Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Petition of Royal Rosarians
for Tax Levy Denied.
Alt Fotore Attempts to Resume An
Dual Festival Disapproved So
cial Keller Work Creed.
Tentative plana for reviving Port
land's annual Rosa Festival were nipped
li the bud yesterday when the citi
zen's advisory budget committee, by
unanimous vote, denied the petition of
the Royal Rosarians for a special tax
"levy to meet the expenses of the ros
(bow. The committee not only voiced
les disapproval of a resumption of this
annual summer festival, but it took
steps toward preventing efforts to re
vive the festival at come future date.
A few minutes after the committee
had decided against the Ro.e Festival
appropriation it eliminated from the
Insurance budget a 110,000 item for the
insurance of Rose Festival parapher
nalia. Members of the committee said
1'neRose Festival property either
should bo destroyed or sold, if possible.
for Junk.
Soldier Welcome Preferred.
L. J. Goldsmith led the assault
arainst the festival, and he found
strong; support from other members of
the committee. Dr. Jv- A- J. AtacKensie
said he would rather see money ap
Dronriated for celebrating; the return
of Oregon soldiers from overseas.
That Multnomah County haa been too
niggardly In Its care of indigents was
the belief voiced by the budget com
mittee after an Investigation of the
budget request of Henry Griffin, of the
board of relief.
rial tVarker I'rged.
Both tr. Mackenzie and J. P. Farrell
Insisted that the county should em
ploy an experienced and competent so
cial service worker to make a tbor
oush Investigation of all charitable
arcs. The board of relief budget was
increased 11000 from the amount al
lowed by the County Commissioners.
The budget, as passed by the commit
tee. Is
This amount, members of the com
mittee said, appears far too small, con
sidering the population of alultnoman
County. Air. Farrell said he believed
there are many cases In which the
county shrould be proffering assistance
which have not been brought to light.
Many worthy people, he said, will not
seek charity, even though they may be
In dire need of it. A trained social
service worker, be contended, could
cek out the cases and do a real aerv
Relief Kxpaaaioa Favored.
At the present time Mr. Griffin is
the cole worker in the board of relief.
and. in most instances, relies on the re
ports of private charitable organtxa
tions In giving assistance from county
funds. The budget committee approved
tt the work Mr. Griffin has been do
ing alone, but It was contended that
the relief work la of sufficient Impor
tance to command a more thorough
organization. -
other budgets approved yesterday
were: Postage, 11000; real estate aewer
assessments. $1000; 0.-W. R. & N. bridge
rental, Hs,St7.9; livestock Indemnity,
liiOO; Interstate bridge interest and
bonds f 1O3.7&0; special road bond inter
est ftiZ.jOO; Insurance, (3400.
Another meeting of the budget com
mittee will be held at 10 o'clock this
from grave to tray, featuring Instru
mental diversion and dance novelties,
is the bis act.
Mme. Alma7 an attractive woman
exponent of physical development, as
sisted by her company of athletes, pre
sents sensational acrobatic and lifting
features. Dixie Brown and Dorothy
Dodd (which sounds like the name of
a well-known footwear for women) are
two lovely lasses of attractive person
alities and of excellent atage presence.
Their offering, which consists of songs,
has unusual merit In grace and artis
The fourth act is a piano, vocal and
violin number, presented In delightful
style by a clever pair. Esmond and
The Animated Weekly adds Interest
In a timely, topical way.
Santa Glaus
has arrived and will entertain the
children from 10 to 12 and 2 to 5
daily in Toyland Fourth Floor
Bring the Children!
Norwegian Women's Red Cross Auxilliary and, Ladies of Eastern Star Will Meet for War Work Thursday in Auditorium, Fourth Floor
S.&H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th Each Month Get Your Stamps
40c Coffee
29c lb.
No deliveries except with
other purchases made in the
Grocery Department, Fourth
Floor. 40c Coffee at 29 lb.
The Standard Store of the Nerthwest
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
The famous Eastman make, in
all the best styles and sizes,
Fourth Floor. A Kodak makes
an excellent gift. We are also
headquarters for Photographic
supplies and do kodak finishing.
