, Ala. '
Ingram, Robert a, Gantt, Ala.
I .aw. Wilson P.. Glenwood. Ala.
Mason, James. East Birmingham, Ala.
Joyner, John, Boas, Ala.
Wounded severely
Evans. James Herbert (Lt.), Ramer. Ala,
Williams. H. H. Sgt.. Mobile. Ala.
Dowllng. Arthur C. Sgt.. Orark. Ala.
Rowland. B. H. (SgL. Bridgeport, Ala.
Mitchell. John D. (Cpl.). Fayette. Ala.
Foley. Fate Cpl.). McKiniie. Ala.
Yukers. Willie It.. Mobile. Ala.
Wilson. Benjamin F., Ardell. Ala.
Reeves, Fred. Brooksvllle. Ala,
Delffs. Newton. Florence. Ala.
Dean. Samuel J.. Jr.. Montgomery, Ala.
(writ, t'&ssle. Gamble Mines. Ala.
Hutton. Henry. Jacksonville, Ala.
Austin, Iva. Troy. Ala.
MrElvana. a. E Hartselle, Ala.
Bryan. Charles J.. Auburn, Ala.
K.-tds. Scott F.. North port. Ala.
Rusntan. Webster. Luverne. Ala.
Manley AIkI. Koanoke. Ala.
Grimes. Joseph T.. Btgbee, Ala.
Gunter. Marvin C. Reform. A:a.
Ailcook. Jim. Andalusia. Ala.
Brown. Johnnie. Shelby. Ala.
Fletcher, Herndon. Mobile, Ala.
Alley. L. Is.. Luverne. Ala.
Johnson. Hcrschel. Fort Davis. Ala.
Johnson. Jim. Greenbrier. Ala.
Tobler. John, Mobile. Ala.
Miller. Milton G.. Kogersvllie. Ala.
Russell. Barney. Tolande. Ala.
Landon. Benjamin C, Ranke Evergreen. Ala.
Irvln. Joe, Madison. Ala.
Woody. Jasper N'.. Bridgeport. Ala.
Wilson. Joe W.. Blountsvllle. Ala.
Hheoard. Aaron, hpringnin, Ata.
West. Porter. Bakerhlll, Ala.
Braawell. Louis B.. Uemopolls, Aia.
Killed la actios
Hlgley. James H. (1.1.). Phoenix. Aria.
Missing in art ion-
Berry. F. C. (Cpl.L Douglas. Arls.
Died or voiidi
Munzo. Vlncente, Benson. Aril.
Theobald. J. K.. Prescoli. Ana.
Woiisded severely
Srhads. Ernest G.. CllftcV ' Arts.
Lopes, Eugenio, Benson. Arts.
Killed In action
VeUraw. Lawrence F. (SgL). Gillstt, Ark.
Hail. Jno., Lonake. Ark.
Barker. O. J.. PolntsetL Ark.
Lcgsat. Henry. Miami, Ariz.
Miasinx la artlsa
Barnhurt. Grady, Greenbrier. Ark.
Klansett, Lucian. Water Valley. Ara.
W uolsy. I. F.. Bison, Ark.
Died ar wounds
longer, William. Pine Bluff. Ark,
Jobs, Joe. Driver. Ark.
Runyon. Fate, Tupsio, Arx.
Died of disease
Naill. Halrosi C Warren, Ark.
Jones. Wesley. C'ato, Ark.
Bresden. Rector. Van Buren. Ara.
Rollins. I.lovd. Snow Ball. Ark.
Weave. Clayton, Sugar Grove, Ark.
Tapp, John Perry, Wlnthrop, Ark.
Ray. Albert. Scotts Dale, Aria.
Savage. Dock. Althelmer. Ark.
Kins. Thomas. Kusseilville, Ark.
Gaston, James G.. Perry, Ariu
W sanded severely
Johnston. I-eroy (Hug.), Pine Bluff, Ark.
Brown, William Lloyd. Fort bmlth. Ark,
Galllon, Harrison. Steve, Ark.
Sadler. O. Oil Trough, Ark.
Cain. Cicero L.. Rawla. Ark.
Atkins. Krnest F.. Sulphur Rock. Ark.
I.usby, Clide,' Stephens. Ark.
Beard. James B., Green way, Ark.
Boone, Clarence C . P. lma, Ark.
Ui, Ralph M.. Walker. Ark.
Berry. H. D, J ones bo ro. Ark.
Hlght, Dennis. Eldorado. Ark.
Cltne. C. L., Knoxville, Ark.
Cluriap. Kllis. Higglnson. Ark.
Noble. John J., Valley Junction. Ark.
Dlckay. Luther VI. Kmmett. Ark.
Stewart. Samuel. Patlnlc Ark.
Kelly. Edward C. Cherokee. Ark.
Hobos, Willis. Baldknub. Ark.
Kill-l 1 Iri
Darter. Clifford C (Lt.), Santa Barbara. Cal.
Anderaos, Alfred B. I- (Sgt.). Fresno. CaL
Mct'ausland. Clinton (SgLt. Rlpon, Cal.
Robinson, Glen H. (CpL. Fescadera, Cal.
Pedrloll. Louis (Cpl.). Modesto. Cak
Crosslan. Bert 8. (Cook). Los Angeles.
Camastro. Antonio, San Jose, i al.
Nabors. Wesley G.. Riverside. Cal.
Kunstle, Kdw. F.. Sacramento, CaL
Bet. Ferdinand, 8an Ft net sea.
Van Lew. K. F... Grafton. Cal.
Reed. C. M.. Delano. Ca.
Nelion. H. A.. Colma. CaL
Missing In action
Neuner. T. W., Los Angeles. CaL
Hopiaann. W. F. A., Iw Angeles. Cat.
David. M. l.. Crows Landing. CaL
Be re It. Attl. San Francisco. Cal.
Rogers, R. A.. Coalings. Cal.
Caldlera. J. R.. Hayward, Cal.
Downing. Abe L. Santa Clara, CaL
IHed of weuods
Crt Inner. Arthur H. (Ret.). Los Angeles, CaL
Bunee, P. J. W.. San Sclmo. Cal.
Aggie. Pietrn, Duncan Mills. CaL
Itatnbow. Lee.. Fort Yuma, Cal.
Die.1 f rili.ea.e
Robertson. Jeaee J.. Ring Gold, Cal.
Krliey. Cheater J., rurlervlllr, Cal.
W snarled severely
Carrlson. Walter 10. MaJ ). Lodl. Cal.
Itobiason. Kugene (MaJ.), Santa Rosa, Cal.
Cobura. Clinton K. (Lt.), Los Angeles, Cal.
Waterman. W. H. (Set-). San Francisco, Cal.
Shay, Krnest T. (Sgt.), San Bernardino, CaL
Thaanum. Paul A. Sgt.). Sao Diego. CaL
Moore, Harold C. (Sgu). Upland. Cal.
Foster. Carl K. (Sgt ). Wbittler. Cal.
Ashley. Harry T. (Bug.). Corona, CaL
I'ennKk. Mllloa C. Kureka. CaL
Uoblnsoit. Leslie, Shatter. Cal.
