Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 28, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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official casualty list
iConllnu.J From Pair
An, Obrl-j K. (Corp ). Buffalo. N. T.
.Iliion, Milcher M. U'orp . Buffalo. N. T.
mllh. Charlra (Orp.), Brooklyn, N. T.
Millr. Adolph lUsr.l, Brooklyn. N. Y.
l.Illott. J. K. HViJ, tMlnin(. N. T.
All. Rocro. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Boland. Iuli -I.. Nrw Tork.
Carnni, John, Nrw Tork.
JtijnUp. Wiilium O., Middletoirii. N. T.
Althlrm. Mlvt.- Mill. Nrw Rorhell. X. T.
fturchler. ;eorse .1.. New York, '. Y.
t'oliina, Karl J, buffalo. N. Y.
"ourtney. Karvn B. . Silver Sprint, X, T.
'irmJeir!kl. Loul Buffalo. N. Y.
Karkln.". lllram J.. Tonawanda. N. T.
Ti.-t. J or. Nrw York. N. Y.
Barrrit. Philip, f illlon vlllr. N. T.
Anuano. Alfrrd. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Barrlirk. Maurice J.. Albany. N. T.
Canavan, fh&rl-s K.. Brooklyn, N. T.
Ctayton. Arthur. Nrw York. N. Y.
iMMlck. Harry. Brooklyn. N. Y.
I'uanr. Alexander C. Nw York. .N. Y.
4hrttenn, lorr? A- Prrth A m boy. X.
I.-hrrwood. John v . Mt. mov N. Y.
MoQullan. Patrick J . New York. N. Y.
Xfurray. Juhn Jorrpli. Cortland. N. Y,
ElwcrthT. Henry V Flushing. N. Y.
Krrria, .adtio Stanley. Norwich, N. Y.
llayne. Jamea K., Copperstown. N. Y.
l.prnky. Victor. Nrw York. N. Y.
Ohrlrn. John I. Brook'.yn, N. Y.
lnn. Olr B.. liran. N. V.
Bchmttt. Krrdrrick Ferdinand. Valley
Stream. N. Y.
Gernold. Aukum Jan.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Ooloa. Philip. Ornrva. N. Y.
Lamb, Randolph, Yonkrrn. N. Y.
Sfeune. Raymond K, Troy. N. Y.
Mlllrr. Stanl.-laur J.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Purdy, Ocorfro 1. I'ansviile, N. Y.
r.ohars. Arthur ft., MaJonr. N. Y.
Rudolph. Alovlu J., Brooklyn. N. T.
Pattrnwn. Robert K.. Ilion. N. Y.
Prince. John It.. NLisara. Falls. K. Y.
PuccU Toner. Buffalo. N. Y.
Re-stenberger, Cilntav A., Brooklyn. If.
Rosen. Inrael, New York. N. Y.
Vital. Iomenlrk. New York.
71tririer. Andrew A.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Smith. Lewta. Wensburic, N. Y.
Vincenro, rx-sari, Syracuse, N. Y,
Ravaon. Homer, pllt.'ield. N. Y.
Harcona, Jack. Brooklyn.
.-hl-k. Vaientlne K.. New Tork.
Schwarra. Jerome. New York.
Hart. Isidore. New York,
gilllo. Benl'lo P.. New York.
Kiaioleroa. Kemrn. Sraten Island. X. Y.
Knapp. John. New York.
'.irmirli Corp NrW York.
Mannarloo.'r.rrirnry Savrro. Brooklyn. I. Y.
Mryer. William J.. Brooklyn. N. 1.
Morrissey, Kdward J.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Iloa. I'ornrlius. Waldrn. N. Y.
Schmltt. Kdw. F.. Buffalo, N. Y.
SVirllta. Louis, New York.
Thelen. John E.. Syrai-uw. N. Y.
Wllpor. ilen. Northwestern. N. Y.
Wav, Arthur F... Schenectady, N. Y.
Woi'. Jerry. New York.
Kramiua. Sllvestran. Nlaparm. N. Y.
Crant. William II.. New York.
;roa?man. Pamuel. Brooklyn.
Gurzynnki. Henry O.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Jones. Keneth '.. Walertown. N. Y.
Keiper. Arthur O.. Blnithnmton. N. T.
Krnnrdy. Joeeph B.. Klnderbook. N. Y.
;ialber. Paul. Buffalo
Manning, Frank. Brooklyn.
McNair. Alan M.. New York.
Mimr, Frank I. Pyracuae, N. T.
Mlnaiik. Joseph. New York.
Heurser. Kdward F., New York.
Mann, rornellua F.. Mlddletown. V. T.
Marcus, t'lement ;., Olean, N. Y.
Mnlyneanx, Patrick. I.eroy. N. Y.
Muwcovare. Stanley I. Amabry, Pa.
Miller. Harvey. Fort Hill. Pa.
Tartazxo. Kmello. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Oolden. William. w York City.
lhm. John M.. Kinderhook. N. Y.
riolan. Bernard J., Brooklyn. N. Y.
Poorty. William J.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Bechtold. Elmer G.. Korhester. N. Y.
Beeker. Oustavo A.. Itlchmond Hill. X. Y.
Bruno. Michael, New Hartford, N. Y.
("haurln. beo J.. Jlalone. N. Y.
Muench. fhrtat L.. Buffalo. X. Y.
I'aemustkl. Icnatx. Schnectady. X. Y.
Beardon. John. Brooklyn. N. Y.
rVhierhorat. Conrad. Sa Cliff. X. Y.
Sllveatrl. Joaeph. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Stabile. C'annin. New York.
Wartni. Samuel. New York City.
"Ward. Marquard. New York City.
7.lelian. Asser. Brooklyn, X. Y.
Bailey. Otin J.. Oneonta. X. T.
Died of wound
afaxwell. K. A. (Sart-). Meadowbrook. X. Y.
Kalrr. W. J. (Cpl. ). Rocheater. N. Y.
Smith. Joaeph A. (Cpl.), Brooklyn. X. Y.
Crabowski. Fred (Corp.), Syracuse. X. Y.
Thurber. Ljiin A. Springfield. X. Y.
llooa. dtlnR W Oaainlnc. X. Y".
Mooney. Peter Aloylus. Itockaway Park. X. Y.
Arnold. Frank A.. New Berlin. X. Y.
Chapman. Otto. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Wolf. AuKuat. Brooklyn. X. Y".
