Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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War Funeral in France Strange
and Interesting Affair.
Devastated Farms and Rained Vil
lages Tell Grim Story of
World's Greatest War.
RADINGHEM. France. Nov. 11.
(Editorial Correapondence.) Stories
ear been told that soldiers have been
known to wear ft masks through the
terrorr of an all-day fight and then
to go to their dugouts, or any con
venient shell hole and sleep comfor
tably all night without once removing
the hideous head gear. Doubtless the
masks hare saved thousands of lives,
and doubtless the strict rules made for
the wearing of such safety devices by
soldiers and by civilians, too. are neces
sary. There- are still extant painted sign
boards on 100 -battlefields notifying the
wayfarer that at a designated place
lie must put on his mask. There la a
danger son where gas shells may fall
at any time, and there Germans never
abandoned their notion that they might
asphyxiate their foes by drenching
them with a cloud of poisonous vapors.
Editors Wear Gu Mask a.
Probably the wearer In time gets
ased to the gas mask nuisance, though
lie must learn an entirely new schem
of breathing. Just bow they Instruct
horses In the art of using the thing
is a mystery, but they do It. It may
be as important to aave the life of
horse as of a man.
The editors were given steel helmets
and gas masks at Radinghem tnd told
that they most go through a prelim
lnsry drill and learn to adjust th
covering In seven seconds, or less, be
fore they would be permitted to expose
themselves to the surviving risks of
the war zone. It was a hard task,
but they heroically set about it and
mastered It. Then, after various tests
and adjustments, they were all put In
a gas chamber to see that noemlstakes
had been made. It was an ordeal, but
all came through without mishap. Then
they were Informed that they must
keep the masks and helmets by thetn in
very situation. They did.
' War Faaeral Strange Affair.
The start from Radinghem was made
about :3 A. M. on October 22 In six
headquarters automobiles under the
escort of several British officers. The
itinerary for Uie day waa to Include
Bethune. Glvenchy. Armentleres, Ball-
luU Hazebrouck and Aire and. If pos
cible. the important city of Lille, for
four years in German hands and Just
now abandoned by them In their grand
strategic retreat to the supposed safety
of Germany.
At Fruges, a little town only a few
miles on the way. there was the first
real encounter with theNdoleful results
of war. If not with Us actuality. It
was a funeral, a strange and Interest
Ing affair. The day was cloudy, with
occasional showers and the roads had
a surface of sticky mud.
Bo Carried Oa Stretcher.
Up the hill from the center of the
village came the little procession. At
the head was a padre, bearing aloft
a crucifix. Followed a group of boys
"with flowers. Then came the body on
a stretcher covered with a French flag
and borne by women and boyj. Twenty
or more womr-n. all In the deepest
b'.ack. completed the sorrowful parade.
There was no" man In the entire com
pany, except the priest.
All were on foot and all plodded their
way through the rain and slime with
out apparent thought of aught but
their duty to their dead friend and
neighbor, who may or may not have
been a soldier. But whoever and what.
TTben yem feel badly all over tut with
eo particularorganof your body notice
ably oat of order, you need a tonic for
the blood, Yoa require a medicine
that will benefit the whole system.
The blood reaches every part of the
body and when it is built up the whole
system quickly benefits.
Let the blood become deranged and
deficient in needed elements and the
serves will be badly flourished and
headaches, neuralgia, sciatica, fane
tionsi paralysis and a host of ether dis
orders may result. One such trouble
is nervous headache and the success of
the tonic treatment through the blood
Is described by Mrs. J. II. Morgan oi
C'orrectionville, Iowa, who says:
"I was in a terribly nervous and run
down condition and suffered greatly
from nervous headaches. My head
seemed as though it would burst, and
I had frequent dizzy spells. I was in
despair of getting well until I read
about Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills and be
pan taking them. A few boxes proved
that they were an ideal remedy for the
treatment of nervous disorders and
since then I have used them as a
family medicine. The pills have done
more for me than anything else and I
recommend them heartily."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonio
for the blood and nerves. They be
gin at once to -build up the system
weakened by escessoroverwork. They
are sold by all L-uggists, or sent, post
paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per
box ; si x boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Co.. Schenectady. N.Y.
"Vi rita for free book on the blood.
Avoid Coughs
and Coughers
Tour health and society demand that
you take something for that cough.
Coughing apre-.ds disease. Good, old
reliable SHILOH Is guaranteed to re
lieve the worst cough in 24 hours.
SHILOH Stops Coughs
KiH Dandruff
With Cuficura
AS tl iilllrti Snap S. Of
SMuTTklna'A. aano
rr oi -cmw w. a.
ever he was there Is no doubt about
the sta:us of those poor women in
It waa something of a surprise to
note that the fields were thoroughly
cultivated, and that many men and
women were at work, digging potatoes
or beets. On the roads were numerous
two-wheeled carts, each drajrn by
single horse, with an occasional fou.
wheeled vehicle for two horses. Old
men. boys and occasionally women.
were the drivers.
