Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Proclamation Prepared Before
Chief Executive Sailed.
Americans Called Cpon to ProTC to
World Thai Nation's Indif
ference I Cone.
WASHINGTON. Iec. I. President
Vilson. In m proclamation mad publlo
today, calls en every American to Join
tha American Red Crosa ourinr Christ
mas rollcall week. December It to C2,
"and thus aend forth to the whole
human family tbe Christmaa greeting
- fur which It waits and for which It
lands In rreatest need." The procla
mation, prepared before the President
departed for Kurope. follows:
"To the American people
-One year ago 22.OU0.000 Americans,
by enrolling as members of she Jied
Cross at Christmas time, sent to the
men who were fighting our battles
overseas a stimulating message of
cheer and good will. They made I
clear that our people were of thei
own Xree choice united with their Gov
ernment in tbe determination not onl
to wage war with the Instrumenta of
destruction, but also by every means
in their power to repair the ravages
of the invader and sustain ana renew
tbe spirit of the Army and of the homes
which they represented.
"The friends of the American Red
Cross In Italy, Belgium and France
have told and will tell again the story
of how the Red Cross workers restored
morale In the hospitals. In the camps
and at tbe cantonments, and we ough
to be very proud that we have been
permitted to be of service to those
whose sufferings and wnoae glory are
the heritage of humanity.
Now. by God'a grace, the Red Crbss
Christmas message of 1918 is to be a
messsge of peace, aa well as message
of good wlIL But peace doea not mean
that we can fold our hands. It means
further sacrifice. We must prove con
clusively to an attentive world that
America Is permanently aroused to the
needs of the new era, our old indiffer
ence cone forever.
-The exact nature of the future serv
ice of the Red Cross will depend upon
the Droirramme of the associated gov
ernments. but there is Immediate need
today for every heartening word and
for every helpful service. We must not
forget that our soldiers and our sailors
are still under orders ana sun "
duties to perform of the highest con
..mnr. and that the Red Cross Christ
mas membership means a great deal
to them. The people of the saddened
land, moreover, returning nome louaj
where there are no homes, must have
the assurance that the hearts of our
people are with them In trie oam ana
doubtful days ahead. Let us, so far as
we can. help them back to faith to
mercv and In future Happiness.
-As president of the Red Cross, con
scious in this great hour of the value
of such a message from the American
people. I should be glad II every Ameri
can would Join the Red Cross for 1!19.
nrf thus aend forth to the whole human the Christmas greeting for
which It waits and for which it stands
In greatest need. isignedl
licntion of Name In Connection With
German Propaganda Is Hot-
ly Itescntcd.
NEW TORK. Dec S. Samuel Unter
Tnyer. who is mentioned by A. Bruce
Bielaski. of the Department of Justice.
In testimony before the Senate commit
tee Investigating Herman propaganda
in this country, sent a telegram to
night to Senator Overman, chairman of
the committee, saying he would be In
Washington Tuesday and asking per
mission to appear aa a witness then
or at a later date, or be permitted to
submit a statement for the committee
-I request that meantime," the mes
sage aaid. "there be noted my respect
ful protest against the use of your
records aa a medium for publicly pil
lorying and misrepresenting loyal and
public-spirited eitisens for having In
ISIS joined a movement Dy.tne autnori
ties for furnishing milk to starving
German babies."
"I did not know of the circum
stances." the telegram continued, "but
It now appears that in 11 Mrs. L'nter
mjer committed tile heinous crime of
not only permitting but of actually
abetting a meeting at her home to devise
ways and means of urging upon our
Stale and Tontofflce departments that
they secure the consent of Great Bri
tain to the lifting of its blockade in
sofar as to permit dried milk to be sent
to the starving babies or Germany."
June Scott Held by Officers for Fed
eral Investigation.
June Scott, an 18-year-old girl, was
arrested last night In the Laurel Hotel,
Second and Yamhill strets, and held for
Investigation. N. L. Kane, a soldier.
whom the police declare was badly
beaten, was turned over to the Military
Jobn S. Wilson, who the police say
was In the room at the time the soldier
was mauled, was taken into custody
later at faixth and Washington streets
nd held for Government Investigation.
The police say a white-slave charge
may be filed.
The officers reported that a girl and
a man. who gave his name as Kdward
Sims, registered at the hotel from Rose-
burg, Or. She told the officers, they
say. that her companion escaped be
fore the arrival of the police, after the
soldier had been struck over tbe head.
The officers brought to the station
some alleged dope which they say the
pair tried to Induce the soldier to drink.
The soldier received treatment at the
emergency hospital.
Doll Sale Opens Tuesday.
A sale of dressed dells will be held
by the Portland women of the Ameri
can Committee for Devastated Prance
at Meier ec Prank's store, near the Alder-street
entrance. Tuesday. Wednes
day and Thursday. The proceeds will be
turned Into the American fund for
Prench refugee work. The dolls are
American made, with some Importa
tions from Prance. All have been beau,
ti fully dressed by the Portland women.
Mrs. J. D. Parrel). Mrs. W. B. Mackay
and Mrs. K- 1L MoColllster will have
charge of the eale.
Read Tbe Oregonian classified ads.
(Continued from Pace 10.)
Hlnni. Stewart (Cpl.). Linden. Tens.
Iron. Paul 3ct-. Chattanoosa, Teas.
Farmer. William E., fcprlngfislJ. Tana.
Blackburn, Waldnn K., Bellbuekl. Team.
Usee. Turner. Chattanooga, Teas.
Tata, Thomas P.. Oeoee. Ta.
Marler. Allen If.. lay ton. Teas.
Chaanay. Hear" T. KnoxvlUe. Teas.
Pharp. John T-. LaXoltatta. Tenn.
Rutland. Aubrar, Fort Henry. Team,
Dunn, Willlaia K.. Knorvtlle, Tana.
Atkins, Carter, Indian .Mound. Tina,
Kiarnes. K. M., Kmtervllla. Tens.
Cor, Carlos. Byrcatown. Tenn.
Smith, leather A Morrlatown. Tenn.
ShackleXnrd, Brant I., burhaaon. Team,
Martin. Krad, FayattravUle. Tenn.
Uodfrev. Aubrey I'., Memphis. Toss,
Hale. Undaey C. Crump. Tenn. ,
(Irlffin. Kaymond 8.. Fostelle. Tenn.
Brewinston. Herman. Anderson. Teas.
Baltimore. W. T . Manchester, Tenn.
Wanton, W. J., Tharpe. Tenn.
llama, B. W., Hohenwal Teas
Sexton. B. K. Cortland, Tens.
I'rlre. J. II., Rdwlu. Tenn.
Deatherase. P. T.. Cro. villa. Tenn.
Wolf-nbrraer. Rupert, Marnard villa. Tea.
Straws, Earl C. Adamsvllla. Tenn,
Yeary. Jacob C. Harroeata. Tenn.
