THE 3I0RXIXG 0REG0XIAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1913. 10 into effect of your forthcoming order." So far the commission has heard nothing from the telephone company as to whether or not It will accept the mandates of its recent order demand ing better service. Five days were given to reply, but these will not be up until the middle of next week. E PHDKE OPERATORS TO RECEIVE WAGE BIS Advance Is Made Effective as of November 15. RATE INCREASE AT ISSUE Xublle Scrrlce Commission Without Power to Slake Charges Retro active Under Stat Law. FALEM. Or, Nor. 29. (Special.) Postmaster-General Burleson advised the Publio Serrfce Commission by tel erraoh today that ha baa made ef fective as of November IS. an in crease of wages for. telephone-operating; employes of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company and asks the commission to make its forth coming order increasing the telephone rates retroactive so that the rates will also apply as of that date to cover the Increase In wares. It waa pointed out at the com mission's offices today that under the statute the commission has no power to make rates retroactive under the pub lie utilities law and that part of the Postmaster-General's request apparent ly cannot be granted. It was also, pointed out that the Postmaster-General apparently is la boring under the assumption that the commission's hearing on the Increases will be purely perfunctory in character, held only for the purpose of legalizing the rates under the state statutes and that the commission will take nothing else Into consideration. "If that is the attitude or the Post w master-General, and apparently It Is. it Is the furthest from the commission's idea, said Commissioner Corey. "The commission will hold this hearing exactly as It holds every other hear ing and will go into the merits of the proposed increases and as to whether or not they are justified. We made this plain in our latest telegram to the Postmaster-General." Phone Company Silent. The telegram received from Mr. Burleson today, which indicates that the Postmaster-General believes the commission will hold merely a per functory hearing to legalize the rates under the state statutes. Is as follows: "Advised by the telephone company ef date set by your commission for hearing and of your order to company relative to providing necessary skilled operators to meet requirements of service to public Have directed that new schedule of wages put Into ef fect November 15, in anticipation of increased rates be continued tempo rarily. This should enable company to comply with your order, but to avoid loss by the Government request that you fix November IS as date for going BAKER RED CROSS ACTIVE Reports Show Immense Service Ben- dered Soldiers. BAKER, Or, Not. 29, (Special.) At the annual meeting of the Baker Chapter, American Red Cross, directors , were elected for the ensuing year and reports of officers and committees were read. John Lu Rand presided. The report of Mrs. Black, in charge of Red Cross headquarters, showed that the Baker Chapter, which Includes Baker and Grant counties, had made during the year 142,575 articles needed by the boys in the service. The chapter has also sent II tona or clothing for the relief of the suffering people of Belgium and northern France. William Duby, A. C. Strange, W. E. Meacham, Dr. C. E. Barton, Thomas Taylor, James Eardley. Miss Susan Moore, Mrs. F. A. Harmon, Mrs. J. H. Donald and James H. Nichols were elected directors. BUTTE'S BAN IS COMPLETE All Places of Business and Amuse ment Closed. BCTTE. Mont- Nor. 29. The Silver Bow County Board of Health this morn- nsr. on recommendation of the County Medical Association, voted that at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning every place of business and amusement in the city and county shall close. The order even applies to open-air Ice rinks. A delegation of 300 persons repre senting the amusement houses appeared to protest against an order yesterday ingllng out these places for the ban. As a result of the protest and urgent demands of the Medical Association, the board put the lid on everything. This the second time the city has teen closed on account of the Influenza epi demic. STARTS TODAY NFLUENZA SPREADS ANEW Klamath Falls Has Fonr Deaths and 2 5 New Cases. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Nor. 29. A second wave of the Spanish Influenza, which surpasses the first, is sweeping over this city. In spite of the fact that the restrictions had not been removed. The Merrill section, 25 miles southeast of Klamath Falls, which was free from the first outbreak, has been attacked very heavily. Three deaths are report ed from the hospital there in the last three days. J There were four deaths In Klamath Falls today. Twenty-five new cases for today and yesterday are reported by tne Health oepartmenL Many an innocent man has been hanged and many an innocent hus band has been suspected by his wife but what would you say of the fel low who was caught with the goods (silk at that) right in his arms ! A pretty hefty explana tion is needed, huh? "Scholl"'g ft St. Louis Bars Red .Flag. ST. LOUIS. Nor. 29. Mayor Kiel an nounced today that the display of a red flag at any public meeting in St. Louis would not be tolerated. rr m mi T7 I ' w T bsbsbbTl r w T 7 T, If "f f" r f V T ' lif iTil 111 illllii.iUhiilll W1IWI ESTEKDAY was one of the most notable days In the history of the Army post at Vancouver Bar racks. Many Portlanders motored to Vancouver early In the day to view the parade, arranged in celebration ot the preaentatlon of a distinguished service cross to Colonel Van Way for services 13 years ago. A number of the visitors were entertained at luncheon by various officers of the post. Many remained for dinner and dancing in the evening at the officers' club. Colonel Van Way Is very popular wun bis men. and In honor of the oc casion members of the officers' club were hosts at a delightful formal ball Thanksgiving night, complimenting Colonel and Mrs. Van Way. This affair was the first formal function that has been held in Vancouver Barracks for long time, and it proved charming In every detail. Portland folk attended the dance as gueats of the officers. An enjoyable affair of tonight will Tne the dancing party, at which Miss Lottie Hatfield's division of the Com rades Club will entertain at the B'nal B'rlth clubhouse, on Thirteenth and Market streets. Enlisted men may se cure tickets at the Soldiers' and Sail ors' Club. All enlisted men are wel come. Miss A Urn Inman Is command' ant of the Comrades' Club. An attractive visitor In the city Is Mrs. Maurice B. Baldwin, bride of Lieutenant Baldwin, who has been transferred to Vancouver Barracks awaiting orders. Her home is In Springfield. Mo., and while In Port land she is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Annie Coote. and couain, Mrs. Edwin B. Wheat. see The ISth Squadron, of the Spruce Production Division, V. S. A., will give a dance this evening In the Multnomah 1 1 1 ! I i 1 it 1 1 "X i i iT 1 1 I III i i 1 1 i u i i i i i I .7 r vVi I II I IV I I : . ' I "i MMUliilUl&S ; (III BY C.ETT3f'rE F. CORDETTil esiiioi Hotel, using the entire mezzanine floor for the occasion. It will be one of the largest military dances of the year, elaborate preparations being made for a huge throng of civilian friends of the soldiers, as well as hundreds of the spruce men from Vancouver Barracks. Sergeant H. C Jenks is 'in charge of the affair. e e Many dinners have been planned for this evening to celebrate the reopen ing or the Arcadian gardens for danc ing. E. V. Hauser, president of the Multnomah Hotel Company, will be host for one of the dinners In honor of Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke, who has postponed her Eastern trip for a few days. Another will be given by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Barrett, compli mentary to a number of their Eastern friends who are visiting in this city. The popular aupper dances will be continued throughout the Winter, as well as the dinner dances in the gar dens, and this evening will be a gala one. owing to the numerous parties ar ranged by prominent folk. e e Bernlce K. Masten and John H. Beaver were married at the home of the bride's parents, the Masten Apart ments, Wednesday evening. Only Im mediate relatives of the couple