In Journeys covering many miles
through France, curiosity as to why
the carts all had high wheels and the
wagons very little wheels was - never
fully satisfied.
The first stop was at St Pol. a con
siderable town, policed by British sol
diers. The Initial evidence of Hun de
structlveness waa seen here. The entire
front of a church lay In ruins. .
Tobaee Stock Eahaoated.
No effort had been made to clear
away the debris. w were to learn
later the utter hopelessness of any ef
fort to remove the wreckage made by
German guns or bombers. Only the
roads are kept clear. The St. Pol church
had been the target of a German air
A tire was to be changed, and a
member of the party sought a tobac
conist's to buy a cigar. . Into a dark
little place, with a "tabac"- sign at Its
front, he made his way, and found two
women' Inside. lie asked in English
for a cigar and the woman clerk shook
her head sadly and reached down be
hind the counter, and produced an
empty cigar box. It had been months
since It was possible to buy a cigar In
that town.
This Is as good a place as any to
record that the scarcest commodity In
England or In France, is an American
cigarette, outside the commissary of
the American Army or the Y. M. C A.
Mlalag Twa PrMMrMa
Through Bruay. a large coal mining
center, from which France has had
most of its coal, so far as French sup
ply goes, since the war began, the
party went. The mines elsewhere were
mostly In German hands. The town was
well-ordered and apparently prosperous,
though quite near the Hindenburg line
and unquestionably subject to frequent
air raids. No place In France anywhere
near the fighting has been spared the
dread visitations of the night-bomber.
The transition from scenes of peace
to the exclusive war sone was sudden.
The Infallible evidence everywhere of
conflict, or of preparation for it. Is the
barbed-wire entanglement. It covers
the face of the earth all over the war
area. It was the common device of
probation and torture for both sides.
When a soldier was not fighting or
mending a road, or digging a trench.
or constructing a dugout, he was
stringing barbed wire where it would
do the most good and most harm.
On the right and left or the road from
Bruay to Bethune were miles and miles
of wire barriers, and other miles of
trenches. with no sign of life any
where except the moving lorries and
the occasional companies of soldiers
along the highways. We had run into
a fleet of American ambulances going
somewhere at top speed Immediately
after leaving Radinghem. Then we had
passed a regiment plodding along In
heavy marching order. Tbey were back
from the front, resting, it wss said;
but It was thought they needed exer
cise, and they were getting It. They
were even wearing their tin hats. They
grinned cheerfully at the passing
Bethune. a town which figured pre
eminently In the war news of 1914-15.
was in the region of fire for long
montha and years, and there was not
much of It left. Buildings were a wreck,
walls were laid low or punctured by
flying shells, and on all sides was wasto
or rum. Yet, strange to say, hall
destroyed homes were inhabited by
tenants, who had either stuck It out
through all the fearful agonies of long
days and nights, or, having been driven
out. had returned to - try and set up
again their household gods..
, Fierce Flghttag Recalled.
The first main- objective of the partj
was Glvenchy, on the La Bassee CanaL
Here was the heart of the fighting
sone of that part of the Ypres sector;
here was the original Windy corner.
crossroads that was ever under Ger
man fire, and here. too. was the famous
Moat farm, where the :. tide of battle
raged fiercest In the great offensive of
ast April, and where by desperate work
the German advance was held.
Twenty-eight men occupied a cement
pillbox small fortification at Moat
farm. It was hit by a 'direct shot with
12-Inch shell, and 24 of the valiant
28 were klled ouA-lght. But the foul
held on for four days and nights, re
sisting every assault, and by their gal-
ant and effective resistance. Keeping
the Germans at bay. Almost the same
scenes were enacted at a neighboring
place known as Pringle's Pride. Here.
too. a few men refused to retreat or i
surrender. All were finally rescued.
and the day was saved.
Until recently the .line about Gl
venchy and Moat Farm has not varied
more than four miles for four years.
t has been an area of continuous fight
Ing. It was never a "quiet sector.
but every Inch of It has been exposed
fire from one side or the other, or
both. The soldier who saw service
there will never have reason to com
plain that he was not In the thick of it
all the time. It was trench life and
trench warfare par excellence. Kvery
where are thickets and Jungles of
barbed wire, and everywhere are
trenches. Some are, or were. German,
and some English. Some that were
German became English and vice versa.
No one could be sure . of permanent
tenure, unless he died on the spot; and
many, very many, did Just that.
Over on a gentle eminence a half
mile from the historic Moat Farm is
what is left of Glvenchy. It had a
church perhaps more than one and
houses, and other places where are car
ried on the affairs of c small com
munity. Now all la gone everything.
