Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Foreign Nations Lauded
Work in World War.
It -Is Xonsense to Say Tanks Were
right I for W ilson's Famous 14
Points, Sajs Ex-President.
STW TORK. Dee. S. Aa?ert!nr that
the Lnited States had not done nearly
as much a the British navy and the
British. French and Italian armies, to
brln- about the downfe'l of Germany,
Theodore RooseTelt declared in a state
ment here tonight that it is "our ousl
ness to stand by our allies at the peace
He declare . It "sheer nonsense" to
say the American Army was fighting
for President Wilson's famous 14
points. "
lie made the assertion that "there
was not one American soldier in every
thousand who ever heard of them.
Great itt la Keeded.
"The British Empire imperatively
needs the greatest navy in the world
and this we should instantly concede,"
said the Colon. i. "Our need for a great
Navy comes next to hers and we should
have the second Navy in the world.
Similarly France needs) greater mili
tary strenrth than we do. but we
should all have our young; men trained
to arms on the general lines of the
Swiss system.
"The freedom of the seas" is a phrase
that may mean anything; to nothing.
If It Is to be interpreted as Germany
Interprets it. It Is thoroughly mischiev
ous. There must be no Interpretation
of the phrase that would prevent the
English navy. In the event of any fu
ture war. from repeating; the tremen
dous service It haa rendered in this war
Wilson Blamed for Slleace.
"The British must, of course, keep
the colonies they have conquered.
"As for this nation. It must keep Its
absolute economic Independence and
raise or lower its economic barriers aa
its interests demand, for we have to
look after the welfare of our own
working man. We must Insist on th
preservation of the Monroe doctrine.
We must keep the right to close th
Panama Canal to our enemies in war
time, and we must not undertake
Interfere in European, Asiatic or
African matters with which we ought
to have properly no concern."
Declaring that "President Wilson has
not given the slightest explanation
what his views are or why he Is a-o
ing abroad." the Colonel asserted. "He
is himself responsible for any division
among the American people as regards
the peace conference at this time.
Peaec Prt(nm WKaheld.
"lie has never permitted the Amerl
can people to ' pass on his peace pro
posals, nor has he ever made those
proposals clear and stra.ghtforward.
As for the 14 points, so far as the
American people have expressed any
opinion upon them, it was on Nov.
i when they rejected them." he con
tinued, adding that "tte American'
Army was fighting; to smash Ger
many" and "the American people
wanted Germany smashed."
"The -allies have never accepted -the
14 principles." he continued, "the
l nited States has never accepted them
Germany and Austria enthusiastically
accepted them.
"Here and there individuals. Includ
ing President Wilson, Mr. Hearst. Mr.
Vlereck and. as I understand It, a. num
ber of pro-Germans and pacifists and
international Socialists have accepted
them, but neither the American people
nor the American Congress haa ac
cepted them."
Principle Declared Tagne.
The Colonel declared that "Mr. Wil
son himself has rejected at least one
of the 14 outright and has Interpreted
another in the directly opposite sense
to Its plain and obvious meaning," and
added that "some of the 14 points are
thoroughly mischievous, under any In
terpretatlon." and most of the others
axe vague and ambiguous.
"Inasmuch as Mr. Wilson Is going
over, it Is earnestly to be hoped that
it Is his business not to try and be an
umpire between our allies and our ene
mles, but act loyally aa one of the al
lies." said the Colonel.
"We have not suffered anything like
as much and we have not rendered as
much service as the leading allies. It
Is the British navy and the French,
British and Italian armies that have
done the most to bring about the down
fall of Germany, and therefore the
ralety of the United States. It is our
business to stand by our allies."
working out of the terms of the
German business men, especially in
Treves, have already begun to display
more Interest in the Americans, who
as is customary with them, are be
ginning to spend their money. The
prices of both foodstuffs and other
articles are enormously high, but the
soldiers 'desire souvenirs, and they
were quite ready to patronize shops.
It Is understood that the American
military government proposed to deal
sternly with any offenders against the
regulations the Army may establish,
but the Germans appear to accept with
out question whatever orders are Im
A proclamation Issued by General
Pershing has evoked a few expressions
of appreciation from the Germans, and
there is a notable tendency on the part
of the people of Treves. Sarrebourg
and other of the -larger communities
to act on his suggestion to resume their
normal occupations.
Anna Furlong:, Oliver Hill and
James Baaerle Seek Sep-.
aration Decrees.
