T1TE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX. T1TTJRSDAY, . NOVEMBER 28. 1918. 15 OF HOPS BIG BUYER COS T No Demand Now From Brew ers in This Country. ONLY EXPORT OUTLET LEFT Bojers Pay Up to 2d Cents for Best Crops In Oregon, Washing ton and California. Hea-ry tarylnc af kens for shipment -to London eontinaes In th. California bop growing Mctiona. Thar la also lomi trad Ing la th Northwest, but th. larger part at th currant business Is being don. In th Southern stat. According to wires received! yesterday. C C. - Donovan purchased 90 bales ot Sonoma and Mendocino at 23 H and 28 cents, which makes his recent buying aggregat 3000 bales. Tba demand Is solely far 1913s. Olds and contracts haT. been offered, but they aro not wanted at this Urn. A number of small lota of Oregon hav been taken at 25 "4 and 24 cents, and In Washington 28 cents has also been paid. Aa la th eas In California, th demand is whoHy for export account. Up to a week or two ago ther was some buying of Coast hops by Easterners, but American brewers haT now lost all Interest In the article. Th brewer! will be closed down In a few days by the food and fuel order, and by the time they can open th "war-tlm prohibition' law may oa In effect. This law Is Mkely to remain In force until th constitutional amendment becomes effective, and than all will ba off tn the beer-making business. Foreign, markets must bo depended a In th tutor to taka care ot th Coast bop production and It Is too early yet t say what this foreign demand will amount to. Th. British board of agriculture haa Issued a notlc pormlttlng an Increase In th aervag under hops In England for next yar to 75 per cent of that of 1914. which will bring th acrt.ee up to 2100 acres. . According to latest mall advices from England price for th 1918 English crop hav not as yet bn fUsd by th government control board, but the general Idea la that they will range from f 15. equal to about 64 cents per pound, upward. There ar still unsold In growers' hands t. Oregon about 2000 bales of 191S hops, and 100 bales remain In Washington. California ha 12.800 bales left In first hands. Thar ar also 22.000 bales of aids tn that state. Th total stock of hops of all growths, on the Coast la estimated at CO. 000 bales. th market and two car vers loaded country lor this city. Prices wero changed with a fair demand. Onions also steady. TVRKEYS BRING S3 CENTS AT CLOSE Market Haa Bad Break and Delved Ship ments Do Not Clean I' p. The turkey market went to pieces yester dT. as several large shipments cam In after the trad had been supplied. Early la the day choice 'turkeys were sold at 40 cents, but tho receipts after A. M. moved at 33 cents. If they moved at all. The larger part of th arrivals, of course, could not bo disposed of. and will go to th cooler. Ther was practically no demand for live poultry, of which receipts wen largo and had to bo carried over. Dressed meats were also Inactive. Th egg market waa steady at fonrer prices. Ther waa no change in th butter situation. rnLL LINES HOLD STEAD GOOD RCX OF LIVESTOCK AT JTORni FORTIiAXD.. . OmcIAL POOD PRICES ABE NAMED Weekly Statement for Buyers , Issued by rood Administrator. The official commodity price list for th week ending December S. Issued yesterday by Thomas O. Parrcll. Assistant Federal Food Administration for Oregon, follows: Hogs and Lambs Sell at Top Prices, but Cattle Offerings Bo Not Command Full Bates. There waa a good run of stock at th yards yesterday and a fairly actlv marks. Prices were generally steady for all classes of stock. Hogs again sold at 817 and lambs at J 13, the top quotations, but nothing was offend in th cattle market to command full prices. Tho ' yards will bo closed to business today. Receipts were 125 cattle. 456 bogs and 934 sheep. Shippers were: With hojs W. A. Ayres. Eugene. 2 loads Hout & snodgrass. leoanon, x loau. With sheep J. M. Beck, Plot Rock. With mixed loads Deal at Richmond. Moro, 1 load of cattle, bogs and sheep: Hout A Snodgrasa. Lebanon. 1 load of hogs and eheep: Walter Given, Estacsca, i ioau of cattle and hogs: M. J. Kerkcs. Eagle LOCAL CHATS MARKET IS WIAK Buyers and Sellers Apart tn Their View on Local Board. Ther was not much disposition shown to put business through In tho grain market yesterday. Th undertone generally was weak. Oats bids were SOc0$l lower and corn averaged 50c under Tuesdays prices. Ther waa little change la barley offers. Th forecast for weather la th Allddle West waa wired from Chicago:- "Illinois. Missouri, Kansas. Iowa generally fair and warmer tonight, increasing cloudiness and probably rain Thursday. North and South Dakota. Minnesota. Nebraska generally fair tonight and Thursday. Broomhall cables as ta conditions In Australia: "Cable advices confirm a de Taa tn wheat sowings In New South Wales, th government reckoning a reduc tion of per cent, but our correspondent thinks It will be nearer 25 per cent. Th latter reduction would mean a loss for that tat of 900.00 acres, bnt on th other band recent crop report from other atatea hav bin favorable. With auch large quan titlea af wheat remaining on hand r duction f even 23 per cent for New South Wales weald not b very serious. Th com In eroo of th who! commonwealth la estimated at 1 00.000.000 bushela of wheat. which would give 70.AOO.000 bushels for ex port. Adding this surplus to old crop re- snalnlng leaves 230,000,000 bushels available tar export. "Norway Largs areas of new land hav been tlllod 'with th view of giving th oountry aa much grain aa posslbl. It Is stated that 2.000.000 acre have been tilled thla year, which Is somewhat less, how aver, than expected." Imports at Eaa Francisco. Just reported. Included 2100 tons ot wheat from Australia. Terminal receipts. In ears, were reported fcy the Merchants' Exchange aa follows: Wheat. Barley. Flnur.Oata.Hay. Portland. Wed. . ear ago Season to dat... Tear ago Ttcoma, Tuea. . Year ago Season lo dat. . Year ago Seattle. Tuea.... 1 ear ago feason to date., laar ago Wheat flour, per 24 -lb. bag Wheat flour, bulk, per lb Barley flour, per 9 8-10-lb. bag barley flour, bulk, per lb Rye flour per lu-lb. bag Rye flour, bulk, per lb t'orn flour, bulk, per lb. Rle flour, bulk, per lb. Cornmval. bulk, per lb. Commeal. 