THE HORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1918. 10 WOMEN RESPOND TO RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Membership Drive Will Open , on Monday, December 16. "OREGON FIRST" IS SLOGAN Conference Indicates That All Chap ters, Willi Kxception of Co rr al ii,. Are Ready for Signal. This ensuing week will note the fin Ishiug touches placed on the coming Red Cross Christinas rollcalU when a drive will be made throughout the Na tion for memberships. Oregon .3 once more preparing to go over the top in this campaign, which may lo the last In connection with the war. From As toria to Ontario and from The Dalles to Ashland the state Is undergoing Us or ganisation. Portland is already nearly 10') per cent organised. Membership in the Red Cross, not re ceipt of a large sum of money, is the purpose of the campaign, which opens next Monday and closes December S3. To make Oregon 100 per cert will ne cessitate intensive campaigning. In the membership drive a year ago Ore ron led the Nation In proportion to Mn..i.tinn and Onion Is out for an- nin.v v other record. Raral Caaatlea Active. -with the exception of Corvallls,' ays State Manager H. E. Wltham. ti A cmmm chanter In Oregon is ready to start. The chapters are up on their toes and awaiting the signal for action. I expect Corvallls to respond eventually." The conference held by county ex ecutives of the drive last weelc has stimulated the workers to do their best. With the exception of a few remote counties all were represnted, and those failing to send delegates reported that their sections are in such good condi tion that a trip to the conference was unnecessary. All county managers present assured State Chairman Wilber K. Coman and State Manager Witharo that their districts can be depended on to produce the best results. For this, probably the last drive, the women of Portland are in charge. Henry K. Keed is the city manager, having been Identified with every drive since the war started. The women have all the confidence in the world in theit ability to show the men how to stage a drive. They have enlisted about 2500 women for the campaign In this city, Paster Carry Measaare. In all the churches of the state there will be eermons on the mission of ths Red Cross. If the plans of Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar are carried out. All clergymen will receive a request during the week to give special attention to the Ked Cross In their next Sunday sermon. Supplementing the regular publicity. the Junior four-minute men. organised among the students of the hish schools, will make talks on the drive to the pupils of the Portland schools. The Junior four-minute men organization was created by the committee on public iniormation. snerman Hall, in charge or the speakers, has served the Govern ment throughout the war. He has re ceived Instructions to have his speakers lake up the Ked Cross drl-e and these men will appear ln all the theaters dur ing the campaign. Through the churches and the theaters more than half of the population will be Informed as to the purposes or the drive. A series of beautiful posters, some of them works of art. are now on their way and will be ready for distribution within a short time. ROSEFESTIVAL WINSFAVOH FCTCRE OP GREAT SHOW TT1LI, BE DETERMINED TODAY. Civic Organizations Adopt Resolu- tions Proposing $33,000 Appro priation for 119 ETcnt. The future of Portland's annual rnaa restlval will be decided this morning at I a meetlnc Of the fount V Commissioners I called to reconsider the proposition. It I is expected the commissioners will in. r... -. ,orln" festival Of I Jl. according to J. P. Jaecer. of the I budget advisory committee, last night. Advocating me appropriation and the I festival the (ollovine . I last week sriont.H r..l,,., t, . I 1 i ... r, , . M-. " . "U",n" -, - . i "iiy noaro, l Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Portland Association. The Rotary Club. I at a meeting Tuesday, will vote resolu- lions of approval. Two national conventions, the Rdito rial Association and the Ad Club, are scheduled to convene In Portland at the time of the Rose Show. If It ia held That the advertising resulting from the leeuvai would more than offset th ;a.ouu appropriation, is one of the arguments being used In its favor. "The boys will be coming home next June and they are already looking for ward to the festival." said Mr. Jaeger. "When people of the Fast mention Portland they invariably discuss our festival i nd the Columbia River High- way. It is certainly not the time to discontinue such a great advertising project mm our tvose r estlval. RECITAL IS RARE TREAT Dcin-iioiu illustrating tirirlit Tine- fulness Mark Programme. Selections of music. Illustrating