Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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material how he arrived at hie pres-
state of distrust of all mankind;
perhaps he has been the victim of
twtnllarfl I- V n Kann am .. nna , . fn
t7n4d.V.:i'ldm'.C5"f0n P,"ffle " "7 venL he has profited littie by
luMcnpuoo nt invariably In aaranc: i nis experience. In the long run the
B Mali.) I man who is his own banker is as
rnr. unUr included, cm yr I likely to lose his funds as If he had
a 3 i u ubicu mem to Knottier. xnieves.
really. Sunday Included. si month .
rily. Sunday Included. thraa month
ttlly, Eunday Included, on moattk
railr, without Sunday, on rear ....
Iliy, without Sunday, tlx month
l'siiy. witnout Sunday, on month ..
VVeeaty, on yar
Sjalay. one rear
kanday aad Weekly
By Carrier.)
Tal'y. tin!ay Included, on yar
I -any, Sundiy included, on month ..... .Jj
I-.!y, Sunday Included, thre month .- J -
t-wily. without Sunday, on year - 3
I'aily. without Sunday, thr month ....
1 00
1 SO
predacious animals and the elements
have a way of preying; upon the her
mit hoarder that is almost fatalistic.
It was largely because of sympathy
for those who are unable to discrim
inate in their choice of banking
facilities that the Federal postal sav
ings bank system was evolved. More
recently the war savings stamp and
the liberty bond have extended the
w.ij e .w-i...i .-
Mow I Remit nd pctoffle. monT or- I """'""'' "
er. txpree or personal check oa your I oca. I immeasurably. There is now, in-
hank Krn n. ,, nr currency r at own
or' rtik. civ posiorrir address la 'ulU In-
Cindlna county and tata
Pastac Rate It 1 Pxe. 1 rent: 1
IS pace. Z cent; I to 4 PIW cent:
to o pace. 4 cants: -' to paces. S
tU: 7i to i pasta. canta. port-
eta, aouoi rates.
Kaatera Baalneaa Offk-e Verre at Conk-
ltn. Hrunswu buiidln;. New York; Verre A
tonairn. Merer Oulldlnc. cnicaao; erre m
Vonklla. Kree Pre bulidin. letrolU Mich.;
tia I'rucuK representative, iC J. Biuwell.
l'h Associated Press is eacluaivvly entl
I to th us, for republication of all news
tfeeairhca credited to it or not thrwia
ar-onel tr this paper and also th local
aew piniian4 Herein.
AM ri(ina of republication of asocial ls-
raicne herein in a.o reserved.
PORTI.A.1D. TtESDAT. DEC. t. Itlt.
President Wilson, in his address to
Congress, expressed Jn eloquent lan
guago the gratitude of the Nation to
the soldier, ani Bailors, the civilian
employes of the Government and the
millions of men and women In private
lit who have each done their part
In winning the great triumph of
democracy over despotism. Properly
It gives the. highest praise to the
soldiers and sailors who have risked
life, limb and health in the cause
which all free men in all lands have
had at heart. The Nation owes them
a debt which It will continue to pay
gladly in trust, honor ami affection
ao long as any of thorn lives. In the
esteem of the people they will be
added to that great body of veterans
of former wars as the best and bravest
In the land.
The President struck the right note
In Ma reference to the subject of re
construction. It can best be effected
by removing as quickly as possible
the restraints which war made neces
ary, and by leaving the initiative and
enterprise of the people to work it
out tn their own way, with the aid
but without undue interference of the
Government. The very nature of the
railroads, their exercise of govern
mental power and their performance
cf a public service, require that an
exception be made in their case. The
President rightly says that they should
rot be kept in doubt as to the future
policy of the Government lie Is
equally right in saying that they
should not again be placed in the
position they occupied before the Gov
ernment assumed control. They were
then compelled to compete, though
the public interest, as well as their
own, required regulated co-operation,
They were denied the means of keep
ing pace with the needs of yearly in
creasing traffic under the false im
pression that the public interest was
thus served. They were subject to
deed, not a single reason why any
man should bury money in the
ground. It is unnecessary to elaborate
upon the thought that the guarantee
Is as strong as the Government and
the Government the strongest and the
most solvent in the world. The man
who would, Insist on better security
would be a fit subject for inquiry by
a sanity board.
The last dollar ought now to emerge
from its hiding-place. As a matter
of fact. It will be needed more than
ever in the reconstruction work of
tivity. After reducing their captives
to skeletons by hunger and overwork,
to say nothing of brutality, they tell
the ' men to "go home," though the
prison may be hundreds of miles-from
the boundary. Winter Js near, but no
clothes are provided for travel and
no food or money is given. If they
gave the matter a thought, they most
know that they will be called to ac
count at the Peace Congress. The
truth must be that they know no
beria and the captured German
islands. A broad, generous policy,
such as the American delegates to the
peace conference will surely advocate.
will satisfy all legitimate claims and
Those Who Come and Go.
War Aeeoan
Pllahment and Prodigality
of Hen Related.
A etoud of leading members of the There, recently returned to America
ammuons or japan ana win rou an Christian (Campbelllte) cnurcn are ai ei- T?,.,i0,tu Ttwir who wa the
Germany. . Solely on the Multnomah preparatory to opening Minister
In Other Days.
Twenty-live Tear) Ago,
From Th Orexonian, December 9, 1893.
