Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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An After Thanksgiving Sale of
Crepe de Chine and Georgette
At Greatly Reduced Prices
2.95 3.95 $4.95 $5.95
S5.95 S4.95
The models illustrated are typical of the charming styles in this widely
diversified collection of Blouses.-
All the smartest modes round, V and square seek in white, bisque, .flesh
and all the popular suit shades. -
Also very substantial reductions
on our finer hand-made and nov
elty suit blouses. "
Established '1864 Irrnr
The Opportunity
That All . Portland Has Been Awaiting
'After-Thanksgiving Sale
Astonishingly Reduced in Price
The Very Suit You Have Had in Mind
Suits of Poplin, Gabardine, Serge and Velour in Burgundy, Navy, Black, Taupe,
Brown, Green and Oxford $19.75, $24.50, $26.75, $29.75 .
Suits of Tricotine, Broadcloth, Velour and Checks, in Navy, Reindeer,
Brown, Taupe and Silvertone . $39.75, $49.75, $59.75, $69.75
?tabJis-hedl864 Trmo
(Continued from Pm .)
Williams. Raymond O. (Corp.). Tooele, Utah.
W 11 beck. John K-. Vernal. Utah,
liasan. Jtmti C.. Granlevllle. Utah.
Jimen, L. M . Richfield. Utah.
Died of wound.
Ahlqulst. Ronlci C. Esst Salt T.ase City.
Peterson, Arthur L., American Forks, Utah.
Died of disease
Ball. Ralph. Ggden. Utah.
Duncan. Fred J.. Fannlngton. Utah,
ilulr. Russel. Heber. Utah.
Missing la action
teraea, Martin. Salt Lake. Utah.
Killed In action
Bent. I. A.. Bennington. Vt
Missing in action
Conant, Nelson. Sallsburr. Vt.
Maglulo, Vlneeno, Rutland. Vt.
Present for duty (previously mi-iilg
Andrews, WUlltm E., Burlington. Vt.
Killed la action
Itlchmond, Oarnett C (Corp.), Rural Re
treat. Vs.
Hawks. Rosco S. (Corp.), Roanoke. Va.
Wells. Clyde, Fslrvlew. Va.
Norfleet, Sydney. Suffolk Vs.
Holmes. F. 8. Graden. Va.
Cbeflin. Dennis. Carterton. Va.
Armes. T. R-, Keysviile. Va.
Woolwins. Ernest, Christ lansburc. Vs.
Eutherland. Edgsr. Couiwood, Va.
Died of wounds
Dowrll, Percy Barbersvllle, Va. - j .
Farson, Paul, Portsmouth, Va.
Died of accident
Thomas. Wyatt J.. Phoenix, Va.
Edwards. William (Set.). Suffolk. Va,
Pirns. W. M. (Cpl.). Standardsvllle, Va.
Clary, Bryant. W., Ankum. Va.
Alexander. Edgar P., Petersburg. Va.
riemenes. Jamea O., Lone Ash. Va.
Moore. Bernard T Chesapeake, Va.
Foster, Robert L.. Reminitton. Vh.
Beard. Cleveland G.. Minces Spring. Va,
Wounded severely
White. Harry. Richmond, Va.
.Missing in action
Bats ins, Leroy A.. Richmond. Va.
Martin. Charles George, Lynchburg, Va.
Kirk. Christian T.. Hopewell. Va.
J.lnton. Robert K., Plus. West Va.
Taylor Emory L., North Tsswell. Va.
Jones. Robert K., Bristol, Va.
Addison. T. U Vandyke. Va.
Kenoli. Atphonso. Norfolk. Va.
Wounded slightly (previously missing)
Buck. Claude W.. Bristol. Va.
Kllled In action
Whltten. Rupert O. (Corp.). Hlnton. W. Va.
Lee son. Okey (Bslr. . Oxford, W. Va.
Callaway. siar:. Hilltop, w. Va.
