Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1918, Page 17, Image 17

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lightweight, will meet Frankle Far.
ren. -the flashy San Francisco light'
weight. In San Francisco tonght. They
will battle four rounds. Benjamin lost
a four-round decision to Jimmy Duffy
In San Francisco last week, but made
such a good showing? that the pro
raotersat once signed Joe to meet the
hard-hitting Farren. Farren is well
known to the Portland fans, having:
fought several battles here. He
knocked out Alex Trambitas In three
rounds, and a few weeks later lost a
six-round decision to Muff Broneon.
Since he has- been battling In San
Winners' Goal Line" Is Crossed
University Wins in One-Sided
First Time This Season.
Struggle, 67 to 0.
Francisco he has knocked out a num
ber of formidable men. Including Willie
Hoppe. Frankle Is in the Navy and
stationed at Mare Island.
Mow IF(0)dI rcMneeirs
f AE
Xotre Dame and Nebraska Cnirer
ity Play Scoreless Tie Contest
in Heavy Fall of Snow.
PITTSBURG. Not. 2$. Th Unl
erslty of Pittsburg football team's
goal iine was crossed for the first time
this jeax when the Fenn Stats team
scored a touchdown this aftenioon, but
Pittsburg eventually won the gumt by
a score of ZS to 6.
The visitors scored after a few min
utes of play, when they secured the
ball cn a poor kick by McLaren, the
ball being covered with mud. Line
smashing sent Captain Cnger over for
the touchdown, but W. C. Brown failed
In his kick at goal.
Alter that play the home team played
superior football thVoughout. and scorea
four touchdowns, Davis kicking four
LINCOLN. Neb.. Nov. . Notre
Earns and Nebraska University foot
ball teams played a scoreless tie here
today. The field was covered with mud
and slush following a heavy fall of
snow, making it difficult for both
teinu to play their best. Both teams
punted repeatedly.
In scrimmages In the Initial quarter.
Dana. Nebraska's right guard, suffered
a fractured wrist and Captain Bahan.
of Notre .Dame, received an injury to
his knee.
Portland NLmrod Take Monthly
Shoot on Snowclad Field.
SALT LAKE. Utah. Nor. 18. (Spe
cial.) Dennis Holohan, son of Peter J.
llolohan. of Portland, won the monthly
shoot on the Salt Lake Gun Club's
grounds here yesterday. A heavy snow
fall in the morning did not prevent the
trapshooters from taking a fling at the
bluerocks In 'the afternoon. Holohan
scored 47 out of a possible 60 and his
nearest rival for honors was E. L. Ford.
Ogden's famous scatter-gun artist, who
was one bird behind.
llolohan Is well known among nlm-
rods of the Pacific Coast and Rocky
Mountains and he always has placed
high In the Pacific Coast annual hand
icap. When the blue ribbon event was
held at Everding Park traps at Port
land. Or, Dennis managed to take
away a large pert of the trophies.
Losers Fight Hard, but Are Unable !
to Break Strong Resistance
of Victorious Eleven.
Kight-TIand Body Blows and Occa
clonal Lefts to Head Send
Loser Circling to Corner.
defeated Columbia at footb.A here thi
afto.ii-Hn. 20 to 0. in the first contes
between the two colleges ir. la years
The fi-sld was an Inch deep in mud in
pots. Score by periods:
Pvraco T S 10
Columbia 0 0 O
Touchdowns: Darsha and Schwarer.
Coals from touchdown, Ackley. 2. Goals
lrom field, Ackley, 2.
CHICAGO. Not. 18. Playing on
field ankie-deep- In mud. the Chicago
Naval Reserves triumphed over th
rimn Grant football eleven today, 19
to 0. The victory was costly for th
Ensigns, however, as Fullback Koehler,
a former Northwestern University star,
suffered a broken shoulder.
Kaln. and la'.er snow fell during the
greater part of the game.
aula and Dartmouth wallowed and
s'irt through a football game on Frank
l.n Field today, and at the end victory
rr.rpr! with the Pennsylvanlans. 21 to
Kaln fell during the greater part of the
contest and the mud made footing un
certain and the playing anything bu
hich class.
