TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913. OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST (Continued From Ftrst Paite.) Bol'otir, Willi Joseph. Shelby. Ala. Blarkman. Newton C-. Evararean. Ala. Pled t srouads Cads. Gcorcs (Cpl ). Selma. Ala. KicksrstaM. Robert. Blllinisley. Ala. Harris. Taylor. Chllaltaise. Ala. Warren. Alvls U. Aibertvlrte. AU. Waaadesl severely Farley. James (Corp.). Nortbport, Ala. l.ok. W. M., Wrlara, Ala. MtaalDC In artlon J! airman. Charles E. (Srt ). Gadsdea. Ala. Franklin. B. S. (Sit.). Good water. Ala. William. H. H. (Corp.). Brooklyn. Ala. Fulton. William H.. isaclnaw. Ala. Iavla. lrvlnic. Culimao. Ala. 1'ankey. Oscar. Boose. Ala. Holder, Thomas S, rockier. Ala. thaw. John. Phoenix City. Ala. liorton. Jenkins H-. AlbertvlUs, Ala. ARIZONA. Killed In artloo Frankovlch. iliio Blabes. Aria. Borers. Marlon. Mesa, Arts. litftl of waunu Kuvk.nd.il. s.m.l A.. Skull Valley. Kr turned to duty (previously rrpenes snbtMtnal Othoa, Blcenta, Scottsdale. Aria. ARKANSAS. Killed la action Ttennett. Dee (Corp.). Lanty. Ark. H.an. William C. Tlmestone, Ark. Harr. Oscsr. Hanson. Ark. tirav. rnrford. Hot Springs. Ark. Ifferty. Robert L. Lead Hill. Ark. Butcheson. Jessie O Buckner. Ark. Uied of disease Smith. Howard H. (Sgt-). Deaoeen. Ark. Laird. Leroy (Mech.). Plna Bluff. Ark. Haddock, Alvin N.. Sharp. Ark. Blanton. Lee, Burg, Ark. Tipton. C. H Montana. Ark. Walker. J. H.. Jacinto. Ark. Harper. Doctor P.. Mai vert. Ark. Itobertson. Leon H-. Crawfordsville, Ark. Crawford, Jim C Center Point. Ark. Bennett, Charles W.. Fouke, Ark. Bench. Robert JJ.. Advance, Ark. Wounded severely v rw.i.1 Auril lonesboro. Ark. Frankenberger. Henry J.. Pocahontan, Aral tmith. Mentio I.. Portia. Ark. Miming in action White. Claud, Pattmon. Ark. Kixley, William. How, Ark. Rawson, Ben. Hot Springs, Ark. Johnson. Taylor. Clarksville, Ark. Thompson. Archie I Harrisburg. Ark. Bulllvan. Joe. Berkeley. Ark. CALIFORNIA. Killed ia action FJssi. Bernard. Los Angelas, Cal. Oberie. John. Los Angeles. Cal. Smyth. Roy Melvln IMaJ.). Alameda. CaJ. Part sen. H. D. (Lieut.). Hayward. CaL Williams. C. V. G. (?gt ). China. Cat Lawler. R. (Wgnr.), Oakland. CaL Kovich. Kris. Los Angeles. Sullivan. Dan. San Francisco. CaL Rochester, Nathaniel N.. Santa Ana, CaL Segal. Nathan. San Francisco. Cal. t'hevoya. Clarence. Fresno. Cal. Sourourls. Chris N-. San Francisco. CaL Cleaver. Harrison J.. San Jose, Cal. Avllla. Frank. P'taluma. CaL Pert. Charles J.. Vlsalla. CaL Bororenda. Philip R-. King, CaL Perry. Fred A.. Sacramento. CaL Hanson. Earl C-. Los Angelea, CaL Fontanella. Chaa D Stockton, CaL i i m n VrMTi n CaL Killed In at lion (previously reported mlss- Tasulla. Samuel C. Oakland. CaL Herron, Ebert W.. Modesto, CaL Died of wound Parades. Antone (Cpl.). San Joss. CaL Wrtnn. Geo. C- (Wag.). Oakland, CaL Pelphrey. Joe B-. Oilfields. CaL Fugazxl. Savlo Joseph. Stockton. Cal. Woodhoose. Wm. B.. Fowler, Cal. Dunn. Walter A., ban Francisco. Died of disease Alexander. James W Downlevllle, CaL Bonar. Charles M.. Los Angeles. Marcus. E. C. Los Angeles. CaL Hansen. R. J, Holllnsvllle. CaL Smart. Arthur C. Los Angalea, CaL Wonnded severely Porges. Fred, Concord. CaL Welier. T. O, L'klah. CaL Puter. William S-. Berkeley. CaL Kaulhsber. Otto F.. Walnut Creek. CaL Miming la action Rivers. Dewey. Chlco. CaL Johniutn, Albert P., Los Angeles, CaL Slanno. John. San Jose. Cal. Returned to doty (previously reported tniseing)- Smith. K. E.. Ontario. Cal. Knn.lo. F. L- San FTsnelseo. Costa, A. L, Lodl. Cal. COLORADO. Killed la action rainwater. James B Morrison. Cole. Cheenev. Francis E Greeley, CoL Fall. William P.. Use. Col. Haxkell. Fred. Mogote. CoL lied ef wounds Znomack. Anton. Grover, Cole Died of dieae Marilibanks. ;oble. Campo. Colo. Hoover. John S.. Rockford. Colo. Wonnded. undetermined (previously fmrted mKMngl W inn. John D.. Lamar. Colo. Missing in action Turkwirth. Hally O.. Vernon. Colo. ilontnvn. Louis. Del Norte. Colo. Mining, previously reported killed Basaett. R. O. (Corp.). Denver. Colo. CONNECTICUT. Killed In action JTarper. Joseph H. Sgt-. Waterbury. Conn. Meelian. T. A. (Corp.). Wlnsted. Conn. Jacotw. Joseph E. (Corp.). Tomngton. Conn. Larsen. Albert C. Norwalk. Conn. GrigKS. William H.. Willlmantlc, Conn. Lovette, Louis J.. New Britain. Conn. 