There was another large crowd at
It was said of several things Urkph of Mr. Draper's dispatch.
schemes of
grounds of self-interest, Japan would today a session of the pastors from Ore- h . d Geor(te was aDDointed as Merrill's Crystal Palace Academics at
train nnfliine or, wv ev.thin, Eon churches who are to be instructed wnen i,ioya ueorge as appoiniea s ' ,..., . ... .ut
tVlnor T.n With 7,,- io- l the details of gathering a large Minister of Munitions in the early days tne it.xposii.ion ounu..; -.a..-
EnrftJw'wT . t y' , J contribution of funds to finance all op- of the war. Irr talking with a New About 4000 people were present and
country would use Japan until it had eT&tiona ot th8 christian Churches for TorUer, Sir Frederick modestly quoted there were 350 skaters. As on pre-
power to crush resistance and then i919. A Iund wU1 be created to cor- a few of tne thlngs that the British vious nights, the attractions came off
would benevolently assimilate her respond with the United War Work an ir.kir . well m ht bark .rti. v,.,t th. event
in me manner aixemptea wua Kussia. drive recently neia. xnose ai me. uu- tho hordes of gray that threatened to wero performed in a better manner
A characteristic piece of German nomah are Dr. and Mrs. Dye, oi romona, take Calais ' swinging across the 21- Applause was continually showeaed
mendacity is exposed 4n the last para- - unnineimra , V iTra '," mile English Channel, and by a stmul- upon the participants.
The iuiuanaiiuuB, taneous dash or the lierman navy ana
that they would win the war. but so-called secret treatv ln ouestion was ' K"8"0" "L" JS!r.t"0'
i " la-irinninrmnniin- -( r-r w hii ri hmu i-j
steel, as much as any other Inanimate not secret, for it was published at Corey, of Cincinnati; J. H. Mahorter, of
""f. iu oieei eoiers into almost J tue hixih. nuasia ueairea to wimaraw gt. Jjouisi B. T. Cornelius, OI tne v:ity
everything used in war, and the total troops from Eastern Siberia for use of 'Mexico, and F. E. Smith, of
nwilttlMlln. r.9 t.M TThU.J C . - I in ITm-nnA hfit la,lMi4 1 t n i - I M.Tnxia Tnif
- mo uuhcu jiauto wat u jiAwvt w- ucoi, mo. w utj c- i i to aDoreciaie now tne uritisn dcodib : . v. ; . . v.
a,t,hC d'P0E,al 0f .h iUo and 1119 C"e aalnst a1ttac,15 h Japan or any Captain TrisUn. who is looking after J borne patiently with unequaled haa been forced t0 Bhut 0(t the street
wa. aava,7a dWU US. JJC'KiUlU aUU CU I LHt a- w c 1 1U J-lCa- w uuai ICI I w , k nHnof rnnf Inn r f chinn Tnf tha M T n fl I .aj uiuia kiui . ll. o auouixiK JUtxu v a. vvvw i 11-ut- inrinv T1 a r ! V eVAniTlir t atnil
rieets or eppeuns or a try at cap- owing to the extremely high water
turing Old England. ln nreeon Citv the head of the General
Things have moved a bit since those Kiot-i,, rnmnanv la nit don from 40
dangerous days, but it is going to take to 20 feetj wnich reduces the power 60
ir mo '"6' per cent and prevents the service being
A most enviable record has been
made by Oregon in general, and by
Portland in particular, in all war in
dustries. In contributions to every war
fund and in subscriptions to Liberty
loans. This Is set forth in convincing
form by Sydney B. Vincent, director
of the News Service Bureau of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce, in
most all that of France had been British government was consulted and s-overnment. arrived at the Benson from
seized by Germany. Great Britain had advised Russia to approach Japan Washington, D. C, yesterday.
to supply her allies as well as herself, I directly. Russia did so, and the treaty!
and she imported iron ore from was the result. By it Janan agreed Jerome J. Day, of Moscow, Idaho,
and other countries. Germany tried to respect and protect Russian inter- 18 registered at the Hotel Portland.
to cut off the Spanish supply by in- ests in Eastern Asia.
citing strikes among the Bilbao propaganda represents
Tet German Robert N. Stanfield. leading wool-
The production of the United States
was the chief reliance of the allies,
and when we went to war it had to
be enormously Increased ln order to
this treaty, producer of the West, left for his home men are today manning and operating
great wars one at Bea ana tne outer Dlv. rammarclIli customers. At 11
in very widely separated fields of ac- 0.clock however, the street lights are
nun on lanu. at la Hnuwil lull biiiub ,--,. j the u.nil ,rvl. 0-Wen
ma uegiuuius ui liio wttr idu ur ujura I
the most of these have heen nut down uoio.-in. ruga waters 01 in.
a J nnnnillo 1. aw e.l...J kaae.. f ha
by the British. A million and a half of v"""' '!"
made at British suggestion, as being at Ontario yesterday, after several days the hundreds of chips of the British
in Portland with Mre. Stanfield who' is
I at the Mallory Hotel.
navy and merchant marine, and in four
years, by efforts which may be counted
as almost superhuman, she has in
creased the strength of her already
great navy by one-half. In other words.
as has been said, in Bplte of the great
directed against England and Amer
lues umueuveni auuum plj m 0.9 ai T , w nl . j-i,,r
. . . . ..... I ml B. U. 11. V. i . . awu uaub."-".
