... THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, .DECEMBER 9, 1918. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 113 t'sartbanaa. 5th tit. t:tniB-. Hum from to 5. Main 3ft. Home rb.n. A Jli. Meat rail attar .Kir. hour. Moou lawa Keporl all cases of crurllr to tha a bo v. a4.lr.aa. Klrctric I. thai chamber for atnatl anim.il. Hora. ambuianca for alck and dla MbteU .nlmtii at a moment's nonce. Any- one df.irlos a dog or other pet communi cate alth ua. "; for all loat or atraed Cock, aa look after the Impounding. There la Do mora city pound. Juat brefoo. imana frocl.tr. AlCTION SALE TODAT. R.atatirant and aoft drink Darlore St 201 Sd at . cor. Tavlor. tale at 3 P. al. J. T. Wi.aon. Auctioneer. At Wiiaon's Auction Honsa. 10 A. M Furniture. Itil-1T1 hecond ,L Ptionr your want ads to The Orego- Bian. Main 707'.. A i09. EW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Kncs and Wooleo CMlilnc. Ho JUk. Keeeraile. Haad-M .,a FLUFF RUGS TbeT Wear I-ike Iras. Mail oena taw dovsw cs Worn. All Sl.aa. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.30 wxstirs ixirr RIG CO.. M I uioa Awe. . Laas Cat. B 115. MORTGAGE LOANS I m pea Ted cit, and farm property Installment tepajsaaa pn il.ce if preferred; prsaipt. reliable aereic. A. H. BIRRELL CO. tll-Sl Northwestern Bank Buildina. Marshall !. ..!!. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE The dwelling: houne and lot mt 77 K Market Mreet. corner Twenty-fourth may be purchased at private aalc. 1 hi la a very desirable piece 01 property JOH R I . dmlnl-trator. 54)7 pa Id! a a; Bl.. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAMS. I nsurance, Surety Bonds WILCOX tLDC Mala ?M. A 7W. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BIMNF AND RESIDENCE I KOI tKTV. RORCKTMI.N KWINO. Northwestera Baah Bidg. BEAL ESTATE. E HAVE some goo) bargains In cl;y prop nv anu isrm. also some small farms fad for city proper.. Brown A lirown. ... Railway Lxcbange bide. I'hone ilar h-:i ;;:;3l. FOR iALE by ow ner. Jncome i operty. 3 modern, a -room rottasrs. J lots. 4 ra race, close to O.-W. R 4t .V shopa Cal. Monroe st sfter P. M. East 3 wALMT market 4.x-. w iil sell .'.-acre tract - y a i t re-s. $ I .".. Hs t 1c ra t Ion. ea y (erma. accept iicrijf oonos. Ci Ore onmn. Fee le Lets. ICS DOWN. t.", MO. INCLUDES I.VTK It EST BIT P. RKItOfE ACRES NOW WHT ? lt until Spring. thn hurry to Kt your ground piautU7 tiuy now and tart getting our anil ready and do It r K'lt. I irkri' itm have gam. water and e'"lric connect Ions. inir autus will Mhr mi out. "a 11 at oir off ir. J. I.. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamtv-r f i'omni-rv Bnlg.. 4th and Stark. Main A VVeSl. Ill AT VACANT LoT Turn a Durum into income. We dtgn and build anihin. furntjih the money if desired. Eight a. in Portland. L. K. Ba:.ey to. cutitraclin archltrcts. North wsi cm Ban k b-dg. FOH quick sal, lot 16. block 107. !uri hurst. Including Improvements SOO. A. W . bartteit. Box -oi, Fargo, S. l. .: Io W N. pdr month, ;.oitH lot. o f- N. of Rnrn.., Ui'-ing W., on ::d. KRANK 1 MrtJI IRE. ARIViTON HLlMi. iK SAI.K er rent, lot IK Hollywood, con tain In k 1 acre, w if h small hous, address Octavia Apt. Washington. I. OI.MSTKAH PARK B-st enrn-r lot, Bryi av. W. K. Hoval. Lw t hlilg. Kt-SE CITY PARK lot. ;.olt.V on .Vid st., for sa'e rhap T. t;reelv. XI .1 Htsan ft. THIS LOOKS LIKE BUSINESS. Intome property, by ow nr. that will give you a fine home In Irvington. w 1 1 h ' a month Income, or will pay IIS pr i'nt n-t on lnvstmeni: nni l handle or- it til take fin bungalow In rood dis trict as first payment. C. Coulter, 43 Eaat h N. I'hone East B-.'4. flT.'e HI VS a new modern bunaalow with lara rooms, just being mm pie ted. In chica aiitflnn. r lo to Multnomah on t!i. Oregon Kletric: place in not yt fully finlshd and a present purchaser can erctsaa rholce as to colorlnxa and decor- tiona: terms to suit. ee the owner at 4o4 f'laft Mls. O-M.T $-.. 50 fr a, 6-room bungalow in fins condition. With m bungalow goes al moet a quarter arre or ground: a corner. at thai. It Is oniv five blocks from the Unton-atenue rartme. on llolman st. $mO casn is a'l von have to have. M. J. "LOHKSY. 415 AB1NGTOV BLDG $ j 75i IF Yi; want a fine home cloee t nland for one-half w hat It Is wort h ik- m look at this. Fight rooms, new and modern: loom lot with fruit, flower and lawn; rhicken-house and run. fcmall pay mrnt d n. baiai.ee eav. PRENTISS. 5o.-, CO KB ETT BLDG. HOMES. 1 have several go1 buys In houses. and If yon are looking for a home it will P-y you to Investigate at once. W. R. KASKR, Main l3. 517 orbet t bid g. H.".o FIVE large rooms and 0110. with lota of fruit and fine garden. This prop erty has gas and citv water; 5c fare; 13 minutes out on the neat Pide- Small pay raent down and the balance easy. M. E. LEE. 505 CORBETT BLDG. 9 i .V ASH Pre t ty. modern ft-room house; fireplace, wncn ancnen. wnue enameled, laundry tra a. ehlckrn-bouse: actually root .np. but I am going to sell for $-M-, on easy terms. 'JJ E- 7 J J at. North; MV car. iaror BY OWNER Attractive S-roomed home. iooe-tn pleasant location, k. uumaide at M,uble construction, hardwood floors, ex cellent grate ana runuif. artistic rangement. f-.i cash. F 4Ho. Oregonian. FOR 8ALK Or woatld trade for aomethlng in Pout hem Idaho, two nouses and lots in Medford. Or. M. aU Anderson, it. IX 2. Hole?. Ida. ALBERTA, six-room, modern semt-cotlage. c loae In. paved, elect ricitr. gas. east front, lot iVOxltHj. price $1973. $5tni rash. balance nae r-nt. a'l nroanway A SACR1FU B SALE ONLY $1253. New si -room house, gas lights, city water; no incumbrance; s acre very fin on; rasn e-.". nnr PELAHCNT. For perfect homes. East 1!T47. LOOK NEAR TOWN. f-.roorn house with furniture on'y $4-voo near E. Mth and Morrison. Call B 2(x4 CASH. $22 month, big lot. Mt. TiWr rant, paved sr.. o-rm. bungalow. $. Jikli McFarland. 14f T eon bidg. Main 3172. ILEAL snap. $Vhi. 4 -room bungalow, garare, fruit, one biocltto car; act quickly. 245. W'aah. st. M Jin 575t. 'iiY tear real estate man commission? But ef owner; modern five-room bungalow. 