THE MORNING OREGON JAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918. OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST IContlnud from Para 6. Hock. KHwcxxi H . 1 1 ion. .V. T. l-elfr. Jacob, New York. N. T. Ljrnrh. Bernard J.. New Tork, N. T. Kapp. John. New Tork. N. T. Keable. James B.. F-cheter. N. T. Kaunaart. C. C. Ilrooklyn. N. T. Uannoa. Hurt). New Tork. It'gllo. Haphale. Urooklyn. N. T. Conway, liarley John. Bombay. X. T. Ctarra. Sebastian. Korheater, X. T. Martet Ernil A.. Brooklyn. N. T. Hermanaon. H. I- New York. Dramia. Theodore. Laurence, N. T. DeRoviar, KrederU-k. Brooklyn, N. T. v Coatello. A. C, Lak Placid. N. T. CaJboun. y. Uloveraville. N. T. Died t Mm (Smith. Inrln K. l.leut.. Sajnrllle. N. T. . Keecan. Charles II. (Lieut.). New Tork. Hrroid. J. A. (Seritt.), New York. Sheridan. 'ran la P. (Sit . Brooklyn. Van Loan. II. W. (Set. . Coxsackie. N. T. lienderahott. William Charles .(Corp.), Ar cade. N. Y. Callahan. J. F. (Corp.). New Tork. Vurphy. Frank J. Horaeahoer). New Tork Winter. c ri. (Coom. jsinin. n. I. Jtoahar. Judson (Oook, Pouchkeepsie, N. Abrama, Kdwin. Baldwin. N. Y. Halsht, H. L.. Dover Plains, N. Y. Baxter. C S-. Bm hester, N. T. Boettner, C. J.. Wellavllle. N. T. Depalma, Domenlco. Tompklnsvllle. K. T. Klaherty. W. A.. New York. Kloure. C. F.. Lonr laland City. N. T. Tottle. .Isaac, Poughkeepaie. N. T. ploharskl. Anthony. Brooklyn. N. T. alsh. J. New Rochelle. N. Y. O'Neill. M. J-. New York. Ward. J. B.. Watertown, X. T. Kaloe. E. L-. LeBoy. N. Y. Mace. Thomas. New York. O'Neill. J. P.. White riatns. Jf. T. Itlchardson. U !.. Rochester, N. T. Stellato. Frank. New York. Wataon. Freeman. Blue Mountain Lake, N. T. Andrews. Harry. r-ly creek, r.. I. Collelo. I.uiitt. Pounhkeepsie. S. T. Cohen, llyman. Brooklyn. N. Y. Krkman, Wealey. New York. llreeley. Jamem Brooklyn. N. T. Hasenpflu. Howard C. Kocheater, N. T. jfrllll. Anthony A'oysiua. New York. Loffredo, Carmelo. Now Tork. N. T. Nchnnc. Charles R.. Buffalo. N. T. llacstedt. Uu-itav J.. New Tork, N. T. Hall. Nicholas F.. Brooklyn, N. T. l.iv-Mn. Joseph. Syracuse. N. T. Nicholson. Michael J., Utica. N. T. Itafferty. William F., Cohoes. N. T. Pardrtdce. O. S.. Watervliet. N. Y. r'ermatto. Alphonso. New York. Orimke. Louis R.. New York. Wounded sere rely r.lmer. J. F. (Set.). Buffalo, Jf. T. lwia. M. C. St.). New York. Bansert. O. H. tSm.-MJr.). Holland. Jf. Y. Beach. William (l'pl . Broklyn. N. T. Bmwn. P. K. Cpl.). Wurstboron. Jf. Y. Mulhern. Richard J.. Brooklyn. .Mataon. Charles. New York. Martone. Raphael. Brooklyn. Koberstlend. liustavs M.. Brooklyn. Jewett. Merls H . Littla Falls. N. Y. fciopko. Jame. New York, livla. John w., Hornell. N. T. lsvis. John W.. Jamestown, N.' Y. Harthlemy. Frank A- West Valley. Jf. Y. I isaie. Frank. Cortland, N. Y. Klynn. Xaunct J-. Port Kwen. Jf. Y. Chabot. E. H.. Brooklyn. J". Y. Jtusn. W. J.. New York, '.uckrrman. Abraham. Brooklyn. Williams. Jack. Kant Aurora. N. T. Whitmarah. Floyd P.. Rochester. N. Y. Melnhauer. William T.. Brooklyn. S. hrelber. I-oula. New Tork. Paslluso, Oluaeppe. Ontario. N. T. Vullnos. Gerald. New Tork. Maneiaye'.lano. Jos.. Rochester. N. T. Torserson. William F.. New York. . Mlaaias In artloa pempaer. Frank D. St.). Buffalo. JT. T. Willis. Oeorse il. (Corp.). A n el lea. N. Y. Zimbroski. Alex John (trorp.). Brooklyn. Burton. Walter. Ischua. N. Y. A 'la mm, Joseph. Waterloo. N. Y. Wilson. Richard, lluntinrton. N. Y. Snbecki. John. Brooklyn. N. Y. Balba. Salvatore. New York. tiruenewald. Gustave. New Tork. I.uccheai. Albert. New York. Gladstone. Harold M.. Brooklyn. V T. Tonovan, Walter V, Brooklyn. N. T. Crennan. William A.. New Rochella, J. Y. 11 Ism. Morris. I.'ew York. Vajka. Joaeph. Buffalo. X. Y. Mar hue. Arthur Wliber, Fullerrllla. N. Y. Marco. Joe. Clyde, N. Y. McMurtry. Cieonra W Tlronderofs. N. Y. Jllcks. D. F.. Derry. N. Y. France. Auiruat P.. Schenectady, J. Y. Flan. William J . Buffalo. Falirakle. Jan. Bllmsvlile. N. Y. Crnthers. (leor H.. New York. Rtnaldo. Georse. Brooklyn. N. Y. Inpim, C. y.. F.ast Pembroke. N. Y. Trains, Mauro. Brooklyn. N. Y. Slmmocs. cnanea r., nusnins. a. . Fafartk. Ruddy R.. Unt laland City, X. Y. Rusctero. Nicola. Brooklyn. . i. Rettlnfer, itmrtln A.. New York. lNEW JERSEY. Killed la Everett, Thos H. (Corp.). Rutherford. N. J. Mooney, Thos. J.. Newark. r. J. Iied of wonade Crixza. Fred W. (Sert ). MerchantTllle. N. J. Ackarman. R. F. (Sentt.). Paterson. X. J Mason. Jamea W. (Sertct.). Jersey City. X. J. Hennessey. A. P. (Sent.). Jersey City. X. J. Flcuia, Total (Corp.). Paasado. X. J. Ksker. J. J. (Corp.. Bayonne. X. J. Hiccin. William. Mount Clair. X. J. Hull. F. '.. Kast Oranse. N. J. Ueakin. W. H.. Walden. N. J. ftudtsh. M. C. Brunswick. X. J. Sasncy. T. Freenholden, X. J. Roth. Edward. ITnlonhlll. N. J. Wensel. Wlnleld K.. Jersey City. Jiia-h. Jesms A.. Newfield. N. J. Uallie, Ueo. W.. Mountclalr, N. X Teni. Louis. Jersey City. N. J. IMed of disease Bisins. A. U. (Major), Jersey City, X. J. Kankln. H. B. iCapL), Perth Am boy, X. J. Hutchinson, 