Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 18, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Members of First Church
Gather at White Temple.
Dr. William A. Waldo, Pastor, and
3Iayor Baker Among Speakers
at Eventnjr Meeting.
ir t . v. t-!-.,. u ,!.. Pki.ii
Temple to give inanKi ior woria peace
and to nay tribute to the American and
allied flags and to their service flay
with Si hlun siirs. two srold and a sll- I
ver one. representing the men wno
went forth from their parish Into the
United States service.
This eveninir's service Is to solemn-
lze another aspect of the signing of the
armistice which on last Monday was
ceieoraieu witn sucn niianuus
said Dr. William A. ivaiuo, its pastor,
in Introducing the speakers. "This war
wasy for religious and civil liberty not
onlv for the United States, but for
every nation in the world. Our wars
have always been for freedom we have
waged no conflicts for personal gain.
Credit Also Due Others.
"We are assembled to give praise for
victory for America and all countries.
said Mayor Baker. "The American peo
ple are prone to take considerable credit
to themselves and credit should co
where credit is due. We forget the
years that little Belgium with France
and Great Britain ctood their ground
against the mighty military machine,
which, it seemed, nothing on earth could
stop. We forget the battle of Tpres,
the Marne and other engagements, when
somehow, by some Infinite power, the
Huns were stopped.
"Give credit where credit is due. and
remember what owe to our allies
and not What they owe to us. Our
nart was onlv helDing ourselves on the
territory of our friends across the seas.
Had not both the allies and the Lnitea
States done their part our country
eventually would have been devastated
as was Belgium.
"I do not undervalue American
troops. Without America this war
would not now be over. We came Just
in time not a minute too early, almost
a minute too late like America, exact
ly on time.
"The war Is over as far as battles
are concerned, but the allies are facing
much, for In Europe at this time 3.000.-
000 persons are in revolt, raging In
mobs with no observance of justice,
taking what is wanted where it can be
found. It is our work to make a peace
ful nation, such as we have in our own
country. To do that we must feed
"Our boys are coming back, having
fought over there our battles for us
who stayed at home doing our bit at
it, $10, and 113 a day, while they re
ceived their $30 a month. They must
have their jobs back. They have earned
the right to have any work they want.
and we must give It to them. Our cas
ualty list is estimated at 100.000, and
of this number 36.000 will not come
back. The others have earned the right
to be taken care of for the remainder
of their lives. If necessary."
Recoaatrurtloa ov Task.
Mayor Baker was followed by Charles
Cassing, of the spruce division, and t
Chaplain Bronson, both of Vancouver.
"We should give thanks that our
Nation had the courage to rise In its
might and enter the world conflict.
raid Chaplain Bronson. "He should be
thankful for the speedy close of this
war. for to the mothers and fathers in
France, Belgium and England it must
have seemed ages instead of four years I
since they had experienced peace. There
is no place In this age for retaliatory
warfare, there is no time for us to.
show Germany the iron heel. We must
put all our strength into reconstruc
Bishop W. T. Sumner Delivers "Vic
tory" Message to Congregation.
The congregation of All Saints'
Church joined in the services held at I
St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral yesterday I
morning. Holy communion was cele- I
hroteri and Rithnn W. T. Sumner, in
a sermon on "Victory
appeal for an interna
austriat ana spiritual rct-iiirutu irD I
the victory recently won become void I
of all far-reaching results. I
"Ye shall not see my face lest your I
brother be with you." was the text of
the sermon. "Wo must go forward
with our brother." said Bishop Sumner.
There must be co-operation in all the
work of reconstruction for the ulti
mate success ot the new world. The
new programme of the church must in
clude a group of economic principles
drawn to meet the needs of the day.
We must stand for a basic eight-hour
day; we must see to it that wages are
baseid on living expenses and profits;
there must be prevention of the ex
ploitation of women and children In
industry; we must have a guarantee
that employes will give an honest day's
labor and co-operate to protect the In
terest of the employer as well as his
own. It will also be the business of
the church to see that our future
spiritual growth equals the dimensions
of the supreme sacrifice which the men
.it the front have given."
For Shaving, Bathing
and Shampooing
i The secret of
healthy up-to-date
shaving it
CM of Cuticura
Soap, the "Cuti
cura Way". No
mug, no limy
no free alkali, no
irritation even when shaved twice daily.
One soap for aU uses shaving, bath
ing, shampooing, not to speak of its
value in promoting skin parity and skin
health due to its delicate Cuticura medi
cation. Doubles safety raior efficiency.
easting puwoai at tasristisg fragrance,
of aUlaUera.
W Pi
f. ff ' - I
ASHINGTON. Nov. 17. CasualtleH
reported today number 9S5,
classified as follows:
Killed In action
Died of wounds
.. 277
.. 169
. 13
! 47
. 8
. 310
. 18
Died from accident and other causes
Died from airplane accident
Died of disease
Wounded severely
Wounded (decree undetermined) ...
Wounded slight!? A
Mlssins In action . .
Following is a corrected summary of
casualties to date, including tbose in
today's lists:
Se'dSf "E1 .Vf.0.1"?.1".. f.9' "Ifl
LMea or aisease
Died ot accident and other causes . t..
Wounded In action
I Missing in action (including prisoners)
Total to date 73.897
McDaniel, Homer T. (Serai.), Portland, Or.
Wick, Cris (Corp.). Tacoma, Wash.
(olvin. Cecil !.. Waverly. Wash.
Mnitb, Walter L., Klk. wash.
wlolw. William J., .Nampa, Idaho.
II Alabama.
Driver. Corb. Verbena. Ala.
Hill. Jim T.. Elkwood. Ala.
Thornton. Hollie G.. Corona. Ala.
I Swift, Joseph P. (Lieut.). Safford, Aris.
Allen. Roy. Alplna Pass. Ark.
Walker. Koblnson C. Piggott, Ark.
I California-
Walters, Charles (.Sergt.). Ban Diego, Cal.
Brovll.l. Ouilo. Helena, Cal.
rr ri.r.n to vir. Colo.
i Connecticut.
Cramer. M. E. (Lieut.). New London, Conn.
j Catioy. Henry E. (Jitrh.l, Thomaeton, Conn
nuooeu, narry ioru, iron.
Stewart, K. F. (Lieut.). Brandento'
Cain. Comer C., Uraceville. Fla.
Holmes, Henry H.. Ft. Pierce. Fla.