Cor.ley. J. T.. Levi, W. Va.
Died of wounds
Lane. William D., MurraysvlTle. W. Va.
Rutledge. Marven K, Poe. W. Va.
Hed of disease
Belsley. J. F. (Wagoner). Grafton. W. Vs.
Missing la action
Clarke. Joseph J Wheeling. W. Va.
" Pchafer. William A., Huntington, W. Va.
Taylor. Harold. Burnsviile. W. Va.
Parson. Curtis, Arnoldsburg, W. Va.
.nffah. George !., Clarksburg. W. Vs.
llllia. William H . Lead Mine. W. Va.
Davla, Oils G.. tra;o, W. Va.
Cook, Joseph A.. Jesse. W. Va.
Present for duty (previously missing)
WlUlaras, David U. Brooklyn, W. Va.
Killed la action
Moy. urtte R. (Met.). Mondorl. Wis.
Leonard. L. I. it'orp . Montello. Wis.
Wilson. Fay Miner (Corp.), Waupaca, Wis.
Jacobson. W. Virogua. Wis.
Hoveland. T. M-. New Auburn. Wis. '
Berrfelt. H. L Marinette. Wis.
Mueiier. Herman, Shrboyran Falla, Wla.
Anderson. A. M.. Oconto, Wis.
Carey. D. P Hartford. Wis.
Lance. C A, Oshkosh. Wis.
Jahr. Edwin. Beldenvllle. Wla
Wlchlacs. Ladlslaua. Milwaukee.
Verrelde, Garrett W., Costburs;. Wla
Ruanestrand. Alfred T.. Ettrlck. Wla.
Gernarta. Peter. Marthoa. Wla.
Eied of sronnde
Pecamana. WHUam (Sent.), Oskosh. W!a
Duncombe. Clinton V. iSerit), Darrion, Wis.
Leltzke. Edsr. A-, Burnett Jet., Wis.
Xniaiar, Airast KL. Lake Mills, Wla,
Fldler. Ed, Cto. Wla
Moore. Ralph L.. Genoa. Wla,
Lax. Rudolph A., Green Bay. Wla.
Kulaa. Charles. Polonla, Wla.
Dle.1 af disease
Anunaon. John (Cook. Larson. Wla.
Weber.vValentlne. Grand Rapids. Wla.
Pchleel. Georr A.. Marshtleld. Wla.
Nelson. Carl E. Darllnaton. Wla.
Wendt, Fred. Green Valley. Wis.
Rlndall. Peter A!. Oaseo, Wla
Lautsra, William C. Port Washington. Wla
Devlna, Leo A. Portaa. Wla.
Wouaded sererely
Harper. Archie K. Banaor. Wla
Frohmader. Arnold. Atkinson. Wla.
Hill. Orant. "oldlere Oroee. Wla
wniiama. Georco P.. Hlhlan. Wla.
Wlelaoeh. Anton. Princeton. Wla.
Llllia Paul E. Sparta. Wis.
Koehler, Albert. Hamburg. Wla.
Mieaias; la action
Wastlewica. Tytua (Corp.). Kenosha, Wla
Noyea. Leon B. Cpl.). Mukivonego. Wla.
Thompson. Ralph T. (CpL). Plattsvllle, Wla
Wolciebowskl. 8. (Cpl.). Milwaukee, Wia
Brown. Rdward F-. Tomah. Wla.
Baber. Fred O.. Fond du Ic, Wia.
Albers. Louis, Depere, Wla.
Lau. Arthur. Brllllon. Wis.
Kubble. John W.. Roaendale. Wis.
Notle. Louis, Milwaukee, Wla
Mlesivs. Jseob James. Luttmherf, Wis.
Klllnsky. Walter. Milwaukee. Wis.
Komanowskl John. Krakow, Wis.
Buraesa. William C. Baiem. Wla
Ballaa. Ell. Milwaukee. Wla
Baker; Frank J.. Racine. Wis. .
