f9 THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, .DECEMBER 6, 1918. FLOUR SHIHTS ' Oil LARGER SCALE Government Has Sent to Eu rope 1,552,709 Barrels. PURCHASES ARE 2,222,000 Small Business Done in, Xortliwcst This Season With Other Quarters. Trading on Grain Board. On hundred ton of tembr yellow cor were sold at the Merchants Exchange yesterday t IOS.JO and 100 tons of Jin siary yellow com at the luu price, which was an advance of SO cents over Wednes day's highest bid. Mixed corn was also SO cents higher. Offers for bulk oats were -2o&0 rents lower and uckM oats SO cents higher than the dajr before. Barley was down 25 fit SO cents. The flour movement from tba North Coast ports has become heavy and the volume will continue large until the wheal crop has been disposed of. The Govern meat has purchased so far this season 2.220. 40 barrels In the North area J" and has shipped to date J. 6 2,709 barrels to Europe. Klour shipments from Portland In Novem br wero H2.05 barrels to Europe 143 barrels to California, the total of 2 ".S.0O1 barrels comparing with 34.7&S bar rels shipped, la tha same month last year. For tha first fir months of the cereal year Portland shipped 643.040 barrels ot flour, of which 681.1 it barrels went to Kuropo and SI. 891 barrels to California. In ths corresponding period last season total shipments wero 181.230 barrels. Puget Sound ports for tho season to date liara shipped 1.188.3:3 barrels of flour. 961.560 barrels going to Europe and 222.764 barrels south, tho total cemsirlne with SOS. BIS barrels dispatched in the sam period last year. Tho wheat movement has been very light this season, amounting to only 1009 bushels from Portland and 1800 bushels from the Sflond. all of It going to California ports. Last year wheat shipments in the ss months wero S87.0M bushels from Portland and S92.96T bushels from Puget Sound. Recent Imports at San Francisco included 44. SO centals of Australian wheat and 224: bales of gnnnleo. Weather conditions In ths Middle West yesterday as wired from Chicago: "Winni peg, snowing. 20; Minneapolis, part cloudy. 85; Chicago, clear, cold; Peoria, clear. 39 Kansas City, clear. 43: Topeka. clear. 42 Omaha, part cloudy, .18; St. Louts, clear, 25; Hutchinson, cloady, 42." Terminal receipts In cars were reported by tha Merchants Exchange as follows: Whoa t3arley.F1 our. Oats. Hay. Portland. Thar. i ... 21 ... 18 Tear ago 1 1 3 5 7 Fwenuesta 47 ,!! lit f.24 3!t Year ago 3467 115 SU3 674 801 Taeema. Wld. 22 ... ... ... ... Yoarago...... S ... ... Feasen to data. 3103 18 ... Ill T"l Tear ago llT S ... 16 26 r'eattle. Wed... 14 ... 1 ... 4 Tear ago 3 T 2 8 Foason to date. 3M! 46 7C4 423 1548 Tear ago...... 2022 144 641 663 2o0i EGO 8t PPLT CCT ALMOST IX HALF ! Holdings in Xorthweat Are a Low Point. Zgg holdtnga rn storagw ta ths Northwest are 4.1.8 par coot less than a year ago. while Butter stocks are 10.1 par cent greater.' Egg stocks on November 15. 1318. were 81.017 caaee. against 55.180) cases a year before, and butter holdings ware 1.339.990 pounds against 1.216.889 pounds last year. , Report from 445 storages throughout the Vnltod Mtates show that their rooms con tain 2,935.922 cases of eggs while on Novem ber L 693 storages reported 3,67i9 cases. Reports of 23 storages are not yet received. Ob tho hearts of previous reports their hold loss are estrmated aa 44.46V case. The 429 storages that reported holdings November 15 of this ysar and last show present stock of 2.933.603 cases as com pared with 3.704.474 cases last year. decrease) of T80.871 eases or 21.1 per cen Tho reports show that from November to November 15 tho holdings decreased 21. per cent whlla tho last report showed that from October 1 to November 1, tho bold logs decreased 23.S per cent. Last year tho decrease from November 1 to 13 wai IT per cent, and daring October the de creaao was 20.1 per cent. Reports Croat S5S cold storages show tha their rooms coataia 74.043.034 pounds iissineiT butter whlla oa November 1, 41 storages reported S2.740.149 pounds. Re ports of 19 storage are not yec received Oa the) basla of pieWme reports their hold- tngs are estimated as ML631 pounds. Tho 303 storages that f sported holdings oa No vember 13 of this year and last ahow present stock of T0.336,4S ponds aa com sand wtta S3.T3a.689 pounds hut year. dscraaaa of 12.J9a.84 pounds or IS per cent Taet reports show that from Kovmmber 1 to Neweanber IS ths holdings decreased 9.4 per cant. while tha last report showed that from October 1 ta November 1 tho holdings decreased S3 per cent. Last year tho de 1 1 a see from November 1 to IS wsa 8.3 per at anal during October ths decrease was 6-4 par cant. EARLY WESTER APrXES PELL LOWER Taacy has been desired. Alpaca Is very firm and Is selling freely wherever offerings are made at full recent quotations both for fleeces and for inferior and second lota Boston quotations: Best combing, SSffOOe; good combing. 