Allen. Charles B. (Lieut.). Atlanta, Ga.
Tlmms. James O., Adalrsvllle, Ga.
Lawrence. A. B. (Sergt.). W. Frankfort. 111.
Swords, Clare M. (Sergt.). Custer Park, IIU
Koiten, John (Corp.), Chicago, III.
Hanu. John (Corp.). Chicago.
purrurkcr. Marshall N. (Corp.), Ottawa, III
Cole, Wilson. Nak linos, 111.
Doty. Harry L.. Poring Bay. 111.
Kanouae, Krnest K., Kankakee, III.
Helneke. Frank H.. New Athens, IIL
Platte, Louis. Chicago. III.
Haleckl. Frank, Chicago. 111.
Wuchec Adolf, East fit. Louis, 111.
Sawicky, Karl, Kewanee. 111.
Fitch. Alonio E., Blocber. Ind.
Harvey, Scott W.. Bedford, Ind.
Hannel, Jacob R., DePauw, Ind.
I Camnbell. Leslie J. (Lieut.). Iola, Kan
Potter, David B. (Sergt.). Emporia, Kan.
Marymee. Jaa. C. (Sergt.). McPherson, Kan.
War. Floyd L. (Corp.). Rockcreek. Kan.
Meyer. Clarence L. (Corp.). Cedarpolnt, Kan.
Cor 1 berg. John Edwin. DeLavao, jian.
Corwin. Joseph. Wichita. Kan.
McMahan. Ira Earl. Paola. Kan.
Layton, Fred, Bonner Springs. Kan.
Andrews, Ivan Earl. I.eon. Kan.
Krehaum. Victor. Bend, Kan.
!.eahy. Jno. L., Basehor. Kan.
Crook, Oron B., (:iasow.,i Kan.
Ellington, Corbie, Yale. Ky.
McGee, Buater, Columbus. Ky.
Hush, Jaa C, Green Grove. Ky.
Calhoun, Burk (Senrt.). Meredlan. La.
I Miller, Alve. Harvey. Me
Wade, John D. (Capt.).. Galtersbnrg, Sid.
Williams. A. R. (Lt-Col.), Ameabury, Mass.
Brigrs. Robert w. (Sergt.), Leverett, ilass
Forcier. Edmund, Fall ltiver. Mass.
Forsythe. Wm. A., Corinth. Jims.
Thompson. Irving G Manse. Mass.
Topoloff. Harry. Boston. Mass.
Yubroouy. Aaaed. Boston. Mass.
Tiberli, Jno., Hydepark. Mass.
Kovell. Steven (Sergt.), Hamtramck, Mich.
Clark. Galley. AUtoona. Mich.
BiMhop. Wm. R., St. Johns. Mich.
DePauw. Frank. Ithaca. Mich.
Campbell. Fred, Conaway. Mich.
Eppley. Edw.. Wyandotte. Mien.
Cary. Clifford L., Welcome, Minn.
Hiotela. Rudolph. Flnlayaon. Minn.
Schaffman. Walter W New Brighton, Minn.
Miaaiaslnnl. '
Cole. James TV. Marks, Miss.
Stagings. Unas. B , Vlcksburg. Miss.
Knntz, John a. (Sergt. ). St. Louis, Mo.
Tanner, Ralph P. (Sergt.). Kansas City, Mo.
Ca-iteel. Harvey (Corp.). Doniphan. Mo.
High. John E. (Corp.), Boynton, Mo.
Plueck. John H. (Mech.). St Louis, Mo,
Caldwell, Luther R., Dudley. Mo.
Garnett. Harvey. Marion. Mo.
Llnnel. Carl, scnarrer. mo.
lielnlen. Henry. Lancaster, Mo.
Leanur, Lawrence L-. Lnlon. Mo.
Miller. Leonard Ralph. Richmond. Ms.
Veit. Jos. B Osage Bend. Mo.
Rackley. Mack. Bradley. Mo.
Schwardt, Louia R., Warrenton. Mo.
Skllea, James Warren. Mountain Grove.
Phillips, George M.. Bethany, Mo.
Roes. Murde A. (Corp.). Stacy. MonC"
Kainx. Joeeph. Poplar, Mont.
Hughes. Thomas W.. Brayman. Mont.
Schell. Henry. Plevna. Mont.
Woodward, Samuel O.. Baker, Mont.
rhra.ks. -
Williams. Rose L. (Lieut.). Bethany. Neb.
Jordan. Fred Carl, Herman, Neb.
New iork.
gchab, Steve M. (Lieut.), College Point. N. T,
coiiina. O. B. (Lieut.). Watervliet. N". T.
Hammond. Benjamin T. (Lieut.). New Tork.
Caldwell. Clirrord M. (isergl.), xsew Tora.
sh.ihi, vmh tfrnrn
ounther, John W. (Corp.). New York,
Dalhunt. Samuel (Corn ). New Tork.
McClure. Raymond A. (Corp.), New Tork.
Saaer. Gall H. (Corn.). Bufralo. N. T.
KeiM. Glenn O. (Corp.), Perry, N. T.
Yerkes. Geo. H. (Mech.). Rochester, N. T,
Anderson, Clarence R.. Jamestown, N. T.
Bruna. Sam. New Tork. '
Cognato. Joseph P.. Brooklyn. N. T.
Kmerlck. Charles A.. Rochester. N. x.
Knowits. Herman. New York.
Pexza. Altony. New York.
Harrison. Nathaniel Green, Buffalo, N. T.
Connor. Thomaa W., New York.
Degraff. Ray E.. lUica. N. Y.
Jones. James H., Syracuse. N. T.
Lautensiager. Earl W.. Geneva, N. X.
Crandall. Walter, Utlra. N. Y.
Haag. Albert J.. Rochester. N. Y.
Reardon. Stephen. Brooklyn, X. T.
Pike. Charles A.. Albany. N. Y.
Sllverberg, Sam, New York.
Smith. Raymond C. Utlca. N. Y.
Torrey. Tracy, Rochester. N. Y.
Turner. Wm., Manchester, N. Y.
Mcttiue. John R., Brooklyn. N. Y.
Peteruxzelli. Jno. A.. New York.
Schaefer, Jno. M.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Shapiro, Abraham. New York.
Sanford. Rollta W.. Geneseo, N. Y.
Schlegel. Franz. New York.
Swlnowlts. Abraham, Brooklyn, N Y.
