19 PORTLAND CHEAPEST adelphia. East Portland. Rock Springs. Port land, Texarkana; canner slock. 3 cara to The Dalles. Western shipping points were ateady. and best New Tork Baldwins showed a slightly stronger tendency In leading markets, rang ing f.1.50 96.00 per barrel and reaching .S0 In a few distant cities. Northwestern boxed Wlnesaps and Jonathans held about steady at a general range of f 1.859 2.00. f. o. b. shipping points, and at a general range of 1 A GOLD BOND THAT IS A MORTGAGE UPON THE ENTIRE j The business here advertised is being conducted by the Alien Property Custodian of the United States, pending its final sale and delivery to 100 per cent American ownership. This Company is and will be entitled to the same unreserved patronage as Is enjoyed by any other loyal American business. City of Montreal . Yielding 6 Assessed valuation $615,377,408 " Net debt less than 9 of the assessed valuation. Population over 600,000 ., 1X15 93.25 in distributing markets, reach Prices Far Under Those South and North. in ing $3.50 m a few canes. Shipments were lighter. CUBE BUTTER IS ACCrMULATLNG TITE MORNING OltEGONIAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1918. COAST EGG MARKET WIDE RANGE IN QUOTATIONS Poultry Department of Agricultural College Experiments by Ship ping to Oakland, Cal. That egg eaters of Portland have reason for thankfulness Is the assertion of James lrydn professor of poultry husbandry t the Oregon Agricultural College. "Either the Orecon hens have been over working to supply too Portland consumers or someone In Portland has been working overtime to bear the market." said Pro fessor Dryden. "The result ha been that soma of the best Oregon eggs have been nipped to California as well as to Seattle. There, has been a great disparity In. the price of eggs at Portland. 6an Francisco, and Seattle during the last month. The poultry department of the college has re cently mado lomt shipments of eggs to Oakland. Cal.. and received the top market price there Then they arrived which was S cents a dozen. At that time tn highest price for the same kind of eggs la Portland was T cent. In "Seattle the price waa about 83 cents. "The experiment showed that Oregon eggs could be laid down In California cities In good condition as evidenced by the fact that the Oregon Agricultural College eggs topped the market and they were said to be the best eggs received that day by the firm handling them. After paying the heavy express charges and commission the exes Betted 10 to 13 cents a dozen more than they would have netted In Portland. ti t. PRICES ARE IIICIIKR ON BOARD Two Hundred Teas ef Feed Barter An Sold at (St. One hundred tone ef feed barley for De cember shipment and 100 tone for January shipment were sold at the Merchants- Ex change at SSL an advance of 50 cents ever Wednesdays beat bid. Brewing barley oi lers were raised 25075 cents, bnlk oats and corn were 00 centa higher and sacked oats bids were advanced TcQ$l. Offerings were 100 tons No. S white oats November shipment and 100 tons "Decem ber shipment at $35; 100 tons 38-pound nat urals. November, at 153.50, and one car No. 3 yellow corn, November, at 11. Weather conditions In the Middle West, aa wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg cloudy. 2S; Mlnneapolla cloudy. S3; Duluth clear. 28; Peoria cloudy. 89; Chicago clear, cool; St. iMlt cloudy. 40: Kansas City cloudy 86; Ft. Joseph 33: Topeka cloudy, 32; Omaha cloudy, 30. Forecast: Illinois. Kansas. Mis souri. Iowa, cloudy and cooler tonight and Friday. South Dakota, Nebraska cloudy and somewhat colder tonight and Friday, probably light snow Friday, generally fair." Aa Argentina cable reported wheat 1 cent lower at Buenoa Aires, corn 14 cent lower and oats 1 cent higher. The tonnage sup ply Is Increasing. There were heavy rain aver the entire Unseed area, Bradstreefs figures the world's visible wheat Increase af 10.998.000 bushels, the corn decrease at 211,000 bushels and the sat de crease at 110.800 bushels. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported "by the Merchants" Exchange, aa follows Wheat, Bar, Flour. Oats. Ray. Portland- Buyers Evidently Waiting for Price) to Go Lower. Cube butter continues to pile up on the street. The top price quoted was 50 cents, with few sales at that. City creameries are evidently waiting until the accumulation forces the market lower before they begin I baring. In the meantime, they are holding prints at the old price. Eggs were steady and unchanged at 63 cents for ordinary candled and 63 cents for selects. Eastern were quoted at 60 862 centa Dressed turkeys cleaned up at 40 cents on Northern orders. Live poultry and dressed meats were steady. Potatoes and Onions Steady. The local potato market was steady at the old prices. Receipts were one car each df Oregons and Washington. Shipments were three cars to San Francisco and one each to El Paso, Durham and Houston, Onions moved In the local market at for mer quotation. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were aa follow.: clearinrs. Balances. Portland $.1. 73S.071 $1.237,8:il Seattle 7.4S7.H54 l.llo.o..!! Tacoma T.V.I. 34 P0.07S Spokane 1.520.126 6110.001 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor, Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Northwestern oats and barley sacked: Nov. lec. Jan. Hid. Hid. Bid. Oats. Ne- 2 white feed. $.".0.25 $:.;. 23 $36.50 Barley, standard feed.. r.u.iU .Ml. 73 51.00 Barley, standard "A".. 01. u 52.00 5: Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats, No. 3 white 51 50 52.50 53.00 3S-pound clipped, whu ::..,( 54.75 C4.7 Corn. .No. 3 yellow.... .VJ.ut, 33.00 6S.00 Corn, No. 3 mixed 57.30 37.00 57.00 WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bushel. FLOUR Family flour. $10.90011.08 per barrel: bakers, IIO.Toa loss: whole wnea $D.S5ul0; graham, Su.tTub.M): barley flour. $10.50vl3; rye Hour, fiL.iviJ; corn riour, S12trl 40; corn meal. S11&11.B0; oat flour. 111:011 11.40. MILLKKED Ml.-, run. soft wheat grades, t. o. b. mill, car.ots. $32.10 per ton; mixed cara $32.60: ton lots or over, $34.10; less than tons. $.'15.10; rolled barley, $559 rolled oats, $tJ16 05; ground barley. $360 00 alfalfa meal. 1400 44. COKN Whole, $73 0 77: cracked, $73 0 79, HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland Eastern Oregon tlmotiy, $30 933 per ton Valley timothy. $27 per ton; alfalfa, $28 Valley grain hay, $26: clover, $27; straw, $U10. Dairy and Country produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 89 cents; prints. extras, box lots, C3c; half boxes, more: less than half boxes, lc more; butter- fat. No. 1, 67c per pound, delivered, Portland. Luua Oregon ranch, candled, rota am cracks out. 65c; se.ee ts, 6Se dozen. CiltEaK Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook Triplets, S6c; Young Americas, 87o; Coos and Curry County: Triplets, f. o. b. Myrtle point. 35c. POULTRY Hens. 27 O 23c: Springs. ZTB 30c; roosters, ll'c; duck?. 23ifr30c; geese, 20c, turkeys, live, 30c; dressed, choice, 40c VEAL, Fancy, l'.lc p'jr pound. FOKK Fancy, 20c per pound. Thursday Year ago EetMin to date 4519 Year ago ....3373 Tacoma Wednesday S Tear ago 19 Ss.on to date 2999 Year ago ....SOU Seattle Wednesday .... 20 Year a-o 13 Season to date 31A. Year ago . . . . j-'oo 2 879 S IT 30 44 129 7 1 73 362 l 70O 760 3 BO 637 2 107 1.3 7 3 2?n 816 713 319 616 13 1394 1SS1 CLEAN PICKED TURKEYS ARE WANTED Coaaamera Object to Birds Not Attractive la Appearance, As Thanksgiving turkeys will sell at high prices thla year, consumers will demand not only good quality, but also the. best-appearing bird. For this reason, shippers should ace that the turkeys are properly picked, according to Thomas C. Farrell, assistant Federal Food Administrator. 'lt has been the practice of some grow ers," said Mr. Farrell. "to send In their turkeys only partially picked. The feathers should be all taken off, except a few on the bead and neck. Leaving a big bunch of tall and wing feathers en the blrda does not help their selling qualities. The crops should also fee clean by keeping the turkeys from feed for at least 13 hour before killing. Ceese and docks should fee lightly scalded. Chickens may be either scalded or dry Vlcked. "Shipments should fee made by express In light esses, or paper-lined burlap bags, bnt boxes are preferred. Turkeys that are small or otherwise unfit should not be sent In for the Thanksgivinr trade, but held bark nntil they are la prime condition. There will also be a good Christmas and New Tear's market." EASTERN BCTTEB PRICES IfOTB CP Higher Grades Are Most ia Demand at Leading Markets. The butter markets of the East con tinued firm the past week with the higher grades most In demand and an Increased demand for medium gradea Prices advanced from one-half cent to 1 cent. The closing price of 92 score butter for the week was 3o at New Tork and Philadelphia, and 61 '4 c at Chicago and Boston, The receipts at the four inarketa for the week were approximately 4000 tubs less than the previous week and stock reduc tions In the four market amounted to over 1.300.000 pounds. There was very little change in the street stock situation during the week. Shipments destined to other markets from Chicago amonnted to 19,133 tubs as com pared with 23.501 tubs the previous week. Cars of "centralized" continued In light de mand at Chicago throughout the week, as did undergrade, purchasing being primarily for wholesale trade and Jobbing requirements. Fruits and Vetable. Local lobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navels. $9010.50; lemons. $7.5099 per box; bananas, BftOtuc per box; pears. ?2e- per box; grapes. 