I'roko, James. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Maun. Pbl'lp. New York,
.lohnson. Charles E. Sawille. X. Y.
Forater. Harold It. Clyde. N. Y.
Ie Glai. Jomph. Mt. Vernon. X. Y.
Spies, Georite. Rochester, N. Y.
Parmenter. Floyd H-. Elmlra. N. Y.
Oakley. Arl-y. Buffalo. N. Y.
Martin. Conrad. Jamaica, X. Y.
I.utx. John E.. EatKertavllie. X. Y.
Friedman. Morris. New York, X. Y.
Died of dtea
Murphy. Francis J. (Set.), Beacon, X. Y.
Selwln. Richard R. SKt.). Brooklyn.
Atkins. Laurence B. (S(rt.). Holley. X.
"Waltera. Arthur (Set.). Brooklyn. X. Y.
Coleman. H. ifpl.), Hancocks Bridge. X. Y.
MrHurh. James J. (Corp.), Albany, X. Y.
"Welsh. John F. (wagoner). Brooklyn. X. Y.
Partland. Bernard J. (cook). New York.
Burke. Michael J. (Wagoner), New York.
Baclirarh. Dayid. Brooklyn.
Allen, Vaientlne P.. Benton, X. Y.
Ftorino. Joseph. Brooklyn.
t'unntngham. Mathew W., PeekskiU, X.
Brack. Jacob E.. Albany, X. Y.
Ohyrne. Patrick J., Auburn. X. Y.
McXally, Patrick. Brooklyn.
Iiuer. Georce P.. Brooklyn.
Rapkin. E. L... New York.
Twalta. Harold. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Sandusky, Frank. Amsterdam. X. Y.
Forgette. William Mayfield. N. Y.
Butler. John A.. Schaghtlcoke. X. Y.
Biasing. Harry O.. Port Washington. X. Y.
Bevera, Frank. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Astone. Gaetano. Vtica. X. Y.
Schlffner. Herman F.. Gowanda, X. Y.
Qulnn. William T.. Xew York. X. Y.
Wounded severely
Connelly. Edmund J. (T.ieut.). New York.
Kolpein. Kenneth H. (Lieut). Ripiey. X. Y.
olllns. L. J. (Sgt. Brooklyn. N. Y.
McLaughlin. James (Set.). New York.
Brown. William E. n'orp.). Baypoint. X. Y.
Humbltn. Henry Warren ICorp.), Brooklyn.
Carson. Lonls (Bglr.), Xew Brighton. X. Y.
Yarkood. W. A. (Mech.). Niagara Falll.X. Y,
Tahlberg. Arthur ., Jamestown, N. Y,
Bush. George W.. Martlnsyille. X. Y.
Selinsky, F. C, Liverpool. X. Y.
Pechells, J. F.. Niagara Falls. X. Y.
Manteise. Salvatore. Iobbs Ferry, X. Y.
Adams. Allan, New York.
Klblsr, F. R-. Tonawanda, X. Y.
Cohen. Meyer. New York.
Wiener, Max. New York.
Marks. David. New York.
2U. Kenna, Joseph P., Brooklyn, X. Y.
Missing In action
Preston. Harry C. (Lieut), Xew York.
Rmstine. Fred C. (Sgt.). Buffalo. N. Y.
Miodynski. Bdmnnd (Sgt). New York.
Ruanberg. Walter (Corp.), Xsw York.
Figgatt. James. Xew York.
Hricoland. Cesar. Xew York.
Coyle. John J, Sclo. N. Y.
Jmvltt. James. New York.
Davis. J. A-. Xew York.
Kasparlan. Harry. New Yorlc
Goodman, William. New York,
a.'ostlgan. Fenton. New York.
O'Doherty. William H.. Brook!rn X. T.
Tucker, Joseph H-. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Shapiro, Samuel, New Y'ork.
Bunge. John F.. Astoria. X. Y.
Blchardson. BenJ. J., Brooklyn. X. Y.
Hall. Frank P.. Xew York.
Prlester. Francis J.. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Selva'ggl. Frank. Long Island. X. Y.
Shelly. Francis, New York.
Vancott. Robert RockvlH Center, X. Y.
HticHr. Jiitin F.. Nrw York.
The National Smoke
Better ihan most 10-cenlers
at K. BMITH CO. DlaUibwtara,
Gnvaurr. Charlrs. Astoria. N. Y.
Garufl. Gloavlnnl. Nrw York.
Krirter. Carl II., Brooklyn. X. Y.
Haas. I.eo, New York.
Fuhrman. Sam. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Kvans. Kdward J.. Phoenix. X. Y.
IMierr. Martin. Hlcksvllle. N. Y.
Wright, Albert. Brooklyn. X. Y.
Anderson. Arthur L. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Thompson. Joseph. Brooklyn, X. Y.
Straus, Raymond. New York.
Reillv. Edward. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Murrihy, John J.. New York.
Mciaela. Samuel B., Brooklyn. X. T.
Killed In action . . .
RlKKtn. C. II. K'apt). East Ruthorford. X.
Newell. C. S. Sgt ). Leonia. X. J.
Iielaney, A. A. (Sgt). Tort Jervls, N. J.
Butrra. Albert W. (Sgt.). X. Bergen. X. J.
Blanks. Siner B. (Corp.). Trenton. X. J.
Garrett. (!. A. (Corp.). Klngsland. X. J.
V .m.- L Unt-m.n I I'nm I Mlllvllle. N. J.
Augustine, J. P. (Corp.). Perth Am boy, X. J.
Brady Bernard J. (Corp.).- Union, N. J.
Kelly, w. C. (Corp.). Newark. X. J.
Mullrr. Micharl (Corp.). Jersey City. X. J.
Kusselt Donald J. (Corp.). Haekensaek. X. J.
l ohen. Samuel (Corp.), Xewark. J.
Kpplr, Kdmund (Corp.), Monrocviue. n. j,
Hutlovowlch. S. (Wag.). Eltxaheth. X. J.
Bennett. Eliaa SfL. Jamrsburg. N. J.
Campfield. (ieorge F-. Newark. N. J.
Cassidy. Joseph J, Princeton, X. J.
Berry. Frank. Atlantic. X. J.
Bostel. Frank L, Elizabeth. X. J.
Flaherty. Patrick. Elizabeth. N. J.
Holler. Harry R-. Jersey City, N. J.
Muffurcl. Vincenso. 3Iontclair. X. J.