J. F. Furlong, Jr.. Portland manager
of Armour at Co.. Is charged with ex
treme cruelty in a divorce complaint
filed In the Circuit Courj yesterday by
hie wife, Anna Furlong. She charges
that he has beaten her on numerous
occasions, the last time being Saturday
evening, she says, while they were
walking about their neighborhood in
Rose City Park.
They were married at Macon, Gau, in
1904 and have six small children.
Oliver Hill accuses Christina Hill of
extreme cruelty and says she spends
too much time with unknown persons.
They were married at Vancouver in
1914 and have one child.
Jacob Bauerle, aged Tl, appeared
yesterday as an aggrieved plaintiff in
a suit for divorce from Louisa Bauerle,
whom he marrledin Portland in 1915,
He alleges that as soon as they were
married his wife demanded that he
transfer his property to her. His re
fusal to give her the property, he says.
has caused her to become cruel In her
Extreme cruelty Is charged by Susan
F. Klcbolla in a complaint filed against
Henry A. Xlcholls. They were married
at Corvallis in 1913 and have two chil
dren, whose custody the plaintiff seeks.
Holland Expected to Oppose
Extradition Demands.
Great Britain, France and Italy De
dared la Concert as to Pun
ishment of ex-Balers.
People Stare as Tanks March By,
. and Storekeepers Immediately
Begin to Profiteer.
OCCUPATION. Dec. 3. By the Asso
ciated Press.) Further evidence of the
determination of the Germans not to
be Jarred out of their assumed role of
indifference was shown In every vil
laire into which the Americans marched
today. The long lines of khaki-clad
troops resumed their movement toward
the Rhine at daybreak, passing through
dozens of villages until another 1
miles had been covered.
Farmers in the fields and residents
In the villages and towns glanced at
the troops and went on with their
work. Here and there Germans stared
or a time curiously, but rarely was
there a display of emotion or even of
keen interest. With the exception of
trifling acts by children there have
been no signs of hostility reported. In
a few instances children shouted de
rogatory remarks and threw amall
stones: but there was . nothing more
aerious than that.
The German troops are well back In
their retirement and apparently there
Is i" ie!lre whatevei to hamper the
Demand for Dismissal of Women
Conductors Is Enforced.
CLEVELAND, O.. Dec. S. To enforce
their demand upon the Cleveland Rail
way Company for the dismissal of
women employed as conductors since
last August, 2400 motormen and con
ductors went on strike today.
The employes claim that an agree
ment with the company for the re
moval of the women on November 1
and recently extended until December
1 was Ignored.
The company on its part asserts that
it received a telegram Saturday from
the secretary of the National War
Labor Board at Washington, asking it
to retain the women in its employ
until tneir status was finally deter
mined by the board.
Mechanics' Schools' and Speakers'
' "Bureaus Discontinued.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. S. Mechanics'
schools, speakers' bureaus and other
features held to be necessary In the
shipyards during the war emergency
have been, discontinued by the Emer
gency Fleet Corporation of the United
States Shipping Board, it wan an
nounced here today by H. A. Brother
ton, examiner for the board hr in
addition, there is a gradual relieving
of men from positions held necessary
In war-time only. Brotherton said.
Military guarding of -the shipyards
ill be continued until aurh .
the Government
. . . ' - - J u lucag
yards has been dlsDosed of h. m
LONDON. Dec S. (By the Associated
Press.) It is understood represents
tlves of the allies in conference at the
Foreign Ministry today were unan
imously in favor of demanding that
Holland hand over to the allies the
former German Emperor and former
Crown Prince.
No official report was issued beyond
a. mere recital of the names of those
attending and a statement to the ef
fect that Colonel E. M. House, of the
American peace delegation, was pre
vented by illness from attending.
The British War Cabinet and the
French and Italian representatives in
London are in agreement as to
the proposed punishment of William
Hohenzollern. the former German
Emperor, but have decided to take
noa action until President Wilson ar
rives in Europe, the, Evening News says
it learns.
The allies are not willing- to allow a
technicality to prevent bringing Will
lam Hohenzollern to trlaL If Holland
refuses his extradition without the
consent of Germany, the newspaper
adds, pressure will be brought to se
cure consent.
"The German government Is still un
decided as to how -to deal with the
former Emperor and Hoheniollems."
said Hugo Haase. Secretary of Foreign
Affairs in the German Cabinet to a
correspondent of the Express on Sun
day. "I think," he continued, "they
may be sufficiently punished by the
international odium they have in
Discussing the war. Haase said:
"The guilt of starting the struggle
lies with both German and Austrian
militarism. The Government is now
Investigating the pre-war methods of
the Foreign Office, particularly re
garding the handling of secret funds.
