Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Transcript of Land Fraud
Cases Ruled Out.'
Contention of Attorneys for Wlllard
A. Jones in bait Brought by
Government Is Upheld.
United States Judge WoWerton yea-
terdayruled that under the Federal
statutes in the trial of all actions at
law the only mode provided for intro
ducing testimony is in onen court and
openly taken, so that the right of
cross-examination shall be preserved
to litigants. The only exception is
in case of depositions taken as pro
Tided by the same statute.
The question was raised and the
ruling was made in the trial of the
suit of the Government against Wll
lard N. Jones for the recovery of 1133,
000 damages for 1440 acres of timber
land alleged to have been fraudulently
acquired by Jones In 1901-2 by inducing
old soldiers to file on the land and
subsequently transfer it to him.
Witnesses Are ow Dead.
United States District Attorney
Ilaney offered as evidence transcripts
of the testimony of six of the nine en-
trvmen. whose claims Jones Is allege
to have obtained wrongfully, which
was clven at the trial of Jones and
other defendants In 1905 when they
were prosecuted for operations In
volving the same lands. These entry'
men hare since died.
Introduction of this evidence wss re
slated by Jsy Bowei-man and John H.
Hall. counsel for Jones, on the ground
that, although the action on trial was
virtually between the same parties as
were concerned in the criminal trial
of IS years ago, the civil suit involved
different subject matter and lor ma
reason testimony admissible at the
former trial was not pertinent to the
case being heard.
Former Erideaee Heleete.
United States Attorney Baney and
Ills assistant. Barnett II. Goldstein,
argued that the rejection of the prof
fered evidence would deprive the Gov
emment of important , evidence that
would be available had not the wit
nesses died. Following the ruling of
the court, the prosecution sought to
prove through Miss Fleming, court re
iorter. what the same deceased wit
censes testified regarding the same
general subject at the former trial.
This was also denied by the court
uoon the objection of the defense.
Through the testimony of B. S.
riunter and Oliver I. Connor, veterans
of the Civil War. and two of the nine
entrymen on claims clleged to have
been filed upon at the instance of Jones
- or his agents. Air. Haney sought fur
ther to connect Jones up with the al
leged irregular transactions. The tes
limony of both witnesses In material
respects was identical with that of
John S. Wells, the Government's chief
witness, although both witnesses admit
ted on cross-exsmlnstlon that they
eventually disposed or their land to a
third party.
Two widows of ex-soldiers testified
to taking up claims. These claims
were sold to third parties.
Widows ladared File.
Over the objection of the defense, the
court admitted the testimony of sirs.
Martha Miller, also the widow of an
ex-soldier. The purpose of Mrs. Mil
ler's testimony was to support the Gov
ernment's contention that prior to the
time the pine entries upon which the
pending suit hinges. Jones and bis
agents were -actively seeking to induce
soldiers widows to file on claims un
der the same sort of contract arrange'
mcnt they later employed in dealing
with the old soldiers themselves.
All her dealings, she testified, were
carried out with Fotter, who at the
time was acting as Jones' attorney.
She admitted on cross-examination
that she was told by Potter that she
could either retain the land, upon re
paying the funds be had advanced
or she could dispose of the land to any.
one else, subject to the mortgage. This
particular claim was later cancelled
and Mrs. Miller relinquished It to the
Government with the result that Pot
ter lost the 200 final payment be ad
' "ew Turkish Government Deals Tig'
i oronsly With Young Turks.
GENEVA. Dec. (Havas.) The
new Turkish govertftnent is proceed
; lng vigorously against the Toung Turk
party of Enver Pasha. The German
, government, at the request of - the
Tnrkish government, has arrested En
; ver Pasha. Talaat Pasha. DJemal Pasha,
Nazlm Bey and Churki feey, prominent
' members of the former Turkish gov
ernment, who fled recently to Berlin.
' In Constantinople, the Ottoman gov
! ernment has arrested 200 prominent
Toung Turks. The Turkish Legation at
' Berne has begun a search for certain
i Toung Turk leaders known to be in
Rub Nerve Torture, Pain and
, All Misery Right Out With
St. Jacobs Liniment."
Tou are to be pitied but remember
that neuralgia torture and pain is the
easiest thing in the world to stop.
Please don't continue to suffer; It's so
. m needless. Get from your druggist the
small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Lini
ment; pour a little In your hand and
( gently rub the "tender nerve" or sore
pct, and instantly yes. Immediately
all pain, ache and soreness is gone.
"riu Jacobs Liniment" conquers pain
It is perfectly harmless and doesn't
burn or discolor the skin. Nothing else
gives relief so quickly. It never fails
to stop neuralgia pain Instantly, wheth
er In the face, head or any part of Uje
body. Don't suffer! Adv.
How Fat Actress
Was Made Slim
Mnr state people now depend entirely
upon Marmols Prescription Tablets for re
ouriog and controlling tat. One clever act
res tells that ahe reduced two to four
pounds a week by using this new form of
me famous Marmola Prescription and now,
bv taking Marmola Tablets several times a
ymr. keeps her weight Just rlcht. All
druggist sell Marmola. Prescription Tab
lets si 7.1 cents for a large case. Or you
ran get them by sending price direct to the
Iarmola Co.. e4 Woodward Ave.. Detroit.
Mich. If you have not tried them do SO.
lacy are harmless aad effective. Adv,
'rvntlnu1 from Klrat f ge,
Crowley, L'ennia, Crockett. Cal .
Died mt disease
O'Connor. Jo. ti'apl.V Ban Frsaelsee. CaL
Uuraa. Jno.. Jr. Sergt.. Elmonte, Cal.
Galllher, Nellie U. (Nurse). San Francisco.
Johnson. Clyde It. (Corp.). Ix" Angeles, Cal.
Whltworth. Walter, Ioi Angeles. Cat.
Pen It t. Rnne N . Riverside, CaL
Wounded severely
Bernardo. Joe. Aotos. Cal.
