THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1018. 17 rOB ATE. TOR SAtF AUTOMOBILES. Hum, Organ and Musical lustra leans. 2' LAYER fUNOS LE.-.4 THAN THE VALUE or PU.MJ Al-ONr-Auto plucr, oak. $3:18. Tmpia 'better than new) $437. slt-aic harh Included with each. TTAKOLD rt. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill Pt Fr-rnltare for Pale. SPECIAL. irOK CHRISTMAS. U .overatufCed rockers, upholstered eat trad of fcpaniah chase lttbr. very roomy and comfortable, tha kind that sell rdinaxry foe $22.30; special at $15.75 each. You'll surely drride on one of these wosa yo s ihrm. Eaey terms. MJH FUICNITIKE CO l-)ao First St. OAK extension table. (10; Perfection oil heater. It: spring cot. mattress. $4.50: three-burner gas plate, $150: alr-ttght h-atr. pipe, i nc. $3.3o. all good aa near. HI Nonh 16'h. Broadway lit.. ONiS fumed oak library labia, 2 fumad oak I rockers, leather s-ats: 1 electric tabla lamp, all la perfect condition. m Prlca :at 644T. fcOME furniture, suitable for either office I or borne: must b soil Dtwwa u A. M. I and P. M . Thursday only. Dec. 6. Koom I IT Abingtoo !Of. VILTOX ruxa. ! ft. in. br 13 f. I $110: til's. $14: good used ranges front I si to i-mj. 3i. ti. t aiex. acaier. w u- i llama ivp. r.ast eili. .FURNITURE i-roorn bouae. houae for rent I $12. -o. Bciarta is a. it. and J f. M. l-MM I K. 12th at. N.. n-ar Alnaworth ave. XoDERN Atom gaa niiio, perfect con-1 dition: sell 130. rnono East ai'ti. MAHOGANY settee, aland, oak commode. winger sewing machine. cheap. East 53i7. 'OB bALE Furniture of i-room voltage; eottago for rent. ll7 Belmont at. Vol'K-HOLE gas range and sanitary courh, very cheap. 407 Holladay ave. TFT. .v,5. OFFICE furniture for aala at very reasonable! prb-ee: giving up office. 20i Mock Lrh. I TDoaJS Kablilt. Bird.. Pet Mora. H ANOSOIIE.-T Boston bulldog ia the city I for aale. Marshall Ml. BEAUTIFUL bcotch puppi for aale. I 41. t. 'illun. I-aunrhee and Boats. aV-ROOM boueeboat and bath with woodshed I and good walka and So-toot launch with I boaf houae. A bargain. Tblrd houae below I Northera Paclfio lumber mill. FEW NICE BUTS LEFT I.-f JUST NEW CABS. "Thy pay from $300 to $500 mora for a new car when you can atep into my place and get Just what you want In cars that look Just like vewf Wo give you a writ ten guarantee with every car and, being a large and reliable firm, what more can you ask? 191 Overland, small t-pau.. 9S new .........$ 7f0 1019 Chevrolet roadster, 95 new.... AoO 1'Jl Oldamobila 8: Itfia Just new.... 1300 1W7 Paige Utile Six? it looka brand nw 1100 1917 Reo, ft-paaa.; this car la better than new 850 1917 Hudson Super Eix. Tea, It looks brand new 1400 1018 Moon Six; a very beautiful car; met $160 1000 1B17 Maxwell Tour.; runs like new... 600 ltfld Maxwell Tour.; Just overhauled; 40 new top SSfl 1!17 Chevrolet Tour.. 05 new wn l:17 Overland roadater, 59 new.... ft.-'i ISenea 'IS roadstor. brand new.. S00 benea 17 Kludebaker oix. 7-Daaa.. run very little 800 J VI a Cadillac Tour.: It runs and looks nw 830 191-1 Cadillac Tour.: e tc L. and S.. newly painted ;.. 450 101A Hudson d-54: rune fine n.V) Buick roadster, overhauled, five tires.. 8u0 ifulck touring, elec con. and lichta. overhauled 800 J14 Buick little a-Daas.. newly painted, new top 650 1914 rord touring, seat covera 375 11S Ford roadster; runa Ilka a Ford 85(1 Piwrre-Arrow 6, 7-paaa., overhauled; $75 Job painting; fineat buy on earth 80$ Ktw buys arriving every day. Good terms. Liberty bonds at face value. Eee Conley, tha man that gives yeu a, square deaL My large firm Is the entire ? floor, not dovtnMalra. The big brick building, 8. W. cor. Ulh and Wasoingtoa sts. Kntranre 127 rwnKdsle St. Upstairs, I'd Floor. TOR 6AI.E ATJTOMOB1XES. READ EVERT "WORD OF THIS. This Franklin la the easiest riding car you ever drove. Very recently it was rflnlaha nnrl renalntedL has not been off the pavements since and has not been driven over 500 miles. It was equipped with 4 new Silvertown.cord tires, new top ana siae curtains ana tin Ished throughout with Dlush UDholstery. There's not a spot or scratch on It, If you will look at It. ride ia it, you'll say Til take it at the price 81500. Ed Hows, at KORTHWKST ATTTO CO, Alder at Eighteenth. Broadway 1400. cblaa 1 1J-H. P. tRIE C1TT engine, center crank. 1 U-tL. p. C berry ec Para, slue crank. 1 S-h. p. fitandard upright engine. 1 S-h. p. aprtgbt boiler and engine. I 4 S-b. p upright boilers. 1 SO b. p. firebox boiler. 3 ao-n- p. lap aeara tubular boilers. 1 00x14 Isp seam' tubular boiler. S $4x14 lap aeara tubular boilers. ' 2 axxl lap seam tubular boilers. S 4txI4 butt strap waterleg boilers. 1 !lt butt strap tubular boiler. 1 2.u-h. a. marine boiler. All in Al condition for immediate de-I - rrccry at reasonable prices. Call or wrtte I C K. Machinery Co.. 70 First St. EI.ECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE. Tao 4 ff. P.. one 5 H. P.. A. C. current: . 1 t .4 t.r 1 IL e TT X T-i t I , ' motor. Call at Portland Hardwood Floor I Co. ill West Park at. Alain 648 or A 54. FOR BALE Forty-horsepower tubular boiler I and stack for same. Addresa jHewbarc I Creamery Co., Newberg. or. USED CARS. Pturlebaker. alee, lights and starter. .. .?S0 iui.1 A'aige touring car 1011 Allen taurine car. elee. llcht. starter 859 1P-17 Ford touring car 4-v Ford delivery, fine condition 5i0 Late Overland touring car. only...... i 1P17 Grant six, touring car 750 luid Uraut six, tourins car 600 Two-ton Torbensen. internal gear drive 1200 Latest new Maxwell touring car 850 1018 Maxwell touting ear Federal two-ton truck 900 TERMS REASONABLE. MAVLET ATTTO CO. 11th and Oak at Furnslds. . Broadway 217. Typewrit era. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 191 Ford touring, practically new. speedometer, demountable rims, overs Ixo tires. Dumper; s.v.. 1!M7 Ford roadster, ran leas than 8004 miles, like new, equipped with. Haasler boock aoeorDera. 1495. 1917 Ford tounng, finest condition. speeoometer. ana seat covers: also h attachment so yon caa sleep la car on camping trips; $4ti5. lUld Ford roadster, finest condition, aeat covers, also has extra bed that caa be piacea on rear for delivery purposes. ji rora touring, baa always beea a private car, used very little: 1375. 