TIIE 3IOKXIXG OREGOXIAN. TOUKSDAY, XOVOIBER 14, 1018. 5 I HIIHIillllllllllllilllllllliilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ANOTHER SCOOP FOR THE CALL BROADWAY 37 FOR RESERVATIONS Jl IL C -l AM l8lSNov.l6 The Management Takes Great Pleasure in Announcing the Reopening and Exclusive Showing at Portland's Popular Playhouse of 4. MA N C This very latest War Play was only produced in New York August 1 at the Maxine Elliott Theater and is still running in the metrop- J olis. So you see, it is still warm. It is the stirring story of a young patriot. If You Have Red American Blood in Your Commencing Saturday Night Veins, Order Your Seats Early for the Week IMoVGHlbcr 16 NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Notwithstanding the enormous expense involved in securing ALLEGIANCE for Portland at this time, our easy prices will be the same. 25c, 50c, 60c Matinees SUNDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Any Seat 25c llllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN ALLIES TO FEED GERMANS KEASStTRIXG MESSAGE SEJfT BY PRESIDENT WlliSOX. Relief Measure to Be Undertaken at Once, bnt Suitable Guaran tees Must Be Given. WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. President Wilson has sent a. reassuring message to the people of Germany In reply to the appeal from Chancellor Ebert. He promises to aid Germany in the mat ter of food supplies and in relieving distressing want. The reply was sent today by Secre tary Lansing through Minister Sulzer, of Switzerland, who yesterday delivered Libert's request for Intervention by the President to mitigate the "fearful conditions." threatened through en forcement of the armistice terms. Secretary Lansing's note to the Swiss Minister dated November 12, follows: "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of today, trans mitting to the President the text of a cable inquiring whether this Govern ment is ready to send foodstuffs into Germany without delay if public order is maintained in Germany and an equi table distribution of food is guaranteed. "I should be grateful if you would transmit the following reply to the German government: "At a 1oint session of the two houses of Congress on November 11, the Presi dent of the United States announced that the representatives of the asso ciated governments in the Supreme War Council at Versailles have by unani- PAIN RIGHT OUT Don't Suffer! Relief Comes the Moment You Rub With "St. Jacobs Liniment." mo us resolution assured the peoples of the central empires that everything that is possible in the circumstances will be done to supply them with food and relieve the distressing: want that is in so many places threatening: their very lives, and that steps are to be taken immediately to organize these efforts at relief in the same systematic manner that they were organized in the case of Belgium. Furthermore, the President ex pressed the opinion that by the use of the idle tonnage of the central empires it ought presently to be possible to lift the fear of utter misery from their oppressed populations and set their minds and energies free for the great and hazardous tasks of political recon struction which now face them on every hand. "Accordingly, the President now directs me to state that he is ready to consider favorably the supplying of foodstuffs to Germany and to take up the matter immediately with the allied governments, provided he can be as sured that public order is being and will continue to be maintained in Ger many) and that an equitable distribu tion of food can be clearly guaranteed. SOLDIER TO GET INSURANCE JfATIOX PREPARES TO PROTECT , RETCRSED FIGliTIXa MEN. COXTIXUED ECONOMY IS TTRGED Food Situation Still Serious, Says British Controller. LOXDOX, Nov. 12. John Robert Cly- nes, British food controller, said today that the food situation in Europe con tinues to be serious, necessitating larger shipments until Spring. He said that he confidently expected America to back up any British sacrifices which might be necessary in behalf of the needy peoples of Europe. He continued: "We are not yet sufficiently informed as to conditions in liberated and enemy countries to announce any definite pol icy. In liberated countries we are do ing our best to meet emergencies as they arise. "What action may be incumbent upon the allies remains to be seen. One thing is certain. Allied food control must be continued at any rate for many months after peace and probably must be extended to take on interna tional scope. "To effectively carry out this plan the allies in Europe, during the vital period of recuperation, must rely upon a continuation of the far-sighted policy of the United States Government in providing credits for food supplies." What's rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub the misery right away! Apply soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment" di rectly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Liniment" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica relief which never disappoints and can not burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle from your druggist, and in just a mo ment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatica pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Dout suffer! "St. Jacobs Lin iment" has relieved millions of rheu matism sufferers