Arqulstapace, ViBcenso. Oualala, CaL
Pursell. Llnyd, Armona, CaL
J ,.:.. i it i Riverside. Cal
Mrw.n tt 1 1 .(.111 . XlodestO, Cal.
flrophy. Ansel M. O. ISKt.). Uoa Angeles. C:
Barton. Harold O. (Corp.), lxs aih
Drummond. Harvey (Corp.). Benecia. Cal.
Flguero. Mitchell. Napa. Cal.
Byrne. Frederick C. San Francisco.
Balchelder. William H C5lt. Cal.
Rreamahan. Michael J., Vallejo. CaL
Cnndra llan. James K I.O Angeles. CaL
Selhv. Charlrs Joneph. Oakland. Cal.
Groom. Denver L-. Whlttler. Cal.
nutrh. fluvinn T . Ijoa Angeles.
CatechW Thomas 8.. San Francisco. CaL
Taylor, A. L., Kellogg, csi.
Presley. H. :, Potter Valley. Cal.
Kttzm'iller. "V. K-, I. OS Angeles, Cal.
Pingree. Perley P.. Grass Valley, CaL
Died of wounds
fll.ka It R Tenver. Colo.
Giacome. Hardlne. Soprix, Colo.
Died of disease . . .
Rayner. John N. Sgt.). Trinidad, toie.
vinke. F. H. Orand Junction. Colo.
Owens. K. f.. Cripple Creek. Colo.
Vordermsrk. Otto. ft. Marys, Colo.
Stewart. Harry P.. Trinidad. Colo.
Teentex, Kriiilc. Aspen. Colo.
Pullman. Newton B.. Littleton. v-oi.
K.lun rarl A NWraStie. ColO.
McBntarffer. Georgs P.. Fort Morgan. Colo.
Hounded severely .
Frhamm. A. XV. tgt.), Denver, corn.
Sterry. Frank R.. Buford, Cola
llMinr In action .
Callow. Robt. W.. Idaho Springs, cole.
Richards, Samuel, Boyero. Colo.
Killed to action
Spintta, Rafaeie. Torrlnfton, Cons.
Died mt wound
S. hi. in. L- (Cook). New Tfaven. coon.
Divine-. Sofron, Hartiora. conn.
ParmeTee. A. O.. New Haven, Conn.
Opperman. Joseph. Torrlngton. Cona.
lumber!. P. K-. Glastonbury. Conn.
Taylor, Robert. New Haven, Conn.
Arena. Gateno. Shelton. Conn.
Died of dises
Perrin. J. H Norwich. Conn.
UlMlns In .rttiWl
Jackson. T. K. (Uent.. New Britain. Cenn.
I v pa scale. I-orenzn, Thomponvlllo. conn.
Herman. Maurice F., Hartford. Conn.
Hennessey. Charles O.. Hamden. Conn.
Tjellander. Henry J.. Waterbury, Conn.
Died of dlaeaae a.
Thomas. Vlregil, Harrington, DeL
Died of wounds
Plnett, Dock. Nelbrook. Fla.
Harrington. George. Ureers, l""a-
IHed or disease v
Perrv. Floyd 1 (Metrt.), Mlsml. Fls. X
Knlrlit. Carl U. (Wag ). Jacksonville, Fla.
Glllyard. Joe. Rodman, Fla.
Cobb. T. J.. Noma. la.
Murray. Nathan. Boyd. Fla.
Hit key. Albert. Watertown. Fla.
llenter. James. Bran ford, Fla.
sHsaiac la aetioa '
Hendry, Thurston, Ona. Fla.
Killed In action
Montgomerr. Chas. (Lieut-). Atlanta. Ga.
IMI mt wraanitv
Richardson. Kmest P. (Corp.). Augusts, Oa.
Wilkes. Milton (Corp.). tiavannan, oa.
Chancer. K. J.. Patterson. Oa.
Gunnela. Grover, Hull. Oa.
Williams, Klllah, .Milan, ua.
Pelfray. William D.. Fry. Os.
Bllr. Jessie, fummarvllle. Ga.
Ill mt BMUleat
Jons. Henry Lv. Cornelia, Ga.
Died of disease
Og.esby, Wilbur (Lieut.), Taldosta. Ga,
Ponder. Edward O. (Corp.). Vldelts, Ga.
Bryant. J. C. (Corn.). Macon. Urn.
Colhrmn. J. F... Htone Mountain. Ga.
Evans. Kd.. Washington. Oa.
Rav. O. E.. Washington, oa.
Whattley, . John. Turin. Ga.
w a Id roup, William G., Hlawassee, Oa.
Tyson! I. J., A m boy , !a.
H end ley, Daniel w.. Minen, oa.
Hart, Lemon. Marons, Ga.
Harrison, Loulo D., Tholmann, Ga.
mentsr. Grover. Demorest. oa.
Wyalt. Jim. Calhoun. Ga.
Woodall. Lonnie, Canton. Ga.
Hlubbs, Prince. Jr.. Danville. Ga.
Mathis. Willie, Reynolds. Gs.
McCurley. Oscar B.. Canon. Oa.
Jordan. William U. Brentwood. Ga.
Tucker. Kdward. Thomasville. Ua.
Walker. Frank I Atnens. oa.
Wouaded severely-
Mulling. G. T. K'pl.). VIdatia, Ga.
Mtssins; In aetlon
McCoy. Alger K. iSgt.). Fsvannah, Ga.
Grlner. Martin V., Nashville. Ga.
Chapman. James E., Mountain, Ga.
Bowen. Warren M., Morrlstown. Ga.
Chapman. Iwis P.. KHstIIIs, Ga,
New, Frank. Blansville. Ga.
Inglett. Horace. Grovetown. Ga.
Wolfren, G. W., Chlco. Cal.
Killed in action
Stillwell, K. G. (I.leut.), Champaign. Ill,
Bradshaw, Jno. (Kergu), r-ontiac, ill.
Weinberg. A. D. (Corp.). Chicago.
Klemencyce. John. La Halle, 111.
Raymond. Julius. Kewsnee, 111.
Shore. Max. Chicago.
Wagner. Charles Peoria. 11L
Died of weands
Dmatbum. Peter SergL), Woodstock. I1L
Courtwright. W. M., Tallula, I1L
DeHlne, E. L.. ruits. in.