Bledsoe. Rlrhard. 8urseonavllla. Tens,
Oaks. Toaale G.. Hhell Creek. Tana.
Mllllsaa. John, Burlington. Tenn,
Johnson, Robert . Springfield. Tea a.
Croaton. Edward, Mulberry. Tens,
Crocker. Jobn T, Cbraphtl. Tana.
Wilson, Sol, Carter. Tens.
Vance. John, tiisnal Mountain, Tana.
Owens, u. D Whita Pine. Tenn.
West. Slllas. Oneida, Tenn.
Knapper, Craest C. Belvldere, Tens.
Killed hi Art eon
Bell. Uuseae -'. LC). Wice, Tax.
Rutta. Owen B. (Sat.). Adamsvllle. Tax.
Barr. Clarence W. tSsl). Aqullla. Tex.
Lancaster. Daniel E. CpL). Lylle. Tex.
Wrav, Pleasant L. CCpl.). Grandvlew, Tex.
Rooks. John W.. (Cpl.). Paris. Tex.
Vowler. Charles C. (CdL). Kemp, Tax.
Pranum. Krtia S. (Cpl.). Wlnnesboro, Tex.
Aldrrete. Leopolds. Carnitine. Texas.
Bearden, John Arthur, Allron. Texas.
Bourne. William A.. Merkle. Texas.
Keuibers. Otao. Las-range. Texas.
Arnold. Cyras !.. Ireland. Texas.
Chance. Clyde, Center. Texas.
Lackey, ttobert U. Ovale, Texas.
Ortexon. Jose. San Antonio. Texas.
Canst her. Deuflas. Hunts-villa. Texas.
Wlilouxbby, R. K, Dallas. Tex.
allsalsc art low
Ftarace, Charles Cpl.. Brackartrllla, Texas.
Walsh, M. j. (Cpl.). Fort wort a. xexaa.
Kowler, Huxb, Knnia, Texas.
Kelley. J. A, Wylle. Texas.
Blexom. Rufus B, Corpus Christ!. Telia
1'uuslass. a. R.. Marietta, Texas.
Itowney. Jeaaa, May Pearl, Texas.
Benton. Kiley. Manning;. Tex.
Pond. I. R. a. A.. Craft. Tex.
Bchole. D. II.. Dallas. Tex.
Horn, J. L., Magnolia Springs, Tax.
Died ef wound
Armstrong. N. B. ILL). Center. Tex.
Moore, Shelton (Set-). Sweet Home, Tex.
Brown. Griffin E. (SsL), Granger, Tex.
Hoilbaueh. Burton G Joshua, Tex.
I'lbrlch. Gua A.. Taylor. Tex.
Moreley. Russell. Walnut Springs. Tex.
Caldwell. Luther P Thalia. Tax.
rielda, William IU, Butharland. Tex.
Died In airplane accident
Faulk. William, Brownsville, Tax.
Died of disease
Warnell. Henry. Graybura;. exas.
Blascbke. William John, wansg. Tax.
Daniel. Young F., Murray, Tex.
tchur, Paul. Vernon. Tex.
Oliver. James. Uhlro, Tex.
Lawrence, Buriis A.. Lurmn. -rex.
Hohlaus. Lawrence M , Higgins, lex.
Petersn. Hugh K., Crew, Tax.
lirown. Willie M . Yoakum. Tex.
Green, BUI. Jacksboro, Tex.
Leach. William. Speedwell, Tex.
Devlne. Thomas J. LL). Ban Aateaie. Tax.
Klrkpatrlck. Kufus r . (bgt. ). ADiiene. Tex,
Kreeie. James 8. (filt.l. Wlllspolnt. Tex,
Fowler, Carl U (Sgt.). McGregor. Tax.
Dunawar. Alva R. (tfgt.l. Llano, Tex.
I'aveaec, Claude K., Besnay. Tex.
Bates, Lloya. Texarkaoa, Tex.
Latimer, Joe T.. Clarksvllle. Tex.
fhlrley, Charles A,. Goodtlch, Tex.
Evsns. Robert J.. Ooldwalta, Tex.
Ladd. Cussle I, ratlonvuia. Tea.
Uostick. Nugent R-. Marahall, Tex.
Bishop. George B., Vivian, Tex.
Frsnx. Lee II.. Paige. Tex.
Burton. Ru'us A.. Merkel. Tex.
Met'acklll. Lroest M.. Hachhelm, Tex.
t-harp, Marvin C. Huckay. Tex.
Wren. William H.. Honey Grove. Tsx.
Wood lei. Kdgar II.. Kreeport. Tex.
Jordan. Cisy, Carthage. Texaa
Tantraore. Carl. Alvarado. Texaa
Herklotx. Charlea. Coleman. Texas.
Parkor. Arthur. Goldthwalte, Texas.
Phillips, R. L.. Ienlson, Texas.
Bowen. F. M.. Wlnconi. Texas.
Taylor. Arrhlloua C. Bonham, Tax.
nurgeon, Henry O. R., Marietta, Tex.
Mitchell. John w Dallas, Tax.
Carroll. Arthur S., Wlllspolnt. Tex.
McClaln. John II.. Grandvlew, Tex.
bambers, Ben. Cedar Hill. Tex.
hermsn. Ernest L. Maydell, Tex.
Boxard. Chaa F., Clarendon, Tex.
Vryp. John G.. Abilene, lex.
SDeara. Rex. W.. Alvin. Tex.
Foster, PIUHP, Weatherford, Tex.
Ntx. John It.. Marlla, Tex.
Pislngcr. Michael G.. Corpus cnrlsue, tsx.
Beard. James A.. Broaddus. Tex.
Beine, Wesley A., Leavenworth. Tex.
arney. Clarence B.. cnuton. Tex.
Gibson, Ramus M.. Flint. Tex.
Martin, LrfUl -je.npie. i c.
Marks, Clifford C, Voth, Tex.
PortJi-, Martin L, Carthage, Tex.
Itlark. W. G.. Drtrtwoou. Tex.
Hlanken.ihlp. A. ti. Timpson, Tex.
ablonski. Tone. Kyle, Tex.
Bailey. W. L-. Athens, Tex.
ones. Jeeae rJ., ri. wonn, Texaa.
Hwalls. Thomas J., Han HM. lexas.
Webb. James Overton. Texas.
Martinez. Felipe, Bracaettvme. i exas.
Penn. Sidney C Cedar Hill. Texas.
Bolls. William II., lianas, Texas.
Herklotx, Albert. Coleman. Tex.
Hlpoleta, Jaao. Candllsb, Tex.
Johnson. James F.. rlt. Austin. Tex.
Tarn, Frank J., Torktown. Tex.
Thompson. Oeorre W.. Wlnnsboro, Tex.
Jones, John J.. Brownwood, Tex.
nilfy, J. T.. Astell. Tex.
Rude. Joseph. Dallas. Tex.
Peters, K. B-. Houston. Tex.
it An.
Missing In artloa
Alsop. J. I. Cpl.), Sandy. Utah.