Cannon. Roy C Janesvllle. Wis.
Weuaded (preelonsly reported missing)
Grant. Robert L. (Sgt ). Belolt. Wia.
Kvanson. Eleln R. Elera, Wis.
Marvin. Merton M . Randolph. Wla.
Nelson. Oliver. Milwaukee.
8lck bt hospital (previously missing)
Bert I in. Edsar Herbert. Eiroy. Wla
Freeept for dnly ( miMing)
Tianleia, Svaa R-, Cambria, Wla
Relder, Henry N.. Appleton, Wla
6mllh, John, Amoy. Wla
Killed la action
Hoi men Jamea O. (Sgt.), Rock River, Wyo.
Xialr, Charles A-, Bock Springs, Wyo.
Anderson. Chas. N.. Encampment, Wyo.
lird of disease
Lambert. Frank. Chug-water, Wyo. .
Missing In action
Coll, Ora, Dwyer. Wyo.
Killed in action
Welsh. Robert S. (Col.), Washington, D. C
Collered. C. M. (Lieut.), Washington, D. C.
Lyles. Earl Lv (Bat.Sgt.-MaJ.), Washing-
ton. D. C.
Died of disease
Depaschalls. E. Q. (Lt). Wsshlnrton. D. C.
M(rrlson. John C Washington, D. C.
VI ounded severely
Barbour, John R., Washington, D. G.
Spauldlng. Jeremiah, Washtcgton, D. C.
Missing In action
Lester. Ralph W. (Sgt.). Washington. D. C
Killed la action
Shlmmin. T. A., England.
Rygg, Mike, Norway.
Matieucci. Domlnlco. Italy.
Shalieri. Gulseppe, Italy.
t'lcclrlllo. VIncenxo. Italy.
Dl Carlo, Angela, Italy. ,
Dublnsky. John. Russia.
Bracco. Michael. Italy.
Flore. Donatl. Italy.
Bruno. Carmlno, Italy.
Bendlkson, Ben, Norway.
BarcikoskL Henry. Russia.
Zukoasky, Paul, Russia.
Vallerlanl. J. L.. Italy.
Quiet. Frank, Italy.
Chiistensen, Marlnus, Denmark.
Koutsoumarpj. T. P., Greece.
Jensen. Fred, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Blssett. Arthur. Lethbridgs, Canada.
Died of disease
Regan, T. W. (Horseshoer), Caatls Garren,
County SUgo. Ireland.
Bonaventura, Glevsnnl. Roma. Italy.
Pattyn. Achiel Lendelede, Belgium.
Funarl, Agosstln. Notlch. Italy.
Hutchinson, Robert, Bedale, England. ,
Wounded severely
Flnocchl. Georpre. Amadola. Italy.
Kirk. Norman McMillan. Ontario. Canada.
Wounded severely (previously missing)
Ds Blasl. Frank. Italy.
Mlssinr In action
Bendexen, Henry It. (Sgt.), Robs Jutland,
Ferretta, Andrea, (Corp.), Casserta. Italy.
Tangredl, Euceneo, Monte Sarchlo Prov. Bet-
nevento, Italy.
Rufio, Gusseppl. Naples Casamlclala. Italy.
Natale. Michael, Nuaro Prov. Dl Bolls, Italy.
Mesinni, Coloyo. Prov. Dl Carxsa. Italy.
Maggio, Rosarrio, Zabrittel, Italy.
Machado. John M., Portugal.
McElheran, Alexander J., Antrim, Ireland.
Lizzona, Raffle, Cozena, Italy.
Graziano, Ralph, Catanzaro Italy.
Syrsyn, Joees. Pollund, Russia.
Ettorlo. Carolinl, Massecoarara, Italy.
Lltrico. Gosslno. Italy.
Sassone. Joseph M., Prov. of Potenza, Italy.
Voza, Frederico,Palerno. Italy.