Dunker. A. K.. Marengo. 111.
RucsynskL Joseph, La 8alls, 111.
Wysxynskl. V. B.. La Salle. III.
Miller. W. T.. Chicago.
Taylor. Virgil, Mounds, III.
Walker. J a. M., Rock Island, 111.
Connell. Daniel. Chicago. III.
Davis. George H.. Marseilles, III.
Gackowskl, Joseph O.. Chicago, I1L
Harmer. Tony F., Hllisboro. HL
Heinze, William F., Thompson. I1L
Stenoxskl, Stanley, Chicago.
Junkln, Wm. G. (Lieut.), Chicago.
Simpson. R. S. (Pergt.), cnicago.
Hanaen. Martin (corp.), cnicago.
Devereux, L. J.. Chicago.
Schoenbauer. J. C, Chlcato.
TatMl flf illsfiaal
Wilcox. Georgs B. (Lieut.). Mlnonk, IU.
Bullard, Leon (Sergt.), Glencoe, 111.
Hart mess. L. H. (gt., Hsrrlsourg, 111.
Dtehl, Peter M. (Sgt. ). Lock port. 111.
Huber. Charles A. (corp.), cnicago. in.
Parker. Bert Alonzo (Corp.), Astoria, HL
wtarann Harrv A. (Corn.). Mollne. 111.
O'Connell. F. (Musician). Sterling. 111.
Sanders, George I. (Mecn.), Chicago.
YnwelL Jess T. (Wag.). Atwater, 111.
Coons. Oscar D. (Cook). Chicago, I1L
Bauer. C. J.. Balem. ill.
Bolllcl. Santo. Jollet, III.
Daniel. H. D., Say brook. III.
Havnea. W. O.. LeRoy. III.
Ppar. C, W.. Tower Hill, ,111.
Hellmer. T. a., reain. in.
Toung. W. D.. Danville. IP.
Anderson. John. Mollne. III.
Glaser. Walter A.. San Jose. 111.
Maager. Milton at., Chicago, HL
Mannon. Guy O.. New Boston. III.
Ostergaard. Edwin W, Chicago, III.
PronseL Henry J.. Bartonvllle, 111.
Watson. Claude V.. 8habonles, HL
Wheat, Frank K.. Tow bridge. III.
Durbtn. Thomas A , Macon, HI.
Meier. Frederick W.. Belleville. HL
Moser. Milton. C, E-, St. Louis, HL
Palmer, Daniel J.. Oregon, III.
Puets, Herman J., Aurora. HL
Houlihan. Robert A., Chicago, IU.
loerser. Ralph J.. Mlnok. 111.
Meier. Oeorge A.. Nashville. HL
Knudsen. Peter. Chicago. HL
Sims. Austin K, Maples, HL
ones. Luther M.. Summer, HL
Forbes. XV. H.. Olney, 111.
Wllley, Frank O . Chicago. 111.
Vogel. Elmer. Fulton, 111.
leseoanskl, Joseph J., foutn Chicago, ill.
Henson, Harlen, Xenla. HL
Wounded severely
Rollins. J. A. (Lt ). Chicago. IU.
Baumhardt. J. P. (Cpi.). Morton Grove, I1V
Knoblock. Thomas F.. Decatur. HL
FltzgibboQS, William P.,-Chlcago.
Beach, Leroy B.. Peoria. HL
Bryer. Clarence. Odin. III.
Butler, F. M., Oak Park, IU.
Missing In action-
Gregory. Julis K. (Lt ), Morgan Park 111.
stealer. Raymond William (Sgt.). Chicago.
I.ake. Edward S. (Corp.). Avon. HL
Hughes. William J.. Guodhope. 111.
ChrLitopulo. George. East Mollne, HL
Antowiak. Peter J., Peru. III.
Hlldebrand, Charles 'F.. Qulncy. 111.
Ciillol. Oscar Baptist. Chicago, 111.
Cleland, Charles K.. Cutler. HL
hlebe. Vincent. Chicago. 111.
Kruse, Walter H., Worden. III.
Knac. Edward J . Litchfield, HL
Hojda, Joseph. Chicago.
Harris, Fred G Pont lac HL
Fosse. Albert. Elgin. III.
Brockman. Joseph. Marseilles. HL
Torset. Alfred O.. Chicago, 111.
Sutera, Philip, Chicago. HI.
a roe, Archie Aaron. Tamplco, III.
Pled ef wennds
Williams, Jas. (Sergt.), Fort Wayne, Ind.
Nichols. B. W. (Sergt.). Dana. Ind.
Allen, O. C. Merom. Ind.
Duffendach. Mark. Huntington, Ind.
ack. Geoffrey. WlndfaU. Ind,
Wise hart. Oral, Forrest, Ind,
Died of diseai
Donohue. c. J. (Sergt.). Logsnsport, Ind.
McGrath. Robert U (Mech ). Lafayette,
Cox. J. H. (Chauffeur). Huntingburg,
Nicholson, Peter (Cook), Crisxnaiy Ind.
Dougherty, John, Carbon. Ind.
Bedwell. Everett, Pleasantville, Ind.
Webster. John H., Evansvllle, Ind.
Hicks, Cleveland. Evansvllle. Ind.
Jones. Charles S, Temple. Ind.
Golzhauer. Leo I., Evansvijle, Ind.
Wounded severely
Fields. M err it (Lt.). Saratoga, Ind.
Foley, James D.. Indianapolis.
Stover, Orvllle N.. Union City, Ind.
Rellly. John v., Floyd Knobs, Ind.
Missing in action
Allison, Harry W., Bloomlngton, Ind.
Ryan. Jess 11.. Paris Crossing, Ind,
Smith, Vera, Linton. Ind.
' Died of wounds
Hanfurd. J. P. (Lieut.). Cedsr Rapids. Ia.
McKlm. E. C. (Sgt.).- Marihalltown, Ia.
iMtig, Roy (Corp.). Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Hunting. W.- H.. Ule. Ia.
Dunn. F. G.. Saratoga. Ia.