Sutherland. Harry D Brooklyn. N. Y.
VanHoesen, Glenn D.. Cortland. N. Y.
Pill, Archie F.. Syracuse. N. Y.
Porter. Harold J., Ktockbridge, K. T.
Slttner. Edward. New York.
New Jersey.
Bull. William S. (Lieut.). Imrington, N. J.
uiacicnam. ii. R. (Lieut.), Jersey city, ii. J.
Willis, Edward (Lieut.), Summit. N. J.
Crump. Samuel, Jr. (Lieut.). Montelalr. N. J.
Sehrader, Elmer (Sergt.), Trenton, N. J.
O'Hara. Mike F.. Hoboken. N. J.
Dunn. Clifford H.. Bogola. N. J.
Clfrodell, Angelo. Newark. N. J.
McClellan, Bion Butler. Passiac, N. J.
North Carolina.
Jones. Jess B. (Sergt.), Mount Ayr, K. C.
Ellington. C. D. (Sergt.). Franklinton, N. C
McDowell. Thos. J. (Sergt), Asheboro, N. C.
Burk. Charlie. Neune. N. C.
Cook. Charles C Thomas vllle. N. C.
Early. Joe. Bostle, N. C.
Lemon. Marion D., Pnnford. N. C.
Ashley. Charlie S.. Warrenaville, N. C
Foster. Albert F.. Congo. N. C.
Henderson. Harlie. Cnoisa N. C.
Clark. Jas. W., Everetta. N. C.
Hopkins, Nlckv M.. Thomasvllle. X. C.
Phillips. Joseph A.. Sayevllle. N. C.
Tucker. Hillary, Advance. N. C.
Martin. Charles T.. Spray. N. C.
Southard. Percr E., Reldsvllle, Tf. C.
Wilson. Zeba, Mill Spring. N. C.
North Dakota,
Leslie. Martin O. (Corn.). Kenmare, N. D.
Hennessey, Edw. D., Conway, N. D.
Sltler. Lyle S.. Larson, N. D.
Helgeson. Herman O., Walcott, N. D.
Thompson. Botolf. VanHook. N. D.
Anpert, Joseph E., Haaelton. N. I.
Hints. Oral T. (Lieut.). Lake wood, O.
Jennlnga, Jesse (Sergt.). Dayton. O.
Towner. Oscar L. (Sergt.), Lockland, O.
Sullivan. Fred (Corp.), St. Marys, O.
Ledergerber. William. Toledo. O.
Cheshire, James. Cleveland. O.
Berkley. Thurman. Hamersvllle, O.
Hose. Melville G.. Maralllon. O.
Porter, Alva A., San fay. O.
Smith. Clarence E., Zanesvllle. O.
Miller, Walter Edward. Ruraellvllle. O.
Smith, Oliver J., Perry. OMa.
Greer, Raymond S., Sand Springs, Okla,
Koch. Louis J. (Lieut.). Scranton, Pa.
Carroll. Maurice (Sergt.). Falls Creek. Pa.
Piper. William F. (Sergt.), Oaterburg. Pa.
Stover, Harry C. (Sergt.). Thomasville, Pa.
Nelsy. Alfred A, (Corp.), Lebanon. Pa.
Sahler. Wm. G. (Corp.). Coatesville. Pa.
Och. Peter J. (Corp.). Pittsburgh, Pa.
Scheifer. Chas. p. (Corp.). Pottatown. Pa.
Gallagher. John (Corp.). Ginter. Pa.
Archer. Joseph D., Philadelphia. Pa.
Kowalakl. Joseph. Philadelphia. Pa.
Robertson, Claude R. (Sergt.). Philadelphia.
Kutchever, John M. (Sergt.). Lebanon, Pa.
Weirbach, Mark C M. (Corp.), Lebanon, Pa.
Mowerer, Clyde F., Watsontown, Pa.
Connor, Joseph Annvlile. Pa.
Fields. Herbert L.. Washington. Pa.
Hoover, Isaac J., Lewistown, Pa.
JesaoD. Charles B.. EmDorium. Pa.
law. ijivronp. r Wst Phi ludelollis. Pa.
I Elcnoltz. Lewis A Harmony. Pa.
I r:nIH T v.iila C,Tt,nl Ph i Indel hia. Pa.
Huaick. Benjamin. Philadelphia. Pa.
Polito, Petro, Philadelphia, Pa.
Randolph. Jaa W., Ellwood City. Pa.
Neeley, George E, East Pittsburgh, Pa.
Qulnn. Wm.. West Chester. Pa.
Schlrra. Louis F., Pittsburgh. Pa.
Schwartz. Earl D., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sienckewlch. Paul P., Minooka. Pa. "
Straub, Harry J., Berrysburg, Pa.
Williamson, Cortland, Boardman, Pa.
Horenstcin, Thoa, Philadelphia. Pa.
Rhode Inland.
Hobson, Greshon. Providence, R. I.
Martley, Christopher W.. Pawtucket. R. L
Kouth Carolina.
Hawkins, Tandy, Taylor, S. C.
Caldwell. G. D. (Corp.). Fountain City, Tenn.
Kyle, Joseph W. (Corp.). Tullahoma. Tenn.
Lawson. Luke (Cora.). Cades Cove. Tenn.
Wilson, James W. (Corp.), Spring Hill, Tenn.
Levi, Claude, Soddy, Tenn.
Hembree. George S Knoxvllle, Tenn.
Bracy, Walter L.. Joslton, Tenn.
Llngenfelter, Ernest K., Louisville, Tenn.
Kusaell, Pics, Mary vl lie. Tenn.
Ferry, Baley H., lillham. Tenn.
Cox. Aubrey W. (Lieut), Waco. Tex.
Nieswiadomy. Walter. Chappel Hill, Tex.
Farias, Canuto. Vaudova, Tex.
Ford, Lewis E., Chicota, Tex.
High. Benjamin E.. Huntsville, Tex.
Doney, John P., Troy. N. Y.
Sowell. Chas.. Dawson, Tex.
Wagenfuhr, Alvin, Marble Falls. Tex.
Christenson, P. B. (Capt.), Ephrlam, Utah.
Sorrensen, Jos. H. (Corp.), Salt Lake City.
Woodward. Richard F. (Lieut.). Norfolk. Va.
Howe. Elliott H. (Lieut.), E. Radford. Va.
Pslode, Fred H. (Wag.), Clintwood, Va.
