A Qne Size 3 -Ton Capacity IlflDDD F-W-D Trucks are back on the market Backed by amplemanufacturing facilities for. prompt delivery. With service records that double the force of every assurance we give or you give of performance for users in every line of hauling. F-W-D dealers who have steadfastly waited four years without trucks and you who have waited to join us you can imagine with what pleasure we are permitted to say: . You Can Now Have F-W-D TrucJs Prompt Delivery Many of you have customers waiting. Amerit Vs representative dealers who know what an exceptional demand there is for this truck with its unequalepl performance with its economy scores. Here is the opportunity. Dealers who can handle it are invited to get in touch with us at once. Wire or, better still, come to, the factory. mm 1mm Wk It is at Qmtonville, Wisconsin, that the most remark able history of truck manufacture has been macle in the last four years. French "government officials call 'our truck, "Le Camion de Qintonville,' the Qintonville Truck. To the English it is "The Qintonville Lorry." . It is here that the Four -Wheel -Drive principle has been developed to" the success that gives it a world-wide reputation. Our exclusive construction gives not only more power, but more economy. Economy of fuel, economy of tires, economy of upkeep. 9 The even distribution of power means traction in four wheels therefore, less waste power, less wear on tires, less vibration. It means ability to go over roadsand obstructions that could not be negotiated by a rear-drive truck. It means a balanced load, 45 per cent on the front axle and 55 per cent on the rear axle. On the merits of our construction, we have built the largest Four-Wheel-Drive factory in the world. These are the facilities back of dealers. The market is ready, and the trucks are ready. In territory where the F-W-D is not represented, dealers ;are urged to act promptly. We suggest you wire us. v FOUR - WHEEL - DRIVE AUTO COMPANY (XINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN . nonnefl vmm mm mwmx