Bright, C. I,.. Sioux Rapids, Ia.
Brandt, A. F Postville. Ia.
Michels. A. R., Bellevue, Ia.
Goddard. Leon K., Harlan. Is,
Oarey, Charles O, Tipton, Is,
Baker, John Arthur, Sioux City, la.
Died ST aeeldentw
Crltchett, Harrison. Grlnnell, Ia.
Died mt disease
Mason, G. R. i Lieut.), Des Moines, Ia.
Barnhsrt, Eugene H. (Sgt.). Burlington, Ia.
Ralls. Harold G. (Corp.). Marshslltown. Ia.
Axbill. Cecil A. (Wag.). Independence, Ia.
Johnson. Andrew, Wallingford. Ia.
Dambrlnk. w. II.. Lemars. I a.
Gray. D. H., Independence. Ia.
HoDkins. F. L.. Bedford, la.
Van Holland. Dick. Rock Valley, Iowa.
Schroeder. Alfred. Believe, Ia.
Slough, Arthur, Grtnvllle. Ia.
Norton. A. (,.. Odebolt. Ia.
Toong, William. Conroy. Ia.
Vlnke. Julius Manning, Ia.
Hansen. John. Graettinger, la.
Valvirk. Elrnest R.. Badger, la.
Strickland. Charles V.. Muscatine, Is.
Peterson, Andrew, Story City, la.
Herbert, James M.. Red Osk, la.
Hyslnger. Clarence L., Fruitland, la.
Wounded severely
King. Lester C. Jerome. Is,
Cal I as. Peter. Muscatine. Ia.
Ryrev, J. C Anthon. Ia.
Srhueller. Leo, Dead ham. Is.
Misslnx In netion
Haight. Burt J. (Sgt.). Peterson. Ia,
Akerson. Arthur N.. Sioux City. Ia.
Falrchild. Herbert E.. Sioux. Rapids, Ia.
Smith. J. G.. Collins. Ia.
Roeder, R. P., Grundy Center, Ia.
Rabin. Clarence E.. Brooks. Ia.
Moore, Frank A., Rippey, Ia.
Killed in action '
Algoad, Alvah. Fort "eett, Kan.
Tocnm. Hire hard Garfield, Culver, Kan.
Died of wounds-
Foster. L. O. (Corp.). Hutchinson. Kan.
He rnu 1st, A. o. (Corp.). Kansas City. Kan.
Hinkley. C. C. (Corp.). Kansas City, Kan.
Forssberg. C. H.. Ixgan. Kan.
Linnell. P. D . Almena, Ksn.
Stevenson. William A., Richmond, Kan.
Herman. C. EL. Topeka, Kan.
DtH ef dlseaave
MrCsrter, A. (Corp.). Carbondale, Kan.
Johnson. H. M.. Chanute. Kan.
Flortnsi. Frank. Gross. Kaa,
Anderson, t:. E., Goodlsnd. Ksn.
Harrison. Allwyn. W., Great Bend, Kaa,
Nolan, lsom. Harris. Ksn.
MaJrs. Ned J.. East Hutchinson. Kan.
Kinceloe. D. A.. Hutchinson. Kan.
BurchetC George W.. Newton, Kan.
Warren. Jerry A, Cheney, Kan.
Nation. Orvllle, Fort Scott. Kan. 1
Hetfner. Alonso A., Lynnes, Kan.
Rabideau, Henry M, Benallen, Kan.
y. James A., Jennings, ivan.
Kleppe, Samson, West Union, Kan.
TVatrnded severely
Platner, A. A. (MaJ.). Ellis. Kan.
Strain. J. F. (LL), Atehinson, Kan.
Stark. R H. (Sgt.). Elmo, Kan.
Bianton. ?. G. (Sgt.). Merriam. Kan.
Keel. G. D. (CpL). Abilene. Kan.
Van Liew. C. I (bugler). Kansas City. Kan,
Pryor. ,eRoy L. (wagoner). Wichita, Kan.
Marshall, Claude S., Gardner, Kan.
Ketchsrt. Oral W.. Simpson, Kan.
Cameron. R. S.. White City, Kan.
Missing In netion
Vail, Elmer Walter (Sgt.), Fort Seott, Kan.
Damon. Chester R. (mech.). Caldwell. Kan.
McCracken. Jesse Elbert, Hiawatha, Kan.
Henricks. Georgs Lyman. Erie, Kan.
Frary, John D. Frank. Ft Scott, Kan.
Leech, Clement, Fredonia, Kan.
Killed ia action
Stewart, Ralph H., Lenox. Ky.
Died mt wounds-
Oakley. Audio (Corp.). Nebo. Ky.
Howell, George, Olenwood, Ky.
Bramel. A. G., Maysvllle, Ky.
Belcher. H. J Emberton. Ky.
Rsnier. W. T.. Bardstown. Ky.
Mason, W. McK, I.lvermore, Ky.
Elliott. Lewis B.. Wickliffe, Ky.
Died of disease
reekmur. Ira W. (Sergt.), Klrksey, Ky.
Payne, Peter (Corp.). Flncastle. Ky.
Denham. J. L. (Wanoner). Princeton, Ky.
Howard, Lacy, Lakeville, Ky.
Roberts. Charlie. Waddy. Ky.
Carlisle. James B., Louisville, Ky.
Wsre, Genie. Pomhroke, Ky.
Wounded severely
Miller. Hugh (mech.), London, Ky.
Proctor, Paul (cook). Bowling Green. Ky.
Scboemaker. Lee R-. Lewlsburg. Ky.
Roach, Herbert, Beaver Dam, Ky.
Roach. Herbert B., Beaver Dam, Ky.
Missing- In action
Kinne. Howard 1. (Lt ), Stearns, Ky.
anee. John L. Sgt ). Scottsvllle, Ky.
Weisbrodt. Arthur L.. Bradford, Ky.
Muncey. Bill. Helton. Ky.
Edwards. Thomas N, Hardsburg. Ky.
Craft. Joe E, Shipley. Ky.
Smith. Benjamin H., Hammond, Ky.