bright tunefulness, marked the Inter esting programme offered Saturday night in the Little Theater hv t ha in. I strumental trio composed of Mrs. Susie I Fennel Fines. Ferdinand Konrad snrf J R. Hutchison, a recital nnriVr th. .. apices of the ilacDowell Club. The principal offering was the mag nificent "Trio in K, opus t3." written by Robert Schumann, one of the best- liked German composers who wrote at a time when sane German music was not tainted by Prussian militarism. The gem of the four movements was the "Adagio." closely followed in merit by the- "Scherxo." The Gallic "Adaa-lo" frora the Juon "Trio In A Minor, opus IT. received a brilliant rendition. ItlGeorge. Km F., Lancaster. O. was most welcome also to hear the Wolf-Ferrari "Trio In D. written In the best vein of the Italian modern school of composition, and its rendition was cordially received. As a prelude the trio pl.tveu "God Save the King." In honor of Itr::ih day and also as a compliment to Mr. Hutch ison, who was born In Kngiand. So cleverly was the cello played by Mr. Konrad In Interpreting this national! hymn that the 'cello sounded in en-1 aemble like a finely played cornet solo. I The next recital of the course will take plac. some Tuesday afternoon In January. lilorrlsoo, Lewis's.. Pe'orla. O. OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST (Continued from Par, 7.) Rsndolfo, Doinlnlco. MedisOQ, N. J. Kelly. B. A.. Jersey City, N. J. Kesaler, Motrin, Paterson. N. J. Fielding. W. H.. Jersey City. N. J. Roemlln.kt. C. J., lloboken. N. J. Salkowic-s. XachoUa, Paterson. N. J. Heyner.- Anthony. Newark-. N. J. McDrvitt. i;-ore V.. Camden. N. J. Studcman, Frank J.. Belmar. N. J. Zakooki. Adam, Jersey City, N. J. Ackler. Albert K-. Camden. N. J. Cole. Wlllard. Merchantville. N. J. Gasliardi, Gennaroc P.. Kinrsland. N. J. Mr Bride. Thomas. Burlington. J. S:eincr. William F., Jersey City. N. J. W hillock. Abner. Perth Amboy. X. J. Ben re. John Frank, Madison. N. J. Vacrhlo, Sebasltani. Jersey City. . J. Maguth. John, Passaic, N. J. Schroedrr. Harry J.. New Brunswick, N. J. Lavler, Daniel, Hoboken, N. J. Vsnpelt. C. K.. Hlghtstown. N. J. Korth. C. P.. Hanklnson. N. J. Mueller. II. M.. Jersey City. N. J. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Klllrd la Ayer. C H.. Ciaremount, I. Sanell. Joe, Concord, N. H. IMed of wound. Dickinson. Timothy (Cpl.). Lisbon. . H. IXed of disease Clark. Wm. H. T. (Wag.). Nashua, N. H. Wllscn. Fred, Salera Depot. N. H. M ounded severely Llvtnatone. Herbert I. Meredith. TJ. H Cleves. Robert H.. Peterboro. N. H. Schmillun, Walter, Manchester. N. H. Milton. Roderick R.. Westvllle, N. H. NEW MEXICO. Died of wounds Wystt. Lester K.. RoaewslL N. M. Houndrd severely Etter. John (Mas. ."nr.). Albuquerque, N. at. Otero. Benedlcto (CpL). Los Lunii, . J". Hart. M. B., Las Veaas. N. Mex. Mares. Manin. Koy. N. M. Horr. Loren B., Valley Ranch. N. M. Walter, Willis r.. New Mexico. I.opes. Jose H.. Penaso, X. M. Klrkwood. John, Gallup. N. M. Hennessey, llenttainin O., Camprock, N. M. Roberts. A. K., Bard. N. M. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed la action Bailey. William C. (LL), 'Woodsdata, N. C. Hord. Marion B. St-. Shelby. N. C Morris, Parks (Set.). Nealsvllle, N. C. Hooks. Crady B.. Mathews. N. C. Poster. Demos C. Mocksvllle. N. C. Cox. Marshall. HendersonTille. N. C. Blaylock, J. H.. Freemont, N. C. Beacham, Heber, Bettle, N. C. Bailey, W. I., Wllllaraston. N. C Wilder, J. N-, Castllla. N. C. Auten. W. A.. Belmont. N. C. Ramsey. W. F., Bakersvllla. N. C . Wed ef wounds Helms. Clifford (Cpl.). Aliens. N. C. Cllne. Frank B., Hickory. N. C. Benton, Charlie D-. Corapeaks, N. C. Died of dlseaas Mallow. Waiter F. fLL. Ash evil I a, N. C. Byrd. Nat (Cook). Fayettevtlle. N. C. Henderson. Paul M.. Odessa, N. C. Hamby. Thomas E.. Wilkes boro, N. C. Vauchan. Pressle. Murphysboro, N. C Torrence. John. Mooresvllie, N. C Thornton. Ftanton, N. c McUanlel, Jo Henry. Winston Salem. N. C. Dickson. Ernest. Rockymount. N. O. Norton. Elnor, Laurinburg, N. O. Martin. Frank R. Falson. N. C. Wounded severely Moody. William T. (Capt.). Glenvllla. N. C. Harris. Edward C. (L.U). Wendell. N. C. Bail. Ira (Lt.), Newbern. N. C. Harrell. P. K. St.). 