were present. Mrs. (Beaver Is the daughter of C C. Masten. well-known lumber man. Mr. Beaver Is a marine drafts man In the employ of the St. Helens Shipbuilding Company. The young couple will make their home at St. Helens. e e An enjoyable event of the Thanks giving season was a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brlmner, former residents of Monroe, at their pretty suburban home, 725 Meyers street. The guests were all from Monroe and vicinity, and. although 13 were pres ent, no unlucky event happened to mar the pleasure of the day. Mrs. Ralph Banton arrived from Corvallls Just in time to be one of the guests. Her husband is in Franca with the 361st Ambulance Corps. e Miss Virginia Menefee, charming bride-elect of Varnel Beach, will be guest of honor at a lunchon to be given today by Miss Elizabeth Menefee. e The TUlicum Dancing Club will give Its first party at Irvington clubhouse this evening. e e e Auxiliaries to Batteries A and B, 147th Field Artillery, will entertain at dancing and cards this evening at the East Side Business Men s Club. MASTER PICTURE ORGANIST rvill heal that disfiguring rash so you can wear this dress "I know, because I have used it, and sound that it stopped the smarting and kching when I made the first applica tion, and in a short time the eruption was gone. I used Resinol Soap with it and it quickened the action of Resinol Ointment, You can get both from your druggist. Will Take Off All Excess Fat TDe yen know that there Is a simple, harm less effective remedy for overfatness that Buy en used safe: and secretly by any nu or woman who la losing the slimness of youth? i There is: and It is none other than the tablet form of the now famous Mannoit Prescription, known as Marmola "Prescrip tion Tablets. Ton ran well expect a reduc tion of from two to fonr pound a week wtLhout dletlns or exercise. Marmola JTescrlptlon Tablets are sold by all druggists at "So for a large ease, or If yon preter you caa order direct from the Mannoia Co, B,1 Woodward Ave, Detroit. Mica. Adv. 1 n 5 S v ' ' - A ym"ml 5- '-PfiSSaitllZZZZZl w: V IN Your California Winter Itinerary Average Weekly Temperatures of Leading California Resorts for Week Ended Saturday, IV o v. 16, 1918s 1 Max. Mln. Mean. Max. Mln. Mean. Los Angeles 74 56 65 Del Monte. 6 49 69 Long Beach 68 56 62 ' Arrowhead 74 61 63 Beverly Hills. 73 66 64 Ocean Park. . .. 68 66 62 San Francisco 63 61 67 Santa Monica. ...... 68 66 62 Santa Barbara. 73 47 60 r "f LOS ANGELEeT Honthern California Headquarters for many Ore- iron people. Whether it is pleasure or business that brines you to Los Angeles, you will find It to vour advantage to stop at this magnificently sit uated metropolitan hotel. Every desired luxury, refinement and convenience. In heart of city. ' almost opposite beautiful Central Park. Car lines to beaches, missions, etc, few steps from hotel lobby. 655 rooms, each with private bath. Ab solutely fireproof. Both Am. and Eur. plans. Tar iff 1.50 per day upwards. F. M. lHmmlck. lessee liKk ( "THE MAKE-BELIEVE ) WIFE" Current Events Other Features mu CLARY AT I I AYUOR STS. OREGON HEADQUARTERS 300 all outside rooms acb with pri vate Lath. A class "A" fireproof hotel on a direct carltne to all points, and within easy walkinc distance of thea ters, stores, etc Homelike, with a personality distinctively its own. liolf courtesies. Both American and Euro pean plan. Fireproof parage nearby. Frederick C. CHft, Pre. Ohadlah Rich, V. Pres. and Manager PEACE REIGN'S SUFBEiFE AT ( MfffsrirT Wi (tf I Where Your Comfort is Anticipated. Here Is found the genuine hospitality every trav eler seeks, but seldom finds that which I speaks food cheer, comfort and refinement. Mere me guests may sojourn in an atmosphere of peaceful contentment. The I VIRGIN A Is easily accessible to the Pacific, rugged coast, fragrant orange groves, the mountains, missons. etc Twenty south ot J.os Anjceies. Anion-. can plan. Absolutely fireprooflP ror ioioer, rates, etc., write C. iU. 1 L1 K ISA xv, MgT. rmy - Navy Ifeadqnnrers - LOilG BEACH CALIFORNIA fin WomensCluds Members of the Rurs.1 Teachers' League will meet at the Courthouse this morning at 10 o clock. Officers will be elected