'Hughsoh. Walter J., Westhaven. Conn. Talbot. William R. Ansonla Conn. Dubey. Amey J., Hartford. Conn. I.lxxl. James V, Meridian. Conn. aomi. Patrick. Waterbury. Conn. Cassldy, Joseph. Bridgeport, Conn. Coleman. Howard R, Britain. Conn. Xorrlssey. Thomas M Bridgeport. Conn. Jlorln. EloL Grovenerdale. Conn. Klpshaw. Alex. Ansonla, Conn. lll Anderson. C. C. (CpL). New Britain. Conn. 1!xu. Irving E. (CpL). Norwich. Conn. Ceelev. Francis E. (Corp.). Washington. r;. VreHerlckson. Charles R.. Georgetown. Conn. Cuticura Quickly Heak Baby s Itching Skin Bathe him with hot water and Cuti cura Soap. Dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment to any redness, roughness, rashes or chafinjrs. These sqper-creamy emollients usually af ford instant relief, permit rest and sleep and point to speedy healment oiten wnen an else tans. wsls Ixk rrea kv Mill. -Oittnta. Det 13A. leui." Sold Soap Be. OinUMLt S sod Me. Talcum Sc. Jf TOrlOSSOW YOU GCT 17 TrL R.5T.Cf IT I I .now watch aoszuti J Lamklns. Walter C. Hartford. Conn. Rourka. Christopher T., Unionvtlla. Conn. Pens, Joseph, Bridgeport, Conn. Mahoney. James J. Waterbury, Conn. IHed of dlxaw Taylor. William C Srt-). Booth port. Conn. Cunningham. Martin i".. Stratford, Conn. Hunndrd ierv Washburn, Rufus W. (Pax). Hartford. Conn. Fitzserald, Thoe. (Corp.. Waterbury, Conn. Miesina; in action Front, Harold H-. New Britain. Conn. O'Donael. William. Nsw Haven. Conn. Mantovanl, Domenlco. Torrlneton. Conn. Kelly. Andrew. Danbury. Conn. DE LAW ABE. Killed In artlon Newman. Waiter T.. Wilmington, DeL lled af wvaunds Push. J. L.. Edcemoors. Del. iied of dlunr Gun by, Roger W., Laurel. Del. FLORIDA. Killed In artlon Car r- t r V." A i l.nt PmtiMtl V . I Blankennhlp. Everett tl (Set.). Pariah. Fla. ' Lynch. William H.. Galnesvllls. t la. " ,".;Ili,. Tl. - ,- " - Bryan. Albert 11.. Wauchola. Fla. Died of disease Anderson. Mannie. Llna Oak. Fla, Baker. Gollas, Malianna, Fla. Griffin. Ueorgs D., Tampa. Fla. Knowlea. liarrv R.. Kev West. Fla. Williamson, L. O., West Palm Beach, Fla. CEORGL4. Killed In action Woody. A. P. (Corp.), Acwortn, Ga. Keith, Eunlat. Vlilarlca. Ga. Fields. Lewis &, Columbus, Ga. Died of wounds Brown, Willie C., Mill haven. Ga. Thomas, David. Augusta. Ga. Charles. Robert H.. Chathworth. Ga. Burgess. Frank A Eastonollee. Ga. Mara, John H., Pelham, Ga. Died ot dlini. Hardy, John W. (Sgt.). Cornelia. Ga. Akridge, John D., Camilla. Ga. Aaron, Charlie F., Starsvllle, Ga. Hall, Patrick IL. Elberton. Ga. Hardy Wyatt H-, Franklin. Ga. Holbrook, Charles Dulutb, Ga. Moncrlef. Joe Tlfton. Ga. tounded severely I Lott. Robert. Mayfleld, Ga. Mlasinc in action- Ireland, C. E., Ashburn, Ga. Haynes. Luble T.. Buford. Ga. Gaxaway, J. G, Duluth, Ga. Wllllazna. Lem. Tallapoosa, Ga, ILLINOIS. Killed In actlob PaganlnL Ben. Lockport. I1L Delley, Paul C (CapL). Chicago, HL Aarvig, Truman (Lieut.), Pontlac. HL Bush. Ivory. (Sgt.). Vandalla. I1L Lundy, Charles D. (Sgt.), Chicago, IIL Moschenrose. E. H. (Sgt). Newton, III. Sofolo. Stanley (Corp.). Dixon. IIL Cantwell. J. R. (Corp.). Chicago, IIL King. R. U (Cook). Pekin, 111. McCoy, Walter, Lawrencevllle, IIL Guthrie. Elmer, Beardstown. IIL Gallagher, John F., Chicago. FarrelL John. Woodstock. 111. Stunkard. Harvey. Carwargo. IU. Mlhm. Edward. Dubuque. IIL Hlakeslee. Admiral T., Urbana, ITL Whalen, Thomas M.. Grafton, IIL Voss, Fred C. Wheaton. IIL Svobeda. Joseph. Chicago, IIL Shaw, Archie. Ipava. IIL Cleary. James P.. Hubbard Woods, ITL DobtnskL Arthur J Chicago. Kindelan. Thomas. Chicago. Decowskt, Edward, Chicago. Cunningham, Cecil M., Barry. ITL Conlin. Edward P., Lovlngton, IIL Mason, George. Moline, IU. Helntx. Clarence. Palmyra. UL Hardies. William A.. Chicago. Geyter, George, Rock Island. TTL Koehler. Herman G., Rock Island, TIL Moore. Bert B.. West Frankfort, liL GelombickL Jacob, Chicago. xnra or wounas Martin. Glynn C (Cpl.). Randolph, CO. Brown, Conrad (cook). Chicago. IIL Story, John Michael (Cook). Chlcaga. Baranowskl. Walter, Chicago. IIL Vlfhv n.nnl, I. V.rinn Til Burton. Everett C. Waggoner. UL ' SuMlns. Harry. Ozark. 111. Seth. Clarence E.. Campaign, m. Rudxln. Joseph. Chicago, 111. Died of dioease Dlbllk, James (Sgt.). Chicago. chodora. John J.. (Sgt ). Chicago. Chrtstensen. Harold (Corp.), Chicago. Mills. George (Wagoner), Chicago. Anderson. Louis C, Ramsey, 11L Denton, Steve, RL Anne, IIL Bullack. Andrew, Pullman. IIL Bentrop, George F.. Qulncy, IIL Aussem. Arthur D., Ottswa. IIL Campbell. Ora. Vandalla. III. Breen, William E., Camon. IIL Boehra. Kurt A., Chicago. Barron, Ralph. Glasfnrd. IIL Bishop. Roy. Printsvllle. 11L Stremme. Knute. Chicago. Molitor, Henry, Aurora, 111. Stone. W. A.. Allendale. IIL Goad. R.. Evansville, III. w estmore!and, lllism A.. Marlon, UL Schuman. John L., Springfield. IIL Schlenbaum. lxxy. Chicago, IIL w ounden severely Carieton, Harry, Chicago. III. Andresen. Hsns Henry. Chicago. ITL Stringer. Luma. Decatur, 111. Drrymale. Peter P., Chicago, III. Cieslak. Lawrence, South Chicago, TIL I Jones. George E.. Golden Esgle, HL Ic.nmblin. Fred A.. Cornell. 111. I Franklin. Benlsmln. Tonics, IIL Cantario. Domlnck, ( hlcago. III. Missing In actloi Marchant, John R. (Lieut. ), Chicago. Foreman. George F. (Sgt.), Chicago, IIL White. Henry iCorp ). Chicago, IIL Willis, Esterbrook (Corp.). Chicago. Ostrowski. Steven O. (Corp.), 8. Chicago. 