1U17 Ford delivery, practically brand new. has beautiful Harnett express body. run curiam, cr is imisosa la maroon, lenders black: HSo. Terms If desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 8770. East 13th and Hawthorne, 2Ll;NT a P.emlngton; siecial ratea to atu-1 dents. Buy your aew Remington now; I Immediate delivery, reasonable terms. I Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTY KD factory rebuilt typewriters. I ALU AIAHfc.!. sold on monthly paymente; send for price list. Tha Wholesale Type wrtter Co., retail dept., 3-1 Wash. sL KfcBL'ILT typewriter and auppiiea. Coronal deaiera t;. w. pease t:o.. up feixtn. ALL mskea typewriters rented and repaired. I Oregon Typewriting Co.. 94A oth. wain J. I liEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut I ratea P. U. Co.. .n otarg St. Atain 14ftt. Caeb xegtstera. ISED CAR BARGAINS. 1' Dodge .....J 800 1 Grant ............................ $00 1 Overland eoo 1 Bulrk roadster 4r 1 Ford 4"3 1 ftudebaker too 1 Ford 375 1 Bulck roadster ................... 225 1 Mtudebaker i(M) 1 Overland iso 1 Overland roadster us And several cars from $75 to ld 1 2-ton truck 850 1 l'lon truck 6."irt 1 -ton truck, del 750 1 -ton truck 400 USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 101. Mitchell light six, 6-pasa. mi 7 Mitchell light six. 8-paas. 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 4-cyl. 1915 Hudson. 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1916 Chevrolet. 5-paaa.. 4-cyL 1017 Rtudebakar. 7-oass.. 6-cvl. Several others to select from, pries $373 to 81200. T'sed Car Department. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVE R CO.( East First at Morrison t. East 7272, B 1216. Wi Make and Fell NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS r AND CREDIT FILES. Leweert prices. Small monthly payments. No Interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired, rebuilt, sold and exchanged. J. ft. MtTMMA. Agent. The National Cask Register Co, S90-83 Stark oireeu Broadway 181C 1 8-toa White truck ZioO lKjr l ex MLiVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. ON S brand aew 1918 model. 6-Passenxer touring car, unven less tnan iouo miles, sll new tires and ana extra non-skid r. , in perfect condition.- A demonstration of performance and appearance will be the most convincing ractor txiat tma car is a oargain at tne once. una late model Mannon roadster, la per- icci conuition; an new urea, price rea aonaoia. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. MK. 2.1 d St. Main 780. Mieeellaneooe. FOR SALE 1918 Hupraoblle in first-class condition. might conaideriicht car in trade. Pries oooo. RODHAM eV VOLLUM ATTTO CO.. General liepalrlng. Hupmobtle Experts. e- r. nrx sl. xqwy. tHlv. FIRST-CLASS s:eetrlral and mechanical re pairing on automobllea, tractors and gaso line motors: absolutely no guesswork. E. - J. Morin. 84S Gantenbeln ave, Woodlawn X34U. WE all know that the best possible rallies for the money are obtainable where the firm representing samo have a moderate overhead expense. While our location Is not on Broadway, It la but a few mo ments walk from the main automobile aection. We positively know that there are no such values - in used cars and trucks In the city ss we have to offer. We have stsndard makea of trucka from one to three tons capacity, overhauled and In condition for any kind of hauling at prices ranging from $650 to $1700. In touring cars we have some of ths ery latest models, practically svery stand ard make and In good condition, at. prices ranging from $.100 to $1700. Satisfactory terms given on all sales. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR COMPANY. $8 North 23d st. Phone Mala 780. 7TEADOUARTERS for toys. We retail toys at wholesale prices: also headquarters for American and allied flaga. Win. TIreenberg. 100 et. cor. Sd and Stark its. TJrlVf. PAPKTC ALL NEW. Wi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: V'So -p; - Valla anif cement- 25c Dor roll extra. fiaooth surface, ns cheap sanded stock. M. BARDS PONS. INC. THE HOCfli OF A MILLION BARGAINS. PORTLAND a ONE BIO t-UFPLt mil am. ItwINi) machines, new and second-hand. sold for less: no aeenta emoiorea: oom- plete line of parts for all makes: macnlxtes repairer ana remea. aim i. i 8EWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Id. near Taylor btreet- 1 AM ths best and cheapest clothes washer. 1 caa solve your servant prooiem. sir name la the TIIOB ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Too can learn all about me by telephoning Smith-McCoy Electric Co, wiring, electric repotting. Bdwy. 84S6. VtVii asvnnla Bull. lieht-welCUt OVf TCOlll I and oca trousers, a:so soma men e aoo o-'' c.-w, t-vmw,iKvr ivunna. o com tires! 1918 FORD COUPE. Classiest little car in town: white wire wneeia. many otner extras, all Ilka new. -Owner going south. A big snap. Easy terms and ths pries is right. AP SSL Ore- FOR SALE OR TRADE. Gasollno pump and tank, liks new, trade for Iste model Cash Register. RODHAM 4 VOLLUM AUTO CO. Broadway 600. BTJ1CK coupe. 1917, Ilka new. Mechanically I pertect. a orana new cord tlrea. 1 extra tire. Snap buy for $1600, cash or terms- Will accept liberty bonds. Call Frank Hmttn. Bdwy. II JO. HERE'S A BARGAIN. 1918. six-cylinder Willys Knight, 45 R. P.. 4-paas. or cloverleaf. In Al condition. original prlca $195: will take $150 fort quick action. f urcgonian. 101T CHEVROLET tourtnr .. 1917 Palga 1917 Chevrolet roadster 1918 Ford touring , 1817 Saxon "four" 1917 Dodge 1914 Touring er. , $550 850 .."500 .. 47S .. 705 .. 75 WANTET) MISCELLANEOUS. 87.50 AND UP 760 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer ths tailor pays tha Highest price for suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere In the city. day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229 orl liv siadison st- OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing. HiRhest cash pries paid. tm can aay or nignc PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison sc. HELP WANTED M I.E. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially laaies ana gentlemen s suits, dresses, eta New buyer. Try tue before you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 245 Bumside. HOW TO FIND EMPLOYMENT. Ton want a job; yon have certain ability to do certain things. Ws have constant calls from employing firma for men who can do Just what you would like to do. Let us help you get together. We operate for your benefit and for the benefit of v the employer. Satisfaction is guaranteed both ways If we can't assist yon to a position we guarantee to refund your fee. Tou possibly would like to talk with a man of wide experlnece who can help you in deciding just what vocation you should follow. Come ta office No. S03 T. M. C. A. and ask for information and Interview. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 1000 USEFUL ARTICLES TO TRADE. SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS ' PRESENT8. NEWMAN'S BARGAIN STORE. 128 First, near Alder. Main 4495. WANT second-hand concrete mixer, only slightly used: prefer bmlth; give tun ae seription, price snd where can be seen. BC 000, Oregonlan. PIPEFITTERS, steamfltters and helpers. boilermaker helpers. Willamette Iron & steci works. Apply at once. Take 16th st. car loot of 17th. WANTED A press for pressing on solid I tires. Ivelly Tires Sales Co.. Ha An&eny 1 street. OVER the top: $7.60 up spot cash for sec-1 ona-nana auits. overcoats, 01a snoes. siain 1 TKo. EOITITIKS in liberty bonds for almost new furniture, gold watch, suitcase, etc. ap-i ha.i ijiu raners lor logging camp; good ply today, room 36, over No. 3 First st I $100 CASK or more psid for upright I pianos not too 01a oy oecurny Dttiras 1 Co.. 108 rourtn at. taii Main oj-j. WANTED Cash register, showcases, safes snd other store Ilxtures. x4 first St. Main 1 4234. country; maximum Government wages paid. Wilson Bros. Logging Company, In dependence, Washington. Take O. & W. Railroad, , WANTED A printing plant, or part. To be taken out. 'No cylinder presses. Apply I P oaa, oregonlan. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic and I pump shotguns wanted, Hocniem. sa q. i WE will buy yijr old typewriter and pay yon casn. Oregon Typewriter Co.. r urn. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks, raetsls. tools, old clothing; good prices. Kast zh. WANTED MEN AT ONCH. In big, classical school to learn to oper ate and repair automobiles, tractors and trucks. In special day and night classes. Students can enter at any time. Call or WtllO HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne Ave. ' T0TJNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, GOOD SALARY TO START. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. INTERESTING WORK CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601, SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND -OAK STS. WANTED Girls between tho ages o 18 and 25 to operate power sewing machines and do general factory work. Experienced girls preferred, though others will be con sldered. Apply Ames. Harris, Neville Bag Factory, 622 Hoyt st. EDrCATlONAI- TALIv ON OREGON daily this week. PORT LAND TO NEW ZEALAND next week. The Finishing School (and for beginners) at en Sixth st. (between Oak snd Pine), toadies shorthand, typewriting, spelling to make all machines noiseless, to report with eyes on the speaker, to make short hand notes on any make of machine, to make private and detective notes with your hands in your pocket or muff, to be made clever, and for $r a week. - cine week to perfect those who have attended a busi ness collece or hieh school, and one month for beginners. Want to train teachers to assist in this school and to open out branches; a good living for mother and daughter, or husband and jvlfe. The daily talks commence at 3 and last till 4. Pu pils free, for the opportunity of prac ticing reporting. Parents and others in vited to attend and pay 25u to go towards the fund for a grand memorial to our re turning soldiers. Chalk drawings and a sound lesson will bo given in ftoography. Four-minute speakers invited. (Nevex mind the diusy building, coins to learn some thing.) . YOUNG man with 5-year-old boy wishes room and board In Christian home 01 Christian housekeeper to care for same references; no objection to children. AE 18. Oregonian. GIRL with practical soda fountain and con xectioncry experience to worK in arm store afternoon and evening. Call In per son alter 11 o clock: A. M. 1373 xiaw thorns ave., cor. E. 49th st. CHAMBERMAID for river passenger boat ;u. room ana board, liosmer fc w hue, 3d N. 2d. Furniture Wanted. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. tltoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfita. hotels, rooming-houses. office furniturei furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small tor us. rrompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL MSI. A 3224. HIGH school and Reed College students iituaing ior paper routes during tne com ing school year will do well by applying to xioom zuo ciregonian bldg., at once. WANTED Man for .Ifl-ncre farm In Vam nui county, willing to do clearing and grubbing by the job; good furnished WANTED At once, 2 experienced operators on power sewing machines; clean, ugh work-room; steady -work: good wages. Apply Waterproof Garment Co., 82 is N Oth st. MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist general house work and care of 2-year-old boy ant 4 months baby; good home, small wages lrvington. K 213. Ciregonian. BRIGHT, Intelligent young lady stenos raoher for wholesale house: steady po sition; state age, experience, reference and salary expected. A 740. Oregonlan. J1"""6' team, harness arid wagon; 300 fruit WB xwlnt a laundress for Monday, Tuesday trees. 1 acre loganbPrriea. 4-scre field and Wednesday; have electric washer. wii iui a lcu miles irom town. oou cnsnce. write K. isisson, Leona, or. x-eona ayu & Lumber Co. mangle and wringer. Marshall 823. meals each if you wish. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. XLINB'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 809. WE have an oneninr on established route or a tnorougniy experience, reliable tea -w'ic ivuic man, preier married man oetween zo and 40 years of ace: per- COLUMBIA Paper Box Co. wants woman to act as floor lady: one with experience In folding box business preferred. East 25th and Holladay. manent position with hie-hest guarantee I RELIABLE girl to take cars of baby six paia oy any concern in our line on tne Pacific Coast. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711 kj 11 iuii ave. months old and assist with second work good home. 243 Cornell road, head Mar shall st. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and- used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hsrdly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In i shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. when you have anything to buy or sell. call or phone MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO, 221-3-5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. TRADE, development in new territory ex- tenaing jewel service to those we were not aDie to serve during war-time. Re quire the services of three salesmen, mar- WANTED A dining room girl. 1751 Derby st. woodiawn 215. Want -Domestics. ried men. 25 to 40. thati have sold nrnducts 1 CI.RAN. re 1 i rt 1 e woman, must be rnrui rtlain snd met tho consumer; liberal salary. Ap-1 cook: pleasaut home with every modern ply In person. 