Stepanuk, Karp. Noskawsky, Russia.
Henschel, Jacob, Black, Poland.
Tinsman. Harry, Winnipeg, Canada.
Simens. Albert Fl., Andegras, Austria.
Samler. Walter H., Richard, Saak.
Pompel, Guiseppe, Prov. of Rome, Italy.
Littleton. Ole, 8andre Buzen Hunaamp Vas-
aestraden. Norway.
Klenck. Chivrles. Toronto. Ont.
Kestner, George E Toronto. Ont.
Wonmled (previously reported missing)
Rtinino, I.ulgl. Italy.
Rublto. Frank. Italy.
Present fur duty (previously missing)
Festa. Angelo, Italy.
Giacornlnl, Joseph. Italy.
Gonzalves, -Tony J., Portugal.
Rose. John. Moes Mills.
Marine Corps List.
The following casualties, are reported by
the Commanding General ox ths American
Expeditionary Forces:
Killed In aetlon 71
Died of wounds received la action .... 09
Died of disease 11
Wounded In action severely 18
Wounded In action slightly 3
Wounded In setlon, degree iwdeterminsd 5
Missing In action US
la hands of enemy a
Killed In action
Harper. Milton J.. Glendala, Or.
Died of srounda
Brassei. Frank J.. Gervals. Or.
Missing in action
Brown. Leonard L.. Hlllsboro, Or.
Welk. George T.. Yamhill. Or.
Wounded slightly
McMahon. Linus T., 4iS Harrison 8t Port
land, or.
Welts. John C. (Cpl.). MoKenna. Wash.
Auten, Lawrence L., Seattle. Wash.
Southard. Samuel W, Waltsburg, Wash.
Died of" wounds
Gaume. Victor. Wlnlock, Waah.
Allman, John (Sgt-), Spokane, Wash.
Died of disease
Farmer. Waiter Grant, Walla Walla, Wash.
Missing In action
Richards. W. M. (Corp.). Spokane, Wash.
Williama H. A. M. (Corp.). Friday Harbor.
Harvey. John J.. Centralla. Wash.
Faulkner. Kay J.. Everett, Wash.
Pope. James H.. Everett, Wash.
Prisoners la Germaay (previously reported
Nelson. Harry R. (Cpl.), Enumclaw, Wash.
Wounded sluthtly
Uolyfls.d, Charles R., Concrete, Wash.
Missing la action
Bolt. Dean G , Boise, Idaho.
Returned to doty, previously reported
Perkins, Q. C. Pocstello, Idaho,
Missing In action
Brownlow. John H, Alpine. Ala.
Smith. John U., Coleanor, Ala.
Missing In action
Whltten. Henry B. (Srt.). Lonoke. Ark.
Sick In hospital (previously reported miss
ing) Lutar, Frsd. BrUgs, Ark.
Killed In action
Jones, Henry (Sgt.), San Diego, CaL
Blodget. Lewis J., Folsom City. Cal.
Balxer. Eugene I, San Francisco.
Roberts. Harry C, Fresno, Cal.
Died of wounds
Dunlevy, Thomaa H.( San Francisco, CaL
Cobb. Fred Walter (Cpl.), Vallejo, Cal.
Died of disease
Elliott. Leonard J., Selraa, Cal.
Zane. Randolph T. (Major), Sacramento, Cal.
Missing In action
Barnett. Bryan J, Colton. Cal.
Hageman. Warren R., Rosedale, Cal.
tichierenback. Herbert K.. Alameda, Cal. .
Prisoners In Germany (previously reported
missing) .
Wayman. Harry Westley, Salinas, Cat
Killed in action
Garrison, John W., Creeda, Cola.
Misnins; In action
Klemme. Carl J., Boulder Colo.
Died of wounds
Chamberlain, Earles H. (Cpl.), New Haven.
wounded severely
Gallogly, Floyd F., Stamford. Conn.
