Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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M. A. Winter, president of the aisocia
"The success of the national matches
recently held at Camp Perry, O., waa
to great that this association feels that
it la incumbent upon it to express to you
tne great appreciation lor me civilian
rifle team sen. to Camp Perry from
Oregon." writes Mr. Winter. "Just such
teams are responsible for the unprec
edented and splendid success of the
matches. Permit me to state here that
Marion Candidate Claims 32
Mr. Virgil UClark, captain of the
Oregon Civilian Rifle Team, through
personal effort and influence exerted
over' the membera of his team, has
helped to make this year's Government
contest a most profitable, patrlotlo and
Votes for Speaker.
satisfactory event.
William Gore and David Graham
Only Members of Hons Not
v. fledged. Say Aspirant.
Of the CO raemben of the Home of
Representatives, all are claimed as
pledges except two David Graham and
William Gore. Seymour Jones an
nounces that he has 33 votes for Speak
er and Denton Burdick produces a list
of It. Mr. Jones submits more than
enough to elect htm. 31 votes being the
required majority.
Assurance of positive support by let-
ter and telegram are exhibited by Mr.
Jones from 31 members of the House,
his own vote being: the 32d.
- 1 hope." said Mr. Jones last nlajht,
"that Mr. Burdick and his friends will
take the situation in the proper light
and not prolong: the fight when I have
mors than enough votes to elect me."
Mr. Burdick's list stood at 24 last
evening, and bis friends are still hope
ful. K K. Kubli. who cast his fortunes
with Burdick. Insists that the war la
not over.
Mr. Jeaea la Ceafldeat.
Here are the pledges produced by the
opposing candidates:
For Jones Herbert Gordon. B. C Shel
don. W. P. Elmore. T. R. Stannard. W.
B. Dennis. 1 M. Graham. Mrs. Alex
ander Thompson, E. V. Haines. C 8.
Pcheubel. W. O. Hare, W. P. Lafferty.
Roy GrtKgs, Charles Childs. W. V. Ful
ler. D. 1L Looney. L G. Martin. O. W.
Weeks. 8. A. Hughes. U K. Bean. F. J.
Thrift. J. G. Richardson, Orln Richards,
ravld K. Lofgren. 11. C Wheeler. H. B.
Cross. C A. Brand. H. A. Dedman. D. c
Thomas. E. J. Edwards. A. M. W right,
John Crawford and Seymour Jones 3:.
For Burdtck-m. A. Westerlund. H. U
Idleman. D. C. Lewis, E. E. Smith, O. W.
Home. J. B. Coffey. C. C Moore, K. C.
McFarland. K. K. Kubli. O. W. Hoaford,
K S. Hurd. J. E. Roman. E. I. Ballagh.
Junes Me wart. P. J. Gallagher, A. K-
Hunter. O. 1L Merryman. A. A. Smjth,
C E. Woodson. E. P. Dodd. C. O. Brown
ell. S. U Bumaugh. B. F. Jones. C A.
Stdler, W. G Bolton and Denton Bur
dick is.
Unattached William Gore and David
KabU Beea Fleet Ahead.
"The flsht Isn't over," asserted Mr.
Xubll last night. "I am confident,
baaea on Information I have received,
that a number of the pledges made to
the opposition have been made because
of misrepresentation. During the past
two cays. In conversation with mem
bers of the Legislature from various
parts of the state, a number have told
me that they were approached for sup
port on the statement that tbey would
make the 34th pledge, when aa a mat
ter of fact the opposition did not have
33. 30, nor even 20, and because of the
fact at the time these claims were
made there were on record 2 absolute
pledges to Burdick for Speaker. 1 feel
that the support which Mr. Jones haa
was obtained on misrepresentation to
a large extent, and that this ia realised
by some of the men who gave him their
There la nothing to the assertions of
Mr. Kubli. according to Mr. Jones.
Tradlmg Chat Be Dealed.
I deny that I got anyone by claim
ing they would be the 33d or 34th
. vote." he replies. "I have Si votes now
and expect to have the other two. 1
am Informed that many pledges made
to Mr. Burdick were made on the un
derstanding that he would get 31, and
since that is now Impossible, those
pledges are no longer binding. The
contest ia over and Mr. Burdick and bis
friends should accept the situation. I
never attempted to take from him any
pledge that t knew was for him with
out question, but on the other hand,
the Burdick pi-ople have tried to get
some of my pledge away from me. My
33d pledge came from Mr. Wright this
I never made a promise to anyone
for support, and any talk there may be
of trading for committees Is without
Campaign to Enroll Every Adult
aa Member Will Start De
cember 16.