I'iland. Roger L.. Franklin. Va.
Poweil, Evermond, Luriek, va.
Single. Frank. Bristol, Va.
Satchel, Oscar C. Accomac Co., Va.
West Virginia.
Kelly. John (Corp.), Bradshaw. W. Va.
McLaughlin. Joe E.. Dunmore. W. Va,
Robinson, Jas. L., Cameron, W. Va.
Pinch. Henry (Corp.). Georgetown. Wis.
RothermeL B. J. (Corp.), Plain field. Wis
Schmidt, Arthur K., Milwaukee, Wis.
W yomlng.
Rahman, Arnold, Wheatland. Wyo.
Watklns, Verner, Laramie, Wyo.
Gosselln. Alexander. (Sergt). Montreal. Can.
Henry. Lanson E. (Corp.). Ballston. Spain
Cavalll. Mike A. (Corp.). Wadena. Sask. Can.
Coluzzl, Quido G. (Saddler). Cegnl. Italy,
Raldassere. Dlnatle. Camp Abell. Italy.
Hendershot, F. W., East Hamilton, Ont Can.
Hlbner. Ferdinand, Tuchen. Russia.
Lliledale. Carl H., TJIve Burgen, Norway,
Franzi. Francisco. Vigglu Como, Italy.
Duran, Juan, Jalpa i:ado De Sacaboaj,
Russo. Alexo. Ouagllotte Anelllno, Italy.
VanDermosor, Albert, llerdjum Fuesland,
Holland. , .
Picclrill. Victor. Rome. Italy.
Torrillo. Pletro. Fuandroa Pletrloa Place DI
Bencrento. Italy.
Bakke. Lorantz, Bremauger Prov. Bergen,
Berltlch, Dom., Veroska Dalmacia, Austria.
Kuggero. Tony, Cairo, Italy.
Peters. James B. (Corp.), Midland. Ark.
Solomon, Lee A., Truman, Ark.
Wright, Geo. G. (Sgu), Los Angsles. Cat
Vannoy, Lee V. (Corp.). Dlnuba, Cal.
Carron. Henry, Santa Ana, Cal.
llodgklns, Ernest K . Santa Barbara, cal.
Shurtleff, Burnard G., Yuma, Colo.
Useted, Wllllaih, Port Chester, Conn.
Lund, Erlck W., New Haven, Conn.
Smlthwlck. Floyd I... Moultrie. Ga.
Schriner, H. C. (Lieut). River Forest, IIL
Hughes. Edw. A. (Sgt), Chicago. III.
Zendorby. Ben (Sgt), Chicago. 111.
Kniery, Edw. (Corp.), S. Litchfield, III. .
Ilogard. Adrian (Corp.), Chicago.
Tarnowskl. John C. (Corp.), Chicago.
Brandt. Walter W-, Cicero. III.
Burhart Edward J.. Chicago. 111.
Cassidy, Hugle R.,.FIlmore, III.
Erlckaon. Adolph, Oeneseo. 111.
Jansson, Fred R., Nokolmis, III.
Mayo. Albert 11.. Oakpark, 111.
Schroder, Henry, tiuincy. 111.
Wlrtb, Joseph F.. Chicago. 111.
Mlsciewlcz, Zygmnntz. Chicago, 111.
Porter, Raymond V. (Corp.), Reynolds, Ind.
Bryan. Donald C. (Corp.), Mlshawka, Ind.
Ragan. Arthur E. (Corp.), Kokomo, Ind.
McDaniel, Orlle K., Newcastle, Ind.
Abegg, Alfred. DesMolnes. la.
Blazer. John J., cereso, J a.
Ewoldt. Emll W. W.. Manning, la.
Burkhart. John H. (Corp.). Fort Scott. Kan.
Pinkai. Emll. Lindsborg. Kan.
Raile, William H . St. Francis, Kan.
Burke, Campbell (Capt). Lexington. Ky.
Harris, Geo. D. (Lieut). Franklin. Ky.
Moore. Atnplias, Tolu, ay.
Wilkinson. Matt Liberty. Ky.
Witten, William M., Louisville, Ky.
Johnson, Rollie, Stamping Ground, Ky.
Aucoln. Joseph W. (Corp.). Baton Rouge, La.
Orr. William H-. Bruce. Ia.
Singletary. Charles N., Oberlin, La.
. .iinriana.
Steadmsn, H. W. (Corp.), Brunswick, Md.
Davis, Clarence S.. Salisbury, Mil.
Wills. Elmer J.. Baltimore, aid.
Hart man, Adam. Jr. (Corp.). Baltimore.
Hemeghan. P. J. (Sgt), South Boston, Mass.
Richards. Ralph R. (Corp.), Worcester, Mass.
Broanlhan. John F. (Corp.). Worcester, Mass.
Bernler. Oliver. Fall Klver, Mass.
Chlttock. George R., Methuen, Mass.
Daley. Herman E., Cohasso, Mass.
Dooley. William R, Roxbury, Masa.
Grabnosky, Joseph, Worcester, Masa .
Ryan. John J.. Worcester. Mass.
Sharpe, Fred W., Ware. Mass.
Jackson, Jaa B. (Corp.). McBaln. Mich.
Klomp. Edward G. (Corp.), Hamilton. Mich,
Wilcox. Charley F. (Corp.), Pierson, Mich.
Knox. Jalmer Uonie (Corp.). Morley, Mich.
Bundy, Elmer J., Flint, Mich.
Paige. Austin N.. Shelby. Mich.
Wolfe. Lawrence L., Detroit, Mich.
Schneider Harold M. (Corp.), Benton Har
bor, Mich.
Sund. Berat (Corp.). Wendall, Minn.
Brusjgeman. William H . Fairfax, Minn.
Holt John, Clltherall, Minn.
LeBuda, Emit, Sauk Rapids, Minn.
Salmonson. Alfred B.. Redwing, Minn.
Weagel, Ralph J.. Minneapolis, Minn.
Webb. Benton. Elmont Mo.
timer. Glen D.. Hopkins. Mo.
Branam. Barney, St. Louis, Mo.
Kelllng. William (Corp.), Hardy, Neb.
Phillips, John T.. Omaha. Neb.
New York,
O'Brien, Thos. A. (Capt), New York.
Pueh. Harold R. (Lieut), New Brighton,
8. I., New York.
Smith, Robert H. (Sgt), West New York.