8unbury, N. C Hudson. Harry L. (Sat.). Shelby. N. C. Montelth. Riley B. (Sst.). Forney. N. C. Moore. Milton H. (Cpl.). SnowhllL N. V. Bishop. Ruben D. (Cpl.). Roxobel. N. O. Briaman. William. East Durham. N. C. Murray. John Best tie, Ebelby, N. C. Honeycutt. Carl R., Concord. N. C. Greene. Claude L.. Robersonvllle. N. C Johnson. Dsn B.. Norwood. N. C. Freese, Arthur K-. Concord. N. C Fulford, Herman D.. Supply. N. C Hensley, Mack. Burnsvllle, N. C I.enta. J. F.. Roberdell. N. C. Casle. Jsy. Klnston. N. C. Bsker. C G., Bts Pine. N. C. Moss. T. M.. Grlss. N. C. Ward, rhsrles P.. Msysville. N. C Hoey. William P.. Phelby. N. C. Thomas, r.rlyle. Charlotte, N. C. Martin. William A.. Hayesvllle. N. C Kincaide. Jamea W.. Inolr. N. C Gwaltney. burette C. Morsanton. N. C Gibson. Millard U. Old Hundred. N. C. Denton. John W., Loulsburg, N. C. Little. Marcus K.. Rocklnsham. N. C I Brown. Root. N.. Sorar. N. C Smith. William C. Whitney, V. C Smith, Lester L.. Csmpbeli. N. C yndon. James C. Raleigh, N. C. Kins. Guy. Folkstone. N. C. Crlsco. Alfred. Marshville. N. C Bione, Homer A., Seaboard, J. O. Joyner, John R.. Walkertown. N. C Boyette. Amos N.. Mathews, is. c Harris. H. H.. Blounts Creek, N. c. Uoble. W. R.. Tadkln Valley, N. c Weathers, Farrts, IS e use. N. C. 8elby. T. Laka Landing. N. C. Sawyer. J. L.. Camden. N. C Ron, R. U. Richfield. N. C. Kim ore. J. P., Goldaboro. N. C Covington. R. N.. Rockingham. N. C Wtlklnson. Robert U.. Llncolnton, N. C. Rotldle. Thomas A., Durham. N. C. Simpson. Lary B.. Burlington. N. C. Woodward. Walter L.. Htotesvllle, N. C Williams. Albert W., Charlotte. N. C. Lankford. Robie. Cricket. N. C. Dlskln. James J.. Elizabeth. X. C. Carter, Eddie L.. Deep Run. I. C. (irsntham. Wllllsm W.. Payettovllla. N. C. King; Oorsr. Reldvllle. N. C. Stone. Mitchell. Rorklngham, IS. c Vensb'e. Floyd. Msdlson. N. C Whltaker. L. E.. Stem. N. C. Myers. Columbus. Robersonvllle, N. C U - hi". " f-n"1- -'. c. Killed In i Blsrk. Andrew J.. Berthold. N. D. Missing la artloa Sass. W. H.. W lllow City. N. D. Allen. Arthi-r. Jamestown. IS. o. Pederson. A. A.. Kenssl. N. D. Balster, Frank. Jamestown. N. D. Lyson. Arthur. ParsnalL N. D. Pled ftf disease Roder. Henry C. Anamosa, N. D. - Johnson. John C. Hlnlsdell, ft. T. , - mi....i j Pnni.nH n. t Rodenbaugh. Guy D., Willston. N. IX lieuther. J. J.. Ashley, is. u. Nichols. B. E.. Berthold. N. D. Scott. Jamea J Lawton. N. D. Olsen. Halvor. Manfred. N. D. NIH - on. Andrew M.. Mercer. N. D. Powell, r. T.. Steele. N. D. Palmer. J. C. Halliday. N. D. wiihe:m. Paul J.. Glenullln. N. D. Hde. Ray J.. Alexander. N. D. Skaar. Martin. Wimbledon. N. D. German, Tuie J., Peever, X. D. Sharer, Karl A.. Hantry. IS. D. Roessl. D. O.. Klldeer. N. D. OHIO. Killed tn action King. Alfred K. (MaJ.), Palnesvllle. O. Agler, Albert M. ILL). Columbus. O. stslry, Arthur B. (SgL). Vanwert. O. Reed. Forest E. (Sgt.). Mantua, J. HlgEins. Harry Sgt. ). Crestline. O. Cummlngs. Francis (Cpl.). Walhoundlng. O. Essterdsy. John A. (Cpl. I. Sunset H11L O. Alien. John e. cpl.. Charleston. O. Stscey. Erwln C. (Cpl.). Flndlay. O. Dugan. Glenford (Cul.). . Nelsonvllle. O. N"es. Fred D. (Cpl.). Ashtabula. O. Padgettl (eorge. Baltimore. Jenkins, Tom. Pen lei. Ohio. Jeffords. Charles J.. Portsmouth. Ohio. Thomas, Clarence K . London. Ohio. Austin. Henry. Toledo. Ohio. Gabriel. Jsmes. New Plymouth. Ohio. 1'rban. Peter, Cleveland. Ohio. Westcott. Theodore. Vanlue. Ohio. Zlpfel. Ralph K.. Cleveland. Ohio. Hill. Leslie, Orient. O. Bolley. Russell. New Bavaria, O. VanMvde, P. J . Columbus. O. Clark, Vernle. Morrow. O. Funk. Addison. Washlngotn Court Rouse, O. LebowsKl. Vi. rt.. loieao. j. Vogelgesan. K. W Canton. O. Rsrton. J. J.. Bartonslte. Tex. Van Parker. Otto. Cleveland, O. -Missing in aciioi Lake. Stephen isgt.). Cincinnati. Ohio. Hohn. Henry iCpl.). Cleveland. Ohio. Busby. Joseph (Bug.). West Manchester, O. Flscnik. Martin, Caldwell. O. Holmes. O. W.. Cleveland. O. Schumacher. Toney. Cincinnati. Ohio. Musser. G. B., Cincinnati. Ohio. Hennessy. H. J.. Cleveland. Ohio, , Davis. Howard. Toungstown. Ohio. ' Blttman. B. L-. Toledo. Ohio. Willsnn. D. Akron. Ohio. Springer K. B-. Dover. Ohio. Died of wounds Keiiis. Geo. (Cpl.). Springfield, Mendenhall. Elmer L.. Dayton. O. Memetsh. Joa A.. Toledo, O. Mltchaux. Harry R.. Klndlsy. O. Bogle. Joseph. Ctrclevllle. O. Boubsl, Charles. Cleveland, O. Lugin. Frank. Clevelid, O. McOonlgul, J. J., Barton, O. Msy. Ray Akron. O. Bennett. John. Mlddleport. O. Myers. Peter N-. Hucksville. O. Prybylskl. Frank. Be res, O. Tunhorst. Ixuls J Cincinnati, O. miliums. Ben H.. Hatch. Q. French. Arthur. Bedford. O. IMed of disease rZ ,s ., , t - Fette. John. Akron, O. Davis. Charles. Manchester, O. Splgutx, Anthony Carl, Cleveland, O. Wurst. George C, Cincinnati. O. Rents, Edward. Lima, O. Leonard. Paul, Kilbourne, O. Arledge Charles E.. Columbus, O. Shinaberger. Glen Dale. Pioneer, O. Hayslip, William. Stouts. O. Wounded slightly Barton, Howard H., Frederlcktown. O, Wounded severely Day, Raymond E. (Lt.). Akron, O. Brookes. R. M. (Lt.), East Liverpool, O. Main, Thomas C. (Lt.), Delaware, O. Hunt, Myron (Lt.), Deshler, O. Hobey. Charles R. (Sgt.). Toledo, O. I Schlessinger, Albert (Sgt.), Cincinnati, O. , Hawthorn. W. B. (Sgt.). Bexle. O. Powers, Clyde E. (Sgt.), Haydenville, O. Bolen, William