The result will be published as soon as
the investigation is completed."
XatloM In Agreement. .
A demand for the surrender of Will-
tarn Hohenzollern will be submitted to
The Netherlands government in the
name of all the allied cabinets, accord
ing to the Express. The " views of
France and Italy have been fully com
municated to the British government,
and President Wilson has made sug
gestions relative to procedure in the
The opinion is held that Holland will
not be disposed to put obstacles in the
way. She will not be asked to deliver
Herr Hohenzollern under the ordinary
extradition laws, but his status will
be considered analogous to that of a
pirate or slave trader who is not re
garded as entitled to sanctuary in any
American division, and Philip H.
Patchin, confidential assistant to Sec
retary Lansing.
William McNair goes as disbursing
officer and S. T. Smyth as draughting
officer, and a large force 'of clerical
assistants from the State Department is
accompanying the party.
Dr. James Brown Scott and David
Hunter Miller will be technical ad
visers in international law, and Dr. S.
E. Meres,, head of the State Department
bureau of inquiry, established last year
to study peace problems, will attend
the conference as director of special
ists, a large party of whom will go
with him on the George Washington..
Military la Represented. "
Army officers accompanying the
Presidential party include Brigadier
General Churchill, chief of the military
intelligence bureau. Other officers
who will assist General Bliss are Ma-Jor-General
Francis J. Kernan and
Colonels Van Deman, Jordan, Ayres,
Helms, Furlong. Fling and Captains
Auchencloss and Childs.
Brtiradler-General William H. Harts,
former aide to President Wilson, will
be in command of military aides and
messengers at the conference.
Rear-Admiral Cary T. Grayson, tne
President's physician, is accompanying
the President, and others making the
trip on the George Washington include
George Creel, chairman of the commit
tee on' nublic Information, who goes
abroad to close up the foreign work of
the committee, and Raymond L. r os
dick, chairman of the- commission on
training camp activities, who is to di
rect welfare work among the American
soldiers in France.
Convoy to Cro Ocean.
Convoying the Presidential ship when
she puts to sea tomorrow will be tne
superdreadnought Pennsylvania and a
fleet of 15 destroyers under personal
command of Admiral Henry T. Mayo,
commander-in-chief of the Atlantic
fleet. Ten of the destroyers will turn
back after 48 hours, but the other five
and the Pennsylvania will continue
across the Atlantic
Off the coast of France, the Presi
dential shin will be met by two divi
sions of the Atlantic fleet and escorted
to oort. Rear Admiral Hugh Rodman
will be in command of the chief divi
sion which will include the super
dreadnoughts New York, the flagship.
commanded by Captain E. L. Beach;
Texas. Captain Victor Blue; Wyoming,
Captain H. H. Christy; Florida, Captain
M. M Tavlor: Arkansas. Captain L. R.
Desteiger, and Nevada, captain w.
Rear-Admiral T. S. Rogers will com
mand the other division which will
consist of the Utah, Captain F. B." Bas
sett; Oklahoma. Captain Charles B. Mc
Vay and Arizona, Captain John A. Day
ton. -
Ten Deatroyera to Retnrn.
Captain L. M. Nulton commands the
Pennsylvania and the five destroyers
to accompany the George Washington
throughout the voyage are the Wickes,
Commander J. S. Barleon: Woolsey.
Commander F. . V. McNair; Lea, Com
mander D. W. Bagley; Tarbell, Com
mander Halsey Powell; Yarnell, Com
mander W. F. Halsey.
The ten destroyers to be In the con
voy fleet for 48 hours are the Mahan,
Radford, Breese, Craven, Dorsey,
Robinson. Walke. Montgomery. Lam
berton and Perkins."1
Rear-Admiral Rodman's division of
six superdreadnoughts has been serv
ine during the past year as a battle
squadron with the British fleet, while
Admiral Rogers' division has been
operating in British waters guarding
convoys from possible attack by enemy
Intensive worth in over
coats for young men
Garments as fine as ever produced; fab
ric, tailoring, style, as near perfection as
you'll ever see; made in the best custom
manner.. 1
A large choice of
weaves, patterns, colors,
in many new models.
U Displayed in the young
men's second-floor shop.
$18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30, $32.50,
$37, $37.50, $40.
