Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Twenty Cases of Contraband
Carried to Bend.
Jerry and George Xoltner, Murder
Suspect and 'Woman, Said to
Hare Occupied Machine.
BEND, Or.. Dec. 4. (Special.)
Twenty cases of liquor today were
brought Into Bend, loaded on horses.
by John Dennis and J. L. Davidson, of
bisters. Or. These men said they bad
been hired by Jerry and George Noltner
and another man. believed to have been
John Cyril Liard. to get a Hupmobile
car which bad -been stalled In three
and a half feet of snow in the McKenxie
pass a few weeks ago. Dennis and
I'avidson said todi.y they were unable
to budge the car.
This evidence, now in Federal hands,
aeems to be conclusive evidence that
Liard not only dealt In crime and
blackmailing schemes, but also was en
gaged In illicit traffic In violation of
in Oregon prohibition law.
The other Hupmobile. also said
land, whore husband is in war serv
ice: Mrs. William U Phillips, of Port
land: Kathryn. Lola. Charles. Jr.. and
Wayne Dunham children of Mrs. Dun
ham. REDDftG, CaL. Dec. 4. -Judge Charles
Wells. $7, said to have been the oldest
man in Shasta County, and a personal
friend of Abraham Lincoln, was burled
I here today following his death in the.
I county hospital, December Z.
Mrs. W. F. Johnson, 24. died yesterday
in San Francisco from pneumonia fol
lowing influenza. She leaves a babe of
18 months. Mrs. Johnson was formerly
Miss Bessie Jeffrey, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Jeffrey, only granddaughter
of Mrs. E. C. Dalton and niece of Mrs.
A. J. Pingham. She was born and
reared in Portland.
Mrs. Lelah Francis Hildebrand died
at her home in Salem November 27 at
the age of 44 years. Interment was In
the cemetery at McMinnville, her old
home. Mrs. Kildebrand was the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Guild and the
granddaughter of Peter Guild, a pioneer
of this city, for whom Guild Lake was
(II TO oiiir CMP ras
More Than 12 4.00 Troops Shown
to Have Passed Through Canton'
nient Since Establishment.
CAMP LEWIS. Dec. 4. Further dis
charge of soldiers here was authorized
in orders received from Washington
to I today reducing the number of men in
belong to Liard. is at Sisters, but the
other will not be able to be moved
till Spring, as snow in the McKenxie
Dass is falling heavily.
The story told here Is that the three
men. the Noltners and Llard and a wom
an, now believed to have been Mrs. Liard
or Miss Carlson, who was with Liard
when he was arrested, were coming
north from California several weeks
ago and at Sisters. Or., were advised
that they had better not try the Hc
Kensie pa. as the snow was unusually
heavy and travel would be aimcuit.
the four training battalions of the
166th depot brigade from 1000 to 200
men each. Under the orders 6000 men
will have .left here for their homes be-
fore Christmas.
The first contingent of discharged
enlisted men left camp today. They
number-approximately TOO. The finance
department of the Quartermaster's
Corps has been so flooded making out
pay vouchers that 118 discharged off I
cers scheduled to leave camp today
will not leave until tomorrow.
Practically every man whose din-
Thi. arfvirc. however, was not heeded charge has been authorised has rc-
and the party of four took on extra Icelved his physical examination, it was
provisions of food and extra automobile
accessories and started for the north.
It seems that the party got as 'far as
the Lava Bed road. 20 miles from
SiMers. and when stalled decided to
.load all their Minor into on car and
'hie themselves nark to Sisters. On
their return there they hired Mr. Ben
nett to go out and get the other car,
tha one . stalled in the snow. Ben
nett procured the aid of Davidson.
and both knom lng the snow conditions,
took horses with them to haul the
nr out. When they came upon the
auto they found It filled with liquor,
and. instead of bringing It back, they
carted the llauor out by horseback,
In the spring a search will be made
for tha car.
announced today. Orders issued today
forbid the discharge of all officers and
enlisted men connected with personnel
detachments, even though the organi
sations to which they are assigned are
mustered out. Another order issued
announced officers may now tender
their resignations. Until today offi
cers could not resign.
Compilations completed by Captain
W. K. Dalton today show that 122.S02
white men and 1720 negroes have been
received here through the draft. Cali
fornia leads with 39.212 men sent here.
Washington sent 21.046, Oregon 9022,
Montana 19,172, Colorado lOf.S. Idaho
8485. Minnesota SI 35, Utah 6461, North
Dakota 2412. South Dakota 2000. Every
state in the Union sent one or more
men here.
i. fj : -
We Emphatically Proclaim This the Most
Extraordinary Sale of Suits in Our History
The prices below tell a value story that pages of type would fail to do
justice. Read and SAVE. . ,
Your Choice
More suits than we've ever before assembled at such great reductions.