1. W. (Lieut.). Trenton, N. J. Scully. John P. (Set.). Burltn-rton. N. J. Felner. Waiter (Corp.), lrvlna;ton, N. J. NKhtlncale. Walter T. (Corp.), Waldwlek, N. J. Fisher. Cliirlei R. (Corp.). Belvedere, X. J. Parkyn. Edward J. (Was.). Palisades Park, N. J. Hrnne. William. Newark. X. J. Surles. J. T.. Jr.. Woodbury. N. J. HiKiins. John R.. Fieminicton. X. J. Price. W. J.. Keansburtt. X. J. Neilson. C. V.. Hoboken. X. J. t'onnelly. Harry L.. Bayonne. X. J. Cam ran. Oeortrs W.. Paterson, X. J. Sttmpson. Frederick D, Audubon. N. J. Hllla. Albert M.. Jersey City. N. J. Spabn. Walter L-. Jersey City. X. J. Roman. Patrick. Hampton. X. J. I aulln. Joseph L, Olassboro, X. J. Lauer. TBdward C Newark. X. J. Wounded mererely Kenlem. John W.. West Orsnie, X. J, Coyne. John J., O ran ire, N. J. Zanonl. Ana-elo I Clifton. X. J. Ftendalt. William. Kearney. N. J. tteiKanatralch. Samuel, Newark. X. J. Phripa. Harry M.. Trenton, N. J. Miesina; la action Mora-an. Floyd asst.). Jersey City. X. J. Smith. O. W. iSku). Burllnirton. N. J. Halewirm, Stephen. Jersey City. X. J. Rielensa, Leonardo. Trenton, X. J. Massocca. Joaeph, Madison. N. J. Mann. Edward L.. Vlneland. N. J. carpenttne. Vuicenso. Ketcona. X. J. Cutro. Salvatore. Elisabeth. X. J. K'lber. John, Elizabeth. X. J. RufSiero. Ausuatlno, Sterllnrr. X. J. NEW HAMPSHIRE. THed of dl.taae C7oush. W. o. tMuslclsn). Manchester. X. H. Houlay. Kavmond. Somerswortn. N. U. J-rachette. Fred. Berlin. X. 11. Hoaaded ssserely Reynolds. Carl R-. Portland. X. H. Miaaiac la aetioa I aro. hr. Joaeph A.. Crystal. X. H. Caatratro. Salvatore. Salmon Fa la. X. H. NEW MEXICO. Died af sraanda Cra. Ed. A. Lieut.). Las Cruxes. X. M. Died of iIIimii lima. Iua. Arrabella, X. it. H auaded aeverelr Romero. Oeslnslno. Truchas. X. M. Missiac la aulas Sena. Jose A.. Valerdo. X. M. S s ura. Teleafor. Kan Jose. X. Tmf. NORTH CAROLINA. Killed la artioa Ki rr, R. II. (Corp.). Littleton, X. C IMed af waanda Frmnoa. Chaa. M. iSerirt.). Wayaesrllla, X. C tirady. J. K. (Corp. i. Kinston. N. c, Humphrey. C. H-. Roxboro, N. C. Sr'vy. F. Tabor. N. C. Died af disraaa Cor.. F. H. (Corp.). Charlotte, X. C. Kit'. Cart (Wafonerl. Varna. X. C. S'oar. I.awreoe (Wit . fjreernhoro. V. C. Talbert. Bruce R- (Cook.). Graham. X. C Hmvwood. W. H.. Charlotte. N. C Cmrter. David. Wilhelm, N. C. Walls. J. T.. Altamahaw, X. C. Oxendine, Golden. Robertson, X. C. Smith. L. R, Bethel. X. C. Fuller, Boyd E., Yancevllle, X. C. Carter. James A., Punicp. N. C. Williams. Robert F.. Rutherfordton, X. Williams. Herman, Fountain, N. C ' Paylor. Bennie 11., Roxboro. X. C Hiicgina, Jamea, Hope. X. C. Stewart, George F., Carthage, X. C Waanded severely Jenkins. Frank (Cpl ). Lattlmore, X. C. Lambert, Leonard, Mt. Pleasant, X. C Willis. Weldon. Marion. X. C. . Mlaainc In action Brown. Ephram X. (Sgt,), Charlotte. X. C. Linker, Willie L. (Corp.). Concord. X. C. Jnlnea. Will. Wilkesboro. X. C. HartaeH. Krncut Anderson. Stanfield, X. C. Fields, Charles, Benson, X. C. Falrcloth. Lonxy. Autryville, X. C. Cash. Walter B, Charlotte. N. C, NORTH DAKOTA. Died of wounds Norcluy. Amund. Hofflund. X. D. Uriffln. F. W.. Drlaco. X. D. Died of diseae Henry, W. T. (Corp.). Grand Forks, X. D. Frits. Goorge. Foxbolm, X. D. Mission la action Conine. William H. (Lt ). Fargo, X. D. Bakken. Oscar Edwin, Abercrombie, X. D. Rowe, Malice D., Hamilton. X. Reed, Calvin E., Killdeer, X. D. OHIO. i Killed in arlloa Bussard, iiollie. Madiaon. O. Humboldt. Elmer. -Cleveland, O. Welter. Walter H.. Toledo. O. Died of wounds Petschler, J., Jr. (Sergt.). Gresham. O. Copeland, Jim (Corp.), Hulbert, Okla. Arter. A. H. (Corp.), Lisbon, O. Black. Edward. Procterville. O. Gladfelter. E. 1., Toledo, O. Boxcnhart, E. U.. Toledo, O. Graff, Tt. C. Blalrsvllle. O. Jllek, John, Cleveland. O. Rupple. H. A., Caldwell. O. White. Clyde. Zmneavllle. O. Feasel, Alvin E.. Fostorls, O. Leach, Roy Dayton, Cleveland, O. Watson, John B.. Younggtown. O. Watterson, Dillon, Kallda, O. Ernst. W. T.. Winchester, O. Cunningham. E. M, Nelsonville, O. Gochnaucr. C. S.. Barbertdwn, O. Benson, C. K I hrlchsvll le, o. Tasue. John. New Lexington. O. Msvronicolas. Jachrlos. Youngstown. Ohio. Junker. George, Cincinnati. O. Fark. William. Euclid, O. Died of disease- Clay. 11. C. iStrgL). Rock Camp, O. White. Jasper W. (Corp.), Columbus, O. Auckerman. R. A.. Toledo, O. Christie. A. D.. Crookavllle, O. Scherer, O. 8., Jackson Center, O. Hushes. Jamea. Youngstown. Ohio. Hershey, E. C, Lexington, O. Whltaker. B. H. Hamilton. O. Schell. A. O.. Clnclnnafl. O. Phllllpa. R. M.. Bealisville, O. McArdle. A. II.. Woodsfield. O. Lewis. E. O., Ashley, O. Dixon. Ray Archie, New Holland, O. Coyne. George A.. Newark. O. Allen. Albert P.. Cbillicothe. O. Huwlg. Charles P., Mmasilion, O. Hill, Hariey E., Wellston. o. I owe. John W., emont. O. Richards. Homer Otis, Kingsvllle, O, Waanded saverely Hmllmdmv. Robert (CDl.l. Cleveland. O. J Cofy, Homer, Bowerstown, O. Bond. Carl 1.. Caldwell. O. Hodous. Louta, Cleveland. Zdrajewskl, Vincent, Toledo, O. Miaalnc In action