THE 'MORXIXG- OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBEK 4, 1918. rrxrRAL NOTICES. HOLWTSS la thla elty. Dec 1. at th lata 1121 Union av. Jf.. Helen J.n ni. Holm,, aced S3 years, Jl months, days, baioved wlf of Dr. Edward C. ' Xoimx, mother of William Cranston anJ IIUTI'l JoaDhina Holmea. of thla CUT. and Ralph . Head, of Eurena. Deceaaad a a mam be r of tha W. K. C and former , preaiaeni or Auxiiiry nld Hospital Co. .o. now In Krane. funeral aerrlrea will bo hold Friday. Dec . at 2 P. tha ro.ld.ntl. I funeral parlors or wil OB tJ?li"',0""' at. -a. m a,wu 111 w ,(.-. rVmSlOS Will 99 w -. u. to oorni torn, at a itur gam. T EATON December J. J.9.S. at tha ml "Z.0tr tlXirZ? ffimSJ Z2X?Ht V,?1 9 l?oaV1.1 beloved srir of Ella M. Teaton. and mother of Caorra Albert, of Aberdeen, "Mb, Kdcar Krank and Air. Francos May TOelae. of Portland. Funeral services will ba beld from R. T. Byrnes residence parlor. Williams avenue, at Mason street, today (Wednesday). December 4, at 3 P. M. Friends tnvltsd to attend. Interment Rom City Park cemetery. x JESPERSEM November SO, 191S. at Grande. Or.. Fred Jeepersen. aged 'tS years. Beloved husband of Vera JesDersen. bratuer of Mrs. Christine Jorglnacn. of Hi itoeeiawn aveaoe. this city. Deceased was a member of B. of L. E.. No. Sad, La .ranae. ur. runeral service win be eon ducted today 4 Wednesday l. December 4. at : P. M.. from Pearson's undertaking pariors. ttuaaell street at union avenue. Friends Invited, interment Rose City rara cemetery. AN'DFinSOX In thla eirv. !V.mkr 1 191. Lydia A. Anderson, ared 45 years, late ot 7l S.III, avenue; wile or Erie A. An avenue; wile of Eric A. An- her of Ethel. Leroy. Elmer and lenon; slater of Mrs. T"' oerson. mother of Deibert Anderson Ericsson, of Brig-ham City. Utah. The funeral serrfrea will bo held tomorrow tlharadajr). December S. at 10:30 o'clock A. M-, at the residence eatabllahmsnt of J. P. Flnley gt Bon, Montgomery at Firtn. noyal eigcoors and mends invitso. in tsrment at Rosa City Cemetery. sTTREITZER In this city, at the family residence. ot North Twenty-foorth street, Anton epreitser. aged 75 years; husband f Mrs Johanatta feoreltzer. father of Net tle. Ernest. Henry snd William, all of this city, and Otto Spreltser. In Fraace- The funeral services will bo held tomorrow i Thursday . December . st 1 o'clock P. X . at tha residence establishment of J. P. Finlev A Ron. Montaomerv at Fifth. Friends Invited. Incineration at th Port land Crematorium. EK.DES In this city, at the family res idence. 3U Esat Thtrty-seventn street. December . ltflg. Mlna Brandes. aged K4 vaara: mother of Fred. Henry. Carl, Otto. Louis. Theodore. Frank and Willie Brandes. all of this eltr. The funeral aervlcea will be held Thursday, December 6. at 1:30 oclock P. jr. at tno resiocnce establishment of J. r. Flnley fon, aimt aomarv at Fifth. Friends Invited. Prt vate service at the grava la Rlvarvlsw Cemetery. FRENCH At Camp Kearny. CaL. Novem ber l'JIS, Wayne Hilton French, aged 21 years months dsys: beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. French, or 12 Went eimpsoa street, brother of Clyde and Myron French. Funeral services will be held today Wedneday). December 4. IttlS, at 3:3 P.M from the new modern funeral parlors of the Chambers-Ken- worthy company, zes-io" Miimnv avenue, near W illfsms. Interment Rose City cemetery. Friends are Invited. rivmn.iAt tia lata reeldence. 213 East Morn son. thla city. James Cantrlil. aged I 69 years. It months. 23 days, beloved bus- band or Ida cantnii ana tamer oi aira. Delia Roberta. Ermll Cantrlil. now In ths Rainbow Division In France, ana tamer oi the lata Lloyd Cantrlil. of the Slat Divi sion, in France. Funeral today (Wednes day). Dec 4. at 1:S P- M.. al the Wilson A Ross funeral home. Multnomah at East 7th. Interment ML Scott Park Cemetery. HENDERSON In this city. December 4. 1918, Virginia May Henderson, aged 62 ytars. late of 329 Columbia street: daugh ter of Mrs. Jane Henderson, sister of Nellie Henderson. Mrs. M. Msckey snd David H. Henderson, all of thla city. The funeral services will be held Friday. De cember C at 10:30 o'clock A. M . at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. rWAHLEN In Oils city. December 2, 191S. t.k. 7,ihl.n ared r.9 vasrs. lata of Co lumbia boulevard; father of Lens, Ernest. John. Fred and Albert Zwahlen. The funeral services will be held Friday. De cember 6. at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Flnley A 6on. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Rosa City Cemetery. MORRISON In thla city. December . Alex ander R. Morrison, aged 60 years, beloved brother of H. J. and A. S. Morrison, of this city: Mrs, Katherin McLeod. of Al berta. Canada; J. W. Morrison, of Los Angeles. Cal. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thursday). December S. at 1 P. M . at the rhspel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Rlverviow Cemetery. SHBASGKBEN The funeral cortege of the late Nora Hhaa-sreen will leave the fam ily residence, C45 Broadway drive, today Wednesday). December 4. at 8:30 A. M.. thence to t Lawrenc Church. Third and Sherman streets, where requiem mass will bo offered at 9 A. X. Interment Mount Calvarv Cemetery. Arrangements In care of Miller A Tracey. WELCH In this rtty. December 4. Mrs. Julia Welch, aged 33 years, beloved wife of Fred Welch; daughter of Mr. and frs. Dennis Murphy; aleo survived by four - sisters and three brothers; all of this city. Funeral services will ba held today (Wednesday). December 4. at 1 r. M.. at tha chapel of Miller A Tracey. Inter ment al Rosa City Cemetery. LA LOXDE The funeral services of the late Eugene Willbert La Londe will bo hId at bL Francla Church, corner East Pine and Twelfth streets, tomorrow (Thurs day) December 6. at A. M. Friends are Invited to attend. Interment In Mount Calvary Cemetery. F. 6. Dunning. Inc f uneral Directors. SACH ELDER In this city. Will J. Bach elder, beloved Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C Uacheldari sister of Evelyn and Agnes Bachelder. Funeral services will ba beld tomorrow (Thursday). Decern- Vr 6. at 3:30 P. M-, at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment Greenwood cemetery. tWBD Th. funeral s-rlca. of the 1st. John Georg Seed will b held today (Wednesday) at 2:80 o'clock P. M.. at th realdenc establishment of J. P. Fln ley A Son. Montgomery at Fifth street. Friends Invited. Service at Mount Scott Park Cemetery private. MrKEEN The funeral service of th late George Richard McKeen will be held la th conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, ThurKly). Dctmb-r S. at 3 P. M. Frlnd Invited to attend. Interment : tcrment la iUvervlew I Cmotery. DI CirT.IO The funeral aervlcea of tha Ut reo Dl Gtulto will ba held todav OVedneedav) at ?0 o'clock P. M.. at the rt. Aitcnaei a courca, rouno ana mil i atreets. Friend In v. ted. