Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1918, Page 20, Image 20

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OREGON GIVES $124,358,800 &
War Inrtnwnn and Contributions
--' In 18 Month $153 Per Capita.
i th 11 month America wu In the
mar the people, of Oregon raised 112 .
Sis.SOO. or an average of $7,000,000
every month. Based on an estimated
Our Unique Tailoring f Service '
We will cut skirts to measure FREE and we will baste and fit any style
tailored skirt for $1 upwards if materials are purchased in our Woolen
Dress Goods Shop, Second Floor, Fifth Street .
We will accordion, knife or box pleat and make skirts ready to put on
band for $1 if materials are purchased in our Silk or Dress Goods Shop,
Second Floor, Fifth Street. This service has wonderful gift possibilities.
Satisfaction assured. " . ,
The Gift Suggestion Bureau
Our patrons are invited to avail themselves of the assistance which this
Bureau affords in the selection of Christmas gifts. The resources of this great
business are at its disposal. The service is complimentary. .
This Bureau will be of special help in cases where you wish to ascertain the
gift or gifts that will be most acceptable in given cases without disclosing
your identity. The Gift Bureau will attend to this efficiently and courteously.
Seventh Floor. . -
population of 800.000. the per capita for
averr man. woman and child is $155.
Conda amounting to Iin2.000.0ij0. and
war savings stamps to the extent of
fl4.0O0.00UL were bought.
Oreecfn people have given to the
American lied Cross, the Armenians.
Salvation Army. Y. M. C A.. T. W. C. A
Knight of Columbus. Jewish Welfare
Eoard. American Library Association
and War Camp Community Service the
rum of 4.358.00. Almost half of this
money has gone to the Red Cross,
Which received 11.038.000 on Its flrt
drive. $243,000 last Christmas. ,and
JSIS.onO last May a total of 82.235.000.
The United War Work Campaign re
reived si.m.cso.-
ir'avAw The Quality Store or Portland
r mesrvjzafTtfcfMrmsiSfflr
Unparalleled New Stocks of Holiday Merchandise in All Departments Proclaim This Store
Select Useful and
Acceptable Gifts
in Our Great
Furniture i
Gift Shop
4 We have a whole section de
4 voted to useful and desirable ar- K I A
A tides in gift furniture. Our K A
A 6tocks include book ends, candle- K I jjf
A sticks, floor lamps, serving trays, J A
A tea wagons, foot stools, piano V. A
A benches, tip top tables, wall ta- 4 4
A bles, decorated baskets, sweet- 4 Z
A meat boxes, Chinese decorated 4 A
A novelties, etc A few suggestions: 4 J
i n ' it
in am
Mahogany Finished Lamp, one
light, complete with 6 feet of
lortrti- mrA a illllK- C f
trated, special . .
Mahogany Colonial Serving Ta
ble, has two drop leaves and two
drawers, as illus- (?1 JT QC
trated, special OLU.VO
Solid Mahogany Humidor, alumi
num lined, with key, 07 TA
as illustrated, priced 3
Meier A Frank's:
Furniture Gift Shop, Ninth Floor.
Our Furniture Shop on the
Eighth Floor has never been as
d well stocked with medium priced d
A .A. AL a. a: A
0 iuruiburv aa v iue present iune. 0
Va it a j i Ta
those who come today:
Mahogany Chair or Rocker with
cane seat and back, Q" C
priced OXOelD
Buy a Gift a Day
Shop in the Morning
Shqp on a Transfer
Use the . Escalators
Carry Small Packages
Continuing Our Wonderful
Apparel Values Today
Wonjen s Suits
In a Remarkable Sale
Nothing that enters into the concept ofa thoroughly good sale is lacking
from this disposal. The selection is complete. The styles are appealing.
The quality of the materials is all that could be desired. The price, $23.45,
is considerably below what the garments were bought to sell for.
Serge and poplin suits are in this
sale. .
Navy blue, burgundy black, brown
are the colors. .