Caaburn. Jas. A. (SgL). Cleveland. Sllwlnakl. Joseph F. (Sgt.). Cleveland, O. South. Robert B- (Sgt. . Palnesvtlle, O. Campbell, Harry A., (SgC). Burton, O. Hitchena. Charles Vi. (Sgt.). Cellns, O. Fraxlo, Joe. Cleveland. O. Langman. Sidney Louis, Cleveland. O. Carpenter. Samuel K., Harrison, O. Rofsky. Ixxy F.. Canton. O. o'Grady. John, Grove city. O. McClura-. John H.. Oakland. O. Mills. Hubert, Hamilton. O. Hyde. Luther G, Cortland. O. Salisbury. Floyd H., Toledo. O. Pokole. Arthur, Lorain, O. OKLAHOMA, Killed In action Nowiin, Jamea E.. Blancbard, Okla, Died of wounds Lovell. A. H. (Corp.). Beggs. Okla, Andrews. B. A.. Alison. Okla. Knight, C. G.. Crowder. Okla. Rirpey. Erwln L-, Uimnun, Okla. Died of disease Palmer, Thos J. (Lieut), McAieater, Okla. Jones. D. T.. Winona, Okla. Hiatt, Loren. Eva, Okla. Privett, J. E.. Elk City. Okla. Lea rd. T. T.. Hugo. Okla. Bowler. Budd s.. wowowka- Okia. Ray. Clifford G., Ada, Okla. Wounded severely Bralscom, G. L. (SgL), Pocasset, Okla, Snider, G. R. (Sgt.. Bralth Walte. Okla, Sinnett, B. S. (Cpl.i. Frederick. Okla. Colbert. Humphrey, Shay. Okla. Brltt. Earl. Reeding. Okla. Stevens. Georse L.. Rhea, Okla. Satterfleld, Clarence L., Davia, Okla. Norria. Luther H.. Beaver. Okla. Williams. Charles B.. I.ona Wolf, Okla. Rose. Dick. Cloudy. Okla. Mlmalna- la action Taylor. Everett A. (Lieut.), Cleveland. Okll H Inkle. C. K.. Drumnpnt, UKia. Harness. Floyd R.. Marble City, Okla. Keith. K. G Caddo. Okla. Young, Clarence E.. BartelsvIIle. Okla. .PENS SYLVAK L4. Killed la action Blrney. Knox B. (Lieut-). Philadelphia, Pa. Wllsen. 8. M. (Sergt.). Clearfield, Pa. James, Wm. tt, Xantlcoke. Pa. Klein, Arthur A., jsononganeia. ri. McElraith. Wm. F.. West Land. Pa. Nastasi, Vlncenio. Vandergrift. Pa. Murray, James, rnuaaeipnia, i-a. Lisuk. Pets P.. New Castle. Pa, niMt ft w mi nil Hirst. Thos. U. (Lieut.). Philadelphia. Pa. r.Htim. ; a. (Sm-t-l. Wcsm-la, i-m- Delaney, Harry E. I Sergt.). Clearfield, Pa, (lorn bar. M. (Sergt.), Throop. Pa, Hutch. A- A. (Corp.). Pittsburg, pa. Tomllnson. R. L. (Corp.). Sites. Pa. Branowsky, Antony, Sugarnotch. Pa. Bonner. Frederick. Philadelphia, Pa. Coidella. Joe, Shenley. Pa. nynn. C. J., pnnaaeipnia, r-a. Dlproaperi. Constantino, Philadelphia, Pa, Hauger. H. H.. Garrett. Pa, Hlllard. Charles. Hswtborn, Pa. Ktehl. J. N.. Lancaster. Pa. S'nonmn. J. F.. west l-nesier, jra. Hoburn, Roy. Rodney. Pa. Robert. Johnstown. Pa. Serrapore. Paskle. Wilmerdlng. Pa, Slvack, Michael. Mt- Larmei, l-a. Weat. R. B.. Elhambra. Pa. Carpineila, Vlttoro. Charlerol, Pa. Dougherty, William, r-nuaueipnia, sa. Kox. Myron 8., North Centre, Pa. Hmvs. William v.. Imperial, Pa. Merile. Galli. Carnegie. Pa. Powell. Edwin a.. Scranton, Pa. keath. Harry J., rteaoing. r-a. Thompson. William. Philadelphia. gum. John B.. Telloro. r-a. White. James. Phllsdelphla. Stafford. J. t. Greenville. Pa. f lll nf aciil t Rxrclay, F. G. (Corp.), Pottsdam. Pa. Warner. Roy M.. MU.Pleaaanl Mills. Pa. Died of diaease Confer. Claude L. (Sgt.), Galeton. Pa. Joy. William J. (Corp.). Haxelhurst. Pa. Mastln. Howard D. (Corp.). Ulysses. Pa. Kirk. H. H. (Corp.). Wycombe, Pa. Saylor. George F. (Cook), ttllgo. Pa. Adams. S. M.. Knox. Pa. Eisenhower. C. E.. Reading. Pa. Blackburn, Fred. Everett, Pa. Brucb, W. 8., Honesdale. Pa. Rush. r. M.. Stroudsburg. Pa. McCabe. J. D.. Philadelphia, Pa. Ploch. R. W.. Danville. Pa. Wilson, F. R.. Norriston. Pa, McAnulty. W. A.. Edenburg. Pa. Kennrll. Ralph. Kenwells Milla Pa. Mansbarger. Albert S, Three Springs. Pa. Watson. Jos. J.. Philadelphia, Pa. Bctaelgel. Howard E., Philadelphia. Allen. Floyd. Scranton. Pa, Bryan. Elmer. Mlllvale. Pa. Marietta. William l . Mill Run. Pa. Holte, Raymond. Philadelphia. Ta. Kerns. Guy Leroy. Washington. Pa. Robinson. Chsrlle E . Kingston, Fa. Tirtco. Tony. Philadelphia. Pa. Heller. S. W.. Phlladelpnia. la. sanded asyerely Hoenstine. F. G. (Lt.). Wlndber. Pa. Pickard. J. G. (Lt. . Philadelphia. Pa. Young, W. M. (Sgt). Glenahaw. Pa. Foster. J. T. (Cpl.). Troy. la. Wright. W. C. (Cpl.). Crodton. Pa. Fawcett. I. J. (Cpl.). Eighty- our. Pa, Bruce. Elmer M.. Beavar Fails. Pa. Krall. Jonas S. Philadelphia. Zimmerman. Jacob G.. Fullerton, Pa. Yasolsky. John. Wststnn. Pa. Noel. George W.. Six Mile Run. Pa. Neuffer. Harry W.. Philadelphia. Moser. Wesley J.. Eaa'on. Pa. MrKeever. William J... Reading. Pa. Missing la action Myers. William J. (Sgt.). Pittsburg. Pa. Harris. A. (msch. ). Lucerne Mines, Pa. Hildetrand. Charles, option, pa. Brewer. Dean Hudson. Delmont. Pa, Troxell. Mayberry A.. Mohnton. Pa. Strohm. George D., Philadelphia. Pa. Stopp. Charles M . Pittsburg. Pa. Simpson. David F.. Pittsburg. Pa. Rosenblatt, Abraham, Pittsburg, pa. McCorkle. Wayne M . Modena. Pa. Byrnes. Peter. Philadelphia. Harwtn. Jack. Greenaburg. Pa. Harrington. William J.. Erie. Pa. Hshn. Louis Jacob. Philadelphia. Pa. GlorgU Medro. Nooweem. Ps. Finnerty. John L., Sharon, pa Ftxrick, .William, Ail ea to wo. Fa, Corrlgan. John T-. McKeesport. Pa. Ruffo, Gulseppe