Patrick, Joseph, Somerville, X. J.
Sanlonl. Frank. Jersey City. X. J.
Terwtlligrr. John E.. Xew Found land, N. J
Peterson. Rudolph. Lisbon, X. J.
I'cpe. Marion, l.odl. X. J.
Shuman. Leon B., Spartan, X. J.
'inninger, John J., Jr., Maywooa, r.
imlth. Charles J., Trenton. X. J.
Smith. William T.. Belleville. X. J,
Slraffl, Adolph, Perth Am boy, X. J.
llarchar. John. Bayonne. N. J.
Goaen. Arthur I... Xew Brunswick. X. J,
Baker. Frank. Washington Mills. .N. J.
Kun, Leo L. (Sgt), Newark. X. J.
Hanna. A. L. (Sgt). Harrison, x. J.
Mcath. Frank A., Newark. X. J.
Klphlck. William, Montclair. X. J.
Eastman. Wesley M.. Easlon. N. it.
Gurskl. John. Sayrevllle. X. J.
Lowerre. Edgar B., Flushing, u. X.
1IH nf wound P F. Cant). East Orange. X.' J.
Whldden. C. V. (Wag.). Long Island City.
Bannan. Jamea I... Newark. X. J.
Ablett William S-. Camden. X. J.
Buckley. Edward J.. East Orange. X. J.
Died from aeroolane accident
Reid. Kenneth M (Lieut), Paterson, X. J.
Died of disease
Ttrafllnar. ltarrv A. (Sgt). Trenton. N. J.
Spang. Klwood P. (Cpl.). Woodstown, X. J.
Kardon. Horace J., paterson, r.
Byrne. John B., Jersey City.
Burke. William J., Jersey City.
Herman. Benjamin, Elizabeth, X. 3.
Baker. John B. II.. Camden. X. J.
McCormlck. Thomas J., College Point I X.
Martinez. Richard. Long Island City, X. J.
Kstvio. (S. J- Belleville. N. J.
Woolley. Howard E. Farmingdale, X. J.
Olden. Alexander. Bayonne, X. J.
Wounded severely
Numbers. Wlllism (Sgt), Camden, X. J.
Missing In action
M.-i:rrtv John J. (Corn.). Trrlntrton. X. J.
Hush, Harry L. (Corp.). Park Ridge. N. 3.
uffy. John F. (Corp.). Burlington. N. J.
reely. mnk (Corp.). Newark. X. J.
tratton. It A. (bugler). Woodlynne, X. J.
hillips. Harold F. (Mech.), Elizabeth. X. J.
Thonas, Henry S. (cook), Rutherford, X.J.
rnsen. F. L.. Glen Rock. N. J.
noolcto. Angello. Bayonne. X. J.
From. George P.. Wood bridge. X. J.
elaney. Joseph F.. Newark, X. J.
Cadmus. Theodore. Newark, X. J.
ziengeleskl. Stanlslaw. Perth Am boy, N. J.
Inckney. John J.. I.yndhurst. X. J.
Wurst. Frank B.. Newark. N. J.
Price. Frank T.. Bloomfleld, X. J.
Mortaett Eugene, Jersey City, X. J.
Mayer, Alvin L., Swedesboro, N.' J.
Whvta. Charles H.. Paterson. X. J.
Duerr, Gustave A., Newark, X. J.
Miller, John B., Princeton. N. J.
Killed In action
Cooper. Ray K. (Wgnr.). Sunapre. X. H.
t. Illlalre. Emlle. ijrrnn. n. h.
Itnherge, Joseph H , Manchester, X. H.
Dlel of wound
Bailger. Armond J.. Littleton. X. H.
Missing in action
ould. Frederick W'.. Meredith. X. H.
Whltler. William, Enfield. X. H.
Killed In action
Peterson. Chria. Gallup, X. M.
Wonnded severely
ragon. Anastacio. vnianenva. x. M.
Hounded, nndetermined (prrvioasly re-
norted missing)
Howard. J. II.. Capitan. X. X.
Missing In action
Montova. Jose C. Santa F"e, X. M.
Vigil. Daniel, San Juan, New Mexico.
Howard, Claude C. Demlng, X. M.
Mlrahsl. Miguel, Peralto. X. M.
Ke turned to duty (previously reported
m isslng ).
L'libarrl. J. A.. Amarllla. X. H.
Killed In action
Matthews. Milton A. (Sgt.), Angler, X. C.
McCoy. J. W. (Mech.), Statesville. X. C.
Brady. B. W. (Mech.). Hope Mills, X. C.
Merrill. Henry C, uastonla, X. t.
Pittman. Randolph,- Tarboro, X. C.
Oxendlne, William R.. Bules, X. C.
Bayfield, Nelson, Lexington, N. C.
Williams. John A.. Rosemary, X'. C
Pfaff. Carl C Saflem. X. C.
Fair. Robert K.. Ashevllle. N. C
Gatlln. Ben L, Erect. X. C
Saunders. Rowan. Wilkesboro. X. C.
Jester. Alton Kirk. High Point, X. C
Died of wounds
Purceli. Douglas (Sgt), Mazton, X. C
Brooks. Ross (Cpl.). Spurgeon, X. C.
Rrickell. William W.. Halifax. X. C
Carpenter, Thaldeus C. Hickory. X. C
Burrls. Jamea I).. Concord, X. C
Died or disease
Andrews, Henry, Bethel. X. C
Hal lance, I.ucian. Elizabeth City, X. C.
Francks. Mallum, Trenton. X. C.
Cheek. Charles, Winston Salem, X. C
Manlgo. Fred. Georgetown. N. C.
McFadden, Frank. Dallas. X. C.
Elliott Adam. Marlon. X. C
Munford, William, Jacksonville, X. C
Morton. T. N Oxford. N. C.
Carpenter, Fred. Albermarle, X. C
Ward. Dennis W.. Greensboro, X. C.
Wonnded severely
Missing in action-
Daniels. Wm. W. (Corp.). KTfchart. X. C.
Adams, Alfred, Elcn College, X. C
Perry. William E.. East Durham. X. C
Simpson. Theron Holt. Waxhaw. X. C.
Simpson, John 11.. Reldsville, X. C.
Killed In action
Wlrkus. Lauren Paul. Mlnto, X. D.
Bauer. John P., Hankinson. X. D.
Frlckson. Ernest J. A., Wilton, X. D.
Died of wounds
Moore. Ernest L. (Sgt.), Raton. X. D.