Cole. Virgil. Halt Lake City. Utah.
lil agon, Constantine, Salt Lake, Utah.
rt4 at wound"
lloett, Amos. Vernal, Utah,
Iied of disease
Hunt. Thomas, Munroe, Utah.
Weandes aeeeeelr
Fish. Lynwood L. tCpl.), Newton. Utah.
Brand. George Adamson. Sandy, Utah.
Sorenson, H. M.. Salt ljke City. Ulan,
Johnson. Kdwin. Benjamin. Utah.
Belllston. Alva R. Nephl. Utah.
Anderson. V. B., Murray City. Utah.
Mendel, Fred A . bait Lake City. Utah.
Dansle. Robert B.. Rlvertoo. Utah.
Winters, M'ton, Hoytaville, Utah.
Killed In action
Fredelte. W. J., West Rutland, VU
Died of wounds
Prime. Dean W.. Bristol, VL
Died r disesuis
Tucker. Ernest C, West Pawlet, M.
Springer, Isaac North Hartland, VL
1 aiiml-,1 evareiv-
Tearhout, Wm. T. ILL), Kssex June VL
Iidd. George D. (r!gt.. St. Johnxbury, Vt,
DeBona, James, Northfleld. Vt,
Priest, Fred L-, Waterford, Vt.
Drown, tl. K., Montpeller, VL
Bottaro, John, Barry, VL
Zexa, Stanley. Denver. VL
Krlschker, Frank J.. Burlingtoa, Vt
TetL Allen, Burlington. VL
Nourse, JvenneUi, Rutland, VL
skilled In art lei
Turner. Samuel il (Sgt.). Falls Mills, Va.
O'Connell. Walter 11. (CpL). Petersburg, Va
Perrow, Robert L. Cpl. , Ruatburg, Va.
Wood, Russell H-. Broadway, Va.
Luck ham. John J . Downing. Va,
Brooke. Leo ii . Norfolk, Va.
Kates, J. W., Charlottsville, Va.
Perkups. C. L-, lllchmond, Va.
Buchanan. L. A., Doswell, Va.
Rudy. G. IS.. Spring Valley, Va.
Mlsalng ia action
Bouling, Charles, Charlottsville, Va.
ied of sveuads
fUyler, pierce S., Nlckelsvllle, Va.
Fletcher Brnest A.. Nlckelsvllle, Vs.
Died of accident
Moss. Watkiua A. (CpL), Saxa, Va.
tiled of disease
Gregga. Wllham. Dry Fork. Va.
Bohannon. v alter V. Richmond. Va,
rratrcsa, Charles E.. Cascade. Vs.
Nlckena John B.. Lancaster, Vs.
Knelt. Fred. Walftown. Va.
Dew, Alner B,, Iron Gate, Vs.
V onaded aeverel
Peaaexy. Carter A. (Sgt.). Richmond. Va
sts. Raymond H. (Sgt.). Witbvllle, Va.
.Meadows. C. F. (Sgt ). Clifton Forge, Vs.
Metis. Charles R. (Pgt ). Roanoke, Vs.
Tait. George V, Fairfax. Va.
Helskell. Frank I'., Compton. Va.
West. William. Richmond. Va.
Moore, Georga H., Petersburg, Va.
Jenkins, W. I., Pecahontaa, Va,
Cooper, Nealy VL, Lovettaville. Va.
Brady, William, Hampton, Vs.
Pllipatrlek. George VIncenL Norfolk. Va
Craddock, Graver Henry. Khittlee Depot, Vs.
uianaenoacaer, vv. ii., oeveo aula ore. Va.
Kigby. Howard. Atklna. Va.
Car. -oil. Harry C., Workfield, Va,
Pllkenton, Bamaal, Wilder, Va.
Palmore, Garland V'., Treaheld. Ta
aiaxweii. Alma 8., Fampiin, va.
Rill. Charles, Whlteville. Va.
Caasell. Bamuel. Nlckel.-Tllle, Va.
Brinkley, William M., Richmond, Vs.
Boyd. John H., Vlrvilin. Va.
Cunningham, Leslie, Creaton. Va.
Sutton. R. A.. Alexandria, Va,
Rosa. R. C, Grant. Va.
Henderson. A. O.. Troutville, Va.
Hart, R. W.. Graham. Va
Marahali. Leady K-. Dunxansoa. Va.
Wlmmer, Arthur, Falls Mill. Vs.
Slid ham, Clarence V., Norton, Va. '
Mccormick. Olln M., Hlk Creek, Va,
Hopkins. Maxwell, Petersburg, Va.
Home, Albert W.. Mmitbfleld, Va.
Franklin. Mercer W.. Fredericksburg, Vs.
Crump, ftussell P., Holdcroft, Va,
Wright, Robert W.. Comers Rock, Va,
Mnntleth, Samuel. Fredericks, Va.
Trader, O. J., Haekaneck. Va.
Roach. Raymond, Richmond, Vs.
PraggastiK, J. K., Brighani. Vs.
Lsy, C. M., Nlckelsvllle. Va,
Killed In settee '
Thompson. Fred R, CpD, Dunbar. W. a.
MoMlillon. Asa L, K.ty. W. Va,
Liveaay. Earl, Frankford, W. Va.
belvey, Q. D.. Divide, W. Vs.
Burke, A. L., Montana Mines. W. Vs.
Kaaser. J. C, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Mlsalag la action
Woods, R. A.. Jennings. tV. Va,
Galliano, Antonio. MeComas. W. Va,
Blklns, W. R.. Willlamimn. W. Va.
Cartright, C. IS., Monningten. W, Vs.
Dial, Anson, Martha. W. Va.
Baker, Garrett, Rawl, W. Va.
Dlawl mf wonada
Johnson. Charlie Cpt., Whites Creek. W. Vs.
Gum D. Rasa .. Sincerity. W. Va.
Shamblln. Wm.. Haywood. W. Va.
Brown. Earl Willis. Thornton, w. va.
Died of disease-
Link. William H. Sgt.). Dufflelds, W. Va.
Lavender. Roy. St. Albans, W. Va.
Mats, George if., roburn, w. va.
French. Mick. Alpena. W. Va.
Cox. Athol H. tLD. Wythevllle, W. Va.v
Fahay, Wm. T. Sgt.). Grafton. W. Va.
Kettannan. Randall G., h-lklna. w. v a.
Thomas. David A.. Manington. W. Va.
Shuck. Edgar N., Plttman, . W. Va.
Dix. Rueaell B., Modesttown. W. Va.
HaJl. Harry F., WendeL W. Va.
Meadows. Joe. Lego. W. Vs.
Doyle, al.. Parkersburg. W. Vs.
Cole, Roy M., Terryaller. w. Vs.
Welsner. Floyd Henry. Clarksburg. W. Ve,
Walters. Cyril S., Gary. W. Va.
Poling. Fred. Bellngton. W. Va.