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. J, J. Flnley as oofis) u reci ora. RITE RT -In thl dty. December 8, Andrew J. Rupert, aaed 64 yeara. lata of Greaham Or. The funeral aervlcea will ba held today Wednesday) at 4 erclock P. M.. at tha residence eetabliahment of J. P. Fin. ley A Sod. Montgomery at Fifth. Friend Invited. Interment at Warren. Or. UnnrvYiW in m it tw.hipa- a mn Richard C. Robenow. a fed 3d yeara i 1 montns cays. Tne remains will be forwarded by tha Edward Hoi man irndor. taking Company to .Damascus, Or., for I lUllIUlCUl. ANDERSON Tha faneral aervlcea of tha late Obedta Anderoon will be held Frldav. Iecember at 2:30 o'clock P. at the reairience eetabliahment of J. P. Flnley V Son, Montgomery at Fifth etreet. Friends Invited. Services at tha Portland Crematorium piimte. VULVEHII.I At t. Eltxabeth'a hospital. Baker. Or.. December 1. 1U1A, Joeephlne Ianott Mulvehlll. afed 54 years. Funeral services were held at St. Francis cathed ral. Interment was made at Crematorium. Fortland. Or., December 3 191a. AMIZICH The funeral of Clara Amfxlch i will be held from St. Mary's Church. Will- I l.i ms avenue and Stanton streets, today f v ednesoayi. uccemoer 4. at a A. L FrtnUs Invited. Interment Mount Cal vary cemetery. CARNTVAI.B Tha funeral aervicea of Baby I rarnivale. beloved infant son of Mr. and I 3fm. Emeat Ca ml vale, will be held today Vedned.iy, December 4. at Z:&Q P. M.. at the chapjl of Miller A Tracey. Inter ment Multnomah Park Cemetery. FLECK In thla city, December S, Augustus F.eck. age 44 years. FuneraJ services will ba held at P. L. Larch's funeral parlor tomorrow tThuTsday). December JL at 11 A. M. SARKELA The funeral of Ola M. S ark el a win be held from Eltm Chapel. 107 CTtld- j STODARD Leo Stodard. aged 3.1 years. Re- more street, today Wedneadav. Decern ber 4, at 3 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter ment Roaa City Cemetery. CARSIDE The funeral services of tha Iste Marine Oarside will ba held today Wednesday December 4, at 2:30 P. M., at the rhapel of Miller A Tracey. Inter ment Rlvervtew Cemetery. HELTON The funeral services of tha lata Frank Holton will be held today Wednes day at 1 o'clock P. M-. at the residence tabtiehment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Mont gomery at Fifth street- Friends invited. MAX I 1KV .OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Oftle. Boons 1.M roartbMM. th SC Eattraae). ptxwt. from St. Mai 7S. Home rba A tS.'A. Nlgbt call after office bran, Weed- law a 7H. Report all cas of cruelty to the bov eaartia awectne letnal c .amber for email tnlmbs nor am Do la n r. ror lck and c.ia abied animal t moment's notice Anv- d. desiring dog or other pet communi cate wltb oa. Ca.l for all lost or strayed teck. a w. look after all Impounding. There I a. trior, cur Bound. Just Oregon aamaa Mcirtx. A directory of business firms M.. flnccif - I ivu tui x uaujr xucituvc or other information, telenhone The Orpcrnninn. Main 7070 or IMtU I - O TT i a vu7uv X10US6 I 9IO lTlG-HEM8TITCHINa y5 I "SMSTlICMUiO. 10 cants per yard; accor. dion. knife and box ni.atln.: buLtona cov ered, tucking and braiding; also embroid ery work done, alall oracr promptly at tended to. iASTEKN MOVJit-TX CO, a- 'a oth St.. between Oak and btark st. AtiATE CLTTr-KH AMI MtU. JEHKLEKS I itu ,., ; 1 UTTTT I w"h w,ln .rSir"1; I Wash. J3L, alajeatlc Tneaier bias. Lai I -l. AUr A Ut-AI- t,KulU m.Ud. MAI WALTER e'COTT. Buard of Trade. M. 8oo7. Al' P RAi AL8. APt-HAl-sALli. Standard Appraiei company. Raili Ex. ij;qg. Fnwna Alarsnail 2t2. AsbAltKa A-N U AALVTS. aluNTA-A AbbAV Ok PICO. 11 becoad joiq. ailver ana plaunum bought. ATTORNEVS. I a i . irrrilTU fl W IAF fFHIl " 1nl 1 k" ' ' 4Zi Pittick Block. Phone Broadway 2- MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice la courts. O02 Northwestern Bank bldg. W. P. ADAMd. attorney-at-law. 1J Cham woiunimercfl; Main ao?. UUbLU btPPLlEti. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy aau aell ail kinus of barber supplies, aao CANCER. L. M. JONlui. M, D. CANCER TREATED. aiorgau bidg. Maraball UU CARPET CLEANING. RUGS The kind that wear tha best are made from rour wornout carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. i former ad' dress, 1M Union ave.) Rag rugs woven all sires. Carpst cleaning, ratltting and resizing. Mail orders sollcilsd. 1M Aasi bth. PHONE East 3So. b 1-S0. PI IIPC Dtlfi Pn Pbones: East 51. I e.ui I IIUU UUi B 147S. 64 Union a vs. N. CELLlLOiU BITTONS. THE IRW1.V UOD.UN COMPANT. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1234. I CHfrtOPOUIKri-) AAU ARCH bPECIAHMTa. WILLIAM. Eateile and Florelie DeVeney. the only sclentiflo chiropodist and arch ape- ciaiisu In the city. Parlors 303 Uerilngef oiag.. southwest corner Second and Alder. moot Main 1301 DR. GARTNER, ingrown nails, bunions specialty; foot arches made to order. 811 Bwetiand bldg.. cor ftth-Wash. Main 10S1 CllIROPRAlTIC PUVslClAN. nji McMAHiiv v.-!..v k h iMc ,kir. I u "c,MA;iu.Mc1'1' .br?-' 10 'i"1? practlc. World's beat. Adluatmanta made eaay. tjostinate caaea 30c rate. ClRtXI-AJt LETTERS. I CRANE LETTER CO., 610-11-13 Royal bldg. . ajar. o22. loo letters, mulugrapned, $Liu. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NETU A CO.. Worcester bids. Main ITS. No collections, no charge. Established 100. DANCING. ALISKY Dancing Academy. Private instruc tors, a ay ana evening. Classes Friday even' Ing. 3d floor Allsky bldg. 8 lessons. 85. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 10 2d st Ball room and stage dancing. -Clasr Tuea, Ktu wc; cnuuren especially, aiain 2100. DENTISTS. DR. HARRY 6EM1.ER, Dentist. 204 Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrison. Main 6378. DRIVING TAUGHT. EtE. EAR. NOSE "AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casaeday, specialist; glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnilde. cor. 20th. B 13W3. E. 4734. EDUCATIONAL. encuiirriB cossrsoai eescanoa MSTONa-HOLMS. BUSINESS COLLEGE TENTH AM WASHINOTON - BaoAOWAV 181 WHOLESALERS .AND AUTO TOPS. DLBRL1LLB BUGGY TOP CO., th and Oak. COAL DEALERS. MEN DOT A COAL CO 414 N. W. Bldg. Main 7473. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. I fllUsfCI CDILTI Pil Stockroom and office kl UIII.'M.LOi ILL, UUl 1 47 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trad. Bldg, HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CA.yARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St. PAINTS AND LCBR1CATINQ OILS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Da via st. ArCTION SALE TODAT. At Wuson' Auction Hens. Furniture. 169-171 Second aL 10 DIED. DRhJr(7jn si'-v.tT" A; ii"llnl,KLlY-..'WA ."J!L-r Vt. ; alao survived by two nephews. F. W. Kelly, of Seattle. Wash., and G. W. Kelly, of Portland. Remains were forwarded yesterday (Tuesday), December 3. under the direction of Miller A Tracey at 11 P. M. to Heat tie. Wash., where services will be held and Interment take place. Milwaukee (Wla.) paper please copy. r".,1," nhmlSl7iJr97ZS9r A v ' - is hTv. TT- TVfp.: yeara 0 montha 15 day, late of 5 ".3 Eunt Forty-third atreet North; beloved husband of Mary K. Chamberlain, father of Earle Ii. and Edgar J. Chamberlain. Uemalns at lioiman a funeral paxiora. Funeral no tice later. MATHEWS In thla city, December 2. 