Liberty Temple la "no min'i land'
these days, for women have taken
possession 'of It and are preparing the
tin for what may be the last of the
drives the Red Cross campaign for
memberahln. which la expected to en
roll every adult In the city between De
cember 1 and 13. Mrs. Reynolds, at
the telephone switchboard, to Mrs. A. K
Innes, assistant city manager, there are
omen only around the place, although a
couple of pollcement are permitted to
maintain order, and Henry E. Reed la
admitted, because be la tne city cnair
The drive ia to be one In which there
will be no lack of workers. Women are
asking the privilege of handling pre
cincts throughout the city. Men will be
active in the state campaign under
State Manager Wltham.
Teaaa Casta lea Announced.
Team captains have been selected by
the colonels aa follows:
Colonel Mrs. Alvord's captains Mrs. W.
V. Akers. Mrs. L- D. Boewortb, Mrs. R. K.
Uondurant. lira W. L. lilock. Mrs. W. K.
Comm. Mra J. F. Chapman, Mr A. C Call
an. Mrs. R. 8. Farrell. Mrs. Victor Johnson,
Mra. G. R. McLcod. Mra. 8. W. Ottenhelmer.
Mra. HenVy L. Corbett, Mrs. Forrest 8.
Klsher, Mra. R. H. Sirocr. Mias Ada Doorn
becher. Mra. Wlnthrop Tarry, Mrs. Amadee
M. Smith.
Colonel Mra. Brnnn'a eaptalna Mrs.
Ceorse N. H'w, Mra O. V.'. Mleik. Mrs. W.
S. Punlwajr. Mrs. Ira F". Powera. Mra Walter
J. Holman. Mra. R. A Stewart, Mrs. C. A.
Bell. Mrs. Grorxe Lawrence. Jr.. Mrs. C H,
Simmon. Mra. M. Donald Spencer. Mrs. W.
K. Woodward. Mra. 8. M. Ludera, Mrs.
Thomas M. West. Mra. Ltidwlg Hlrech, Mrs
T. J. Mendenhall. Mra. Thaster Heed.
It is nolnted out bv Wilbur W. Com an.
state chairman, that the work of the 1
American Red Cross Is far from com
pjleted. although the war haa ended.
The Red Cross must now help In cloth
ing and feeding the populations of sev
eral European countries and this de
mand has greatly expanded the serv
ices of the organisation. . . .
The aim of the drive is to Interest
every American man and woman in the
Red Cross. The operations of the or
ganization are not confined to overseas.
for a vast amount of relief work Is be
ing carried on in this country. Even In
Portland the task of caring for depend
enta of aoldiera has assumed large pro
President of National Association
Writes to Governor Wlthycombe.
SALEV. Or, Deo. I. (Special.)
High praise Is accorded to the Oregon
team of marksmen which participated
in the National Rifle Matchea at Camp
Perry, O. this year. In a letter received
bv Governor wlthvromne todny from
Australian Representative Here to
Observe Industrial Methods.
SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 3. That he la
studying American Industrial methods
with a view to applying them to the
after-the-war rehabilitation of Austra
lia's business and ecpnomlo Ufa, was
the statement , here today of George
Beeby, member of the Australian coali
tion government. He will leave for
Chicago and other Eastern points to-
Trade relations with America and the
problem of finding markets for Aus
tralia'ssurplus products he held to be
essential. The surpluses include great
Buying by name is the true economy then
you know you are getting quality
OR years I have bought my silk
underwear' by name, because I
know 'that the name in a silk
undergarment may mean all the differ
ence between satisfactory wear and dis'
"I always ask for Kayser "Italian" Silk
Underwear. Besides being wonderfully
durable and perfect fitting, these gar- '
ments launder easily like my pocket
handkerchief. This saves me time and
Ask to see the new Marvelfit Knicker
and vMarvelfit Union Suit of Kayser
Italian Silk next time you go shopping.
7ou can obtain the &larvelfit features
only in the genuine Kayser Italian Silk
Union Suits, Vests and Knickers. '
Look for trie label
One blue star on the label indicates
the lighter weight; three stars the
heavier weight. Julius Kayser & Co,
New York.