L,. Philadelphia, Pa. Porter. Roger, Broughton. Pa. Machulka. Andy, Everson. Pa. Kolwalskl, Stanley. Ambrldge, Pa. Keeley, Thomas. Philadelphia, Pa. Jones, Edgar McP.. Ivanhoe. Va. Mc Bride. John. Philadelphia, Pa, ; Gallagher, Neil V.. Nesquehoning. Pa. Evans, Frank W.. New Eagle, Pa. Daugherty, Loren za s.. Dallas Town, Pa. wiuiams. Richard. Coledale. Pa. Werley. Leland 8., Macungle, Pa. Vlslnskl, Stephen, Hazelton, Pa. Whalen. Francis. Whites Valley, Pa. .Marcks. U. J., Coplay. Pa. Yaraalowsky. Harry. Philadelphia. Pa. Suttie, Archie. Option. Pa. Santoalefano. Gievannl. Duquesne, Pa. Miskiel, Bronlslaw, Xantlcoke, Pa. - - RHODE ISLAND. Died of wounds Greene, H. W., Wlckford. R. I. Died of disease- Crocker. A. W. (Lieut.), Providence, R, oiair, toward p., providence, -R. I. Wounded severely- Brown. W. A. (SgL), Riverside, R. L Missing in action Mulholland, J. F.. Providence. R. L SOUTH CAROLINA. Killed In action Hammons, Lonnle W., McColl, S. C Died of wounds- Jones, J. B. (Sgt.). Fortmotte, S. C. unmn. M. r. cieura, s. c. Ellenberg. William H. (Wag.). Callison, 8. Holmes. G. M., West Minister, S. C. Days, Joe, James Island. S. C. Fowler. R. E.. Anderson. 8. C. Williams. Wlnfleld. Townvllle. S. C. Long. J. F Prosperity, S. C. Crouch. Olln S.. Saluda, S. C. Hammond. I. Willie. Ruby. S. C, ' Goodwin. Elijah, Parless. S. C. Godfrey. Jay Bee. Gaffney. S. C. Stroman. Caesar. Springfield, S. C. V) ounded severely Wlngate. C. K. (Cpl.), Mayesvllle. S. C. Lee. William H.. Anderson. S. C. Peebles. Osten D.. Lucknow, 8. C. Missing In action Salters. William C. (Sgt ), Lugoff,. S. C. Johnson, Wm. E. (Corp.), Camden, 8. C. Hall, Willie E., Lucknow, 8. C. Deaton. Lester S.. Pacolet, 8. C. Auston. Arthur G.. Chester. S. C. Dennis. Morris, Chester, S. C. Miller. James J., Sentca. 8. C. Williams, Leonard O.. Easly. S. C. Trotter, H. T., Anderson, 8. C. Lucas, B. K., Lancaster. S. C. Wright. Benjamin 3, Townvllle, S. C. SOUTH DAKOTA. Died of wounds Brethorst. P. V. (Capt.), Lennox. 8. D. Butterwick. W. E.. Prusso. 8. D. Shreve. E. R., Bell Rapids, 8. D. lUrd of disrai Smith, E. A. (Wagoner), Chamberlain. 8. Huntsman. F. P.. Reliance. 8. D. Henkle, W. C, Hlgmore, 8. D. Hegge. B. O.. Garretson, 8. D. Wlllman. John E., Wesslngton Springs. S. Missing in action Stendcr. Hugo J.. St. Lawrence, S. D. Hail, Fred L.. Doyori, X. D. TENNESSEE. Killed In actlou Adamson. Bob. Liberty, Tenn. Died of wounds- Ware, Baxter (Lieut), Memphis, Tenn. Phlpps.-T. M Luttrell, Tenn. Died of disease Fritts. Fred W. (Capt.), Chattanooga. Tenn. nniiwen. f. i. lacrii.i. ait. r-ieasant. lenn. Burkey. Edgar C. (Corp.). Moshelm. Tenn. Todd, H. M. (Corp.). Memphis, Tenn. Holt. w. H, Smlthvllle, Tenn. Rush. Alexander, Nashville, Tenn. Woodyard, L. B.. Xewbern, Tenn. Wilson. S. C, Obion, Tenn. Welch, Mark. Lexington. Tenn. Stover. M. M., Allons. Tenn. Matney, Earl P., Mountain City, Tenn. anatta. J. w., Smlthvllle, Tenn. Thornton. Dock. Coldwater, Teon. Parks. Will, Memphis. Tenn. orrest, Alfred C, Denver, Tenn. Hayes. John B., Smlthvllle, Tenn. Childers. Howard D.. Harris. Tenn. Alsup, Joseph E.. Norene. Tenn. Empson, Robert T., Whltehouse, Tenn. Warden. John T.. Cumberland City, Tenn. Peeler, William E, Dickson. Tenn. Moore. John H., Petersburg, Tenn. McGee, James L., Thompson, Tenn. Hickman, Horace, Columbia, Tenn. Hestand, Cylde F., Moss, Tenn. Wsddle, James A., Celina, Tenn. Kimbel. Ashley. Linden. Tenn. Moore. August P.. Greenbrier. Tenn. Hall. Walter. Walter Hill. Tenn. ounded severely Msddox. E. W. (Sgt), Memphis. Tenn. Vsnce, J. T. (Sgt), Memphis, Tenn, Boyd, W. A., Erin. Tenn. Montgomery, George R Knoxvllle, Tenn. Mining In action- Vltatoe, Jesso A. (Lieut.), Rockwood. Tenn. Barger, Artie (Sgt.). Big Springs; Tenn. riurglns, ueorge. Paris, Tenn. Haney, Fred, Greenville. Tenn. Cooper. Earl R.. Pinston, Tenn. Parker. Joe E.. Dyersburg. Tenn. Harges, Corbell. Crawford, Tenn. Windbush. D.. Ripley. Tenn. Wallace. Walter. Friendship. Tenn. Roberta, Edward M., Mountain City, Tenn. v TEXAS, Killed In action Welch, William A., Dlbolt. Tex. Died of wound Jones. A. E.- (Corp.). Austin, Tex. Wilson, R. S. (Corp.). Hamilton, Tex. ' Curtis. J. J.. Gatesvllle, Tex. Bridges. J. If.. Henderson. Tex. Lehning. Henry. Nashville, Tex. Hlnes. T. J.. Paris, Tex. Helms, Elven. Lfpante, Tex. Died of accident- Worrell. M. H. (Sergt), Welmer, Tex. Parklnaon, P. W. (Corp.). Amarlllo. Tel- Died of nica-e , Allen, H. R. (Lieut). San Antonio. Tex. Alien, rrana j. tLieui.J, Lulling, Tex. Schwelss. August R. (Corp.). Brenham, Tex. Carwell. Corbett, Fort Worth, Tex. Armstrong. W. P.. Fruitdale, Tex. Anthony. L. M., Genoa. Tex. Flemings. Jasper, Hungerford, Tex. Crouse, D. L., Rock Creek. N. C. Carnes, H. G., Brownwood. Tex. Royal. Willie. Calvert, Texas. Richey, C. V, Hacklaw. Texas. McCool. W. B.. Paris. Texas. Lowe. Amos. Sulphur Springs, Texas. Mosmeyer. John, Alton, Texas. Brooks. Gilbert C, Henderson, Tex. Beyer, Charles J.. Victoria, Tex. Alexander, John W., Houston, Tex. I eterson. Dick E.. Saron. Texas. Vaughan. Robert F., Jewltt, Texas. Mints. William H., Thalia, Texaa. Wounded severely McClure. L. C. (Cpl.), Fort Worth. Texan.' Culver. D. L. (Cpl.). Caddo Mills. Texas. Seale. E. E. (Cpl.). TrinKy. Texaa. Oltphtnt, Seaborn H., Memphell, Tex. Mitchell. Charlie. Fife. Tex. Snapp. Thomas, Illinois Bend, Tex. Missing In nction Jackson. Jesse J. (Sgt). Brownwood. Tex. I.opaa. Thomas B. (Sgt), Dallas. Tex. Holtzclaw, Major (Corp.), Dallas, Tex. Kocurek. crank (cookl, Clarksville. Tex. Gllley, Asa, Burkeville. Tex. Francis. Zeke. Wilsonvllle. Tex. Cook. James L., Dennlson. Tex. Wells. Hersell. Creath. Tex. Strouf, Henry. Denton. Stone. Jesse M.. Rockwall,' Tex. Holder. John Prior, Tlmpson, Tex. Frady. Jesse Claude. Aledo. Tex. Hammonds. Aubrey. Jacksonville, Tex. Trejo, Alexander.