Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 05, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Cltv K4irr.... ..Main7r7rt. A ro.
K'urxtar Kluor M.iln7.n. AIW
Advertllnr f"Trf ment . . . Main 707. A tf."
uprintenont of BuiI'Iipv-Main 707ft, A Ao.t.i
UrTIbll Fma1way at Taylor) Musical
roniHr. "Hiv Heart.
EAKKR (Proailwir, near Iorrlen Baker
I'layera tn "ioo4 Gracious, Annabelle.'
AL'AIAK (eferrhwn at KleveM h Alcazar
l'lyra tu "The Heart of Wetona," to
I'ANTAC! tflra1irar at Aider) VaM
Three ahosa daily, 2:3'. 7 and 9:o.
HlPrCDROUK Broadw:iy at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and montir plcluree. - to 6;
45 to 11 P. M. i-at'irdaya. Sundays, boll-
daya. eonttnooua, 1:15 to 11 1. M.
STRAND (Waahlnston street, between rark
and Wet I'.rk) Vaudeville and moving
PK-tarea; conttnuoua.
IAR1C Fourth, and Mario l.yrle Company
in Tha Kakirs." TUia afternoon at 2:3i)
nil tnnnKt at 7-3')
Uu F.ile at
Business Office. Oregontaa.
JT SntvExa HrcAKS Topat. As this
In Fire Prevention week. Jay Stevens,
r-Kire Marvhal of Oregon, who h
Just succeeded In reducing the lire
Io.-ees In Loa Ani'ki 10 per rent, will
rprak today before, the. Progressive
Huaineiis .Men's 4'lub. Some weeks ago
Captain Jack Hamilton, an American
who served II years In the British
army prior to cervine in Kncland's
"contemptible little army of one
hundred thousand." spoke before the
rlub, but today he will tell more of
tils experiences as a soldier. Ills ads'
, dress will be on "A Soldier's Life."
John J. Ftrltzel will introduce as
chairman of tho day.
Fret. Adhixistratiow to Continue.
Infinite Information that Harry A.
tlarfleld. Federal Fuel Administrator,
Is to continue at the head of his de
partment and that the organization
throuKhout the t'nlted states is to be
continued for the present was con
talned In a dispatch received er
day. from Washington. D. C. by Fred
J. Holmes. Federal Fuel Administrator
for Oregon. Mr. Holmes was informed
that the organization will remain in
tact as Ioiim- as there Is need for its
supervision and that the Oretcon ad
ministrative work Is to be continued
No definite decision has been reached
as yet on zones, prices or margins.
JTioht. An extension course in agri
cultural education under IL P. Barrows,
professor of agricultural education at
the college, will be started In coom F
of the Portland Library, tomorrow
evening at 7:3 o'clock. This course
will be a continuation of the course
In gardening; given by Professor Bar
rows last Spring. All persons interested
re invited to attend. The first dis
cussion will be on the general sub
ject of club work as a basis of teaching
, agriculture.
Artisans Et-rcr OrrictRs. Oregon
Assembly, Xo. 1, Cnlted Artisans, met
Tuesday evening in Swiss Hall and
elected officers for the coming year
as follows: Dr. W. G. Keller, master
srtisan: O. A. Hatton. superintendent
t narles Kressier, inspector; Dr. E. an
Alstine, secretary; J. M. Russell, tress
nrer: Mrs. S. B. Vessey. senior con
ductor; Mrs. W. G. Keller, junior con
ductor; Mrs.. Charles Bressler, master
of ceremonies: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clif
ford, musicians.
Allxged Murderer Arraigned.
John Cyril Llard. alleged murderer of
Deputy sheriff Twombley, and believed
to the highwayman who robbed
Tolltaker Herman, of the interstate
bridge, was arraigned before Presiding
Judge Tucker yesterday on the two
Indictments charging murder and high
way robbery. Llard appeared to be
extremely nervous and askefl for fur
ther time In which to enter his pleas.