Skaggs. Emery, Barn Rock. Ky.
Scott. Barney, Gulnare. Ky.
Ritchie. S. L.. Vine Grove. Ky.
Mullins, Calvin, Dorton. Ky.
Ingram. H. w Paducan, Ky.
Strunk. Fremln. Parkers Lake. Ky.
Stovall. Shelby T-. Graham, Ky.
Killed In action
Neyland. J. J. (LleuL). Washington. La.
Johnson. Forest, New Orleans, La.
Died of weands
Plaisance. Henry J, Lockport, La,
Pettlt, Ernest F., Lockport, La.
Died of disease
Martin, I. S. (Sergt.), Mansura. La.
Griffin, James (Corp.), Bernice, La.
Orlando, D. (Mech.), New Orleans, La,
Wilson, Sullivan (Wagoner), Wllwood, La.
Houk, H7 S.. Derrider. La.
Browne. A. O. Jr., New Orleans, La,
Marlin. J. F, Bumslde, La.
Jackson, Sam. Wilson, La.
Offray. Hamilton. New Orleans, La,
Shepard. Joe, Natchttschee, La.
Hill. Wright, Juston. La.
Ridley, Sun. Talluah, La,
Missing in action
Brousaard John C, Edgerly. La. , ..
Dillon. Newton B., Mansfield, La,
Smith. Gabriel, Brousaard. La,
Killed In arUoa ,
Decker, H. C, Oakland, Me.
Died of wounds
Gauvln. J. B.. Oldtown, Me.
Died of disease
Morrill. W. R. (Corp.), Newport, lit,
Lowry, H. M., Collins. Me,
EsUlL William O.. Glasgow, Me.
KlUed In action
Frye. John, Long Island, 2d.
Died of wounds
Johnson. Al H. (LleuL), Belalr, Md.
Miller, Jno. W. (Sergt.). Cumberland, Md.
Akers, B. V. (Corp.). Hlghlandtown, Md.
Blden. E. L.. Wallbrook. Md.
Rlnehart, J. W., Creillns. Md.
Roehner. H. H., Halethorpe, Md.
Plummer, George, Bethesda, Md.
Died of disease
Degoey, L. B. (Corp.). Baltimore, Md.
Henkleman, Walter. Baltimore, Md.
Reitsnider, Robert B., Smithtuirg, Md.
Robinson. Bennle, Hurlock, S.
Relnhardt, Joseph F, Savage, Md.
Missing in action
Granger, George R, Baltimore, Md.
Faunce, Furman C, Baltimore. Md.
Killed in action
Gilbert. R. C. (Corp.), Worcester, Mass
Miller, Wm. A., Wtnthrop, Mass.
Died of wounds
Healey, H. A. (iLeut.), Norton, Mass.
Lawton. H. A. (LleuL). Quincy, Mass.
Duly. Wm. J. (Sergt.), Fltchburg, Mass.
McDonald, Alex. A. (Sergt.). Roxbury, Mass.
Powers, E. F. (Corp.), Worcester. Mass.
Dsleyrimple, T. F. (Corp.). Cambridge, Mass.
Rozelsy, Harry (Corp.), Worcester, Mass.
McLaughlin, A. P. (Corp.). Wakefield, Mass.
Gogllio, Vincent. Boston, Mans.
Teahan. W. J., Westfleld, Mass.
Petltpas. J. A., North Cambridge, Mass.
Nolan, L. It., East Deerfield. Mass.
McDonald, A. J.. West Roxbury, Mass.
Lovejoy. E. E., Worcester, Mass.
Manning, John W., Hudson. Mass.
Lawless. Lawrence. Coidbrook. Mass.
trti kson. 'John E.. Quincy, Mass.
Died of accident ,
Arbuckle. Charles G, Quincy, Mass.
DieH of disease-
Donovan, H. N. Lieut.), Jamaica Plain, Mass.
Brown, 1-TanK t (L.leut.), l-lttstleld. Mass
Gay, Lawrence W. (Sgt.), Groton, Mass.
Moulton,. Thomas (Sgt.), Boston.
Cormier, J. (Corp.), Gardner, Mass
Chirk, J. F. (Musician), Mattapan, Mass.
Rogers. Charles (Wag.), Falrhaven. Mass.
Healey, W. J., South Weymouth, Mass.
McMasters. C. A.. East Boston. Mass.
DrlscolL William J., South Boston, Mass.
Wounded severely '
Keating. A. T. (Sgt.). Natick. Mass.
Penn. Morris, Waltham, Mass,
Matka, John, Chicopee Falls, Mass.
Proctor. William J., East Cambridge, Masa
Missing in action
Shapiro, Benjamin (Sgt.), Revere. Masa.
Ericson, Waldemar (Sgt.), Worcester, Masa.
Gannon, Frank H. (Sgt.), Roxbury, Mass,
Htokowoskl. Frank, Fall River, Mass.
Smith, Percy A., Brockton, Mass.
McGowan, William D., Lynn, Mass.
Hoyt. Julius. Walton. Mass.
Fountain. Paul F.. South Bridge. Mass.
DrlscolL Lester, Cambridge. Mass.
Talbot. William J., Worcester. Mass.
swirt, Stanley C. Waltham, Masa.
Died ef wounds
I Meister. Emanuel. (Sergt.), Detroit. Mich.
Howard. Alva (Corp.), Watersmeet. Mich.
Noyen. Thomas, Kalamazoo, Mich.
NeiL E. L.. GrayUng. Mich.
Vandam. William. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Ostaplna, Emll, Detroit, Mich.
McCluBkey, Guy, Bessemer. Mich.
Parrtsh. Harry A.. Alanson, Mich.
Webster, Ray E, Muskegon Heights, Mich.
Died mt strident -Da
r Kan, Arthur, Cheboygan, Mich.
Died of disease
Winkler. Wm. M. (Capt.), Saginaw, Mich.
Mills. Adelbert P. (Capt.). Tpsllantl. Mich.
Bonn. C. E. (Sergt.). Highland Park, Mich.
Bleszka, F. (Mech.), Detroit, Mich.