- Laredo. Tex. Walter, F. W.. Groesheuk. Tex. Yesger. Edwsrd W., Munday. Tex. Wllburn. Jim Berry, Wolfe City, Tex. Rountree. Raymond J., Chilton, Tex. CTAH. Killed In action Monson. Walter A.. Ogden. Utah. Smith. Henry. Park City. Utah. - IH rd of wounds Fredson. A. J. (Sergt), Ogden, Utah. Mullder, John. Ogden, Utah. Died of disease Twelves. Roland V. (Corp.). Provo, Utah. Limb, D. J.. Adamsville. Utah. t Wonnded severely Kelley. Vea. Murray. Utah. Reld. Samuel R . Ogden, Utah. Misaina In action- Hughes. Rawlins S.. Spanish Fork, Utah. Miles. Glen. Hmlthfield. Utah. Porsman. Alfred B-. Green River, Utah. WIIHarr. Thomas J . Oerlen. Utah. BUY IT NOW. As q safeguard against coughs and colds Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be kept at hand. It is almost certain to be needed before the Winter is over. Buy it now and be prepared. Price 35 cents Large size 60 cents. VERMONT. Died of wounds Clune, Jno. C. (Sergt.), Brattleboro, Vt. Clark, Walter, Essex Junction, Vt. Holmes. H. C. Essex Junction, Vt. McDonald, 8. F., Burlington. Vt. Chadwick, Earl C, Randolph, Vt. Died of disease Tlgho. Wm. T. (Lieut.). Rutland,-Vt. Y'arker, Jos. (Sergt.). Brattleboro, Vt. Beckwith, C. M. (Sergt.), Bethel, Vt. Preston. H. B.. Vergennes, Vt. Nye, R, C, Cambridge Junction, Vt. VIRGIX1A. Killed In action Kennedy, Harry B.. . Ellmore, Va. Died of wounds Good, James C. (Sergt.), Timberville, Va. Cornwell, Melvin, Manassas, Va. Reedy. L. M., Raven. Va. Hoback. Floyd A.. Wythevtlle. Va. Bundy, Clodlus H., La Grande, Va. Bowling, John R., Alhambra, Va. Towslee, Frank W., Pownal, Va. Died of disease i Deel, J. H., Maxle. Va. Acty. G. W., Radiant, Va. Crawley, Willie, Winterpock, Va. Williams, Kempe. Quantico, Va. Parrish. E. L, Inez. Va. McPeak. F. L., Draper. Va. L I Williams, Daniel Webster, Hcrndon, Vs. Moseley, E. L., Valentine, Va. Gilbert, Ernest, Leesburg, Va. Boyer. Bays F.. Carsonvllle, Va. Vandyke, Doak, Cedar Bluff, Va. Ison. Stuart L., Galax, Va. Wonnded severely Davidson, Jet H., Holland. Va. Banks, Llnwood. Locust Hill, Va. Fisher, Robert C, Toms Brook, Va. Missing in action Burkbolder, Charles B., Arcadia. Va, Brown, Lester W.,.Blue Ridge Springs, Va. C. Harvey, Walter D., Richmond, Va. Feitig, Charlea J.. Richmond. Va. Daugherty, Lloyd K Norfolk, Va. Chapman, Alfred H., Snowflake, Va. Anderson, John B., Scottsville, Vs. Thomas. John W., Carson, Va. Stowers, Robert B., Cove Creek, Va. WEST VIRGINIA. Killed in action I Null. Clarence C, Raymond City, W. Va. Died of wounds Norton, W. G. (Corp.), Bluefield, W. Va. i'lsher, Jesse .Marpleton. W. Va. Shumate. Lundy, Rugby, W. Va. Rayburn. Roderlc. Ravenswood, W. Va. Payne, William H., Ceredo, W. Va. Died or accident- Hamilton, 11. J. (Corpi), Fairmount, W. Died of disease Cochran. James (Sergt.), Kegley, W. Va, .ueaoows, k. M. (corp.), Huntington, w. vi Farnsworth, Paul, Troy, W. Va. Cook, B. S.. Washington, W. Va. Dearth, J. J.. Camden. W. Va. I Morrone, Paolo. Rivisville, W. Va. Vvouuded severely Rockwell, J. s. (Sgt.), Sleepy Creek. W. Va. Missing In action Dameron. Lafayette, Dunlow, W. Va. Brisendine, Ottie D., Hunt, W. Va. Smith, Walter, Herndon. W. Va. MUlern, Henderson. Foster. W. Va. Lambert, Paris H., Cooper, W. Va. JX I Gllllspie, William H., Putney, W. Va. Dickens, William M., Arnett, W. Va. .1 Folmer, Carl J.. Davis, W. Va. I Taylor, G. R.,- Pennsboro. W. Va. D. Somerville, Petty, Grsfton, W. Va. Russe, Franceko, New Cumberland, W. Va. WISCONSOf. Killed In action Hanley. Leo J. (Corp.), Patch Grove, Wis. King. Wm. Chas. (Corp.). Madison. Wis. I Wahl. Andrew B, Westboro. Wis. Died of wounds I Olson, A. M. (Lieut.), Eau Claire. Wis. Gerhards, C. (Sergt.), Chilton, Wis. Webb, C. C. (SgL), Lancaster, Wis. Fuhrmann. Charles (SgL). Reedsburg, Wis. We inr. Albert (Corn.). Fond Du Lac. Wis. Bedford. Walter (Corp.). Manitowoc. Wis. IMcCluskey, Ross (Corp.). Eau Claire, Wis. Grabman, C. E-, Portage, Wis. Boehler. J. W.. Appleton. Wis. iBeno. 