The court set Friday morning as the
time for completing the arraignment.
GARPKtNTER Is Killed. J. L. Lee,
43. a carpenter, of 235 Glbbs street.
was killed almost instantly yesterday
when a plank fell four stories to the
ground at the Northwestern Electric
Comfany'a new plant at the foot of
Lincoln street. The plank was being
hoftai to the top of the building and
slipped out of the bundle in which It
was tied. It struck the ground near
Mr. Lee. rebounded and hit his head.
fracturing his skull. Mr. Lee is sur
vlved by a widow and four children.
St-XNTStDE Bazaar Tomorrow. The
annual bazaar of the Ladies' Aid So
riety of the Sunnyside Congregational
Church jvlll be held in the church
parlors tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock.
Beside the customary booths of fancy
and domestic articles, home-cooked
foods, ice cream, candy, eta, there will
be a full fledged country store,
managed by the men of the church In
the interests of the women. The public
Is Invited.
Polictb to Hunt Auto Thieves.
Dealers In second-hand automobiles
and accessories will in future be re
quired to report all purchases to the
police as a help In tracing stolen goods.
Blanks for the reports were received
at police headquarters yesterday. Chief
of Police Johnson also announced the
formation of a new police aquad to
devote all their time to the apprehen
ion of automobile thieves.
Utilitarian Society will meet next Sun
clay at S o'clock In room A Central Li
brary. A lecture will be given by the
trader. William Marcus Simpson, and
solos by a child vocalist. The entire
programme will be free and all in
terested in progress and development
are urged to attend. The development
the meeting ia to secure members.
Crrr .Authorizes 1C50 Warrant. In
settlement of claim for injuries sus
tained more than two years ago. the
City Council yesterday authorized a
warrant of I2J for Klla Morrison, who
has a suit pending against the city In
Circuit Court She Is alleged to have
suffered, injuries to her kiffe by a fall
through a badly-repaired sidewalk.
Fee-War Labor Basis Extbcted
SoON.-Labor conditions In Oregon will
return approximately to the pre-war
basis by January 1, according to Direc
tor Conway, of the Portland branch
office of the United States Employment
Bureau. Mr. Conway believes that
eventually Valley towns will regain
their normal population.
Be Selling Reappointed. Ben Sell
ing has been reappointed as a mem
ber of the Commission of Public Docks,
Mayor Baker announced yesterday. His
present term expires December 7. In
making the appointment Mayer Baker
took ex-casion to thank Mr. telling for
His efficient service on the Commis
Novbse Fees Collected. Fees
collected by the office of County Cletk
Beveridge during November amounted
to according to tabulations
completed yesterday. Circuit Court feel
amounted to l:0J5, while fees of the
Probate Court were $1048. The citi
zenship bureau totaled :S3.I4. while
miscellaneous fees were $2926.43.
Alaskan Supervisor Here. W. G.
Weigle. forest supervisor from Ketchi
kan, Alaska, accompanied by Mrs.
Weigle, arrived in Portland yesterday
to spend four weeks In the offices of
the district forester's office. They are
at the Multnomah Hotel.
Stragoler Is Socobt. George Yolk
man, of Albany. Or., is listed at police
headquarters as a straggler from the
Puget Sound Naval Station. Volkman
enlisted In Portland June i, IMS, giving
the name of Mrs. Mary Volkman. of
Albany, as that of his next of kin.
lv WnmNo Named Nurse. Miss Iva
M. Whiting has been named a nurse
In the City Health Bureau, It was an
nounced yesterday.
Razors IIored, safety blades sharpened.
Portland Cutlery Co. It Ith, near Stark.
Dm. O. Eaalh Hentom baa returned.
Hotel license Hearing Pt't Over.