Two of Pennsylvania's three touch
downs were the result of intercepted
TTTTT nPT PTTT4 T Vnt. ?. f c?n
J Syracuse i..,,) jjy adopting a policy of "hold
ing," Billy Aliffke. that hardy young
Minnesotan, was able to live six rounds
with Jack Dempsey at the Olympia here
this afternoon and tell the tale at the
finish. -. '
Dempsey won the engagement on
points by a substantial margin, but as
he had so many knockout precedents
the spectators were not satisfied, and
some felt that Jack had robbed them
of a part of their Thanksgiving day
In the fifth Miske had a particularly
tight squeak and it took superhuman
defensive artifices on his part to last
the round. At the finish he circled to
his corner from the effects of Jack's
punches. He could not have gone much
longer, for Dempsey was as fresh as
lily growing beside a stream.
Miske was hysterically clever- and
made Jack miss many of his punches
when there was a bit of an opening.
Miske was not without credit today.
He took on the toughest chap in his di
vision, in close range he hit Dempsey
frequently with lefts and rights, but
could never stop him.
Dempsey was charged with pugnacity
and was after Miske from start to fin
ish. His right-handed body blows and
occasional lefts to the head were the
punches that wore Miske down and
made him tired.
NEW YORK. Nov. 28. For the flr.t
time in nine years the annual football
contest between Fordham and George
town resulted in victory for Fordham
14 tn 0 All the scoring was done In
th. Kxrnnd Deriod. CaDtain Friscb. of
Fordham. figuring In two decisive for
ward passes andialso kicked the goals.
KANSAS-CITY". Mo, Nov. 18. A spec
tacular broken field run by Coughlin,
rutht half on the Camp Lodge Ioot
ball team, gave the Iowans a 7-to-i
victory over Camp Funston today in i
rm nLaved on a sloppy field. Major
General Leonard Wood and his staff
fmm CamD Funston were the honor
MADISON. Wis.. Nov. !S. In the last
two minutes of play today Wisconsin
ploughed its way through the Michigan
Aggies for a touchdown and then
fciVked coal, winning 7 to S. Walter
Kuehi. fast substitute right halfback,
carried the ball over for the Badger
irnrt. and Barr kicked goal.
The Aggies scored a minute before
the second period ended. Fred trmith,
h 17-vrar-old star, was unable to
ret around the ends because of mud
frVrria. at Quarter, and Schwei. at left
end. played well for the Michigan team.
An injury forced, Sundt. Badger full
hack, out of the game in the second
BOULDER. Cole Not. 28. The Uni
versity of Colorado defeated the Colo
rado Agricultural college at lootoau
tier today, incidentally winning the
first victory of the season for the uni
with the score tied in the third
ncrlod. Schrepfertnann, university half,
kicked a beautiful goal from the field
.Torn the 45-yard line, gaining a three-
point lead for the bllver and Gold
which the farmers were unable to over
come. DENVER, Not. 28. Denver Uni
versity won a well-earned victory over
Colorado College at football here today
Lv a score of 1 to 0. Tho feature of
the rame was the work of McLaugh
lin. Denver end. who twice completed
forward passes, running 40 yards to a
touchdown on one occasion and gain
ing CO yards on the other.
LAWRENCE. Kan, Not. 28. After
battling on even terms until near the
close of the final period of play, Kan
sas University defeated the Kansas
Mate Agricultural College team here
this afternoon. 11 to 7, through gains
by Quarterback Foster.
Jeffs to Meet Franklin.
Jefferson High' School will meet
Franklin on Multnomah Field Monday.
Franklin played James John a -to-6
tie last week and. If they can trim Jmtm
are right in line for the title. If Jci
ferson gels away with Franklin they
have only James John to overcome for
the championship of the league. Frank
lin played Walla Walla High School
In Walia Walla yesterday.
Dandee Wins From Phillips. ,
Dundee, of New York, had the better
cf a six-round bout with Joe Phillips,
of Philadelphia, here today. Dunde'e
was too clever for the local boy and
had th advantage of every round.
Benjamin to Meet Farren.
Jee Benjamin, the lanky Portland
month we manufactured
6,800,000 pounds of i
Can wa serve yon?
Portland. Oregon
BERKELET. Cal.. Not. 28. (Special.)