Freer. Lloyd (Wag.), Wolverine. Mich.
Goering. Grover. Stevensville, Mich.
Cotyn, H. C, Detroit. Mich.
Christenson, Johannas, Grayling, Mich.
Lacross. Benard. SL Ignal, Mich.
Ingmanson. E. G., Cadillac, Mich.
Hewitt. Maynard J., Battle Creek. Mich.
Harrelson. Cecil B.. Bloomingdale, Mich.
Fox. David M Beilaire, Mich.
E.stborn. Henry W., Colona, Mich.
Nestraan. Alexander D. Detroit. Mich.'
Woooded severely
O'Neil. ITedsrlck 11., Detroit.
Missing la action
Cole. James E. (Sgt.), Vassar, Mich.
Upton. Leroy W. (Sgt.). Lalngsburs;, Mich.
Chapman. Milo E.. Novi, Mich:
Boluyt. Cornelius. Grand Rapids. Mich.
Wickstrom. Ole E., Rapid River. Mich,
Venzant. Clay B.. Marshall. Mich.
Vanvoorhees, Leslie B., Kendalls, Mich.
Mikolaiczik, Joseph, Mt. Rose, Mich.
Evon. Alfred F.. Negaunee. Mich.
Dureckt. John S., Hamtramck. Mich.
Cunningham, Ernest H.. Tpsllantl. Mich.
Cekowskl, Ignatz. Marquette. Mich.
Regan. W. E.. Marine City. Mich.
Mulawa, F. J.. Detroit, Mich.
Jackson, W. E., West Branch. Mich.
Ross, Claude N., Flint, Mich.
Rosenboom. Joseph R., Grand Rapids, Jfich,
Reed, Frank J., St. Louis, Mich.
Killed In action
Larson. Clifford G., Farmlngton, Minn.
Nicholson. Hans E., Minneapolis, Minn.
Died of woenils
Hansen, A. c.. Tyler. Minn.
Berghstrom. E. J., Minnespolls, Minn.
Taberman. Arthur, Minneapolis. Minn.
Levendecker. Thorns. Roscoe, Minn.
Zelner. Isadore. Fuida, Minn.
Died of disease
Lund. Joseph B. (Sgt.). Mabel, Mirm.
Roepke. A. K. (Cook), Chasks, Minn.
Clemetson, E. R-. Hartland, Minn.
Sweeny. Luddy. Preston. Minn.
Schnobrick. Arthur J., Mankato, Minn.
Redland. A. A.. Ada, Minn.
Fiad hammer, Alfred, Zumbrota. Minn.
Ficbelkorn. Paul A.. Chaska. Minn.
Caas. Harold H, Minneapolis, Minn.
Boult, Victor S.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Allen. John A.. Alvarado. Minn.
Johnson. Isaac M., Emmons, Minn.
Hunt. William A, Turtle River, Minn.
Hourt, Michael, Roscoe, Minn.
Shair. Clarence F., Benson, Minn.
Hurvitch. Joseph. Duluth, Minn.
Houde, Joseph, Pine City. Minn.
Westrum. Alvin C. Albert Lea. Minn.
Peters, David, Butterfield, Minn.
Quayle, Thomas, Keewatln, Minn.
Mentb, Alpsons, Monticello, Minn.
Wounded severely
Ott, Charles B, Zimmerman. Minn.
Mussman. Vernon C. Welcome. Minn.
A Id rich. Martin H.. Clearwater. Minn."
Kalm. Leon L., Bald Eagle Lake, Minn.
Baker, M. F., Minneapolis, Minn.
Anderson, Carl, Orsby, Minn.
Swanson. Car! O., Roacan, Minn.
Missina- in action-
Baldwin, Hariey C. (Corp.). St James, Minn.-
Hanson. Arthur J., Westberry, Minn.
Fanno. Albert L, Lakeville, Minn.
Daniels, Charles, Buick. Minn.
Christenson, Lester, Albert Lea. Minn.
Bloms. Edward A.. SL Cloud. Minn.
Carlson, Carl. Stanley. Minn.
Rodahl. Theodore A.. Benson, Minn.
Kapala, John J.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Kansas. Oscar A.. Frazee, Minn.
Frondal. Gilbert. Oakland. Minn.
Fredericb, John C. Austin. Minn.
Sohone, Andrew J.. Springfield, Minn, i
Rydholm, Edward K., Burtrnm, Minn. '
Died of wounds
Hsmrick. H. XV. (Llcnt), Greenville, Miss.
Aden, Harvey B. (Lieut.), Valley Park, Mi
Died of dieae
Pentecost. Edward L. (Ueut.), Eldon, Miss.
Dukes, George, saran. miss.
Daniel. W. N'., Arm, Miss.
Thompson. Barxton. Coldwater. Miss.
Henson, 3. F., Hlwannee. Miss.
Eidson, Eddie, Bellfountain, Mies.
Wilson, .Tames B.. Hazelhurst, Miss.
Rouse. Willie B., Van Cleave, Miss.
Thompson. Charlie, Crystal Springs, Miss.
Seal. Andrew J., Carriere, Miss.
Rowland. Claude Z.. Roxie. Miss.
McSwaln, Robert. Hattieaburg. Miss.
Harris, Lee. Claiborne, Miss.
Wounded severely
Dunaway. Luthy N.. Kioto, Miss.
Misslnr in action
Hibbler. Harry. Boyne Falls. Miss.
Allen. Roy J., Georgetown. Miss,
Gough. Jayhu. Meridian, Miss,
Sartain, Jim. Saulsbury. Miss
Killed In action
Thornburg. Roy E. (Sergt.), Greenville, Mo.
Cordis, Mike (Corp.), Richwoods, Mo.
Gart'and. Nyles P. (Corp.), BL Louis, Mo.
Died of wounds
Mitchell, Dorsey (Corp.), Morrisvllle, Mo.
Goodman, J. W. (Corp.), Liberty, Mo.
Newland, R, J., Richards. Mo.
Minnick, D. C, Breckenridge, Mo.
Siemer. William, SL Louis.
McHugh, Georgs F.. St. Louis, Me.