In its place, and for miles and miles
around, la one great desert of desola
tion, all the fruit and Inheritance of
There was ho living soul anywhere
but the civilian visitors, the numerous
soldiers they are everywhere add a,
lone padre. He, was digging away with
a spade near ' the wreckage of the
church. Jt had been his charge. It
was said that when, several yeara ago,
his parishioners disappeared, before the
tempest of fire and death that swept
this unhappy area, many of them had
given the padre their little treasures,
such as Jewels and other ornaments,
and he had buried them safely from
German confiscation. Now he was back
to reclaim them. But the ancient land
marks are all gone, and. although he
has searched for days, he has been un
able to find the things he put away
too securely many months ago.
Near by, too, is the remains of the
once thriving town of La Bassee. Not
a building la left, not one. It was most
of the time In the German grip, and It
was subjected to the fire of the Brit
ish. They did a complete Job.
It Is an awesome experience! to climb
up the steep ladder of the tall cement
observation tower at Windy Corner and
look over the landscape. Not a struc
ture of any kind anywhere. Not a
wall Intact. Not a telephone or tele
graph pole. - Not an inch of soil devoted
to the uses of the farm. Here and
there a tree, but most trees were down.
Only a great circle of devastation and
Only on the highways is to be seen
any living movement, and they are
often observed by the side coverings of
grass or cloth that have been pains
takingly put up to curtain the 'opera
tions of the troops or automobiles. In
the ground are great holes, and about
them are piled the dirt and debris of.
On rfarps not kick an oblect In the
road or the field for fear that lt will
explode.- How Is It all to be cleared up
and rededicated to the ways of peace?
f Kodaks as Gifts
Kodaks, kodak accessories, kodak ' service
now on the Sixth Floor at your disposal. And
with Christmas almost here there is no gift more
appropriate, particularly in this great outdoors
country, than a kodak. Moderate prices.
Myman Iwoije & .(2a
J" Merchandise of cJ Merit Only
New January Records
- New Victor records for January are out and
are on sale here. The list includes all sorts
of selections adapted to the holiday season and
sensing the spirit of the day. .Christmas Vic
trolas are here now as well. Seventh Floor.
1 ' "
There is a Tempoint
Fountain Pen That
Writes hike You
A Tempoint perfect pointed fountain pen (right-hand mate to the
famous Ever Sharp pencil) is the pen that writes like you, and
x . '
Lipman-Wolfe Are the Exclusive
Dept. Store Agents for Tempoints
There is a Tempoint pen-with
a particular writing point for
every hand, young or old. light
or heavy, fast or slow.
Stop into this store, look at a
Tempoint. write with it; you'll
know at once that at last you
have a pen that fits your hand
and your writing mood.
Aside from being unqualified
ly guaranteed, a Tempoint isa
pen with a hand-hammered gold
nib, unaffected by harmful ink
passing or hard, continuous writ
ing. No matter how severe the
writing strain, the pen cannot be
come sprung. It is always a per
fect writing friend.
Your Perfect Holiday Gift
Give a Tempoint to all your friends, or your
best ones, surely.- It is the best gift of all. Com
plete assortments here, all in self-filling styles.
Vest pocket size; $3.00 and $3.50.
Plain band pens and regular sizes, $3.00 to $5.00.
Cold banded pens, regular sizes, $4.50 to $8.00. .
Street Floor Lipman. Wolfe 6 Co.
The Blouse Shop Shakes the
VALUE Plum Tree Again!
Crepe de Chine and Georgette
Good fortune! An
other marvelous sale of
finest quality Georgette
and crepe de chine
blouses (duplicates of
the qualitier and the
styles in that still talked
of sale ten days ago).
dreamed could be bought
' at this price.
These sketches give you
an idea of the blouses.
No C. O. D.'s, no
memos, no exchanges.
Third Floor
Lipman, Wolfe 6r Co.
-So hurry if you would
choose from, twenty - five
styles in blouses that reflect
every new feature and that
offer choice for. every
woman, no matter how her
taste runs.
AH shades, all sizes and
qualities that you haven't
Bronzes, Vases, Trays, Art Novelties
At 60 Per Cent Off
You could find no more acceptable gifts than these, no matter
how far you sought. Many are old world treasures that will not be
replaced for years, if at all. All sorts .of novelties from small, in
expensive ones to largeTiandsome pieces of Italian marble and bronze.
-All at a saving of 60 per cent.
" Sixth Floor Lipman. Wolfe 6r Co.
The Sale of Xmas Umbrellas Continues
- Thousands upon thousands of good umbrellas made to our specifi
cations ; handsome silk umbrellas, some quite plain, some with fancy
tape borders. All with the newest and most artistic handles. H ,
Priced $5, $6.95, $7J50 to $12.95
Street Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co.