80S3c; ordinary combing, 75430c: best. carding. 80 83c; good card ing. T3C80c: ordinary carding, 70 0 75c Foreign: Cape Summer .firsts, 85fj90c; Cape, Winter firsts. 80j85c; Baa a toe, 72 O lie; Turkey, fair average, nominal. WEARER MARKET FOR POTATOES Price Lower TVIth Demand IJght Ship ments Still Moderate. With tha demand for potatoea slow prices eased off in tho local market yesterday. Graded Oregon Burbanks wero quoted at 1.73 "and ungraded as low as $1.33. Yakima Netted Gems wero held at $15 02. Three cars of Oregon potatoes were shipped to. San Francisco and one car each to Kennet. Bohemia. Salem and Tha Dalles. No shipping districts showed any change, except Western New Tork, where bulk round whites advanced 7Hc to 81 87&1.P2. carloads, f. o. b., usual terms. This same stock ruled steady at (2.1302.23 In lead ing Eastern markets. A stronger tone also noticeable In the Chicago sacked stock carlot market, whero Michigan. Mlnnesots and Wisconsin white stock advanced SO 10c ruling 81.70. Shipments were about recant average, Maine leading. Egg Rerelpts Are Inadequate. Eggs are moving up about a cent a day. There has been a slight increase In re celpts from the country, but with no stor age stock offering ths arrivals are entirely Inadequate. Cuba butter was quoted at SO cents, with the demand from city creameries small. , There were light receipts ot poultry and but little inquiry. Dressed meats were also quiet. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yeaterday were aa follows: riearinr. Balance. TWlanl S5.A61.991 81.830.948 Prattle C.821.940 982.590 Ti-i.na. -. 707.6H3 117.1 Spokane 1.520.773 627.40a HOG LOADINGS IU5E FARMERS IV CORN STATES 3IAR- KET THEIR STOCK. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Nortbwestera oats and barley, sacked Dee. Bid. .lii.OO Jan. Bid 155.50 Oats No. 2 whit feed ....... Rjtrlv Standard feed 49.30 80.00 Standard A 50.00 50.00 Kastern oats and corn in bulk i . r No. 3 white 32.00 52.50 Thirty-eight pound clipped... 53.00 63-50 rnrn No. 8 yellow .18.50 58.30 No. 3 mixed 67.5a 57.50 WHEAT Government, basis, 12.20 per bu. FLOUR arnlly flour. HO.&O&r 11.05 per harrrl: baker. I10.70tr 10.85; whole wheat. fOS.terlO: graham, 39.6399.80: barley flour, I10.504HS: rare flour. 111.76 13; corn flour, H2O12 40; corn meal, 811611.80; oat flour, 11.20trlL4O. MlLLr ErJD Mill run. soil wneat graaeat f. o. b mill, carlots, 832.10 per ton; mixed cars. $32.60; ton lots or over. $34.10; lees than tons. $35.10; rolled barley. $53(959; roiled oats, $61 ft 65; ground barley, $56w60; Itaira meal. S4O0 4. CORN Whole. $73077: cracked. $75079. HAY Buvlne nrlcea. f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy. $30333 per ton; Valley timothy. $27 per ton: alfalfa. $28; Valley grain hay. $2; clover, I-; straw. f10. Stack Flrady- ha Loral Market. Storage Holdbags Ara Smaller. Early Winter varteSea af apples, mostly ver-np. war offered lower yesterday. Orchard rem of vaiioea varieties were quoted at 11-22 0 1 50 and cookers at $191.25. Vaary stock, well packed and bard ripe. was steady. Extra fancy sorts sold $2,2342.73 according ta size. Twe cars of Washington applea were received. Shipments of Oregon applea were: Dec. 3, 1 car to Portland. 1 each to Chicago, ', Mitchell. Blabe. Providence. 'Los Angeles, Saa Fraacisc. Sacrament and Buspoaaioa. Dr. - 4 S car to New Tork. 2 each to Newbvrg and Lo Angela. 1 each t Provi dene. Dallas, Omaha, Chicago. Elmtrs. Waco. El Paso. Portland. Sacramento. Ran Kranclsc. Blsbee. Mitchell. Suspension Bridge. Monroe. Eas( Portland. Cider stork. Dec 4. 3 cars to Chicago and 1 to Cornel lua la tho East New Tork Baldwins A 2 'i- !nch wero steady at $."'9)5.50 per barrel, car loads f. o. a, aanal terms at Rochester ship ping points and advanced to $696.25 New Tor. City, now holding a general range of $3096.23. Northwestern Wlneaapa were about atsady at $202.15 per box. carloads f o. b. asoal terms at ahipplng points, and held about steady at $27:.tS23 ta leading mark eta. Shipments were heavier. - Cold storage holdings- ot applea In the Northwest oa November 15 were 943.197 boxes a garnet L 329. Sol boxes en the same ate last year, or a decrees of 28.6 per cent. Total holdings In the TJnitrd fttatee on November 13, 1918. were 3.695.306 boxes and 3.62T.29T barrels, compared with hold tngs ea November 1 i. 191T, of S.80LS45 boxes and X 921.904 barrels, aa Increase for the current year f 1-T per cent. 'DEMAND FOR MOHAIR IS SMALL Frlres Are l arertavla la Abet ace of Itasliirss Trier has been practically nothing done la the Boston market In the past week in ,xtabalr. censanaers showing Indifference to i no onennr maae in tna market, and so I p-lcea. while more er less uncertain, are Ibm qnetably changed, says the Commercial Uulletln. Advices from the foreign markets are Vneagra. The English mills appear to be wail occupied, although stock hav been coming forward rather mors slowly than Dairy and Country Produce. , BETTER Cubes, extras. 