Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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goiuvtytd stam rise
eo9A tfl o ft
District Attorney Evans
Have Grand Jury Probe.
jpJjlJIfl 1 1 1 1 fjjiiiliiijiiiTTTTTTi n i (ifTT
I'i'll Mill
mmm 01
Multnomah Prosecutor Points Out
How Company Failed to Meet De
mands Darin- War Activities.
Orand Jury investigation of the Pa
cific States Telephone & Telegraph
Company and its officials relative to
an alleged violation of the criminal
laws of Oregon in attempting to force
an increased rate on telephone sub
scribers Is to be taken immediately.
Announcement of the pending probe
by the Multnomah County grand jurors
was made yesterday by District Attor
ney Evans, who arrived at his decision
to proceed under the criminal laws
after he had made a. thorough examin
ation of the laws governing the control
of public utilities.
In deciding- upon this action Mr.
Kvans asked that all telephone aub
rribers who nave been compelled to
pay the increased rate or those whom
the company has demanded shall pay
the increased rate report their names
to his office In order that they might
be summoned before the grand jury a
once. He said the investigation prob
ably would be taken up tomorrow.
Law la Quoted.
The law under which he contemplates
proceeding against the company reads,
in part, as follows:
If any public utility or any aient or of
ficer thereof shall, dtrectiy or indirectly,
by any davica whatsoever er oth.r
charge, demand, collect or receive from
ny person, firm or corporation a greater
or leaa compensation for any eerrlce ren
tiered or to be rendered by it In or affect-
In; it relatlnir to . . . the conveyance
or telegraph or telephone meaaarea or for
any service In connection therewith than
that preerribed In the public schedules or
tariffs then in force or established as pro
vidd therein . . . such public utility
hail he deemed roiltr or unjust fliscrimlna-
ton. which is hereby prohibited and de
clared to be unlawful, and upon conviction
tnereof shall forfeit and pay into the Htate
Treasury not less than $10 nor more than
aiono tor each orrense: ana sncn scent
officer so offendinc shall be deemed guilty
or a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished by a fine of not
Irss than $'o nor more than $100 dollars
for each offense.
"This office has waited for some one
to invoke the benefits of the law
enacted by the legislature of this state
for the protection of subscribers to
public utilities against the unlawful
increase in charge," said Mr Evins.
Service Declare Fa 1 1 re.
During all of the strenuous times
of our war activities this is the only
public service corporation which I can
recall that actually has failed to meet
the demands placed upon It. It has
consistently and constantly appealed
to the publio not to use its lines. We
were besought as a patriotic duty to
refrain from calling; up except in case
of urgent need: nevertheless, this com
pany has not been Imbued with suffi
cient patriotic fervor to remit any of
the tolls exacted from the public for
deficient service.
"It aeeroa to me It Is time that the
subscrlbera had an inning, and if the
grand Jury finds facts sufficient we
will see if they cannot have their
turn at the bat."
The District Attorney called atten
tion to the fact that under the statute
upon which the grand Jury will proceed
the telephone company and its offl-
rlals can be fined up to $1000 for every
rare in which they assess telephone
subscribers the new rate if the courts
hold that the new rate is unlawful
and illegal.
THIS week promises to be brimful
of exciting diversions, the spirit
-- of holiday gaiety prevailing. Sev
eral large and merry parties have been
arranged for Thanksgiving day, which
will be celebrated in splendid fashion,
befitting the combination of Victory
and Thanksgiving days.
One of the charming affairs of yes
terday was the box party for which
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas were
hosts honoring a popular and attrac
tive matron, Mrs. Thomas Carrick
Burke, who will leave Wednesday for
the East. Additional guests were Mr.
and Mrs. O. T. Wedemyer, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. T. Bushong and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Donald Spencer. Later the party was
further entertained at supper by Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas, musical numbers by
the several well-known musicians pres
ent making the evening most delightful.
e e
All avenues lead to the Waverley
Country Club, where Thanksgiving-
Victory day will be celebrated in elabo
rate style with a dinner-dance tomor
row evening. Accommodations have
been 'perfected for hundreds, of guests,
and during the evening a number of
special features will be inaugurated.