Double Trading Stamps All Over the Store
Effort Will Be Made to Induce Ship
ping Board to Rescind Order Can
celing Ships - in Oregon.
In passing through Portland on his
way back to Washington. United States
Senator C I McNary held a conference
yesterday with Mayor Baker and City
Attorney LaRoche relative to the in
creased telephone rates. Mr. McNary I
promised to see Postermaster-General
Burleson about it when he arrives in I
Washington. Mr. McNary also said that I
he will appear before the Shipping I
Board and request that the board re
scind the order which was issued can
celing contracts for wood ships.
"Portland la vitally concerned In the
shipbuilding industry." said Mr. McNary. I
"and cancellation or contracts on the
part of the Government will be a ser- I
lous blow to the entire community. It
Is my intention of recommending to the
Shipping Board that the ships originally
contracted for be built. V hen the ves
sels are floated they can be used In the I
merchant marine. It is apparent to )
me. however, that as the Government
gradually ceases Its shipping activities
the shipbuilding industry will have
plenty to do In constructing vessels for
private account ana for foreign ac
Discussing the work confronting Con
gress, Mr. McNary outlined its general
scope by saying that the high points I
will be the ratification of the peace
terms, placing the country on a sounf
financial basis, legislation for the re
clamation of public lands and Govern
ment ownership of railroads, the tele'
graph and telephone lines. Water power I
development and the rehabilitation of
wounded soldiers will likewise have
prominent part In the session.
It was the Intention or Mr. McNary
to remain In Oregon longer, but the!
shipping situation decided him to re
turn to Washington as soon as possible.
Witji All Cash or Charge Purchases
ONLY 17 SHOPPING DAYS, and then Christmas! Make the most of each day
by starting your shopping in the morning you will find it much more satisfactory
in every way. Double Stamps given with all charge or cash purchases Thursday.
Carry Small
Parcels When
ever Possible
Reduced Prices on
Georgette Crepe
Lace Department, First Floor Lengths Vz, ,
1,2,2 yards. Over 25 of the season's best
selling shades are represented. End pieces and
remnants suitable for collars, waists, etc. On
REMNANTS and End Pieces of plain and
fancy Nets (silk or cotton) and Chiffons, on
sale Friday at ?4 to off regular prices.
Boys' Corduroy Suits
Priced Special
at $6.75
A mid-season sale that will be hailed
with delight by parents who have boys
to clothe. These good suits are. made up
in sturdy . wear-resisting , corduroys and
fancy mixtures in serviceable dark colors.
Very latest models. Sizes 6 &(i rrr
to 18 years. SALE PRICE D
Boys' Sweaters
in the new styles at $5.00 to $6.50
Boys Christmas Ties at 35 to 85
Boys' Caps and Hats $1.00 to $2.50
Boys' Gauntlet Gloves $1.00 to $1.25
Proposal to Entrr Politics Receives
Convention's Approval, Ac
cording to Official Report.
Dra-iic Quarantine Regulations and
Ban on Movie Theaters
Is Favored.
A memorial hospital, as a tribute to I
Oregon's soldier sons. Is proposed in a
resolution adopted by the I'ortland City I
and County Medical Society last night.
lr. C. L. Booth, who Introduced the
resolution, advanced the argument
that no more fitting tribute could be
paid to the eervlce of the men than by
giving it expression in a way that I
ould rive service to humanity.
This was amplified when Dr. Krnest
F. Tucker amended it to include free
treatment, for Oregon veterans of the
Another Important action of general
Interest was the adoption of a resolu
tion pledging to the City Board of I
ltealthtthe assistance of the society In
stamping out Spanish Influenza. The
society went on record as strongly
favoring drastic quarantine regula
tions, putting the ban on movie the
aters and unnecessary business, and a
protest' against the reported Intention I
of the city authorities to close the Audi
torium emergency hospital.