60 cents; prints narehment wrappers, extras, box lota, 6oc; cartons. Atic: half boxes. Ho more; less than half boxes, lc more; butler-fat. No. 1, 67 per pound, station. ElHiti Orearon rancn. canaiea. rots ana cracks out. 68c; selects, 72673c dozen. CHliESU Tillamook, I. o. o. xmamoos: TriDlpts. 36c: Young Americas. Sic; Coot and Curry County: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle Point. 3.1KC. POULTRY Hen.'. 24 0 23c: springs. 26 tj 27c: broilers, 32c: tlucks. 2S08UC; tur keja. live. 30tt32c: turkeys, dressed, 34c VKAL Fancy, -'iic per poena POKK fancy. 20a20o per pound. Fruit and Vegetables. I.oca.1 lobbing quotations: FRUITS' Oranges, navels. $3.7507; lem ona. t6r$7-75 per brx: bananas, SritfSc pet pound: apples. I1B3.I per Box: pears, - 2.25 per pox; grapea, tv per aeg; cranDer- rlee. $12 per barrel; huckleberries. 17Va per pound. VtliLTAHLM lomaioea. ea per oox; cabbage. $22.50 per loo lbs.: lettuce, $2.ti4 5 per crate: peppers, livke per lb. celery. 8O0UOC per dozen: eggplant, 150 Oc per pound; artichokes, l. i.i dozen cauil flower, $3.30 per crate; garlic. 43e per pound; purapkina. 2o per pound; squash. 2c pet pound; beets. $2.25 per aack: carrota. 11.750 2 per sack; turnips, 81.75 per sack. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, graded, $1. 50 & 1.75; ungraded. $1.33. Yaklmas, $1.8502: sweets. IfrlVjc. UNIONS Oregon. $1.7502; California browns, $l.09Li-. Shipments of Cattle And Sheep Are Lighter Than in. Preceding Slonth Local Trade Conditions. Daily telegraphic reports to the Bureau of Markets from railroads In the United States how 107,323 cars, all classes, of livestock loaded In the various states during govern ber. 1918. This In an Increase of 3488 earn compared with October. 1918. and 41.087 comDared with November a year ago. Th number of cars of each species loaded in the Northwestern section, which takes in Oregon. Washington, leans, Montana and nyoming, follows: Cattle. Horaes.M'x'd ' Calvee.Hors.Sheep.Mules.Stock. WmW THril A7A .VMfri 14 143 October 773 507 1038 158 US Loadings of cattle and calves last month decreased 5643 carloads compared with Oc tober, while a decrease of 743S was nhoero in sheep loadings and a decrease of 1338 cars in loadings of horses and mules. On the other hand an Increase of 17,575 cars of hogs was noted last month over tho month orevlous and a gain of 334 cars of mixed etock. The big Increase In hog loadings was largely in the north central west ana north central east sections comprising the loading corn belt states and states fringing on the corn belt. About 83 per cent ot last month's hog loadings were reported from the two sections above noted. . The run at the Portland yertls yesterday amounted to 17 carloads. Trade was fairly active throughout the day and prices held up well. For a load of top-grade hogs $11 was oaid. Receipts were 169 cattle, 2 carves, 114 ho irs and 272 sheep. Tho day a sales were as xouowa Wt. Price. 8i0$ 4.00 . . 783 ..into . . 873 .. 70 . . 875 .. 7!l3 .. 070 ..1020 . :to . 7B5 . 534 . 820 .HHO . . two ..127.1 .. 020 .. 745 .. 55l .. 7.10 80.-. 8.751 9 hogs . 3 hogs 3 hogs 6.25 K3 hogs . 6.00 33 nogs . 6.on! 8 hogs . 4.23 79 hogs . E.70 93 hoes . 7.00 12 hogs 5.50 G9 m'x'd sh. 5.35 1 ewe 6.2-" 1 steer . . . 4.5U 2 steers ... 7.601 2 steers . . . 6.23 13 steers 5.U017 cows . 8.50 4 cows 5.0022 cows 8 cows . 2 rows . 3 cows 23 cows 3 cows . 4 cows .. 4 cows . !2 cows . . 1 cow 1 cow ... 4 cows . . 5 cows . . 2 heifers. S heifers. 4 bulls... 2 bulls... 6 steers 3 steers 4 steers 2 steers 1 steer 6 steer 8 steers ..1000 10.00 16 steers .. 950 10.231 Prices current at the local yards aro as follows: Cattle Prims steers ................. Good to choice steers......... Medium to good steers. ...... Kair to good steers. ......... . Common to fair steers . ........ Choice cows and heifers....... Fair to medium cows, heifers. Canners .......... ....... ...... Bulls Calves Hogs 6.O0I 8.IH) 5 8.25 4 COWB . , 2 cows . . 1 cow . . . 2 calves . 1 heifer , Wt. Trice. . 255 $ 16.00 . JHS 10. . 344 18.25 . 215 16.73 . 415 10.30 . 125 12.00 . 215 17.00 .183 15.00 . 253 16.23 us n.r.o 112 5.00 .lo.to lo.oo . 9D0 0.00 . 1125 9.00 . 1170 10.23 .1003 8 25 . 873 3.73 . 800 6.70 . 7S5 4.00 . 9SII 4.00 . 07O 7.00 . 160 11. 00 . 830 8.50 Prime mixed ............. Medium mixed ........... Rough' heavies ........... Pigs rmeeD Prime lambs ............. i-air to medium lambs.... Yearlings Wethers Ewes .$11. 50 if 12.00 . 10.50 vi 11.50 . 9.50 a 10.50 . 8.000 9.00 . 5.50 0 7.50 . 7.78 i 8.00 . o.uo0 e.ou . 3.0(1 it 4.00 . 3.00 0 7.00 . 9.00 ft 12.00 . 16.7517.O0 . .50f ltl.MS . 14.AO&14.85 . 14.00 it 13.00 . 12.0013.00 . 8.00 it 11.00 . 10.00 a 11.00 . 9.00 10.00 . 