That the Venablo Hotel will have a
prominent part in the grand Jury In
vestigation of the Portland Police De
partment was indicated yesterday, when
hearing by the City Council on tho
revocation of' tlje hotel's license wan
indefinitely postponed. It is said that
Mayor Baker first became awaro nf
craft In the Police Department when
the tenable license matter came up
for action. Hearing oh the revocation
was postponed until after the grand
Jury report. Other . lodging-houses
whose licenses have been before the
city fathers also will be on the carpet
during the probe. It " is understood.
Definite action toward the grand jury
investigation is awaiting return of
District Attorney Evans from Seattle.
At that time Mayor Baker is expected
to lay voluminous evidence before Mr.
I 1L Ades Dies. K" IX Ados, super
intendent of electrical equipment at
the Smith & Watson Iron Works, died
at SL Vincent's Hospital on Sunday,
after one week's illness of influenza
followed by pneumonia. Mr. Ades was
born in Chicago 22 years ago and was
i graduate electrical engineer. Ever
ince the ase of 16 he held various elec
trical positions of responsibility. He
was a member of the American Insti
tute of Electrical Engineers and was
charter 'member of the Chicago
Kosmos Lodge, A. F. and A, M., and the
Freeport consirtory. He Is survived by
Military Bands and Quartet to Lead
Singing of Patriotic Num
bers Saturday.
Announcement of tho evening pro
gramme for "Britain's day" in Tort
land, on Saturday, with the route of
the military parade, was made yester
day by A. L. Mills, chairman of the
committee in charge. Both parade and
programme are in tribute to Great
Britain's share -in the great war and
are to be expressive of the deep friend
shin existing between the two nations.
The parade, which is to be strictly
military, comprising troops from Van
couver Barracks, the Multnomah Guard,
the National Guard and military stu
dents from Benson Polytechnic, is be-
lnsr arranged by Colonel C. P. Stearns,
of the Spruce Production Division; Ad
Jutant-General Beebe and Chief of Po
lice Johnson.
Forming on West Park street and
movinir. promptly at 7:30 from south
s V
station where young men may enlist
for four years' oervice. Orders were
received from Washington yesterday
placing the Navy mobilization station
on its- former status, and instructini
the officers In charge that enllstmen
of men for specified lines of service 1
the Navy is in order.
Since early In August tho Navy head
quarters in Portland has not been a re
cruiting station, since all men take
for service were obtained throueh th
selective service system and bad to ob'
tain releases from their draft boards,
firemen, machinists, engineers, mes
aitenaants and radio operators, are
wanted. Branch offices will soon be
The Portland station made a record
by enlisting 7300 men between April
i. and August 8, 1318.
Depositories Refusing to Aid Unci
Sam Face Publicity in Both Port
land and Iocal Newspapers.
Featured prominently among the principals In Henry W. Savage's
musical comedy, "Have a Heart," which opens tonight at the Heilig,
are Ruth Oswald and Harry Antrim. Miss Oswald is one of the beau
ties of the musical comedy world. This is the only company present
ing "Have a Heart" and is under the personal direction of Henry W.
Savage. .The cast numbers other such musical comedy experts as Grace
Hoey. Lucille Saunders. Helen Ukers. Rosle Green, Joseph Keno, Joseph
McCalLion. Sam J. Burton, Edward A. Hmlth, Lawrence Wood, Victory
Leroy, Edward Clannelll and. Kend And Green.
his widow. Miss Bets Blakeman, and
one child, his parents In Illinois, and
a brother in France.
Lester Humphreys Mads Major.
Former legal associates of Captain
Lester W. Humphreys, S64th Infantry,
are In receipt of a letter from him, an
nouncing his promotion, to Major, with
transfer to the staff. Prior to attend
ing the first officers' training camp at
the Presidio in 1917, where he was
commissioned Captain, Humphreys was
associated with the legal firm of Cham
berlain, Thomas, Kraemer and Hum
phreys. After receiving his Captains
commission he was assigned to Camp
Lewis and last July went overseas.
Since then he has seen a great deal of
service at the front. Before enteqMig
upon his military .activity. Major Huiu
phreys was secretary of the Demo
cratic State Central Committee and for
years was identified with the -National
Guard organization.