Among those who have reserved t.-bles
for the event are: Dr. J. Bilderbach
F. E. Smith. Miss E. Menefec, Eric V.
Hauser. Major S. Griggs. Major Leh
mann. K. H. Campbell, Captain I'res-
cott Cookingham, J. H. McKenxie, W.
and Otto Kettenbach, J. C. Ains-
worth, Graham Glass, J. A. Dougherty,
L. B. Menefee, A. G. Thompson, W. K.
Pearson, Carl Wernick, A. B. Scott
C. A. Hart. G. L. Thompson, W. Mac
Rat, A. W. Howard, A. Lu Gile, S. Mor-
ris. George McPherson, J. A. McPher-
son. Dr. Samuel C. Slocum, Dr. G. E.
Bruere, A. B. Winfree. Wilson Clarke,
J. W. Vogan, J. F. Shea, A. N. Cannon,
William MacMaster, Irving I Webster,
C. D. Bruun, C. T. Whitney, W. E. Co-
man, Frank Dooly, John Banks, Irving
Stearns, A. R. Porter and C. D. Sim
e e
Honoring Mrs. Thomas Carrick
Burke, the MacDowell Club will enter
tain this afternoon with a reception
and tea at the University Club. Mrs.
Burke is the retiring president of the
club and her efforts have been respon
sible for the success of the organisa
tion. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, new
president of the club, is in charge of
the reception today, which will be held
from 3 to S o'clock.
The wedding of Edna Dean Condon.
of Eugene, and Fred Assenhelmer, of
Gardiner, was solemnized November IS
at the parsonage of the First Christian
Church in Marshfleld, Or.. Rev. E. E.
Coulter officiating. The attendants were
Dr. and Mrs. Allen L. Hart. The bride
is a popular Eugene teacher, well
known in university circles and a grad
uate of the Oregon Normal and is at
present teaching in the Gardiner High
School. Mr. Assenhelmer is a promi
nent merchant of Gardiner. Mr. and
Mrs. Assenhelmer will be at home to
their friends in Gardiner after Novem
ber 20.
e c
The Thanksgiving sale to be con
ducted by the Woman's Exchange will
start this morning at 10 o'clock and
continue throughout the day and all
day tomorrow. As the excellent qual
ity and wide variety of the materials
offered in the Exchange sales are
known throughout the city and sur
rounding territory, there is sure to be
great demand for the accessories to
the Thanksgiving dinner.
were entertained at cards at the club
house on the evening of the 21st by
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gearhart.
Those taking the honors in bridge
were H. - R. Kemp and Mrs. I C.
Bofinger and In -500" W. B. Haines
and Mrs, W. B. Haines.
e e e
Dr. Fred E. Gulick has been com
missioned a Captain in the research
department. United States Army, and
will be stationed in Washington, D. C,
Indefinitely. He has just completed his
post graduate work in dentistry in
New York studying at the Columbia
University: also in Baltimore and
Philadelphia. "
e e e
Today at noon Mrs. Bessie M. Mar
shall will become the bride of Dr.
George F. Wilson, who is a Captain in
the Medical Corps of the U. S. A. une
ceremony will be read m Westminster
Presbyterian Church and Dr. it,, ti.
Pence will officiate. It will be most
simple and only relatives will be in
e e e
Mrs. Henry B. Thielsen and her I
daughter Miss Ellen Thielsen are
spending the Winter in . Portland and
are domiciled at 725 Hoyt street The
Thielsen family is a prominent one
of Salem, Or. Mrs. Thielsen is already
actively engaged in war work in the
city and in assisting on charitable
committees which were started by her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Julius Thielsen,
In Portland's pioneer days.
e e e
The ladies of the Liberty Club gave
a surprise party to their president, Mrs.
W. G. Collinge, 710 Lovejoy street.
Thursday evening: the evening was
spent with music and dancing and
enjoyed by all. The next meeting of
the Liberty Club will be held at the
home of Mrs. Dan Danziger, December
Parkhurst Apartments.
e e
Rose City Park Community Club will
celebrate victory day tomorrow even
ing with an informal dancing party.
This special event has been named a
'Liberty-Thanksgiving-Victory" party
and special efforts are being made by I
the committee in charge to make this I
a fitting celebration for this new and
greatest of all American holidays.
Many novelties of a patriotic nature
have been arranged for the evening.
All residents of this district are in
vited to attend. The club's seasonal
entertainment committee will have
charge of this event.
Santa Clans
has unloaded his
"pack" in Toy
land, on Fourth
Floor. Bring the
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Ladies of the Eastern Star Will Meet for Red Cross Work in Auditorium 4th Tuesday from 10 to 5
Wilbur Methodist Church War Work Society Will Also Meet in the Auditorium Tuesday. Members Invited
Only 24
left in which to
do your gift
buying. Shop
early during the
morning hours.