Killed In action
Brennan, William N., Hockeasubum, Del.
Died of wounds i
Adams, Ell, Miliedgevllle, Gs.
iied of disease
Wainright, Lafayette Fran., West Point. Ga.
.Missing; in action
Bolton, Walter E.. Griffin. Ga.
Present for duty, previously reported died
di uiaesie
Zervls, Guy, Los Angeles, Cal.
Present for duty, previously
Goodwin, C. O.. Valdost. Ga.
Killed In action
Schneider, Wm. J. (Cpl.). Chicago.
Hlddleson, Alfred, Morriston, 111.
Powell. Walter K... Springfield, 111.
Died of wounds
Keyes. George Irving, Chicago.
Blenklnsop, Marcus W., Chicago, ni. "
Schroeder. Frank (Cpl.), Peotone, 111.
Gordon, Charles K. (Cpl.) Robinson. 111.
Missing In action
Schaber, Allyn B. (Corp.). Sprtngfjeld, IIL
wewui, ioygias . JU-, vnicago.
Comer, William P., Chicago.
Miller. Parrln C, Chicago, 111.
Hynek, Charles M., Chicago, III.
Humphreys, Loren B., Chicago.
Harney, George A.. Woodson. 111. ,
Sweitzer, Leon I., Chicago. '
Shaw. George D., Oak Park. III.
Killed In action (previously reported miss
Martin. Ray William, Sheffield. HL
In hospital (previously reported died at
Doilson. Ray Richard (Cpl.), Chicago
Sick in hospital
Manning, William Joseph, Chicago.
Killed In action
Bayne, Russell C. (8ec.-Lleut.), Mulberry,
Jaituess, John R., Oweasvllle, Ind.
Died of wounds
Miesch, Alfred George, Inttlan Harbor, Ind.
Baughman, Victor K., ML Etna. Ind.
Wounded severely
White. Frank Emerson, Oeslan. Ind.
Missing in action
McOrew. George B.. Evansvllle, Ind.
Wistrand. Harry E., Chicago, Ind.
Richards, Clyde N. L.. Anderson. Ind.
Purcell. Clarence J.. Indiana Harbor, Ind.
Returned to duty (previously reverted
Schsum, Albert Carl, E-raasvllle, Ind.
Killed in action '
Kidder, Hugh P. (Sec-LJeaL), WauVon, la.
viea as wonnns
Donohoe, Charles I. (8rL). Anita. Iowa.
Sick la hospital (previously reported salaa
Dexter, George William. Atlantic, Iowa.
Missing- In action
Cody. Aiphonse L.. O Berlin, Kan.
Ross, Warren L St. John, Kasw
Killed In action
Williams, Oscar. Flatslck, sty.
Wounded severety 1
Welbel. Charles. Louisville, Ky.
sussing in action
Dixson, Hay M., Demosvllla, Ky.
Crout. Otis D , Butler, Ky.
1 'resent for duty. Drevionslr
Clark. Jesse, Harold, Ky.
Killed In action
Putnam, Chas. L. (Cpl.), New Orleans.
Hurst. John. New Orleans La.
Wounded severely
Dorlocourt, Charles. New Orleana, La.
nissina- in action
Rerrerson. Calvin (Corp.), Rontna, La.
Murphy. John W., New Orleana
Jacobs, Perry, New Orleans. .
Sherman. K, O., Booth Bar Harbor, Me.
MAai za. x.
ni . .i
inm VI w vujiui
Ward, Frank. Baltimore. Md.
Misslnar la action-
Holland. Cecil C, Pocomoke City. Md.
Whalen, Eiiisworth C. Baltimore.
Upole, Lawrence H Deer Park, Md.
Killed In action-
Hamilton. Wm. H. (Sgt.), Bedford. Mass. -
nauQon, narry r., Brighton, Mass.
Munser. Chester L.. Medford. Masa.
Lynch. William J Boston.