6.000 8.00 ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to the Leading Markets of the Fact fie North went. State origins of livestock loaded Decem ber 4, 1918: Cattle .Horses and and Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Mules. Etk. ror f orlland Staple Groceries, luteal Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $9.55: beet. $9.25; extra C, $9.15; powdered In barrels, $10.23; cubes. In barrels. $10.45. NUTa walnuts. sc; Drazll nuts, lc; filberts, 25c; almonds. 23030c: peanuts, 21c, SALT Half-ground, loos. per ton 50a $17.23 per ton: dairy. $23 per ton. RICE Unbroken. IOVWIIVjC per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices; White, 9Ss0 lOVic: colored. 70Sc. COFFEE Roasted. In drums. 20 9 33c Previsions. Loral Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice 3803$ lie; stand. aid. 70S7Vc; skinned, none; picnic 27c; cottage roll. 36c LARD Tierce basis, standard pore, 28Kc; eompoend. 23 He BACON Fancy. 500620; standard. 41 950c: choice. 364c dry salt snort, clear oar a a. zv a 3 4c; exports. 28031c Heps, Wool. Mohair. Etc HOPS Oregon. 1918 crop, 23027c pet pound. WOOI-Oregon. SS0TIe per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 62c; short staple. 42c; burry. 3c. CASCARA BARK New and old. 13He per pound. TALLOW No. i. 13 Ho per pound: No. & Sc per pound; grease. No. L 10c; No. 2. & per pound. Hides aad Frlta. HIDES No. 1 salted. 30 pounds and up. 14c; No. 2 sstted. 30 pounds and up, 13c; No. 1 green, 30 pounds and up. 11c: No. 2 green. 30 pounda and up. 10c; No. 1 salted bulla, SO pounds and up. lie; No. 2 salted balls. 80 pound and up, loc; No. 1 green bulla. 50 pounds and up, 9c; No. 2 green bulls, 50 pounds and up. 8c; No. 1 green or salted calf skins up to 15 pounds, 20c: No. 3 green or salted calf skins up to in pounds. Sc: No. 1 green or salted kip skins. 15 to 80 pounds. 15c: No. 2 green or salted kip skins. 15 to so pounds. 13 Sic: dry Hint hides. 7 pounds and up. 28c; dry flint calf, undel T pounds. 38c; dry salt hides, 7 pounds and up, 22c; dry salt calf, under 7 pounds, 32c; dry cull hides or caif, bait price; dry stag! or bulla lec; dry salt stags or bulls. 12c PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 88c; dry ebort-woot pelts, per pound. 15 0 20c; salted long-wool lamb pelts, each. $20 2.75 salted long-wool sheep pelts, each. $1.51 02.60; dry sheep shearlings, each 18 0 35c salted sheep snearungs, each. 300 30c Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c: engine distillate bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk. 10c: esses. 20c LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.93; cases, ;wj; oouea, osrreis, si.v.j; ruses. S2.UO. TUrLPENTIXE In tanks. 96c; cases, $1.0$ 0 GIRL'S ASSAILANT TAKEN Elmer Ingeman, Former Prisoner, Arrested in. North .Bend. NORTH BEND, Or.. Dec. 5. (Special.) Charged with an attack upon Keba Brajrdon. the 9-year-old daughter ot P. H. Bragdon. of thia city, Elmer ItiEeman. 23 years of age. waa arrested nd given a preliminary hearing; before UHtice .ot the I'eace Derbyshire ' on Wednesday and bound over to tha Dis trict Court under $1000 bond. The attack occurred late Tuesday. when tbe Brag-don srirl. In company with another flrl of the same age was returning; to her home. When passing- wooded aection the Bragdon srirl waa pounced upon by Ingemafi. who atruck er over tbe head with a heavy club. rendering1 ber unconscious. He then raft are d her to a deserted, ahack near by. but her companion summoned help nd he waa taken into custody. I nee- man was released from San Quentln prison but a few months ago, where he served a term ror a similar, offense. 1 Montana regon Washington ... Totals One week ago.. Four w'ks ago.. One year ago.. For Seattle Idaho Oregon Washington ... Totals One week ago.. Four w'ks ago..- One year ago.. ror bpokane Idaho Washington ... Totals One week ago.. Four w'ks aao.. One year ago.. 8 ... 5 ... S 4 .... 1 .. 12 5 e 12 12 "ii upon the question of reopening the futures market. The official cables reported no change in the spot markets at either Rio or Huntos, while tbe early cables reported Santos futures unchanged at 50 rels higher. I.ater cables showed reactions in the latter market, however, with declines of about 130 to 175 rels. New York Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec 6. Butter weak, an changed. Eggs irregular. Fresh gathered extras, 75c; ' fresh gathered regular packed extra firsts, 72S74c; do. firsts. 70071c Cheese, strong, unchanged. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Dec 3. Butter, unchanged. Eggs Receipts. 1837 cases, unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW TORE. Dec 6. Spot cotton, steady; middling, 29.25c Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK, Dec 5. Evaporated apples firm. Prunes scarce. Peaches nominal. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Dec. 5. Metals unchanged. New Tork Sugar Market. NEW TORK, Dec 5. Sugar unchanged. 