in the last half cen tury, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. Adv. LAWMAKERS TO BE GUESTS Proposed Policies Probably Will Be Issued at Cost One-Fourtb Less Than Private Companies. k WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Prepara tions by the Government for reinsuring the lives of soldiers and sailors on their return have been hastened by ths sign ing of the armistice. Although regulations have not yet been fully drafted, it is certain that each of the 4,250,000 men in the mili tary or naval service now holding vol untary Government insurance will be permitted within five years after peace is declared to convert it without fur ther medical examination into ordinary life, 20 pay life, endowment maturing at the age of 62 or other prescribed forms of insurance. This insurance will be arranged by ths Government, not by private com panies, and the cost is expected to be at least one-fourth less than similar forms offered by private agencies. Private companies would not write in surance on many wounded men. The Government will arrange to col lect premiums monthly, if men wish to pay this way, or for longer periods in advance. This may be done through postoffices. The minimum amount of Insurance to be issued probably will be $1000 and the maximum $10,000, with any amount between those sums in multi ples of $500. There will be provision for payments in case of disability as well as death, according to the tenta tive plan. The insurance may be pur chased by any soldier, sailor or marine officer, enlisted and by women mem bers of the Army or Navy nurse corps, providing they already hold Govern ment voluntary life insurance. About 95 per cent of the 4.500.00t men in the service are covered by this insurance, which expires after they go back to civilian life and cease paying premiums. This is the system devised to replace the old pension plan of providing for ex-soldiers and sailors. Thus will be created out of the Gov ernment's emergency war insurance bureau the greatest life insurance in stitution in the world for peace times with more policy holders and greater aggregate risks than a half dozen of the world's biggest private companies combined. Out of the experience gained may eventually develop expansion of Government insurance to old age. In dustrial and other forms of Insurance, in the opinion of officials who have studied the subject. TEACHER TO FACE CHARGES dent Kerr. H. W. Hargiss. football coach: Sam Dolan. assistant professor of civil engineering and former Aggie coach, and George M. Schwa rx. 0f port land, president of the student body, addressed the students of the college today. It was the first assembly of all stu dents this year, due to the Influenza ban and the fact that regular meeting places are being used as barracks. Many matters of Importance to the stu dents were discussed. The mass tint Ing under the direction of Lr. XX V. Poling, of the Army V. M C. A., was a popular feature of the meetine. Revocation of Certificate Issued to Clarence Phillips Sought. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 13. (Special.) Formal charges were filed by County Superintendent N. A. Frost, of Wash ington County, with State Superintend ent Churchill today, asking for the revocation of the teaching certificate of Clarence Phillips, who a few weeks ago was discharged as a teacher at Beaverton by the School Board upon allegations of Immoral conduct. A 17-year-old Portland girl is said to be In volved In the charges. The trial has been set for November 23. The case is of particular interest here, as Mr. Phillips formerly taught In this county and at one time was de feated In a campaign for ths County School Superintendency. EIGHT BOYS RECOMMENDED University Students Selected for Aeronautic Service. TJNrVERSITT OF OREGON, Eugene. Nov. 13 (Special.) Eight men of the Student Army Training Corps here, four of them from Portland, recom mended by Colonel W. H. C Bow en for aeronautics, will report at San Francisco for physical examinations when called by the air service examin ing board. The men recommended are: Pilots. Francis Jacobberger, Jack G. Dundore. Joseph F. Trowbridge, all of Portland: George Major Douat, of Salem; and Richard W. Lyons, of Eugene; observ ers. William Morrison, Eugene: Adolph B. Adams, Portland: maneuvering offi cer, Sergius Gaulke. Joseph. Or. STUDENTS HOLD MEETING Instructors Make Talks at Oregon Agricultural College. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Corvallis. Nov. 13. (Special.) Prel- Walking Under Difficulties "Believe me, I suffered from stom ach aird bowel trouble right. This weakened me so that I could scarcely walk. I could do no work. This was my condition when 1 started taking Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy on the ad vice of a friend. Now I am working every day and feel better than I ever did in my life. It is the only medicine that ever touched me." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money rfunded. For sale by drug gists everywhere. Paid Adv. BREAKFAST ARRANGED BY THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Event This Morning Planned as Courtesy to Senator Chamberlain and Representative McArthur. Senator Chamberlain and Representa tive McArthur will be guests of the di rectors of the Portland Chamber of Commerce at a breakfast at 8 o'clock this morning In the dining-room of the Chamber in the Oregon building. The directors had planned to entertain the two members of the Oregon delegation at the members forum next Monday but this was found impossible because Senator Chamberlain had arranged to leave fer Washington next Sunday. Accordingly the breakfast was planned as a means of extending cour tesies to both at the same time. Sena tor Chamberlain and Representative McArthur have been appealed to fre quently concerning matters of great Importance, and but for their work in Congress the interests of the state would have suffered in many instances. The breakfast and programme will be quite informal. Representative McAr thur will remain in Portland for an other week, and will be the speaker at the members forum Monday at noon. Constinatioii 4D m THERE IS NOTHING equal to Chamberlain's Tablets for constipation. When the proper dose is taken their action is so agreeable and so natural that you do not realize that it is the effect of a medicine. These tablets possess tonic proper ties that aid in establishing a natural and regular action of the bowels. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured many cases of chronic constipation. ' Ml ll Iff ssru sue TIRES FORD. MAXWELL, CHEVROLET, DODGE. OAK LAND, BUICK, METZ, GRANT, SCRIPPS-BOOTH AND ALL SMALL CARS GREATEST TIRE BARGAINS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED REPUBLIC STAGGARD TREAD TIRES Made by the $20,000,000.00 Republic Rubber Co, one of the oldest Tire manufacturers in the United States and the originators of Nonskid Tires. "PRODIUM" BLACK RUBBER, which is the tough test wearing tread ever made. Will not cut up under rough usage. Fabric is the best and the nonskid design is the most effective. WE HAVE PURCHASED AN IMMENSE QUANTITY FOR "SPOT CASH" FROM A LARGE EASTERN CONCERN THAT WAS PRESSED FOR FUNDS. HENCE OUR ABILITY TO OFFER THEM AT A PROFIT TO OURSELVES. FOR A QUICK SALE AT 65c on the Dollar 30x3 30x3V2 32x312 32x312 37x5 Staggard Nonskid Clincher Regular Price 810.43 Staggard Nonskid Clincher, Regular Price $24.80 Staggard Nonskid Straight Side, - Regular Price $20.05 Plain Tread Straight Side, Regular Price $21.75 Stag'rd Tread N'skid Q-D or S-S Regular Price $73.20 $12.75 $16.45 $19.10 $16.65 $42.90 Saving $6.70 Saving $8-15 Saving SIO.OO Saving $8.1 0 Saving $30.30 If the regular 5000-mile guarantee is desired 10 per cent additional must be paid at time of pur chase. We will then liberally adjust on that basis. Out-of-town customers may order tires shipped subject to examination before payment by Express C. O. D. if desired. We will also install them on your ear without extra charge at any of our stores. Why buy half soles, retreads, sew-overs or the numerous nondescripts that-are offered from time to time, at supposedly "Reduced Prices," when tires of the highest standard can be bought just as cheap. This is the greatest buy that we hare ever made in our six years as the "Largest Tire Dealers in the West." We hare 13,000 High-Grade Tires of an aggre gate value of $250,000.00. Call or writs for detailed list just out. Autoparts Supply Co. Portland 80-82 SIXTH STREET Phone Broadway 5508 Seattle Spokane Tacoma III f B ill Ml mm Willi! miuc Not a -Bite of ' Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a glass of hot water and phosphate prevents Illness and keeps us fit. Just as coal, when It burns, leaves behind a certain amount of Incom bustible material In tne form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day after day leaves In the alimentary canal a certain amount of Indigestible ma terial, which if not completely elim inated from the system each day, be comes food for the millions of bacteria which Infei-t th. bowels. From this mass of left-over waste, toxins and ptomaln-Iike poisons ar. formed and sucked Into the blood. Men and women who can't set feeling- right must begin to take Inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass or real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash out of th. thirty feet of bowels ths previous day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keep ths entire alimentary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick bead ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others who wake up with bad taste, foul breath, backache, rheumatic atlff neas. or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and bee-ln practicing In ternal sanitation. This will cost very little, but Is sufficient to make anyone sn enthusiast on the subject. Adv. PIMPLY? WELL, PONT EB People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablet3 A pimply face will not embarrass you much km per if you get package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The akin should bcpin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse t he blood.the bowels and the liver with Dr. Edwards' OUve Tablets, the suc cessful substitute for calomel; there's never any sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and lust as effectively. but their action is gentle and safe tftel of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with "a dark brown taste." a bad breath, a dull, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See bow much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. ASTHMA .INSTANTLY RELIEVED WITH OR "OhlY REFUNDED ASK ANY CRU&CISI