111. Callahan. Dennis J. (mech.). Chicago. McQuald. Frank (Mech.), Chicago. Heinxe, Albert. Chicago, III. Browning, Roy. Mulkeytown. IIL Albin. Harry, Paris. III. Dermody. C. D.. Lebanon, Til. McUchowskl, Joseph Walter, Cicero, ITL Latak. carl, Hlue isiana. ill. I Halpln. Jeremiah J., frtreator, IIL loiararci. iro. rtocxiaus. m. GednlU. Peter. Chicago. IIL I Flurke. Otto. Chicago. 111. I Dlnando. Cmbert. Christopher. TTL Rowold. Ernest Murpnysnoro.iu. Nash. Robert R.. Peoria. IU. Winkler. Joerh. Streator. III. Thompson, Richard P., WoodrlTer. Ill WinemlUer, Arthur N., Whiting ton. 111. O'Brien. Ray. Chicaira. IIL Skurow. Harry J.. Chicaro. IIL Todd. Van. Daover, IU. Smarjess?. James. Riverton. 111. Schook. Fmnrls M .. Frank ford. 111. Reynolds. William E.. nardlnvflle. ILL Kramer, Albert A.. Streator, 111. Hamilton. Henry J., Chicago. Petty. Willard D.. PearL IIL MichaUk, John, Chlcaso, IIL INDIANA. Killed In artlon . Vestal, Vance. Mecca, Ind. Miller. Hiram. Dresden. Ind. McGllI. Joseph H., North Vernon. Ind. Kunkhouser. P. T. (Lieut.), Evansvllle, Ind. Anderson. C. O. Corp.), Elkhart, Ind. Hyatt. Earl, ersaiiles. Ind. Mundell. Charley. Mlddletown, Ind. Merklein. Fred O.. Ft. Wayne. Ind. Buslck, Clarence J.. Vallene, Ind. Harr. John Ramond. Brucevllle. Ind. Sharp. Fred Luther, Anderson. Ind. Harper. Orvtlle S-. Marengo, Ind. Allen. Frank , niurrton. inr. Bloom. Fred L... Clay Pool, Ind. Harroll. Robert Lee. Bedford. Ind. Died of wounds Brown, Floyd B., Hoi ton, Ind. Jordan, Dewey. RoseviUe. Ind. Died or tiiMSM Price, Grover C. (Lieut.), Judson, Ind, Piercer. Alfred B., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Knapp, Loren A.. North Manchester. Ind, Tavlor, V. H.. Huntington. Ind. Hawk. Sherman R.. Orleans, Ind. ousded Terfir Patterson, Jesse H., Marlon, Ind. Howard. William H.. Hope. Ind. .MtHMina In artlon Stephenson. MacCrea (Lieut.), Indianapolis. Bradley. Vance (Sgt.), Snlem. Ind. Easterday, Arthur L. (Corp.), Indianapolis. Hunter, Clan, Indianapolis, Ind. Daugherty, J. E-. Chrisney, Ind. Barton, A. R West Terre Haute, Ind. Pltske. Cap-ilmar K., Michigan City, Ind, HarL jotepn m .vansviue, ino. Kraut, William A.. Eugene. Ind. Shonk. Edwin. Clay City. Ind. Gumbert. Bryce G., Grovetown. Ind. Bradsbaw, Edward W.. Henryavllle, Ind. IOWA, Killed In action Woodward. John H., Hamburg. Iowa. Littell. Martin W. (Sgt.). Keokuk, Ia, Farmer. Leo R. (Sgt.), Sigourney. I a. Dunning. G. E. (Corp.). Aklen, Ir. Allen. G. F. (Bugler), West Cedar Rapids, la, Mann, Jany, Marion. Ia. Kimsey, Claude I. Red Oak, I a. yt-tanhui. Herman N., Kent, I a. Wlschmeier. Otto F., Burlington. Ia. Barker. Louis, Marengo. Ia. Oconnell, Ralph D.. Cedar Rapids, la, rreswell. Fred R., Sanborn, la. Burr. Gurney, Coon Rapfds, Ia, Hunger, Clarence J., Burlington, Iowa, Died of wonn da Cham p. Clarence, Bid well, Iowa. Krewson'Otto A.. Bloomfield, Iowa. Thompson. Hubert L.. Kellogg, Iowa. Manning. Richard S.. Keokuk, Iowa, Died of rilweme Bradley, Cecil D., Webster City, I a. Boldon. Alvin E.. Alven. Ia. Richardson, Ralph W., Manchester. Is, Mills, Clarence T., Dubuque, Ia. Lauren. Henry I.. Missouri Valley. Ia. Humble, John H., Ottumwa. Ia. Mo In bee, S. K.f Marne, I a. Harvey, J. R., Brighton. Ia. iansraan, gdward J , Carroll, Jj, . . Asm us. Edgar A.,, Strawberry Point, la. ivurtz. Levi, Belraond, iowa. Johnson, John A., Essex. Jowa Wonnded severely Buckler. John F. Fort Madison, la. Balr, John H., Columbia, la. Patton. Joseph, Jessup, la. tsiverly, Harry L., Boons. la. AJissimr in artlon Nelson. V. A. (Sgt.). Brltt. la. Hopkins. Harold M. (Corp.). Hsrland. Ia. Alexander, Hugh C, Anthony, la. Bunk, Dick. Kanawha, la. Anthes. O. C, Audubon, Is. Rasher. Edward S., Res Moines, la. Slrbem, Wesley F.. Dubuaue. la. nun Kinnii ..'. - - 1.' ,1 .... r i . . T missins-t Steele, .O. A.. Cherokee. Ia. Harmon, Thad.. Council Bluffs. Ia. Smith. D. G., Grlnnell. Ia. Christianson, C. E Graettlnger, la. KANSAS. Killed In action Ross, Arthur 8. (Sgt.), Aitell, Kan. SlomskL Martin, Tonganoxie, Kan. -Marran, Fred S.. Kentnngton, Kan. Brodbeck. Ernest August. Wichita, Kan. Died of wnn n l Carnes. Ray (CpL), Ft. Scott, Kan. Popham, Glenn A. (CpL), Minneapolis. Hudson, Leslie A., Oskaloosa, Kan. Died or disease Smith. Leroy (Cpl.). Admire, Kan. Moore, Arle F. (Corp.), Protection. Kan. Carlisle, Stanley B., Winfleld, Kan. Barrett, Early. Downs, Kan. Monroe, Charlie A., Kansas City, Kan. Beard. Ralph R-, Topeka, Kan. Scott. Archie R Bellalre. Kan. Linger, Joseph A., Topeka, Kan. Missing In action Todd, tlji (Corp.), Atchison, Kan. KENTUCKY. KlUed In action Walker. Aria. Olive HIIL Ky. Morgan, Vemer L. Earllngton. Ky. Moore. Thomas