191S. i noma it. Mai new, iced s veara montha 3 day a Leceaed la survived by a widow. Mrs. Mae Mathews, or Fourth street. Remains are at the parlors of the tSkewea t'nder'.ak lnir Company. corner Third and Clay atreets. Funeral notice later. SCHWIN'NKR In thla elty. December 8, Anna Dana Schwlnner. beloved mother of tfemard Sen winner and Mrs. William Fox. of Portia id: Mrs. Henry C. Croner. of Seattle. Wash.; Mrs. Nick Workman, of urana napiaa. Mien, funeral notice later. Remains are at tha residential parlora of aiiuer k Aracey. BENSON December 2, IMS. at St. Vincent's noflD.tai. birne Benson, ared 32 vun beloved wife of Andrew Benson, mother oi Koy and Mildred Benson, sister of Mrs. Anna Wells, of Los Anreles. CaL Remains at Fearson a undertaklns; parlora, Kusaell street at union avenue. EXPOSTTO November 3, 1018, Elizabeth LxpoMto. axed 4 years; daughter of Mr. and Mra Peter Expoaito, of 2t Caruthers street. Remain are at Dunning; fc Vlc- Lntee a chape. Funeral notice later. THOMAS In thla city, December 3. IMS. John Thomas, ared 58 yeara. Remains are at the parlors of the bkewes Lndex taklng Company, corner Third and Clay streets. x unerai notica later. EWINtl In this city, December 1. 1M. Mrs. Leslie Kwlng. aed S yeara. Remains at Jlolmani 1 unerai parlors. Funeral no nce laier. SEVENS At the family residence, 73 Eaut Seventy-first North. December 3. lwl. Eunice Bevens. aged 25 year; wife of w. K. ijevena. rtouce or iunerai later. MILLHOCSB In this city. December 3, Rlehard Mlllhouse, aged 44 yeara. Fu neral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. BERN ER At Fort Stevens, Wash., Albert E, Berner. Remains at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. mains are at Dunning A McEntee'a chapeL. r unerai notica later. FLORISTS. BE MARTIN A FORBES CO, Florist. S5 Washington. Main 269. A I26U. Flowers for all occasions srtlstlcaliy arranged. CLAKKJi BROS.. Florist. 287 Morrison st. slain or A 1 Mne flowera and floral dwigns. ro branch stores. M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 3121. Selling bldg. gtn ana Aiaer sis lNiiTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamftlil runcrai qealgns: lowest prices TONtETH FLORAL CO.. 2S3 Washington st.. bet. 4th and Dtn. Main 01O2. A 1161. LUBLIN ER. Portland Hotel. 32$ alorrlaon aL t the Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 303 and Drof essional men condensed and TT 4- I tu. -U t ui iatcs ujf uie liiuiiuu ui ;au( O - FERTILIZER. Select rotted manure, roees, lawns and gardens delivered, big truck loads, -hi. 53d. IlEJISTITCHIJKi. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 21 Plttock block. Broadway low. Ml' SIC. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil tSevelk. 307 Filedner bldg. Bdwy. 1629. Hill RIG AND RAG KL'O FACTORY. NORTHWEST RUG CO., established 1903. Fiaff rugs and raa rues woven, all sues. Eaat 8th and Taylor. East 8iso. B. 120. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. - . bLAbbaa Al sfJj-yTj I solicit your p ILf-'J basis of capable - saoda of sauslle CLAhdlLS AT A SAVING. . patronage on tne service. i nou- itielied patrons. A trial will convince. Chaa. W. Goodman. Optometrist, 209 Morrison. Main 2124- PATENTS. H. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. & ana foreign patents, out uesum oiog. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. Main U2i. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, itoi Broadway bide. Rheumatism, female disorders, akin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowel throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. QftOf increased elflclency; drugleaa treat OUOmenu Goitre, paralysis, headache. tonsllltla. Dr. Walters. Sua bwellaaa Diag. Marshall 4S92. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUaiBING bUPPLlEd at wholesale prices IStark-Davts Co., 212 Third, slain lat. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 4 rroni street, corner Stark. Main or A 141& DDlNMUP P. BALTES A COMPANY, ifl III I HID lt and Oak sts. Main 1B3. AlltU SECOND-HAND pTORES. LEVIN HDW. a.- FURN. CO 221 Front Street. We buy and sell everything In the hard war and lurnuur line. Phone Main D72. A 7174. MAIN 6490 Buy and sell second-hand tools. junk, old automopllea 13rf J tool SHOESHOP. SHOE shop; will be open every afternoon J 9th and Gladstone, rnce reasonaoie. TKANSfrEK AND hTOKAGE. AMERICAN TRANSFER & STORAGE WE Hlnitt, New Auto Trucks. L 3 and 8 tona Phone Broadway 4133. 309 Oak St Let us figure with you. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GUsaa at. corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 1281 or 1168. We own and operate two large clasa A warehouses on terminal tracaa Lowest Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE M. OLSON TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINE. MADISON-ST. DOCK A WAREHOUSE. OF. fice 189 Madison. General merchandise snd forwarding agents. Phone Main 1691. PACKIXd MOVING STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 103 park st Main stua. a luat. CLAY S. MORSE. INC. TRACKAGE STORAGE TRANSFER. 448-454 Glsan St. SWEDISH MASSEfRS. DR. Hasselstrom. KJel I berg's SysL. 17 yrs. ex., lady attendant. 612 Dekum. Main u.o. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew. alrv Condition no object, rtepairs a spe. clslty. Reiner Jewelry Co.. 4494 Wash St WOOD. ATIONAL FUEL CO. East 2041. Short hlnrlrfi. m vrl ad. rnAd f urnifA WAAd. 1 MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. RASMUS8EN A CO.. 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-88 Front at. PLI MUING AND STEAM bXPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front SU rRODtCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG A FARRELU 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davla sts. ' WALL PAPER. JILLER Wall Paper A Pt. Co., 173 First St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO,.. 230 2d FTVERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAH Portland's Host Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 54- -C 3163 JdOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Katabllshed 1877. Third and balmon Streets. Main Bo 7. A If 11 Lady Aaalatant. Perfect Funeral Eerslc for Lei a MILLER & TRACEY Independent Faneral Direct ora. Wash, su, beu 20th and Slat. West Side. Main iitivL Lady AaaisLant. A 7&tv. RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM offers single tombs, family sections, and famtiy rooms Commodious chapel for final services. The best in ouriai. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM COMPANT, 636 Plttock Block. Phone Broadway 85 L j. P. FIN LEY & SON, Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendant. MONTGOMERY -AT FIFTH. ' Main 9. A 1599. liL'XNLNG A McENTEB. funeral directffra. Broadway and Pine siren t, Phona Broadway I 430. A 43a. Loy atieoaant. F. S. DUNNING. INC., THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. Eaat 52. B 2525. CLOSED CARS FOR FUNERALS Phone Woodlawn 9755. BREEZE & SNOOK ff'isy ASiiS MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service? 