Helm. Julius, St. Louis. Mo.
Freyermuth, Earl P., Kansas City, Mo.
Basterbrook, A. T., St. Joseph, Mo. '
Died of accident
McLain. Roy ( Horseshoer), Hamilton, Ms.
Died of disease
Furlong. J. A. (Lieut.), St Louis, Mo.
Fulton, G. (Sergt.). Rogersville, Mo.
Meyer, H. B. (Sergt.), St. Louis, Mo.
Tate, Steven N, Rlsco. Mo.
Ash. L. C, Independence, Mo.
Jacks, R. M., Platte City. Mo.
Parker. 'W. E., Bonne Terre, Mo.
Polly. Albert, St. Joseph. Mo.
Potts, D. C Bonnts Mill. Ho.
Sanders, Levi. Cartersvllle, Mo.
Warford, Thomas A., Higbee. Mo.
Ragiand. W. T., Ilasco, Mo.
Poe. C. H., Deda, Mo. -
Gildehaus, Joseph, St. Louis, Mo.
Jasuraback, Frank, Wentworth, Me.
Watson. Virgie M.. Grant City. Mo.
Smith, Robert O.. St Joseph. Mo.
Oneill. Lawrence P., St. Louis, Mo.
Wounded severely
Reed, C V. (CpL), Sikeston. Mo.
Penrod, C. R. (mech.), Kansas City, Mo.
Kuhn, Harry B., SL Louis.
Cornmesser, Virgil, Green City, Mo.
Williams, Otto A., Lewlstown, Mo.
Llndsey. Jesse J.. Orla. Mo. ,
Byrd. F. B.. Lentour. Mo.
VanLoo, Emll B., Jefrerson City, Mo.
Upton. William J., East Prairie, Mo.
Sartor!. Joseph. St. Louis.
Kreyllng. C. W. (CpL), St Louis, Mo. 1
The Substance or the Shadow?
'THESE, tablets are both white. They are exactly the turns tin.
J. But only one contains genmn Aspirin.
Hundreds of medicinal products are sold in the form of plain wferbs tablets,
sard plain white tabaeta are sometimes offered when Aspirin ia staked for.
For year additional protection every package and ovary tmblmt mt g-enwio.
Baywr-Tabiets of Aspirin is marked with The Bayer Cross.
When yon want Aspirin, make certain yon secure Bayrrr-Tablets or Capsolea
mt Aavcrio. Bay the avnbatanoa, not th shadow.
"Asplrie- OUT O. S. rat.
r et aaliryfV-mri is tacse tibkts aad
Th byr Crott
Make Sweeping
jLadies' Suits,
There willbe no reserve stock. Every Suit, Coat and Dress in our great stock
, included in this special sale. You know how good Gray quality is. Come in
and select the garments you will need at the following remarkable reductions
in price: . ,
All $30 Coats., All $40 Coats, Suits All $60 and $65 Coats,
Special Price and Dresses Suits and Dresses,
. Special Price,
$19.50 $29.50 $43.50
All $50 Coats, Suits and All $75 Coats, Suits and All $85 Coats, Suits and
Dresses, Special Price Dresses . Dresses, Special Price
$37.50 $55.00 $62.50
When you buy clothes at Gray's you know they are right in style, make and
quality, and now is your rare opportunity to save money through attending
this sale. . .
4 In mfinn
Butts. Chester Jewel, Steeleville, Mo.
Desuza, John R.. Kirkwood, Mo.
Burton, Francis Aloysius. Cameron, Mo.
McLura, Hurbert Aurora, ro.
Watson. Robert H-. Maryvllle, Mo.
Vankempen. Benjamin B., St. Louts, Mo.
Smith, A. H., Edge Hill. Mo.
Died of wounds ....
G rammer. Joe (Core.), Bis CraeK, arat.
Elke, H. B, Starr. -Mont.
Brier. C. L., Columbus. Mont
Died of disease a
Paddock, H. C Boxeraan, Mont.
Carlson, Charles H., Missoula, Mont
Wounded severely
Cole. R, M. (Sgt). Billings. Mont .
Peterson, Oliver, Missoula, JKoni.
Uiuinr Is ntlin- -
Boyd, Francis R, (Sgt), Great Falls. Mont
Gates, Austin J., Drummond, Mont
Bcrtsh, Charles, Anaconda, Mont.
Kovlch. Bosco. Bear Creek, Mont
Stolp, Louis, Billings. Mont
Tttii nf wnimila
Nichols. Earl (Corp.). Davenport. Neb.
Nlssen. J. A. W. (Corp.), Omaha. Neb.
Grav, A. N. (Corp.), Omaha, Neb.
Looker. G. W. (Corp.), Omaha, Keb.
Belz. F. F., Stanton, Neb.
Baatz, H. F.. Western, Neb.
navls. H. H.. Kearney. Neb.
Cullers. Arch, Crawford, Neb.
Randant, O. A.. Madison. en.
Rother, F. E.. Wolbach. Neb. e
Tbober, F. H.. Beaxrtce, reo.
r-i n. w i(nm Reatrice. Neb.
Freudenstein, K, E. (wagoner;, vmana, i-cu.
McKibbln, E. L.. Emmet Jeo.
McNuriin, W. B.. Stanton, Neb.
Ellis, Glen, Farnam, Neb.
Wounded severely
Wright, Emmett F., Petersburg, Neb.
Rollins, John R.. Tipton, Okla.
Plank. Sherman, Beatrice, Neb.
Missus in action
Wur.t. John w Gardner. Keb.
LWInrston. George Albert Tekamaha, Neb.
Ftrme, Herbert K. castings,
Svec, James. MUlington, Neb.
UTmihiImI aeTepelv
Fornaciari, Lulsl, Battle Mountain, NaT.
Killxil In action
Hydea, E. P. (Sergt). Brooklyn, N. T.
nidiv A lCoro.1. Buffalo. N. Y.
Rose, Frank (Corp.), Pleasantville, N. T.
Starr. Frank (Corp.), St. Johnsville, N. T.
Sturgla. Elmer (Corp.), New York.