1117 Mlnn-sota ave. Hoi SE and lot for aa.e 1110 East I4th st.. Vancouver, Wash. Apply Providence Academy. FoH SALE Eight-room modern house, hot water heat. Inquire $31 Mississippi ave.. fo-. noons. Small payment down. A-RcKtM modern bungalow, newly decorated, cloee to Union and Killings worth ave, $24m. 43tt Knir.n. ft-ROoM b-jngalo-v. 1 block from Mt. Tabof rmr, nearly new. fuI lot. only 92100; terma W. H. Rows. 11Q N. W. Bank bMg. IRVINGTON HOMES. East 994 R- T. STREET. .IRV. AGENT. w-ROoM HOUSE BARGAIN IK BOUGHT Wl'ICK. 34J SAN RAFAEL ST. HILL SIDE residence, for sale cheap. Mar. 347. -R- COTTAGE, almost acre ground; qui k s.ile. 9210i. Thts is a snap. Tab. 0'".;. RKAL ESTATE. Far S-le FOR BARGAIN HUNTER. Pome Bin- Bar ins for this week. Come out to the LnurelhurMt Tract of fice. Kant 39th and Giisan street today. V bis bargains 5. NO. 1 Palatial home of 11 rooms, lo cated on one of the choicest corner lots, commanding an unobstructed view of the park and club grounds; built for a home at a cost of $13,000. No reasonable offer refused. NO. 2 Good as new 6 -room, two-story house, beat part of Laurelnurst, ready to move in. $4000. NO. 8 Six-room Laurelhurst bungalow near the park and club (rounds; big bargain at 4600. NO. 4 Roie City Park 5-room 'bunca tow, with fine gcaraxe, finished In old Ivory throughout ; all Improvements In and pa i d ; for o. ti i ck sa le, f 4200. M ust have it leaat 1000 cash. ' NO. 5. Seven-room Rose City Park bungalow, only two blocks 'from car; fine corner lot. all Improvements in ana paid price 91250: not further out than 38th at Don't forget the place Laurelhurst tract. Office. East 39th and Giisan street. Phone Tabor 3433: 8un. and eve, Eaat -JU&6. MR. UEUAUU.NTr. P. S. I also have a lot close to Park. A snap for cash. Plans and money fur nisnea ior ouuaing purposes. BL'ILD IN LAlRKLHLJiST. There lately came back to the Laurel nurst to, a neautirui lot on a cnoin street. I can sell that lot for $1120. wit a payment of 10 per cent down. Th Laurelhnrst Co. mill helo finance a build Ing on that lot. You can build a nice ti ro m bungalow today for 935oo, and hav just wnat you want. This you can pa on easy installments, Uaureinurst i; community of fine homrs. with rest He tions that safeguard your family from every onjectionauie feature. l am at in laaurelhurst Traet office. 3ith and GUsau and will be Kind to show this lot. MAC INN ESS. -'70 Stark. Main or Tabor ftrtlO Sun. and eve. A BUNGALOW TN TUB HAW THORN .DISTRICT. Moderately priced: on paved street; In good neighborhood. You will aurly w-eure a bargain In this place. 1 1 is thornuichly modern. MR. BROWN. I'TiiS Stark Ft. Main 17oO. Eve. Tabor 6i. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 5 rooms, good base men t. living room. paneled dining room. luth kitchen, two nice beurooms. clothes clot off each, oath room w 1th Dorcialn tub. toilet, rai. elec trh ity, wood lift, etc.. good stairs to floored attic. larce rnouch for i! sood rooms: on extra deep lot. concrete walks and curb and sewer; only 10 minutes out; price siooo, good terms. investigate. A. II. BIRRELL CO.. SIT Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 411. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THIS. -room bunxalow, living room with fine ft replace, dining room. Dutch kitchen. 3 bedrooms, clothes closets, bath room with good fixtures, electric fixtures, gas, con crete wall basement, wood lift, etc. sewer. concrete sfOewalks and curbs: on luoxloo rner. near school and between Mt. Tabor ana noniavii.a cars, ior t.iuu. on easy term a. A. H. BIRRELT- CO. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 411. IF YOU HAVE S1ikN CASH. Too can pick up a mighty big bargain. A business corner Hxio(. right on the car line lu a busine drvtrict, with a good 6-room house. Four years ago the ownr refused S4.HMJ for this snme property. it will bring it again. . But the owner must have $Im0 cash quirk, so Is offering this property for only SL'f'0. Make your own terms on balance. If you want a home or aa Investment, look thisr up. MAC INN ESS. rroi, Stark. Main 17o, or Tabor Hili Sun. and eve. LAURELHURST. A seven-room bunxalow with sleeping porch in heart of buniralow district of .aurelhur.. close to park. Hardwood floors on lower floor, finished In old Ivory. Every modern convenience; rood garage. Considering location and honest construc tion of this home, the price ! moderate. A reasonable initial payment; balance can be arranged same a rent. MR. BROWN, Stark St. Main 1 7M. Rve. Tabof R-. IN IRVINGTON. A seven-room modern house and sleep ing porch In the choicest district of Irv Initnn now vacant, it does not require a tery large Initial payment to secure this home; balance can be arranged about same as rent. W ould llku to show this house to you. MR. BROWN. :"0'i Stark St. Main ITOO; Eve. Tsbor ti FOR SALE. BY OWNER. A real home, ti nmi, furnace, flreplaco. nardwood floors all over, tiled bath, den sewing-room. Dutch kitchen, large oorch lavatory on both floors, concrete cooler; on corner, 3 lots exceptional, garage; on w ide boulevard tiear park. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Eay terms, anu trie price is right, lall W OO D L A W .N 4 Jtid. FOR THRIFTY BUYER. 5 rooms, living ajid dining rooms, kltch en. two bedrooms, clothes closet to each, bath, separate ioilt, pantry, sink, electric lights, all newly tinted and painted, close to good car service and school, in bupy section, nara surface street, sidewalks anil rurba, sewer in and connected, for $U.o, very easy terras. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A -111. 9oou. Good home, with qtla.rter block, loog loo feet; 7 rooms, 1 Vfc-tory residence. ept rignt up to date: white enamel fin Ish; all window hangings finest quality. Included: grounds well Improved with much Imported sn rubbery, well grown. There is no Incumbrance on this property and can make favorable terms. Located on East Taylor su; good neighborhood. Caii Main hSlt after P. M., Sellwood 34. IRVINGTON. Very attractive, large, complete modern home on fine BmixIoo corner in IRVING TON. Best home environment. Prire 915.00O. Fullest dr tails upon request. o iniormation oy pnone. x'urtica contem plating acquiring a fine, big home in irvington w in i wen to see us. THE CUOSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 27o Stark st. RObE CITY PARK Elegant, absolutely up to-t he-minute modern dwelling, 2 large rooms, east front, charming view of cii y from dining-room; actually w orth 94otio. but I need some money quick ; 9 0 will do; balance, say about $.1:50. to suit you. House In perfect condition and positively all your h-art could desire. Key over front door. Waik In. a.3 East uith North, near andy. Tabor 854. forenoons. MODERN 6-room houne, 5 rooms on first fioor, 3 on second. Upstairs could e.isiiy b made Into fiat. Full cement asemt-tit with wash trays, fruit closet, lat-ciass steel furnace In excellent condition, fireplace, water on both floors, good yard, fruit and f .ewers. Price 9hhi; 7"0 to 91oo will handle. Y'ou are dealing with owner. Phone Broadway 32, VACANT HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 0-poo in modern home; while enamel plumbing, full cement