Connell, Luther C (Corp.), Onoda-Ga, N. Y.
Drumgodl, Jas. (Corp. . White Plains. N. r.
Naborsky, Niklfore (Corp.), New York.
Slednehaits, George (Corp.), New York.
Stlckney Ray W. (Corp.), Governor, N. Y.
Hoffmeister. BenJ. J. (Corp.), lasalle, . Y.
Keegan, Mike (Corp.), New York.
Klnkel. Walter J. (Corp.), Brooklyn. N. Y.
Samuels, Saul (Corp.), Brooklyn N. Y.
Conway, Frank, New York.
Grelvesky. Daniel. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Hughes, John. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Lashiwer, Hyman. Collegepoint N. Y.
Sheridan. Edward C, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Small. Charles W.. Elmlra, N. Y.
Whelan. Michael F, New York.
Wilt. Max Milliam. Buffalo, N. Y.
New Jersey.
Blue. Kenneth V. (Lieut.), Newark, N. J.
Whitesell. Jas. D. (Corp.), Elizabeth. N. J.
Martin. Anthony (Corp.), Camden, N. J..
Varney, Armand F-, Newark, N. J.
Hanley, James W.. Hoboken, N. J.
North Carolina.
RIggs. Robert H. (Lieut). Dobson. "N. C.
Wlnslow. Clennle, Cora Pcake, N. C.
Norrls. John. Jackson. N. C.
Huggins. Reid T.. Worth. N. C.
Hill. Benjamin. Bramfell, W. Va.
North Dakota.
Webb. Henry L. (Corp.), Townsend, N. D,
Fry, Walter N.. Stanpede, N. D.
Sec rest Carl B. (Corp.), Caldwell, O.
McCartney. Clarence G. (Corp.). Flndtay, O.
Saunnler, Harry L. (Corp.), Alliance. O.
Stedwell. Roland A. (Corp.), Carbon Hill, O.
Harris, Gus (Corp.), Lisbon, O.
Korzenbern. Fred W. (Corp.), Newark, O.
Dickey, George N.. Cadiz, O.
Smith, Jacob P., Ottovllle, O.
nialone. Harold. Patrio. O.
Hegolan, Christ. Grandin. Mo.
Caldwell. Jno. D. (Sgt). Waynesburg. Pa.
Dtgherty. Patrick (Corn.). Fayette City, Pa.
McGrath. Jos. A. (Corp.), Philadelphia, Pa.
Savello. Walter (Bugler), Pittsburg. Pa.
Knlss, Edw. W. (Cook), Draversburg, Pa
Bedding, John J, Reading, Pa.
Tumzak, Stanislaw. Scranton, Pa.
King. Thomas E., Washington, Pa.
Kozacyzk. Wasy. Altoona. Pa.
Lewis. Joseph. Philadelphia, Pa.
LoJoskl. Joseph, Pittsburg, Pa.
Miller. George M., Statecollege. Pa.
Munkagard, Chester H., Warren, Pa.
Myers, Sydney George, Myerstown, Pa.
Slekla, Mike, Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Smith, Irwin D.. Newcastle, Pa.
WIngard. Robert L., Homestead, Pa.
Witchosky, Joseph F., Burdine, Pa.
Rhode Island.
Blanchard, Eugene, Woonsocket, R. I.
Silvia, Joseph V., Mlddletown, R. I.
Sooth Carolina.
Turner, David (Sgt). Union. S. C.
Hinds, Arthur J. (Corp.), Nashville, Tenn.
Hall, Jesse F., Marble City, Tenn.
Ogle, Samuel A., Saymour, Tenn.
Boyd, Lake C, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Hayes, Irs P. (Corp.), Liberty Hill, Tex.
Lowry. Ed (Corp.). Guaz. Tex.
Wiebusch. Wm. M. (Corp.), Somervllle, Tex.
Tidwell, Roy A., Illinois Bend, Tex.
Donley. Arcadlo. Austin, Tex.
Keele, William H., Coillnsville, Tex.
Chipman, James W South Salt Lake City.
Whedbee. Johnnie H. (Sgt). Buffolk. Vs.
Bryant, Harry J., Madison Heights, Va.
Hooper, Bledsoe B., Williamsburg, Va.
Owens. Shirley A., Norfolk. Va.
Thompson. Austin, Levingston. Va.
Whitecarver, William Robert, Salem. Va.
West Virginia.
McConkey, Andrew H., Grafton, W. Va.
Rabensteln, Carl (Corp.), Neilsvllle, Wis.
Carlson, Elmer R. (Corp.), Peshtigo, Wis.
Floo. Louis (Corp.). Eland, Wis.
Bergmann, Fred, Watertown, Wis,
Johns, Herman Edward, LaCrosse, Wis.
Wellner, Louis. Marshfield, Wis.
Hanson, Carl A., Taylor, Wis.
District of Columbia.
Weaver, Charles S., Washington. D. C
MancinI, Eugeno (Corp.), Corlnalda Prov
ince Ancona. Italy.
Johnson, Carl P., Bonhobl Dalsland, Sweden.
Long. Frank W. (Lieut), St Louis, Mo.
Pinion, Lillard (Sgt.). Osborn. Mo.
Connecticut. '
Isele. Theodore, Bristol, Conn.
Vernattl. W. (Corp ). Granite City. 111.
Harrington. Leroy. YpsilantI, Mich.
Edmlnston, Carl K., Tow Harbors, Minn.
New York.
Demann, George M., Bingbamton, N. Y.
Volz. Fred. Buffalo. N. Y.
Black. Homer, Lexington. Okla.
Rattlsta. Ermlndo, Philadelphia, Fa.
Evans, Ed wart T., Plymouth, Pa.
Weer, Milton It.. Philadelphia, Pa.
Miller Dallas C. (Corp.). Waltsburg, Wash. ,
Eppert George Lewis. Coal Bluff, Ind.
Brown, Percy C. (Lieut.). Pontlac, Mich.
Wigham, Claud C. Miliey. Ala.
Smith,. Joe F Russellvillc. Ark. .
California. - .
Peters, G. A. (Sjt-Mjr.). San Rafael, Calif.
Sutton, Joslah W., Soutlierland, Fla.
Luster, Charles (Sgt), Harrisburg. IIL
Schawader, Charles. Bloomington, III.
Schmleg, George, Durochor, 111.
s Iowa.
Dudney, Jossirus. Turo, la.
Moline. Ross E., Jessup. Ia.