Mills. George A.. Hlverslde. Cal.
Knox. Kay J.. Riverside. Cal.
Peemoeller. Walter. Falrmead, Cal.
Wehe, Fred A.. Coalings, CaL
Fairbalrs. James C. Court Isnd. CaL
Bernard. F.lmer L.. Crosl. Cai.
Reuber. Harold K . Ferndale, Cal.
Uandnlph. IVeorgs P., May P. O.. CaL
OschaeL Alfred J.. Hollywood, CaL
Fenton. H. R.. Los Angales. Cal.
W'slser, G. A.. Santa Cruz. Cal.
Waaley. Raymond. Crssa Valley. CaL
Nella. Antonio, San Franelsen, CaL
Mendosa. J. 8.. Mendocino. Cal.
Martin. J. D.. Hayward. Cal.
Iwrenee, J. E-. Mendocino. Cal.
Crawford. Lloyd K.. Covlna. Cal.
Nunez. Charles, Forest Hill. CaL
See. Hong, Los Angeles, Cal.
Samanlego. Patrick. Murrleta, CaL
Baker. Sidney. Point Arena, CaL
Weber, Martin. San Francisco, Cal.
Miller. Lester A.. Santa Barbara, CaL
Deulln, Brnest J.. Sawtelis, CaL
Raco. Tony. Los Bsnoa. CaL
Kenton. BolanJ R.. Los Angeles. CaL
Alien. J. O.. Grass Valley. Cal.
Johnson. B. D . Los Angeles, CaL
A Ilea. H. It . Col ton. Cal.
roetello, Robert San Francisco. CaL
Buero. James. Capltola. Cal. .
Blodgett. William P.. Weed. Cal.
Arbix-o. Paul. San Juan Caplatrano, CaL
Angelic)!. I'eter San Francisco.
Davlni. Frank, flealdsburg-. Cal.
McKay. Arthur H . San Anselmo. CaL
Davis, P.oberl O . Puenle. Cal.
(.amentia. N'unzlo. San Francisco.
Verdugo. Michael J.. Los Anelea.
Vann. George. San Francisco.
Maglll. Floyd L.. Ontario, CaL
Kulkukjan. Harry. Fresno. Cal.
Watson. Charles. San Francisco.
Vldal. Samuel, Pasadena, Cal.
Weaver. G. H., Kl Monte. Cai.
Vstes, Jasper jr.. Arbuckle. Cal.
Cookson. Paul. Lost Hills, CaL
Schmidt. Edward A.. Tracy, Cal.
Killed In actios
Giterres. Gablno. Swlnk, Colo.
Missing la action
Richard . William H. (Cpl.), Rockvale, Colo.
Loptz, J. A asesssiwb Cole.
Died of disease
Knowles. iaul Hawthorne (MaJ.), Grand
Junction,' Colo.
Peterson. Carl II.. Leadvllle. Colo. !
Beach. John W., Boulder, Colo.
Lavlutte. Francis J Monument, Colo.
Wounded srverci
KeY, Frank (Cpl-). Grand Junction. Colo. '
Shell, Benjamin F.. Pueblo, Colo.
Ross. Howard ft.. Denver. Colo.
Nelson. Carl. Georgetown, Colo.
Taylor, M. B.. Gooding fas. Colo.
Hanson, Ernest W., i.akewood, Colo.
Ols-n. H. T.. Denver, Colo.
Mason. Carl V., Holyoke. Colo.
Ooodstein. Harry, Denver. Colo.
Woods, Roy Ellin. Denver.
Young. Robert. Rodley. Colo.
Wlttrock, William Kred. Kendrlck. Colo.
Mc-permott, John Thomas, Denver. Colo.
Keating, Thomas F., Denver, Colo.
Young. D. G.. Salida. Colo.
Prisoner in Germany ' .
Thompson. Paul K. (Cpr.), Toojie. Colo.
Killed in action
Curtis, Jesse M Meriden. Xonn.
Gregorek. Alexander. Thomaston. Conn.
Belden, E. Bridgeport. Conn.
Fortin, Archie, Bridgeport, Conn.
. Missing In action
Kaplan. Joseph, Hartford. Conn.
Burns, James, Hartford, Conn.
Died of disease
Russell, Don G. '(Lt.), Walllnford, Conn.
Kaufmann, Mitchell, New Haven, Conn.
Pohrenxe. George. Bridgeport. Conn.
Pelland. Victor P., Putnam, Conn.
Wounded severely
Gorman. John M. (Lt.), Hartford, Conn.
Vlsel. HHrry A. (Sgt.). Highwood. Conn.
ttergraat Arthur R- Knouff.
Sergeant Arthur R. Knouff.
Company 2, First Gas Regiment,
C. W. S., former Oregon Agri
cultural College and Washington
Hiarh School football star, was
killed in action In France No
vember 10, the day before the
hostilities were ceased by the
signing of the armistice, accord
ing to official notice received
from Washington, D. C. He Is
survived by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L Knouff. 328 East For
tieth street; a widow, Mrs. Rosa
lie LaRoche Knouff; a daughter,
Marjorle, 7 months old, whom he
had never seen; two brothers.
Sergeant W. E. Knouff, now In
France, and Charles H. Knouff,
of Columbus. O., and a sister,
Mrs. H. D. Tilton. of Portland.
Sergeant Knouff was a mem
ber of Sigma Chi fraternity. His
widow and little daughter are
maklntr their home with her par
ents. City Attorney and Mrs. W.
P. LaRoche.
Barnwell. John T. (Sgt.), Bridgeport, Conn.
Berglund, Harry G. (Sgt.). Hartford. Conn.
Grudell. John H. (Sgt.). Merldan, Conn.
Currlc. Daniel J. (Sgt.). Waterbury, Conn.
ShIc. R. K. I Sgt. ). Bridgeport, Conn.
Bradxhaw, Howard X. (Mech.), Waterbury,
Lvm h. Francis X. (Cpl.). Waterbury, Conn
ithtkie. Joseph (Cpl.). Fairfield, Conn.
Gentf' Vincent (Bug.), New Haven, Conn.
Pnln- Joe. Bridgeport, Conn.
Plot Harry. New Haven. Conn. .
M'"'u Bernard, Waterbury. Conn. '
o" Keefe. James C.f New Britain, Conn.
Shndlock. John J, Taftville, Conn.
Hurowitz, Isadore. New Haven. Conn.
PiccolL Antonio. Bridgeport, Conn.
Lukailus. Joseph. New Britain, Conn.
Iroae. Frank. Waterbury. Conn.
Crowe, William, Bridgeport, Conn.
Conklin. W. P.. Meridian. Conn.
Koltarman, A. M . New Haven. Conn.'
Kkllton. K. W., Terryvllle. Conn.
Marcus. Morrins. Hartford, Conn.
Dowd, Wulter K., New Haven. Cena.
Stfne, Charles. Shelton. Conn.
shonts. EvetKtt Davica, New Britain, Conn,
Shtloskey, John. Southlngton. Conn.
Itiisncr. John AH Hartford, Conn.
Madigan. James A.. Bridgeport. Conn.
