Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Explanation of Wilson's
Principles Is Asked.
Proposal Favoring Delay by Peace
Conference on League of Nations
Decision to Come Vp Later.
WASHINGTON". Dee. 4. President
Wilson's H principle and terms, the
Jeairue of nations. International dls
. armament, open diplomacy and other
features connected with tha forth
coming peace conference were dis
ru3d In the Senate today during five
hours of debate, in which many Sen
ators Joined.
Senator Borah, of Idaho. Republican,
introduced a resolution proposing pub'
Jication of the peace treaty immedi
ately upon lta completion and open
liscusslon of It in the Senate, while
Senator Frellnghuysen. of New Jer
jey. republican, offered a resolution
peeking Interpretation by the Presi
dent of the 14 points.
Ciaalu RewlutUs Considered.
Both resolutions will be sent to the
Senate foreign relations committee,
which, before the Senate discussion
opened, considered behind closed doors
the resolution of Senator Cummins, of
Iowa. Republican, proposing; appoint
ment of a Senate committee to attend
the Paris conference to keep the Sen-
ale Informed of events there.
Action on the Cummins resolution
waa postponed until tomorrow, with
Administration leaders and some Re
publicans reported opposing; Its ap
proval. The committee also decided to
put over until next week the reso
lution of Senator Knox, of Pennsyl
vania. Republican, calling .for post
ponement of action by the peace con
ference, on the questions of a league
of nations and freedom of the seas,
laformatloa la Aak.e4.
The Senate's debate, which continued
Intermittently until adjournment to
night, was opened by Senator Frellng
huyaen. who. In offering his resolution,
declared the President never had elab
orated on many of his 14 terms and de
manded that the American people be
informed of their concrete application.
In reply Senator Walsh, of Montana,
raid delay in criticism of the 14
points waa ground for general belief
that the country approved them. Sena
tors Poindexter. of Washington; Knox,
of Pennsylvania, and Johnson, of Cali
fornia, all Republicans, challenged that
view. They insisted that after their
nuncla'lon peace discussions generally
had been frowned upon until recently
und consequently there had been no
general discussion of them. Senator
Johnson said the President has gone to
France, leaving the Nation ignorant of
tha precise meaning of his principles.
LeiKse of atioaa Kavared.
Senator Knox aaid Congress had
taken a position on an agreement be
tween nationa when it attached a rider
to tha naval appropriation bill of Feb
- ruary. 1316. authorising the President
to call an international conference not
'later than the conclusion of the war
for discussion of military disarmament
and general arbitration of Interna.'
tlonal disputes.
During the day Senator Kellogg, of
Minnesota. Republican, delivered a pre
pared address In favor of a league of
nations whose decrees should be en
forced by popular opinion of responsi
ble popular government and not by
force of a super-government or world
Replying to Senator Kellogg, who had
expressed regret that the President
had not taken the Senate and the peo
ple more into his confidence on peace
questions. Senator Lewis, of Illinois, the
1 rnocrat Ic whip, declared that in se
lecting the peace commission without
faming a Senate representative, the
I'resluent had not slighted the Senate,
lie said the President first favored ap
pointing a Senator, but had felt such a
Selection would be Improper, since the
s.-na'e finally must pass upon the
Closing the day's debate. Senators
Keed. of Missouri, and Williams, of
Mi.tsippl. Democrats, clashed on the
question of a league of nations.
The Missouri Senator opposed .. a
1'ague given power to use military
force In Imposing Its decrees upon a
Mngle nation, and the Mississippi Sen
ator argued that the league to enforce
leaie by Joint military force as a final
report is desirable. Senator Williams
expressed hope that a world Monroe
loctrlne would result from the peace
whether it be labor, material, manu
facture or what not. Any foundation
or organized labor or capital that is on
a false basis must fail.
I am not opposed to organized labor.
I believe that labor should organise in
individual plants or amongst them
selves for the better negotiation of la
bor and the protection of their own
rights, but the organization and con
trol of labor in individual plants and
manufactures, to my mind, ought to be
made representative of the people in
those plants who know the conditions.