. lUziiterrd tnd pointed
stores of wheat, meat and wool piled
up during the war aa the result of in
sufficient shipping, and their marketing
Is being taken up by H. T. Braddon,
special commercial commissioner to the
United States, now in New York, he
Kx ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ftfoE wfrVnW' p. c or'6 ErTH 1 1 H j 11 yM
P W. ' j. tJf f "Mit a lai-tXttmHi rTII ITiilil 1.1 XXTI i.tiiral fci J, f a 1 1 a a I 1 II iiiVV-i)
taaLataCWi OwilwSJO wOv OO O V J O O O v Cea5 fr" J O O 'O O A 0 ti O O 9 J 1 on O O tf 0 O e 0CSL Jk
night w
was glv
Ilrst Dose of Tape's Cold Cora
pound"' Relieves All Grippe
Don't stay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose
of "Pane's Cold Compound" taken every
two hours until three doses are taken
will end grippe misery and break up a
severe cold either In the bead, chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly opens clogared-up nostrils
and air passages; atops nasty discharge
or nose running; relieves sick headache,
dullness, feverlsbness. sore throat,
sneesinar, soreness and stiffness.
"Pape'a Cold Compound" Is the quick
est, surest relief known and costs only
a few cents at drug stores. It acts with
out assistance, tastea nice and causes
no Inconvenience. Don't accept a sub
stitute. Adv.
To Acquire Curly
Hair Over Night
(The Beauty Seeker.)
There's good newa. Indeed. In the an
nouncement that so simple a method as ap
plying plain liquid ellmertne to the hair will
make it beautifully curly and wavy over
r.lsht. The hair drtas In lovely waves and
rtne-lets that are perfectly natural In ap
pearance, and there la nothing sticky,
creasy er unpleaaant about It. The liquid,
which Is of course quite harmlesa. alao
serves as a splendid dreasing for the hair,
keeping It dellshtfullv sloaey and supple.
If one will procure a few ounces of liquid
sllmerine from the druselat. aha will have
eaoush te keep the hair in curl for weeks.
It should be applied at ntuht with a clean
tooth brush, la the morning the hair will
be very prettily waved, without havlos that
burnt, lireleaa look acquired by using a
heated Iron.
Phon your want ads to The Orego
Slaa. Main 700, A 5095.
DELIGHTFUL affair of Saturday
waa the dancing party which
ven by Miss Lottie Hatfield's
Division of the Comrades' Club, at the
Bnal B'rith Clubhouse. This division
of girls has been commandeered for
sen-Ice aa a dancing unit, under the
direction of Sfiss Alta Inman, aa com
mandant of the Comrades' Club, and
Mrs. Otto Grlce, as chairman of the
community service, under the National
League for Woman's Service.
Other dance units of the Comrades'
Club have for majors Miss Ruth Plum-
mer and Miss Beatrice Locke. These
girls will entertain with dances
throughout the Winter. Miss Hatfield's
division will give two dances a month,
during the first and last week of each
More than ISO men from Vancouver
Barracks attended the dancing; party,
Salnrtliiw ilrt,f
Those assisting Miss Hatfield were I
Miss Inman. as commandant, and Cap-i
talna Nellie Banfield. Eileen Terex,
Abbie Lyman. Agner Torgler. Anna
Walsh. Marlon Citron. Myrtle Bingham,
Marjorio Miller, Ethel Kabla, Glen
Shops. Eugenia Craig, and Leo Us
e e e
Mrs. Eldon J. Steele, president of
Portland Psychology Club, returned
from Spokane Monday, where she was
called a fortnight ago by the Illness of
her brother, H. 8. t'lynn.
e a
Miss Axa Genevieve Paget will pre
sent Miss Marie Gammle, assisted by
Louise Hatfield and Frances Nemlro,
In a complimentary dance recital at
the Lincoln High School auditorium
Saturday night at 8:3u o'clock. Musi
cal numbers will be given by Mrs. Lulu
Dahl illller. with Henning Carlson and
Albert E. Davidson aa the accompanists.
Sylvester M. Mslone, the son of Mrs.
Mary Austin, of this city, who has been
In London. England, with the 33d Aero
Squadron, arrived In New York on the
MaureTania Sunday, and has been, sent
to Camp Mills.