Jarvia, Frederick. Glasgo. Conn.
Hunruhan. Dennis, Bridgeport, Conn.
Gllmura. Harry M New Haven. Conn.
Kinney. Ray X., New Milford. Conn.
Brnert, K. A.a Willmantle, Conn.
Lach, Andrew, Thompsonvllle, Cons.
Haggis. Peter E., Ansonia. Conn.
Prenglash, Louis, Waterbury. Conn.
Anderson, Fred. Norwalk. Conn.
Grlrfln, Charles W Seymour. Conn.
Bujanauckas. Krank, New Britain, Cons.
Allen. George. Bridgeport. Conn.
McLaughlin, Harry, Ansonia, Conn.
Kannlco. Vlncense, Waterbury. Conn.
Innon. Thomas. Hartford, Conn.
ThomjMion. Brnest, Mechanicsville. Conn.
Kylo. J. F., Waterbury, Conn.
Hock. uwen. Bridgeport, Conn.
Johnson, Arthur. Greenwich, Conn.
McClure, K. J., New London, Conn.
Plmschnelder, William, Coscob. Conn.
Kelley. Thomas T.. Hartford, Conn.
Chavelle. Charles H., Sound Besch. Conn,
Kalnowpkt. John. Torrington. Conn.
Irwin. Frank J.. New Haven, tonn.
DelesdermWr. llwln C, Meriden. Conn.
Llndstrom. Isadore G., Wilton. Conn.
Semrau. G. J.. Meriden. Conn.
Yuknavlcus, Matausos. Hartford, Conn.
Vlcchta. M. D.. New Haven, Conn.
Pfaff. Charles. West Haven. Conn.
Murphy. J.. Walllngsford. Conn.
Cushner, Frank J.. Ansonia. Cons.
Missing- In actio
Faults, Bert. Wilmington, Del.
minded everrl
Kelly. Joseph. Wilmington. Del.
Beeson, Woodman R- Wilmington, DeL
Missing la action
Yarnell. Louis, Haines City, Xla.
Died of wounds
Hawkins, Willie M. '(Sgt.). Jasper, Fla.
RidKdlll, Sll V.. Bartow, Fla.
IHed of accident
Parker. Lewis H, Arcadia, Fla.
Died of disease -Plttman.
Patent. Brlerse, Fla.
Bythewood. Andrew M.. Jacksonville, Fla.
Wounded severely
Perkins, Clarence E. (Cook). Tampa, Fla.
Grubbs. Emery W.. Brockvllle, Fla.
Hyde, George W.. Miami, Fla.
Killed In action
Porter. Henry B. (Sgt.), Statham, Ga.
Carter, Herman (Cpl.V Carrolltown. Ga.
Lindsey. Broadus B.. Social Circle, Ga.
Missing In action-
Fuller. J. II.. Columbus, Ga.
Nettles. F. L.. Argyle. Ga.
McAllister. J. S, Albany. Ga.
Brown. B. F.. Danielsvllle. Ga.
IHed of wounds
Bell, Versll T. ( Lt.). Woodstock, Ga.
Tate, Emerson, ilbertun, Ga.
Died of dlaeass
Gaskin, Shatter. Oclla, Ca.
Durree, William. Flanagan. Ga.
Asliell, John. Hawklnsville, Ga.
Walker. Andrew C. Atlanta. Ga.
Mills, Grady. Smltlivllln, Ga.
Baldwin. Harvey C Bookmart, Ga,
Wonn.Ied severely
Parr. Lemuel W. (Lt., Milford, Ga.
Vinson. Wilbur H. (Lt.). Mllledgevllle. Ga.
Brown. G. W. (Sgt.). Bullockville. Ga.'
Weaver. Jacb '., Blue Ridge, Ga.
Turner. Mack J.. Cogdall. Ga.
Newsome. Clyde M.. Columbus. Ga.
Hunter. Eugene. Chester. Ga.
Allred. 1 V.. Rome. Ga.
fee. J. H.. Social Circle. Ga.
Brown. E. Hewlette. Newman. Ga.
Smith, Elbert D.. Carterzvllle. Ca.
Gates. Ell P.. Arlington, Ga,
Scott. Preston. Athens. Ga.
rotvell, OUz i'., Khio, Ga,-
eyl-.w"-v.uMwwtylywssWepnsissssji i US T
t f t
: i 1
! ' .w I If
f 4 ' 4
Jackson. Claudo P., Gainesville, Ga.
Evans, Norman, Jackson. Ga.
Duke. John S.. Blmodel. Ga.
Busscy. Edwin O., MvRue, Ga.
Ellis. Jasper. Glrard, Ga.
Green. J. A.. Cumniing, Ga.
Clines. Conyers, Red Oak, Ga,
Pecblus. W. F.. Wrens, Ga.
Wiiitlock, Joe A., Gainesville, Ga.
Reves. Heiry J. Roswell. Ga.
Leonard. GeorRe. Cartersvllle, Ga.
Dodd, Frank P., Gfllnesi-ille. Ga,
Dareey, William, Dexter. Ga.
King, Henry G., Roopville. 6a.
While, Duncan W.. Jacksonville, Ga.
Skates. V.r. J.. Lyndale. Ga.
Smith, Ambrose E. C Decatur, Ga.
Killed In action
Watson, William (Set.), Carbondale, III.
Parker, Albert IT. (Sgt.), Bement, 111.
Cbansky, Ray (Cpl.), Rock Island, 111.
Smith, Nolan (Cpl.). Freeburg. 111.
Wilzel, Chrystal (Cpl.), Ashton. III.
Miller, Emit K. (Cpl.). Ashmore, III.
Sheppard. Jess J. (Mech.), Springfield. 111.
Sorandon. Gust 8.. Chicago.
Jacobson. Arthur J., Knoxville, I1L
Galvln, John E.. Chicago.
Galo, Fred, Christopher. III.
Douglass, Robert W., Broughton, 111.
Abraham, Albert O.. Chicago. III.
Carson, Jame K., Beckmeyer, in.
Seizor, Jack, Danville. HI.
Morgan, Cordell T., Elkville. IIL
Sternquist. Arvld S., Evanston, 111.
Purpura, Joseph. Chicago.
Heiiiz. E. A., N'lles Center. 111.
Missing in action
Knotta. H. C. (Lt.), Carllnvllle, IIL
Gurvin. C. L. (Cpl.). Alton, 111.
Roberts, E. L. (Mech.), Lincoln. 111.
Hazelwood, I. F., Alton, 111.
Llndstrom, Arthur, Chicago, III.
Ntcholls, S.. R.. Chicago, III.
Telloian, Hagop, Chicago. 111.
Halterman. Herbert. Bement, IIL
Strecker. William, Chicago.
Sybert. W. M.. Greenville. IIL
J Pederson, Kolbjor'n. Chicago.
Lester. F. W, Chicago.
Bngimann. C B.. Joliet, 111.
Butler. A. D.. Bldorado. 111.
Buchman, Stanley, Chicago.
Bruce, G. W., Upper Alton, III.
Dimois, Antonio, Chicago Heights, IIL, P. T., Lincoln, 111.