Every style, fabric and color favored this season. Styles that will be as good
next season as they are today.
Good News for Stouts! A goodly number of these suits in sizes to 52.
Practically Every First-Floor Hat $7.50
Included are handsome dress hats from foremost designers. Among them
beautiful ostrich trimmed models, and there are clever tailored hats, featuring
Gage Brothers velours and beaver facings.
Hats That Have Sold
Regularly up to $16.50
P m I z. swett co I III m
Assurance Given or Desire to Co
operate With Director-General
in Sol in? Probelms.
Condition Will Remain Serious for Nation s ull Military Needs Cannot
Some Time. Physician Savs. Be Assessed I mil Conclusion
SEATTLE. Wash.. Pee. 4. (Special.) or Peace Conference.
larence L. Reams, special assistant
United States Attorney lieneral. in
jured last Monday when struck by an WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The question
automobile, was said to be testing of permanent organization of the Army
easy tonight. Mr. Reames' chances for I has been deferred for consideration
recovery are good, his physician said, I after the close of the peace conference.
with only a bare possibility that com-I Secretary Baker, in his annual report,
plications would set in. His condition made public tonight, says this course
remains serious, however, and will for
some days yet.
In addition to three broken ribs Mr.
NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Executives of
railroads comprising more than 90 per
cent of the rail mileage of the country
in conference here today, adopted
resolution favoring a return of the
roads to private ownership, and ex-
Dressinar hone that the remaining pe
nod of Federal control would be such
a to leavj the properties in the highest
eVment ownership and operation INDUSTRIES BOARD DOOMED
of railroads was characterised as "not
is determined upon, since "the military
needs of the United States cannot be
Ings. The Information is needed for
use in settlement of war claims.
Mrs. Emma Schultz Succumbs to
Heart Failure.
FOREST GROVE. Or, Dec. 4. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Emma Schultz, wife of W.
F. Schultz, for many years a business
man and leading citizen of this city,
died here Monday night from heart fail
tire. Mrs. Schultz had been in her usual
health until a few moments before her
death -and until that time had not
complained of being ill.
She leaves a husband and three sons,
Rudolph, William and Paul, all of
whom are associated with their father
in business. She also leaves five
brothers and two sisters, as .follows:
Fred and Charles, Ruhe, of Omaha
Reames suffered a number of cuts ence shall have determined the future
about the head, one just above the left
eye that was believed at first would
result in the Impairment of his sight.
It is now believed the eye will not be
international relations of the world.
For temporary purposes, however.
Mr. Baker announcesaUhat he will lay
before Congress a plan of reorganiza
tion for the regular Army, "which
shall continue as the nucleus of an;
future military establishment.
The Secretary also Indicates his In
tention to press for perpetuation by
conducive to the highest economic effi- President Wilson Accepts Reslgna- tln Dulu during the wan
tion of Bernard M. Baruch. "1 have refrained in this report, Mr.
Baker says, irom malting specmc rec-
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4. President ommendations for future legislation
Wilson has accepted the resignation of I for two reasons. In the first place, the
Bernard M. Baruch as chairman of the signing of the armistice has not for
War Industries Board, effective Janu-1 mall v closed the war. - We have at
ary 1, and has agreed that the War I present a great military establishment
Industries Board cease to exist as a which cannot be immediately dissolved.
Government agency on that date. and the activities of the department for
Mr. Baruch "gave as his reason fori some time at least must be concerned
resigning the fact that, with the sign- with what we have. In the second
Ing of the armistice and the conse- place, the peace conference is about to
quent cancellation of contracts, there assemble, and tne military neeas or tne
was no longer a shortage of materials, United states cannot do pruaeniiy as-
and the War Industries Board imme- sessecL until that comerence snail nave
diately removed Its curtailments. determined the future international re
lations or tne woria. .
"In any case it Is clear that the edu
prudently assessed until that confer- Neb.; Emil, of Astoria. Or.; Frank, of
Anacortes, vvasn,; Herman, oi jMiens
burg. Wash.; Mrs. Winnie Larsen, of
Woodburn, Or., and Mrs. Minnie Lou,
of Elkhorn, Neb.
ctency of the country. and it was sug
gested that "private Initiative, enter
prise and responsibility in creation, ex
tension, improvement and operation
t-houtd. as a matter cf National policy.
be fostered and preserved.
The meeting, which was called by T.