Died of disease-
Roll. F. G., Brinsmade, X. D.
Redi, Edward A., Oceanic, X. Z.
Hounded severely
Weidner, John B., Golden Valley, X. D.
Miming in action-
Clark. Arlo. McKenxle, X. T.
DeForest, Alvin. Devils Lake, X. D.
Killed In action
Wiland. Paul. Flndlay, Ohio.
Rowan. John Patrick, Cincinnati, O.
Gibson, Samuel R. (Sgt), Youngstown, O.
Dury, Charles W. (Corp.), Cincinnati. O.
Kuhn. Russell C (Corp.), Columbua, O.
Hysell. Ira R-. Mlddleport. O.
Guarlno. Tony, Akron, O.
Green, Herbert D., Buffalo. O.
George, Alex, Dayton, O.
Sweet. Leonard. Cleveland. O.
Ray. Carl. Ashtabula. O.
Brehl, John A- Columbus. O.
Karr. Alfred M.. Wllllamsf leld. O.
Warner. Ralph. Cleveland. O.
Michael. Homer. Dayton. O.
Allen. Cuard W Xew Richmond. Ohle.
Hammond. George C, Cambridge, Ohio.
Brill. Clifford W.. Cincinnati, O.
Lauphrey. Pearl C Dennison. Ohio.
Hefflelngs. Daniel H. Dorset, Ohio.
Miller, Frank H.. Port Washington, Ohio.
Kubec. Jas. T., Cleveland, Ohio.
Shiultz, Clarence William. Greenville, O.
John. Tom. Alliance. Ohio.
Jacquette. Don C. Grover Hill. Ohio.
ortz. Bert D Cleveland. Ohio.
.Inehan. William K.. Dennison. Ohio.
Wehner. Roman us, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Smith. Russell Joseph. Dayton, Ohio.
Died of wounds -Yorges,
Lawrence C. (Cpl ), Columbus, O.
Allen. Irving H. (cook). Toledo, O.
a ran, Simon, Toledo. O.
'ence. Grove, Parts. Ohio.
Duncan. Fred B.. Columbus. Ohio.
Toole. Edward, Lakewood. Ohio.
Tobens. Alfred J.. St Marys. Ohio.
retzlnger. Frederick Gallep, Bridgeport, O,
Fleming. James, Youngstown, Ohio.
Ned of discos
Moore. Frank U. (Sgt). Columbia. O.
imon, Bugene Frank (Sgt.), Chlllicothe. O.
vells. Ous (Corp.). Toledo. O.
Burkey. Jacob C. rhlrlehvllle, O.
Blbler. Charles. Etna. O.
Broadice. Oblce. Cedai-vtlle. O.
Palner. William, Cincinnati.
Kelley. Kail II.. Chicago Junction, O.
arper, Albert. Pomeroy, O. .
mlth. D. M-. Vanwert. O.
wtsdalskl. Henry F.. Bedford. O.
Palmer, lister A.. Coming, O.
'Indley. Charles. Cincinnati. O.
Dlci'erson. Elliott Free port. O.
eecher, Charles A.. Peoria. O.
nodes, Clayton H., Ravenna. Ohio.
ever. Charles w.. Burkettsvllle, Ohio.
Wonnded severely
Staxkcy. Kdward II., Canton, O.
Missing in action
Durkin, John F.. Youngstown, O.
Caruso. Nick. Columbus. O.
Bernhard. Howard, Cleveland. O.
Gamerdlnger, J. T.. Newark. O.
Frain. J. J.. Y'oungstow n, O.
Davis. C. F.. Columbus, O.
clrmlnars. Frank. Akron. O.
Welling, Thomas, Cleveland. O.
Walter. Chester W.. Cleveland, O.
Exilor, Marion, Lakewood, O.
Rletx, John G., Blue Ask, O.
Keck. W illiam, Akron. O.
Hasecoster. Adam H.. Cincinnati, O.
Samsa. Frank, Cleveland, O.
Rodgers, Harvey E.. Maple Heights. O.
Plummer. Charles L.. Canton. O.
Pldcock. Henry O.. New Marshfield. O.
Pekarek. Stanley, Cleveland. O.
Oravetz. George, Cleveland." O.
Silvernail. Iuis E.. Burton. O.
Safranek, Jamrs, Canton. O.
Wood. Merl M., Zanesvllle. Ohio.
Tlmmons. Deo M., Holllnsburg. .O.
Smith, Frank R., Martins Ferry, O.
Simmons. Burman K., Hamilton, O.
Kuno. Frank, Chardon, O.
Krauss. Wallfar G.. Cleveland. O.
Holt, James K.. Youngstown, O.
Schoepflln, Edward J.. Sandusky, O.
Neubauer, William G.. Cincinnati.
Killed to action
Turnbull. Albert Achille. Okla.
Sample, William U. Keno. Okla.
Smith. Thomas F... Paoll. Okla.
Ware. Hugh H. (Corp.), Chickasha. Okla.
Miller. Will B.. Jennings. Okla.
Turner. Albert Lee, okemaha. Okla.
Matlock. James F.. Lyons. OK la.
Cllmle. John 8.. Yale, Okla.
Rumsey. Jewell Bird. Vivian. Okla.
Hardy. Keunedy. Clayton, Okla.
Died of wounds
Churchwell, Omar (CpL), Altus. Okla.
I-.obinson. Irvin J. (Cpl.), Moore, Okia.
Beets. James H.. Vinita, Okla.
Cheek. Charles C Waynoka, Okla.
Died of disease?
Grayson. Henry (Cpl.). Oktaha. Okra.
Fields, Alexander, Ketchum. OKia.
Bennett. Jese J., Ada, Okla.
Markland. Bliss. Waklta. Okla.
Allen. Glen C. Wynnewood, Okla.
Ware. O. G., Shamrock. Okla.
Rich burg. E. X.. Castleberry. UKia.
Gillvard. Jim. Muskogee. Okla.
Olson. Frank W., Helml, Okla.
Beard, Klrkle M., Enid. Okla.
Arnett. Andy M., Marble City, Oklv
Thrasher, Harr". F.. Cleveland, Okla,
Madden. Ellis. Hitchcock, Okla.
Wonnded severely -
Green, Willie (Corp.), Hastings. Okla.
McGrew. Gerald N. (Coro.l. Bliss. Okla.
Sexton. X. W. (Corp.). Wewoka, Okla.