2-1 b. package, per lb. Victory bread, prlc per loaf. 24-os. victory oreau. price per loar. 10-os Oatmeal or rolled oats, bulk, per lb Oatmeal or rolled oats, 20oz. package, lb. ,. Rice, unbroken, standard quality, per lb.... Hominy or hominy grit. 10-lb. bag. per lb. Sugar, granulated, bulk, per lb Beans, white, navy or pea not lima), per lb. Beans; colored, pinto or sny other colorad variety, per lb ' Potatoes, whit or Irish, per lb Onions, per lb Kaisins, seeded, per 18-oz. package Prunes, medium six. 60-70, per lb Canned tomatoes, standard grade, per 20-os. No. 2 can Canned corn, standard grade, per 20-ox. No. 2 can Canned peas, standard grade, per 20-ox. No. 2 can Canned salmon, tall pink Alaska, per lG-cx. No. 1 can Canned salmon, tall red Alaska, per 16-os. No. 1 can : Evaporated milk, unsweetened, per 6-OS. caa Evaporated milk, unsweetened, 76-os. can.. Milk, bottled, per qt Putter, creamery, print, par lb. Oleomargarine Eggs, fresh, per dos Cheese. American, full cream, cut. Per lb... Lard, pur. I.af, bulk, per lb. Lard, pure leaf. No. 6 tins, per lb. L.am suostitute, duim, per 10. .......... .... Lard substitute. No. 5 tins, per lb Bacon, breakfast, sliced, standard arade. lb. Pork choDS. oer lb ...... Ham. smoked, sliced, pr lb Round steak, oer lb Hens, year or more old. dressed, not drawn Fish, fresh, plentiful variety, per lb Retailer pays. 81.43 ,t3 O-l Consumer should pay. t I ts .87 7-16 W .07 7-8 a it if 4 .10 3-4 it & .10 - 9 .fl .02 .13 .12 1-4 t OS v of 8-4 it .71 .08 1-3 .6-J 1-2 .0 1-7 .OS .OS 9-10 .04 8-10 .08 .12 1-2 .08 1-2 .06 1-2 .07 8-10 .11 1-2 .09 1-2 .08 3-10 .11 .09 .02 .02 1-4 .12 1-3 .1J 81.60 6 81.63 .07 1-10 .73 t .78 .(IT Hi .07 1-2 .73 U .80 p .07 .06 1-J .11 .12 V .06 .10 9 .15 it .10 OS .OS .09 1-2-S .10 .12 1-2 9 .15 .10 i-:a .n .07 .08 .12 9 -13 .09 1-S. .02 1-2 .03 4 .121-2 .li 9 .10 1-2 .03 .03 1-2 .13 .17 .13 1-6 9 J 1-4 9 .13 .SS 3-4 .63 9 .29 1-2 .30 a .23 l-i e ..i .18 9. . . 9 .18 .18 J8 .17 .24 .07 1-8 .16 .13 .63 .33 .39 1-4 .70 .33 1-4 .31 .23 8-4 .26 .23 .18 .20 9 .20 - .13 C .20 9 -25 .'..! .30 ..... ... .08 ;. .17 m .16 .69 .70 .40 .41 .45 3-4 it .47 .71 e .77 .34 1-2 .40 .37 at .40 .2$ 1-2 its .29 .31 & .33 .60 Ot .70 .40 W .45 .43 t .60 ,30 ft .35 .S3 9 .40 .1$ .50 Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wer aa follows: uieartngs. jsaianeea. Portland 3S.174.0I6 31.2-.2.571 Seattle .M4,4 1.487.076 Tacoma 615.378 57.S36 Spokane 1.405.221 803,657 T COTIX SALES OX BULGES TOO HEATI'FOB DEMAND. Creek. 1 load of eattle, hogs and sheep. Th uay a sales wer aa touows: 37 cows. .. 10 cows. . . 15 cows... 2 cows... S cows. . . 10 cows... 1 bull.... 1 steer. .. 1 steer. .. 3 hogs. .. IS hogs. . . ' 8 hogs. .. 21 hogs.. 8 hogs. .. 13 hogs... 50 hogs. .. 2 hogs... 5 hogs. . r 13 hogs. . . 234 lambs. 162 lambs. 3 If mbs. 1210 1393 1150 1006 940 910 Wt. Prlc 125 8 8.00 99 10.00 822 8.75 950 10.00 1015 11.35 890 9. 00 Wt. Prlc.l 914 8 6 001 7 ewes... 8S4 7.00110 wethers 7.60j 5 steers. 8.00! 4 steers. . 7.50 56 steers. . e.HOjll steers.. 6.25.11 steers.. 7. no! 4 cows... 1100 10.001 5 cows. .. 205 16.5014 cows... 260 16.75 1 cow.... 173 15 501 2 cows. .. 192 17.00 9 cows.. SIS 15.501 7 cows. . 220 13.001 2 cows. . 145 14.5072 hogs. . 250 16.33ill hogs. . 292 16.001 5 hogs.. 263 16.50 27 hogs. 64 11.11011 90 hogs. 78 13.00 19 hogs.. 74 12.0082 hogs.. Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattl Prime steers Good to choice stsers ... Medium to good steers... Fair to medium steers.... Choice cows and heifers 8.00 a S.5 Med. to good cows anil neirers.. o.oura xnir to meiL cows ana neuero. o 'v u- 1075 845 902 0S7 SS0 595 1073 900 020 213 360 10.50 3.50 7.30 7.33 7.00 0.78 8.00 6.00 5.00 16.30 13.23 S S SS 3 SI 14 2 3 3 9 47.-.7 611 3 817 SHS S441 102 310 649 -I' S 15 16 1 C S72 IS ... 10 70.". S024 31 ... 156 814 40 1 1 9 65 19 ... T 2 14 S29I 45 743 43 ISdl 2..H 133 797 23 1940 OREGON BEANS ABE IN DEMAND TJttl Chang. In Eastera Market Con dition. Prices oa Imported Bean. There la a good demand for Oregon beans and a fair na.vemcnt. Price, ar unchanged at 797U eca'a, rec leaned basis, for large and small whites and pea navya. In th . East th bean market baa shown llttl change during th past few days, allchlgaa and New Tork choice hand picked p.a beans ranged 83.736 8 to grower In producing Mctiona, advancing ta 810.309 11.80 In consuming markets. California mail whlta were steady at 310.50 9 11 In leading mark.ta. Shipments wer slightly below th rcnt average. A Seattla wire quoted th following im port prlctw: Oriental peas aad baana. eon tract sal) for February-March delivery In bond at Seattle (to sacur delivery add for freight 94c par cwt and tor .Import duty 42c oa beans and 17c oa peas): Jap. aness) Kotanaahl (our email white). 87.78 per erwt.; ataaehartan Kotenashl. 87; Chunsgan aura (medium speckled bean) $3.50; Kin tckis. 