Sale of Original Model Hats
And Some, "Joseph'' Hats $ 1 2.50
The announcement is sufficient
to assure you that hosts of women -will
come in early this morning rf
to buy new midseason millinery.
There are hats of all the newer .
styles large, small, medium in
size, witn trimming in sucn vanery
as to make description here impossible.
And we specialize in finding the right hat for you
that is becoming to your own particular type and we
5ome of rich black velvet, the
kind of hats that are lovely for
theater or dinner wear; others with
a touch of bright color, and many
in colors .to match costumes.
There's a wonderful choosing in
styles to suit all types. Many
of our choicest exclusive models
are included at this price.
it is our pleasure to sell you a hat
have hats in this group for all types!
Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co.
This Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and . Of ten Untrue
Increase of 10 Per Cent In Piece
Work Pay In Steel Tards '
Is Awarded.
WASHINGTON,' Dec. S. Formal pro
test was filed -with tbe Shipbuilding
Labor Adjustment Board today by the
Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders' Associa
tion acainst the board's action in mak
ing us award of October 24. fixing- uni
form wage scales retroactive to Octo
ber 1.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S.-r-Incraae of
10 per cent In piece work pay for men
employed at riveting, chipping ' and
caulking, drilling and reaming, in steel
shipyards of the Atlantic coasts Dela
ware River, UUII t;oasi ana ureal
Lakes steel shipyards. Is given In an
award today by the Shipbuilding Labor
Adlimtment Board.
The increase Is effective as or No
vember 10. Additional retroactive pay
for thene- oleceworkera on a basis of
80 cents per day for every day worked
from October 1 to November 30 also is
Several Nominations gent to Senate
by President Wilson.
WASHINGTON, Dec 3. Promotions
in the regular establishment for sev
eral general officers serving In the
National Army were announced today
In nominations sent by President Wil
son to the Senate. Lleutenant-yGeneral
Robert L. Billiard, of the National
Army, was named for promotion from
the grade of Brigadier to that of Mjor
General in the regular Army.
The following Colonels serving as
Major-Generals in the National Army
were named to be Brigadiers in the
regular forees:
George W. Read, Charles T. Mencher,
William G. Haan, John L. Hines,
Charles H. Muir, James W. McAndrew,
James G. Harbord and Charles P. Sum
merall. Colonel Walter D. McCaw and Major
General Robert E. Noble, of the Na
tional Army, were nominated to be
Brigadier-Generals in the regular Army
Medical Corps. -
Big Band to Disband.
CHICAGO, Dec. 3. The Great Lakes
Naval Training Station band, now the I
1700 pieces, will be disbanded as the! ft)
result of orders received from the Bu-
r'eau of Navigation at Washington, it
was announced today. The band, un
der the direction of Lieutenant John
Philip Sousa, has appeared in all parts
of the country during -iiDery Joan cam
-c jr4 5v p
or "Flu"
At the first sign of a cold Is the
proper time to take a "Flu" prevent
ive. PUROLA Influensa Tablets are
favored by all druggists. 50c for a box
of 30 complete treatment- Adv.
. .
If it were possible
to get-300,000 people
to buy 5c worth of
EVERY day f or'360 days
(Approximately lyear)
the sum of $5,400,000
will have been raised.
Yours truly, ,
v. -
This greatest of world's pianists appears in con
cert at the Heilig Theater this (Wednesday) even
ing, December 4.
What piano will HE use? There is only one
answer the KNABE, the world's best.
Of the three great pianos in America, Knabe can
be bought for less and on easier terms. See them
on our "Musical Floor," the 7th. We. carry only
standard pianos.
Ve practice no piano trickery in our piano depart
ment. We deal squarely with the piano buying
public and sell on a one price basis, always for less.
In addition to the Knabe, such old-line makes as
the celebrated J. & C. Fischer, Behning, Sterling and
Huntington pianos" may be found on our floor.
Special Christmas
On account of Christmas time this year we will
make special terms to piano buyers. Inquire on our
- 7th floor in the piano department.
See us before purchasing. Let us show you how to save money in buying your piano.
Buy a standard piano from us at the same price you would pay elsewhere for stencils
and commercial instruments. A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
cCCo.1 J
ci Merchandise ofc Merit Only"
. 1 y J
Deep Curve Lenaea 2
" Are Better C
Deep Curve Lenaea
Are Better
(Trademark Registered.)
(ft J Zyes carefully examinea .
w and properly fitted with 3)
glasser without the use of a
drugs by skilled specialists. $
nS J Complete lens grinding A
factory on the premises.
f cvitr vnnD'rvrs 1
J 209-10-11 CORBETT ULDfi. '.
5pJ 55 & w $?S
Portland's I,arge.t, Moat Modera,
Bent Equipped. Kxclunlve
Optical E.tahr.alfment.
$100 CASH
or more will be paid for your used up
right piano.
109 4th at Cull Main 5323.