Buraam, B. J., Glcncoe. Okla.
Kearns. Charles F.. Dumrlght, Okla.
Missing In action '
Rradv. Charles L. I Sgt). Tarriver, Okla.
Boyer, Joseph (Corp.). Medford, Okla,
Brown. Otis, Tulsa. Okla.
Garrison. 1. L.. McMillan. Okla.
Long. Marion W., Watonga. Okla.
Turner. Charles, Vanoss, Okla.
Hornbrek. Richard K.. Drumrlght, Okla.
Griffin, Van Buren, Sutnmersf ield, Okla.
Saylor, Luther, Ada. Okla.
Homer, Nelson, Golden. OK IS.
Tirnwn Ivan. Muskoeee. Okla.
Bennett. Lloyd. Sulphur Springs, Okla.
Llllard. Jasper X., Oajman, Okla.
ohnson. Francis. Blnger, UKia.
Cochran. John. Westville. Okla.
Webb. Arthur L.. Marsden. Okla,
Maggart Karl, Pawnee, Okla.
Killed In action-
Benjamin. H. H. (Capt). Holidaystmrg, Fa.
Roister. T. 1 (Lieut.). Berwyn, Pa.
Trotter. Clyde A. (Lieut), Mount Oliver, Pa.
Storm, George P. (Sgt). Wlssport x-a.
Burns. Patrick (Sgt), Plymouth. Pa
Col I ins. HueIi.A. tSgt.J.. Philadelphia, Pa.
McCawley, John A. (Sgt). Carbondale, Pa.
Madden, J. A. (Sgt). Rockhill Furnace, Pa.
Malkowskl. James I. (Corp.). Pittsburgh. Pa,
Castor. John H. (Corp.). pnnaaeipma, tra.
Blair. Floyd L.. Dubois. Pa.
Foy. Thomas. Torresdale, Pa.
Adams. Grover F.. .Connelsvllle, Pa.
Dule. Michael J.. Ashley. Pa.
McDonald. Douglass, Wilkesbarre, Pa,
Qulgley, Harrison B., Palmyra. Pa.
Monahan, Edward. Philadelphia, Pa.
Righl, Amendeo. Elwood City. Pa.
McGraw, Michael, McKees Rocks. Pa.
Michael. Augustus. Lebanon. Pa.
Millberg, Chester Arnold. Glenrlchey, Pa.
Mllliron, Lee. Mt Pleasant. Pi.
Panasik. Samuel, Chester. Pa.
Shumbris, John, Plymouth, Pa.
Manco, Joseph, Dawson. Pa.
Klrby, John P., Pittsburg.
Massera, Angelo, Lagronlal, Pa.
Perelli. Alexander, Kelser. Pa.
Knight Joseph. Miners Mills. Pa.
Lipsitz. Isaac, Lockhaven, Pa.
Semmelrock. Emeal M.. Pittsburg, Pa,
snv.lrr Howard. Reading. Pa.
Cramer. Howard. Reading, Pa.
Astbury, Thomas W., Philadelphia. Pa.
Keating. Charles A.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Kennedy. Walter. Wyndham. Pa.
Klrbv. Richard C. Strattonvllle, Pa.
Adams, Alvey Herman. Chesterville, Pa.
Brett John J., Philadelphia, Pa.
Brown. Arthur G.. Meadvllle. Pa.
Whltaon. George F.. Philadelphia. Pa,
Black. Charles A.. Parkers Landing, Pa.
Reese, Edward Henry, Philadelphia, Pa.
Paluke. w:alter, Erie, Pa.
Wood. William (Sgt), Philadelphia.
Delmora. A. (Bugler). Ridgewood, Pa.
Puskar, Michael. South Burgettstown, Pa,
Jacob. Joseph. Xewcastle. Pa
Smith. Victor H, Altoona, Pa.
Proszcz, John, Philadelphia, Pa,
Died of wounds-
Johnson. Hiram B. (Sgt). Philadelphia. Pa.
Moroz. Gabriel (Corp.). West Hazelton, Pa.
Raebiger. Adolph (Corp.). r-nnaaeipnia.
Bently. Anthony, West Klttanning. Pa,
Rlckerts, Lawrence J.. Pittsbuig, Pa.
Mooney, Anthony, Dunmoore, Pa.
Kretschmer. William A, Grennock. Pa.
Farber. Charles A., Erie, Pa.
Skiff, Clayton B.. Spartansburg, Pa,
McDonald. Frank, Jessup, Pa.
White. John, Patton, Pa.
Shellhammer, Harry D., Hazleton, Pa.
McGrath. Joseph P.. Philadelphia, Pa,
Gill. George W., Julian, Pa.
Died of disease
Lacey. Wralter J. (Sgt.). Pittsburg.
Paul. Archibal S.. Jr. (Sgt). Philadelphia.
Fornwalt, Paul J. (Cpl.). Hckendanqua. Pa.
Mitchell, Stephen D. (Cpl.). jPottsville, Pa.
Blanejewskl. Steve (Corp.), Pittsburg.
Conaghy. Thomas (Corp.), Philadelphia.
Cassels, George H., Philadelphia.
Grotevant, Earl E.. Lake Charles, La.
Metbkus. George, Shenandoah, Pa,
Kozlewskl, John, Cumbola. Pa.
Knowles, Austin L , Philadelphia,
Hunt. James R.. Claysville, Pa.
Shaulls, L. P.. Somerset Pa.
Triplett Norman, Lamott Pa.
Tarr. Roy, Saegertown. Pa.
Smith, E. J., Hughesville, Pa.
Sele. Domenico. Philadelphia. Pa.
Cubler, Raymond J., Philadelphia. Pa.
Rowe, William T., Grove City, Pa.
Reed. Jeni. R., Snowville, Pa.
Tight James T., Philadelphia. Pa.
Miller. Charles S-. Philadelphia, i'a.
Helman. Guy I., Camp Hill, Pa.
Wonnded severely
Bachlo. Fred (Sgt). Ralston, Pa,
Skulmls. jonn, rnuaaejpnia, x-a.
White, Joseph A., Jr., Elkins Park. Pa.
Kddy. Thomas H., S. Wllllamsport Pa,
Novack. George A., Pitteton. Pa.
Elvey. James W.. Hallestead, Pa.
Missing in action
Shatzer. W. W. (Lieut). Lewistown. Pa.