Olds, Wortman &
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Double Trading Stamps Today
In All Departments
With Cash or
Charge Purchases
wmmmmmm "-. . -m A -tardea. WW .
.Portland s Best Waist More
Buster Brown
if - mm
City Executive Determined to Gel
Justice for Portland.
"We simply want them to put all
their cards on the table.", said Mayor
llaker yesterday after sending a tele
gram to Postmaster-General Burleson
asking justice for this community in
he telephone fight and inquiring into
the possibility of purchase by the city
of the Home Telephone equipment here.
"While there are certain legal diffi
culties In the way of the city's taking
over the Home lines and getting good
service lor the entire city, they are
not insurmountable. We jumped into
the fight to get better service and we
are going to stick by our guns till we
get it.
We want every party concerned to
be open and aboveboard In the matter
and we'll soon come to an understand
ing. It has gone far enough for drastic
action, in mv opinion."
The fight will be carried to the floors
of Congress If action taken by city
officials produces results.
erf under
nourished people have
found "that
-foad 77
a scierrbrfic
blend of nour
ishing cereals
hearth ana
Needs no
Much Interest of the soldiers and
sailors and the members of the Com
radeV Club center In the dance to be
given by the Comrades' Club, under
he direction of Major Lottie Hatfield.
of Division 1. of the National League
for Woman's Service, at B'nai B'rith
Hall Saturday night.
Mrs. Otto Grlce, secretary of the War
Camp Community Service, under the
auspices of whom these dances .are
given, returned last night from Mos
cow, Idaho, where she has been visit
ing; for a -few weeks. She is domiciled
again in her apartments at the Mult
nomah Hotel.
Captains In charge of the dance are:
Nell Banfleld. Eileen Yerex. Abbie Ly
man, Agnes Torgler, Anna Walsh. Mar
ion Citron, Myrtle Bingham. Marjorie
Miller. Ethel M Kable. Glen Shope, Eu
genia Craig and Leotta Smith.
e e e
Robert Keller, of the M. A. A. C. will
preside at a stag dinner Thanks
giving evening In one of the tea gar
dens of the Multnomah Hotel. Covers
will be placed for a number of the
members of the Multnomah A. A. Club,
e e e
A group of West Toint officers are
spending a few weeks In this city vis
iting relatives and friends.
Lieutenant J. W. Sheehy is the guest
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Sheehy; Lieutenants Robert Montague,
Nathan Twining and Donald H. Nelson
also are visiting here and all will re
turn to complete-their training the lat
ter part of this week.
e e e
Misses Gladys Weakley and Peggy
Kendall, of 690 East Twenty-first
street South, have returned from a
week-end visit to Seattle and Tacoma.
While in the Sound cities they visited
Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Clarence Jacobson is visiting in
San Francisco and a few days ago she
entertained a number of old friends at
luncheon at the Palace Hotel.
Daughters of Norway will give a
dance Thanksgiving evening at Masonic
Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets.
Soldiers and sailors are cordially in
e e
Members of the Laurelhurst Club
The Woodstock Hed Cross auxiliary
will meet Wednesday from 10 until 4
at the Woodstock School.
The Woodmere Red Cross auxiliary I
ill meet today at the schoolhouse
from 10 until 4 for Red Cross sewing.
Red Cross auxiliary of the Peninsula
School will meet today from 10 to 4
o'clock at the sewing room in the
Peninsula School. A full attendance is
e e e
Portland Aviation. U. S. A., auxiliary
will meet this evening in the gray par
lor of Multnomah Hotel at 8 o'clock.
Auxiliary to Company F, lS2d Infan
try, will meet this afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. Davidson, 640 Bidwell
street, at 2 o'clock.
Company T Red Cross auxiliary, lsld
Infantry, will meet today from 10 to 5
o'clock at East Side Library. All mem
bers are urged to be present.
Here Only
In Portland
MAITf FlyOOR Buater Brown Shoes) are
made en the wonderful "Foot-f-hapInK"
last, which leaves room for eacb toe to
grow straight, yet fim snugly at the
heel and prevents the shoe from "run
ning over" quickly. The arch Is espe
cially dealamed to help nature keep the
foot normal and fre from deformities.
Misses' Pony Cut Laced Shoes of
dull calf or kid, sizes 8 to 11 at
$4.75; sizes 11 M to 2 at $5.23 pair.
Same in tan calf, $5.00 and $5.50
Regular height Buttoned or Laced
Shoes, $4.23 and $4.75 the pair.