10915c per pound; quinces. $1.50 per box cranberries. $12015 per barrel; huckleber ries, 17:c per pound. VEGETABLES Tomatoes, $1.75 9 3-50 pet box: cabbage, per 100 pounds; let tuce, $2.733 per crate; peppers, 10c per pound; celery, b0woc per dozen; eggplant. 15920c per pound; artichokes, $1.25 dozen cauliflower, X3.75 per' crate: garlic, 85c per pound; pumpkins. 2c per pound; squash, 2c per pound; beets, $2.50 per sack; car rots, $L5Uil.i3 per sac; turnips, el.75 per sack. POTATOES Oregon. $1.73 2 per nun dred: Yaklmas. $2 2.25; sweets, 494 He ONIONS Oregon, $24(2.23; California browns, $1.6391-73; buckskins, $1. 7542. Staple tirocerlea. Local Jobbing quotations: SL'CJAK Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $9.55; beet. $.25; extra C, $3.15; powdved, in barrels, $10.25; cubea. In barrels. $lo.4j. KITS walnuts. 36o : Brazil nuts. 19c filberts, 25c; almonds. 25930c: peanuts, 21c SALT uaif-erounu. juus, 315.00 per ton 90s. $17.25 per tou;. dairy. 325 per ton. RICE Unbroken, 103911ie per pound. ut. joooing prices; v hue. lutfllc colored. 899c. CUFFLL Roasted. In drums, 200 330. Provisions. Local JohMng quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice. 38 9 3Hc; stand ard, 37 4, 37 fee: skinned, none; picnic, 27c; collage roll. one. LARD Tirrco basis, standard pure. 23 Vie: compound, -.ic BACON rsnry. 50Vi92c: standard. 47 Oouc: choice, 46r4vc. DRT salt snort, clear dscKj, 18934c; exports, 23 o 31c U M'ORI-D STOCK BREAD8TCFFS LARGE e Supply Ii Nearly Twice as Great as Tear Ago. The supply of breadatuffa available In the world today la almost twice as large as a year ago. Stocks afloat for Europe and In store In the United Kingdom. North America. Argentina and Australia are esti mated In bushels aa follows: Nov. i, -is oct. I. '13 Nov. 1. 'IT. 43,000,000 43.000,000 Hops, Wool, Mohair. Etc. HOPS Oregon, 191 crop, 23 0 260 per pound. WOOLr Oregon, 39 0 Tie per pound. MOHAIR Long staple, 62c: short stanla 42c; burry, 30c CASCARA BARK New and old. 13 Vis per pound. TALLOW no. 1. 1314 0 per pound: No. i. IZfec per pound; grease. No, 1, 10c; No. 2, 9o per pound. nidea and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salted, 30 pounds and no. 14c; No. 3 salted, 30 pounds and up, 13c; No. 1 green, 30 pounds and up. 11c: No, 2 green, 30 pounds and up, 10c; No. 1 salted bulls, u pounds and up. lie; .No. 2 salted bulls, 50 pounds and up, 10c; No. 1 green bulls, 30 pounds and up, 8c; No. 2 zreen bulls. 50 pounds and up, 8c; No. 1 green or salted calf sklus up to 15 pounds, 29c; No. 2 green or salted calf skins up to 13 pounds. 27 ftc; No. 1 green or salted kla skins, 15 to 50 pounds, 15c; No. 2 green ot salted kip. skins. 13 to 30 pounds, 13Vsc; dry flnt hides. 7 pounds and up, 2Sc; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds. SSc : dry salt hides, 7 pounds and up, 2-c; dry salt calf, under 7 pounds. 32c; dry cull hides or calf. half price; ary bibss vt hums, aoc; ary sail stags or bulls, 12c PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 30c; dry short-wool pells, per pound, lit20c; salted long-wool lamb pelts, each. $2 ij 2.75 ; salted long-wool sheep pella, each. $1.503 2.50; dry sheep shearlings, each, 15jp35c.; aalted sheep shearlings, each, 30!b0c Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c; engine distillate, bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk. 10c; esses. 20c. LINSEED OIL Ray. barrels. $1.93: casea $2.03: boiled, barrels. $1.93; cases, $2.05. TURPENTINE In tanks. 06c; cases, $1.06. 60.000,000 Afloat for Europe . . In store V. e7e"i'n 43.non.noo 40 noo non 23000000 Argentina 1.X.-.O.0HO 2.590.000 ? H.VihmI AeVtralia 179. 000.000 133.ono.ooo llo.ooo.oi) ,ii.,..w.w j..js,.u"u ;i4.Hi4 ntin . 