Fursb Snatcher Sentenced. Do
mingo Bdnsettl. a Filipino, was sen
tenced to 180 days in Jail yesterday by
Municipal Judge Rossman for purBe
snatching. Bonsetti was arrested Tues
day by Patrolmen Fields and Elliott
charged with stealing purses from Mrs.
Dora E. Tooley. 300 Williams avenue.
nd Mrs. A. Nettleburg, 430 East lam-
hill street He denied the theft, .and
was pleading earnestly for his release
when Bailiff Carr recognized him as
man who had been in court on a
similar charge about a year ago. The
sentence was imposed after checking
over the records and finding that the
bailiff's identification -was correct.
Boy Arrested as Thief. George
Boggs, 15, was arrested yesterday and
charged with stealing a suitcase full
of clothing from the. home of John
W. Anslyn, 266 Blandena street. The
boy is alleged, to have confessed that
he entered the Anslyn home, where he
formerly lived, and turned on the lights
and ransacked the building. Patrol
man I ft 11 reported that he arrested the
of Jefferson, the line of march will be
as follows:
North on West Park to Yamhill, east
on Yamhill to Fifth, north on Fifth to
Morrison, east on Morrison to Fourth,
north on Fourth to Pine, west on Pine
to Fifth, south on Fifth to Alder, west
on Alder to Sixth, north on Sixth to
Pine, west on Pine to Broadway, south
on Broadway to Stark, west on Stark to
Fifteenth, north on Fifteenth to Flan
ders, west on Flanders to Eighteenth
north on Eighteenth to Hoyt, west on
Hoyt to Twentieth, north on Twentieth
to Marshall (Ice Hippodrome).
Mr. Mills will preside at the pro
gramme, to be given in the Ice Hip.
podrome at o'clock. The opening
number will be ."God Save the King,
led by the soldiers' quartet and the
Multnomah Guard Band. Members of
the quartet are Buglers Cower and
Drakes and Sergeants Brown and Will-
lams, of the First Provisional Regiment,
Vancouver Barracks.
The opening address, dwelling upon the
cordial relations and bonds of .friend
ship between Great Britain and Amer
ica, will be delivered by Dr. John H.
Boyd. Great Britain's friendship to
America will be voiced by A. G. Find
lay, president of St, Andrew's Society.
"Keep the Home Fires Burning, supg
by the audience, will be led by the
quartet and band of the First Provi
sional Regiment. The singing of "Over
There" will be led by the Multnomah
Guard Band and quartet, while the
First Provisional Regiment Band and
quartet will lead in "Pack Up Tour
Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag." The
singing of "The Star-Spangled Banner"
will form the closing number of the
In arranging the programme and at
tending to tlie many details. Chairman
Mills has been assisted by Captain R. C.
Dolbin. of the Multnomah Guard, who
was appointed aide.
At a,. conference yesterday of mem
bera of the Oregon Bankers' Associa
tlon it was decided to use vigorous
steps toward securing a 100 per cent
ubscription to Treasury certificates,
which will be issued every two weeks
until the fifth liberty loan, which is ex
pected in the Spring.
for the most part Oregon bankers
made a splendid showing In their sub
scriptions to these certificates' last
Summer and Fall, but Oregon s record
was spoiled by a few banks refusing
to do their share. Bankers throughout
the state have expressed their dis
pleasure with these slacker bankers in
no uncertain terms.
The bank or banker who refuses
to finance his Government by buying
Treasury certificates is a slacker and
hould be so branded," was the remark
made by a prominent up-state banker
today. "Persons who refuse to do their
hare In liberty loan subscriptions are
branded and published .as slackers, and
bankers who refuse to do their ehare
should be treated in a,slmilar manner.''
The committee has decided to write
a strong appeal to each banker in the
state urging 100 per cent subscription
to-certif icates, and it Is expected that
cases where any bank refuses to do
its full part publicity will be given
in both the Portland and local papers.