"In the years gone by, I seriously
doubt many times if labor has received
its fair share of the prosperity of thi
great country. We, as manufacturers
have got to open our eyes to a wide
vision of the present and the future,
with reference to our workmen. We
have got to devise' ways and means by
which capital and labor, that have so
often been term-id synonomous. shall
sharo equally, not in theory, but in
Resident of Philippines, Vho
ranged to Meet Spouse In Port
land, Believed In New York.
The police have been asked to assist
In the search for W. D. Latimer, of
the Filipino Vegetable & Oil Company,
of Manila, who passed through Port
land a short time ago accompanied by
his Filipino valet, en route to New
John Pearson, of the Western Timber
Company, called at police headquarters
and asked to have a letter forwarded
to Mr. Latimer in New Tork. where he
is believed to be now. The letter Is
from his wife, who. it is said, is broken
hearted over his sudden disappearance
and la very anxious to locate her hus
According to the story told the po
lice. Mrs. Latimer came to Portland to
take-a relative with her back to the
Philippine Islands.
It was arranged that Mr. iatimer was
to meet Mrs. Latimer in Portland ana
all three would return to their island
home, where it is said that Mr. Latimer
I extensive business connections.
Mrs. Latimer, who is at the Multnomah
Hotel, said that she would depart for
California today.
It was told the authorities that Mr
Latimer had passed through the city a
few days ago and went through to New
York without stopping and did not lo
cate his wife.
It was reported to the police that
Mrs. Latimer did not know his address
nd that to be sure he received the
letter which she had written to him she
had it turned over to the authorities.
who will assist her in the search for
her husband.
Godowsky Piano Concert
Gives Restful Delight.
Marguerite Hughes. Violinist
First Rank, la Co-Star.
tContlnoed from Flrt Pare.)
ation Is for the benefit of every citizen
f the country.
Speaking on private ownership of In
dustries. Mr. Schwao said:
"The real development of any great
enterprise depends upon the Individual
initiative of the American business man.
1 do not believe we will ever get the
full economical development of any
great branch of American industry that
is not developed under private enter
prise and by private capital."
Of labor Mr. Schwab said:
"I believe In the fairness of American
labor. I believe the only foundation
upon which anything can permanently
rest N the economic use of everything:.
XE man measures happiness
terms of dollars. Another man
thinks happiness is appetite or per
sonal combat. ,
There is a higher happiness, one of
the spirit. Think 'of the deep delight
one gets in inhaling the magic scent
of a charming American beauty rose
garden, say in a balmy night In June,
That appeals quietly to our best in
stincts and stirs that undefinable qual
ity In us that is 'called by metaphysi
cians our sixth sense.
It is in something of this magic mood
one emerges from the soft beauty ef
fecta of a Godowsky concert. He ap
peared last night in the Heillg Theater
as the first event of the Ellison-White
artists' course, assisted by Marguerite
Hughes, violinist.
A Godowsky piano concert is gen
erally one of sincere, restful, satisfied
delight. He plays so softly, like the
flow of rose petals stirred by a gentle
wind. Wild dynamics. Niagara-like
thunderings are left to the merciful ef
forta of other pianists. Often, .as
Godowsky plays, you hear him play as
if in a dream, and almost look through
a glass darkly. This mood only de
scribes the witchery of delight created
by Godowsky in Interpreting Chopin's
fairy-like "Ballade in G Minor" and
Nocturne In G Flat.
The Chopin "Scherzo" was rendered
In rapid, dazzling style. In the two
Polish songs, the first has dreamy
beauty, while the other had terrific
speed and a dash that carried all be
fore It. The encore number was the
Chopin "Ecossalse." The Debussy
numbers favored the unexpected, espe
cially in the unlooked-for phrase fin
ishes. The "Humoresque." composed
by Godowsky, waa such a favorite that
it had to be repeated. The "Toccata"
waa a planlstic whirlwind. The finger
ing It received waa astonishing in
speed and a marvel of accuracy. The
extra number waa the veteran "Marche
Mllitaire" (Schubert). In which the gal
loping cavalry horses are cleverly imi
tated. It was dashingly and nobly
Mrs. Hughes, now a resident of this
city, who has been coached in violin
playing by eminent masters in Europe,
was co-star with Godowsky in the ren
dition of the magnificent Franck
"Sonata No. 1." She is a violinist of
the first rank . and played with fine
artistic ability. She Is a native of Cat
Ifornla and has passed much time in
European music centers. .