Maynor, Wllbert. Maynor. W. Va.
Bitner, Raleigh W., Rldgeway, W. Ve.
Scalise, Salvatore, Williamson, W. Va.
Tsung, Joseph W., West Columbia, W. Va.
May. Mason Mofflt. Watoga, W. Va.
Welgle. Dorr H, Elizabeth. W. Va.
Mitchell. Ray. Bluefield. W. Vs.
Cook. Elbert R., Amma, W. Va.
Chapman. Major A.. Boyd. W. Vs.
Terry, Nathaniel, Hardy, W. Va.
West, Robert. Granuvtlle, W. Va.
Swann, C. C, Barboursvllle, W. Vs.
Killed In action
WrighL Elmer V. (Cpl.), Whitewater. Wis.
Aho. Erlck J. CpL), Iron BelL Wis.
Suding. Joseph A., Clayton. Wis.
Lauersdorf, Fred C Glllett, Win.
Bund, Wilhelm F.. Friendship. Wis.
Beyer. Andrew. 'Milwaukee, Wis.
Bearhart, Henry. Hertel, Wis.
Bates. H. P... Darlington, Wis.
Inralls. Thomas. ElmhursL Wis.
Leslie, F. C, Oconomowoc, Wis.
lltsslnr la action
Rchultx. J. H., Salm. Wis.
Rose, H. M.. Wausau. Wis.
IhlenfeldL P. F.. Kewanne. Wis.
Brooks, G. W., Junction, wis.
Byers, R, F., Oxford, Wis.
PinraueL Frank. Green Bay, Wis.
Gannon, T. tl, Greenleaf, Wis.
Fisher, Charles, Seymour, Wis.
f)lf nf wonllth-.
Knaaek. A. W. E. (Sgt.). Milwaukee, Wla.
Schlelx, Henry Cpl.). Fenwood, Wis.
Podlaslnikl. Frank. Milwaukee, wis.
D'ed of disease
Dann, George Beloit, Wis.
Bevar, George N.. Osseo, wis.
BollnL Joseph. Richland Center, Wis.
Bedermann, Antonio F.. Milwaukee. Wis.
Adams. Frank, Jr., Stevenspoint, Wis.
Sixer. Daniel S.. Sprlngbrook, Wis.
Snward, Richard G., Netawosa, is.
Sprosty, Wenele J., Eastman, Wla
Romme. Thomas O., Eau Claire, Wla
Woanded severely
Pelton, Harold P. (Capt ), Janesvllle, Wla
Koth. Frank (Cpl.). Milwaukee, Wla .
Rnelmr. Richard tCrjl ). Berlin. Wla
Wilke, Edward A. (Cpl.), Milwaukee, Wis. -J
Kleppe, Adoipn, superior, wis.
Kort. William. Miawano, wis.
Remlker, Frank W., Milwaukee, Wla
Gray. Clarence W.. Milwaukee. Wis.
Kuehneman, Alfonso W., Watertown, Wis.
Lunde. Ira, Stoughton, Wis.
Wood beck. A. F, Cable, Wis.
Sohlellng. E. A., Horicon, Wla
Vandenboom. Anton. Kimherly. Wis.
Gruber, Joseph, Marehfield. Wis.
Mils, Ignacy. Milwaukee, Wis.
Metsner, Julius Herman. Shawabe, Wis.
Jakubowskl, Jobn, Milwaukee. Wis.
Heldt. John A., Palmyra, Wis.
Frledland. Samuel, Madison, Wla
Carley. Dennis J.. Junea, Wla
Butler. A- L.. Greaham. Wis.
Johnson. T. K.. Superior. Wis.
Frohmander. Edwin C, Port Atkrnsoa. Wis.
Zaatrov, Walter. Milwaukee, Wis.
DavlKnn, Wallace B.. Turtle Lake. Wis.
Mucoid. Edward J.. Milwaukee. Wis.
tv-Alelechowskl. Roman. Milwaukee. Wis.
Stronach, Wilbur W, Watsons Forest, Wis.
Faulkner. Ie o.. Blue River, vv is. .
Henke, Arthur II.. Milwaukee.
Grauden. Paul P.. Gaston. Wis.
Gaamann. Reuben A., North Milwaukee.
Mayer. John E., Moslnce. Wis.
Wlscow, Henry W., Milwaukee.
Silas. Wilson. West Depue. Wis.
Washatko, John, Almond. Wla
Walsh. J. K.. Whitewater, Will
Mlchettl. Antonio, Kenosha, Wis.
Laabs. W. F.. Milwaukee. Wis.
vmd In aftloBV
Jensen, Hans W. (Sgt). Saratoga, Wye.
Russell, Verney, Morgan, vvyo.
R. billet. I-ouls G.. Hartvllle. Wyo.
Draney, H. T., Auburn, Wyo.
Wounded Severely
Yaung, Edward G. Otlo. Wyo.
Graham. Cleo a:., bmootn, wyo.
Rinnmfiead. Sydney J, Evansion. wye.
Wattera. Merland E., Lovell, Wyo.
Haglund. Nels G., Kswnns. wyo.
n.ui, vdward C. Reliance. Wyo.
Ysdiuak. John A.. Rock Springs. Wyo.
Killed In action -
Spengler, Henry C. (Lt). Washington, D. C.
Meeks. D. L , Washington, D. C.
Died of illsease
Donahue. Peter. Washington, D, C,
Wounded severe i,
Hall. Albert C, Congress Heights, o. c
Holmes. Clsrence. wssningion, u.
Scblemann, Ernest Washington, u. L.
v,nail-a aoverelv- -
Jones, John W., Cordova, Alaska.
sriiiaMl 1st artlnn
Eranaon. George (Cook), Herbert, Saslt, Can.
Missing in action
McDonald, A., Prince Edward Island, Can.
Wanaded severely
Atkins, K. T. Sgt). Canal Zone, Panama.
Roseman. Jack, Montreal, canaaa.
La Clair. Ernes. Quebec, Can.
Holmgren, Herman, Maymount. Bask, Csn.
Alllngham. Sam V., Alberta, Can.
Kerr, Robert ti.. itegina, caaa., ' -n
Price, A. F.. Mrkersville, Alberta, Can.
Killed In artloo
Smith, Dick D. (Lt), no city sd dress given.
Yoxt, Arthur L. (Cpl.), no emergency address.
Died ef disease
Burns, Geo. H. (Mech.), ao address.
Wounded severely-
Strong. Geo. V., West Haxelton, (no stats).
Marine Corps List.
Summary of Marina Corps casualties to
Deaths ..
.. SO
.. TU
.. 1
. 2S2
Total officers
Enlisted Men.
In hands or snemy
Total enlisted men
. .4693
The followtnx casualties are reported - in
the Marine Curps and included In above
Killed In action, 8; died or wounds re
ceived In action. 0: died of disease, 6;
wounded in action (severely), AS; wounded
In aetloa (slightly), 4; wounded In action
(degree undeterminea ), in nands of
enemy. 1; missing in action, total, so.