Casella. Frank. Chicago.
N'iaber. ' John, Chicago.
Kolettes. George, Chicago.
Died of wounds
Seiterheim, Jos. (Cpl.), Glenvlew, 111.
Reibert, Alex. Streator. HI.
Rozlnsky. Wm., Chicago. III.
Blasco, Moll, Chicago. III.
Hajek, Joseph, Chicago.
Kayser. Albert E Kdwardsvllle, 111.
Mauel, Chester, Altamount, IIL
Spenski, John. Chicago. 111.
Rnoads, Lelland It., Medora. IIL
Died of accident
Besant, George, Centralis. III.
Died of disease
Walker, Kussel T. (Lt.). Dongola; 111.
Nolan, Harry D. (Sgt.), Gurnee, IIL
Schultz, Herman A., Herscher. 111.
Schultz, Herman, Herscher, 111.
Stahl, Alfred H., Geneseo, 111.
Main, Albert B., Lcwistown, IIL
Orbeck. Salve. Sheridan, 111.
Robeson, Frank, Macomb, 111.
Stephany, Peter, Chicago, III.
Turner, James A., Chicago, 111.
Rasmuasen. Axel P. C, Woodstock, IIL
Koss, Joseph M., Lincoln. III.
Wright, Ralph J.. Chicago, IIL
Kolburgh. Hoy, Galena, 111.
Younghouse, Charles H., East St, Louis, IIL
votgt, Charles H.. rekin. 111.
Gliffc William IS.. Chicago, III.
Roezko. Charles, Chicago. 111.
UebeL Frederick W.. Chicago, IIL
Vopenka. Charles. Cicero, 111.
Osborne, Harry K. , Katie. 111.
Bieale. Albert G., Chicago, HI. .
Wounded severely
Eldridge. John A. (MaJ.). Chicago, IIL
Cable, Arthur G. (Capt.), Woods, IIL
Pruett, F. (Lt.). Klnrsundy, III.
Royal, Thomas E. (Lt.). Oak Park, III.
Musselman, Harold Z. (Sgt.), Lanark, HI.
Deck. Earl R. (Sgt.), Hoopestoit. III.
Morlarty, Dan (Sgt.). Danville, IIL
Olstn, Isadore (Sgt.), Moline, 111.
Tuthlll. Clyde (Sgt.), Murphysboro, IIL
Wheeler, Conrad (Sgt.). Vienna. 111.
McClintuck. Joseph L. (Sgt.). Paris, III.
Levoie. Eddie G. (Sgt.), Ashkum, III.
Gray, William H. (Sgt.), Allerton, HI. -Baa-rett.
Everett J. tSgt.), Aurora, III.
Rinehart. Oscar J. (Sgt.). Joliet. IIL
Jaalnskl, T. J. (Sgt.), Cicero. 111.
f.dnall, Arthur a. (Cpl.), Brighton, IIL
Goff, Lester (Cpl.). Lawrencevilie. 111.
James, John H. (Cpl.). Qulncy, IIL
Fedcle. Domlnick (Bug.), Chicago. IIL
Dole, Charles AL (Wag.). Dekalb. IIL
Johnson, Oscar. Cherry Valley. 111.
Whitehead, Cyril ., Belvidere, IIL
Willis. Leo F., Godfrey, IIL
Rothblatt, Jack. Chicago, IIL
Lewis, Walter. East St. Louis, IIL.
Sterrett, Hugh, Jr., Princeton, IlL
Ziegenben, McKinley J.. Alton. IIL
Hadin, Leon A.a Chicago, III.
Stanley. Warren P., Witt, IIL
Boulander, John r .. Jr. (Mech.). Fekin. IIL
Hart, Samuel, Chicago, III.
Fisher. Fred. Chicago, III.
Johnson, Ernest. Molina, 111.
KltchelL Clyde T.. Prasa. III.
Potcb, J. J., Joliet, III.
Organis, Thomas, Streator, III.
Reed. Guy E.. Wataga. 111.
Baltremas. Charles, Chicago. HL
Abbott. Ivon P., Flndiay. IIL
Keyahlan, Kay. Chicago. HI.
Erbacher, W. J.. Rock Island, nL
Cargulno, Martino, Sherman, 111.
Blackstone. 11. C, North Henderson, III.
Anna. G. H.t Galena, III.
Carman, Kenneth E.. Shobonler, TIL
Armstrong Charles A., White Flails, Bl.
Coughlin. Michael, Chicago, III.
Itussell, Thomas, Southside, Chicago, III
LCaxruthers, Bruce T.. Canton, 111.
Montgomery, Chaa. F., Knoxville, IIL
Fox, Claude, Alto Pass, III.
Zadnlchek. Edward, Dundee, 111.
Kirchoff. Wm. M., Franklin Park, 111.
Buchingnani, Paoline. Chicago.
Nelson, KdwArd H., Chicago, IIL
McDonald, Louis F.. Chicago, III.
Lorens. Arnold J., Woodstock, IIL
Lundquist, Ralph E.. Rio, 111.
loue. John B., Chicago, III.
Blaster. Arthur 8., Stone Fort, IIL
Johnson, Guy, Pontile, 111.
Kaplan. Louis. Ohicaqro, 111.
Johnson. Edwin J., Garden Prairie, IIL
Herbert, John E.. Chioago. HI.
Halpln, Thomas E., Chicago. IIL
Bryont. Archibald M.. East St. Louis, Bl.
Greer. Samuel, Junction, 111.
Reynolds. Ollle, Fisher, III.
Reynolds, Roy, Grafton, III.
Rhode, John C, Chicago, IIL
Stavron, O. C. Ottawa, 111.
Slorum, C. A., Chicago.
Rolls. J. R Chicago.
Iverson, G. A., Chicago.
Renda. F. E.. Chicago.
Rellison, E. T., Sheldon. III.
Bednarclka, lgnaci. Madison, IIL
Beard, J. V.. Bridgeport, III.
Splkcr, Oliver. Roodhouae. 111.
Dixon, Roy. liarrisburg, HI.
Doolin, .1. J.. Mtilkeylown. IIL
Bauer, C. E.. Wataeka. III.
Highland, Kenneth, Cornel. HI.
Rheum. L- H., Danville. III.
Jaselskl, John, Chicago.
Udaekes, Stanley. Chicago.
Sackowlch, Stanley, Chicago.
Venneulen, August P.. Rock Island. 11L
Royal. Joseph, Liverpool, IIL
Manning. James. Oak Forreat, 111.
Borries. George E.. Tentopoly. 111.
Roey, Earl L.. Champagne. 111.
Clayton. Ralph A., Roekford, III.
Clark, William, Chicago,, m.
Wood, Roy C, Bloomlng,ton. IIL
Helple. I.oran L, Da Soto. IIL
Hlghstreet, John, Rocbelle. III.
Hennessey. Thomas. Chicago.
Widraar. Andrew. Hanover, III.
Wells, Williams. Bracewood, 11L
Smith. Lester, Joliet, ill.
Mahan. John F. Joliet. IIL
Kriener, Bernard. Chicago.
Krlvan. Paul, Staunton, III.