21 South Grand ave. convenience; good wages. Call at 6U19 30th ave. 0. 67th st. E. Hawthorne ave. car to EXPERIENCED baker for pies and coffee I WANTED Competent girl for general cakes. Old established business; best of working conditions. X 814, Oregonian. housework: plain cooking: no washing wages $00. Marshall 137. Willamette Heights. WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Marsnali I'ouj. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORTfl A VTC AUTO, TrtACTOR. TRUCKS. GAS EN- UISBS, LIGHTING. STARTERS. IGNI TION AND WIRING. COME TO THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO MUSS THE JOB. EXPERIENCED cook who will assist with general housework, xoO: no fires to attend. good home. 243 Cornell road, bead of Marshall t- WANTED Reliable girl for general house work. 2 In family: no furnace, no sun day dinner; $40. SOS Westover Road. Mar snali LSI. FURNISHING APARTMENT HOUSE. WANTS RUGS AND OTHER FURNI TURE. 128 1st st. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. LARGE manufacturing concern requires I , , ,iHrti . womsn services of high-grade office man: must G-,lT,I-mrr'- Tclt be capable to handle book, and help; ef- ?m"f51Inm 'owwVn' i'nS" f Iciency is what wa rea u ire and to man who can handle wo offer rapid advance ment and ood payf must furnish bond ana a ino. l references. F. Q. box 974. CARLOAD of used household rood wanted 1 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper in E NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4tJ-7 or 204 First st. on carllne : Stephens Bt- for housework. city conveniences, no washing. Inquire 10-8 for out of town shipment; will pay spot! cash, fnone vaoor ii4i, cay or mgnt. WANT USED FURNITURE. B40 WILL IAMS AVE. M. H. CALEF. EAST 0417. TO TRADE real estate In Northern Cal. for good furniture. $1200. W 6sa, oregonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNITUREE WANTED. WILL FAT CASH. MAIN B38a. wholesale house; one who can use book keeping machine preferred: must be com petent, rood penman, able to give bond; permanent position it services satisfac tory; state references and phone. A 745,! ure s;onian. WANTED Assistant shipping clerk with some lumber experience; must be am bitious, painstaking, able to walk con stantly over plant; starting salary $4.75, COMPETENT Eirl for general housework no wasmng or wunciay dinners; wages ou a month. 1168 Tburman at. Call Marshall 955. A WOMAN for two hours daily except Sun day: general housework, some washing: prefer mornings. Apply Mrw. Young, lOul E. Morrison, bet. 33d and 34th sts. WOMAN or girl to help with housework; use oi piano ana name privileges; good place for good girl; no objections to small baoy. can wooqiawn tun.. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class automobile mechanic; no other will be considered; good wages I paid. Apply Used car department. Mitchell, Lewis 6c to i aver to., .cast is and Morrison sts. 8 hours. Apply Crossett Western Lumber WANTSD Young girl. 16 or 17, to assist in to., wauna. or.. 73 miles oelow Portland uuoc ww-6. ..ii"s. on S. P. & S. Rv. Main 6334. WANTED Single man. bet, 21 and 31, as I WANTEDCompetent cook for eenoral WANTED Office boy in wholesale house; steady position; one living at nome pre ferred. Address In own handwriting. statins; age, references If any, and wages expected. AE . oregonian. GOOD reliable cook, middle age, caa find steady position m gooa country town; above all must be clean; state wages wanted. AV SSI, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced Janitor. middle- aged, single man prererrea ; .- a monin, room and board. St. Elmo Hotel, Van couver, Wash. " collector; must be able to furnish refer ences; salary 10.50 a week and commis sion. Apply bet, 2 and 3 o'clock. 40? Ore gonian Diag. WANTED First-class porter for Klamath Falls, Or.; guarantee S18 per week, also all shines and baths on Sunday. For par ticulars apply to Lewls-stenger .Barbers nuppiy co. WANT llvo man with S100: one who can travel; can earn big salary. 416 Stock Exchange bldg- bet. 9 and 12 A. M. BOT for wholesale house; run errands and make himself useful. Apply l.4 Front at. housework; A-2864. WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper to take care of a small lodging house. .sl Grand avenue 8. GIRL or woman to assist housework, 3 adults In family, close in. Apply 6U5 East coucn. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework must be good, plain cook; small family; very best wages. Kast 634H. 60 Knott. WANTED Good, competent girl for general housework in small family; small house. Phone East 2005. 621 E. lth N. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington' st. where Washington and Burnsido Meet. SACRIFICE DODGE SACRIFICE. 1IT 6-passenger Dodge, only run few nunurea mnes; in Al condition: will sell jnoap ior quick sale. .Phone Mala 68oU 104 6th st. beys furnishings. Escepuonal work and dress shoes at less than wholesale cost; nearly all alsea. fhona evenings. Wood lawn S4.- HAVE several thousand tons of good al falfa hay for sale. I J- per ton r. a. n. hhoalmne. Idaho: freight-rate to Portland in w per too. Percy UosletU Shoshone, Idaho. PAINTERS, atteatioa. At a bargain: Ropes, ladders, bruahes. painra ana a.i altera, menu connected with painting: cheap rent. Apply 415 Gllsan SI. IIOT war.r tanas, all sisea. In good servlee- abra condition, so-sal., s.: eo-gai.. sv. -""i Adams at-y east eud ateel bridge. 1'hone ft. w-MW. tWOO iEET lumber foe sale: 3i. tongued and grooved, ror noortnr. garagea or barra f. W. cor. l?lh and Alder. EO?K BL'SHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phone orders delivered promptly. Portland Roee Nun-ery. Tabor G71. run leas than goo miles, aood mechanic eaah or terma 1UOO. Call Frank Smith, oro.iiw,y i loo. SOME BARGAIN A Marmon bug In fine running oroer. tor oniy jou; win demon strate; this price Is for a Quick sale. R. c. juuan. lornenua notei. tain -eyi.. 7-paasenger. in splendid condition; must sell at onee; terms or cash. Can be seen at til East Everett. ONE 1U17 Mitchell, 7-passenger, in first- condition, looks like new. or will 118 FORD SEDAN IS8S. My 118 fi-pass. Ford closed car. in ex ceptionally good mechanical condition, good tires, for 9SW; S37S cash, balance 11 FORD, from owner, fully equipped, oniy i-iou. noi is. Lincoln, near o9th. CO LatJJ CARS TO PICK FROM AT oiAiuan yi n iv.