Dewltt Cuyler. chairman of the railway
executives advisory committee, also
voted that "assurance be given to the
Director-General of Railroads and nis
assistants, of our earnest desire to co
operate with the.n in the performance
of their Important and difficult trust.
and in the adoption or. plans ior me re
turn of these properties to private man
asement and operation, which plans
shall be Just alike to the public, to the
owners of the properties and to the I Doughnuts and Coffee to Be Served. ,. nfrir-rs and a constant studv
employes engagea mcrcon.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Dec 4. (Spe
cial.) From 5 until 8 o'clock tomor
row, Thursday, trench doughnuts and
steaming hot coffee will be served to
soldiers and their friends by the Salva-
SALEM. Or, Dec. 4. (Special.) Alex- I tion Army here at Seventh and B
ander M. Holmes, a pioneer widely streets. There will also be a pro
. . . ' . I gramme of music. The doughnuts will
be home-made. Just like those they
known throughout Marlon. Polk and
Yamhill counties, died yesterday, aged
TS. at the home of bis daughter. Mrs.
W. If. Downing, near Sublimity. His
parents, 11. M. and Nancy Holme:
crossed the plains In 1848.
For many years the magnificent
Holmes farm not far from McCoy was I Chapter, American Red Cross,
one of the display places of the WIlatn- Hussong was elected chairman
ette Valley.
Two sons. Mark and Monroe, of Port
serve In the trenches in France.
Astoria Red Cross Elects.
ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 4. Special.) At
the annual meeting today of Astoria
H. L.
W. A.
Tyler, vice president, and W. A. Sher
man, treasurer. The executive corn-
land, and two daughters. Mrs. Down- mittee for the ensuing year will be
Ing. of Sublimity, and Mrs. W. L Lacey, I composed of Mrs. F. H. Haradon, Mrs.
of Anagarko. Ok la., are living
Funeral services will be held at 1:30
NEW YORK, Dec 4. Mrs. John
Drew, wife of the actor and her
self an actress until her marriage.
died here today. Her health had failed
a year ago. Mrs. Drew was Miss
Josephine Baker, of Philadelphia, a
daughter of John Louis Baker, who was
an actor and an old friend of the
Drews. Her first part was in a play
In which Mr. Drew was acting. They
were married- in 1855.
Trie funeral services of Dr. E. A.
Woods. 79, a retired pastor, of the
Baptist Church, who died December J in
Berkeley. Cal.. win be held irom f in-
ley's undertaking parlors at 1:30 this
afternoon, interment to be in the Rose
City Cemetery. Dr. Woods was born
In Ohio and was pastor of various Bap
tist churches in the Eastern cities until
lis, when be went to San Francisco to
become the Baptist pastor there until
104. when he came to Portland to live
with his daughter and son-in-law. Mrs.
and Mr . H. M. Lull, of 157 North
Twenty-second street. Mr. Lull la the
division engineer of the Union Station
here. Dr. Woods is survived by another
daughter. Mrs. L. W. Hackett, In Rio
de Janeiro.
r.IDGEFIELD, Wash.. Dec. 4. (Spe
clal.) Hans Jacob Hellingson died at
his home at Sara early Sunday morn
ing of liver trouble and i u burled in
tha Sara cemetery on Monday. He
was born in Norway November 30, 1854,
and was (4 years of age.
WOODLAND, Wash.. Dec 4 (Spe
cial.) Mrs. B. E. Thornton died here
this week at tha home of her daugh
ter. Mr. C. E. Dunham, wife of Coun
cilman Dunham, aged CO years, from a
complication of ailments. Mrs. Thorn
ton was born in Baltimore. Md.i and has
been a resident of Woodland for a
number of years. Besides the daugh
ter mentioned there are six grand
children. Mrs. Charles Olson, of Wood-
A. J. Taylor, Mrs. J. P. Taplcott, Mrs.
W. F. McGregor and Thomas Nelson.
of the science of warfare will be neces
sary, and it Is my hope that the great
military academy at West Point can
be supplemented by an enlargement
and broadening of the special schools
which are at present organized but
should be made to take on more the
character of post-graduate courses and
to develop and train research specialists
in the several arms. This subject, how
ever. Is one upon which casual com
ment is not helpful, and I refer to It
onlv because It seems the one clear in
dication from our experience as to our
future policy."
Stirring- Patriotic Addresses Made in
Y. M. C. A. Huts at Vancouver.
Dec. 4. (Special.) All three Y. M. C. A.
huts tonight simultaneously held
memorial exercises for America's heroic
dead, hut No. 1 being assigned to Major
Thornton A. Mills and Captain Berger,
who made stirring patriotic addresses.
Colonel Charles Van Way and Chap
lain Bronson spoke at hut No. 2, and
ii; hut No. 3 Rev. John H. Boyd, of
the First Presbyterian Church, of Port
land, was met by a crowd which packed
the spacious room. The latter meet
ing was in charge of Chaplain Hoag.
The bands were out and assigned to
the various huts. . -
500 Locomotives Ordered.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Contracts for
the construction of 500 standard loco
motives were awarded today by the
Railroad Administration to the Amer
ican Locomotive Company. Director-
General McAdoo said this order is in
addition to one for 100 Mikado stand
ard locomotives recently placed with
the Lima Locomotive Works, Lima, O.