47.014.000 12.967.000 41.7Bi.OoO v. a. Canada Total ...490.099.000 383.6S9.OO0 264.823,000 BOXED APPLES STEADY IN EAST Slightly Stronger Tendency In Market for Barreled Fruit. There was no change In local apple prices. Flocks were ample and trade was fair. Shipmenta of Oregon apples were: 7 cars to New Tork. $ to Chicago, 3 to Suspension Bridge, 1 each to Cheyenne, Omaha, Dallas, Sacramento. Elm Ira, Ft. Paul. San Diego, Lea Angelas, Flllaburs, Birmingham, Phil- SAV FRANCISCO PrtODCCE MARKE1 Prices Current en Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Butter, 619 62 ic. Eggs Fresh extras, 76Hc; fresh extra pullets, 62c. Cheese Not quoted. Poultry Large hens, 37939c; young roosters. 83937c; fryers. 38940c; broilers, 43 o 30c: pigeons. $2.30 tr 3: souaba, $3.60 9 4; geese, 23c: turkeys, live, 32935c Vegetables Celery, $3.60; squash, cream, 70UOc; hubbard, $1.50; eggplant. $1,259 1.30; peppers, bell, 75c; chile, 50 9 60c: toma toes, $2.60tf2.75; lettuce. $1.5092; potatoes, Salinas. $. 25-4; river, $22.25; sweet, 39 34c; onions, Australian brown. $11 3 garlic. 25c; cauliflower, 00fJ75c; becls. $1 50 ul.60; turnips, $1.30; rhubarb, $1.2391.50; string beans. 7810c; lima. 4-tSc; pumpkins! 75990; musnrooms, -03 60c; brussels nprouts, $30 7c; artichokes. No. 1, 75c; No, 2, roc r Fruit Lemons. $5 96.50; grapefruit, $2.25 3; oranges. $597; bananas. 797Vtc; pine apples. $394.50; spples, llcllefieur, fancy, $1.3591-63; Newtown Pippins, fancr, 11.60 tfl75. Spltzenbergs, $2.509 3: pears, Bart letts, $2.500 3; Winter. 75ci$l: grapes, To ksys. Emperors and Vcrdels, $1.593; per simmons, 50c9$1.50; cranberries. $3.50; quinces, 90cutl.l5; casabas, $1.5092. Receipts Flour, 6095 quarters; barley,! 3611 centals; beans, 4939 sacks; potatoes, 7h3." sacks; hay, 60 tons; bides, 614; wine, 71,900 gallons. TO BE SOLD BYTHE AUEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN BOTANY WORSTED MILLS PASSAIC, N.J. 24,410 Shares of Stock of Botany Worsted Mills andor by Stoehr & Sons, Inc. 1290 SHARES OF SAID STOCK Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, A. Mitchell Palmer, Alien Property Custodian, andor Stoehr & Sons, Inc., will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public sale or sales, on the premises at the front door of the main office building of Botany Worsted Mills, Dayton Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey, at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the second day of December, 1918, the following: 24,410 shares of stock, par value $100 each of Botany Worsted Mills, a New Jersey corporation. Out of a total of 6000 shares of said stock, all of which are issued and outstanding, the said sale shall be made jointly with the sale by Stoehr & Sons, Inc., a New York corporation, of 1290 shares of stock, par value $100 each, of said Botany Worsted Mills, owned by said Stoehr & Sons, Inc, making a total of 25,700 shares of said stock of said corporation to be sold. Full description of and information concerning the above property and the firms and conditions of inspection and sale may be obtained by qualified and accepted bidders by application to JOSEPH F. GUFFEY, DIRECTOR, BUREAU OF SALES, 110 West 42d Street, New York City. A. MITCHELL PALMER, Alien Property Custodian. Liberty Bonds If you most SELL your Liberty Bonds, SELL 4a I S. If yon can BUY more Liberty Bonds. BUY from Vs. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds ot the market. Voa cannot do better yon mny do worse. Tha closing- prices of LIBERTY BONDS on the New Tork Stock Exchange, for week ended Thursday, November 21, were as follows: First First Second Third Fourth 3s 4s is 4Vis 44s 44 Friday ' 99.94 97.84 97.80 93.00 Saturday 99.94 96.40 96.00 98.58 97.80 97.90 98.00 Monday 99.92 96.50 96.00 98.58 97.8a 97.80 9S.O0 Tuesday 99.90 96.50 96.02 98.54 97.82 97.83 98.00 Wednesday 99.98 96.70 96.30 9S.50 97.86 97.80 98.00 Thursday 99.96 96.60 96.26 98.50 97.8S 97.88 98.00 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House of Oregon " 309-311 STARK, BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TII (GROUND FLOOR) Telephone Broadway 2151. Established On, S3 Years" GREED-EMMET iET SSIALIi DEMAND FOB SUCH STOCK IX NORTHWEST. Prices Ranging From $15 fo $16 a Head, Against $18 at This Time Iiast Tear. The market for breeding ewes is very quiet both at North Portland and at coun try points throughout the Northwest. Good ewea ranging; from yesriings to 3-year-olds are quoted from 1 15 to 10 a head with com paratively little demand. This Is in strik ing contrast with conditions existing a year ago. At that time ewes were selling at (18 t head which represented as advance or from ti to (8 per head In about three months. r"urthermore, the market wsa vsry sctive and strong and continued to advance steadily throughout the Winter. Receipts at tlie local yarns yesteraay ag gregated 14 loads. There was a fair market and Drices were reported steady all around Receipts were 236 cattle, .a calves, 'JU4 hAr iinri 31S sheen. Shippers were: With hors O. W. Truni, liaisey, z ioaa George Kohlhagen, Myrtle Creek, 1 load. v.lih cattlo E. J. Metzler. Wlllamma. lnri : R. Perklnson. Castle Rock. 1 load w. Davis. Woodland. 