1 Dulacb. Linseed Market. DULTJTH. Dec. 5. Linseed, $3.16. PUBLIC NOT INTERESTED REDUCTION- OP- MARGIN' RATE FAILS TO ATTRACT BUYERS. CORN OFFERINGS GREATER RURAL. HOLDERS SHOW MORE -OF DISPOSITION' TO SELL. Stock Market in Professional Con trol and Leading Shares Re cede Under Pressure. NEW TORK, Dec S Stocks drifted Idly during the gerater part of today's extremely professional session, prices of many leading issues evincing a further disposition to de cline under moderate pressure. reversion to the old rulo on atocK mar gins, permitting brokers to loan up to 80 per cent on collateral, failed to stimulate outside interest in the slightest degree, nor did this modification toud to relax rates lor money. united States Pteel was the objective of lncfssant pressure, although yielding only half a point at tho close. Other Industrials and equipments also made material recov eries In the final hour and gas shares featured tho utilities at gains of 2 to 4 points. Rails and shippings were among tho un certain features, the former showing irreg ularlty throughout, while Marines eased in the later dealings with metals and obscure specialties. Sales amounted to 440,000 shares. The only alteration reported in foreign exchange was a slight reduction In sterling demand bills, rates to neutral centers show ing more firmness. The tone of United States Government bonds again afforded a contrast to the bal ance of tho- bond list, 'liberty Issues continu ing to decline, tha fourth 414 s making a ew low at 85.96. Total sales, par value. were $11,873,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. lasi Sales. Hlch. Am Beet Sugar. 4.300 5o tnerlcan Can. . il.L'OO 4oni. Am Car & Fdiy Suo bi U American Loco.. 3,500 63i Am Sm & Refg.' 10,b00 84 Am Sugar Relg. 200 Ill's Z.l'OO 300 3 3 5,00 664a ' 300 VI 000 10'J 2.100 Di-ta.- 7,400 63 3,600 300 100' 000 bOH 2,100 51) -a 1.300 47 1,100 O'.l'i 1,700 iTt 3,300 38 n 8 .. 3 .. Chicago 'Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 8. Hogs, receipts. 73.000. market mostly 10c lower than yesterday's average. Butchers. $17.50f 17.75; Tight. $17 rl7.43: packing, $16.50n 17.43; throw-outs. $1 -'4tj 18.73; pigs, good to choice, $14.25 15.50. Cattle Receipts. 23,000; beef and bntcher cattle slow; early selling tendency lower; calves ana feeders, steady. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $15,75620.25; com mon and medium, $9.7513.75; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $6,856) 14.25; can ners and cutters, $6.15&6.65; atockers and reeilers. good, choice and fancy. $10.2519 13.25; inferior, common and medium, $7p lo.5; veal calves, good and choice $17.50"? 18; Western range beef steers, $14.50t? 18.23; cows and heifers. $B.30fc 13.23. Hheep R--elpts. 2.H.O00; market slow: lambs steady to 23c lower; sheep and year lings about steady. Lambs, choice and prime. $15.15av 15.35; medium and good. (14115 13: cnlls. $11.5012.50; ewes, choice and prime, $.23fir0.50; medium and good. $819.25; culls, $3.7S6.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec 5. Hogs Receipts. 13.000: steady to lOc lower. Heavy, $16.90&17.RO; mixed. $17.20&17.40; light. 117.15 n 17.55: pigs, $10 18.50: bulk of sales. $17.20017.40. Cattle Receipts, eooo; weak to 70 cents lower. Native steers. $11918.50: cow and heifers, $6rl2: Western steers, $9.504r 16 r.0; Texas steers. $3.o0al2; cows and heifers. $6011.25; canners. $4.755.75; stockers and feeders $6A13: calves, $7.5013.50. Hheep Receipts, wno: steady. Culls, $4.50 A 7.50: wethers, $9.23a 10.25; ewes, $7.50 0; lambs. $11015.03: feeder lambs, $10 J is; yearlings, io.-.iw iu. .a. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 3. Hogs Receipts 335. steady. Prime lights, $I7rl7.23: medium to choice. $16.70617; medium to heavy, $15.73 0I6.2.: rougn neavies, $i.73V15.25; pigs. 14.7516.23. Cattle Keceipts 00, steaay. Kest steers. $llal; meaium to rnoice, iu..03?ll: met alum to goon, 3pe.i'; meuium, xir.o0 bulls, $5950; calves. JjSj 10. SAX FRANCISCO FRODCCB MARKET Prices Current an Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 5. Butter, 639 Kggs FTeen extras, e.vsc; ireah extra pullets. 76c Checae Unquoted. Poultry Hens. 33 .tc: young roosters. 83 rr38c; fryers ana proners, Jotfl-c: pigeons. 12 JO; squsns. . iiu; geese, i'7rzsc; tur keys. live. 33 C 37c: drersed. 40Cr45c Vegetables Celery, $2.2o33.75; squash cream. 7jC0c; Hubbard, l..i0: essDlant. 508c; peppers, bell, 75c; chill, GOtfOOc; tomatoes, ceji.fo; lettuce, sloov; pota toes Ualinas. $303.75; rivers. $L75Sx.25: sweets, 3Hic; onions, Australian brown. $i.5oeji.oo: pean, oitcou; garnc, oc; cauli flower, 60075c; beets, 1.50its 1,60; carrota. lrl.-3: turnips. iti.w; rnuoaro, 75cft $1.25; string beans, 10vl5c; lima, 510c; pumpkins, &oowjc; musnrooms, zoooc; Brucaeiu) sprouts, 5'5,7c. Fruit Lemons. $4.505: oranges. $30 sa.ou; nananas. ivoc; pinmppie, s-io; ap pies, Bellefleur, $1.35i1.75; Newtown Pip. pins. $1.5091-75; Hpltzenbergs, $1.2502; pears. Bartletts. $2.5003; grapes. Tokays, Emperors and Verdels. $1.5O02.2A: persim mons. uOc&l.ou; cranDernea. J.tu; quinces. POvaJi 1.1; casaoas, ii.ou; grapefruit. $2.25&--. Receipts Flour, 2505 quarters: barlev 3870 centals; beans, 7S78 sacks; potatoes. 