Gilcher. J. O. (Corp.). New York.
Curraezeo, Pasqualo, New York.
Gardiner, R. D.. Cannonsvllle. N. Y.
Ornsby, Orson O., Trumansbridgs, N. T.
Stauderman. Chas., New York.
Werner, Lewie, New York,.
Ward. William J., Brooklyn, N. T.
Wagner, Gregory, Bellmont, N. Y.
TJrva. John P.. Schenectady. N. Y.
Sunshine, Harry. New York.
Died of wounds
Gray, M. W. (Maj.). Dobbs Ferry, N. T.
Engels, A. L. (Lieut), wood Haven, J, l.
Derham, Charles (Lieut), New York.
Stevens. H. A. (Lieut.). Brooklyn. N. T.
Whiting, C. L. (Lieut). Brooklyn, N. Y.
Stier. F. J. (Sgt). New York.
OS.) Is a 1
opaaka is e
lac aeaable BsW
'f Aspirin
your GuarantM of fWity
Price Reductions on
Coats and Dresses
Wundersee, W. II. (Sgt.). Brooklyn, V. Y.
Woods, B. V. (Corp.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Yingllng. Vincent (Corp.), New Fame, N. Y.
Agostino, J. D. (Corp.). New York.
Murphy, J. M. (Corp.), Rockville Center,
New York.
Tuthllt, Monroe R. (Corp.). Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
Weintraub. M. (Bglr.). New York.
Kraus, Henry J. (Wgnr.), Buffalo. N. Y.
Byknel, B. E., New Vork.
Black. G. A.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Donohue, ,T. J., New York.
Epp, Stephen, Brooklyn. N. T.
Geisenhor. Charles, Willsey ville. N. Y.
Llndemann, F. J., Woodhaven, N. Y.
Lindner, O. J., Clifton Springs, N. Y.
Morath, Paul,, Rochester, N. Y.
Morgan, S. O., Brooklyn. N. Y.
Mullins. J. J, Troy, N. Y.
O'Meara. W. J., C'hurubusoo. N. Y,
Pawlowaki, Alex, Syracuse, X. Y.
Pilser. H. J.. New York.
Tarko, John, Buffalo, N. Y.
Middaugh. J. R., Wilson. N. Y.
Oppel, William, Brooklyn, X. Y.
Shaft. Morris, Brooklyn. N. Y.
Smith. William. Troy, N. Y.
Tamkin, Samuel, Parkway, N. Y.
(Concluded on Page 7.)
Says you really feel clean, sweet
and fresh inside, and
are seldom ill.
If you are accustomed to waks up
with a coated tongrue. foul breath or
a dull, dizzy headache; or. If your
meals sour and turn into gas and acids.
you have a real surprise awaiting- you.
Tomorrow morning, immediately
upon arising-, drink a class of hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in It. Thl is intended to
first neutralize and then wash out of
your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty
feet of intestines all the indigestible
waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins,
thus cleansing, sweetening and purify.
iner the entire alimentary canal.
Those subject to sick headaches.
backache, bilious attacks, constipation
or any form of stomach trouble, are
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug etore
Land begin enjoying this morning inside
Dam. ll id eaiu 4.iicil men ttiiu wumeii
who try this become enthusiastic and
keep it up daily.
Just as hot water and soap cleanse.
purify and freshen the skin, so hot
water and a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate act on tne stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels, limestone pnos
phate is an Inexpensive white powder
and almost tasteless. Adv.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets
If tout skin is yellow complexion pallid
tongue coated appetite poor you have
a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-good
feeling you should take Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a substitute
for calomel were prepared by Dr.Edwards
after 17 years of study with his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil.
You will know them by their olive color.
To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes.
no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the
liver and bowels like calomel yet have
no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome consti
pation. That's why millions of boxes are
sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All
druggists. Take one or two nightly and
cote the pleasing results.
Take a Glass of Salts if Your
Back Hurts or Bladdeu
Troubles You.
No man or woman 'who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms urlu
acid, which excites the kidneys, they
becomo overworked from the strain,
get sluggish and fail to filter the wautu
and poisons from the blood, then we
get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head
aches, liver trouble, nervousness, dix
ziness, sleeplessness and' urinary dis
orders come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull aclio in
the kidneys or your back hurts or if tin
urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi
ment, irregular of passage or attended
by a sensation of scalding, stop eatlnir
meat and get about four ounces of Jml
Salts from any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water beforo
breakfast and in a few days your kid
neys will act fine. This, famous suits i i
made from the acid of grapes ami,
lemon juice, combined with llthla, and
has been used for generations to flush
and stimulate the kidneys, also to neu
tralize the acids In urine so lt no longer
causes irritation, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, which everyonn
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complications. Adv.
Thinks Epidemic of "Flu" Found
Many With Low Vitality
Matter of Precaution Take
Tonic of Iron, Herbs
and Roots.
If your health Is perfect, this may
not interest you. If your health Is not
perfect, logically you are either sick or
partially sick. It sick, you neea a
doctor's advice and medicine. If "Par
tially Sick" you surely will benefit by
taking a real medicine tonic, contain
ing no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
If you are weak, nervous, tired, sIuk
gish and get no strength from your
food you need a tonic.
If neuralgia pains, headache, back.
ache, stomach distress assail you :i
tonic is your crying need. If irritable.
hysterical, sleepless and you worry ami
fret without reason, you need a tonic.
If you are thin, anemic, "Bloodless"
and ill nourished: if you catch cold
too easily; if you, tire with slight exer
tion and you arc melancholy bocausi
of your inballty to live and enjoy lli
as others do, surely a tonic of Iron,
root and herb extracts will help you.
Thousands 11 Ke you navo round
strength and cheerfulness by taklnir
three-grain Cadomene Tablets, the tried
formula of a good physician.
If "Partially Sick" you may increase
your risk of fatal ailments attacking
our weakened vitality, i.e sensiblo
and wise by toning up your health:
right now is the time to begin. Ask
our druggist ror tJadomeno iaolctn
and take as directed by the label.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nlan. Main 7070, A S08S,