The Literary Society of St. Francis
Church will give a musical and dance
tomorrow riight at Christian Brothers
Hall on Grand avenue and Clackamas
street. All men In uniform will be ad
mitted free.
.A special feature of the evening will
be a feature dance by Miss Gertrude
Donnery, the seven-year-old dancer
who has attracted much favorabae at
tention with her dancing. Little Miss
Donnery Is known as the mascot of the
Third Oregon.
Mrs. M. J. Fennell, Mrs. H. B. Cau
tkorn. Mrs. L. K. Hodges, Mrs. E. K.
Blaxier. and Mrs. W. J. Corcoran, as
sisted by a bevy or attractive girls, will
be in charge of the programme,
Another of the popular - dancing
parties planned by the entertainment
committee of the War Camp Commun
ity Service will be given tonight at
B'nai B'rith Hall, by the second division
of the Comrades' Club, of which Miss
Ruth Plummer Is major. Those as
sisting Miss Plummer will be her cap
tains, Mabel KorelL Elizabeth Mai-
beouf, Marjorle Thomas, Grace Evans,
Beth Ludlam, Elisabeth Lewis, Mrs.
stock Methodist Church will meet
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. A. F. Slegel, Tenth and Jarrett
streets North. Mrs. Slegel will be as
sisted by Mrs. G. D. Ketchum. All mem
bers are requested to bring- their thimbles.
A plea for donations of cheery fur
nishings from Portland homes has been
received from the Louise Home. The
girls' sitting-room at the home is Ji
bleak and dreary place with no com
fortable chairs, no library table, no
magazines or none of the little touches
that make a house more than a place
to live in. Countless Portland attics
are filled with old-fashioned furniture
in good condition which would add to
the comfort of the home greatly.
Old Ladies' Home Journals and old
Woman's Home Companions would also
be greatly appreciated. For the per
sons who have no old furniture and
would like to make a donation, there
Arthur Lewis and Hattlbel Ogilbee. I Is a need of some cheery cretonne for
More than 100 couples will be In at-draperles at the windows, as the room
British Fleet at Llban oa Baltic.
COPENHAGEN, Dec I. A British
fleet arrived yesterday at the port of
Libau in Courland, on the Baltic, says
a Wolff Bureau dispatch from Berlin
tendance at this affair.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cable cele
brated the 20th anniversary of their
wedding at" a reception Saturday even
ing at Vincent's Hall on the Sandy
boulevard. Webb's orchestra played a
programme of beautiful music and 85
friends were entertained. Nine of the
guests had attended the wedding cere
mony of the host and hostess 20 years
bei'ure at Brownsvillo, Or. Twenty
three of the guests were former
Brownsville residents.
Mrs. Cable's father, W. B. Blanchard,
of Brownsville, who Is S6 years old,
renewed old acquaintances among the
guests present.
Is devoid of color and warmth. The
home will gladly eend for any articles
The Portland Grade Teachers' Associ
ation will meet this afternoon, at 4:S0,
In Library Hall. Mrs. Sadie Orr Dun
bar will speak.
OELDOM has the Council of Jewish
(3 Women looked forward to a more
Interesting programme than the one
arranged for this afternoon at Concor
dia Club. Rabbi Arthur Montaa, re
cently elected to Ahavai Sholom, the
conservative congregation, will speak
on Zionism, a topic of vital interest
to Jews of today and a subject on
which he Is thoroughly informed.
An added attraction will be the pro
gramme of operatic numbers to be glv
en by Herman Marcnbein, cantor for
Shaarel Torah congregation. Mr. March
beln Is a native of Russia and has a
rich lyric tenor voice.
a e
The Tuesday Afternoon Club met yes
terday at the home of Mrs. Ben Ries
land, 944 Broadway. The morning waa
devoted to Red Cross work, with a
conservation luncheon served at noon.
At I o'clock the regular meeting of the
club waa called, with rollcall being
answered with quotations from James,
Meredith and Ho wells.
The paper for the day, "Typical Middle-Class
Realists," was given by Mrs.
J. O. Tabler, and Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mes
dames Brown. Bailey and Riesland, gave
readings from Howell. Mrs. W. C. Gun
ther and Mrs. W. D. George were guests
of the club.
y a a
The Wichita Parent-Teacher Circle
will meet Friday at 3 o'clock In the
schoolhouse. A large attendance Of
members is desired.