Johnson, Paul T., Allston, Mass
Mclienry, John (Lieut.), Baltimore, Md.
Wounded severely
QllllKan. Neil J. (Sgt.), West Warren, Mass.
Griffin. Roger M.. Roxbury. Masa
.wisMtua in action '
Biggins. James A., Waltham, Mass.
Qulnian. James F., East Walpole, Mass,
Sick In hospital (previously reported missing
Ellis. Thomas F. (Cpl.), Fall River, Mass.
miiurnea vv ansy v previously reported
Hall, H. H., SomervUle, Mass.
Suits in the richest fabrics, trimmed with the handsomest furs Hud
son Seal, Opossum, Beaver and Taupe Wolf
$89.75, $98.75, $125 and up
The Coat That Yon Have Longed For
Coats of Velours, Mixtures, Cheviots, etc., in all the most fashionable
shades. Some trimmed with fur- Si8.50, $24.50, $29.50
Coats of Broadcloth and Silvertone. Many with collars of fur. A host
of Smart colors and Styles coj. erft oqn ern .! K( C1Q K(
lfSWv Js, "t J t'SL-S'wr vjr j sxs JLenltWa ajy JL. f-T
Coats of velours in lovely shades of
Rose-Taupe, Smoke, Brown and Silver
tone.' Handsome fur trimmings
$55, $69.50, $89.50
Very Special
Misses' Coats of Burella Cloth
Brown, Green and Taupe with
Collars $24
Second Floor.
A DRESS for Every Need
and Every Occasion
Smart street costumes of
serge, velour and velveteen. '
Lovely afternoon frocks of
satin, Georgette and velveteen.
Charming frocks for evening
wear, on formal and semi-formal
$22.50 $29.50 $33.75
All High-Grade Model
Gowns Greatly Reduced
, Third Floor.
ML a.V
50 4 j'l
TCIllsa In action
Greenup. Leo C (Corp.), Detroit, Mich.
Med of wounds
Soholowskl. Frank, Lansing, Mich.
Frost. George Lee (Sgt.), Lansing, Mich.
Died of disease
Cummings, Alonzo D., East Jordan, Mich.
Weaver, William G.. Gaylord. Mich.
Missing In action
Zorn. Kdward (Corp.). Detroit. Mich.
Yaks. Ira A.. Lexington, Mich.
Schuater, Edward. Detroit, Mich.
In hospital, prevtmisly reported missing
Marter, T. E.. Port Huron, Mich.
Returned to outy (previously reponea
m inniiir 1
Applebe. W. J., Flint. Mich.
fteturnea to uuty previously reportea
Sink, Perry Lee, Detroit, Mich.
Killed In action
Gould, Harold A., North Minneapolis. Minn.
Moldestad, Haroiu W St. louib rsrx, sunn.
Died of wounds
Westlund, Conrad J- Warren, Minn.
Bay. Earle W., Tracy, Minn.
James, Isaac F., lronton. Minn.'
Hill, Louis, Bralnard, Minn.
Halverson, Henry N. South Minneapolis.
Burd, Vera v., Mantorville, Minn.
Skohbe, Linton C, Minneapolis, Minn.
Missing in action
Struble, S. E. (Corp.), Forest Lake, Minn.
Emery, Cyrus L, sietn, Minn,
Crandall, Harry H., Mankato, Minn.
Youngs, Howard D., Renville, Minn.
Olin, Russell W., Ada, Minn.
Nyon, Oscar A., Minneapolis, Minn.
Returned to duty (previously reported
Daemon, Murlce, Minneapolis, Minn.
Broderlck, V, H. (Corp.), Minneapolis, Minn.
Died of wounds .
Rill, Teo. B. (Cpl.). Gulfport, Miss.
MJssing in action
Dlckerson, James R., Stsrgls, Miss.
KlUrd In action .
Sone, James R., Jefferson City, Mo.