B.. Sturgis. Kv. Obannon. Leslie R. (Corp.), Burdlck, Ky. unerauser, Joan A., Covington, Jljr, sioore, Necel. Westvlew. Ky. Johnson, Verdle, Irvlngton, Ky. Whltworth, Fulton. Garfield, Ky. Wilson. James W.. Upton, Ky. Scott. Clarence L-. Duianey, Ky. Connolly, Charles. Paintsvllle, Ky. Adkins. Marion, Kragon, Ky. Doty, Algy, Rose. Kan. Newman, Robert E.. Valley Station, TCy. Morgan, Roy J., Dawson Springs, Ky. Died of wonnda Shanks. Luther C. Paris, Ky. Lyons, Wlngle, Flelden, Ky. Cravens. Joseph B.. Rome. Ky. Frederick. William. Louisville, Ky. Died of disease Ward. Geo. W. (Corp.), Rochester, Ky. Bell. Richard. Griffin. Ky. French, Roy O.. Water Valley, Ky. Sniffer, Charlea H.. Newport, Ky. Sexton, Joseph. Willaluce. Ky. Mafford. John W.. Sprlngdale. Ky. Landers. Simon M.. Scotuville, Ky. ounded Severely Combs, Wesley, Staub, Ky. Dyer, William L., Harris. Ky. Missing in action- Murray, William A. (Corp), TJtlca. TCy. Wooten. John (Mech.), Mulette, Ky. Gray, L. B., Knob Lick, Ky. Coyie, T. E., Erlanger, Ky. Burcn. u. l., iMooieyvine, Ky. Begley, Nathan. Hazard. Ky. Grimes. Tom. Hlghbrldge, Ky. Scott, Stewart, Hopewell, Ky. Miller,, German. Monchalanta, Ky. Smith, William R.( Whltatone, Ky. LOLISL4NA. Killed In action- Stephens. Thomas W.. Leesvllle, La. Sutton. Fletcher B., Mt. Lebanon, La. Blanchard, Joseph M., Addis, La. Died of disease- Bond. Thomas M., Hanesvllle, La, Thornton, Howard, Bains. La, Senier, Arthur. Lake Charles, La, Butler, John R.. Many. La. Missing in action Addison, L H, Leesvllle, La. Gillard. C. G.. Fie.d. La. Gilland. T. C, Field. La. Sullivan, Clarence, La ben en. La, 3IALNE. Killed In action- Allen, Ralph E., North Berwick. Maine. Lancaster, Guy L.. Kingman, Maine, Died of wounds enness. Albert J. (Corp.). Watervllle, Me Bryant, Harry T., Lake Moxie, Me. Died of disease Bartlett, Frances EL (Nurse), Andover, Me. belvfdge, Therman C, Hendrlckson, Me. Missing in action Overlock, William V., Bangor, Me. Robinson, George A, Georgetown. Me, Sager. Raymond D.. Stanberry, Me. Wymann, John S., Andover, Me. . 5L4RYLAND. Killed In action McGolerlck. Judge. Point Rock. Md. osenlleld. Merrill (Lieut.). Baltimore. Mi nutKOWBKy. jonn J. (gt-l. KronK vn. Aid. Burns, J. L. (Wgnr.), Monrovia. Md. McLaughlin, Stephen O.. Baltimore, Clambruschlnl. Julius, Baltimore. Md. enjamin. Simon. Baltimore, Md. Armstrong. Robert M.. Baltimore, 114 Day, Jerome L., Elliott City. Md. Sands. Jos.. Baltimore, Md. , Died of wotinds Turner, Elzie E. (cook). Sea Pleasant, Md. rtaiia, Aivtn. rsaitimore, Ala. Link. George E., Jr.. Baltimore, Md, Kent. Benjamin, Huntington. Md. Myers, Harry J., Manchester, Md. lied or disease nderson. John T. (Mech.), Churchill, Md. Brown, William S Locanconlng, Md, Todd. Frederick H., Warsaw, Mo. ounded severely- Cross, J. B., Dnrranceton, Md. Missiag' In action Conway, W. O., Baltimore. Md, Winterling, Charles W Baltimore, Md. Shortall, James E., Oxford, Md. Rest. Emanuel L-. Elliott Citv. Md. Rlech, Louis E., Catonsvllle, Md. MASSACHl'SETTS. Killed In action Dickie, John H., Dorchester. Mass. Maynard. Albert C. Fall River. Masa. Grant, Edward L. (Capt.), Franklin, Mass Smith, J. W. (Capt,), Holyoke, Mass. Stone, Lester A. (Lieut.), Fitchburg, Mass. Moses John W. (Sgt.), Dorchester, Mass. Matthews. Harold H. (Corp.), Boston. Mass. Burns, John J. (Corp.), Roxbury. M.iss. Kaufman. Morris (Corp.), Chelsea, Mass. Mongue, L. A. (Corp.), Pittsfield, Mass. Mooney, John (Corp.), Revere, Mass. Boisvert, Bernard L. (Cook), Lowell, Mass. O'Maliey. Peter, Lynn, Mass. Koreb, Martin G., Dorchester, Mass. Schofield, William E., Melrose, Mass. Kennedy, James, Dorchester, Mass. Fine, Benjamin, Brighton, Mass. Eastwood, Walter A.. Plymouth. Mass. Kelly, James il . Hingham, Mass. Degregori, Angulo, East Boston. Mass. Bourget, George A., Worcester, Mass. Rials. Frederick. N. Attleboro. Mass. Hogan, Charles R., Neponset, Mass. Foster, Lawrence W., Foxboro, Mass. Rotch. Lester J.. Boston, Mass. Dame, Henry W Roxbury, Mass. Bourgault, Paul, Salem, Mass. Died of wounds Kelly. William C. (Cpl.), Boston. Mass. Cardillo. Benj. A. (Cpl.), Lawrence, Mass. March, Leonard. Northampton. Mass. Buckley. Daniel, Brockton, Mass. Ruthmann, Orville H.p Fall River. Mass. Mohan, Arthur M., Woburn, Mass. Mahoney, Stephen, Lawrence, Mass. Green, Louis, Pittsfield, Mass. Farina, Pangraslo, Leominster, Mass. Died or .ieHe Dizeere, Joseph (Sgt.), Gardner, Mass. Doray, Walter L.. Greenfield. Mass. Donahue. Leon H., Gloucester, Mms. Chappell, Raymond E., Lowell, Mass. Broderick, William J.. Ron bury, Mass. BOILS AND CARBUNCLES ARE WORSE IN WINTER If Your Blood Happens to Be in Bad Condition, S.S. S.Will Correct It Now. The peculiar effect on the blood caused by the rapid chances of Winter, the chilly blasts and dampness long