The Central Portland W. C. T. TT. will
hold a conservation meeting today in
room A of the Central Library.
A regular meeting of the State Worn,
en's Press Club will be held this even
ing at 7:30 in room A of the Central
Library. Eleanor Baldwin will read a
paper on "Creative Power" and Mrs. M.
M- Scott will read a paper on "Love in
Modern Fiction." A programme o mu
sic will be given by Carlin Joslyn.
a a
The East Side Lavender Club will
hold Its annual election of officers Fri
day afternoon at the East Side Business
Men's Club. A full attendance is re
quested. a a a
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Wood-
. it WOMEN'S
The Red Cross auxiliary of the Glenco
district will meet at the school all day
today to sew on hospital garments for
American soldiers. AH women of the
district are invited to attend.
will take first elevator at the Morrison-street
entrance to the library on
the 14th floor.
Auxiliary to Company C, l2d In
fantry, will hold its regular meeting
this evening in the Central Library,
a a
The Gordon Granger Women's Relief
Corps will meet Thursday, to elect offi
cers for the coming year.
The Oak Grove-Concord Red Cross
Auxiliary will meet Thursday after
noon for work on hospital garments.
a a
Auxiliary to Company F, 18th Engi
neers, will meet Thursday evening at
8 o;clock at the Multnomah Hotel to
arrange plans for a homecoming enter
tainment for the boys. Oregon City
members are asked to join the meeting
at this time.
The Red Cross Auxiliary of the First
Presbyterian Church will meet all day
today to work on hospital garments.
Your California Winter Itinerary
Average Weekly Temperatures of Leading California ResorU FOR WEEK
Max. Mln. Mean.
Los Angeles. 69
Long Beach 67
tseveny jtiius. tig
San Francisco 58
Santa Barbara 68
Mln. Mean.
Del Monte. .
Arrowhead. .
Ooean Park. ,
68 62 65
68 49 69
67 65 61
67 65 61
69 65 62
"Within Ew Reach cT&frylkirtf
9 itf ' tl s y i li'.'l
l: ill
fill mm
Southern California Headquarters for many Ore
gon people. Whether it la pleasure or buslnesi that
brings you to Loa Anielea, you will find It to
vour advantage to atop at thla magnificently alt
tiatad metropolitan hotel. Every dealred luxury,
refinement and convenience In heart of city,
ulmost opposite beautiful Central Park. Car Unea
to beaches, missions, etc., few steps from hotel
lobby. 655 rooms, each with private bath. Ab
solutely fireproof. Both Am. end Kur. plana. Tar
iff 11.50 per day upwards. F. M. Dlmmlck, leasee
30b all outaidc rooms each with pri
vate Lath. A class A lireproor hotel
on a direct carline to all points, and
within easy walking distance of thea
ters, stores, otc. Homelike, with a
personality distinctively its own. Golf
courtesies. Both American and Euro
pean plans. Fireproof paraere nearby.
Frederick C. Clift. Pres.
Obadlah Rich, T. Pres. and Manager
In Southern California Sojourn at Magnificent
a-vay " --
Where Peace
Reigns Supreme
HOTEL VIRGINIA Is delightfully situated
on the ocean front, in a region famous for
its equable Winter climate. Tilts
haa gained a world-wide reputation. This is
due not only to the unusual excellence of
its appointments, service and cuisine, but
to a combination of all the attributes of
a great hostelryt together with an atmos-1
nh.r txt trim Vlritinla. hoiDltality. Golf.
tennis, Winter surf bathing, motoring, dan-
oing ana countless other Indoor ana ouiaoor
aivraions. Aosoiuieiy inv
proof. American plan. Write.
for folder, rates, etc.
U. M. HlHHAan, Mrr.
Clots to all tboeslni' theatrical ana boilnm
ecdrltlea, 300 oouida foomi, each wits prints
kath. Bompeaa Fisn ratei 11.50 aoa op. Cale
art ice tanned aa ascelltnt. Tba Hotel of an
ion and terries. Ftea ante bnt Irora all dapola.
WM. It. FLOOD, Manasib
lntr-tilinir resorts. Till ul ti'mt 'ura Vlt
eat at a. A 11 nutMlda rooms.
ach having private lavatory; t ktnrli
of golf. Surf bathing, dancing, tennis,
horseback riding, motoring. Am. plan.
Fireproof. E. P. PUNN. JLcwiee.