warning to Americans to receive wnniVa . . mtert h Mr, Phil
supply both them and ourselves. The skepticism any reports of discord vaisrhan Kr have arrived from South-
steel output in the second half of 1918 among the allies, and to suspect them ern Oregon, and Mrs. Neill and daughter demands upon her shipbuilders, as well
was estimated at Is, 000,000 tons, but I of German origin. There are some will reside at the Imperial for the win-1 as lor repairs to her own navy and
the manufacturers were called Upon to conflicts of Interest among the allies, Iter. Mrs. Metschan has been a guest those of the allies, she has, during the
supply 2J,000,000 tons for war alone, but they can be amicably adjusted, of Mrs. Neil! for the past six weeks. four years of war strain, built and put
and they were in a fair way to do it and the United States will have great yi f w.,v.t ,m Vl.t 1. arsesl nvr Jna 18 feet 1 inch, a t
when the armistice stopped the war inHuence Ih that work as a powerful in 24 hours. It is
uumiuuu. I uisiuieresieu meoiaior in wnoui u 1, .1 tha Mntt nreron. comb n nc Dull-
There Is good reason to believe that I have confidence. That being the case, iness and pleasure on his Portland trip.
one of the cnnrrnllinsr mntiVM when I nnnn of tha aiiiph la llicplv tn hecom I
Mrs. Alexander 1 nompson, mcrnuer 01
the Tvegislature from Wasco County,
is staying at the Seward.
Coos Bay & Roseburg Railroad for a
distance of 18 miles. In many places
the freshet has completely washed out
the bed. - It is generally believed that
there will be no trains running to Myr
tle Point for several months. The flood
has done damage to the extent of sev
eral thousand dollars, but the exact
amount will not be known until the
floods recede.
Germany sued for peace was the cer- I the tool of Germany.
tain impending loss of the iron field
in both French and German Lorraine. I The fruit Juice industry of the Pa-
Her prodigality in sending men into
the war is almost -unbelievable for a
little nation, of much less than half
of the population of the United States.
Her 8,000.000 of men given to the allied
cause means that she has given in pro-
Contrary to expectations, the river
continued to rise last night, reaching
rise of 2 feet 1 inch
now at a standstill
at 18 feet 2 inches. No damage was done
except to the cellars and docks built
below the 18-foot level. As nearly all
the cellars and docks are built above
the 20-foot level, little or no damage
has been done.
ftn .l,l. .Anlknt.t 4m . . a DbMaI I Tha A mAlane ha. ... , ,V.. T?l n I .IK. . 1 T a-
Phalanx, as being very largely due field in a pocket by their advance east tions surpassing those of the defunct Adkins Saw Company, held tneir annual linit.n 5tatA. v.r wr- tn ;,i I
. ...k:ku:.. I. 1 II..... a. a, i- J J i I i , - l mi . : I Mnvantnn vputurflav at the JYIUltnOman I - - - - - - -
I'luiiiuHtuu. . vt lij c iuvuBH iu iu Douau aim luey Drewerf i ii u us Li y . jine cou
Banishment of alcoholic liquors has (were about to launch a great attack an abundance and a great
increased the efficiency and industry I in the vicinity of Metz, which would I fruit, and there is no reason why
Pacific Coast representatives of the f.L0 eJ" PPlation nrly three
Skins Saw Company, held their annual T. ,r J " ' . .
country grows convention yesterday at the Multnomah " " V ".. f)1""1" ev" J"e tofe
country grows R h' , Keicrhbor was chairman Britain s Contribution in men up to
eat variety o f 2,dtiarSjr0t. 'S&r- E"8?!1' th?
of workmen, as demonstrated by the I have cut it off on the south, when the should not produce the necessary I notel in tne forenoon and they ranged
prize-winning leais or Pomana snip-1 armistice stopped nosuiiues. 11 would beet sugar. The one tning lacking from Mexieo City to Vancouver, B. c.
yards, and Has reduced the numSer I soon have been captured, and the Mets would then be containers, for which
of accidents. .It ha. resulted ln the I offensive would have taken the Thlon- elan hithot-tn hna ho.n tiaorl Pna. William Bryam and George Marsden
swellintr of bank deposits, of bond villa field in German Lorraine.- sihlv Knrnr. wnorl r-otlld hn siihstl. stockmen of Grant county, arrivea wnn
and war fund subscriptions, ln raiS'
ing the general standard of comfort.
in larger sales of useful things, in
Fifty Tears Ago.
From The Oreronlan, rcember 3, 1SR.
Mr. Klernari, the sexton of Lone Fir
Cemetery, states that there was but
would have nearly 18.000,000 soldiers one burial In that cemetery during the
In khaki. On t hn hnnln nf 1 nnn nnn nr month of November And nil fa.r ah he
thereabouts of Britons who have given knows there were but five deaths ln the
their lives in the last four years, Amer- city.
ioa, in proportion to population, would
have been called upon to Kive 2.000.000
of her 'sons, to be ground up in the
gigantic mawijf war.
in a spirit or. fair play and anore
elation of what that nation has done
for this country, an influential com-
A morning or two since we copied an
item from a Sound paper stating that
in view of the coming railroad certain
parties had made improvements near
Seattle to the extent of $690,000. A
gentleman of this city who has been
Germany drew three-fourths of her tuted. It is odorless, tasteless, strong f"1,6 shipments Sunday and finding
iron supply from the invaded and an- and light. It is used in honey-boxes 'J. Seattle. Emmeti Cochran,
nexed territory in the west, and some and butter firkins. Human ingenuity Hi ...... ThB hank at Henoner and
better health. In prompt payment oflof her Generals have admitted that, should be able to adapt it to fruit- wno i3 aiso a stockman, brought a car
bills and In great reduction of crime, I after this was lost, they could not juice containers. of cattle to Portland yesterday. All
drunkenness and court expenses. The I have fought for three months. Know- I " I three were registered at the Imperial.