-vc, v I II. JUUt.n. FOR SALE Late 1917 Bulck 4. good coo- mnon. extra ure. A 133. uregonian. FOUR-PASSENGER Chalmers SO. good con- wi umi. ..inv., ior quica sale. Main 1470. 1917 FOR D tou ri njr. extras, fine condition; trade for lighter car; terms. Kelly Tirol FORD, 191. touring; fine condition, 335. Kales Co.. Bdwy. 44. 335 E. Ankeny. SEDAN, like new slso Summer top, cord tires, extra tire, bumper and In fine shane. I Will consider smaller car la trade. Stalger uarage, via ana t-oucn sts. FOR BALE By owner. 191ft Oakland light six, driven 300 mllea around city: tires and car In Al condition. This ia a bar- gain. Apply n veon Jldg. Owner. 30H. Larrabee, room 44. IJU.OOO WORTH OF USED CARS. STA1- BISK'S GARAGE, 9TH AND COUCH. SAXON on cash or terms. E. Burnsfde t-arage. E. loth and Burnslde. Antoraobiles Wanted. aLEGANT new suit, !3; - silk dresses 310 1 MOTOR8, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we and 111 All sue 3d: wrl.t umbrella very cheap. D 771. ten. silk Oregonian. Iw-K BME-WHITE diamond, perfect stone. I000L 1'rivaio party, aaareaa a .10, ur. gonlan. FOR PAI.E Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st sr., cornet Yamhill. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show. cases and wallcasea. nxtures: essy terms. W. J. Oulgler. 2T First. Msln MW. LEAVING ciur. will sell 1S3 Qts. assorted fruit al !&e at. 1303 E. J- ti N., near Alna worth ave. Woodiawn IO06. WHI6KY kegs snd barrels for aale; no coun try orders. Panama cooperage Co.. J8 Front. FERTILIZER. Best rotted cow and horse manors, big I truck loads delivered. Esst 3..S. FOR t-AI.E J desks. 1 bookkeeper's stand ing and one roll-top. Call at 613 E. ilor-1 rison. LARGE quantity good hog feed for sale: ex cellent winter pasture lor rent. jruK 1 rmiin, J.- Ainer si. wreck: ail makes of cars snd sell their I parta at halt price. David nodes Co, norm nrosoway anq risnocrs. svirt iALb tma aaiiiao. ri rat -class me chanical condition; new top, full equip meat 01 corn urea; useq, in private Xaic ny. A 1. H3, oregonian. BL'ICK 4. model C S, In excellent eon. oition, leather cosnion seats, new battarv. good tires: must sell st once. Call at 90 liin si. unnrii FOR SALE Good 1016 Ford car for I27S. Will take talking machine and records np to (10a Inquire evenings at 85 naignt street. SELL or trade A-l Chevrolet for beef I LONG & 6ILVA. Anto wreckers. We wreck cars and gave you 60 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East QS40. 4H2 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Late model touring or roadster. nuica or uoage prererrea. pay all cash. Might consider other makes. Phene Broadway 27H7. WILL take late model 5-paaa. car aa part payment on o-room nouse, value 1.200, WANTED Bookkeeper; must understand opening and closing cooks; state age, ex- rterience ana salary Aaswcr a 539, Oregonian. JANITOR for small hotel: one that under-1 stands firing wood boiler: a permanent position for a good, steady man: $75 per month and room. T 681. oregonian. WANTED Bright errand boy: lighj duties. I WOMAN for general housework in apart luiei v-teuners, iw jaroau way. i ment; Help Wanted Salesmen. good home and good wages. Phone East WANTED Salesman acquainted with the WANTErjook for country hotel up Co- wholesale fruit and produce business, to call on merchants; good salary for aDlllty. call at .00? Washington st. lumbia River; family style. Call at room 601 Hoyt Hotel, bet. 10 snd 12 A. M WANTED AGENTS GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with housework, family oi three, laureinurst, 325. Tabor 9271. MAN and wife can have 3-room basement I vy-ANTED Agents fos good proposition: l?'rit"d'n A'fiH?-1" 7mrno4! stlerVcait make "od money. H 222! and evenings gonlan. WOMAN for housework, small apartment. go home nights, can atternoon. Marshall 096. MACHINIST, Al general experience shop man, familiar with gas engine construc tion and repair. Bullington Motor Works, 5 Union ave. Oregonian. AGENTS at once. Sell 50o per lonth hos pital tickets. ZUb Joroett oiam. EXPERIENCED pants pressor can find steady employment at the Brownsville I Woolen Mills, 8d snd Morrison. YOUNG man to drive Ford delivery for grocery store: one who is acquaintea witn city. Apply L. Mayer & Co., 166 Bth St. EXPERIENCED salesman for men's fur nishings; references requireo. x-ioq v-wia-ing Co.. Morrison and 4th. WANTED Baker's helper, one who under stands mixing oreaa; oest oi reiereiicce ro qulred. Answer. P 650. Oregonian. WANTED First-class mechanic; snust be good bearing man. laurel rtose varage. Apply In person this morning. wavtptv At once. 2 men to learn automo bile repairing ana oriving. nawtnorne avenue. WANTED Druggist; must be a good sales man and a worKer; not necessarily regis tered. Huntley Drug Co- Oregon City. . WANTED Carpenters, experienced on hard wood floors, at tne .ueai ecnooi, Vancou ver, Wash. WANTED Young man for Ford delivery: state experience ana salary expecteo. ij 534, Oregonian. WANTED Men to split wood: 1000 cords. $1 per cora; wen lurnisnea nouse to live In. Call at jat rrom. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO bookkeepers and stenographers. 3100: bookkeeper and stenographer, IS5; one dictaphone operator. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WOMEN in our $100,000 and $200,000 clubs earn from $3000 up per year. Two good openings. Bee J. w. jjay, agency uirector. 610 Board of Trade Bid;., -ortiana. EXPERIENCED nurse maid wanted for two small children; references requireo; nign- est wages paid. AF 875, Oregonian. wasted A elrl or woman to work after noons until 7:30; plain sewing, mending, serving dinner. Wdln. 2bJ0. WANT a practical nurse for night duty at St. Mary's Hospital, A'oany. can jctroau- way 2637 WOMAN or girl for general housework; ns washing, 4 adults, wages $40; reference! required. Apply a Aiaer. I WOULD like to have an old lady as a housekeeper st tho rancn. (jail up -sirs. Flora, Alain vmz. GIRL wanted, feed platen printing press. coiumDia raper xoa t-o., x.. iu m laday. . WANTED Kitchen helper; a working man's boarding house; also to assist in uinms room, woodiawn oii. NEAT, reliable girl for general housework. Main 4751. 677 ttavensview arlve. Port land Heights. WANTED Reliable girl for laundry work in nrivate lamiiy. Electric appliances; references required. Main 162. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework:; t.o in xamny; wag-.s e-io. call before 2 P. M 794 Irving St. Main 8235. KKAT. exDerienced girl for second work in small laniuy, gooa wagcu. Apply alter 10. S-J Marsnali st. WANTED MEN AT ONCE. In big classical school to learn to oper. ate and repair automobile tractors and trucks In special day and night classes; students can enter at any time. Call or wrlto. . HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne Ave, BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR OPERATORS. We have never had as great a demand . for our students as NOW. We are in dorsed by the railroads and can assure young men and women success by enroll ing in day or evening classes now start ing. Write or call for BULLETIN. Hall way Telegraph Instituto, rlS Ky. Uxch. hlilg., Portland. BUKSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Shorthand, typewriting, spelling, busi ness English, office training, filing, book keeping, adding machine. Individual In struction. New equipment. Also our EX PERIENCE COUKSK "it eliminates tho beginner." LU.M MERMEN'S BUILDING. &Ui and' Stark, Phone Bdwy. 3436. Miss F. Bursell. principal. "AUTO 4: TRACTUli SCHOOL." TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAIN ING, AUTOS, IRACTOHS. GAS EN GINES, AUTO ELECTRICAL WORK. WHITE AT ONCE FOR WIG 100-1'AGE CATALOGUE. ADCOX AUTO & TRAC TOR SCHOOL, DEPT K. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST., PORTLAND. OR. WANTED MEN. AT ONCE. IN THE BIG PRACTICAL SCHOOL, to learn to operate and repair auto mobiles, tractors and trucks specialty, day and night classes. Students can enter at any time. Call or write Hemphill's Trade Schools. . PRACTICAL training in gas. electrical and steam engineering, mecnanicai arawins. machine uhop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile arid tractor operating and repairing. Wrlto for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School, Seattle. Wash. COLUMBIA MUSIC STUDIO Piano, voice. violin, banjo, steel guitar, manaoun, saxo phone, flute, clarinet, drums taught by professionals. 015 Columbia bldg. Main 56:iJ MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 2:t4 Burnslde. Bdwy. 1731. FRENCH, also every branch of - art Instruc tion Dy stutient ot l.onaon anu raiio. auim novelties specialized. Main 44113. GENTLEMAN wants lessons In Spanish. either lady or gentleman; must do native. N 130. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes to have a pri vate violin teacher irom just Deginniug. O 116, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED By first-class all-round sawmill man. 20 yearr experience, Al mecnanic, to contract from 10 to SOM-capaclty mill, . by thousand; can furnish best of refer ences. For Interview writs 707 Kulia ave., Hoquiam, Wash. MIDDLE-AGED man wants position as sec ond janitor in apt. nouse, or any ngnt work; prefer place with living rooms. O. M. Hanke, S01 Pittsburg St., St. Johns, Or. STEADY, reliable man of 23 wants to be given a chance In garage or machine shop, no experience In that line but of mechan ical ability; good references. B Stib, Ore SITUATION as janitor by handy man in building, notel or apariiuenia: under stand all makes of boilers. R 214, Oregonian. OUNG Japanese wishes a position In a family; have had automobile experience. Kindly answer mo with full particulars. T tlllS, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires employment, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. sl. dally, nss nan varied experience in salesmanship. Ad dress W 6(, Oregonian. COLORED janitor, married, no children, wants position in aparimeni-nouso ui buildlng; experienced and Al local refer ence. Call Marshall 639 after 4 P. M. YOUNG man wants position as houseman or porter or any kind hotel worn ; i am 29 years of age and willing to work. T 606. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man desires position SS hotel clerk, city or country; several years' experience. Bdwy. 2740, room 218 Black stone Hotel. WANTED TEAM WORK. 4. 6 OR 8 HEAD OF HORSKS A.-vu TWU ailii-i. i KIND OF TEAM WORK. M. O. BANICH. HALFEVf OR. WHO can use my spare time 7 Call between J A. Al. ana 1 . OI. every ur. .cadi preferred, call Beliwooa -wi9 or u Oregonian YOUNG man now open for position would consider any klna ot wont; exprnenceu i. clerical and mechanical work. Please call Main 8700, room 540. EXPERIENCED janitor desires work In apartment-house, in exenanso tor apart ment and salary. Main 8700. MAN and wife as managers or janitors first- class apartments; sxperienceu. aj Oregonian. GIRL for general housework; small family, good wages c,ast -sue-a. GIRL for general housework; good wages. Woodiawn o-uo. MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted as housekeeper by bachelor, f. Anaerson, r lorence, or. GIRL to assist In housework; no cooking. 596 Trinuy place, juain ivsi. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care ot cniiaren. Aiarsnau suo. WANTED Girl for general housework; imall family: good wugea. Marshall 30B.. COMPETENT girl . for second work. idults. East 70ai WANTED Girl for general housework, fam- ily of 3: six-room house. Alain o.iio. GIRL wanted for general homTework. Vista avenue. rnone jiiarsnau dtf- WANTED A housekeeper. 1496 or A 14H. Phone Marshall MIDDLE-AGED woman; housework. 145 22d st. N. FIRST-CLASS saussge msker; permanent. $35 weeklyv reopies Aiaraei Astoria, or. Phone 890. trYPtr.BTir.vr'ir.n onerators on power chines, 30j Tiliora oiag., j.uiu ana aor- i girIj to assist with light housework. Main rison. . I 4950. AUTO wanted for $800 equity, (-rocis house. oi. mma, qiq ej. roiK SI. 37, ACRES, all clear, to trad for equity in iuib. au at jie jst St.. cor, wash. LET ME SELL YOUR CAR. L. E. OB YE. BROADWAY .-r cni-eu ' cattle or hogs: a bargain. Miller, Route 3. 1 ,'P- . . - Box S3. Ridtefleid. Wash. - I 3POT cash for your Fords. Francis Motor 1916 FORD touring, just overhauled, good Urea, $323. cash or terms. 207 Oregon I Motorcycles. bldg..' or 81'9 E. Broadway. FOR SALE or rent, lousing and hoisting engines, ail sinas mscninery, rails, cars. rtanway Equipment i p.. rrark st. LARtirl eicolch moleskin scarf, practically new; worth $13o: will sell for less or trade for diamond. Call P'lwyy 3273. POTATOES, 3 cents a pound: choice Bur- banks, ciean, smooth, keepers. Orders of b sacks delivered. Phone Kaat 316. ZATTON bicycle, electric lights, cushion saddle, vitallo tire, pump and bell; first clasa condition. R 226. Oregonian. FOR bALE Good dry fir rordwood, $8.30 per cora oeiiverea. lr tanen in or 4- -orl lotn. t all Alain 1736. PATHFINDER roadster, good mechanical I condition, electric lights and starter. 