Papke. Charles H. (Sgt), Dushore Pa
McFarland. Peter J. (Sgt). Philadelphia.
Solonberger, F. X. (Sgt). Chambersburg, Pa.
Lambert J. B. (Corp.), Del. water Gap. Pv
Rheehan. Dennis A. (Corn.). Philadelphia.
Sunderman, Paul Geo. (Corp.), Pittsburg, Pa.
Allen. Frank (Corp.). McKeesport Pa.
Grice. George H. (Corp.), X. Braddock, Pa.
Raum, George J. (Corp.), Crafton. Fa.
Trettel. Joseph P. (Corp.). Tarentum, Pa.
Demmer. Edward (Corp.), Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Shay. Walter L. (Corp.), Knox. Pa.
Vines. Erble C. (Corp.). McKengle, Pa,
Breen. J. A. (Mm.), Philadelphia.
Saxton, Edward (bugler), Pittsburg. Fa.
Jones, u. K. (mecn.), Pittsburg, fa.
Lash, P. TV'., Portsmouth, Pa.
Kraut. R. E., West Alexander, Pa,
Ischlni. John, Gallltlzln. Pa.
rwin. N. M.. East Pittsburg, pa.
Hurley. P. H.. Upper Lehigh. Pa.
Hemphill. Joseph W.. McKees Rocks, Pa.
Heller. Nicholas. Philadelphia. Pa.
Fround. Sylvester A.. Mt Oliver. Pa.
Castronevo. Frank, Glen Campbell, Pa.
Eerkey, Benjamin H.. Weyant, Pa.
Anweiler. Louis A., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Brennan. Martin, St Mary's. Pa.
Bowles, Charles. Callaway. Pa.
Boran. Paul, Lewis Run. Pa
Davidson. H. F.. Newcastle, Pa.
Barnes. Jesse, Farchance, Pa.
Angiollllo. A, West Manayunk. Pa,
Powers. Frsncls X.. Lebanon, pa.
Podglrski, Marion. Philadelphia, Pa,
Phlllippl. Henry. Markleton, Pa.
Maglflcio. Biago, Connellsvllle, Pa.
Kent. Joseph D.. "W. Philadelphia, Pa.
Jordan. James Arthur. S. Brownsville, Pa,
Greenfield. Jacob. Pittsburg, Pa.
Gabel, J. M.. Erie. Pa.
Faracca, Attilie. Philadelphia. Pa,
Dutton. J. L., Norwood. Pa.
Coffman. E. S-. Acme. Pa.
'anio. Joseph. Philadelphia. Fa.
Pettri. James J., Philadelphia, Pa,
Wirl. John Frank, Pittsburg. Pa.
Wrnyadl, Samuel. Allentown. Pa.
WamDler. Allan J.. McKeesport. Pa,
Smusinskt. Frank. Braddock. Pa.
Smith, Cleon P., Sunbury. Pa.
Skosh. Andrew. Allentown, Pa.
Rolrnko. Harrison, Pittsburg. Pa.
Reese. Edward M.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Jones. Jamea S.. Lewlston. Pa.
Hsgen. James S., Philadelphia. Fa.
Whlteman. Joe, Jeanette. Pa.
Welsh. George H.. Boadiing. Pa.
Weber, Fred R.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Shaw. Eugene H. Philadelphia, Pa.
Schnltx. Joseph. Erie. Pa.
Miller. Victor H.. Harrlsburg. Pa.
iller. Joseph A.. Harrlsburg, Pa.
Miller. Arthur Edwin, Mount Wolf, Pa.
Marino. Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa.
Shoup, Merl W, Pittsburg, Pa.
Schroer, William J., Donora, Pa.
Tully. Edwin L.. Conemaugh. Fa.
Tucker. Edwin M Xewcastle, Pa.
Tack. Fred M.p Savanna, Pa.
Syphcr. Anton, Shenandoah. Pa.
Stull, Charles X., Leechburg, Pa.
Snowdon. Elmer E.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Snre, .Michael, Pittsburg. 1'a.
Smith. Raymond J., Pittsburg, Fa.
Klugay Stanlslaw, McKeesport Fa.
Sloppy, Ivan K.. New Millport Pa.
Sinklcviicz. Joseph C. Lincoln, Pa.
Tomeo. Angelo, Pittsburg. Pa.
Thompson. Henry E.. Turtle Creek, Pa.
Guidons, Michael. Drifton, Pa.
Glnner. August Walter, Allentown, Fa.
Dobrowolski. Boleslaw, Philadelphia.
Boyle. Michael C, Pittsburg, Pa.
Askey. James R., Pine Glen. Pa.
Wolstenhoime. Wallace. Philadelphia. Pa,
Louth. George. Linwood Heights, Pa.
Halgas. Alexander. Philatlelphia.
Fortney, Iroy Foster. Falrview. Fa.
Fisher. Frank McCandles. Pittsburg, Pa,
Fetherlin, Henry G.. Washington. Pa.
Durnell, Lawrence Howard, Marionville,
Buccl. Joseph, Elwood City. Pa.
Bearhart. James. Ginter, T'a.
Swope, Harry A., Wells Tannery. Fa.
stenKlein. George J., Pittsburg, Pa.
Souzer, Mike, Lyndora, Pa.
Shra, Ixuis J.. Philadelphia. Fa.
Root, James Ross. Erie. Pa.
Keese, John J., Mlnooka, Pa.
Radmiskes. Ignax. Vandergrlft. Pa.
Rader. George William. Allentown. Fa.
Patterson, Oscar T., McKeesport Fa.
Morrjsun. David. Finleyvillc Fa.
Malley. John. Buena IVsta, Pa.
McXichols. Kdward, Xerl, Pa.
McAtamney, Frank L.. Pittsburg. Fa.
Killed In action
Driscoll, Mert, Providence, R. I.
Radloff. Iuis X.. Pawtucket- R t.
i Blade. Eric E.. Prompton. R. I.
Pillce, Girovannt Woonsocket B. 1.
Died of wounds
Barlow. Joseph G-. Providence, R. 1,
Wounded severely
Flanagan, Thomas (Set), Providence, R.
Missing In action
Quirk, Edward W.. Providence, R. L
Senecal. Adolph. Providence, R. L
Tomasso, Carmine. Quldnick, R. L
Therlault. Charles J., Woonsocket R. I.
Waters, Thomas J.. Providence, R. L
Killed In action
Panford, James M.. Xeeses. S. C.