83.78; Canadian field peas, $3; large Hankow peas. Canadian. 35.75; Japanese wrinkled green peaa. 37. BIG DECREASE EEEX IX BG43 STOCKS Storags Holdings of Butter Ant Lea Than Year Ago. Th monthly report of th Bureau of Mark. Department of Agricultural show atorag holdings of butter and eggs Novem ber 13, 1918. si follows: Th 358 storage that reported creamery tutter showed total stock, of 74.043.034 pounds. The 303 storage reporting for Is'ovsmber 13, this year and last, show pre, nt holding of 70,836.840 pounds compared with 82. 733.699 pounds hurt year, a decrees, f 13 per cent. Th 413 toraga that reported eaa ggs showed total stocks of 2.9IS.922 eaaoa. Th 29 storaga. reporting for November .18, this year ana la t. show present holdings of 3.9-3.603 cses compared with 8,704.474 eauca last year, a decrease of 21.1 per cent. CHEAPER GRADE OP APPLES) 8ELLXNO Prices Ar rsrsssred ta Local Market. Shipment. Lighter. The dmand for tb lower grades of an plea was food. Prices ranged from 1 1 oa cooking apples so to 82.78 oa axtra fancy or various varieties. On car ot Washing, too. arrived. Oregon appl shipments war IX cars to New Tork. two to Philadelphia, and on each to Pituburg, Slruira, Omaha, Chicago. Douglas, Camp Kearney, Saa FTaaciso and Sacramento. On. car of eaa. nr stock wont to Th Dalies. Threo fourtha of tho North we. tera appl crop baa beoa moved. Two cars of Oregon potatoes arrived en : Shipping Inquiry From East Slow. Weather Conditions Are Also Favorable to Bears. y CHICAGO. Not. 27. Corn tended down ward In prlc today, deeplte frequent ral lies. The market lacked aggressive support and closed unsettled at H cents to cents net decline, with December 3 1.24 H and Jan uary S1.20H to 31.254. Oats finished ?.e off to He up. Provisions finished at aa ad vance of 10c to 81. Corn saiea on tho bulges war too heavj for the demand. Eastern houses took a con spicuous part In selling, it was said that shipping Inquiry from the East was slow. Buying orders cam mostly from shorts. Favorable weather conditions gave an ad vrlme lambs vantage to the bears and led to continued pair to medium lambs predictions of larger receipts. Oosslp was i Tearlings current that farmer ahowed little dl-po- I Wethers sition as yet- to let go of their holdlnga I Ewes Receipts continued small and country offer- - Inss light. ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK UIU loilvw-a corn, nrepi in.t j. i . i.t.'. , liberal shipments from hero next week by water strengthened the November delivery Provisions averaged higher with hogs Soma af th buying of ribs was attributed t packers. Leading future ranged as follows: " CORN. Close. ICS 15.50 205 17.00 205 1 6.75 260 14.50 145 15.00 Prices. .$12.25al2.78 . 11.00 12.00 . 10.00 11.00 S.30W 9 0 600J 8.00 fanners Bulls Calves Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed .... Rough heavies ..... Pigs hneep Dee. Jan. T)ec .... Open. Hlcn. ..3125S 81.26H OATS. . .7 .7?'t . .71 .72a MESS PORK. Low. 3123 1.24 .71 .70 9 8.001 4 00 6.90W 7.00 9.00012.00 16 8017.00 16.504(16.73 14.80W15.00 14. 00 if 13 0U 12.00W13.00 9.00W11.00 10.00 011.00 9.00TlO.OO 6.504 8.00 LOADED Shipments to tho Leading Markets of tb Pacific Northwest. Stato origins of livestock loaded Novem ber 2L 1918: Cattle. Horsea,Mixed Calves. Hogs. Shoep.Mulea. Stock ror rortiana pumpkins. SOtfCOe; mushrooms, 20$ 60c; Brussels sprouts, ft ft-So. Fruit Lemons, 346: oranges, 8567.50:1 bananas. 79c; pineapples; 82&5; spptes. j Bellefleur. 1.35'(bl.75: Newtown Pippins. 31501.73; Spltzenberg, 31.2542: grapefruit. 82SOi3: pears. Bartletts. 32.504S3: winter. 75c 031: grapes, Tokays. Emperors and Ver. dels. si.50az.Z5: persimmons. Mk-iajl.oii; cranberries, 33.85; quinces, 80c 9 $1.15; caa abas. 31? 1.50. Receipts Flour, 600 quarter sacks: bar ley. 57l centals; beans, 2961 sacks; potatoes, 62S0 sacks; onions. 1361 sacks; hay, 169 tons; hides. 203: wtne. 56.312 gallons. No Change In Coffee Situation. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. No fresh feature was reported in th coffee situation todaj and with tomorrow a holiday the trade seemed to be chiefly interested in discussing the probable results of Friday's meeting be tween the various coffee committees and rep resentatives of the Food Administration. The official cables reported no change in the Brazilian markets except In tho case of Santos futures, which were 25 to 50 re is higher. soissoiun IN SCREElH OF F0Si Last of 26 Schooners Clears! ' x Foundation Ways. : MRS. HIPKINS IS SPONSORi Belief Expressed by Coast Manager That Company Permanent Fea ture of City's Maritime. Life. MERCANTILE SCORES ADVANCE I OF NEARLY 1 6 POINTS. Out Into taa wall of gray fog- that enveloped the Willamette yasterday at 4k. .V.. Sl.v,nl . - rmm I uuuu 1 uancu turn UUU .mw .j......-.