TIIE 3X0 BXIXG OKEGOXIAX, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1918. 13 HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WAJITID FEMALE. WAITED BY KERRY TIMBER CO. . HERAT. OR. Wood bucks. Wood splui.ra. Cbutri. Choacr set term. HiciriDff men. U4l:r. nftDcr. becond falicr. Tnr. sets of fallera. Thre. section men. Two pit men. C1I at i'S X. 2d and we will advance vour fare. Xo epidemic of lnflueua la Ult cam pa. Government Bra'. Paid Report to the Kerry. Timber Co.. Kerry. Or. or call a: i-s Xorth ad street for f urtner Information. Train leave Aorta nana uepot 7;l.i A. M. " ATTK-STIONi CJCCLK bAM WANTS EVERY Man at his port. Tour very beat effort la the place yon wrm oen iiiiea to till la your only as. ceptable acawar. The T. U. c. A. Employment and Ad Vlanr. rra et rwmw . I - ... I.i:. . n ), . tncle 8am by aivlnc you Juat the rlht I WANTED Cash sirle and saleswomen fi advice la thia crisis. It cel. you in the I Klove, ribbon and art department. App YOCJfQ LADIES WANTED PERMANENT POSITIONS.. NO EXPERIENCE! NECESSARY. GOOD SALARY TO START. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. INTERESTING WORK. CALL. AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM SOL SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK ST& WANTED UiHI.S BKTWEKN THE AC.K3 OF IS TO 2S TO OPERATE POWCK HEWING MACHINES AND DO GENERAL FACTORY WORK. EXPERIENCED ClKLd PREFERRED. THyUC.H OTHERS WILL, BE CONSIDERED. APPI,Y AMES. HARK1A NEVILLE BAG FACTORY. S! HOlT ST. EDCCATIOTfAL. largest place you are able to fill euc- wsaiuiiy. Tbia la the ereateet annortunltv In his tory for a well-advised re-adjustment of tour occupation. Today tn. mlddie-asea isn can "come tack." Those who answer thla ad this week pre (uarauteed complete satisfaction or refund of fee. Don't miss thla modern, scientific, and thoroughly businesslike way of securing a satisfactory position. Pbone Mala 8700. A 658L Call at once person If possible. WHY NOT NOWT HEX NOT ENGAGED IN ESSENTIAL WAR WORK SHOULD APPLY AT WEST LINN FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ON MILL WALK. ACROSS BRIDGE FROM OREGON CITT. BEST S5c MEAL; CLEAN BEDS loo NIGHT AND CP IF DESIRED. WAGES 2c UH, 8-HR. DAY. DON'T WAIT TO WRITE. COME. JOB WAITING FOR YOC. after lo:;;o A. M.. Roberts liros.. and Morrison sts. for ply Third LADY can make $1 an hour during spare time; no experience needed, inlque lau oring Co. 104 4th at. A a It for Mlaa Gaff ney. LADY aolicitor. no selling;, simply coVimis- sion, to snow goods, s. per day. - on each resulting sale. Call 110 Grand ave. Monday. GlltLS wanted, steady work, good position, good pay. Apply In person. laKe rtose City Park car to 21st St. Crystal Laun' dry Co. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Kood woman to do cleaning, steady worlc Smith Hotel Co.. Congress Hotel. under new management. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework; one fronu the country pre d. I'hone East 2300. or address 4u; 1 erred. Hassalo St.. city. COLORED airl or woman with citv refer' encea, care or nome for business lady; good p:ace for riKht party. Hansen a employ nient Co.. Z-t Washington st. WANTED An experienced marker and sort- or In finished department; steady position l . ts. Laundry Co.. Ju t.rana avo. A CHRISTIAN and respectable middle-aged widow for huu&ekeeuiiig; relercncea. iij 7o. ttregnnlnn. G1KLS wanted; steady employment at good wages. Apply iroy aunury Co.. i. iota and Pine. sta. WANTED Fallere country. ma paid. Wilson dependeace, Railroad. tiara tr t...i.. n- .nod I ANY girl In need of a friend ap I.,. V5Jie?m.T i.es Salvation Army Kescue Home, aximum Government wages i lf . -,,, wamt ion 9 Br-. Logging Company, m. I -5th st. N.. or phone East K8. WJii:toi Take O. st W. ITVV'O waitresses. Eugene: chambermaids. . J I cooks, waitress, bus girls, general house- f I work. city. Hansen a. 327 Wash st. pply to the 3-4 COS! ttENSIJiLE. elderly wom-n, to work In room ing it o use. Pioneer K corns, Marshfield, Or. WANTED FOR MILL m N K A R w PORTUKD. LUMBER FILERS. CAK LOADKH.S. APPLY 117 lEu.N BLDG. YOU re-td work. WIS need men. Ktght hours work. west Linn mtli lr -muioy- tnent office: mill walk across bridge. Ore- con Ciiy; 0e laxe Portland, can coma without waiting;. Job asuured If you are ole to do fair days work. Jf deal re a. can get best eats 35c at West Linn Inn. Clean beds. lOc night and up. II not now doing essential war work, come V A XTED Waitress; must be experienced good wages, room and board. Mallor) Hotel, 171 Lownsdale. BAG SEWERS wanted. Apply 84 First sU X, I WOMAN cook wanted for country hotel; no Germans need apply, fnons 3111. Commer rial Hotel, Washougat, Waah. WANTED Chambermaid ; references re quired. Apply fcU Helen's Hall, 13th and Hall ft. M1UDLK-AGED lady to do chamber work in small notei in exenauge lor nuoanat ni own board end room. &-1 Favter. f AI.ESilEN Two mea for a Portland sales force. Our business requires men of good averare intelligence, enrrrv. SDUnk and enthusiasm; perm orient position, paying a I gALKLADT for grocery store. Kxpertenca WANTED Toung lady to do printing and finishing: mast d experiencea in portrait work. Portland wtudio. oiu Aiacieay piag. It be- ral saiary and commission, which Improved by war's cessation snd the re turn lo normal times, where people use care and caution tn spending their mony ana armana quality ana vsiue. ppty ; Jewel T c o.. Inc., 31 K Urand ave. required. Alust be rapid and accurate, Plana permanent. 08 K. Broadway. WANT ! I.ady for dark room work, care. 7, Oresjonian. HIGH school and Reed College students I looKing tor paper routes during tne com- i Ing scheol year will do well by applying te itoom ureconlan Did-., at ones. WANTED MEN. AT ONCE, IX nit; HlKi PRACTICAL tSCHOOU to learv to operate and repair auto- mobiles, tractors aud trucks specialty, day and night classes. Students can enter at tnv time. Call or write Hemphill's Trade Schools. SIIA'KRSMITH. for work in tfaa Francisco; must be first -class, letter of application ta give experience, salary expected and sucu otner detans aa win asrusc in lorni- lng jud ment of ability. till re ve ex Co., San r'rwOcisco. CK.VEBAL. office position In town in East ern Washington of Shw. shorthand not nwsnary, sutte age, nationality, whether I mamed or single, ex perience, whether single or double entry bowks, tialary, u. a regonia n. U1.T OF A JOB? 25 WANTED. Ircarn how te rile puIp. Iay work only. Wages 4Jc. II hours' work. West l.lnn Free Eoployment Office, acro bridge rrom Oregon i liy. VAN TED Uookkeeper, must understand opening ana closing dooms; state age. ex perlence and salary expected. Answer K 63a. oregonisn. U (ilKS to work in novelty postcard studio. Penny Arcade. "J6 N. ,'!. W an I ed lo ni est ice. HIGH school girl wanted to assist with house work; will pay small wage. Alar, a 126, evenings. WANTUD Young W'man between 30 and 4 to di upstairs work and take care of twe children. Telephone Uaat 6005. WANTED CJIri to do cooking and general housework.; small House; gooa wages, .least T;!. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; small house, small Tamil 't K. lWth at. X. Phone East 2U. WOMAN for housework; good home, easy work, no washing. Apply at wflMJfe uroad way. THE FINISHING SCHOOL is the title, be cause pupils who have devoted a to 6 months at a Jiuslness College or High School require a FINISH. None write without looking at their pencil, crooked fingers, and write like a rabbit tats, whereas eyes and ears should be used on the speaker. Typewriting shorthand notes direct on any make of machine does away with shorthand, and New Zealand adopts it, lor what Ihat country -thinks t day America things tomorrow, and Fn land a year after. Only qualified sU-no rap hers use the blind ringer system, the rest are amateurs and are worth on their salt. The Finishing School .1 al a. BKOIN.VER'H school, and teaches ill on montti what other systems take three months or longer. Parents consider the cost for clothing, food and dress whilst de voting three months to study. In less than cne week our pupils are reportin slow utterances, and in one month ar able to compete against the 3-month's pu nil - a hnllnirf nf 110ft la nnen. Bad SDCll ins la cured. The memory Improved. Prof Norton, Principal, a retired reporter in the British House of Lords and Commons and High Courts for 17 years. Address 6G 6th st. FOB REM. BC8INES3 OP PORT UNITIES. Furnished Itooms. A Moderate-r-rlcca Hotel at Hex It. HOTEL. CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Dally rates, 91 up; two la woo m. 11.50; weekly rates, $5.00 and up. WELL-ESTABLISHED trade journals, one or National circulation, other largely con fined to Pacific Coast: laree advertisini patronage, highest standing, splendid prospects; Al opportunity, estabiisaea, well-Davine business. Suitable one oi more men with accessary capital. AV -38, Oregonfan. STTVATIONS WANTED MALE. a v T k R achool hour from 4 until 12 P. M by reliable youijff man 18 years of age, some etore experience, wuims kind of job. Address 442 E. 8th Hi. X. Portland. Or. LIVE salesman. 37. with Ford: good book keener and office man: 1.0 years' business experience. Might buy part Interest in business. C 6S4, Oregonian. position of trust by ar accountant; years' experience as head bookkeeper. credit man and office manager big de partment store. Q fi.-t, oregonian. ripinip. snr-apH r vAuns man want steady employment from 2 to 6 o'clock, Competent electrician, salesman and we chanic Tabor 4tws. WANTED Any kind of heavy hauling-. Have 6 big gravel trucks. Signal Truck Ing Co.. yakiina, wasn. MIDDLE-AGED man, qualified for manag ing sawmill or logging camp, wants potd tlon uee. i. tsox ncenpm i, tip vrr wants nonition. chamber or port' er work; have gooa experience. aj oioi Ore g on i an. WANTED Situation as Janitor or other work in apartment house. V io. urego nian. EXPERIENCED lumberman wishes position a. mill, car or cargo tallyman; uest oi refprences. J. tt. Moseiy, general uei. COMPETENT driver; years experience aire :.4 single, wisnes position : private references. Mr. Wray. Call Columbia 34. 'I. JOB driving truck in city, competent man, sober snd steady, rnone a jem. PAINTING and tinting; good work, done reasonable. Phone jviain ve.u. TKI'CIv driver, experienced in all lines. Ad dress or can vu. ?. tu. qju. MAN with 3-ton truck wants job. East 7904. CARPENTER, Al mechanic wants any bind repairing or new woric. fnone nawy. Pw. JAXITOK, experienced, references. Wain WANTED To learn operation of moving picture machine, rt :.. uregonian. WANTED Work for 3-ton Packard truck. Call Tabor mis. PAINTING, paperhanging, timing; day or contract. Phono J-ast r.;. CAN1YMAKER wishes position for the holidays. AN" bum, uregonan. CARPENTER. Job work, store fronts and tlx tares a specialty. rnone i a nor ;nn. Bookkeepers, htnographera. Office. KVPMRIBN'CL'D bookkeeoer. some know edge of Btenograptiy, aesires position re quiring one-half or part of time. Good references. Phone Marshall 4 J til'. T 700. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, accountant. 20 years lum ber and mining experience, open tor per manent position; go anywhere, lumber or const nicuoii yrcicueu. vv nit, vncumnpii. woman wants position, asst. book keeper, clerical work; Behnke-Walker stu dent; small salary to start. T 7-0, Oregonian. PITCATIONS WANTEIV-FEMALE. WOMAN' well educated, no business expe rience, win gi v ii me now iu Januai j daily 4:"rt to ti, clerking or similar work, lor experience; good penmon; can do some typing. V 827. Oregonian. IlXI'KUIKNCKU cook, good wages, no Jaun dry;, second fflrl kept; two adults. Jfc.ast 21o.i. WANTED Woman or girl to assist wit housework; no children.. Home phone J 14..0. GIRL, for cooking and general housework, no washing or ironing, wages sou. bsi CUfton. Marshall H.V UIKL wanted for general housework. Three grown people, very small wanning, mi Flanders at. WANTED By young couple, girl to wor for board and room ana small wagaa. lain T.'.s. Tt-'LN.. nan with some education and good I WANTED A girl to assist with general character, to ssist In office and other fr.icfi; per month and two meals. Lnive-sity CluD. - bixth W ANTED Teamsters and swaniprs for log camp: 8 hours per day; 'government seal of wage. Apply Oregon Lumber Co., lia- I kr. t-r. lAI'EKIENiED storeroom man with refer ences. Leightons Dairy Lunch, Broadway and Washington st. WANTED Boy who can drive Ford deliv ery fr grmery st Are. Jast fcide Grocery, r. puma me mi. BV corporation, citv, young man. competent tetlger ketir: simi per month; stale ref erences and experience, it J.4, Or-sgonlan. W.VNTEI Hoy with wheel, store and deliv ery. Chappcll's Floaer Shop, 347 Morri- s'n sf. C.N E experienced Janitor, familiar with t cam boiler. Smith Hotel Co., Congress iiotei.unaer new management. WANTED Office boy In lumber office; good future, APPiy JW4 t.naiuDer or Commerce. housework; no children. 