Hudgens. W. P. (Lieut.), Anderson. 8. C.
Roach. Frank (Sgt.), Rockhill, S. C.
Grainger, Luther E.. Gurley, 15. C.
Maddox, Lewis R., Wareshoals, S. C.
Lyons, Thomas J., Troy. S. C.
Minor, Victor St C, Anderson, S. C.
Graves. Brooks. Ridgeway. S. C.
Thornton. Joseph W., Columbia, S. C,
Sims, George D. Sumter, S. C.
Hart Geo. T.. Greer, a C.
Harrison. Robert P, Spartansburg. S. C
Died of wounds
Rush. David F.. Calllson. S. C.
Grlmer. John P.. Varnvllle, S. C.
Chllds. Jake. Verderv. S. C.
Chappell. William. Chester. S. O.
Anderson, Thaddeus. Charleston, 8. C
McMillan, John. Sumpter, S. C.
Died of disease-
Durham. Allei (Cpl.), Blythwood, 3. OL
Hennett, Elijah, Clarendon, S. C.
Brown. George R.. Alban. S. C.
Fulmer, Elleck, Aiken. S. C.
Amorum, Samuel W., Summerville. S. C
Missing- in action
Vernon, John G, Aiken, S. C.
Killed In action'
Eich. John Mathlas. Farmer. S. T.
Upton. P. H. (Corp.). Bradley. S. Dak.
Barse. Horace C, Wan bay. S. Dak.
Died of wounds
Babcock. Clarence E.. Sioux Falls, S. D.
Robert, Vernon L., Faith. S. D.
Brooks. Lloyd W., Philips, S. D.
Died of disease
Kautz. Wllhelm J., Herrlek. S. D.
Holmstrom. Alfred C. Goodwin. S. D.
Rerdahl, Henry T.. Colton. S. D.
Thompson. Robert. Mitchell, S. D.
W ounded severely
Drake, Fred (Corp.), Carthage, S. U.
Sullivan. Thomas. Gary, S. D.
Anderson, E. T-. Beresford, S. D.
Missing in action ,
Engberg, J. T., Hetland, S. D.
Johnson, Louis H., Lake Preston, S.
Killed in action
Trainum. Major H.. Pocahontas, Tenn.
Snelson, Zeb, Winchester, Tenn.
Gafnoy. J. F. (Capt), Chattanooga. Tenn.
Reilly, L. G. E. (Lieut), Memphis, Tenn.
Thompson, Roy A. (Corp.), Athens. Tenn.
Green. Virgil (Corp.). Conasauea. Tenn.
Acquff. H. J. F. (Corp.), Ooltewah. Tenn.
Arnold. J. X. (Corp.), Mielbyville, Tenn.
Clark, Buford (Corp.), Whitleyville, Tenn.
McLaughlin, Patrick J., Memphis, Tenn.
Manning. Jacob, Dandrldge, Tenn.
Exilor, William A.. Selmer, Tenn.
Reed. Floyd, Brentwood, Tenn.
Morris, Mereda A., Sardla, Tenn.
Morris. Matthew W.. Springfield, Tenn.
Morgan, Walter A., Portland, Tenn.
Anderson, J. D. Thompsons Station, Tenn.
Cooney, Aloyslus B.. Memphis. Tenn.
Young, Edgar L., Pulaski, Tenn.
Taylor. Barney G., Winchester. Tenn.
Honest Advertising,
'"HiS is a topic we all hear now-a-days because so maDy people are inclined to ex
aggerate. Yet has any physician told you that we claimed unreasonable remedial
properties for Fletcher's Castoria? Just ask them. We won't answer it ourselves,
we know what the answer will be.
That it has all the virtues to-day that was claimed for it in its early days is to
be found in its increased use, the recommendation by prominent physicians, and our
assurance that its standard will be maintained.
Imitations are to be found in some stores and only because of the Castoria that
Mr. Eetcher created. But it is not the genuine Castoria that Mr. Fletcher Honestly
advertised, Honestly placed before the public and from which he Honestly expects to
receive his reward.
feiNet Contents 15 Fluid Praetaj
' .
ivgfS h LCOHOI.-3PIiKf- j
,1 t( 11IT ..II i A
neither Opmm,Morpruuei.-
Iincral. Not jahcu
a fcafrrrulBcmedyfor
tk Constipation and Vian A
and fevmsnm"
1 rcsullin tKTctrmMT-
r. r 'e." .
racSinnte Sitrttireot
L.xact Copy of Wrapper.
Corbett Bldg.,
Smith, David B-, Tullaboma, Tenn.
Parker. Alfred. Fayetteville, Tenn.
Murray. Tonie. Lewisburg. Tenn.
Feathers, Edgar, Flney Flats. Tenn.
Downing, Bob, Tiptonville. Tenn.
Littleton, James L Puryear, Tenn.
Carroll. Edward L.. Fordtown. lenn.
Harper. Albert S.. Xashville, Tenn.
Helton, Lee R.. Good Springs, Tenn.
Morris, Cleo, Knoxville, Tenn.
Roberts, Bertice, Whitman, Tenn.
Died of wounds
Reese. Pless F. Harris, Tenn.
Died of disease
Flemlns. Robert (Sgt), Murfreesboro. Tenn.
Dunnagan, Samuel K. (Sgt). Lyles, Tenn.
West, Roe (Cpl.), Calhoun. Tenn.
Davis. Joe J. (Corp.). Harnman, Tenn.
McGee, Gilbert M. (Corp.), Cookevllle. Tenn.
Rowlett, Geo. B. (Corp.). Medina, Tenn.
Dyer. Samuel C., Pikevllle. Tenn.
L matais
Extracts from Letters by Grateful
Parents to Chas. H. Fletcher.
"Mrs. John W. Derrick, of Lexington, S. C, says : "My children cry
for Castoria, I could not do without it."
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gaines, of Ripley, Tenn., say : "We enclose onr
baby's picture hoping it will induce some poor tired mothers to give your
Castoria a trial. We have used it since baby was two weeks old."
Mrs. J. G. Parman, of Nashville, Tenn., says : "The perfect health of
my baby is due to your Castoria the first and only medicine he has taken.
He is never satisfied with one dose, he always cries for more."
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson, of Stevens Point, Wis., say : "When our
baby was two weeks old he cried so much we did everything for him, then
got some Castoria and he is now strong and fat. We would not be without
it, and are very thankful to you."