F. (Sgt.), Salem, O. McKay, Frank (Sgt.), Cleveland, O. Anderson. Edward F. (Cpl.), Glrard. O. Rice, Harry D. (Cpl.), Youngstown, O. Wode, Lewis H. (Cpl.). Cincinnati, O. Lyons, Dale (Cpl.), Dayton, O. Carlson, Ivan F. (Wag.), Cleveland, O. Murphy. Joseph (Cook), Mansfield, O. Morgan. Jerde (Cook), Rendvllie, O. Sxemplakowski, Frank Joe, Cleveland, O. Tague, Justin H., Toledo, O. O'Zllly. William. Columbus. O. Hlsar. Lee W., Pemberville, O. Zavler, Frank. Cincinnati. Weaver, Richard, Chilllcothe, O. Kullen. Thomas J.. Steubenville. O. Koepfler, Albert. Toledo, O. Tressler, D. S.. Montpelier. Ohio. Anderson. F. F., Ashevllle, Ohio. Miller, William, Cleveland. O. Myer. A, A.. Cleveland, Ohio. Milb. C O.. Warren. O. Rollins, W. A, Cincinnati. O. Ishmael, Thomas O.. Martins Ferry. O. Hall, Wlllard, Cincinnati, O. Stroufe, Cliff Albert. White Oak, O. Sens. Anthony P Cincinnati. O. Stelnle. Arthur Lee, Lima, O. Cassidy, James J., Niles. O. Jeffries, . Theodore, Akron, O. Hitchcock. J. E., New Lexington, O. Keefe, Paul Wm.. Cleveland, O. McCabe, Jerry, Toledo, O. Rush. Harold, Cleveland, O. Bronson, H. W., Toledo, O. Druff, Cyril E., Dayton, 0; Foster, W. R Coshton. O. Peck. Herman C, Groveport. O. Fisher, Lawrence E., Gaysport, O. Brown. Peter J., Monroeville, O. Neeper, Russell 8., Portsmouth. O. Reed. Clyde E.. New Milford. O. C rites. W. H., Canton, Ohio. Knaack. J. O., Cleveland, Ohio. Vine, O. H.. Warren. Ohio. Vesey, Myron, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Blahoff, C L., Hicksville. Ohio. Heck. Carl, Portsmouth. Ohio. Burchnell, Foster C. London. Ohio. Shrlder, Bryon E.. Zanesvllle, Ohio. Uleaky, George Cleveland, Ohio. Dlers, Walter A., Cincinnati, O. Franks, Albert aL. Barbarton. O. McCann. Roy M., Zanesvllle.. O. Melaragno. Anthony, Cleveland. O. Darmstadt, Edward H., Cleveland. O. Ludford. Harry C, Cleveland, O. Kassennan. Clarence J., Han7iibal, O. Schwab, Mlchiel W., Custer. O. Stewart. Russell O.. Toledo, O. Biles, Ray, Delaware, O. Gray, Robert J., Columbus, O. Krumroy, Iral L., Akron, o. Lancaster, Kerby A., Chllo, O. Malone. Herman, Blackford, O. Marchlonna, William, Cleveland. Miller, Albert F.. Vernon. O. Minuter, Kelley D., Bsslal. O. Devine, Edwin G., Toledo. Strong. Joseph, Strj'ker, O. Shaboonla, John. Barton, O. Shirley, G. 8., Perrysburg. O. White, William, Bridgeport. O. Wise, C. L.. Greenfield, O. Sclarrtllo. Thomas. Cleveland. O. Snyder. C. W.. New Philadelphia, O. Yovanevitan, Cava, Defiance. O. m OKLAHOMA. Killed in action Lavers, Bennet H. (Sgt.), Ardmore, Okla. Maxey, Richard C. (Bugler), Shoals, Okla. Storm. Bert E., Custer City, Okla. Hendrix. Johnston Alvls. Splro. Okla. Wells. Everett C. Enid, Okla. Orchard. J. F.. Quinlan. Okla, Missing In action Olliv r. Gabe, Thomascllls. Okla. Lumpkin. J. W, West Tulsa. Okla. Vantasseil, A. J.. Vinson, Okla. Harnette, J. F., Stldham, Okla. Dean, G. C. Carney, Okla. Feazel, A. H-, Boy ton, Okla. IMed of wounus Harrison. F. F.. Ollton. Okla. Barkadale. E. W- Oklahoma City, Okla. Died of disease Wells. Ray S. (Cook). Knowlea, Okla. Muhlhausen, Alvin H., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lewis. Johnson A Bennington. Okla. Klmbly. Willie, Terumseh, Okla. Smith, Robert. Bokoake, Okla. Smith. Joseph A., Park Hill. Okla. Kempf. Gus, Woodward, Okla, , Gore, Bert, Kemp, Okla. Wounded severely McFarland. Charles (Sgt.). Vlnlta, Okla. Simpson. Leroy (Sgt.), Ardmore. Okla. Ganey. Terrance V. (Sgt.). Ada. Okla. Blvlns. Edgsr M. (Bug.). McAlester. Okla. Dog Ion, William D., Ixinewolf. Okla. Taylor. Robert J.. Quinlan. Okla. Morris, Thomaa H.. Hill, Okla. Cravens. Albert. Jenks. Okla. Kelly. Henry. Kingfisher. Okla. Clark. Arthur E.. New Wilson, Okla. Snyder, Chester K-. Stillwater, Okla. Smith. John A.. Owasso, Okla. Fletcher, Arthur S,, Wewoka, Okla. Trimble. Karl D. (MeO. Oklahoma City. I Okla. Luttrell, Doffle M.. Carpenter. Okla. Long. Robert W., Sharon. Okla. Kendrick. Lefette F.. Lindsay. Okla, Hill. Francla M., Marietta. Okla. Watkins. B. W, Morris. Okla. aw. Fred. Carmen. Okla. Kinder. F. A.. Fargo, Okla. Armstrong. Chester Lee, New Kirk, Okla. Sensing. Troy. Parkhlll, Okla. Love, Ted.. Grant. Okla. hips. Will. Tulsa. OKla. McHli-d, Ray D Mutual, Okla. McUee, Ira. Watts. Okla. Emerson. Harry Raymond. Enid, Okla. Tissington. D. B.. Oklahoma City,. Okla. Edmond. R. P., Chickasaw, Okla. Huford. r. w.. waae. uki. Bakunaa, Joseph. Bokoshe. Okla. Angelly. H. M., Boswell, Okla. Rlggins. O. C. stnwell. okis. PralU B, Shattuck. Okla. CooDer. O. M.. Quapaw, Okla. Williams. Willie, Bridgeport, Okla. Sirkler, Fred E.. Ralston. Okla. Smith. Sam. Delaware. Okla. Slonlger, Birgy R.. Union, Okla. McClaln. Claude, Rentzvllle. Okla. Potter. Thomas. Marshal. Okla. PENNSYLVANIA. Killed In act