The first offering of certificates in
anticipation of the fifth loan opens
December S and closes December 10.
Each bank is expected to subscribe for
ZVt per cent of its total resources.
Lieutenant Iiewls B. Cox' Awarded
Distinguished Service Cross.
Lewis B. Cox. First Lieutenant, Sixth
Infantry, eldest son of L. B. Cox, former
partner of J. N. Teal, of this c.ty, has
been awarded the distinguished serv
ice cross by the commander-in-chief
of the American Expeditionary Forces
for extraordinary heroism. Lieutenant
Fox Is a native Portland boy, and news
of the conferring of this distinguished
honor was received by Mr. Teal yester
day in a clipping from the New York
Times of November 19. A part of the
official record of Lieutenant Cox fol
lows: ,
"For .extraordinary heroism In ac
tion during the St, Mlhiel offensive.
between September 12 and 15. From
the beginning of the battle until
evacuated from the field severely
wounded, be displayed exceptional hero
ism, bravery and devotion to duty of
the highest N order.''
Put yourself mentally and
bodily above weather con
ditions. Our shower and cold-proof
coats are practical bracers
against bad weather. Pro
tect your body and control
your mind.
in all sensible weights, mod
els and colors.
$30 to $73
Other makes of Overcoats
aa low as $20.
The Kuppenheimer House in Portland
The Ralston Shoe House in Portland
committee will be held at CorvalMs,
December 13. This committee was ap
pointed at the Lime convention held
at Corvallis in 1916. The members are
Sam H. Moore, chairman, serving as
tate member at large; B. G. Leedy,
State Grange; H. MacPherson, O. A. C.;
Robert E. Smith, Taxpayers' League;
D. Brown, Farmers' Union.
Tho purpose of the organization was
to secure legislation favorable to esr
tablishment of a state operated lime
plant, which has been accomplished.
At the coming meeting the committee
will discuss various problems affect-
ng the situation in Oregon, and take
up questions pertaining to the discov-
ry and exploitation or lime deposits.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Legislation Favorable to State-Op
erated Plant to Be Framed.
A meeting of state agricultural lime
The National committee - has
been told by one who has been
"over there" of his pal, who is
now in Toronto living with no
arms or legs both being taken
off at the sockets. A head and
body, healthy but useless. And
all you are asked to do is maybe
pinch a trifle to give your Govern
ment the support it should have
In abundance. Help your country.
Buy war savings stamps.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. . (Spe
cial.) British Empire day will be ob
served in Vancouver Saturday evening
at the First Congregational Church,
with a patriotio programme. C. R.
Percival, Mayor, will preside, and A.
L. Miller, well-known local attorney,
will deliver the address. Private Lewis,
of the 113th Engineers, will lead the
audience, in singing patriotic airs of
British and American composition.
The doors will open at 7:30 and the
programme will begin at 7:45.
boy while the latter waa trying to
sell his loot. ,
Thrsb Held on Robbert Charge.
Percy Bletch. William Bletch and Al
King were bound over to the grand
Jury yesterday by Municipal Judge
Rossman on a charge of robbing red
Woolen, -a truck driver, of i00 In
liberty bonds and cash. oolen said
he was joy riding with the three when
they attacked him, stole his money and
threw him oist of the machine.
Thomas II. Matthews Killed.
Thomas If. Matthews, 283 Fourth street.
was killed Monday by a falling plate
n the Northwest Steel Company s ship
yards. The body was taken to the
public morgue. He Is survived by a
widow. He waa 43 years old. Two
other men were injured slightly In
the accident.
Hawtliorno Lodge Elects.
These officers of Hawthorne Lodge,
No. 111. Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons, were elected and Installed Tues
day night, installing officer being Past
Master Stryker: Worshipful master,
H. M. Hendershott: senior warden, M.
L. Stannard; Junior warden, S. E.
Helliwell; treasurer, 1L W. Goddartl;
secretary, Charles L, "Miller: senior
deacon, C. C. Byers; Junior deacon,
H. 8. McCutcheon; senior Steward, E.
E. Grant; Junior steward, J. Reuther,
and tyler, John Macklnlay. The grand
marshal was John W. Rowland.