Boys' Tan or Black Calf Shoes on
either English or high toe lasts; sizes
1 to 6 priced at, the pair, $5.50
Little Men's "Foot Shaping" last;
sizes 8V to 13 at, the pair, $4.75
Buster Brown Shoes have Govern
ment - inspected oak tanned soles.
You can select that new waist at this
store with every assurance of having the
largest assortments in the city to pick from.
Moreover, the styles have distinctiveness and
originality. Tuesday we shall feature five very
special groups of high-class Waists at prices
which will afford you extraordinary savings.
Georgette Crepe Waists
Special $3.29
Second Floor Lovely Waists for gift-giving.
Fine quality Georgette silk crepe in flesh, white,
peach and maize. Round or square necks. Also
waists of crepe de chine, tub silks, taf- (PO JQ
f etas and messalines. All sizes. Special wtJdU
Beautiful New Waists
Special $5.00
Second Floor Of Georgette crepe in
white, flesh, bisque, gray, navy, taupe
and various combinations. Also of crepe
de chine in flesh, white and other good
colors. Tailored and novelty Of? ftfk
styles. All sizes. Priced special tOtJeUl
New Georgette Waists
$7.49, $9.45
Second Floor Georgette Crepe and Crepe
de Chine Waists in many attractive
styles tailored or fancy; trimmed with
beads, tucks and fine embroidered effects.
Extra values at only $7.49 and $9.45
Gift f Home
Waists ;' J
Save 'ftfls&Sr'
Greeting Cards
A personal greeting card neatly
engraved is one of the finest of
Christmas remembrances. Large
selection to choose from, with or
without design, at the Stationery
Department on the Main Floor.
First-class work, prompt servic.
$12.50 to $20 Trimmed Millinery Special $10
a state board of the Daughters
the American Revolution will
meet today in room F, Central Library,
at 1:30 o'clock. Membership includes
state officers of the D. A. R., regents
of each chapter, their representatives
and chairmen of the state committees.
Mrs. F. L. Wilkins, state regent, desires
a full attendance at the meeting this
Multnomah Chapter. D. A. R., will
hold its regular meeting tomorrow at
the residence of Mrs. Fletcher Linn,
574 Laurel street, at 1:30 o'clock. The
chapters will meet at 2 o'clock and
this will be followed by a musicals
arranged by the hostess. All members
are requested to be present.
The Tuesday Afternoon Club will
meet at 10 o'clock this morning at
the home of Mrs. William Cavanaugh,
968 East Couch street. All members are
requested to attend.
The Woman's Association of the First
Presbyterian Church will meet this
morning at 10 o'clock for their regular
monthly meeting. At 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon, a union meeting of the Woman's
Association and the Missionary Society
will be held in the chapel. This meet
ing will be conducted by Mrs. G. Hunter
Wells and Mrs. O. I. Stahl. At 3:15 Mrs.
Fletcher Linn and Mrs. W. L. Paul will
present "The Southern Mountaineers
in Story and Song."
e e e .
Branch Two, Lavender Club, will
meet today at 2 P. M. in Central Li
brary. Owing to Important business,
all members are urged to be present.
The Navy and Marine Club will meet
today from 10 to 4 o'clock at the East
Side Business Men's Club to sew on
hospital garments. All women who are
interested in the Navy and Marines are
urged to attend this meeting. Business
meeting at 2 P. M.
Food Choppers 98f to $3.15
Aluminum Coffee Percolators'
$3, $4, $4.50, $5 up to $7.25
Casseroles at $2 up to $10.50
Thanksgiving Sale of
Third Floor Lisk Self-Basting,
Seamless Roasters, in all sizes, at
$2.50, $3, $3.25, $3.50, $4
Model Roasters $l.C8-$3.60
Cookie Sheets at 40 to 85
Waffle Molds $2.00 to $5.00
Wire Strainers priced at 15
Dish Drainers priced now 40
Sink Strainers priced at 25
Potato Mashers priced at 100
Thanksgiving Sale
Tuesday, Wednesday
Over 200 beautiful new Hats ready for
Tuesday morning none worth less than
$12.50 the most of them are remarkable
values at $18.00 and $20.00. Many women
will avail themselves of this opportunity to
select a new hat for the holiday season at a
good saving. Beavers, velours and velvets
in all the season's newest shapes turbans,
sailors, side-rolls, etc.; trimmed with ostrich
fancies, flowers, plumes, rib- fJ1 A ff
bons, etc.; $12.50-$20 Hats, at wlUtUU
Shop in the Morning
At the Theaters.