- 1 Announcement of Government Offer the la8t of 0 tea,m auxiliary schooners I built for the French goveratoetit Her departure cleared the 10 wxyi at the Foundation plant, although the Boie aona is not the laat ship to be con structed there. "I am hopeful I cart present the reel dents of Portland with an industrial , for Fleet Causes Spectacular Movements; Part of Gain Lost. NEW TORK, Nov. 27. Shipping shares monopolized the bulk of speculative atten tion tn today's stock market, far outstrip- New Tear's present, an acquisition to j ping all other issues, in whieb irregular or the city's commercial and maritime re- j reactionary tendencies prevailed. sources that should be an appreciable 1 Announcement that tbe Government bad I Pain, but I am unable to say mate 1 mada a tentative offer for the huza tonnav. I now than that the Foundation Com-J of th Mercantile Maria Company, thereby I pany has every reason to contemplate! halting negotiations with British, interests. I a continued operation of it plant in 1 resulted in spectacular movements. Marin I this city," said faayly MipKins, vice pret'erred made an extreme advance ot al-1 president and Pacific Coast manager most 16 points, forfeiting one-third of this I of the big- corporation, after he had n too last nour; me o per cent oonas 1 stood on the platform and saw the howed a gross gain of 6 points and com- I ,,. faA. -,. intn tha murkv mon shares 4. points, with substantial gains I " " " " . J in associated Issues. Other speculative fav- screen in too uroeir. orites were -hesitant. United States Steel I Mrs. Htnklna Snnxtstrr. and Independent industrials also leading and .. ,. ,. tv,-f v. secondary equipments reacted X to 3 points l is my ,irm conviction that the with coppers, ilotors were heavy because ot Foundation Company is a permanent pressure against Studebaker, and oils re- feature of this city's maritime life, and versed their upward course of tht previous I nnlv bona no event mav chance the season. Mexican Petroleum declining almost nro8n(,,.ta w. have for nrovine that con- points. I t Kails developed an erratic trend at the I , outset, yielding 1 to 2 ooints later, but some M.T8. MlpKins started me ooissons on of the gas issues and other utilities re- I her career, having- consented to be mained steady to firm until carried under sponsor at the insist a nee of Captain by the broader selling In the final dealings. E C- Genereaux, French representative Tradin'r.n'tos Contracted and th. at the plant Mr. Genereaux waa tone irregular. Liberty fourth and 4s as- matron of honor. The Foundation tabiished a new minimum at 97. 8 per cent band played, but without its old leader under the subscription price. Total salea and organizer. Director Cioffi, who died par value. . aggregated 89,795,000. Old Saturday. $27,000 Greater Winnipeg Water District 6 GOLD BONDS PRICE TO YIELD 6.50 Dated August 1, 1919 Due August 1, 1923 Denominations $100, $500, $1000 These bonds are a direct tax obligation of the Greater Winnipeg Water District. Exempt from all Dominion Government Taxation. Liberty Bonds If you nana SELL your Liberty Bonds, SELI. to T S. If yon east BUY sner Liberty Bond. i'lV fret Is. We buy and aell Liberty Honda at the market. You cannot do better you may do worse. The closing prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New Tork Stock Exchange for week ended Wednesday, November 27. were aa follows: v First First Second IHs 4s 4s 4s 4s Thursday 99.94 96.70 96 .20 97 82 Friday 99.94 96.70 96.20 98.S0 " 97.88 Saturday 99.90 S6.S0 96.10 '. 88.40 97.98 Monday , 99.80 98.40 95.S0 '8.40 $7.28 Tuesday 89.42 96.40 95.30 98.40 97.02 Wednesday 99.X0 96.20 95.20 v 88.00 J7.02 Us- 97.88 97.88 7.96 97.40 97.10 97.10 41s 98.00 98.00 97.80 97.44 97.lt 97.04 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon S09-311 STARK, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Broadway 2151. Established' Over 85 Years- United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. Idaho 11.14 j Orvson Nov. Jan. ....46.25 48.55 LARD. Nov. Jan. 23.05 28.10 25.05 SHORT BIBS. .71 .701, 44.75 4tS-io 28.78 2L10 Nov .... 25.90 Jan S4.87 24.77 24.80 24.70 Cash price were as iomows: Corn No. 2 yellow, old. 8148; No. 8 yel low, new. 81.42; No. 4 yellow, new. 81.86,1 1.3. . Oats No. S wnit. -Uilc; standard. 74 W7.V4C liye .NO. 2. si.o t-ffi.o . Barley 90c6$1.0J. Timothy 87 ii 10.24. riover Nominal. Tork l3.-0. Lard $Ji'..75. Ribs Nominal. Grain at Saa Iraariseo. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 27. Flour. 811.45 per barrel. (jralnv neau vovvrnmea V1 1 v., v . v ... . barrel: barley, X15Wi50; oats, wnite jeea. nominal: corn, California yllow. 83.8.V Hay Wheat and wheat and oats. 826927: tarn oats. 825g 27.50; barley, 818322; al falfa. 81S32. barley, straw. 50 $ 80c alsal alfsir. too; cocoanut. bpouw, Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Not. 87. Barley, 870Me Flax. 83.85 88.87. rrolnth Llaeeed Market. DULUTH. Nov. 87. Linseed. 83.82,. FORTLAND K1IIII QUOTATIONS. Grata, Floor, Feed. Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. . Northwesters oats and barley aacked Nov. Deo. Jan. Bid. Bid. Bid. No. t white feed oats.. 838 60 8'4.00 854.00 Standard teed barley.. M00 60.50 60.50 Standard "A" barley.. 80.50 61.00 61.00 Eastern oats ana corn ut put. 80.00 83.00 88.00 65.80 SO 50 63.00 88.00 85.50 No. 3 white B0.M 83-lb. white clipped.... 82.50 corn No. 8 yellow 88 00 No. 3 mixed 67 00 FLOUR Family floor, 810.00 1 LOB per barrel: bakers. 818 TOtf 18.85: whol wheat. 64.85910. gr ham. 83.65 J 9.80: barley flour, 610.60613: rye flour, 8H-75-(13; corn flour. 612912 0: corn meal. 811 OU.S0; oat flour. 811. 20t-1140. WILLFEED Mill run. soft wheat rrades. f. o. b. mill, carlota, 832.10 per ton: mixed ears, 332.80; ton lots or over. 334.10: less than tona 335.10; rolled barley. 355950: rolled oats. 3816 5: (round barley. 858 9 60; alfalfa meal, 8400 44. CORN Whol. 3T3977; cracked. 375 9 78. HAY Buylnc prices, t e. b. Portland; eastern Oregon timothy. 330938 pel ton: Valley timothy, 327 per ton: alfalfa, 328: Valley sraia bay. 62U: elovr, 27; auaw, 39 910. t Total Portland On week ago. , Four weeks ago One year airo. . For Seattle Idaho ......... Montana ...... Washington ... Total Seattl. One week ago. . Four weeks ago One year ago.tf For Spokane Idaho Washington ... Total Spokane One week ago. . Four weeke ago One year ago. . 