10.3 t. Pi lean. labor 4313. P. L. LERaiVhl" civ8s E'pTpef-JVT Iwelftli and Morrison streets. Hroauway , ..;4. a r i it'T t T7D rc s: Williams Ave. C I0S3 A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 68n2-04 DM it.. Lents. Tabor 5I6T. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Hd ana cisy. iain sio, A j.i. Jacly assistant. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2(14-261 4th St., city nan. Main sou. Philip I eu & bona tor memorials. BLAESING GRANITE CO. I THIRD AT MADISON STREET I SEW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BISENKS AND RESIDENCE FKOrKKTY. ROBERTSON A KWING. 07- Northwestern Bank Bids;. " JACK KIG'S MIKItAL BATHS. Rheumatism of all kinds cured or no pay, S64 cures without a single miss. I cured aome ! the worst rases .n the Northwest. Can aive best references in the, country. Over 30 years experia ce. uentiemen oniy. t-ttVi Stark street. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS, Insurance, Surety Bonds FOR ,i MILCOi BLDG. Main 70S. A S702, NEW TODAY. 9 A cl Net. Apartmerit-housa, fractional corner, pays 15 met on total purchase price, 112,000, and 24 on the amount to be invested; aome cash; email clear, house, automobile or truclf. Washington-St. Brick. Washinerton-Bt- lot and brick build ing:, guaranteed lease, pays 0 net on tne amount invested and 7 net on the total purchase price, $60,000. Good terms. ' Big Sacrifice. Apartment site, 60x100 corner. Thir teenth near Jefferson; will be sacri ficed for $12,300 on terms. An apartment-house here will pay handsome returns on twice the ground price. R. F.BRYAN, . 500 Chamber of Commerce. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Old Rngs and Woolen Clotblnr. Wo Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mail Ordera. Send for Booklet. KaaT stag Woven. All sue. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 64 Union Ave. N. East 651a, B 1475. , -r- Garages Call for Illustrated Price List, 354 Ankenr St Phone Broadway 140. Sam Connell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property Installment repayment privilege If preferred; prompt. i Kl H II kl I I II I t A A. UllVXVULiU VIVs I17-Z19 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. VALUABLE 100x100. on Belmont street; paved and all city Hens paid: worth $6500. nttg. $21110, 6 per cent. Sell equity for eiuuo, or traae lor grocery -store, c-ee Ott- G. s. Smith & Co. 432 Chamber of Com merce. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden ltMo income. we design and build anything, furnish the money if desired. Eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co., contracting architects, Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful corner lot In Laurel hurst for S18U0; all street assessments paid; total cost to me. over S3000, but must sell. Address AV 352, Oregonlan. FOR quick sale, lot 16. block 107. Laurel- nurst. including improvements, tsuo. A. W. Bartletu Box 20, Fargo, N. D. HAVE 50x100 corner lot. Rose City Park carline. E. 15th st., 12500 terms, 8225 cash. BJ 54, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Three lots on E. 79th St.. 2 B. south bandy blvd.. 8200 each. Phone Ta bor 8780. OLMSTEAD PARK Beet cornet lot, Bryc ave. w. r,. rtoyai. lwib Diag. "J,1"0 IS. p- 5 i!.0""' Per month. w j. a u."w FOR SALE Lot 6, block 31. Hyde Park Ad dition, 4uo casn li sold at once. Call 446 Taylor, or phone Main 2175. For Sale House. ACCOUNT of wife's death, selling cheap lull basement, furnace, laundry trays: rooms first floor: reception hall, living- room, dining-room, den, Kltcnen, pantry . 2d floor: three bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, attic; carpets and linoleum included; fine corner lot: 7 walnut trees in park ing: garage: near car. JOHNSON-DOD-SON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, . CHOICE LOCATION. 6 rooms and den. fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, nice lot, clear of all in cumbrance. Price $4500. Easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BARGAINS One furnished 6-room. $5250; one 7-room. $5500, garage; one 5-room. .;7."0. garage; one 7-room, gift at $4600, garage; one 7-room. $G000; fine 7-room. $."i750; one 6-room. den. both floors hard wood. $6000; one 6-room buniralow, $5300: one S-room, hot water heat, $SO0O, garage; Irvington. Kant 273. Herdman. , lAN Ideal home out in Irvington; if it is Irv-i lngton you are wishing to locate m. tnen see this: 8 rooms, sleeping porch, full basement, H. W. floors, laundry trays, bath rooms. In fact, every modern: garage: price $7500, H cash. Brown A Watson Realty Co., 06 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 7435. WAVERLY HTS. BUNGALOW. EASY TERMS. R rooms and den. fireolace. cement base ment, hard surface in and paid. Price I $3250 $700 cash, balance like rent. (J. A. W A K rt 1 iN li, rt. RITTKR. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MOVE IN S7O0 CAPH. BALANCE EASY. Laurelhurst bungalow with garage $o6vi. 5 rooms, rec. hall and sleeping porch I downstairs; r rmished, upstairs; cement basement with furnace, etc. Barr. with Luddemann Co.. 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main C67. ' ATTRACTIVE Rose City Park bungalow, 3 rooms and large attic, nardwood floors, fironlace. furnace. cement basement. Dutch kitchen, everything modern with built-in effects, beautiful lawn, shade trees. roes and vegetable garaen ; price 4wu; $ 1 500 caah; no agents. A .31. oregonian. NEW modern bungalow in Buckingham Heights. 1 biocK from capital Highway, i Just being completed. You can still choose i your colors for finishing woodwork and wans, win sen ior i.ou on terms to suit. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg.. for partic ulars. $2O0 CASH, balance ($2150) to suit you; very attractive, in ract, a sweii-iooking 6-room modern home, built Tor owners home; cost jiK)0. corner, fireplace. Duteh kitchen in white, full basement, laundry trays, house I vacant, walk in. 282 E. 2d North, MV I car. Tabor 854. forenoons. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN ROSE CITY. Huilt for a home. 7 rooms, strlctlv mod ern bungalow on 4Sth st good view, ex cellent neighDornooa. ciose to car, church and school, modestly priced ; easy terms. fan Kat i4i. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Ready to move Into; call and Inspect this 1260 E. Harrison st. You won't regret seeing this one; no oetter bungalow built. You will have something to be proud of. see owner tnere. 3ij0 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. nolmea dlsanoearlnc bed. maklnz extra 1 3 - bedroom: near car; Peninsula Park: hieh nnd crane school; lot oOxloo. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 3 N. W. BANK BLDG. ON East Hide, on E. Yamhill St.. w?st of 22d St., between tiawtnornc ana runnystde carllnes; large, modern o-roomhouse, lot 50x50: spacioas living-room, hardwood floor, fine fixtures and shades: 3200. 1 -niy uowii. uai. triii. eaat i MT. TABOR. 6-room modern bungelaw and' garage: ev.rvthine in and paid; it is a big bargain. Call Tabor 5319 for terms, or Main 7U3L J. Robblns. 301 Kcalty blag. jilt PLASTERED Bungalow. 4-room. bath, base-I menu electric lights, neat home; will sac rifice. 1450, easy terms, vau itn. beii-i wood car. a PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. FOR Houses and lots of all descriptions and prices. A few downright hargralna. MAR. 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S39. 5-KOOM BUNGALOW In Richmond dis trict, fireplace, ounet. launary trays; price $2500, easy terms. ' K. J. Gciser, 412 Cham ber of Com. LAURELHURST bungalow. 5 room a, sleep-1 Ing porcn. narawooa zioors, garage, ce- I ment basement, $3700; .easy terms. Phon I pod lawn o V t . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. o-room nrana-new oungaiow; can anal S-ROOM bungalow, bath, basement, cement walks, partly furnished; $10t down, bal. to I stilt. Tabor I4.i. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, ready to move rijrht In; will ffive easy terms. Call Tabor Mam tiisi. SALE 5-room bungalow, near car- I ALL . a si C 1 1 M "IT--: I 'Ml iincj lerma. uwiici. cjciiwwu -nt. COTTAOR. double lot; fruit and ber ries, terms. IU0',i rouru. ALain l-'Jii. REAL ESTATE. 0 For Sale Houses. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. LAURELHURST. 7-room bungalow, with garage, location the very best; hardwood floors throughout; 500 cash will handle: your rent money will almost take care of tha payments; $1500 under value. LAURELHURST. 11-room colonial house, located on one of the choicest corner lots, commanding an unobstructed view of the park and club grounds. Built for a home l cost oi eia,uuo. ro reasonanie otter rciusea. . 0 ALAMEDA PARK. New 5-room bunga- low with double garage; a little gem of a place: only 4300. all improvement In - WiUUOU, ROSE CITT PARK. 5-room'bungalow for j-uii ouxiuu lot. an improvements tanner out than 3Bth et. A dandy buy. N. B I f I cannot ault vnn In a rearlv- mad; house. I have several lots close tne iaureinurst Park that I can sell you at a big discount, a small payment on the lot, and I will finance the building of your uomo. Aoout iooo cash necessary In J. f. ,na service free of charge. LAURELHURST OFFICE. Main 1700. -iivs stark st. Evenings. East 2088. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. ONLY $5500. 8 rooms, strictly modern In every way, has large llvlnr room with fireninre li brary, dining room with fine built-in buf- let, fine pass pantry, kitchen, on ground floor; also large entrance hall. 4 nice bed- rooms upstairs, one of which has a nice iirepiace; is extra large; has garage with cement runway; only one block from club grounds; this property cost over 8S0O0. See Ui. r unon. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 Oak st. Broadway 4133. $3450 REAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6-room. very attractive bungalow, very modern, with many conveniences; hall seat with full mirror, large living-room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, paneled din ing room, beamed ceiling, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, newly painted; can thor oughly recommend this hiins-ntnar. 45th St.. near Hawthorne, paved St.. terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. BRAND NEW. NEVER OCCUPIED. One of Alameda Park's finest homes: 8 large rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath with ail porcelain fixtures and shower, plas tered garage, swell decorations, in fact wveryming it taxes to make a grand home; will sacrifice over $1000 on actual cost for a quick deal: $7800: 'Is worth $10,000. owner at i i t-namDer oi commerce. Phone Main 6256; res. phone Woodlawn 52uS. If you want a fine home you can't afford to pass this up. $6000. 5oed home, with quarter block, lOOx I loo reel; j rooms, 1 -story residence. aept rignt up to aate; white enamel fin ish; all window hanitings finest oualltv. Included; grounds well improved with much I imported shrubbery," well grown. There Js 1 iio incumDrance on tnis property and can l make favorable terms. Located on East I Taylor St.; good neighborhood. Call Main! trail after e p. M., Sellwood 34. $2650 TYPICAL BUNGALOW $2650. 5-room artistio bungalow, one block to Alberta car, large living-room, art tile Zlreplace, bookcases, panel dining-room. Slate rail, beamed celling, white enamel utch kitchen, full basement. laundry trays; E. 11th near Alberta; price $2050. terms. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. FURNISHED ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and floored attic. bullt-Jn con veniences, all fme furrrTture. corner lot. large chicken house, lawn and shrubbery. 1 uiocks trom car. frlce $3:100; terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. '. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO. S03-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg $2950 A GENUINE SNAP $2950. VACANT, MODERN BUNGALOW. Hawthorne, near Division, 6 rooms, ce- mnnr hnaement. fnrnno tmv firenlnpe H. W. floors, all built-ins, loo'feet from car; lot 50x100; H. S. street paid: liberal terms. Mariels or Williams, S20 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 7967. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. A dandy home, 5 rooms on first floor and maid's room ln attic; tiled fireplace, all hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, solid brass hardware: 19th St., near Knott. Can deliver for $5300, including all street Improvements. Reasonable terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. SEVEN-ROOM cottage on Mt Tabor. Pav ing and sewer improvements in ana paid for. Lot 50x140; lies high; yard full of bearing fruit trees. House races east, with unobstructed view; newly painted and pa pered, uaa, electricity ana oatn. frice, $2650 Terms if desired. Phone Tabor 462a LAURELHURST. A 6-room modern house with hardwood floors downstairs, 3 bedrooms and sleeping 'porch upstairs, all finished In old ivory; In choice section of Laurelhurst. Every Improvement ln ana paid lor; 46oO. terms. MAIN 1700. TABOR 59 EVENINGS. MR. BROWN. ON E. 41ST. SOUTH Of HAWTHORNE. A six-room bungalow with full attic and basement, furnace, hardwood floors, fire place, built-in bookcases and buffet. A I cozy home. reasonably priced. Tvear a school. MAIN 1700. TABOR 69 EVENINGS. MR. BROWN. SEE these two new bungalows I am build. ing on Ivon St.. between E. 38th and E. Sftth. 1 block from Richmond car; modern from A to Z, ready soon; buy now and elect your own colors, fixtures, etc.; paved I street, .mjxiuo lot. laoor ih. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast-room, large at tic, full cement basement, furnace, fine I lawn; on Sandy blvd; $3250; terms. Real I bargain. Call at 1314 sandy Blvd. BUNGALOW. $2950. The first offer of $2950 gets the best bargain on 5-rm. bungalow in good dis trict; mouern ana in very gooa conaition; less than $500 cash, balance like rent. Owner. Main Sft-n. $100 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. $1250. Neat 4-room cottage, newly papered and painted, witn inuxiuu lot. HAMMER & MASTERS, Main 3517. 202 Wilcox Bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, cement basement, electric I lights, modern plumbing. 429 B razee st. l Price very reasonable; under $2000, $500 cash. S. H. Guild, Railway Exchange bldg. Phone Main 1560. ' $4250 ROSE CITY PARK $4250. 7-room bungalow, corner lot, only '2 short blocks from car; owner non-resident. See , Mr. Delahunty at Laurelhurst oifice. 270V4 Stark st. Phone M. 17(H). East 2086 eve. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on Its vaiue ana conaiuon. iret your i money's worth. Reasonable charges. Mac- Naughton & Raymond, valuation experts, Corbett bldg. Main 815. DO you want a modem 5-room bungalow. 20 minutes out, & diockb Ait. ocott car, fur nished, for only $2550? $750 cash. $25 per month; win give immediate possession. Phone Marshall 2582. i MAKE your Amas gut reai; ouy a new five-room nungaiow in ttose city Park. For particulars and terms phone owner. Tabor 8S28. DO YOU want a modern 6-room house, close to town, with furniture, only $45007 Newly I IT tinted, all improvements paid, near E. ltith i in..i.nn -..! I niiA I FOR SALE, VANCOUVER. Modern house and large lot. fruit trees. cheap, with terras, can a oom, 310 Alon roe. SJ.IOO Neat, modem. &-room bunftalow on I lull corner iui. ihbuiuihd uidliivi, ail im provements paid; splendid value. Hart, Bin Cn. OI om. rnone margnan iD5r. LAURELHURST 7-room modern home: a bargain: uuu, iprms. J. BOBBINS. Main 73L 301 Railway Exchange. ROOM house fJM easy payments: twn blocks from M. Jonna canine; (get orf at Bryant St.); fruit, garden, water, gas and electricity. r"e ownei n,.o wiibur st. ft ROOMS and sleeping porch, modem. l 1 .j i. .... ...... .irt-.n. . Call evenings. Tabor 5ol9; or during day. BUNGALOW Among fine homes: beautiful view lot, ioxiuu, o rooms, oatn, furnace, fireplace, laundry. For sale by owner. Call any time. o. iu-. naieiBu SEE F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 213 C. of C bldg., tor oest mouern iiuiuo in una loca tlon at attractive price. BARGAIN $2000. terms: 6-room. double constructed, large lot. Key at U7 48th ave. vvooastocK car. SALE by owner, modern 5-room bun gs IOW ; mot;, m ivehuwui li jt hi ti XTICS S2600. Beuwooa iv t. HAWTHORNE district. 354 E. 45th st South; 6 rooms, an improveu, narawooa lioors. See owner. win sen reasonaoie. ATTRACTIVE, new, 4-room cottage, 1 blocli to St. jonns canine, near snipyaras, onl CJJu; terms, nucncwjn, ou rounq t. D E LA HUNT. For perfect homes. East 1347. LOOK. NEAR TOWN, fl.rnmn house with furniture, onlv near East 16th and Morrison. Call B 2004.' IRVINGTON East 894. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT HOMES. SUNNYSIDE 0 rooms, near car, school. park; SliaQ. tiood terms. Marshall 4114. ROSE CITY O-room bungalow, modern in every way: 4o. terms. Call Main TIKil. kinds acreage for sale and exefianae. I. rn,lliiDlr.n Tal JT'ft - t " "'i""q " wiimf. ti-KOOM HOUSE Bargain if bought Qulclf-Sl- Sua Kalacl st. NEW, SEAL ESTATE. For Sale ALL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. We believe we hav for a!e the most beautiful bungalow In Laurelhurst; It has a big living room, a real fireplace, all hrVdwood floors, every built-in effect, hot water heating plant, basement, garago; you should see this. The price is (7250, on terms. In Alameda Park we have a 7-room bun galow type home that Is a beauty. It has a living room with fireplace, a dining room with beautiful buffet and paneling, white kitchen, breakfast room. den. and one bedroom downstairs; 2 sleeping porches and one room, upper floor; a hot water heating plant, garage. This is a lovely home and a real bargain for StiOOO on i I 1 term oi fiauo cash. in i in oe city park we have a 5-room California bungalow with fireplace, hard wood floors, furnace. Dutch kitchen. This Is about the last close-in bargain in this I to I wu is tne price and S500 is all you need pay down. Our autos are at your service any hour any day. Let us show I I I all. Bee I COE A. McKENNA & CO.. M. 4522. 82 4th et. Board of Trad. 82200. 82200 S 2200 $220 $2200 $2200. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms, enamel plumbing, hardwood floors, fireplace, paved streets paid, cement basement, con y.flen4 to car; close in; worth $Jo00; iiov. $2200; H cash. If not sold by Monday next something will happen that you will regret. (Ko phone information). .-G' P- GOLDENBERG. 215-216 Ablngton Bldg., 106H 3d. "35 YRS. IN PORTLAND." I I I I I I BACK TO THE LAND. Listen to this: Roomy, modern bunga low, 5 rooms and attic; ten (10) 50xl00-ft. .J,"1 r.lghJt ln th heart of the East Side. All splendid soil, fine garden, lots of bear ing iruit trees, berries, etc.; modern chick en houses; a veritable "young farm" and a nice home. Price $4050; $500 cash will handle. ' HERE'S ANOTHER ONE. .5"room cottage, city gas and water, lOOx 106 ground, fine garden, lots of fruit and berries. Just at edge of Montavllla. Price only $1600; $300 cash will handle. This place, with chickens, should cut cost of living square in two. THE CKOSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark. $o500 BEAUTIFUL HOME SACRIFICE 5 rooms and sleeping porch, modern nuuic, wnn garage; every convenience. double heating system, hardwood floors. throughout, beamed ceiling, paneled dl iln Ing room, beveled plate glass windows, den-and W. E. Dutch kitchen. This house was built for a home and can be bought for a sacrifice; located on corner1 lot In Piedmont, one of Pnrrlflnri' mr hnaiiti. ful residence sections: some terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. v jjuj j our nome. Main luo. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. j " nen you wish to ouy a home, see US or us up. we nave substantially built homes that are planned Just right, ln Laurelhurst, Irvington, Beaumont, Rose City, Hawthorne. Mt. Tabor, Sunnyslde and Woodstock, close to high and grade ou"VUJ. o" large tots with garages; they are priced below their actual value. It will pay you to Investigate our list because we n ni wnat you are looking for. n . Anon, mgr. real estate dept., THE LAURELHURST CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main Cl15, A 2815. WHY PAY RENT when you can buy on these terms? 4-room bungalow, modern, $1400; $150 I it, IllUlllil. 1 $1300. 2 lots 50x100 each, with 3-room uuuse, moaern; easy payment $750 buys a 5-room house, lot 75x125: $50 cash, $12 per month. This house Is at A,enis; a snap. I have lots of other houses on pay ments. Call and soe these. 