lot. Rupp. David M. (Lt.), Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Roehrlg, Charles (Lt.). Pittsburg. Hoinun, Albert J. (Sgt.). Pittsburg. Lowe, Raymond A. (Cpl.), Hanover. Pa. Rauch. Lester J. (Cpl.). Carrlck, Pa. Flnocchlo. Anthony (Cpl.), Landidowne, Pa. Cunklln. James J. (Cpl.). Scranton. Pa. Haus-wer. Paul A. (Cpl.). Kesaing. Fa. Plstlkoudls. Theodore (Cpl.). Philadelphia. McGiniey, Jaa. F. (CpL), Pittsburg. Pestelll. Mariano, Cuvensvllle. Pa. Snyder. Charles E., Philadelphia, White. Wlllard. Center Bridge. Pa. Becker. Reuben. Eppranta. Pa. Guenot. August F. Karthaus. Pa. Hawk. Albert. Lenont Furnace, fa Heffron. William J., Scranton. Pa. Jones, David J.. Overbrook, Pa. Mathews. Clyde E.. Hershy. pa. Mestezky. Josel. Philadelphia. Bolton. William T-, Scranton. Pa. Flauger. Walter C, McKees Rocks, Pa. Spratt, William E.. Lakewood, Pa. Stein. Walter. North Wales. Pa. Warsewlcz. Peter A., Mount carmel, n. Weyersberg. Walter. Philadelphia. Heintxelman. Ernest G. F., Drug, Pa. McDonough, Harry H., Cheswlck. la. Malone. Roy W.. Philadelphia. Miller. Raymond L., Scotendale, Pa. Monroe. George R., Vork, Pa. Noclto, John J.. Bristol. Pa. Panoski. Mike. Bethlehem. Pa. Di Pasquale. Amerlco, Philadelphia. Anderson. Abraham L.. Newcastle, Pa. Skinner. W. O.. Landsdale, Pa. Stein, Louis, Philadelphia, Pa. Wlllard, Eaile, ShainoKIn, rm. Wise, R. C, Lykens. Pa. Zack, Peter. Philadelphia. Pa. Adamskl. Paul, Braddock. Pa. Conley. W. M.. Philadelphia, Pa. Dougherty, George. Philadelphia, Pa. Elchenberger, Harry. Philadelphia. Ps Heinrich. Leonard, Philadelphia. Pa. Ball. C. O.. Albion, Pa. Eanford, J. N.. Lawsonham, Pa. Hani. Albert. New Eagle, fa. Wrlgley. C. E., Philadelphia, fa. Houseknecht. C. B., Philadelphia. Pa. Dlxlkowski. Joseph. Philadelphia, Pa. Cook. Herbert. Reading. Pa. ames. Leslie, fc.awaro.svme. n. Jordanowski. Stanley. Pittsburg. Pa, Lawson. W. is., uii tuy. i-a. Matter. W. E.. Halifax. Pa. viru k G. H.. Schafferstown. Pa. Costello. F. P Philadelphia. Pa. ilulnr In action- Patterson. A. B.. Jr. (Lt.). Wllkinsburg, Pa. Miller. H. D. (Ll.(, rniiaaeipnia. i-a. Eggcrt. A. B. (Sgt.), Lebanon. Pa. Caffrey, R. P. (Cpl.). Archibald. Po, Marlow, H. E. (Cpl.), Verona. Pa. Des, John G. (Cpl.). New Galena. Pa. Moucheck. James (Cpl.). Philadelphia. Pa. Land ay. Isadora (Cpl.), Washington, Pa. Bollna. Bernard (Mech.). Sugar Notch, Pa. Aiello. Luigl. Philadelphia. Pa. Austin. T. J., Wilkcsbarre, Pa, Purcln. Leo, Pittsburg. Fa Carlin, Howard, Flibback. Pa. Herstlne, Webster, Revere. Pa. Kramer, A. L-. Millerstown, Pa. Miller, F. N., Bethlehem. Pa. Ptascooskle, George. Pittsburg, Pa, Sandahl. R. E.. Chariton, la. Ihli, Carl W., Blythedale. Pa. Ketzenmayer, Milton, Reading, Pa. Helstand. Herbert. Thomsvllle, Pa. Michel. Frank. Imperial. Pa. Williams. Willie, Philadelphia. Krause, Harry, Philadelphia. Barnes, C. G., Beechlake, Pa. Cornell, Simon, Lloydal, Pa. Stewart, Raymond. Philadelphia. McGlone, James, Philadelphia. Yeager, Warren, Pottstown. Pa. Marshall, E. G., Washington, Pa. McClain, W. E., Philadelphia. Pa. Clouser, William, Penbrook, Pa. Cannon, T. F., Ashley, Pa. Campbell, Richard. FredericktowU, Pa. Duncan. W. E., Speeceville. Pa. Clark, Nathaniel, Butler, Pa. Donovan, J. C, Minooka. Pa. . " Wolfgang. F. S., Kulpmont, Pa. Warner, Chas., Klnger, Pa. Tauter, C. M-, Oxford, Pa. Perry, Samuel, Newcastle. Pa. Bernian, Joseph. Philadelphia. Lervin, Joe, Philadelphia. Bentr, C. H., Palmerton, Pa. Died of wounda Coataworth, O. C (Sgt.), Monongahela. Pa. James, Frank (Sgt.), Wilkesbarre, Pa. Bryant, O. G. (Cpl.). Philadelphia, Pa. Anderson, Roy (Cpl.), Greensburg. Pa. Rea, Jos. A. (Cpl.), Pittsburg. Pa. Mitchell, Walter W , Reading, Pa. Hauck. Alvin K.. Perkiomenville, Pa. Johnson, Robert P., Bradford, Pa. Barr, Edwin, Philadelphia, Pa, Gillespie, Harry J, Philadelphia, Pa. Kelby, John E., North Hampton, Pa. Brandt, Delbert C, Sharon, Pa. Pa his, Frank, Philadelphia, Pa. Tracey, Geo. V., Minersvlllo, Pa. Williams, Benny, Old Forge, Pa. '' Witt, Claude E., Indlanhead. Pa. Pilling, Thomas J., Philadelphia. Pa. Guenther, Fred, Pittsburg, Pa. Blllotte, Neater c, renchvtlle P. u., fm. Died of disease Fisher, James P. (Lt.), Willow Grove, Pa. Small, Forest Franklin (Sgt. I, Kane, Pa.. Conner. Willie T. (Cpl.). East Brady. Pa. Cavanaugh. Aadrew A. (Cook), Wilkesbarre. Deise. Torrence H. Millhall. Pa. Oliver. Alfred. Philadelphia, Pa. Alitchell, Louli. North Bellevarnon, Pa. Brown, llliam B Shinglehouse, Pa. Young, Cue H., Coopersburg, Pa. DeHart LeRny, Elmenton, Pa. Jefferies, Charles, Philadelphia. Pa, Harkinson, John, alanchester, pa. Marshall, John A.. New Gal lie. Pa, Moyer. Henry S.. Dandsvllle, Pa. Berger, John, Plnegrove, Pa. Mcintosh, Louis F., Susquehanna, Pa. Tenghagen, Fred