for the coming year and other important business will be discussed. The meeting will open promptly, as a general teachers' meet ing haa been called for 10:30 A. M. All members of the Eastern Star and their friends are invited to a card party at Masonic Temple this evening at which members of Ionic Court, Order of the Amaranth, will be hostesses. e e e The Mayflower Club will resnme meetings for the Winter Monday even- lng at 1:16 In the blue room of the Portland Hotel. A discussion on food conservation will be held. e The Tuesday Afternoon Club met at the home of Mrs. William Cavanaugh, ?';8 East Couch street, , November 26. The hostess served a prettily appointed luncheon, after which the regular busi ness session was held Rollcall was answered with quotations from writ ers now being studied. Mrs. O. M. Gllnes read a paper on "English Tran sitionists." Readings also were given from Dickens, Thackery and Eliot by Mesdames Dunbar, Handsaker, Giles, Dickenson and Halght. EUGENE DORMITORY BURNS i THIRTEEN" GIRLS AND MATROX IIAYE X ARROW ESCAPE. Fire Starts la Basement, Fillins the Halls With. Flames and Smoke Before Women Are Aroused. - ETJGENT3, Or, Nov. 29. (Special.) Thirteen girls and their matron nar rowly escaped severe injury, or death. In the fire whicH totally destroyed the main women's dormitory of the Eugene Bible University at an early hour this morning. They escaped only by cut ting the wire screening on the sleep, lng porch and fleeing In their night' clothes. The fire waa discovered shortly after midnight by Mrs. Namcy Bodine, the matron, who immediately aroused the sleeping girls. The blaze started in the basement from an unknown cause and had gained such headway before it waa discovered that the halls and exits were filled with flame and emoke be fore the girls awoke. The dormitory, a 14-room building, but recently newly furnished through out, was totally destroyed and only a small part of the loss is covered by Insurance. The girls lost all of their personal effects and clothes and are being cared for in private homes. teacher of music in the Baker schools, assisted by the Baker Concert Band, led the singing of a number of patriotic airs. Other towns in the county held sings today. Mayor to Attend Launching. MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 29. (Special.) Mayor C. E. Gates, much pleased that a wooden ship "built in Portland has been named the Medford, announced to day that he will be present at the launching. His daughter. Miss Laura, will christen the ehip. Taklma Fruit May Go Over Seas. TAKMA, Wash., Nov. 29. (Special.) The Takima County Horticultural Union of this city has received notice that an exporting firm In New York ST. HELENS RECALL ON Petitions In Circulation for Removal of District Attorney MaUker. ' ST. HELENS, Or, Nov. 29. (Special) Petitions are being circulated here this week demanding the recall of Glen R. Matsker, District Attorney. The petitions, it is said, are being ' quite generally signed, and indications are that St. Helens will have an election within 30 days. The recall Is based upon an attack said to have been made some time ago by Matsker upon Ham Kautsman, pub lisher of the Columbia Herald, at Houl ton.. The publisher had made a com ment to which the District Attorney took exception, and the encounter fol lowed. . There la considerable feeling in the community. VICTROLAS and London has been authorized by the British government to arrange for shipping space for exports of fruit to England. x bl "THE GOLFER'S PARADISE" 1EL MONTE MAINTAINS THE FINEST 18-HOLE GOLF CO V RSES IN WESTERN AMERICA. Solid turf fairways, grass greens. Plemty of caddies. Kxcellent Polo facilities best field in America. A region fam ous for its delightful climate. Most beautiful park and flower gardens in the world, write for folder and reservations. Carl Stanley, Manager. I i m I mm gllfpj M B lit t'lHii Hotel BROADWAY at SEVENTH CENTER OP LOS AN6ELEI Close to all shopping tbestrical od botfetst sctlrltltt. JW outside foomi, tcb with private fcsth. I a rope ta fun ntes 11.50 sad op. Cats erriee ratined and ezcsllsat. The Hotel of com lart tni icrrice. Fise tato bns from all eepoa. WM. It FLOOD. Manaser T WW. DAQDADA t iVi V JZJjVJ. wmr iwuniw.wnu pXjj.Oj;!