continued, will undoubtedly have a dis astrous effect upon your system if your blood happens to be in Dad condition. You should not allow yourself to run the risk of suffering with boils and carbuncles, you should not willingly walk into the snare of pain and suffer ing of rheumatism or catarrh when you can put your blood in shape to prevent it by the simple method of taking S. S. S. for a short period during the Fall. Boils and carbuncles are evidence of disordered blood. They do not neces sarily mean an inherited tair. but they tell you that your blood is poisoned that the life-giving stream that should flow through your veins pure, vigor ous and healthy has become upset, maybe by overeating and drinking, pos sibly by constipation, stomach, trouble or uric acid. Whatever the cause, your blood has become poisoned and you are not going to know what It is to feel entirely well until the poison, and Im purities have been washed from your system. The blood, purified and Invig orated, will once more perform its nor mal function gf keeping tlje body full Call, James C, Lynn, Mass. Woronik, Ludwlk, Esst Peppertll, Mass. Prower. J. P., Everett. Mass. , Shea. Francis E , Dorchester, Mass. Wounded severely Hayes. K. J. (Mech.), Watertown, Mass. Bennett. R. D., Marlborough. Mass. Peterson, Frank A., Brockton, Mass. Missing in action Lord, Phillip A. (Corp.), Lawrence, Mass. Callahan. James J. (cook), S. Boston. Mass. Leahy, James H.. Fall River, Mass. Goldstein, Harry, Dorchester, Mass. pollskl, John, Charleston, Mass. O'Brien. Richard L.. Whitman, Mass. Kwlalkowski. Marcel, Waltham, Mass. Talbot, George L-. Everett, Mass. Perry, Alphonse A-. Gloucester, Mass. Hatch, Elmer F., Beverly, Mass. Calabro, Leo, Lynn, Mass. MICHIGAN. Killed in action Sal an, William, Escanaba, Mich. . I Wertanen. Ell. Kaleva. Mich. I Weirlch, Emanuel I.. Kalamaxoo, Mich. Teunis. John W. (Sgt.), Spring Lake, Mich. Conway, Matthew (Sgt), Detroit, Mich. Wise, Ford (Corp.), Grandhaven, Alien Duncan, C. E. (Corp.), Port Huron, Mich. Minnnnl. W. L. (Cbrn.l. Otseeo. Mich. Colenso, Edward L. (Corp.), Houghton, Mich. Howard. F. W. (Corp.). Clarks Lake, alien. Fllco. Dominic. Bay City. Mich. Korrlnga. Herman. Grand Rapids. Mich. ' Seifert, Herbert J.. New Baltimore, Mich. Minus. Alex. Detroit. Behm, Charles F., Wyandotte. Mich. " Keeler, James A., Coral, Mich. Kan. I Hunt, Willard. Jackson. Mich. Haas. Joseph. Perry. Mich. Fetling, Albert F.. Frankenmuth, Mich. Worth. John. Detroit, Mich. Wsselkesl. Frank J.. Mount Forest, Mich. Sutfin, David Lee, Kalamazoo, Mich. Nelson. William. Cairo. Mich. Devriest, William, Kalamazoo, Mich. Elkey. Harry M. R.. Flint. Mich. Davkln. Gien H.. Britten. Mich. Cronktte, Walter B., Kalamazoo, Mich. Blemming. Raymond L., Detroit, Allen. Asire. Myron J., Marquette, Mich. Goss'.e, Vincent P., Detroit, Mich. Gear. Thomas. Blacks, Mich. Died of wounds Dorev. Hueh J.. Detroit. Mich. Brown. William, Howard City, Mich. Died or disease Hammlon. Herey. Detroit. Van De Perre, A. Hiblbn. Mich. Frve. Anton. Ludlngton. Mich. Belk, Aura H.. Muskegon, Mich. Kantanen. John A, Calumet, Mich. U'aiiihImI tTmlfM Cole, Amu el (Sgt.), Big Rapids, Mich. Darling, S. J. (Sgt.). Lansing. Mich. Alexander. Cbas. (Sgt.). Constantino. Mica Bowen. Fred Cyclone, Saranac, Mich. Meier. W. W Riga. Mich. Dewltt Adlel, Capac. Mich. Walter. Herman A.. Waterford. Mich. Sain, Samuel, Ewen. Mich. liorton. 1 Robert rnomas, s. iiaven, alien. Missing in action Mumhy. J. A, (Sgt.). Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. Ruland, Harold (Corp.), Trurant, Mien. Komsteller, L. H.. Ottawa Lake, Mien. Hopp, Leigh, Mt. Morris, Mich. Francis, William H.. Iron Mountain, Mich. Dahl. Anthony. Detroit, Mich. Johnson, Orland E., Charlotte, Mich. Yech, Anthony J., Ludlngton, Mich. Roach, Waiter H., Hubbardston, Mich. Vroman. Robert C, Wolverine, Mich. McCormick. Dudley J.. Casevllle. Mich. Hughes. Joseph Frank, Detroit, Mich. Gamltn, Fred, Escanaba, Mich. Shears, Otis H., Grant, Mich. MINNESOTA. TTIIImT In R ct inn T!oh:. John F. (Sgt.). Shakopee, Minn, Haa-en. Fred L. (Corp.). Minneapolis, Minn. Gill, Edward (Corp.), lucno, Minn. Madson, Oscar J. (Bugler), Dalton, aiinn. Pohlker. John A.. Wayzata, Minn. Milliam, Creswell L-, Minneapolis. Bcherer. Walter J.. Shakopee, Minn, .Martin, Miles H., Fergus Falls, Minn. Maior. George F.. MontlcellO. Minn. Knott, Carlton V., Raymond, Minn. Rrieht. Vlreil. Kellogg. Minn. x Johnson, Ernest B., Lindstrom, Minn. Hanson. Carl A.. Elbow Lake. Minn. Benthagen, Gen G., Borup, Minn. Adams, W. H., Ogilvie. Minn. Vanderezelle. Isaac zeeiana. - etnerianus. Seeland. Albert. St Hllalre. Minn. Johnson, Ernest H., Little Fall, Mlrm. Halvorson. Halvor L., Lake Park, Minn, Koernlg. George C. St. Paul. Minn. Connelly, John