basement, paved st., no liens or mortgage; No. lu.10 E. Grant. Price 9J250. terms, reduced from $4 W0. Take Ford as part payment. See FKA LK 1- Jlct-L IKK. AUl.NUTO.N' BLUU. To Buy Your Home. .Main loti. NEW modern 9-4-5-6 ami 7 -room Bungalow a. Terms. F. K. tiTEARNS, 22 Wilcox Bidg. Main 3517. BUN'. ALOW. 92120. The first oifer of 92150 gets the best , Oirnun on in. wuiihuw in guuu a is- tritt. modern and In very good condition; less than 95hi cash, balance like rent, owner. Main 3540. fa.E these two new bungalows I am build ins on Ivon St.. between r 31 h and E. Si th. 1 oiock from Richmond car; modern from A to , ready soon ; buy now and elect your own colore, fixtures, etc; paved street, .twiiuu lot. laoor jitf. -R00M house, full lot. f u.l basement, 4 bedroom, etectrtc ngms. cement walk and curb, now vacant ; ruou condition ; 1 14 b!iH ki from Woodstock car; price 91Ou, 934Mi cash. bal. easy. B. S. Cook. Stock Ex. bwlMtnx. VACANT MOVE IN 5-room. comer bungalow. Kenton dis trict, 92200; terms. $2u0 down, assume first mortgage siuou. oaiance to suit. Owner. Tabor !;. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on I IB vaiue nu iuiiu niuii. viCl your money's worth. Reasonable charges. Mac Naughton A Raymond, valuation experts, Corbett bidg. Main MiV 91 7o0 SEE OWNER FOR THIS 9l7oo. 5-roo-n modern -bungalow, in heart of St. Johns: chicken house and about 15 bearing fruit trees. Call Tabor tiuj for terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses and lots of all descriptions and prices. A few downright bargains. MAR. 4S27. BRDOKE. A 3839. MOVE RIGHT IN. HAWTHORNE DlST. 35TH ST 92.150. 6 large rooms, large lot. all advantages of corner. Ow ner. Tabor 8S24. i BLOC K. 4-room T10u.se. berries, fruit trees, garaen, aUCFariand, 14u$ i'eoa bio. BEAL ESTATE. For hale H oases. REAL HOMES AT LOWEST PRICES. A -54. Lovely ti-room home In Haw thorne district, close to schools and car. on nice corner lot; streets all paved and paid ( for; built-lns. fireplace, full cement basement with furnace, large rooms. This home Is In A-l repair and an exceptional buy. 93800. Some terms. A -58. A grand U-room -home on fl7th. just off of Division street; nice large rooms, splendidly constructed, modern ex cept furnace, has all built-in features. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays. A real home and the price is right. Only 93250; 11250 cash. A -SO. Here Is an almost new. substan tially built 2-story 7-soom home in Ron i uy, on paved street, close to car; large living-room, plate-glass windows, beveled plate-glass in French doors, hardwood polished floors, breakfast-room, fireplace, Dum-ins. fun cement basement, A-l fur nare. Just a dandy home and a real bar gain. a-iu..u; xioo cash. D. W. Alton. Mgr. Real Estate DepL, THIS LAWRENCE CO., 20S Corbett Bid. Main 0913. A 2815. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW BRICK AND STUCCO ' GARAGE S2100 corner lot. one short block t car. Big front porch, also side porch witn tile floor, glass ana pergoia root, entrance hall, den or m us c-room, livins room with fireplace, dining-room, bed room, bath (tile floor). All have hard wood floors. Beautiful sunroom, southern exposure,. French doors to tile porch. l.p stairs '2 bedrooms, big closets, - storeroom, a full extra deep cement basement, laun dry trays, furnace This place taken ove: to save foreclosure. Originally vaiuea $sooo;'our price $4500. All improvements paid. Will sell on straight terms. House vacated. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg., 4th and Stark. Main I.0S, A 00. $:W.VI BUNGALOW ROSE CITY CAR ON oSTH ST. NOW VACANT 5 'rooms besides 1 room furnished in attic. Hardwood floors and papered walls in d n nar-room. Built-in effects in Kiicnen fireplace, built-in buffet, furnace, cement basement and laundry tray a Nice yard. lots of roses, some fir trees. Good soil, no rocks, raved street and sewer. Bonded assessments only $05. $11'0 cash wil l u n l r H in ensv home. balance $20 I month and Interest, our autos will take vou out. Call at our office. J. L. HART MAN company. No. 7 Chamber of Com merte. 4th and Stark. Main SOS. A 'JOOO. A REAL bargain from owner. I must sel mv hnme a :-vr.-old bunxalow: full base ment, o rooms and attic, and some furni ture; located t oiock iron. uuuiia .., hlncks from Holxaic. I am a widow and leaving city. No trade, no agents, $Mo0. $500 cash. Call East 41S. A. M. i.i.'.O EIN E double-constructed, 6-room modern house: fireplace, full cement base merit. ."Oxloo corner lot, with garage; lawn, flowers, etc; furniture for sale. PRENTISS, .Vi5 CORBETT BLDG. $.-,0 FINE, large homes! te; gas, city wa ter: i minutes ui, . M. E. LEE. 5r. CORBETT BLDG. FOR SALE Five-room modern nouse, near school ana juouni bcou wi , part cash, terms. Tabor 90i. 7,-,0 3-ROOM bunxalow. &5xS0 lot; water and electric lights. y. Tm. lir,r. 'f.' Subarbnn Home. $25 DOWN. 13 MO. INCLUDES INTEREST BUT PARKROSE ACRES NOW ' WHT ? wait until SpHnjr, then hurry to ret Vour ground planted? Buy now and start getting your soil ready and do it right. Parkrose acres have gas, water and electric connections. Our autos will take vou out. Call at our office. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of !K BW..- th and Stark. Main JOS. A 'J50. , FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out of roruanu Oregon City car. third house north of Risley station l-'iO NEAT cottage, 1 1-S acres. .V.n cash, near Oswego 1-ake, McFarland. 1408 Yeon bldx- . . For Ss4e Business Property FOR SALE K block. If you are looking for a fine location ior an n.., - In. on East Side, investigate this. 2 dwell- ingn. rurnisnea ana oreupiru. - income on this property. Reason for aell- iar ouncr wishes to leave city. M. bOO, o r e gonlan. BEST buy In modern West Side close in this city: paying H Pr cnt .n .Pr,rC I n man t .Pinnae evrr imcicu asked. glO.OOO will handle, son. 812 Broadway bidg. M. John- U.tMMt IMPROVED lot. rum at., rnii !. per month; can increase, mm, w.w -.. f'om. Tel. Marshall 15 For Sale -Acreage. "ft TO ir; TVZTl ACRE. Taocced-off land, rich soil, easy clrsr-.n-in.- unier. close to s-hool and em ployment, miles to station and boat- landing, 40 miles from Portland, any size tracts and terms to suit. A. H. Akerson. 505 Stock Lxch. Bidg. 5oy0 ACRES in Southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices, 95 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accented at par. Write for map showing !,. I An tarmi etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma mug., lHipnm. Tiviw A VALLEY IRRIGATED. Two 20-acre tracts, undeveloped; plenty of water, under Government ditch, choice nifaifa or orchard land. 975 an acre If taken soon. Address P. O. box lib. Prosaer. Wash. . 