THE 3IOKXINQ OltLGOMAX, T II U USD AT, XOYEMBCTS If, 1913. EQUE IS ACCCUSED M OF BOOSTING I. W.W. NITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN Witnesses Tell of Alleged Un ; patriotic Talk. T.M.CA.-- V.W.C A. fT fcf ATX CATHOLIC WAJt COUNCIL JC ofC JEWISH WELT AM BOAKO war cauv COMMUNITY tERVJCS AMERICAN MBRA&T ASSOCIATION FLAG DECLARED INSULTED Army Intelligence Service Men lie call Statements at Meetings Held to Be Seditious. 8 V AATIAItMTf Army Intelligence service men n3 city detectives on the witness stand yesterday told of utterances alleged to have been made by Dr. Marie Equi, on trial before Federal Judge Bean for violation of the espionage act. The charges date as far back as September, 1917. The Government has an array ot witnesses, each in turn to tell of some saying of the defendant, in the effort to show that Dr. Equi violated the es pionage act. Sergeant Sutton C. Linville gave an account of I. W. W. activities in the North End. He attended two of the lectures given by Dr Equi in which, he declared, she said that the I. W. W. should strike for freedom when their masters, the employing class, was wtruggling with Germany'. The wit ness, under cross-examination, ad mitted I n it L us 11 it i j ft- ii ucurci wrv- i James Brady, also of the military In telligence bureau, testified regarding utterances of Dr. Equi, as did Welling ton Weilan. They gave an account of Dr. Equi's remarks in June at two dif ferent meetings. City Detective Dan Kellaher testified to a two-hour speech .that Dr. Equi made in the Plaza in 1917, at which time he declared she said she had voted for Wilson because she thought he wanted peace. The witness also testified that Dr. Equi asserted that an attempt was made to make her kiss the American flag, "the dirty little American flag." during the Prepared-iiess-day Parade, but she refused, al though the man who wanted her to kiss it threatened to cram it down her throat. Both Detective Kellaher and Police man Russell Butler testified that Dr. Equi said a certain ex-soldier who was arrested for distributing, literature in 1917 made the mistake of his life when 'he joined the Army. Other things Dr. Equi was credited with saying were that the bankers, who were wise people, "are not buying lib erty bonds, so why should you?" that the workingmen had to go to war, but that employers remained at home; that the defendant said she was for the war, but didn't know what it was about. The trial will be resumed at 10 o'clock this morning. OWN GUN CAUSE OF DEATH Discharged Under Water, Weapon Explodes, Killing Durrell Davis.. FRIXEYJLLE, Or., Nov. 13. (Special.) The first report of the accident to Durrell Davis that he was shot by Processor Evans' gun was an error. Davis" death was caused by the- explo sion of his own gun, which was dis charged under water after he fell from tiie boat. The charge tore its way through the barrel near the breech and fctruek Davis over the heart. The fact was learned upon recovery of Davis' gun from the lake today. Davis' body has been sent to Stayton for burial. Brazil's President Can't Take Office. RIO JANEIRO, Tuesday, Nov. 12. Rodriguez Alves, the Brazilian President-elect, will not be able to assume office November 14 on account of ill ness. The Vice-President-elect, how ever, will take up his duties on that date. $25 FREE For the most suitable drawing that can be used for my Piano and Phono graph business, including: my name (Harold S. Gilbert), I will pay $15.00. For the three- best slogans, appro priate for Gilbert says: " " First Prize $50 Second Prize ..... .$3.00 Third Prize $2.00 Sample GILBERT SAYSh "A good, used piano is better than a new cheap one." For full information, call or write. I will be pleased to assist you. TALKING MACHINES Harold S.Gilbert 384 Yamhill St. The Reliable Piano Merchant PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS BOUGHT RENTEb SOLD RULES OF CONTEST: Everyone can try. Write plainly on one side of paper only. Be sure to have name and address on replies. Send In as many drawings and slo gans as you want to. Contest ends December 1. I reserve the right to use any or all of the drawings and slogans received. ff-am&' Grocer' STATE OF OREGON. Executive Department SALEM November 13, 1918. To My Friends, the Girls and Boys of Oregon: Do you realize that we have been going through the most won derful week in the world's history? Our own joy and gratitude, can only be exceeded by the joy and gratitude of the peoples of other lands who have suffered more than we and whose treasure and prec ious blood has been offered without stint or even complaint. We have won our fight, and some of your brothers will not come back from France. All honor to our brave lads, and is there any price too big for us at home to pay in return for their brave deeds and wonderful sacrifice?. To be a Victory Boy or a Victory Girl means that you have agreed to earn and to giv e to the United War Work Fund, which is being solic- ited on behalf of the seven Allied War Work Agencies. Our President; Woodrow Wilson, has asked that we make our contributions for caring for our'boys in one combined drive. By giving now you share in every possible care and comfort we are trying to bring to the soldiers. I have just heard of three boys in La Grande who subscribed $5.00 each to be paid from their profits in selling newspapers. A little girl in Portland has been shining shoes all week so that her earning may help swell the fund. A 12-year-old boy did a rushing business in cow1 bells on the streets of Portland Monday during the great celebration; and he has paid his pledge in full, amounting to $10.00. Let our boys and girls of Oregon have a hand in this great service; and as Governor of your state, I am depending on each and every one of you to do your share. Sincerely yours, Governor of Oregon. imnmiiiiniiinmiiiimmiHttiutiinuHMiuitiiimnnttnint r VICTORY HOYS AND GIRLS OF PORT LAND. Mail or Bring to 202 Y. M. C. A. Building J. C. English, City Chairman. H. C. Melby, City Manager. VICTORY BOYS' and VICTORY GIRLS' CAMPAIGN I hereby pledge dollars to the United War Work Campaign. This N money is (or will be) the result of my own efforts, to be paid cash herewith, or one-half of the above sum the -first week 6chool resumes session, and the balance in CO days. My name is t My home address is . VICTORY BOYS AND GIRLS OF ORE GON (Outside Portland,) Mail or Bring to The County Victory Chairman Walter A. Goss, State Chairman. J. C. Mechan, State Manager. , Oregon Life Ins. Co. Provident Life & Trust Co. New World Life Ins. Co. West Coast-S. F. Life Ins. Co. Occidental Life Ins. Co. Prudential Life Ins. Co. This Space Contributed by the Following Life Insurance Companies: Guardian Life Ins. Co of Am. Equitable Life Ins Co. of Iowa. Connecticut Life Ins. Co. American Life Ins. Co. Aetna Life Ins Co. Kansas City Life Ins. Co. Western Union Life Ins. Co. Equitable Life Ins. Society. New York Life Ins. Co. Travelers Life Ins. Co. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co. Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Co. New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. I 3 j i