An appeal was made by physicians I
In regular practice for specialists to I
engage for the tjme being In regular I
practice to help out in tne great emer
ST. PACT Dec. 4. The National Non
partisan League at its secret annual
convention here today Indorsed the po
litical activities of organised labor. In
Chicago and formally pledged Its co
operation, according to an official re
port of the meeting given out tonight.
The report declared the following
resolution was adopted:
"Whereas. The J25.O00 organised
orklngmen and women of Chicago
have voted unanimously to enter poli
tics and wage an aggressive campaign
to wrest the control of the city and
state from the hands of "big business"
and to procure the adoption of a pro
gramme .pf fundamental economic re-
Be t Resolved, by the National com
mittee of the Non-Partisan League, in
convention assembled. That we send
our hearty greeting to the organised
wage-earners of Chicago and of Illi
nois, and pledge to them our sympathy
and co-operation in their efforts- to
consolidate the gains for true democ
racy and for Justice to the workers and
The announcement said the report
was signed by J. D. Ream. Nebraska:
Deli Patterson, North Dakota: Jens
Santa Claus' Headquarters
On the Fottrth Floor
'T'HE WONDERS AND JOYS OF CHRISTMAS are most appreciated
when. seen' through childish eyes. Bring the little ones in and let
them wander through Santa's Realm they will enjoy it immensely and
you, too, wilL be delighted just to see their eyes sparkle and to hear what
they have to say. Toyland is filled to overflowing with interesting toys
of every description for: boys and girls of all ages. Double Stamps.
Fireless Cookers priced for
Friday at $16.50 to $70.00
Electric Ovens $6-$8.50
Electric Grills now $9.0O
Electric Heaters $11.00
Electric Toasters at $6.00
Casseroles $2.25 to $6.50
Coffee Percolators priced
at $3 to $7.50 Third Floor.
Smoking Sets at 20 off.
Book Rests on sale 20 off
Chafing Dishes 20 off.
Kettlesjsn Stands 20 off.
Relish Dishes at 20 off.
Dinner Gongs, Candlesticks
and Caster Sets at 20 off.
Women's Silk Dresses
Special $12.98
Beautiful frocks of Georgette crepe combined with satin in many dif
ferent shades dresses of crepe meteor or of all-Georgette, in the most
attractive styles imaginable. There are smart .Russian blouse effects,
popular straight-line models and basque or surplice styles with tunic or
draped skirts. Embroidered and beaded models nearly all have dainty
collars , of satin. Dresses suitable for all occasions. All fljl O QQ
the very best, colors. SPECIAL SALE PRICE FRIDAY 3l3.i70
Women's Boots
At $7.98
Main Floor Black, Tan and Novelty Boots fornsx-y
selling at $8.50 up to $11.00 black dull kid, lace,
plain toe, half Louis heels brown kid lace witfe
fabric top, French heels dark tan calf, military
heels gray or ivory kid lacer black kid with fawn
cloth tops black with dark gray cloth tops, high
curved heels, and many other Q7 QQ
styles. All sizes in the lot. Special
ODD LINES Boys' $4.75 But- (PO QQ
toned Shoes, priced special at D-0
Hanson, Montana; M. L. Amos, Kan
sas; JS. 1. fauquin,-. Minnesota: a. u.
Kngle, South Dakota, and O. M. Thomas,
Idaho, members of the resolutions committee.
Nicholas, Is Reported Deposed- hy
. National Assembly.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The Serbian
Legation here was advised officially
today that King Nicholas of Monte
negro bad been deposed by the Monte
negrin National Assembly at Podgo
ritxa. The dispatch says:-
The dynasty of Karageorgevitch of
Porbia Js elected to be the national
dynasty for the Kingdom of Monte-
are inhabited by the same Serb race)
into one, since they will enter together
the common state of all Serb, Croat
and Slovene territories of the former
Austro-Hungarlan Empire."
. Corea n Petition Tabled.
WASHINGTON. Dec 4 A petition
from citizens of Corea requesting the
American Government to aot toward
enforcement of an old treaty guaran
teeing Corea autonomy, free from dom
ination by Japan, was laid on the
table today by the Senate foreign re
latione committee.