Stanford was outclassed today on tb,e
Berkeley Field In everything except
fighting spirit and went down under a
67-to-O defeat without a whimper.
About all there was for Stanford In
the game was to fight as hard as pos
sible on defense, trying to keep the score I
down, for they bad no hope of scoring
themselves, barring a fluke. There was
no fluke, so there was no score, and
Stanford did not come even within
shooting distance all afternoon.
Late In the fourth quarter Watson
fumbled a long punt and a Stanford
man fell on the ball on the 25-yard line.
That was the nearest Stanford came to
scoring. av
In the first Quarter California took
IX I the ball and In six minutes after the
opening whistle Sprott was over the I
line with the ball hugged to his chest,
scoring-a touchdown. It was like that
all the way. Stanford could do noth
ing when it had the ball, and California
could not be stopped when they had it,
so a descript.on of how Sprott made
seven touchdowns, Watson two and
Hooper one would be tiresome.
The teams lined up for the kickoff as
California (71 Position. (0) Stanford.
Pressley LE Patrick
Major LT Watts
Gordon LG... Hill
Barnes C Clarke I
Stewart RG., Hawlej I
Wilson R T F. Watts I
Kline RE Flot.d
Watson Q , Holt
Sprott I. 11 B. Hartwel!
Eels RHB Nuss
Hooper FB. Henri
Score hy periods
California 14 14 1 2061
Stanford 0 0 0 0
California scoring Touchdowns, Sprott 7,
Hooper 2, V atson; goals from touchdowns.
Watson 7. ' - I
Officials Referee, Braddock; umpire,
Time of periods 15 minutes each.
m QERH APS you have never thought
of Armour and Company as a LOCAL
concern in this community. Yet, that is exactly
what it is an outlet here to you and your dealers of Amer
ica's -choicest foods. Without this local branch, growers
selling through Armour would be without this market.
And consumers could not depend upon uniform supplies.
Hood RiTer Ilunters Bag Much
Game In Past Week.
nOOD RIVER. Or., Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) Hood River County hunters dur
ng the past week have been bagging
much game. Kd Wright, comniercia
fisherman of the Mid-Columbia, has re
turned from a hunt In the foothills
around Mount Adams, where he killed
four big bears.
The following have Just returned
from a goose hunt In the Arlington dis
trict: Pat Lindsey, Emmett Tompkins,
Bert Stranahan, Arthur Howell. High
Garrabrant and A. M. Kclieyf the latter
of Farkdale. -
The men have been riving their
friends geese for Thanksgiving din
Vilhelm at the Bat. ,
CBt L. C. Davla. In th. Kansas CItv Poatl
The outlook wasn't brilliant for the German
troops that day.
Bulraria uud Turkey had struck out and
quit tn. fruy.
Wh.a Austria retired, bavins failed to hit
in. pin
The eyes of all the Fatherland were turned
en Kaiser BilL
Oo goose-stepped to th. rubber with a proud
ana nausnty stance.
Resolved to fcaock th. pellet from Berlin
to Puria. Franc.:
The Prussians wildly cheered him . as h.
twisted tils mustacbel
And bnMercd. "Hoeh'der Kaiser! when h.
crabbed his mighty ash.
Tea million eyes were on him as he dipped
nia nanus in e:ooi:
Tea zni:ilon hands applauded as he rubbed
them In the mud.
And. when upon the umpire he contempt
uously spai.
No person tn (he crowd could doubt 'twas
vilhelin at the bat.
Bat Pershing's pesky pellets had the Kaiser
en tne run:
The first one split the platter and the um
pire yelled. "Strike one!"
Re looked the next one over as across the
plate It r.ew:
"Dot ain't my style," .aid Vilhelm, and the
umpire said, "Etrike two:
The third one fairly slszled as It sped
across the Dials.
and Vllheim pounced epos It, but he swung
a trine let..
Thea from th. maddened populace there
rose a lusty roar.
For Vllheim, mighty Vilhelm. had struck
out aud lost the war.
Oh. somewhere la the fatherland there ts
a ray of hope.
And somewhere there are people who have
sauerkraut ana soap:
And somewhere there Is Wienerwurst and
laser beer and cheese.