Krull, Henry W., Schullne, 111.
Kucera, Frank J.. Chicago.
Lamar. Charles F., Dungola, III.
Jacoba, Harry L.. Roekford, 111.
lnman. Gamett, Macomb. Ill:
Dahlberg, Sven, Chicago.
Meyers. William H.. Kankakee. HI.
Kennedy. L. A., Mound City, III.
Klndig. Lester H., Paxlon, III.
Armstrong. Ray. East St. Louis, 111.
Po. C. (Cpl.), Chicago, III.
Weaver, Louis, RockviMe, III.
Pearce, Alvln, Bumcomb, III. '
Wounoed undetermined
Stach, Walter I. Chicago.
Billed in action
Davis. Guy K. (Cpl.). Bedford, Ind.
Blough, Forrest F.. Eckhart. Ind.
Robenovlts. Ren. Indianapolis. Ind.
Rosch. George, Salem, Ind.
Missing in action
Wllmer, H. W. (Lt.), Leonardstown, Ind.
Holsaptle, S. E . Lafayette. Ind.
Riley, Theodore. Newcastle. Ind.
Ackree. B. L.. Terre Haute. Ind.
White, Vivian. Princeton. Ind.
Died of wounds
Smith. Firman P.., Eaton. Ind.
Miller, H. H.. Indianapolis, Ind.
Died of disease
Spangler, Earl O. (Lt.), Richmond. Ind.
Mitchell. Harold M. (Set.). Herrodsburz. Ind.
Glddlngs, Homer, Westport, Ind.
Weaver, John H., Kappanee, Ind.
Whittham. Ben D.. Madison, Ind.
Irvin. Walter L-. Kokomo. Ind.
Conner, Willie T Sannelton, Ind.
Morris, Hoirace C-, South Bend, Ind.
Wounded severely
Reoii. Rut ua R. (Sgt.), Rose Hill. Ind.
Thomas. R. J. (Sgt.), Richmond, Ind.
Galloway, Carl V. (Cook), Logansport, Ind,
Murray. John (Wag.), Martinsville, Ind.
Johnson. Dan., Stonington. Ind.
Layinon, Ermel. Indianapolis, Ind.
Klusmeler, William K-. Marengo, Ind,
Baker, Floyd, Gaston, Ind. .
Remke. Robert M., Ferdinand, Ind.
Keene, Eber F., Cass, Ind.
Studer, Oleny B., Shelburn, Ind.
Lesley, Chester, Indianapollrf, lud.
Fulls. Adam, Martinsville. Ind. ,
Brooks. D. Lafayette. Ind.
Scott. T. L., Indianapolis, Ind.
Pawelexak, Joseph. Burdick, Ind.
Newby. D. F.. Indianapolis. Ind.
Croxton, E. C, Di'.sbro, Ind.
Languell. Samuel E., Reynolds, Ind.
Esche, Charles H., iewburg, Ind.
Adams, Herbert E Garrett, Ind.
Hyneinan. Urvea), Princeton, lud.
Hurst. Zeno. Pekln, lud.
Williams, Lewis J.. Remington, Ind.
Whitehead, Ernest B.. Washington, Ind.
Waters, Lawrence, Owensvllle, Ind.
Thompson, Henry, Hammond, Ind.
Yudys. Stanley, Indiana Harbor. Ind.
Votaw. F. J . Montpeller. Ind.
Ross, John W., Indianapolis. Ind.
Killed In action
Focht, Wm. J. (Sgt.), Orlnnell, la..
Grubb. John F. (SgL), Patora. Ia. ,
Rodin, Evand M. (Cpl.), BurJIngton. I a.
Bishop. William E., Des Moinei, Iowa.
Krueger, Elmer L.. Baxter, Iowa.
Emerson, Horace B., Cedar Falls. Iowa.
Burton. Levi M. H., Emerson, Iowa.
Lembke. Henry, Elkader, Iowa.
Hoffman. William B., Sheldon, Iowa.
Hlckey, J. A.. Toddville, Ia.
HIte, Clem, Red Oak, la. .
Missing in action
Goeke, G. A., Wankon, Iowa.
Fink, A. A.. GladbrooVs, la.
Babel, J. M Claghorn, Iowa.
Adamson, G. B., Tabor, Iowa.
Terhark, Henry, Acktey, Iowa.
Thiel, C. E., Storm Lake. Ia.
Lynn, Cornelius, Rodney, Iowa.
Hildebrand, H. H.. Winfleld, Iowa.
Died of wounds
Wall. Earl L. (Lt.), Albion, la.
Hanford, G. P. (Lt.), Cedar Rapids. Ia,
Dunham, Earl R. (Cpl.), Ottumwa, la.
Benge, Harold W Des Moines, la.
Died of disease
Marticke, Albert A. (Cook), Atallssa, Ia.
Tuttle, Imie Z Ogden. Ia.
Schwab, Fred, Deep River. Ia.
Larson, Lewis, Webster City, Ia.
Kectel, Henry, Stom Lake, I a.
Sommer. Herbert, Pulaski, la.
Albert, Clyde A... Ladera, la.
Layson. William L., Hornick, Ia.
rahm, August J., Boyer, Ia.
Wounded severely
Bradley. Glade T. (Lt.), Bedford, Ia.
Gross, Werter L. (Sgt.), Des Moines.
Powers. Ivan R, (Sgt.), Waterloo, la.
Todd, Clellie M. (Mech.). Boone, la.
Woodruff. Willie. Humeston, la.
Llndamann, John . E., Bernard, Ia.
Leibold, John P., Sands Springs, Ia.
Konrady, Jos. B.. Odebolt. Ia.
Dawson. Arthur W Fraaier, Ia.
Dale, William, Boone, la.
Shull. Joseph A., Estherville, Ia.
Miller. Peter L-. Marcus, la.
Wellner, G. A., North McGregory, la-
Schllo, Pete. Essex, la.
Fitzgerald, Frank W., Casey, I a.
Portwood. Delano. Knoxville. la.
Floyd. William. Marathon. Ia.
Devos, Oscar F Brooklyn, Iowa.
Anderson, Fred, Des Moines, la.
Iverson, M.- O., Dorchester, la.
Addv. O. J.. Booneville, la.
Southern. Lloyd W.. West Grove, Ia.
Williams, Walter. Spencer, Iowa.
Stone. H. E., Fort Madison, Iowa,
Lewis. Glenn. Shell Rock, Iowa.
Corll, William, Kellerton, la.
Prlmaslng. Lee Alvln, Lamotte. Ia.
Whalen, Vincent F.. Cedar. Ia.
Hawker, Herman, Ryan, la.
Knudson, Nels P., Stout. Ia.
Carleson, Carl E Ogden. Ia.
Stinocher, James, Iowa City. la.
French, Merrill, Frederika, Ia.
Fisher, Clarence H.. Vinton, Ia.
Ferg-er, Otto T, Bippus, Ind.
Cadwell, L. C Jefferson, la.
Gleason, J. C, Ida Grove, Ia.
Rathburn, A. H., Fonda, Ia.
Matthews, G. W., Fairbank, la.