8. P.. Milwaukee. Wis.1 I Gylard Adolph, Deerfield, Wis. Died of accident ISchaub, Henry J., Catawba, Wis. Died of disease I Groves, Elma (Nurse), Lodl, Wis. I Coulter, Thomas G. (Corp.), Walworth, Wis. Olson. Clarence G. (Corp.), Westly. Wis. I Erickson. A. J. (Corp.), Kenosha, Wis. ISchmitz. F. M. (Wagoner), Cadott, Wis. Heidtke. o. A., cnippewa runs, wis. Bohm. C. E., Limeridge. Wis. Cole. E. E.. Fall River, Wis. McHugh, J. C, Shiocton. Wis.. Knutson. Greer, Rosholl. Wis. Keller. E. H.. Mukwonago. Wis. Hegleson. A. M.. Genoa. Wis. Wleland, Wallace. Lancaster. Wis. Xankey. A. F.. Highland. Wis. Lindekugel, R. E.. Loyal. Wis. Hayes, Will, Shubuta, Wis. Glelch, Emll, Deerbrook, Wis. McOuire, Clarence, Richwood, Wis. I Strupp, Alvin. Manitowoc, Wis. Wagner. Joseph M., Phillips. Wis. I Olson, Ole Thomas, Sawyer, Wis. Mounded severely Herzog. W. J. (Cpl.). Egg Harbor, Wis. Behnke, Joseph, Marinette. Wis. I Lutchlnger. Edward. Waterloo, Wis. Missinn in actio) Sutherland, George R. (Lt.), Kenosha, Wis. Hassel, Walter E. (Sgt), Stockholm, Wla. McHuah. K. L. (Set). Milwaukee. Wis. Tank. Arthur (Sgt). Milwaukee, Wis. Declark. Benedict, Belolt, Wis. Brigamskl John J.. Milwaukee. Wis. Wolfsohn. Edward M.. Wllwaukee, Wis. Krenlng. William. Pollasky. Wis. Schlueter. Leon R-, Janesvllle, Wla Hernke. J. F., Hllbert. Wis. Vander Kelen. Bernard IT.. Green Bay, Wis. Resdal. sls. Hayward. wis. Koch. John, Two Rivers. Wis. Holewinskl Leo. Robblns, Wis. Thompson, Charles O., Milwaukee, Wis. Stubbs, Delbert B.. .North Prairie, Wis. Roseman. Harry J.. Mount Hope, Wis. Prochnow. Arthur A., Watertown, Wis. district of colcmbia: Died of wounds Otoole. Thomas. Washington, D. C. Died of disease Smith, Tony, Washington, T. C. WYOMING. , Died of wounds Jensen, O. C, Rock Springs, Wyo. Wounded severely Mllleson, Eddie C. Big Plney, Wyo. FOSSIL, Or., Dec. 4. (Special.) Word has been received by Mrs. Mar earet Glover, of Dayville, that her son, Ted Glover, had been killed in battle on November 10, the day before the armistice was signed .and figiUing ceased. He was a volunteer, wno wtn from Wheeler County. He is the only one to be killed in battle. VANCOUVER. Wash., L-ec. i. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Fannie Crocker, County Clerk, has received word that a nephew, Thomas Darct, had been wounded in France. Mrs. Crocker also had two nephews, the McEnany brothers, cap tured by Germans and they were kept in the military prison at Geissen, Ger many. By this time they may be in France. Charles W. RicKards, of 5724 Wood stock avenue, who was previously re ported missing in action, is in a hos pital convalescing, according to word received yesterday by his mother, Mrs- Elizabeth K. Riekards. Sergeant Ric hards left for overseas with iae 91st Division last Summer. VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec. t. (Spe cial.) Arthur Smith. Fourth Engineers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge W. Smith, of 314 West Twenty-fourth street, died of wounds received on the battle field in France, the War Department "has re ported. Arthur Smith was formerly secretary of the Commercial Club in this city and a member of the First Christian Church. Lieutenant Charles A. Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robertson, of 1329 Sandy Boulevard, formerly a law partner with M. G. Montrezza, and late ly attached to the American embassy at Rome, has been reported severely wounded in action November 3. His mother immediately dispatched cablegram to Ambassador Page at Rome, for further information. RED GROSS IRK LARGE PORTLASD ORGAXIZATIOX DOES SIUCH IX ELEVEX MONTHS. Report Shows That Receipts Period Total $311,000, With but $6600 Paid for Salaries. Reports of the varied activities of the Portland Chapter of the American Red Cross, given at the annual meet ing- held last night in Central Library hall, constitute strong testimonials the efficiency and spirit with' which the affairs of the chapter have carried on through the past year. The meeting was presided over by James B. Kerr as chairman of the Port land Chapter. By unanimous vote, upon the recom mendation of the nominating commit tee, of which Guy W. Talbot is chair man, the following were chosen as di rectors: Three-year term, Mrs. Julius Louisson, John F. Daly. Donald Greene, Miss fienrietta Failing, Ralph Hahn, W. F. Lipman. Dr. K. A. J. Mac kenzie, W. E. Coman. Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, Mrs. David T. Honeyman, Mrs. W. J. Burns, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Directors to fill vacancies by resigna tions, Mrs. Ferdinand E. Reed. C. Rose. The report of Amedee II. Smith, gen eral manager, showed cash on hand the end of 11 months, $106,524, while receipts for the same period were $311,000. The total amount paid for salaries was only $6600, and is for clerical help alone. Major I. Lowengart, chairman of military relief section, presented a re port on the activities- of that division Va. which has (jurisdiction over the dis tricts of Portland. Oregon City, Tilla mook, McMinnville, Forest Grove, Newberg and Hillsboro. The report of Mrs. Ferdinand Reed, commander of the Red Cross canteen, covering the period from August to November, showed that can teen service had been extended to 31, 000 soldiers, 2900 sailors, 1000 marines, 6600 drafted men and 115 ill. Other reports were read by Dr. Fred erick