6 1 lires. irawniuie. v-aii jiij Williams ave. 1 4-TON Peerless truck, with contract, for FOR SALE. Harley-Davldson. 3 speeds, excellent conaition. electric equipment. KUJJiiAM & VOLLUM AUTO CO.. Call Bdwy. 609. le: $S00 will handle. Fee White at Wal- I MOTORCYCLES Harley-Davidaon In first ilngford's, 16th astd Alder. Bdwy. 2492. HAVE A RARE BARGAIN IN A HUDSON- SUPER SIX, MANVILLE. MARSHALL Mttl. class condition. $260 cash: 8-snaeri. loi? electric lights and spot light. 981 Yale st,, 1 block from Peninsula Hotel. FORD one-ton trucks to lease without driv ers, i-i .-Norm on su, cor. Gllsan. Broad way 2629. FOR SALE Twin Indian motorcycle, seven- norse power, witn tanoem ana fresto tank, in good running order; $tJ0. 143 Union ave. North. TWO carloads new Overlands to 1mm with. out drivers. 121 North 3d sr., cor. Gllsan. Mrosaway - LATE 1916 model Indian motorcycle, 3- epeeu. eiou casn or uoertj nonaa or both. Call 3220 Cist st 8. E. STLUf.BAlvE.ri -ton trucK in dally use, excellent ir, mii-.i.iicri price eOOV. rrana nmiin, , -? Aiiicr sr. DAYTON bicycle, electric light, cushion sad- uie, vitauo urea, pump and bell, first-class condition. R 226. Oregonian. Anto Tires and Accessories. SELL FINE BICYCLE. I.1KK NEW. HALF PRICK. l.'S FIRST. NEAR ALDER. SEVERAL good second-hand safee at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1916. .VACUUM cleaners aold. repaired, rented, ex- rnangeo. Dougnt. Bentley Co. Main rA2 YOU will find ED. V. PRICE aV CO. tailoring ' " mi. in roriiana at .ov e.. Alorrison. Be-AL'TIFUL long, dark-brown natural hair wucn. reonaB!e. Tabor S447. W'OMAN'S diamond ring, cost 175. for $45: new Prince Albert coat, AV 2W. OregonUn, BABY'S white enameled wooden bed. hair mattress, both good aa new. East 1793. Fl'R COAT, leop.rd skin. Xuli length. beauty. Phone Main 451. CANNED with sugar, 34 Ota. fruit. 6 glasses J.liv. ill. Mimin. SunnvMde car. GOOD gas range, - $-. Call Tabor 333. 107 ?-nate it.. I-a ireiburst. forenons. LONG fur coat and evening dress. alter busaay. Tabor 323$, Call FORD one-ton truck, in aood condition- - snap. $400, terms. Call Nicholson. Mar-1 IE Y'OUR Ford magneto 1 snail oo wesnioKion st. BL'ICK 1917. D 4.. new cord tires and thor-I oughly overhauled: like a new car; a snap I at ,1'iyi'. -aii .nam -ii... COI.E 4. good running order, electric lights! snd starter, $230, terms or bonds. Tabor I weak install Atwater-Kent coil box and timer, $10, ns mag. reauired. Elec horn. $L'.50. Steers man for Ford, $2.50. 614 E. Oak St. AntomoMlesVfor Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. Citv Gara rn M 10th st. Broadway S40. EXPERIENCED truck driver for wholesale meat nouse. oteaay position ior iirst-ciass msn. BC 601, oregonian. YOUNG man for Ford delivery. Grocery ex perience necessary; references. 615 E. Morrison. COMPETENT young girl wanted for general I YOUNG girl to assist with housework and nouseworg, a in tamuy, no nun. i children; gooa wages. n,aBt iuo. Taoor 3a. a DFSlnENT laundress, electric washing- machine. For Old People's Home, East S2d and Sandy. WANTED A nurse maid. Main 292 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED JEWELERS AND 6TONESET- TERS; STB AO i POSITION. W. 8. MY ERS CO., PORTLAND. OR. EXPERT Jones and Lamson turret lathe' operator wantea. iiailiaie company, Spokane. WANTED An experienced cage trimmer man on shift starting at 6 P. M. ; steady Job. Apply 1406 Northwestern Bank bldg. COMBINATION mill and camp blacksmith, $140 per month; mill engineer, 1125 per month. 21 N. 2d st. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the I FOK Honolulu forthwith a shipment is re quired which must n-ieicnea; a man or woman with $1000 shall have $2000 for Investment on return within two months. All expenses paid and good permanent po sition 13,, suitable. . W. Norton, 66 6th St., city. KROLL, the shoe man, throws up - the sponge, nig going-oui-oi-Dusiness saio starts at 10 A. M. Friday. Salesmen and salesladies wanted at once. Apply 251 Morrison st. BOY wanted with wheel; good salary. Lub- liner, r lorist, s-'o -Morrison st. MAN wanted to drive Ford truck. Columbia raper sot o., a. xoin ana nowaday. JANITOR, experienced, single man. Call after 10 A. M.. Lambrook Apts. East 4062. WANTED Salesrnarr and collector. Singer B.wln. Uo.hin. I JA. T17-.WI . EXCHANGE talking machine for painting paper hanging. 128 First, near Alder. SHOEMAKER wanted. 1007 Main it. Van couver. ,1IBI. WANTED Boy, steady position and good pay. r-oriianu uyiier co., ea w. 23d. TO distribute cfrculara. Oregon Distribu tion co., so r.asi i in. in. BARBER wanted; good job. barber shop. Morgan Bldg. WANTED Flrst-clasa barber at Board of i rune earner snop. eto ana oak. PRESCRIPTION man. Bros., 351 Alder st. temporary. Haack LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE, a, JAPANESE boy. general housework AODly STAIGERS GARAGE. 9TH AND COUCH, COUCIIMAN SULLIVAN, 1114 Carter Lane nouseworK. Apply ... r. ... . J i ii y., u 1 1 ll.lj. A l,1l WANTED Auto first payment on new bun- gaiow. oJ . uwner. FOR SALE Bug. Ford, 1914 engine, $50. I all .ioa c. l.iin sc. iMinn. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV- tJKS. ti. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. SLIGHTLY Used tires. $3 to $15 each. vul. canlsed 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Bulck roadster, bargain $G50, part cash. Call Alain 58S9. after 5 P. M. WANTED Hauling for 3-ton truck. siain ji- Call 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, canine shipping, highway. Broadway 3547. FORD roadster. 1 Ford touring car lor sale I Cheap. r.ast e-iy. WANTED MT5CEXIXEOrrf. 1917 BU Cs.1! Bros ICK 6. two 6-paasenger Dodges, I WANTED A piano for storage, object buy oadway 4674. I Ing. Tabor 3304. or W 661, Oregonian. USED CARs The street Is full. Give them I A GOOD cooking range: standard, make: m vn . v.i vvnv.1 BiUBl us uargaiu, auarsnaii Atfjut EXCHANGE talking machine for plumbing. 