Stepmyre, Votas S.. North English, la.
Reeh, Joseph M. (Corp.), Beardsley, Kan.
McGriff, James E., Liberal, Kan
Rowland. Arthur E. (Cook), Princeton, Ky.
Richardson. John, Colson, Ky.
Snowden, David, Kimball, Ky.
Dalley. William G., Cambridse, Md.
Whitney, Albert I... Spencer, Mssa
Robinson, Farley (Corp.). Clayton, Miss.
Dryer. Alva I., Urbana, Mo.
Gallagher, Terrence J.. St Louis, Mo.
Mott, Joseph, Amity, mo.
New York .
Evanston. Lars, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Luneberg, William, Astoria, L. I., N. Y.
Richardson. Charles R.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Whltlock, Rex Hugh, Great Valley, N. Y.
North Carolina.
Surratt, James R-, Newsom. X. C.
Olson, Henry L., Langberg, x. v.
. Ohio.
Gilts, Dan, Paudlng Co., Ohio.
Lenzl, Antonio. Jefferson Co., O.
Rappold, Richard c cieveianu, w.
Wilson, Adam, Ironton. O.
Geake. Thomas R.. Bangor, Pa.
Somma, Ralph, Philadelphia. Pa.
Uouthowski. Anthony, cnester. rm.
routn Carolina. i
Stinson, Alexander, jr., (.nester, o. j.
Milllran. Robert. Vance. S. C.
cvafu Pearly. Union. S. C.
.Nance, George, Anderson. 6. C.
Lewis, John A. (Sgt.), cutty, Tenn.
Miles. Joseph. Dllworth. Tex.
Ridleyj, Johnnie C, Pope, Va,
West Virginia,
Kelley. James W.. Harrisvllle. W. Va.
Smoczyk, Peter (Corp.), Stanley, Wis.
Mnllnm. .Tames TO.. Rushoit Wis.
Khyner, Leonard W., Monticello, Wis.
Courtney, Helens J?f(Nurse), Cork County,
Shodlo. Batista, Angera Per Capronna Jago
Maggloro, Italy.
Lockhart, Zeb (Corp.), Clanton, Ala.
Cummings, dgeworth, loa Angeles, cal.
Morris, Raymond Arthur, Wheatridge, Colo.
Madeira, John P., Colorado Springs, Colo,
Sudrow, Frederick W., Bridgeport, Conn.
Florida. , ,
Magulre, Daniel F. (Mjr.), Pensacola, Fla,
Rice, Ralph, Huching. Ga.
Illinois. .
Garrlty, John B. (Corp.). Milan. 111.
Mishler, Carl E., Pearl City, 111.
Brown, Richard, Chicago, III.
Berry, Edward, Rockford, III.
Phee. William J., Chicago, III.
Rohlfs, Harm, Lincoln, 111.
Ziemann, August H., Chicago, 111.
. Indiana.
Hargrave. Harry H. (Sgt), Ft. Wayne. Ind.
Phillips, Harry D. (Sgt), Bedford, Ind.
Hawk. Arnold E., ColumDia city, ma.
Herthel. George. Palmyra. Ind.
Webster, Carl Harrison, Clinton. Ind.
Sleezer. Rex M. (Sgt), Cherokee. Ia.
Fletcher, Rolland (Sgt). Marshalltown. Ia.
Buchanan. Stewart. Norway, I a.
Cervine. Oswald C. Fort Dodge. Ia.
Boughton, Archie H.. Danville, Ja.
Marley, Thomas F-. Wlnterset. Ia.
Thompson. C. P., Webster City. Ia,
Dlght, William P., urove city, ia.
Scovel, Ray, Llbertyville. Ia.
Grlnstead, Louis R., Cantrii, Ia.
Lorenz, Ira Vlrgle (Sgt), Burroak, Kan.
Travis, John M., Minneapolis, Kan.
Plnkaton, Albert Leslie. St Joseph, Ky.
Breaux, Dassas (Sgt). Lockport, La.
Pezzo, Thomas, New Orleans, La.
Schultz, Edward (Corp.), Peabody. Mass. "
Siebert, Ernest T. (Corp.), Newton, Mass.
Hayden. Wm. J. (Corp.). Chicopee. Mass.
Zukackes, Caslmeres, Worcester. Mass.
Reilly, James, Brookline, Mass.
Howard, Lester N-, North Dighton, Mass.
Fortune. Joseph, Whlttemnre, Mich.
Griffin, Eugene J., Boyno City. Mich.
Carney. Harry J.. Sharon, Mich.
Rcill. Edwin E., Ann Aroor, .alien.
Ttnrteck. .Tosenh P.. Lttllo Falls. Minn.
Smith, Walker P., S. Minneapolis. Minn.
Laramy, William W.. St Paul. Minn.
Berkley, Henry W. (Corp.). Red Banks, Miss.
Bergman, Wm. 71. (Corp.).. St Joseph, Mo.
Melecek. Joseph Michael, St. Louis. Mo.
Evans. William F., Kansas City. Mo.
Grotsch, Martin (Sgt.), s. Sioux City, Nco.
New York .
Murphy. Michael J. (Sgt.). Brooklyn. N. Y.
Batchelor. Peter (Corp.). Brooklyn. N. Y.
Petlak, Stephen, Brooklyn, N. V.
Haggerty. Thomas F., New York.
Wills. Edward J.. Brooklyn, N. i.
Yaeger, Adolph C.. Buffalo. N. Y.
Savlano, Silvio, New York.
New Jersey.
Drazdlnsee, Joseph M., Paterpon, N. J.
Reran. Leo. J.. Jersey City. N. J.
Ryan, William J.. Jersey City. N. J.
New Hampshire.
Holmes, Chester W.. Dover, N". H.
Showalter, John E. Lt). Kansas. O.
Keesey, Harry 11., Dennlson, O.
Florea, Alexander. Alliance. O.
Black. Alfred L., Martins Ferry. O.
I'ayton, Jasper, Rushtown, O.
Monkrcs. William (Corp.). Shawnee. Okla.
rooler. Irl A.. Cement, Okla.
Woods, George, MeAIester, Okla.
Smith, Frank S., Prague. Okla.
Wellman, Herman W. (Corp.), Gsanlte, Okla.
Gold, Harry, Canton. Okla.
Moore, Charles C. (Lt). Knox. Pa.