But there Is no Joy In Potsdam, mighty
Vilhelm hit the breeze. -
Boxing May Be Legalized. .
CHICAGO. Not. 28. An attempt to
ave boxing legalized in Illinois will
be made when the Both general as
sembly convenes In January. Boxing
the Army and Navy have created
n Impression favorablo to the sport.
ponsors of the bill say. They declare
hey are, confident of its passage, lin
er the proposed bill, bouts would be
f 19 rounds, and the state would re
ceive a percentage of the receipts.
Senator Richard J.' Barr. Republican
eader In the Senate, said he would
support a properly drawn measure.
Chemawa Game Scoreless.
CHEMAWA. Or., Not. 18. (Special.)
The Medical Department football team.
Vancouver Barracks, this afternoon
played The Chemawa Indians a score-
ess game. The Medics had the best of
be contest In ground gaining. Mast.
uarterback for the Medical Depart
ment team, was injured in the third
quarter, but continued to play through-
ut the contest. I
Multnomah Offers V. of O. Game.
After Multnomah's cVefeat of the Ore
gon Aggies on Multnomah Field yester
day, score 6 to 0, Manager George
Berts of the Winged-M Club sent a
telegram to the University of Wash
ington offering them a date oh Multno
mah Field. Saturday, December 7. , If
the Washlngtonians cannot come to
Portland. Berts Is willing to take hi
Uvea to Seattle for the battle.
Standifer Eleven Loses In Battle
Featured by Gabfests.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) The dope sheet was somewhat I
up3Ct when the 2Sth Truck Squad
ron team, of Vancouver Barracks,
won a 7 to 0 victory over the
Standifer Shipbuilders at the Stan
difer ball park. The game was
well sprinkled with gabfests, and Lieu
tenant Anderson, who refereed, stopped
several near battles. The lone score
was registered in the last few minutes
of play in the second quarter.. After
A'ordy discussion over the possession
of the ball it was put into play on the
29th Squadron's 10-yard line, with the
soldiers in possession. After a series
of plunges and runs. Fullback Coshaw I
scored a touchdown. bowers kicked
A small crowd attended.
, The lineups:
Ptandlfer - Sonadron
Phillips IE DeBond
Patterson ........LT Larsen
Anderson ......... .L G. ......... . Kckhart I
Johnson ........... .C. ........... . Dousias I
Jones ............. R .............. . Barr I
HiRKins ........... K T Swingle
Campbell ..........RK....... alundzweiber
Stemlor. R II Eberline
Clark .Q Sowers
Coleman .......... .L H. ...... . Christenson I
slar.-hall K Coshaw I
Officials Referee. Lieutenant Anderson:
empire, Sutherland. -
George McCarthy Dies While Fight-
In,; Against Han Forces.
Official notice has been received from
the War Department that George F.
McCarthy, well-known Multnomah Club
wrestler, was killed In action on Octo
ber 9. A telegram announcing the
death was received by his aunt, Mrs.
A. W. Eaton, of Hosklns, Or.
McCarthy held the amateur middle
weight championship of the Pacific
Coast and Northwest, and was one of
the best wrestlers that ever wore the
Winged M. He helped Eddie O'Con-
nell at times in coaching the members
of the M. A. A. C wrestling team and
was a great favorite at the club. Mc
Carthy was 23 years old.
Football Results.
Taeoma Marines 16, Camp Lewis 6.
Austin. Tex. University of Texas 7, Texas
A and M. 0.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma 28. A
and M 0.
Lancaster. Pa. rranaila ana Marshall s.
Gettysburg 0.
aladlson. Wis. Wisconsin T. Michigan Ag
gies 6.
Kasnvllle, Tens vanaerom o, sevtncf a.
Atlanta Georgia Tech el. Auburn O.
Berkeley. Cal. California University 67.
Stanford University .-
S- Louis Washington University 19, St.
Louis University 0.
Louisville Camp Sherman o. Camp Zaca-
ary Taylor 40.
New York Georgetown o, rordnaa 14.
Pittsburg Pitt 28. Penn Stat. 6.
Philadelphia .fannayivama IL Dart
mouth 0.
Lincoln Nebraska 6, Notre Dame 0.
Cleveland Western Reserve 14, Case T. -Salem.