TMed of wound
Long. Ora, Spokane, Wash.
Died disease
Altaian, T. W. (Sgt.), Spokane, Wash.
Killed la action
vVuUf, Irving, Chicago.
Killed In action . :
Peterson, U. C Girard, Kan.
Killed In arOon
Washington. G. T. Jr. CpL), Lexington,
Killed in action
Rourke, A. J., Worcester, Mm.
lHed of wounds
Chapin. C. B. (Cpl.), Springfield, Mass.
V otiuded severely
Andorson. V. ii. tCpl., Maiden, Mass.
ef wounds
Labanta, D. D.. Jackson, Mich,
Lebr, J. a, Detroit, Mich.
Died ef wonada
Thorrrason. W ro, (Opl.). Frederlcktown,
Wierling, E. J.. St. Louis, Mo.
Died ef disease
Valentine. 1". W., Peekskill, N. T.
Wed of wound
Woilbegel, Cbarles (Sgt). Rldgewsy, N.
Died ef wounds -
Colby, H. R.. Houston, O. '
Died of diaejaae
Hae&sler, C. U.. Zanesvllle, . O.
Died of diseaae .1
Career, Rock, Huntington, Tenn.
Killed In action
Bullard, A. L. lagt.). Crawford, Tex.
Died of wounds
Handler, Leonard (Cpl.), Handley, Tex.
Died or disease
Kirk. J. 3, Dallas, Tex.
Killed In action
Allen, B. D.. Virginia.
Dance. P. K., Richmond, Va.
Died of diseaae
Rcger. Frank, Buckhannon W. Va.
Killed In action i
Stone, J. I, Salt Lake, Uab.
Wounded, degree undetermined (previously un
reported died of wounds)
tlrK. fclllot ii. l.t.l. weiaon, 2t. Vi.
Saddurth, Lovl C. (Cpl.), Buford. Ga,
Key, Nat B., Monoville. Tenn.
Kcturned to duty (previously reported
of disease)
hJecker, William J, Owandonna, Minn.
Killed in action (previously repffrted
wounded, degree undetermined)
Lurtla, Arthur, Woonsocket, it. L
Killed in action (previously reported
wounded severely)
Messina. Joa (Sgt.), New York.
Arvig, It. O. (Cpl.), Fergus Falls, Minn,
Kay. R. F. (Cpl.), Altoona. Pa.
Costin, Henry G.. Cape Charles, Va.
Dublel, Stave, Buffalo, N. Y.
Rehm, John F., Troy, N. Y.
Lupton, Ellis A.. Nlckerson, Kan.
Mifiaing In action (prevlonsly reported
wounded severely)
Arnold, Wm. tSgt.), Roebuck, S. C.
Salyer. W. C. (Sgt.), Castlewood, Va.
Armstrong, Jas. H.. McCroory, Ark.
Baker,' Henry R., Reading, Pa.
Boone, Earle E.. Paragould, Ark,
Dletz. William C, Sturgis, .Mich.
Ehmke, Charles M., Warwick, N. D.
Freeman. Walter B.. Advance. Ark.
Giannipletro. Amiellino, Philadelphia.
Haverly, Rufus, Keavy, Ky.
Hillard, Ernest, Smithville, Misa
House, Dave. McCroory, Ark.
Loy. Jacob P., Minnie, W. Va-
McCarthy. Wm. B.. South Manchester, Conn,
McDavitt, John F., Sturgis, Mich.
Eherill, Thomas H., Alta Vista, a.
Stoner, Ernest, Watson, Mo.
Truesdell, Raymond. Cleveland, O.
Whitman. Larken. Pickering. La.
Woolley, Samuel M.. Wellsville. O.
Died of disease (previously reported tailed
In action)
Coyle, Joseph A., Philadelphia.
Wounded severely (previously reported!
..... T,..h Cf Tnl, Ti
Mii.h.i. ii ''lw ,.nri.a
" - ............ ' r
Hystand, Alfred N.. Watsford. N. D.
Killlan. Harry A., Kingston, N. Y.
"Kyawskl, John. Toledo, O.
Wounded, degree undetermined (previous
ly reported killed)
Dougherty, James, New York.
Jennings. Nathaniel H.. Toano, Va.
Jones. Elbert K., Mlddletown, N. C.
Sains, Ascension M-. Osawatomie, Kan,
Mirk in hospital
(previously reported
BiiIiud. Clarence W.. East Liverpool. O.
Returned to duty, (previously reported
Harrington, William J. (Chaplain), Ishpe
ming, Mich.
Fabcr. Gilbert J., Sandusky, O.
McCullar. Aaron. Creek. Texas.
Klusmetcr, Adolph, Lyle, Minn. e
Prisoners (previously reported killed'
Morris, Ralph (Cpl.), Florence, Miss.
"Ferko, Andrew D., Drifton, Pa-
Jordan, Frederick C.,, Herman. Neb.
Gatwood, Millard F.. McComb, Miss.
Jesseman, Arthur F., Warren, N. H.
Mazolf. M. J., Glen Eider. Kan.
Uhlenhop, II. W., Leonardvllle, Kan.
Killed i
ipreMumi, iriri
Nordqulst, O. W. (Lt). Oak Park, 11L
liobbs, H. J. (Sgt), Niagara Falls, N. T.
Qui Kg. J. P. (Sgt.), Brooklyn.
Taylor. A. C. (Sgt). Baltimore. Md.
Hitchcock, J. 1L (Cpl.), Northampton, Masa
Hoggard. J. W. (Cpl.). Windsor. N. C,
Llneberger. E. L. (cTpl.), Fayettevllle, Tenn.
Allison, vv., .New York.
Anderson, Frank. Henrietta, Okla
Baird. Clarence A, Caxton. Okla.
Campbell. Clyde. Tuscahotna, Okla.'
Carlson, Edwin E., Koslynn, N. Y.
Cheatham. John T, Gorham. 111.
Click, Terrll A.. Marlow. Okla.
Coleman, Albert L.. Merry Mount, N. C.
Craig, George L.. Batesvillc, Va.
Dillon, Jumes. North Adams. Mass.
Dillon, Lloyd H.. Jerry, N. C.
Doerfler. Charles .1., Highlandtown, Md.
Krlandson. John -Herman, Chicago.
Geer, Dr. Y.. Gilkey. N. C.
Greene. Troy K.. Gotesbo. Okla.
Grisull. Otto K.. Philadelphia.
Hall, William H., Blue Jacket, Okla.
Harris, Macy D., Mason, N. Cf.
Harry, George, Hennessey, Okla.
Heller, Henry K., Baltimore, Md. '
Henry, Charles A., New York.
Horton. William H.. Rock Springs. Ark,
Johnson, Clarence C., Minneapolis.
Johnson, David, Manchester, Conn.
Kozak, bianislau, Depew, N, 1.
Lehmann, Arthur L, Chicago.