3 ACRES of choice land on improved road, close to the school and station at xiiitrnnmuh. nt the Oregon Electric, whicn I will sell for 9:i500. or subdivide Into acreage tracts st 91250 each; must have money immediately, consequently this sac rifice. See owner at 44 Kiatt omg. t.-nu fill .P Stock land, the best of earth. large or small tracts, low price, easy WESTERN OREGON LAND COMPANY, Corvains. or. 10 ACRES of land; good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located Jut south of Lents. t131 92d st. a E. Thorn! Allen. 33 ACRES, near Oregon City canine, cheap house and barn; price .i.."ou; mignr traae for first-class apartment-house. H. A. Starkweather, 6Q2 Broadway bidg. TEN acres. 92750 at Huber, on Oregon Elec tric. T50 cash. ant ariana. hus 1 eon bidg. 40 ACRES, 930 per acre; 8 miles from Cot tage Grove. 400 -McKay Dldg. Homcttteads, Relinquishments. HOM ESTEAD relinquishment: bO acres. SO Stevens County. Wash.; an good sou. level running water, easily cleared ; 0 acres cleared land, 5 acres grass. 5 acres slashed. house, burn and other ouiidings; house hold goods and machinery very cheap; casta , or trade, taii at .Montgomery at. HOMESTEAD R KLI NQlHSHM EXT WANTED ALONG THE COAST. Address 16J Franklin. ASTORIA. OR. For Hale Farms. WoL'LD you like to make a purchase of land costing you .oo, waown and tne balance 910 a montn tor .i montns, mat will bring you a return of 9300 a year for five years, and where someone else does all the work? Remember, you have a deed in escrow for 10 acres of rich, fertile land which Is improved for you and we give! absolute proof and evidence to Dear ou; this statement. If you are Interested I write Anderson A Humer. soo Chamber! of Commerce bidg., - Portland, Or. 40 ACRES, all In cultivation, fenced with woven wire; gooa. new oungaiow anu goon barn: 4 acres in orchard: situated one mi! from nostofflce at McMlnnville. Ore gon; clo to school; not 'h mile from navfd atrt-et. This is a mortgage foreclos ure. Former price. 912.000. You can buy it now for 9U0U0. 92000 cash, balance terma If you want a close-in 40 acres. .aa. this and vou will buy it. All adlorn- ing "end is 9300 per acre. J. C. Gilbert. McMlnnville. Oregon. Fhone Blue SI 12. HERE is your chance: 125 acres level land. 2 miles north of Corvallis. 9100 per acre: equity 9050. or w ill trade for California property: 00 acrea now in grain. 00 acres plowed for Spring planting: small house and barn; good road to town; railroad 011 two sides. Box ICO... Corvallis. Or. 53 ACRES ti miles from Portland; can be sold iri tracts or fine for dairy or truck garden: sightly; plenty of water; good buildings; win sacrifice ana take some trade. Ans. and give tel. for Information. Owner. Oswego, or.. -K. I. box lo2. A ACRES running water; only 91000. Beau tiful grove 01 niapie ceaar. aogwooa, Iir; expansive view, and only 30 minutes out. Call ow loncora mug.. a ana otarK. 160 ACRES logged-off land on Columbia I Highway, fine running stream; will con sider traae ior nouse in i-ortiana. Hart. 010 Ch. of com, tnone Marshall I3S3. 920 PER acre will buy 100 acres near Lyle. Klickitat co., asn. ; easy terms: first class land, nearly all can be cultivated. John Bain. BQ7 Spalding bidg. iCk ACRES, bungalow, orchard, all enitt. vated, Capitol Highway. 92000. part cash, easy payments. Main 3072. McFarland, nos 1 eon 01 ux CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland, 975 to 9200 per acre, easy terms: oesi sou. rarms ior sale, all slzea McFarland, 1408 icon bidg., Portland, LOGGED-OFF lands, 910 acre up: running water, gooa sou, r tinaoie, employment. easy terms, uesao n. gnarp. p.t od st 160-ACRE unimproved stock ranch. 8 miles from ioiedo, or. Address or call G, A- XtuArotiV WwporW Pi REAL ESTATE. for 8a I e Farms. FINE bearing orchard, standard varieties of apples, consising of 30 acres with 10 acres additional in timber. In good neighborhood, convenient to transportation. This will produce a good revenue from the start and from present prospects of the apple market will pay well , in the next few years. State Bank of Lyle. Lyle. Wash, CALI FORNIX. A well improved 5 -acre, poultry and fruit ranch for sale or trade, adjoining one of the best towna In the Sacramento Valley. Owner, D. James, 33 N. 17th at. TIMBER LANDS. HAVE about 50.000.000 feet of fir .timber; will sell on stumpaga basis or join logging company with a logging outnt. a. JjU. oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Mccracken. 304 McKay Bidg. HALF section timber, near railroad, for lib erty bonds. AG 712. Oregonian. TIMBER for sale, trade acreage, lots, small house or merchandise. C 770, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE MAKE SALES Let us put your property on our list. Mail description and price, or write for listing description card. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, No.-7 Chamber of Com .merce Bidg.. 4th and Stark. Main 20S, A -050. i ' WANTED ACREAGE. We have parties for close-in acreage from 5 to 20-acre tracts; let us hear from you and we will come and Inspect prop erty. We can sell It for we are compe tent acreage salesmen. BROWN & WATSON REALTY CO., Main 7435. 506 Swetland Bidg. IT might be to your Interest to list your house with me. i sen nouses oniy ana have cash buyers. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. HOUSE WANTED. T have a waiting list for bungalows and houses and can give you quick results. See me at once. V. R KASER Main 817.1. r.17 Corbett Bidg. WANTED A good apartment-house direct from owner, .lane appointment, ah duo. Oregonian. WE have several buyers for 2 to 5-acre tracts, close in. Improved. List your places with us. will make quirk returns. JUKDA . & UAKfcJAUri, 40H Chamber of Commerce. WE have cash buyers for 5 to.6-room houses. pnone us wnat you nave ana we win coins ana lane pnoiograpna mtu .n e w a m. SON REALTY CO., 006 Swetland bidg. phone Main 7435. MODERN 5-room bungalow, hardwood floor. cement basement and porch awnings, an built-in conveniences. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne car. aao East 49th. Tabor 0005. LOT wanted In Piedmont, corner, improve ments all In. Give location ana cash price. V 802, Oregonian. WANT West Side flatu; have cash and clear city Income property. w b2, Oregonian, WANT 3 to 10 acres brush land. Y". M. C. A., room t35, city. Farms Wanted. MR. FARMER! We are the largest farm dealers In the city of Portland. A peep at our ads or a trio to our otuce win convince you. Why not list your farm with us? If it Is a real bargain we can sell it Why live In hopes from others when we can get you immediate action? bend full particulars to WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Boardof Trade Bidg. . Wanted to Kent Farms. FARMERS. ATTENTION. I 'have three thorighly experienced farmers with cash money ready to buy stock and implements and pay cash for rent and Fall seeding, ir any. send me particulars and I will rent your farm without delay. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. MARRIED man without children wants to rent farm, furnished; long experience with engines, automobiles, cattle, sheep, horses large or small farming; would conside r partnership or foreman job. W. Robert Taylor, gen 1 del.. Portland. TO EXCHANGE KKAI, ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE. I have several good properties of merit which will ptand up under investigation and can match your property; it will pay you to call. W. R. KASER, 517 Corbett Bidg. Main B173. SALE or exchange, a nice bungalow of 4 rooms; woodshed, toolhouse. fruits and ber rlos : one block from carline; prefer to trade for acreage near Portland, not less than five acres. A B 702, Oregonian. WANTED 8-room modern house, good loca- t ion ; 2 lots, garage, clear, will exchange B-room modern bungalow, clear; also $-timo equity In 20 choice cultivated acres, half mile to car. Tabor 583. UN IM PROVED 40 near Oregon City; ex cellent soil; part easily cleared: consider able timber; unincumbered: even exchange for residence worth $3000. Owner, 14 1 East With st. N. 13 a ACRES near Vancouver and a lot on ii4tn and Haisey sts. ror liberty bonds of wax savings stamps, or what have you? ' A R 917. Oregonian. 40 ACRES, good unimproved land. 4 miles from Merlin, on county road; trade for Ford car or anything of Its value. Phone B 1S90. 506 E. Caruthers st. TWO modern bungalows, paved district. 90000; monthly rental 9-0; exchange 93450 equity, also vacant lots, for 95O0O equlp-p-d farm. Owner. 141 East 60th st. N. BEAR ING commercial orchard, 10 acres. near Spokane, to traae for house, liberty bonds, or what have you? Box 33, Tilla mook. Or. 2 BEACH lots at Necarney City, for potatoes or good hay. or what have you. Portland, or., II. A. hox 4m. 1(o ACRES on coast for Spokane property, S4.MIU. wanK. 01 1 nenry uidg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE a first-class cash business, will trade for residence in restricted district will assume. Y 793, Oregonian. WILL exchange new high-class phonograph for auto body work. Bush & Lane Piano Co.. Broadway at Alder. A NEW 1!!S Franklin auto to exchange for good work horses or mules. Address E. 1611 N. Rlverton, Spokane, Wash. I 945 LADY'S closed case watch for wrist watcn. Mam ei:u. FOR BALE. Honcn, Vehicles, Livestock. BIG TEAM, 2S00 lbs.; nice, gentle, fat. sound. short hair and sleek coated. An ideal team for anyone needing a good farm team or. In fact, any kind of a work team, as they are very gentle and true any place. We will give an Iron-clad guarantee and allow you a 10-day free trial; also sell very cheap. 402 Flanders st- GOOD, gentle, 1100-pound. 7-year-old horse. heavy single nam ess ana d -spring laun dry wagon, price complete. 9110; also three good single laundry wagons, price 925 ea.cn: single and double harness. Nobby Stable. 402 Flandera. FOUR extra good, young mules, well broke and gentle; also team 01 horses. L'00 lbs., well mated and only 5 years old. One black horse, weight 1000 lbs.; good chunk. Crown Stables. 2-S5 Front st. FARM team, weight 2400 pounds, ages 7 and 8. free workers ana souna. gentle tor any one to drive; heavy ball top breeching harness and gooseneck ex press wagon i n good order, all for 9165, 402 Flanders st. FOR SALE One dark bay Belgian stallion. weight 1000, nine years old, registered and guaranteed gooa ioai getter, van snow an fine colts end good disposition. Price 9500. Jess Cravens. Clatskanie, Or. DEAD stock got quickly. Get our prices for deau cows ana oown-ana-out norses. Phone MuwauKie 9-Jror results. TWO-HORSE covered delivery wagon, alum inum sides, almost .new; cost eisu, sen ior 9 100; bargain. C 708, Oregonian. TEAM, wagon and harness for sale; in good condition; weight 2400. T. Hahn, Boring, Or. MULE. 1500 lbs. no mate, fat and sound. will sell cheap or traae ior gooa mare or fat cows. 402 Flanders st. GOOD young cow, giving 3H gallons milk. with ll-weeKs-oid can oy side. crown Stables. 2S5 Front st. FOR SALE Light spring wagon cheap. Call at Singer sewing Aiacnine co., no Grand ave. or phone East 4940. FOR SALE or hire. 16 head of good horses. weighing from 1.00 to 1850. i'hone East 8827. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering co. Call Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quick; cash paid for cows ana crippled norses. 1 aoor 4J03. CHEAP horses at your price. Sunn v side Jcc :o. Stable, 102 ZftmhUl. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. ADMINISTRATRIX' AUCTION SALE fiM pa nnnrk' RANCH ABOUT 4 MILES EAST OF THE UNION STOCK. YARDS. on Column. a Rlvfr Take Columbia Blvo, ..to Mitchell Place and turn North on Cully road. TUESDAY, DEC 10. Sale to commence at 10:30 A C A TTf.K M. 11 Holstein cows, 15 Holstein heifers, 16 to 24 months old; Itf calves, 3 to 6 months old. Registered Holstein bull, 19 months old from Frakes' herd. One Grade Hol stein bull, 2 years old. Seven dry beef cows. HORSES. FIV15 GOOD WORK HORSES. HOGS One large stock hog, one registered Duroc Doar, iour xuroc Drooa. sows. Hay loader, nearly new : f arm wagoti, steel-tooth harrow, weeder, almost new manure spreader, 2-h. p. 'gasoline en gine and jack, dump wagon, mower, hay rake, 2-wheel horse cart, cream tester, 3 plows, double shovel, 2 cultivators, hay fork -and rope, hand clover seeder, wheel barrow, 14 milk cans, 4 buckets, cream separator, gasoline launch, row do at, grina stone, 2 feed cookers, 200 sacks, steel range, heater, incubator, 2 sets double harness, forks, shovels and a lot of small articles. ALSO MR. H. A. DRYER having rented his place will sell the fol lowing: Black horse, weight 1400; gray mare, weight I2o0. Heavy wagon witn box, hack, 2 tiets heavy work harness, 1 set single harness, saddle, plow, narrow 2 single cultivators, potato planter, potato digger, hay rake, small ensilage cutter ana gasoline engine, - wneel barrows, mi Ik cans, buckets and some household lurniture. Terms Sums under S20. cash: $20 and up, six months' time given on approved security. Sale rain or shine. Free lunch at noon. MRS. WARREN C. PADHOCK, Administratrix ; Col. W. S. Wood, auc tioneer. Vancouver, Wash. A. Myers, clerk, TEAM. 2300 lbs., work single or double, 985. learn, awo Jos., good workers. SLia. with good harness. Brown horse. 