Mass. Naval Reserve 14. Camp
Devens T.
Cambridge. Mass. First Navy District 20.
Navy Radio School 0.
Cincinnati Miami 0. university or Cin
cinnati 0.
Bethlehem. Fa. Camp Crane 12. Lehigh &
Kaston, Pa. Garden City Aviators 21. La
fayette 0.
Chester. Fa. Swarthmore T, Pennsylvania
Military Academy 0.
Allentown. Pa Muhlenberg 19, urslnua a
Villa Nova. Ps Villa Nova 83, Drexel In
stitute 0.
Chicago Chicago Naval Reserves 20,
Camp Grant 0.
Lawrence, -an. university or Kansas 13.
Kansas State Agricultural College T.
Kansas City Camp Dodge 7, Camp Funs-
ton 0.
Boulder. Cole University ef Colorado 16.
Colorado Aggies 13.
Denver Denver University 16, Colorado
College 0.
Astoria Jefferson High. Portland. 45:
Astoria 0. '
Chemawa Medical Department team. Van
couver. 6: Ch&mawa Indians. 0.
Pullman. Wash. Washington State. 20:
Gonzaga. 6.
Cleveland western Reserve. 14; Case, T.
Sacramento Mather Field. 63: Fort
Baker, 1.
You look upon an Armour plant elsewhere
as a local organization there. And the
fanners .there regard this Branch House
(like all Armour's other Branch Houses)
as a local business here to sell their foods
for them. Both are right all of the Armour
concerns are local institutions yet so re
lated that they all must operate together
to serve you most efficiently. ,
We could sell to retailers through agents,
' of course. But then we couldn't deliver
under our own supervision and with the
scientific care we do now. So we have our
own Branch House, and are able to distrib
ute, the best foods in the best way, locally.
As a local concern our interests are intensely
local. We pay local taxes, employ local
men and patronize local institutions. The
continued development of this community
is vital to us. For we prosper only as this
community prospers.
It is to my interest as an individual and to
the interest ' of my firm to see that our
service reaches the top in efficiency. For
thus we serve best both producers and con
sumers, and help properly to distribute the
nation's food supply under war conditions
as in times of peace. This is why Armour
and Company maintain a local Branch
House and is virtually a local concern.
James F. Furlong, Jr.
Manager Portland Branch House
Telephone Broadway 13S0
Don't Sell Your Liberty Bonds They're the Best Investment on Earth
Organization, Uncovered by Federal
Investigators, Composed Princi
pally of Ignorant Russians.
SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. t The rad
flag of the Russian Bolshevik! toasj un
furled at a recent meeting, here, ac
cording to Department of Justice in
vestigators. . The "Marsellalse was
sungr, a one-act playlet, ine tiar in
Exile, said by the investigators to De
"Incredibly dull," was presented and
pictures of Lenine and Trotzky were
At a later meeting the disclosures of
German-Bolshevik Intrigue in Russia
secured by the United States committee
on public information, were denounced
by speakers.
Russians who fled their country to
escape conscription, an actress lacking
an engagement, a woman laaaist ana
the editor of a radical paper were said
to have formed a Bolshevik union. Sev
eral members of this oddly-assorted
group have been taken into custody in
isolated cases, but as an organization
they were said to have caused little
concern. '
Members of the organization, "The
Union of Russian Workers." No. J&4,
the Investigators reported, and an exec
utive committee called the "Soviet of
Russian Workers of San Francisco" was
formed. Delegates were reported to
have been elected to meet at New York
at a central assembly with those from
siriTHar associations there and in De
troit and Chicago'.
The membership sof the local union
la composed principally of clerks, iti
nerant salesmen and small tradesmen
who find themselves reduced to com
mon labor after their flight here be
cause of their deficient knowledge of
American business metheds and language.
Boxer Has Letter.
There Is a letter at the sporting edl-
to's desk for Al Toung, the J op lin. Mo,
lightweight boxer.
Mexican Laborers Attract.
El. PASO, Tex. Mexican laborers
parsing through Eastern cities en
route to the" big railroad camps are
followed by crowds of curious persons
who think the Mexicans with their high
ta and bright colored zerapes or
blankets are moving picture actors.