A. Xiehle, chairman of the educa otinal committee; Miss M. Blumauer, chairman of the Junior Red Cross com mittee; R. F. Prael, chairman of Bel gian relief; Mrs. J. H. Cudlipp, com mander of the motor squad; C. C. Rose, chairman of the salvage division, whose sales report showed a total of $50,524 for 11 months, and Mrs. Jessie H. Stearns, chairman of the Christmas parcels committee, who reported that 4500 cartons had been sent to France. FREIGHT IS0N INCREASE Portland Imports Show Steady Growth Over October, 1917.' During October, 1M8, there were 9813 cars of freight received at Portland, compared- with 9252 cars during the same month of 1917, an increase of 6.06 per cent. For the same period, Seattle received an increase of 24.12 per cent, Tacoma, 32.27 per cent Increase, Duluth nd Superior, 14.05 per cent increase. Chicago, .88 per cent increase, and the Twin Cities a decrease of 2.87 per cent. R. H. Aishton, regional director of the Railroad Administration, reports that there were 744,623 cars loaded dur ing October in the Northwestern region, as compared with 780,246 for the same month last year, a' decrease of 35,623 cars. Total cars of freight loaded were as follows: October Cars loaded Grain and grain products. Livestock Coal and coke 1918 1917 79,007 67,L"15 48,163 48.814 63,332 (10.913 H0.1H8 84,5!S3 Lumber and forest products. Ore .....l!t.3.77fl 189,807 Miscellaneous 744.623 780,246 DAVID1 LORING PROMOTED Captaincy and Recommendation for Croix de Guerre Won. Mrs. David Loring, ' of Alexandra Court, has received a letter, dated Octo ber 27. from her son, David, announcing his promotion from First Lieutenant to Captain in the 23d Infantry, Second Di vision, of the Regular Army. The same letter brought the information that he has been recommended for the croix de guerre. Captain Loring is a native Portland boy and was graduated from Portland Academy. In May. 1917, he went to Plattsburg, N. Y., to attend the officers' training school and was commissionea Second Lieutenant. . He was immedi ately assigned to a company in the 23d Infantry, with which he sailed for France in-September, 1917. For the last eight months he has seen active serv ice at the front. During that time he was promoted to First Lieutenant, Sunt, writes: "I have such a very severe cough and cold and have not been able to get anything to help me. It is weakening my system. '4 Answer: Use the following and your cold and cough will vanish and you will soon be strong again. Get a 2-oz. bottle of Concentrated Essence Mentho- Laxene and take every hour or two. This can be taken pure or made into a full pint of home-made syrup. Full directions as to use will be found on bottle. This is a mild laxative ana will drive the cold from the system, Dandruff asks: "I have tried to cure dandruff, itchine scalp, falling hair and baldness with numerous tonics, etc., but in vain. What do you recom- monH '" Answer: I have been recommenamg Plain Yellow Minvol for the past seven years and scores of my patients are delighted with the quicK, pieasani ac tion of this remedy in stopping itching. falling hair, dandruff, etc. It gives the hair health, luster and vigor as nothing else does. Obtain in 4-oz. jars with full directions. a Sister writes: "Let me say that my condition puzzles and worries me. In the last year I seem to have been growing old rapidly, though only 38. My food and sleep do not recuperate my strength and energy ana lately 1 nave dizzy spells, trembling, head aches, loss of appetite, memory and hopelessness. Despondency and worry over my condition are ever present." Answer: Cheer up, get well and then conserve your vitality by proper, tem perate living. Obtain Three - Grain Cadomene Tablets in sealed tubes with full directions, use them and an agree mmmmmwm . wm ? 1 Each has his reaso n Smith buys our clothes be cause he feels there isn't a tailor in town who can give him better in fit or in fabric. Jones thinks our stout sizes a wonderful disguise for "flesh that's gone to waist." Brown says; "Service getting what I want when I want it." Mathis boosters every one of them. for to been W. C. at the E. - men's Corbett Bldg.; Fifth and Morrison which rank he held only a short time before being given a Captaincy. Clatsop Officer Is Dead. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 4. (Special.) A telegram was received today that John J. Leonard, chief deputy in the Sheriff's office of Clatsop County dur ing the past 10 years, died in Spokane this morning. He was a native of Ire land and 40 years of age. He leaves a young daughter and brother in.Spo kanef also his mother and brother re SUFFERED 2 YEARS In Burning Itching Rash. Almost Wild. Cuticura Healed. "For nearly two years I was afflicted with eczema, which appeared on my back in the form of a dry, burning, itchy rash. It kept me awake nights. I was almost wild and at times I could not endure to have my clothing touch me. I sent for a free sample of Cuticura. It relieved me of the terrible burning and itching so I bought