We wish to thank our many friends
for the beautiful flowers sent our be
loved mother. . M Ka. I A. AVRK.VN.
H. J. FAl'ST.
Adv. J. P. FALSI.
Most economics! fuel lor apartment
houses, buildings, dwellings.
East 44th and Halsey Sts.,
Tabor lb. C 1541
Fifteen Unhappy Couples Given
Freedom by Latest De
crees Signed.
Two extremes were presented in the
divorce court yesterday. One husband
was so anxious to win a divorce that
he announced his willingness to pay
his wife permanent alimony, while one
wife was so anxious to be .freed of the
marital yoke that she renounced any
claim for alimony and said ehe would
be willing to work to support herself
and two children If she could only get
John H. Welton Is the husband who
voluntarily offers W pay alimony. He
accuses Frieda H. Welton of extreme
cruelty. They were married last year.
He says he will pay her $30 a month
permanent alimony as long as he earns
$100 a month. If his earnings decrease
he wants the alimony decreased to 3
a month.
Edna Butler wants a divorce from
Joseph W. Butler. Although they have
two minor children, the plaintiff says
she will not demand alimony if she
can only procure a divorce. They were
married In 1900.
Fifteen mlsmated couples were freed
yesterday in decrees signed by Judges
Gatens and Stapleton. Judge Gatens
signed 14 of the decrees, as follows:
Mildred Welton from Chauncey Welton,
cruelty; Leona Toney from Jesse Toney,
cruelty; Velna Sommer fromJulla Som
mer, desertion; Raymond "A. Mickley
from Gladys Mickley, desertion; George
H. Thomas from Ida Thomas, infidelity;
Bernhard Johnson from Lena Johnson,
cruelty: Mae Whlteford from W. A.
Whiteford, desertion; Hollis Brugger
from Ernest J. Bfugger, desertion;
Jennie Walling from Oliver Walling,
cruelty; Tilda Allison from Arthur
Allison, cruelty.
The decree signed by Judge Staple-
ton gave George Hanson a divorce from
Avis J. Hanson. Cruelty waa alleged.
--'Held f
fslclinra VitlasS.
nilklllTAI VVJ
It -s the Lens
With the
Beautiful Finish
Our Punktals are the nearest to
perfection of any lenses yet manu
factured. They are made of the
finest glass and they give clearly
defined vision to the very margin.
Ask for booklet, "The Eye and
the Lens." -
Glove Cleaning
We. Guarantee Satisfaction
All Minor Repairs FREE ,
We have the most elaborate
t cleaning and mending machinery
Poor chemicals soon rot your
gloves. The superior Broadway
cleaning can only be had by
telephoning our main plant, or
leaving your gloves at our
Gown Shop 200 Broadway
Across From the Heilig Theater
Broadway Dye &
Cleaning Works
Master Dyers and Cleaners,
Main Office and Plant, Grand
Avenue and Schuyler Street,
Portland, Oregon.
O hiistmas
' The
of way.
in the
ready for
finest kind
Every day sees new Christ-
masy kinds of candy putting in
an appearance.
The kiddies, grown-up sister,
mother, dad, grandmother,
everyone will enjoy every sin-,
gle bit of Hazelwood candies.
Dozens of kinds.
Buy the pound or box. '
It needs no ar
gument except
the coat, and
we'll settle that
to your satisfac
tion. A completely
equipped paint
shop in charge
of competent
men assures the
best workman
ship. Bring the car up
today and we
will tell you the
Auto Co."
Alder at Chapman
Telephone operating offers many
advantages to young women who
vre seeking employment at a
good salary with opportunities
for advancement.
Rapid and frequent Increase In
Work Is steady and permanent.