Hundreds of laborers and their families
are passing through here moitthly for
he East where they are employed on
the railroads as track workers.
Wolffang Thlele Jumps From Mov
ing Train and - Escapes.
Eli PASO, Tex., Nov. S8. Wolfgang
Thiele, enemy alien, being transferred
from Fort Bliss to Fort Douglas, Utah,
leaped from a moving train at Los Cer
rillos. New Mexico, early today, and
made his escape in the darkness.
Thlele and another prisoner were In
charge of a squad of soldiers, who con
tinued their journey, after notifying
the Sheriff of Santa Fe County, in
which the escape occurreuV.
Alexander, of Idaho, this morning oc
cupied the pulpits of the Central Meth
odist and All-Saints Cathedral, respec
tively. At 1 o'clock the Governors
were entertained at luncheon at the
Davenport. The Victory ball opened at
9 o'clock. The grand march will be
led by Governor Lister.
Two of the chief events tomorrow
will be the military parade and state
Widow -of Great Capitalist Passes
Away In Xew York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Mrs. Dellora
Gates, widow of John W. Gates, died
today at the Hotel Plaza, where she
lived, after an attack of apoplexy.'
Mrs. Gates always had taken an
active Interest in' the great financial
affairs of her husband, whose death
in 1911 left In trust to her and their
only son, Charles G. Gates, a fortune
estimated at over $30,000,000. The
death of her son in ft 13 left Mrs. Gates
to carry alona the business responsi
bilities of the estate.
Mrs. Gates was born near St. Charles,
111.. In 185S, and was married to Mr.
Gates in 1873.
Railroads- Arranging to Carry Sol
diers to Their Homes.
Railroad officials are preparing' to
move the soldiers to their homes as
soon as they are released from serv.
ice at cantonments and barracks. A
special information office has been
opened at Camp Lewis to advise the
men as to routes and rates, and ticket
clerks will be added to issue' trans
portation. It is expected that the first
troops to leave American Lake will
take trains Sunday.
The intention is to release the men
at the rate' of 300 to 500 daily as soon
as the necessary blanks are received
and official machinery of discharge is
set in operation.
French government. President Cabrera
immediately decreed a legal holiday for
Senor Cabrera has been President of -Guatemala
since 1898, having been pro
claimed chief executive of the republic
after the assassination of President
President of Guatemala Grand Offi
cer of Legion of Honor.
GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala, Nov.
28. President Manuel Estrada Cabrera
today received the decoration of a
grand officer of the Legion of Honor,
awarded him In September by the
Total of Thirteen Deaths at Indiana
Boys' School.
PLAI.VFIELD. Ind. Eight prisoners
from tho state farm near Greeneastle .
are being used as nurses at the Indiana
Boys' School here, where there are be
tweeh 60 and 70 cases of pneumonia and
Up to the preseat time, the authorl-,
ties of the school said today, there
have been 13 deaths, 10 of the victims .
being Inmates and three attaches of
the institution.
Most of the boys now sick are re
ported to be In a convalescent stage.
In addition to the men from the state
farm, three women and five men, resl- .
dents of riainfield. are assisting in
caring for the victims of the malady.
Conditions are said to be Improving.
perators i
Telephone operating offers many advantages to young women who are seeking employ
ment at a good salary with opportunities for advancement.
to start with.
Kapid and frequent increase in salaries.
Pleasant, clean, fascinating.
Associates carefully selected.
Work is steady and permanent :
Many opportunities for advancement.
Light and well ventilated offices. '
Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms. ;
Victory Ball Is Featured
SPOKANE. Wash.. Nov. 2S. (Spe
cial.) Spokane todaj begat) a three-
day victory celebration. '
Governors Lister, of Washington, and
s Annual vacation with pay. z
I ' Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost
: Good Character and Good Health are required. Young women between the ages of 18 and 26 are EE
: referred. Previous experience is not necessary. Our employment office is located on the Sixth Floor,
Room 601, in the Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open from 8:30 A. M. to 6:30
P. M. We invite you to call at this office and meet Miss Thomas, who will gladly discuss the
S ' matter personally with you. An appointment may be made by calling Broadway 12000.
( The- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company H
fj Room 601, Sixth Floor Park and Oak Sts. g