2020 E. Stark st.. or pnone ueo. r . Barrlnger, Tabor 811. IT WON'T cost a cent to look and If you do cide to buy you will save hundreds of dol lars on this large, modern. 7-room hnnae; clothes closets in each bedroom, beautiful electric fixtures, extra large kitchen, front " -.tuuo cvuiiu mice aiues 01 nouse. large shady yard, all fenced, large garden space, berries. - fruit, chicken house and garage; lob 80x118; will take $2800 for our equity and you assume $1300 we owe. Call Sell. 747 mornings and we will show this place. $1600 4-ROOM modern bungalow. Dutch kitchen, full basement. u-nh imv full line of plumbing, hardsurfacs . street imp. all paid. Near Union We have several hundred modern homes wu some or wnicn we. have securad re ductions as high as $500 from price asked before listed with us. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark. Main 5.:. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Strictly high-clans, 5 rooms and attic; large living-room, enamel finish ; good hardware and fixtures; modern in every detail; concrete drive and garage. The only high-class bungalow in Laurelhurst I wnicn can be purchased for uss than $5000, Including all liens. $1000 will bun dle. Owner out of the city. ; J. C. CORBIN CO., -J05-6-7 Lewis bldg. NEAT BUNGALOW. HOT-WATER HEAT. 5 rooms, bath and shower bath, garage. lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery, block t from car, clear of all incumbrance; price! .-iiuv. verms. WATCH OUR APS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO. . 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ON GLENN AVENUE. SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE. I A five-room bungalow and sleeping porcnr run basement and attic, furnace: house built by day labor, therefore, well , constructed;, a comfortable home in au excellent neighborhood, moderately priced, with terms. MAIN 1700. TABOR 59 EVENINGS. MR. BROWN. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Nifty and cheerful 5-room bungalow. I The home of your desire, ideal location, close to car, beautiful lot; firplare, fur nace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, etc. Only $;io50. Street Improvements paid. Inspection cheerfully invited. Muln 1902, or Tabor 7552. OWN a modern house on good county road jum ouisiae oi cuy limits: an improve ments paid for; large basement, full size of house; 5 commodious and well-lighted rooms, with built-in buffet end Dutch kitchen. House Is now vacant. Will sell for $1800. $200 down and balance on terms, see Owner at 404 1'latt bldg., for par ticulars. VAC AN T, MODERN' HAWTHORNE BUN UALOW. . CORNER, WITH GARAGE. 6 rooms, strictly modern, full basement. trays, furnace, fireplace, new H. W. floors, all built-lns, just newly tinted; price . uoerai terms. .Marieis or w imams. n-u tnam. or iom. Ding. main .ytf. VACANT HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 6-room"' modern home; white enamel Dlumblnz. full cement basement, paved St.. no liens or mortgage; No. lOurt E. Grant. Price $32;t0. terms, reduced irom $4000. Take Ford as part payment. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABLNGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. might be to your interest to list your house with me. .1 sell houses only and have cash buyers. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldj ROSE CITY PARK 2750. Five rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, bulltfJn buffet, full cement basement, etc.; owner must sell; two blocks to car. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near :id. Main 351 fl. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy Blvd. - $5000 MT. TABOR HOME $5000. 7-room tvoical bungalow, very modern: every convenience; furnace and fireplace, etc., paved street, close to car; terms. Very attractive home. See FRANK L. McOUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. - To Buy Your Home. Main 1 Qfi. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 6 rooms and den; modern; f'irnace. fire place, built-in features, on 43th st.. for quiCK sale; price joiuu. fe jiish erireea, THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5th st. Main 6SR0. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Tf vou want a nice home and a res bargain, near the R. C. car at this price Sou will buy. casn juu. MISS SLOCOMB, 624 Henry bldg. Main 72flfl. IRVINGTON. NO ORDINARY BUYS. SSftOO f-42 East IDth North. $0750 600 Weidler. Some buy! $10.000 526 Eat 17th st. North. a R. T. STREET. Irvington Agent. A REAL HOME. 7 rooms, 100x120, 3 large English wal nut trees, apple, cherry; cement walk; $2500; easy terms. 272 STARK. MAIN S051. FOR $3600 MODERN BUNGALOW. - 5 rooms and sleeping porch, full base ment, built-in effects, etc, on Mt, Tabor Main ISU51. ALMOST NEW MOVE IN. ' MOVE RIGHT IN. HAWTHORNE DIST. 33TH ST $2550. 5 large rooms, large lot. all advantages of corner. Owner. Tabor SS24. jtjno TERMS cash. 7-room modem house, lot 50x100. east front; cor. lot, one block north of Alberta st. 10D1 East 20th st. North. 100 SNAP MODERN 5-room bungalow, garage. $1300; $oOO down; .Mount bcutt car. duua out a, st. S. E. Tabor 5180. 25 4-room piastered house, modern except Data, Aituv, xaumc ot), REAL ESTATE. For note -Houses, MR. HOME OWNER. If you are buying your home on con tract do you know an INCOME POLICY will guarantee the payments If you should be disabled by arrldrnt or Illness? - ANYTHING WORTH OWNING IS WORTH INSURING., Csrry Income Insurance and you will know that your salury. your home and your family are protected. Our income policy pays every accident and every ill ness. Including SPANISH INFLUENZA. For particulars and rates phone Mar shall -3:1. 1 INSURE ANYTHING INSURABLE. w. r. Mcdonald. General Insurance. Y EON BLDG. NEAR LADD'S ADDITION. SIX ROOMS $2500. Just think' Six rooms ou 16th St., be tween Division and Clinton, with full 5"x 100 lot and garage: street Improvements ln and paid; you would never expect to buy a place like this for $2500: requires $1:100 cash: this Is a genuine bargain and will be sold quickly. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. near 3d. Main S516. Branch Office, fioth and Sandy Blvd. VACANT. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. This Is your opportunity to buy a strictly modern Rose. City bungalow at a sacrifice price and immediate possession: 5 rooms and den, corner lot. all hard surface in and paid, price $3250; terms. -C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I I A BEAUTIFUL 6-room house, corner lot. 100 x 100; newly painted Inside and out. oatn room, laundry trays, paved walks, furnace. basement, good garage. 1 tfc blks. to car; lots of small fruit, large garden; uu exceptional buy; let us show yuu; out on 42d st. S. E.; price $2500. $500 cash, bal ance like rent. BROWN & WATSON. , . Phona Main 743.1. 500 Swetland bldg.' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW COMPLETELY FURNISHED, $3000. 