Wilson, John R-. Minlo. Ia,
Grace. Frederick M., Jefferson, Is.
Cole. Wilfred, Lisbon. Ia.
Lycke, Verne, Boone, I a.
Clark, Mark, Dennlson. Ia.
McGuire, P. J., Crystal Lake. Ia.
Douglas. Earl B.. Davenport, Ia.
Selland, Casper R. (Cpl.). Decorah, Ia.
Killed In action
Fisher, Frank J. (Lt.), Kansas City. Kan.
Trapp. Peter C. (Cpl.). Herington, Kan.
Hansen, Arvld L. (Cpl.), McPherson, Kan.
Hewitt. Henry L. (Cpl.). Mound City, Kan.
Norris, Claude A South Haven, Kan.
Tuttle, Louis F., Amhony. Kan.
Johnson, Clarence E.. Emporia. Kan.
Marshall, Earl C, Arkansas City, Kan.
Gray, H. E., Columbus, "kan,
Fish. C. R., Skiddy, iian.
Missina in action
Ritter, R. W. (Cpl.). Eminence, Kan.
Foltz. L. L. (Cpl.), Manhattan, Kan,
Defrlcs. R. C. (Cpl.). Muncie. Kan.
Johnston. V. V.. Cawker City, Kan.
Kline, W. 6., Lucerne. Kan.
Ahnert, W. B., Hudson. Kan.
Ladow, A. A., Cawker City, Kan.
Kelley, N. R.. Washington, Kan.
Scrivena, R. E., Wollington. Kan.
McMillen. R. E.. Peabody, Kan. '
Died of wounds
Graves, Leaman L. (Cpl.), Kansas City, Kan
Fox. Chester. Sterling. jan.
Grass, Wilfred W Chetopa. Kan.
Frost, Burley, Kansas City, Kan.
Merillat, Harve G.. Knterprise, Kan.
Wade, James H., Fry, Kan.
Died of disease
Frazor, Clarence T., Irene, Kan,
Coulter, Harry A., Crofts, Kan.
Wounded severely
Hamilton. Clad (Col.), Topeka, Kan.
Smith, Frank (CapC), Leloup, Kan.
Jartner, Willielm A, (Capt.), Troy, Kan.
Wheatley. Edwin T. (Lt.). Hortoh, Kan.
Brown, Dwight L. (Lt.), Madison, Kan.
McKlmens, W. D. (Sgt.), Westmorel'd. Kan.
McDanlel. John R. (Sgt). Longton. Kan.
Whitsett, Gilbert Clark (Sgt.), Ottawa. Kan.
Thierer. Jacob O. (SgL). Manhattan, Kan.
utz. Harry E. (Cpl.). Holton, Kan.
.OOP, James A. (Cpl.), Beloit. Kan.
Morris. Edward F Independence. Kan.
Hurwitz. Simon W., Topeka, Kan.
Horn. Edgar Earl, Emporia, Kan.
Ellson, Ralph Emerson, Muscotah. Kan.
Drislin. Louis A., Atchison. Kan.
Shwartz. Harry, Ottawa, Kan.
Baxendale. Gl nert E.. Llncom, Kan.
Brown. John Davis, Leavenworth, Kan.
Moran, William F Earlton, Kan.
Shirk. W. H.. Tonganoxle, Kan.
Klrkwood. Spearvllle. Kan.
Kistler, W. R., Meriden, Kan.
Saanett, W. T., Augusta, Kan.
Ruggles, William A., Peabody, Kan.
Rankin. Bert L... Lacrosse, Kan.
andolph, Jefferson C, Prairie View, Kan.
ystone. Leon L., Kanorade, Kan.
illham. Roger It., Ellis. Kan.
'ooper, Harold P.. Lowns, Kan.
I Hawkins, Clay H., Grenola, Ivan.
Hall, Everett L., Maple City, Kon.
Hunt, Samuel L. Hutchinson, Kan.
Bosseck, Ioraine. Lafottain, Kan.
Webster, H. P., Clyde, Kan.
Devault, Clyde, Highland. Kan.
Kaisig, George A.. Wichita, Kan.
FinniKan, John W Marysvllle, Kan.
Bradlsh. Joseph Henry. Kansas City. Kan.
Smith, Logan S.. ('of feyvllle, Kan.
Sauer, James, Abilene, Kan.
Ryan, lonard P.. Girard, Kan. -
January, Edward M., Leavenworth, Kan.
Huinbarger, Richard T., Salina. Kan.
Greenstreet, Archie N., Pratt, Kan.
Marks, Mathew, Wichita. Kan.
Wilson, Frank L., Eldorado, Kan.
Rkelley, George A., Atchlnaon, Kan.
Moore, F. A., Tribune, Kan.
Killed in action
Sldebottom, Sim. (Mech.), Greensburg, Ky.
Conley, Curtis, Palntsville, Ky.
Canop, Rudy, Benton, Ky.
Harrison. Porter. Glasgow, Ky.
Reed, Chester, Manda, Ky. "
Fry. Lawrence N., Hickman. Ky.
Fulner. Louis G., Henderson. Ky.
Caady. G. C. Inex, Ky.
.Hissing in action
Wantland. G. A., Louisville. Ky.
Collins. Albert. Fincastle, Ky.
Williams, F. V.. Drakesboro. Ky.
Dlatl of wound
Coates, N. D. (Bug.), Russell, Ky.
Kateer, bamuel, ueroe, tvy.
Murray. Joe. Louisville, Ky.
HlEsinbotham. Jus. L., Cevlngton. Ky.
Hcrn-inz. Philip. Bellevue, Ky.
Died of accident
Williams, Gailand, Dewey. Ky.
Tucker, James N.. Alton Station, Ky.
Died of disease
Webster, Vernal A., Downingsville, Ky.
Sanders, OIIio, Clemeitsvlllo, Ky. ,
Wounded severely
Scheibla, Harry B. (Lt.). Cjivlngton, Ky.
Costlow. Glenn C. (Lt.). Ldliisvllle, Ky.
Coffman. Bennle B. (SgL), Slaughters, Ky.
Ryan, John u. (cpi.j. uuavlile, Ky.
ltodgers, Jasper W Corbln, K.
Brown, Marion, Provo. Ky.
Hatfield, H afford. Ransom. Ky.
Ashby. T. H., Sebree. Ky.
McKeehan, Ancil, bprnceburg, Ky.
Long. Allen. Georgetown, Ky.
Rushing, William E., Owensboro, Ky.
Jessee. Samuel J.. Flemingaburg. Ky.
Hicks. Theodore F., Louisville. Ky.
McPherson, Geo. D-, Tompkinavillr, Ky.
jaicor, Artnur, jLioorwny, ivy. i
Tlie'Influenza Germs Attack the Lining of the Air Pass
ages. When VapoRub Is Applied Over Throat and
Chest the Medicated Vapors Loosen the Phlegm, Open
the Air Passages and Stimulate the Mucous Membrane
to Throw Off the Germs.
In Addition. VapoRub Is Ah
sorbed Through and Stimu
lates the Skin, Attracting the
Blood to the Surface and Thus
Aids in Reducing the Conges
tion Within.