381 10th st. GIKI, f.r general housework; wages, $40-$ 50, .:, letn aim oiiegn. 3iain ---. UIKL for general housework. Main A87. 68 Ella ft. good wages. GIRL for housework In family of four. Overton. Alain "J3. 6iS HOI SEKEEPEU wanted, amall family plain cooking. im. cieveiann ave. YOFN'J girl to assist with hourcwork and children; Rood wages, h.ast i.'tt.... COMPETENT girl for general housework. t;aii Fast 4So:;. WANTED Housekeeper, small family: good home, good wages. Phone Tabor lrliO. NEAT room and breakfast in exchance for hours nouseworK. .tiain ..i-.o. GIRL to assist with housework. Ing. 7&4 lveJoy. Main 47. No cook- WANTED Girl for housework, small fam liy. salary $-V Phone Mam iu?4. WANTED Flat work washer, tlry t o.t 10 Grand ave. U. S. Laun- IIEI.P WANTED MAI.f5 OR FEMALE. EOwrEFilENCED wringer man wanted. Pai- ace laundry, lut n ana fc,veretc J ottD driver wanted at Fncdman's Alarkel, I vi i am ii iM. W ANTED Bellboy. Carl ion Hotel. lielp astteilsfSaleseneBU SALESMEN to tak orders for made-to-1 order raincoats. J 14 Dekum bldg. WK are supptvinr the leading hotels, east. and cares m uregon. asiu ana inane with heln: let ui aunolv you. Lewis Lm ployment Agency, 'J2H Bumalde. EDFCATIOXAU AUTO t TRACTOR SCHOOL Adcox Auto Gas Engine School. ITnlon ave and Wasco st. Just across O.-W. It. fc N. Bridge. Call or write for HHi-pagc catalog. - WANTED AGENTS. THE Ameriran Central Life Insurance Com pany of Indianapolis, Indiana a fifty' nn.uon-dollar company wauls a umber I TAYLOR-FAITU Business College and School GREGG f-.horthund. private Instructions to a ll'iiuca it u m i"r v i frui'iia i'y m iurmr teacher m bUMinesa rolinr?; dregg certifi cate. Mrs. Marshall, WoodiaKii it44. of agenra for I'ortland. alpo for territory In Oregon and Washington. Money-mak ing contract for monry. making men. Ad dress 71 'J Pekurn building. Portland. AGENTS at once. Pell 5"e per month ho pitl tickets, ro Cor belt bldg. of Inguag, 20." Stevens bldg. Special rates to t hose who enroll Monday, Tues day and Wednesday or tnis ween. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trad free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. IIEIP WATEI -FEMALE. WANTED By young man, housekeeper and companion. Stat age. No phone, AV 1 J. oregonian. WANTED A competent woman to aerv dtning-room for hours. App.y 00i Broad wiy. laminu DUig. W ANTED W: tress at "NorioSi Hotel at iim ana Mirn. MISS DECKER'S, PRIVATE BUSINESS COl.IaEGE. Alisky bidg., :;d and Morrison. MISS MATTINjLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day. evening, $U month. 209 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8SU3. (.DK wanted in boarding-house. ii i - . Wood lawn I LA IY to wash dishes. Apply Waffle House. 1 '.'d St. PORTLAND BARB lift COLLEGE, teaches men and women the barber trade tree. Paid while learning. 234 Couch it SPANISH lesoiis. clans or private. 4 It 3 MonU gomery at. near 14th. Main 171B. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS AGENCY. Free regtst'n. 011 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. WILL tutor in English branches: special at tention given backward pupiia Broadway M:,W. WANTED Place te take care of children evenings while mother -is away; refer ences. Wood I awn 301 1. GORDON HOTEL, West Park and Yamhill, centrally located, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone in each room, eleva tor service; room with or without pri vate bath; special weekly rates to per manent guests. ' " ANSOXIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Hates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center; cattrlng especially to those desiring quiet. LARGE or single sleeping or H. K. conven iences, also single basement room in ex change for 2 hours' general housework 4io Morrison. SHOE repair shop, Vancouver, tor saie; 214 w. 8tn; average souo per montn. Ail moa ern machinery, new Champion straignt needle stitcher, good location, cheap rent Reason for selling; will sell for cash, in voice or suit buyer. O. D. Hicks. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in estanusnea real estate d us in ess. ge: aavice or fortiana Keaity uoara. , . PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. WANTED Partner with $5000. man woman of executive ability to finance stage ana tracic auto route, now estanusnea, Cash business aud has grown beyond pres em capital, o oio, oregonian. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Hotel Madras, Washington and 12th; new management; all conveniences; week ly, $4 up. " BARBERS. ATTENTION. Retiring from barber trade, sacrifice my anop in nest location in city, x-aui mem metz, eo tn st. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th. Hates 70c per day up; weekly $4 up, run ning water; free phone and baths. PARTNER wanted with about $5000 cast on very good proposition. Have agency ror state or Oregon, wnt secure money; con miss this, am 787, oregonian. H.iTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of . the East Side; modern, convenient, high J WANTED General merchandise stock; have quality, low pricy. East aa and iurnsiae. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; I steam heat; rooms large, clean. $10,000 Income city property and some cash. ..U7 titocic exchange Diag., fortiana, Oregon. Furnished Booms In Private Family. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife; also small room downstairs, wMh private entrance; furnace heat, use oi piano, home privileges. 441 , Third st. LUNCH COUNTER in live shipbuilding town, payroll of $60,000 per month, tor par oculars call 20o 4th st. BEST oavine restaurant on Washington st. a bargain for someone.. Answer quick, AM 7SMJ, oregonian. NICELY furnished , room, sleeping porch. running water, enower Data, oua vereii afreet. WE sell all kinds of barbers' supplies. Agents for Kokens barber chairs. Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. 