1300 lbs., for 950; team, 2100 lbs., round and work single or double, 975, will sell separate, your choice 940: several sets of harness, buggies and wagons of all kinds. Will sell on time or exchange for automobiles or cattle; everything guaranteed as repre sented. Phil Sueiter, Crown Stables. 2S5 Front st. HORSES for sale cheap or trade for auto mobile. Portland Auto Delivery Company. 27 N. Front st. Bdwy. 1730. WILL buy up to 20 head of Angora goats. Y. M. C. A., room 835, city. Pianos, Organs and Muaical Instruments. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BARGAIN IN TALKING MACHINES. Some of these Instruments are al most new, others are used instruments and two are slightly damaged. Several are only shop worn, due to our moving into our new store. WE WILL GIVE SIX RECORDS OR MORE WITH EACH INSTRUMENT PUR CHASED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. Regular 935, standard make .special at 9-3 Regular 95. cabinet type, standard make, special at 970 Regular '95, cabinet type, standard make, special at 975 One mahogany electric, regular $185, special at 9150 Two damaged instruments; price up to you; will consider reasonable offer. One cabinet typo Edison, regular 9150, special at $75 One cabinet type Edison disc, regular 9120, special at $90 TERMS AS LOW AS 95 MONTHLY. We do as we advertise. Bring this ad with you. BUSH LANE PIANO CO.. Bush & Lane Bldx.. Broadway at Alder. Vlctrolas. Sonoraa, Columbia and Records, 925 CASH buiH good. used. S125 parlor organ. ra,-m buys used 9.o Angeius flayer. 905 cash, small, used, 9275 upright piano. 975 cash, small, used. 930O upright piano. 9190 cash, used Kimball 9400 upright piano. 92j cash, used Crown 9-''0 upright piano. 9205 cash, new stored 9450 upright Piano. 9290 cash, new stored 9475 upright piano. 9.(95 cash, nearly new 9750 player piano. 94. cash, nearly new 90..0 player piano. Part cash, bonds and other securities ac cepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage i0c month. Phone Main 5323 SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 4th st. PLAYER PIANOS LESS THAN THE VALUK OF PIANO ALONE. Auto player, oak, 9333. Thompson (better than new) 9437.' Music bench included with each. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St 912.50 CASH sends new piano home, 912.50 next payday, then or 910 month arter January 15, constitutes our reduced Christ mas terms. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS. BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. 190 CASH bqys 9110 dull mahogany Kurtz man upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 Fourth Kt., at Wash ing ten at. BEAUTIFUL bungalow style, new, 9500 Kurtzman piano from owner, 9350. Tabor 906. FURNITURE of 3 rooms for sale; leaving town, must sell today. Call from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. BBS Alhina ave. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 325 4TH ST. WJLL give storage and some rental for use of good piano; best care assured. Wood lawn 4907. WILL exchange new high-class phonograph for auto body work. Bush & Lane Piano Co.. Broadway at Alder. S100 CASH or more paid for good. used, up right pianos by the Security Storage Co. Call Maui WJS. lWJ -tn st. 9400 LUDWIG piano, practically new for 9250. 1117 Minnesota ave. FINE Decker & Sons, piano worth 9550 will sacrifice for soo. first st. PIANOS tuned. 93. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. RENT a piano, no squares or thump boxes. Harold s. Gilbert. 34 lamnni st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S GILBERT. 084 Y'amhUI et. VIOLIN outfit with lessons. Kol Ken beck, 409 Yamhill. Flano. all string taught. Furniture for Sale. TO BE SACRIFICED. 92000 STOCK OF NEW BEAUTIFUL. HAND-WOVEN FLUFF RUGS FLUFF RUGS FLUFF BUGS FLUFF RUGS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ALL SIZES AND COLORS 9X12 FLUFF RUGS 8X10 FLUFF RUGS 7X1 FLUFF RUGS 5X7 FLUFF RUGS 4X7 FLUFF RUGS 3X0 FLUFF RUGS 30xOO-IN. FLUFF RUGS, ETC. SALK STARTS MONDAY AT 9 A. M. 391 EAST BURNSIDB ST. 391 EAST BURNSIDB ST. THEY WEAR LIKE IRON. HURRY IF YOU WANT RUGS. FOR SALE ONE STANDARD TYPEWRIT ING DESK AND L'HAIK, ONE STAND I Nf DESK AND CHAIR. ONE ROLL-TOP ui',sK; alii oa iv i-iiL.i.il. a. AirPLY 1117 1 h.O."N ULUU. WILTON ruga. 10 ft. fi in. bv ir. f i 9110; 9x12, 965: good used ranges from i; to ou. ivl rx. aieL, aeaier, 040 Wil liams ave. ivdsi o-tii. MAHOGANY settee, stand, oak commode. Binger sewing iiiui-nuie, cneap. H,ast 5077. FURNITURE for sale, reasonable. Call 69.' Rodney ave. ESTATE gas range and dresser, cheap. East 1D-H. LARGE and small rug. also inlaid linoleum. 647 E. llth st. N. Irvington car. FOR SALE Fine furnishings of 5-room flat or rent iurnisnea. central, yo 12th st. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. 45 NEW ZEALAND Red rabbits for 1 thoroughbreds; 92 up. Gil Gllsan t. ale. Poultry. FOR SALE Furniture of 3 rooms, com plete; Black Minorca chickens. 211 Has salo St., end of Montavllla- depot carline SACRIFICE laying hens; for sale on ac count of leaving city. 917 Schuyler st. East 2229. Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now; Immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Cp .reta.U defit,. 21 at. FOR BALE. Typewrliera. REBUILT typewriter and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth. AaL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typew riting Co., 14 A 5th. .Main 36H3 NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals st cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stiirk st. Main 1407. Launches and Boats. 5-ROOM houseboat and iUh witn woodshed and good walks and 20-foot launch with boathouse. A bargain. Third house below Northern Pacific lumber mill. FOR SALE Furnished 4-roomed modern houseboat. Mrs. Ueniers, moorage foot of Harney ave. Miscellaneous. HEADQUARTERS for toys. We retail toys st wholesale prices; also headq tjartrra for American and allied flags. Win. Greenberg, 100 2d st.( cor. 2d and Stark sts. ROOFING PAPER, ALL NEW. 7-piy .9 95 2- ply 1.20 3- pl 1.45 Nails and cement, 23c p'-r roll extra. Smooth surface no cheap landed stock. M. BARDK A SONS. INC., THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. PORTLAND'S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUH2, SEWING machines. nw and eecond-hsnd. sold for ene; no agents employed, com plete line of parts for all makes: machines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor Street I AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. 