H., Corry. Pa, Caralll, Lorenzo, Greensburg, Pa. Wmmded m I i r h M v Cooper. Aloysius J., Philadelphia. Pa. Wounded severely Logan, Patton L. (Capt.). Pittsburg, Pa. Lelnhauser, Otto P. (Lt.), Sharon HI1L Varney, Jesse E. (Lt.), Canton. Pa. Metzger, Leon D. (Lt.), Indiana, Pa. Berg, Carl Elmer (Sgt.), Pittsburg. Hart, Victor W. (Sgt.), Mechanlcsburg, Hanion, Lester T. (Sgt.). Philadelphia. Broker. Nick (Sgt.). Westmoreland Co., McCabe. Luke (Sgt.). Philadelphia, Pa. Dobson, Edwin Y. (Sgt.), Pittsburg, Pa. Owens, Ellis, Jr. (Sgt.). Slatington, Pa. Sullivan. A. G. (Sgt.). New Kensington, Baher, John E. (Sgt.), Canonshurg, Pa. Mccormick. W. S. (Sgt.). Pittsburg. Pa. Frltzen. Harry J.' (Sgt.), Scranton. Pa. Cowl, Walter S. (Cpl.), Bellvue. Pa. Forsythe. W. J. (Cpl.), Dravesburg, Pa. Ambearle, William (Cpl.), Allentown, Pa. Geskosky. Andrew (Cook). Pittsburg, Pa. Saxton. Ray Herbert (horseshoer). Town' vllle. Pa. Belsel. Chas. E. (Wag.). Pittsburg, Pa. . Waiters, George A., Brownsville, Pa. Stevenson, Raymond T.. Pittsburg, Pa. Murphy, Edward S., Philadelphia. Pa. Conran, William J.. Philadelphia, Pa. Dollman. Arthur W., Pittsburg. Pa. Janda, Oscar Wenzel, Pittsburg, Pa. Bloom,- Roger B., Irvona, Pa. Oberholtzer, Harry M., Lebanon. Pa. Fetzer, George William, Pittsburg, Pa. Frey. William, Philadelphia. Pa. Stover. Harold O.. Zelienot'le, Pa. Leonard 1. Mario, Duryea. Pa. Hill, John B., Avoca. Pa. Foden, Rowland W., Philadelphia, Pa. Ppelcher, George J., Carrick. Pa, Wertz, Robert F.. Grcenburg. Pa. Vansickle, Roy, Markleysbut g. Pa. Miller, Cecil V., Clianeysville. Pa. Lyon, James W., Philadelphia, Pa. Druckenmlller, Harold G., Emaus, Pa. Renocks. Toney. Connellsville, Pa. Freed. Arthur S Philadelphia. Pa, Rampulla, Michael, Lancaster, Pa. Pistner, F. A, Wilcox. Pa, Oestrelch, J. J.. Ashland, Pa. Moore. G. L., Philadelphia. Pa. May. Percy H.. Wyaluslng. Pa. McKllIip. C. H.. Stimmervllle, Pa. Lovett, F. J.. Trafford. Pa. Elliott, Barton W.. Pittsburg. Pa. Ashbaugh. William I. Oakmont, Pa, Sterner. Harry, Philadelphia. Wills. L. S.. Loretto. Pa. Torkelson, E, R., Philadelphia, Pa, Steele. L. E., Nicholson. Pa. Lata, J. N., Wlndber. Pa, Barskets. Charles, Lock 3. Pa. Anderson. J. R., West Brownsville, Pa, Holleran. J. P Portage. Pa. Walls. Jeremiah. Philadelphia, Pa. Thompson. Herbert. Johnston, Pa. Salter. T. E., Coplay, Pa. Prepestes, Paul. Shenandoah, Pa. Miller, R. J.. Jerseyshore. Pa. Mealing. Walter Howard. Homestead, Pa. McGulre. J. A.. Philadelphia, Pa. McFetrldge. J. F., Allentown, Pa. Kelly. Joseph. Turtle Creek. Pa. Kessler, Sylster, N. Braddock. Pa Jacobs, Herbert Allen. Zionsvllle, Pa, Hlduck, Anthony. Shenandoah, Pa. Hassnn. Hdrrv t J Buderman. Georgs A.. Philadelphia. Pa. Howmaster. Harry C. Myersdale, Pa. Alsbach. George J., Tremont, Pa. Ryan. John F., Canton. Pa. Heck. Paul J.. Wentzel Way. Banksvllle, Pa. Donohoe. Victor J.. Philadelphia. Pa. Burton. William S., Minooka. Pa. Bondy. Biagio. Philadelphia. Pa. Stltt. Robert W., Indiana. Pa. McDermott, Oeorge A.. Favette City, Pa. Lucas, Wm, T., Mechanlcsburg, Pa. Black. Charles, Carnegie. Pa. Gibson. Robert. Coatosville. Pa. Glassmiere. Samuel A.. Philadelphia, Pa. Glacken. Edw. P.. Philadelphia Pa. Frey, Geo. A., Bethlehem, Pa. Czuprynskl, John T Erie, Pa. Zaniewski, Jos. M., Rohestcr. Pa. Schubert, R. J.. Philadelphia, Pa. Rnbarge. Nell A., Bridgeport, Pa. Pfaff. Albert H.. Philadelphia. Pa. Miltheim. William A., Nazareth, Pa, Neefe. Leigh N., Coudersport, Pa Hoover. Clarence E.. Hlllars, Pa McGuigan, Eugene I.. Philadelphia, Pa. Rennard. Raymond I., Philadelphia," Pa. Moses. Floyd L.. Sprin-rboro. Pa. McNeal. Herman. Mainesburg, Pa, McGinnls. Raymond J.. Fair Chance, Pa. Lytle. Clarence W.. Lilly, Pa. I-ellls, George. Russellton. Pa. Claude H., Powle Valley, Pa. Hazk-tt, George A- Kama Cltv. Pa Graham. John E.. Franklin, Pa. Eblsch. Ernest. Erie, Pa. Carlson. Axel B.. Yatesbuoro. Pa. Brown. Hubert A., Pittsburg. Pa Barone, Kaffiel E.. Midland. Pa. Bare, Joseph F., West Chester, Pa. . Sensl. Lulgi. Plainsvllie. Pa. Rosengreen, I. L.. Warren, Pa. Ringler, R. B.. Meyersdale. Pa. Peters, D. L., Philadelphia. Dubois, G. A., Philadelphia. Anello, Antonio, Yatesboro, Pa. Bello, Salvatore, Conshokocon, Pa. Cusick. W. M.. Philadelphia. Bloom, Abram. Harrisburg, Pa. Taylor. R. C, Geneva, Pa. Dobson, W. L., Rochester, Pa. Bozek, F. J.. Wilkesbarre. Pa. Clark, A. H., Mount Union, Pa. Riley. Charles, Newell. Pa, Campbell, Donald A., Burt-llle. Pa. Watson, Robert. Meyersdale, Pa. Traister. Delbert C. Widnoon, Pa. Sclilester, Samuel Edward, York, Pa. Schlotter. Harry Edward, Pittsburg, Pa, Ries. John A., Pittsburg. Reich, Edward A., Rochester, Pa. Revie, James W., Earnest, Pa. Means, Harry Michael. Newell, Pa. Vidakovich, Splro, Pittsburg. Russell. George