271 Washington st. LARGE, comfortable, airy room, in private nome,- ciose in, suicaoie xor two men. 11. Trinity Place. j WILL pay cash for general merchandise stock or any part. B. ...Goldberg, 207 Stock Exchange bldg. FURNISHED room, suitable for 2 people; would furnish hoard; gentlemen prererrea. 1 4 Mj.t u.a ave. BrsrvEss oppohtitnitiepi. Hotels and Room ing-Housea. TWO desirable rooms in private family wiih I privilege or a larfte living room; snower 1 bath, can iviarsnau nou. A STEAM-HEATED room in private fam ily, w eat oiat', WH.ttt.iUK uiti.iit;w , yuuns i gentleman prererrea. iroaawey ama. NEATLY lurnished room, suitable for men; rent reasonable. 411 StarK st. xsawy. i.iou. 1 IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL e Burliness, Hotel, Rooming or Apiirtmeftl o use or any Kina, any wn are. see F. Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RE3UUT3. RITTER. LOWE & CO., gQ3-g-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ;b0'14 TH, near Jefferson, choice furnished rooms; walking distance, aiain aift!.. NICE front room suitable for two, $18 per I month. jjs w. iwtn. FINE BUY. ISO-room hotel, pressed brick bldg., rent oniy su per room; lease o years, good lo cation, all, full; $50t0 cash will handle. This the best hotel buy in Portland. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Ablngton Bldg. FOR It E NT- nice ly furnished sleeping 1 4S-IiT)OM apt. house, modern, brick; heat, rooms: men preferred. 1167 Belmont. NICE room for gentleman; pleasant sur roundings. Price $10. Last b.iu. $10 SLEEPING room. li 6th st. modern residence. I hot and cold water and janitor services in cluded in rent at $150 per month ; first class West Side location; nets over $300 Ptr month. Price $4000. GEO. T. MOOKli CO. Abington Bldg. NICE room and board, $10 per week. Call Woodlawn otilH. ....J Keech st. LARGE, neatly fur. bedroom; walking dls tance; $- per ween. 41 via st. NICELY furnished 12-room housekeeping place; corner location ; nice ana clean ; good furniture and all full; low rent. Will sell cheap this wee it. n& rit lust st. Main tjti;t. Itooms With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; waiKing uistance; ?4 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th St. SWELL 7S-room apartment-house, beaut i fully furnished, modern in every resoect. 25 apts., fine corner, brick, making fine money; s.hhm casti win nan cue. GEO. T. MOORE CO. "Abington Bldg. 2 MORRISON st cor. ISth, choice rooms and board; walking distance; modern conveniences. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SS0 10: h st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. FURNISHED hotel, 53 rooms, with large aining room;, always run; ttu steady mill and shipyard, men. w ssnington Hotel, Kay mond. Wash. THE HAZEL Clean, warm, close in, hot I water in rooms. . xnira. Haoms Willi Board in Private Fatally. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will quickly show you the best buys in Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. PLEASANT corner room, suitable for two, I 66-ROOM hotel, clearing net profit over sjou montn, rine transient location. ueo. T. Moore i'o., Ablngton bid g. special rates to married couple, two WB have some very fine buys In hotels iriis or two tfondlenieii : strictly modern home, Wef Side, close to carliue, home cooking. Phone Mar. 2781. apartment and rooming-houses, all sizes. GtiO. T. MOORE CO. Abington Bldg. TWO larire sleeuinar rooms in modern home. board if desired; cheap rates: Aioerta car to aa nouse north, iuo i-j. '-'Mn i. TWO large rooms for two in a room, with excellent boara. ni lain st. iroao- way 4-114. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-4 N. W. BANK BLDG. 19 ROOMS, rent $40. AM housekeeping; nets $1 SO month. Price $2100, some terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington Bldg. BOARD and room in private family. Good care given children to i". heaitny coun try. Phone sellwooa jimj. 18-ROOM rooming-house Hoyt st. Bdwy. 0075. 403 ANTED Two refined people to board and room. Phono East 417?. LOST AND FOUND. Furnlsh5ti Apartments. OR RENT .J connecting rooms, unfur nished, on down floor, in private home in Rose Citv. 1204 E. Broadway. Phone Ta bor fir,0. LOST In Pantages Theater during first per formance. Saturday evening, Nov. 16, one iwoy s DiacK leather purse containing lady gold watch, S,;0OO76 and small brow coin purse with about $5 in silver. Finder please can roadway 2043. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. War work Total $ 81.100 Operation of school plants Freight and dray age ....$ 7,000 Fuel 7..0O0 Fumigation 3,oo Light 6.000 Power lo.ooo Janitor salaries 152,3i0 Civic centers .: 6.0(0 Janitors' supplies 10.0UO Rent 3.2u Telephone 3,000 Water 16.000 Total Admin iat ration- Attorney's fees and litigation $ Automobiles t . . . . Census Elections Equipment and repairs Rent ....$ 296,500 n.ooo 5.000 li.r.oo 1.610 4,000 2.100 FINANCIAL. Total $ Salaries 1 Superintendent of Schools $ 1 Asst. Superintendent of Schools.. 1 Asst. Superintendent of Schools.. 1 truant officer 1 clerk and business manager 1 superintendent of properties . 1 purchasing agent 1 cashier Other employes 2 at $1500 $ 3 at $1320 4 at $1300 ; . 2 at $1200 j. 9 at $1080 2 at $160 , 1 at $000 1 at $sho 1 at $S40 , 1 at $600 Shops Storeroom Emergency '. 21,200 7,500 4, noil 3. t 1.800 . 4.500 4.000 1.800 1,800 3.000 3.160 4.200 2.400 S.720 1,020 100 8X0 840 600 4,500 3.000 3.3S0 Total .' $ CS.450 Supplies $ 0,600 Telephones 2.000 Interest n.imu Exhibits and conventions . . 2.0OO Insurance . . :,ouu Teachers' Retirement f und 34.0UU Insurance Fund 3 5.000 Contingencies . 50,000 $ 102,600 Total amount required to operate. support and maintain schools. 2,730,370 Debt Account Interest and Commission $ 37.147 Sinking Fund 50,000 Estimated Receipts State School Fund Courity School Fund County High School Tuition Fund. Delinquent Taxes,- Interest on Bank Balance Probable Cash Balance $ 608.000 To be raised by special levy to operate, support ana maintain the schools 1.862.370 87,117 00.000 444.000 J0.OO0 35.0O0 4.000 305, 0'K) LIBERTY BONDS. WE BUY AND SELL Municipal and Government bonds of all issues. CLOSE NET PRICES UPON REQUEST. . KEELER BROTHERS. Capital and Surplus $750,000. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. BONDS BOUGHT. Spot cash, also cash for payments made. Come to 7.25 Gasco bkig., 5th and Alder, or mail bonds to us; we remit return mutL, CELLARS-MURTON CO. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a lean. $82.26 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 06 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property No commission chnrged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'N.- - 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVFT) FARMS IV OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mio M ASTER, 331 U. S. NATIONAL BAN 12 BLDG., PORTLAND. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan aC lowest current rattts on Willamette Valley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. Grand total $2,730,370 To be raised by special levy for sinking tuna una inieresi on bonds in addition to the levy to operate, Fupport and maintain the schools 87,147 'Published bv order of the board of di rectors. District No. 1. Multnomah County, Oregon. Attest: J. FRANCIS DRAKE. inairman. ' R, H. THOMAS, Clerk. Dated November 8, 1918. BY two experienced, competent young wom en, offices to clean or Janitor work; best of references, if t43, oregonian. ROOM apt nearly furnished, suitable for j married couple, ror commercial court, near Russell and Kerby sis. 3 ROOMS, ground Moor, walking distance. Portnomah, 200 East 13th. $50 REWARD for return of Saxon Six. J916 model automobile. License No. 15042, mo tor io. JOK. factory No. 11645. Stol at r.ast run ana btartc Wednesday nig Communicate with W. C. Johns. Tele pnone raoor zioi or 'labor 6645. CiROVER APTS. 1 and 2 rooms, heat, light, gas, $16 up. N. S. car. LSI Grover. NEW electric vacuum cleaners for rent, $1 a day; we deliver. Alain i ;m,". LACE curtains hand laundered, called for, delivered, by experts East 6106. WANT chambermaid or Janitress work. Call Broadway 10S0. EXPERIENCED manicurist and shampooer IU come to your nome. Main 17J7. WOMAN wants work; no housework. 2703. YOUNG lady with own machine wants out- Fine worn. i o-n, nrrKonmn. LADY wants washing and ironing by day. Mar. 1121. apt. H. LADY wants housecleanlng, washing, hour, day; good, lionet. t worker, liowy. 006. YOUNG lady wants nice work a few hours evenings. Tabor 21i.. WOMAN wisiies housework for adults only. Main 7tSE. Call 10 A. M. to M. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED stenographer Willi ambition desires position with future. Can also op erate switchboard, do general office work and some bookkeeping; good references. A B R12. Oregonian. SUCCESSFUL teacher wishes position aa as sistant tmoKKeeper or clerical work. ft '-MH, Oregonian. OFFICE woman. bookkeeper and ste nographer, experienced and capable. wants position. it j-u. regonian. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity Place 3 -room apt.; no children. Marshall 083. Furnished Flats. PORTLAND HEIGHTS -rom furnished flat on carlino. $55. Call Mrs. Morton, Main 2006, forenoons or evenings LOST On Sixth steet, between Cozy Dai J-unch ana Salmon St.. solid trod ba ring. Finder pieaso notify M C. Graham, wo 3d st. Reward. i.Ohl Purse, containing cold watch an $4.45 and key, in. Pantages Theater, firs snow &at.( nignu itewara. .Bdwy. 204; iJ5 in. jrn st. Houhckeeping Kooms. ON November 11, card case containing reg istration card, railroad passes and checl on Northwestern Bank. Broadway 4500, local 2uw. jjremer. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; walking eluding 'gas ranges, electric lights, " hot LOST -Between Main and Taylor and 1 water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up. Take "S" or 16th-st. Broadway 0038. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Ref. No children. 215 11th, cor. Salmon. Main S678. and 12th. a black fur scarf. Please retu to 2.6 11th st. or phone Marsh. 25S2. Re ward HOl'SEIvEEPING rooms for rent; also room for couple, t-fcciiange xor wne s sman serv ice. 351 Stack st. LOST Two liberty bonds, third, numbered j j. oiii'wj ana raurtn uozuiA.f. xsewnai claims were taken when his bank was robbed. O. V. liobson, 583 Bidwell avi Housekeeping Booms In Private Family. I HUT mi.nina f a 1V . idn, set In diamonds. Liberal reward. Phone East 530.(. vet n rk V T Th rea con nect i n a rooms, un- fiirn shed, on down floor in private nome I ii Hot n CI t y. J 254 Id. Broadway. Phono, Tabor 860!. LOST Two silk shirts, size 14. Friday nlgli at 12 o'clock, on bench at Hawthorn bldg. Call Tabor 6J6S. Reward. two nifolv fur. H. K. rooms, all modern conveniences, pleasant surroundings. nope East StiJ. $50 REWARD for Ford automobile bearin Oregon license No. 3004. If located write BD 747, Oregonian. TO suit tenant in choice district; two rooms for llglit nonseneeping or Biecpiiiig qu ters. X'i. ""! - LOST Dainty oval brooch, cold with sma cameo and pearls. Sellwood 491. Reward FOR RENT 2-room housekeeping suite in private family, monern; no cimaren. u K, 11th st. Phone East 2413. WILL Wm. Tyler call Main 5025 regarding purse teit in nis macniner SPECIAL NOTICES. EXPERIENCED stenographer, best refer ettce, desires permanent position. Jast 2786. YOUNG lady with experience wishes post lion as sienograpper. r.asi --i-in. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants post tiou in busy omce. a k. eo;i, tjregonian. A YOUNG lady wants position to do office orK ana typing. wooaiawn ion. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position. Call Tabor Visa. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, wants ny office position, ti 7O0, oregonian. -freMinaken.. HAND-MADE blouses of character and style. Elite Blouse shop. Morrison. Nurses. GRADUATE nurse, doctor's references; ma ternity cases. it (., ifregoman. HE VERNON maternity home, 1022 Vernon. f none wain. iteasonsDie rates. Al oa sekeepera. WANTED Position as matron In hospital By woman or experience, r. o. dox sob, city. LADY would take charge small hotel, room ing-house ss working housekeeper; experi ence n of. oregonisn. POSITION as housekeeper in gentleman's home, uu 4S, oregonian. Domestics. WANTED Boarding-house kitchen work or plain family; no lajjndry. Main 70. o. at Crown WANTED Woman kit. hn helper in board ing- nouir oon at n iii.i. LINKS BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. WANTED -Experienced " Mlewlaay. H. Llebee Co.. 140 Broadway. SHORTHAND, typewriting. $5; 951 Garfield ave. Wdln, J44. Asa ror Mrs. u'Nell. Apply I MRS. HANM'M Shorthand School. Indi vldual instruction. E. 36n. i:;(0 Tillamook. WANTED A hne ork. grown girl Xur light I TEACHERS Ail kinds of teaching posi tions. Main .:,-. r isk . eaeners Agency. ;; Lincoln st. WAITr.EfS anted. Owl Kesiaurant. 