8 9 5 15 17 4 8 12 It 13 4 t 14 23 10 13 4 B 4 . 16 12 4 3 4 4 12 S 10 1 14 15 Dairy and Country Froduo. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 5U cents; prints, xtraa. box lots. 619 83; half boxes. Ho more, less than half boxes, lc more; butter, fat. No. 1, 7o per pound, delivered. Port, land. EOGS Oregon ranch, eandled, rota and cracks oat. 8ftc; selects. 70 doses. CrTRESU Tillamook, f. o. a. Tillamook: Triplets. 36c; Young Americas, 37c; Coua and Curry County: Triplets, f. o, b. Myrtle Point. 3r,e. POl-LTKY Hens. 25928c: Springs. 2T9 80c: roosters, Ivc; ducks. 26?30c; geee, 35c;" turkeys, live. 61 933a, turkeys, dressed, choice. 84940c: bulk of sale. 15c VEAC Fancy, 104 920o per poond. PO&Jt Faacy. 0i: par pound. Chicago Livestock Market. rtllOAGO. Nov. 27. Hops Receipts, 2S,. 000; market opened mostly 10 to 15 cents higher, closing easier; trade now steady t strong with yesterday's average. Butchers, 317.65919.40; light. 317.1018.15: packing. si7eif.jo: mrow-oats, siugzi6.7D; pigs. gooa to cnoice.eia.ou7i io.au. Cattl Recelots. 11.000: market on , beef and butcher cattle very slow, getting lower on all oeiow choice steers; .canners and calvea and good feeders about' steady. Beef cattle, good, choice and prime, 8159 19.76; common and medium, 60.25 915; a bixaVber stock, cows and heifers, 36.25014: canners and cutters, 35.B098.--5; tockers and .feed ers, good, eholc and fancy, 810913; in terior, common and medium, 37910; veal ealvsa. good and cholc. 316. 75917.23: Western range, beef steers, $14,25918; cows ana neirers. niu.it. Sheep Receipts, 10,000: market on killing classes more aeuv ana firm to higher Feeders, slaw. Omaha Uveatock Market. OMAHA. Nov. 27 Hogs Receipts, 16.. 000; market 10 cents lower. Heavy, 816.759 17.40; mixed. 817.10917.30; light, 817.159 17.70; pigs, 3101; bulk of sales, 317.10$ 17.50. Cattle Receipts. 80 00, market steady t strong. Native steers, 311918.50; cows snd heifer. 38-50913; western steers. 3U.509 1650; Texas steers, 38.50912; cows and heifers, 36011; canners. 34.5095 70: stock, ers and feeders, 36013: calves. 37.50913.50. Sheep Receipts. UOuO; market steady, Culls, 34.60 9 7 JO: wethers, 809 10; ewes, 37 : feeder ismDa. io.09i; lam Da, 1.'9 14.85; yearllrgs. 610911. Seattle livestock Market. SEATTLE. Nov. 27. Hogs Receipts 2578. steady. Prime Ughts, 3 17 17.50; ' medium to choice, 317.26917.40; medium heavy. 816.25 910 50: rough neavies, 31S.239 10.50; pigs, ,15.25916.50. Cattle Receipts 83, Steady. Best stsers. 311918: medium to choice, 610-60011! me dium to good. 8S0S.SO: medium, 3797.50: tulis, 3597.60; cslves, 85910. BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MABKET Pricea Current oa Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc-, at Bay City. 8AK FRANCISCO, Nov. 27. Butter 829 SSHe. K-tgs Fresh extras, 61 cents; frssh extra pullets. 85 "ce- Chees Unquoted. Poultry liens, 3938e; young roosters. 85 0 37c; fryers and broilers, 4594Sc; pigeons, 32.50; squabs, f. 1.6094: -retrse. 27G28c: tur keys, live, 33 9 87c: dreased, 45 9 40c, Vegetable Celery. 68.6094.25; squash, cream, 75900c; hubbard, 31.60: eggplant. 31.5092.00; peppers, bell, 75c; chile. Mititoa; tomatoes, 76c631.75; lettuce, 31.50$2; pot, toe. Salinss. 3392.76: rivers, 1.7uif2.25; sweets. 343c; onions. Australian brown, 81.2591.50; pearl, 69tic; garlic, 25c; cauli flower. 60?75c: beets, 31.5091.60; carrots, 819123; turnips, 619160: rhubarb, 31.259 1.60; string beans, 10915c; lima, 6910c; Sales. Am Beet Sugar. 2.400 American Can.. 4,4i)0 Am Car & i'dry 1,0"0 American Loco.. 2,600 m sm & Kola. lO.tMio 111 Sugar Ketx. DUO Am Tel & Tel.. 700 naconda Cop., 7,6u0 tchlson 1,100 li & W I S S L 4.-M0 Bait St Ohio ... 2.4U0 Bethlehem B .. 6,iUO B & S Copper. . 200 Calif Petrol U00 Canadian Pacif. l.lluo entral Uealber S.000 hes Sc. Ohio . .. 800 Chi M & St. P.. 700 Chi N W .... S00 R I & P ctfs. 2.800 Chino Copper.. r00 Colo Fu & iron. 600 orn Prod Kofg 10.400 Crucible Steel., 6.O00 Cuba Can Sug. 8,200 . Distill Securities 1,100 trie 2.700 eneral Electrlo iioo General Motor. 1.700 t Nor old 1"0D Gt Nor Or ctfs 2,100 I Inols Central nspir Copper . . 1,500 Int M M pfd ..172,100 nter Nickel ... sou Inter Paper ... 400 c sou tnern . . i.'.hiu Kennecott " Cop. 200 Maxwell Motors S.2UO Mexican Potrol. 20.4O0 Miami Copper.. R0 Missouri Paclfio 8,400 Nevsda Copper. fcilO N Y Central ... 2.700 N y N H & H.. 2.000 Norf & West .. 3.000 Northern Paclf. 2,i00 Pacific Mall Peansylvania .. 500 Ray Consol Cop 000 Reading 1.00 Rp Ir Steel.. 1.200 Shat Ariz Cop. Southern Pacif. Southern Ry .. studebaker Co. Texas Co t'nittn Pacific. . TT S Ind Alcohol High. 6214 42 81 61 & 82 ' 111 104 65 0 10S 52 64 11) 14 19 160 81 SS 45T, 100T 26 H SS 36 Ti 47' 55 30 46 18 140 hi 128 U7Va 33 48 Vs 11H 31 '4 DOi, IB-, 85 H 27 M 161 Vs 26 ! IS 7S4 35 5 106 !4 95 '46 14 s 70 A 26.100 4,7(10 60, .".on 1,800 5.200 1. 2(M Low, 4UVi 1 sou 54 (sOli 10iVs 64", W2 108 52-4 62 Vj law 19 157 57 07 45 Vi UU4t 25 H 375. 36 454 64 VJ 28 14 45 18 14Si 124 47" 108 0 80 194 35 f4 25 Vk 155 V 25 25 174 78'., 34 V 106 a4 "if -24 7454 'si4- V 8 Steel 140.000 do pfd " I'tah Copper ... 4.400 Western I'nion.. 600 Westing Electric 1.100 U S ref is reg..9 do coupon ....8 U S 8s reg 8S do coupon ...'.b3 U S 4s reg...."io do coupon ...-no Atch en 4s... SHb D R O ref 6S.T.OV4 NYC deb 6s.. 100 N P 4s 90 N P 3s 62 Pac T & T 5s... loni ZN Si if .1.1 54 4!ivi 184 ISO ISO 128 102 4 HI 1011 H8 111 '4 lit M 78 H 76 i:. 