S., Bethlehem. Pa. Long. Benjamin F., Shamokln. Pa. Kemper, Charles J.. Philadelphia. Hairran, Meatro. Simpson. Pa. Ely, Eugene, Tltusville, Pa. Busila, John, Gilberton, Pa. Brennan, Thomas J., Thropp, Pa. Brewer, Norman M., Fairview, Pa. Bonebrake, Irvln,, Waynesboro, Pa. Yosolovitz, Joseph. Pittsburg. Pa. Wlllever, Stanley Green. Easton, Pa. Cotner. Harry, Philadelphia. Humes, Charles V., Branch Blairsvllle, Pa, Zaitsov, Alex., Pittsburg, Pa. Weaver. Guy W., McSherrystown, Pa, Westwood, Raymond. Munson, Pa, Wagner, Fred, Bethel. Pa. Stodolsky. Frank, Wendel. Pa. Slenker, Leroy, York. Pa. Scbeldy, John F., Upper Lehigh, Pa. Kodgers. Devlin c. lork. Pa, Lentz. Harry G., Philadelphia. Pa. Groome. John C, Philadelphia, Pa. Alio, Francisco A., Tamlller, Pa. Williams. Evan M., Carnegie. Pa. Sposoto, Frank, Johnsonburg. Pa. Womer, Arthur ar.. Allentown. Pa. White, Casper. Philadelphia, Pa. Heard. Richard L., Bangor. Pa. Merry, Edmund R.. Benavon. Pa. Werner, Edward J., Pittsburg. Wesolowskl, Stanny, Shamokln, Pa. Wado, Tony, HolRopple, Pa. Wal.', Chancy O., Ashley, Ta. JJ I A 1 1 VaVJI m ' i u All Now in Pink Wrappers To save tin foil for Uncle Sam, WRIGLEYS is now all wrapped in pink paper and hermetipally sealed in wax: 1. Thetangey flavor of mint Pa. 2. The luscious different flavor Pa. Fa- Pa. Pa. 3. The soothing flavor of peppermint to get The Flavor Lasts! Vance, Andrew M., Johnstown, Pa. Strittmatter, Modes us P., Hastings, Pa. McCurdy, Samuel P., Latrobe, Pa. oannucci. Aneelo. Philadelphia, Hull. John B.. Carlisle. Pa. Gledhlll. Raymond A., Philadelphia. Graham, Floyd J., Webster. Pa. Waldman, David. Philadelphia, Pa. Taborne. F. J.. Mayfield. Pa. Ogden, Elmer. Philadelphia, Pa. Smith. Mathew, Valley. Pa. Schadt. F. D.. Greenville. Pa. Yeager, J. A, Philadelphia, Pa. Yochim, Fred, Erie, Pa. Spilka, B. F., Philadelphia, Pa. Tunning, C. E., Mt. Braddle. Pa. Smith, C. F., Stratonville, Pa. Nulph, L. R Climax. Pa. Wounded undetermined Bracken, Harry. Wilkensbury. Pa. RHODE ISLAND. Killed in action Jentzel. Harold J.. Providence, R. I. Missing in action Campbell, Joseph, Providence, R. X. Died of wounds Vaughan. G. W. C. (Lt.). Providence, R. I. Follett, Cecil, Valley Falls, K. i. Died of disease Coats, Archibald (Lt.). Providence, R, I. Wonndei severely Metcalf. George T. (Lt.). Wickford, R. X, Nadeau, David (Sgt.), Woonsocket. R. L Treeful. Emanuel (Cpl.), Tiverton, R, L Savage. Joseph, Providence, R. L Mitchell, F. E.. Washington. R. I. Farrell, Thomas A., Providence. R. L Cassidy. Henry C. Wakefield, R. I. Wilde. John W., Johnston. R. I. Ottavino, Tommaso. Lymmsville, R. I. BOCTU CAROLINA. Killed In action Manning. Wm. S. (Capt.) Columbia. S. C. Davis. G. G.. Greer. S. C. Sprouse. J. C. Lounsville, S. C. Keith, B. C, Durham, S. C. Missing in action Boone, L. V., Kershaw, S. C. Died of disease Jones. John. Edgefield. S. C. Bathke, Willmar A.. Tony, S. C. Brown, Joe, BIythewood, S. C. Small, Ben, Castee. S. C. Moore. Frank, Swansea, S. C. Hill. John W.. Kinards. S. C. Painter. George L., Lundrum, S. C. liobinson, Joseph, Decausavllle, S. O. Wonnded severely Palmer, Wm. A. (Capt.). Greenville, S. C. Cato, Leevl (Sgt.). Benneftsvllle, S. C. Hall. Thomas L. (Sgt.). Fort Mill. S. C. Foster. William (Sgt.). Spartanburg. S, C, Buckner. Samuel E. (Sgt.), Rldgeland, S. C. Childs. Richard A. (Sgt.). Columbia, S. O. Mullins. W. G.. Jr. (Cpl.), Columbia, S. C. Dickenson. Arthur B.. Pelzer, S. C. Weir, James J., Tucapau. 6. C. Howie, Walter, Osceola. S. C. Campbell. Walter K-. McCormick, S. C Hlnson. Albert, Camden. S. C. . Roberts. Ellie, McColl, S. C. Powell. Benny. Andrews. S. C. Sm-adlev. Charles L.p Severn, S. C. Newsome, Henry B.. Hartsville, S. C. Aaron. James L., Columbia. S. C. Tlsdale. Cary, Kingstree, S. C. Wood. Thos. M., Hill, S. C. Kimble, Dacus, Greenville. S, C. Long. Fred E.. Fort Mill. S. C. White, Will., Chcraw, S. C. Boyd, David D., Laurens, S. C. Haselden. Herbert W., Cades, S. C. McCall. Lawrence. Salem, S. C. Garner. Drew. Lykesland. S. C. Carter, Newberry, Greenville, S. C. Watts, Thomas. Allsbrook, S. C. Bright. P. L.. Inman, S. C. Cato. David. Darlington, S. C. Rogers. Malcolm C, Fort Wills. S. C. Scott. Ira M., Ridges Springs, S. C. Moulds. Luther B., Lake City, S. C. Williams. John I., Smiths Mill. S. C. Dehay, Grover C, Corner. S. C. White. William O.. Greenville, S. C. Wessinger, J. S., Lexington, S. C. Rousseau, L. W., Eagle Butte, S. C. SOUTH DAKOTA. Killed In action Bergling. B. A. Brookings. S. D. Jessen. Frederick, White, S. D. Paseka, A. J., Wood, S. D. Olson, A. B., Castlewood, S. D. Missing In action Hunt, M. D., Chelsea, S. D. Died of woasdi Stroup, Harry A., Bowdlex, 8. D, All in pink-end packages and all sealed air-tight. Be Sure