1 can solve your servant problem. wiy name Is the THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. You can learn all about me by telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co., wiring, electric repairing. Bdwy. ..oao. HAVE several thousand tons of good al falfa, hav for sale. Sill ner ton f . O. b, Shoshone. Idaho; freight-rate to Portland 9.90 per ton. Percy Goslett, Shoshone. Idaho. FOR SALE Pur chicken manure, beat fer tilizer In the wrrld; 50c per 100 lbs; 5i.au per ton. The savlnar Co., inc., iuu r ron St. Marshall A 2-152. PHYSICIAN library. Instruments, office fur niture for sale. Splendid established down town location. W ill sell separately. 057, Oregonian. HOT water tanks, all sizes. In good service able condition. 30-gal.. ST: 40-gal.. XH. -l Adams st., east end steel bridge. Phone E. S3 16. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phono orders aeiiverea promptly. Portland Koe Nursery. Manor 01 ho. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase, 1 14 1st st., corner Yamhill. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wal leases, fixtures: easy terma. W. J. Quigley. 227 First. Main 5399. ONE high-grade saddle and outfit, bargain can or phone ira cooper, win ana 13 urn side. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO., tailoring for sale in Portland at 40H E. Morrison. Turn in your old, worn atjlt S00 FEET of rhch pipe, made Into steam colls: best or condition: Jao return oenaa at your own price. Miller. E 2055. POTATOES. 2 cents a pound. Choice Bur banks, clean, smooth, keepers, orders 01 5 yacks delivered. I'hone Kant 3840. WHISKY kexs and barrels for sale; no couti try orders. Panama Cooperage Co., 22S Front. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cara Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. 3 WOOLEN dresses and 2 skirts. 2 dresses, size 12. 1 dress and 2 skirts, size 42. Woodlawn 5:su. FERTILIZER. Best rotted cow and horse manure, big truck loads delivered. East 538. EMBLEM bicycle, 91: man's evening dress suit and Prince Albert; kitchen table, 92. East 2229. 917 Schuyler st. LARGE quantity good hog feed for sale; excellent-Winter pasture for rent. Frank L. Smith, 228 Alder St. fDAYTON bicycle. electric lights, cushion saddle, Vltalic tires, puinp anu neii; Itrat clats condition. R 220. Oregonian. SEVERAL good second-hana safes at the right price. 40 r rout si. uroaaway mop. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 85S2. WOMAN'S diamond ring, cost 975, for 945; new Prince Albert coat. AV 29, Oregonian. TODD protcctograph check writer; like new. 920. D 775, Oregonian. ONE .303 Savage rifle in perfect order, 921. 221 12th st. FOR SALE 400,000 feet No. 1 fir logs In tidewater. Jess Cravens. Clatskanie, Or. FOR SALE One gentleman's large-sized fur-lined coat at a bargain. Tabor 8030. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OPPORTUNITY until Dec. 12 to buy brand new Nash sedan car at a saving of 9000 over new price, from Army officer going East. Car has been run only about 800 miles, just enough to take stifness out of motor. Beautiful closed car for Winter ue, convert'ble into open -car for Sum mer. Exceptionally comfortable and good looking. Phone Capt. Brown, Marshall 005. STOP! ! ! ! This is the car you have been looking for. J am In need of nvmey and offer my late model Oakland recently overhauled and painted, shock absorbers, good tires: will sacrifice for 9725; don't overlook this. Ask for Mr. Dillar. of Robinson & Smith's Garage, 0th and Mad ison sts. 525 Alder St. LATE model Chevrolet, 5-pass. ; a fine little 'car for business or pleasifre; newly painted and ready for use. Car would readily pass for new. Price 9395. Liberal terms. A-l AUTO WORKS &. PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. FIRST-CLASS eectrical and mechanical re pairing on Rdtomomies, iraciors ana gaso line motors: absolutely no guesswork. E. J. Morin, 945 Gantenbein ave. Woodlawn 1340. CARS WANTED Bring your, car to the Al Auto Wcrki & Fainting 00. ior quicK snie. We are sold out of light small cars. We will advance you money any time on your car or buy it tor cat 11. tan ana see ua 521 Aldr st. 1P18 FORD SEDAN 9095. My 1918 5-pass. Ford closed car. In ex xanHnnniiv cood mechanical condition. irnod tires, for 9095; 9375 cash, balance terms. Tabor 7130. CONSOLIDATED Wet Wash Laundry, 1256 Haisey st. Menominee 1-ton truck, with panel body, for sale or trade for late monei r oru. , ANYONE thinking of buying a good car will do well to see my almost new Liberty, chummy roadster at Mt. Tabor Garage. 49th and Hawthorne. TRUCKS for sale from 2 to 5 ton. We fur nish you with a good contract and good truck on easy payments. Call or write White at 522 Aider. Bdwy. 2492. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE 1915 cadiiiac, first-class me chanical condition; new top, full equip ment of cord tires; used In private fam ily AL 778, Oregonian. . FOR SALE Good 1910 Ford car for 9275. Will taKe laiKiiiK niacin iic anu records up to 9100. Inquire evenings at 6S5 Hulg street. FOR SALE CHEAP 5-passenger 1917 Max well touring car, o goou iires, z extra tubes, first-class condition. 3321 54th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 907. TRUCK contracts for 2 to 5-ton trucks. Call or write wnite at Aider, uawy. 2492. HUDSON 1917 Super-Six; looks and runs like new. ine oiKgesw uuy in i-ortiana ; 9400 to 9500 under value. 9th and Couch. 1915 MODEL baxon roadster, in Al condi tion, win sen ciieu-p. wwncr leaving city. Crown Stables. 285 Front st. 5-PASSENGER Mitchell, fine condition, at 9275. Fhone cawy. 03, room bunday or evenings. FORD, 5-pasBenger, perfect condition ; looks like new; goou tires, bo me eirua; 10. E 156, Oregonian. RUBBER MATS, brand new, 91.50 each, for your automooiio. auiu xveconairucuon Co., 3d and Giisan. PACKARD 4-ton truck for sale. Burger's wood camp, Linnton. R. 2, box 113. FOUR-PASSENGER Chalmers 30. good con dition, Sduuu ior quicn. na-ic main FOR SALE 1917 Grant Six, Al condition; 9700 cash. raoor ijo. USED CARS The street is full. Give them the once over. tn anu .oucn. 9250 CASH for light 5-pass. car; no Junk. w rue i v . v ... 1 . $30,000 WORTH OF USED CARS. STAI GER S Lj A tt -vvj o, win 1L COUCH. 1918 FORD for sale cheap; lots of extras. Tabor 1027. 1916 FORD, from owner, fully equipped, only 9325. 11SI E. Lincoln, near 39th. SLIGHTLY' used tires. 93 to 915 each, vul- canized ic; tire repairing, -u. .Madison, LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. STAlliH.it a UAJtAuc, ui it a.nu COUCH. USED CARS The street Is full. Give them the once over, win ana couch. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WE all know that the best possible values for the money are obtainable where the ' firm representing same have a moderate overhead expense.. While our location is not on Broadway. It is but a few m ments walk from the main automobile section. We positively know that there are no such vakjes in used cars and trucks In the city aa we have to offer. We have standard makes of trucks from one to three tons capacity, overhauled and In condition for any kind of hauling at prices ranging from 9050 to 91700, In touring cars we have some of th very latest models, practically every stand srd make and In good condition, at prices ranging from 9300 to 91700. Satisfactory re mm irlvan nn all .iUa D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANY. b8 North 23d L Phone Main 70. BUICKS. BUICKS. BUTCKS. 1917 touring car. new paint, engine like new; will sell this car ut a very low price. Also Bulek 1917 roadster, new non-skid tires all aroun-J and one extra.' This car has been used so slightly would read Iiy ps.3S for new. Priced to sell quick. See this for a genuine bargain. Buick, 4-cyl.. 25, 5-pabs., new lop. new piUit. fine rubber and ono extra tire and all ready to go. 9.VJ5. Thin Is the best buy in Portland. We will make liberal terms on any of the above cars. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Ald r St. 20 PER CENT OFF. Brand-new auto tires, nil size?, srd make; guaranteed 350o miles, these over, and save money. stu nd- Look CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER Scuoud floor. S. W. Corner 15th aird Wa.-h. Entrance 127 Lownsdale St. ONE brand new 1018 model, 5-pasaenger touring car, driven leaf than 10OO miles, . all new tires and one extra non-skid. Cs In perfect condition. A demonstration r performance and appearance will be the ir is j most convincing factor that this car uargain at tne price. One la to model Marmon ronrlicter In nnt . feet condition; all new tires. Price rea sonable. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 08 N. 23d St. Main 780. WOODSTOCK GARAGE, 47th st. and Woodstock ave. Ford expert, day and night service tar. General auto repairing, . accessories, storage. Labor charge Jl per hour. FOR SALE. Willys-Knight truck. 1 ton 1914 Ford touring car 1913 Hupmobile 9423 :;nn . , 95oo All in good running order. FILLING STATION. SELLWOOD 333.1. roKU, late 1917: all new high-grade tires, over-size on rear, one extra tire; best 01 condition, used as private car; demount able rims, extra rims, tire carrier, Hasslcr shock absorbers, Hoi ley distillate burner, gives 30 ml. to gallon, headlight tnletixi 1 ier. Weed chains, complete act of tool.-, loo gals, of distillate, 5 gal. oil, all fr 9550. See Mr. .Miller, 530 E. Stark, Tues day. FORDS. . FORDfi. FORDS. 1 91 S r ord touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 3017 Ford touring. 1 ti 1 0 Ford road si er. 191 S Ford delivery. 1917 Fond delivery express. These cars are like new. Terms. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13t.li and Hawthorne ave. 50 USED CARS TO PICK FROM STAIGER GARAGE. 0TH, COUCH. Automobiles Wanted. LONG A- SILVA. Auto wreckers. We Wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will dupllcatu them. Autos bought, regurdles of condi ftan. Phone East K840. 402 Hawthorne ave. A CAR Will trade 100 acres unimproved and unincumbered in South Central Wash ington, Goldendalo dlclrict. Tor a good car; must be In first-dill's condition. Telephone East 5301. AUTO WANTED. I want an auto, 1917 or 1918. In At condition, and will give corporation stock for same; prefer 5-passenger car. H 739, Oregonian. 37 ACRES, Hll cle.ir, to trade for equity in auto. Call at 114 iHt St., cor. Wash. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. BROADWAY AND COUCH. L. E. OB YE. jI'OT cah for your Fords. Francis Motor Co., 13th and Hawthorne. WANTED Roaster body for large car. 20 E. th st. N. Motorcycle. FOR SALE Hariey and side car, 9225. Sunday, 540 East Stark Ft. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIKE COUCHMAN SULLIVAN. MAR. 232 10TH AN D YAMHILL. A 1250 A U TOS WITHOUT D R I V K RS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garag'1. SO 10th st. Bnmd wHy 810. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLlSA.N STS. A 2029. BROADWAY 2029. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling shipping, highway. Broadway 3547. WA NTED MISCELLA NEOU8. 97.50 AND UP 97.60 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the hlgheat price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere In the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 or 229 Madison Mt. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gen In' cast-off clothing. Highest cash prlcu paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, MarMhull 3225 or 201 MadUon at. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's huits. drewes, etc. New buyer. Try me before you call othcrn. I'hone Broadway J13-. .4.1 Hurnalde. 1000 USEFUL ARTICLES TO TltADlT SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 128 First, near Alder. Main H')5. 9100 CASH or more paid for upright pianos not too old by Security Sturagi Co.. 109 Fourth su Call Main 5323. OVER the top; 97.60 up spot cush for ecc-ond-haud suits, overcoats, old shoes. Main 73s. ; WANTED Cash register, show cases, safes and other store fixtures. 174 First si., Main 41J34. 1 WISH to purchase a 22-rlfle and a child's tricycle. Telephone Main 880, giving pai ticula rs. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, 85 3d- WANTED 125 small cedar trees. See Mr. Campbell, Multnomah Hotel. t MERCHANDISE wanted of we pay spot cash. AV 29. all description; Oregoniuit. LADIES' second-hand suits, 30-38, privalo party. i bin, oregonian. WE will buy yo-r old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon typewriter 00., wt Finn. JUNK., rags, sacks, metals, old clothing, old tools : good prices. East 21'4. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 1S5 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAlD FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses, office furniture, furniture stocks: nothing too big or too small for ua. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5981. A 3224. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICKS EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 809. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There Is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURB CO., 221-3-5 Front St., cor. Salmon. WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marshall 2093. FURNISHING APARTMENT HOUSE. WANTS RUGS AND OTHER FURNI TURE. 128 1st st. Main 4495. Tabor 78. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready caah, P-ioue today, Ua 47 9C 20. JtOrat U