McCaughan. P'rancis M., Philadelphia.
McKenzle. Cleveland W, Lake City. S. C
McVeigh, Andrew J., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nunnally. William O., Homer, Ga.
Oakley. Stephens R Blntley, Okla.
O'Brien. Martin R.. Whitman, Mass.
Oster, William, Atlas, Pa.
Pisk, Jacob, New York.
Spring, Ira, Rochester, N. Y.
Stagno, Salvatore. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Traver, William A., Waymart, Fa.
Died ot wounds (previously rmorted mlsa
lng) '
Smith, John E. (Cpl.), jtshburn, Va.
Bitxhovskl, Frank, Kulpmont. Pa.
McKee, John T.. Granite, Md.
Schlldknecht, Charles P.. Binghamton. N. Y.
Died (previously reported misslnc)
Forbes, Earl (Lt. ), Fairmont, Neb.
Bone. Albert C, fcan Antonio, Tex.
Dunphy, William J., Dorchester. Mass.
Moillon. Antonio, Manchester, N. II.
num. r loya, xjoyiestown, fa.
Wounded severely (ureiousljr reported
Ktierner, Herman (Sgt), Owensboro, Ky.
Peck, James A. (Sgt). Marshfield. Mass.
Adair. Robert C. (CpL), Clinton, S. C.
Mccormick, Arthur E. (CpL). Baltimore. Md.
romeieiDein. w m. itju.1, aanesvma, wis.
Bacon. rank C New Haven, Conn.
Haag. Bodo, Twin Sisters, Texas.
Burkman. Arthur, Newcastle, ind.
Reynolds, Roy S Tuscola, Texas.
Fltsgerald, John V., Brooklyn.
Kelleher, John P., Ardmore, Pa.
Kelley, Grover C, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Mosser. Floyd E., Portland, Mich.
Prescott, Harvey D., Calais, Vt.
Tanner, Henry L., Govanstown, Md.
Tucker. Benjamin, Brooklyn.
Wounded slightly (previously missing)
Smith, Francis Leo (Cpl ), Philadelphia.
Banks, Karl, Cane River, N. C.
Buczwinrkl, Gust, Milwaukee.
Crews, William P., Crewsvllte, Fla.
Dowel), David C , Cana, Va.
Dwyer, Joseph P., Alton. III.
Farmer. William R.. Ono. Ky.
Gets. Carl F., Clearfield. Pa.
Hepperlen, John J., Philadelphia.
Johnson, Albert Gibsland, La.
Marlon, James R., Jamcsvllle. Va.
Motes, Lawrence A.. Hamburg. Pa.
Kilter. Carl F., Vermillion. Ohio.
Sht-ffer. Lester G.. Sebree, Ky.
Wounded, undetermined (prev. missing)
Murphy, Mix togt ), Lima, Ohio.
Norbeck, Philip M. (CpL). Collinxdale. Pa.
Spalding. Earl J. (CpL), Akron, Ohio.
Hobbs. Wesley (CpL). Artesla. N. M.
Nicholas. Joa. (Bugler), Philadelphia.
Kosewlcb, Harry (Mech.), Newcastle. Pa.
Sliaulis, Royden (Mech.), Somerset, Pa.
Biescar, Louis A, Los Angeles.
Ehrmantraut, Frank, San Antonio, Tex.
Fuehrer. Henry, Imperial, Neb.
Garcia, Alfredo, Tierra Amarilla, N. M.
Krebs. Herman, Harlowton, Mont.
Langdale. Richard P.. Rapid City, S. D.
Millar, Cbarles P.. Brasher, Tex.
Roiimin, Jake. San Antonio. Tex.
Abderholden. George F., West Hoboken, N. J.
Buchanan. Clayton L., Philadelphia.
Caldwell, John R.. Williamsport, Pa.
Capps, Jesse A., Harlan. Ky.
Carl, James P.. Red Lake Falls, Minn,
Clapsattle, Lawrence D., Youngstown, N. T.
Clark, George Henry. Lockport, N. Y.
Dalgle, Joseph, Dutchtown, La,
Dsxey, Lawrence W Maybsck, N. C,
Ennla. Everett. Martinsville, Ind.
Farrentello, Matter, Detroit, Mica,
Fisher. Lonnift. dentinal, Uo.
Foil. Henry, KvansviJle, Ind.
Gardner. William J.. Philadelphia.
Gore, Austin F, Bethel, N. C.
Hall, Earl Allen, Glen Haxel, pa.
Hall, James A. Louisa, Va.
Hammonds, William C, Moorefleld, Ky,
Hansen, Fred, Dorchester, Mass.
Harmon, Harold, Mount Carmol, 111.
Hatcher, Jack, Riderut, Fla.
Helland. Alfred E.. St. James, N. D.
Heuchau, Cleo C, Muncle, Ind.
Hovey. Carl P., at. Jolinsbury. Vt.
Janiarewski, Anton, Detroit, Mich.
Key, Joseph, Freedom, Ky.
Lanehart, Harry, Saxton, Pa. -
Little, Graliam, Morey Cross, Ala.
Loehr, Joseph, Johnstown, Pa.
Loucks. E. T., Washington, Pa.
Mannuci, Gioachiino, Brooklyn, N. T.
Martin, B. M.. Franklin, Minn.
Mazy, Max, New York.
May, J. C, Scran I on. Pa.
Mikalonia, Michael. Plymouth. Pa.
Miller, K. S.. Pittsburg, Pa,
Monaghan, Joseph P., New Tork.
Morrison, Roy, Pottstown, Pa.
Morrow, Daniel J., Philadelphia.
Moser, Charles. Philadelphia.
Neal, George A, Belvldere, Tenn.
Nottwlno, Giacinto, Pittsburg,
Ospenson, Joseph. New York.
Owens, Letcher, Poole, Ky.
I'esavento, John, Blantford, Ind,
Peterson, Otto A.. Ludlow, Pa.
Posner, Adolph, Hartford, Conn,
Prior, William H., Napoleon. O.
Randall, Albert O.. West Barnet, Vt
Reld, Luther A., Morrilton, Ark.
Richardson, Harley. Velpen. Ind,
Richard.son. Leon F., Wrentham, Mass.
Riley, Earl S., Philadelphia.
Riley, Millard. Ridgaway, 1IL
Rorick, Robert B., Sunburry, Pa.
Ryan, William J., Erie, Pa.
Sanderson, Gust, Billiboro, N. D.
Stalltngs. Clifford D., Mooresville. N. C.
Trulla, Charles, Cleveland.
Tull. Fred R.. Newchurch. Va,
Valleoa, George C, Nw York.
Walker. Elmer B.. Michigan City, Ind.
Wall, John L.t Trenton, Ga.
Walsh, Mike, New Orleans.
Wells, William Mi Chaneysvllle, Miss.
Wiggins. Norval W.. Pittsburg,
l.ebla. William, Hartford, Conn.
Zengler, Howard Canton, O.