Koehler, George W., SU Louis, Mo,
Died of wounds
Boots. Wade A., Palmyra, Mo.
Wounded slightly
Forrest, Michael D., St. Louis.
Missing in action
Douglass. Henry H., St. Louis.
Dorsey, M. L.. WInfleld, Mo.
Brewer, James V.. St. Louis.
Anderson, Frank C., Lee Summit, Mo.
Fecker, Joseph, St. Louis. Mo.
Wheeler, Karl R., Norborne, Mo.
Steuart, Kyle I . Laddnnla. Mo.
Sick in hospital (previously reported miss
ing) Carter, Omer Ralph. Elmer. Mo.
Cox. Richard Walter. St. Louis. Mo.
Returned to duty (previously reported
Nichols.-J. B., Haytl, Mo.
Oconnel, D. T., St. Louis, Ms.
Killed in action
Ford, Daniel, Helena, Mont. .
Andreason, Ivar G.. BUllngs, Mont
Died of wounds
Dornblaser, Paul L. (Cpl.), Missoula, Mont.
Missing In action
Slomowlti. S. I. (Corp.), Billings. Moat.
Hannah, Stanford, Fort Benton, Mont.
- -
Thels. John H Missoula, Mont.
Returned to duty, (previously reported
Albert, S. H., Alberton, Mont.
Killed in action
Stewart, Lester B. (Sgt.), Walt Hill, Neb.
Schultx, Donald D., Wigner, Neb.
Died of disease
Fankhauser, Aldoif, Rushville, Neb.
Missing in action
Bell, Arthur, York, Neb.
Missing- In action
Abbott, Israel, Mosquito, Nev.
In hospital (previously reported missing)
Mosall, J. E., McKoevllle. N. Y.
Returned . to duty (previously reported
Mnrrinnald, Alex., Richmond Hill N. Y
Returned to duty (previously reported
Standfast, John White, Flushing, L. I.
Killed In action
Murphy, Eugene F. (Gun Sgt.), Ogdensburg,
New York.
Baker, Robt. F. (Corp.). Troy N. T.
Rlordan, George F. (Cpl.), Lisle, N. T.
Goth, Louis B., Fredonla, N. Y.
Candito. Vincent J., New York, N, T.
Beebe, John, Troy. N. Y.
Potts, David, Jr., Marmarreneck, L. I., N. T.
Owens, Stephen, New York.
Xachant, Albert, Syracuse, N. Y.
Loproll, Ambrose J., Buffalo, N. T.
Died of wounds
Struthers, Charles B, Flushing. N, T.
Skkl more, Carl Beard, New York.
Pugh. Herschell. Utlca. N. T. i
Millar, Bralnard W., CropseyviV, N. T. ' i
Jordan, Michael A., Albany, N. Y. J
House, Lisle Sherman, Lee Center, N. T.
Springer, Alva C. (Cpl.). New York.
Solomon, Nathan (Cpl.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Snyder, James 1). (Cpl.), Syracuse N. Y.
Missing- in action
Speno, G. E. (Corp.), Tnrrytown, T. Y.
Weidman, F. W. (Corp.), Corona, L. I.
Cole. John J., Deer I'ark, Long Island, N. Y.
Boyce, Irving L., Jamaica, N. Y.
McCarthy, James. New llrlprhtnn, L. I., N. Y.
Jacobs, Dorwin W., Norwich, N. Y.
(Continued on Pnce IS.)
For Itching Torture
Theif' is one remedy that seldom fails
to Stop itching torture and relieve skin
irritation and that makes tho skin soft,
clear and healthy.
Any druggist can supply you with
zemo, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pim
ples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases
give way to zemo. Frequently, minor
blemishes disappear overnicht Itching
usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe.
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and
dependable. It costs only 33c; an extra
large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain, is
iiot greasy or sticky and is positively
sale tor tender, sensitive 6kins.
Tba E. W. Rom Co Cleveland. O
- 4