128 First, near Alder. RELIABLE salesman- for jewelry store. Felix Bloch, 334 Washington st. WANTED Two barbers for Newport, Or. Apply to Mrs. Calvin Marks, Newport, Or, JANITOR wanted. Apply room 312 Rail way Exchange bldg. WANTED Boy to run elevator, experience not necessary. Palace Hotel, 446 Wash, st. EXPERIENCED Ford drivers wanted. Ap ply 40 Front st. WANT party to travel; 679, Oregonian, furnish $350. W Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East 15th st. N., or pnone cast x-o. tnr niMin ennkine and general house work: ho washing, good wages; family of I two adults, three cniiaren. wooqiawn on-a. GIRL experienced on power machine can find steady employment at Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d ana Morrison. NURSE, between 28 and 40, some hospital training; must be strong, neat, good bed maker ana particular, r-aat ii. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER AND TYPIST who understands double entry bookeep Ing. L 633, Oregonian. YOUNG girl to assist with children. Broad way 63) WANTED Girl, job pres feeder. Lange & wfi are Kunnlvlnsr the leading hotels, rest. and cafes In Oregon, wasn. ana luano with help; let us supply you. Lewis Em ploymer.t Agency. 228 Burnslde. MIDDLE-AGED man and wife want position Dig apartment nouse as jauum. wwuu,. pclz. 2U3 Knott at. EXPERIENCED man and wlfo, colored, wishes position In an apartment; willing .work. W USO. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants posi tion in hotel or restaurant: come with crew if necessary. W 671, Oregonian. BAKER wishes work in hotel, cafe or bakery, in or out of town. AF 827, Ore gonlan. W. H. DALRYMPLE, contractor and builder, estimates given and plans furnished; re pair work done. Phone Tabor 9416. JAPANESE couple wants position, private family: man first-class cook, wife second work. Broadway 731. JAPANESE couple want position private family; man first-class cook, wife second work. ED 701, Oregonian. NOW is the time to pruno your trees and bushes. Main 9529. McGrath; have got Prunett, No. 1. ' WANTED Position as bookkeeper by an ex pert garage accountant, ac .iv, ciregonian. JAPANESE schoolboy wishes position cook ing breaKrast. ainner; expenenceu. ..oa-a Burnslde street. INTELLIGENT young man of 25 open' for offers were respoiibiouity, inougni anu willingness desired. P 552, Oregonian. WATCHMAN, fireman or janitor work wanted by miaaie-agea man; gooa rei erences. w 6lili, OregonlaiK YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as a school boy. Address l. lilrota. si', Burnslde st. WANTED A position in wholesale imple ment house, experiencea. At uo,, oregonian. MAN and wife would like position together; will take any Klna ot worn, also imrm work. A 779, Oregonian. EDUCATIONAL. Erickson. printers. Ill 12th st. near Wash. TAYLOR FAITH Business College and B ' .1 c,wi f T anpii.iFf!;- Snan.. French. 04 Stevens bldg.. w. yarn ana wasn. WANTED Experienced beauty parlor help good wages. P 564. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by caning jiain iua a zpoi. r-T-rnuTTS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Casino Theater. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., East 25th ana rioiiaaay sts. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women tne naroer uaoB tree. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. MISS MATTINOLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, day evening. $8 month. 269 14th, near Jefferson. Main 38113. WANTED Saleswoman. Singer Sewing Ma chine So., 4U wasningion. FRENCH, also every branch of art In struction, by student of London and Paris. Xmas novelties specialized. Main 4463. WANTED An experienced cook. Apply Mrs. J. C. Amswortn. rnone aiain is. WANTED Experienced filing clerk. P 069, Oregonian. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Allsky bldg.. 3d ana Aiorrison- Aiaiu vi. ' - . nn-uam son. Sec. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wanted. Ho tel Del Mae Joe, 149 N. 8th st. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. mkk. WOMEN, learn barber trade free wages wnne learning; position Kuaranieeo. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. HOUSEKEEPER for gentleman; good home I STAGE dancing taught; buck and wing, for right party. AK ioi. oregonian. I classic ana Dauroom. cast s-u-. WANTED Competent experienced nurse maid. Broadway 2864. A-2864. GIRL to take care of two children, suburban home, optical iept., juipman, wouo or co. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free reglst'n. 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. WAITER wants position at once: counter I SPANISH lessons, class or private. 493 Mont- work prererrea. can nawy. .to-u i gomery sr., near iui. main iiu, CAPABLE young man wants position where doing worn rlgut win ieaa to aavancement. R 220, OregonlanJ SINGLE man, 24, wishes position of any kind, clerical work preferred. B 769, Oregonian. - REPAIR work of all kinds neatly and promptly dono by responsible carpenter, fall Woodiawn 874. G. II. Tucker. WANTED Any kind of heavy hauling. Have 6 bis gravel trucks.' Signal Truck ing Co., Yakima. Wash. WHO can use a good, livo salesman with a Ford ? Phone Main 255. MAN of 34 wants insido work: not able to do heavy lifting. 692 Nehalem ave. WHITE man, age 3D. wishes something to do evenings. T 697, Oregonian. PRINTER wants position in country office; state salary. A v i-iis, oregonian. YOUNG man wants work on ranch lor Win ter. Call Air. Solomon, M 8700. Y'OITNG man, married, wants work; whole sale house or similar. D 7S0, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter open to Work, day ir contract, wooiuawn FORDS repaired, washed or trued up in your own gHrage. rjast sioo. PAINTING, papering, general repairing, etc 1'ottltt. .loo r.ast ein tast also. YOUNG man wants job helping on aulo truck or driving a f'ora. w Bio. oregonian. EXPERIENCED candy packer wanted; quire Lang. Jones & Co.. 4 N. oth. in- TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posl- tions. Alain 4833. r ise: teachers- Agency. HEM STITCHERS wanted wages $2.50 perl LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. day. Apply Ball Mfg. Co., ih and couch. I ' fuktlami, orttsGOKi. WAITRESS wanted at Stein's Restaurant, I THE International Correspondence School! Seventh and Broadway. can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. RELIABLE saleslady for Jewelry Felix. BlocB, 33 Wash, bt. store. I MRS. HANNUM Shorthand School. Indi vidual instruction. , sotu. .30 imam oo CARPENTER, Al mechanic, wants any kind repairing or now worK. none Bdwy. 6. CARPENTER job work wanted, day, hour or contract. B 776, Oregunlan. PAPER HANGING, painting and timing; good work, right prices. Marshall 2493. JAPANESE- schoolboy, any kind of work between school hours. (3 704. Oregonian. GOOD, ail around barber wunts good, steady job, Broadway 2729, ,