6 rooms and floored attic, fireplace, full cement basement, hard surface in aud paid, one block from car; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. A WEST SIDE SNAP. Adjoining the Forestry building. Fair Grounds, for your use and recreation, of an 8-room. 2-story, plain, livable house with A full high brick basement, electric light and gas and hard street, paid, and thal'rt all; price $21100, $M)0 cash. Scltaefer, Muiu 15:12 or Bdwy. 5 1157. Suburban Homes. & ACRE. 5-room plastered bungalow, dandy place for cow, chickens and garden, near "Gilbert station: worth $200(1. for only $1500, $250 down. See Ott. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. I PGR the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Aldorbrook on Oregon City car, third house north of Risley station. For Sale Acreage. , COUNTlfY HOME. 10 MILES OUT FROM BASK LINE ROAD. 5 acres, all under cultivation, 150 bear ing fruit trees, some small fruit. 8-rooiu house with running water In It; good barn, chicken house 15x00 feet with 4 runs, 1 brooder house 12x30 feet, good hoghouse, good Irrigation system with 1000-gal. water tank, plenty of water, gas engine and pump. 300 young chickens and 25 ducks, 6 hogs, 2 cows, enough hay in barn to feed through Winter. For sale at sacrifice if taken at once. Call at UK Lovejoy at. 0 CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $250; $10 down. $5 per mo, buys five acres of land between Portland and Centralla, on the main line of three railroads, la miles from a town of MI0 population, bawmllls ami shlnglo mills; some of this land is partly cleared; run ning streams, some bottom and some beueh; some of this Innd is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. .US Railway Exchange Mldg. I large tract of around with on Powell Vail? road. be. 4-room house. between 73d anil 74th sts: ground covered with fruit trees about 8 years old. lll sell at an attrac tive figure and take a vacant lot aa first payment. For particulars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg. 6000 ACRES in Southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low., prices, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE 2 acre", all under cultivation; hetit of soil: 1 block from Sandy blvd. 'This is an Meal building xnot. Water, gs and elec. Price rt asonublo; terms. Phono Tabor &607. foil SAL ,2 Stock land, the beat of earth, large or small tracts, low price, easy terms. WESTERN OREGON LAND COMPANY, Corvallls, Or. i.-s-acrr tract, well timbered. $75 oer acr1. one mile railroad, lots of cord wood, good level land, small shack on place. om timber. Phone owner evenings for i pointment. East 1193. 10 ACRES of land; pood orchard, house, all outbuiUllnfis. Bull Hun water; located Juh south of Lents, til. 11 lf2d st. S. E. Thonii'3 Allen. 40 ACRES. $MMI0; near Foster road, 30 min utes from city; to clean up an estate; miKht divide. Hart. 910 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 15S5. lor Sale Farms. 20 ACRES, all cleared, young orchard, good well, ' all fenced ; 6-room piastered houpe, dairy and cellar combined ; house newly painted; frame barn with fork and carrier, chieken-houne; A-l soil; raised 75 bushels outs to acre; 7 miles from Vancouver, Wash., on paved road, l'hone lu houbft. Price $5000. ' down. 4 acres, 2 miles Vancouver city limits; fenced ou 3 sides, level; $700, terms. 25 ar res. JS under cultivation; 5 acre good onion land, 4 miles from Newberg, good school on plan, church close, on Oregon Electric ; laoco house, unfinished, small barn and other buildings; price $o'"0. terms. 28 acres, 20 cleared, balance seeded to ' pasture ; 4-room hause. good barn 24x4s, with track currier, fork and ropes ; small ' family orchard, apples, pears anil cherrie.n, two wcIIh, good water, mo wing machine, 1 rake, 1 disc harrow. 1 aplke tooth har row, 700 feet cable for grubbing. 1 block, cost $0; t grubbing hook, cost $15 ; some small tools, crosscut saw. sledgo, wedges, peavy and one cultivator; on main road, by phone line, the best of beavonlam land, good road; terms. V down, Iciiiincn 6 per cent. This is a renl buy. price $f00. 81 acres, 40 acres Cleared, fenced and cross-fenced, balance loggd-off pasture ; family orchard, 3 good wells, $1000 Iiou. good big barn, 1 miles to store, school, rhurch, I. O. O. K. and Artisan hall. R. I. at door, cream wagon aiyl cheese factory wagon at door, phone In bonne; A-l soil; price $7U00. $2000 down, $1m,o ln 3 years, balance in 5 or JO years, tt per cent inter est; over $400 improvements. These farms Join and are 10 miles from Vancouver on main road. ALLEN & ALLEN, 40S Stock Exchange, Bldg. 40 ACRES, all in cultivation, fenced with woven wire; good, new bungalow ana good barn; 4 aerea ln orchard; situated one mile from postofflce at McMinnville. Ore gon ; closo to school ; not 4 mile from paved street. This is a mortgago foreclos ure. Former price. $12,000. Vou can buy It now for $00u0. $Juoo cash; balance terms. If you want a close-In 40 acres, see this and vou will buy it. All adlohi- Ing and is $:,oo per acre. J. C, Gilbert, McMinnville. Oregon. Phone Rltie 6112. FOR SALE $15,000. " 100 acres in high state of cultivation, 65 acres in crop. (Jood house, barn, wind mill, silo; 4 good horses, H cows, 17 head hogs, including 4 good brood sows; tons hay, feed and seed, nil farming Im plements including tUrashing machine, gas engine. Ignited 2 miles south of Independence, Polk Co., Or, By owner, H14 K. First. Albnny. Or. FOR SALE 80 acres, one milo Deachutn statu.., good house. 20 acres cleared, ditefff-s all made; rabbit fence all around, good outrange, water right cost $lutf.V I will sell for what water right cost. Lota of machinery, will sell cheap. You must hurry for this snap. Address A. A, Gil more. Box 271, Bend, Or. oO-ACRE improved u bur ban farm, 24 acres cultivated, family orchard, 3 acres pas ture and timber, house, barn, outbuildings, two wells and spring. Account of death of owner, can be sold for $-00 per acre; $1000 cash, balance yearly. JOHNSON DODSON CO., fi;U N. W. RANK BLDG. lttO ACRiiS logged-off land, Columbia High way, and fine stream runs through prop erty; Portland house or close acreage ac cepted in exchange. Hart, U10 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall I5S5. SALE Very desirable chicken or berry ranch, 7 acres, 4-roomed house, good barn; 4 acres cleared, on good gravel road 1 mile from Estacada; $lf0t; torins. J. Nichatson. Estacada. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $t- to J" per acre, cany terms; best soil. Farms for sal, all sizes. McFarland. 14oS Yeon bidg., Portland. LOGGKD-OFK lands. $10 are up: running water, gooa son, una dip, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 3d nt. - ACRE unimproved stock ranch, 8 miles) from Toledo, or. Addrtss or call G. A. La n d re t h. Ne w port. Or. 103 acres logged-off; about miles from Fan city, sii'oo cash. b. iv. Stearns, 202 Wilcox bid ;. Main i.M7. ACRES, on county road, 15 acres In cul- tlvation, black soli, spring, $45 per acre; $200 down. 117 Philadelphia su, St, Johns.