Dougherty, Joseph J.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Kettelberger. Chas. W Philadelphia. Ps,
Kindberg. Gustof A.. Ludlow, Pa.
Kelly, Edward, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hall, Paul L . Juniata. Pa.
Noon, John P., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Perry, Samuel, New Castle. Pa.
Sierakoskl. Frank. Pottsvllle. Pa.
Walters, Frederick W., Rankin. Pa.
Stungls, Peter P.. Simpson. Pa.
Krushy. Robert M., Philadelphia, Pa.
South Carolina.
Powell, Harry M. (Corp.), Seneca, S. C.
Gaines, William C. Fair Play, S. C. -
South Dakota.
Hanson, Herbert I., Kloux Falls, S. D.
Zogg, Floraln F. (Sgt), Orchard, Tex.
Hill. Walter B Agleton. Tex..
McHanson, James L.. Denison, Tex.
Manis, Claud G., Alvarado, Tex.
McCoy, Cla'uds (Sgt.), Portsmouth. Va,
Schlueter. Edwin F. (Corp.). Watertown, Wis.
Ross. Lorfn Earnest, Delavan, Wis.
Kunltz, Mitchell Leslie. Watertown. Wis.
Martello, Joseph, Prov. DI Cantanzaro, Italy. I
Houston, Wallace, Clayton, Ala.
Hausman, Herbert, San Simon, Ariz.
Coy, Sherman, Okean, Ark.
Knight. Garland A.. Hot Springs, Ark.
Monley. Joseph, Leadhill, Ark,
May. Harry J., Earl. Ark.
Brandon, Thomas K, Squire CUnn via San
Bernardino, Cal.
Lang. Raymond J.. Los Angeles. Cal.
Tastes like some fine
blend of coffee but.
conta ins no' caffe i ne'
The unusually attractive taste of
m akes many people prefer it
to coffee.
And you can make each cup
strong or mild just as you
wish by varying the amount
of Instant Postum .used per
A Trial Is Convincing.
There's: a Reason"
Morrison, Lewis R. (Lt), Denver. Colo.
Seamon, Theodore H. (Corp.), Lamar, Colo.
Hubbell, Jas. F, Jr., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Klesler, Anton G., West Cliff. Colo.
Babcock. Leslie (Lt), New Haven. Conn.
Piazza, Edward (Sergt), New Haven, Conn.
Boneslo, Frank T., Avon, Conn.
... , Florida.
Mitchell, Jack J., N. Petersburg, Fla.
Malone. Bryant (CorpTIontlcello, Ga.
McKnight. Wm. T (Cook), Greenbush, Ga.
Stringer, Colonel H.. Jlurrayvllie, Ga.
Keene. Oliver W. (Set). Bloomington, HL
Mcintosh, Donald J. (Sergt.), Chicago. 111.
Seroggins. Archie (Corp.), Cornland, 111.
Wenpejle, Edward D. (Corp.), Chicago, 111.
Golik, John (Corp.), Chicago, III.
-oui.iieii, jotm A.. Lamoille. 111.
Clnkus, Stanley. Chicago, 111.
Brown, Joe. Chicago, 111.
Fitch, Meivin A., Chicago, 111.
Havener, Tenjus, Robert, III.
Jackson. Roy L.. Stone Fort, 111.
Kacinskl. Vincent H., Cicero. III.
Leavell, Samuel E., Junction, 111.
Phillips, Everette H.. St. Joseph, 111.
Lundin, Richard Oscar, Rockford. 111.
Michaels, Peter G., Chicago, 111.
Koester, James, Chicago, III.
, Indiana.
Ryan, Roy (Corn.). Crt Tnr!
Russell, John, Valparaiso, Ind.
Downham, Lixie, Eiuood, Ind.
Hendrick, Louis, Greencastle. Ind.
Peterson, Emll (Corp.), Britt. Ia.
Dryer, George, Guttenburg. Ia.
Earhart, Wayne L., Clarinda, la.
Holets, John J., West Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Buell. William C, Lyons. Ia.
Myers, Ethel, Vinton, la.
Bolio, Lee, Carson, Ia.
Rutledge, Ralph A.. Sharpsburg,' Iowa.
Rummer. Chester A. (Corp.). Wichita. Kan.
Scott, William Anthony, Wuenomo, Kan.
Hover, Henry W.. Marvsville. Kan
McKinney. William. Independence, Kan.
Monney, F. w Blue Mound. Kan.
Smith, H. E., Prescott. Kan.
Stirkrod, Eli O. (Cook). Independence, Ky.
Keeton, Ben, West Vanlear. Ky.
Louisiana. -
Peterson, G. W... Homer. La. 1
Lesaard, Walter G. (Sergt), Skowhegan, Me.
Wilson, William M. (Corp.). Gilmore, Md.
lloneycutt, Edward. Baltimore. Md.
M HHsach nsei i s.
Bernstein. Max (Lt), Somerville. Mass.
Zely, E. D. (Lt.). Dorchester, M.iss.
McCarthy, William J.. South Boston. Mass.
.-zuka, .Michael (Corp.). Ipswich, Mass,
Osgood. I. E.. Lowell. Mass.
Bourdon. Vincent Francis, Fall River, Mass,
King, George Anson. Pigeon. Mich.
Mainville, Henry, Alpenn. Mich.
Belts. Daniel R.. Shephavd. Mich.
Onella, Joseph, Saginaw. Mich.
Leighton, Lorain Madison Lake, Minn.
Chlldcrs, Dave A., Ripley, Miss.
Slay, Sam II, Waynesboro. Miss.
Farrar. Lynn W. (Lt.). Braymer, Mo.
uye, jiarry Itockvllle, Mo.
Aye. Edward H., St Louis, Mo.
Riddle., Nathan .1., rrotetn. Mo.
McCall, Lawrence B.. Tarkio, Mo.
Jackson, Otcar A. (Sgt). Sprlngview, Neb.
Pierce, It. s, Juniata. Neb.
Reefe. J. J.. Royal, Neh.
Fellows, George, Amherst, Neb.
New York.
Allen Jos. IT.. Jr. (Sgt.). N. Syracuse, N. '
Chartier. Ferd. K. (Sgt.), Syracuse N. Y.
Cook, Irving J. (CorD.). Patterson. N. Y.
Delsoldato. Phil (Corp.). White Plains. N. Y.