SPARKLING and diversified is the
new Pantages bill, with a quite out-
of-the-usual topline musical comedy
turn, called "Oh, That Melody." The
story is started cleverly by a series
of motion pictures, which Introduce
the characters and tell enough of the
plot to make its unfoldment later quite
It's about two chaps, one with brains
and no money and one with money
and no brains, who get into a mlxup
of identities. The dress suit of the rich,
boy Is returned to the flat of the poor
one, a composer of music, and he dons
the clothes and goes to a party In re
sponse to an invitation he finds in
one of the pockets. A sheet of music
he has written flutters from his win
dow and a passing girl picks it up.
All this is told entertainingly on
the screen. Then the curtain rises and
the festivities are going on. The un
invited guest arrives while the hostess
is playing his piece of music, and
things start humming.
They all dance and they sing. The
hostess rushes out to change her dress,
and' so do the pretty dozen chorus
lioldie Collins, a "goldie" girl with a
golden voice. is the hostess and her
frocks are lovely. Jack -Henry is the
uninvited guest who makes himself
popular with his wraith of rich comedy
and foolery. William Pollard is the
other chap who helps out in the fun
nd there's plenty of it. The music is
especially tuneful and catchy and the
songs sre new.
A capital little act is that of Mr. and
Mrs. Norma Phillips, a pair ef clever
in plays like "Baby Mine." Mrs. Phil
lips is of that delightful baby doll type
which is irresistibly interesting when
it's coupled with artistic acting as is
hers. Mr. Phillips, too. Is an excellent
actor. Both are young a.Td they enter
into the swing and fun of "Sweets to
the Sweet" with naturalness It'a just
a story of one little wife who can't
toll the truth, and the acting is what
puts it across.
Nan Grey returns with her bonny
Scotch songs and her blithe personal
ity. She is a real favorite.
Kinzo, a wiry Japanese, is talented
as a juggler. He spins a coin on an
umbrella and a plate on another one
with unerring skill. Ills juggling is
excellent, and his repartee adds fun.
Eddie Swan as a nut comedian, and
Julia Clifford as his aide and abettor,
offer a diversion of fun plus songs and
Jokes. The ninth thrilling episode in
"Hands Up," featuring Ruth Roland, is
being shown.
GIFTS TOTAL $203,179,038
Donation Largest Ever Raised In
History of the World.
NEW "YORK. Nov. 23. Total sub
scriptions to the United War Work
Campaign were $20;i, 179,038 or oi,
679.0U8 in excess of the amount origi
nally asked by the seven organizations
for their work during demobilization.
This is the largest sum ever raised
as an outright donation in the history
of the .'world. According to the com
mittee every state in the Union with
the exception of Pennsylvania and Min
nesota exceeded its quota and confi
dence was expressed that these states
will be "over the top" when returns
from Philadelphia and Minneapolis
are in.
Phono your want ads to Tho Orego-
lollc -of the typo who visit u featured, uian, Phpne JJain 7070, A 6095..
Meeting Will Be 'Held Early In De
cember to Make Plans
for Demonstration.
Plans for welcoming Oregon boys
home in a manner that will be appro
priate are being considered by the
mothers of boys in service through the
work of a committee decided upon yes
terday by the war auxiliaries central
committee yesterday. A resolution was
adoDted to form a committee to consist
of three members fror.'. each auxiliary.
frnm the Fathers of Soldiers and man
ors. Grand Army of the Republic, Worn
Relief Corns. Veterans of Bat
tery A and the Multnomah ouara.
The membership of the general com
mittee Is confined to me auxiliaries
and military organizations. A meei.-
iner of the general committee win do
held early in December at which it is
expected an outline may be arranged
as to the character anu scope ui m
welcoming ceremonies. It Is impos
sible to decide upon any definite pro
gramme until information is had as to
the time of arrival of any considerable
number of Oregon soldiers. But it was
the opinon of the women present yes
terday that the homecoming of their
sons would be the most memorable
celebration ever known in Portland.
A resolution of condolence was
adopted, tendering the sympathy of
the mothers to Mrs. P. B. Vanciel, upon
the death of her brother. Corporal
Donald McKimmen, who fell in action
October 15. Mrs. Vanciel, who has
handled the publicity work for the
committee, received news of the death
of her brother Sunday.
allies. There were present the Presi
dent of Uruguay, the diplomatic etaff
of the allies, government officials and
high functionaries of the republic.