Zintara, Albert Chicago.
Sick In hospital, (previously reported miss
I Williams, .Tames E. (Lt.), Savannah,
McNutt. Ohio tl. iSat.l. Rihnll. K v
I Knox. Robert M. (CpL ). "cheater. Pa.
I McDonald. EdwaidH. (CpL). Chester, Conn.
euea Meyer, KUinund c. (Wag., Philadelphia.
Albertson, Augustus R., Westbury, N. V.
Buchanan, George w., Hayesvllle, N. C.
cable. Harry c. New iorK.
lsiidvh, uaviu a., inuiieaveii, -a. i
Dohner, Paul, Myerstown, Pa.
Benton, Clarence, Clinton, la.
Christ. James, Los Angeles.
Dagnlno, Attilo, San Francisco.
Hill, George W., Elkport, la.
Huston. Alexander, Richmond, Cal.
Kachapalos, Thadore, Garfield, Utah.
.opes, Maxlmillano, Isadora, . M. M.
Van Erem, George, Big Stone, S. D.
Erickaon, Carl E., Nye, Wis.
Fanguay, Theophile, Dulse, La,
Foleyat James F.. Pittsburg, Pa.
Fowler, Joseph Harvey, Trough, S. C.
Granuzza, Gulseppe, New York.
Grey, Dale, Muncey. Pa.
Helmus, Hentlrik, Grand Rapids. Mich.
Hopkins. Emerson. Olyphattt. Pa.
Howard, Raymond M., Cannelton, Ind.
Hupp. Frank L., Cumberland, O.
Josel. Lewis. Chicago.
Josephson. Carl. Ambrose. N. D.
Kansier, William Fred, Detroit. Mien.
Kober. Paul J., South Bend. Ind:
Lee, James Edward, Detroit, Mich.
McCIure, Klner C, Nittany. Pa.
i McKlnney, Leroy, Columbus. O.
I Morrison, Thomas, South Manchester, Conn.
Palmer, Fred, Cleveland, Ga.
Puskarszk, Beneagh, Danbury, Conn.
Rowe, Benjamin D., Prior, Okla.
Swlncher. William. Oil Cltv. Kan.
I Triplett, Roy M., Mouth of Wilson, Va.
Weiser. Raymond R.. Readlna. Pa.
I Wetherbee, Lyman M West Acton. Mass.
I Wroblewski, Vincent, St Louts, Mo.
R.tll,H rfllt revloulv renarted
Huestls, George B. (Sgt.). Wakefield
I T .. . T . . I -c . f . T a ( 1
Lamphers, David F. (Sgt.), La Crosse. Wis.
Ripperden, Sherman (Sgt.), Omaha, 111.
Haas, Frederick M. (Corp.), Harrisburg, Pa.
Knapp. Harry (Corp.). Wrausau, Wis.
McCarthy, James J. (Corp.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Myers. Roy H. (Corp.), West Reading. Pa.
Godwin, Walter H. (bugler). Barnesville, Ga.
Klnser. Gerald (bugler). Levering, Mich.
Bressler. Robert E. (Mech.), Lebanon, Pa.
Grant, John K. (Mech.). Fallston, Md.
I Ogden. Harley (Wag.), Belle Plains, Kan.
Auei, josepn, Luiumvus. j.
Adamson. John. Scotland.
I Bartoscn, viaam j.. weimer, Tex.
Bellar. George, Philadelphia.
- Brooks. Julius D.. Fulton, Ky.
Buckman. Alva H.. Schenectady, N. T.
Carlson, Clarence G.. Oklahoma City, Okla.
Catalanotto, Vincent, Amite. La.
Cobley. Thomas J., New Sheffield, Pa.
Conkle, Fred C Ellzabethtown. 111.
Cooke, Theodore R., Hagerstowa, Md.
Covey. Philip S., High Falls. N. Y.
Crawford, John A., Montrose, N. Y.
Cutrona. Jerry, Lodl, N. J.
Daahefsky. Sam, Brooklyn, N. i.
Davis. Samuel B., Lindsay. Okla.
ninla SMmee Tt ITiirmarivHI. Pa.
DownSi Harry E., Providence. R. I.
Durant. Hamlet H., Detroit. Mich.
Chaurapas. Louis W., Oakland. Cal.
Davis, Lauren S., Lubbock. Tex.
Foot, Charles B., San Francisco. Cal.
Grove, Chester R., Pastura, I. M.
Hanks. Willie E.. Athens, Tex.
Harding, Emmitt R.. Berclair, Tex.
Krocrman. I)uls. Elkton. S. D.
Kuticka, Edward, Ravenna. Neb.
Lambright. Jess. Athens. Tex.
Lance. George B.. Thatcher. Colo.
Lawendky, Lawrence D., Damon, Tex.
Rowe. Robert L.. Roswell. N. M.
Moorefleld. Joseph P.. Willis, Tex.
Peterson, John. De Smet. S. D.
Thompson, Lytle. Eagle Grove, Is.
Vreeland. Russell B., Ios Angeles.
Whitcotnb. Fred L.. Jefferson, la.
Erickson. Peter C, Preston, Minn.
Feeley. Frank A., Brooklyn.
Fellow. George, Algoma. Wis.
Flngal. Albin. Evaneton, HI.
Foni. John, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ford, Peter D., Bridgeport, Conn.
Gavltt. Burton A., Detroit, Mich.
Goodley, Roy B., Henderson, Ky.
Harowitx, Samuel, New lork.
Harrison, William H.. La Crosse, Wis.
Hickey. Aloysius, Kenneth Square, Pa.
Hillegass, Ralph A.. Allentown, Fa.
Hinckley, Francis M.. Gardner. Me. -Houck,
Jasper C, Karlsboro, Okla.
Hysong. Alvin J., Gallltzln, Pa.
lnman. Jack. Tuscumbia, Ala.
Johnson, Jennie, Windsor, N. C.
Johnson. Talmage, Eaat Rivers. Tens.
Jones, William T., Youngsvilie, X. C.
King. Robert James, Chicago.
Kitchens. Luther T.. Bernyville, Okla.
Knox. Robert R.. Petersburg, Ind.
KoreytovvsKI, Stanley, bt. raui, juinn.
Kostrzewski. Stanley. Peabody, Mass.
Krause, William J., Black Log, Pa.
Lamphier, Fred J.. New Ydrk.
Landress, Arthur P.. Calhoun, S. C.
Lasslter. Charles, Edenton. N. C.
Lenlnskl. Stephen, McKean, Pa.