Hartung, Edward (Corp.), Brooklyn, N. T,
Itusso. Ralph Joseph (Corp.), Brooklyn. N. Y
Kizzuto. JoHeph (Corp.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Engels, Artliur (Wag.), New'York.
Walker. James, Pl:ittsburg. N. V.
Antoniello, Frank, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Arnold, Albert J., White riains. N. Y.
Bureh. Frederick t The Glen, N. Y.
Chisok, Joseph, Binghamton. N. Y.
Decker, Alfred George. New York.
Cooley, George S., Carthage, N. Y.
Kensy, Philip. Buffalo, N. Y.
Lorelll, Peter, Now York. N. Y.
McDermott, Fred G., Rochester, X. Y.
Schlow. Michael S.. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Schurter. George, St James, N. Y.
Bimmer, Charles II.. Jamestown, N. Y.
Nadler. Abraham, New York.
Tabb, Lenn, New York.
Jensen. Cris H.. Pennyan, X. Y.
Manclel, Saul, New York.
Machata. Frank, Long Island City, X. Y.
Welch, Bernard. Brooklyn, N. Y. '
McGuire. Harry. Tuckahee, X. Y.
Coons, Clarence E.. Rensselaer. X. Y.
Noskowlak. T. X.. Schenectady, X. Y.
Odonnell, J. p., Brooklyn, N. Y.
I'agc, R. M., Binghamton. X. Y.
Itubenstein, Meyer, New York. .
Kasa, Joseph, Jr.. Long Island City, X. T.
Zaccone, John James. New York.
New Jersey.
Fainer, Barney F. (Corp.), Jersey City, N. J,
Smith, George F. (Cook), Elizabeth, X. J.
Meyer. August. Jr., West Hoboken. X. J.
Mallnowskl. Charles. Jersey City, X. J.
Adderly, Samuel. West New York, X. J.
Sweeney, W. It.. Newark, N. J.
New Hampshire.
Hubbard. Bertrum. West Lecanow, X. H.
Baker, James P.. Ashland. X. H.
New Mexico.
McXutt Gilbert, Albuquerque. X. M.
North Carolina.
Poe, Edward J., Jr. (Corp.). Woodleaf, X. C.
Ahee. Thornwell X.. Morganton, N. C.
Bolten, Ed, Elon College. N. C.
North Dukota.
Pack. J. Wr., Longbtrg. N. D.
Heaton, Lewis L.. Perth, N. D.
Monk, Benj., Augusta, O.
Poulson, L. E.. Warren. O.
Oher, Leo P., Cincinnati. O.
Albert. Nathan, Akron, O.
Lewis, Karl, Lorain, O.
Russell, Paris O. (Corp.), Idahell. Okla.
Sulllns. Monte X. (Corp.), Stidham, Okla,
Hamlin, James, Qutnton, Okla.
Fry. Clarence Q-. Broken Bow, Okla.
Gains 28. Pounds After
Taking Tanlac and His
Troubles End.
"Two years ago," said J. B. Carter, of
1438 Kast 6th street North, Portland,
Oregon, recently, "I balanced tho ecalea
at one hundred and ninety-eight pounds
and was aboirt as good a man physical
ly as most men my age. Then I began
suffering with what was called dlabetts,
and being told that I could never get
well I worried so much that I became
almost a nervous wreck. My stomach
got in such a bad fix that I could hard
ly eat anything and, having to live on a
diet consisting mostly of milk and the
very lightest of foods. I kept losing
weight and going down hill. My udm-
tite left me entirely and my stomach
was so upset that I could hardly re
tain a thing I did cat. Sharp pains
would ahoot through my back in the
region of my kidneys, and sometimes
these pains would strike me in my
sleep at night and cause me to almost
Jump out of bed. and I hardly ever
slept more than an hour at a time. 1
had awful night sweat and would get
u-p in the mornings so weak that I
could hardly stand up. My skin had a
yellowish look even the whites of my
eyes were yellow and my whole body
looked as though I' might have jaun
dice. I was also dreadfully consti
pated and frequently "suffered from
headache. 1 spent hundreds of dollars
for treatment and medicines but noth
ing did me any good and I had ubout
concluded that they were right when
they told me I could never get well.
"I fell off in weight until I was Just
a shadow of what 7. used to be, mv
energy had about all left mo and I trteil
to keep busy doing something in order
to divert my mind from my troubles, us
I worried so much, especially after I
got the Idea that my condition was so
serious. My wife had been taking
Tanlac with such fine results that t
made up my mind to seo if it would
help me. When I began taking it t
only weighed one hundred and forty
four pounds and, to show you bow it H
building me up, I now weigli one liun
'drcd and seventy-two pounds have
gained twenty-eight pounds and have
just finished my fifth bottle. At this
rate I will soon regain all I lost while,
sick. I am now eating just anything I
want and nothing hurts mo any more.
By taking tho Taniao Tablets in con
nection with the Tanlac I have been
relieved of constipation and headache.
In fact all my pain and suffering is
over now tnd I sleep as found ns a
dollar every night. I am brimful of
new life and eno-gy and am putting iii
full time every day at my work. t
simply feci like I havo bcon given a
new lease on lifo and 1 certainly do
feel thankful for what Tanlac lias done
for me. My friends and neighbors
often speak ot how much Improved I
look. Besides doing fo much for my
self and wife, it has been the making
of our young son, who w.ts very badly
run down and needed something to
build him tip. We are just like b dif
ferent family and must say Tanlac Is
absolutely all right. We can't pralso
it too highly.
Taniao Is sold in .' jrtlanil by tho
Owl Drug Co. v 'v.
Lewis, Miller, Sylvian, Okia.
Savage, James A., McAllister. Okln.
Aaee, Leslie C. (Corp.), 1'orLer, okla.
Kiott, L. K., Hydro, okla.
Glasgow, Lloyd M., Enid. Okla.
Anderson, Reid Win. (Sst.). Warren, l';i.
MdSvoy, Robert M. lPfft.1, lmeiister. Ia.
(Concluded on 1'hko II.)"
New Perkins Hotel
Fifth and Washington Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
One person $1.00
Two persons $1.50
More if you wish to pay.
Very moderate permanent rates.
. "Sr.". "
5 V-'
&!t iJs-.f..-r-aXt,-
I Know Where to Release the
Dr. Margaret Haynie
Expert Diagnostician
517 Swetland Building
Main 1765
Made With Pure Wheat Flour
J - a Nip cold is the bud: fr
J ;JU qalck.t war to lr "I