There In nn Occasion for Panic Influ
enza Iftielf Iln n Very Low 1'rr
rentage of Fatalities, Not Over One
Death Out of ICvery Four Hundred
(airs, According to the Bi. V. Hoard
of Health. The Chief Dancer Lies
in Complication Arlaina;, Attacking
Principally 1'atlents la a Hun Down
Condition Thoae Who Dos't o to
Bed 8oon Unouirba or These Who Get
I'p too Early.
Spanish Influenza, which appealed in
Spain in Ma', has all the appearance
of grip or la grippe, which haa ewept
over the world in numerous epidemics
as far back as history runs. Hippoc
rates refers to an epidemic in 412 B. C.
wilich la regarded by many to have
been influenza. Lvery century hat had
Its attacks. Beginning with 1831, this
country has had five epidemics, the
last in 1889-90.
Grip, or influenza, as it Is now called,
usually begins with a chill followed
by aching, feverHhness and eometimes
nausea and dizziness, and a general
feeling of weakness and depression.
The temperature is from 100 to 104,
and the fever usually lasts from three
to five days. The germs attack the
mucous membrane, or lining of the air
passages ryise, throat and bronchial
tubes there Is usually a hard cough,
especially bad at night, often times a
sore throat or tonsilitis, and frequently
all the appearances of a severe Jiead
Go to bed at the first symptoms, not
only for your own sake, but to avoid
spreading the disease to others take
a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing
food, remain perfectly quiet and don't
worry. Quinine, Aspirin or Dover's
Powder, etc.. may be administered by
the physician's directions to relieve the
aching. But there Is no cure or
specific for influenza the disease must
run i.ts course, but nature herself will
throw off the attack if only you keep
up your strength. The chief danger
lies in the complications which may
arise. Influenza so weakens the bodily
resistance that there is danger, of
pneumonia or bronchitis developing
and sometimes inflammation of the
middle ear, or heart affections. For
these reasons, it is very important
that the patient remain in bed until
his strength returns stay in bed at
least two days or more after the fever
Helton, Carr M., War Branch, Ky.
lldendKe; Abe, Ye-rkes, Ky.
Hicks, Finley, Ricetown. Ky.
Hughes. William. C'attlesburg-. Ky.
Cassidy, Andrew Dennis. Wallinarford, Ky.
Butler, Donald H.. .Springfield, Ky.
IS'apier, Fred, Staeey, Ky.
wlnsatt, Albert, Stanley. Ky.
Triplett, Noah L., Majestic. Ky.
Phillips Felton T.. Providence. Ky.
Donison. William H.. Cub Run. Ky.
Langley, Ira, JSiackwater, Ky.
Shipworth. J. W.. Central City, Ky.
Waller, H. Verona, Ky.
Tye. Klbert. McVeigh, Ky.
McCoy, fete, Morrill, Ky.
Killed in action-
La rrrone. Robt. F. (Wag.). Ansley, La.
lied of wounds
Corbett, Clarence, Colfax, La.
Tllerf'nf tlUease-
Henricks, Jesse, Marlon, I .a.
Cambrie, Leo. Iberville. I. a.
Htsscr. Joseph ., Butler, La.
Wounded severely
Blunchard, J. J., Amelia, La.
Braddock, H. J., Lasville. La.
Altenbach. Jno. New Orleans, La. .
Herrinar, Raymond A., Independence, La.
Copeland. J. C. Clmiidrant, La.
Dominique, Georire, fr!catt. La.
Simon, Camiile, .Morse, ia.
Wiggins. Moses F., Pollock, La.
Clark, Charley, Flora, La.
Caties, Peter P., New Orleans. La,
Stemmans, Kauol, Carenco, La.
killed In aetl.m
Dewitt, Alvard W. (Cpl.), Ellsworth. Me.
Johnson, Ephrlm H., Machlas, Maine.
Missing In action
Greenleaf, F. M. (Bug.), Frseport, Ms.
Engeszer, Eugene, Luxemburg, Me.
IHed of wounds
Nason. R. B. (tSgt.), Auburn, Me.
Salndon, Arthur, Toppenish, Me.
Died of disease
Gagnon, Stunlis, Hebron, Me.
1 Wounded severely
Sleeper, Harvey P. (Lt.), Bangor, Ma.
Caroli, Joseph, Blddeford, Me.
Butler, Harry, Wellington, Me.
Morrison, Arthur, Knox Station. Ms.
Mitchell. Anoil !'., tiyriiaville. Me.
Ware, Henry L'.. (Jurdiiier. Ma.
Killed in action
Cochrane, Stanley L. (Lt.). Crisfield, Md.
Minton. Charles .1.. Baltimore,-Md.
Wnberger. Ehrick, Baltimore, Md.
Missing in action
Andrews, .1. T.. Trappe, Md.
Loose. C. E., West Arlington, Md.
Died of wounds
Quante. Jeffrey (Cpl), Hamilton, Md.
Rellly. Wm. L.. Baltimore, Md.
KllnBelhnfer, II. L., Towson, -Md.
Krokuk, Daniel, Baltimore Point, Md.
Kavanaugli, Martin P., Baltimore, Md.
Aelibury. Everett F., Street, Md.
Died of diseane
Matronech. Daniel, Baltimore. Md.
Wounded severely
Srhaefer. L. D. (Lt.). Westminster. Md.
Mullen. Walter B. (Sgt.), Baltimore, Md.
H.-irtman. L. J. (Sgt ), Baltimore. Md.
Clinedinst, A. C. (Cpl.). Baltimore, Md.
Eavey. Guy Z.. Halfway, Md.
ThnmnA Joseph A.. Frederick. Md.
Chassagne. Leo John, Baltimore, Md.
Talbert, Samuel, Manchester, Md.
Child, Laurence L., Baltimore, Md.
Cahiil, Edward C, Goldsboro, Md.
O'Brien, Wllmer U.. Baltimore. JIO.
Graney, Carroll J.. Baltimore. Md.
Masloff. Benjamin K., Baltimore, jua.
Sullivan, Daniel, Baltimore, Md.
Rnhe Albert B.. Baltimore. Md.
Hcaley, John J., Baltimore, Md.
T..wk John Baltimore. Md.
Johnston, Daniel, Shadyside. Md.
Streb. T. F., Baltimore. Md.
Nograpskl, S. J.. Baltimore. Md.
Hinchtnan, Clarence B., Vincennes, Md.
Killed In action ,
Simpson. H. C. (Sgt.). Dracut Centra. Masa
Diran, Dickran (Stft.), Wrentham. Mass.
Forget. William (Cpl.), Worcester, Mass.
Sampson, Harry (Cpl.). Boston.
TWrows. Martin M., Springfield, Mass.
Tavlor. Thomas H., Fall River, Mass.
Sutherland, Frank. South Natick, Mass.
Harlow. Frank A., r.ew tleoiora, .Mass.
larnsworth. F. P., Long .Meauow, Mass.
1,'rederick. C. W.. Revere, Mass.
Wolkowskl, Wm., Worcester. Mass.
Simon, Jacob, Worcester, Mass.