King Nicholas Not Deposed.
PARIS, Dec. 4. The Royal Monte
negrin government has issued a state
ment denying the report that King
negro, thus uniting thse states which Nicholas has been deposed.
G. R. Percival Re-elected Over E. V.
Coats, Councitaian.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 4. (Spe
cial.) G. R. Percival, Mayor of Van
couver for the past' two years, yester
day was re-elected to that office for
two years. Opposition did not develop
until two dayabefore election, when
E. V. Coats, Councilman from the Third
Ward, entered the race, backed by the
laboring men. As he was not a regular
candidate, his name was pasted On with
stickers by those who voted for him.
Mr. Percival received 528 votes and Mr.
Coats 282.
Other city officials elected yesterday
are: C. W. Davis, Councilman-at-large;
.T. B. Atkinson, Councilman Fourth
Ward: D. E. Hardin,' Councilman, Fifth
Ward; W. M. Salisbury, Councilman,
Sixth Ward; C. F. Zumsteg, Treasurer;
Robert E. Brady, Cierk; William C.
Bates, Attorney.
Plaintif r Accuses Wife or Jeering
Him "While Iiivlng in Portland.
-SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4. (Special.)
Gay Lombard, living at the Bohemian
Club, and manager and secretary of a
local flour mill, filed suit for divorce
today against Mrs. Mary Tongue Lom
bard. He charges desertion and
cruelty. According to the complaint
the Lombards were married In Port
land In 1904 and separated In 1916.
She Jeered him, he nays, because his
friends in Portland did not belong to
the "so-called exclusive eet," and eho
refused to entertain thorn. She alto
refused to leave Portland with him.
Mr. Lombard asks for the custody of
their child and a divorce.
Read The Oreponlan classified arts.
"I had a severe attack of kidney
trouble and for three weeks could nut
get out of doors and scarcely tint of
bed," writes C. E. Brewe, Village
Springs, Ala. "Could not bend over at
all without the most excruciating pain.
I purchased a bottle or Foley Kidney
Pills. Was relieved after first few
doses and continued their uso until
completely cured. I consider Foley Kid
ney Pills the best kidney remedy in tho
world. No recurrence of my trouble."
Sold everywhere. Artfr.
Cottage for 60 Persons to Be Built
by City Near Troutdalc.
A two-story frame cottage to cost
J350 and to house $0 persons soon Is
to be provided for the city's detention
home near Troutdale. Passage of the
ordinance authoring the expenditure
t being brld pending submission of
ulan by the City Building Inspector.
J'assage of the ordinance was rec-1
ommended to the City Commissioners
in a report made by a special commit-I
tee consisting of Commissioners Barbur 1
anl Bigelow and Itabbl Wise.
At the Theaters.
THE timely and stirring picture I
drama. "The Talk of the Town." I
vies wttli an interesting, diversified
programme of vaudeville acts on the I
new bill at the Strand, which went!
on the boards yesterday. The picture Is
of particular appeal to followers of the
Universal film star, Dorothy rhllltps.
who Is featured at her actorlal best
In the play.
The story tells of the regeneration
brought about by maternal love. It Is
a sharp and forceful study In con
trasts, in the pursuits and pleasures of
the woman before her own children
awaken her to a realisation of her own
self. In one see A', a cafe Interior, the
dancing of Una Fleming is of such
vital quality It suggests the real rather
than the reel. ,
Hanson's Jubilee singers In a series I
of "close harmony" selections, varying
fPI JlftH 52 The Unquestioned Confidence in
W sS s t&&z& Golden West Vacuum Packed Coffee is
sgsggrl Mm ys ' I iSl daily manifested by the demand of dis-
Jwm J A criminating coffee consumers. Can by
S'jyym ' rym m If FPilSS: can, its popularity increases. Cup by cup
mmMjj - -eSeIui IF 1 'It w K Proves its wholcsomeness-its deli-
J&tSMt fc 2 5 N ciousness-its enticing aroma-its claim