Secretary McAdoo Sketches
Year's Financial History.
With. Ending of Hostilities Diffi
culty Is Encountered In Deter
mining Money Needs.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The finan
cllal history of America's part In the
war Is set forth by Secretary McAdoo
in his annual report drafted before his
resignation and made public today by
the Treasury. It is the history of how
the American people paid billions in
taxes, raised four great liberty loans
and created a tremendous pool of credit
with which the Treasury, through its
many war agencies, paid the bills of
the Army and Navy, the Shipping Board
and other Government departments.
loaned billions to the allies and milt
Hans to war Industries, helped support
the families of soldiers and sailors and
tided farmers over periods of financial
For the 15 montbes ended last June
30 Secretary McAdoo estimated that the
actual cost of the war, with allow
ances for the Government's ordinary
expenses in ordinary times, amounted
to 113.222. Nearly half of this,
or 16.499,000,000, went into permanent
investments, in the form of ships, ship
yards, war vessels, army camps, build
lngs and in loans to allies or to Ameri
can war industries. Of the year's ex
penses, 31.6 per cent came from tax
Army Expense Is Huge.
The civil establishment of the Gov
ernment during the year spent $1,507,
000,000, while the War Department
spent $5.6S4,000,000 and the Navy
$1,368,000,000. For support of the
Army alone the Government paid out
$4,412,000,000. The naval expenditures
included the construction of new ves
sels, machinery, armament, equipment
and improvements at navy-yards. To
tal ordinary disbursements for the
year amounted to $8,966,000,000 and
orinary receipts, excluding money re
ceived from liberty loans, amounted to
$4,174,000,000. Loans to allies during
the year amounted to $4,739,000,000 ad
Looking forward. Secretary McAdoo
found great difficulty in forecasting
expenditures for the current fiscal
ear which ends next June 30, on ac
count of the sudden coming of peace.
Estimates which he presented are
based on calculations of each depart
ment In advance of revisions since the
igning of the armistice and he does
not consider them reliable. With this
xplanation Mr. McAdoo forecast ex
penditures for this year at $20. 687, OOO.
OOO for Government purposes and
$4,375,000,000 for loans to allies and
$2,540,000,000 for redemption of out
standing certificates and other debt
cancellation. Total estimated disburse
ments for the year were put at $27,718,-000,000.
Estimated Receipts Large.
Against this estimate which actual
expenses at the rate of a little more
than a billion and a half dollars a
month to date indicate ia too high,
Mr. McAdoo calculated that the Gov
ernment will receive about $5,000,000,
000 before the end of the fiscal year
next June 30 from income and profits
taxes .$1,100,000,000 from other taxes.
$190,000,000 from customs, and $555,000,- j
000 from miscellaneous sources, mciua-
ing $70,000,000 from increased post
age, making estimated receipta from
ordinary sources $6,846,000,000.
In addition, he figured roughly on
a little more than $5,000,000,000 from
further issues of liberty bonds and
$1,200,000,000 from war savings. These
figures added to receipts from liberty
bonds already sold make $14,168,000,000
the total of popular borrowings ex
pected during the year. On this basis
total estimated receipts would be $21,
022,000,000, or $6,696,000,000 less than
tentative estimates of disbursements.
Actual developments are expected to
change these calculations greatly.
Admiral Beatty Refnscs Any Con
cession to Germans.
COPENHAGEN, Dec. 4. The reply of
Admiral Beatty. commander of the
British grand fleet, to'a request, by
Germany for mitigation of naval terms
of tha armistice, refuses any concession
regarding merchant shipping or fish
ing in the North Sea.