men who were thrown out of em- ing that they were unable to hold It, "it is not a good time to pull off a - ,. t,.,Ti,.r r Kheri-
ployment have found Other occupa- 1 and that their line of retreat through I strike two weeks before Christmas, dan, is visiting at the Hotel Oregon, opened at the Hotel Belmont. New York Bav- and tnat mo!it of this improvement
mittee has been organized In New York exercising his foresight by taking
and other states to pay a long-'delayed landa. etc, on the Sound, states that
tribute from America to Britain, be- ""ear Seattle" means Taconia, the new
cember t, 1918. Headquarters have been town springing up on Commencement
tions, seven large breweries have Belgium would soon be blocked by There never is. for that matter, a good
been adapted to other industries, and I the American advance from Sedan and I time, to strive no nv man who has I Hueh McLaln. postmaster of Marsh
the direct loss consists only in . the I the British-American advance from been in one and was beaten will aver. I field, arrived yesterday at the Hotel
idleness of four small breweries and Valenciennes and TournaU they threw At this timo of the year such action Portland.
the vacancy of a few former saloon 1 up their hands rather than take a i- not fair to the women and children, j tt Eggert, of Hood River, is stay
ounaings. unocKout, for the former will be deterred by iner at the New Perkins.
uregon ana its metropolis are wen Recovery or Lorraine by i ranee wui fear- from spending holiday money,
equipped to do their part in the great I transfer supremacy in steel production I and the latter will have all the Joy
period of industrial activity which -on the continent of Europe from Gcr- cnni7M nnt of the season. Svm-
opens with the restoration of peace, many to that country. Of 41,900,000 pathy, like other feelings, begfns at
ana tnis tact is in large measure due I tons of iron ore consumed Dy tier- home.
to the fact that the natural energy of I many in 1913, 21,000,000 tons came
the people, is not impaired by artifi-Jfrom Lorraine. France will gain this I The conduct commended to the
City, and the honorary chairmanship has been done with Portland capital,
has been taken bv Dr. Charles W. Elint. I
of Harvard, with Judge Alton B. Par- Th" Cheyenne village of Black Kt
ker. former Democratic candidate, for tie's band on the North Fork of the
President of the United States, as Wichetaw River was captured yesterday
chairman. at daylight by the cavalry under Gen-
As the movement is a national one. oral Curtiss. Ten Indians were killed
I u . ii i . . a. i a. i . . a anrl 1 talrAti nricfinir nnH miir-tt nnnin.
Geortre Crystal, of New York, who l"u"".M' . i r." Tr;:ee
- . iitiTr, e ia ii If and battery American cities on uecemDer I and i..... a...
was a victim or an assault ana paiiery K'fc, . . . , . lra misnintr. nnn nrivate kllleil and
case in the Benson many months W h7" " ' , ..L. 7. T. 1 1 wounded. The. Indiana fought
has returned to Portland and IS Once ri. ? , "'"-". "I ! n,rlv. Women arm hovs nartirlnatintr.
more registered at the Benson. Mr. " u Ll. '7
a vi. Aoa.n3nt fnr I'.nnil l v. iicuu winuii uns uuuntry owes l " ' '
it is to Degin eoraeT i J ,r A.-mcc., vj.
.. .. ,ha
cial stimulants, and their earnines are In Addition to recoverintr the 3.800.000 Ampriran nrmv of ocrimatlnn in Gcr- time, this week in the local courts. man- vanaaiism and our own safety.
not wasted in such indulgence.
This I tons which Germany drew from the many is in accord with that normally
fact cannot fail to attract men wholBriey field., Germany's domestic sup- pursued by a victorious Anglo-Saxon I .Ji ;.ii r R Rei-
seek new homes and investors who I ply will bea reduced to 7,000.000 tons, army after defeating barbarians to Bj,u and family.' Miss Maria Douma and
seen opportunities in manufactures, i ana ner steel .industry win oe maiotjr i treat tnem witn humanity as a prac- i Miss Isabelle urauhart.
commerce or direct production from I dependent on imports from Sweden, J tical demonstration of the difference
the soil on farm, forest and mine. I Spain and Russia, for France is not I between a civilized and a barbarous
Freedom from alcohol is both a moral likely to sell to Germany. The prod- people. When they have departed
A party from Moro arrived yesterday SEEKERS CF SOCIALISM DIVIDED.
gain and a valuable asset.
Final disposition of the mortal re
mains of our honored dead who fell in
the manifold and . often conflicting I France will finally be determined, bv
regulation of Federal and state com- the wishes of the nearest of kin. It
missions and laws. The experience I seems now that this sentiment will
of the war has evidently taught the be largely in favor of return to the
i-resiaeni, as it Has taught the people, soil of the land for which they fought.
xnai in imposing these Handicaps on I although it is far from being unani
tne railroads, tne law harmed the mousiy so.
uct of Silesia and Posen may also be from this rule, they have by so much
lost to Poland, making Germany still fallen short of civilized standards.
worse off. Germany will never be able
Lieutenant W. P. Vollbracht. of St
Paul, was at the Multnomah yesterday
with a clincing vine at nis leu arm.