15.220 sscks; onions, vw sacas; nay, 40 tons hides, 412; wine 87,200 gallons. Am Tel & Tel. Am Z L. & Sin. . naconda Lop.. lenison G JiWlSSL Bait & Ohio Bethlehem B . . Calif Petrol Canadian Pacif. Central Leather hes &. Ohio ... Chi 31 & St P. . hi & N W .... R I &. f ells. Chino Copper . . Colo Fu &. Iron. Corn Prod Refg Crucible Steel .. Cuba Cane Sug. Distill Securities Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt Nor pfd Gt Nor Ore ctfs Illinois Central. Inspir Copper . . Int 31 31 pfd ... Inter Nickel . . . Inter Paper . .... Kennecott Cop.. Louis & Nash.. .Maxwell Motors Moxican Petrol. 12.600 MTaml Copper. . 2,000 Missouri Pacific 2.400 Nevada Copper. N Y Central . .. N Y N H & H . . N'orf & West . . Pennsylvania ... Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Consol Cop Reading Reo Ir & Steel.. Snat Aril Cop.. .Southern Pacific lo-iOO Southern Jty ... ..J" StudebaKer 1-0. Texas Co Union Pacific II S Ind Alcohol U 8 Steel do pfd ...... Ctah Copper . . -Westrn Union. Westing Electric 1,000 1,300 3.000 2.400 2,000 600 800 600 1.700 " V.SOO 23.400 2,400 300 4,300 200 8iM 1,700 1.7O0 300 1,100 " 2,700 4.0OO 1,600 48 H 57 31 43 10 155 127 HSVx 32 48ii 114 H 33s 32 36 "4 120 162 'i 2514 27 i 1814 7'J Va 3fi 107 18,000 200 2.800 2.500 73,200 AOn 3,800 400 1,000 83 70 ioi-H 31 'a S2Ta ISO 131 10m ir-"4 TOVj 80 43 Low. 53ti 45 S3, 62 83 H 110 is 103 13 H 66 Va 04 V . 108 . 55 3 ' 21 s 159 3?i . 48 36', . 4TX 85 74 304 48 18?t 104-54 125 'A i)8 31 U "47 k' 111 32 31 3oi 120 158 M 25 27 V, 18 7854 35 10654 47 "21 ii 84 75 ioiia" 31 51 H is.-. 120V4 100 85 112 77U 88 43 Sale 5S 45 84 !4 63 8414 110V4 103 13 V4 66 . 94 is 109 53 64 S 22 loo 60 V4 39 47 27 V4 J5 3714 48 !4 57 31 48 hi IS 13314 125 ?4 98 3114 88 4814 11- 321! 31 3B 120 28 16014 2o 27 IS '4 78 54 36 107 47 47 22 84 14 7514 ir. 10L-4 31 Vt 51 185 12814 10014 95 34 112 79 "4 us 43 Decline in Feeding Demand Also Tends to Weaken Market at Chi cago Close - Is Nervous. CHICAGO, Dec. 5. Corn- weakened lo price today after the fact became clear that Northern Illinois offerings in particular had considerably enlarged. The market closed nervous, lc net lower to e advance, with both January and February $1.31 to $1.82. Oats lost to c and provisions finished unchanged to 50 cents down. Unsettled feeling and many fluctuations within a narrow range characterized the corn market until numerous rural holders began to show more of a disposition to sell than has been the rule of late. Previous to this development, the spread of influenxa through farming communities was taken in some quarters to indicate restriction of labor and possible consequent serious curtailment of supplies. Late in the session, however. besides the increase of offerings, evidence was at hand that feeding demand In some sections was not so keen as recently. Profit- taking on- bulges served likewise to check bullish sentiment. In the main, oats followed corn. Trade was chiefly local. Shippers were apparently out of the market for the time being. Provisions sagged with grain and hogs. Packers were credited with buying spar ingly on the decline. Leading futures ranged as follow CORN. Open. Hfrh. Low. Close. Jan. $1J!2!4 $1.3374 $1,314 $1.81 Feb. 1.3314 1.83 1.3114 1.31 OATS. .. .72 .73U . .7I4 Attractive fiond Offerings Northwestern Municipal Bonds Exempt From All Federal Taxes. New Issue $11,908.74. City of Salem, Oregon, 6fo Improvement Bonds Dated November 1. 1918 - Due November 1, 1923 Estimated to Mature May 1, 1928. .. To Yield 5V4 i .Tan. Feb. Jan. May .73 U .7314 MES3 PORK. 48.65. 4S.55 48.35 46.50 Jan. May- Jan. May 2567 25.62 24.92 LARD. ,. .... 20.50 2S32 25.80 26.65 SHORT P.IBS. 2VT5 25.62 . 25.03 24.80 Cash prices ware: . Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal: Xo. 3 yel low, nominal: No. 4 yellow. Il.49lSil.n0. Oats No. 3 white, 7374c; standard, 74 75c. Rye No. 2. $1.62Hl-63. Barley 9Oc1.03. Timothy $8 10. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. I-ard $28.46. Ribs Nominal. New Issue $90,000. Port of Toledo, Oregon, 5 Municipal Gold Bonds Dated December 1, 1918 : J Maturing serially, $9000 each year from December 1, 1920 to December 1, 1929 To Yield From 5V8 to 5 New Issue $99,000. City of Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon 6 Municipal Gold Bonds Dated November 1, 1918 Due November 1, 1938 a Optional November 1, 1928. Assessed Valuation $2,076,509. Net Debt 6 of the Assessed Valuation. Price r-Par and Interest. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 5. Barley. 83094c; flax, $3.433.47. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 5. Flour, $11.43 per barrel. Grain Wheat. Government price. $2.20 pet bushel; barley, $2.1502.20; oats, white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow, $2.S5. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $23027; tame oat. $24026; barley, $19921; w falfa. $17021: barley, straw, 504j)80c. Meals Alfalfa, $36; cocoanut, nominal Municipal Bonds of Three of the , ' Largest Cities in Canada Yielding From 6 to 6Y2 $38,000. Greater Winnipeg: Water 5s Due July 1, 1921 To Yield 6.50 DAILY CITY STATISTICS $25,000. Greater Winnipeg Water 6s Due August 1, 1923 $27,000. City of Toronto 5 Bonds Due June 1, 1921 To Yield 6.50?; Bid. TJ s ref 2s res; do coupon . TJ S 3s res ... do coupon U S 4s res A rnnnoa A linn 4s . . 87 D & R O ref 6s 'SMS NYC deD os ! P 4s N P 3s Pac T sc T 3s. BONDS. dft IP.nn con 4t4s . - 99 S lu P 4s S8"i . 83 IU 8 8 (l 100i . "S3 Is P cv 3s 103 10ii!As--FT Rs 86H 106 IU W Lt 11)1 .... do 1st con s ve.au do 2d 4s S3. 70 do 1st con 4s 07.74 io 2d eon 4 "is 6.i: do 3d 4!4s.... 96-04 do 4lh 4!4s.. 86.04 100 88 62 U 'OoVal Blil. Offered. Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Dec. 5. Closins quotations: A.!,oues 4b Aris Com 13!i Cal & Ariz .... 67 Vt Cat 4 Ilecla ...435 - Centennial .... Cop R Con Co ..4S',i K B Cop Mine.'. HH Franklin 44 fnln Kov 'Con).. 23 Lake Copper .. 3Vai Mohawk 63 I North Butte ... 12"4 Old Dominion .. av jOsceola 33 putney 63 Superior ....... 7 SAB Mine.... 3H Shannon ....... 3 Utah Con ...... 8Ti Winona ........ SO IVolverlne .. . 20 Tiaral Stores. - f AVANNAH, Dec. 5. Turpentine firm, 63 cents. Kales. 100 barrels: receipts, 114 bar. rels; shipments, 16 barrels stock. 31,037 bar. rels. Rosin nominal. Receipts. 1122 barrels; shipments. 6 barrels: stocks, 60,723 barrels. Quote: B, D. E. F and . $16; H, $15.10; $15.so; K. sin.zs; m. sis.ou; w, $16.70; WG, $16.60; WW, $16.80. Coffee Traders Will Tote Monday. NEW TORK. Dec. 5. No fresh feature of Importance was reported either In cost and freiaht coffee or In the local spot market here today and traders generally seemed to be' waltlnr for -the outcome of Monday's meeting, when exchange members win vote Money. Exchange, Etc NEW TORK. Dec. 5. Mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling 60-day hills unchanged; demand, $4.7360; cables, $4.76 7-16. Francs, demand 3.45, cables C.43; guilders, demand 42, cables, 42!". 'lire unchanged. Mexican dollars unchanged. Time loans unchanged. Call money unchanged. LONDON", Dec 5.-changed. -Money and discount un. NON-PARTISAN IS INDICTED Idaho Organizer Accused of Hinder ing Liberty Bond Sales. MOSCOW, Idaho, Dec. 6. (Special.) T. A. Oaston, organizer ror the ton Partisan League, today was indicted by the Federal grand jury on a charge of disloyalty. He had been held under bonds accused of advising: the farmers not to buy liberty bonds and for chars- ins the Red Cross -with grafting. The errand jury returned la true bills, Including; indictments against a num ber of persons charged with selling liquor to Indiana. Carl Thyr and Ste phen Weller are accused of conducting illicit stills for tne manufacture of liauort and Andrew J. Nelson and Hen ry Herman, farmers, for hoarding food. The case against J. w . Brighain, for mer State Senator from-, this county and a wealthy farmer, who was accused of hoarding flour and making disloyal utterances, was . continued until the March term of court. . . Wahkiakum Plans Conservation. CATHLAMET, "Wash.. Dec. 5. (Spe cial.) In connection with the food con servation campaign which is being car ried out this week throughout the state, a community meeting will be held in the High School auditorium oh Friday evening under the direction of F. Krauee, principal of the local school. Dr. Hart, of Reed College, will be the speaker of the evening. , Births. BABCOCK To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bab. cock, 99u Rodney avenue, November 2o, son. PATJIjSON To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Paul- I son. 1230 Williams. TsovemDer Z3. a son. BOKfUAN To Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur E. Bonyman, 1036 East Eighteenth North, daughter. SANFORD To Mr. ana Mrs. Marion san- ford. 60 East Sixty-eighth street. Novem ber 30. a son. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Anderson. 1185 Royal Court, December 3, a I son. ZINK To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Zlnk. 127 Gibbs. November 10. a daughter. CHENEY To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cheney, R51 Eajit Ash. November 21. a son. HAOKETT To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hack- ett, 1S9 Twenty-third, November 8, a daugh- I ter. PRESTON To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Preston, 134 Grand avenue North, November I so. a son. SCHOOLrON' To Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Schoolon. 234 Adams street. November 23, a son. LEONARD To Mr. and Mrs. Patria J. I Leonard. 167 Vermont. November 17. riiiphtar COMPTON To Mr. and Mrs.