The Berlin Wolff Bureau makes this
Senator Reed' Smoot Seek9 Big Fed
era' Appropriation.
ington, Dec 4. Senator Reed Smoot, of
Utah, -has introduced a bill authoriz
ing a $1,000,000,000 bond issue for Fed
eral co-operation with the states in the
construction of permanent highways.
The bill embodies the plan worked
out in 1914 by ex-Senator Jonathan
Bourne and introduced in the Senate
in 1915" by Bryan of Florida and in
1916 by Smoot. Had the bill been
passed at that time and the scheme
worked out through state co-operation,
the several states would now be in a
position to provide employment on the
highways for practically all the re
turned soldiers who may be without
other employment.
The bill provides for expenditure of
equal amounts by the state and Fed
eral governments, under state control
with Federal approval.
Bucharest Report Unconfirmed.
LONDON. Dec. . 4. No confirmation
has reached official Roumanian quar
ters in London of the recent German
report that Bucharest was burning and
that Roumanian peasants had revolted.
The latest official news shows that
Roumania is quiet and that the German
evacuation is proceeding regularly.
Three Boys Taken by Officers at
Oregon City After Cliasct
OREGON CITY. Dec. 4. (Special.)
Late last night the officers held up
an automobile and arrested the three
youthful occupants. They gave their
names as Fred Unstatz, C. Johnson ami
Max Ingle. Unstatz, driver of the car.
was detained by the offijeers, while the
other youths were released. The of
ficers believe the automobile was stolen
and an investigation is now under way
to determine the name of the owner.
The boys were not taken until Night
Officer Surfus pulled a revolver and
ordered them to stop.
To at the genuine, call for full name. LAX
signature of E. w. GROVE. Cures a Cold lo
On. rr. anc. Adv.
Cfjristfma .(gift
"Is Felden heimer Jewelry
A superfine collection of treasures has been
gathered here for your selection --from every
corner of the earth.
We have the most to offer you in quality,
quantity, choice of selection, service and
Prices Surprisingly Reasonable
Mall Orders Given Prompt and Personal Attention.
A. & C. Feldenheimer
Jewelrra Silversmith Opticlaaa
Established Since 1868
Washington Street at Park
j j
! There Is One Safe I
j Place to Buy Your !
Xmas Piano
First We alway sell for less.
Second We carry only stand- J
ard pianos. 9
Third In addition to the fac-
tory guarantee you have our j
guarantee, backed by 67 years I
of unchallenged service. ' o
While others talk high prices, J
we show the finest line of pianos ?
made in America for less money, I
on easy payments, and send home "
a satisfied customer wondering
how it can be done.
The Electric Corner
Will Make
Gift Buying Easy
Main Floor
c) "Merchandise cJ Merit Only"
Victor Records for
Are Now Here for Xmas
Seventh Floor
Gifts That SAVE
Time, Energy, Money
The Most Practical of All!
- Conservation has become second nature to the Amer-
ican housewife. It is one lesson out of the great war
she will not lose easily. We can offer no better con
servation suggestion than these time, labor and energy
saving devices to the housewife and they are all
r '
I Sold on Easy Terms
"Free" Sewing Machines
and "Model" Dress Forms
how acceptable it will ' be
low as $ 1 .00 a week.
There are so many,
reasons why you should
sew with a "Free" it
runs lighter, sews easier
and when not in use can
be folded into a neat,
sightly cabinet Come
in and see why a
"Free" is the most de-
1 r 11
sirable or all machines;
for Christmas! Terms as
The "Model" Dress Form
has 29 points of superiority over all others ; it is ad
justable in 29 self-locking parts. Your home sewing
will be easy with a Model. Terms as low as 50c a
week, too. Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
stic ocience
' 111'
will prove the
most welcome
gift to the house
wife, experienced v
or beginner, be
cause it will allow .
her so much time
for herself, and
the food will be
cooked so. much
more thoroughly
and deliciously. You can cook, bake, boil with a
"Domestic Science", to your entire satisfaction. Terms
. as low as $ 1 .00 a week.