An Olympia paper learns that there
is a probability of a mall service being
put on the route established in the last,
session of Congress between The Dalles
and the Yakima Valley. The postoffices
on the route will be known as Block
House. Fort Simcoe and Rockland, in
Klickitat County; Atahnam, Moxle and
Parker"s Valley, in Yakima County. The
service will be weekly. Application
.to threaten the liberty of the world
again, because sne naa not enougu
iron and could not import it during
waf without command of the sea.
Two of Three Groups on Wrong Road,
Says Correspondent
PORTLAND, Dec 2. (To the Editor.)
The difference between the Socialist
The voung couple were married Just Labor party and the Socialist party is blanks have been forwarded to the sta-
before the officer left to report at van- such a fundamental and vital one that tions on the route.
couver. I unity is impossible between these two
tit v TTMiiee rpnmpn tat I ve from I parties so long as that difference ex-I OLD OPERATOR RECALLS STATIC
Polk County, is at the Hotel Portland, 'sts and it will exist as long as one
The draft of a treaty of alliance be
tween Germany and Japan, which
The sentiment expressed I contains internal evidence of forgery
Marriage is not the end but the
beginning of the career of the pro
fessional woman. There is a mate for Representative B. F. Jones is at the Im- Party's conception of socialism and how interfered With Imperfect Telegraph
every woman in tne wortu, sumo-1 nerlal. Representative ueymour is at ' &- mvnjr nuw mai m
where, and when he appears, profes- the Seward. r y'
.t.. ,a u a. tt, I The Socialist party s idea of how to
sion is mo last cuuamei ilijh. l .-,..,.,,,-,. i ,. j. ,
AltUrOW ACimnuj, a ccvv.w . . . . - duupiidui piuu IHO 1 ,Y JIIUUUCLIUII ID
example, a young woman who has for
a dozen years been among the mo6t
efficient ln City Hall service has re
signed to marry. It is the right way,
erator, is at the Multnomah.
people whom it was designed to serve, by Colonel Roosevelt in his letter to and is being circulated by the extreme tmBolt h&been orAiineA.
- -o .- A.UnAj wuttnu juartu A-iJiua xuauy auswermg t socialists OI tjerniany as navmg ueeu
xesses mat ne nas reacnea no conclu- echoes. The suggestion that the atrreed on by the short-lived govern
sion, as to tne Dest policy to adopt, I ground upon which the soldier fell I ment of Prince Max, is important for
jio moicaiea uu in cnoice lies i is hallowed thereby is not without a I nr.iv nnn reason. It mav have been
among three return to the pre-war formidable array of supporters. As- fort-erf in order to discredit' ln the
Without a submarine and her navy
trimmed to helplessness, Prussia (not
Germany) is obsessed with the divine
Mother CHea Case. That Help Mow
Down Level of Salaries.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To the Editor.)
-If it were possible to place all teach-
to be carried on under that system is
this: The party would put its candi
dates into office to hold down these
political positions and administer the
affairs of socialism for the people. A
majority of votes are powerful enough
to capture the political offices, the
party thinks, while the mere changing
of the personnel of the Government is,
in the belief of the party, the turning
I : ' r . . . ti.i. i . ii,,a
e ?ir
I www. w ... ... . . jonty suiiaiiM " JWVJt tho ollifs and the United States - "
ment; -complete Government con- the wishes of individuals will be ner- .1,1,1, shimonn -.. a. mprl"18 aluea &na lne jnllea a-tes. timely. But why are some workers
trol. accompanied, if necessarv. hvlmittoH n pnnlmi Li.v.'u -t I nlaced in such higher esteem than
in perpetuating the state or political
government with a view to using it as
1'aed la Early Days.
PORTLAND, Deo. 2. (To the Edi
tor.) I have been reading your edito
rial in The Sunday Oregonian on
"Static," which I find very Interesting,
being an old (very old 186S-'73) tele
graph operator in the Continental code.
in Great Britain.
I was familiar with both single and
double needle, and magnetic bells, be
fore learning the Morse key of today:
also Wheatstone's alphabetical, which
was an auxiliary to the messenger
service, and took the place, in a very
limited degree, of the telephone of to-
actual irovernment ownership; or I The whole theory of the funeral president of which, Ebert, is Chancel-
uuuira aim uuiuuuii puu- Mrvice, or tne last resting-piace or 1 iQr of the new Republican govern-
a.c regulation. wnicn win avoid the mortal body, and of the memorials ment
wasterui competition ana win ellectl which we eroxt is founded upon the j There would have been no chance
a considerable degree of unification, idea of solace for the living. We do ef nuttine over such a forgery if it
This last policy, accompanied by de- not believe that the poor fragments did not accord with the known opin
Whoever "put a head' a new0tners? Are not school teachers hu-
one on an evening contemporary is a man, possessing varied personalities
an instrument with which to administer da3:: being installed in police stations,
rank iconoclast. Next thing some
body will want to move Mount Hood
and reverse the Willamette.