M., St. PauL Minn. Bjorbeck, Lars, Clarkbrook, Minn. Oiseth, Gustav A Kasson, Minn. Young, Chauncey, Minneapolis, Minn. Sonnenberg, Carl J., Rochester, Minn. Klchter. Fred. Henderson. Minn. LlndahL Walter C Minneapolis, Minn. Died of wound Chloupek. Rudolph (cook). Gary, Minn. Lian. Hang E., Rollls, Minn. Died of disease Wesrmann. J. W. (Sgt.). Park Rapids. Minn. Wil.ion, George W. (Sgt.), Racine, Minn. Claessens, Charles, Waverly, Minn. Crocker. Wlllbert W.. St. Paul. Johnson, George M.. Montevideo. Minn. Johnson, Eric I., Escanaba, Mich. Allen, Ira, South Minneapolis. Kunz. W. P.. Lake Elmo. Minn. Oustafson. Carl E.. Forest Lake, Minn. Chrlstenson, Hold F., St. Paul, Minn. Brown. Bernard A.. Swanville, Alinn. Vroblovsky, Joseph J., Lesuer Center. Minn. I.ahtl. William H.. Cook. Minn. Hodge, Llewellyn A., Minnesota Lake, Minn. Wounded severely WIgen, Bert (mech.), Mankato, Minn. Uertelson, Peter, South Minneapolis, Minn. Gerstman, Emil, Sherburn, Minn. Mlssinr In action Baumann, Jess (Corp.), Clearbrook, Minn. Abdalla, George, St. PauL Minn. Anderson, Arthur. Dalton, Minn. Munn. Grant T.. Seaforth, Minn. Fiaher, F. L.. Alden, Minn. Noble-. John J, Madellna, Minn. Shaff, Henry M., Harnesville, Minn. I Haskell, William G., Elyian, Minn. Waibel. Bernard J.. St. Cloud, Minn. Swensrud, Elmer, Gordensville, Minn. Sundftein. Axel, Roseaul, M inn. Fengested, Albert, Fertile, Minn. Bergerson. Bennle M Big Lake, Minn. Soberg. Paul J., Lakeville. Minn. MiUl, Lorenz, St. Paul. Minn. MISSISSIPPI, KIHrMl In nrtion Gholson, S. C. (Lieut.). Holly Springs, Miss. Martin. Ira P., Hamburg, Miss. Lewis, Herman, Holly Springs, Miss. Bishop, Walter, Mabem, Miss. Allen, Ernest, Louisville, Miss. Scharmer, Harry. Arlington, Miss. Died of wounds- Graves. Robert H. (Sergt.). Ackerman. Miss. Seguin. R. N. (Sergt.), Chicagee Fails, Miss. D:ed of niseane Morton, Levi B. (Sgt,), Boonevflle, Miss. Burge, James L. (mechanic), Cybur, Miss. Day, John P., Cruger, Miss. Birch. Fred O., Peoria, Miss. - Patterson, Eugene, Heidelberg, Miss. Sims, Jason, Lexington, Miss. G riff on, J. F., M.irquand, Miss. Vivian, D. L., Carthage, Miss. Harris, Andrew, Egypt, Miss. Davis, Mioes, Satartia, Miss. Jones. Early B., Montlcello, Miss. Wounded severely Lancaster, W. R., CoUimbus, Miss. Muse, James F., Dublin, Miss. MiHNing In action Horton, John S., Lexington, Miss. Pool, Si g man R Union, Miss. MISSOVKI. Killed In action Sharratt, Arthur (Corp.), Greenfield, Mo, Huils. J. N". (Corp.), Kredericktown, Mo. Sheridan. W. E. (Corp.), Springfield, Mo. Brook, Clarence J. (Corp.), St. Louis, Mo. Mahan, Hansen (Wag.), Thornfield, Mo. Gordon, Carl Elet, St. Louis. Mack, Joseph A., Kansas City. Shiffler, George L., Kansas City, Mo. Solomon, L. Thomason, Joplin, Mo. Stinebrook, Vernie, Fagus, Mo. Cason, Dudley R., Stephens, Mo. Benjamfn, Roy W., Red Oak, Mo. Gray, Floyd, Harwood. Mo. Igo, Thomas John. Lexington, Mo. Died of wounds Mounts, Roy E. (cook). Poplar Bluffs. Ma Summergby, K. J. (Corp.), St. Louis, Mo. of health and vigor. Every part of the body is dependent upon the blood for nourishment and strength, and when for any cause this vital stream becomes run down. It in vites disease to enter. The liver and kidneys, failing to receive the proper nourishment from the blood, grow in active and dull, and the waste and bod ily Impurities that should pass off through these channels of nature are left in the system to entourage some blood disorder. When the blood is In this weakened condition, it should be treated with a remedy that Is not only thorough, but gentle in its action. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, is just what is needed. It not only cleanses the blood of impurities and enriches and strengthens it, but gently builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every part of the body, gives tone and vigor to the blood, and as it goes to the different parts, carries health and strength. S. S. S. acts promptly and gives good results. It gives the blood power to drive out rheumatism, catarrh, boils, sores and ulcers, skin diseases and other blood disorders. Get It at your druggist's and take it now. Meanwhile, write us if you need advice. Our Chief Medical Adviser is ready to tell you what your best treatment is. Address Medical Department, Drawer A, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, 6a.