M C "
'Sweeping Changes" in Internation
al Laws Should Follow Peace Meet.
WASHINGTON. Dec 3 Postpone.
ment until after, the peace conference
of questions regarding forming; a league
or nations and any "sweeping- changes '
in ancient international laws of free
dom of the seas Is proposed in a reso
lution Introduced today by Senator
Knox, of Pennsylvania, Republican,
formerly Secretary of State.
Immediate withdrawal of American
expeditionary forces. Army and Navy,
and annulment of the President's war
Dowers UDon comDliance by the enemv
xne ea i;ross auxiliary or tne with the armistice terms also are Dm
Woman's Social Science Club will meet posed by the resolution. It was re
today from 10 to 4 at Meier & Franks ferred to the foreign relations commit
to sew on refuaree garments. Members tee without discussion.
The model city of homes. The finest
schools. Numerous public parks. A
wonderful arrowing city and one of the
world's most popular seaside resorts.
Excellent hotel and apartment facili
ties. Home of the celebrated HOTEL
VIRGINIA. 20 miles south of Loa
Angeles and convenient to all historic
and other places of Interest In South
ern California. Write for Interesting
folders and copy of I,onK Beach num
Beach, CaL
One of the Moat Ideally Situated Seaside Re
sorta on the Wcittern t'oast.
S,waS:MM' . llJARUfWH,Sill.iJlLJ.WjlV.i.liaijn
TKe second cup is
emprtinrf ecfter you
iav6 "tried -the
'first and you may
drink as many; as
you please wrih
oirfc norm.
j jJffl1. ""eaf
WIlt-KK IT'S bl'llINtil'IMB
A historic, fuscinating region, al
ways aboundins with intereat, teem
ing with features reminiscent ot the
early days of Callioruia.
tiolf on the two 18-hole courses,
the tinest In America. Turf fair
waya, grass greens. Hunt in the
Private Treaerve. Buthe In the
famous Open-Air Roman Plunfre.
Carl Stanley,
mm ajrjs
O CAN PUiK . -rH A-
.-.i n,i ,..n.i iln-irirv in the Hi-aiitlful
Crtwent 11 uy Uintrict Absolutely fireproof.
European plan, rates from fl per day up
wards. Right In renter of amutement activi
ties of Venice, Santa Monica and Ocean Park.
Guests from ail over Canada and America
make It their Winter home. Write for folder.
tSEHieTlotel and
Unusual facilities are offered for those to
whom recreation appeals, and here the Win
ter visitor may enjoy every form of Win
ter diversion. For physical or mental ex
haustion, from overwork and a complete
Changs from city life, a Winter apant at
either Santa Monica ilaach or Ocean Park
will greatly refresh you. Excellent hotelt,
beautiful cottages, oomfortable apartments;
IT miles west of Los Angeles. Write for
(niorearlnr data. CHAMBER OF
Where Manv Gassed Koldlers From the Bat
tlefields of France Have Been
Successfully Treated.
i'irTOlT;i'J";;i; a 'Lgg,vPsf I
Beautifully situated midway between Loa
Angeles and santa Monlra. Golf, tennis, surf
bathing, weekly dances, sadldle horses, pic
turesque mountain trails. Am. plan. STANLEY
& ANDERSON, Mgr., Beverly Hills. Cat.
LOW Rates
i mil nvvi tv " rirtagr1,
it: 'n etii. u : m: ; at-viui laa'ui
sports; America's
best climate; avi
ation. Army and
Navy activities;
luxurious comfort
the DAILY pro-
arramme at the
Aqnatlc and
S. Grant Hotel. Outdoor Sport
ifumt of the only nntur! dl-ftodlam a ruin
ate steam caves known. Water, mud and
team radio-active, bplendld Am. ptan hotl.
Table supplied from botnl's poultry, dairy
and vegetable ranches. Convenient to South
ern California, via electric oara. Altitude 2000
feet. Picturesque boulevards. JTor oMsr,
write. Arrowhead Springs, Cal.
( InSanFranciscol
i THE 1 1 W I IsaiBM
Ceary Street, Just off Union Square
From $i.SO a Day
Brealclasi 60i Lunch tiOu Ulnner $1 .00
Sundayst Ureaktsti 7bu Dinner tl1.iB
Munlcpal car line direct to door. Motor
Bus meets principal trains and steamers.
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095