Household Section, Basement.
Famous "Hoover"
Suction Sweepers
What housewife would not be
glad to have her house cleaned
"electrically" and thoroughly with
very little effort? The Hoover is
the only suction sweeper that has a
revolving brush. It shakes the dust
from the carpet, then lifts it, without
removing the nap.
days will lose their
terror if you use a
"Hoover," and
.1 t
they re so simple a
child can operate one. Make this a Hoover Christmas.
Our terms are as low as $!.00 a week.
Electric Corner, Main Floor.
"Maytag" Washing
Machines -Basement
Now, with so many
other activities to claim
your attention and time,
why bend over a wash-
all Monday?
The "Maytag"
washes by electricty;
makes your laundry
white, fresh and
sweet, and all with
out effort on your
part. This is the
ideal time to buy a
Maytag, and the cost
of operation is so'
small as to be incon
siderable. Make
every- Monday morn
ins a holidav with a
"Maytag" give one this Christmas! Terms as low as
$1.00 a week. Household Section, Basement.
ill . -:xiXir-, 1
Endless Opportunity for Gift Chosing, With
At 60 Per
Cent Off
it1 4 M ftJg ft
1 Table after table filled with these choice art treasures grouped and arranged
for easy selection. What wonder that so many people are buying all their gifts
in this great
$30,000 Art Gift Disposal j
The variety of articles is too great to enumerate even briefly. BRONZES, H
ported novelties, at prices as low as I
45c 65c 95c $1.45 $1.95 $2.45
$2.95 $3.50 $4.50 and $8.00 g
Many articles on these tables are marked at reductions greater than 60 per 2
cent, and every article not on tables of foreign importation- in our entire Art 1
Section is subject to a straight cut of 60 per cent. Mostly just one of a kind gifts.
Sixth Floor Lipman, IV olfe & Co.
Such pleasing gifts for the home lover now
at such attractive savings for Gift .time!
China of every
d escription
many designs
and shapes
made to our
especial order.
See the new "in
stant eer'vice
sets" for apart
ment dwellers
and small fam
ilies no t h i n g
more pleasing
to the y o u n g
Lamps in such a
variety as to
make choosing- a
perplexing de
light! Tiny
lights for the
boudoir table,
elegant floor
lamps for the
hall or living
room, desk
lamps and table
lamps and the
loveliest shades
at splendid savings!
Silver in every
wanted design
some In faithful
reproduction of
the old Sheffield
that is so lovely
and so scarce.
Some in beauti
ful modern de
signs and many
exquisite chests
of silver for the
Winter bride
a t attractively
low prices!
Sixth Floor Lipman, W olfe & Co.
Glassware of all
eorts--from sim
ple plain kitchen
tumblers to
daintily rut and
etched bits of
fragile table
ware. Good de
signs, excellent
quality ami low
prices combine
to make this the
mot popular
Glassware Sec
tion in Portland
these gift-choosing
Toy Shop Rhymes
Teddy's the dog that barked and barked
So the To) Shop animals feared,
Until one night he got into a fight
With a terrier whom he jeered;
And when it was over the animals found
That his "bark" was worse than his bite.
Hundreds of
Barking Dogs 25c
They really are awful fierce looking puppy dogs, and
if you hit 'era on the head they bark and yap ooh, so cross.
But, after all, they're faithful little fellows; they'll stand
guard over your dollies and things, and if you treat 'em
right they'll be ever so gpod. Order one from Santa today.
Every Kind of GOOD Toy at Every
Price -Thousands, All New, All Good
Toys for girls and toys for boys; toys for wee kiddies and toys for big
kiddies ; war toys, guns and aeroplanes, soldiers and war games ; sand toys,
tinker toys; building blocks by the hundreds. And dolls funny ones,
pretty ones, big ones, little ones, and everything Miss Dollie needs to make
her happy and comfy. Basement.