07 N. pixth sireei. W ANTED Elevator girl. Campbell Hill ilo-I tel. KDrCATIONAL. WANTED Kevalor g.rL. I4th and Wash. Ramapo Hotel, I DISK WASHER wanted, s'h and Jefferson. University Club, WANTED WAITRESSES; $V., ROOM AND H'JAKP. ril.t'T HI TTK INN. ..END. OR. BRIGHT OUTIOolC FOR OPERATORS We have never had as great a demand ror our students as NOW. We ar In dorsed by the railroads and can assure young men and women success by enroll ing in day or evening classes now start ing. Write or call ftr BULLETIN. Rail way Telegraph lustltute, 218 Ky. Exch. bldg., Portland. GIRLS wanted once Mx Facfory. E. " t h Columbia Paper I ind itoiiaday. SiA;E dancing taught: buck and wing, all .rniii. i none r.asi STEADY wom..n for Janitress In office bldg. an puig. an.r u a. jh. LlRL to stay our hours evenings with lit-. LXPEKIENCED ivlipnone operators may be opiainvi oy railing jaain iu.', a t5 1 t. CHuKLa OlkLa Align vat wiim, long a- g iff m-nii. no irav.ing. can in r t p WANTED Girl to ass.st in housework, tend I party. Appiy .mj i-.. itn st. . W AITRESS wataad. experienced. 260 Alder; New part Reraurant. WANTED Chambermaid. Marshall fr8L WANTED Experienced waiirea. 1414 2d si WANTED Pantrywman. Marshall 21 17 WANTED Cooks fae.per. Marshall 2107. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical instruction In automobile re pairing, gae engineering, machine shop practice. oxyacetylene welding, storage battery rebuilding and charging. PRACTICAL training in gas. electrical and stesm engineering, mechanics! drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetyiene welding, automobile and tractor operating and rcparing. Write for catalogue. Se- ttle Engineering Scheol. Beattle. Wash. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOla. Union ave. and Wasco St. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. SPECIAL DEPT. FOR WOMEN. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE) pays you while learning, gives yon a aet of tools, guarantee you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Burnalde. Bdwy. 173L OREGON LAW SCHOOL, AMaky bldg., Sd ana .vorrison. Main V77. W. E. Richard son, bec WANT" TO BENT. ANTED To rent for 5 months, furnished bungalow or 4-roomed suite; responsible pany. r m (, oregonian. Don scs. PORTLAND SHIPBUILDERS WANT HOUSES, FLATS. APARTMENTS. Phone or mall Information regard nig your vacancies to "Heave Together." Call Northwest fcUeel Co.. Main WANTED 6-room modern house, well fur nished, close In, four adults, best refer ences. Tabor 3917. M iseel m neons. TiiTii-:!.: nirlv fur. 14. K. rooms. 1207 E. Yamhill ; iinmeaiate possession wimin mo da vs. ' m - I HT-t1.rs.Tls a illll '1''- r...e. o uu.a... To ,he Voters of Srll0oI Dlstritt No. rooms, f7.1 3rd St. CLliAN housekeeping rooms, also one Bleep liiK room. 3S7 Taylor at. THRUM furnished rooms for light house keeplng. 16. Tabor (iff18. FUllNlSIIKO housekeeping ' and sleeping rooms. 8:i Park St. THRI-iK furnished H. K. rooms. 1401 East Olisan fit. " Hanaea. FOR ItENT R-room suburban home in JUvera district. heutlf'ully situated, over looking the river; strictly modern. 2 baths, double Karage. etc; references required. Phone Main 4II4.". FOR KENT To couple only. 5-loom furn. house with modern conveniences. Player piano. &031 70ih st. B. K. Take Mt. Scott car. Multnomah County. Oregon You ar hereby notified that the Board or Directors of School District No. 1. Mult nomah County. Oregon, has called a nub lie meeting to be held at the office. of the .Board, room oU4 Courthouse, on the -Ulh day of November. JU18. at the hour of 10 A. Ii.. at which time the Board will adopt a ouagei oi estimated receipts and dis bursements of the district for the ensuing calendar year. Such sums of money as are deemed necessary for the purposes of the district are set iortn in the copy of the proposed budget, which is appended hereto. Any legal school elector of the district may attend the meeting and will be ac corded a hearing pn any Item of the uuu.ei. Budget for 1919. ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS. Outlays Betterments New buildings contract balances War work wutrisr vnir MOVE use sul.liiniMii.ftn is.a..w .iau. I portab-- sn A 74T. Improvement of grounds Streets, sewers and sidewalks IIODKRN bungalow flat, five rooms and I Purchase of grounds sleeping porch, on 1'ortiana neignis, ciose i In. rent . Minn jif.it. t 31. .100 40,0110 11.000 v- Po.ono 0.200 Ju.Ooo iO.000 MODERN f.-rpom bungalow near carllne; J lots, fruit trees, gHrage: partly xumiuneo. 30 K. Tilth N. Call Tabor g-3l. WANTED t-r-room modern house, apt.. flat, close In, reasonaoie rent, oy coioreu i couple. J 4.4. oregonian. MODEKN 5-r. cottage, unfurnished, and 2- rootn, flat, furnished. - jjroaoway ij. I- urtilslied lions Totnl Equipment Cooking Drawing . ...... General equipment Janitors , Kindergartens Manual training ... Music Pictures , Physical training . School for sightless Sewing War work FURNISHED house. 1- rooms, rent for $2,': all houseKeeping: gooo location: rooms aji i unpaid claims rented; rent ucbhicji i. n yuanei. Will sell reasonable. Call 555 5th st. cor ner of Lincoln. . . ZW.700 . . 8.03.', . . 00 4S.SO0 3.00(1 l.ouo 3.50(1 oo . 1.000 l.MIM) 30 1.000 5.000 30.000 EJIjHT rooms. Oriental rugs, grand piano. 110 Mlramar St., near i-.aai unsaii. Offices. 8J.035 2.000 1.200 7.000 OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable cor ngnt manuiaeturing: onics building accommodations; rent reasonable, Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg,. 3d and Washington. HALF large furnished front omee, 10; deskrooni T.ru; dandy suite ottices. low rent, vacant December 1. Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED 3 -room furnished house. Wood lawn district. Address 1500 E. 11th st. Apamnente. WANTED 4 or G-room furajshed apartment or flat. Alust oe mooern ana in gooa lo cation. Phone Mr. O'Brien, Mala -3U3 or A 1554. Rooms. WANTED To rent furnished room and kitchenette by employed lady: West Side, walking distance: reasonable; private famiiy and piano preferred. AB 715, Ore. gonlan. ' . OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms near shipyards; mother aao son. Address Z04ft Occident st.. In car. of Mrs. Wolfkin. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. HIL.LCKEST HOTEL, bath, phone. 20 up; witnout natn. sio up. -3S wasn. MOST centrally located offices, lew real. Rwetlsna mug., otn ana nasninKioa. Miscellaneous. " FOR RENT. Vault with large safe. Oregon Trans fer Co., 474 Glisan St. BrsiN'Kss orroBTryrriES. GROCERY STORE In country town of 700 Inhabitants doing about (70 per day cash. AV 243. Oregonian. GROCERY and del., six living rooms in con nection. See owner. yGB Broadway. Phone Main 1204. FOR IjALK Gen. mdse. store in valley town clearing $250 per month. AV 234. Oregonian. WANTED To buy a garage In a good growing town about f0 miles from the Coast. H. rt. Aicuowen. zist st. Total Instruction Free text books and supplies Graduating exercises Library and reference books Total t 10,200 Salaries Principals and teachers: 800 . "n r.Ofl '0 0,h00 'o 5,250 I'OO 12,00(1 ""0 0,5(10 11,7(111 1000 21.00(1 1050 42 000 J10( 71.500 1150 25.300 1200 357,000 1250. 21,250 13(10 Bos.:;oo 1-10 17,550 1400 64.400 1500 27,000 1550 7,750 loot 225.000 3 M00.., 72,000 20(10 ., 38,000 2H40 2.040 2200 111.800 2250 2,250 2400 43,200 2.)OU , 5.0U0 30(10 12.000 4 at 3500 14.0(10 Principals' secretaries, . .4no Librarians - 4.000 Evening schools ................. 35,00 Vacation schools 8.0"0 Substitutes j 35.135 Kindergartens 7,200 37 at 8 at t) at 14 at li at 12 at 21 at 40 at 05 at 22 at 20S at 17 at 31 at 13 at 40 at Is at .1 at J41 at 40 at l'.t at 1 at 9 at 1 at 18 at 2 at 4 at NOTICB To the voters of School District No. 1, Multr.oman uounty, Oregon, iou are hereby notified that pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of School District No. 1. Multnomah County, Oregon, a Special Election will be held within the. district on Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 1918, to vote upon the Question of authorizing the district to levy taxes to be collected In the year 1919. larger by $230,000 than the amount limited by the Constitution and Statutes of Ore iron, unless specifically authorized by a vote of the electors of the district, said amount being the amount necessary in the ooimon of the board to provide an in crease of $200 each in the salaries of such teachers or tne district as are now re ceiving less than S300O per annum. The polls will be open on the day of election irom 12 o clocK noon to M o clock P. M., and the qualifications of voters at this election are fixed by Chapter U0, lieneral Laws or Oregon tor Dated this 23th day of October. WIS. R. II. THOMAS. School Clerk for School District No. 1, Multnomah County. Oregon. FINANCIAL MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privi.eges. A. 11. U1KKK1.I, CO.. 217 Northwestern Dunk Riug. Marfli,i;i 4114. A 41 IS. mortgage loans. FARM AND CITY I'llOI'fcHTV, 6 PK9 CENT. PER CENT. 7 PER Cfc.VT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett lildg. MONEY, to loan on city property al G per cent, from (500 up. FAU1USII. W ATKINS & CO.. 100 Second St. .JUO, 4oo. $uUD. $750, $l(lou and up at low. est Interest rates; liberal repayment priv ileges, no delay. GORDON INVESTEN i CO., 031 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans, city property, o and 7 per cent. O. A. Neal, 051 chamber of Commerce. $500, $100(1 AND upward on improved real estate, lavoraole ttrnis; no delay; no broa, era;e. John Dam. 507 Spalding bldg. $500. $400, o0U, $750, $1000 and up at lowest ratej. uuick action. Fred W. G.r. man Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main ti-145. SEE US TODA1; loans, any auiuuDt, ti-7. CELLARS-MURTON CO., 725 Gasco bldg. $500 TO $2000 witnout commission. Iiu proved real estate. Tabor 3 1('2. Main 375J. LOANS on city and faiin property, 5 p.e. cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cliam. of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter 701 Spalding bldg. LIBERTY BONDS. If you must sell your liberty bonds, eell to us. II you cn buy more liberty Donds, buy from us. We buy and sell liberty bonds at the market. The closing prfes of liberty bonds on the New lork stock Exchange "Saturday, Novemoer o, were as xonows: 3 'As !n.!14 First 4s 00.40 Fours 90.00 First 4 'is Second 4 'is Third 4V,s 1I7.0I) Fourth 4 Us Os.00 MORRIS BRO THE 2RS, INC. The Premier "Municipal Bond House of Oregon. 309-311 Stark. Between 5th and 6th. Ground Floor. Telephone Broadway 2151. over 25 years. Established $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN, NO Cu-UiUa- frEB OREGON 1NV. tt. MORTGAGE CO.. 223 Chamber of Commerce, tth and Stark. MOR'IGAGE LOANS, K AND 7 I'liK CENT Louis Salomon; cu.. 4s sluing bid. Idlooey lo Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CUATTIsC"" WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weeklv, semi, monthly or monthly payments. Eacd transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES NO i. DORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SliCUlUTY. We alo loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COPANT LICENSED. 21 Failing Iluiidlng. PORTLAND TfRMEDTAl, LOAN AS3"N. 834 Stark St. Established by Portland business mea to protect the borrower. C. Myere Hcrrman, Mgr. Loans made on household furniture, pi. aoos, diamonds and jewelry. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. ' SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary o. fixed Income; on household furniture, pl snos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential. Privalo offlcs. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 3OH-307 Dekum. Bldg. MONEY to loan 0.11 anything of value, legal aica, an articles neiu one year. Panama Loan Office. E4 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan ou diamonds, jewelry: Icf rates; all articles held 1 year; estabj ialicd since 1SBH. Dan Maix. 2S3 Washington. IGIlO. MAUVEY loans money on laruittirc. and pianos at 1ck.iI rule. T:itmr :;n'I0. MONEY loaned on V . A. llathawny. l:illo.' room a il 'I lurnituro. -0s Wash. bldg. Loans Wuiiira. WE WILL PAY TODAY m THIS FOLLOWING PRICES FOR LIBERTY BONDS: S's.. ... FM st -4s First 4t,ii.. . . Third 4 l.s... .S100.3!! i . . 