-A4v, MMllillllffl Barbee. David B. (Burler), St Lonis, Mo. Clements, Robert Thomas, Kansas City, Mo. Harris. Luclan W.. VenaDle, Mo. Walker, J as. C, Bernie, Mo. Snollman. John Anthony. St. Lonis. Mo. Hall, Marechal Earnest, Dudley, Mo. Died of disease Bussev. Melville G. Sirt.). Kansas City. Murray. Seldon H. (Com.), Liberty, Mo. Chaquetto, N. O. (busier), Kansas City, Mo. Agee, iee r., itaymonavuie, alo. Butler, Legal T., Beesvflle, Mo. Becker, John A., Klmmswlck, Mo. Howard. Walter. St. Charles, Mo. Nyswandr, J. H.. Greentop, Mo. Findley, George B., McComb, Mo. Redden, Lemuel L., St. Louis, Mo. Norman. Clinton H., McKittrlck. Mo, Wminded severely White, Kdward R. (Sgt.), Kenton. Mo. Buck. Joseph J., Clifton Hill. Mo. Lybarger, T. F Seventy Six, Mo. Ikenberrv. C. W.. Leeton. Mo. Kellenbach. L. E., Tuscumbia, Mo. Michauil. Roy, St. Louis, Mo. MiNKinc In aetion 1 Slrllo. Rnrlnl M. fCorD.l. Llekln. Mft, Graves, Willie Franklin, Holden, Mo. Dean, Albert J., Forlana, Mo. Bush. Arthur B., Athens, Mo. Archer, Harry, Sarcoxie, Mo. Botts, W. W., Hurdland, Mo. Plummer, Christopher C. Matthews. Mo. Perrv, Frederick L. L.. Crystal City. Mo. Smith, Clavton L-, Savannah, Mo. Reynolds, Hugh A., Wentworth, Mo. Helckman. Joseph A.. St. Charles, Mo. Sabol. John, Anson, Me. Rowell, Harold A., Union, Mo. Tipton. Andrew S., Broadway, Mo. Kemper, Frank, St. Louis, Mo. MONTAJiA. IT II I In t.Tt CnU-mKti. Roy B. (Corp.), Tall Heights. Mont. McMullen. John M., root, Mont. Bane. John. Lewistown. Mont. Hanks, Peter A. Graham, Mont. Killed in action (previously reporxou una- '"K ... Reis. Herman, jnomaa, aouu Died of wounds Fox, Fred F., Hedges-viMe, Mont. ntH nf disease Graham, Harry H., Glasgow, Mont. Wounded severely Marlin. Jesse (Corp.), Billings, Mont. Oassed Ramsay, J.. Great Falls, Mont (In Canadian list). NEBRASKA. 'Killed In action Snell, Stephen J., Greeley, Neb. Prendergast, J. L. (Sgt.). Dunf, Neb. Adams. Leslie (Corp.). Superior, Neb. Kerl, Chester R.. Pawnee City, Iseb. Sills, Lemmen, Omaha, Neb. Williams, Walter K.. Purcell, Okla. Douthltt, Arthur J., Stanley. Ky. Carlson. Erik M., Omaha, Neb. Broe, Lawrence, Reno, Nev. Bell. Harry T., Copperhill, Neb. . Baird, Verner A., Brunswick, Neb. Died of .disease Sandall, John C. (Field Clerk), York, Neb. Frahm, William H., Omaha. Czerwonka, Vincent. Richland, Neb. Burgenger, Fred, Fremont, Neb. Morgan, David R-, Verdel, Neb. Weiger. A. M.. Hartlngton, Neb. Peterson. J. 8.. St. Paul. Neb. Clark. Roy P.. Moorefield, Neb. Shade, Louis F., Blair, ret. Mills. Ira. Valparaiso, Nfb. AS YOUNG AS YOUR KIDNEYS The secret of youth is ELIMINATION OF POISONS from your body. This done, you can live to be a hundred and enjoy tne gooa tnings or nie wnn as much "Deo" as you did when in the springtime of youth. Keep your body in good condition, that's the secret. Watch the kidneys. The kidneys and digestive organs are the main causes. The kidneys filter and purify the blood. All the blood passes through your kid neys once every three minutes. They strain or filter out the Impurities. Thit la their work. Keen them clean and in proper working condition and you have nothing to rear." trive tne nniannnua wastes and deadly uric acid accumulations from your system. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsulds at intervals and you will always be in perfect working order. rou wui ieei strong and vigorous. Nerves ana muscles will be elastic and your face will radiate youth and health. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil capsules are ira norted direct from the laboratories at Haarlem, Holland. They are not a patent medicine, but a guaranteed remedy which has been used by the sturdy Dutch for over 200 years and which has helped them to develop into one of the strongest and neaitniest races in me wui-iu. uei them from your druggist. Do not take substitute. in seaiea pacKages three sizes. Adv. GUARANTEED TO IMSTANTLY RELIEVE'.. ASTHMA gg MONEY. REfUNPEO ASK ANY PBUCSI5T. TT O THE good people of Port land and all within reach of this announcement, it is the wish of this store to convey the greet ings of this, a Thanksgiving of great rejoicing, of valorous deeds performed, of peace honorably brought about. Be it such a day for you and yours. IRA F. POWERS FURNITURE CO: Wonnded severely Barberis, Aberham, Broadwater, Nsb. Missins; in action Brooks, W. M., Cascade, Neb. Philben, Gilbert R., Broodwater, Neb. NEVADA. Killed in action Durenberger, P. O. (Sgt), Silver City, Nev. Wounded, undetermined; previously re. ported missing Hansen, Arthur, Sparks, Nev. NEW YORK. Killed in artlon Marwick. R W. (Capt), Philadelphia, N. T. Crosby, H. E. (Lieut). Kenmore, N. Y. Dederer, Ellsworth (Lieut), Nyack, N. Y. Knapp, James C. (Lieut.), Forestville. N. i. Epstein, William (Lieut), New York. I.awson, H. T. (Sgt.), Cannonsvllle. N. Y. Bramer, A. P. (Sgt), Niagara Falls, N. Y. Brotherton, John G. (Sgt), New York. N. Y. Eells, Frank M. (Pet), Walton. N. Y. N't v - Or i ,53" v-i -v- ' " ,- 4M . A 4 oil. t-1 ' 4i V Mrs. F. writes: "I am informed that I have kidney trouble and that it fast approaching a serious stage. What would you prescribe.' Answer: If your symptoms are the usual ones, such as