Many opportunities for advance
Fleasant, Clean, Fascinating.
Associates Carefully Selectod.
ROUNDINGS Light and well-ventilated offices.
Comfortable lunch and recreation
Annual Vacation With Pay.
Sick Benefits, Death. Benefits,
Pensions, Without Cost
Good character and good health
are required. Young women be
tween the ages of 18 and 26 ara
p r e f erred. Previous experience
is not necessary. Our employ
ment o'f fee Is located on. the
Sixth, Floor, Room 601, In the
Telephone Building, Pi-k and
Oais. streets, and is open from 0:30
A. M. to 6:30 P. M. We invite
you to call at this office end
meet Miss Thomas, who will
gladly discuss the matter person
ally with you. An appointment
may be cade by calling Broad
way 12000.
The Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph
Room 601, Sixth
Park and Oak Sts.
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
Mr. J. F.Myers
Mar. 6060 or
tcaat SOOO.
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan. Mala 1070. sOse.
Portland Station to Recruit Men fot
Fonr Years' Service.
Fprtlind again baa a Navy recruiting
After War Training
Thousands of men are now in a position to readjust their whole
lives because of demobilization or changing: conditions in commerce
and industry.
A. conference with one of the Advisors in the office will doubtless
be of great value in choosing which, of the following courses you
should enter:
College Preparatory, Business, Stenographic,
Accountancy, Automobile, Tractors, Radio
Telegraphy, Mechanical Drawing, Shipbuilding,
Mathematics, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Boys'
School or Electrical Engineering.
These day and night schools ore operated to give you the chance you
need in preparaing for the great future.
For preliminary information or date for interview address
Department of Education, Div. C
1 li
IM R la
I -.
0ffifera?ms 1
I lismaarawsBwtviiw)Jijji.isisal,aijiJ
1 1 :'
r. - a
The SEWARD la a new. modern an
eJeeaiuly appointed hntui, poesenalns
one of the moat ptautlful corner lob
bies in the Northweat. . Located at
loth and Alder ata., opposite olda,
Wortman & Kinir a bis department
tore in heart ol retail and theater
district. Kates, II and up. u
meets all trains. ''W" car also runs
from Union Depot direct to Hotel
That Simjgffy
Glass & Prudhomme Co.
65-67 Broadway
Liberty Bonds Bought
Cash paid.for any issue at the mar
ket price plus accrued interest.
We also loan 90 of their face value or will loan you the
money to complete your payments at 7 interest per annum.
Elwood Wiles Company
Stocks and Bonds v
231 United States National BankrBIdg.
Open Saturday Evening; Until 8 o'clock
sL "6rtv!y'? nutter Nul
jjr Bread develops Tl
si strong and vig- H
H v. jaV orous. Ittastea fif
K T fTl the necessary ff
( J J muscle building j
Trade Us
Your Old Piano
We will exchange a bsw
Vlctrola or Phonograph
for your old piano.
Your piano may b sel
dom used, but the pho
nograph will fill your
home with song and
Liberal allowance made.
fi Visiting Buyers
m Portland
First Find
Way to
'. W. Cornelius, I'rrsiilent.
If. K. Klelrhcr, Manaifer.
J'ark and Aider, rurliaurl. Or.
Special rates by the ntck or luoutu.
til k
r f
k i
5 . V
446 wafthinvtAn Mreei.
jrs;o. airy room, eU-cantly !urnlth1. tn .
hentf. ot retail and theater district. Strictly
modern, absolutely fireproof, clean and nuint
surroundings. Room without bath, $1.00.
Rooms witn bath, $1.50 and up. Our fl.OO
rooms eaual to any 11.60 rooms In the city.
Our rooms with bath at $1.50 equal to any
$2.00 in city. Special rates by week or
month. Best rooms in city for th money.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel ef Merit
F.nnt Morriaon St. and Kant Sixth.
l.fMl Per Daiy. Two In Ho.. in I.Kn.
149 6th, Bet. Alder and Morriaon