87V4 42.4 42 BONDS. Pa con 4tts .99H V P 4s 88H LT S Steel 5s 100 S P cv 5s IOOT4 Anglo-Fr 5s 86 U S Lib Ha P2fl Last Sale. 61 41?4 80 '4 69 SO- 10V 103 641 02 107 02 V4 62-- 1H ID lf.8-4 67 57 54 47H UM 25 87 54 36 54 45 64 29 40 18 14954 124 6H 3:'.!4 99 47 11114 81 14 30 1 354 26 V4 136 26 25 17 7614 34-4 106 34 4rt"4 21 82 74 151 0 2S 1014 10 128 lot OSH 11114 7 8 42 After the launching ceremony. Cap tain Genereaux presented Mra, Hipkins with a diamond necklace. Mr. and Mrs. Hipklno left last night for the Tacoma yard, where the last of 20 French ships will be launched today. Jsly la Burner Month. Since March 20 the company launched 20 bulls at Portland, 252 days havyig- passed, making an average of one launching; every 12 days. The first ship was delivered June 24 and the last is to be ready Christmas, eve, which will make the delive.ry average one ship every nine and a half daya. The combined Portland and Tacoma yards will have launched .46 ships by today,, an average of one ship every six and three-tenths days. The eeti mated total time for delivery is fixed at 183 days, so the delivery schedule given an average of a ship every four and six-tenths days. The largest force employed at Portland at any one time was 4200 men and the best month was July, when the two yards laid five keels, launched five hulls and deliv ered five finished ships. . STEAMSHIP HEAD IS HONORED H. F. Alexander Slay Become Mem ber of National Trade Council. IL F. Alexander, president tf the Pa cific Steamship Company, has been in vited to become a member of the Na tional Foreign Trade Council, ' accord lng to word received at the Portland office yesterday from New YOrk. . Tbe National Foreign Trade Council, of which J. A. Farrell is chairman, has a limited membership of about 60 rep resentative men of the United States, all of whom are prominently identified with foreign trade. Every element of foreign trade is represented in the council. The mem bers do not -epresent only their own individual interests, or those of the companiea with which they are con nected, but stand as general representa tives of the element of foreign trade with which they a identified. The council h "expected to take a prominent part in helping solve- the problems con fronting the American foreign trade with the re-establishment of peace. Bid. Honey, Exchange, Etc NEW TORK. Nov. 27. Mercantile paper. unchanged. Sterling, day Dill, oncnangsa; oanina, 84.7300; cables, $4.76 7-16. Franca, demand, 5.4C; cables, 5.45. Guilders, unchanged. Lira, unchanged. Mexican dollars, unchanged. Time loans, strong, uncnanseu. Call money, assy; high, 6V per cent: low. do 1st cv 4s. .86.20 do 2d 4s. .8... 05.20 do lt cv 4'4s.s.oo do 2d cv 4Us. 87.02 do 3d 414s.. ..87.10 COIjIjISION to be investigated ao tin .i.w Federal Inspectors to Consider Sink lag ot Pronto by AVestview. United States Steamvessel Inspectors Edwards and Wynn have 'set Monday morntng for the investigation of the sinking of the Port of Portland steamer Pronto at the Fifteenth-street Munici pal Terminal Tuesday night when B. psr cent: ruling rate, s per cent; closing struck by the steel -freighter. Westview. bid, 6 per cent; offered at per cent, laat The Port portland has 'undertaken loan. 614 Per cent. t ! the Vronto and. while serlouMv LONDON, Nov. 27. Money and discounts I damaged, it is believed she can be re- unchanged. Mining Stocks a Beaten. BOSTON, Nov. 27. Closing quotations: Alloues Ariz Com Cal e Ariz ;al A Hecla.... Centennial .... Cop K Con Co. E Butt C Mln Franklin Is! Roy (Cop) Lake Cop Mohawk 43 IN'orlh Butte 13 'Old Dominion.. 68 lOseeola 455 iQuincy 1214jSuprior 45 li Sup A Bos Mln. 1014 Shannon . 4lutah Coa 25 h Winona 5 HI Wolverine 14 I 12 w 57 58 S 814 3 B 78 20 paired. Charles I. Holland, master of the Westview, has filed a report with In spectors Edwards and Wynn in which he recounts events leading p to the collision. In addition to the sinking of the Pronto, the bowsprit of the French steam auxiliary schooner Nancy was damaged and the Westvlew's maintop mast and aerial were carried away. - Eureka Traffic Resumed. Naval Stores. I EHREKA, Cal., NOT. Z7. (Special. SAVANKAH. Not. 37. Turpontln dull, witl arrival today of the Admiral 76 cents; shipments. 208; stock, 30,261. I liner Aurena, steamer traiiic oeiween Rosin firm. Sales. 715; receipts. 893: ship-1 Portland and Eureka was resumed, fol- ments. 1050: stock, 69.329. Quote: B, D, B, I lowing an Interval ;of nearly a year. F, O. s-na . 1. io.oa: is, '-: The Aurelia, which came in from San M. 318 50; ,N. 816.70; WG. 616.80; WW, I p,..,i.,A n. , r- 816.90. . ; I Rav flTiri -Pifttanil n nH It Arpn ffr will Chicago Dairy Produce. I make the round trip once each fort- rmriCO. Nov. 27. Butter. hix-her. I night. Creamery, 546514e. Iwocal merchants . are anticipating Kg irs, higher. Receipts. 4869 caaes; first, heavy shipments of flour, feedstuffs and 64 05c; ordinary firsts. 