more, and one cake of Soap and one fifty-cent box of Ointment healed me. (Signed; Mrs. H. S. Johnson, 420 5th Ave., Kalispell, Mont., March 18, 1918. Improve your complexion by using Cuticura Soap daily and Cuticura Oint ment as needed to prevent pimples, blackheads or other eruptions. S.apl. 1Mb Pra. br Mll ArfdraM post-card: Cntleor. Iv- H. MtM." Sold nmvhM Soap 25c Ointmant 25 and fic. Talcam 2be. The Questions answered below are general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers win apply in any case or similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Dayton Ohio, enclosing serf -addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and ad dress must be given, but only initials or Tictitious names will be used in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. able, pleasing restoration should en sue to your entire satisfaction. a a a N. O. G. writes: "These are the symptoms which lead me to think need medicine for kidneys and bladder: Severe headache, blood-shot eyes, chills followed by fever. Frequent desire to urinate, but scanty results of a dark color and bad odor. Also smarting and stinging pains. Answer: When such symptoms are present Balmwort Tablets are pre scribed to tone up and increase the elimination, neutralize the alkalinity and produce natural functioning. Get them in sealed tubes with full direc tions. a a Nurse asks: "I suffer from head ache and constipation periodically and my blood seems too thK-K, causing languor ana tirea reeling, j. will thank you to prescribe for me. ' Answer: Three-Grain Sulnherb Tab lets (not sulphur) are moht effective in relieving constipation, thlnmner the blood and removing the symptoms of languor, etc. 1 advise you to begin taking as per direction with each sealed package, NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubtless has helped in relieving illness and distress more than any single individual in the world's history. Thousands have writ ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: I have seen taking the Cadomene Tablets for the past month. They certainly have done wonders for me, as I was so nervous I wasn t able to do mv own housework. I was so sick and "miser able. Now I can do all my own work and feel good all the time. Mv daugh ter and her husband have also been taking them and they helrr them won derfully. Respectfully, IKB. A. hi. HAGER, S09 London Road. WTH ECZEMA Adv, Duiuth, Minn. , Wear siding in Ireland. He body will be sent to Portland for burial. SLUMBER OUTRAGED? Are you compelled to arise from your slumber, once, twice or more, be cause of pain, irritation and abnormal condition of kidneys and bladder? are guaranteed to correct the alkalinity of your secretions, thus giving you un disturbed slumber, making for Rest at night and Knergy by day. All forms of kidney disorders cannot be success fully treated with Balmwort Tablets, but when these symptoms exist, you will receive a gratifying recovery If you use them: amount of urine secreted irregular, insufficient, too frequent, too copious, accompanied by pain, diffi culty, smarting, burning, irritation, pains in back and groins and when the passage is foul of odor, highly colored, etc. Also stoppage of secretion fol lowed by fever, chills, pains, headache, rheumatic pains, depression, etc. Balm wort Kidney Tablets HELP Till': KIDVKVS Sold by ail druggists. Adv. Small Pill Small Dose Small Prlc FOR CONSTIPATION have stood tha test of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully, quick to banish biliousness, headache, indigestion and to dear up a bad complexion. GoraiiM ban al -nature PALE FACES General)? Indicate lack of iron la the Blood Carter's Iron Pills WtB beip this coodttioa THE MEN IN CLASS Al A sound, healthy man Is never a back number. A man can be as vigorous and able at seventy as at twenty. Condition, not years, puts you In the discard. A sys tem weakened by overwork and careless living brings old ace prematurely. Tha bodily functions are impaired and un pleasant symptoms appear. The weak spot is generally the kidneys. Keep them clean and in proper working con dition and you will generally find yourself in Class Al. Take GOI.l MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodi cally and your syslem will always be in working order. Your spirits will be enlivened, your muscles supple, your mind active, and your body capable of hard work. Don t wait until you have been re jected. Commence to be a first-class man now. no to your aruggint at once. Get a trial box or (OL,D MrJDAl Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are mado of the pure, original, imported Haarlem Oil the kind your great-grandfather used. Two carpsules earn day will keep you toned up and feeling fine. Money refunded if they do not help you. Re member to ask for the Imported OOLI.) MEDAL Brand. In three sizes, sealed packages. Adv. Baby Colds reQttixv treatment with a remedy tfaat coo tin no opiates. Piso'a is mild but efieo tive; pleasant to take. Ask. your druggist for PIS5