1 ioaa: wane t fiiRhtnnn. Oushman. z loads: waugn Peterson. Toledo, 1 load; o. is. (jeiijan, Albany. 1 load. Wirh miri loads o. w. Tum. Msisey, lnaH rattle- calves, hogs and sheep: G. W. Kyre, Turner, 1 load cattle and sheep: J. C. Davis, Shedd, 1 load hogs and sheep: Brown Cummlngs, Conrallia. 1 load cattle and sheep; H. V. McFaddea, Harrisburc, 1 load cattle and hogs. The day's sales were as renews: w, PHr.1 Wt. Price. 7.10 t O.50l1 lambs .. -B7 J10.00 RAO 4.0011S yearlings 105 6 yearlings l in throw-outs J15.2519.25: pigs, good to choice $13.00 14.00. Cattle Receipts 20,000: general trade opening slow. Early selling steady on all kinds. Beef cattle, good choice and prime $1G.6019.75; common and medium $9.70 15.65: butcher stock, cows and heifers $6.40 &14.25; canners and cutters 5.506.40; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy S10.0012.75; inferior, common 'and medium S7.00 10.00: veal calves, good and choice $17.2517.75; Western range beef steers $14.65018.00; cows and heifers $8.o12.75. Sheep Receipts 39.000: market weak to 25c lower. Top lambs $15.90. Seattle Livestock Market. SBATTX.B, Wash., Nov. 21. Receipts, 94, weak. Prime light, $17.50 0 17.75; medium to choice, $17.25017.50: medium heavy, $1.2516.75; rough, $15.25010.75; pigs, $15.25 16.25. Cattle tteceipta, ee, steady to strong, isesz steers, $11013; medium to choice, $10.50 11; medium to good, $808.50; medium, $70 7.50; bulls, $57.50: calves, $510. EARLY BAINS WIPED OUT ERRATIC CHANGES IX WALL STREET MARKET. Tcows 2 cows 23 cows , 3 cows . 1 cow .. 1 cow ., 6 steers 1 steer . 1 steer . 1 calf . 2 bulls 94 hogs , 4 hogs . 6 hogs . 4 lamns 89 lambs . KS2 . 7! . SHO . 800 . O'-rj . 870 . 070 . 100 .1060 . 2"0 . 860 . 203 . 69 . SO ,"..r,o r.ooi 7.00 6.7 e.ooi 8.75; 7.50 10.00 6 00 17.001 15.25 15.00 12.75 14 cowa 1 cow ... 4 cows . . 5 cowa . 1 cow . . . 6 cows . . 8 mixed.. 14 mixed.. 2 calves. . 1 calf . .. . lbull ... 1 bog r.ss nso sno 660 . 813 . 840 , 887 , M0 335 . 870 .1160 . 230 . 09 10.50 10. fi.00 8.00 4.00 &.25 4.23 8.50 8.50 4.00 8.00 8.25 8.25 15.50 17J0 12.501101 hogs Prlcea current at the local yards are at follows: -tti prices. Prima ateers "tSSIJi! Good to choice steers 11.0012.Of upturn tn ,wi,l . t .ra 1U l!0 O H.U1 Kair to medium steers 8.50 s.ot Common to fair steers 6.009 8.0 Choice cows and heifers 8.000 8.M Med. to good cows and neiiera. o.ouw i. v.tr ta mid. cows and hellera. 6.502 S.5S Cannera ....... a.uuo e.ws Bulla vj i. aw Calvea 8.0010 Hogs j Prime mixed 17.00O17.il Medium mixed is. fowti.vw Rough heavies 15.00 16.0 pigs 14.uuoi3.vu sheen- Prime lambs .-. H.5013.oo Kair to medium lambs b.suibiu.oo esrllngs ju.vuv u.vo Wethers 80010.0 Ewes s.so B.oe ORIGINS OF I.mSTOCX LOADED Shipmenta to the Leading Markets ef the Fayclfle Northwest. Etate origins of livestock loaded Novem ber 20, 1918: Foe Portland Cattle Horses ' and and Mix. Calves Hogs Sheep Uules &tk. California & Idaho 6 Oregon 10 6 .. .. 2 Washington .. S . . .. Totals PortVd. 15 11 8 .. 2 One week ago... 13 14 .. .. 1 Four weeks ago 13 d . .' .. 2 One year ago... 9.9 1 .. 3 For tieattie Oregon 3 .. 1 Washington .... 14 10 Totals Seattle. 14 12 .. l One week ago... 21 4 16 .. .. Four weeks ago 13 1.. One year ago... 13 For Spokane Idaho 10 S . . .. 1 Nevada .. .. 1 Washington .... 6 1 . . .'. 1 Totals Spokane 16 4 . . 1 2 One week ago... 6 6 2 Four weeks ago 5 2 12.. 2 One year ago... 4 2 .. 5 Omaha l ivestock Market. OMAHA. Nov. 21. Hoes Receinta It rnn. steady to 10c higher. Heavy, $16.75rlV..riO; tated $17.10(317.30; light 117.25&17.60: nic, $10.001' 15.00; bulk of sales $17.10 &17.35. Cattle Keceipis o.juu; steady. Native eers $11.0018.00: cows and heifers $6.5i) ill.50: Western steers $3,504(17.00: Tm teen $3,50112.00; cows and heifers $t).00J 0.50: canners $4.50fe5.73; stockers and feeders $3.006 13.00; valves $7.5013.50. Sheep Receipts 11,300; steady. Culls $4.5O7.50: wethers $9.50 10.50: ewes $7.50 11. 00; feeder lamns $10 00 19 14.25; lambs 1. 25 u 15.25; yearlings $10.50 i 11.50. Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 21. Hogs Receipts 30, 000: market ateady to 10a lower than yes terday's average. Butchers $T7.60'17.90: 'light $18-75!8 1T.65; packing $16.30 ' 17.50; CORN ADVANCE IS STEADY MARKET IS STILL AFFECTED BI EUROPE'S NEEDS. Prices Close Half to -Full Cent Higher at Chicago Oats Also Advancing. CHICAGO. Nov. 21. Fresh Indications that Immense suppllea of foodstuffs from the United States would soon reach Europe made the corn market today average high er, despite sharp differences of opinion as to the magnitude and continuance of the export movement. Prices closed firm, H to lc net higher, with December $1.29 to $1.29-., and January $1.32V to l.S2Vi. oats rained U to ic. The outcome In pro visions ranged from unchanged flgtuea to 45c lower. Bearish constructions placed en reports of a big drop in grain prices at Paris more than wiped out first advancea In corn. The Inference waa drawn that France now had a relative abundance of supplies, and that predictions of Immense enlargements from the United States were overdrawn. Re newed strength developed later, owing more or less to advices that five largo Dutch steamships had Isft American porta with cargoes of flour to relieve the food short age In The Netherlands Oats merely refiecteo ine action ei wm. Weakness In the hog market eased pro. Tlslona. Leading fntarea range as leuewi: CORN. Open. Dee. $1.29 Jan. .. Dee. Jan. High. $1.30 1.31 1.3314 OATS. .78 .73 MESS PORK. law. 1.28S 1.30 .74 .741 .73 .73 Not. Jan, Nov, Jan. 46.05 LARD. , 27.00 26.27 45.90 26.75 26.00 Clese. $1.39 1.S2V4 .74 .74 42.00' 46.03 26.80 26.03' Nov. Jan. 25.00 24.37 shite, 75075Hc; standard, ,..26.25 EHORT RIBS. 25.05 25.06 ...24.60 24.60 24-33 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, eld, $1.50; No. 8 yel low old. $1.46 1.50; No. 4 yellow, new. $1.34. oats iso. 7576c. . ..,.., Rye NO. i. w. ' Barley 98c$1.09. Timothy $7310.25. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26-S0. Ribs Nominal. 1 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 21. Barley, 92c 0 $1. Flax. $3.87&3.sa: . Grain at San Francises. BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2L Flour, $11.45 per barrel. . . . Grain w neat, uu.oi mucn v . a barrel: barley, s.-.U; oats, wnue teea, nominal; corn, California yellow, $4.15. Hay Wheat ana wneai tuu oats, -o 4 1 , tame oats, $aea7.ou; Dariey, siuiff!; al falfa, $182i; barley straw, 8080c. steals Allans, eoo. cucoanm, uuuimu, Weekly Egg Quotations Planned. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. In order to tnhllize the price of all varieties of fresh eggs and to prevent unwarranted fluctua tions and advances, the San Francisco Dairy Produce Exchange, at. the request of the California Food Administration, agreed to day to make a market quotation once weekly nstead ot aaiiy. as it uuea jjimiui. x new system ia to become effective next Monday. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 21. Turpentine, firm, 77'Ac; sales, 268; receipts, zaj; snip ments, 686; stock, 30,200. Rosin, firm. itecepits, xei.i; shipments. "71 : stock. 68.643. Quot B. D and B, $15.13; F, $15.50; G, $15.5015.65; H, $15.60; , $10.75; -h JU, it, ana wn, e-Lw.ou. Cotton Production 8,681,003 Bales. WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Cotton ginned prior to November 14 amounted to 8,081,005 running bales, including 127.S12 round bales, CS73 bales o American Egyptian and 24,14 bales of .Sea Island, the Census Bureau today announced. , .. i Active Selling Movement In Iiast Hoar of Trading Carries Prices Downward. NEW TORK, Nov. 21. Erratic price changes attended todays stock market, trading falling to the lowest ebb In several weeks until the last hour, when an active selling movement efiaced numerous gains. Moderate strength in the early and inter mediate stages of the session was attributed to prospects of less stringent money condi tions after next weeks heavy payment the fourth liberty loan. This possible rc taxation was not expected to apply to time funds. Marine preferred recovered an extreme setback of 6 points, with but slight recovery following announcement of another incon elusive meeting of the directors. Coppers were exposed to constant pres sure by reason of unfavorable trade condi tions, yielding 1 to 24 points, On the constructive side for a time were rails, which evinced a fair degree of strength, Industrials, including United States Steel and former war equipments, but the variable ad vances in these groups were forfeited almost altogether at the end. Sales amounted to 560,000 shares. Dealings in bonds were moderate, but were diversified, the tone in the main being slightly easier. Liberty Issues were steady and Internationals Irregular Total sales, par value, aggregated $9,673,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Las Sales. Am Heet Sugar. 