Today every Ameri
can is permeated with a
new spirit of thanksgiv
ing. Buoyant with the
joys of victory by our
gallant soldiers and
sailors and our allies.
Not a victory of con
quest, or for material
gain, but a victory that
brings freedom and in
dependence, a universal
order of right and justice.
men's wear
Fifth and Morrison
Cook. Charles E.. Shell Creek, Tenn.
Bradley, Sam Waldo, Memphis, Tenn.
Fisher, Rand D., Memphis, Tenn.
Payne, William M., Maryvllle, Tenn.
Mayberry, Buford, Centerville, Tenn.
Loop, Estell W., Tazewell, Tenn.
Harwell, Howard L., Prospect, Tenn.
Rayburn, W. H., Adams, Tenn.
Mitchell, H. V., Sparta, Tenn.
Williams. C. M.. Maryvllle, Tenn.
Wihdham, Brown F, Smlthville. Tenn.
Washington, Allen, Cedar Hill. Tenn.
Morris, Johnnie I, Hermitage, Tenn.
Missing In action
Morelan, T. (Corp.), E. Chattanooga, Tenn
Duke, Luther, Memphis. Tenn.
West, Wallace, Clarksville, Tenn.
Teague. James W., Unicoi, Tenn,
Kittrell. Homer, Ridgeton. Tenn.
(Conclndfd on Pnge Ifi )
Cry For
Matthews Feels Fine in Every
Way Since Taking Tanlac
Gains Eleven Pounds.
"I tell you what. Tanlac has not only
fixed nic up so I haven't a tliinjr to
complain of. but I actuallv rained
eleven pounds on two bottles of tli
medicine." Falrt M. A. Matthews, a ship
risKer employed by the Wiilametto
Iron. Steel & Shipbuilding Comnanv and
who lives at 6835 Korty-sovcnth street
iNortneaFt, I'ortland, the other day,
"For over a year," ho continued. "I
was going- down hill and felt lust llkn
my enersy had left me entirely. Then,
about two months afro. I lost my appe
tite and my stomch pot in such bad
shape that the little I did manaRo to
force down fermented in my stomach
and bloated me up so with Ras that I
had an awful misery in my stomach
most all the time. My kidneys worried
me so much at night that I could hard
ly get any rest or sleep, and would
get up in the morning- feeling wors
than when I went to bed. I suffered
agonies with a pain In the small of
my back that extended to my right
side and it would hurt me something
awful to take a long breath. I was
badly constipated and suffered for
weeks at a time with a dull, heavy
feeling in my head and I felt so mis
erable all the time that I thought
surely I'd have to give up working.
"I had tried several different kinds
of medicines, but nothing did me any
good. Then I read in the papers where
Tanlac was helping so many others
here in Portland that I felt encour
aged to try it myself, and I am now
feeling just like a new man. My appe
tite is just fine and I have gotten rid
of all that stomach trouble and tho
misery in my back and side is entirely
gone. The Tanlac Tablets have ended
my constipation and I don't have that
dull, heavy feeling in my head now
like I had before. I sleep like a child
all night and get up in the morning
feeling rented and refreshed and am
now working hard on my job at tlio
shipyard like nothing was ever tho
matter with me at all."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl
Drug Co. Adv.
0 Medlelne and Nourishing; Food
for Grippe Convalescent.
Pnre Milk Best nrlshmen
While It In Relieved That
Three-Grain fadomene Talile-fa ?
la Tonic Required 1.1 vc Ilea-
The victims of colds and la grippe
should abstain from excesses of all
kinds while convalescent. Kven ex
cessive eating of injudicious foods is
not without its danger. Ture milk
drunk slowly is tho most nourishing
food known. Take it freely.
Weakness, languor, aches and pains,
tremors and nervousness assail the con
valescent. Appetite Is fickle, the diges
tion faulty, bowels costive and the vic
tim wonders if real health will ever
A good, reliable tonic medicine, com
posed of iron-peptonate, gentian, da
mlana, Calisaya, palmetto root, nux
vomica and phosphide, will be found at
drug stores under the name of three-
grain Cadomene Tablets, to be taken as
per directions to Improve the vital func
tions, and hasten the complete recov
ery to health and strength. Elderly
people are particularly requested to
adopt this fine tonic treatment before
another attack of disease assails them.
Kvery package is guaranteed to please
the purchaser or money refunded. Adv.
People Notice It Drive Them Off
with Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets
A Dimply face will not embarrass vou
much longer if you get a package of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should
begin to clear after you have taken the
tablets a few nights.
Cleanse the blood. the bowels and the liver
with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the suc
cessful substitute forcalomel; there's never
any sickness or pain after taking them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do that
which calomel does, and just as effectively,
but their action is gentle and safe instead
of severe and irritating.
No one who takes Olive Tablets is
ever cursed with"a dark brown taste,"
a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good"
feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad
disposition or pimply face.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab!et9 are
a purely vegetable compound mixed
with olive oil: you will know them
by their olive color.
Dr. Edwards spent years among pa
tients afflicted with liver and bowel
complaints, and Olive Tablets are the
immensely effective result
Take one or nightly for a week.
See how much better you feel and look,
lOc and lac per box. All druggists.
Lady Grateful for Help
'For 15 years I suffered IncreasinR-
ly with stomach and liver troublr.
Bloating: with pas distressed me very
much and caused .serious heart flutter
ing. All medicine only relieved tem
porarily. I grave up hope of ever belnK
cured. My druppist advised me one
day to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy.
I am feelintf like a new woman Ninon
and can now eat anything with no ill
results." It is a simple, harmless prep
aration that removes tho catarrhal
mucus from the intestinal tract and
allays the inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and in
testinal ailments, including appendi
citis. One dose will convince or money
refunded. For sale by druggists every
where. Paid Adv.
In the early days of our country
grandmother was the druggist, and her
drugs consisted mostly of roots and
herbs (fathered from the fields and for
ests. There was peppermint for Indi
gestion, mullcn for couprhs, skullcap
for nervousness, thoroufrhwort for
colds, wormwood for bruises and
sprains, and so on. They were success
ful remedies, too. It was from a com
bination of such roots and herbs thnt
Mrs. Lydia K. Plnkham, of Lynn. Mass.,
more than forty years ai?o, originated
her now famous Vegetable Compound;
and durinK all these long yearn n
other remedy has ever been discovered
to restore health to ailing women so
successfully as this good old-fashioned
root and herb medicine. Adv.