1)0.00 . . OO.L'O .. 07.118 ALL DENOMINATIONS AND ISfcJUES BOUGHT AND SOLD. E. L. DRVEREAUX & COMPANY. 87 SIXTH STREET. BETWEEN STARK AND OAK. CASH PAID FOR LIBERTY BONDS. ANT 7SSTJR. ANT AMOUNT. WE PAY MARKET. PLUS ACCRUED iNTEREST. WE LOAN 00 ON LIBERTY BONDS OR WILL LOAN YOU THE) MONET TO CQMTLETE YOUR PAYAIENTA ELWOOD WILES CO., 281 TT. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDO. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. A PAKTV would like tn burrow 000 for 1 mouths; wining to pay 10 per cent int. X 4K, Orcffonlnn. BEE OREflON 1NV. & MO llTCS At il5 CO. VI Chamber of Commorce, 4th and Stark. TEitSONAI MAI It tiOUlJS. LoWi ;ST 1' RICKS. " -0-iiuh wavy switch. H 9 1 . 4 . a All-around irausfoi -mathm 1.4 j Halrdrfsslnn. hati)iiulnc. (nee inasaatu. hair bobbing, munic urin, 'J'n JiuJr iu moved by -Iccuic iittdJc, swiich iihkIo of combiiiKa. 0u. bunilary irlirs. -UU -li Dekum bldg.. 3d ani Wash. Marshall 17uJ. ! WILL the lady who wants a suit, coat, rtre.s.s. waist or petticoat m holeisale prices aii at lJetrnon'a .ManufactureiM' Outlet?. SECOND FLfMJK TAKK ELEVATOR. 0.. 1'ITTOCIv lilA)CM. Mail Orders I'roinpUy Filled. TO PREVENT INFLUENZA Hulld up your weakened r.dlsLance. fccituuit 10 luunipu laiiuii ol the body Uooh just thut. 1 1 on- side Institute, 31'7-S-O 1'ittock block. Elec tric cabinet baihs and inuwaiie. Gradual nuno aHislaniM. Flioue Uto-tiway 1. WANTED To know wlu-ro my t.rutlir. El- win Johnson, is: blue ey.-r, ill't hair, uo I'.i, lieiKht about ."1 feet 11 inrii. s. iniorma- lion win ue K'atny icccivcu. uocar j u tin- son. Cherry villf, or. ADAMS' ASTKOIsOGICAIj He'IUJOL lias re opened on rcKUiar jiourn. J'l .. M. to P. M. Forecasts and instruui iou. HoO Vi Morrison at. (1 WILL get botn your f et fixed up good , al Jjr. U'"i , ljju .1111 uj'uuii in l uuein b hurt you; a years here; exam. nee. Glob. Theater bidg.. Hthand Waah. i:uwy, Mltii. tiTEVLNa, a years 1'ortjand s re nowned teaciier ot palmistry uuu crystal Kazmjf, has crystal- tor sale, aiso her LOOK, l aim is liy tiau w i;siy. o to layior. FB VET fc HANE13UT, leading wig and toupo niaKcrs, iineai biock numan nair soods; hatrUreasinj,. manieuring, face and ecalp treatment. -40 Aider. Main -tf. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Fully or partly paid bonds boucht for spot cast). belt direct to ncenica oroKers. Get market cash value. Auy denomination noapht. S0. IlO'l. 2000. S1000. Business strictly confidential: rtrlvate I INSTRUCTION in the theory of health, Oil ice ior laaies. TVSTKN STOCK fc BOND CO.. Lfcenssd Brokers. Hours 8:30 to 8 P. M. fcuue 014 Morgan Bid.:.. Broadway and wasningion sl SOLD. BEHTY BONDS BOUGHT AND Remittance mailed out-of-town sellers dav bonds are received. Alto buy your partly Paid bond contracts. Money loaned on bonds. Real estate mortgages and other high-class securities ior conservativa in vestors u specialty. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, 202 Wilcox bldg.. 6th and Washington. PA Y OFF THE MORTGAGE on your city home in easy installments with ut years time to repay; lully pro tected bv lite insurance under Home Pur chase Plan of Equitable Life Assurance I Society. Interest O'fe; no commission. See Mr. Strong:. Equitable oUice, Oregonian bldg. CASH LIBERTY BONDS. New York market price paid, less small brokerage. Open till 7 P. M. JJO.NAi-.JJ flAtJJiOU, 1002 SPALDING BLDG., 3D AND WAFH. LIBERTY BOND contracts bought. We will buy your equity in your liberty bond con tract If you have contracted to buy a bond and can t meet tne payments, eee us. Howell & Davis, 401 Board of Trade bldg. SMALL restaurant for sale. 6th st. 106 . North FURNISHED rooms for rent. 403 Hoyt st FOR SALE Soft drink and lunch business, stock and fixtures, by owner. 201 3d st. WANT good chance io invest In lumber busi ness. Write fully. J 200, Oregonian, Total Supplies , .... Maintenance Insurance Repairs to buildings ... Repairs to epuipment Upkeep of grouuu ..$1,770.1 83,800 2.000 64.1 no 0.000 .,00. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Full Market Value and Interest. Lena One Per Cent Discount. J. H. KEATING. Board of Trade. 1200.000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 21.-2 13 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. CASH MARKET VALUE FOR LIBERTY BONDS. H. L. MURTON, 440 Sherlock bldg., 3d st., cor. Oak. Open Sat. eve. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will Pay Cash Value. John D. Wilcox. 416 Pittock Block. INVESTMENTS, loans, notes, mortgages. F. H. Lewis, 303 Lewis hid.. Mar. cesji and harmony. MRS. M. L. LA MAIL 235 5th St. ELECTRIC AIj, galvanic, mineral, steam bath, scientiiiu nerve, organic ana Dioou nirculatlnsr massago. I'rot. Smith. 21 J Swetland bldg. Main 1941. Lady attendant. DETECTIVE United Service Detective Bu reau, only experienceu operatives eiup.oyeii. r4 fanama Ditig-. cny. .Mainiia, BEST steam bath, massage, vibration, elec- trin and chiropractic in en y. jjr. m ar- garet Haynie, 17 1 wetland bldg. Main 17."t GRADUATE nurs. treits lumbago, etc. Hours x to o or appointment, iraoaa Main 1040. flat C. 308 3d. DR. ELNA SOHENSEN'. 508 1'anaina bldg. Druijless meiuuu usea ior Kianeys, rheu matism, constipation. Consultation free. SUPliKFLt'OUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-neeaiQ metnoa; trial xree, josie xia ley. 614 Eilers bldg. Main -3ti8. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, face and scalp. Flledner bldg. Broad way 8f2. SOPHIA B. SEIP, spiritual tdvlaor. 0d Goodnough bldg. Question meetings Tues.. Fri., 8 P. M. Marshall 2iiu3. KEV. MRS. J. C. SEHOKI, ordained N. spiritualist minister, 15 E. 15 th st. N., cor. Burnside; Montavilia ear. East 30h4. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch's multiple needle method, indorsed by physicians. 504 Swetland bldg. MME. G REN ELL relieves Itching scalp, dandruff. 230 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. ltiHo. LADY barbers; shave. 15c; haircut, 25c; face massage. 35c. 325 Glisan, corner tit h. MY ANDREWS. phrenologist and tertcher. Main 754S. 2V2 Park st. card BERTHA MOWER. WHITE W t58. OREGONIAN. PRIMEDA BALM, rorinerly railed Balm ot Figs, bii E. 33d SciL 2J13 Mjrnings,