Pleated models with belt and tai
lored suits are included. Some with
over-collars and cuffs of velvet.
All sizes included.
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
Only Early Shoppers Can Share in These
Morning Specials
9:00 to
11 A.M.
To encourage early morning shopping
we've arranged these wonderful offerings
for 9 to 11 only. Buy gifts at great sav
ings in these sales. The following on sale
today from 9 to 11 on the Main Floor.
' No phone orders taken.' None sent
C. O.D. '
9:00, to
11 A.M.
SAMPLE Sale Women's Sterling
- Worth $10.00
to. $15.00
.. 100 pieces every one different.
Fine new high-grade black SILK
covers. ' J
Genuine sterling silver handles in
long style or sterling silver tops
in many cases handles alone are
worth almost the price of-the com
plete umbrella. They are in plain
or. carved styles. Some have silk
carrying cords attached.-
On sale from 9 to 11 only, at
average LESS THAN HALF price.
Buy for gifts. ENGRAVING FREE.
f4( lh
I i II i'
11 I
Women's Real Irish
3 for 50c
. Buy for f gifts in this re
markable sale of real Irish
hand - embroidered handker
chiefs, hemstitched, tape bor
der 'and cross-bar effects, at
3 for 50c. -
Medium heavy weight. Good dur
able webbing.
Package Paper
9 to 11 Only
sheets to package.'
Good quality folded
About 100
Linen finish,
Envelopes to match, pkg. 120
3 Pairs $2.50
Hose at $6.75
720 pairs women's all thread silk
hose the "Wayne Knit" brand. Full
fashioned stockings with double garter
tops and soles. Black and colors. All
3 Pairs $2.25 '
Hose at $6.00
1956 pairs . women's all thread silk
hose with reinforced lisle lined garter
tops the "Merrill" and "M. & F. Spe
cial" brands. Black and colors. All
3 Pairs $2.00
Hose at $5.50
1270 pairs women's medium weight
pure dye silk hose: with reinforced
lisle tops and double soles. Full fash
ioned hose in black, white and colors.
All sizes. . .
3 Pairs of Women's $2.00
Fine Silk Hose for $5.25
1560 pairs of women's extra heavy pure thread silk
hose with serviceable lisle tops, the "Granite" brand.
Black, white and colors. All sizes.
3 Pairs of Women's $1.50
Pure Silk Hose for $3.75
1392 pairs of women's full fashioned silk hose with lisle
tops and soles. Light weight stockings m black, white
and colors. All sizes.-'
3 Pairs of Women's $1.75
Pure Silk Hose for $4.75
2160 pairs of women's pure thread silk hose with lisle
tops, double garter welts and lisle soles. Full fashioned
hose in black and colors. All sizes.
3 Pairs of Women's $1.25
Pure Silk Hose for $3.35
2184 pairs of women's pure thread silk hose in light
and medium weights, some have double lisle tops, heels
and toes. Black, white and colors. All sizes.
Jacobean Library Table, top
measures 25x43 inches, one
drawer with wood
pulls, special..
Metr Funk's:
furniture Shop. Kigbth Floor.
A 15 V rJl
Sale of lOOOTIeces Hand
Painted Nippon China.
25c - 50c - 75c - SI
SAME PRICES as in our sale a year ago L Judge
how wonderful the values are. Buy for gifts in this
sale today.
Fancy Silk Hose $1.00
Fancy silk hose, at three pairs for $2.75 WON
DERFUL values 1200 pairs in this one lot. Fancy
silk hose in horizontal stripes in black and assorted
colors, plain full fashioned and seamless stockings
with double tops .and reinforced feet. All sizes.
i r
Fine Silk Hose $1.39
Another wonderful lot of women's silk hose over
2000 pairs. We secured these hose at a very spe
cial price concession and accordingly pass the sav
ings on to you in this sale. Various kinds and quali
ties all silks and silks with lisle tops. All colors.
Meier & Frank's: Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. Sixth Street
aT I
"Each Ciqar in
:-; Jts own humidor".