1,400 American Can.. 2.100 Am Car & Fdry. 000 Am Locomotive 1,000 Am Bm & Refff. 11.200 Am Sugar Refg. 4,000 Am Tel & Tel... Am Zinc L Ac S. 300 Anaconda Cop.. 11,200 Atchison 900 AO & W I S S. . 1,700 Bait & Ohio.... TOO 700 80O 800 200 800 600 1,400 800 100 15.300 3.400 1.400 4.900 2,8(10 100 1,800 1.700 9.700 85,500 300 100 4.700 I n)MOimnMmjMiiiinuiniiiHii'Huini!iiii 11 inttiniii iimi iiiiiMtlliitMliiiMiiei(iitiMttiitiMti?liiiliWriiiHint-iiWHlMtsiH: CLARK, KENDALL & CO. GOVERNMENT. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS SCC0N0 FLOOR NORTtiWESIERN BANKeUllOiNO PORTLAND. OREGON. LIBERTY BONDS The closing; TSew York Stock Exchange quotations on LIBERTY BOTVDS yesterday werei First First Second First Second. Third Fourth 31-..1 4 s 4s 4 'is 4 Us 41,4.1 4Hs 99.9S 96.64 96.20 98.50 97.86 97.86 97.98 1.51 1.72 .06 1.83 .06 .77 .31 Market Interest Total 101.47 Ilk? iiuminiiHiii 98.36 96.26 100.33 97.92 98.63 98.29 Wa Buy and Sell LIBERTY BONDS at the New York Market Less a nominal charge ror our, services. imiinmliinHiiiiuiiiiiin isiiiiiiiihiiiiiihiii(Iiiiiiiiiiihhui iiiiiiiiiiiinuiiw iiihmiii IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllhllllllllllltlllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Government and Municipal nas Bought and Sold 87 Sixth Street, Between Stark and Oak. Telephone Bdwy 1042 Butte & Sup Cop Cal Petroleum... Can Pacific Cen Leather.... Ches & Ohio C M & St P C R J ft F ctfs.. Chino Cop Colo Fu & Iron. Corn Prod Rfe.. Crucible Steel... Cuba Cane Sug. uistlli feectxr.... Erie Gen Elec a N Pfd a N Ore ctfs. .. Inspiration Cop. Int M M pfd... Int Nickel Int Paper Kennecott Cop. . Louis & Nash. . Maxwell Mot.... Met Petroleum. Miami Cop Missouri Pacific Mont Power.... Nevada Cop.... N Y Central N Y N H & H.. Norfolk & West Nor Pacific Pennsylvania. .. Pittsburgh Coal. Ray Con Cop... Reading Rep Iron & Steel hhat Ariz cop. Southern Pac. Southern Ry. .. High. 44 84 5'i K7 111 v4 1,410 104i IS '4 94 li 100 67 ft 22 2H4 164 H 62. T,H 4SM 27 39 ' 38 49 57 100 7,400 25,400 1,900 8.400 100 4,000 2,000 2,100 700 1,300 600 700 1.S00 6.700 1,600 000 15.000 4,800 fUudebaker Corp 10,500 Texas Co 700 Union Pacific...- J. 1100 U S Indus A I co. 3,200 U S Steel 91,000 U S Steel pfd... 000 Utah Cop 8.600 Western Union.. 2.40K Westing Elec... L'0 Beth B 85.800 Total sales lor the day, 560,000. BONDS. TJ S. ref 2s reg 98 IPenn con 4 go coupon 48 19 152 3 004 84 &1X 112 3214 S2hi 8SV4 118 -'9:i 165 26 28 754 19 8(1',, SSS 103 US 4 48 V 48 23'4 891 78'.4 l.-;4 1041, :u 61 ISO'.i 13314 104 54 1024 11154 (-1 00 1,4 43 Low. 5014 44 83 64 86 VI 111V4 104 U 13 67 94V4 10014 57 21, 21 163 H 62 59 48 27 30 88 48 56 2t 47 19 352 n 83 49 105 32 32 37 H8T4 28 156 26 27 75 19 70 37i 108 97 4 47 22 8S 77 T4 1514 103 30 60 1S 132 102U 100 110 78 80 43 62 98 U P 4s Sale. 60 44 64 86 111' 104 ' 13 67 B4', 106 5 21 21 163 69 4S 27 39 88 4S 56'- 31 47 10 152 03 33 49 106 ;iji 32 37 118 160 26 27 75 19 0 2 108 07 4S 4.3 22 8S 78 15 113 30 60 186 332 102 101 14 310 78 88 43 64 H SO Short Term .umcipa. $100 $500 $1000 to yield 5 to 6t Income Tax Exempt Details on application. Call or phono B'way LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus J 600.000 LUMBERMENS UILDIN9 FIFTH AND STARK KS ITT S S Ks J00 83 S P cv 5s 10314 loft An-iT 6s ' 106 IU S Lib 3s... 09.90 83U S L 1st con 4s 96.60 Hl.u H L -a 4S NYC deb 6s lomiu H 1st c 4ss ii.i.f" M p 4s 86;U 8 L 2d c 4s 97.88 pj p 8a 63 U S L 3d 4s..s 87.88 P T & T 5s 96IU S L 4tn, ',4S DS.uu TJ S 3s reg.... do coupon . . TJ S 4s reg..1.. do coupon .. Atch Gen 4s.. D & It G rer 6s Bid. Money, Exchange, Etc. TORK. Nov. 21. Mercantile paper. unchanged. Sterling flay Dins, uncnangea. Bmi, 84.757S; cables, 14.7645. rancs, oemana. 5 45: cables. 0.44. uuiiaers. acmauo. 41; cables, 4214. Lire, unchanged. Mexican dollars, nncnangeu. Time loans strong, onchanged. Call money strong, unchanged. LONDON, Nov. 21. Money and discounts. unchanged. Coffee Trade Is at Standstill, um vnTtK. Nov. 2L The text of com munications which have passed recently be tween the coffee trade and the food ad. ministration was published by the coffee ex change today. They indicated that the Washington authorities had offered to rules Kovernuia iraiung in cities or to stockysrds east of the Missouri River will require a car permit such ss now in use for giving the Food -Administration orderly control of the movement ef grain. Stockyards directly affected include Chicago, Kansas City, .St. Louis, Omaha, St. Paul, Louisville, Nashville and Pittsburg. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Nov. 21. Butter, higher. Creamery. "6 tt 'j c. EgK. higher. Receipts. 901 cases: firsts, 63f64cj ordinary firsts, 54q'58c; at mark, cases Included, 50f(yo.':o per dozen. New Tork Sugar Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 21. Sugar, unchanged. Latah Pioneer Leaves for France. MOSCOW, Idaho, Nov. 21. (Special.) H. D. Martin, pioneer of Latah Coun ty, who haa lived in and near Moscow for 39 years, left today for Franca to take up Y. M. C. A. work. Ha foes di rect to New Tork. where hs will em bark for France next week. He Is due in New Tork on November 25. Mr. Mar tin has been food administrator for Latah County since the office was es tablished. Ha reaigned and T. A. Meeker, another pioneer, former owner the rules governing .,,,,r. on the New Tork Exchange to take effect on a date to be determined by the of the telephone system, here, has ac- board of managers m. iu ""i cepted the position and took over the thit existing regulations and rules regard lng transactions In actual coffee would con tinue. ... M.mhera of the exchange objected to re opening the futures market for unrestricted trading, while restrictions remained In force in the spot markots, and a petition embody ing these objections was sens to Washington yesterday with a request for reconsidera tion Pendinc the outcome business re- mained at practically a standstill in both the cost and freight and local spot market Dried Froit at New Tork. view TORK. Nov. 21. Evaporated ap ples, nominal; prunes, strong; peaches, nom inal. Metal Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 2L Lead, unchanged. Spelter, firm; East fit. Louis spot, 8.20(8 8.30O. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 21. Spot cotton, quiet. Middling, 30.20c work today. Mr. Martin leaves his wife and three children in Moscow. If expects to remain in France as long: as needed and has been informed that his services will probably be reequlred for at least a year. Duluth l inseed Market. DTJLTJTH, Nov. 21. Linseed, 13.95 asked. Hop; Shipments Require Permit. rrfiCAOO. Nov. 21. All shipments of hogs hereafter to stock yards at Missouri River YOU TURKEY SHIPPERS Listen to common sense. When you consign your turkeys to tha average commission merchant he sells it to a poultry dealer and charges you at least 5 per cent commission. When you ship direct to a reliable poultry dealer you save this commission. We are wholesale poultry dealers all the year around. With turkeys at about 40 cents per pound, you lose 2 for every 100 pounds you don't ship to us. We receive load , after load of turkeys every day. but our orders are piling up higher. Wo still need 50,000 POUNDS OF PRESSED TURKEY'S and guarantee 38-40 ceflts per pound net Portland on good quality. Ship early. Don't hold. Other poultry wanted. We guarantee: Heavy hens and Springs 28c per lb. Light hens 26c per lb. Ducks, fancy live 25-30cperlb. Geese, fancy live 20-2Sc per lb. Turkeys, fancy live. .:t0-32c per lb. yio commissions. Checks dally. Writs for our Turkey Special market report. The- Savinar Co., Inc. 100 FRONT STREET CAPITAL PAID VP, S10.00O I I : : j -P : a : : -CV : : c : : v- : J- : .;. . : : : ZNi t o.t : : : 8 : : : : ::::-: A WAR OF MOTION For tho first time war transit by road is be ing conducted to a very great degree by mechanical power. This power is being URed for moving artll'cry, machine guns and sup plies, serving gen erals and their staffs, conveying orders and dispatches and every where speeding u p the work of executing the armistice. N e v o r was the need of roads 60 apparent and none would qualify for mili tary necessities us well as those paved with BITULITHIC WARREN BROTHERS COMPANY Journal Uldtf.. Portland, Or. TRAVKLEKS' GUIDE, I7RENCH LINC B UkFAGslE I EKERALE TBiKSATUNTIQ'JS is r a.. 1.' NEW TORK BORDEAUX PARIS FREQUENT DEPARTURES, l ugsil Bros., l'ac. Coast Agents, 109 Cherry 6t. Seattle, or any Local lasats. SAN FRANCISCO-I.OS ANGELES. LOW RATES. Including Meals and Berths. S. 6. ROSE CITY Sails 3 P. M. Nov. 2S. THE SAN FRANCITO & PORTLAND S. 8. LINES. Tickets at Third and Washington Telephone Broadway 20". Main SRS, A liH. A 6011.