What is making Idaho a great
velopment of waterways and high- of our loved ones are better or worse l0ns and past actions of the Scheide- -tj", Development of irrigation
V' the ""J'1 m 0tt ln "e PlaCe than ln another' but maM 0UP- The swun thelr party Projects W at w l make Extern
of transportation, seems to combine we build up a structure of comfort lnto llne with the militarists at the F,rXn a n JmtU' Same thlntr
the most advantages with the fewest
disadvantages, but its details would
require painstaking working out by a
Federal commission of the highest
The President's recommendation
for ourselves out of the symbols which I outbreak of the war, and they stood
we create. Wo do not believe that by It as long as there seemed to be
the spirits of those who have gone
before are given to confining them
selves to the pitifully small space
hich we assign -to the body in a
that some special effort be made by I cemetery. The immortal part of our
mis country to aia tne restoration or loved ones may dwell here with us. I tt t,lrn r fnrti.nn on thn battle.
misica xratico ana seigiuta win though their bones lie deep ln the soil fieid raised new hopo of victory.
strike an answering chord in every 0f a far-away land. Yet the tradi- sr-hoid-mann was a willine tool of the
a good prospect of German victory.
They did not begin to cry for peace
until danger of defeat arose; even
then they called for a German peace,
and they relapsed into silence when-
The Kaiser's reputation for veracity
is so bad that his attempt to pass the
will gain no credence.
lication officially, to be
American heart, but he might well tions which surround our burial cus- militarists ln buying the Bolshevlki wldelT in thiscountry.
auucu otina, auaiir, t uiauu, inms nave a Strona- nold UDOn us: . ...ln Dml. In the. ottomnt tn
Ron mania and some parts of Greece, and the War Department in prepar- L.ih an intornntinnai Socialist neace
n is our part, as me ncnesi among jng ror tha eventuality of the rebunal conference at Stockholm. He stood
t rf ro tit natlnni oa thn nna fn I a.i ... . .a . i ia , , I ' . . .
. ...... , I ill vuia uuuutrr vi Lite ZHiiuiers wuuhii h tha pnvprnmpnt whan Tflfl rirpst.
wkUk V. . 1 1. . 1 ,1 . I . . . . I . , . .. . . . I J fc
11113 1 relatives wisn it aoes wen in iaung Litovsk treaties were forced, on Rus
one wnicn nas prontea most ana sur- this sentiment into account, I nnrl ha discountenanced the
fered least in the war, to help these! it is, therefore, a real comfort to .t-itra,. r if.t Tnnn.arv. Milifjtrlstji
cnppiea, impoverisnea, out untve ana know that no pains have been spared
proud nations to their feet, that they in keeping a precise record of Amer-
may continue to bear the torch of lib- lean soldiers who have died abroad,
erty as undauntedly as they have it is now estimated that fewer than
1 per cent lack complete" idehtifica-
the same as other women.
In raising a family and trusting our
young a large portion or tneir time
with other women school teachers
do thev always meet with careful. Con
scientious guidance? I answer boldly,
I have personally known young
women school teachers, one who was
in the 6ame home with me tne pas
Winter. She was home at 3 P. M. daily
and made no effort to keep herseif in
formed as Anna Read thinks they all
do. She scanned the paper hurriedly
a few minutes daily to learn where a
dance would be given to the soldiers
Testimony of American prisoners 1 or what was offering at the show
in Germany should be taken for pub- houses. She then phoned up a party
distributed I Of girl irienas, usually teacners snu
was invariably out most an or ner
and large business houses. Using let
ters direct It could be operated by any-
Oregon an empire? Same thing.
A "no-strike" agreement with em
ployers is the earnest action of work
ingmen. All .the big and brainy
unions have it and hold to it.
evenings, often getting ln as late as
1 and !! A M.
She never attended church, when
Sunday came, she was too tired .(not
buck for responsibility for tha war from school work, however), and usual-
borne it during the last five years of
fiery trial.
The greatest part which the Gov
ernment ran take properly in the
work of reconstruction is in carrying
out the plans of Secretary of the In
terior Lane, which the President com
mends to Congress for action. By
reclaiming the great areas of arid,
swamp and cut-over land and selling
them to men who will live on them
and farm them, the Government can
employ those returned soldiers for
whom other employment cannot read-
ily be found, can provide them with
homes, can add to agricultural pro
duction and can convert into a valu
able asset that which is now an un
sightly waste.
have been taken into the Ebert gov
ernment, and the activity of army
officers in the Soviets indicates that
they may regain control of the army.
All of these circumstances point
Discipline in the Army and discre
tion in the postoffic are two great
factors In government, but Mr. Burle
son has them mixed.
A warrant was issued for the r.ppre
hension of a Texas man for the pur
pose of inquiring into his sanity.
When the. Sheriff served the paper,
the man pleaded for time to get his
money together. This was given him
and from various nooks and crannies
about the place he, unearthed about
11700. The Sheriff is quoted by a
Texas contemporary as doubting that
the man is insane, and as expressing
the belief that one who could save
J1T00 by working at odd jobs, as the
prisoner had done, is distinctly in his
right mind.