5458c; at mark. fh ,;.,. ,r rVti.H . Admiral Goodrich, Admiral rarragut, from Southeast Alaska; Northland. from San Francisco; schooner Muriel, from Callao. Departed Steamers City of Seattle, for Southeast Alaska; Admiral Schley, for San Francisco. MANILA. Nov. 22. Sailed Steamer As tral, lor ban f rancisco. YOKOHAMA, Nov. 16. Sailed Steamer n.ofuku jdaru. for Seattle. CALLAO, Nov. 22. Arrived Steamer Major Wheeler, from San Francisco, via San I edro. YOKOHAMA, Nov. 22. Sailed Steamer Nippon Maru, from Hong Kong, for San Francisco. A RICA, Nov. 22. Arrived Steamer Baja Cr.urornia, from ban Francisco. PORTLAND, Nov. 27. Arrived Steamer El SegunUo, from San Francisco. ASTORIA, Nov. 27. Arrived down at 8 and sailed at 10 last night, steamer Latoka, for trial trip. Arrived at 7 and left up at 8:30 P. M., steamer Joban l'oulson, from San Francisco. Arrived at It A. M.. steam er 1 Seundo, towing barge No. 8, from San tTrancisco. Left up at noon, steamer El SeKundo, from San Francigi-o. Lett up at 4:0 P. M... barge No. 03, from San Fran cisco. . SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 26. Sailed at 10 last nisht, steamer Aurelia, for Portland. Sailed at 4 P. M., steamer Capt. A. F. Lucas, for Portland. SAN PEDRO Nov. 26 Sailed at S P. M., steamer Haico, for Columbia Hiver. NEW YORK. Nov. 27. Epagne, from Bordeaux. -Arrived Steamer Biver Forecast. The Willamette River at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three days except as affected by tbe tide. liJgh tides Thursday will occur about 3 A. Jland 3 P. M. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. 0:01 A. M 8.5 feet2:R6 A. M 2.0 feet 9:56 P. M 6.6 feet;4:0S P. M 3.7 foot Liberty Bonds Bought FULLY OR PARTLY PAID BONDS BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH Sell Direct to Licensed Brokers. Cet Market Cash Value. ANY DENOMINATION BOUGHT $50, $100, $500 or $1000 ' BuKlaeaa Strictly Confidential Private Office far Ledlea. WESTERN STOCK & BOND CO. Licensed Brokfrs. Hours 8:30 to C P. 11 Suite 614 Morgan Bldg, Broadway and Washington BU. mlya, S3 North Ninth. November 16. a daiuih- , v.viviu.i,iun to Mr. ana IHrs. General Lee Corrington. 587 Frederick t-. ,uMni.M- 17. a eon. THOMAS To Mr anri Mr. w a Thmaj 981 East Flanders, November 1 7. a son. HUTCH! NH Tn Mr ami M,. :.nn. M Hutchins. 1115 Tenth ntr.M Knurh Ttm 22. a son. TERRY Tn Mr. and Mr Tl,...r. T Terry, 1195 Vancouver avenue, November 22. son. STEFANI To Mr. at.rl M Stefanl. S71 Sixteenth street North, N ok em ber 18. a son. MORKLLI To Mr. and Un Enrtej, Mn- relli. 41J1 Rural avenue. November 15, a daughter. MAGOON To Mr. and Mm. rUnn w. goon. .141 East Fifty-eevenlh streft. a sou. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest l Anderson, 66 East Seventy -fourth lrcr4 North, November 23, a daughter. casea included, 5663c. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 27. Lead, nncmanged. Spelter, steady. East St. Louis delivery. spot, 8:35S.45c ' Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 27. Spot cotton, oulet: middling, 29.75c. Dried Fruit at New Yerk. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. , ASTORIA, "Or.. Nov. 27. SpedaI.) The Emergency Fleet Corporation steamer Issa qulna returned at 10 o'clock today after a successful 24-hour trial run at sea and pro ceeded to Portland: The wooden Emergency Fleet steamer La toka, from Portland, crossed out at 8:30 last evening on her 24-bour trial trip at sea. A wireless message received irom ner NEW TORK. Nov. 27. Evaporated apples, I this morning said she was 50 miles off Cape quiet. Prunes, strong. Peaches, nominal. New Tork Sugar Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 27.; Sugar, unchanged. BANK DEPOSITS INCREASE Gains In Oregon In Fpor Months Shown to Be $29,455, 285. 24. SALEM. Or., Nov. 27. Special.) Total bank deposits la the state agsyre erated 8226.381.703.44 November 1. ac- 1 1 n . n ctorAmAnt (.--., n nAm K SfMmftr. tOVPifRr. MaiU noer ntendent of Ban SanU Al,cla- for Velparaiso; Superintendent or saBKs Bennett. This .teamer ArBTll, for Seattle; steamer .Queen, la ii incicaao iiviu vu&uok ox, fnr Saattls. Ot a;3,tDD,.aa.i. Mars and everythlnr was O. K. Th tank steamer El begunao, wttn oarge 83 In tow, arrived at 10 o'clock today from California, with cargoes Pf fuel oil for As toria and Portland. Th (team sehoenr job an fouisen ar rived at 8 o'clock this morning from San Fraaclsce and went to Westport to load lumber. Movements of Vessels. ABBBDBBN, Wash., Nov. 27. (Special.) Arrived Steamer Sved. from Saa Fran Cisco, o'clock F- M. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 87. Arrived (Jap), Kobe-. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. PHILLIPS-JOHNSON Merrill W. Phllllpi 25, 25 East Holland street, and May Johnson. 24, Llnnton. RETNARD-IIANSEN Charles Reynard, legal, 4110 Clay street, and Helene A. lian Ben, 112, same an dress. BAUKR-KTEFFANOZIV "Frank Bauer, le gal, S01 ivon street, and Espansa Steftanoziv, lesral. 1211 Tfbbetts street. GARr INKi.K.SChl.OSBERfi N. L. Gar- finkle. legal, 222 W North Eighteenth stree and Jeanette Schlosberg, legal, 432 Mill street. LEE-METCALF Lawrence L. Lee. Sprlngview, Neb., and Mabel M. Metcalf, 22, 531 East Couch street. BRAND-GODDAltD Henry H. Brand, le gal. Multnomah HoteL and Ruth C. Gdn dard, legal, 6UU Eaet Fifty-third street North. ANDERSON-CARLSON Thorvald Ander. son, 27, tiewell, Or., and Hulda Carlson. 27 G(jS Corona avenue. WILSON-BARRETT Daniel J. Wilson. 24, 227 Chapman street, and Catherine Barrett. 2". i'US (Sixteenth street. LACE i -HA KIN e Luther H. Lacey. 23, 5f3 Pcttygrove street, and Leona Hawkins, z. 6iu tiast Burnsiae street. RANSDKLL-MANCHESTER John C. Ransdell. leea.1. Portland, and Mary L. Man Chester, lecal. Portland. WICKWIKB-BAII.KI Henry wick wire egal, 43.1 East Buchanan street, and Myrtle Bailey, leeal. Hlcrtussell street. hieuei-ji ann-olkisn r.obera A. Rlegei- mann, legal, 1615 Macadam street, and Hulda 51. Olsen, legal, 1121 Minnesota ave nue. BRUKTTE-CATACHET-George Bruette. rsal. 215 Grand avenue North, and Ordena Gatachet. leiral. J'7 Gantenbein avenue. HARRIS-CRtJfcE Guy M. Harris, leeal 100 Thirty-seventh street, snd Lucrctia D. Cruse. lecal. y0.