PARIS. Dec S. Havas.) French
citizens are lodging complaints with
Attorney-General Lescouve regarding
crimes committed by the German ar
mlet under William Hohenzollern,; the
former Emperor. Several persons who
lost relatives in the bombardment of
Paris by the German long range guns
have filed their complaints.
A decision with regard to the com
plaints against the former Emperor
will be reached within a few days. If
it is decided that French tribunals are
competent to open proceedings, a Judge
will be appointed. One of the first acts
of the judge would be to ask for the
extradition of William Hohenzollern.
Baker Postpones Ills Trip.
fContlmied from First Page.)
ments: Leland Harrison, of the Latin-
WASHINGTON, Dec 3. Secretary
Baker announced today that he had de
cided to postpone his trip to Europe,
which had been planned to take, place
about this time.' He said Edward R.
Stettinlus, assistant secretary, and his
personal representative in France,
would return home for Christmas, and
that they would go to France together,
probably in January, "on War Depart
ment business sojely."
Wounded Men Returning Home.
DALLAS, Or., Dec 3. (Special.)
Messages from Armine Young and Cyril
Richardson, Polk County boys who
were severely wounded, tell of their
arrival in this country and that they
expect to be able to come home soon.
Young is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Young, of Independence, and has been
iiVan to in Army noapiu"
SnelMng. '
America Disclaims Making Sugges
tions as to Disposition of
Disputed Provinces.
SANTIAGO, Chile. Dec 3. The United
States, in agreement with the Chilean
government, it is persistently rumored
here, will propose to Peru and Bolivia
that Chile cede the Province of. Tacna
to Peru and turn over the Province of
Artca to Bolivia, the latter, republic
delivering to Chile a frontier province.
The mobilization of the-Chilean army,
already begun in the northern prov
inces, has been ordered throughout the
republic The War Ministry explains
that this step was necessary to keep
down threatened labor troubles.
El Mercurio announces that the
classes of 1917 and 1918. comprising
9000 men, have been called to the col
ors. Four hundred pfficers also have
been summoned for active duty.
can Government has made no sugges
tions whatever to Chile and Peru as to
the disposition of the disputed prov
inces of Tacna and Arica. This was
announced -officially tonight at the
State Department.
"The State Department," said the an
nouncement, "has made no suggestion
whatever as to territory, but has urged
that everything possible be done to
maintain peaceful relations."
Marsbfield Libel Trial Ends.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Dec. 3 (Spe
cial.) The criminal libel trial in Jus
tice E. H. Joehnk's court, in which
County Commissioner Archie Philip
was the complainant against Mike C.
Maloney, editor of the Coos Bay Times,
ended today after continuing three
days. Mr. Maloney was held to the
Coos grand jury, and his bond fixed at
$300. The complaint was based upon
articles published in the Coos Bay
Times reflecting upon Commissioner
Philip's honesty in office.
Pendleton Thfer Robs Babies.
PENDLETON, Or., Dec. 3. (Special.)
About $20 collected in. a milk bottle
for the babies of Belgium formed the
bulk of the haul of a thief who broke
into the Charles Company cigar store
early this morning. He took even the
bottle. Two cash registers yielded
about $17 in small change.
The Man Who Couldn't Help
Being the Hero
Rex Beach telling how he came to write "The Winds of Chance," ,
says: "This story was to have had Pierce Phillips for the hero.
'Poleon Doret was resting easily and minding his own business '
'Poleon wouldn't stay out he would come into this story to share
the honors with Phillips."
Read about this sunny, clean-hearted, lovable 'Poleon in r.
- -By
Rex Beach
You have seen him smiling at you in
the movies. You have loved him and
wanted to know more about him.
Here is your, chance, for Rex Beach
has written his biggest novel of Alas
ka, full of humor and clean fighting,
with 'Poleon as the real hero, though
he wasn't meant to be.
Pierce Phillips is the other hero, for
he is the kind of man women love.
First there is the "CGuntess" then
Letty, the gambler's daughter the
little dancehall girl who is every
body's plaything and then the Snow
bird. ,
And never before has '. Rex Beach
written a story so full of humor. The
picture of the two quarrelsome old
miners who can't work together and
who can't work apart is one of the
most delightful bits of character
drawing in modern fiction.
The spell of the frozen North is here,
and Rex Beach has painted his char-
1 ' i i i i ii ii a
acters against its magic background.
In full measure is shown the lure of
gold and the love of life the power
to win. It is human, vivid.
Get it today at the nearest bookstore.
You will be lifted far out of yourself.
Read it and pass it on to a soldier.
HARPER & BROTHERS. Established 1817. New , York.
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