Missing in action
McGowan. L. F. (Cpl. I. Dorchester. Mass. .
Fltiner. R. A., North Blllerica, Mats.
Aguonis. Mike, Greenfield, Mass.
Ryan. T. H., Fall River. Mats.
Petors, C. JL, Cambridge, Jiws.
Duncan, J. W., South 'Boston, Mass.
Bryson. R. G., West Newton, Mass.
Buiiby, F. A.. WUliamstown, Mass.
Dione. Joseph. Newburyport, Mass.
Dausherty, Edward, New Bedford, Maw.
Valcourt, Alphonso, Lawrsnce. Mass.
Pipiersiti, Vincent, TCefciter, iliu.
has left you, or if you are 'over 50 or
not etrong. stay in bed four Uaya or
more, according to the severity of tho
attack. ;
In order to stimulate the lining of
the air passages to throw off the crip
germs, to aid in loosening the phlrgm
and keeping the air passages open, thus
making the breathing easier, Viok'a
VapoRub will be found effective. Hot,
wet towela should be applied over the
throat, chest and back between tha
houlder blades to open tho pores.
Then VapoRub nhould be rubbed in.
over the parts until the skin is red.
spread on thickly and covered with,
two thicknesses of hot flannel cloth.
Leave the clothing loose around tha
neck aa the heat of tho body liberates
the ingredients in tho form of vapors.
These vapors, inhaled with each
breath, carry the medication directly
to tho parts affected. At the same
time. VapoRub is absorbed through,
and stimulates the skin, attracting tha
blood to the surface and thus aids in
relieving the congestion within.
Evidence seems to prove that this ia
a germ disease, spread principally by
human contacL chiefly through cough
ing, sneezing or spitting. Ko avoid
persons having colds which means
avoiding crowds common drlnkinif
cups, roller towels, etc. Keep irp your
bodily etrength by plenty of exercise
In the open air, and good food.
Above all, keep free from colds, s
colds irritate the lining of the air
passages and render them much better
breeding places for the germs. Usa
Vick's VapoRub at tho very first .ign.
of a cold. . For a head cold, melt a
little in a spoon and inhale the vapors,
or beter still, use VapoRub In a ben
zoin steam kettle. If this is not avail
able, use an ordinary tea-kettle. Fill
half full of boiling water, put in half
a teaspoon of VapoRub from time to
time keep the kettle just slowly boil
ing, and inhale the steam arising.
NOTE: Vick's VapoRub is the dis
covery of a North Carolina drugfriet,
who found how to combine, in calve
form, Menthol and Camphor with such
essential oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme.
Cubebs, etc., so that when the salve is
applied to the body heat, those in
gredients are liberated In the form of
VapoRub is comparatively new in
New York. New England and a few
western states, where it is Just now
being introduced. In other sections ot
the country, however, lt Is the stand
ard home remedy in over a million
homes for all forms of cold troubles
more than six million jars were sold
last year.
It is particularly recommended for
children's croup or colds, since it la
externally applied and, therefore, can
be used as freely as desired without
the slightest harmful effects. Vapo
Rub can bo used In three sizes JOc,
60c, J1.20 at all druggists. Adv.
Died of wounds N
Henderson, K. E. (Sgt.), Brookllne, Man.
Breen. Timothy F. iCpl.). Maiden, Mass.
Basinsky. Alvln R., Webster, Mass.
Benson, Francis K., Bliclburne Falls, Mass.
Died from aeroplane aerldent
Bliss, Carlton H. (LI.), Albleboro. Mass.
Died of disease
Brown. Rodney D. (Sgt.), Gloucester, Mass.
Sliuster, Henry S. (Sgt.), Newton, Mass.
Ferrlto. Carlo. Lynn, Mass.
Gendreau. Alpholibe J.. Springfield, Mass.
Benoit, Georgo L., Worcester. MaS.
Jones, Edward H.. Clitdsea, Mass.
Bolton, Frank K.. PUmvillc. Mass.
Farra. Mfke. East Boston, Mass.
MuUolgan, Edwiu-d, Cuarleslown, Mass.
Wounded severely
Strout, Estace P. (Lt.), Ncwtonvllle, Mass.
Watts, RufkcI R. (Sgt.), Msynard. Mass.
Lee. John J. (Sgt.). Wakefield. Muss.
MeGrall, Francis (Sgt.). Lowell, Muss.
Custeau, Odilon (Sgt.), Lawrcnco. Ma.-s.
Martlnriule. Julian T. (Sgt.), Gill. Mass.
Crocker, Edward I,. (Cpl.), Brockton, Mass.
Picroni, oreste, Everett, Mass.
Cohen, Maurice. Roxbury. Ma.s.
Muldoon, Joseph, Filchbura. Mmks.
Donnelly. Lawrence E., Cambridge, Muss.
Dunn, John P., Saxonvillo, Man.
GiaHson, Adrien, New Bedford, Muns.
lilckey, J. V.. Lawrence, Maws.
Wood. E. I... Dorchester, MaH.
Smith. L. C. Biooklinc, Mais.
Mills, E. B., Milford. Mass.
studley, W. J., Hanover, Mass.
Been, P. J., Lynn, Mass.
Parker, G. F., Haverhill, Mass.
Fogg. Russell D., Ameabury, Mnss.
Carroll, Chas. R., Stoncham, Mass.
Hayes, patrlclc H., Koxbury, jvinss.
Greeley, Henry I., Ronton. Mass,
Elliott, Edward C. Newburyport, Mass.
Cnnlon, Peter, South Boston, Mass.
Collins, Louis A.. Marllioro, Mshs.
Morcau, Charles K., be konk, Mass.
Masse, Hector J., Newloli, Mass.
McLaughlin, Jam-, llo&ton, Mass.
McArdlo. P. J.. Boston, Mass.
Kelltty. James H., tiulncy. Mass.
Hallisey, Wlllhini J., Biocktoo. Mass.
Tucker, P. J.. Antlover, Must.
Amain, Domlnick. Botaon, Muss.
Fleming, A. J., Roxbury, Muss.
Hayden, Elliott L, WorVHter, Mass.
Bilsch. Iteginald J.. Milford. Muss.
Willie, Harry J., South Ronton, Mass
Welch, John, Fall Klver, Mans.
Scagrave. George, l:xhrldgH, Mass.
Maypother, rrancls J., Clliiton, Mass.
Zlmmep, John H.. Roxhury. Mans.
Willard, Henry, Bro. kton, Mane.
McDonald. Charles A., jcoxuury. Mans.
Langlll. Iiauiel S., Somerville. Mass.
(Continued on Page 7.)'
Influenza to Stay
in Modified Form
Health Authorities
Issue Warning:
That influenza is on the wane is true.
but there will be danger of contracting
influenza throughout the Winter. All
re warned to continue to disinfect the
nose, throat and air passages regularly.
One of Jhe surest and simplest ways
to disinfect the air passages is to in-
ale night and morning the smoke from
Bmo-Ko Tobaccoless Cigarettes. For
sale by all druggists, 20 cents a box.
Care and diet chart free. Apply to
Munyon's Laboratories, Fifty-fourth
nd Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia,
Pa. Adv.