' The DIET
and After
The Old Reliable
Round Package
Science savs that old nge begins with stimulates the kidney action anil en.
weakened kidneys and digestive organs,
This being true, it is easy to believe
that by keeping the kidneys and digest-
ive organs cleansed and in proper
workine order old age can be deferred
and life prolonged far beyond that en-
joyed by the average person.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAti
Haarlem Oil has been relieving th
weaknesses and dlsamuty due to ad
vancing years. It is a standard old
time home remedy and needs no Intro
duction. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Is Inclosed in odorless, tasteless cap-
sules containing about 5 drops each,
Take them as you would a piy, with a
suuall swallow of .water. The oil
'Majestic" Electric Heater No. 7
Radiates Ijeat Like the Sun
Does on s Summer Day
It Is the most Convenient. Safest and Economical hex Car yon can use.'
Convenient. Can be sa4 in any room wbcm tbe re ia an electric light
Salsv There are no fumes, no odor it does not vitiate the air like tha
ordinary heater. The back of the healer is always cool. The
front is protected by a wire guard which can be easily removed for
cleaning purposes.
Economical. A torn of the switch and the heater is radiant- with heat
another torn and it is off and all expense ceases.
Save Fuel. Electricity is delivered to yon by wire this tsvse the labor
of hauling wood, coal and oil eaves transportation saves fuel fot
a more urgent and higher canse. ,
Majestic" No. 7 is handsome in design and efficient in operation the heat
may oe oirecica in any
Litzy. Buell H.. Blx Clifty. Ky.
McGivney, Philip c, Watcrbury, Conn.
McLane, James A., Philadelphia.
Manning. John R., Ixiwer Falls, Mass.
martin. Benjamin, bhawmut. r'a.
Martin. Charles b ., Newark. N
Matson. Martin.' Chicaxo.
Mavrakos. Thomas P.. Chlcaso.
Mills, John W., Wlnnabow, N. C.
Mlrlch. Simo, Dimes Bottom. O.
Mullen, Clarence, Marshall, 111.
icas. Peter, Bridgeport, Conn.
O'Connor, Edward M.. Lomont Furnace, Pa.
nderkrko, John, Coles, Pa.
Died of diseae (previouslr reported died
of wounds)
edderson, Leroy C, Des Moines, ia.
IrVoiindeil. deerree undetermined (previous
ly reported killed)
Cordova, Jesus M., Cortex, Colo.
Howard, John B., Avon, Col.
Prisoner prevlonsly reported killed)
Jordan, Frederick Carl , Herman, Neb.
Erroneously reported killed
Kuchera, John J., Wausau, Wis.
Prisoners in Germany (previously reported
missing;) a
Duvall, Harvey C. (Cpl.), Chlcaxo.
Williams, Harry A. (Cpl.), Friday Harbor,
v ash.
Returned to duty, (previously reported in
oNiillal. xunshot n-ound. severe)
Latham, Livingstone, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Returned to duty (previously reported
Faulkner. Ray J.. Everett. Wash. 1
Richards. 'William H., Spokane, Wash.
Shaw, Samuel Borden, Friendship, O.
President Elmore, of Idaho and
Washington Unions, Outlines
National Programme.
A. A. Elmore, president of the Farm
ers' Union of Washington and Idaho,
has recently returned from California,
where he attended the Federated Farm
Convention of the farmers of that
state to place before them the plans
Inaugurated by the National Board of
Farm Organizations, which met in
Washington, D. C, last August, and
passed a resolution to construct in
Washington a, temple of agriculture lo
cost approximately tl, 250.000.
The building Is to be built aa socn
as the funds are raised. Public sub
scription made by local farmers' or
ganizations in each state is the method
by which money is to be raised, with
$7,000,000 in excess to be used as a
fund for research and representation
of the farmers' organization. No dlf
ficulty is expected in raising the large
sum, as there are b.oou.uuo larmers in
the United States at the presen. time.
A campaign is planned for the fed
eration of all farmers' organizations in
n n no n n
Malted EViillc
Very Nutritious, Digestible
The REAL Food-Drink, instantly prepared.
Made by the ORIGINAL. Horlick process and
from carefully selected materials.
Used successfully over Vi century.
Endorsed by physicians everywhere.
s!l set Horlick's 01
Thus Avoiding Imitations
ables the organs to throw off the poi-
sons which cause premature old age.
New life and strength increase as you
continue the treatment. When com-
Dletely restored continue takinir a r-an.
sule or two each day. GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you in
health and vigor and prevent a return
of the disease.
Do not wait until old age or disease
have settled down for good. Go to
your druggist and get a box of GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money
refunded if they do not helD von. Thre
sizes. But remember to ask for the
original imported GOLD MEDAL brand,
In sealed packages. Adv.
Improved "
curecuon. Sola py all up-to-date dealers.
Plica, with plug and eight feet of cord, $9.00.
With on-and-otf twitch attached to cord, 75c extra.
There are eight other "Majestic" Electric Heaters,
gnging in price from $9.00 to $30.00. Ask your
ealer about them.
the United States to prevent duplica
tion of expenses and provide for a con
gress of farmers at Washington In the
proposed temple.
The farmers of California agreed
unanimously to give their support to
the construction of the institution at
Washington, and especially to the re
search fund, both of which are ex
pected to prove of greatest value to all
farmers and an aid to progress in agri
cultural lines. The farmers' organiza
tions of Idaho, Washington and Oregon
have agreed to back the movement to
the utmost, as organisations all over
the United States have done.
Senator JlcNary, of Oregon; Senator
Jones and Poindexter, of Washington;
Senator Borah, of Idaho; Hon. Champ
Clark, Speaker of the House; Senator
Gore, of Oklahoma, and many others In
a position to know the circumstances,
have given the proposed plan their
fullest indorsement
Pronto to Need Many Repairs.
The forward part of the superstruc
ture on the tugboat Pronto, wiiich sank
after a collision at Municipal dock No.
1, November 27, will need considerable
repairing, according to J, P. Poyle, of
the Port of Portland. It is expected
that the tugboat, which is now sus
pended in chains with the upper deck
out of water, will be lifted high enough
today or tomorrow so that the holes in
her hull pan be patched and the water
pumped out.
Dr. King's New Discovery Re
moves the Danger of
Coughing until the parched throat
grows painful should not be permitted.
It should be relieved before lt gains
headway with a dose of Dr. King's
New Discovery.
The same with a cold or bronchial
attack. Millions have used this well
known remedy for half a century reg
ularly without thought of change.
Sold by druggist since 1869. An all-
Important adjunct to any family med
cine cabinet. 60c and $1.20.
The Burden of Constipation.
is lifted, comfortbaly but positively
when you treat your bowels with Dr.
King's New Life Pills. The liver gets
busy, digestion improves, the sickly,
salow skin is freed from bile. Get a
bottlo today start the day right. 25c.
this is the Mixer
vhere ffours white
imyeasrand all
things mixed just rigftt
So HOLSDn bread
so dbodwiil raster
vYouaril afford
.one bit to waste.
i'ij'1' -'i!'r.sti3
Avoid Coughs
and Coughers
Tour health and society demand that
j'ou take something nir tnat cougn.
Coughing spreads disease. Good, old
reliable SHILOH is guaranteed to re
lieve the worst cough in 24 hours.
SHILOH Stops Coughs
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