It is not for the purposo of discuss
ing degrees of insanity and the various
manifestations of them that this in
cident is recalled, but to suggest that
a man who in these times thinks it
necessary to bury his money for safe
ty is at least "queer." if he is not
violently Insane. That is to say, he
is so far subnormal that ho Is in
capable of adjusting himself in his
relation to society in the exercise of
one of its important functions. It is I
Hon. and that this proportion is being one way. Because Germany has been
rapidly diminished. , The well-known defeated and has become a republic,
aluminum identification tags supplied she ha9 not renounced militarism.
each soldier nave served tneir pur- xhe character of the people, their am-
pose wen. mey nave Deen supple- bitions, their belief in force and
mented by other methods of ldentifi- friirhtf ulness. are unchanged. They
cation, of which the ringer-print is deposed the Kaiser because he had
one. All information is carefully failed, not because they had re-
checked, chaplains on the battlefields nounced his aims and ethics. At
nave more tnan justified tnemseives heart they remain militarists under
by me work tney nave none in tnis the renublirf as they were under the
Douglas Fairbanks will have an
added attraction to many ln the
knowledge that his wife has been
given, a decree.
connection, and relatives may rest as.
sured that no profanation of the
sacred relics has been or ever will be
"Where the tree falls," Said Colonel
Roosevelt, referring to his son's ulti
mate burial, "there let it lie." It is
incidentally interesting to trace the
quotation. Its spirit is embodied in
the third verse of the eleventh
chapter of Eccleslastes, which the
Colonel probably had in mind:
empire. Other republics have gone
forth to conquer Greece, Rome,
Venice, and in our own time, Chile.
If the Scheldemann Socialists under
Max actually countenanced such a
treaty with Japan as has been at
tributed to them, they acted true to
form. So they would have done under
Ebert. Mere discussion of such a
document would answer the purpose
of one of their methods of warfart
to spread suspicion and. thereby cause
The question what ought to be done
with the ex-Kaiser might be made
seven times as interesting by includ
Ing his sons.
Captain do la Mar is best remem
bered ln this region as the man who
revived the glories of O-wy-hee twenty
years ago.
It will be observed that tho Presi
dent takes Mrs. Wilson on the trip,
What a fine example to the run of
Pity the sorrows of tho poor col
lector. Congress has razzledazzled
him by passing Kitchin's revenue law.
Now it is certain Mackehsen was
a Scot sometime, lie doesn t Know
when he Is "licked." but he will.
if th floods be full et rain, they empty I division among the allies. Defeated
themsalven uoon tha earth: and if tha tree I , . . . , . , . m,un ,i.t.
fall tow.rd th outh or toward th. north. la ",c "" 6"" " ,,
in the place wher th tre falleth thr improved cnance OI success. wnue
hall it be, I hostilities continued, the allies so
For those who are in accord with 1 r-lAarlv saw the need of union that Killing having ceased abroad, it Is
the Interpretation of words of the I such methods failed, but victory has time the tongs resume, ahd they have
preacher which the Roosevelts have I diminished that need and has brought I made a start at ban irancisco,
nlaced unon them, there is a move-1 tn the fore the possible sources of
ment already on foot to dedicate cer-1 dissension. Germany has doubtless A policeman caught bootlegging is
tain grounds in Flanders and France, not forgotten How Talleyrand at the out of luck and out of a job, provided
These are not In. alien soil, in the Congress of Vienna won far more they prove it on mm.
broadest sense. There will rest those 1 moderate terms for b ranee tnan
whose loved ones would prefer to mieht have been hoped, by playing If you have a relative or friend in
have it so. But, as has been said, we I on the rivalries of the allies of tnat olive drab, you belong to tne itea
shall have also the privilege of burial I time. I Cross. Dues are now due.
nearer home for those others whose I Japan offers a better opportunity
griefs will be assuaged by this course, I for German intrigue to cause division I . W'ilson breaks another precedent by
and perhaps a National cemetery in than any other of the allies. She has 1 unloading the first day of the session,
America which Americans will always I not tho close bond of racial affinity,
regard as a National shrine. J frequent intercourse and comradeship
In battle which holds together tne
Tha German stvle of releasing prls-1 European allies and the United States.
oners of war is of a piece with the j There are possible sources of friction Au revoir, Woodrow, but not good-
cruel treatment aocordca tnem in cup-1 witn ner in tne iuture ot mma, 01-j Dye:
The Hun dies hard, but he may as
well call it the end. .
ly spent the day in bed or fixed up
some party dresses. She laughed that
it did not matter what she wore to
school as she taught among young
foreigners mostly and they did not
Children do notice though and once
I visited school to learn if my boy of
10 was mistaken. He complained that
his teacher (a woman near 60) had bad
breath and was constantly raising in
her handkerchief and his stomach was
irritated by same. I found on close ob
servation that he was not mlBtaken.
This elderly woman had a bad case
of catarrh, admitted it and was totally
unfit for the schoolroom.
Also in visiting schools I noticed a
tendency among teachers to complain.
They seemed always to consider them
selves overworked and misused, sup
pose they do have three months vaca
tion there is. always work they can do
if they wish. A little experience in
housework miarht not be amiss and
can always be had. At this they would
learn what the mothers are doing in
the homes and might be better fitted
if they are sincerely wisSing to be
helpful. Considering their hours and
Saturdays off I think they are well
paid for their services. A MOTHER.
To Drlna; Bodies Home.
PORTLAND. Dec. 2. (To the Edi
tor.) Can the bodies of the soldiers
be sent back if so desired? If bo how
would you proceed? Does the Govern
ment pay the expenses of shipping the
bodies back or do tne people nave to.
It has been announced that the bodies
of fallen soldiers will be returned to
the United States by the Government.
Arrangements will not be made until
the ship space is available.
Property In Safe Deposit.