- Jefferson street. JOHNSON-SORLIE Arnt Johnson, legal 60 Fargo street, and Agnes Sorlie. lcsaL 82 Grand avenue. . MOREHOl'SE-HITTCfTINflS Daniel W. Morehouse, legal, 6."0 East Seventh street. una Airs. u. A. ilutrhlnics, legal, lot Eat Sixteenth . street. ROBKK-TATES Herman F. Rober. 26, 490 East Oak street, and Lillian M. Yates, 181 464 East stark street. RATH KEY-WATTS John J. Rathkey. 29. 6122 Eighty-eighth street Southeast, and Amy G. watts. 20, sam addrees. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. HAND-SHEPERD Willard C. Hand. 48. of Elma. Wash., and Margaret Shsperd, 42, or rima. v asn. PETEKSON-HALGREN Elmer Peterson. 30, ct Portland, and Hilma Halcrsn. 19, of port i an a. LAIDBR-PRINGLB Sam Lalder. 36. of Portland, and Emma L. Prlngle, 20, ot Fort- land. JONES-HILL John Jones, 83. of Port- and. and Carrie Hill. 22. ot Portland. UAiiiii.KbUNUAu uiiver uauy, or Cherrs'ville, Or.," and Anna Redmond, U3, of Portland. OLINGHOUSE-TETTER F. E. Ollng- house, 44. of Portland, and Sufronio Tetter, 44. of Portl.tnd. BERRV-TEN RICK Elmer Berry, 4S. ef Portland, aad Matt! Ten Kyck, 83, of Port lard. MdirOH-NEWMAN George N. McKngh. 33, of Portland, and Alice M. Newman. 25, of Portland. MILLER-STONEBRAKER N. E. Miller, 65, of Salem, Or., and Ida Stonebaker, 62, of Palem. Or. MANLEV-tV'HALEN Henry Manley. 36, of Battle Ground, Wash., and Slyvia Whalen, 24. of Battle Ground. Wash. DORR-WINNBRLINC John Dorr, 66, of Portland, snd Mary Wlnnerllng, 56, of Port land. PURPELWIAMMEN Oscar Pureell. 24. nt Portland, and Clara Uammen, 26. of Portland. Births. ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen. 407 East Yamhill, November 23, a daughter. N7NOMIVA To Mr. and Mrs. Tiyl Nino- Total resources shpw an Increase of 40,1),7S7.79. and total savings de posits an increase of 8,047,613.57. These Increases are considered remirk- ble in light . of tbe fact that two liberty loan bond issues were floated during, thia time. I 1 NBW TORK, Nov. 37. Arrived SUamer 1 tVirit Scout. Ircra Portland, Or., via Colon; steamer Regal us, from Saa FrattpUco, j via Cristobal j JQUIQUB, Nov. 20. Arrived Steamer j Biloxl, from Ban Frant4ac. j BflATTLI, Kov. U7. Arrived Steamer-- PRODUCTION AGAIN INCREASED Last month we manufactured 6,800,000 pounds of EIVETS, BOLTS and - BOAT SPIKES Can -we serve you? NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Oregon DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEPOKT. PORTLAND. Nov. 27. Maximum trmru-r. ature, 45 degree:; minimum. 82 d.-t-rcr". River rending at S A. M., 1.8 fpet ; chanpe in laat 24 hours, o.s foot rise. Total rainfHl! 5 P. M. to S P. M. . none; total rainfall since September 1. JIMS, H.32 Inche: normal rainfall sinre fpptember 1, litis. 11.81 liuh; deficiency of rainfall since Seiejuher 1. 1H1 l.IXt Inches. Sunrise. 7:28 A. M. ; snnwt. 4:80 1'. M. Total sunshine November Hi. 1 hour. 33 minutes. Possible sunshine. It hourr. 2 minutes. . Slonnripe. 6:40 A. M. : juoomet. 1:24 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sou level) at 8 P. M.. :i0.41 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 83 per cept. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. K z 5 I B - O 5 s O H " D8 1 1 S S ; Wind I State of Weather. B:lker Boise Boston Calvary ChlcuKO Denver Dt-s Moines . . . Eureka Galvaton Helena ....... Juneaut Kansas City. . . Los Anireles. . Marsh field ... Medford Minneapolis ., New Orleans. . Now 1 ork North Head.., North Yakima Phoenix Pocatelio Portland Ro?tehurff S:u:ramento . . St. Louis Salt Lako San Itieiro. . . . San " Francisco Seattle Sitka' Hpokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island Valdezt Walla Walla. . Washington .. Winnipeg ....( 321 4KO.W0. . H l'" 3 O mi 12'N 22i 41 O.imi:. . S lu! So'n.0:. ,'NWciear 2i 42!0.ll 14'NWiClear 22 44 0.00 l W IClear 22i 50 0.(ifl.J4 NW I't. cloudy 1'iear N (Cloudy Rain 401 50 0. 110 IS N li'lear -8-11 .MIl0.l2'14IVr I'loudy I 24! So O.liO 14 SW .'Clear . . . : o.imji . .1 . . ..1 30 40 0. ooi.. IN (Rain . !, 2 O.oo: . .iXE .Cloudy 80 40. 02!.. ;e (Clear 211 2!0.00i. .SB 'Clear 22 4uu.on.l4!S 'I't. cloudy 5WI 72 o.40!10!S ICloudy 2S( 41VO.OO 14;NW!Clear 40; 4.0.01 12 W ICloudy 22! R00.oo:.. ;pt. cloudy ."21 52 0.0O). .(W rioudy IS! 2s 0.02' . :sw ,'Pt. cloudy T.41 4i o.ortl. .!SVV 'Cloudy 3 44,0.00'. . N IClear 42 M.O.OI'So'.VWii'lear 31 ."iiJ O.UO 12 E 'Cloudy J"i 2s 0.141. .NV'.Sno 4S; 112 0.00 .. !SW ICloudy 48' Sl 0.O2I1S .V. !ciiar 24! 420.01I12ISE Cloudy , . .144 O.oo; 221 K20.OO' . .;s Clear 32! 4 0.00 10 SW Cloudy 42; 4 0.22 lS'W Ratn . .32;0.00. .1 1 821 42 0.00!. .IS Clear 26 2 0.00; . .is Clear 221 42;o.oollo!sw Cloudy tA. M. today. day. P. M, report of precedinc FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinity Probably fair: southwesterly winds. Oreaon and Washington Probably falr: -fentie southwesterly winds. loano fair: continued coia. tKUWARD I.. WBI.LS. Met-orolrglst !t J Z1 aV Tk Vat Iftii I aw - 3 ADMIRAL UNEL LSHxaS 101 THIRD ST. Tclcpboo Main I486 A S889 lBssenger and FrHgbt Serelo. ALASKA CALIFORNIA TRANS-PACIFIC TICKETS 133 TU,RD stkebt- SAN PKANCIHCO-I.09 ANCELKS. LOW RATKS. Includiuc MeaU and Berths. S. S. ROSE CITY Sail 8 P. M-. Dec. 8. I'llL SAM FKANC1SCO & POBTLA.NO 8. S. LINKS. Tickets at Third and Washington Telepbona Broadway 288, Main 8838, A 1234. A fiSll. HONOLULU I 1 Suva, Nw ZJand, Australia CaNmOIM. AUSTRiUSIAH ROYAL KAIL LINE Largest, newest, beat-aqulpped steamers. For fares and saiiln-; apply t an. Pac. Kail way. 55 Third t., pertlsnil, r Ceneral Ateut. 440 oeymour tu Vaacouter. B. C