Wounded severely Toung, George G. (CpL), Leola, S. D. Allen. Ward (Cpl.), Farmingdale. S. D. Nelson, John, Puckwawa, S. D. Larsen, Edwin. Hetland. S. D. t Hoxeng. Carl John, Volin, S. D. Olsen. Alfred, Hudson, S. D. Holm. George A.. Pierre. S. D. Powell. M. D., Sioux Falls. S. D. Lawrence. Henry W-. Little Eagle, S. D. Pulver. James F., Sioux Falls, S. D. Werner, John A., Kennebec, S. D. Hlrd, George W., Scotland. S. D. Ekberg. George W., Gallup, S. D. Wilde, Henry, Freeman, S. D. Orth, Emanuel, Scotland, S. D. TENNESSEE. Killed In action Laugberty, A. L. (Sgt.). Boyda Creek. Tenn, Farmer. Tober (Cpl.). Nashville, Tenn, Stuart. Hugh A.. Cheap Hill. Tenn. Rider, Oscar, Knoxvllle. Tenn. Miller, Harry. Maryaville. Tenn. Dempsey, E. T.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Bates. J. P., Beardstown, Tenn. Norton, J. A., Cliuppy. Tenn. Dunaway, F. L., Harrison, Tenn. Smith. S. H.. Waverly, Tenn. Missing In action Carden. J. L. (Sgt.), Hampton, Tenn. Marchbanks. M. L.. Sparta, Tenn. Bateman, G. B., Sobel, Tenn. Lee. Henry, West Point, Tenn. Died of wounds Lacey. Chas. S. (Cpl.), Nopson. Tenn. Died of accident Smaej, Irwin, South Nashville, Tenn. Died of disease Hill. Samuel M.. Decatur, Tenn. Kngiand, Zummer, Dickson. Tenn. Cabe, John. Greenback, Tenn. Stewart, ,V'irgle A., Mitchellville, Tenn. Kicnarason. Liauu r., xiumuoiui, jena. Harrell, Archer B.. Lucy, Tenn. Hnrrison, James. Whitewell, Tenn. "You brushed your teeth hut- did you clearyourhead? Wise mothers who want to keep their children free from cold and catarrh, should insist on nose cleaning and head-clearing' with Kondon'a at tooth - brushing time 11 Kondan's doesn't do wonders lor your cold, sneezing, cough, chronic catarxa, nose-bleed. FREEosS etc. we'll par your 20 TreatmentSjSa. money bark- Coupon "SV KUNUON'3 Atlnflsnreenonch 0 Alinneapolis, for 'JO applications) will be mailed on receipt Minn. of your name and address. 1 or saie by all druggists. 'hone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 because Nolen. Frank H., Right, Tenn. Meltabarger, Hicks it.. Fountain City, Tenn. Wounded severely Norvell. Richard (Lt.), Nashville, Tenn. Ayers, Roscoe (Sgt.), Jellico. Tenn. Davis. Victor M. (Sgt.), Sparta. Tenn. Headrlck. W. C. (Sgt.). McKwen. Tenn. Hughes. Albert S. (Sgt ). Nashville. Tenn. (Concluded on Page 11.) E T ROUBLES HAD COST THOUSANDS Mrs. White Says Tanlac Over came Troubles After Every thing Else Failed. "Actually, a few bottles of Tanlao did more for me than all the other medicines and treatments that have cost me thousands of dollars,'' recently declared Mrs. Kittio White, whose hus band is proprietor of the University Paint Comnany. and who lives at 131J Forty-second street. Kast Seattle, Wash. "Fifteen years uro, ' she continued. T was as strong and healthy a woman I as vou ever saw, weiKiuns an ui neighborhood of a hundred and seventy nminriH. Mv troubles started when I contracted asthma, which got eo bad that many a time I have had' to lt up night after night wheezing and gag ging, hardly able to get my breath and suffering so terribly I really thought I was going to die. Then my stomach went back on me, my food would sour, and the gas that rose up in my throat would almost strangle me, and start me to vomiting till 1 would be in such misery I would almost go distracted. My head ached like it would split and my back hurt like It was going to break In two. I lost over forty pounds, I was but a shadow of my former self, and was so weak and felt so wornout that I was barely able to get around. "Now this was just tie awful condi tion I was in when one of my frlend3 toiH m about Tanlac. and I thought if I could get my stomach in good condi tion and regain my strength, maybe I could stand the asthma better, eo I got me a bottle. Well, sir, the results have far surpassed anything I expected. Whv. mv aDDetite Is so great that I feel ashamed to eat enough to satisfy myself, and my stomach Is In good condition. But the greatest surprise of all is I haven't suffered a partlclo from asthma since I have been taking Tanlac. I felt so tine on iintsninT my first bottle that I just couldn't get nother one quick cnougn, tor i couldn't afford to miss a single dose. I sleep so sound now that 1 don't know a thing from the time I go to bed till I get up in the morning. 1 never know what a heauacne is una tnose awiui Dains in my back are all gone. I have already gained several pounds and am gaining in weight every day. Why, I can do any amount of hard work now without getting tired, and can't re member the time when I felt as fine as I do today. I am so happy over my great Improvement that 1 want every body to know what a splendid medlcino Tanlac Is." Tanlac is sold In Portland by th. Owl Drug Co. Adv. 13