DEER ISLAND, Or., Dec. 1. (To the
Editor.) If a man rents a safe de
posit box In a bank and places money
or other valuables in it and then the
bank fails can he go and get the con
tents of his box at any time or would
the contents be held the same as a de
The security of valuables in a 6afe
deposit box is not affected by the
failure of the bank.
This proves that that party's concep
tion of a Socialist administration Is all
wrong and wrong accordingly are its
tactics. Votes have no such power as
the Socialist party attributes to them,
besides a majority of the votes cast
for this party are obviously not those of
otrnltttinn(of a knf' nn Vt A ain n - r tii-oai
of reformers, people who do not want ma 11 necessary to remove the colls,
socialism, but merely desire to obtain magnetize the inner needle Lsu-
some reforms that the Socialist party aI1r th' happened only during electric
always puts in its platform for the pur- storms.
pose of catchine such votes. Even if the Single and double needle was sight
In those early days of crud and Im
perfect appliances, our single needle
instruments were subject to demag
netization by etatic, or natural elec
trical influences, which reversed the
motions of the reading needle, and
Socialist party should succeed by some
scheme in landing its candidates in
office any attempt to establish or usher
in socialism would result only ln chaos
and bloodshed, for the political govern
ment can not administer production.
This must be done by the workers
themselves through Industrial unions
organized for that purpose.
The Socialist party, not knowing this.
is attempting to lead society into
quagmire of anarchy. Those in tho
reading, although many of us became
expert at reading even that by sound.
It was hard on the eyes.
The magnetic bolls were of course
sound, and very musical. All dots came
on a high pitch bell on the left, and all
daehes on a low pitch bell on tho right.
with no diffcrenre in length of dot and
dash. It was very rapid for those days.
80 to fo words a minute, or as fast as
one could write. I have taken from
very rapid senders and been four or
si,m.i nprt w,hn ceo tho npppcoii. tnr five words behind all the time, trarie,-
Industrial unionism are .those who ad- laung ana naming uit onnraiw '"J
vocate the false brand known as the I mind.
I. W. W. This outfit repudiates po- Magnetic bells can be Imitated upon
litlol ootnn o t,A nreoxhaa r.,nllinn 1 nlftnO With QUlck responding kCVB.
i9 dtri ptinn nhi,.h i. pnivpint I roomed for awhllrf where there was a
to starting out with the club and the piano, also three daughters, to one ot
bullet, the same kind of a nightmare wnom x taugnt tne cous, anu wiion ...
that the Socialist party's pipe dream airterent parts, ot tno nuu o
wniH nndonhtedlv turn Into the mr,. quently communicated ln mis manner.
ment that that party was successful at The mother being neither a pianist nor
the polls. telegraphist, was of course in the dark.
While this is the misleading and But that is long, long ago, and, lor-
lllncinal nollcv nurstied hv the Socialist eign to the subject. C. B. PYE.
. - - ,
party quite otherwise and to the con-
When I gits de mawnln' papah.
Den I spreads it on my knee.
Sets my feet up on de rencian
As contented as can be;
Den I cleans my spec's, an' sets 'em
On my nose, an' tuhns right soon
(Case Ise nebber larned much readin')
To de big cahtoon!
trary is the policy of Socialist labor
party. This party is a close observer of
society; it follows tho path of science,
not sentiment, and it will not permit
itself to be carried past and beyond any
fact on the wings of fancy.
For that reason the party's pro
gramme is logical, it proclaims the
necessity for industrial unionism and
calls upon the workers to join the
Workers' Industrial Union, knowing
that without such an organization any
serious movement in the direction of
socialism would be a movement to the
Complete Submission of Germany,
PORTLAND, Or., Dec. 2. (To the
Editor.) Kindly state whether the
German surrender to the allies was
unconditional as that term Implies, or
If it was a partial surrender.
It was complete submission, but not
unconditional surrender in the exact
use of the latter term. Unconditional
surrender implies that the defeated
nation or army ceases hostilities and
submits without condition to kite will
of the conqueror. Certain tiwmi or
conditions were laid down by the allies
which Germany accepted before she
ceased hostilities. m
Letters to Denmark.
NEWBERG, Or., Dec. 1. (To the
Editor.) Please tell me how to ad
dress a letter to Koldmg, Denmark:
also how long it would take mail from
Portland to reach Kolding. ,
Address It to Kolding, Denmark. The
letter ehould reach its destination in
about four weeks.
Dere am words now In do papaha
Dat no mawtal man can say,
Wif de q's an' y's an' x's
Stickin' in 'em ebery way.
Tings dat end in s-k-y skee,
- (Desp'ate readin' foh a coon.)
So I tuhns. to keep my senses.
To de big cahtoon!
Dere it Is! Now alnt dat lubly?
Mos' do papah hab to tell
All boiled down Into a plctur
Uncle Jabe won't hab to spell,
Germany just mad to busttn',
Kaiseh Bill depahtin' soon,
Tuhkey gittin" cahved foh Chrismus,
In de big cahtoon!
But dere's one ting I alnt sure ob.
Is dat animulo a cat?
Or a tiger? Or a puppy?
Or a zebra? Or a rat?
Uncle Jabe jus' can't decide it,
(Taint no possum, taint no coon);
But it's mighty cute an' 'spressive
In de big cahtoon!
Philomath, Or.
Letters for Hungary.
PORTLAND, Dec. 2. (To tte Edi
tor.) Kindly tell me if there is any
possibility of sending a letter over tn
Hungary. A. STOCK.
We are still at war with the central
powers and no mail can be forwarded.