1 I
Mother says-
Jts my
4, Cups and Saucers.
i-VL l-OC pmtes. Handled
.Jelly Dishes. Fancy Bon Bons,
Mustard Pots. Ash Trays, etc
a. CA Sugar and Creamer
.L OUC Sets. Sandwich
Sets. Whipped Cream
Sets. Plates, C o v e r ed
Butters, Vases. Bon Boa
Dishes, etc.
' No phone orders,
pieces of a kind to
A - 7sr Plates, Tea Pots,
-V L Ot Trays, Cracker
Jars, Celery Trays, etc
A 4- C1 Sa'ad Bowls, Cake
Plates, iMTge V.
Sugar and Creamer
Sets, -jut Bowls, etc
Some of the pieces m
this sale Illustrated. .
Not more than two
customer. No de-
liveries on less than $1 purchases.
Meier & Frank's:. Chinaware Shop, Basement.
Special Sale of
Wall Paper
35c-50c Values 20c
60c-75c Values 35c
$1-$150 Values 50c
As you can see the reductions in
some instances in this sale of wall
paper are MORE THAN HALF.
Many desirable designs, including
grass cloth, tapestry and blend ef
fects. A good assortment at each
price. ' Roll 20c, 35c and 50c.
Pillow Tops ,
A fine selection of 24-inch pillow
squares of repps, tapestries, dam
asks and velours. Fine for gifts.
Meier & Frank's:
Kovpnth Floor. Sixth Street. I
Gift and Everyday Notions Are Featured in This
Mid-Week Notion Sale
Fancy Frilled Ribbon Elastic, for
pretty Christmas gifts, yard 50,
( G0 and 65. ,
Fancy Round Garters, several styles,
in attractive gift boxes, pair 500
to $1.65.
Useful Gifts, a fine assortment rang
. ing in price from 350 to $2.75.
Charter Oak Thread, 6-cord, black
and white, 200-yard spools, 6 (limit)
for 300, spool 70.
Silk Grosgrain Belting, odd lines, the
yard 100.
Narrow Silk Ribbon Binding, assorted
colors, 3 pieces 100, piece 50.
Stickerie Edging, best quality, white
with colored edge, 4-yard piece 190.
Mercerized Sewing Thread, black,
white and colors, 100-yard spool 50.
Brass Hooks and Eyes, black and
white, small sizes, 3 cards 100.
Trimount Snap Fasteners, broken
sizes, 3 cards 100.
Brass Pins, 300 count, 3 papers 250.
Steel Pins, No. 5 size, -lb. box 210.
Sewing Needles, assorted card 100.
Amber Knitting Needles, 14-inch size,
pair 250.
Naiad Dress Shields, nainsook covered,
regular and crescent shapes, spe
cially priced, pair 190.
"Liberty Bell" Wire Hair Pins, black
enamel satin finish, crimped 6tyle,
assorted lengths, 2 packages 50.
Black Enamel Wire Hair Pins, as
sorted sizes, cabinet 50.
Celluloid Thimbles, assorted colors and
sizes, each 30.
Asbestos Iron . Pads, finished : edge,
each 50.
"Two-in-One" Shoe Polish, black, tan
and white, tin boxes, two for 250,
box 150. i .
Meier & Frank's: Notion Shop, Main Floor.
JpA More silk hosiery will be purchased I
j for Christmas gifts this year than ever J
V. Q V before. To encourage immediate se- J J f
"VS ' lection we make this remarkable offer: V
Choose From Our Entire Stock of
Women's Silk Hosiery
(Silk Maids Alone Excepted)
What more acceptable, what more beautiful or more useful gift than silk hosiery ? : No wonder
that so many choose it in preference to all others. This special 4-days sale enables holiday buyers
to effect notable savings on purchases of women's silk hosiery in lots of 3 pairs. And our entire
fine stocks (excepting only Silk Maids) are yours to select from. Here are 9 examples of the value-
wTimi Boo BAimtmt. Mo
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