The two orders involve the expendi
ture of approximately $40,000,000.
Americans to List Property.
WASHINGTON, Dec 4. All Ameri
cans owning property In enemy coun
tries were asked by the State Depart
ment yesterday to file with the de
partment a complete list of such hold-
to Raise Defense Fund of
i ?
r j ' i ,j
- f ' i
J i r J - 1
. .V.- !
a)44BsWNSMMBat -' ttsaflsV
aWssa)kaMMak .-:. ... M f . XVS
Arion Hall
2nd and Oak Streets
December 5, 8 P M.
Dr. C. H. Chapman,
Kathleen O'Brennan
Correspondent Manchester
H. M. Wicks,
James Robinson
All Are Invited
IIodaJ I
Frank Lonergan to Receive Sugges
Hons From Public Early Sub
mission Is Request.
The gates have been thrown wide
open for suggestions as to the form of
the memorial to be erected for Oregon
men in the service.
At a meeting of the selective commit
tee yesterday, it was decided to invite
suggestions from every quarter. All
plans must be in writing and are to be
sent to Frank Lonergan, attorney In
the Electric building, who was chosen
secretary of the committee at the
meeting yesterday.
Only a concise outline of the plan,
with a short argument favoring it, are
Will Moore, Collector of Customs,
was made chairman of the committee
after Ben Selling had declined to act in
this capacity.
The American Institute of Architects
is working on a comprehensive plan
to be presented to the committee, ac
cording to Mayor Baker, ex-officio
Appointment of a finance committee
is expected soon. The selective com
mittee will met again within a week or
two. to consider available plans. Early
submission of suggestions is asked.
Indorsement of the "Victory High
way" to Mount Hood as a memorial
came yesterday from influential
sources. Two men, J. L. Bowman, of
the Brownsville Woolen Mills, and W.
P. Olds, of Olds, Wortman & King, each
will give $1000 toward such a memo
rial, they said.
Vouth Injured by Auto.
Roy Oakes, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Oakes, of the Kenton Hotel, was
injured about the head .and probably
has a fractured skull as a result of In room A, Central Library, this even
being struck Tuesday night by an au
tomobile driven by R. Fullenweider,
710 Main street, Vancouver, Wash., at
Lombard street and Mississippi avenue.
The boy was taken to the Good Samari
tan Hospital. He probably will recover.
Harry King Passes at Hospital After
Issuing Statement.
Harry King, 26, of Salem, Or., died
yesterday at Sellwood Hospital as
result of a gunshot wound. The body
was sent to fcalem last night.
Mr. King made a statement at the
hospital before his death, insisting that
he was shot accidentally by a revolver
which fell from its case in the side
curtain of his automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. King came to Portland
a tew days ago ana engaged rooms at
the Morris Hotel. Mr. King was alone
in the - automobile at the time of the
accident, which occurred on the Mil-
waukie road just inside the limits of
Multnomah County.
Mr. King is survived by a widow and
one son a years old. Mrs. King has
relatives in Salem.
ing at 8 o'clock. The programme will
includo a discussion of the "Social
Service Exchange" and "Study Classes."
led by Miss Margaret F. Byington. MiKB
Byington was formerly connected with
the Russell Sage Foundation. She is
now assistant secretary to tho Na
tional director of the home service de
partment of the American Red Cross.
Wong Bow, 50, Succumbs to Disease
at St. Vincent's Hospital.
Police are investigating the death
last night of Wong Bow, 50, who was
taken from 2S6 Flanders street yester
day by the Ambulance Service Company
to St. Vincent's Hospital. Patrolman
Johnson heard a report that the China
man's body was covered with bruises
and that he died of a fractured skull.
Dr. Frank Taylor, who attended the
Chinese, diagnosed the case tentatively
as influenza. At Holman's undertaking
parlors it was stated the body was not
bruised. Wong Bow was unconscious
when he arrived at the hospital, and
died without regaining his senses.
Social AVorkers to Meet.
The Social Workers' Club will meet
Twelve Companies Under Formation
' at Vancouver Barracks.
Dec. 4. (Special.) Twelve companies
of Infantry are being organized at this
post for approximately three months'
service. Men now enlisted in the
spruce producti6n division have been
offered the opportunity of enlisting in
the pew organization.
In an order issued today it was an
nounced that the men serving In this
organization would be called upon to
do various sorts of work and will draw
the usual military pay.
It is probable the new organisation
will assume the guard and "fatigue"
duty now being handled by the military
squadrons of the spruce division.
Each company in tne new unit wrii
be composed of one Captain, two Lieu
tenants and at least 150 non-commis
sioned officers and enlisted men.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
"The Man From
Funeral Range"
-1 ; -.y' fm
The Funniest Comedy of the