- Alb. V. Compton, Linnton. Or., November 22, fliiiirhl.r NICHOLS To Mr. and Mrs. William H. E. Nichols, 415 Tillamook. November 22, 1 a son. . ... I STOFTT To Mr. and Mrs. cart aid. Rtofft. 120 Oraham. December 4. a son. BERNARD To Mr. ana Airs. u. i. oer- i nard, 201 Falling, November 21, a son. Marriage- Licenses. BROOKS-DAVIS Lloyd S. Brooks, 23, 771 1 East Lincoln street, and Edna JJavls, 22, umn address. IRONSIDB-BuTLER oeorge ironaiae, le gal, 106 isverett street, ana -tsetn xsuuer. legal. n70 Couch street. AllSSAUOn-SHIWUK e; josepn J. Ams- I baueh. 30. Olvmnia. Wash., and Ethel L. Shincke, 18. 690! East Morrison street. $30,000. City of Montreal 6 Due May I, 1923 To Yield 6 Bonds At Par and Interest- Liberty Bonds If yon must SELL yoor Liberty Bonds, SKLI. to VS. W If you cast BUY more Liberty Bonds, BIT from VS. Mt boy and aell Liberty Bond at the market. Yoii cannot do better you may do worse. The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New York Stock Exchange for the week ended Wednesday, December 4, were as follows: First First Second Third Fourth 3K 4s 4s 4!is 48 4s 4 s Friday 99.00 96.10 94.90 S7.92 96.78 96.70 96.90 Saturday 99.90 96.50 96.10 98.40 97.98 97.96 97. kO Monday 98.90 94.40 96.70 96.76 96.80 96.60 Tuesday 98.98 95.30 94.30 96.64 96.50 96.66 Wednesday.... 98.88 93.80 96.24 96.22 96.26 Thursday . 38.50 94.30 93.70 97.74 96.16 . 96.04 96.04 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon 309-311 STARK, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Broadway 2151. Katabliahed Over 25 Years. Colville Officers Chosen. COLVILLE, "Wash.. Dec. 4. (Special.) At the city election Tuesday the fol lowing were chosen: Mayor, W. Jj. Sax: Clerk, J. H. King; Treasurer, W. W. Campbell: Attorney, w. H. Jackson; Councilman-at-Larsje, J. D. Casey; Councilman, First ward. E. C Conner; Second Ward, L. J. Artman; Third Ward, Roy English and James Craft, License Issued In T a com a. TACOMA. Dec. S. (Special) Edwin E. Johnson, of Marshfield. Or., and Leone E. Shelley, of Olympia, obtained marriage license here today. !iiiiiiMiimuinHWiiiMwinii)Hiiannii hiiii tiiiMimmitiiiuniimnsiiit iwwiiniiiiinniilf sun; j CLARK, KENDALL 6 CO. GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS SECOND FLOOR NORTHWESTERN BANK eUllDrNG PORTLAND. OREGON. LIBERTY BONDS The eloalna: TV'ew York Stock Exehaagre flaotatlona ea LIBERTY BONDS yesterday vreret TRAVELERS Gl'IDK. Christmas Sailing to England S. S. "Olympic" Largest British Steamer. Sails Dec. 17 from Halifax. S. S. "Adriatic" 24,000 Tons. Sails from New York Dec. 14. Both landing at Liverpool in time for Holiday Season. Secure reservations immediately from A. E. Disney, N. P. C. P. A. White Star Line Seattle, Wash. Or Local Steamship Agents. Market. . . Interest.. First 4s 95.70 1.81 Second First 4s 44a 94.40 96.70 .18 1.96 Second Third Fourth 4s 4Via 4V.S 96.71! 96.80 96.60 .19 .90 .44 Mm. Total 100.61 97.54 94.58 98.66 96.D3 97.70 97.04 We Buy and Sell LIBEUTT BONDS at the New Tork Market J-tes a nominal cnarcje tor our services. BAN FRANCISCO-LOS AN'GKLKS. LOW RATES. Including; Meals and Berths. 8. S. ROSE CITY Sails 3 P. M Dec. 7. THE . SAM FRANCISCO & PORTLAND tj. 8. LINES. Tickets at Third and Washington. Telephone Broadnay 268, Main 3530, A 1X34. A 6611. luiiiiiiuiiuniniiwiiiii'iii'ii"""""""""'"""" """"" ' "" "inm ssuninl lllllllllllMT,,""'JM"u""Mlum""" muuiim""-" V'llllMISIMIISSIIIII Government and Municipal Bought and Sold F. I. Devereaux &m pany 87 Sixth Street, Between Stark and Oak. Telephone Bdwy. 1012 P RENCH LINr UKPAGIIE (EtEfULE TM.SATUWQlJi gj Irprtat Pstti: lartiti NEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS PROPOSED DEPARTURES. Chicago Dec. 14 Niagara, ....Dec. SS Ia lorraine. . . Dec 17 Espaffne ....Jan.. 6 Aug! lro-. l'ae. coast Agents, 109 Cherry NOTICE to holders of United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series Four E, dated September 3,1918, and maturing Jan uary 2, 1919. All United States treasury certi ficates of indebtedness of Series Four E, dated September 8, 1918, and maturing January 2, 1919, are hereby called for redemption on December 19, 1918, at par and accrued interest, pursuant to the provision for such redemption contained in the certificates on December 19, 1918. Interest on ail certificates of said series will cease to accrue. Dated December 4, 1918. W. G. McADOO, Secretary of the Treasury. FACTS BTO. 41S. INTERESTING STATISTICS In the past five months of Z this year postal motor trucks over eisrhty routes carried a total of 1152.237.74 of mail. The operating ex- penses were $27,1:10.98, leav- lng a profit of J125.069.26. First-class mail averages a dollar a pound. The exten .; slon of the system on all . improved highways is ad- vocated. The a p e e d and J regularity of this system J of mail delivery would be guaranteed if highways were paved with BITULITHIC WARRKX BROS. CO.. Journal UlUg- I'ortlanU, Or, 3 f! i