puffs under the eyes, swelling ankles, scant, copious or foul - smelling urine, accompanied by headaches, pains, depression, fever, chills, etc., I would advise the immedi ate use of Balmwort Tablets, a very fine remedy for such difficulties, sold in sealed tubes with full directions for self -administration. Bolls writes: "Please tell me what to take to get rid of pimples, boils and bad blood. I know I need a con stipation remedy." Answer: It Is probably neglect of constipation that has made your blood bad. Begin a thorough treatment of Three-Grain Sulpherb Tablets (not sul phur tablets). Continue for several months. Walter asks: "My hair is too oily and my scalp itches with dandruff, and of late it is combing out too much. What Is a good treatment? Answer: Obtain Plain Yellow Minyol from your druggist in 4-oz. Jars and apply as per directions. This cleans, Dunties. cools ana invigorates tne nair and scalp, thus stopping the death of the hair. Dandrurr ana ltcning at once relieved. Men and women all over the country now use it regularly. ' ' "Brother" says: "Some time ago I contracted a very severe cold and cough. I have tried many remedies, but they do not seem to help me at all. I wish you would advise me what to do." Carter's little liver Fills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated and Happy Small Pill Small Dose Small Prica !I!T.Tel ASSHiS BARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless . faces but b wilt greatly help most pale-faced people wmmm Freedman. Isaac N. (Sgt). Nsw York City. Cohen, Edward J. (Sgt), New York. Sager. Oscar (Sgt ), lrvington, N. Y. Flt.glbbons, Jamns (Sgt), New York. Ragovin, Harry (Sgt), Brooklyn, N. Y. Crandle, Ray M. (Sgt), Grover, Pa. Herrig. Charles W. (Corp.), Midland. Pa. Srhttcssler, A. J. (Sgt), New York. Baxter, Floyd L. (Corp.). Carthage. N. Y. Srhoonover, C. A. (Corp.). New York. Whitley. E. O. (Corp.). Elmira. N. Y. Better, William (Corp.) Brooklyn. N. Y. Gallagher. George (Corp.), Brooklyn. N. Y. Torregrossa. J. L. (Corp.). New York. Goshen, A. B. (Corp.), New York. Jacohson. Ira J. (Corp.), Rochester, N. Y. Peppani, Paul L. (Corp.), Chemung, N. Y. Crego, Arthur V. (Corp.). Claveract, N. Y. Oalway, Thomas F. (Corp.), Now York. Peiffer. Walter I. (Corp.), Brooklyn. Toole. James J. (Corp.). Auburn. N. Y. Alger, Earl R. (Corp.), oneiaa, M. x . (Continued on Page 7.) KePpCTOR The questions answered below are general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply in any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College lUdff., College-Elwood streets, Dayton. Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. b'"U name unci ad dress must be given, but only initials or fictitious names will be used in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked drirg store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. Answer: What you need Is a lnxa tlve cough syrup, one that will drive the cold from your system. The follow ing prescription will check your cold and cough: Get a 2-oz. package of Concentrated Ksence Mentho - Luxene and make according to directions on the bottle. Take a teaspoonful every hour or two or until your cold Is better. This will" relieve you in a very few days. Traveler writes: "Perhaps you can prescribe for me, as I am at a loss to understand my condition. For the past year I have suffered extreme nervousness, trembling and extremi ties are cold. Have poor appetite, nm weak, listless and no ambition to work or seek recreation. Am tired all the time and in no sense the strong, capa ble man I was a few years ago." Answer: A powerful rejuvenating nerve medicine should revive the dor mant sluggish condition and put new ambition and energy into your blood and nerves. Obtain Three-Grain Cado mene Tablets in sealed tube's, take as per directions. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been e-ivinir free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubtles has helped in relieving Illness and distress more than any single individual in the world s history, 1 housands have writ ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: Or. Lewis Baker, Dear tTir: I hnp- Eened a few days ago to read The Pitts urgh Leader and there I noticed your column of questions and answers. I also noticed that you advised those that are suffering from constipation to use Sulpherb Tablets, and have tried. To my amazement it has made a new man out of me. I have been suffering from constipation for the last & years and have tried various remedies with out avail. I am so grateful to you that I don't know how to thank you for it. Would be very glad to recom mend it to anybody. Very truly yours, D. IL SPERBER, 921 Weiser St, Adv. Plttxhureh, Pa. Makes Life Worth Living Gaaulne bears (lcnatnre