State Fuel Administrators Asked to
Organize Campaigns.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. State Fuel
Administrators were asked today by
the Fuel Administration - to organize
"burn wood" campaigns to further the
use of wood for domestic fuel this
The plan of campaign suggested is
to have town or country wood fuel
deputies or committees arrange for
wood at reasonable prices in villages
and the smaller cities, through the
operation of a woodyard. These depu
ties or committees would take orders
for wood from consumers and arrange
with farmerH to supply it at fair prices.
Eat One Tablet! No Gases,
Acidity, Dyspepsia or Any
Stomach Misery.
Undigested food! Lumps of pain;
belching gas. acids and sourness. When
your stomach is all upset, here is in
stant relief No waiting!
Uruguay Gives Banquet.
MONTEVIDEO, Saturday, Nov. 23.
The Uruguayan government gave a
banquet tonieht In honor of tne entente
Reliable Method of Hair Care
Hair is by far the most conspicuous
thing about us and is prooaDiy tne
most easily damaged by bad or careles"s
treatment. If we are very careful in
hair washing, we will have virtually
no hair troubles. An especially fine
shampoo for this weather, one that
brings out all the natural beauty of
the hair, that dissolves ' and entirely
removes all dandruff, excess oil and
dirt, can easily be used at trifling ex
pense by simply dissolving a teaspoon
ful of Canthrox (which you can get at
any druggist's) in a cup of hot water.
This makes a full cup of shampoo
liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it
to all the hair instead of just the top
of the head. This chemically dissolves
all impurities and creates a soothing.
cooling lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp
spotlessly clean, soft and pliant, while
the hair takes on the glossy richness
of natural color, also a fluffincss which
makes it seem much heavier than it is.
After Canthrox shampoo, arranging the
hair is a pleasure.; Adv4
The moment you eat a tablet or two
of Pape's Diapepsin all the Indigestion
pain and dyspepsia distress stops.
Your disordered stomach will feel
e at once.
These pleasant, harmless tablets of
Pape's Diapepsin never fail and cost
very little at drug stores. Adv.
. .... -
Thousands Have Discovered Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute.
Dr. Edwards dive Tablets the substi
tute for calomel are a mild but sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. They are the result
f Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat
liver and bowel complaints with calomel
His efforts to banish it brought out these
little olive-colored tablets.
These pleasant little tablets do the good
that calomel does, but have no bad after
effects. They don't injure the teeth like
strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why
cure the liver at the czpense of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays -havoc with the
gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not
to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets take its place.
Most headachea, "dullness and that
lazy feeling come from constipation and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets when you feel loggy" and
"heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spirits.
;J0c and 25c a box.. All druggists. vAar.
follows the use of
No danger
of the mix
ture failing
to raise, and
less baking
powder is
All grocers sell it.
Crescent, 25 a lb.
Crescent Mfg. Co.,
Seattle, Wash.
Flush your kidneys occasionally
if you eat meat
When the Children Cough, Rub
Musterole on Throats
and Chests
No telling how soon the symptoms may
develop into croup, or worse. And then s
when you're glad you have a jar of Mus
terole at hand to give prompt, sure re-
lief. It does not ouster.
As first aid and a certain remedy,
Musterole is excellent. Thousands of
mothers know it. You should keep a
jar in the house, ready for instant use.
It is the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head'
ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism,
lumbago, pains and aches of back or
joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains,
frosted feet and colds of the chest (it
Clten prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
No or woman " ho eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flunh
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms uri:
acid, which clogs the kidney pores so
they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from the
blood, then you get sick. Nearly all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness. constipation. dizziness.
sleeplessness, bladder disordcra come
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment, irrejtular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any reliable pharmacy and take a ta-
blespoonful In a glass of water beforo
breakfast for a few days and your kid
neys will then act fine. This fHmous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia.
nd has been used for generations to
flush clogge.l kidneys and stimulate
them to activity, ..lso to neutralizo tho
acids in urine so it no longer causes
rritation, thus ending bladder disor
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, which all regular
meat eaters should take now and then
to keep the kidneys clean and tho blooil
pure, thereby avoiding serious money
complications. Adv.
This Fire-Fighter
Says This
"I have used several packages
of Cadomcno Tablets and found
them very beneficial, and have
recommended them to several
members cf the fire department,
who also speak well of tho re
sults. Most respectfully,
"Fire Marshal, Lansdowne, I'a."
For nervous, weak. Impover
ished men and women there is
nothing so bod to build up as
Cadomene Tablets. Pold In scaled
tubes by all druggists. Adv.