-! yne or I aiuurnia s XMI 51JKH iDterrstlng resorts. Ideal- &Kt..i;?i?&i ly situateil on a ' rl i ' nlj f ' aii uuiaiue ruuais. each havfns private lavatory; 3 kin of polf. Surf bathlnff. dnncln?. tenn horseback rldlnB. molorlnff. Am. plan. fireproor. a. r. uu.., i.csssa. :inds Jr nnls, fir A GREAT PLEASURE RESORT. A WOXDERFl'L UROWI.N'U CITV. Where Thousauds of Pleasnre-Seekrrs Congregate. Home of the world-famed Hotel Virginia and Virginia Country Club. Long Beach is the great amuse ment center of Southern California. Long Beach Is a high-class residential city. A city of commerce and Industry. A population gain of 690.8 In ten yeart. Write for folders on recreations, homes and lndjstries. Address CHAM BER OF COMMERCE, LO. BEACH. CAL. L. W. BALLAKU, Secretary. Z2ZZZZZ2ZZ1 p. " The voice 01 song will gladden your home. Good music will make you happier, cheerier, and more contented. Now is the time to order your Victrola. Prices $22.50 and up Style X. $90 Style XI $115 We send records anywhere via Parcel Post. Easy Payment Terms Baker Has Community Sine. BAKER. Or., Not. 39. (Special.) Several hundred children and grown ups participated in the community sing; this afternoon. Miss Edith Helton, GJJohhsonPiakoCo. 149 Sixth SU Bet. Alder and Morrison Mehlin Packard Lindeman Pianos Vlctrolas and Records. Your Surest Store is the old reliable Co lumbian, with its better equipment abetter work better service and its long, long years of practical experience with eyes. If you've 'not already filed your glasses' pre scription with the Co lumbian, do it today in preparation for the next time you break a lens. Your surest store ! COLUMBIAN Optical Company 145 Sixth St. Floyd F. Brower, Mgr. BuialowsS Beverly Hilly Beautifully situatd midway between Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Golf, tennis, surf bathing-, weekly dances, saddle horses, pic- Iturescme mountain trails. Am. plan. STANLEY S. ANDERSON, Mgr., Beverly Hills. Cal. One of the Most Ideally Situated Seaside Be- sorts on the Western t oast. WES OCEAN PARK. CAU T Ijirmt anil FineNt Hnntelrv 111 the rlpntltlful Crescent Bay district Absolutely fireproof. European plan, rates from $1 per day up wards. Right in center of amusement activi ties of Venice, Santa Monica and Ocean Park. Guests from all over Canada and America make It their Winter home. Write for folder. 4 ' feffVif15Vtti!?iJ11 DONT rAlX TO VISIT SJf&jflCA H'bere the Moaatmiw Meet the Tlsitonv to tioutnern California should spend a few weeks at these famous resorts on the Crescent Bay where. In Winter. It la always a few degrees warmer, santa Monica beacn and Ocean Park afford the finest hotels cottnres and apartments, where the most reasonable rates prevail. Deep-aea, pier and surf fishing, dancinff. tennis, srolf, motorfn. Winter surf and warm plunge Datning. writ for data. Address Chamber ot Commerce, Santa Monica Beach. Cal. Where Many Gaerl Sold I em From the Bat tlefield of 1- ranee H a ve Been Successfully Treated. rrowhead: HOTSPRINCS he only natural dl-nodlnm anwn- ato eteam caves known. Water, mud and steam radio-active. Splendid Am. plan hotel. Table supplied from hotel's poultry, dairy and vegetable ranches. Convenient to South ern California, via eleotrlc cart Altitude 1000 feet. Picturesque boulevards for folder, write. Arrowhead Springs, Cal. LiVtl RMCSHsVU ESa After War Training Thousands of men are now in a position to readjust their whole lives because of demobilization or changing: conditions in commerce and industry. A conference with one of the Advisors in the office will doubtless be of great value in choosing which of the following courses you should enter: College Preparatory, Business, Stenographic, Accountancy, Automobile, Tractors, Radio Telegraphy, Mechanical Drawing, Shipbuilding, Mathematics, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Boys' School or Electrical Engineering. These day and night schools are operated to give jou the chance jjou . need in preparaing for the great future. " For preliminary information or date for interview address Department of Education. Div. C Y. M. C A PORTLAND, OREGON